The pedagogical goal is the development of younger children preschool age sustainable motivation for physical education.

The state of health of the child is one of the leading factors that determine his ability to successfully cope with all the requirements placed on him, the conditions of life and education in kindergarten.

The effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks and content of physical education of children of primary preschool age largely depends on the presence of a rational game environment. Interest, play, subject environment are the main incentives for children. In order to form motivation and increase interest in physical education, abstracts of plot classes were drawn up, non-standard equipment was made that contributes to the development of muscle strength, dexterity, posture is corrected, and flat feet are prevented.

To ensure motor density in classes with children of primary preschool age, the structure of the lesson can be changed.

Work with children is carried out in three directions: health-improving, educational and educational. These directions are concretized in the solution of the following tasks:

Wellness tasks

  1. Promote the development of adaptive capacity.
  2. To improve the functions and hardening of children.
  3. Form the musculoskeletal system and correct posture.

Educational tasks

  1. To form motor skills and abilities as separate motor actions and in combination, to develop the ability to move from performing some movements to performing others.
  2. To promote the development of spatial orientations in statics and dynamics.
  3. Create conditions for the development of dexterity, flexibility, general and fine motor skills.

Educational tasks

  1. Generate and maintain interest in motor activities.
  2. To cultivate friendly relations with peers in joint motor activities.
  3. To form elementary skills of self-organization in motor activity.

Principles of organization of the educational process:

The principle of pedagogical comfort. It consists in removing, if possible, all stress factors of the educational process. Pedagogical activity is carried out on a humanistic basis, that is, genuine respect for the child, positive support for his ideas and constant reinforcement in him of a sense of self-confidence.

The principle of self-worth of childhood. The words of Sukhomlinsky are close to me, that “childhood is the most important period human life, not preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life”

The principle of creativity. Maximum focus on creativity in the activities of preschoolers, their acquisition of their own experience of creative activity

Abstract of a training session with a rope,
closed in a circle “Friendly guys”

Lesson objectives: teach and run in a circle one after another (around the “puddle”); learning a set of general developmental exercises, teach to make movements together, coordinating with the movements of other children, consolidate the ability to jump on two legs in place; harden children with barefoot walking; foster a sense of partnership.

Physical education equipment: a rope closed in a circle “Friendly guys”, a gymnastic bench, hats for outdoor games - a hare, an elephant, a crow.


A rope is laid out in the form of a circle on the floor, the children are sitting on a gymnastic bench.

This is a big puddle. To loud music, we will run after each other without pushing or bumping around the puddle, and to quiet music we will walk around the puddle one after another - for a walk.


Running one after another in a circle - 2 circles.

Walking one after another in a circle - 1 circle.

Repeat 2 times.

Main part

General developmental exercises with a rope closed in a circle.

The rope lies on the floor, the children stand facing in a circle, the toes of the feet are at the rope.

1. "Show me the rope."

I.p. main stand, rope in hands; 1 - lift the rope up together, 2 - sp. - 4 times.

2. "Bent down together."

I.p. wide stance, rope on the shoulders behind the head, hold the rope with your hands; 1 - lean down, 2 - i.p. - 3 times.

3. Let's go.

I.p. sitting on the floor with legs in a circle, rope on knees, grip from above; walking on the buttocks in a circle and from the circle “choo-choo-choo” - 1 time.

4. "Hid".

I.p. Same; 1 - hide the rope under the knees, 2 - sp. - 4 times.

5. "Let's dry the lace."

I.p. sitting on the floor, lace on the ankle, hands in emphasis on the side; 1 - raise your legs with a rope up, 2 - sp. - 3 times.

Main types of movement

  1. Jumping on two legs in one place - 2 times.
  2. Walking sideways with an attached step along the cord - 2 times.

Mobile game “Mom and children”

Children sit on a gymnastic bench, depicting children, on the opposite side the instructor is mother.

I am a bunny mom (I put on a bunny hat) bunny, come to me.

Rabbit children jump on two legs to their mother. They waved their ears, grunted the carrots, showed their tails to mom - they turned their backs.

The rabbits run away.

Repeat the game with other characters (elephants stomp, wave their big arms; crows flap their wings, croak)

Final part

Dynamic pause “Leaves”.

The north wind blew - s-s-s-s (put hands to lips)

And all the leaves from the linden blew away (we blow)

Flying, spinning (show with hands whirling leaves)

And fell to the ground (put hands on hips)

The rain began to beat on them (tap fingers on hips)

The city then pounded (banging fists)

The leaves are pierced through.

Snow then powdered, covered them with a blanket (put hands on hips)

Summary of the training session
with medium ball

Lesson objectives: learn a set of exercises with the ball; improve the skills of jumping on two legs; develop fine motor skills, cultivate a desire to engage in physical education.

Physical equipment: a set of balls (one for each child), one large diameter ball.



Exercise "Big legs - small legs."

  1. Walking in a circle one after another with a wide step - Big feet walked on the way to. 1/2 circle.
  2. Running around in circles - Little feet ran along the path 1 circle.

Repeat tasks 3 times.

Main part

Remind the children which balls “live” in the basket - funny, bouncy, naughty. And so that they don’t run away anywhere, the balls must be held tightly (spread your fingers and press them to the ball)

Distribute the balls, the formation is arbitrary, the children are facing the instructor.

General developmental exercises with the ball

1. "Let's hide the ball."

I.p. wide stance, the ball in front of the chest in straight arms; 1 - hide the ball behind the head, 2 - i.p. - "here" - 4 times.

2. "Tumbler".

I.p. wide stance, put the ball on your head and hold it firmly; 1 - turn to the right, 2 - ip, 3 - turn to the left, 4 - ip - 4 times.

3. "Watch".

I.p. wide stance, the ball is pressed to the chest, the elbows are apart; 1 - tilt towards the “tic”, 2 - i.p. “so” - 4 times.

4. "Let's ride."

I.p. sitting on your knees, the ball on the floor in front of you; roll once around yourself in one direction, then in the other - 2 times.

5. "Carousel".

I.p. sitting on the floor, the ball is clamped by the knees, hands are in emphasis on the side; holding the ball with your knees and pushing off with your hands, make a full turn around yourself in one direction, then in the other direction.

The main types of movements

  1. Jumping on two legs near the ball “jumping like a ball”
  2. Game - exercise "Top" - spinning the ball while sitting on the floor with your right hand.

Mobile game "My cheerful sonorous ball"

Bring in a large rubber ball, preferably a bright color.

The ball looked at us and also wanted to play.

My cheerful ringing ball
Where did you jump off to?
yellow, red, blue,
Don't chase after you.

Children jump on two legs, then run away from a rolling ball - 3 times.

Final part

Breathing game “Inflate the ball” - connect your fingers, blow into the hole, then take the “ball” by the string and take it to the group.

At first glance, it seems that the exercises are difficult and the kids will not cope with them. But there is a game motivation, certain skills, children really like to play with the ball.

In subsequent activities, you can try to give the children a ball in the water part: the kids can run with the ball in a flock or in a circle. Run with a stop (with the end of the music, hide the ball, lying on it with your stomach): walk on your toes, lift the ball up - “Giants”, walk on your heels, removing the ball behind your head.

Abstract of a training session with a hoop

Lesson objectives: introduce children to a new sports equipment - a hoop; to learn a set of general developmental exercises with a hoop; improve

straight gallop technique in the “horse” exercise; learn to maintain balance when walking from hoop to hoop; increase the emotional state of children.

Physical equipment: a set of hoops (one for each child).


Show the hoop to the children, ask what it looks like. Children usually answer that it looks like a circle and a steering wheel. Distribute hoops to everyone, take it as a “steering wheel” (side grip).


1. Walking in a circle one after another, exercise "steering wheel" - 1 circle.

2. Straight canter in a circle - a hoop on the neck, a grip with the hands from the side, the exercise "Horses" - 1 circle.

Repeat tasks 3 times.

Main part

General developmental exercises with a hoop

1. "Window".

I.p. wide stance, the hoop is pressed to the chest; 1 - pull the hoop forward, look through the “window”, 2 - i.p. - 4 times.

2. "Watch",

I.p. Same; 1 - tilt to the right "tick", 2 - i.p. “so”, tilt to the left “tick”, 4 - i.p. - 4 times.

3. "Beads".

I.p. wide stance, hoop on the neck, arms to the sides; 1 - tilt forward, the hoop hangs on the neck, 2 - I.p. - 3 times.

4. “Ku-ku”.

I.p. the main stand, the hoop is on the floor, the grip is on top; 1 - sit down, look into the hoop - "Ku-ku", 2 - i.p. - 4 times.

5. "Skirt".

I.p. sitting in a hoop, cross-legged, grip on the hoop on the side; rotate the hoop around you without letting go of your hands for 5 seconds.

6. "Pyramid".

I.p. Same; 1 - lift the hoop up, 2 - i.p. “put the ring on the pyramid” - 3 times.

The main types of movements

  1. Walking on the path of hoops.
  2. Jumping in a hoop on two legs.
  3. Exercise "Top" - rotation of the hoop on the floor

Outdoor game “Day and Night” (scatter run with a stop)

Children are sparrows, hoops - nests are scattered on the floor. To the music, the sparrows fly around the hall around the hoops, and with the end of the music they fly to the nests.

Complication: at night the cat goes hunting. The role of the cat is performed by an adult.

Final part

Slow spinning - "Snowflakes swirl" in one direction, then in the other. Snowflakes fell on the floor, it turned out to be a big snowdrift.

Abstract of a training session with a gymnastic stick

Lesson objectives: learn a new set of general developmental exercises; to improve the technique of direct gallop riding on a gymnastic stick; continue to teach to throw the bag into the distance with one hand; develop a sense of balance, correct posture when walking with a bag on your head; nurture the desire to engage in physical education.

Physical equipment: a set of gymnastic sticks (one for each child), sandbags weighing 150 g (one for each child), a cap for Santa Claus.


Line up the children. Distribute a gymnastic stick to the kids. The child stands in line, holding a stick with one hand, like a cane.

Give a command to turn around one after another, sit astride a stick.

Introduction Straight gallop on a stick - "On a horse" - 1 circle.

  • Walking on toes, stick up - 6 steps.
  • 3. Straight canter - 1 circle.
  • 4. Calm walking, exercise "rudder" - 1 circle.
  • Main part

    Building in a circle.

    General developmental exercises with a gymnastic stick

    1. "Rod".

    I.p. wide stance, stick on the chest; 1 - lift the stick up, 2 - sp. - 4 times.

    2. "Watch".

    I.p. wide stance, stick on the shoulders; 1 - tilt to the side, 2 - I.p. - 4 times.

    3. "Turntable".

    I.p. wide stance, stick in straight arms in front of you, grip from above, fists are located side by side; stick rotation - 8 sec.

    4. "Skalochka".

    I.p. sitting on the floor, hands on the side, feet on a stick; roll the stick forward - back with your feet - 6 times.

    5. Jumping X exercise “Swing”.

    I.p. the main stand, the stick is on the floor, the child holds it with one hand, like a cane.

    Jumping around the stick. – 8 sec.

    6. "Swing"

    I.p. wide stance, stick in hands, lowered down; swing the stick like on a swing - 8 sec.

    The main types of movements

    1. Game - exercise "Don't drop your hat" - walking with a bag on your head - 10 sec.

    2. Throwing the bag into the distance with one hand - 3 times.

    Mobile game "Santa Claus"

    The role of Santa Claus is performed by an adult (in a cap, with a staff - a gymnastic stick). The children are sitting on the bench.

    I am Frost - red nose
    beard overgrown tapping staff
    I'm looking for friends in the forest
    Come out quickly... Bunnies jumping bunnies
    Freeze! children run away

    The game is repeated three times, Santa Claus is looking for different animals (bear cubs, mice, chanterelles, etc.).

    Final part

    Sedentary game “Monkeys”

    Movement according to the text.

    Monkeys frolic in the clearing early in the morning:
    Left leg - top-top,
    Right leg - top-top.
    Hands up, up, up
    Who will rise above all?
    Hands down and bent over
    Put your hands on the floor
    And then on all fours they walked a little ...
    And then we'll rest
    Let's sit down and go to sleep.

    From the above activities, you can see that the exercises are often repeated: watch, beads, steering wheel, spinning top, but with different sports equipment. So we increase interest in classes, excluding monotony.

    Conclusion: all classes have been tested on the children of our kindergarten, our kids are happy to run to physical education classes, quickly adapt and easily cope with program tasks.

    Summaries of physical culture lessons

    for 2016-2017

    In the first junior group"Gnomes"

    TARGET: Strengthening physical and psychological health, expanding the functional capabilities of the developing organism.


    The child has developed gross motor skills;

    The child mastered the movements - running, crawling, climbing, stepping over.

    September (1-2 weeks)

    September (1-2 weeks)

    "Visiting the kids!"

    Tasks: Exercise in walking in a straight direction, develop a sense of balance; cultivate positive emotions.

    Material: Katya doll, wooden brick, rattle.

    Lesson progress:

    Doll Katya came to visit the children and brought rattles.

      "Take a rattle from Katya"

    Walking in a straight direction to the object (3-4m). Repeat 2-3 times.

    2 . "Let's show Katya the hands."

    3 . "Let's show Katya the legs."

    The teacher helps the children sit on the carpet. The teacher sits facing the children and performs the exercise with them, saying: “Let's show Katya her legs; lifted one leg and lowered, then the other leg. Repeat 4 times.

    4 . "Do it like Katya"

    Get on the brick and get off it. Repeat 2-3 times. If necessary, the teacher gives the children a hand, helping to complete the task.

    A game "Find a rattle"

    The teacher stands with the children, and the teacher's assistant with the Katya doll ring a rattle: "Where is the rattle?" Children run up to Katya at the sound of a rattle and say the words: "Here is a rattle."

    September (3 weeks)

    “One, two, three, four, five - the sun came out for a walk!

    Tasks : Strengthen the skills of children in walking and running in a flock behind the teacher

    without bumping into each other.Encourage children to engage and

    do the exercises with everyone. Develop dexterity, attention,

    coordination of movements, endurance.

    Material : plot pictures depicting the sun, birds.

    Lesson progress:

    The teacher invites the children to play in the clearing, where the sun shines brightly.

    1. "Little feet walk the path, big feet run the path"

    Walking in a flock, behind the teacher. Run 30-40sec. Then it executes

    running after the teacher. Duration 20-30 sec.

    2. "Let's warm our palms"

    The starting position is free. Raise your hands up, reach out

    the sun. Return to starting position. Repeat 4-5 times.

    3. "Where are our knees"

    Starting position standing, legs slightly apart, hands behind the back.

    We perform a forward bend, touch to the knees, say "Here."

    We return to the starting position. Repeat 4-5 times.

    4. The game "Birds are flying"

    To develop in children the ability to run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to quickly respond to a signal. Give children an emotional charge, cause physical activity.

    September (4 weeks)

    "Our legs walk along the path!"

    Tasks : Exercise walking on a limited surface, introduce throwing a ball, develop attention and ability to respond to a word.

    Material: hoop, ball (25-30 cm in diameter), wooden cube.

    Lesson progress:

    The teacher invites the children to go for a walk.

      "Let's walk the path"

    Walking along the path (3-4m) to the object (cube). Repeat 2-3 times. Children follow each other.

      "That's how big we are"

    Starting position: legs together, sit down and straighten up. Repeat 4-5 times. The teacher, together with the children, performs squats, saying: “This is how big we became, but we were small!”

      "Get in the hoop"

    The teacher holds the hoop, the children climb through the hoop one after another. They sit down on a bench. Repeat 2-3 times.

      "My cheerful, sonorous ball"

    Learn to throw the ball with both hands forward. Repeat 3-4 times. The teacher shows how to throw the ball, offers to repeat this task after him. For those who cannot throw the ball, the teacher helps.

    Mobile game "Come to me"

    The teacher stands at a distance of 3-4 meters from the children and offers (helps if necessary) to take the ball to the child and calls him “Bring me the ball!” The child brings the ball, gives it to the teacher. So everything is in order.

    October(1 week)


    Tasks: Strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs, torso; learn to crawl on all fours,

    Develop motor activity, dexterity, coordination of movements.

    Material: plot pictures with the image of the sun, a mirror.

    Lesson progress:

    The teacher tells the children that today is very sunny and warm

    day. Offers to "play" with the sun.

    1. "Let's hide from the sun"

    Starting position standing. Legs slightly apart, hands on the belt.

    Squat down, covering your face with your hands. Return to starting position.

    Repeat 3-4 times. The teacher does the exercise with the children.

    2. " Bunnies came to visit us" Starting position standing, legs

    together. Jumping on two legs. Perform the exercise for 20-30 seconds.

    The teacher does the exercise with the children.

    3. “Let's crawl like bears! »

    Starting position standing on all fours. At the signal of the teacher

    an exercise is performed - crawling on all fours. Do the exercise

    40sec. The teacher does the exercise with the children.

    4. The game "Sun Bunnies"

    Develop dexterity, attention, coordination of movements. To evoke an emotional response in children during physical activity.

    Sunbeams play on the wall

    Beckon them with your finger, let them run to you.

    Here it is, a bright circle,

    Here, here, here - left, left!

    Ran to the ceiling...

    October(2 weeks)

    "Visiting Grandma"

    Tasks: Exercise in rolling the ball, walking on a ribbed board, repeat crawling and climbing over the gymnastic bench, cultivate courage and independence.

    Material: ribbed board, gymnastic bench, hoops, balls.

    Lesson progress :

    Okay, okay, where have you been? By Grandma.

      "Visiting Grandma!" Walk on a ribbed board, repeat 2-3 times. Children walk one after another on a ribbed board.

      "That's how we do it!" Starting position lying on your back. Sit down, then lie down. Repeat 3-4 times.

      "How smart we are!" . Crawling and climbing over the gymnastic bench. Repeat 2-3 times. First, the children crawl freely on the carpet one after another, then climb over the gymnastic bench.

      The game "Bunnies Jump" - jumping on two legs.

    « The mice are coming" calm walking. During the jumps, the children hold their hands freely. After a few jumps, they walk quietly in place. The teacher draws attention to the fact that it is necessary to jump easily and he himself shows how to do it. Children jump for 10-15 seconds, followed by walking.

    October(3 weeks)

    "Our feet walk on a flat path"

    Tasks: repeat crawling and crawling under the arc, consolidate the ability to throw the ball with both hands, cultivate independence, develop the ability to navigate in space.

    Material: arc, balls, dolls.

    Lesson progress:

    The teacher invites the children to go to visit the dolls.

      "Our feet will go on a flat path." Walking along the path marked with a rope. Track length 2-3 m, width 30-35 cm. Repeat 3-4 times. Children perform the exercises on their own, walking along the path one after another. The teacher with the puppets stands at the end of the path, calls the children to him, then everyone follows the teacher with the puppets back.

      "Let's go to the doll." Crawling and crawling under the arc. At the end of the carpet path, the teacher puts an arc, the children crawl on all fours, crawl under the arc, then stand up. Repeat 2-3 times.

      "Let's show the dolls a ball!" Starting position: sitting, hold the ball with both hands. Raise the ball up and lower it to your knees. Repeat 4-5 times. The children sit on the carpet in front of them, a teacher with a doll, he shows how to do the exercise. Children do the exercise with the teacher.

      The game "Visiting the dolls." Walking with the doll in different directions. Repeat 2-3 times.

    October (4 weeks)

    "The chicken went out for a walk"

    Tasks: Exercise in walking on a limited surface, crawling and crawling under an arc, exercise in throwing a ball, develop orientation in space, cultivate a communication skill.

    Material : chicken toy, arcs, balls.

    Lesson progress:

    The hen invites the children for a walk.

    The hen went out for a walk

    Pinch fresh herbs.

    And behind her guys

    Yellow chickens.

    1. "Chickens go to the hen." Walking on a path 40 cm wide, 4 m long. Repeat 2-3 times. The kids follow each other.

    2. "Crawling and crawling under the arc." Children crawl and crawl under the arc. Repeat 2-3 times. At the end of the carpet path, the teacher puts an arc, the children crawl on all fours, crawl under the arc, then get up and go to the chicken, which is behind the arc.

    Co-co-co, co-co-co,

    Don't go far.

    Row with your paws,

    Look for grains.

    3. "Chickens play" - throw the ball forward with both hands. Repeat 3-4 times.

    4. Game exercise "Mother chicken" Walking and running after the teacher with the chicken.

    Mother chicken is calling

    He takes everyone under his wing!

    November(1 week)

    "Let's go to the forest by car"

    Tasks: To teach children to move rhythmically when walking without bumping into each other with the transition to running; learn to walk on a limited surface; exercise children in rolling the ball with both hands; evoke an emotional response in children during physical activity.

    Material: cubes (soft modules to mark the track), balls.

    Lesson progress:

    The teacher invites the kids to go for a walk in the forest by car.

      "Let's go by car" Rhythmic walking with the transition to running. Children follow the teacher, imitating the movements of the driver driving the car. Repeat 2 times.

      "Walking along the forest path" Walking on a limited surface. Children walk along the path marked with soft cubes. The track is 3 meters long, 50 cm wide. Repeat 2-3 times.

      "Let's show the forest dwellers how clever we are!" Rolling the ball with both hands. Repeat 4-5 times. The teacher sits the children in pairs - opposite each other. Legs are spread. The teacher shows how to roll the ball to each other, offers to repeat this task after him. For those who cannot roll the ball, the teacher helps.

      The game "We are forest dwellers"

    Simulate the movements of wild animals. The teacher shows, the children repeat. To evoke an emotional response in children during physical activity.

    November(2 weeks)

    "Visiting the kolobok"

    Tasks: Exercise children in walking and running in all directions, in jumping to improve orientation in space, the ability to move in a given direction; consolidate skills as you move forward; develop courage and independence. To evoke in children a good emotional response to a game lesson and a desire to participate in it.

    Material: big ball, small balls.

    Lesson progress:

    The teacher tells the children that today a gingerbread man has come to visit us.

    1. "Grandma baked a bun."

    Let's show how grandmother baked a bun. Shifting a small ball from palm to palm. The teacher performs the exercise, the children repeat. Repeat 5-6 times.

      « Jump-jump - the bun jumps. Toddlers jump on two legs. The teacher does the exercise with the children. The exercise lasts 10-15 seconds.

      "Let's show the kolobok how big we are!" Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms up and down. Repeat 4-6 times.

      "Catch the bun."

    Exercise children in walking and running in all directions, improve orientation in space, the ability to move in a given direction.

    "Kolobok - ruddy side

    Rolled under the bridge.

    He wanted to run away

    We need to catch up with him.

    November(3 weeks)

    "We are horses"

    Tasks: Exercise children in walking and running in all directions, improve orientation in space, the ability to move in a given direction; jumping in place and moving forward; develop coordination of movements.

    Material: toy horse, ribbons (for harness).

    Lesson progress:

    The teacher tells the children that today we will be horses, so we will perform all the exercises like horses.

    1. "I'm a fast horse!" Exercise children in walking and running in all directions, improve orientation in space, the ability to move in a given direction. The exercise lasts 30 seconds.

    2. "Foal"

    3. "We walk like horses" Starting position standing. Legs together. Alternately raise the right leg high, step, then the left. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times. The teacher does the exercise with the kids.

    4. The game "Let's ride a horse"

    Learn to run in one direction, act on a signal, cause pleasure from joint actions.

    November (4 weeks)

    "Nimble Kittens".


    gymnastic bench, introduce the throw from behind the head

    two hands, develop attention, orientation in space,

    develop dexterity.


    Lesson progress:

    1. “Go like a cat! »

    2. "Crawl like a cat"

    December(1 week)


    Tasks: Improve basic movements; arouse desire

    imitate animals; perform actions at the word of an adult,

    practice jumping.

    Material : fairy tale "Teremok", hoop, tambourine.

    Lesson progress:

    The teacher tells the children that the heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok" came to visit them today.


    The teacher, together with the children, walks in a circle with small

    step by step. Do the exercise (30-40sec.)

      "Ride Like Frogs"

    Starting position standing. Legs together, hands on the belt. Children perform jumps on two legs (20-30 seconds). The teacher is doing the exercise

    along with the children.

      "Climb the fox through the hoop"

    The teacher holds a hoop, the children climb through the hoop one after another, sit on chairs. Repeat 2-3 times.

      Game "Tambourine"

    The teacher stands with the children, and the assistant teacher knocks on the tambourine. "Where is the tambourine?" Children run up to the sound of a tambourine and say the words: “Here it is!”

    December(2 weeks)


    Tasks: Learn to run in one direction, act according to the words of an adult, learn to throw at a target, maintain the direction of the throw,

    strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs, stepping over objects; cause a feeling of joy from joint actions, snowflakes.

    Material: plot pictures depicting a snowman, small balls, soft cubes.

    Lesson progress:

    The snowman came to visit the kids.

      "Let's show the snowman how we can run"

    Walking and running after the teacher in a flock in one direction. Running (40sec)

      "Get in the basket"

    Learn to throw balls (small) into the basket, maintain the direction of the throw, strengthen the muscles of the hands. The teacher shows the children how to do the exercise, then the kids do it. If needed, the teacher will provide assistance.

      "We step over the snowdrifts"

    Starting position standing, hands on the belt. Soft cubes (modules) are laid out on the carpet. The child walks along the path, raising his legs high, stepping over the cubes. The teacher shows how to do the exercise. Then the children do.

      Music game"Snowflakes"

    Dance exercise with snowflakes to music. To evoke a sense of joy from joint actions.

    December (3 weeks)

    "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

    Tasks: Improve basic movements; cause a desire to imitate animals; walking on a ribbed board; evoke a sense of joy from joint actions.

    Material : Christmas trees, ribbed board, fox mask.

    Lesson progress:

    The teacher tells the children that today we will go to the forest to visit

    to the forest dwellers.

      "Let's go to the forest by train!"

    The teacher helps the children line up one after another. Performed

    walking in a circle without bumping into each other (40sec.)

      "It's cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws"

    Starting position standing. Legs together, hands on the belt. Jumps are performed on two legs (20-30 seconds). Clap your hands (20-30 sec.).

      "Walk like a gray wolf."

    Walking in a straight direction (2-3m) and walking on a ribbed board.

    Repeat 2-3 times. Children walk along the board to the opposite

    side of the room and sit on chairs.

      Game "Catch the fox"

    On the head of the teacher is wearing a fox mask. When performing a task

    the teacher changes the direction of the run all the time, the children catch up with him.

    December (4 weeks)

    "Bear clubfoot"

    Tasks: Learn to walk in a flock, run, exercise in crawling on a gymnastic bench, develop balance.

    Material: bear-toy, gymnastic bench, inclined board.

    Lesson progress:

    A clubfoot bear came to visit the children.

      "Where does the bear live?"

    Walking on an inclined board up and down. Repeat 2-3 times. Children
    perform the exercises one after the other. The teacher, if necessary, gives the child a hand, helping him get up and down

      "Let's show the bear how we can"

    Crawling on all fours on the gymnastic bench.
    Repeat 2-3 times. The teacher explains that, crawling along the bench, you need to hold on to its edges with your hands. Children perform exercises one at a time. The teacher walks nearby and, if necessary, holds the child by the torso.

      « How big we are!

    Raise your hands up to stretch and lower down. Repeat 3-4 times.

      Game "Catch the bear"

    Walking after the teacher in a flock, turning into a run (30-40 seconds).

    January (2 weeks)

    "A dog has come to us!"



    Lesson progress:

      "Let's go get the dog"

      "Let's find a dog"

      "Let's play ball!"

      Game "Catch the dog"

    The dog came to us

    Smart dog.

    Plays with children

    Barks very loudly


    Runs away from the kids.

    January (3 weeks)

    "A gray bunny is sitting"



    Lesson progress:

    1. "Say hello to the bunny"

    2 . "Cunning Bunny"



    January (4 weeks)






    1. "LEFT HIGH"


    2. "DO IT LIKE A BEAR"


    3 ."Nimble Bear"

    Starting position: stand freely, facing in the direction of the throw. Throw the ball into the distance 2-3 times with the right and left hands. The teacher shows the children that they need to raise their hand up and throw the ball far away.

    4. The game "Bear teaches children to catch up with the ball."


    February(1 week)

    “We are cuties, dolls are tumblers!”

    Tasks: Exercise in walking on a gymnastic bench, repeat

    climbing into the hoop, exercise in throwing the ball with one hand, develop

    attention and sense of balance.

    Material : doll - tumbler, gymnastic bench, hoop (diameter 50-

    60 cm)

    Lesson progress:

    A roly-poly doll came to visit us.

    1. "Let's show the dolls how we walk!" Walking on the gymnastic bench with the help of an adult. Repeat 2-3 times.

    2. "Let's say hello to the tumbler doll!" Climbing into a hoop. Repeat 2-3 times. The teacher holds the hoop and invites the children to crawl into it, come up, say hello to the doll, which sits on a chair at a distance of 1-2 meters from the hoop.

    3. "We are like birds!" Starting position standing, arms along the body,

    legs together. We raise our hands, we stretch. We return to the original

    position. Repeat 2-3 times.

    4. Game exercise "Find where the roly-poly doll is hidden." Repeat 2 times. The teacher hides the toy so that the children can see where he puts it. Then everyone goes to look for it, find it and play with it.

    We are cuties

    Dolls - tumblers,

    bright shirts,

    We don't sleep and we don't sit

    And we don't want to go to bed.

    February(2 weeks)

    "Squirrels on branches!"

    Tasks: Exercise walking on an inclined board, repeat crawling along

    g gymnastic bench, throw the ball with both hands, cultivate courage and


    Material: toy - squirrel, gymnastic board, bench, balls.

    Lesson progress:

    A squirrel came to visit and called the children to the forest.

    1. "Walk along the path ». Walking on an inclined board raised by 10-20 cm. Repeat 2-3 times. Children perform the exercise on their own, passing along the board one after another.

    2. "Let's find a squirrel!" Crawling on the gymnastic bench and climbing over it. Repeat 2-3 times. Children perform the exercise one after another or two at a time.

    3. "Throw a bump Throw the ball into the distance from behind the head with both hands and run after it. Repeat 2-3 times. The teacher shows the exercise and performs it together with the children.

    4. Exercise "Run to the squirrel" and calm walking after the teacher. Repeat 2-3 times.

    Red-haired squirrels jump on the branches,

    Fluffy ponytails flicker here and there.

    The paw strikes the paw, the squirrels quickly run away.

    February(3 weeks)

    "A dog has come to us!"

    Tasks : Repeat walking on a ribbed board, exercise throwing a ball

    into a hoop, repeat crawling, develop an eye and balance.

    Material: dog toy, ribbed board, hoop, balls, arc.

    Lesson progress:

    A dog came to visit us and offered to play.

      "Let's go get the dog"

    Walk on a ribbed board. Repeat 2-3 times. If the children confidently perform the exercise, then they are offered to follow each other.

      "Let's find a dog"

    Crawling and crawling under the arc. Repeat 2-3 times. Children crawl one after another along the rug to the arc, crawl under the arc, then sit on the chairs.

      "Let's play ball!"

    Throw the ball into the hoop. Repeat 2-3 times. The teacher invites the children to pick up the ball. Then he explains and shows how to throw the ball so that it hits the hoop. The teacher holds a hoop - the children perform the exercise.

      Game "Catch the dog"

    Walking and running after the teacher holding the dog in his hands. To evoke a sense of joy from joint actions.

    The dog came to us

    Smart dog.

    Plays with children

    Barks very loudly


    Runs away from the kids.

    February (4 weeks)

    "We are Petrushki!"

    Tasks: Repeat walking on the board, encourage throwing the ball with one hand,

    cultivate independence.

    Material: Parsley toy, gymnastic board, balls and skittles.

    Lesson progress:

    Petrushka came to visit the children and offered to play.

      "We walk like Petrushka "- walk on the board (on your own).

    Repeat 2-3 times.

    2. "Show Petrushka a toy" . The child walks along the gymnastic board, at the end of which there is a skittle, bends down, takes the skittle, shows Petrushka. Puts the toy in place, returns to its original position.

    3. "Let's show Petrushka how we can!" Throw the ball away from behind the head with both hands 4-5 times. The teacher shows how to throw the ball and performs the exercise again with the children.

    4. Game exercise "Catch up with Parsley and calm play with him. When completing the task, the teacher holding Petrushka changes the direction of the run all the time.

    March(1 week)

    "My cheerful, sonorous ball!"

    Tasks : Learn to walk on a limited surface, crawling and climbing into a hoop, bending with a ball. Develop the ability to act on a signal.

    Material: Hoop, jump ropes, balls, car.

    Lesson progress:

    A truck came to visit us and brought balls.

      "Let's go down the path to the car"

    Walking along a winding path marked with ropes. The teacher shows the children a path, explains that you need to walk along the path so as not to step over the lines and not step on them. Children follow each other.

      "Get the ball"

    Crawling and climbing into the hoop. Repeat 2-3 times. Children crawl on

    on all fours to the hoop 2-3 meters, the hoop is held by the teacher. kids

    climb into the hoop, take the ball and sit on a chair.

      "Hide the ball"

      Catch the ball game

    March (2 weeks)

    "Fun Jumps"

    Tasks: Increase physical activity, teach to jump from a small height, contribute to the emergence of positive emotions.

    Material: frog toy, gymnastic bench,

    Lesson progress:

    A frog came to visit us.

      "Frog - frog"

    Starting position standing. Hands on the belt. Children perform jumps on two legs (20-30 seconds). The teacher does the exercise with the children.

      "Let's show what we can do!"

    Starting position: legs together, sit down and straighten up. Repeat 4-5 times. The teacher, together with the children, performs squats, saying: “This is how we can do it!”

      "Jumping Like Frogs"

      Fun jumping game

    Toddlers run and jump on two legs. Develop motor activity, evoke a sense of joy from joint actions.

    March(3 weeks)

    "Strong and smart"

    Tasks : Walking and running in a circle, leaning forward, jumping on two legs with forward movement,give children an emotional charge.

    Material : doll Masha.

    Lesson progress:

    Masha doll came to visit us today. Let's show her how strong and dexterous we are.

      « Let's show Masha how we can!”

    Walking and running after the teacher in a circle, in one direction. Running (60sec)

      "Get your legs out"

    Starting position sitting, legs straight. Tilt to the legs, then return to the starting position. Repeat (3-4 times). The teacher shows how the exercise is performed, then performs it together with the children.

      "We are smart!"

    Jumps are performed on two legs in place, moving forward. Run 20-30 sec. The teacher shows how the exercise is performed, then performs it together with the children.

      Game "Birds are flying"

    To develop in children the ability to run in all directions, without bumping into each other

    On a friend, quickly respond to the signal. Give children emotional

    charge, cause motor activity.

    March (4 weeks)

    "Happy Hoop"

    Tasks : Strengthen the skills of walking, running; strengthen the muscles of the legs and torso; develop accuracy and eye.

    Material : 2 dolls, hoop.

    Lesson progress:

    Dolls came to visit us today, let's teach them how to play with a hoop.

      "We have fun walking"

    lifting legs; walking turns into running. Running (60sec)

      "Let's teach dolls to climb into a hoop"

    Climbing into a hoop. Starting position standing. Children walk along the carpet path to the hoop 2-3 meters, the teacher holds the hoop. The kids crawl into the hoop, then return to the ranks. Repeat

    2-3 times.

      "Let's show the dolls how accurate we are!"

    Starting position standing on the carpet. Throw the ball into the hoop. Repeat 2-3 times. The teacher invites the children to pick up the ball. Then he explains and shows how to throw the ball so that it hits the hoop. The teacher holds a hoop - the children perform the exercise.

      Game "Catch Me"

    Develop motor activity, be able to navigate in space. Children catch up with the teacher, in whose hands is the doll.

    April(1 week)


    Tasks: Improve running, orientation in space; strengthen the muscles of the trunk and limbs, perform tilts down and to the sides;

    Do a breathing exercise.

    Material: sultans.

    Lesson progress:

    We have windy weather today. Let's show what happens when the wind blows.

      "Swift Breeze"

    Running in circles in different directions. Run (60 sec.)

      "Tree Bent"

    Starting position standing, legs together, hands on the belt. We perform an inclination to the legs, touch the floor with our hands, then return to the starting position. Repeat (3-4 times). The teacher shows how the exercise is performed, then performs it together with the children.

      "The wind blows, the trees sway"

    Starting position standing, legs apart shoulder width apart, arms raised up. Tilts to the left, then to the right. Repeat (3-4 times). The teacher shows how the exercise is performed, then the children perform it themselves.

      Cheerful breeze game

    Breathing exercises are performed. The teacher distributes

    sultans for children. Kids blow on sultans.

    April (2 weeks)

    "We fly under the clouds"

    Tasks: Improve running and walking in the same direction; walking on a gymnastic bench; perform jumps in place and moving forward; increase physical activity.

    Material : plot picture (airplane), gymnastic bench.

    Lesson progress:

    The teacher tells the children that today we are going to fly.

      "We fly under the clouds"

    Walking with jumps and running in a circle one after another, arms apart. Run(40 sec.)


    Walking on the gymnastic bench with arms outstretched. Repeat 2-3 times. Children perform the exercise on their own, if necessary, the teacher helps.

      "Fun Jumps"

    Jumps are performed on two legs in place, moving forward. Run 20-30 sec. The teacher shows how the exercise is performed, then performs it together with the children.

      Game "Airplanes"

    Develop motor activity, teach children to run

    bumping into each other.

    April (3 weeks)


    Tasks: Repeat walking and running in a circle, teach children to jump up, develop coordination of movements, lean forward.

    Material : balloons, ball.

    Lesson progress:

    A balloon arrived today.

      "Here's how we can"

    Walking in a circle in one direction with small steps; high

    lifting legs; walking to running. Running (60sec)

      "Flying High"

    Starting position standing, legs together, hands on the belt. The teacher teaches the children to jump up, then the children do it themselves. Run (40 sec.)

      "Colorful balls"

    Starting position standing. The child holds the ball in his hands. Lean forward and put the ball on the floor, straighten up and show your hands. The teacher shows how to do the exercise, then the children do it. Repeat 2 times.

      Game "Get the ball"

    Play with balloons, activate movement, dexterity, develop coordination of movements.

    April (4 weeks)


    Tasks: Repeat walking on a ribbed surface, crawling and crawling under an arc, jumping in place and moving forward, develop dexterity, the ability to act on a signal.

    Material: ribbed board, arc, ball.

    Lesson progress:

    Today we are going to the zoo.

      "We walk like monkeys!"

    Walk on a ribbed board. Repeat 2-3 times. If the children are confident

    perform the exercise, then they are asked to follow each other.

      "We are wild cats"

    Crawling and crawling under the arc. Repeat 2-3 times. Children crawl one after another along the rug to the arc, crawl under the arc, then sit on the chairs.

      "Leap like a kangaroo"

    Jumps are performed on two legs in place, moving forward. Run 20-30 sec. The teacher shows how the exercise is performed, then performs it together with the children.

      Game "Catch the ball"

    Throw the ball with both hands. The teacher throws the ball to the child, the kid catches the ball and returns it to the teacher. Develop the ability to act on a signal.

    May(1 week)

    "A gray bunny is sitting"

    Tasks: To acquaint children with throwing a ball into the distance with their right hand (left), exercise walking on a gymnastic board, develop a sense of balance, the ability to navigate in space, and develop physical activity.

    Material : a toy - a bunny, a hoop, a gymnastic board (width 25-30 cm), small balls.

    Lesson progress:

    A bunny came to visit the guys.

    1. "Say hello to the bunny"

    Walking on a board placed on the floor. Repeat 2-3 times. The children are sitting on the bench. In front of them is a board, at one end of which sits a bunny. The teacher shows how to walk along the board, the children go one after another, going up to the bunny they say: “Hello, bunny” (if possible).

    2 . "Cunning Bunny"

    Starting position: stand freely, facing in the direction of the throw. Throw the ball into the distance 2-3 times with the right and left hands. The teacher shows the children that they need to raise their hand up and throw the ball far away.

    3. “The rabbits ran into the circle. Sit together, stand up together"

    Starting position standing. Sit down and straighten up. Repeat 4-6 times. The teacher does the exercise with the children.

    4 . Mobile game "Catch up with the bunny."

    Running and walking (25-30 sec.). The teacher offers to play with the bunny - to catch up with him. The kids are chasing the bunny.

    May(2 weeks)


    Tasks: Develop coordination of movements, fix walking and running in a circle, repeat walking on a gymnastic bench. Teach children to act quickly on the signal of the teacher, to help each other.

    Material : The plot picture "Poultry Yard", a gymnastic bench.

    Lesson progress:

    The teacher tells the children that today we are going to visit the poultry yard.

      "Fast Chicks"

    Walking and running in circles in different directions. Run (60 sec.)

      "Brave Chickens"

    Walking on the gymnastic bench, jumping off it on both legs. Repeat 2-3 times. Children perform the exercise on their own, if necessary, the teacher helps.

      "Chickens are playing"

    Learn to throw the ball with both hands forward. Repeat 3-4 times.

    The teacher shows how the exercise is performed, then the children perform it themselves.

      The game "Birds in the nests are sitting"

    Teach children to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other. Teach children to act quickly on the signal of the teacher, to help each other.

    May (3 weeks)

    "Nimble Kittens".

    Tasks: Exercise in walking on a ribbed board, crawling on

    a gymnastic bench, introduce a throw from behind the head with two hands, develop attention, orientation in space,

    develop dexterity.

    Material: ribbed board, bench, balls, toy - a small kitten.

    Lesson progress:

    A kitten came to visit the children and invites them to play.

    1. “Go like a cat! » Walking in a straight direction (2-3m) and walking on a ribbed board. Repeat 2-3 times. Everyone follows the cat along the plank to the opposite side of the room and sits on chairs. Then they go back.

    2. "Crawl like a cat" - crawling on the gymnastic bench. Repeat 2-3 times. Children perform the exercise on their own, if necessary, the teacher helps.

    3. "Let's show the cat how we've grown!" Starting position standing. Children should sit down and straighten up. The teacher shows how the exercise is performed, then performs the exercise with the children.

    4. The game "Let's play ball with the cat!" - throw the ball over the head with both hands, run after the ball. Repeat 2-3 times. The teacher shows how to throw the ball, offers to repeat this task after him. For those who cannot throw the ball, the teacher helps. Children themselves run after the ball and repeat the throw.

    May (4 weeks)


    Tasks: Learn to run in a certain direction, navigate in space, improve walking with obstacles, develop dexterity, coordination of movements.

    Material: toys - fish, soft modules (cubes), arc, "Fishing" set.

    Lesson progress:

    Fish came to visit us today.

      "Let's show the fish how we can run"

    Walking and running in circles in the same direction. Running (60sec)

      "Get Over the Obstacle"

    Starting position standing, hands on the belt. On the carpet

    soft cubes (modules) are laid out. The child walks along the path

    raising your legs high stepping over the cubes. The teacher shows how

    do the exercise. Then the children do.

      "The fish swim under the bridge"

    Crawling and crawling under the arc. Repeat 2-3 times. Children crawl one after another along the rug to the arc, crawl under the arc, then sit on the chairs.

      Game "Fishing"

    Children use a fishing rod to “catch” magnetic fish from a basin. Develop dexterity, eye, coordination of movements.

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    Azimova Hanbiki
    Summary of physical education classes in the first junior group with balls

    Synopsis of physical education classes in junior group 1

    With balls

    Tasks classes:

    Develop dexterity in outdoor games with the ball.

    Exercise children in walking, jumping on two legs moving forward, running one after another

    Develop dexterity in outdoor ball games

    Develop interest in physical culture

    Develop orientation in space

    Sports equipment: a set of balls (one for each child, one large diameter ball.



    1. Walking one after another in a column one by one (Children repeat the recitative after the instructor)

    We go, we go, we go

    One after the other exactly

    We raise our legs

    We walk together!

    2. Walking on toes, hands up:

    We'll walk on toes

    Raise our hands up

    We will go around the circle

    And let's go for another walk!

    3. Walking on heels, hands on belt:

    We'll go on heels

    We put our hands on the belt

    We'll go around the circle

    And let's go for another walk!

    4. Jumping on 2 legs moving forward.

    We are good at jumping

    Like a bunny for a carrot!

    5. Running around the hall one after another.

    Run after each other

    Nose breathes evenly

    And hands and feet

    We all work with you!

    Main part

    Remind the children which balls “live” in the basket - funny, bouncy, naughty. And so that they don’t run away, the balls must be held tightly. (spread fingers and press them to the ball)

    Distribute balls, the construction is arbitrary, the children are facing the teacher.

    General developmental exercises with the ball

    1. "Draw the sun"

    I. p. standing, legs apart, ball in hand. Circular movements of the hands with the ball to the right side, then to the left side.

    2. I. p. too.

    Throw the ball up and catch it.

    3. "Roll the ball"

    I. p. legs together, the ball on the chest.

    1-2-3- roll the ball over the chest, over the legs, 4-6- around the legs, 7-9 - back down the legs to the chest.

    4. "Bridge"

    I. p. sitting, legs bent at the knees, the ball is on the floor on the right.

    The main types of movements

    1. Jumping on two legs near ball “jump like a ball”

    2. Game - exercise "Top" - rotation ball sitting on the floor with your right hand.

    Mobile game "My cheerful sonorous ball"

    Bring in a large rubber ball, preferably a bright color.

    The ball looked at us and also wanted to play.

    My cheerful ringing ball

    Where did you jump off to?

    yellow, red, blue,

    Don't chase after you.

    Children jump on two legs, then run away from the rolling ball - 3 times.

    Final part

    Breathing game “Inflate the ball” - connect your fingers, blow into the hole, then take the “ball” by the string and take it to group.

    In subsequent classes you can try to give the children a ball in the water parts: kids can run with the ball in a flock or in a circle. Run with a stop (with the end of the music, hide the ball, lying on it with your stomach): walk on toes, lift the ball up - “Giants”, walk on your heels, removing the ball behind your head.

    Related publications:

    Synopsis of a game plot-role-playing lesson in physical education in the second junior group "It's fun to play with a bear" Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive research, musical and artistic. Tasks: Educational: to teach.

    Summary of continuous educational activities in physical education in the first junior group "Visiting Stepashka" Abstract continuous educational activities 1ml group. Open event for parents. "On a visit to Stepashka." Tasks: 1. Improve.

    Synopsis of the open physical education lesson "Fun Zoo" for the first junior group Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 174 "Mikrosha"" of the city of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic.

    Synopsis of an open lesson in physical education in the second junior group Subject: Bunnies live in the forest Author: Physical education instructor MBDOU d / s "Sun" Grekova T.N. Purpose: - To form the ability to save.

    Summary of physical education classes "Walk in the winter forest" in the first junior group Tasks: Educational: to exercise children in walking in a flock behind the teacher, in walking on toes along a narrow path; Teaching kids about throwing.


    Course of the lesson: Introductory part: Educator: - Today, guys, we are going to the forest, to visit Mishka Clubfoot. See what.

    Methodical development.

    Goals and objectives:

    • create a positive emotional state.
    • To evoke pleasure from joint actions with an adult.
    • Provide conditions for comfortable physical activity of children.

    Software content.

    • Improve children in walking and running one after another.
    • Develop the ability to navigate in space, coordination of movements, balance.
    • To form the ability to maintain a stable position of the body, correct posture.
    • Exercise children in correct breathing.
    • Fix walking on the gymnastic bench and crawling on the gymnastic bench, pulling yourself up with your hands.
    • To cultivate the ability to hear and respond to a signal, organization.
    • Fix the concept "One is Many"

    Equipment: Basket with cubes, 2 cubes for each child, hedgehog, bear, gymnastic bench, labyrinth, sandbags for throwing, apples

    Course progress.

    1. Introduction.

    Tasks. Fix different types of walking and running; develop dexterity, coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space. Raising in children a joyful emotional attitude to the exercise, interest in motor activity.

    Walking in a column one by one behind the teacher, walking on toes, running one after another on toes.

    Course progress.

    Educator: Guys, now we are going to visit, but where will you find out by guessing the riddle.

    He walks in the forest without a bag
    Finds apples, mushrooms
    Needles on the back.
    Who is at the tree? (children's answers).

    That's right, it's a hedgehog.

    And what will we take as a gift to the hedgehog?

    The teacher shows the children a basket of apples.

    Children answer the teacher's questions. What is in the basket? How many apples? What does a hedgehog love?

    And now we will line up one after another and go to the forest to visit.

    I. part. Different types walking and running in accordance with the age characteristics of children.

    We walk, we walk
    Right down the track
    We raise well
    Higher our legs!

    Come on, more fun top, top, top!
    That's how we know how to top-top.
    Well, if you are not tired,
    Run fast, run fast.

    (Children run without overtaking each other.)

    Having met a hedgehog in the forest, the children greet him. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the basket with cubes. Asks children questions. What is this? How many cubes are in the basket? The hedgehog asks the children to show him exercises with cubes.

    II. Part. General developmental exercises (with cubes).

    Prepare children to perform basic types of movements.

    1. I.p. standing, hands down. Raise your arms to the sides - up, rise on your toes - "building a tall house" , return to starting position (4-5 times).
    2. I. p. sitting, legs together, hands on knees. Turn to one side, knock the cubes on the floor, straighten up. Do the same on the other side (2-3 times).
    3. I. p. standing, hands down. sit down (full squat), it is easy to knock the cubes on the floor - "hammering nails" , straighten up (4-6 times).
    4. I.p. lying on your stomach, stretch your arms straight. Spread your arms to the sides, look ahead (3-4 times).
    5. Jump in place, hold the cubes in your hands. Jumping is easy, on toes (20-30s).

    The main types of movements.

    Walking on the gymnastic bench, jump off at the end of the bench.

    Crawling on all fours into a maze.

    Crawling, pulling up on the board with your hands.

    Throwing bags into the distance with the right and left hands at a horizontal target.

    mobile game "At the bear in the forest"

    The bear catches up with the children and asks where his cubs are.

    Phys. minute. "The cubs lived in the thicket"

    Bear cubs lived in more often
    They twisted their heads
    Like this, like this - they twisted their heads (Turn your head right and left)
    Bear cubs looking for honey

    Friendly tree rocked
    Like this, like this - they shook the tree together (body tilts to the right and left)
    And they went to the wreck
    And they drank water from the river

    Like this, like this, they drank water from the river (Bend forward)

    And they danced too! Together they raised their paws!

    Like this, like this, they raised their paws up! (Raise hands alternately)

    Here's a swamp on the way! How can we pass it?

    Jump and jump! Jump and jump! Have fun buddy! (Jumping up)

    Breathing exercise.

    III. Walking. A game "Who is quieter"
