A female funnel was invented so that the fair sex could attract the attention of men and not be left alone. The authorship of the most popular technique belongs to Larissa Renard who definitely knows how to draw attention to themselves. The woman featured is the creator of a large number of bestsellers, she regularly conducts seminars and acts as a psychologist.

Renard says that it is pointless to get acquainted with the male sex on your own.

The best option - fulfilling the funnel to attract a man. The technique involves the awakening of a special energy through the use of breathing practices through the uterus. It provides an opportunity to awaken self-confidence and get what you want.

Varieties of female funnels

All practices of Larisa Renard are aimed at achieving a good result. There are different female power funnels, but the most popular of them are the following:
  • on the interest of the male;
  • financial funnel;
  • retention;
  • energy replenishment.
The funnel to attract men is of interest to almost all women.

Its essence lies in the fact that a special signal is sent into space that you want to let a worthy partner into your life.

The rules of twisting are clearly spelled out, and the exercise is based on centuries of experience. With the help of similar methods, our ancestors made contact with the cosmos.

When and how to practice

Making funnels to attract a male is recommended on the first lunar day. Then the result will be stable. You can start right in the morning, after the appearance of the first rays of the sun. The window must be kept open!

Important! The room should not be strangers or animals. Breathe easily and freely, and keep your eyes open.

The meaning of the funnel to attract men is to concentrate energy in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus. From there it should spiral upward.

Who can be attracted through meditation

If the funnel of female forces is done every day, significant results can be achieved. It is worth noting that all males are divided into certain castes, according to their success. The wealthier they are, the more turnovers they will have to produce. during the exercise to attract them.
  • 3 times - students, merchants will come to you;
  • 7 times - you can count on managers;
  • 17 times - deputy directors;
  • 34 times - businessmen;
  • 72 times - oligarchs, big businessmen, magnates;
  • 108 times - presidents, princes.
The female funnel first goes to the lower castes.

You can not skip the presented levels.

Of course, you can try to immediately swing at a better option, but doing the exercise to attract men requires some strength. If you put them all at once, you can get health problems.

Features of conducting practices

It is better to twist the funnels separately. You should start with the technique to collect strength, then to attract. And then you can fix it with a hold technique.

Important point! It takes 28 days for the cells to rebuild. After the time has passed, you can move on to the next level.

  1. First you need to get the attention of men of lower castes. This will overcome all fears.
  2. Then you should smoothly switch to the male sex, whose status is higher.
At the same time, when performing attraction funnels, you should be prepared for the fact that at first only children, people prone to drinking, and “males” with a developed sexual center will look at you.

Rules for the execution of the female funnel

In order for the energy to be replenished, you need to close your eyes.
  1. Then you should take a breath, feel that something light and viscous fills you. It goes straight from the feet, through the Earth, slowly rises up to the uterus.
  2. Another energy enters you through the crown and descends to the womb.
  3. As a result, the streams are combined into one.
  4. They twist in a spiral and tend upward.
  5. And overhead, they form a bright and powerful stream.

It turns out a funnel, which contains the energy of women around the world.

It is filled with the energy of Fire. As a result, the one who carries out the practice becomes sensual and passionate. The energy of the Earth is mixed with Fire - it fills the body with calmness. The power of Water also joins the presented flows. As a result, the woman becomes soft and tender. And the power of Air gives her such a trait as unpredictability.

The universe amplifies the forces of the elements. After working with them, you can send the funnel of female power back to the uterus, thanks to the space. Then you should close it, as well as the uterus.

Technique to attract

The presented funnel for attracting a man is carried out in stages. Let's take a look at the steps you need to take:
  1. Exhale, raise your hands. Enter the flow of energy, connect your palms above your crown.
  2. Then exhale follows, it should be performed through the mouth - this way you will get rid of all the negative.
  3. The next step is to inhale through the nose. Hands should be lowered to the chest.
  4. The next step is to retain oxygen. Turn your hands down, lowering them below the navel. With the help of energy, perform an imaginary triangle, connecting your fingers, moving your palms away from each other.
  5. As you exhale, open the funnel, point your hands up. Fingers should touch each other, elbows bent, palms facing up.
  6. Now, clockwise is to turn, moving to the right. You should breathe evenly.
You can perform as many turns to attract as you need - starting from 3.

After completing the practice, it is worth closing the space.

To do this, hands are placed on top of each other on the lower abdomen. The palm of the right hand should be on top.

How to keep the result

After the funnel to attraction Vdoing a holding exercise male representative, energy, finance.

  1. We take a breath, point our hands up, join our palms above our heads.
  2. We exhale.
  3. Inhale through the nose, holding hands at chest level.
  4. Now you need to retain oxygen, lower your hands lower than the navel.
  5. We concentrate energy, connecting fingers, we move palms from each other.
  6. Exhale, bend your arms at the elbows and lower.
  7. We turn left. We drive away any thoughts.
  8. We fix the result by placing our hands on top of each other on the lower abdomen, the palm of the right hand should be on top.
That's all, it remains only to wait for the result.

If you decide - I, by all means, will attract happiness, you should try the described techniques. They really help.

We have already written about the books of Olga Valyaeva, in which she teaches women non-existent "Vedic psychology". Today we will talk about Larisa Renard. According to the site, Larisa Renard is a candidate of psychological sciences, a biologist, psychologist and coach. She is also the creator of the doctrine of the nature of female energy and the author of educational novels for women. The total circulation of these books is more than half a million copies. Think about these numbers: half a million women have read Larisa Renard's books and probably watched the educational video she releases. Let's see what exactly Larisa taught them.

“I believe that one day Russia will become a country of happy women thanks to the knowledge that I discover and bring to the world. With love, Larisa Renard"

Breathe mother!

The uterus, if you didn’t know, is not just a hollow internal organ, it is also the focus of female power, capable of inflating to the size of the Universe and attracting the “energy of the planet”. And this energy, in turn, attracts men. The main thing is to master the “womb breathing” technique:

  • Close your eyes and think about your uterus.
  • Take a breath and squeeze your intimate muscles.
  • Squeeze them until you feel a pulsation.
  • Now imagine that your uterus is growing to the size of a room, then to the size of a city, then to the size of a country, a planet, and finally the universe.

Further, Larisa writes: “You feel the eternal pulsation of the Universe, the pulsation that gives birth to new worlds: inhalation and exhalation is the eternal beating of life. And having enjoyed this state, you begin to compress your space to the size of a planet, then to the size of a country, city, room, and now you already feel how the space is shrinking to the size of a uterus. You mentally thank the space and open your eyes.

The expression “Everything was covered with a copper basin” in this regard acquires a special charm, right?

Female funnel to attract oligarchs

But with one “uterine breath”, as you understand, you will not attract a man. What to do? Calm, just calm. Just two steps will lead you to an oligarch or even a prince.

Get rid of ties with your ex

No, not because unfinished relationships prevent you from starting new ones. Ms. Renard claims that energy threads hang from your vagina, connecting you with the former. In order not to get tangled in them, as in untied shoelaces, you should cut them off immediately. Larisa advises to stand straight, connect the index and thumb of the right hand, look to the left (this is symbolically our past), imagine the image of the former, then “collect” the energy of long-standing intimacy with the help of the connected fingers in a spiral opposite the uterus and break the thread, “thrown” it to the right leftovers. According to Renard, this ritual is done once. One time for everyone! Every man you've had sex with is still drawing energy from your womb. What a bastard, huh?

Unfortunately, Larisa does not tell us anything about the fate of those who have already been cut off from the energy umbilical cord. Are these unfortunates alive at all?

Spin the funnel!

After you cut the threads that bind you to your ex, it's time to attract new men. Here's how it's done:

Well, now remember the most important thing: you need to make as many turns as necessary to attract a man with a certain status.

3 times - sellers and students;
7 times - middle managers;
17 times - deputy directors;
34 times - business owners;
72 times - ministers and oligarchs;
108 times - princes, kings, heads of state.

Are you spinning already? Wait, not so fast. We have not yet told the most important thing.

Spin right!

If you do not follow the ritual, the energy of the uterine funnel will not work, at least wrap yourself around. What's more, bad things can happen. Therefore, first take off your pants and underwear and put on a long skirt. Cosmic energy does not pass through the fabric, and therefore the funnel will not suck the prince, and even the "petals of the mother" will not tremble.

Find a room without windows and mirrors. Get the animals out of there, because they have a very strong energy (here we began to suspect that Larisa recommends that we turn the funnels in the closet). Start turning the funnel on the first lunar day and keep doing it for 28 days, without missing a single session!

And most importantly: if you did everything right, but the technique didn’t work, it’s not about the technique. The thing is, you have bad, bad energy. How to be? Of course, do not despair! You can attend Larisa's seminar, subscribe to the newsletter or buy books. You will certainly be helped!

Now seriously

If you carefully read the books of Larisa Renard, you will notice that none of them has an answer to the question “What to do if the technique does not work?”. But the answer can be found on Larisa's website. The Private Life Academy offers assistance in learning technology. The full program of the "Academy" consists of six trainings, the cost of which starts from 17 thousand rubles. For one and a half thousand you can get access to a video with a master class from an “expert”. The video lasts an hour and a half, and it tells in detail how to twist the funnel correctly. We, however, have one question: why did Larisa Renard herself divorce and still not suck in the petals of the uterus of a single overwhelmed prince?

  • Differences.
    Male energy is point. Points in space do not interfere with each other's existence. In men, independence is inherent and it does not interfere with coexistence.
    Feminine energy is space. When women interact, they have to give up part of the space. At the same time, they are intuitively afraid of losing themselves, of dissolving in interaction. When two friends “chirp”, they are not afraid to lose themselves, since their conversation is superficial, does not take up space from each other

    Such an "Energy" approach explains why it is easier for a man and a man to find a common language: the dots do not interfere with each other.
    The Japanese proved that men have an innate need to beat, beat, hammer (nails), shoot. That is explosive energy. Therefore, men (unlike women) do not tolerate long, monotonous, monotonous work.
    A woman is by nature much more stable and conservative than a man, for she is the guardian and successor of the human race. Therefore, it is more "fluid", spatial. (Female energy is an image of water.) Therefore, it is easier for her to adapt to the changed situation. The result - a woman is more tenacious, as we have already said. The energy of men predetermines their greater activity in comparison with women.

    Author of the article: Elena Dmitrieva, a practicing specialist in personal and family relations, trainer of women's programs, energy practitioner specialist. Author of the project “Pozitiv.Online”

    How to become a magnet for men. Part one: the state of the mistress.

    It's no secret that there are women who enchant with their energy, you always want to be near them and feel their warm aura. Such women are always surrounded by worthy men, they are lucky in love and they are happy in marriage. Yes, yes, such women have discovered a great female secret - they have learned to be a magnet for men! And it’s not just learning one thing, for example, to shoot beautifully with your eyes or skillfully do an erotic massage, it’s much deeper - this is the art of being a woman, always and everywhere in a woman’s state.

    At first glance, this may seem simple and banal, but I assure you this is far from being the case. Learning to be a woman always and everywhere in our masculine and sometimes very aggressive world is quite difficult, because you have to solve a lot of men's issues, work in men's positions, enter into negotiations, and even disputes, in general, decide everything and everywhere yourself, and this does not benefit femininity and alluring attractiveness. Male energy will never attract male energy. Only female, truly female energy will attract admiring male glances. To become a magnet for worthy men, you need to be in a feminine state as often as possible and be able to properly manage female incarnations. There are only four of them - a mistress, a queen, a girl and a hostess, so our women's task learn to master them to perfection.

    For men, the most alluring female state is the state of a mistress. It is the state of a mistress that helps to attract a man to life. A woman attracts the attention of men only in the state of a mistress, a state of slight excitement and high from life. A man reads and goes to the fullness of female energy, so he reacts to a woman filled with sexual energy. The lover is sensual, but at the same time mysterious, she does not tell information about herself. But if he immediately receives this energy, and the woman remains in the state of a lover, and the relationship either does not develop further, or develops according to the scenario of lovers. Therefore, it is at the beginning of an acquaintance that it is important to be able to be a lover, then other incarnations come into play, but I will tell you about this another time. In order for you to learn how to be a Mistress correctly, I offer you a small cheat sheet to help you.

    So, for the state of the mistress is important!

    Feminine look:
    - cloth
    - linen
    - shoes
    - decorations
    - makeup
    - hairstyle
    - fragrance
    Movements and mannerisms:
    - easy gait, small step
    - concentration on your body, on sensations / awareness
    - slowness/relaxation
    - fluency of gestures
    - graceful head turn
    - velvet voice (from the stomach)
    - staring, languid gaze
    - posture
    - smile
    Silence, active listening
    - desire to sing
    - health care
    - skin care, hair, nails, heels
    - exercises to maintain tone, flexibility, stretching
    - all kinds of spa treatments, massages
    Sexual energy:
    - be always ready
    - show initiative
    - get sensual pleasure
    - know your body and be skillful
    - know the husband's fantasies
    - looseness / frankness: share your fantasies, talk about your feelings and desires
    - attraction: erotic undressing / dressing, dancing

    Internal filling
    - attention from the female chakras (heart or uterus)
    - free from thoughts head
    - positive joyful mood
    - the joy of feeling your body and movement
    - the ability to receive pleasure: from food, conversation, touch, aromas, oneself
    - sense of self-worth, self-love
    - sensitivity: to give/receive pleasure, energy and love - disinterestedly
    - feeling and awareness of one's own hidden power
    - inspire action
    - gives a feeling to her husband that he is the best
    - lack of interest in the assessments of outsiders
    Creative Energy:
    - loyalty
    - creativity
    - artistry
    - talent
    - creativity, any
    - activity
    - enthusiasm
    - brightness
    - passion for hobbies
    - ability to dive
    - generates ideas
    - opens new
    - originality
    - spontaneity
    - resourcefulness
    - charm
    Graceful surroundings:
    - dishes
    - bed sheets
    - accessories
    - home clothes
    - music
    - women's films, books, magazines
    dance mandala
    cleansing fire meditation
    fire element practice
    walking without underwear
    intimate muscle training
    breathing practices (to relieve body clamps)

    Believe me, such a woman will not only always be in the center of everyone's attention, but her image will be imprinted in the memory of others for a long time.

    How to increase female energy so that men are attracted. Female Attraction Funnel

    The funnel is made to fill with energy or to attract a man and favorable events. As you exhale through the sides, raise your hands up and enter the energy flow, joining your palms above your head. We exhale through the mouth, exhaling all the negative. While inhaling through the nose, lower the arms again to chest level. While holding the breath, we turn our hands down and lower them to the level of the center of passion (it is four fingers below the navel), we focus the energy by spreading our palms and connecting our fingers, as if forming a triangle around this center.

    As you exhale, open the funnel, raising your arms up and slightly bending your elbows, fingers are connected, the center of the palms is directed upwards. And we begin to make turns clockwise (to the right), breathing is free, we don’t think about anything special, we let thoughts flow freely. Having finished the practice, we close the space by placing our hands with our palms on top of each other, the right palm on top, on the lower abdomen. We thank the space: "I am doing this for the benefit of me and the whole Universe." The funnel is done every day for 21 days.

    See other energy practices on the website www.lifeacademy.ru in the "Materials" section.

    It would be useful for us women to better understand and learn to respect our feminine nature and uniqueness and strengthen our feminine energy. This is useful for everything - for health, a sense of harmony in oneself, to enhance one's attractiveness, to improve relationships with one's soul mate.

    From the point of view of Jyotish astrology, for our feminine beauty and attraction meets the planet Venus. She is also responsible for unconditional love to all living things, for the comfort of the ability to enjoy, and even for the beauty of our speech.

    And for a woman it is very important to develop sensuality, beauty, the ability to enjoy. It is useful to engage in various female practices that help increase our female energy.

    How to increase female energy. Larisa Renard, founder of the Academy of Private Life

    Male energy is the energy of struggle and achievement, and female energy is peace and pleasure. Acting on the principle of "I am myself" is a male path, allowing a man to take care of you is a female one. Male energy helps to focus, achieve results. But if there is too much of it, the girl becomes tough, controlling and demanding. She begins to compete with men, to measure will and strength with them. But this struggle leads to nothing. A woman with a skewed male energy suppresses, a man loses his strength next to her, becomes weak and dependent. And the woman herself begins to get tired, get sick and suffer from loneliness. Having taken on all the responsibility, at some point she feels empty and tired, squeezed out and cold. Sexual energy is female energy. This is the energy of creativity and passion, it sets the world in motion, forcing it to develop and change. Therefore, a man is so eager to merge with a woman, he wants to be filled with this energy and realize his potential by creating something material. It can be a movie or a song, a factory or a restaurant, a car or a house - the masculine energy always manifests itself in some form, into which the feminine energy is transformed.

    It is quite possible to change the ratio of male and female energies in oneself - with the help of practices and meditations, by changing the style of clothing (skirts and dresses enhance female energy, and trousers block it), as well as lifestyle. Everything that brings joy fills a woman. Therefore, it is important to allocate two hours for emotions and two hours for pleasure during the day. Melodrama, dinner with friends, concert or exhibition, massage, delicious dinner, creativity help us to fill up with energy. And this is exactly what men expect from us - emotions and pleasure. It is also very important to see your own "inner" woman and man and realize how they manifest themselves in the outside world. Some of us have more passion, some initially have more tenderness, and some have a stronger desire to control and make decisions. Innate qualities are sometimes strongly corrected by education. For example, a five-year-old girl is sure that if you ask a man for something, she will definitely get it. And she easily asks her dad to give her a doll, and an unfamiliar uncle to buy her ice cream. She rejoices in gifts, and men rejoice in her emotions. But if mom thinks it’s indecent to ask, and if a man is ready to give something, it means that he wants something from you, and it’s safer not to accept, then a woman’s innate property - the ability to accept gifts and return emotions - overlaps, and at some point, she discovers that no one gives her anything. In Russia, education has always been aimed precisely at the development of masculine qualities in a woman - purposefulness, will. But it is the mother who teaches us femininity - through unconditional and joyful love for her daughter, rejoicing and pride that a girl was born. You just need to say to your daughter: “What happiness that you are a girl, there is so much joy, love and opportunity!” And give her the right to pleasure, not scolding for exploring herself, but encouraging and telling. If the mother herself enjoys the fact that she is a woman, respecting and recognizing men, allowing them to manifest themselves in a masculine way, then the daughter grows up to be a real woman. And if she considers men worthless, then from her daughter she will make a worsened copy of a man who sacrifices himself for the sake of his family and career.

    Men, like a mirror, show a woman what is happening inside her. If she is not sure of her irresistibility, they compare her to others. If she is afraid of losing, they cheat on her. If the will is strongly manifested in it, next to it is a weak-willed, weak person. If inside her a woman is fighting with a man, then in reality she will also fight with men. We get not what we want, but what kind of energy we broadcast. For example, we want a man to make decisions and help, but our inner woman does not trust the man - then in reality the man does not even try to help. Or do we complain that we are unwanted, but in our inner woman sexuality is covered up and outer men don't really show sexual interest. And so on ad infinitum. We need to change inside, remove fears, resentments and everything that hinders us - and relations with men will immediately change. Those that are already there will start to behave differently, or others will appear that are more in line with our expectations.

    It is not for nothing that we dwelled in such detail on the causes of low self-esteem. This is one of the keys to how to increase self-esteem and love yourself. Underestimation of one's own importance and merits can be compared with a disease, which cannot be cured without knowing the real reasons. It is useless to go through symptoms like indecision without understanding the real cause of low self-esteem.

    Eat different ways adjust the attitude towards yourself, love and accept your appearance and character. Some of them are suitable for introverts, others for extroverts. Some are enough for children, others will help adults. There are also gender differences in the methods, but they are not so important: often the same methods help men and women with the same problems.

    If a person feels that low self-esteem prevents him from living (and in most cases this is exactly the case), it is necessary to start working on himself as quickly as possible. Correction of self-perception will take more than one day, so you should prepare for many months of work. You should start by reading the advice and recommendations of experts. So a person will be able to understand what is happening to him, choose the most comfortable technique.

    The simplest advice from a psychologist is a written reflection technique. Often a person carries a load of past problems for years, internally experiencing it daily. Try to write down everything that bothers you and why you don't accept yourself 100%. It will not be easy: you will have to formulate the most painful thoughts. Then make a list of what you have achieved. Be objective and do not hesitate to write what you are really proud of - from a certificate without triples to long hair.

    There are no "too small", "insignificant" merit. Each one matters.

    After compiling these two lists, you will realize that you are a much more successful and worthy person than you used to think about yourself. You will see that you have come up with most of the problems yourself, you will understand what needs to be abandoned and what to work on. This exercise will help both men and women.

    Low self-esteem is fraught with the fact that a person allows others to assert themselves at their own expense.

    Exercises and training

    Work on self-esteem should be systematic, so a variety of exercises will be useful. The simplest thing is to record all your achievements and nice words addressed to you every day in a large notebook. After just a couple of weeks of regular recording, you will see that your life is full of pleasant moments that you used to miss before.

    A good exercise is "stop the negative" or "stop the comparison". If one of the sources of low self-esteem is the constant replaying of bad events or comparison with other people, try to block each new onset of negative thoughts with the question "why am I thinking about this now." You may find yourself running away from difficult decisions in this way, avoiding drastic actions. For example, instead of sending your resume to a more prestigious job, you remember a painful rejection or start comparing yourself to a “more successful” classmate.

    There are also courses and trainings to raise self-esteem. They can be useful for extroverts who are able to solve problems in a circle of like-minded people. Here you can communicate with other people, experts, find support and new friends. But keep in mind that the problem of self-esteem cannot be solved without personal effort. This is work on yourself, which cannot be entrusted to other people.

    How to increase female excitability. The benefits of herbal medicine

    Plants strengthen health, help increase libido. There are many natural helpers. Among them, you can easily find those who can return the happiness of intimacy, intimate attraction of partners. It is necessary to determine which herbs are suitable, taking into account possible negative effects. Phytotherapy will replace medications, will protect the body, there are no contraindications.

    • Creeping anchors. The grass activates the growth of the hormone - estrogen. It is able to increase female libido. A preparation containing the herb, Tribestan, is available in the assortment of pharmacy kiosks.
    • Golden root (or rose rhodiola). A tincture of alcohol (vodka) is prepared from the plant. To activate female feelings, it is enough to drink 2 tablespoons before an intimate meeting. Feelings will be bright and rich. Tincture is contraindicated in high blood pressure.
    • Sage. It provides a woman with a relaxing effect. As a result of this, women increase sensitivity to caresses, excitability, and all aphrodisiacs of the body work. The pharmacy offers sets of packaged dry medicinal raw materials.
    • Ginseng. Natural stimulant and stimulant of sexual desire. The strongest and most commonly used. Preparations based on medicinal plant can increase the level of sensitivity.

    How does a man feel feminine energy. How is the exchange of energy between a man and a woman?

    A man and a woman exchange energy even when their relationship is platonic and there is no physical intimacy between them. Feminine energy nourishes a man, inspires him, inspires him and makes him courageous, strong, and courageous. And the masculine energy relaxes the woman, soothes, pacifies. How does such an exchange of energy between a man and a woman take place in life?

    A woman transfers her energy to a man when she takes care of him, when she thinks about him, believes in him. Of course, if a man and a woman make love, then a channel is created between them, through which energy flows from the woman to the man. This is the most powerful and reliable way to dissolve in it, surrender not only to the body, but also to the soul. But even without physical intimacy, a woman feeds a man. She cooked dinner for him, gave part of her strength to him. Did a massage - nourished him. I ironed the clothes - I put my energy through it.

    How does a man return the "debt" to a woman? Through your help, protection, love. When he admires her beauty, he energizes her. When he tells her that he loves her, she feels uplifted. When he gives her time, attention, shows signs of attention, a woman becomes happy. This is how a man and a woman mutually support each other, giving a part of themselves.

    But it happens that a woman gives her strength to a man, and the man does not give her anything in return. And, unfortunately, it happens all the time. Then the woman very soon feels miserable, tired, exhausted. She may begin to feel blues, apathy, depression. In what cases does a woman not receive anything from a man in return?

    • If she is given to a man when he does not yet have strong feelings. Then he loses interest in their relationship, disappears, shows indifference, turns on ignore. Accordingly, the woman, through the channel that was formed during their proximity, continues to feed the man with her energy, but does not receive any return from him. Therefore, there is no need to rush with intimacy, delay this moment as far as possible, especially since it depends on the behavior of the woman;
    • When a woman lives with a man in a civil marriage (cohabiting), and he does not want to take any responsibility. She gives him her energy along with cooked food, cleaned apartment, washed clothes, and he, in turn, continues to live a carefree life. For women, this situation is very exhausting and unhappy;
    • When a woman works and earns money on a par with a man, and he does not want to help her around the house. In this case, there is a clear imbalance in the energy balance;
    • When a woman continues to live with a man if she finds out that he is cheating on her. It is one thing if she finds the cause in herself and changes herself, thereby changing the situation, and another thing if she simply suffers, tormented by resentment and a sense of revenge. Very often, in such situations, women begin to get sick, because they do not have enough energy to heal both the soul and the body.

    It should also be said that the exchange of energy between a man and a woman occurs even when they are just friends and despite the fact that there is no sex between them, the Svadhisthana chakra is still involved, which is responsible for sexual pleasure and procreation. That is, they may not even think about flirting, but on a subtle level, sex is already happening between them. Which, by the way, once again proves that it does not exist.

    So think about who you give your valuable female energy to? Does he give you this energy back? Not only your happiness, but also your health depends on it!

    Women's energy for men. Feminine energy, lunar energy.

    The energy of a woman is directly opposite to that of a man. This is lunar energy. Unlike solar energy, which glows and burns, lunar energy cools and soothes. The woman's gaze is oriented inward. The only source of happiness for a woman is a successful relationship - with her husband, with children, with friends, with parents. And although in our time women themselves sometimes take on their fragile shoulders the male responsibilities of earning money and career self-realization, deep down a woman cannot become happy, having conquered even the steepest pinnacle of business, if at the same time she is unhappy in the family.

    Lunar energy gives a woman the necessary strength to fulfill her feminine responsibilities to preserve the family, take care of loved ones, and raise children. She gives her calmness and rationality, which a woman passes on to her husband in difficult situations in the form of mental support and the necessary confidence that everything will be fine. With the help of lunar energy, a woman creates an energy resource in order to survive even the greatest difficulties.

    I think you understand that the power of a woman is different from the concept of power that is familiar to all of us. It does not consist at all in entering burning huts. The strength of a woman allows you to hold the family together. The strength of a woman creates a protective cap on the subtle plane, which protects household members from adversity, accidents, strangers. negative emotions and messages. The inner strength of a woman inspires a man to achieve heights and succeed financially. The strength of a woman, through her intuition, suggests the right decisions and warns of danger.

    The strength of a woman is like a powerful anchor on which the ship of her family's well-being rests. But this concept is energetic, subtle, intangible, not visible to the ordinary eye. It is the strong female energy that attracts a man like a magnet and keeps him close. And here they don't matter external factors to which we often assign the main role. That is why it is very important for a woman to be emotionally and energetically filled.

    Unfortunately, the time in which we live does not favor a calm and measured way of life. Constant stress, the frantic pace of life, the desire for material well-being and success, makes a woman exhausted and exhausted. We are tempered and become stronger, but this is a masculine force that only harms a woman and gradually takes over the natural feminine. Therefore, if you want to stop and take a step towards your original femininity, you must, first of all, realize in which direction you should move, figure out whether your actions correspond to the goal that you would really like to achieve. In fact, it may turn out that the right road leads directly in the opposite direction.

    To understand the essence of the difference between male and female nature, I suggest you look at the list of those factors that help overcome stress, energize and create a filled resource state in men and women. You will see how different they are. This list will also help you understand if you are looking for a resource for yourself in the right place or if you are mistakenly trying to conquer someone else's peak.

    How to become a magnet for men. Part one: the state of the mistress.

    It's no secret that there are women who enchant with their energy, you always want to be near them and feel their warm aura. Such women are always surrounded by worthy men, they are lucky in love and they are happy in marriage. Yes, yes, such women have discovered a great female secret - they have learned to be a magnet for men! And it’s not just learning one thing, for example, to shoot beautifully with your eyes or skillfully do an erotic massage, it’s much deeper - this is the art of being a woman, always and everywhere in a woman’s state.

    At first glance, this may seem simple and banal, but I assure you this is far from being the case. Learning to be a woman always and everywhere in our masculine and sometimes very aggressive world is quite difficult, because you have to solve a lot of men's issues, work in men's positions, enter into negotiations, and even disputes, in general, decide everything and everywhere yourself, and this does not benefit femininity and alluring attractiveness. Male energy will never attract male energy. Only female, truly female energy will attract admiring male glances. To become a magnet for worthy men, you need to be in a feminine state as often as possible and be able to properly manage female incarnations. There are only four of them - a mistress, a queen, a girl and a mistress, so our female task will learn to master them perfectly.

    For men, the most alluring female state is the state of a mistress. It is the state of a mistress that helps to attract a man to life. A woman attracts the attention of men only in the state of a mistress, a state of slight excitement and high from life. A man reads and goes to the fullness of female energy, so he reacts to a woman filled with sexual energy. The lover is sensual, but at the same time mysterious, she does not tell information about herself. But if he immediately receives this energy, and the woman remains in the state of a lover, and the relationship either does not develop further, or develops according to the scenario of lovers. Therefore, it is at the beginning of an acquaintance that it is important to be able to be a lover, then other incarnations come into play, but I will tell you about this another time. In order for you to learn how to be a Mistress correctly, I offer you a small cheat sheet to help you.

    So, for the state of the mistress is important!

    Feminine look:
    - cloth
    – linen
    - shoes
    - decorations
    - makeup
    - hairstyle
    - aroma
    Movements and mannerisms:
    - easy gait, small step
    - concentration on your body, on sensations / awareness
    - slowness/relaxation
    - fluency of gestures
    - graceful head turn
    - velvet voice (from the stomach)
    - staring, languid gaze
    - posture
    - smile
    silence, active listening
    - desire to sing
    - health care
    - skin care, hair, nails, heels
    - exercises to maintain tone, flexibility, stretching
    – all kinds of spa treatments, massage
    Sexual energy:
    - be always ready
    - take the initiative
    - get sensual pleasure
    - know your body and be skillful
    - know the husband's fantasies
    - looseness / frankness: share your fantasies, talk about your feelings and desires
    - attraction: erotic undressing / dressing, dancing

    Internal filling
    - attention from the female chakras (heart or uterus)
    - free from thoughts head
    - positive joyful mood
    - the joy of feeling your body and movement
    - the ability to receive pleasure: from food, conversation, touch, aromas, oneself
    - a sense of self-worth, self-love
    - sensitivity: to give / receive pleasure, energy and love - disinterestedly
    - a sense and awareness of one's own hidden power
    - inspire action
    - gives a feeling to her husband that he is the very best
    - lack of interest in the assessments of outsiders
    Creative Energy:
    - loyalty
    - creativity
    - artistry
    - talent
    - creativity, any
    - activity
    - enthusiasm
    - brightness
    - passion for hobbies
    - ability to dive
    - generates ideas
    - opens new
    - originality
    - spontaneity
    - resourcefulness
    - charm
    Graceful surroundings:
    - dishes
    - bed sheets
    - accessories
    – home clothes
    - music
    - women's films, books, magazines
    dance mandala
    cleansing fire meditation
    fire element practice
    walking without underwear
    intimate muscle training
    breathing practices (to relieve body clamps)

    Believe me, such a woman will not only always be in the center of everyone's attention, but her image will be imprinted in the memory of others for a long time.

    First of all, dear women, you should remember simple thing- in the question of how to seduce a man so that he spends time and money on you, you need to listen not to women, but to men. Because only the victim herself can reliably tell what she personally enjoys and what she is willing to pay for. Of course, there are exceptions, but how do you determine which of the hundreds of women's trainings conducted by women will really give a result?

    In this article, I will tell you a couple of real secrets about using female energy in the difficult task of conquering a man. A small man went today - you need to conquer him. Although, in fact, women's charms today and a thousand years ago were, are and will be the main weapon of winning male attention. After all, if for a woman the main manhood is ... the mind, then for a man the main female dignity is her sincere admiration.

    In previous articles, I wrote that a person gives energy mainly through attention. And as you know (or maybe not...), the release of energy is often accompanied by pleasure. Just remember yourself - you talked with an interesting person, he told you something clever, and you listened and looked into his mouth. The conversation is over, some time has passed, and you feel like a squeezed lemon. And he was a good person, and he spoke to the point, and it was interesting, but there was no strength. This is because through attention you gave energy. And it is not so important, due to what attention or emotion the energy leaves - rage, anger, joy, admiration - all this eats up a person's energy. Therefore, by the way, all ascetics are so emotionless, let's say, dry - they save energy.

    Therefore, if you set out to conquer a man, you must remember main thing- a man wants to give his energy and enjoy it. The limit of physical pleasure is orgasm. Well, the ultimate spiritual pleasure is admiration. Naturally, yours in relation to him. Why do you think a man is so easily "sticky" when an unfamiliar girl on the street tells him something like - "Oh, thanks for helping! You're so strong!". Although outwardly he can be anything - skinny, fat, clumsy. And he did a kind of nonsense thing - well, just think, he brought the box from the car to the entrance. And his pleasure is indescribable. He gives off a lot of energy through this feeling and enjoys it.

    Now I will tell you in more detail how to use weapons - powerful and extremely effective. First, a little theory - the world is dualistic. No wonder there is a Yin-Yang symbol that shows us the duality of the world. The world is both material and non-material, dense and transparent, understandable and at the same time unknown. And what is important - in density there is transparency, and in matter there is spirituality. Therefore, admiration has a reverse side - contempt.

    With these borderline states, with skillful use, a woman can work wonders. Women's energy, directed in the right direction, can subjugate any man and get anything from him; attention, love, money, passion. Naturally, borderline states have shades, and one must be able to use them in life. Already here women are great craftsmen - this, as they say, is in their blood.

    It is very important not to let a man be in one state. Stick and carrot - just about it. A man invited you to an expensive restaurant, gave you a chic bouquet, treats you with fine wine - well done, deserves admiration. How might it look? Yes, like this - you really like it, so just turn on a little female magic and, looking with admiring eyes, say - "Such a magical place... you have great taste!". You probably noticed that you praise him, and do not say that you have never eaten such a delicious beef tenderloin. The man is the main one in this performance! It is he who has excellent taste, it is he who understands restaurants, food, wine, flowers and in general everything in the world.

    And at the same time, sometimes praise and admiration should be alternated with slight contempt or annoyance - to keep in good shape. Therefore, if you took a good restaurant to a restaurant, well done. But if after the first date he invites you to go to him - a reason to pull up. But not rudely, but in such a way that he understood the absurdity of his proposal and retained hope; yes, they say, stupid, but next time I will do it! She had never seen anything like it!

    I think it will not be a secret for you that the first thing a man thinks about is sex, especially on a date. It is also pleasant for him to receive admiration from a woman, he just does not think about it. But he thinks about sex. And, of course, this reward once expects to receive. They will not give specific advice, you must decide for yourself and according to the circumstances. Let me just say that if nothing happens after the fifth or sixth date, and the man is refused for all attempts, the chance of a happy ending decreases exponentially. Anticipating the sighs of those who are looking for the spiritual unity of the two halves - this is simply not your behavior model. There are other men for you, with their own troubles (who, by the way, do not interfere with their "spirituality" to pester young students and get drunk on the subway).

    So, for skillful handling of a man, you need to know two simple things; First, a man wants admiration. And secondly, admiration and contempt must be alternated so that each time he tries to win the princess. What to do at the next stage of the relationship, when you are already dating and there is a prospect of living together, I will tell in the following articles.

    I wish that everything worked out for you, and the men lay at your feet. To tell the truth, many people already want this, they are just afraid to say it ...

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