Space zoning in the office - a process that all heads of large enterprises face. The amount of work is constantly growing, the staff is increasing, certain canons and requirements for personnel are emerging. Therefore, it is important to provide everyone with their own work area. Here no one will interfere with the employee, here he will be focused on work and it is here that his productivity will be maximum. Partitions in the office help to do this.

Ways to create work areas

by the most simple option is the division of employees into offices. This is easy to do in old office buildings built during the Soviet Union and perestroika. In fact, in these cases there are simply no options: the layout of the building is such that it does not have halls and large offices, everything is scattered in small rooms. In new office buildings, the following methods of space zoning are used:

Stationary partitions that are installed in the office on a permanent basis and allow you to create both separate areas for work and entire rooms;

Glass partitions - a popular option in Western offices, which is similar to a stationary one, but is made of glass and does not provide confidentiality to employees;

Sliding partitions - an option for walkways that allows you to quickly create a wall in the place where people walked a few seconds ago;

Mobile individual partitions that provide jobs for several employees at once at one long table.

What is a partition?

Partitions are the modern equivalent of thin walls that are used to create rooms in apartments. They consist of several modules and are quickly connected using fasteners. The dimensions of each insert can vary between 2-3 meters in height and the same in width. A wide variety of design solutions allows you to make the most suitable choice and not be content with only what the financial side of the issue allows.

The purpose of the partitions can be different: dividing a room into several sections, creating jobs, preparing private rooms or making unusual changes to the interior of the room.

For all this, special connections are used, information about which is given in the table.


Line connection

Extending the length of the partitions without changing the configuration

end post

The end of the partition in places where it does not connect to anything else

Intermodular rack

A post that allows you to extend the span of the partition and strengthen it

Two baffle connector at 90°

Used to connect two panels at right angles

90° tee

Actual in the case of the manufacture of several partitions on the one hand, allows you to create them without violating the design

Connector 4 baffles at 90°

Used to prepare partitions on both sides

Connector 2 baffles at 120°

An unusual version of the connector connecting 2 partitions at an obtuse angle

Connector 3 baffles at 120°

Used in rooms with a rounded design

Differences between different types of partitions

There is certainly a good reason for any variety. It is she who causes competition and allows different manufacturers to compete with each other. This reason is the obvious superiority of each type of partitions in some respects.

Advantages of mobile partitions

Mobile partitions are characterized by several clear advantages. The most important of them is sufficient ease of installation. When installing mobile partitions, walls and ceilings are not damaged, holes are not prepared and latches are not attached. The arrangement of the walls is such that they do not require fastening to the ceiling and walls at all. It is enough to fix the partitions on the furniture to ensure their stability. At the same time, the barrier can be dismantled at any time and installed in another place.

What is special about stationary systems?

This type of partitions is not so easy to install, but this has its advantages. The dimensions of stationary partitions are several times larger than mobile ones, so fastening to furniture in this case will not be effective. Such partitions are already attached to the walls and ceiling, which is why it will not work to move them when a desire appears - damage will remain on the walls.

Another advantage of stationary systems is excellent strength and sound insulation. There are even bulletproof options that can keep VIPs safe. The maximum height of partitions is 5 meters, so they are guaranteed to close the entire space in an office with low ceilings. A wide variety of material combinations plays into the hands of stationary partitions, because. their range is far superior to all other options.

Glass partition options

In fact, there are not so many differences between glass and stationary partitions. Both of them are attached to the walls and ceiling, are used for serious zoning of office and retail premises, have excellent strength and sound insulation. True, glass has its own peculiarity - transparency. Due to it in the office, the bosses can always control their subordinates, and the company's team tries to be as close as possible to the management. In addition, they look much more elegant than plastic or combined counterparts. If you do not want to leave your walls transparent, you can cover them with paper by creating a large mirror in the office.

Sliding glass and plastic partitions

The production nuances of this category are the same as those of ordinary glass and plastic stationary partitions. They are needed to create a complete picture in the office: doors to offices, large free areas and space in the arches can be filled sliding doors. Due to this, the room is overgrown with doors and becomes much more comfortable. Sliding partitions are an element of a plastic or glass partition on special mounts - wheels.

Production time

It is interesting that mobile partitions have rather fast terms of manufacturing and installation of any partitions from the office. Installation time depends on the volume of partitions, but the production of products is carried out in 5-10 days. Installation of mobile partitions takes only a few hours, so delivery services discuss this point with the client in advance.

With stationary structures, everything is a little more complicated.:

First, the base of the partition is installed, which will serve as its support in the future;

After fitting, the base is attached, and an order is made for glass or other material and blinds according to the finished dimensions;

If the size of the order is not large, it can be done on the same day, otherwise final assembly performed only the next day.

It cannot be said that partitions are really mounted faster than similar brick ones. But in their favor is the excellent appearance, which so attracts customers.

Materials used to make office partitions

The main material for the execution of the frame is an aluminum profile. It is painted in any color according to the client's request, and comes in gray as standard. The thickness varies between 2.8-7.5 cm, and this does not depend on the quality of the partition. It has already been discussed above that there are 4 categories of walls and each of them is done on a separate profile view ( different materials exert different loads).

Deaf type office partitions (the most a budget option) are made of drywall, on which a layer of vinyl film is applied. If there is not enough soundproofing in the room, then you have to use mineral wool. Transparent parts are made of M1 glass, the thickness of which also varies and depends on the load on this partition and the accuracy in its operation.

How is the partition design going?

Every day glass transparent (or translucent) partitions conquer the market. They are installed in new office buildings, shopping and administrative centers. All-glass office partitions provide a chic sheen and unique appearance only when properly designed. To do this, the customer is obliged to provide the manufacturer with detailed information and discuss all the nuances with him several times. The following factors are taken into account:

Room parameters;

Placement of partitions regarding light sources;

Conditions of use and the number of people working and staying daily in the building;

Desired type of partitions themselves (transparent or deaf, with or without a frame);

The customer's wishes regarding sound insulation (if necessary, a second layer of glass is installed;

Fastening methods and the presence of moving elements.

Producer pricing policy

A large assortment various kinds Partitions are partly preserved due to different costs. Not every customer is ready to invest a large amount in the organization of the working space in his building. Minimum prices for different types partitions are shown in the table.

As you can see, the difference is significant, which is why the market demand for stationary and mobile partitions remains.

How is the installation carried out?

Installation can be carried out both on a frame and frameless basis, depending on the wishes of the customer. There are no obvious functional differences in installation methods. The same doors are perfectly combined with glass and stationary partitions: they can be used sliding partitions or swing doors with latch.

If we are talking about the installation of translucent structures, then a lot depends on the skills of the installers team, the correctness of the measurements taken earlier and the strict adherence to all installation rules. Glass partitions require special attention, because. the material remains prone to chips, cracks and scratches. But an experienced team will quickly orient themselves on the ground and fulfill the order. If necessary, even additional fasteners can be used to ensure maximum reliability.

Business space is always a lot of people, vanity, working atmosphere. Every little thing affects the speed of solving labor problems, including such as a door. In the office, they only cause inconvenience and take up extra space, slow down work and cause discomfort. Usually, office partitions are used to replace them, which do not take up extra space, allow you to rationally allocate space, use each square meter with maximum efficiency.

What partitions are best for an office?

In most cases, offices use standard sliding models, although there are also folding options, screen partitions. However, they are not very convenient and not practical enough, they may not withstand high loads, so they are much more suitable for use at home.

The only exception is glass "accordions", which are placed in stores and exhibition centers, allowing you to divide the space, but for the office it is still better to choose sliding doors. office partitions.Moreover, it is preferable to order them according to an individual drawing, since in this case it is possible to take into account all the features of the room, the purpose of installing the partition and specifications that she should have.

The finished model should be combined with furniture, wall cladding, reception desks, interior and room design. Made in the same style, independent elements of office structures create the effect of organicity and presentability, make a proper impression not only on the company's employees, but also on customers.

How to choose a partition in the office?

When choosing a partition for the office, it is desirable to provide for all the features of its further operation, focusing on the appropriate materials, structures and fittings. With a high load, first of all, you need to ensure strength by installing rollers on the floor and ceiling, and using high-quality steel fittings, high-strength plastic. On the other hand, sometimes it is better to focus on the decorative part of the model.

When choosing a design, you can give preference to both old and reliable schemes, and develop a unique technology. For example, it is very convenient when the panels are built into the wall without actually taking up additional space. But on this issue it is better to consult with a specialist who will give advice based on the specifics of the situation.

The use of factory glass partitions in the office is relevant in any field. Designs have many advantages and are practically devoid of disadvantages if they are made according to standards and comply with GOST. There are dozens of varieties of glass products: transparent and frosted, smooth and rough, sliding and hinged. And each of these types is perfect for arranging office space.

Glass partitions are used to divide space in shopping centers, administrative buildings, offices. They are well suited for separating corridors, showrooms, meeting rooms, and in shopping centers they easily distinguish between sales departments.

Important! To create privacy, use plain or colored blinds, as well as matte or glossy films.

Installation of an office glass partition is a process that does not require coordination with individual authorities. Due to this, the redevelopment of the premises takes place without delay in time.

Designs are made of especially strong glass: reinforced, shockproof, triplex. Only such products meet the requirements for partitions. Another feature of office fences is the ability to use different types glasses (tinted, providing a view on one side, scattering).

When arranging office space, owners can choose different variants decorative coatings.

Basic requirements for glass structures

Any office partitions made of glass must meet 3 parameters: safety, fire resistance, technology that keeps the canvas intact when broken. This means that when buying a product with one glass, it must be impact-resistant, tempered. Such a canvas, when broken, remains on one film, or crumbles into blunt fragments. They are incapable of hurting a person.

The second parameter is fire resistance. Products are tested by temperature, this should be reflected in the documents. Similar fittings are also used, which do not melt under the influence of fire. The product must be resistant to burning for 30 minutes. Disposal of such goods should be carried out only through special enterprises.

When using all-glass partitions in offices or shopping centers located in seismically unstable areas, they must be resistant to such action. When buying, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the structure. Any cracks and scratches are a critical defect and cannot be sold.

If you buy bulletproof glass, then they must withstand at least 3 shots without lumbago. For the test, use the weapon described in GOST.

Advantages and disadvantages

At office partitions glass has many advantages due to the characteristics of the material used:

This leaves a few downsides. The possibility of changing the space with such structures does not provide for the installation of additional elements on glass walls.

Glass partitions are fragile and expensive.

Another drawback is the impossibility of changing the size of the finished partition. When cutting, such products begin to crumble. High-quality configurations weigh a lot, they can not be installed in all rooms.

Classification and features of glass office partitions

There are several classification options for office partitions made of glass.

The first is by design:

  1. Frame. Aluminum profiles are used for installation. If the double glazing method is used, sound insulation is increased. Due to the frame, a one-piece structure is created, slightly narrowing the space, but increasing the reliability of the products.
  2. All-glass. Thick material (up to 1 cm) that has been hardened is also made. Fastened to the floor and ceiling with spot elements. Glasses are located close to each other, there is no aluminum profile.
  3. Block. They are made from small glass "bricks", bars or panels.

You can divide glass partitions according to the type of glass used. So, the most common types are distinguished - transparent and matte. The first category involves the use of tempered polished glass. Matte fabrics are processed chemicals(satinate), which gives a special structure to the canvas. Such products diffuse light and create more privacy.

Important! Textured partitions in the office look interesting: under the "sand", corrugated, ribbed.

Additional types appearance glass products: stemalite, that is, coloring during production, decorative stained-glass windows, applications, smart glass that changes color when exposed to light or electricity.

Tinted glass with special film universal option. After all, such a sticker can be removed at any time.

Stained glass partitions look unusual - their design uses small colored or different texture details.

The division is possible according to the number of glasses used in the construction: double and single glazing. In the first case, sound insulation increases, but installation requires more care. If you make a mistake, dust may appear between the glasses. With single glazing, ease of maintenance and reduced cost are maintained.

Types of glass structures

There are 4 types of glass products that are suitable for use in office space:

  1. Transformable. They are made of independent canvases that move along special rails located in the ceiling. However, space is required at the edges, it is very difficult to install in narrow openings. Unfolded, they are used as stationary walls or sliding doors. It is impossible to install guides on the floor due to the design features.

  2. Sliding. They are made in the form of glass sections. Sliding glass partition works using a sliding mechanism, which is located in the floor and on the ceiling. Sections can be presented in several forms: sliding, oar, and also suspended.

  3. Stationary. Such partitions got their name for the peculiarities of glazing: they are attached directly to the walls, ceiling and floor. Externally, they resemble ordinary walls, and also have maximum soundproofing properties. Unusual figures can be created from stationary systems: they are installed in waves, at an angle, and also in a straight line. Stationary products have maximum strength through the use of all-glass or frame canvases.

  4. Mobile partitions. Installation of products takes a minimum of time and resources, and if necessary, the canvas can be easily removed and installed in a new place. They are made from modules with clip profiles. They are carried out in the form of a floor or desktop screen, sometimes they are realized in the form of a screen. For installation, wide supports are used. Mobile structures have minimal soundproofing properties.

Any glass partition looks beautiful, and when choosing the optimal configuration, it is easy to achieve the required quality from the structure.

Glass sanitary partitions

Such canvases are used for arranging toilets and other premises (for example, kitchens).

They have a simple configuration, but retain the properties necessary for arranging premises with increased sanitary requirements:

  • good strength;
  • opaque structures can be used;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • easy to wash;
  • do not come into contact with household chemicals.

Plumbing partitions form full-fledged cubicles in the toilets. They can be combined with individual doors, provided with latches or bolts.

Material for the production of partitions

In comparison with window glass, thicker sheets (from 8 mm) are used for partitions. They have improved optical characteristics and mechanical strength. Such products are even suitable for use in schools, offices and kindergartens, clinics.

Important! In order to increase the strength, triplex glass or a reinforcing film is used.

There are names that define the type of material used. Float - thermopolished glass, smooth and transparent, which has earned the maximum popularity among office space owners.

Curved glass is tempered and has a curved texture. But optiwhite is one of the most expensive materials, as it has high strength and maximum transparency along with a large thickness. It is used most often in all-glass partitions.

Glass products also include partitions made of substitutes for organic material:

Glass partitions for office space are relevant when you need to save maximum space and preserve the integrity of the room. At the same time, you do not have to sacrifice privacy: blinds and colored films can solve the problem, while maintaining the advantages of glass structures. However, you should be prepared for the fact that such products are expensive.

Which partitions are more practical - the choice of partitions in the office

To date, an excellent solution for planning office space are office partitions. They are quickly installed without unnecessary noise and dust. On modern market presented a solid range of partitions for offices with different characteristics in a wide price range aimed at a variety of buyers.

To select the optimal type of partitions, it is necessary to clearly define the planned number of zones and their purpose. It may be worth using different types of partitions for the most efficient distribution of space.

Types of office partitions - which office partitions to choose?

Depending on the characteristics and purpose, office partitions are divided into three main types:

And now let's talk in more detail about each type and reveal the advantages and disadvantages.

This type of partitions is an excellent alternative to walls. They are fastened with screws and dowels to the floor, walls and ceiling. Partitions cannot be moved, so they are used when planning separate rooms on the territory of the office. They have excellent soundproofing characteristics.

In turn, stationary partitions are divided into two subspecies: assembled once or collapsible systems. One-time assembled partitions are puttied and painted after installation, so they cannot be reused after dismantling. Collapsible systems are mounted quickly without additional "wet" work, so they can be reused at a new location.

Advantages of stationary partitions:

  • fast installation,
  • strength and stability of structures,
  • an alternative to walls that does not require approval from the BTI,
  • good soundproofing,
  • modern fashion design,
  • glass partitions perfectly let in daylight, which helps to save energy,
  • the ability to hide communications in an aluminum profile,
  • the possibility of using blinds,
  • the ability to install switches and sockets,
  • the possibility of mounting doors with an electromechanical lock,
  • the possibility of decoration.

Disadvantages of stationary partitions:

  • impossibility of reuse after dismantling,
  • the need for additional finishing work,
  • massiveness of structures, coupled with additional load on the floors.

With the help of stationary office partitions, one large office can be easily divided into different zones: reception, lobby, mini offices, director's office, and so on.

Mobile partitions can be easily moved in space, since they are not attached to the floor, walls and ceiling. Some of them are even equipped with wheels for convenience. They are great for visual separation. working area. As a rule, in height they are not higher than human height, but not lower than a person in a sitting position. Mobile partitions are represented by three types: screens, panels, screens. Screens are installed directly on the table.

Advantages of mobile partitions:

  • simplicity and ease of changing the layout,
  • a wide choice of materials allows you to create an ensemble with office furniture,
  • fast installation,
  • the possibility of installing blinds (with double glazing),
  • light weight,
  • the possibility of mounting doors,
  • affordable price.

Disadvantages of mobile partitions:

  • poor sound insulation
  • stability is lower than that of stationary partitions.

With the help of mobile office partitions, it is impossible to fence off departments or the director's office. They are suitable for visually highlighting the working area of ​​ordinary employees.

Sliding partitions allow you to transform the space in a matter of seconds. For example, with their help from a large conference room, if necessary, you can make small room for negotiations, separating part of the room. To the guide rail, mounted in the space behind the ceiling, the required number of panels is suspended in the height of the room.
