First steps.

The game begins with our main character arrives by car to the place of our further actions - the Mount Massive hospital. The car stops at the gate. Now we should turn off the engine, and also pick up a camera and a folder with documents. Now we go to the gate, which is located directly in front of the car. We open the gate and go to the site.

Now we have arrived at the site. We turn left. Here a back door appeared in front of us. We try to open it, but it is locked. We'll have to find another entrance.

We approach the wall, near which there is a ladder. We climb it to the very top and enter the building through the open window.

Now we are in the hospital. We go forward, ignoring the side rooms. After we reached the end of the corridor, we need to get over the boards.

We went out into the next corridor. We go to the very end and turn right. Now our journalist must pull himself up to the ventilation.

After that, we went out into a blocked corridor. We need to go forward - for this we go into the library room. Here you will see a bald ** with *****. After you have passed the room, open the doors (double), go to the end of the corridor. Here our hero needs to squeeze into a narrow gap.

Chapter #2

Objective: Get out of the hospital through the main door

Our hero urgently needs to find a way out. We don't have keys. You can open the doors only in the security room. To enter it, you need a key card. We should find her.

To do this, go to the computer room, located on the left. Entering the room, we head to the corner table, on which lies the document we are interested in. Now we go out into the corridor again.

Now we go to the left and see a psycho, but he is not dangerous. We go to the very end of the corridor and turn left. Here you will see a bunch of angry guys. We run until they fall behind.

Now back to the room.

We open another door and see the corpse, and next to it is the long-awaited key card. We pick it up and read the document. We return to the original place of appearance.

Here we turn left again.

*if you saw the corpse of a guard - you are on the right track

We go to the end of the corridor and turn left. Here we see a security room.

We just have to enter it and activate the computer.

Chapter 3

Purpose: Restart the generator

Now Chris, our beefy friend, will turn off the light. We hide in the closet and wait for the appearance of the rebel. After he leaves, we leave the room and go straight. Now we must bury ourselves in a locked door - turn right and see a breach in the wall. We pass through it.

So we entered the room with the generator - we approach it. Now our task is slightly different. We need to alternately turn on two pumps and a lever that activates the generator itself. To do this, we go into two rooms with pumps located directly in front of us. They contain the buttons for turning on the pumps. Then, after turning on the two pumps, we go to the left into the room with the lever. We activate it and immediately hide in the closet. The psycho does not sleep!

After a while, Chris will leave, and we should go to the central console and turn on the light. Now the computer has received a charge and our doors are open.

Chapter 4

Goal: Get out of the block

Having examined the chamber, we approach the locked door. After a while it will open. Now we exit and immediately head to the left, down the stairs. Here we see another psycho banging his head against the wall. We turn left again and climb up, go along the corridor. Here we again see a break in the wall. We go into it and go right. Here we should come across a disinfecting chamber. We go further along the trail of the victim's blood. We rise up and see a psycho moving his head along a bloody wall. Then we jump into the hole on the floor, we pass to the left (near the security room). Here we hear screams and a guy killing his victim. We go further to open door. Here we are in for a surprise - a maniac with a bat who needs to be lured out. Having done this, we go into the room and turn the switch. After that, we return to the room with disinfection. We pass on.

Objective: Escape through the shower

We go straight to the end of the corridor. We stumble upon two maniacs who tell us about how they will kill us. Through the open window we get out into the street. It is very dark and scary here. But we don’t care.

We make our way through the street and climb into the opposite window. We find ourselves in the security room. We switch the switch and climb into the gap on the ceiling. After descending in the corridor, get ready for a long run - you will be pursued!

Purpose: Detour to the shower room

After we got rid of the chase, we go to the right. Here you should go into the very first open door and hide under the sofa. This is very important, because an armed psycho will enter the room after us.

After waiting a bit, we leave and that there is urine we run to the right to the end of the corridor. Our hero must squeeze through the gap.

Now we have a grate with a rift in the middle. We pass through this hole and go out into the street. We go forward and enter the opposite side of the hospital - the central hall.

Here we need to climb up the stairs and wait for the psycho attack. We need to deal with him.

After a short fight, we go upstairs to the doorway. Next, we follow the bloody trail and jump into the hole.

Objective: Find a way out of the sewers

We went down the drain. We need to go to the light coming from somewhere in the far corridor.

After we reached the fork, we turn right and go to the opening. We lower the water by switching the switches.

After these steps, look to the left - a plan with a mark indicating the direction of our further path.

So, the idea is clear, but not so simple. We need to turn on the levers one by one, which is guarded by our friend Chris. The action plan should be carried out as quietly as possible, without attracting attention. For this, boxes and all kinds of holes in the walls are scattered on our way.

After completing these steps, we return to the plan on the wall, turn left and go down the stairs.

It is very dark below, so you should turn on the camera. Turn left, go forward to the end of the corridor, and turn left again. Here we are again waiting for the corridor. We go to the end and turn right. We climb the stairs to the upper level.

Purpose: Finding an exit

It's very dark here again. Turn on the camera, or run towards the light to the end of the tunnel. Here we should meet a guy with a flashlight. Let's step back and enter the open door. After listening to the story of the brutal doctor, we go down the stairs.

On the trail of blood we head to the men's department. After our main character hit a dead end, we look for a breach in the wall and go further. There is water everywhere!

Climb up the ledges in the wall and enter the open room. We look around and see a broken ventilation grate. We climb up the boxes.

Having descended, we turn, we go down and move towards the beam of light. We find a gap in the wall and climb the stairs up.

Get ready to run - psychos are on the alert! After getting rid of the chase, we go straight down the corridor and up the stairs again.

Chapter 8

Objective: Get out of the men's section.

We go forward and see a box in front of us. Move it aside and go through the gap. Here we turn right and go into the first door. We go to the end of the room and go down into the hole. We go to the end of the corridor until we hear the heart-rending cries of the exhausted guy. We just need to go to this room.

You can only get into it through the ventilation, which is located in the back room.

Going down, two people start chasing us. Get ready to press the keys quickly.

Only after hearing the steps and words, we start to run. Do not forget to move the boxes to the doors - this will delay the enemies a little. Then we run from room to room, performing the same steps. In the end, we climb into the ventilation passage and get into the room.

Chapter 9

Goal: Escape from the doctor.

Watch a short video and enjoy the process. We are taken in a wheelchair to the torture chamber. After asking questions and cutting off several of our hero's fingers, the doctor leaves. We begin to perform the actions indicated on the screen (turn the mouse). Then we leave the room and see a psycho chained to the bed. He will raise a heart-rending cry, to which the doctor will come running. He starts looking for us, and in the meantime we hide under the sofa. After waiting for the doctor to leave, we get out and go into the room on the left. Hiding again - the doctor heard. After that, we go to the next room with a psycho. Slowly we go out into the corridor and run to the left. Having removed the box, we open the door and run to the end of the corridor. Having jumped over the sofa, we climb into the opening and leave.

When the main door opens, you need to run very quickly to the left. We make our way through the window into the hall and see the key. We need to get it.

By pressing the button, the key, along with the hand, falls down into the laundry room. We pick it up and go to the elevator. Through the window, turn it on and *spoiler*. After the descent, we go forward along the corridor and meet Father Martin.

Chapter 10

Objective: Meet Father Martin

Once in the hallway, head left. We go straight along the corridor and find an opening in the wall. We pass through a small hall and look around. At the top there should be an open window, through which we need to get out.

Purpose: Put out the fire

Now things have become a little more difficult. We need to get through the fire. To do this, we are looking for clean areas, not ignited furniture. After we passed the burnt hall, we need to get into the corridor. Here we turn left and go through the boards. We go into the room on the right.

Goal: Restore water supply

Chris is chasing us, so stay tuned. This task is to lure the psycho and turn on the levers.

We go straight and turn right. We lure the guy and run forward, to the right, and then to the right again. We go into the very last room, where there is a lever that activates the water supply.

Chapter 11

Objective: Find the priest on the street.

We go to the kitchen, where we are attacked by a psycho. We fight him off and run out into the corridor. We look around and see the door to our left. It leads to the street, where we have to look for Martin. Pitch darkness!

We go to the cleaner's house and find the key to the house. Then we leave and with the help of boxes we rise to the roof. We head to the women's department. But be on your guard - a walrider roams the street!

Objective: Find a priest in the women's section.

It’s impossible to get into the house, so we go to the garden, where there is a wooden staircase leading to the open window of the department. Here we see Martin’s father. Heading towards him, try to carefully inspect the first floor, while avoiding the eyes of psychos. Then we go forward along corridor and go into the elevator, on which we rise to the second floor. We leave and go up the boards.

Final, or almost final.

We go forward on the blood trail. Here we are to be attacked by two familiar perverts. We run away from them and on the way we lose the camera. It falls into a rift on the floor. Now we need to go back.

We go down to the lower floor and, as quietly as possible, go to the basement, where our camera lies.

Having taken it, we run away as quickly as possible. We are being chased!

We climb up and go for Father Martin.

Looking around different rooms, we find a theater. We climb into the director's room and continue to follow the trail of blood until we get to the church. Here we will be shown a video and the priest will be burned alive at the stake.

We leave the church and head to the elevator, which we go down to the laboratory, to the lower level. Here spirits will attack us, but our task is different. We head forward along the tunnel and go into the laboratory. We break all the engines, dodging the attacks of the valrider. After that, you need to run into the open doors, where the final video will be shown to us.

On the street, not only is it dark, but it is also pouring with rain, visibility is very low, which will greatly complicate the passage of Outlast for us. Unless flashes of lightning will clearly illuminate everything for a second, the rest of the time you will have to make your way almost by touch, even from night vision in the camera there will be little sense. We need to find a wooden booth that has a key. The key, in turn, is needed to open metal door nearby.

I would advise you to focus on the light - the door is partially ajar in the booth and the lighting is on, due to which it is even easier to find the direction for movement without a camera. There is a battery in the same booth. On the street for the first time in the game you will encounter Billy - a sort of black fog, which can be considered the most dangerous enemy in the game. He is silent, kills with one hit, moves quickly, does not break down doors, but simply seeps under them. All in all, a real threat. True, so far it does not touch us, but it will bring a lot of problems very soon.

The metal door from the lattice is also visible from afar - there is also a light in the room behind it, which makes it stand out in the darkness, take a closer look if you don’t see it. Once inside, go all the way first straight ahead, then to the right, stumble upon the door, open it, and there - Billy. That very successful experiment on the creation of the Wallrider. When he is far away, he is completely invisible to the ordinary eye, you can only notice if he flies up at close range. But it is perfectly visible through the camera with night vision turned on, even if the distance is large, so remember this tip for the future.

Right in front of Billy, you can close the door, opening it again, you will no longer find him. If you don’t close it, you will get a slap in the face from him, but only one - two are needed for a fatal outcome. After one hit, Billy will fly away. Go outside again, there in the dark courtyard you will see a staircase - it is illuminated by a lantern from above. Climb up it to continue the Outlast walkthrough.

There, run along the narrow roof, jump over the holes below, the path is completely linear, it is impossible to turn the wrong way. Go along the narrow ledge to the right, jump to the ledge, from it - to the roof in front a little lower. From there, get down even more, you will see a mesh fence and a hole in it - jump in and climb through it. You will reach the steps going up, do not pay attention to the psychos, they are not aggressive. Climbing the stairs, go to the right, there will be a hole in the fence on the right side - jump back down to the ground.

There is a thug Chris wandering ahead, I think you already miss him. As usual, this monster must be avoided at all costs. You will go out to the illuminated area, climb up the boxes there, climb the cornice of the building - move to the right along it. After passing along the cornice above the fence with barbed wire, jump down to the boxes. Past the pavilion on the left, go to a narrow passage - a thug will run straight towards you, turn around and retreat to lure him out of the passage and run there yourself.

To the right in the passage there will be a small illuminated area with steps down - turn, go down, go through a narrow gap in the wall, crouching. After passing forward and going out again to the street, turn right, to the inactive fountain with blood instead of water. On the bench near the fountain, you can take the battery, which will be useful in the process of passing the game Outlast, then run to the illuminated wall, where there is an open window. You can get to the window by climbing on the boxes under it - go inside.

Women's department

Entering the room, on the right side you will meet the priest, who is still far away. Repeating the bends of the corridor, go first to the left, then to the right, then to the left again. There you will need to seep through the rubble from two sides, then jump through the broken window from the table into the room on the left. Exit the room through the illuminated passage, from the corridor you will reach the main hall, where there is good lighting and stairs going up, go up. On the way, a strange freak may come across - it seems, with a club, he is following us, but he does not particularly attack. There is also a couple of batteries in the main hall near the guard's corpse.

The stairs to the top have a cliff due to collapsed steps, you need to run up and jump over it in order to grab the other side of the cliff with your hands. On the wall there you will see a bloody arrow, hinting to us that we are on the right track. Having risen and passed through the door from the lattice, turn left, left again there on the left side at the end of the corridor there will be a window opening - jump into it. There is a similar window on the opposite side of the room, through which we will leave this place. After the window, turn first to the left, then to the right.

Run against the door, open it, enter the next room, in which a lot of candles are burning. There you will take the first of the three fuses we need to continue the passage of the game Outlast. At the exit you will meet a couple of maniacs, close the door, prop it up with a closet - they will knock and leave. After that, we clean the closet, go out into the corridor, turn left and then right in order to climb into the room through the window, where we have already visited once. We just leave it through the door, not the window, and immediately go along the corridor to the left.

Together with the corridor, turn right, reaching the end, you will see a patient sitting on a wheelchair, beware of another psycho with a club. To the left of the patient in the chair there will be a door, behind which is another freak with a butcher knife near the candles, to the left of him lies the second fuse, it blinks, so it's easy to notice. Grab the fuse and leave this room, you need to run straight ahead along the corridor, the likelihood of meeting with another enemy is very likely here.

At the end of this very corridor there will be a door, enter, in case of a chase - close it behind you and prop it up with a cabinet. In the room we ran into, you will find the third fuse. Continuing the passage of the game Outlast, leave this room, go out into the corridor, turn left at the fork, at the end of the next corridor - again to the left, on the right side there will be a lighted room with a shield in which you need to put the fuses. After that, all the gratings can be pushed back by pressing a button.

One of these bars on the floor with the main hall closes the poor fellow, stuck in a narrow laundry tunnel. He has a key that will allow you to go upstairs - find this body and the key, pick it up, run back to the main hall, jump over the gap in the stairs there, go up - there will be a door on the right for which we needed the key, open it and continue climbing steps. Again you will see the failure, which again you need to jump over with a run.

So enter the room where it is written on the wall that we follow the bloody trail. The latter stretches through the doorway on the right into the corridor, which also goes to the right. Do not rush to turn there - at the end of the straight corridor there is a body with a walkie-talkie lying around, and next to the walkie-talkie is a battery. Returning to the bloody trail, you will see a large gap ahead, but on the right side of the wall there is a small ledge, along which move forward, clinging to the wall.

Having reached the stop, jerk forward to grab the remains of the floor against our wall, so you will get out into the next room on this floor. There, the floor will fail under you, below the walkthrough of the game Outlast will prepare you for another short meeting with the wallrider Billy. You need to get out of here along the beds piled on top of each other nearby, in the same room. Climbing up, go through the door on the left side, so you will make your way into a very dark room with a bunch of rubbish - upturned beds, chairs and other furniture.

Leave this place through a wide double opening, look at the walls - bloody arrows everywhere will indicate the direction of the path along which we will reach another double door, slightly ajar. But it will close right in front of you. If you open it, you will be delighted, because you will again meet those same wonderful guys with bare genitals and with powerful cleavers that kill with one blow. These villains will try to surround you again, but you have one advantage over them - speed. They are too self-confident, therefore they will not go on a run under any circumstances.

The terrain is conducive to pulling them towards you away from the room behind the double door where you will meet them - you need to go into it. While they are wandering somewhere far away, enter without wasting time. From this room, exit to a place with dips in the floor - where it does not exist, ledges have been preserved along the wall on the left, and move forward along them. And in some places the floor still survived, so try to get out of here, finally jumping over a large gap in front of the door. The unreliable floor will fail, our camera flies down...

Of course, without a camera, our professional journalist to the marrow of his bones will not want to leave here, not to mention the fact that this was the only opportunity to see at least something in the dark. Therefore, in order to continue the passage of the game Outlast, you will have to go down to pick it up. Our further route goes down - first jump down to the lower floor, there is good lighting that will allow you to find the toilet - in the restroom there is another gap in the floor, through which we will go down another level. There is also a toilet, from it you will go out into the corridor, the route is simple - where there is light, go there, the developers took into account that now you do not have a camera, therefore everything is logical.

Turning into the corridor on the left, you will stumble upon a psycho who suddenly attacked from around the corner, quickly move the mouse to get rid of him and go further to the right. There will be a spacious hall with a couple of patients, but they do not touch you, so calmly turn right through the double doorway, then left to the rooms with beds. You will go out to the window opening on the right - everything is dark ahead of him, but the camera flashing in the distance is clearly visible, go to it, pick it up.

Now there is a healthy crack on the screen, which slightly spoils the view, but the screen itself is still working, like the camera itself - sometimes it gives out interference, but it is quite effective. The task is to find a way back to the third floor. And so that you speed up the passage of the game Outlast and do not hesitate, you will be attacked by three freaks at once, from which you need to run away along the same road you came here. Those. run to the restroom on this floor, jump along the walls and cabinets there to climb up. The route will repeat itself exactly on the way behind the camera. You can even climb up the same way. Having got out to the third floor, grabbing the ledge and pulling yourself up, you will enter the corridor.

Exit into the sewers, first go straight, then turn left, go through a narrow opening from below, crouching, exiting, go right through a narrow opening. So get out to a small very well lit area where we need to pump out water to open a passage on the right side (there is a ladder going down from the hatch). To do this, you need to activate two pumps in turn (it makes no sense to tell where they are, since they are marked on the map on the left, and the sewerage system is not very branched, sooner or later you will find both). I would advise in order to speed up the passage of Outlast, navigate through the thick pipes under the ceiling, each of them both will lead to the desired valve.

It will not be so easy to complete the task, since the thug Chris, who found us even here, will personally interfere with us. The sewerage system has a fairly simple structure, you can only get lost here at first, but you can get used to it pretty quickly. Avoiding meeting with Chris (there are narrow openings in which you can protect yourself - the big man will not crawl through there) and activating both pumps, run to the place where you came from - now you can go down the stairs through the hatch.

There you will find pitch darkness and a floor still flooded with water, but you can get through - walk through the sewers with night vision turned on on the camera. First you need to go left, then turn right along with the tunnel, in general, an ordinary corridor where it is impossible to go somewhere wrong - sooner or later in this darkness you will reach the stairs, climb up it. There you will be offered to find a way out of the sewers - we are looking for. Go forward along the tunnel, there will be a door on the left, open it.

Inside another psycho, fortunately, not aggressive. There is also a well leading down - climb the stairs into it. After descending, go left along the crimson water, some corpse will crash from above, but it will only frighten you - there is no harm from it. Continue through the Outlast walkthrough, following along, repeating the turns along the winding tunnel. You will reach a narrow opening at the bottom and a closed door on the left - climb into the opening, crouching.

After leaving it, turn right, go out into a spacious room - bend down to go under the grate from above, exit from the other side and climb up the ledge. Go through the door on the left, turn left again and go forward and jump into the water. You will find a small opening in the mesh barrier, bend down and go further. There you will find a terrible place - very spacious (night vision sees one darkness ahead), flooded with water, and most importantly - the thug Chris is walking around in it, which you need to somehow manage to get around. The best option- stay close to the wall. Any of them - the thug likes to walk around the center, there is a chance to go unnoticed.

At the end of this tunnel is metal structure, climb the stairs to it, then climb the stairs up. There is a non-aggressive psycho sitting in the room, leave it through the doorway and run along the tunnel forward. The psycho in the back will do us a disservice by closing the door behind us, because there is another colleague ahead, but already aggressive. In order not to interrupt our Outlast passage on it, we will have to break past the enemy, despite the small width of the tunnel. For this, detours on the left side are good.

You can’t go somewhere in the wrong direction here - one way or another you will get to a narrow descent down into another sewer tunnel filled with crimson water. In it, go forward all the way, repeating all the bends, until you get to a dead end and a narrow passage on the right - crawl into it. Coming out to the illuminated place, you will see steps on the right - go up.

Men's department

Climbing up the stairs, you will enter another tunnel. When you get to a dead end, look to the left at the cabinet standing there - it closes the ventilation shaft below, you need to move the cabinet, and then climb into the shaft. From it, go out into a room with a freak sitting on a chair, exit it through the doorway and turn right. Go along the corridor to the stop, there will be a spacious room on the right, someone is actively breaking into it at the opposite entrance from us, but his attempts are restrained by a heavy closet blocking the door. When we come to this door, attempts to drop it will stop, so with a calm soul push the closet further to the wall, then open the door and go out into the next corridor - run to the left along it.

At the end on the right below there will be a passage - bend down, crawl into a spacious room with operating tables and numerous sufferers on them. On the left there will be another bloody couch and an open ventilation shaft above it - climb up and make your way forward through the tunnel. After jumping down, get ready for a series of surprises that the Outlast walkthrough has in store for you - you will disturb the attached psycho who will start yelling. On his screams, other local "patients" will run right there with shouts of "Meat", and extremely unfriendly ones. They're already breaking through double door on right.

You really don't have much time to move the cabinet that closes the doors in front and go through them. It is advisable to close them behind you in order to detain pursuers. Do not try to view the area - just run forward as fast as you can, closing the door behind you. The last one can be propped up with a cabinet, which will keep you safe until you move on. And then you have to go, pushing away another cabinet, already propping up the door, after which you open the doors and immediately desperately run to the left.

At the end of the corridor on the left side there will be a slightly ajar door - enter, close it behind you and prop it up with another cabinet. In the upper right corner there is a ventilation shaft - climb into it. Be prepared for the fact that as soon as you jump down, psychos with weapons in their hands will run at you on the right, therefore, run to the left, where the passage of the game Outlast provides for a winding, but strictly corridor route without deviations. And there is also a big gap at the end, through which you still need to be able to jump over.

Having jumped over, don't even think about stopping - there are a lot of ill-wishers here and they are already bursting into the next door, so keep escaping along the corridor. At its end there will be a door, but it is locked, immediately better turn to the right of it, where you need to have time to climb up and jump over the barrier. Go through the next room, exit it immediately to the right - another enemy is breaking on the left. After running along the corridor, at its end you will see a partially open door on the left - open it, go in, close it behind you.

On the right side you will see a cramped laundry lift, activate it and go upstairs. Think you're saved? Be that as it may... Waiting upstairs is the wonderful Dr. Richard Trager, who was just involved in all these inhuman experiments. The passage of the game Outlast will not yet provide any options to escape from captivity - we are connected in all limbs, we are being taken somewhere in a wheelchair.

Judging by the bloody route, like the other "patients" of the doctor, Miles is also not expecting anything good. And the expectations are justified - the good doctor will cut off two fingers of our hero with hefty scissors, after which, pleased with himself, he will go to the neighboring rooms to do his other terrible things there - Miles is tied up, he is unlikely to be able to escape somewhere ...

But there will still be a chance - when the sadist leaves, quickly move the mouse to the sides to free yourself. When Miles has had enough to vomit, he will pick up the camera and be ready to continue fighting for his life despite the loss of his fingers. Escape from the mad doctor will be extremely daunting task. Firstly, he is much more dangerous than other enemies due to the fact that he is smarter - he prefers to open doors rather than break them down, because this will not delay him much. Secondly, he does not shy away from workarounds in order to get to you faster. Thirdly, like the thug Chris, he will kill you with just two blows with his giant scissors. Not to mention what peeks under beds, closets and other places to hide.

But no matter how difficult the escape would be, it must be carried out in order to continue the passage of the game Outlast. The nearby elevator will help you with this, only it is started with a key, and the key has yet to be found, which we will do right now. After being released from captivity, go out into the corridor, you will reach another prisoner tied to a bed. Further, it is better to act with extreme caution and slowly - wait behind the column until our glorious doctor appears and has fun cutting the chest of the tied victim.

After he finishes his bloody business, he will go to the toilet, where he cut off Miles's fingers to visit him. And it is at this moment that you need to break forward as quickly as possible - first onto the gurney, from it - into the ventilation shaft. Jump down from it, go along the corridor, looking around, so as not to fall into the field of view of a dangerous enemy. Having run to the end of the next corridor, you will find a door that is supported by a cabinet, you need to move it, after which you can go through this very door.

It is extremely important to start pushing the closet before you are discovered, otherwise you simply will not have time to do anything. Behind the door, run along the corridor without turning, find another gurney under the ventilation shaft - climb into the tunnel above. After jumping further, look for a room with a key, it blinks quite brightly, therefore it is clearly visible, hanging on the shield. As soon as you take the key, the doctor will begin the pursuit again, knocking the doors down with his huge scissors. Sometimes, during the pursuit, he is very pleased with the epic phrase "it was necessary to cut off the leg first, and not the finger, somehow it was unprofessional." And it's hard to argue with him - we run without fingers, but without a leg it would be all.

Jump out of the room through the same opening through which you entered it and run with all your might to the elevator. There are several ways to it, it is desirable to have a good visual memory so as not to wander through the corridors and rooms in vain, risking falling into the hands of the doctor again. After entering the elevator, continue the passage of the game Outlast, activating it with the key, the elevator will begin to descend. True, the insane maniac doctor will have time to go down to the lower floor, where he will break open the door and climb into the elevator. Mizel will push the enemy back, and the elevator will continue to move. Thus, the doctor's body will get stuck between the cabin of the moving elevator and the floor of the floor leaving the floor going up. He will be cut into two parts - that's right, there should be a lot of a good person.

The elevator, however, will not stand it and get up, but the elimination of such a dangerous enemy is more important. Exit the elevator through the hatch at the top, having previously opened it and pulled yourself up. Get off at small room, run out of it into the corridor on the right, in it turn left to the stairs. Go down them to the lower floor, there through a narrow passage you will enter a room with a computer turned on. Exit through the door on the other side, through the breach you will exit into a lighted spacious room. At its end on the right you will see Father Martin, the same "priest". He will offer to meet outside.

We leave into a small corridor on the left, turn right in it and on the right side you will find a door - open it, enter. You will find yourself in a locker room with a bunch of lockers, where you can also find another magazine. From the locker room, go past the washbasins and urinals through wooden door, behind it is another corridor. Go to the right, past the wheelchair, on the left there will be a small table a few meters away, and above it there is a window opening through which we need to jump, first jumping onto the same table. Before jumping up, you can go straight along the corridor to explore the area, you can get hold of a battery, for example.

After jumping over the top of the table, you will see a fire ahead. Fire is dangerous, try not to get into it. All flaming obstacles in the process of passing Outlast can be bypassed - bypass some, jump somewhere, or closer to the exit, you can bend down to get under the table top. From the burning room, exit into the corridor, turning left. Further along it, go straight, climb through the blockage of rubbish in front, then exit into another corridor, which is on the left. There you will see a room with fire fighting equipment, but there is no water, first you have to turn two valves.

True, the task will be complicated by the appearance of the thug Chris, you will traditionally have to either run away or hide from him. Best of all, if the enemy is not far away, crouch - this way you greatly reduce the chance of detection. One valve is located behind a long room with bathtubs and a non-aggressive freak sitting there, the entrance to the room is on the left side after you pass the corridor. In the same place, after turning to the left, you need to squeeze through the rubble sideways.

You will find the second valve on the contrary in the right wing of the building after exiting the same corridor. True, in the second case, you will have to run around the rooms, but the target room is a dead end, so sooner or later you will enter it. After activating the second valve, in order to continue the Outlast walkthrough, return to the control panel to activate the fire system. Now we need to run to where the flame was blazing - the fire is no longer an obstacle for us to go further.

Be careful - the goon is still there, but the pouring water greatly impairs the view. From the spacious room where the fire raged, exit through the open double door to the kitchen, jumping over obstacles along the way. Around the corner in the kitchen, another psycho suddenly pops up to the right, the mechanism for dealing with him is already familiar - you need to quickly move the mouse around. After pushing the adversary, turn into the corridor on the right, go straight along it until you exit into a spacious hall. In the hall on the left there will be a corridor, at the end of which there is a luminous inscription "Exit". This is the exit to the street, where the priest offered to meet us. Before you leave the building, you can explore the rooms.

Explore Mount Massive Asylum

From the very beginning of the game, an interactive video shows how the main character carefully drives up to a place supposedly connected with crimes. After the car stops, the main character, Miles, will grab the camera and a document that sheds light on the situation. Proceed to the area in front of Mount Massive through the open door, then try to go further through the gate, which, of course, will be closed.

Follow the left until the broken fence, under which you have to gracefully climb. Further - to the stairs, and along it up to the very window, a small jump and Miles is already inside the creepy mental hospital. Get out of the room and follow straight along the corridor, there is still no other way. After a few closed rooms, there will be a dead end ahead, climb over the shelves and again travel along the empty corridor, at the end of which an open room will appear, and there is a path along the ventilation shaft. After going down from there, follow to the library, and then to the double doors and the corridor, where the passage is blocked by two shelves. Not having time to squeeze through even a few steps, the hero will be sharply distracted by a big kid.

Task: get out of the hospital and ... survive

You need to get out of this crazy place, but the only way out is through the main gate, the key to which is lost somewhere near the security office. Follow through the security office, located to the left of the main entrance. In the next dark room is a document that tells some of the details of the patient's treatment. Go out into the corridor and follow the patient straight to the open door, there is a group of psychopaths, carefully bypass this group of people and follow to the second entrance from the room. There, jump over the shelves and go through the opening of the room opposite. Tear off the key from the corpse and quickly return to the beginning of the journey through the guard post.

To the left, where the corpse of the guard lies, there is a special room hidden from prying eyes. Open the door, go inside, there is a computer, turn it on with the button and boldly press to open the gate.

Restarting the generator in the basement

After a sudden blackout, use the night vision function on the camera, and follow to the closet, where you sit quietly for a while. When Miles' pursuer leaves, get out of the prison and follow the corridor to the place where the hide-and-seek game started, turn into the alley there, and then down the stairs and further, directly to the entrance to the basement.

Then the path will be one until the moment when the closed door appears. Nearby there is a secret passage in the wall, make your way through it and follow to the central room where the generator is installed. Theoretically, you need to connect two pumps and turn on the lever. The buttons to activate are in the rooms ahead, and the lever is on the left at the end of the corridor. Then you have to cut circles from the Demon's pursuer. To hide, close doors behind you, climb into closets and under beds. When all pumps are turned on and the lever is activated, follow to the main console, where again press the button firmly to open the gate.

Get out of the block

Explore the chamber, then proceed to the door, which will be opened by a particularly kind prisoner. Follow the corridor to the left, and then down the stairs. Again open the door next to the crazy man trying to break through the wall with his head, again go through the hole in the wall. Further - up through the corridor, then carefully make your way through the broken passage. Follow straight, then right through the corridor, where Miles will be disinfected.

On the trail of blood...

Follow up the stairs, down to the corridor, where a strange young man reads bloody inscriptions from the wall. There will be a hole ahead, jump without fear and regret. There - to the left, past the security block and the site of the current crime, where the maniac ruthlessly kills the victim. Carefully make your way to the next door, behind which stands an uncompromising guy with a heavy club. Distract the bully and rush headlong to the room with the switch, when the pursuer is nearby, press the button. Carefully get out of prison and return to where you came from. Then follow through the corridor to the bars that closed the two killers. Continue to the dark tunnel where the key card lies. Pick up an important element and return to the bloody trail, and then to the showers.

To freedom through the showers

Slowly make your way along the corridors, avoiding psychopaths, if the meeting does happen, get out through the window to the street. Climb along the ledge to another window, and from there back to the psychiatric hospital. Follow to the security block, start the switch. Further - into the passage above, and from there, holding down "Shift", run wherever your eyes look.

Find a detour to the shower room

With confident steps, follow the right straight to the first open door, where you hide under the sofa. After Miles's pursuer leaves, get out of the room and move through the center, then turn into the only remaining passage. Then - into the opening formed in the lattice. Once inside an incomprehensible room, a person will appear who should not be afraid, he, as it turned out, is kind and adequate. Proceed to the central compartment near the building.

The next game of hide and seek with the pursuers involves jumping on narrow ledges. Sometimes, at the time of the planned cut-scenes, the psychopath will attack the main character, in order to avoid death or severe injury, you need to quickly move the mouse from side to side. After completing the pursuit, follow through the opening in the floor to the pit formed inside the room.

Find your way out of the sewers

Follow closely the light falling from cheap light bulbs on the floor, then - without turning, make your way through the obstacle, turn right and climb into the tiny opening again.

Drain water with two switches

In the location, on the left on the wall, there is a plan of the building, on which a special yellow line shows the path to two levers. Of course, it’s not so easy to get to them - the whole building is guarded by a huge demon. Carefully move from box to box, try not to make noise. If Miles is suddenly noticed - jump into small holes in the floor, there, for some reason, the pursuers do not notice anyone. After turning on the two levers, go back to the map, and then jump into the hole on the right.

lower tier

Turn on the backlight on the camera, turn left, then right straight ahead to the end of the tunnel, and at the end go upstairs.

Looking for a way out

Follow the light coming from the end of the tunnel. Once at the ruins and the guy with the flashlight, turn back and go through the door on the left. Listen to a psychopath talking about a crazy doctor. After the end of the story, go down the stairs.

Make your way forward, following the blurry pools of blood, all the way to the male living quarters. When you reach a dead end, feel for the opening in the wall and make your way through it. After that, you have to be knee-deep in cold water. And then - up the ledges to a dark corridor and a half-open door. There, climb over the boxes and climb up the stairs. Turn left, then down, closer to the light source. Once at the next opening in the wall, feel free to squeeze inside.

Highlight the surrounding objects using the camera, while trying to quickly find the stairs to the top. Then run around the monotonous corridors, and do not catch the eye of the pursuer, otherwise you will have to start over. After getting out of the maze and ending up in the corridor, follow the light source, and then again up the next staircase with an infinite number of steps.

Get out of the men's section

Once at the box, climb through a small opening, now turn right and go through the door. Wait for the loud knocking to stop, then remove the box and get out of the room. Follow forward along the corridor up to a deep hole in the floor, and jump down there. Once in the dark and damp, follow the room with the martyr, located at the end of the corridor.

After a short and unfriendly encounter with a couple of psychos, move the closet and get out - that is, move from room to room, close the doors with drawers, climb through the openings, at the end - climb into the elevator and finally breathe in relief.

Doctor Escape

At the beginning of the chapter, you will have to wait for the cut-scene to end, where Miles is transported to the torture room. The doctor will talk long and hard about his faith, about humanity and the situation that has formed around, then the doctor will carefully cut off the fingers of the protagonist. Further - you will have to quickly twist the mouse in different directions in order to get out. Once free, follow to the opposite room, where a strange guy is sitting on the couch. At the first glance at Miles, the psychopath will start yelling at the top of his lungs, which, of course, will attract the attention of the doctor - dive sharply under the sofa and do not move. When it becomes quiet - get out of prison, follow the elevator, once inside, press the "up" button.

At the top, follow the corridor to the right up to the first room. There - right under the sofa, in order to hide from the doctor. After that, move to the next room, where the psychopath is again, this time tied to the couch. Without noise and fear in your heart, move into the corridor, and then to the left. Move the closet, climb through the passage, and follow to the sofa, where again you have to jump up.

Open the heavy door and move to the left. Move to another room through the window, take the key and come back. Hide from the doctor again, and then run towards the elevator, climb inside and press the button. The elevator will not be able to take Miles to his destination - he will have to get out through the hatch from above. There's a hallway and then down the stairs. Once in a huge hall, move closer to the holy father.

Meet Father Martin

Explore dark corridors with the night vision on the camera. Turn first to the right, then to the left and again into the darkness. Make your way through the passage into the corridor, and then through the window.

Put out the fire

Passing through the fire is quite simple - jump over the non-burning tables to a safe corridor, from there to the left through the shelves with books. Make your way into the room located on the right hand.

Restore water supply

From the very beginning of the chapter, act very carefully, as the "fan" of the young journalist Miles wanders somewhere nearby, and maybe behind the main character. Make your way forward along the corridor, tracking down the pursuer, always wait for the moment when he passes by. Further iditol forward, to the right and again to the right to the room where the special lever is located. After activation, return back to the flaming room.

Find Martin on the street

Follow the kitchen, there you will have to quickly move the mouse several times in order to free yourself from the strong grip of the psychopath. Get out into the corridor, then follow the street, where Miles is waiting for the holy father. Make your way to the janitor's house, where the key is safe and sound. Unlock the lock and go around the house around the perimeter. Further up the stairs to the roof, and then slowly and carefully down again. Beware of the pursuer, while trying to find a light source that will help you get into the compartment of the female dwelling.

Find Martin in the women's section

You won't be able to get into the mental hospital, so go straight to the park. Climb up the boards to the window of the women's section. Martin is on the second floor, so Miles will also have to climb higher. There are several guards on the first floor, so be quiet. There is a staircase near the elevator, follow it up, being careful, at the same time, of broken steps, because of which you can fall down. Next, search the rooms in search of stairs. Hide from demons in rooms or under beds.

follow the blood

The task is located in a destroyed location, surrounded by several maniacs. You will have to move in the footsteps of fresh blood left on the floor. At one point, Miles will lose the camera, in order to find the source of material evidence, he will have to go down, and then, with the camera in his hands, return to the beginning of the location.

Find Martin's father in the administration block

Wander the corridors and dark rooms, look for a cinema, then climb into the operator's office. Next, look for Father Martin on the trail of slightly blurred blood. At the end of the mission, Miles will find himself near a small chapel, where the body of the man the hero has been looking for is already being burned.

Get to the elevator and leave the hospital

At the beginning of the location, immediately run to the elevator and quickly go down. Miles will find himself in an icy darkened cave. We'll have to look for a laboratory, simultaneously avoiding spirits, maniacs and other unfriendly creatures. After breaking all the mechanisms, leave the location and run to the only exit. What follows is the final video, revealing some elements of the plot. Game over, Miles mission accomplished.

Administrative block

Reporter Miles Upshur arrives at the Mount Massive Asylum in hopes of obtaining exclusive material and investigating at the same time. Having just entered the territory of the hospital, it becomes clear that you should not expect an easy walk. There is no way back: the gates slam shut, leaving us alone with the horror that is happening. We read a letter from an anonymous source, which refers to the research carried out within the walls of the hospital. We go forward and open the door. We raise the camera to capture a strange moment and make a note accordingly. We move to the left side to the side gate. Below there is a gap, we crouch and go through it. Ahead of the scaffolding, climb them up the stairs. We turn right, jump over the gap around the corner and climb even higher. We turn around and, without reaching the end, we jump to the open window of the upper floor.

Here we are inside, turn on the camera again and activate night vision. In the upper right corner, the battery level and the number of batteries themselves are displayed. There is nothing interesting here, therefore, without delay, we get out of the room. From the corridor we move to the next room. It is more or less light here, so turn off night vision. We go to the right and open the next door. We squeeze between the locker and the shelf in the corridor. We immediately enter the room on the left and take the battery from the open box. Before reaching the glass door, we turn into the room on the right. We jump up and get into the ventilation. Having got out from the other side, we pass into the library, where we meet the only surviving soldier. He warns us of danger and advises us to leave this place as soon as possible. The main gate can be opened from the security control room.

We leave the library, turn right and, after going forward a little, turn right again. There is another battery in the toilet. We will be caught by a huge mutant and thrown down. As usual, the first thing we do is look into the toilet behind our back and take the battery from there. Now we move to the office space and get out into the corridor. Local patients do not even notice us, we go around them and pass under the boarded up boards at the aisle. Let's look into the next room and find a guard who has an access card. We return to the main hall and head to the opposite corridor on the left side. Let's explore all the side rooms in search of documents and batteries. Lastly, we unlock the security room and be sure to close the door behind us. We interact with the keyboard and observe the screen.

From the outside, Mount Massive looks harmless.

An unknown person turns off the power. We quickly hide in the locker and wait for the enemy to leave. We get to the hall and go down the stairs on the right side. To restart the generator, you need to turn on two fuel pumps and a central switch. We go into the first room on the right side. From the rack on the right we select the battery. We close the door, activate the pump and hide in the locker. When the patient leaves, we approach the door and try to track him down. We carefully move to the next room, turn on the second pump and quickly hide under the bed. We observe the illuminated passage on the right side. As soon as the enemy leaves to the left side, we move there.

Once in the corridor, go into the room and pick up the battery from the rack. Returning to the corridor, we jump over the obstacle and turn right at the fork. We get to the room with the lever, close the door, pick up the battery from the cart and pull the lever. We quickly hide in one of the lockers and wait for the enemy to leave. Returning to the corridor, we go to the fork, turn left and immediately enter a small room. We select the battery from the rack and hide under the bed. The patient will certainly look here. But as soon as he leaves, we can freely get to the generator, turn it on and return to the security room. We are trying to finish what we started, but they grab us from behind and inject some kind of solution.

prison block

Waking up in the cell, we approach the door and get out. We go to the left, go down and enter the fourth chamber on the left, in which there is a breach in the wall. We pass through it, jump onto the box, and then cling to the ceiling. Turn around and go left at the fork. We select the battery from the body and go back. We turn right, move along the ledge and thereby bypass the failure. Again we go to the right and start moving along the bloody trail. Don't forget to pick up the battery under the stairs. Climbing up, jump through the gap to the lower floor.

We open the door and select the battery from the table. We go back, jump over the obstacle and bypass the security room. An enraged patient won't touch us if we don't approach him. We get to the door and, holding down the corresponding button, slowly open it. The enemy will notice us in any case, so we slam the door and run to the lockers opposite the window of the security room. We are waiting for the arrival of the patient. He will go further, and we will return to the room where he was, and press the button. We hide in the locker on the right side. Let's follow the patient and flash behind him when he starts to break into the room. We get to the opened gateway and go through it.

Enemies do not see well in the dark, so sometimes you can wait out the threat in some corner.

The two big men still can't calm down. We approach the grate and get out of the window on the right side. We move to the last window and return to the corridor again. We pass through a non-working gateway, go to the end and select an access card. We leave the gateway, turn right and enter the room through the window. We find a battery on the computer table. Let's go back and move on. Open the door with a card. Turning the corner, we get out of the first window. We shift to the right and get out through the last open window. We get to the security room, go through it and exit from the other side. We select the battery lying near the elevator. Again we go to the security room, go to the other end and press the button. An enemy has appeared, so we turn around and run to the ventilation. At the same time, the hatch opened. We jump up and get out into the corridor. We turn right and get to the broken gateway. The blast wave will throw us down.

It's too early to relax. After the appearance of the enemy, we pass into the chamber on the right side and hide under the bed. When he leaves, go upstairs and turn right. We go around, as the door on the left side is closed. As soon as the patient appears, turn around and run back to the stairs. The door is broken by a thug, so we calmly pass to the left side. Then we turn left again and squeeze through a small gap. Crouching, we pass under an obstacle. We get out to the open area, jump onto the bed on the left side and pull ourselves up. We turn right and go along the ledge. We go up to the third floor, turn right and pick up the battery from the bedside table in the cell. Now we run to the left to the ledge, without being distracted by the patient. We shift to the right, penetrate into one chamber and move to another through a breach in the wall. We get to the next chamber and jump through the gap in the floor.

Batteries are the only valuable resource in the game.


We go down to the illuminated side and head to the next breach. Before we go through it, we will pick up the battery in the corner next to the lockers. Once in the sewers, turn left, then right. We jump over the obstacle, turn left and, crouching, we pass through the channel. At the crossroads, turn right and go through the gap. We get to the boxes and take cover behind them. Through the gap we observe the thug. When he goes to the right side, we will go all the way forward, where we will find a battery next to the body. We turn around and turn right. Having jumped over the obstacle, we can go around on the left side, or directly along the channel. In the end, we get out to the room where we start the water pump. We go back only along the canal. The enemy will head towards the pump, and we can run to the next passage. After activating the pump, it is best to hide behind the rack on the right side. We are waiting for the arrival of the enemy and, as soon as he starts checking the cabinets, we run behind him, get out of the branch and turn left. We get to the stairs and go down.

By the only way We overtake the doors, but we are not in a hurry to go inside. Let's go further and pick up the battery lying near the corpse. We enter the room and go down the stairs. Turn left as there is a dead end on the right. We run forward, we pass along the channel and, having moved to the left, we climb up. We go through the door, jump into the water and immediately turn right. We pass through the gap in the lattice and select the battery from the box. Returning back, we pull ourselves up to the opposite side. Climb the stairs to the right, turn right and jump back into the water. Having gone forward a little, we climb up, go down into the water and go through the breach. We turn left, climb a little higher and find the battery on the box. Returning back, turn right and go through the gap. We move along the left wall. The enemy patrols the area, so we often use the zoom on the camera so as not to lose sight of him. Having reached the corner, we continue to move along the wall. Soon we will notice a light in the center, we run to it. There will be a ladder, so we rise higher and, having properly dispersed, we cling to it. It was worth a little advance, as a patient appeared in front. We go around it on the left side, run to the end forward and turn into the last left passage. Almost reaching the next enemy, turn left again and go down.

Men's department

We follow the patient, we squeeze through the fault and climb the stairs on the right side. We move the object and, crouching, we move to the next room. After leaving it, we turn right and get to the next room. Someone knocks on the door. We select the battery from the stand on the right side and push the object blocking the door. We go to the left, then to the right and through the lower hatch we pass into the room. We take the battery from the bedside table in the left row. We jump onto the illuminated table and pull ourselves up to the ventilation shaft. Once in the room, other residents of the hospital run to the noise of the tied patient. We quickly move the object away, go through the door and slam it shut behind us. We run to the very last ajar door. We slam it shut and block it with a heavy object. We release another door, get out into the corridor, turn left and quickly run across to the next room. Similarly, barricade it and pull up to the ventilation shaft in the far corner on the right side. We get out into the corridor, turn left, then into the room on the right, jump onto the table and, crouching, go through the broken window. We constantly turn left, accelerate and make a jump through the gap.

And the exit was so close...

We head to the illuminated corridor. Enemies still won't budge. Constantly turn right and climb over the partition. We get to the room, slam the door and use the lift, on the advice of a stranger. We drove ourselves into a trap, as the stranger turned out to be that sadist. After spending a few minutes in his company, we free ourselves, swaying from side to side. We get to the still living martyr. We hide in the shadows on the right side and head towards the exit. We arrive at the elevator and pull ourselves up to the ventilation on the left side. Having got out into the corridor, we go into the left passage and behind the bed we find the battery. Now our main task is to bypass the enemy through the rooms on the left side. Since the door at the other end is barricaded, we need a head start in time. As soon as the enemy moves away from it, quickly move the object away and move on. We slam the door, turn right and run straight. We jump onto the bed and pull ourselves up to the ventilation.

Going into the bedroom, open the double doors on the right side. We climb through the window, take the key from the wall and, returning to the corridor, immediately turn right and hide in the shadows. We are waiting for the departure of the enemy and through the opened door, we return to the elevator. Still, the enemy overtakes us and thanks to active actions, we manage to deal with him. The elevator is stuck, so we open the hole and stretch to the elevator shaft. After getting out of it, we go to the right. We get to the stairs, go down and under the stairs we find a battery. We squeeze through a narrow passage, leave the room and move forward along a wide corridor. After meeting with Father Martin, we turn left. Once in the locker room, we shift to the left lane. Having got out into the corridor, you can see a table on the right, and an open window on top. We are not in a hurry to jump out of it, first we will check the pantry at the other end of the corridor, where you can find a battery.

The fire engulfed the entire area. Jumping over obstacles, we move to the other side. We go to the left and pass between the racks. There is no water in the room with the system, we need to open two dampers. We continue to walk along the corridor and, noticing the shadow of the enemy, we squat behind the side partition. After waiting for the thug to leave, we turn right and head to the illuminated area. We pass into the room and get to the last room where the lever is located. Activate it and release the water. The enemy will certainly come to check, but we, of course, must hide. There are plenty of dark areas here. Returning to the corridor, we move to the passage exactly at the other end of the diagonal. On the way, we pick up the battery lying on the table in the center. If the enemy notices us, then we can escape from him by passing between the racks. We get to the second lever and activate it.

Do you want to taste delicacies?

Going back can be problematic, as everything here is very well lit. Being in the shadow next to the racks, use the zoom on the camera and keep a close eye on the enemy. Having picked up the moment, we return to the room with the system and start the sprinklers. Without hesitation, we go to the place that was previously blazing with fire. From here we freely get out to the kitchen. We go out into the corridor and head to the fork. We go down into the elevator shaft and pick up as many as two batteries. Climb up and get to the exit.


On the street it pours like a bucket. Rare flashes of lightning do not allow you to fully navigate the terrain. We go forward and look at our feet. Having reached the fountain, we begin to walk clockwise. We turn to the first path that will lead us to the building. Inside we find a battery and a key. We return to the fountain and continue to move in a circle. The next path will lead us to the stairs, except for the document there is nothing there. And, finally, the last path stretches to the economic block. We pass through it and exit on the other side. Climb the stairs, turn right and jump over the gap. The next failure around the corner, keep jumping until we reach the ledge. After crossing it, we go down, jump onto the garbage container, onto the box and pull ourselves up, clinging to the bars.

Going around the building, we get to the stairs and go upstairs. We turn left and pick up the battery lying next to the patient and the dumpster. We go back and move on. We jump down through the rift in the lattice. A thug roams the area, so we carefully move along the wall on the right side. Having reached the illuminated area, we climb onto the boxes, cylinders and move along the ledge to the right side. We jump down, turn left and run into the light. As soon as we start moving along the narrow passage, the enemy will run towards us. We step back, make a small circle and return to the passage. Having reached the center, we turn right and, crouching, penetrate through the gap inside.

We go outside, turn right and find a fountain filled with blood. There is a battery on one of the benches. We select it and head to the corner of the building. On the flooring we climb up and get inside through the open window.

Who is faster? It is better not to take risks, but to turn around and make a circle.

Women's department

We go to the right and go around the wreckage on the left side. We get out into the corridor (on the right - a battery), get to the shelves and go through them. We jump onto the table and enter the rooms with dryers. We leave this place and go to the right (on the left is the room where the battery is on the shelf). We go out into the corridor, turn left and get to the elevator (on the right is the training room, there is a battery near the board). Near the body on the unlit right side, you can pick up another battery. We quickly climb the stairs and jump over the gap to the top floor. Turning into the corridor on the left side, we pass to the grate and pick up the battery. Let's go back to the fork and turn right. We get to the illuminated room. The laundry chute requires three fuses.

The battery is in the corner on the right side. We select it and climb through the window on the right. Having reached the turn, do not forget to pick up the battery from the grate on the left. We go into the room and close the door behind us. We pick up the fuse lying opposite the fireplace. We hide in the corner and wait for the patient to leave. We return to the shield, but we are not in a hurry to insert the fuse, as this can attract the attention of the enemy, and he moves very quickly. We wait in the shade when the patient runs to the place where we got the first fuse. We pass into the corridor and turn right at the fork. After jumping over the bed, we pick up two batteries from the shelf on the right. We pass into the room, close the door and select the fuse. Let's also look inside the fireplace, where the battery lies. Returning to the corridor, we go only straight ahead and get to the next room. To the right of the fireplace is a battery. We select it and the fuse next to the patient. It's best to leave the door open. When the enraged patient arrives here, we leave the room and close the door behind us. We quickly get to the shield, be sure to close another door, insert all three fuses and press the button.

We return to the dryer, that is, to the previous floor. Opposite the door will be the same key. Press the button and take the key. Without stopping, we run to the elevator, climb the stairs and jump over the gap. We unlock the door on the right side, accelerate and climb even higher, jumping over the gap. From the table we select two batteries and go to the right. We go to the end and select another battery. Turn around and turn left at the fork. We move along the ledge and jump over to the other side. Having fallen down, we will take the battery from the extreme bedside table of the left row. We climb up the hill from the beds and pull ourselves up to the top floor.

At some point this had to happen.

We go to the passage in the middle of the room. Then we turn right and by any of the ways we get to the double doors. Having opened one of them, we quickly move to the right and wait for the enemy to leave. We move to the other end of the room. We go through the passage on the right side, jump over the gap and move along the ledge. When trying to jump over the next gap, our camera will fall to the bottom floor. It makes no sense to continue the path without it, so we go down and turn left. We go around the obstacle and head to the exit from the room. The battery is on the right. Bending down, we make our way to the locker room. We go to the gap and jump down. We freely get to the camera and pick it up, bypassing on the right. We immediately notice the patients and hastily return to the locker room. We climb onto the central lockers and pull ourselves up. We get to the place where we dropped the camera. We cling to the edge on the left side and go up.

Administrative block

We jump over the gap, turn left and, when the floor collapses, move along the ledge on the left side. We go down, pass under the obstacle and squeeze between the cabinets. Now we keep moving forward. We skip two doors and open the third one on the left side. We pull up to the ventilation shaft. We pass to the other end, drop the body and jump down ourselves. We turn right and cross to the other side. We go along the corridor and open the first door on the left. We pass through the fault, climb the stairs and move along the ledge. After going around the bars, we jump down and get to the auditorium. We move towards the left passage. We enter the room, open the next door and head to the stairs. Having risen upward, we bend down and pass under an obstacle. We go into the room and pick up the battery from the rack. We try to open the door, and return to the corridor. The door opened, we go out to the balcony and move along the ledge on the left. We jump onto the neighboring balcony, select the key from the table and go down to the auditorium. We turn left and along the shortened path, we get to the elevator. Do not forget to look into the room, where we will definitely find a battery.

We unlock the door and go upstairs. We pass into the room through the door on the right side. We get out into the next room and turn left. Once in the corridor, we enter the first room on the right side. On the table next to the billiard table is a battery. We continue to walk along the corridor until we find a break in the wall. A window is open in one of the rooms. We get out of it and move to the left along the ledge. We get to Father Matthias. We select the key to the elevator, leave the room, go to the right and pull ourselves up to the ventilation shaft. After jumping down, we run to the right to the most extreme room. Let's wait for the enemy in it and return to the corridor. We run to the end, enter the room on the left and climb through the top hatch in the wall. We get out to the elevator and go down on it.

Burning of Father Matthias.

underground laboratory

We get to the reception through the tunnel and turn right. We continue to walk along the bloody corridors. After jumping over the blue barrels, we reach the fork and turn right. There is a battery under the destroyed stairs. We pass further and soon we will encounter a dark creature Valrider. We turn around and run up to the double doors. Having opened them, a thug catches us. Walrider dismembers Chris Walker. We move forward to the first door on the right. We enter the room and find a surviving researcher who advises us to disconnect Billy's body from the life support system as soon as possible.

Turn left and continue down the corridor. As soon as the enemy appears, without delay, we pass through the double door and be sure to close it behind us. We turn right, squeeze between the tanks and climb the stairs. We get to Billy and go right. Having risen up, we pass to the end and unscrew the valve to stop the supply of fluid from the tanks. We immediately return to Billy, go to the other side and go up the stairs. We squeeze between the barrels, get to the stairs and climb even higher. Accelerating, we jump over the gap. Immediately turn right and keep running. We pass through the gateway into the control room, go along the right side and interact with the illuminated shield. We return to Billy and turn off the system by activating the panel to the right of him. Watch the final video.
