You are receptive, dynamic, friendly, active and able to succeed through cooperation and team effort. You are endowed with an ear for music, a sense of rhythm and a talent for dancing.

You were born on February 23, the zodiac sign is Pisces. Despite your natural restlessness, your life is connected with communication with people and develops through the experience of socially oriented activities.

PERSONAL HOROSCOPE - now available on our website. Compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will learn what the planets say about your personality.

Thanks to your intuition, you are sensitive to the moods of others. Although sensitive and imaginative, you have a business acumen and are full of ideas that can bring financial rewards.

Having lost your life guidelines, you tend to succumb to the influence of others and, instead of defending your position, go with the flow or withdraw into yourself.

Ambitious and multi-talented, you know how to combine work with pleasure, which indicates that you are a good partner and are able to learn how to contact the most different people.

Encouraged by a goal or idea, you are extremely determined and an imposing force.

Despite a strong desire to succeed, you are sensitive, dreamy and idealistic, which indicates the need to find a balance between these two sides of your nature and get rid of unreasonable fears about your financial situation.

Until the age of 26, sensitivity and emotions come first for you. You will be looking for ideal situations and relationships or anything more magical in your life.

After the age of 27, you will gradually become more confident, ambitious and assertive in the implementation of new endeavors and decide to take the lead in relationships with others.

At the age of 57, another turning point will come when the pace of your life will slow down and there will be a need for more stability and financial security.

Personal qualities of those born on February 23

You are dreamy and idealistic and at the same time ambitious, energetic and not indifferent to money, power and prestige.

Although hard-working and methodical in pursuing your plans, being easily discouraged means that in the absence of a material incentive or quick payoff, you tend to abandon your decisions and look for your luck elsewhere.

Intuitive insight into the essence of things will help you understand that without the necessary effort, you will not be able to achieve well-deserved rewards.

The ability of a leader and the need for recognition speak of a broad outlook. Inventive and prone to harmony, you love new beginnings, but must avoid over-enthusiasm and anxiety.

Generous and versatile, you are patient, resourceful, and aim for realistic goals. The extravagance inherent in Pisces born on February 23 can lead to excessive extravagance. However, the need for material well-being and stability makes you be enterprising and look for new favorable opportunities.

Work and vocation born on February 23

You are determined and at the same time not unimaginative and benevolent, which guarantees you success in all careers related to people. The need for recognition will put you on the cutting edge of your profession.

Good luck awaits you in the field of international cooperation, whether it be export-import operations or travel. Although you may prefer to work for yourself, you are capable of being a good team member.

A sense of color, sound, and form may draw those born on February 23 into art, theater, or music. You have a sharp business sense, organizational skills and dedication that will allow you to succeed in any profession you choose.

Love and partnership born on February 23

As a rule, you lead a busy life and have many friends. Giving great importance your relationships, you strive to do everything to save them.

With your strict principles, you need a partner who is worthy of you, who is not intimidated by your strong personality.

Although you are generally friendly and accommodating, you need arguments and intellectual stimulation.

You are attracted to smart and strong people, but avoid the desire to intellectually suppress partners and, in turn, do not become a victim of such a policy. However, kind and understanding, you are very generous to those you care about and will go to great lengths for those you love.

Ideal partner for those born on February 23

You better start looking for reliability, intelligence and love among those born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 3, 23; February 11, 21, 25; March 9, 19, 28, 31; 7, 17, 26, 29 April; May 5, 15, 24, 27, 29, 31; 3, 13, 22, 25, 27, 29 June; July 1, 11, 15, 20, 23, 25, 27, 29; August 9, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27; September 7, 16, 19, 21, 23, 25; October 5, 14, 17, 19, 21, 23; November 3, 7, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21; 1, 10, 13, 15, 17, 19 December.
  • favorable contacts : 3, 4, 10, 21 January; February 1, 2, 8, 19; March 6, 17, 30; April 4, 15, 28; May 2, 13, 26; June 11, 24; July 9, 22; August 7, 20; September 5, 18, 24; October 3, 16, 22, 31; November 1, 14, 29; 12, 27 December.
  • Kindred soul : January 26; 24 February; March 22, 30; April 20, 28; May 18, 26; June 16, 24; July 14, 22; August 12, 20; September 10, 18; October 8, 16; November 6, 14; 4, 12 December.
  • fatal attraction : January 22, 28; February 20, 26; March 18, 24; April 16, 22; May 14, 20; June 12, 18; July 10, 16; August 8, 14, 26, 27, 28, 29; September 6, 12; 4, 10 October; November 28; December 6.
  • Troubled Relationships : January 11, 20; February 9, 18; March 7, 16; April 5, 14; May 3, 12, 30; June 1, 10, 28; July 8, 26, 31; August 6, 24, 29; September 4, 22, 27; October 2, 20, 25; November 18, 23; 16, 21 December.

February 23 is celebrated throughout the country as Defender of the Fatherland Day. It's brave and strong men who with selflessness are ready to defend their homeland and rush into battle against the enemy. But it’s interesting how the eastern horoscope characterizes this day. It turns out that February 23 is the zodiac sign Pisces. Let's see what kind of person was born on this day.


You can, of course, believe it, you can not, but any man who was born just on the holiday of February 23 stands out from the rest of his comrades in the constellation. This is manifested in the fact that Pisces is very confident, and to an extreme degree, you can call it hyper-confidence.

The nature of the people who were born on this day believe that they will perfectly cope with anything. This could be a job Good work, or as a husband for a girl who likes you very much.

This is due to the fact that Pisces, who were born on February 23, cope with such problems that they do not think about, because they believe that these difficulties are very overwhelming. As soon as men deal with some problems, they think they are experts. With their competitors, they are quite polite, they avoid denouncing their superiority, because this is already obvious. The sign of the zodiac will behave delicately, in any situation it will find some way out. In addition, a man who was born on February 23 is quite realistic.

Strong confidence in character

Of course, sometimes he has a pessimistic direction, he can give a forecast for the worst. At the same time, people around are very surprised at this. However, most likely the sign of February 23, Pisces, knows that you need to prepare for the worst, but at the same time you have to wait for the best. But optimism, which is absolutely not based on anything, seems to them a completely pointless exercise.

A man born on February 23 will tell something in such a way that everyone around will just hang their ears. At the same time, he can easily find a common language with any person. After all, Pisces know how to listen. Creativity is in their blood. They can read various literature, often excellent actors appear from them. Some of the Pisces men are musicians, dancers and painters. They possess such qualities as ambition, fortitude, loyalty to themselves, fearlessness, courage.


Such people are completely calm about money. They will not soar somewhere in the clouds, build castles in the air, thinking that they will someday have a yacht or a castle. However, they will not collect a penny either.

Sign of the Zodiac February 23 Pisces is very hard, as much as necessary. To make them feel good, they achieve this by all means, and they don’t even think about more.

They do not need luxury at all. What for? This is contrary to their notions. Unless sometimes this coincides with the fact that such an amount of money is needed in order for them to be happy. Their finances are clearly distributed. They will not be greedy, but especially generous too. The chosen one knows that her man will not give expensive gifts too often. But he constantly gives his loved ones flowers and sweets. However, one should not expect expensive cars and jewelry, even if he can afford to buy such things, he will not do this.

I must say that a man - Pisces will earn exactly the amount of money that he wants. They prefer stability, that is, if they have a tit in their hands, they will never chase a crane. Some representatives of those born on the 23rd have their own business, or they work in large companies not in the lowest positions. If they think to change something, they usually make several plans. Yes, just in case. Very responsible workers, if they are entrusted with something, then be sure that they will do it.

Responsibility at work


A man trusts his heart, but at the same time he can be wrong. Love for Pisces is akin to intuition. However, intuition is sometimes confused with reason. Men need to be more attentive and trust all their feelings, and not just the heart.

Let's list a few famous people who were born on this day: the artist Malevich, Oleg Yankovsky, Alexy II (patriarch), Vasily Lazarev (cosmonaut).


You may consider it absolutely amazing, but the lady who was born on February 23 is the kind of woman that men dream of. She is very strong. No, needless to say, she can sometimes behave like a man. This is completely untrue. It's just that the character of a woman - Pisces is quite hard.

Confidence in character

She will never rely on anyone but herself. Views and principles will not change. However, she never uses other people for her interests, so she is a great friend. A woman born on a holiday on February 23 does not like to lie. She will always tell the truth, even if it may spoil any of her interests. Of course, she can suffer, and she knows it very well, but she understands that her conscience, on the other hand, will be completely clear. Because of this reason, she has very few friends, but they will be true, and not unfamiliar comrades.

The lady will communicate very well, she will never scream, but if others try to dominate, then she will show affection. Where everyone else will be nervous, she will smile sweetly and calmly swim out of the conflict. If she is not sure of herself, she can joke.


I must say that the sign of the Zodiac on February 23, Pisces, gives its beautiful halves great prudence. And even very large. Sometimes it gets in the way of building your love. After all, she is too skeptical about romance. Sometimes she misses the spark.

On the other hand, Pisces will not succumb to the tricks of men. Before accepting or rejecting any proposal, they will carefully weigh everything. And they will answer not according to the voice of their whim, but only by making a deliberate decision.

A woman born on the day of the defender of the fatherland does not fall in love very often. But if she falls in love with any person, she will put him on a pedestal. Even if this man is not at all worthy of such an attitude. She will love her children very much, pamper them. However, despite this, children will trust all their problems.

The Pisces woman has musical talents, and they are also born writers.

Here is a list of famous women born on this day. These are Kristin Davis (Sex and the City), Lyudmila Ulitskaya (writer), Valentina Telegina (artist).


Now all the people who were born on February 23 do not present much mystery to the reader. So you can find out what characterizes these interesting comrades. If you want to build your relationship with a person who was born under the sign of Pisces, then be sure to read this article.

The zodiac sign of those born on February 23 is Pisces. These are resourceful, emotional, sensitive and good-natured individuals. They are interested in mysticism and the occult. Rationality allows them to maintain a balance between hobbies of the secret world and common sense. These people are gifted with creative abilities. Writing and acting talents allow them to become artists, musicians, dancers, actors.

These are sociable and diplomatic personalities. They know how to express their thoughts well and act as grateful and attentive listeners. In disputes, they convincingly express their opinion and achieve the favor of the interlocutors. They prefer to resolve conflicts peacefully. They do not insist on their point of view, if they are not sure that they are right.

Those born on this day are endowed with practicality and an analytical mind. They solve problems based on past experience. They have the flexibility to act according to changing circumstances. Such people come up with several plans at the same time in order to have backup options.

Characteristics of women born on February 23

These are soft, fragile, mysterious and charming personalities. They are endowed with a gentle and refined nature. These ladies hover in a world of dreams and fantasies, which is why they are undeservedly considered unsuitable for life. In difficult situations, they prove the opposite, showing perseverance and firmness of character.

Such women give the impression of peaceful and gentle ladies. There are always a lot of fans in their environment, which helps to increase self-esteem.

Characteristics of men born on February 23

They are creative, dedicated and honest individuals. They are confident, determined and able to adapt to changing situations. Do not give up in the face of difficulties. Friendliness, charisma and developed intuition allow them to build relationships with different people.

Such men love romance and adventure. They sincerely care about their soulmate.

love horoscope

Those born on this day in love are passionate and romantic. They avoid fleeting romances and prefer to start long-term relationships. In the second half, they want to see a person who is able to share their interests and hobbies. A partner for them often becomes a lover, friend and support.

In marriage, it is important for such women and men to have a common system of values ​​​​and priorities with the second half. At first family life the horoscope recommends assigning responsibilities and setting rules. In such a pair, it will be easier for both partners when everyone gets personal space.


Those born on February 23 are well compatible with Scorpios, Capricorns, Cancers. With Libra, Leo, Gemini, they have a difficult relationship.

The most suitable partner for those born on February 23

For love and marriage, people born on such days are best suited:

January: 16, 17, 18, 28, 31
February: 1, 4, 12
March: 1, 4, 6, 15, 25, 27
April: 9, 20, 24, 29
May: 2, 4, 6, 11, 16, 29
June: 2, 3, 8, 28
July: 5, 16, 19, 21
August: 1, 7, 22
September: 5, 16, 25, 27, 29
October: 13, 20, 28
November: 1, 16, 20, 22, 27
December: 17, 29, 30

business horoscope

In work, those born on this day are energetic, hardworking and enterprising. They do not hesitate to take on new beginnings. They like to expand their professional knowledge and skills. They are good at cooperating in a team and practicing on their own. Goodwill, charm and sociability allow them to establish contacts with people, which has a positive effect on relationships with colleagues and partners.

Such people strive for power, high social status and financial well-being. They are motivated by material gain and the prospect of growth. The breadth of views and interests, giftedness with creative abilities allow them to succeed in any field.

Health Horoscope

Pisces born on February 23 rarely suffer from serious chronic diseases. Their main problem is enthusiasm for work and emotional overstrain. They often overestimate their strength and take on many tasks. The horoscope advises to alternate work and rest, to give enough time for sleep. Relax and get rid of negative emotions massage courses, yoga or gymnastics, outdoor walks will help.

Such people are prone to overeating and abuse of sweets, fatty foods. It is recommended to give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products.

Don't overload yourself with work

You tend to be overloaded with work and take on a lot of tasks. Learn to relax and plan your daily routine - this will increase productivity.

Be less strict with people around you

You make high demands on the people around you, which is why you look picky and embittered in their eyes. If you do not learn to accept the features and shortcomings of people, then you risk being left alone.

Listen to the opinions of strangers

Consider opinions, life positions and personal experience strangers. Their advice can be valuable support and inspire new ideas. .

The holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day" is associated with masculinity, courage, selflessness. Of course, it is curious whether the characteristic from Eastern horoscope? In this article, we will figure out which zodiac sign was born on February 23, and why it is special.

Zodiac sign for February 23 for a man

So, it is Pisces that falls on this day. This sign is generally characterized by calmness, the ability to adapt to difficult life circumstances, to build friendly relations with different people. Of course, each person has his own unique character, and not only the sign of the zodiac, but also the day, the number when the person was born is of great importance to him. What are the characteristics of Pisces born on February 23?


Men born on February 23 believe it or not, but Pisces men who saw the world on February 23 stand out for characteristic features among other representatives of this sign. How is it shown? First of all, it is confidence, turning into an extreme degree, hyper-confidence. So, Pisces born on this day consider themselves the most suitable candidates for any role, whether it is a job vacancy or the role of the husband of a girl they like. What is it connected with? Pisces who were born on this day easily manage to solve issues that seem overwhelming to others. It is worth coping with several problems, and the men of this sign begin to consider themselves at least aces. With competitors, Pisces born on this day behave quite politely. So, they will try to avoid demonstrating their own superiority, even if this fact is obvious. And not only about rivals, Pisces in general are very delicate, they know how to find the right “key” for any situation. In addition, men who were born on a men's holiday are realists. Sometimes they make pessimistic predictions, which surprise others, but this is more of following the principle of "prepare for the worst, while expecting the best" than a firm life position. But what is not characteristic of these people is senseless, unjustified optimism.


The attitude towards money in Pisces of this day is very calm. They are not in the clouds, dreaming of a villa-yacht, and do not crawl on the ground, trying to make a fortune. They clearly know how much they need "for happiness", and strive for this amount, without thinking about more. Living in luxury for men born on February 23 is not acceptable - except that this coincides with their concept that it is precisely "so much is needed for happiness." Pisces are not greedy, but it cannot be said about them that they are very generous. The chosen ones of those born on this day know that they do not make frequent expensive gifts. You will receive signs of attention in the form of flowers and sweets (but within reasonable limits), but do not expect jewelry and cars, even if Pisces has the opportunity for this.


What are Pisces men in love? They prefer to trust the voice of the heart, and often they are wrong. They can choose a person, trusting intuition, however, you must admit, intuition can be easily confused with the voice of reason. I would like to advise those who were born on this day to be more attentive and trust all the senses, and not just the heart muscle.

Zodiac sign for February 23 for a woman


Paradoxical as it may seem, but Pisces-ladies born on February 23 represent the image of a woman that every man secretly dreams of! Why is she so remarkable?
Firstly, a woman who was lucky enough to be born on this day has a strong nature. This does not mean that she is acting "like a man", by no means! Such a lady is firm in her views and principles, and does not rely on anyone but herself. She is alien to the use of other people in her own interests, and therefore it is a pleasure to be friends with her. Women who came into the world on February 23 do not lie. They are truthful and tell the truth, even if it interferes with their own interests. So, they sometimes suffer from this, but their conscience is clear. Perhaps this is precisely the reason that this zodiac sign has few friends, but they are true comrades, not casual friends.


In love, Pisces women are too reasonable. This can interfere with building good, romantic relationships. So, sometimes ladies who were born on February 23 lack passion and emotionality. On the other hand, such girls will never succumb to the tricks of the male part of the world. They will weigh everything before answering "yes" or "no", and this will not be a random whim, but a firm decision.


Now you know what people born on this day are, what zodiac sign corresponds to them and how they characterize them. It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with such information if you are going to build a relationship with Pisces. Share links and leave your comments.

These personalities are quite restless and very mysterious, and get close to them not an easy task, because they are inclined to trust strangers, especially if they did not like them at first sight.

They want and they strive to get into such an environment that would raise their status, show respect for them, while they are against anyone interfering in their affairs or personal life.

To establish close and trusting relationships with people around them, men and women of the zodiac sign on February 23, however, know how and if they wish, they can easily do it.

If you manage to get through to the heart of this person, then you will surely get a reliable and faithful friend for many years, ready to sacrifice himself for you, at any moment to come to the rescue, he will be able to support and console.

Representatives of Pisces work and study with great willingness and a desire to grow, especially when they have found their real vocation that meets their needs and dreams.

A marriage partner for the sign of the Zodiac on February 23 needs a strong and decisive, able to lead, and both men and women of Pisces need it.

Next to such a person, you can feel confident, completely safe, which will give you the opportunity to truly feel protected and enjoy life.

But you should not relax too much, you yourself need to learn to act independently, be more active, more often take the initiative into your own hands. Look for a balance among your desires and opportunities and you will live a full life.

IN more this is a female sign, and men born with Pisces are usually drawn to authoritarian and strong-willed women, although despite this they still sometimes want to prove themselves as a leader, to prove their worth, but this is not for long.

The fairer sex lives much easier than a man, they are faithful and reliable spouses, good housewives and mothers, they are gentle, graceful and very feminine, ready to follow their lover to the ends of the world.

Most difficult years representatives of this sign are 15, 26, 41 and 59 years old.

It is during these time intervals that these people experience a change in life values, a revision of the previous system of values ​​and priorities that they previously guided and adhered to. website

During these years, you will sum up and make plans, think about the last years lived, the meaning of your life and try to find your new place in this world.

They are great visionaries and dreamers. They constantly run away from the gray routine into the bright world of their dreams. Because of this, they are rightly considered to be little adapted to life, although sometimes they still manage to prove their practicality and demonstrate strength of character.

It's hypersensitive zodiac sign February 23, Pisces men and women are very sensitive to the feelings and thoughts of the people around them, and sympathy, self-denial and versatility are the main qualities of these outstanding individuals.

They tend to absorb other people's ideas and initiatives on an unconscious level. Most of this person has a weak will, most often their well-being depends on circumstances, and not on their merits. It is important for them to learn to act independently, make decisions and defend their interests.

A sign of duality and impermanence. It is difficult for these people to make unambiguous decisions, they get tired quickly, which prevents them from playing sports, leading an active lifestyle, and doing hard work.

It is hardly possible to call the men and women of the Zodiac sign Pisces, born on February 23, brave fighters defending their independence and principles, or brave fighters for justice, this is not for them.

Aversion to arguing and defending their position makes them timid and indecisive. Often they are ready to endure injustice towards themselves than to get involved in a forced struggle for their legal rights.

On the other hand, their patience is not infinite and sometimes bursts, in which case they can get angry to such a level that they will not be able to calm them down for a long time.

Outwardly, representatives of the Pisces sign are very charming, and women are gentle, their graceful charm and subtle humor easily open the doors of many life cabinets for them.

The mood of this person can fluctuate and change dramatically even within one day, from extreme optimism and self-confidence, to deep passivity and melancholy.

IN professionally these individuals can be diligent, responsible and accurate in their work, and vice versa, irresponsible, lazy and disorganized.

Pisces of the zodiac sign on February 23 almost do not strive for transcendental material wealth, because they understand at the level of their instinct that for this you need to work hard and hard, make maximum physical and psychological efforts, which they are definitely not ready for.

These people love to spend money, often they are forced to live in debt because their demands exceed their capabilities. You should learn how to handle your finances, spend them more carefully, try to have an emergency reserve just in case.

Pisces are very sensitive to the subtle currents in human relationships and tend to stay away from them if they pose a threat.

They always listen to their inner voice and guard their individuality.

They love to live in dreams, fantasize and dream. If these inclinations are developed in the right direction and learn to control, then you can develop excellent acting skills in this extraordinary personality.

Many of those women and men of the Pisces zodiac sign who were born on February 23 - almost all are ready to alleviate the plight of those around them, the suffering of the poor or disadvantaged people.

They will not hesitate to devote their free time to volunteering and helping the sick and the desperate, demanding nothing in return, no reward or gratitude.

If this person has found himself in life - he is kind, selfless, disinterested and devoted to his partner.

The feelings of the representatives of Pisces are sincere, sincere and tender, basically they do not pay attention to the shortcomings of a loved one, they are loyal to him.

The disadvantage of this person is his fatalism, categorical and weak character.

You must learn to be more flexible and understand that you are not so powerless in this life, you can build your own destiny.

Look at yourself more realistically, try to use the opportunities and chances that fate gives you, or which are already at your disposal. Awareness of one's capabilities will give confidence in one's strength, give an opportunity for development and action.

February 23 zodiac sign - compatibility

Under the sign of the Zodiac on February 23, men and women are born with a focus on creative and individual professions - poets, actors, sculptors, architects, doctors, musicians, composers, writers and others ...

They are reliable in marriage, faithful and stable, subject to trust and complete understanding with a partner.

Harmonious relations, with good prospects, of this outstanding personality can develop: with Capricorn, Scorpio, Cancer, Aries, Taurus and Aquarius.

The average level is 50/50, restless to a certain extent, but with the possibility of building relationships with Pisces: with representatives of Leo and Libra.

Difficult and undesirable, obviously conflicting relationship of Pisces with zodiac representatives: Gemini, Sagittarius and Virgo.

Parents February 23 - mom and dad Pisces

The parents of this birthday are very responsible in raising their baby, in extreme cases, they use harsh expressions in their speech.

They are too loyal to raise their child, reluctantly accustom their baby to order and discipline, but they are happy to fulfill all his whims, which in the future may have a negative impact.

You should be more firm in upbringing, do not let the child rule and manipulate you, otherwise, over time, he may go beyond all boundaries and become uncontrollable.

Child February 23 - children born Pisces

At a small and even young age, they are distinguished by activity and perseverance, in a rare case they lose their self-control, rarely cry and complain, they try to achieve their own goals, they strive to prevail in everything.

They love to learn, are interested in everything, especially they like to listen to adults, communicate with them.

They are diversified and ready to learn, which, by the way, they do well, in kindergarten and school, they are usually among the most active, curious and successful children.

What the zodiac sign born on February 23 likes and dislikes

They like...

They love to dream, fantasize and plan, cast horoscopes, guess, read astrology and romantic novels, take care of their home, put it in order, and also fill it. expensive things, preferably luxury goods.

They like to sometimes be alone with their thoughts, dreaming about the future and summing up last period their livelihoods.

They prefer to relax in a good resort, attract the attention of the opposite sex, like to please and flirt, but without continuing if they are married.

And I like it...

These people do not like to be in places where it is too noisy, there are a lot of people and the atmosphere is conducive to close communication. When they are taught life, criticized, pointed out their mistakes or shortcomings, they have to do what they do not like.

Representatives of this birthday are to some extent gourmets, so they do not like too simple food, as well as primitive, not modern clothes.

They also do not like to perform monotonous and monotonous work. Clarify relationships with someone, prove their worth, take the initiative and take on extra responsibility.
