The sliding door to the kitchen is used for arranging small room or carrying out its zoning. Despite the fact that this design looks neat and compact, for its installation you will need free space on the walls of the kitchen. After learning about how much sliding interior doors cost, most people think about the advisability of having doors as such. Swing systems are appropriate only in spacious apartments and houses. In the conditions of cramped rooms of the old layout, many are thinking about removing the doors to the kitchen, leaving instead a free arched opening. Is it correct? Consider all the pros and cons of such a solution.

When making a cardinal decision about the redevelopment of real estate, it should be borne in mind that the kitchen is a room in which high humidity and pungent odors are constantly present. No ventilation system is able to absorb them completely. During cooking, the stove is on, which heats up the kitchen a lot. Folding doors isolate all this in one room.

In addition, the separation of kitchens from the rest of the space is necessary for the following reasons:

  1. During cooking, a lot of noise is created due to the use of various kitchen utensils. Even the simplest accordion door will protect households from loud sounds, giving them the opportunity to sleep in the morning or late at night.
  2. The closed opening makes it possible to retire and discuss important matters, exchange news, enjoy a meal, without disturbing the rest of the family.
  3. The sliding door to the kitchen closes the space from prying eyes, which is undesirable to show to people who do not have the right to go further than the hallway.
  4. From an aesthetic point of view, even a glass door closes the doors to the toilet from view and protects people eating from unpleasant odors.
  5. Any door (accordion, hinged or sliding) creates a barrier for small children who can hurt themselves with sharp objects or eat semi-finished products.

The downside of deciding to keep doors is that they take up valuable space. This is especially felt in cramped apartments, where when opening the canvas rest against each other and block movement. Great solution for arranging cramped kitchens are sliding systems various types. Let's take a look at the benefits of these products.

Advantages of sliding systems

Today, more and more people are inclined to install sliding doors in their homes. The prospect of using them to optimize the interior and make it more presentable is quite attractive. To do this, property owners are willing to part with a considerable amount.

Such a decision is worth it, since sliding systems have the following advantages:

  1. Saving living space. Cloths simply drive off to the sides, providing the opportunity to move comfortably.
  2. The use of modern clamps and seals makes it possible to achieve almost complete tightness with closed canvases.
  3. Availability of many models standard size with various colors and textures.
  4. The ability to manufacture sliding systems of any complexity to order and in a short time. Installation is carried out by the manufacturer.

The consumer can order sliding system, best suited in color and design to walls or furniture. Modern technologies allow it.

Sliding door design

Since the houses have different layouts, several types of sliding systems have been designed for them. This makes it easy to choose the most best option products for closing the opening to the kitchen.

Today, the consumer can purchase sliding doors of this type:

  1. Overhead. Installed without violating the integrity of the walls. All nodes and mechanisms are mounted on the wall. The canvases move along the opening. When the door is opened, part of the wall is covered. In this place, furniture is not placed right next to it, paintings are not hung. Sockets and switches are transferred, since when the door is open, access to them will be closed.
  2. Embedded. The canvas moves only inside the opening. For opening, a case for a sliding door is equipped. This process involves partial demolition of the wall. After the pencil case is installed, it is sealed with drywall. Drywall can be finished with putty, paint, panels, tiles or wallpaper. Such a design does not imply restrictions on the arrangement of furniture. However, heavy things should not be hung on the outside of the pencil case.
  3. Retractable. When opening the door, the sashes are folded and removed into a pre-arranged niche. The niche deepens into the wall or is installed outside. It depends on the layout of the apartment and the thickness of the walls.

Depending on the width of the doorway, one or two leafs are installed. The width of the canvas varies between 50-150 cm.

Single leaf doors are installed solely for the purpose of isolating the kitchen for as long as necessary. The dual system has a wider range of applications. In addition to blocking the passage to the kitchen, it is used for zoning rooms. Double doors are used to connect or separate the kitchen and dining areas, dining room and living room. Depending on the situation, the sashes roll back completely, block the passage completely or partially.

Types of roller systems

For the manufacture of sliding doors to the kitchen, designers use two types of roller systems. Their difference is not fundamental, it differs only in the place of installation of the main mechanisms.

The consumer can choose from the following types of roller systems:

  1. With top guide. All fasteners of such canvases are located in a box located above the opening. The movement mechanism consists of a rail and rollers rigidly fixed on the canvas. The door itself does not touch the floor. Tightness is achieved by installing dense gaskets that cover the resulting gap. This system is good in that the integrity of the floor covering is not violated, since there is no need for a lower rail. The canvas retains its shape, as it is in a suspended state.
  2. With floor guide. Steel rollers on canvases are located at the bottom. They ride through slots in a tire bolted to the floor. A box is fixed in the upper part, inside which silicone rollers move, ensuring the position of the canvas in the correct position. This design is more vulnerable during operation. The rollers periodically come out of the grooves, and the grooves themselves are constantly clogged with debris. In addition, the canvas may eventually bend under its own weight.

For the convenience of opening and closing the canvases are equipped with functional handles that do not interfere with their free movement.

Material for the manufacture of sliding systems

Since these structures experience quite strong loads, the canisters and rails are made of steel. This material is strong enough to withstand decades of heavy use in wet conditions. The frames of the sliding systems are attached to the walls with anchor bolts, which eliminates the possibility of deformation.

For the manufacture of the roller system, stainless steel or titanium alloys are used. For silent sliding, the wheels are covered with a layer of high-quality polyvinyl chloride. This material is resistant to mechanical abrasion, temperature extremes and chemically active substances. When ordering sliding systems, you need to choose accessories only of the highest quality and from trusted manufacturers.

The design of kitchen doors depends on the filler of the canvas. The material for the sliding door must be durable, resistant to aggressive liquids, moisture and corrosion.

Today it is possible to purchase canvases for sliding systems from the following materials:

  1. Natural wood. These doors look very beautiful and prestigious. But it should be understood that the tree has a limited service life, it is unstable to moisture and scratches. In addition, solid wood has a significant weight. It will be quite difficult to move such canvases. Do not forget that wood absorbs odors and moisture. Over time, it can swell and warp a lot.
  2. Plastic. This a budget option filler. Modern technologies make it possible to stylize plastic under natural wood, natural stone, fabric and leather. Drawings with the most diverse content are applied to the canvas, in any color scheme. But plastic has insufficient strength and perfectly transmits sound. As a rule, this material is used when carrying out economy class repairs.
  3. Glass. This material is recommended by builders and designers. Glass products have all the characteristics necessary for sliding systems. With sufficient strength, they look impressive and presentable. The best option triplex (glued) and tempered glass are considered. Worthy analogues are monolithic polycarbonate and plexiglass. Cloths are available in transparent and colored versions, processed sandblasting machine and mirror inserts.

It is necessary to install decorative canvases so that their front part is turned towards the kitchen. You should not opt ​​for solid doors. It is better to install translucent structures that visually expand the space. Wooden and plastic sheets can be equipped with inserts made of frosted glass or stained glass windows. The choice depends on taste and financial possibilities.

From the article you will learn:

There are two main reasons why designers install sliding doors in kitchens: dividing a large space into zones and saving space in small rooms.

In each of these cases, it is worth remembering that in order to open a sliding door, you need to leave space along the wall (on the inside or outside) or provide for the installation of a special design in the wall itself.

It is possible to install a sliding door in doorway, however, the opening for this purpose needs to be wide enough - it should fit two canvases through which an adult can easily pass.

If one of the listed options is available, then the design of a standard kitchen can be transformed and made more functional. If desired, the kitchen can be easily combined with a hall or living room, and sliding doors allow you to open / hide the work area.

The door to the kitchen - is there a need?

Any kitchen has a specific microclimate and, at times, exudes aromas that are not particularly desirable to let into other rooms of the house. Ventilation and exhaust are not always able to eliminate these odors quickly and effectively, and therefore an extremely desirable item in the interior of any home.

In order for as little sounds and smells as possible to penetrate from the kitchen into the rooms, equip the door.

The absence of doors is not particularly pleasant from an aesthetic point of view - any visitors will be able to see the working kitchen area, which is not always in perfect condition. Many typical apartments, however, have a "pretty" layout of the area, providing a luxurious view of the kitchen right from the doorstep. front door. The placement of bathrooms right next to the kitchen is even more masterpiece - in this case, the presence of a door will also protect the kitchen from unpleasant external odors.

The absence of doors will allow young children to enter rather dangerous territory without obstacles. If the parents do not follow the baby, and he ends up in the kitchen alone, the consequences can be very sad.

What are good sliding doors - advantages of models

Firstly, uniting or dividing the kitchen space looks very stylish and elegant. Their design options are so diverse that you can easily and naturally choose a model for an interior in any style.

Secondly, the sliding design allows you to install doors different sizes, and in the absence of the required dimensions, the canvas according to individual parameters can be made to order.

Third, even for standard doors Several design options are available, and you can also order fittings according to your taste and financial capabilities.

Choose the most attractive options from the proposed options and create a kitchen door that best suits your needs.

The use of swing doors in small apartments is not very advisable, as they require a lot of space for opening / closing. Sliding type doors allow you to save space, but they delay sounds and smells worse. Door seals or special brushes help to get rid of this drawback, although even without them, the intensity of smell and noise from the kitchen getting into the rooms will significantly decrease with the advent of the door.

Sliding doors for the kitchen - which variety to choose

Sliding doors can be different design depending on the width of the opening they are intended for and how they will open. The main types of sliding doors include the following models:

  • invoices- door leaves move along the outer part of the wall.
  • built-in– door leaves move along the inside of the wall.
  • retractable- V open form movable canvases are retracted into or along it.
  • with one or two sheets.

When installing a sliding door in the kitchen, it is necessary to provide for the presence of free space for opening it, that is, it is absolutely impossible to lean furniture, a stove or a sink against a wall with a moving canvas. An exception will be the installation of a sliding door, but in this case it is not recommended to hang massive cabinets and shelves on the "working" wall.

If the door is installed in an opening that is located close to a perpendicular wall, then the choice will have to be stopped on a compact single-leaf model.

Sliding doors used as a partition between the kitchen and the living room look beautiful and modern. Such designs allow you to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, turning the kitchen into a large dining room with a slight movement. For such purposes, partition doors made of artistically designed glass or mirrors are often used.

The design of sliding doors should match the overall interior of the kitchen, even in small things. Inappropriate fittings can spoil the overall idea of ​​​​the room, breaking out of the chosen style.

When choosing a sliding system for your kitchen, you should immediately decide which of the two types it will belong to:

  • to hinged- with one guide at the top, which holds the blades and ensures their movement;
  • to floor- with upper and lower guides that control the strictly vertical position of the canvases.

For kitchens, it is considered the most successful, since the lower rail in working area quickly clogged with crumbs and needs frequent cleaning. In order not to complicate her life with such procedures, it is worth it, especially since she does an excellent job with the tasks assigned to her.

From a variety of types, types and shapes of sliding kitchen doors, buyers often run their eyes, and they just can’t stop at one thing. In such cases, most manufacturing companies offer to look at the available models visually - using special computer program , which simulates the situation of the kitchen and the door installed there.

What material should the door to the kitchen be made of?

For a long and reliable service, the kitchen door must have leafs made of a material that meets the following requirements:

  • tolerate moisture well and be resistant to mechanical damage;
  • prevent the growth of fungus and mold;
  • provide ease wet cleaning and bear it well.

You should not install whole canvases without inserts in the kitchen. Glass or mirror fragments will give the kitchen door elegance and visual lightness.

If the budget for the purchase of a kitchen door is limited, then you can purchase a sliding model made of plastic, but it is worth remembering that such doors are very fragile and almost do not hide sounds.

Wooden doors are luxurious and presentable, but, therefore, for installation, you will have to splurge on an expensive roller mobile system. The tree has another significant disadvantage - it is vulnerable to moisture, quickly saturated with odors, and therefore needs additional treatment with protective compounds.

As a framework for such models are:

  • plastic with partial reinforcement;
  • metal profile;
  • moisture-resistant MDF (past lamination or veneering);
  • lightweight timber impregnated with protective compounds.

Glasses for moving and stationary canvases are decorated in different ways:

  1. Tinted or matted with sandblasting.
  2. They are made up of fragments of different colors or thicknesses.
  3. They apply an artistic drawing, photographic images or engraving on the surface, etc.

There are a lot of options for decorative glass processing, and almost all of them can be used in the design of door panels. However, you should always install decorated kitchen doors with the smooth side towards the kitchen - let the guests and household members admire the beauty of its design during the holidays.

Doors in the kitchen are not only the final part of the interior, but also a necessity: many people do not want the smell to penetrate into other rooms of the apartment while cooking. The kitchen is a separate island in any home. All family members spend a lot of time in it: they eat, communicate with each other, cook food. The comfort of this room and the right interior play a very important role. Today, many people choose sliding doors for the kitchen.


Doors in the kitchen are designed to protect the rest of the rooms from odors, soot, steam and smoke. Extra sounds (such as the roar of pots and plates or a clapping refrigerator) will also not interfere with the household.

Often in modern apartments (especially in the so-called Khrushchevs), the kitchens are small, but at the same time heavily loaded. The placement of furniture, cabinets, chairs, tables and household appliances is thought out to the smallest detail. Every free centimeter is important.

In such cases, sliding doors between the kitchen and the living area will be an excellent interior solution.

The use of sliding door structures has many advantages. It is worth considering some of them:

  • Space saving. The operation of such structures allows you to save the required area. This is especially important for small studio apartments.
  • These products connect two different spaces - or divide a common room into certain zones.
  • Such structures imitate walls. This is important to create integrity.
  • Safety and durability. The sliding mechanism of the canvases is reliable and will serve the owners for many years.
  • Easy installation. Assembling structures of this type will not give you much trouble.
  • A large number of materials for the manufacture of canvas. This allows you to choose doors for almost any interior.


Sliding kitchen structures are made from the most different materials. When creating, a profile is used, which is trimmed with veneer from trees of various species. Aluminum and steel profiles are relevant.

The door frame during manufacture is filled with the following materials:

  • Glass. It can be either frosted, transparent glass, or various decorative stained-glass windows.
  • Veneer.
  • Wood of various species. natural wood, covered with paint or varnish, looks perfect. Such materials are environmentally friendly, but have a very impressive weight. They are suitable for spacious dining rooms.
  • Plastic in various colors.
  • Natural options (bamboo, jute material, rattan and so on).

The choice of raw materials that are used to create the structure is determined by the tastes of the owners of the house, the environment and the functions of the room itself.


Sliding structures are usually divided into the following types:

  • Overhead - sections move along the wall.
  • Built-in - sections move inside the opening.
  • Sliding - opening sashes drive into the wall partition.

bright accent in the interior there will be sliding structures that separate the hall and the kitchen. The sashes can be fully opened to enlarge and unite the space, or closed to form isolated zones.

Choosing a view sliding canvases, it should be remembered that the design of the door and the attached fittings should not stand out from the general style of the environment. For example, delicate carved vintage handles will not look very good in high-tech, loft styles.

Interior doors It is customary to divide into single- and double-leaf structures, and also distinguish accordion doors:

  • Usage single leaf doors is typical for small kitchens. They are compact and save free space. During installation, there is no need for additional installation of the door frame.
  • Bivalves partitions are designed for wide openings, they are ideal for large dining rooms. Such products can be bright decorative elements, they are practical, many models look simply luxurious.
  • Accordion doors according to the principle of operation are similar to blinds. Such products save a lot of space. Models are created using MDF materials. You can use inserts made of glass, plastic. Similar products are the most different colors which greatly facilitates the choice of the most suitable option.

Such models are safe to use, there will be no injuries from them.

"Pencil case"

The door-pencil case is suitable for such premises where an opening was not originally provided for door structure. It looks neat and is very easy to use.

The door is installed by increasing the opening, which is further disguised as a wall. With the help of drywall, a partition is created empty from the inside, which has an opening on the side.

Such a door will occupy a small part of the opening and will become an imitation of a wall. The sash, when opened, will be completely hidden in the partition. If you strengthen it further, it will be possible to hang cabinets and shelves for the kitchen.

compartment door

Multifunctional type, such products are very convenient to use. For sliding compartment doors between the room and the kitchen, the same mechanisms are used as in wardrobes. The fabric looks standard.

The movement of the valves occurs along the guide - along the walls. The guide is attached above the opening, the door is suspended. Installation of a guide from below is possible.

The disadvantage of such a system is that it is undesirable to place close to the door kitchen set, household appliances or outdoor plants. This option is cheaper and easier to install.

glass products

Glass sliding doors will separate element decor in the house. Their main advantage is the visual increase in the surrounding space. During installation and operation, these models do not require large expenditures. They work thanks to a mechanism that is fixed from above or below. Such doors are silent, they provide good sound insulation.

If you want privacy, then for the canvas you can use not transparent, but frosted glass. It will hide your rest from prying eyes.

mobile partition

Acts as a subspecies of compartment doors. IN closed such products isolate the entire passage. When opening, the sash moves to the side.

When creating such partitions, frosted or transparent glass is used. Main advantage mobile partitions lies in the fact that it is not necessary to use additional materials when making an opening in the wall.


It is better to use such a device if there is a long narrow corridor at the entrance to the dining area. The section is fixed on the upper guide with the help of a scrolling carriage. It moves in different directions from the opening, and also scrolls. The pendulum door is characterized by significant space savings, which is especially important for the dining area.

The theory about the need for a kitchen door in an apartment rests on three pillars: safety (especially if there are small children and animals), smells (even the most powerful hood will not keep the sharp aromas of food in check) and aesthetics (neighborhood with a bathroom is always inconvenient). Sliding doors to the kitchen will help solve these problems.

Types of structures

Interior sliding doors have the same essence, but their working mechanisms are somewhat different:

  • Standard. They are classified into single and double. Single-leaf (have one movable canvas) are best used for small rooms with tiny openings. This saves valuable space. Double doors (two movable canvases) are relevant for spacious rooms with wide openings. Both doors open in different directions, which is not only comfortable, but also gives hospitality to the interior.

  • Radius. It is a system in which the valves do not move in a straight line, but in an arc. This custom design doorway, which is relevant in a room with round or curved walls.
  • Doors - "accordion". The principle of operation of the mechanism is more like blinds. The design consists of several narrow flaps that fold into an accordion to free the passage. Therefore, they are often called folding door systems. A significant advantage is the mobility of the partition: the width of the opening can be varied at will from a narrow gap to a full passage.
  • Coupe. The mechanism is similar to the systems used in wardrobes. This is the most popular design solution. door partition, which helps save space in the aisle between the room and the kitchen. The design feature is that it not only performs its direct function, but also plays the role of a wall in the room. To comfortably place furniture that is close to the walls and to the side of the doorway, use a mechanism with two canvases.

  • Pencil door. Apartments equipped with a wide passage to the kitchen without walls allow the installation of a "penalty" system. For her, a hollow plasterboard partition is installed with a hole on the side, which will play the role of a false wall and occupy part of the doorway. When the door is opened, the canvas will hide inside the plasterboard structure.

Along the wall there is additional space for placement kitchen furniture. Hollow baffle can be used for various household needs e.g. hanging accessories or kitchen cabinets. The mechanism looks succinctly in the interior and is practical in operation.

  • Pendulum. It is used if the kitchen opening is adjacent to a narrow corridor. The uniqueness of the mechanism lies in the process of turning the door panels: they not only move in both directions in relation to the door frame, but also rotate along the vertical axis. More often, only one door is used, opening both inward and outward.


The range of materials for the manufacture of door panels is diverse:

  • Tree. If financial possibilities allow, you can give preference to wooden door consoles. This is a good investment because varnished wood looks just perfect, especially between the living room and the kitchen. The door leaf can be either solid or combined with other materials (paper, plastic, glass, mirror).
  • Significant advantage of wood– environmental friendliness and pliability, so that it can be included in various styles interior. The only drawback is the massiveness of finished products, so it is better to use door consoles in spacious kitchens. Wood often goes in tandem with glass inserts, such door options are popular and fit into any design idea.
  • Glass. Designs made of glass canvases will ideally fit into the decor of the room in the style of hi-tech, minimalism or classic interior. The choice of these doors should be based on the strength and reliability of the material: how the glass reacts to sudden temperature fluctuations and whether it is afraid of impacts. If there are small children or animals in the house, only an impact-resistant canvas should be used. The value of these doors is in their ability to let in light, they do not create a completely isolated space.

By choosing models of a certain haze and color, you can achieve the required transparency of the structure. Then through the closed door it will not be visible what is happening in the adjacent room, but at the same time a certain amount of light will penetrate.

  • MDF/Fibreboard- high-quality budget material for kitchen consoles. Such doors are appropriate if it is not possible to put natural wood panels or if the kitchen is too miniature and cannot withstand such door trim. Visually, they are almost indistinguishable from natural "colleagues". Doors made of MDF and veneer are lightweight, easy to care for, and resistant to temperature extremes. A wide range of colors allows you to choose door leaves to any style of interior.
  • Plastic. Often used in tandem with folding structures and sliding doors. The material comes as an economy option, but differs in presentable appearance. For the kitchen space optimal solution: plastic sashes do not require special care, it is enough to walk on them with a soapy cloth. If the kitchen is adjacent to the hall, such a doorway decoration will look somewhat ridiculous and cheap.


Sliding doors to the kitchen have a lot of advantages:

  • Space saving. The installation of these systems allows you to get additional free space, while the open leaf of swing doors requires space. Sliding structures freely maneuver along the wall or hide in it. This allows even the smallest apartment to look comfortable and roomy.
  • Space zoning. It becomes possible to divide a large room into several smaller ones that perform different functions. For example, to separate the dining area from the kitchen. Sliding partitions relevant for studio apartments, when there is no desire to reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bspace, but periodically there is a need to isolate any of the zones.
  • Design safety and reliability. The absence of a threshold and the free sliding of the doors ensures comfortable movement for children and the elderly.
  • The number of wings in a sliding structure can vary from one to several. This allows not only to transform the interior, but also to simplify control over the width of the doorway.
  • Depending on the interior design, you can choose various material and finishing fabric for partitions, order a design according to individual sizes.



Mechanisms also have negative features:

  • The system needs personal space on the sides of the partitions so that the doors have room to move. It should be borne in mind that if the door is hidden in the wall, load-bearing walls and common ones with neighbors are not suitable for this purpose. Lack of space for "parking" will not allow the introduction of such a system.
  • The price category of doors is an order of magnitude higher than that of standard models.
  • The sashes move with the help of rollers or rails, so it is almost impossible to ensure silent opening.

How to choose?

The choice of an interior door mechanism and finishing material is individual and depends on personal preferences, the layout of the apartment, future design, and, of course, the owner's financial capabilities.

Wooden compartment doors with carved and forged elements are often used by designers in styles shabby chic and art deco. Rough unplaned boards are a must rustic style country. Fans of oriental motifs will love the standard models with a wooden base and rice paper trim. Do not do without these panels and design in rustic and rough loft style.

Plastic doors- "accordions" and "pendulums" with a chrome-plated metal coating are relevant for high-tech design and minimalism.
