We know much less about the Celts than, for example, about the Greeks or Romans, although they also created a great and unique civilization. The main problem in the study of the Celts is the lack of texts on the history of that time, written directly in that era. The heritage of the Celts has come down to us mainly in the oral tradition in the form of legends and traditions.

Celtic women, unlike Greek or Roman women, had a large number of rights and privileges in society. This characterization is especially true for the Irish Celtic society, where the “Bregon law” adequately supported the rights of the fair sex. Celtic women owned property, could divorce their husbands, and were employed in the political, intellectual, spiritual, and judicial spheres of society. As wives, they were not only dedicated to the kitchen and taking care of the house.


The Greeks in the time of Herodotus easily recognized the Celts among other barbarians by various national features, primarily by fair skin, blue eyes and blond or red hair. Although, of course, not all representatives had such an appearance. In ancient sources, there are also references to dark-haired Celts, which, however, was a less typical type.
The appearance of the Celts, described by ancient authors, is consistent with the standards of beauty adopted by the Celtic nobility and sung in ancient Irish literature. To judge the appearance and lifestyle of the Celts in addition to the descriptions present in ancient literature, allows the fine art of Celtic masters and remains from Celtic burials, the number of which, alas, is not large.
Ancient sculptural images of the Celts also confirm the descriptions found in the literature of tall people with flexible bodies and mostly wavy or curly hair.


Sculptural portraits serve as an excellent illustration of the fact that the Celts watched their appearance and personal hygiene. In the early sagas there are many references to how people wash or go to the bath. Unlike the inhabitants of the Mediterranean world, they used water and soap. According to the Irish sagas, they also used vegetable oil and fragrant herbs for anointing your body. Archaeologists have discovered many elegant mirrors and razors that served as a toilet for aristocrats. They are also mentioned in the texts.

Cosmetics and hairstyles

There is also evidence that the fair sex used cosmetics. Irish women dyed their eyebrows black with berry juice and tinted their cheeks with an herb called ruam. There is also evidence of the use of cosmetics by Celtic women on the continent. In Rome, the poet Propertius reproved his beloved for using cosmetics like the Celts.
A special place in the Celtic ideas about beauty was occupied by hair.
The Celts spent a lot of effort to artificially increase their volume, although for the most part they were already long and thick. Strabo wrote that the hair of the Celts was "thick, no different from a horse's mane".
women wore long hair, braiding them in a complex way, often stabbing them with combs; sometimes the ends of two braids were fixed with gold and silver ornaments. In The Rape of the Bull from Kualnge, there is an impressive description of the hair of the prophetess Fedelm: “Three strands of the girl’s golden hair were laid around her head, and the fourth curled down her back to the calves.”
There is no mention in the Old Irish texts of the use of limestone solution for washing hair, but it seems that this or a similar practice existed among the Celts. There are descriptions of people with such coarse hair that apples could be pricked on them. One of the descriptions indicates that the hair of the Celts was tricolor: dark at the roots, light at the ends and a transitional color in the middle. All this could well have been the result of the use of limestone mortar.
Thus, for the Celts, the ideal of beauty was - usually, although not always - blond, thick, lush hair styled in an elaborate hairstyle.


Celtic women had a particular fondness for jewelry. The most characteristic Celtic ornament was the neck torc "torque" made of gold and bronze, less often - of silver. They were metal rods or hollow tubes bent in an arc, the ends of which were in contact, or there was a small gap between them. The metal was probably quite flexible - the hoop opened up and the ends diverged far enough to be worn around the neck. It is believed that Celtic women also wore torcs on their heads. Gold bracelets, rings, bronze brooches and brooches were also in use.

Standards of female beauty: ancient Scandinavians

Speaking of the ancient Scandinavians, I will mean the Viking Age, that is, the population of Northern Europe in the period from the end of the 8th to the 11th century.

The role of women in society

A characteristic feature of the Scandinavian society of that time was that women had a high status, especially in comparison with other cultures. It was due primarily to the significant role of women in the economy. The Scandinavians performed traditional household chores, looked after livestock, prepared supplies for long winters, wove and spun (including for export), and, importantly, brewed beer, which the Scandinavians loved very much.

The Scandinavian woman was a full-fledged mistress in the house, with whom her husband consulted on important matters. Scandinavian women feasted with men, and the nobles sat in places of honor, unlike, for example, the ancient Greeks, who were supposed to remain in the female half.
In Scandinavian society, not only the physical beauty and noble origin of a woman were valued, but also her mind, pride, sometimes even arrogance, determination, practical intelligence and skills. All these qualities were socially significant, therefore they are invariably given in the sagas.


On average, the height of the Vikings was somewhat less than the height of a person today. The height of men was on average 172 cm, and the height of women was 158-160 cm. These data were obtained on the basis of studies of a number of skeletons from burials found in different parts of Scandinavia. Of course, individual individuals could be much higher. The Norwegian anthropologist Berit Selevoll notes in his work: “As regards appearance, then the people of the Viking Age hardly differed much from the current population of Scandinavia, except for a slightly smaller stature and a slightly better condition of the teeth, and also, of course, clothing, jewelry and hairstyles.

Personal care

Some modern Viking peoples called them "dirty savages" in a literal sense. However, archaeological research dispels myths about the alleged uncleanliness of the Vikings. Archaeologists often find beautiful patterned combs at the site of Old Norse settlements. Apparently, they were used by the general population, and not just members of the nobility.
Among the items found during the excavations, there are nail cleaners, tweezers, beautiful basins for washing, and traces of scuffs on the teeth indicate that toothpicks were also in use. It is also known that the Vikings prepared excellent special soap, which was used not only for bathing, but also for bleaching hair.
There are not so many hand-drawn images of people of that time, and only some of them lack stylization. In Sweden, small silver and bronze figurines of stately and elegant women were found in dresses with a train and with hair pulled into a beautiful bun at the back of the head and probably covered with a hair net or scarf.


Like the Celts, the Scandinavians were very fond of jewelry. With their help, you could not only decorate yourself, but also flaunt your wealth. However, decorations that did not have functional purpose, it wasn't that much. These are bracelets, necklaces, neck bands and various pendants on chains. Rings were rarely worn, and temple rings were completely alien to the Scandinavian tradition. Scandinavian women usually threw a cloak or cape over a sundress, fastening it in front with beautiful brooches made of gold, silver or bronze. There is an idea that the Vikings liked to decorate themselves with all sorts of items brought from overseas countries. But it would be wrong to imagine the noble and eminent Vikings looking like a Christmas tree hung with trinkets. Overseas jewelry was used very sparingly, most often native Scandinavian ones were in use.

The concept of female beauty among the Scandinavians, like the Celts, was largely associated with thick, long blond hair. This conclusion can be drawn by getting acquainted with the Old Norse epic. married women They put their hair in a bun and wore white linen caps of a conical shape. Unmarried girls had their hair tied up with a ribbon.

The fashion for everything Scandinavian is sweeping the planet: at some point, the old world unexpectedly discovered that a lot of interesting things are also happening in the north of Europe. And fashionable. And stylish.

And if interior design and fashion brands like Acne have long gained their strong positions in the market, then Scandinavian cosmetics are still perceived as something exotic, and not particularly well-known outside of northern Europe.

It is difficult to say what this is connected with - in general, the stereotype about the beauty of Scandinavian women is not inferior in strength to the stereotype about the beauty of Russian women, so one could assume that Scandinavian cosmetics have good potential.

However, perhaps the whole point is that the cosmetic habits of Swedes, Danes or Norwegians are just as rational as their decor preferences: top brands are distinguished by puritanical design and natural composition (not the most common combination on the luxury cosmetics market).

scandinavian cosmetics

Two months in Copenhagen and three weeks of internship in Uppsala, a Swedish university town, I spent not only studying, but also searching for secret Scandinavian beauty ingredients. “What did you just anoint your lips with?!” I tortured my neighbor on campus, hoping to find out her beauty secret and stock up on it before leaving for a year ahead. The neighbor smiled mysteriously and showed some nondescript jar, from which a dense, viscous stick-balm was twisted out.

I photographed it on my phone, and rushed to the store, and presented it to the seller, mentally preparing to pay off a lot of money (these are their crowns, you know!). The seller looked at me like I was a fool, and sent me to a pharmacy, where this drug was sold for three kopecks, and lay in a heap at the checkout, like we have a hematogen.

“Tell me a good scrub, from your brands?” I pestered another friend, whose radiant skin of the face caused me bouts of uncontrollable envy. A friend hung up, and then hesitantly began to list the top brands that come to mind with the phrase “Scandinavian cosmetics”, and when I demanded to admit what she uses herself, she answered - “yes, I don’t actually buy anything like that, I need saunas enough…”

Of course, there are excellent brands of cosmetics in the Scandinavian countries (for example, if you come across Rudolph sunscreens, take it without hesitation, especially if you have capricious skin. Excellent texture, good protection and no problems like acne or irritation!) But the beauty habits of Scandinavian women Buying cosmetics is definitely not limited.

Love for home remedies

Everything that we contemptuously call "grandmother's products" is used quite actively here: homemade masks and scrubs do almost everything. Firstly, it is eco-friendly, natural and not tested on animals (here this fact really matters). Secondly, home remedies allow you to save money, which pours balm on the hearts of rational and traditionally stingy northern women (although Scandinavian cosmetics are also not the most expensive).

At the time when I was studying, everyone around was crazy about turmeric - this spice and cosmetic recipes with it were in all magazines and blogs. Turmeric improves blood circulation, triggers cell regeneration and helps the skin get the micronutrients it needs. The easiest homemade mask:

  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp milk
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder

Butter needs to be melted under running water. hot water, mix everything to a paste and apply for 10 minutes on the face. It looks quite comical, but the sensations after are really pleasant (just do not overdo the mask, turmeric colors the skin)

Hand and foot care

I don’t know what is the reason for such a reverent attitude to the skin of the hands and feet, and why this part of the exercise program is given almost more attention than facial care (it’s so unlike us, right?), But the fact is that according to the Swedish Association of Cosmetics Manufacturers, in this country, hand creams are sold almost 2 times more than face products.

An excellent hand cream is made by Sprekenhus - in general, this Norwegian brand specializes in shampoos and hair care, but their Hand Lotion with argan oil, which is sold in large bottles and can simply be placed in the bathroom to use after washing hands, works just perfect .


The Scandinavian sauna is different from our bath, but the principle remains the same, and we, in general, should return to the roots in this matter and arrange such outings more often. In Sweden, for example, bachelorette parties in the sauna are one of the most common leisure activities among girlfriends. Fun and skin and health benefits, all the way we love.

Forsvaret Hudsalva

Here it is, a magical Swedish remedy that costs a little less than one euro and is sold in Sweden in any pharmacy, and in neighboring countries it can often be found in small boutiques (green jar). This thing was developed for the (haha) Swedish army as a protective treatment against frostbite or chapping.

And it works phenomenal - seriously, this is the coolest lip balm I've ever tried (including Australian lucas papaw). It has a barely noticeable pleasant smell, it does not have any taste, and dry lips really heal, and not just cover with a film. It is not clear why our beauty bloggers have not yet shot rave reviews about him.

You can use it to care for the skin of the hands, heels, lips, and just for dry and irritated skin. And you can also cook on it (honestly, I’m not lying!) - it has a natural composition, so if a Swedish soldier lost in the snow catches a gopher (well, or whoever runs around with them in the winter), and wants to fry and eat it, then everything he needs will be with him.

natural oils

The general obsession with everything natural has not bypassed cosmetic habits: oils are replacing traditional creams, foams and lotions, even in the lines of cosmetic brands. Organic coconut oil instead of hair masks, avocado oil instead of facial cleanser, olive oil high quality as a universal cosmetic product.


Even those who do not like the Scandinavian type admit that most Swedes, Danes and Norwegians have beautiful clear skin. According to my observations, this is connected not only and not so much with some secret means, but with the climate (moist air) and diet.

They eat a lot of fatty northern fish, which is rich in omega-3s, a lot of salads and greens that help keep the digestive system in order, and a lot of nuts, cereals and organic rye bread, rich in skin-friendly vitamins.

And although the traditional scandinavian cuisine quite unpretentious, the culture of organic lunches (salads, rolls, etc.) has already become mass here, ceasing to be the prerogative of a handful of hipsters from fashionable quarters. In Denmark, for example, traditional open sandwiches on rye bread (Rugbrød) are popular - with avocado and shrimp, fish, vegetables, etc. An excellent combination for healthy skin and hair.

Have you ever been to the Scandinavian countries, or perhaps you live there/your friends live there? Which of the beauty habits of Scandinavian women did I forget to tell you about? Add!

The Nordic beauty of Swedish women is usually fair skin, blue eyes and blond hair. There is a lot to learn from Scandinavians with truly angelic features. How exactly are Swedish women different from us?

1. Emphasize natural beauty with makeup

Swedes hate makeup that can be seen on the skin. This list also includes false and extended eyelashes, nails and hair. That's why . The foundation perfectly matches the skin tone, the shadows cannot be darker than three tones from the natural shade. Everything shiny and colorful can be found only in the youngest Scandinavians, who are still at the stage of experiments.

2. Proud of their wrinkles

Swedes completely lack fear of age-related changes - such is their upbringing. Like many foreigners, Swedish women are sure that at every stage of life there are joys, as well.

Moreover, cosmetologists believe that the wrinkles of Scandinavians and Russian girls are different. Swedes leave imprints from facial expressions of happiness, but we, unfortunately, from sadness, anxiety and excitement.

3. Cleanse the skin with steam, not scrubs

Swedes do not like peelings and scrubs, believing that in this way the skin loses its protection in the form of subcutaneous fat. That is why they try to remove keratinized particles only by steaming. Most often, the face is held over a sink with a jet of hot water, after which the famous Swedish homemade mask is applied: egg yolk and honey. It gives the Scandinavians the cherished elasticity of the skin. If you want to repeat, then remember - the mask is suitable only for those girls who do not have capillaries on their faces. And honey is a pretty strong allergen.

4. Drink plenty of water

No, it's not about wine, it's about healing power the simplest drinks - water, herbal tea and lemonade. By the way, Swedes make their own lemonades: they pour sliced ​​fruit with water without sugar.

Because of climatic conditions Swedes by drinking plenty of fluids a day. Therefore, they can often be seen with beautiful bottles (now very popular in Russia) in summer and with small thermoses in winter.

5. Keep track of your menu

Children in Sweden are protected from fast food, which is why there are practically no overweight people here. To protect their naturally delicate skin (light skin is one of the most sensitive), Swedish women try to consume large amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which are found in fish and seafood. The fish menu in the family diet here prevails over meat. The second mandatory component of the Swedish diet is berries: cloudberries, blackberries and rose hips. They are used in the production of juices and even anti-aging liqueurs.

6. Create intrigue with clothes

In the truest sense of the word. After all, Swedes never get naked. Naturally, they are not alien to the general fashion, for example, crop tops and short shorts. But women always follow the golden rule of pairing short with tall or long.

Much in nature is built on contrasts, and, as winter and summer are equally good, it is also difficult to judge the beauty of women with different types appearance. The representatives of the East have their own charm, but the “cold” girls with a Scandinavian appearance are not without zest. Both are beautiful in their own way and have character traits, which loudly declare the origin of their owner.

Today we will talk about women with a Scandinavian type of appearance and try to figure out why the inhabitants of the northern part of Europe are called "snow queens".

Scandinavian type of appearance - specific features

Blue eyes and blond hair are a real gift of nature. Many representatives of the fair half dream of such data. But in order to get what they want, they have to spend hours in beauty salons and spend fabulous sums on cosmetics. At the same time, the end result does not always justify the effort and money spent. Whether it's a woman with a Scandinavian type of appearance, their nature has generously rewarded them. The Snow Queen will be issued:

  • blue, gray or green eyes;
  • blond hair: white, yellowish, rarely golden with a reddish tint;
  • prominent cheekbones;
  • narrow nose and indistinctly defined lip line;
  • very thin skin with a pale pink tint.

Girls of Scandinavian appearance, as a rule, are tall and slender, the problem is not relevant for them. It is also worth noting that "snow queens do not like" the scorching sun. Under the influence sun rays their skin quickly turns red and burns.

To emphasize the natural charm and beauty, girls of Scandinavian appearance can use clothes of rich blue, blue and black hues. A riot of colors in makeup is also not welcome, it is enough to make one accent on the lips or eyes - and the perfect make-up is ready.

To have a clearer idea of ​​what the representatives of the Nordic race look like, take a look at the photo of Michelle Pfeiffer or Cameron Diaz. Their appearance is a vivid example of a typical Scandinavian appearance, with all the characteristic features.

If we pay attention to the Scandinavian girls, then we will not hear an unambiguous opinion about their beauty. Here, as in any nationality, variations in appearance from beautiful to quite standard. Of course, cultural differences are so great that, for example, Norwegians do not understand how Russian girls manage to "paint" themselves, they consider such makeup to be rather aggressive and excessive. It is understandable, in Russia one social position of girls in society, and in Norway - another. From here (and not only, let's not go deep) follows the attitude towards oneself, towards men, towards a career and so on. And this is reflected even in such "little things" as makeup.

In my opinion, there are still common features for Scandinavian makeup.

Where does any makeup start? As a rule, with the creation of an even and healthy tone (base). This video shows very well how to create such a base for makeup.

Second video for creating an even and healthy skin tone.

Do lip makeup.

Make up your eyelashes in the usual way for you and one of the makeup options is ready! And if you have eyelash extensions, then you can skip this item.

For those who want to watch the full cycle of Scandinavian girls make-up, these videos are for you!

As you can see, a lot of cosmetics also go away, but there are still significant differences. Girls strive for a natural look and their transformation after makeup is only light and as natural as possible, in any case creating a natural look.

In many videos, the girls specifically name the brand of the product they used to create their makeup. But still I want to dwell on the cosmetics that they use. As a rule, these are quite well-known luxury brands - Lancôme, Chanel and others, as well as quite budget ones - NYX, L "Oreal, Maybelline and similar ones.

If you didn’t have enough videos, then there are quite entertaining makeup lessons in the form of articles, I suggest reading blogs, for example
