The voice also indicates the age of its owner. People different ages have different vocal cords. In young people, they are elastic, while in older people they become coarser, and the timbre of the voice becomes more deaf.

Politicians Morgan Freeman, Donald Trump or Margaret Thatcher. Chances are you can reproduce their voices in your mind as well as their tone and delivery. Even without listening to the words, you can get important information about people from characteristics such as volume or timbre.

Theory of evolutionary psychologists

A popular theory created by evolutionary psychologists is known as cads versus dads. She suggests that lower male voices indicate that their owners are not very good fathers and usually care less about their children and grandchildren than men with a less rough voice. However, studies show that women generally prefer men with a deeper timbre, especially when those women are closer to ovulation.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that partnering with more thoughtful men can lead to the birth of genetically healthy children. The deeper timbre of the voice is due to the fact that a man has a higher level of testosterone and hormones with a low level of stress. Such representatives of the stronger sex have a higher life expectancy.

On the other hand, more thoughtful men are also rated by women as individuals who can deceive a partner, and as people who are less trustworthy in general. Women who love men with lower voices who are more likely to cheat also prefer these men for short-term rather than long-term relationships. Meanwhile, when women are breastfeeding and caring for a baby, they are more likely to prefer men with higher voices.

This suggests that women discover something for themselves personally in male voices. Timbre can affect a man's attractiveness rating, depending on whether women are interested in fatherhood, finding a potentially long-term partner, or just good genes.

But can the voices really indicate that the person is lying and may be cheating on you? A recent study shows that it is. The participants in the study were played recordings with the voices of people who did not provide any other information about themselves. The listeners had to evaluate the speakers. Interestingly, women were better at this task than men.

The recordings were taken from people with voices of the same tone and attractiveness, who had similar physiques and had similar sexual histories. This means that none of these factors influenced the results. Therefore, it is currently unknown exactly which cues participants used to assess a person's personality.

But not only women can highlight male vocal cues, indicating good genetics and the likelihood of deception. The woman's voice changes during menstrual cycle when she is not using birth control pills.

No wonder men find that their loved one has a pleasant voice when they are close to ovulation. This information is important for the perception of women by men, since the fairer sex does not show very clear signs that they are fertile, unlike some animals.

Voice as an indicator of attractiveness

Voices can also signal that someone is interested in you. In one interesting study, participants were asked to judge the voices of people who spoke a different language. It was necessary to evaluate their attractiveness or unattractiveness.

The researchers found that when there is attractiveness, the timbre of men's voices differs in depth. The voices of both men and women sound more dynamic. There is no monotony in their speech.

How to recognize a drug addict by appearance and behavior? Sometimes it's very simple. Characteristic changes in the eyes, face and physique, changes in lifestyle and character - all this can betray a person who has begun to use illegal substances.

How to recognize a drug addicted person: what to look for in the first place?

There are several ways to distinguish an addict from a non-user.


How to recognize drug addicts by external signs? Pay attention to the eyes (first of all - the size of the pupils), complexion, skin condition, physique, as well as the places where drug addicts usually inject (elbows of the arms, popliteal folds). How to find out exactly what substances a person takes, based on his appearance- described in the following sections of the article.

Sometimes external signs can give out even a former drug addict. Too wrinkled face that does not correspond to the passport age, scars on the hands, acquired cardiovascular diseases at a young age - all this can be the consequences of drug addiction. However, these symptoms can occur for completely different reasons. Therefore, there is no one hundred percent way to find out whether a person has taken drugs in the past or not.


It immediately betrays a person using illegal substances. By behavior, you can calculate even a novice drug addict. If your son or other relative is not the same as before: more aggressive or, conversely, too calm, think about what could have provoked such a sudden change in character. Although it's hard for you to even imagine that your child is a drug addict, take a drug test to see if he's taking anything.

Personal items

How to spot a drug addict? Sometimes for him, everyone can tell his personal things. Further in the article, you will learn what items will help you understand that a person needs to be urgently saved from drug addiction.

Drug test

Now you can buy it at any pharmacy. This is the only one hundred percent way to identify a drug addict. In case of any suspicion, it is better to immediately check whether the person is using any substances. After all, the sooner the fact of drug addiction is confirmed, the easier it will be to cure it.

Do you suspect a loved one of drug addiction?

Describe the signs of his behavior and find out! Free consultation:

Common Signs of Drug Use: A Detailed Review

The modern illegal market offers a wide range of banned substances. All of them have a different effect on the body, so the signs of drug addiction may be different. However, the first external symptoms of a drug addict will already give you a reason to check the person and, if necessary, urgently begin his treatment.

  • Abrupt changes in behavior. Because of taking drugs, a person becomes not the same as before: more aggressive, often “crazy”. Or, on the contrary, too calm - does not even respond to serious problems. Although adolescents can normally change their behavior dramatically due to a crisis transitional age, sometimes this can be the first wake-up call.
  • The emergence of new friends about which a person does not want to talk about anything.
  • The use of slang words that were previously absent from the vocabulary.
  • Violation of sleep and wakefulness. A person may suffer from insomnia due to the use of stimulants, or may sleep for days after taking opiates.
  • Appetite disorders. For example, a person consumes a lot of sweets (which can give out a weed user) or refuses to eat (which can be a symptom of taking psychostimulants).
  • A sharp increase in spending on needs unknown to you. If your child has begun to ask for more money and does not say why he needs it, or if you notice the loss of valuable things from home, think about it. You need to take immediate action. The best thing is to conduct a drug test and, if suspicions are confirmed, immediately begin drug addiction treatment. You may also need to work with a family psychologist yourself. Do not think that the drug addict is the only one to blame for the use of drugs. Most often, it is the mistakes of parents that push teenagers to rash acts.
  • Changed eyes. Dilated or constricted pupils, changes in gaze, the appearance of an unhealthy shine or “veil” in the eyes are all symptoms of drug addiction and substance abuse.
  • Changes in body weight. Stimulant addicts are usually overly thin.

What drug addicts look like: distinctive features of the eyes, face, body

What kind of substances a person uses can be roughly determined by the eyes and characteristic changes in the face.

group of drugs
What are the pupils of drug addicts
Other appearance features
Marijuana (weed, plan)
The eyes of the addict are red, the eyelids are closed, the face is reddish, the look is either lethargic or agitated
Stimulants: amphetamine (hair dryer), pervitin ("vint" - an injection drug), salt (psychostimulants in the form of powders), ecstasy (psychoactive pills), cocaine
When they are taken, as well as during withdrawal, the pupils dilate.
Excited and "running" look, joyful, surprised or aggressive gleam in the eyes. With prolonged use, insomnia causes blue bags under the eyes. When using powder drugs - a red, inflamed nose, bloody discharge from the nostrils is possible
Heroin, desomorphine ("crocodile") and other opiates
The pupils of opiate addicts are constricted
Sluggish look. Poor skin condition (pallor, earthy tone, dryness, peeling). Puffiness. Downturned corners of the lips. Untidy appearance. Bruises on the arms in the area of ​​the veins

Behavior of a drug addict

Usually, a person who uses illegal substances can be recognized by their behavior.

How drug addicts behave:

  • During the period of action of the substance, a person may be overactive, too talkative, or, conversely, lethargic and drowsy. A drug addict can look like a drunk person, but there is no characteristic smell of alcohol from the mouth.
  • During withdrawal, the behavior of the addict changes dramatically. He becomes irritable and "twitchy". Then all the other symptoms appear: anxiety and anxiety, dilated pupils, insomnia, chills, sweating, muscle pain, sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes, vomiting, diarrhea.

Is your son using drugs?

You need to take immediate action and seek help:

Characteristics of heroin addicts

The most characteristic symptom of the use of heroin or other opiates is bruising from injections on the body. They can be located in the following places:

  • elbow bends;
  • knee bends;
  • region of the inguinal veins.

The most inventive drug addicts begin to inject into the sublingual veins so that no traces are visible on the body.

Eyes under heroin become peculiar: the pupils may narrow to a state of tiny, barely noticeable dots.

The skin becomes dry, pale, flaky and flabby. Wrinkles appear early.

Human behavior also allows you to suspect something is wrong:

  1. People who use heroin often experience itchy skin. This causes a person to constantly itch.
  2. A person can wear long-sleeved clothes even in 30-degree heat - to hide bruises on the veins.
  3. Sometimes drug addicts wear sunglasses all the time without taking them off indoors. Thus, they try to hide the narrowed pupils.
  4. During the period when a person has the opportunity to regularly receive a dose of the drug, he is constantly lethargic, drowsy, speaks little and indistinctly, coordination is impaired. A heroin addict looks like a drunk person, but the characteristic smell of alcohol from the mouth is absent.

The following things can give a reason to suspect a person of injection drug addiction:

  • a lighter, if a person does not smoke, is used to heat the drug before administration;
  • syringes;
  • antiallergic drugs (most often - Diphenhydramine) - many drug addicts use them to reduce itching - one of side effects heroin.

Characteristic signs of a drug addict who uses weed

External distinguishing features:

  1. Since marijuana dilates the blood vessels, the eyes of the marijuana user literally “fill up” with blood and turn red. The eyelids fall and close slightly - as if a person is sleepy. The pupils are dilated.
  2. The face acquires a blush, as marijuana dilates the vessels located in the skin. In case of an overdose, on the contrary, blanching of the skin is possible.
  3. The look can be sluggish or, on the contrary, excited.

Behavior features:

  1. Laughter for no reason and inadequate reaction to ongoing events.
  2. Increased appetite. Under the influence of a drug, a person's taste sensations change, everything seems tastier than usual, so you want to eat a lot. Especially marijuana smokers love sweets.
  3. Thirst. When the effect of the drug has already come to naught, the person begins to "dry".
  4. Unstable mood. When an addict is under the influence of weed, his emotional state is changeable: laughter and excitement can suddenly give way to lethargy and calmness, and then abruptly flow into anxiety and panic. During periods when a person does not use drugs, he becomes quick-tempered and irritable.
  5. Memory disorders. Under the influence of marijuana, a person becomes distracted: he may lose his things or forget what he just wanted to do. This usually resolves completely when the drug wears off. However, long-term regular use of marijuana can provoke chronic forgetfulness. Especially quickly memory impairments appear in adolescents, as their nervous system not yet developed enough.

You can also identify a drug addict who uses weed by the things found on him:

  • foil, empty plastic bottles, smoking pipes - used for consumption;
  • matchboxes- drug addicts store weed in them;
  • eye drops - are used to hide the redness of the eyes.

Common signs of drug addicts using psychostimulants

Substances in this group include:

  • powders (amphetamine, methamphetamine, salts);
  • tablets (ecstasy);
  • injections (pervitin, in slang - "screw").

You can recognize a drug addict who uses pills, powders or injections with a stimulating effect by the following behavioral features:

  • Emotional swings. During the action of drugs, a person is overactive, talkative, cannot sit still, shows aggression, and when the effect of the substance ends, he is lethargic, lifeless, irritable and apathetic.
  • Insomnia.
  • The use of sleeping pills or sedatives. Drug addicts who regularly take psychostimulants for a long time simply cannot fall asleep in a natural way.

Signs of an amphetamine addict (hairdryer)

First distinguishing feature by which you can recognize a drug addict who uses powder is a red and inflamed nose.

The skin on it can be scratched and damaged, as an addict who sniffs often suffers from itching in the nose area. With prolonged use of drugs, the mucous membrane is damaged, which can lead to frequent bleeding from the nostrils.

You can also recognize a drug addict using a hair dryer by their eyes. After a person has taken amphetamine, the pupils dilate greatly. However, many drug addicts know how to reduce the pupils after a hair dryer, and instill special drops for this, so you should not rely on this symptom too much.

Signs of a Salt Addict

You can recognize a salt addict in the same way as an amphetamine addict.

The only difference is that the effect of amphetamine lasts longer than the effect of salts. Therefore, an amphetamine addict stays longer in a state of activity and excessive vigor, and a salt addict is more irritable and apathetic.

The physiology of women is individual, therefore, for some, size is still important, for some, the most sensitive area is located deep in the vagina, so that only the owner of a not very small penis can fully please them.

But how can a woman find out how suitable this one is for her? specific man sexually? Best way this one, of course, to try it “in action”, but women have their own signs that allow you to find out the size by external signs manhood. Some take it all as a joke, but there are those who take these signs very seriously.

Some facts about the size

In most men, the length of the penis reaches 12 to 18 cm during an erection. In an unexcited, sluggish, state, the size of the male penis also varies, but the size in a calm state cannot be judged on what scale it can reach when excited. If we turn to the results of research, it turns out that in most cases, the larger the penis in a flaccid state, the fewer times it will increase when it is excited. From the above, one conclusion can be drawn, not all that glitters is gold.

It is well known that external factors significantly affect the size of male dignity. So, for example, the male member decreases in size and fits closer to the body under the influence of cold air, ice water and with strong excitement, thus, the male body shows a protective reaction, and this applies not only to the penis, but also to the scrotum. But under the influence of favorable external conditions, such as warm water and the general relaxed state of the body, the size of manhood increases.

So how do you know the size of a man's penis based on his external data?

Each man's penis parameters are as individual as his face. What nature has awarded, so they exist. If, nevertheless, for a woman, size is not the last thing, she should pay attention to some details.

For starters, growth. As the well-known saying goes, “went to the root”, or, more simply, it is believed that the lower the height of men, the longer their penis. It turns out that the higher the man, the shorter his tool? Frankly, a controversial statement, but there are those who continue to convince the public that he is right. Based on the same saying, we can conclude that lean men have a thicker and longer penis than large and pumped ones.

Scientists who were able to prove that sexual activity can be determined by measuring the ratio of thigh length to leg length came to the aid of women interested in this issue. In other words, the greater the length of the thigh, the higher the sexual activity of a person.

It is also believed that the fuller the lips of a man, the greater his dignity. Among other signs, it is often referred to that the thickness and length of the penis can be recognized by the length and width of the male foot, as well as the shape of the thumb, you can recognize the shape of the penis. And it is also believed that in men with a long nose, the length of the penis also does not disappoint.

Not so long ago, Korean scientists managed to find a way to find out the size of manhood. For most people in general, and men in particular, the ring finger is longer than the index finger, so the greater the difference between the thumb and forefinger in a man, the longer his penis. Scientists claim that this method is the most reliable, because. it was obtained through research. Previously, it was proved that the size of a person's fingers are formed at the embryonic stage, the length of the ring finger, as well as the size of the male penis, are formed at the same stage under the influence of hormones, or rather, testosterone. Those. the greater the amount of this hormone, the longer the ring finger, and accordingly the penis.

It is known that his gestures can tell a lot about a person. But even without knowing the "sign language" one can characterize different people by their appearance.


Features of the structure of the neck, shoulders, hips and legs can tell about the character and passions of a person. For example, a short neck is a clear sign of stubbornness and shortsightedness, while a long one is usually found in melancholic people. The “bull” neck testifies to the fearlessness of a person. Well, the owner of a thin neck can be considered a romantic and timid person.


When communicating, be sure to pay attention to the shoulders of the interlocutor. If they are narrow, the person is clearly shy and prone to self-criticism. And broad shoulders will serve as evidence that he is extremely brave. Broad-shouldered people often inspire confidence and know how to win over.


Massive and wide hips usually betray an uncompromising person. Rounded hips have soft and limp personalities. But narrow and strong hips are a sign of a strong character and endurance. By the way slender legs"talk" about the ability to achieve goals.


Of course, people most often pay attention to each other's faces. Therefore, it is very important to know how to determine the character of a person by the features of his face. So, a smart person is distinguished by a high and slightly convex forehead. But the owners of a narrow forehead are characterized by excessive irascibility. High bald patches are often found in people with some kind of strong motivation. If the interlocutor's forehead has square shape, you are dealing with a pathologically honest person.


About the character of a person can "tell" and his eyebrows. Thin eyebrows betray arrogant and ambitious people. Jointed eyebrows are often a sign of cruelty and rudeness, and wide ones are a clear sign of sincerity and simplicity.


Deep-set eyes characterize people as greedy and envious. Wide-open eyes usually have real dreamers. And the owners of small eyes are distinguished by eloquence and curiosity. By the way, narrow eyes can betray a cruel person, a usurper.


Some character traits can also be identified by the shape of the nose. So, a sharp and long nose indicates the severity and irascibility of its owner. Frivolous and capricious people most often have slightly upturned noses. Well, a wide and thick nose indicates the rudeness of a person.


A small mouth is often found in weak-willed people. If a person's upper lip is slightly larger than the lower, he is a real egoist. And the protruding lower lip characterizes a person who is used to getting what he wants from life. A narrow mouth is a clear sign of stealth. Well, plump lips indicate the laughter and courage of a person.


Often strong people who independently achieve their goals have a large and well-defined chin. Modest and insecure people, on the contrary, have a small and inexpressive chin.

Is it possible to get a general idea of ​​a person's state of health without visiting a doctor, based on external signs alone? It is possible, and quite accurate.

Language status

In addition to being a taste bud, responsible for articulate speech, salivation and chewing, the tongue is a very accurate and sensitive indicator of human health.

Let's start with color. Dark red or crimson will indicate a high body temperature, acute infection, pneumonia, poisoning or ischemia.

In case of serious disorders in the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, or in the case of a severe infectious disease, the tongue will acquire a purple hue.

A white thick layer of plaque on the tongue is present in persons suffering. In case of more serious digestive problems, the coating on the tongue turns yellow.

In case of violation of the acid-base balance, dehydration or sluggish diseases of the digestive system, the color of the coating on the tongue will be gray.

In addition to diseases, the cause of the formation of all of the above types of plaque can be an addiction to smoking, strong tea or coffee.

Pay attention to the surface of the tongue: if it is smooth and shiny - most likely you have a severe stomach disease, anemia or malnutrition, a rough and dry surface is evidence of an acute allergic process in the body.

Diseases of the kidneys, blood and serious problems in the endocrine system will be indicated by numerous cracks on the surface of the tongue. If the imprints of the teeth remain on the tongue, it is just right to talk about the slagging of the body or.

Skin on the face

In case of exacerbation of diseases of the digestive organs (stomach, liver or spleen), the skin of a person’s face acquires a pronounced yellowness, and blue tint skin is typical for those suffering from oxygen starvation or people with problems with the lungs.

Redness of the face is an alarming signal of an increase in body temperature or serious malfunctions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The greenish color of the skin indicates an exacerbation of gallstone disease, problems with the gastrointestinal tract will tell the earthy complexion of the skin.

Darkening of the skin of the face is usually associated with impaired kidney function, and an unhealthy flush of the cheeks is most often caused by a deficiency in the body of vitamin C.

The cause of blue circles under the eyes is functional disorders in the functioning of the heart and circulatory system, while black circles are characteristic of quick-tempered, nervous and overly emotional people.

The pronounced red color of the tip of the nose indicates an increased blood pressure, and blue is about hypotension.

Smell of sweat

Everyone sweats. If water were not expelled and evaporated through the sweat glands, the temperature of the human body in case of heat or physical exertion would increase by 1 degree per hour, and reaching a value of 42 0 C, human body would just die.

Excessive sweating in the absence of nervous tension, physical exertion, or high temperature ambient air may indicate vegetovascular dystonia, hormonal failure in the body, and even tuberculosis.

The smell of sweat will tell a lot. In case of problems with the liver, sweat smells like fish, if the kidneys do not work well, sweat is characterized by an ammonia smell.

The smell of rotten eggs will indicate gastric bleeding, sweat smells like vinegar with tuberculosis, and rotten apples or acetone - with.

The smell of chlorine appears in sweat with problems with the liver or kidneys.

urine color

In a healthy person, the color of urine ranges from light lemon to yellow.

If your urine is darker or closer to an amber color, your body is dehydrated and is suffering from dehydration.

The almost complete absence of color in urine will tell about the excess fluid in the body associated with hypertension or unstable heart function.

The color of meat slops (dark brown) is typical for the urine of a person with kidney problems, saturated yellow will indicate diseases of the liver and biliary tract, and a pink or purple hue is evidence of hematuria caused by a number of diseases.

You should be aware that some drugs can give urine the most unexpected shades.

IN Brown color it can be stained with laxatives, and green or blue with antidepressants, antipyretics and painkillers.

Take care of yourself! Be always healthy!
