Sports nutrition has become an integral part of the lives and careers of many athletes. Beginners, looking at professional athletes, begin to think that they can only become the same with the help of sports nutrition. So they run headlong to the stores, spend their money on supplements, and end up disappointed in the results. And this outcome is not at all surprising, because the variety of different products and supplements can confuse anyone at first. In this article, we will break down sports nutrition and advice for beginners on this matter.

Sports nutrition for beginners

Before we dive into all the supplements in detail, it's important to note some sports nutrition tips. Don't compare yourself to professional athletes. The cabinets of some of them are packed to capacity with various additives that differ from each other in their action. They use so much sports nutrition because their bodies have already reached their maximum performance, and it will not be possible to surpass it with simple food alone. Sports nutrition for a beginner will only have to play the role of support, and you should not focus on it.

Protein or gainer?

All beginners, without exception, have a reasonable question at first: where to start taking sports nutrition? It's actually quite simple here. main goal any visitor to the gym is a set of muscle mass. And nothing can cope with this task better than a gainer or protein. The choice between them is the first stage of acquaintance of novice athletes with sports nutrition.

A gainer and a protein, although they perform the same function, differ from each other not only in composition, but also in the principle of action. A gainer is a complex supplement that contains a large amount of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. In addition, it often includes vitamin-mineral complexes, additional components to improve digestibility, and other ingredients. It is distinguished by high calorie content, often high sugar content, and large portions. Gainer is best suited for those who have trouble gaining mass, or who have a naturally lean physique. With its help, the total body weight is gained, which at first we need.

The protein, on the contrary, contains a minimum of ingredients, and is presented in the form of a protein of one of the types (as a rule). We will not delve into each of the types of protein in detail, we will only say that it is necessary for gaining pure muscle mass. These supplements are low in calories, rarely include additional ingredients, and are easily absorbed by the body. They are best used by those who have a full physique, or those who want to gain only pure muscle mass.

Sports nutrition for beginners should begin with these two supplements - they are the main ones in terms of mass gain.

BCAA or complex amines?

There are very interesting substances in our body - amino acids. They perform the most different functions in the body, and without them normal life is impossible. In fact, protein in the body is not an end product. In the process of decay, it is transformed into amino acids, from which the muscles of our body are built. But what, then, is the difference between BCAA and complex amino acids, and how to choose sports nutrition for a beginner?

There are several differences between them. Firstly, complex supplements also contain BCAA, but in much lower concentrations. The main function of BCAAs is to maintain and increase muscle mass, as well as reduce the percentage of body fat. Complex amino acids are more tuned to maintain a positive amino acid and energy balance in the body. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally which sports nutrition is better for a beginner of these two. In this matter, everyone should decide for himself, focusing on his goals.

Learn all about BCAA powder as the most convenient form of essential amino acids!

Vitamins and minerals - only a complex!

To ensure life processes, the body uses the energy obtained from food. But there will be no full-fledged work of the body if it does not have a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. These substances are involved in absolutely all internal metabolic processes, and also affect the processes of growth, development, respiration, blood formation, and so on. Therefore, if you are interested in what kind of sports nutrition a beginner needs, then vitamin and mineral complexes are definitely what should be in your arsenal! Here you can say even more - they are necessary for any person, even for those who do not play sports.

Athletes need these substances in increased quantities. During heavy physical work, all internal processes are accelerated. Accordingly, the consumption of vitamins and minerals is also accelerated. In addition, some minerals leave the body with sweat, and due to their lack in the body, many negative processes can occur.

Sports nutrition for beginners - what to look for? First you need to decide what goals you are pursuing. Most inexperienced athletes already in the first days of training try to get the “secrets” of fast pumping from experienced builders, and what kind of sports nutrition is needed for this. As a result, having heard enough useless advice from a "pumped" but not knowledgeable athlete, beginners go to stores and waste money. And the first advice for beginners will be a recommendation - forget about all the "miraculous" ways! Of course, sports nutrition will help you achieve your goal. But here the emphasis is on the word "help". It won't do all the work for you. If you want to get the body of your dreams, then be prepared to spend more than one, or even two years on it. Only then can you see real results.

Go ahead. Never, under any circumstances, call sports nutrition chemistry. In fact, all sports nutrition is ordinary food. Not quite ordinary, but food. Sports nutrition is a concentrated form of everything that you consume in your diet. And all this is obtained from organic and natural sources. Sports nutrition has some advantages over regular food, but it will never completely replace natural food! Therefore, remember rule number 2 - sports nutrition food, which should be eaten in moderation.

What kind of sports nutrition should a beginner take additionally?

Once you have become familiar enough with gym, learn how to perform the exercises correctly, and the first muscle mass will begin to show through, then you can start thinking about other miracles of sports nutrition. There are several other sports supplements that have been proven to work well for certain purposes. So let's figure out which sports nutrition is better to take additionally for muscle growth ...

Creatine This is one of the cheapest, but at the same time and effective assistants for athletes. It performs several functions at once - it increases indicators of strength and endurance, and also has an indirect effect on the growth of muscle mass. Creatine is a substance that can be synthesized by the body on its own, but in insufficient quantities. Its additional intake will only increase its effectiveness, and will have a positive effect on the general condition of your body. With it, explosive training is much easier to perform and more strength appears in training.

Pre-workout complexes. They often contain creatine, stimulants, and other ingredients. Their action lies in the fact that they allow the body to use additional sources of energy during training, and also stimulate the work of the central nervous system. As a result, your brain feels like you are not tired for longer, and you still have a lot of energy to train.

Experts call this capacious term an extensive line of products containing substances necessary for the life of the body, and in a concentrated form.

Sports nutrition features and difference from other products

  • athletes;
  • supporters of an active lifestyle;
  • people whose work is associated with significant physical exertion.

It is possible to use it by those people who simply want to improve the quality and variety of their diet without increasing calories, as well as those who want to lose weight.

It should be understood that these products have nothing to do with the "chemistry" - doping and anabolic steroids, popular in competitive bodybuilding. Doping is a line of prohibited substances that boost the physical capabilities of the body. Their reception is carried out by unscrupulous professional athletes, for whom victory is important at any cost. And this price can be very high - up to serious injuries.

Steroids are used by bodybuilders. These substances are also prohibited, but almost all performing bodybuilders still use them, and the judges do not pay attention to it, so taking anabolics is an established practice of classic and even beach bodybuilding. Steroids play a rather important role:

  • significantly reduce the phase of catabolism (destruction of muscle fibers) after hard training;
  • cause increased muscle growth (anabolism effect);
  • increase power performance.

An athlete who heavily uses anabolics is immediately visible. He has terribly hypertrophied muscles and sometimes completely loses his human appearance. That is why the performances of professional bodybuilders, the appearance of athletes are unpleasant for the mass audience. In addition, long-term use of steroids causes serious health problems.

What are supplements for?

All the substances that the body needs for life, we get with food. That is why for any average person there is no particular need for sports nutrition - provided that it is properly, nutritiously fed. It is hardly possible to call hamburgers and pies from the cafe closest to the office “real” food. The stormy rhythms of life force us to eat not only "fast food", but also semi-finished products, products fast food, so that the body clearly lacks useful substances. Just their lack can be filled with the use of sports nutrition products.

And their use is especially shown to people who are active, involved in sports, whether amateur or professional. At the same time, these additives do not belong to prohibited substances that are harmful to health.

Sports nutrition performs several important functions in the body:

  • allows you to replenish the supply of trace elements, nutrients and vitamins;
  • provides a good supply of energy for training and other vigorous activities;
  • helps during the period of following diets - it maintains metabolism at an acceptable level and does not allow the body to “burn” muscles along with fat;
  • controls appetite;
  • promotes growth muscle tissue and quick recovery after a hard workout;
  • protects joints and ligaments.

It should be understood that all these and many other properties do not belong to any one type of sports supplements, but to different ones. So the choice of a particular product should be conscious, meeting certain goals. A universal, suitable for all cases sports supplement simply does not exist.

Sports nutrition includes several different products, each of which is used for its own purposes. There are quite a few of them. Here are just the most popular and sought after ones:

  • proteins;
  • gainers;
  • complexes of amino acids;
  • energy;
  • casein.

Proteins - a product that provides muscles with building material

Protein - a mixture containing up to 90% protein. Most often, athletes who build muscle mass take proteins. During training with iron, muscle fibers receive many microtraumas and even break down (a phenomenon called catabolism). After training, the muscles are restored (anabolism phase), and with a margin. The material (proteins) for recovery the body takes from food. It is not difficult to guess that the nutrition of an athlete should be complete. Proteins, which are a concentrated protein, help to fill the lack of nutrients and speed up the recovery process.

Proteins promote muscle growth, in which fats are burned. Therefore, this product is also useful for those who want to lose weight as soon as possible. In addition, it makes up for the lack of protein without increasing calories, subject to strict diets. Receiving a protein shake is quite possible to replace dinner.

Gainers - energy for training

Gainers are another product designed for athletes. This is a protein-carbohydrate mixture with a ratio of 50% protein and 30% carbohydrates. Provides a good supply of energy for a hard workout and enough protein for muscle recovery and growth. It has a high calorie content, and therefore is not indicated for people who want to lose weight.


Creatine is one of the most popular energy drinks. Just one teaspoon of creatine monohydrate will fully provide the athlete with energy for training. Increases endurance and strength performance.

Amino acids

It is the material that ultimately makes up all the cells of our body, including muscle tissue. Among athletes, the most popular complex consists of leucine, isoleucine and valine. A supplement that contains these essential amino acids is called a BCAA. It is useful to use before, during and after training. Of particular interest is the property of BCAAs to stimulate fat burning processes in the body. Helps not to lose muscle mass during drying.

How to choose a supplement

Sports supplements will only benefit if right choice. You can’t buy a product just because it was praised by a friend in the hall. It is possible that he does not pursue the goals that are relevant to you. Think carefully about the purpose for which you will use the supplement.

  • If you need a quick mass gain, then the best option- gainers.
  • For fat burning, it is better to buy L-carnitine. And one serving of protein (45 grams per glass of milk) is a complete meal replacement, excluding calories.
  • During hard workouts, BCAAs will help a lot.
  • Proteins (preferably whey or casein, soy should not be taken) are a universal supplement that is useful for everyone.
  • Creatine - buy safely if you want to get energy for training and strength without gaining mass.

Sports supplements can be used both individually and in combination with each other. There is no antagonism between them. Remember that there may be individual intolerance.

When, how and what sports nutrition is better to take for weight gain? Learn how protein, creatine, BCAAs and other supplements affect recovery and growth.

Even serious athletes often have times when their progress in the gym slows down or stops. Or even worse, regression begins. Then you need an additional impetus to growth. Properly selected sports nutrition can help you get the desired results again.

Whey Protein for Gaining Muscle Mass

Protein is the backbone of any sports nutrition regimen.obvious: it is convenient to take with you, it is easily digestible and effectively covers the body's need for protein. Protein comes to the rescue in those moments when you don’t have time to cook or just don’t feel like eating another chicken breast or steak.

Protein should be used at a certain time in the indicated dosage (the dosage is calculated for an athlete weighing about 90 kg):

20 g immediately after waking up: your body has been hungry for 8 or more hours so it's wise to have a protein shake as soon as you wake up. This will take you out of the catabolic state and start the mechanisms of muscle growth. In the morning, we do not need complex carbohydrates or fats, just fast-digesting protein and some simple carbohydrates. The body will thank you for the influx of amino acids into the blood.

20 g pre-workout: at this time, again you need to raise the level of amino acids in the blood. Taking protein before a workout will provide your muscles with an influx of amino acids throughout your workout, due to which the recovery process will be much more productive.

40 g post-workout: at this time, the body needs fast-digesting protein and about twice as much simple carbohydrates (80 g). Drink this cocktail no later than half an hour after training. This will raise insulin levels, which will stimulate protein synthesis by supplying glucose and amino acids to muscle tissue.

Creatine for Strength

Creatine is an equally common sports supplement. It is converted to creatine phosphate in the muscles, due to which they are supplied with energy during training. Also, creatine promotes a greater flow of water into muscle cells, which leads to the creation of an anabolic environment for increased protein synthesis. This best supplement to gain muscle mass and increase strength.

3 5 g pre-workout: this amount, taken with a small amount of complex carbohydrates and 20 grams of protein, will replenish the body's stores of creatine.

3 5 g post-workout: within half an hour of finishing your workout, take creatine along with 40 g of whey protein and 80 g of simple carbohydrates. You will receive a cocktail containing everything you need for further growth. After a workout, your muscles need nutrients - why not give them to him? The insulin spike from simple carbs is guaranteed to send creatine straight to your muscles.

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Casein for better sleep recovery

Casein is a slow-digesting protein that will enter the bloodstream for a long time. Whey protein is used when the body urgently needs protein, but casein is needed in other cases: in between meals or when you do not have the opportunity to eat for a long time.

20 g post-workout: take 20 g of casein along with the rest of your sports nutrition. Whey protein will be quickly digested, and casein will nourish the muscles with amino acids for a long time, which will lead to better recovery. It will also help you stay full until the next full meal.

20 g in the middle of the night: Since casein is slowly digested, you will benefit from having a smoothie with it in the middle of your sleep. This will give your body the protein it needs to repair itself. During sleep, the body starves and because of this falls into a state of catabolism. Taking casein about 3-4 hours after you go to bed will help you gain mass. So set your alarm!

Glutamine is an amino acid that promotes recovery

The effect of taking glutamine is not as strong as taking creatine, but glutamine is not without its advantages. As one of the most abundant amino acids in the body, glutamine is actively involved in recovery by helping muscle cells store glycogen after exercise. It also helps to increase the level of growth hormone and supports immunity. Plus, glutamine reduces workout fatigue so you can last longer.. Glutamine is also needed for the functioning of the digestive system: if you do not take it additionally in the form of sports nutrition, the digestive system will take it from your muscle tissue.

7-10 g immediately after waking up: should be taken with a small portion of protein, as we wrote above. This is necessary in order to bring the body out of the catabolic state in which it was at night.

7-10 g pre-workout: this will allow you to train longer at high intensity.

7-10 g post-workout: this will help glycogen flow into the muscles, which will put the body into an anabolic state and speed up recovery.

7–10 g 30–60 minutes before bedtime: this will protect your muscles from breaking down while you sleep. Together with a small dose of catabolism, this will prevent catabolism.

BCAAs to restore and reduce catabolism

Leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are part of the BCAAs, are used as fuel during intense workouts. They protect your hard-won muscles from decay. The rest of the time: Improve protein synthesis and reduce levels of the catabolic hormone cortisol.

5-10 g immediately after waking up: morning intake of BCAAs helps to get rid of catabolism after an overnight fast. The body will use the BCAAs for energy and the protein and glutamine will fuel the muscle tissue.

5-10 g pre-workout: this will help supply the body with energy and protect muscle tissue from decay. You will start the anabolic processes necessary for growth.

5-10 g post-workout: this will increase protein synthesis and suppress the production of the catabolic hormone cortisol, which causes muscle loss and limits the effect of testosterone on muscle growth.

Arginine to improve muscle blood supply

Arginine is converted in the body to nitric oxide (NO). This is a supplement with many useful properties. Arginine increases blood flow to the muscles, as more nutrients (amino acids and glucose) as well as hormones such as growth hormone, testosterone and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) enter the blood vessels. Also, a stronger supply of water to muscle cells increases protein synthesis, which leads to rapid muscle growth.

2-3 g immediately after waking up: at this time, arginine will dilate blood vessels, which will improve the supply of other nutrients to the muscles.

2-3 g pre-workout: this will increase the natural production of growth hormone before training.

2-3 g 30-60 minutes before bedtime: it will also help increase growth hormone levels.

Tribulus to increase testosterone levels

Tribulus increases the level of testosterone produced from cholesterol. It also increases your strength in training, so it's worth using if you need it. additional source energy before strength training.

250-500 mg pre-workout: A jump in testosterone levels before going to the gym will do you good.

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ZMA for Enhanced Hormone Production and Recovery

ZMA (a combination of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B) has been proven to 6 ) leads to an increase in the production of insulin-like growth factor and testosterone. Zinc improves recovery while magnesium calms nervous system so that it is easier for the body to relax. The better you sleep, the more room for your body to grow.

30-60 minutes before bed: 30 mg zinc, 450 mg magnesium and 11 mg vitamin B 6 .

Vitamins and Antioxidants for Better Health

Antioxidants help the body scavenge free radicals that are produced during times of stress, such as after strength training. Should, to cope with stress and keep the body in a state of anabolism.

500 mg of Vitamin C with a post-workout meal: Vitamin C helps keep joints healthy and supports immune function.

150-300 mg of vitamin E with a post-workout meal: vitamin E reduces damage to muscle cells and improves recovery. This antioxidant is also important for skin, nail and hair health.

Sports nutrition schedule

Times of Day

Sports nutrition products

Right after waking up

20 g whey protein

2-3 g arginine

7–10 g glutamine

5-10 g BCAA


Protein shake with 20 g whey protein and 20 g casein

Before workout

20 g whey protein

2-3 g arginine

7–10 g glutamine

3–5 g creatine

5-10 g BCAA

250–500 mg tribulus

After training

40–80 g simple carbohydrates

20 g whey protein

20 g casein

2-3 g arginine

7–10 g glutamine

3–5 g creatine

5-10 g BCAA

Together with dinner

500 mg vitamin C

150–300 mg vitamin E

30-60 minutes before bed

20 g casein

2-3 g arginine

7–10 g glutamine

ZMA (30 mg zinc, 450 mg magnesium, 11 mg vitamin B6)

middle of the night

20–30 g casein

Now you know how and when to take sports nutrition. However, if you are still a beginner, start with whey protein and then gradually buy other sports supplements. This way you will know what works best for you. We are all different, and the choice of sports nutrition is a subjective matter. Stick to proper nutrition, because without a competent diet, supplements will not be useful. Get complex carbs from potatoes, durum wheat pasta, rice, and oatmeal, and protein from lean beef, turkey, chicken, eggs, and fish. So you will quickly achieve the desired result.

Nutrition is extremely important, because muscles are built precisely thanks to the elements entering the body. And if there is a goal to gain muscle mass in a short time, then it is all the more important to choose the right set of sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass.

There is a basic set of sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass that every athlete should know:

  • BCAAs.
  • Multivitamins.
  • Omega 3.
  • Glutamine.

These substances not only help develop muscles, but also support overall health.

To gain muscle mass, ordinary products are not enough; in any case, you will have to turn to sports supplements for help. In addition to working out hard, it's also important to maintain a calorie surplus. All bodybuilders take a sports complex that includes several basic supplements.

Whey Protein

This is one of the main components that is included in sports. This supplement has a complex composition that can be completely different, but it includes many important elements and amino acids. Proteins are an important part that is included in any


If you can’t gain the required number of calories in any way, then a gainer will come to the rescue, which is also an important component that should be included in a sports nutrition kit for gaining muscle mass, because a large amount of protein is the key to muscle growth. But when choosing a gainer, you need to pay special attention to the composition. It is important to ensure that there are not too many carbohydrates in it, giving preference to protein.


It is a complex of three amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. They are extremely important for the body, but it does not synthesize them on its own. BCAA stimulates the production of insulin, which helps to nourish the muscles. In addition, these three amino acids prevent protein breakdown and muscle breakdown.

Pre-workout complexes

Often, training pretty exhausting the body, there is no strength left at all. To cope with this and add strength and energy during training, the use of simulators, which contain caffeine or geranamine, will help. If you need extra energy, then you can safely add pre-workout complexes to your set of sports nutrition to gain muscle mass.


Increases strength and stimulates the growth of volumes. There are many types of creatine on the market today, but the monohydrate remains the most common.

Omega 3

This component is found in fatty varieties fish, but even this is sometimes not enough for an athlete and therefore one has to resort to supplements. The best choice is fish oil. Omega-3 improves blood circulation, which speeds up the delivery of important substances to the muscles. But its benefits do not end there, it also speeds up metabolism, which helps to get rid of fat, and is good for the cardiovascular system.


They practically do not affect but, despite this, are no less important. Chasing weight gain, taking various supplements, the athlete begins to forget about some important vitamins, without which chaos will come in the body. Even if you eat fruits and vegetables in large quantities, some vitamins may still be lacking.


This amino acid is found in the muscles most of all. Although the body itself is able to produce it, an additional intake will not hurt. Glutamine helps with recovery, so it's best taken after workouts and at night. Glutamine should be included in your sports nutrition, for a quick set of muscle mass, it is simply necessary.


  1. Protein-only breakfast. It is wrong to eat carbohydrate-rich food in the morning, because while we sleep, blood sugar levels drop and all the carbohydrates consumed after waking up will go straight to the stomach. Every person who has the goal of gaining muscle mass should have a hearty breakfast. First of all, as soon as you wake up, it is best to drink a protein shake, but not a simple one, but a highly purified hydrolyzed whey protein isolate. This is important because regular whey will take a long time to digest, but this one takes about 15 minutes. At this time, you can do some of your business, for example, take a shower. After this time, an appetite will appear, because the protein will have time to digest, the metabolism will accelerate, and the body will begin to ask for a new portion of food. Coming to the kitchen, you can cook an omelet, oatmeal, pancakes, cottage cheese. If you wish, you can eat several different dishes at once. In the morning diet, it is important to have both protein and carbohydrate, so they should be equally divided. The main thing is to eat your fill. As a drink, it is recommended to drink a cup green tea. And, of course, we must not forget about vitamins and fish oil!
  2. A large amount of carbohydrates immediately after training. You can often hear advice about the need to consume easily digestible carbohydrates after a workout, but this is wrong. Thus, the appetite will only go away for the next 2 hours, preventing you from eating food that is really important for muscle growth. are good only if the goal is to increase strength and endurance, and not gain mass. And if you are striving for the latter, then your choice should stop at the protein.
  3. Refusal of protein shakes. Some do not include protein in their sports nutrition kit for gaining muscle mass, limiting themselves to gainers, believing that only a combination of carbohydrates and proteins will give the desired effect, but protein itself will not. One simple rule works here: protein is important for muscle growth, so the first thing to do is to focus on it. For people who regularly exercise in the gym and strive to gain weight, it is recommended to consume protein at the rate of 2-3 grams per kilogram of body weight. Also, it is important not to try to gain weight on an ongoing basis, but to eat hard for a couple of weeks, trying to achieve the maximum result, and then give the body a break from the constantly arriving calories. To gain mass, proteins from ordinary products are not enough, so without the help of protein shakes, nowhere. It is best to drink whey protein before and after training, and slow protein before bed. What sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass can do without protein shakes? None.
  4. Underestimation of BCAA and glutamine. BCAA is a complex of three amino acids that are extremely important: isoleucine, leucine and valine. They are considered almost the most important component of building muscles. The importance of taking these amino acids lies also in the fact that the body is not able to synthesize them on its own, so they come only with food. In addition to capsule form, BCAA is also available in powder form, which makes it easier to take, since the powder is tasteless and odorless, it can be added both to your shaker and to food. These amino acids are recommended to be consumed during training, namely, to break the use into 3 times: before, during and after.
  5. But BCAA amino acids alone are not enough for active muscle growth. The body needs even more amino acids than the previous three. Thanks to them, he will be able to produce hormones. This is where powdered amino acids come in. They are absorbed faster and taste better than tablets. It is best to consume them immediately after a meal.
  6. Some mistakenly believe that water is an obstacle to the natural processes of digestion. This is not so, and besides, it is also necessary. Water is the engine of anabolic processes in the body that promote muscle growth.

Sports nutrition for gaining lean muscle mass

Drying is a fairly common term among bodybuilders. They designate the right sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass, which is designed to maximize the elimination of body fat, which will make the body toned and the muscles become more pronounced. Everything is logical here, during drying, a person seeks to lose excess water.

As everyone knows, the body takes energy primarily from carbohydrates. Glucose is stored in the body as glycogen, and if you consume too many carbohydrates, the glycogen will begin to turn into fat. So in order to make the body fit, you need to use this glycogen and fat, for which you exclude carbohydrates from the diet, and the body will begin to take carbohydrates from its reserves on its own. Although at first glance this type of so-called diet seems to work, it can be dangerous. So most often experienced athletes do such things. It is impossible to choose the best sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass suitable for everyone, because it is very individual.

Most often, bodybuilders resort to drying before the competition. There are 4 foods that can be consumed in unlimited quantities: egg white, chicken breast without skin and fat, preferably steamed, fish, squid fillet. But in the diet, albeit in a very small amount, carbohydrates in the form of greens, cucumbers, cabbage, buckwheat porridge should be present. For the average person who wants to lose weight, drying is not at all the most suitable option. In this case, it will be sufficient to adhere to a few elementary rules.

Rules for proper nutrition

  1. Do not exhaust your body with debilitating diets. It is much better to know and consume what is useful and to exclude harmful products.
  2. What is best to forbid yourself is flour products and sugar.
  3. Replace mayonnaise, chips, sausage, ice cream with vegetables, mushrooms, cottage cheese, kefir, cheese.
  4. A complete rejection of fats can become extremely dangerous for the body, as metabolism, the condition of the skin, hair, and nails will deteriorate.
  5. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  6. Don't eat before bed. If it turned out that you have time to eat quite late, then it is best to have a snack with some fruit and kefir.
  7. It is best to eat often, but in small portions.

Home sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass is also possible. You can also prepare protein shakes yourself and be sure of their composition. All you need is a blender and the necessary ingredients.

  1. The first protein-carbohydrate shake can be made from a combination of milk, 1 banana and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  2. You can also cook from 100 g of cottage cheese + milk + banana.
  3. Another option is milk, egg white, banana and a tablespoon of sugar.

These are not all cocktail options. Taking these ingredients as a basis and adding various fruits and nuts to them, you can make a protein shake that will be no worse than the purchased one, and in addition, there may be some harmful substances, and you will be sure of the composition of the drink prepared by yourself.


Athletes who want to increase their body size should eat in a caloric surplus. This is the main condition for the growth of muscle mass. This can be achieved by having a clear training plan, nutrition program and additional sports nutrition. Such a set will reduce the time for weight gain.

The main types of sports nutrition

There are many supplement options, but not every sports nutrition is suitable for gaining muscle mass, for example, fat burners are not suitable for building muscle. Among bodybuilders, such a complex is recognized and popular:

  • glutamine;
  • protein;
  • gainer;
  • BCAAs
  • multivitamins.

This set of sports nutrition not only helps to increase muscle mass, it provides the body with the necessary energy reserve for productive, full-fledged workouts. It will not grow fat, but muscles. Drying with the help of such a complex will not work, so we are not talking about dry mass. You need to drink all this together with a full-fledged diet of ordinary food.

Protein for muscle gain

The main goal is to gain muscle mass, so you can’t do without protein in this complex. This is the main source of protein, which will become building material for muscle tissue. Protein sports nutrition for muscle growth is conventionally divided into three main types:

  1. Serum. The main type of protein used by the vast majority of athletes. It must be included in sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass. It contains many amino acids, elements useful for the body, is quickly absorbed.
  2. Casein. This is a source of slow protein that will be supplied to the athlete from the gastrointestinal tract throughout the day, providing the necessary amount of protein for muscle growth. This moment is especially important at night, days of rest.
  3. Soy. The protein in this type of protein is of plant origin and is often inferior in usefulness to whey. However, it is not bad, it is used by vegetarians and people who have intolerance to any elements from other protein options.

mass gainer

We can say that the gainer is the most important sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass. It contains a lot of carbohydrates and required amount calories to achieve their excess in the diet. When choosing a gainer, carefully study the composition of the product, it should not contain too much sugar and carbohydrates per 1 serving. The best option would be with a slight predominance of them over proteins. For example, you can advise:

  • BSN TrueMass;
  • Dymatize Elite Mass Gainer.


To gain mass, you need to work intensively in the gym, otherwise it will only increase the fat layer. To maintain the desired amount of strength, creatine is used, which hydrates muscle tissue, making it larger, stronger, and increases the amount of energy. An ideal synergy of creatine is obtained with beta-alanine, the former affects anaerobic strength, and the latter affects aerobic power.


This element belongs to the class of amino acids, which are abundant in muscle tissue. The human body is able to produce glutamine on its own, but when gaining mass, an additional intake will not be superfluous. This sports nutrition is best taken before bed, immediately after training, because it helps to recover. For those who want to quickly gain mass, glutamine is a must.

Vitamins and minerals

By themselves, these drugs do not affect weight gain, but are directly involved in maintaining the necessary processes to achieve the goal. According to athletes, sometimes the lack of one of the essential minerals or vitamins greatly inhibits the process of increasing muscle mass. The course of multivitamins has not harmed anyone yet, so drinking it will be useful for every athlete.

Other additives

In addition to the main supplements, you need to take a BCAA drug, which can reduce Negative influence catabolism. He copes with this as efficiently as possible, the metabolism of amino acids will occur directly in the muscle tissue. As a rule, BCAAs are part of many proteins, so they should be taken separately only during training, in the morning after waking up.

How to choose the best sports nutrition for muscle growth

Novice athletes are often interested in what sports nutrition is the best for mass gain. For men and women, the set will be the same, the difference lies in the dosages, because the goal is different. The main task is to choose the right price / quality ratio for each item from the list of sports nutrition:

  1. Protein. The production of this type of sports nutrition is not difficult, so the inflated price is far from always justified. Look for an option in which the ratio will be as optimal as possible. You should not buy the isolate that has the highest cost. Study the composition, find how much pure protein is in the bank. The more of it, the better. Do not trust the inscriptions that say that natural berries and fruits were used in the production, this is impossible.
  2. Complex products, which allegedly absorbed all the elements from the list of sports nutrition, will not significantly affect the mass. Maximum benefit will be at separate reception of all elements. You will not be able to accurately determine what is mixed in this jar with the complex, to calculate the amount of substances received.
  3. If you see unfamiliar ingredients in a product, don't take it. First, study in the guide what they mean, do you need them or are they just trying to extract extra money from you.
  4. Gainer. Some manufacturers are trying to save on production and add more sugar than necessary to the composition. This is not the element that is necessary for gaining muscle mass. IN ideal its amount per serving should not exceed 5% of total weight. Be sure to read the ingredients.

How to take

With a normal physique, a beginner will need one protein when gaining mass. The amount of incoming protein in the body will increase, and the growth of muscle mass will begin. Whey protein is best at this stage, which is consumed before and after training. It will become the main material for building muscles. If growth is not fast enough, you can use the casein type of protein. It will provide protein throughout the night so that muscles do not break down after an intense workout. The protein intake for beginners is as follows:

For more experienced athletes, this diet may not be enough. For those who train regularly for more than a year, it makes sense to add another gainer to the protein. Depending on your starting point, you may also need BCAAs, creatine, and multivitamins. You need to calculate the dosage for a man or woman based on their current weight. Below are examples of different sports nutrition courses, depending on the need for substances. They are divided into initial, standard and complete. Choose the scheme that suits you:


Before class,

After class, Mr.

before bed, g









All calculations for these schemes were taken for a man with an initial weight of 80 kg. For other parameters, the dosage will be different. You can adjust the serving volume with the help of a trainer or on your own, based on the results. Schemes for taking sports nutrition will become the basis for you to carry out your own calculations when drawing up a program for gaining muscle mass.

Nutrition program for gaining muscle mass

Sports nutrition is not cheap, they will not be able to eat only with a strong desire, and it is not necessary. Along with it, observe proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass. It is very difficult to call it dietary, because the goal is to consume a large number of calories, and this is easier to achieve than to reduce them. It is very important to eat tightly for breakfast, this will provide the stomach with work and start metabolic processes. You can't eat before bed. If there is a feeling of hunger, then you should have a snack with fruits and vegetables.

  • 370 carbohydrates (1500 Kcal);
  • 155 protein (600 kcal);
  • 110 fats (1050 kcal).

If desired, homemade recipes can be used to prepare protein shakes, so you will gain the required amount of protein instead of sports nutrition. Here sample menu per day for gaining muscle mass (all values ​​in grams):

  • 100 cottage cheese, preferably 9%;
  • 100 yogurt;
  • 50 oatmeal without sugar.


  • 300 chicken;
  • any number of vegetables if desired;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil in salads;
  • 100 g dry buckwheat or 400 g boiled potatoes.

Before workout

  • 50 oatmeal without sugar;
  • jam 2 tbsp. l.;
  • apple.

After training

  • 5 pieces. eggs without yolk (scrambled eggs);
  • bread (no more than 2 slices);
  • apple;
  • 50 almonds.

Where to buy and how much do sports supplements cost

Sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass is sold in specialized stores. You can also find everything you need on Internet sites, where the cost of products, as a rule, is somewhat lower. Pharmacies sell multivitamin complexes, but they are no different from those in sports stores. Try not to take the sports nutrition by weight, the seller does not always behave in good faith. Estimated price for sports nutrition in online stores:

  • Amino acids - from 1500 rubles;
  • Whey protein - from 1300 rubles;
  • Casein protein - from 1300 rubles;
  • Gainers - from 1000 rubles;

Video review: the best sports nutrition for beginners

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Sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass
