Blagoryova N.N.

MBOU "NOSH No. 31" Stary Oskol


explanatory note

Preservation and promotion of healthThese are the most important components of the teacher's work. From the cheerfulness, cheerfulness of children depends on their spiritual life, outlook mental development, the strength of knowledge, faith in one's own strength.

The program of the circle is based on the program of the course "Health"MD Kasatkina V.N.

Classes are held with children in grade 4 once a week, a total of 35 hours throughout the year. The duration of the program is 1 year.

The course of the circle "Zdorovyachek" expands information about the physical, mental and social health of a person, considered in the school curriculum around the world. Obtaining knowledge in this area by students will improve their health, prevent the development bad habits in an unfavorable environment, to revive sports and recreational traditions as a condition for strengthening the moral foundations of the family and school. The proposed course is educational, developing and social character. It is necessary for junior students, as it will allow schoolchildren to cause many diseases, make them think about their health and its preservation. The student will be guided by the choice of profession according to the vital resources of his body.

Program goal:

  1. expansion and deepening of students' knowledge in the field of modern achievements in hygiene and sanitation, first aid for injuries and poisoning.

Achievement of this goal is planned through the solution of the following tasks :

1) to form a conscious attitude to their health;

2) to teach how to apply the acquired hygienic knowledge in life and practice;

3) use the acquired knowledge to ensure the safety of life and protect the health of schoolchildren.

When organizing the work of the circle should:

  1. take into account sanitary and hygienic requirements, the level of stress and age characteristics of students.
  2. to improve the motor activity of children: these are physical minutes, moving changes, health-improving running, classes in the gym, physical education classes, days and weeks of health.

Working methods:

  1. conversations,
  2. role-playing and business games,
  3. practical work,
  4. holidays.

Planning the classes of the circle "Healthy

No. p / p







I. Self-knowledge. Knowing your body (5h)

Quiz What? Where? When?" (about personal hygiene items)

Personal hygiene rules, ways to care for your body

Take care of the dress again, and health from a young age. (Knowledge of health for human life)

Discussion of the question "How to determine that you are sick." A selection of riddles about human organs.

Health and disease. How to protect yourself from the flu.

Practice: Counting the pulse before and after squats

Red man article

(posture is one of the components appearance person)

Practical lesson: Learning a complex of preventive and corrective exercises.

Good teeth are the key to health.

game lesson

II. Hygiene rules and warning

infectious diseases (6h)

Dream. How to make sleep useful


Daily routine - we are friends

Drawing up a daily routine

What do we know about eyes?

Practice: Exercises to train the eyes.

The impact of the computer on human health

Practical lesson: Game exercises "Rules for the protection of vision"

Everyone can temper

Practical lesson: Drawing up the rules for hardening the body. Work with proverbs about a healthy lifestyle.

"Good" and "Bad" Microbes

game lesson

III. Me and others (6h)

Dad, mom, I am a sports family

Children's stories about how the family spends time.

The social component of health. Friendship.

Excursion to the medical center

Gatherings with friends

Celebration organization

Behavior at home

Situational tasks, test

The rights of the child in the family

Drawing competition

How to deal with grief and fear.


IV. Fundamentals of personal security and injury prevention (7h)

Physical culture and sports. Lesson in the gym.

Learning sports games

Minutes of security

Road crossing rules

Rules of conduct in case of fire

The game is a mystery

Call for help 01, 02, 03, 04

Game - competition

The main situations and "traps" in which children fall

Opinion exchange

Electrical safety rules

Practice: First Aid for Burns

V. Nutrition and health (4h)

Why you need to eat right

Practical lesson: Products useful and harmful.

Diet. Rules of conduct at the table.

Menu planning for the week

Storage food products. Rules for the care of dishes.

Tale discussion

K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"

Food processing before consumption.

Practical lesson

VI. Consumer Culture (3h)

Medicinal plants are a wonderful wealth of nature.

Crossword Guessing

The benefits and harms of medicines

Analysis and solution of situational problems

I'll save my health, I'll help myself

Service "03". Visiting a doctor or calling a doctor at home. Create a situation and suggest a way out of it

VII. Surfactant prevention (4h)

Harm of tobacco smoke

Dramatization "How the bear found the pipe"

What is alcohol and why is it dangerous?

Analysis and solution of situational problems

Behavior with people who use psychoactive substances

Analysis and solution of situational problems

Fun health lesson

Competitive game program

Section 1.

Self-knowledge (5h)

Knowing your body

Parts of the body, their functional purpose. Internal organs; purpose. "Language of the body. Human growth and development. Periodization of development. Health and disease, humane treatment of physical disabilities.

  1. Name the organs and parts of the body, their functional purpose.
  2. Be able to talk about your bodily sensations.
  3. Explain the difference between a state of health and a state of illness.
  4. Talk about subjective signs of your fatigue.
  5. Be kind to the disabled and help them.
  1. Section 2

Hygiene rules and prevention of infectious diseases(6h)

Body hygiene

Skin and its appendages (nails, hair). functional purpose. Skin, hair and nail care. Choice of clothes and shoes in accordance with weather conditions and individual characteristics.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Know how to be neat. Regularly perform hygiene procedures.
  2. To be able to provide yourself with comfortable conditions for any activity due to right choice clothes and shoes.
  3. Keep your daily items clean.

Occupational and leisure hygiene

Periods of change in performance. Daily regime. Subjective and objective signs of fatigue. Active and passive recreation. Sleep is the most effective rest. Hygiene of the organs of vision, factors leading to fatigue.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Be able to make an average daily routine for a week and follow it.
  2. Be able to recognize signs of fatigue, including visual.
  3. Have switching skills different types activities to avoid fatigue.

Prevention of infectious diseases

Microworld: microbes, protozoa, fungi, viruses. Human interaction with the microcosm. "Good" and "Bad" microbes.

Introduction to infectious diseases. Ways of "passive" protection against the disease: washing hands, wearing a mask, disposable syringes, etc.

The concept of active defense - immunity.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Have formed stereotypes of washing hands before any meal.
  2. Be able to use "passive protection" if necessary, contact with a sick person (long distance, airing the room, wearing a mask, separate dishes, etc.).
  3. Have a well-formed understanding of the moral responsibility for distribution infectious disease(for example, coming to school with the flu). Know what vaccinations are for.
  1. Section 3

Me and others (6h)

Rules of interpersonal communication: courtesy, self-presentation, invitation, rejection of unwanted communication.

Friendship. Mutual influence of people, ways of constructive solution of conflict situations. Behavior on the street and in public places Rules of conduct with strangers.

Relationships - family. Family rules. The rights of the child in the family. Group activity rules.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Know the generally accepted rules of communication and be able to apply them in model conditions. Be able to independently find ways out of conflict situations.
  2. Learn to follow the rules of conduct in public places.
  3. Be able to properly refuse to communicate with strangers.
  4. Know your rights and recognize mutual obligations in the family.
  5. Be able to define your role in the group and work towards a common goal.
  6. Be able to observe social norms of behavior in formal groups.
  7. Recognize the signs of an unfriendly group and be able to get out of it.
  1. Section 4

Fundamentals of personal safety and injury prevention.(7h)

Safe behavior on the roads

The main “traps” situations that children usually fall into are: “closed view”, “distraction”, “deserted street”, “middle of the road”, “parents with children”. Control signals traffic. Rules safe behavior at the railroad tracks.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Be able to predict the development of the situation on the road.
  2. Have the ability to observe.
  3. Have skills to "resist" excitement or rush. Have the skill of "switching to the street".
  4. Have the ability to switch to self-control.

Household and street injuries

Dangerous factors of modern dwelling, playground school.

Burns. Danger when using pyrotechnics.

Electrical injury. Danger when playing with sharp objects. Falling from height. Open window danger. Riding on railings, jumping from rooftops, garages, etc., basic safety rules for cycling. Rulesuse of rollers, equipment. The danger that lies in wait for the roller on the street. First aid for simple injuries (abrasions, scratches, superficial wounds). Bites of animals, snakes, insects.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Be able to recognize danger zones indoors and outdoors.
  2. To be able to anticipate the possibility of falling from a height, injury, burns and avoid them.
  3. Have the skills to safely handle electrical appliances, sharp objects. Know how to unplug electrical equipment.
  4. Practice safety rules for roller skating and cycling, use protective equipment.
  5. Know how to help yourself and others with simple injuries.
  6. Be able to recognize negative animal reactions and avoid biting and injury.
  7. Take immediate action when bitten by an animal, insect, snake.

Behavior in emergency situations

Emergency situation in the city. Extreme situation in the village.

An emergency situation involving a stranger.

Rules of conduct in case of fire. Call for emergency assistance: 01,02,03,04,

Rescue Services. Natural disasters, man-made disasters.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Learn three patterns of behavior in extreme situation: "call for help", "get out of the situation", "take measures to save yourself."
  2. Know how to ask for help in an emergency.
  3. Know how to put out a fire.
  4. Be able to perform sequential actions for evacuation from the premises in the event of a fire.
  5. Learn self-rescue skills when a stranger's behavior seems dangerous.
  1. Section 5

Nutrition and health(3h)

Nutrition is the basis of life

Understanding the main nutrients, their importance for health; the most important food sources. How does digestion work. Diet. Intolerance to certain foods and dishes. Eating traditions in different countries. Rules of conduct at the table.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Be able to follow the basic rules of diet.
  2. Know how to use cutlery.

Food hygiene

Food processing before consumption. Food storage. Rules for the care of dishes.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Knowledge of food storage practices.
  2. The skill of processing fruits and vegetables before eating them.
  3. Ability to wash dishes and cutlery.
  1. Section 6

Consumer culture(3h)

Choice of medical services

Polyclinic and doctor's house call. Service "03", emergency care, rescue. Visit doctor. Hospital, indications for hospitalization.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Have a positive, respectful attitude towards doctors and nurses as people who help maintain health.
  2. Know when to seek emergency medical care and have the skills to handle it.
  3. Know why children are hospitalized.

Drug handling

The benefits and harms of medicines. Careful handling of medicines stored at home.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Have the skill of careful handling of medicines (keep in original packaging, check the expiration date before use, use only as directed by a doctor or parents, do not try unknown pills).
  1. Section 7

Substance use prevention(4h)

General understanding of psychoactive substances. Why do people use psychoactive substances. The harm of tobacco smoke. What is alcohol and why is it dangerous to use it. Behavior with people who use psychoactive substances.

Expected results (student can).

  1. Know how to avoid passive smoking.
  2. Understand that alcoholism and drug addiction are intractable diseases. Develop forms of behavior when a person is nearby in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication.
  3. Have a clear understanding of what susceptibility to drugs individual, and dependence can occur after the first doses.

List of used literature.

  1. Kasatkin V.N. Interdisciplinary program "Health" for secondary educational institutions /Developed by a group of authors under the guidance of MD. Kasatkina V.N. Approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Health of Russia, the presidents of the Russian Academy of Education, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
  2. Bezrukikh M.M. Talk about proper nutrition. / Ed. M.M. Bezrukikh - M.: Olma Media Group, 2008.
  3. Borisova N.V., Fedorova N.V. On the attitude of teachers to health-saving technologies// Folk School. - 2004. - No. 1.
  4. Zhigulev A.M. Russian folk proverbs and sayings. / Ed. A.M. Zhiguleva - Udmurtia, 2000
  5. Laptev A.K. Secrets of the pyramid of health. / Ed. A.K. Lapteva - M., 2002
  6. Obukhova L.A., Lemyaskina N.A. School of Doctors of Nature or 135 Health Lessons./ Ed. L. A. Obukhova, N. A. Lemyaskina. - M.: VAKO, 2005.
  7. Pavlova M.A. Formation of a healthy lifestyle in younger schoolchildren. / Ed. M.A. Pavlova - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.
  8. Smirnov N.K. Health saving educational technologies in the work of teachers and schools. / Ed. N.K. Smirnova - M.: ARKTI, 2003
  9. Shatokhina L.F. Health Education: Guidelines on the organization of the educational process./ Ed. L.F. Shatokhina - M .: Polimed, - 2005
  10. Shatokhina L.F. Project method in health education. / Ed. L.F. Shatokhina - M., 2005

    Chetverikova Alexandra Fedoseevna
    Job title: educator
    Educational institution: MBDOU 53 "Gnome"
    Locality: Kemerovo region, city of Mezhdurechensk
    Material name: Methodical development
    Subject: Working programm mug "Healthy"
    Publication date: 05.07.2016
    Chapter: preschool education

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 53 "Gnomik"

    Second junior group
    Compiled by educators: Chetverikova Alexandra Fedoseevna. Mezhdurechensk 1

    The working program of the mug "Zdorovyachok"

    Explanatory note
    Teaching preschoolers to take care of their health, starting with early childhood
    actual task
    modern education, since it is during the period of preschool and primary school age the child is laid the basic skills for the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The program of the circle for younger preschoolers "Zdorovyachok" is focused on the formation of a child's position of recognizing the value of health, expanding knowledge and skills in hygiene culture. The circle program includes the formation of elementary ideas about human anatomy and physiology, elementary knowledge of hygiene, the study of such healing methods as hardening, healthy eating, etc. The program of the circle "Zdorovyachok" includes issues of not only physical, but also spiritual health. It is not enough to teach a child to brush his teeth in the morning and in the evening, to do exercises and eat healthy food. It is necessary that from early childhood he learned to love himself, for people, for life. Only a person who lives in harmony with himself and with the world will be truly healthy.
    - protection of children's health and the formation of the basis of a culture of health.
    - preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children; - education of cultural and hygienic skills; - the formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Work with children is built in the direction of personality-oriented interaction with the child, emphasis is placed on independent experimentation and search activity of the children themselves, encouraging them to be creative when performing tasks. Classes contain cognitive material corresponding to the age characteristics of children in combination with physical culture leisure activities. Also, the content of the classes is filled with fabulous and game plots and characters. The game allows you to keep the specifics 3
    preschool age. Other types of activity specific to this age (pictorial, theatrical, etc.) are also used. All used games, tasks, exercises contribute to the development of skills that will allow you to successfully interact with the environment and people, to form the communication skills of pupils. Children will learn to understand under what conditions the environment (home, street) is safe for life and health. Classes of the circle are designed for children 3-4 years old, the duration of classes is 15 minutes, they are held once a week. Classes begin from the 3rd week of September, since in the first two weeks children are diagnosed (identifying the necessary skills and abilities in children at the beginning of the school year). 4

    Calendar-thematic planning of the circle "Zdorovyachok"




    Lesson objectives


    1. September (1-2 weeks) September (3 weeks) September (4 weeks) Diagnosis "Live clean - be healthy!" Physical culture and leisure: "We are autumn leaves." Identification of the necessary skills and abilities in children at the beginning of the school year. To teach children to correctly name the objects of personal hygiene. Reinforce existing handwashing skills in children. Continue to develop the habit of using an individual towel and comb. Activate words denoting actions in children's speech: wash, roll up sleeves, lather, wash off soap, and comb. Continue to teach children to answer simple questions. To develop motor reactions in exercises of a general developmental nature, to teach children to perform basic movements (walking along the path, stepping over a stick, throwing a bag into a basket), to teach children to run in one direction, to act in accordance with the words syllable, to cause pleasure and not from joint actions, the desire to participate in a game lesson. 1 1 2. October (1 week) “Yes, long live scented soap!” Introduce children to the properties of soap; consolidate and clarify children's knowledge of why people use soap; to develop cultural and hygienic skills; to enrich vocabulary (scented, toilet soap, foam). 15
    October (2nd week) October (3rd week) October (4th week) "Let's teach the doll to wash." "Hare is dirty." Physical culture and leisure: "A walk in the autumn forest." Enrich the dictionary of children, clarify the name and purpose of the items in the toilet room: a tap through which water flows; soap - washes away dirt; towel - dry hands, face; A mirror helps you check if your face is clean. Continue to teach children to wash their hands consistently. Cultivate politeness, the ability to yield to each other, to help each other. Continue to teach children to wash their own hands, use soap, dry their faces and hands with a personal towel. Develop the habit of using individual items. Strengthen the physical and mental health of children; exercise in the ability to walk and run one after another; to form the ability to correctly perform jumps through two parallel lines, pushing off with two legs and landing softly; exercise in maintaining a stable balance when coming on the gymnastic bench. Develop attention, skills of orientation in space, coordination and rhythm of movements, speed and dexterity. Cause joy from joint gaming activities. 1 1 1 3. November (1 week) "We make the doll's hair." Teach children to take care of their own hair. Specify the names of the items needed for this. Learn to hold a comb in your hand, comb your hair with movements from top to bottom. 16
    November (week 2) November (week 3) November (week 4) "Let's dress the doll for a walk." "Bathing a Doll" Physical culture leisure: "Birds". Cultivate a careful attitude to things, provide mutual assistance to each other when dressing. Develop fine motor skills. To teach children to distinguish and name items of clothing, to differentiate clothes for boys and girls, to recognize them in pictures, and to dress them in sequence. To form the need for observance and neatness in everyday life. Continue to activate in the speech of children the names of personal hygiene items, the names of actions, qualities. Continue to teach children to play with dolls, handle them with care and respect. Learn how to perform sequential game actions. To evoke a positive emotional charge in children for the lesson. Exercise children in walking one after another in a circle, in running with the whole group around the hall, jumping on two legs in place. Develop attention to vos-la signals, orientation in space. 1 1 1 4. December (1 week) December (2 weeks) "This is me." "Our Eyes" Continue to introduce children to your body. Learn to correctly name parts of the body: head, arms, legs, stomach, back, ears, eyes, etc., for which a person needs them. Deepen children's knowledge of the organ of vision. To teach to listen carefully to the teacher, answer questions, name small details of the body (there are eyebrows, eyelashes, "blinds" - eyelids, pupil), perform simple tasks. Develop imagination, tactile sensations. 1 1 7
    December (week 3) December (week 4) "So that the eyes do not hurt." Physical culture leisure: “On a visit to the bunny”. Teach children to protect their eyes from dust, dirt; learn to take care of your eyes. Continue to teach children cultural and hygienic skills - the need and benefits of washing, bathing. To develop the motor activity of children, to exercise in building a flock, walking in a flock for a teacher between skittles and, stepping over objects, jumping x na dvuh n o g x with moving forward. To bring up interest in physical and cultural activities. 1 1 5. January (1 week) January (2 weeks) January (3 weeks) January (4 weeks) "Gymnastics for the eyes". "My ears." "For the ears to hear better." Physical culture leisure: “Journey to the winter forest”. Teach children to do gymnastics on their own, repeat the movements for the teacher. Strengthen children's knowledge of the organ of vision. Continue to develop hygienic eye care skills. Raise the need for a healthy lifestyle. Introduce children to the structure of the ear. Hearing hygiene. Development of hearing acuity. Determining the direction of sound. To deepen children's knowledge about the organ of hearing. Develop oral hygiene habits. To develop motor activity of children. Continue to teach different types of walking, jumping forward, exercise in crawling under the arc. Cause a positive emotional charge for the lesson and a desire to participate in joint activities. Teach children the skills of self-massage. 1 1 1 1 8
    6. February (1 week) February (2 weeks) February (3 weeks) February (4 weeks) "Let's play with ears." "Snub noses". "Together it's fun to step for health in kindergarten." Physical culture leisure: “Medvezhata” Continue to form hygienic skills for caring for the ears. Raise the need for healthy lifestyle life. Teach your child to use an individual handkerchief. To consolidate children's knowledge about the parts of their body and their meaning. Develop visual and auditory attention, sense of smell. Encourage children to show concern. evoke an emotional response in children game lesson and desire to participate. Exercise children in walking on a gymnastic bench, in walking with stepping over an object (cube), in climbing on all fours under an arc. Develop the ability to act on the signal of the educator. 1 1 1 1 7. March (1 week) March (2 weeks) "Strong teeth are needed, white teeth are important." "What do we eat for?" To form in children a positive attitude towards dental care, elementary skills for a healthy lifestyle; learn to communicate with adults; answer questions related to elementary and cultural and hygienic skills. Raise the desire to take care of your teeth, brush them. Teach children that health depends on proper nutrition: food should be not only tasty, but also healthy. To give an idea of ​​what products are most useful and necessary for a person every day for health, to teach children to choose the most useful products. Introduce children to the meaning of 1 1 9
    March (3 weeks) March (4 weeks) "Vitamins from the garden." Physical education class: “Fairytale forest”. vitamins and minerals in human life. Clarify children's knowledge about vegetables, fruits, their place of growth, benefits for humans. Continue to teach expressively telling riddles about vegetables, fruits. Development of logic and thinking, thinking. Cultivate a conscious attitude to the need to harden, play sports, eat vegetables, fruits to resist diseases. Exercise children in walking and running, crawling and june on all fours; to consolidate the ability to jump on two legs in place and moving forward; continue to teach to maintain balance when walking with a snake between objects, to walk in small and wide steps. t in about and t about a verbal signal. Strengthen the musculoskeletal system, develop fine and general motor skills. 1 1 8. April (1 week) April (2 weeks) April (3 weeks) "My skin". "Pity your skin." "Visiting Moidodyr". Examination of the skin on the hands through a magnifying glass. Tell children about the importance of skin for a person. To strengthen the cultural and hygienic skills of washing hands. with in about e m in the body. Deepen children's knowledge about skin care, talk about hardening. Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle. Remember and fix what personal hygiene items help a person to be neat, clean, beautiful, well-groomed. 1 1 1 10
    April (week 4) Sports day: “Nimble kittens”. To teach children to walk on a bench with stepping over an object, maintaining balance; exercise in long jumps, pushing off with both legs and gently landing on the ground; to develop the flexibility of the ridge, crawling under two arcs. To develop attention to the signals of the educator, to reduce the orientation in space. to experience positive emotions, the desire to actively engage in the game. 1 9. May (1 week) May (2 weeks) May (3-4 weeks) "Doll Masha is visiting us." Physical culture doug: "My cheerful sonorous ball." Diagnosis To introduce children to the rules and behavior when meeting guests. To consolidate the rules and habits and culture of behavior during meals. Formation of self-service skills. Cause joy and satisfaction from joint gaming activities. Exercise children in a whole complex of various movements: running, bouncing, hitting the ball with the palm of the hand on the floor, pushing away from oneself, tossing and catching the ball with both hands, rolling it. Develop the ability to act on a signal; develop memory, attention, the ability to listen to the teacher. Identification of the necessary skills and abilities in children at the end of the school year. 1 1 11

    The results of mastering the program of the circle "Zdorovyachok"
    At the end of the school year, pupils may know: - Signs of a healthy and hardened person. - Rules of healthy sleep, good mood. - Rules for maintaining correct posture. - Rules of conduct while eating, washing. - Rules for skin care. - Rules for caring for the organs of vision, hearing, and teeth. - Rules for hair care. - Rules for caring for things. - Rules of conduct when meeting guests. - About the structure of the human body. - About healthy and unhealthy food. - Names of personal hygiene items and their purpose.
    Pupils can be able to:
    - Wash your face properly, wash your hands, brush your ears and teeth. - Brush properly. - Go to bed properly. - Use a handkerchief. - Take care of your skin and nails. - Perform age-appropriate basic movements. - Follow the rules to maintain correct posture. - Follow the rules of conduct at the table, in public places. 12


    1. Averina I.E. Physical culture minutes and dynamic pauses in preschool educational institutions. - M., 2006. - 144 p. 2. Barinova E.V. We teach hygiene to preschoolers. - M., 2013. - 208 p. 3. Glazyrina L.D. Physical culture - for preschoolers. Younger age. - M., 2000. - 272 p. 4. Health-saving system of a preschool educational institution: program models, recommendations, lesson development / ed. comp. M.A. Pavlova, M.V. Lysogorskaya. - Volgograd, 2009. - 186 p. 5. Kartushina M.Yu. We want to be healthy: health and educational activities for children kindergarten. - M., 2004. - 384 p. 6. Kruseva T.O. Handbook of an instructor in physical education in preschool institutions. - Rostov n / D., 2005. - 253 p. 7. Methodological manual "Man and his protection" / ed. comp. N.S. Smirnova. - Mezhdurechensk, 2008. 8. From birth to school. Approximate basic general education program preschool education/ Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - M., 2012. - 336 p. 9. Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education classes with children 3-4 years old. Abstracts of classes. - M., 2012. - 80 p. 10. Poltavtseva N.V., Stozharova M.Yu., Krasnova R.S., Gavrilova I.A. We introduce preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle. - M., 2013. - 128 p. 11. Utrobina K.K. Entertaining physical education in kindergarten for children 3-5 years old. Abstracts of occupations and entertainments. Games and trainings. - M., 2004. - 104 p. 12. Yakovleva L.V. Physical development and health of children 3-7 years old: a manual for teachers of preschool institutions: at 3 hours - M., 2004. - Part 2. Lesson notes for the second junior and middle groups. – 207 p. 20

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

    "Kindergarten "Umka"


    Head of MBDOU "D / s" Umka "

    Kraysvetney A.V.

    “___”_____________20 g


    program of physical culture and health improvement and correctional orientation

    (for children 3-7 years old)

    Compiled by:

    Kolesnikova Natalya Alexandrovna,

    physical education instructor

    MBDOU "D / s" Umka "

    Explanatory note

    The modified program "Zdorovyachok" of physical culture, sports and correctional orientation was developed for children aged 3-7 years who have disorders in the musculoskeletal system (violation of posture and flat feet). The program is implemented within one year of study.

    The recruitment of the Healthy group is carried out taking into account the general functional state of children, age, medical examination data, recommendations of medical specialists (pediatrician, surgeon). The medical staff of the preschool educational institution diagnoses the condition of the arches of the foot using objective research methods (plantography).

    The results of the medical examination of children are brought to the attention of the parents by the pediatrician of the preschool educational institution individually and they are recommended classes in corrective gymnastics in the group.

    Enrollment of children in the Healthy group is carried out with the consent of the parents. The term for the implementation of the program for each pupil is determined individually according to the indications of a medical examination and diagnostic results.

    The head of physical education tests the strength endurance of the muscles of the back and abdominals, flexibility. This is done in order to determine the initial state of the child's muscular system and, in the future, to control the results of classes.

    Classes are held with an uneven age group of 3-5 years and 5-7 years no more than 10 people 2 times a week in the afternoon (in addition to physical education). The duration of the lesson for children of 5-7 years of age is 25-30 minutes, for children of 3-5 years of age 20 minutes. At the same time, sanitary and hygienic standards are observed and it is possible to have a good rest and restore working capacity due to walking and daytime sleep, taking into account syllabus preschool educational institution.

    Knowledge of the features of age periodization is necessary for the correct construction of the Healthy program for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The main features of the formation of the musculoskeletal system in the first periods of a child's life:

    Infancy (first year of life): all the physiological curves of the spine are cast, the muscular system is strengthened. Therapeutic gymnastics is aimed at normalizing muscle tone, improving blood circulation.

    Early childhood (1- 3 years): physiological curves of the spine are more pronounced, increasing muscle mass, especially large muscles (torso). The first signs of a violation of posture appear. Therapeutic gymnastics is aimed at strengthening the muscular corset.

    First childhood(4- 7 years): physiological curves are pronounced and continue to form, muscles and skeleton are strengthened. The volume of active movements increases. A three-year-old child can bounce on two legs, jump off blocks 10-15 cm high, jump over a cord lying on the floor. Motor qualities begin to manifest themselves more clearly at the age of 4. By the age of 5, coordination of movements improves. The period ends with a striking distinctive feature - the first physiological (skeletal) traction, which is characterized by an accelerated growth of the body in length. The second such traction will be noted only at puberty. With the intensive growth of the skeleton, an increase in the number of signs of impaired posture and flat feet is associated.


    I'm not afraid to repeat again:

    Health care-

    This is the most important work of an educator.

    From the cheerfulness, cheerfulness of children

    Their spiritual life depends

    outlook, mental development,

    Strength of knowledge, self-confidence

    V.A. Sukhomlinsky

    There is no doubt that health is a great value. Raising a child strong, strong, healthy and smart is the goal of all parents. And one of the main tasks of physicians and teachers. Numerous scientific studies indicate that the growth of deviations in the state of health of the child occurs during preschool childhood.

    The problem of raising a healthy child is relevant today more than ever. The greatest concern of specialists is caused by children of early and preschool age, whose incidence rate for last years has grown.

    Meanwhile, it is preschool age that is a sensitive period of a child's development, when the foundation of his health, physical development, motor skills and abilities is laid. The development and health in subsequent years of life depends on how the upbringing and education of the child is organized, what conditions are created for the development of his physical qualities.

    During the first seven years of life, the child's body grows and develops intensively. Most of the critical periods are associated with this age, which makes the preschooler the most vulnerable to the effects of external factors, both unfavorable social and environmental, demographic, climatic, namely:

    · heredity;

    Features of a sharply continental climate (temperature and pressure drops);

    unfavorable environmental conditions.

    a lifestyle that provides greatest influence on the state of health.

    Given these factors, we are aware that it is difficult to change the current state of affairs radically. But kindergarten specialists can and should influence the preservation, strengthening and correction of children's health.

    Every year in our kindergarten, children are examined by specialist doctors (surgeon, pediatrician, ENT, ophthalmologist). Pediatricians note that one of the first places among all deviations in the state of health of children is occupied by violations of posture and arch of the foot.

    Analyzing the results of the examination of children by medical specialists, we noted that the number of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system is increasing every year.

    At present, the problem of improving the health of children is given sufficient attention, in particular, specialized centers are open and successfully operate, in which classes are held with children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. However, most parents do not have enough money and time to attend such classes. For many, it is more convenient when corrective work with a child is carried out directly in kindergarten. Therefore, it is obvious that additional classes with children aimed at developing the skill of correct posture and preventing flat feet in children in a kindergarten are relevant.

    Violation of posture is noted in two planes - frontal and sagittal. Violations are visible when we look at the child (front) from behind and from the side. In preschool children, the so-called sluggish posture is mainly determined. One of the main reasons for the formation of a sluggish posture is the poor development of the child's muscles, his lack of physical activity, frequent and prolonged illness. Often sluggish posture is combined with various defects of the lower extremities, which is explained by general weakness the entire musculoskeletal system. The most common pathology of the musculoskeletal system in preschool children is the deformity of the arch of the foot - its flattening. The foot is the foundation, the support of our body, and any developmental disorder can be reflected in the posture of the child. The arch of the foot begins to develop during the period of active walking and should be formed by 3 years.

    The Zdorovyachok program ensures the formation of children's interest in their personal health, the preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health, through the implementation of modern health technologies adapted to the conditions of a preschool institution. These technologies are purely preventive in nature and are aimed at maintaining the emotionally positive tone of the pupils.

    When writing the program, a sufficient amount of scientific and methodological literature was studied, correctional methods of well-known specialists were analyzed. It is concluded that considerable experience has been accumulated in this area, separate complexes of therapeutic gymnastics for preschoolers have been developed, which are carried out in polyclinics, medical and physical education dispensaries (M. I. Fonarev, V. K. Velitchenko, O. V. Kozyreva and others .). However, there are practically no scientific and methodological developments on corrective work with children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system in relation to the conditions of a preschool institution.

    Our program is based on scientifically based health-improving methods, such authors as O. V. Kozyreva, I. S. Krasikova and the program for the improvement of preschool children "The Green Light of Health" (author M. Yu. Kartushina).

    Our kindergarten works according to the program "Childhood" (under the editorship of T.I. Babaeva, Z.I. Mikhailova, L.M. Gurovich). The peculiarity of the "Zdorovyachok" program is that it complements the "Childhood" program in physical education and is implemented through the use of therapeutic exercises aimed at general strengthening of the muscles of the trunk and limbs. One of the varieties of therapeutic gymnastics is corrective gymnastics. Carrying out classes of corrective gymnastics in the conditions of a preschool educational institution allows you to timely and effectively eliminate these causes at the early stages of the formation of posture and arch disorders. It is the timeliness of the use of physical exercises with therapeutic purpose are the most significant factor in the introduction of therapeutic gymnastics into the practice of correctional work of preschool educational institutions.

    As a result of the implementation of the Zdorovyachok program, the effectiveness of work on the prevention and correction of disorders of the musculoskeletal system was increased. The pediatrician of the preschool educational institution noted that when conducting additional classes in corrective gymnastics, preschool children experience an objective improvement in posture, the formation of the arch of the foot, strengthening the muscular apparatus, and developing strength.

    Distinctive features"Zdorovyachok" program. The main differences in corrective gymnastics are special exercises:

    on the development of large muscle groups (especially the muscles of the back and abdominals),

    to strengthen the muscular corset of the spine, which forms the correct posture,

    To strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus, which forms the correct arch of the foot.

    All exercises are performed at a more relaxed pace.

    A feature of the corrective gymnastics complexes is the use of game exercises with images that are attractive to children. All exercises are perceived by children as part of the game and are included in their independent motor activity, which is extremely important.

    The Zdorovyachok program is methodically supported: a thematic curriculum for children aged 3-5 and 5-7 years has been drawn up, summaries of remedial classes for each age group have been developed, recommendations for parents and educators have been prepared, file cabinets have been created: “Correctional games and exercises”, "Health exercises for a beautiful posture", "Mysteries for exercise."

    Characteristics of flat feet.

    In the scientific literature, flat feet are most often considered as a deformity of the foot, characterized by flattening of its bases.

    Often, flat feet are one of the causes of poor posture. With flat feet, accompanied by a flattening of the arch of the feet, the support function of the legs decreases sharply, the position of the pelvis changes, and it becomes difficult to walk.

    According to many studies, the foot is a complex consolidated organ that performs supporting, locomotive and shock-absorbing functions. It is the support, the foundation of the body, so it is natural that the violation of this foundation is necessarily reflected in the formation of the growing organism. Changing the shape of the foot not only causes a decrease in its functionality, but also, most importantly, changes the position of the pelvis and spine. This negatively affects the functions of the latter and, consequently, the posture and general condition of the child.

    From the point of view of specialists, insufficient development of the muscles and ligaments of the feet adversely affects the development of many movements in children, leads to a decrease in motor activity and can become a serious obstacle to practicing many sports.

    The shape distinguishes the normal (vaulted), flattened plane of the foot. There are transverse and longitudinal flat feet, a combination of both forms is possible. With transverse flat feet, the transverse arch of the foot is flattened, its anterior section rests on the heads of all five metatarsal bones, and not on I and V, as is normal.

    With prolonged flat feet, the longitudinal arch is simplified and the foot is in contact with the floor with almost the entire area of ​​the sole. A flat foot is characterized by a lowering of its longitudinal and transverse arch, and later painful symptoms appear: fatigue and pain when walking and standing.

    Flat feet can be congenital (very rare) and acquired. The most common causes of the latter are weakness of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the foot (for example, as a result of rickets or excessive loads), wearing ill-fitting shoes, clubfoot, injuries to the foot, ankle, ankle, and paralysis of the lower limb (more often after poliomyelitis - the so-called paralytic flat feet).

    The earliest signs of flat feet are fatigue of the legs, aching pain (when walking, and later when standing) in the foot, muscles of the lower leg and thigh, lower back. By evening, swelling of the foot may appear, disappearing overnight.

    Children's foot compared with an adult is short, wide, and narrowed in the heel region. The fingers diverge, while in adults they fit snugly together. In children, subcutaneous tissue is highly developed on the sole, which fills the arches of the foot, which often leads to diagnostic errors. The range of motion of a child's foot is greater than that of an adult, due to the significant elasticity of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus. Therefore, the children's foot is less adapted to statistical loads: jumping, jumping off high projectiles. The feet tire quickly and are easily deformed. When loading, the arches of the feet are somewhat compacted, but at the end of it, they immediately return to their original position with the help of active muscle contraction.

    Successful prevention and correction of flat feet is possible on the basis of the integrated use of all means of physical education: hygiene factors (shoe hygiene and its correct selection in accordance with the purpose) and physical exercises (special sets of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the foot and lower leg and forming the arches of the foot.

    Work on the prevention and correction of flat feet in children in a preschool educational institution should be carried out systematically.

    - watch their posture;

    - pay attention to the fact that they always keep the body and head straight;

    - Do not spread your toes wide when walking.

    – daily gymnastics and sports activities;

    - walking barefoot in the warm season on uneven ground.

    This causes a protective reflex, "sparing" the arch of the foot, preventing the manifestation of flat feet.

    Posture characteristics.

    Correction of posture defects is not only the task of physical education of children, but also the most important moment of primary and secondary prevention of orthopedic diseases and diseases internal organs. In children with impaired posture, the physiological reserves of respiration and circulation are reduced, and adaptive reactions are impaired. And weakness of the abdominal muscles leads to disruption of the normal activity of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs abdominal cavity. In addition, violations of the spring function of the spine adversely affect the higher nervous activity of the child, which can manifest itself in increased fatigue and headaches.

    Currently, every second child has a diagnosis of postural disorders, but experts treat this very casually. This is manifested in the fact that children with a defect in posture are examined by them once or a detailed diagnosis is not made. But without this, a specific correction in the frontal or sagittal planes is impossible. Therefore, it is so important to correctly and timely carry out diagnostics, qualified complex treatment and prevention. various types posture disorders in children.

    Posture- the habitual position of the human body during movement and rest - is formed from early childhood in the process of growth, development and education. This is the usual posture of a person, which depends on the shape of the spine and the development of muscles - the "support corset".

    There are correct posture, stooped, lordotic (round back), kyphotic, straightened (flat back), as well as asymmetric.

    Postural disorders occur and progress most often due to a decrease in motor activity during the period of intensive growth of the child. If changes in posture are detected, attention should be paid to possible comorbidities (impaired vision and breathing, decreased hearing acuity in one ear, etc.).

    Scoliosis(scoliotic disease) is a lateral curvature of the spine with obligatory rotation (turn) of the vertebral bodies. With true scoliosis, even in the initial stage, there is a deformation of the spine, which persists regardless of the position of the child and the load.

    A great influence on the formation of posture in children has the position of the spine, the condition nervous system.

    Spine- This is one of the most important parts of the backbone. Its main functions are support, protection spinal cord, cushioning shocks and shocks - are provided due to its strength, elasticity and mobility.

    Thus, to solve the tasks set, complexes were developed for the formation of correct posture and the prevention of flat feet.



    Working programm

    in the sports and health club "Zdorovyachok"

    1. Explanatory note ................................................................ .......................................... 3 p.
    2. Characteristics of flat feet ....................................................... ...............................4 p.
    3. Characteristics of posture .................................................. .........................................5 p.
    4. Complexes aimed at the prevention of flat feet and the formation of correct posture .................................................................. ................................................. .....6 page
    5. List of teaching aids .............................................................. ......................................23 p.
    6. Bibliography................................................ ...............................................24 p.
    7. Application................................................. ................................................. ........25 page

    Explanatory note.

    This program is based on the programs of education and training in kindergarten: "Origins", Center "Preschool Childhood" named after. A.V. Zaporozhets and modern innovative technologies:

    • "The system of physical education in the preschool educational institution." Litvinova O.M.

    The purpose of the "Program" is to provide the pupil with the opportunity to maintain his health during the period of being in kindergarten, the formation of a physically, intellectually and socially mature personality of a preschooler. As well as the prevention of flat feet and the formation of correct posture.

    Program objectives:

    1. To create conditions for the prevention of flat feet and postural disorders of children in various types and forms of physical activity;
    2. Familiarize with accessible ways to promote health, to encourage consciously, treat one's health;
    3. Promote the protection and promotion of children's health;
    4. Enrich motor experience through different kinds movements;
    5. To form the need for constant motor activity and the ability to regulate it.

    To solve the problems of physical education of children in the preschool educational institution, the following pedagogical means are used: sports and health club "Zdorovyachok".

    Classes are designed for children 4–7 years old, the duration of the classes is 20 minutes, they are held 2 times a week.The dosage of exercises depends on the age and level of preparedness of children and can range from 4–5 times at the stage of learning exercises to 10–12 times at the stage of consolidating and improving the complex. One complex is designed for two weeks. Total lessons per month - 8, per year -72.

    Classes for the prevention of flat feet and posture correction begin in October, since in September children adapt to the conditions of kindergarten, and health disorders of pupils are detected by specialists, such as a senior nurse. We use data from physical dispensaries and clinics.

    In total, there were 54 children with impaired posture and flat feet, 42 of them with impaired posture, 11 with flat feet, one child with both flat feet and impaired posture.

    Characteristics of flat feet.

    In the scientific literature, flat feet are most often considered as a deformity of the foot, characterized by flattening of its bases.

    Often, flat feet are one of the causes of poor posture. With flat feet, accompanied by a flattening of the arch of the feet, the support function of the legs decreases sharply, the position of the pelvis changes, and it becomes difficult to walk.

    According to many studies, the foot is a complex consolidated organ that performs supporting, locomotive and shock-absorbing functions. It is the support, the foundation of the body, so it is natural that the violation of this foundation is necessarily reflected in the formation of the growing organism. Changing the shape of the foot not only causes a decrease in its functionality, but also, most importantly, changes the position of the pelvis and spine. This negatively affects the functions of the latter and, consequently, the posture and general condition of the child.

    From the point of view of specialists, insufficient development of the muscles and ligaments of the feet adversely affects the development of many movements in children, leads to a decrease in motor activity and can become a serious obstacle to practicing many sports.

    The shape distinguishes the normal (vaulted), flattened plane of the foot. There are transverse and longitudinal flat feet, a combination of both forms is possible. With transverse flat feet, the transverse arch of the foot is flattened, its anterior section rests on the heads of all five metatarsal bones, and not on I and V, as is normal.

    With prolonged flat feet, the longitudinal arch is simplified and the foot is in contact with the floor with almost the entire area of ​​the sole. A flat foot is characterized by a lowering of its longitudinal and transverse arch, and later painful symptoms appear: fatigue and pain when walking and standing.

    Flat feet can be congenital (very rare) and acquired. The most common causes of the latter are weakness of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the foot (for example, as a result of rickets or excessive loads), wearing ill-fitting shoes, clubfoot, injuries to the foot, ankle, ankle, and paralysis of the lower limb (more often after poliomyelitis - the so-called paralytic flat feet).

    The earliest signs of flat feet are fatigue of the legs, aching pain (when walking, and later when standing) in the foot, muscles of the lower leg and thigh, lower back. By evening, swelling of the foot may appear, disappearing overnight.

    Children's foot compared with an adult is short, wide, and narrowed in the heel region. The fingers diverge, while in adults they fit snugly together. In children, subcutaneous tissue is highly developed on the sole, which fills the arches of the foot, which often leads to diagnostic errors. The range of motion of a child's foot is greater than that of an adult, due to the significant elasticity of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus. Therefore, the children's foot is less adapted to statistical loads: jumping, jumping off high projectiles. The feet tire quickly and are easily deformed. When loading, the arches of the feet are somewhat compacted, but at the end of it, they immediately return to their original position with the help of active muscle contraction.

    Successful prevention and correction of flat feet is possible on the basis of the integrated use of all means of physical education: hygiene factors (shoe hygiene and its correct selection in accordance with the purpose) and physical exercises (special sets of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the foot and lower leg and forming the arches of the foot.

    Work on the prevention and correction of flat feet in children in a preschool educational institution should be carried out systematically.

    In the process of preventing flat feet in children, it is necessary:

    - watch their posture;

    - pay attention to the fact that they always keep the body and head straight;

    - Do not spread your toes wide when walking.

    The muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the legs is strengthened:

    – daily gymnastics and sports activities;

    - walking barefoot in the warm season on uneven ground.

    This causes a protective reflex, "sparing" the arch of the foot, preventing the manifestation of flat feet.

    Posture characteristics.

    Correction of posture defects is not only the task of physical education of children, but also the most important moment of primary and secondary prevention of orthopedic diseases and diseases of internal organs. In children with impaired posture, the physiological reserves of respiration and circulation are reduced, and adaptive reactions are impaired. And the weakness of the abdominal muscles lead to disruption of the normal activity of the gastrointestinal tract and other abdominal organs. In addition, violations of the spring function of the spine adversely affect the higher nervous activity of the child, which can manifest itself in increased fatigue and headaches.

    Currently, every second child has a diagnosis of postural disorders, but experts treat this very casually. This is manifested in the fact that children with a defect in posture are examined by them once or a detailed diagnosis is not made. But without this, a specific correction in the frontal or sagittal planes is impossible. Therefore, it is so important to correctly and timely carry out diagnostics, qualified complex treatment and prevention of various types of posture disorders in children.

    Posture - the habitual position of the human body during movement and rest - is formed from early childhood in the process of growth, development and education. This is the usual posture of a person, which depends on the shape of the spine and the development of muscles - the "support corset".

    There are correct posture, stooped, lordotic (round back), kyphotic, straightened (flat back), as well as asymmetric.

    Postural disorders occur and progress most often due to a decrease in motor activity during the period of intensive growth of the child. If changes in posture are detected, attention should be paid to possible comorbidities (impaired vision and breathing, decreased hearing acuity in one ear, etc.).

    Scoliosis (scoliotic disease) is a lateral curvature of the spine with obligatory rotation (turn) of the vertebral bodies. With true scoliosis, even in the initial stage, there is a deformation of the spine, which persists regardless of the position of the child and the load.

    The position of the spine and the state of the nervous system have a great influence on the formation of posture in children.

    Spine - This is one of the most important parts of the backbone. Its main functions - support, protection of the spinal cord, shock and shock absorption - are provided due to its strength, elasticity and mobility.

    Thus, to solve the tasks set, complexes were developed for the formation of correct posture and the prevention of flat feet.

    Complexes aimed at the prevention of flat feet and the formation of correct posture.


    Preparatory part of the lesson:

    Take the correct posture while standing against the wall: - with open eyes; - stand and remember your feelings with your eyes closed (1 min).

    1. I.p. - the same, arms to the sides, palms up. 1- raise your head until your chin touches your chest, look at your socks, pull your socks towards you (hold in this position for 1-2 counts), lower your head and socks and relax for 1-2 counts. Complication: raise your head, socks on yourself, stretch your arms forward.
    2. "Dance of the Heels"-
    3. "Accordion" -

    The main part of the lesson.

    • Self-extension: - I.p.: the child lies on his back, arms along the body, head, torso, legs - in one straight line. - I.p .: the child lies on his back, head, torso, legs in one straight line, arms extended upwards. Press your chin to your chest (without raising your head), pull your socks towards you. Press your chin to your chest, socks on yourself. Stretch.

    Final part.Slow run. Breathing exercise "Lips with a tube" - a) complete exhalation through the nose, drawing in the stomach and intercostal muscles; b) fold your lips with a “tube”, sharply draw in air, filling all the lungs with it to failure; c) make a swallowing movement (as if swallowing air); d) pause for 2-3 seconds, then raise your head up and exhale the air through your nose smoothly and slowly 4-6 times.

    Take the correct posture against the wall.

    Target: formation of correct posture and prevention of flat feet. Strengthening the muscles of the arms, back, abdomen.

    Preparatory part:

    General developmental exercises:

    1. The duck walks waddle - stumbling. I.p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support behind. 1-2 - lifting the inner arches, lean on the outer edges of the feet. 3-4 - i. P.

    The main part of the lesson.

    Run at an average pace. Walking on toes, on heels.

    Game exercise "Swinging chair".

    Game exercise "Rocket". Purpose: for the muscles of the arms, back, abdomen, legs, coordination. Now we will prepare the rocket for flight. Lying on your back, gently raise your legs up. Resting hands on the lower back, raise the lower part of the body. Legs pull up, straightening them. The rocket is ready to launch. Three, two, one - start! Let go - lie down on your back and rest before the next launch. Repeat 3 times.

    Final part.

    Target: the formation of correct posture and the prevention of flat feet, strengthening the "muscle corset".

    Preparatory part.

    Take the correct posture, move away from the wall for 1-2 steps, maintaining the position;

    Walking on the outer edges of the feet (at an average pace, up to 2–3 minutes). Light running on toes (1–1.5 minutes).

    General developmental exercises.

    1. Lie down on the mat on your back. The head, torso, legs form a straight line, arms are pressed to the body. Raise your head and shoulders, check check straight position that was taken in the supine position;

    Main part.


    Take the correct posture while standing against the wall: shoulder blades, buttocks, heels should be in contact with the wall;

    General developmental exercises.

    1. Exercise "walking on heels" - the child walks on his heels, without touching the floor with his fingers and soles.
    2. Exercise "boat" - the child, sitting on the floor with bent knees and pressing the soles of the feet to each other, gradually tries to straighten the knees until the toes and heels of the legs can be pressed against each other (trying to give the feet the shape of a boat).

    The main part of the lesson.


    1. "spring extension". Bend your arms in front of your chest, clench your fingers into a fist and raise your elbows to the sides; imitating the stretching of a spring, vigorously move your shoulders back, bringing your elbows together.
    2. "Bunny". Squat low on the entire foot, bending the arms to the shoulders, palms forward, pressing the elbows to the body and bringing the shoulder blades together.
    3. "Skier". Squat on the whole foot, leaning forward and taking your hands back, imitating the movements of a skier when pushing off with sticks.

    Outdoor games.

    The final part of the lesson.Light running on toes (up to 1 min), walking on toes with a high hip lift (at an average pace, up to 1–1.5 min). Breathing exercises.

    Target: training in self-extraction, the formation of correct posture, correction of flat feet, strengthening the "muscle corset".

    Preparatory part of the lesson.

    Slow running, raising your knees high, running backwards. Walking on the outer edges of the feet (at an average pace, up to 2-2.5 minutes). Walking on a gymnastic stick straight and sideways (up to 1 min). All while maintaining correct posture.

    General developmental exercises.

    1. I. p. - sitting on the floor. Flexion and extension of the feet (5 times for 10 s).
    2. I. p. - sitting on the floor. Circular rotation of the foot left-right (5 times for 10 s).
    3. I. p. - standing. Grab a small object with the fingers of one foot, lift it and hold it in this position for 5–10 s.
    4. I. p. - lying on your back, legs together, arms extended along the body, palms up. 1 - bend the right leg, pulling the thigh to the stomach; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - the same with the other leg (eight times).
    5. I. p. - lying on the stomach, hands under the chin. 1 - stretch the left hand forward, and the right hand back, along the body, lower the head and raise the body; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - do the same, changing the position of the hands (eight times).
    6. I. p. - about. With. 1 - raise your hands forward and upward, straightening your back and rising on your toes; 2 - lower your arms to the sides and down (five to six times).
    7. I. p. - legs apart. 1 - tilt the body forward, arching the back and moving the outstretched arms to the sides; 2 - i. n. When tilting, keep your head straight (six times).
    8. I. p. - hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs, alternating with walking (two times 10 jumps).

    The main part of the lesson.

    Game exercise "Baby".I. p. - lying on your back, arms extended along the body, legs tightly pressed to each other. The child is invited to imagine himself as a baby of infancy, to depict his mood and movements: lifting the legs bent at the knees, pulling the feet to the face, involuntary movements of the arms and legs in the air, cooing, raising the head (without taking the shoulders off the floor), turning it to the sides , manifestation of emotions of joy, improvisation of crying with the sound "wah-wah", imitation of the movement of the lips sucking the nipple.

    Game exercise "Bug on the back." I. p. - lying on your back, arms and legs in a free position. Imagine how a bug fell from a branch to the ground, but fell unsuccessfully. He ended up on his back and tries to roll over on his tummy to crawl away.

    Image of floundering with paws in different directions. Rocking on the back from side to side (side rocker). Attempt to roll over on your side with a jerk, and then stand on your elbows and knees. During floundering, do not help with your head and shoulders, sway your body.

    At the end of the game, the child can be asked: “Which part of the body can be rocked easily, and which remains motionless?”, “What kind of bug are you?”, “What do you have (legs, wings, shell)?” "What is your mood?"

    Mobile game "Forbidden movement". In this game, you should be very careful: you need to perform all the exercises shown by the teacher or the child, with the exception of the prohibited one.

    Mobile game "Giants and gnomes". Walking in a column one at a time. At the signal of the teacher "Giants!" children walk on their toes with their hands up, followed by normal walking. On the next signal "Gnomes!" - walking in a half-squat, and so in alternation.

    The final part of the lesson.Walking Chanterelles, Boars, Bears.

    Chanterelles - soft crouching walking on toes.

    "Boars" - heavy walking on the heels.

    "Bears" - clumsy walking on the outside of the foot, with fingers tucked inward - on a ribbed inclined board (bears climb a tree), on a rug with buttons (on a beach with pebbles), with slats (on fallen twigs).

    The final part of the lesson.Easy running, relaxation to the music.

    Target: training in self-extraction, the formation of correct posture, correction of flat feet, strengthening the "muscle corset".

    Preparatory part of the lesson.

    Construction. Walking on toes, "bears", "monkeys"– soft, bouncing, walking, climbing the Swedish wall (monkeys climb a palm tree), walking sideways on a tightrope (crossing a river along a narrow bridge). "snake walking" Slow running (1-2 minutes).

    • Take the correct posture against the wall, step back 2 steps, sit down, stand up, take the correct posture.
    • Take the correct posture, rise on your toes, holding in this position for 3-4 seconds, return to the I.P. (reach out to the sun with your head).

    General developmental exercises.

    1. I.p - lying on the stomach. Raise your head and shoulders. Hands to the side. Squeezing and unclenching the hands.
    2. The same as in the 1st exercise, but make circular movements with straight arms.
    3. I.p. Same. The movement of the arms to the sides - back, to the sides - up.
    4. I. p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support behind. Walking in place without lifting your socks off the floor.
    5. I. p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support behind. 1-2 - lifting the inner arches, lean on the outer edges of the feet. 3-4 - i. P.
    6. I. p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support behind. Crawling movements of the feet forward and backward with the help of fingers.
    7. I. p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support behind. 1-2 - tearing off the heels from the floor, spread them apart (the beak opened), say "quack-quack". 3-4 - return to the starting position.
    8. I. p. - sitting, hands in support behind, socks extended. Alternate flexion-extension of the left and right feet.
    9. I.p. - lying on the stomach in pairs against each other, the ball in bent arms in front of. Rolling the ball to a partner, catching the ball while maintaining an elevated position of the head and shoulders.
    10. Self-extension in a sitting position. I.p .: the child sits on the floor in Turkish, the back is straight, the palms lie on the upper thighs.
    11. Stretch the top of your head up, resting your palms on your hips. Relax, but don't arch your back.
    12. Raise your hands up with your palms (you can clasp your fingers into the lock), stretch the top of your head after your hands. Relax in ip These movements are performed slowly, smoothly and with pleasure.

    The main part of the lesson.

    Walking on a gymnastic stick straight and sideways (up to 1 min). Walking on an inclined plane (5-10 times). Springy rolls with heels to toes and vice versa from a squatting position.

    Climbing on the gymnastic wall (the middle of the foot is placed on the slats).

    Game exercise "Who is faster." Children stand in a row. On a signal, they try to grab the crumpled paper with their toes and jump to the intended target.

    Game exercise "Porter". Lifting the cube (ball, bag) with both feet, move it to the right, put it on the floor. Return the cube to its original position. Then move the cube to the left side and return it to its original position.

    The final part of the lesson.Breathing exercises. Slow running. Walking on toes, on heels, on the outer edges of the feet, on the inner edges of the feet.

    Target: strengthening the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, the formation of correct posture, the prevention of flat feet.

    Preparatory part of the lesson.

    Take the correct posture while standing against the wall: - with open eyes;

    Stand and remember your feelings with your eyes closed (1 min).

    Take the correct posture, move away from the wall for 1-2 steps, maintaining the position;

    Squatting on toes 8 - 12 times, walking on toes in a semi-squat, maintaining posture.

    Walking on heels, stepping over blocks on the floor (0.5 min). Easy running on toes (0.5 min). Walking on a gymnastic stick along and across, arms to the side.

    General developmental exercises.

    1. I. p. - sitting on a bench. Rolling a small ball with your foot (10-15 with each foot).
    2. I. p. - sitting on a bench. Pulling up the track with a load of 500 g with your toes (up to 2 times).
    3. I. p. - sitting on a bench. Grabbing the ball and other objects with the feet and throwing (8-10 times).
    4. I. p. - sitting on a bench. Grabbing pencils with your toes and shifting them from place to place (30–40 s).
    5. I.p. - standing, stick below in the hands. Raise the stick with straight arms up, straightening your back; put the stick down.
    6. Bend your arms in front of your chest, clench your fingers into a fist and raise your elbows to the sides; imitating the stretching of a spring, vigorously move your shoulders back, bringing your elbows together.
    7. Bend your arms, pressing your elbows to your body, pulling your shoulders back and bringing your shoulder blades together; put your hands down.
    8. Clap your hands behind your back and above your head without bending your arms.

    The main part of the lesson.

    Game exercise "Dance on a rope" - put a rope on the floor and try to walk along it, keeping your balance. Spread your arms to the sides and pretend that you are dancing on a wire. Put one foot in front of the other, do not bend your knees. In no case do not put your foot next to the line, otherwise you will fall.

    Game exercise "Play the ball with your feet" - two children sit on the floor one against the other and, leaning back slightly, lean on their hands. Then they take small balls and start throwing them around. Don't pick up the ball!!!

    Game exercise "Engine" - sitting, legs slightly bent at the knees, and arms at the elbows, lifting them to the body. Go! We move forward along the floor, helping only with our feet. We make circular movements with our hands, imitating the movement of wheels. We stopped and drove on.

    The mobile game "Beetles" - at the signal of the instructor: "Beetles have flown!" - all the children scatter around the hall. At the signal: “Beetles are resting” - the children run to the line marked along the edge of the hall and squat down.

    The final part of the lesson.Slow run. Relaxation with music.

    Preparatory part of the lesson.

    Take the correct posture, sit down, spreading your knees to the sides and maintaining a straight position of the head and spine. Slowly get up, take i.p.

    Walking one after another on toes, on heels, on the outer and inner side of the foot, with the performance of tasks (stand on one leg - hands on the belt, two or three jumps on one leg, etc.). Running in a column one at a time, with a high knee raise, "chanterelle" (one hand - to the chin, the other - to the coccyx). Walking, building in links.

    General developmental exercises.

    1. I. p. - standing, with closed socks, hands on the belt. Raise your toes up, return to the starting position (10-15 times).
    2. I. p. - standing, socks together, heels apart. Rise on toes, return to the starting position (10-15 times).
    3. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. Squat on the entire foot, return to the starting position (6-8 times).
    4. I. p. - standing, right foot in front of the left (trace to trace). Rise on toes, return to the starting position (8-10 times).
    5. I. p. - sitting on a chair. Flexion and extension of the feet (5 times for 10 s).
    6. I. p. - sitting on a chair, one leg on the knee of the other. Circular rotation of the foot left-right (5 times for 10 s).
    7. I. p. - lying on your back, arms lie along the body with palms down, legs are straightened. The left foot slides along the right shin. The same with the right foot on the left shin (8-10 times).
    8. I. p. - sitting on a chair, use your toes to collect the fabric lying on the floor in a fold (accordion) (6-8 times).
    9. I. p. - sitting on a chair. Flexion and extension of the legs at the knees with the ball sandwiched between the feet (8 times).

    The main part of the lesson.

    Game exercise "Riding on a seahorse" - children lie on your back! Imagine flat water. Suddenly, the head of a seahorse and a rider appears above the water. Sit in the “corner” with the simultaneous counter movement of arms and legs. Our legs are seahorses and we are riders. We swept a little and plunged into the water: lay on our backs and relaxed. Repeat 3-4 times.

    Game exercise "Stretching the legs" - while sitting, bend the right leg and grab the foot. Try to straighten your leg completely without losing your balance. Do the same with the left leg, or with both legs.

    Sedentary game "Snake" - children stand in a circle. The instructor pronounces the words: "I am a snake without a tail." Approaches one of the children and asks: “(child's name), do you want to be my tail?”. If the child answers in the affirmative, the instructor invites you to crawl on all fours between his legs and stand behind him, legs wide apart. The instructor holds his hands. And so on, every child repeats. Children crawl on all fours between the legs of the instructor and the legs of the children, placing their hands on the shoulders of the previous child. Then the instructor with a long "tail" walks around the hall - this is a "snake" crawling.

    The final part of the lesson.Slow walking. Breathing exercises.

    Preparatory part of the lesson.

    Adopt the correct posture while standing against the wall:

    • with open eyes;
    • stand and remember your feelings with your eyes closed (1 min).
    • take the correct posture, move 1-2 steps away from the wall, maintaining the position;
    • squatting on toes 8 - 12 times, walking on toes in a semi-squat, maintaining posture.

    Walking one after another on toes, on heels, imitation of skiing (sound "mmm"), diagonally. Running one after another with a turn on a signal. Walking. Construction with sticks in links.

    General developmental exercises.

    1. "Matryoshkas". "We are funny nesting dolls, we have boots on our feet." I. p. - standing legs together, hands on the belt. 1 - right forward on the heel, 2-3 - swing the toe to the right and left, 4 - placing the right, starting position, 5-8 - the same from the left foot.
    2. "Red boots, frisky legs."I. p. - standing legs together, hands on the belt, 1 - right forward - to the side on the heel, 2 - right on the toe, 3 - right on the heel, 4 - putting the right one with a stomp, starting position, 5–8 - then same from the left leg.
    3. "Dance of the Heels"I. p. - standing legs together, hands on the belt, 1-2 - alternately step right, then left forward on the heel, arms to the sides with palms up, 3-4 - alternately step right, then left back on the toe, hands on the belt .
    4. "Harmonic". I. p. - standing heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt, 1 - slightly raise the heel of the right and the toe of the left and slide to the right, 2 - lowering the heel of the right and the toe of the left to the floor, stand the socks together, heels apart, 3 - slightly raise the toe of the right and the heel of the left and slide it to the right, 4 - lowering the toe of the right and the heel of the left to the floor, starting position, 5-8 - the same as 1-4, 1-8 - the same, moving to the left.
    5. "Cyclist". Lying on your back, raising your legs, alternately bend and unbend them, imitating the movements of the legs of a cyclist.
    6. "Boat". Lying on your chest, bend in your back, moving your head and arms back.
    7. "Frog". Lying on your chest, bend in your back, moving your head back, bending your arms to your shoulders and bringing your shoulder blades together.
    8. Back bending. Lying on your chest, bend in your back, raising your head and moving the hoop by the shoulder blades.
    9. "Fish". Lying on your chest, bend in your back, raising outstretched arms and legs up.

    The main part of the lesson.

    Game exercise "Move your feet" - sit on a chair or on the floor. “Introduce” the heel and toes of the right foot to each other. The toes remain in place, and move the heel in front towards the toes. The fingers will move away. Bring your heel closer again and your toes will run away again. As a result, the foot will begin to move in waves. Now do the exercise in the opposite direction - tighten your fingers, but this time the heel will move. The same with the left leg.

    Game exercise "Rolling the ball" - sit on the floor and put your feet on a small ball. Then roll the ball to the toe, then to the heel. This is a very good foot massage. Legs need to be changed from time to time.

    Game exercise "Get the ball" - sit on the floor, legs apart, back straight. Imagine that you have a ball in your hands. "Play" with him. Suddenly the ball rolled away. Get it without moving, but only leaning forward. Try not to bend your legs. Repeat 3-4 times.

    The mobile game "Hares and the Wolf" - children - "hares" are hiding behind the line. A "wolf" is hiding in the side. "Hares" run out into the clearing, frolic. At the instructor's signal: "The wolf is coming!" - "hares" run away and hide behind the line. In the game, you can use the words: hares are jumping: “hop, hop, hop on the green on the meadow. They pinch the grass, eat it, carefully listen: isn’t the wolf coming?

    The final part of the lesson.

    Preparatory part of the lesson.

    Take the correct posture, move away from the wall for 1-2 steps, maintaining the position;

    Take the correct posture against the wall, take two steps forward, sit down, stand up. Reassume correct posture.

    Walking on the outer edges of the feet (at an average pace, up to 2-3 minutes). Light running on toes (1-1.5 minutes). Walking on the outer edges of the feet (2-5 minutes). Walking on the inner edges of the feet (2-5 minutes).

    General developmental exercises.

    1. I. p. - sitting on a bench, legs together, bent at a right angle. Raising and lowering your socks, while pressing your fingers on the floor, imitate sand raking by them (6–8 times).
    2. Jumping in place with a slight advance forward - silently on toes (0.5–1 min).
    3. I.p. - lying on the stomach, with the chin on the back surface of the hands laid on top of each other. Transfer your hands to the belt, raising your head and shoulders, connect your shoulder blades, do not raise your stomach. Hold the adopted position at the command of the instructor.
    4. I.p. - Same. Raising your head and shoulders, slowly move your arms up, to the sides and to your shoulders (as in breaststroke swimming).
    5. I.p. - Same. The movement of the arms to the sides - back, to the sides - up.
    6. I.p. - lying on the stomach, hands under the chin. Alternately raising straightened legs, without lifting the pelvis from the floor. The pace is slow.
    7. Self-extension in the supine position. I.p.: the child lies on his back, head, torso, legs in one straight line, arms along the body.

    Press your chin to your chest (without raising your head), pull your socks towards you. Stretch, aiming with the top of your head in one direction, with your socks in the opposite direction, relax in the sp.

    Press the chin to the chest, socks - on yourself, stretch first with one heel, then with the other, with the crown at this time, strive in the opposite direction, relax in the ip.

    I. p .: the child lies on his stomach, arms up, head rests on his forehead, heels together, socks pulled back.

    Stretch your head and arms in one direction, legs in the opposite direction, relax.

    The main part of the lesson.

    Game exercise "Boat" - I suggest going to cruise. But first, let's build the "boats". Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs slightly apart. Raise your head, arms and legs up. Here you are - different boats. Ride the waves.

    Game exercise "Gingerbread Man" - what a strange bun appeared in the window: it stood quite a bit, took it and fell apart! Lie on your back, and then sit with your arms around your legs and put your head on your knees. Bring your knees to your shoulders and look at your heels. Here you are and koloboks! One, two, three, four, five - you fell apart again. Stretch your legs and lie on your back.

    Game exercise "Hares in the garden". A circle is drawn. All children stand behind him at a distance of half a step. The teacher appoints one of the players as the driver, and he becomes inside the circle anywhere. Children jump across the line into a circle. The driver runs in a circle, trying to touch the players when they are inside the circle. When the driver approaches, everyone returns to the line. The player touched by the driver is considered the loser. Then a new leader is selected from those children whom they have never been able to touch.

    Game exercise "Quickly take it." A circle is formed from cubes. Cubes are two less than the number of players. Children stand in a circle. The teacher gives the task: running (galloping, jumping, running backwards, jumping on one leg, etc.). The teacher says: "Quickly take it!". Each player must take one cube. The one who is left without an item is considered the loser.

    The mobile game "Kittens and Puppies" - children are divided into two groups. Children of one group depict kittens, the second puppies. "Kittens" are near the gymnastic wall. "Puppies" - on the other side of the hall. The instructor offers the "kittens" to run easily and gently. To the words of the instructor: “Puppies!” - the second group of children runs after the “kittens” and barks: “Wow-wow-wow!”. "Kittens", "meowing", quickly climb onto the gymnastic wall. After 2 repetitions, the children change places and the game continues.

    The final part of the lesson.Easy run. Breathing exercises.

    Preparatory part of the lesson.

    While standing, take the correct posture, touching the wall or gymnastic wall. In this case, the back of the head, shoulder blades, gluteal region, calves and heels should touch the wall.

    Adopt the correct posture, move 1-2 steps away from the wall, maintaining the position.

    General developmental exercises.

    1. Starting position (I.p.) - lying on your back, arms along the body -1- 4 - turning the head to the right - to the left (2 - 3 times, touch the floor with the ear);
    2. I.p. -Same. 1- 2- hands through the sides up, stretch - inhale; 3-4 - SP, relax - exhale (2-3 times, stretch with pleasure).
    3. I.p. - the same. Hands to shoulders. 1- bring your elbows forward - exhale, 2- elbows to the sides, slightly stretch in the thoracic region - exhale (bending 3 times, raise your shoulders from the floor) medium.
    4. I.p. - the same, arms to the sides, palms up. 1- raise your head until your chin touches your chest, look at your socks, pull your socks towards you (hold in this position for 1-2 counts), lower your head and socks and relax for 1-2 counts. Complication: raise your head, socks on yourself, stretch your arms forward.
    5. "We are funny nesting dolls, we have boots on our feet." I. p. - standing legs together, hands on the belt. 1 - right forward on the heel, 2-3 - swing the toe to the right and left, 4 - placing the right, starting position, 5-8 - the same from the left foot.
    6. "Dance of the Heels"- I. p. - standing legs together, hands on the belt, 1-2 - alternately step right, then left forward on the heel, arms to the sides with palms up, 3-4 - alternately step right, then left back on the toe, hands on the belt .
    7. "Accordion" - I. p. - standing heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt, 1 - slightly raise the heel of the right and the toe of the left and slide to the right, 2 - lowering the heel of the right and the toe of the left to the floor, stand the socks together, heels apart, 3 - slightly raise the toe of the right and the heel of the left and slide it to the right, 4 - lowering the toe of the right and the heel of the left to the floor, starting position, 5-8 - the same as 1-4, 1-8 - the same, moving to the left.

    The main part of the lesson.

    I.p: lying on the stomach, head, torso and legs are located on one straight line. The arms are bent forward, the head rests on the back of the fingers with the forehead.

    • Raise your head, linger in this position (for 2-10 counts) and return to the starting position.
    • Raise your head and shoulder girdle, hands in “wings”, linger in this position at the expense of returning to SP.
    • Raise your head and shoulder girdle, arms to the sides, linger in this position on the count.
    • Tilts to straight legs (voluntary breathing);
    • Self-extension: - I.p.: the child lies on his back, arms along the body, head, torso, legs - in one straight line. -I.p .: the child lies on his back, head, torso, legs in one straight line, arms extended upwards. Press the chin to the chest (while raising the head), pull the socks towards you. Press your chin to your chest, socks on yourself. Stretch.

    The game of low mobility "Sunbathing for the caterpillar" - the children lie in one row on their backs so that the hands of each subsequent child hold the ankles of the previous one. The first child has his hands up. At the first signal of the instructor, the children simultaneously roll to the right side on their stomach. The second signal - the children roll on their back and stomach. The third signal - on the back, stomach, back. All the same on the left side.

    When playing the game again, you can roll in each direction for several accounts. As far as the dimensions of the room allow.

    Final part.Slow run. Breathing exercises. Take the correct posture against the wall;

    Purpose: formation of correct posture and prevention of flat feet. Strengthening the muscles of the arms, back, abdomen.

    Preparatory part:

    Take the correct posture while standing against the wall: shoulder blades, buttocks, heels should be in contact with the wall;

    Take the correct posture, move away from the wall for 1-2 steps, maintaining the position;

    Squatting on toes 8 - 12 times, walking on toes in a semi-squat, maintaining posture.

    Standing against the wall, take 2-3 steps in any direction, relax the neck, arms, torso in succession, “drop the head”, “the rooster pecks”, “the bird raises and lowers its wings”.

    Walking with a roll from heel to toe, hands on the belt (30–60 s). Goose step walking. Running at an average pace.

    General developmental exercises:

    1. I.p. - lying on the stomach, arms to the sides. Raise the head and shoulders, connect the shoulder blades, hold the “swallow sits”;
    2. I.p. - Same. Raise your head and shoulders, slowly move your hands up, to the sides and to your shoulders, the swallow flies;
    3. I.p. - Same. Raise your head and shoulders. Hands to the sides (back). Squeeze and unclench your fingers “a swallow calls little chicks to itself”;
    4. “Curious monkey” - sp: lying on the stomach, hands are connected behind the back, the stomach and legs are firmly pressed to the floor. Arching their chest, children (monkeys) look forward and around with curiosity. Make sure that only the head moves.
    5. "Ducklings walk to the river." I. p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support behind.
    6. The duck walks waddle-stumbling. I.p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support behind. 1-2 - lifting the inner arches, lean on the outer edges of the feet. 3-4 - i. P.
    7. "Ducklings learn to swim." I. p. - sitting, hands in support behind, socks extended. Alternate flexion-extension of the left and right feet.
    8. "The duck is quacking." I. p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support behind. 1-2 - tearing off the heels from the floor, spread them apart (the beak opened), say "quack-quack". 3-4 - return to the starting position.
    9. For the muscles of the lateral surface of the body: I.p. - lying on the right side, right hand up, left along the body. Keeping the body in this position, raise and lower the left leg. The same on the other side.
    10. Walking in place without lifting your socks off the floor.

    Main part.

    A) walking, then running (keeping the correct position of the torso).

    b) children walk in place, waving their arms freely.

    c) stop with a posture check (on a signal)

    d) walking with different hand positions:

    • children walk hands on the belt, stop, hands down, check posture;
    • children walk, hands in “wings”, hands down, posture check;
    • children walk, arms to the sides, stop arms down, check posture;
    • children walk, hands forward, stop hands down, check posture;
    • children walk, hands up, stop hands down, check posture;
    • children walk, changing the position of their hands, hands on the belt, in “wings”, “sideways”, “up”, “behind the head”, stop checking posture.

    Run at an average pace.

    Game exercise "Swinging chair". Purpose: for the muscles of the back, legs, flexibility. Bear cubs were playing in the forest clearing, swaying funny on their backs. Let's try and we will also swing. Lie on your back, bring your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around your knees. Rock back and forth on your back. When you're tired, take a rest. Repeat 3 times.

    Game exercise "Rocket" - now we will prepare the rocket for flight. Lying on your back, gently raise your legs up. Resting hands on the lower back, raise the lower part of the body. Legs pull up, straightening them. The rocket is ready to launch. Three, two, one - start! Let go - lie down on your back and rest before the next launch. Repeat 3 times.

    The mobile game "Slower you go - you will continue!" - the children stand in a line, the leader stands ahead of them at some distance. The instructor says: "Quietly you go further - you will continue!". At this time, the children are moving forward. “Stop!” signal, children stop and check posture. Those with incorrect posture return to their original position. The game continues 3-4 times.

    Final part.Slow run. Relaxation with music. Take the correct posture against the wall.

    Preparatory part of the lesson.

    Take the correct posture, move away from the wall for 1-2 steps, maintaining the position;

    Squatting on toes 8 - 12 times, walking on toes in a semi-squat, maintaining posture;

    Standing against the wall, take 2-3 steps in any direction, relax the neck, arms, torso in succession, “drop the head”, “the rooster pecks”, “the bird raises and lowers its wings”.

    General developmental exercises.

    1. Lie down on the mat on your back. The head, torso, legs form a straight line, arms are pressed to the body. Raise the head and shoulders, check the straight position that was taken in the prone position;
    2. Lying on the floor in the correct position, press the lumbar region of the body to the floor. Get up, take the correct posture, giving the lumbar region the same position that was taken in the prone position;
    3. I.p. - lying on the stomach, with the chin on the back surface of the hands placed on top of each other. Transfer your hands to the belt, raising your head and shoulders, connect your shoulder blades, do not raise your stomach. Hold the adopted position at the command of the instructor.
    4. The same exercise, but transfer the hands to the shoulders or behind the head.
    5. I.p. - Same. Raising your head and shoulders, slowly move your arms up, to the sides and to your shoulders (as in breaststroke swimming).
    6. Exercise "skating rink" - the child rolls the ball, rolling pin or bottle back and forth. The exercise is performed first with one leg, and then with the other.
    7. Exercise "mill" - a child, sitting on the floor with straightened knees, describes circles with his feet in different directions.
    8. Exercise "window" - the child, standing on the floor, spreads and brings straightened legs, without lifting the soles from the floor.

    Main part.

    • Walking on the rail of a gymnastic ladder laid on the floor (6-8 times).
    • Slow walking on toes on an inclined plane (1–2 min).
    • Walking with a side step along the rail of the gymnastic bench straight and sideways.

    Game exercise "Steady tin soldier". A boat floats on the river, and in it is a tin soldier. Suddenly a sharp wind blew, and pitching began. But nothing is scary for a tin soldier. Do you want to become as persistent and strong as a tin soldier? To do this, kneel down, press your hands tightly to your body. duet strong wind. Lean back as low as possible, keep your back straight, and then straighten up. Repeat 3 times. And now you can sit on your heels and relax. Well done.

    Game exercise "Oh, palms, you are palms!" Do you want to be slim and have a beautiful posture? Then stand up straight and, putting your hands behind your back, join your palms. Then, turning the folded hands with your fingers up, position her brushes so that the little fingers touch the spine along their entire length. Raise your back straighten your elbows, take your shoulders back. We hold the pose and repeat: “Oh, palms, you are palms! We'll hide you behind your back! It's for posture, that's for sure! No embellishments!" Slowly lower your arms down, shake your hands and breathe calmly.

    The final part of the lesson.Slow run. Relaxation with music. Posture check.

    Target: training in self-extraction, the formation of correct posture, correction of flat feet, strengthening the "muscle corset".

    Preparatory part of the lesson.

    Take the correct posture while standing against the wall: shoulder blades, buttocks, heels should be in contact with the wall;

    Standing at the gymnastic wall, take the correct posture, rise on your toes, holding in this position for 3-4 seconds. Return to i.p.

    Adopt the correct posture in a standing position. Walking around the gym with stops, while maintaining the correct posture. Walking on the outer edges of the feet, "goose step" (at an average pace, up to 2-3 minutes). Light running on toes (1-1.5 minutes).

    General developmental exercises.

    1. I.p. - lying on the floor, on the stomach. Hands under the chin. Alternately lifting straightened legs while holding them up to 3-5 counts.
    2. I.p. - Same. Raise the right leg, attach the left. Hold in this position until the count of "5", lower the right, then the left.
    3. I.p. - Same. Raising your head and shoulders, slowly move your hands up, to the sides and to your shoulders or behind your head.
    4. Exercise "walking on heels" - the child walks on his heels, without touching the floor with his fingers and soles.
    5. Exercise "boat" - the child, sitting on the floor with bent knees and pressing the soles of the feet to each other, gradually tries to straighten the knees until the toes and heels of the legs can be pressed against each other (trying to give the feet the shape of a boat).
    6. Exercise "artist" - a child, sitting on the floor with bent knees, a pencil clamped with his toes, draws various figures on a sheet of paper, holding the sheet with his other foot. The exercise is performed first with one leg, and then with the other.
    7. I.p. - the child stands straight, feet parallel, hands on the belt.
    8. - rise with the top of your head up, stretching your spine and keeping your heels on the floor, resting your palms on pelvic bones. Relax, but do not bend your back.
    9. - raise your hands up (you can clasp your fingers into the lock), reach up with your hands and crown, do not tear your heels off the floor. Return to SP without bending your back.

    The main part of the lesson.


    1. "spring extension". Bend your arms in front of your chest, clench your fingers into a fist and raise your elbows to the sides; imitating the stretching of a spring, vigorously move your shoulders back, bringing your elbows together.
    2. "Bunny". Squat low on the entire foot, bending the arms to the shoulders, palms forward, pressing the elbows to the body and bringing the shoulder blades together.
    3. "Skier". Squat on the whole foot, leaning forward and taking your hands back, imitating the movements of a skier when pushing off with sticks.

    Outdoor games.

    1. Who will lift objects more, holding them with their toes (1–1.5 minutes).

    2. Who will gather the rug into folds faster with their toes (4-5 times).

    3. "Giants and gnomes" - walking on all fours (2-3 times).

    4. Walking and running on toes.

    The final part of the lesson.Light running on toes (up to 1 min), walking on toes with a high hip lift (at an average pace, up to 1–1.5 min). Breathing exercises.

    Preparatory part of the lesson.

    Take the correct posture while standing against the wall: shoulder blades, buttocks, heels should be in contact with the wall;

    Standing at the gymnastic wall, take the correct posture, rise on your toes, holding in this position for 3-4 seconds. Return to i.p.

    Adopt the correct posture in a standing position. Walking around the gym with stops, while maintaining the correct posture. Walking on the outer edges of the feet, "goose step" (at an average pace, up to 2-3 minutes). Light running on toes (1-1.5 minutes).

    General developmental exercises.

    1. I. p. - sitting on a chair, legs together, bent at a right angle. Raising and lowering your socks, while pressing your fingers on the floor, imitate sand raking by them (6–8 times).
    2. I. p. - emphasis sitting. Active flexion of the foot (18-20 times).
    3. I. p. - emphasis sitting. Bend the left leg and place it on the toe behind the knee of the right leg. The same with the other leg (6-8 times).
    4. I. p. - lying on the stomach. Turning the lower leg in and out (30–40 s).
    5. Sitting on the floor, the legs are bent at the knees, the knees are slightly apart, the soles are pressed against one another (in the form of a “boat”). Gradually straighten your legs until you can keep both toes and heels pressed against each other.
    6. I. p. - about. With. 1 - put your hands on your belt, moving your shoulders back and down, rise on your toes - a deep breath; 2 - lower your head down, relax your shoulder girdle and arms, exhale - and. n. (ten times).
    7. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart. 1 - turn the body to the left; 2 - tilt the body to the right leg, moving the arms to the sides; 3 - i. n. The same in the other direction. Legs straight (ten times).

    I. p. - about. With. 1 - take straight arms to the sides, bringing the shoulder blades together (inhale); 2 - i. n. (exhale) (eight to ten times).

    1. I. p. - lying on your back, arms bent, palms under your head. 1 - raise the outstretched legs up to a right angle; 2 - spread them wide apart; 3 - i. n. (eight times).
    2. I. p. - o.s. Jumping legs apart - legs together in alternation with walking (two times ten jumps).

    The main part of the lesson.

    Game exercise "Who is there?". I. p. - sitting on a chair with a back. The child sits on the chair so that the back of the chair is on the side. With both hands, he holds on to the back (in the center), elbows down. The thigh is firmly pressed against the back of the chair across its entire width. Feet together. To the question "who is there?" the child turns his whole body along the back of the chair, helping with the tension of the hips and arms and trying to turn his back and head as much as possible to see "who is there." Return to starting position (3-4 times). The same exercise, only the child sits on the back of the chair with the other side (this relieves tension in the lower spine). At the end of the game, the child is asked: “How did you feel your spine; in what part of the back was the tension; what has changed since the turn?

    Game exercise "Potpourri" -a) holding the ball between your legs, walk slowly, trying not to drop it.

    b) sitting on the floor, rest your hands on the floor and try to lift the ball as high as possible with your feet.

    c) put a stick on the floor and walk along it sideways, with your hands behind your head.

    d) lift a handkerchief off the floor with your toe.

    e) spin the ball on the floor with your foot.

    E) sitting, take pencils scattered on the floor with your toes.

    Mobile game "Hares in the garden". A circle is drawn. All children stand behind him at a distance of half a step. The teacher appoints one of the players as the driver, and he becomes inside the circle anywhere. Children jump across the line into a circle. The driver runs in a circle, trying to touch the players when they are inside the circle. When the driver approaches, everyone returns to the line. The player touched by the driver is considered the loser. Then a new leader is selected from those children whom they have never been able to touch.

    Mobile game "Quick bag". The players become in a circle. The incoming one stands in the middle. He spins a rope with a bag filled with sand. Children follow the bag and, when it approaches, they try to jump over the rope. The one who does not jump is out of the game.

    The final part of the lesson.Calm walking. Relaxation with music.


    Advice for parents and caregivers.

    Prevention of flat feet.

    It has been established that the motor activity of young children is directly dependent on the shape of the foot. Early recognition of flat feet and its timely treatment through public gymnastic exercises will help save children from this shortcoming or, in any case, reduce it. Therefore, the prevention of flat feet in early age It has special meaning. This work must be done by parents at home.

    plays an important role in the prevention of flatfoot correct selection shoes for children. Its size should exactly match the shape and individual characteristics of the foot, protect the foot from damage, not impede movement and not cause excessive pressure on the joints, vessels and nerves of the feet. Shoes should not be too tight or loose. Children with flat feet are not recommended to wear flat shoes with thin soles. Heel height for children of early and preschool age should be 1.5 - 2 cm.

    Children with flat feet tend to wear down the inside of the sole and heel of their shoes.

    To prevent flat feet, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles that support the arch of the foot, which is achieved by using general developmental and special gymnastic exercises, which are the most active therapeutic agent that not only compensates for foot defects, but also corrects its configuration and dramatically increases functionality.

    Preventive exercises that strengthen the arch of the foot should be included in morning hygienic gymnastics, used in physical education classes, on walks, in outdoor games.

    The main purpose of corrective exercises is active pronation of the foot (position of the foot on the outer edge), strengthening the entire ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the foot and lower leg against the background of the general development and strengthening of the child's body. It is necessary to develop vital motor skills in running, jumping, climbing, throwing, in performing exercises in balance, in outdoor and sports games.

    Specially selected general strengthening exercises serve as the foundation on which local foot correction is built.

    Foot Correction Exercises

    1. Walking on toes at an average pace for 1-3 minutes.

    2. Walking on the outer edges of the feet at an average pace for 2-5 minutes.

    3. Slow walking on toes on an inclined plane.

    4. Walking on a stick.

    5. Rolling the ball alternately with one and the other foot.

    6. Rolling the hoop with your toes (alternately) for 2-4 minutes.

    7. Slow squats on a gymnastic stick based on a chair.

    8. Slow squats on the ball with support on a chair or balancing with arms spread out to the side.

    9. Flexion and extension of the feet in a sitting position on a chair.

    10. Capturing, lifting and shifting sticks, cubes or small paper, cloth napkins with your toes for 1-3 minutes (the exercise is performed alternately with one and the other foot).

    Remedial gymnastics and special gymnastic exercises give excellent results, improving the shape and function of the foot.

    Thus, the health of children is largely determined by a rational motor regime, including the usual motor activity, the organization of physical education and hardening at home and in a preschool institution.

    To improve health and prevent flat feet, children need to do morning exercises daily, carry out hardening procedures, practice walking, hiking in the forest, running, jumping, swimming, cycling; in the warm season, walk barefoot on the ground, and hardened - up to running in the snow; V winter period years to skate and ski, to organize outdoor games.

    Prevention of posture disorders.

    The main means of preventing posture disorders in children is exercise therapy, which is understood in the broadest sense of the word and includes a general regimen, a special static-dynamic regimen and therapeutic exercises. General and static-dynamic modes should be provided to the child at home, and therapeutic exercises should be performed both at home and in the conditions of a children's clinic, a sports dispensary, and a rehabilitation center.

    In matters of prevention of posture disorders, it is very important to observe the static-dynamic mode:

    1. The child's bed should be hard, even, stable, with a low pillow. Children should not sleep on a soft, sagging mattress.

    2. After dinner, it is desirable to take a daytime sleep for 1–1.5 hours in order to give rest to the back muscles and free the spine from the load.

    3. You need to properly organize workplace child:

    – lighting diffused, but sufficient;

    - the height of the table should be such that the distance from the eyes of the seated child to the surface of the table is about 30 cm (or if you put your hand on your elbow, then the middle finger should reach the corner of the eye);

    - the height of the chair should be such that an angle of 90o is formed between the chair and the lower leg;

    - it is desirable to have support for the back and feet, so as not to cause additional muscle contraction during prolonged exercises in static tension.

    4. The main requirements for the working posture during classes are the maximum support of the trunk, pelvis and legs, as well as a symmetrical position. Proper symmetrical installation identical parts body is performed sequentially, starting from the position of the feet:

    - feet supported on the floor or on a bench;

    - knees under the chair at the same level (in the ankle, knee and hip joints, the legs should be bent at a right angle);

    - uniform support on both halves of the pelvis;

    - the body periodically rests on the back of the chair;

    - forearms symmetrically and freely, without tension lie on the table; shoulders are symmetrical;

    - the head is slightly tilted forward, the distance from the eyes to the table is about 30 cm;

    • when writing, lay the notebook at an angle of 30o, the lower left corner of the sheet on which the child writes should correspond to the middle of the chest.

    6. It is advisable to avoid vicious postures:

    - the so-called oblique position of the shoulder girdle when writing, when the left hand hangs from the table;

    - oblique position of the pelvis, when the child sits on the leg, planted in the position of the buttock;

    - the habit of standing with support on one and the same leg, bending the other at the knee.

    7. Release a weakened child with postural defects from any additional activities associated with prolonged sitting or an asymmetrical static posture.

    All these details, insignificant at first glance, are of great importance in the prevention and treatment of posture disorders, since the child is exposed to the influence of therapeutic exercises for some time, and he spends most of the day and all night without orthopedic supervision.

    Annual report of the circle "HEALTH" MBDOU No. 10 "Fairy Tale"

    S. N. Dubovoy for the 2015-2016 academic year

    The purpose of the circle : increasing the physical fitness of children.


      preservation and strengthening of children's health;

      formation of habits for a healthy lifestyle;

      formation of motor skills and abilities;

      development of psychophysical qualities (speed, strength, endurance, flexibility, dexterity);

      development of motor abilities (functions of balance, coordination of movements);

      prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, colds;

      formation of the need for daily motor activity;

      development of attention, concentration, organization,

      imagination, fantasies, the ability to control their actions, feelings.

    Work with children is carried out according to the long-term planning of the circle "Zdorovyachok".

    Classes are held once a week (Thursday) in the afternoon.

    Lesson time - 30 minutes

    In September 2015, a survey of children was conducted to identify their level of physical fitness. For this purpose, diagnostic tests were used to determine high, medium and low rates in preschoolers:

      speed qualities;


      agility and coordination abilities

      strength and strength endurance.



      30m run. from a high start;

      standing long jump;

      throw of a stuffed ball weighing 1 kg. (behind the head with two hands while standing)

      shuttle run (3 times 10 meters);


      rise to the gray from the starting position - lying on your back.

      tilting down without bending your knees, standing on a hill and touching the marks on the object below with your fingers.

    Protocol No. 1 of the examination is attached.

    Issues identified:

      insufficient level of development of muscle groups of the trunk, arms, legs in children with low rates;

      a low level of development of dexterity, both bodily and manual in general, in all children attending the circle.


    1. Continue the work of the circle as planned perspective plan work;

    2. Make adjustments to the work plan:

      conduct more classes in order to increase the physical development of children, namely, in mastering the main types of movements for children (throwing, agility, reaction speed).

      to diversify activities with children through the introduction of relay games, which helps to increase the motor activity of children, contributes to their emotional recovery.

      improve the hardening and ligamentous-articular apparatus of children with the help of bare walking and the use of non-standard equipment (ribbed paths, a dry pool, a rope rope);

      continue to develop and correct the cognitive and emotional-personal sphere of the child's psyche using elements of psycho-gymnastics;

      introduce more outdoor games with "pronunciation";

      continue working with children on health-improving gymnastics: finger, respiratory, acupressure, logorhythmics, eye gymnastics, etc.

    3. For the development of manual and bodily dexterity, use small sports equipment, small balls, "hedgehog balls", and flags more widely.

    Based on protocol No. 2 (attached), carried out in May 2016, it can be seen that the physical indications of children involved in the Zdorovyachok circle have significantly improved.

    Reporting protocol of test results No. 1

    Navashino MBDOU No. 10 "Fairy Tale" Circle "Healthy" September

    Running at 30 m / s..

    Shuttle run 3x10 m/sec.

    Standing long jump (see)

    Flexibility (cm)

    TOTAL: B

    TOTAL: B-33%; C-46%; H-21%

    Reporting protocol of test results No. 2

    Navashino MBDOU No. 10 "Fairy Tale" Circle "Healthy" May

    City___________ Institution_________Group______________________Date___________2015

    Running at 30 m / s..

    Shuttle run 3x10 m/sec.

    Lifting the torso into a squat (number of times in 30 seconds)

    Standing long jump (see)

    Flexibility (cm)

    Throwing distance of a stuffed ball weighing 1 kg. (cm)

    TOTAL: B

    TOTAL: B-33%; C-46%; H-21%
