Nature is amazing and diverse, no creature is like another. Older preschoolers are interested in the bright, diverse world of nature and are happy to get acquainted with unusual, amazing animals. According to the program "From Birth to School", the teacher tells children about the ways of classifying animals, in joint activities leads them to an understanding of the similarities and differences between animals, their significance for nature and humans. During the week, children will learn about rare, unusual animals, how animals predict the weather and many others. interesting facts. Information about unusual animals, stories for reading and discussion, and more can be found in the appendix to the plan " Theme week « amazing world animals."

Social and communicative development

Work continues on fixing the rules safe behavior children, which contributes to social and communicative development as well as various studies on the formation of skills to express their emotions through movements and gestures.

cognitive development

In area cognitive development the geometric mosaic “Amazing Animals”, the educational and research activity “Vaults and Tunnels”, during which children will find out why insects that have fallen into the sand crawl out unharmed, are planned. Preschoolers observe nature and record observations in a diary.

Speech development

Speech development occurs in the games "Compare", "Make a sentence", during the operation of children's television and children's reports about amazing animals.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Senior preschoolers draw and construct a non-existent animal, depict amazing jellyfish and use potatoes in visual activities, which contributes to the artistic and aesthetic development of future schoolchildren.

Physical development

To solve the problems of physical development, the teacher plans a conversation about the importance healthy eating, repetition of familiar games and self-massage exercises.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOcognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Morning greeting "Share your mood." Purpose: to develop the ability to analyze one's state.Problem situation "Why are there animals on the planet?". Purpose: to teach children to determine causal relationships, to argue their answer, to expand children's knowledge about the importance of animals for nature and man.Compilation of descriptive stories about the animals of hot countries. Purpose: to activate the dictionary, to develop the evidence of speech.Introduction of the album "The Amazing World of Animals". Purpose: to introduce children to unusual animals on the planet.Fizminutka "Elephant". Goal: introduce the game, expand knowledge about animals.
Observations and work in the garden. Purpose: to learn to work together.Board game "Fold the square." Purpose: to consolidate the ability to fold a square from different parts without relying on a sample.Finger game "Once upon a time there were three penguins." Purpose: to learn words.Musical and didactic game "Learn and repeat". Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of musical instruments, to learn to recognize them by sound, to be able to convey the rhythmic pattern on the instrument.P.i. "Fast and accurate." Purpose: to please children. P.i. "It's boring, it's boring to sit like this." Purpose: to introduce the game.
2 p.d.Organization of children's television, preparation of programs about different animals. Purpose: to teach children to prepare short messages about animals.Conversation "Why does a person need energy." Purpose: to expand knowledge about energy sources, ways to save it.Reading stories about animals. Purpose: to expand knowledge about the behavior of animals at different times of the year through literature.Psycho-emotional etudes "Who moves how". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to convey the features of the ways of movement of different animals.Ball game "Throw the ball to an adult and name the animals." Objectives: to expand vocabulary through the use of generalizing words; develop attention and memory.


OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Essays on the theme of the week. Purpose: to teach children to convey their emotions through movements and facial expressions.Games with Kuisener's sticks. Purpose: to expand mathematical representations.The teacher's story about the classification of animals, watching educational programs. Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary of children, to introduce the diversity of the animal world.Drawing "Beauty Jellyfish". Goal: improve graphic skills, develop creative thinking.Round dance "Near the Blue River". Purpose: to develop the ability to imitate the habits of animals, facial expressions and gestures.
Conversation "Why do we need rules?". Purpose: to clarify children's knowledge of the norms and rules of behavior in society.Teacher's story "How animals predict the weather." Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the importance of animals in human life.The game "Living and inanimate nature." Purpose: to develop attention.TRIZ “What would happen if…”. Purpose: to promote the development of analytical thinking, the ability to calculate options for events.P.i. "Wolf in the ditch" Purpose: to teach children to jump over a ditch, 70-100 cm wide, from a running start, trying not to be touched by a wolf. P.i. "Relay race of grasshoppers". Purpose: to satisfy the need for movement.

Planning of educational work from November 2 to November 6, 2015.

Topic: “Pets and their cubs. Domestic birds»

Target: consolidate knowledge about the differences between wild and domestic animals, continue to teach how to compare and establish cause-and-effect relationships, make generalizations, cultivate love and respect for nature.

mobile game "The mother hen and chickens" Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed.

Exercise Regina A., Daniil K. Vlad K. in drawing trees with paints and crayons. Goal: continue to learn how to draw trees.

Didactic game "Who has who?" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about baby animals.Didactic game "Who gives what?" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the benefits of pets for humans.

Canteen duty . Purpose: to fix the rules of table setting. Independent gaming activity in employment centers.

Individual conversations with parents about the well-being of children.


Cognition, communication, reading thin. literature, art. creativity, safety, physical culture, labor

dog watching . Why are dogs called "man's friends"? ask who has dogs, what are their nicknames? Encourage children to talk about their pets' habitsmobile game "Shaggy Dog"

Exercise girls in jumping on one and two legs moving forward

situational conversation "Rules for the treatment of animals" Purpose: to educate the rules of safe behavior.

Labor on site - to collect large garbage Purpose: to cultivate the ability to work together. Independent gaming activity on the site.

Work before bed

Cultural and hygienic procedures. Reading fiction: K. Ushinsky "Dispute of animals"


Exercise after sleep.

table theater “Like a dog was looking for a friend” Purpose: to involve children in theatrical games, develop imagination.

WMC Didactic game "Magic Cube" Purpose:enrichment of the active vocabulary of children with nouns, activation and consolidation of the vocabulary (Ralina M., Kristina S., Amir L)

Didactic game "The fourth extra" Purpose: to develop logical thinking. Board-printed game "Africa", "Pets" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to collect puzzles

Attributes for theatrical activities, d / and, desktop-printed games, independent gaming activities in employment centers.


bird watching . Is it still possible to see migratory birds or have they all gone to warmthe edges? To consolidate knowledge about migratory birds and the reasons why they fly game "Don't stay on the floor" Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed.

Morning gymnastics.Conversation with children "Inhabitants of the barnyard" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about domestic animals.

mobile game "Cats and mice" Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed.

Exercise Artur H., Ralina M., Daniil K in drawing up and solving problems on a visual basis

Didactic game “Who lives where” Purpose: to consolidate the ability to coordinate noun. pl. Numbers with numerals, introduce the names of buildings for pets.

Board game "Animals" (lotto)

Working in a corner of nature . Purpose: to cultivate a desire to care for job centers.

Individual conversations with parents about the well-being of children


Cat watching. Consider the animals of the cat family. What do cats eat and what are their habits? Ask the children to remember and recite poems about cats. mobile game "Mousetrap" Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed.

Exercise Vlad K., Kristina S., Uliana N. in the ability to hit the ball from the ground and catch it with one and two hands

Situational talk “Can pets be replaced by machines and robots?” Purpose: to teach children to reason and prove their point of view

Labor on site - sweep the tracks. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to bring the matter to the end.Independent play activity Location on.

Work before bed

Cultural and hygienic procedures. Reading fiction: G.Kh. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling"


Exercise after sleep.Role-playing a game "In the barnyard" Purpose: to fix the conditions for caring for pets.

WMC Exercise children in the correct pronunciation of Tatar words. Didactic game "Nishliy?" "Nishliisen?" Target:enrichment of the active vocabulary of children with nouns, activation and consolidation of the dictionary.

Exercise children in sculpting a cat. Purpose: to teach children to convey the movements of a cat in modeling

Board and printed game "Zoological Lotto". Designing "Houses for animals" Purpose: to develop constructive skills

Independent play activity in employment centers


Supervision of public transport. Remember the rules of behavior on the bus, the rules traffic. Consolidate knowledge about public transport. F/N “Who will gather sooner?”

mobile game "Cat on the roof" Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed.

Didactic game "Magicians" Purpose: with Regina A., Marat H., Dilara V. to clarify ideas about geometric shapes

Didactic game “Who is doing what?”, “Gather a family” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about pets.

Labor - to help the junior teacher wipe the chairs. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to help adults. Independent gaming activity in employment centers.

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children

Ind. conversations with parents "Repeat the studied material with the children at home"


Cognition, communication, reading thin. literature, art. creativity, physical education, safety, labor

Observations for seasonal changes . Purpose: to form concepts about natural phenomena (hoarfrost, frost, waning day, staying night).Didactic game "What changed?" Purpose: to teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships

mobile game "Fox in the chicken coop" Purpose: to develop speed, agility.

Didactic game "Count cats in order" Purpose: to exercise children in ordinal counting

Experimental-experimental activity “Do all liquids freeze the same way?” Purpose: to introduce various liquids, to identify differences in the freezing processes of various liquids (water, salt water, milk, juice, vegetable oil)

Labor on site - collection of large branches. Purpose: to develop the skills of diligence. Independent gaming activity on the site.

Work before bed

Cultural and hygienic procedures. Reading fiction: E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat"


Walking barefoot on a gym mat.NRK Examination of illustrations of the peoples of Bashkiria and Tatarstan - to cultivate love for folk art, to see the beauty of ornaments

Didactic game "Say kindly" Purpose: to teach children to form words in a diminutive form

WMC . Didactic game : "Tell me which one?" - Description of the birds. Observation of the duty of children in the dining room, remember the name of the cutlery in the Tatar language.

The plot-role-playing game "Pet Shop" - the plot "Buying a Parrot" - to deepen knowledge about professions, with the help of a teacher, develop the plot of the game, develop dialogic speech and a culture of communication in public places. Wash the attributes in the sports corner - teach children to independently carry out instructions neatly, conscientiously


Ice observation. Where does ice first appear? Determine its properties (smooth, transparent, cold). Conversation about the rules of behavior on the ice. Why is thin ice dangerous? P / I "Stop"

From May 10 to May 14, the theme of the week is "Pets"

Children should know:- names of domestic animals: cow, cat, dog, goat, horse, pig, sheep, ram, horse; - the names of the cubs and the family: calf, kitten, puppy, foal, lamb, piglet, kid; - the concept of "pets"; — external signs each, what they eat, how they give a voice; - where they live, what benefits they bring;

Finger gymnastics "Buryonushka".

Give milk, Burenushka, (children show the “horns” of a cow, bend their index finger and little finger)

At least a little - on the bottom.

Kittens are waiting for me

Little guys.

Give them a spoonful of cream

(bend one finger at a time, starting with the little fingers, on both hands)

A little cottage cheese, on both hands.

Oils, yogurt,

Milk for porridge.

Gives health to everyone - cow's milk! (The "horns" of the cow are shown again)

Didactic exercise:

  1. "One-Many"(formation of plural nouns): cat - cats - many cats foal - foals - many foals dog - dogs - many dogs kitten - kittens - many kittens pig - pigs - many pigs horse - horses - many horses
  1. “Call it affectionately” (formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes in singular and plural): cow - cow horse - horse cat - cat sheep - sheep dog - dog sheep - sheep ram - lamb
  1. “Count to five” (coordination of nouns with numerals): One cat, two cats, three cats, four cats, five cats One cat, ..., five cats One dog, ..., five dogs One horse, ..., five horses One sheep, …, five sheep One cow, two cows, three cows, four cows, five cows
  1. “Guess who it is?”: Watching, chewing, barking? - the dog Grunts, digs? - the pig neighs, runs, jumps? Does the horse meow, bark, scratch? - cat Mooing, chewing, walking? - cow
  1. "Who - who?" (exercise in word formation): Goat - goat - kids Cow - bull - calves Pig - wild boar - piglets Horse - horse - foals Dog - dog - puppies Sheep - ram - lambs Cat - cat - kittens Goat - goat - kids
  1. “Who gives a voice?”: The horse neighs. The sheep is bleating. The dog barks and growls. The cat purrs, meows. The pig grunts. The cow is mooing.
  1. "Whose? Whose? Whose?" (formation of possessive adjectives): Dog kennel. - Whose kennel? - canine. Goat milk, cow milk. - Whose milk? - goat, cow. Horns of a ram, cow, goat. - Whose horns? - lamb, cow, goat. The tail of a horse, cat, dog. - Whose tail? - equine, feline, canine. Hooves of a cow, horse. - Whose hooves? - cows, horses. Goat beard. - Whose beard? - goat. Cat paws. - Whose paws? - feline.
  1. "Who lives where?" (use of the nominative case of nouns): lives in a barn (who?) - a cow lives in a pigsty (who?) - a pig lives in a kennel (who?) - a dog lives in a barn (who?) - a sheep, a ram lives in a barn (who?) - goat - Didactic exercise "Continue the sentences": The dog barks, gnaws bones, guards ... (house). The horse neighs, grazes ... (in the meadow). The cat purrs, catches mice ... (in the basement).
  1. "Fix the sentence": The dog cackles at strangers. - The dog barks at strangers. The cow gives wool. - The cow gives milk. The cat pecks milk. - The cat is drinking milk. The pig growls in the trough. - The pig is splashing in the trough. The cat grunts on the couch. The cat is purring on the sofa.

Make up a story about a pet according to the plan.

This is a goat, a pet. The body is covered with fluffy hair. The head is small, elongated, with protruding horns. Likes green grass. Gives delicious meat, milk, wool. The goat lives in a barn. Speech therapist advice to parents Show the child (if possible live) pets - a cat, dog, cow, goat, horse, pig, sheep.

Discuss the external signs of each, talk about what they eat. Tell the children about the benefits that pets bring to people. Read poems, stories about pets, look at illustrations.

Sample questions for children:

Why are these animals called "pets"?

- What benefits does it bring to people (horse, cow, sheep, etc.)?

Why does a horse have hooves on its feet?

Why can't you hear the cat walking?

Play with children

The game "Who has whom?"

Option number 1. The adult throws the ball to the child and names the animal, the child must name the cubs of this animal in the plural and throw the ball back. For example: a cow has calves, a dog has puppies, etc.

Option number 2. The adult calls the plural, and the child singular. For example: kittens - a kitten, lambs - a lamb. The game "Guess who it is?" The adult makes a riddle, and the child guesses it. Then the child makes similar riddles. Guards, gnaws, barks? - the dog Grunts, digs? - the pig neighs, runs, jumps? Does the horse meow, bark, scratch? - cat Mooing, chewing, walking? - cow

According to the recommendations of the program edited by Veraks “From Birth to School”, compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the teacher should introduce children to pets, talk about their habits, benefits for humans, promote the development of humane feelings and desire to take care of our smaller brothers. You will find a conversation about pets, making up stories based on the painting “A Cow with a Calf”, poems and vocabulary games on the topic in the annex to the plan “Thematic week “Pets”.

Social and communicative development

During the week, the teacher creates conditions for social and communicative development. He talks about caring for nature, offers to look at pictures from the series “What is possible, what is impossible”, encourages us to resolve conflicts without shouting, to live together, reminds us of the need to comply with the CGN.

cognitive development

To solve these problems in the field of cognitive development, the educator plans to introduce the “Grandmother’s Compound” layout, the “How are they similar and how are they different” exercises, and educational board games on the topic “Pets”. The selection of materials for the mini-museum "Wooden Miracles" continues, the opening of which will be the end of the week.

Speech development

For speech development, the educator teaches children to compose descriptive stories about animals according to the model or using diagrams, organizes didactic games, reading fiction, where pets become the heroes of the works.

Artistic and aesthetic development

For artistic and aesthetic development, the teacher introduces pokes into the group, teaches children how to draw with pokes and invites children to draw a fluffy lamb. Children design a fence for animals, play along with musical instruments in the dramatized song "Goby".

Physical development

In the field of physical development, the educator organizes outdoor games based on folk nursery rhymes "Pets", a physical minute "Hostess" and other events. Children look at the onion and learn more about the health benefits of vegetables.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOcognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Finger theater "Family". Purpose: to continue to form children's interest in the family.Examination of the layout of "Grandma's Compound". Purpose: to interest children in new play equipment.Talk about pets. Objective: to continue to introduce children to appearance, the way pets.Insertion of poke. Purpose: to introduce children to new drawing equipment, to show the techniques of work.P.i. "Pets" based on the nursery rhyme "Our ducks in the morning." Purpose: to develop imagination and the ability to imitate.
Conversation "Respect for wildlife." Purpose: to educate environmental behavior in children; develop an idea of ​​what actions harm nature, spoil it, and which contribute to its restoration.Educational game "What animals hid in the picture." Purpose: to develop the perception of contour figures.Exercise "Echo". Purpose: to promote the development of voice power. Exercise "What is shown in the picture." Purpose: to activate the dictionary, fix the names of pets.Coloring pages on the theme "Pets". Goal: continue to learn how to hold a pencil correctly, develop motor skills.P.i. "Sun and Rain" Purpose: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other.
2 p.d.The game is a dramatization of The Guessing Bear. Purpose: to develop the ability to recognize distinctive features each other.Selection of materials for the museum "Wooden Wonders". Purpose: to draw the attention of children to wooden objects.Reading A. Prokofiev "Chicken on the street." Purpose: to teach to notice humor in the works.Constructive-model activity "Fence for animals". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to design a fence.Examining the bulb. Purpose: to form an idea about the benefits of onions, about healthy way life.


OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.The teacher's story about the zebra. Purpose: to form ideas about road safety.Di. "Continue the sequence (geom. figures)". Purpose: to develop thinking, to fix the names of geometric shapes.Compilation of a descriptive story (an animal of the teacher's choice). Purpose: to teach how to write a descriptive story about an animal according to the model.Song-staging "Bull" (Zheleznova). Purpose: to form the ability to play along with musical instruments.Exercise "Mouse rustles." Purpose: to promote the development of proper breathing, strengthen the respiratory system.
Sweeping broom paths on the site. Purpose: to teach how to use brooms correctly, to bring the work started to the end.Observation of the state of the weather. Purpose: to learn to determine the time of year by characteristic features.Speaking speeches. Purpose: development of phonemic hearing and the ability to imitate.Exercise "Colors around us." Purpose: to exercise in finding a given color or shade in surrounding objects.P.i. "Train". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to walk and run in a column one at a time, listen to the signal. P.i. "Toss - catch." Purpose: to form the ability to throw and catch the ball.

Cooperative activity: Rviewing the album "Animals" - to develop children's interest in the animal world of our planet, to arouse a desire to learn about the habitats of animals, their characteristics and lifestyle.
cognitive development. FTsKM.
Topic: Animals of our planet.
Program content: to expand knowledge about animals living in different parts of the world.
Speech development
Subject: In the forest clearing.
Program content: develop the imagination and creativity of children, activate speech.
mobile game"Homeless Hare" - to develop the ability to navigate in space, to develop dexterity and speed.
Informative conversation"Why don't polar bears live in the forest?" - expand knowledge about polar bears.
A game"Depict an animal" - learn to portray facial expressions, gestures characteristics animals.
Individual work: d / and "Who will name more animals?"
E. Charushin's stories "Reindeer", "Walrus", "Polar Bear" - to develop interest in the animals of the north.

Situational conversation"My favorite animal" - to develop speech, to learn how to compose a descriptive story.
mobile game"Cunning Fox" - develop the ability to act on a signal.

Subject: Number 8.
Program content: learn to make the number 8 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers. Strengthen counting skills in forward and reverse order within 15. Exercise in measuring the length of objects using a conditional measure. Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage.
cognitive development. Productive (constructive) and cognitive research activities.
Theme: Fun zoo.
Program content: pContinue to teach to convey the characteristic features of animals in paper crafts. Develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination, creativity. Cultivate love for animals. To evoke positive emotions from joint activities and their results.
Informative conversation"Such different cats" - to expand knowledge about large representatives of the cat family.
Didactic game"Call me affectionately" - exercise in the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes.
Cooperative activity:guessing riddles about animals - to develop figurative perception, the ability to listen to the riddle to the end.
Individual work: d / y "Name the cub" - exercise in naming the cubs of animals.
Reading fiction: fairy tale by V. Bianchi "Forest bun - prickly side" - to acquaint with the works of V. Bianchi.

Situational conversation"Who was at the zoo?" - develop the ability to write a short story based on personal experience.
The development of speech.
Theme: Underwater world.
Program content: to improve the dialogical speech of children, the ability to compose stories on a given topic.
Theme: Underwater world.
Program content: create conditions for the development of children's creative abilities and horizons through fine art.
mobile game"Fox and hares" - to develop speed and agility, the ability to act on a signal.
Cooperative activity: board-printed games "Who lives where", "Guess the animal" - to consolidate knowledge about animals.
Didactic game"Who can do what?" - exercise in the selection of verbs denoting the characteristic actions of animals.
Individual work: retelling of the fairy tale "Forest Gingerbread Man - Prickly Side" by V. Bianchi.
Reading fiction: R. Kipling's fairy tale "Elephant" - to acquaint with the works of foreign writers.

Situational conversation"Who lives where?" - to consolidate knowledge about the habitats of animals.
cognitive development. FEMP.
Subject: Number 9.
Program content:learn to compose the number 9 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers. Improve counting skills within 20. Exercise in measuring the height of objects using a conditional measure. Continue to develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage.
Theme: Fluffy paintings.
Program content: teach children to make appliqué from woolen threads. Enrich applicative technique – show two different ways creating an image: contour and silhouette. Develop fine motor skills, eye, sense of form and composition. Cultivate interest in the visual arts.
mobile game"Bears and bees" - exercise in running with dodging.
Didactic game"Pick up the word" - exercise in naming the qualities of animals.
coloring coloring pages depicting animals - to develop fine motor skills of the hands.
Individual work: d / and "Guess by the description" - to develop figurative perception, the ability to write a description of the animal.
Reading fiction: N. Sladkov's story "Why does the fox have a long tail" - to raise interest in works about animals.

Situational conversation"Remember fairy tales in which there are animals" - develop memory, consolidate knowledge of fairy tales.
Subject: My favorite animal.
Program content: to develop the ability to draw animals, to learn to compose a composition that is balanced in shape and correct in color. To consolidate and expand children's knowledge of animals, reflecting their own impressions in artistic activities.
mobile game"Wolf in the ditch" - exercise in fast running, develop the ability to act on a signal.
Didactic game"Whose traces" - exercise in the selection of possessive adjectives.
Cooperative activity:d / and "Columbus egg" - to develop the ability to compose an image of an animal from parts according to a model and according to a plan.
Independent activity: board-printed games "Animals", "Who lives where".
