On this page you will learn about the significant dates of the winter day on December 19, what famous people were born on this December day, events took place, we will also talk about folk omens And Orthodox holidays this day, public holidays different countries from all over the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them is remembered for something, the day of December 19 was no exception, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. You and I must always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

The day of the nineteenth of December left its indelible mark on history, events and memorable dates, as well as who was born on this autumn day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the nineteenth winter December day on December 19, what events and memorable dates he was marked with and what he remembered, who was born, folk signs characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, just interesting to know.

Who was born on December 19 (nineteenth)

Victoria Koblenko. She was born on December 19, 1980 in Vinnitsa. Dutch model, actress, TV presenter and columnist of Ukrainian origin.

Edith Piaf (fr. Édith Piaf), real name Edith Giovanna Gassion (fr. Édith Giovanna Gassion). Born December 19, 1915 in Paris - died October 10, 1963 in Grasse (France). French singer and actress.

Anastasia Alexandrovna Vertinskaya. She was born on December 19, 1944 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1988).

Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (December 6, 1906, according to other sources, December 19, 1906, Kamenskoye, Yekaterinoslav province - November 10, 1982, Zarechye, Moscow region) - Soviet statesman and party leader who held top leadership positions in the USSR for 18 years: from 1964 years until his death in 1982.

Karim Benzema (12/19/1987 [Lyon]) - French football player;

Ivan Dzhanchatov (12/19/1982 [Moscow]) - Russian actor;

Marla Sokoloff (12/19/1980 [San Francisco]) - American actress and singer;

Sheila Hershey (12/19/1979 [Vitoria]) is an American singer, dancer and model of British origin;

Vladimir Kristovsky (12/19/1975 [Gorky]) - musician, member of the Umaturman group;

Madeleine Dzhabrailova (12/19/1970 [Moscow]) - Russian actress of the Moscow theater "Pyotr Fomenko Workshop";

Alberto Tomba (12/19/1966 [San Lazzaro di Savena]) - Italian skier;

Arvydas Sabonis (12/19/1964) - Soviet and Lithuanian basketball player;

Eric Cornell (December 19, 1961 [Palo Alto]) is an American physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2001;

Galina Volchek (12/19/1933 [Moscow]) - Soviet and Russian actress, director, artistic director of the Sovremennik Theater;

Anne Golon (12/19/1921 [Toulon]) - French writer;

Nikolai Grabbe (12/19/1920 [Moscow] - 06/12/1990 [Moscow]) - Soviet actor;

Andrey Petrov (12/19/1919 [Saratov] - 07/11/1990 [Moscow]) - Soviet actor;

Earl Wilbur Sutherland (12/19/1915 [Burlingame] - 09/03/1974 [Miami]) - American biochemist, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1971;

Joseph Unshlikht (12/19/1879 - 07/29/1938) - Soviet statesman, party and military leader;

Albert Michelson (12/19/1852 [Strelno] - 05/09/1931 [Pasadena]) was an American physicist. Nobel Prize in Physics, 1907;

William Parry (12/19/1790 [Somerset] - 07/09/0185 [London]) - English rear admiral and explorer of the Arctic;

Sergei Volkonsky (12/19/1788 [St. Petersburg] - 12/10/1865 [the village of Voronki, Kozeletsky district, Chernigov province]) - Russian prince, Decembrist;

Philip V of Spain (12/19/1683 - 07/09/1746) - Spanish king, grandson of King Louis XIV of France.

Dates December 19

Ukraine celebrates the Day of Advocacy

On the islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis celebrate - Day of National Heroes and Heroines

USA - National Oatmeal Muffin Day

According to the folk calendar, this is Nikola in winter, Nicholas the Wonderworker

On this day:

Emily Brontë, author of Wuthering Heights, died in 1848

Alois Alzheimer died in 1915, the neurologist after whom one of the most terrible ailments of mankind is named

in 1946, a war began in Indochina, between the impoverished local population and the mighty overseas France

in 1965, Emil Keogh, the founding father of the famous illusionist dynasty, who struck the imagination of more than one generation of Russians, died

in 1965, General Charles de Gaulle, hero of the French resistance, becomes president of France

In 1996, Marcelo Mastroianni, an Italian actor, Fellini's favorite, who played in his famous Eight and a Half, died.

In 1997, the American premiere of Cameron's film "Titanic" took place, on the filming of which Russian submersibles "Mir" were used.

in 2001, the world premiere of the film "The Fellowship of the Ring", directed by Peter Jackson and raised the economy of New Zealand to the level of Middle-earth.

Events December 19

On December 19, 1965, the French people elected for the second time an outstanding statesman, General de Gaulle, as President. The elections were held in an atmosphere of socio-economic crisis and a relative decline in the popularity of the head of state.

De Gaulle expected to win immediately in the first round, but the unstable situation in the country and a significant drop in ratings disrupted his plans. His main rival in the presidential race was the future president, Francois Mitterrand.

De Gaulle was in a state of intense nervous tension, only the results of the second round brought him relief. The general bypassed Mitterrand by 9%, the election results were as follows: Charles de Gaulle 54%, Francois Mitterrand 45%. However, de Gaulle's second term marked the end of his political career.

The unsuccessful reforms of the Pompidou cabinet, the monopolization of the media by the government, and the buildup of armaments led to a noticeable drop in the standard of living of the population and, naturally, to popular discontent. As a result of the May 1968 riots, which began with a student riot and ended with a nationwide protest, President de Gaulle was forced to resign.

December 19, 1946 is considered the date of the beginning of the military conflict in Indochina. The war divided Vietnam into two parts, destroyed the entire socio-economic infrastructure of the country, destroyed thousands of lives. At the time of the conflict, Vietnam belonged to France as a colony, but the colonial forces in the country were not large.

After all, as soon as World War II ended and the French Republic emerged from it as a formally defeated and very weakened party, and therefore could not maintain significant military forces in the colony. The Vietnamese communists took advantage of this. Their sabotage actions against the French troops laid the foundation for a bloody conflict that lasted until 1954.

During the hostilities, French troops used prohibited means of war: napalm, chemical bombs, bacteriological weapons. However, the French failed to break the resistance of the Vietnamese patriots and in 1954, having lost the war, they left Vietnam.

In an atmosphere of long and difficult civil strife, Henry II, the great-grandson of William the Conqueror, the founder of the Plantagenet dynasty, was crowned. In addition to the English crown, he inherited from his parents extensive possessions in the west of France. Heinrich turned out to be a talented statesman, he ruled the country for 35 years.

During this long time, he managed to restore relative order in the country. He managed to put an end to the unpunished arbitrariness of the barons, who by that time had separated themselves from royalty, stopped paying taxes, and some began to declare their withdrawal from the subordination of the English crown.

The king revived the royal army, returned part of the lost territories, introduced a new judicial system. By the end of Henry's reign, feuds began in his family, the future king of England, Richard, took the leading position in them.

The prototype of linoleum was a linen cloth impregnated with oil, such a coating was made already in 1627. In 1763 English inventor Smith, was given a patent for the manufacture of the original floor covering and issued instructions for the invention describing in detail the manufacturing process.

Smith proposed to apply hot resin resin to linen fabric, linseed oil and beeswax. Later, ground cork was added to the impregnation mixture, this product already looked more like modern linoleum, but it was called camptulikon.

December 19, 1863 Briton Walton received a license for an improved technology for the manufacture of the so-called linoxin. Three years later, industrial production of this invention began, which spread throughout the world and now remains a very popular floor covering.

The tank was created by the Kharkov Design Bureau, in the period from 1942 to 1945, it began to be mass-produced at the factories of the Urals and Siberia. The tank has been modified many times, its latest modifications are still in service in some third world countries. The appearance of T - 34 on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, turned the tide in the war on the side of the USSR.

According to its technical, combat and ballistic qualities, the tank is recognized as one of the best medium tanks in the entire era of the Second World War. Thanks to its combat and heroic history, the T - 34 has become a symbol of victory, the personification of the heroic struggle of the Soviet people against the German invaders.

Signs December 19 - the day of St. Nicholas the Winter

The people said that Nikolin's day had come. The peasants treated him with special trepidation. Matchmaking began, and with it - and severe frosts. That is why the day of December 19 was called Nikolsky frosts. On this day, those people who want to marry often pray. Saint Nicholas himself was greatly revered by the people as a protector from all misfortunes and an assistant in good deeds. Signs on this day could tell something about the future.

In the church on December 19, the memory of St. Nicholas is venerated. It is known that he lived around the 3rd century on the territory of the Greek colony of Patara in Asia Minor. Since childhood, he was imbued with Christianity and almost immediately decided that he would serve God. For days on end, Nicholas disappeared in the temple, prayed, read the Holy Scriptures.

Nikolai's uncle, Bishop of Patara, noted the zeal of his nephew and ordered him to be a reader, after which he elevated him to the rank of priest. Nikolai's parents died, and he decided to distribute all his inheritance to the poor. Much later, Nikolai becomes a bishop in the territory of the city of Mira (now it is Georgia). Since Nicholas was a clear opponent of paganism and a zealous Christian.

The people considered the saint the main assistant for those convicted for imperfect deeds. Nicholas is also the patron of merchants, children and sailors. Farmers often prayed to him to receive good harvest. Interestingly, it was the day of Nicholas that was often considered the deadline for any transaction. So, prices for the next period of time, brothers, etc. were set.

On the morning of December 19, people always went to church, served prayers, and only after that laid rich tables. It was impossible to be sad on the day of Nicholas - it was believed that this would lead to severe frosts.

A big sale of bread was organized on December 19, and therefore, it is not surprising that numerous fairs and bazaars were held during this period. Almost always, the price of grain and flour was the same, and therefore, one could not be afraid that someone would become a victim of scammers.

They believed that St. Nicholas, in the form of a gray-haired old man, walks the streets on this day and performs miracles. Also, on the morning of December 19, the children hurried to look under the pillow - those who behaved well, Nikolai gave sweets. Therefore, in folk culture, the image of Santa Claus was entrenched in him.

Folk omens December 19

Nicholas also patronized marriages, and therefore, he could pray for a happy family life. He also accompanied the dead people on their last journey.

Frost appeared - next year it will be possible to harvest a rich harvest

A frosty and sunny day is a sign that there will be a crop failure next year

If a person was born on December 19, then he should wear lapis lazuli or rhodonite as a talisman

If the snow covers the road before St. Nicholas Day, then they won’t stand

How much snow on Nikola, so much grass in the spring.

We hope you enjoyed reading the material on this page and were satisfied with what you read. Agree, it is useful to know the history of events and dates, as well as those who famous people was born today, on the nineteenth December day of winter December 19, what mark did this person leave with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world with you.

We are also sure that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with the help of them, you can check in practice the authenticity and veracity of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and deeds, read more necessary, important, useful, interesting and informative - reading expands your horizons and develops imagination, learn about everything, develop diversified!

What is interesting and significant in world history on December 19, science, sports, culture, politics?

December 19, what events in the world history of science and culture are famous and interesting for this day?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on December 19?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated every year? every year December 19? What religious holidays are celebrated on December 19? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What is the national day of December 19 according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with December 19? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on December 19?

What significant historical events on December 19 and memorable dates in world history are celebrated on this summer day? Memorial Day of which famous and great people on December 19?

Which of the great, famous and famous died on December 19?

December 19, Memorial Day of some famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians artists, athletes celebrated on this day?

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Here you will read about the dates and events of December 19, 2017, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth of December of the month of the seventeenth year.

Events of the day 19 December 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of December 19, 2018, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth of December of the month of the eighteenth year.

Events of the day 19 December 2019 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of December 19, 2019, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth December day of the month of the nineteenth year.

Events of the day December 19, 2020 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of December 19, 2020, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth December day of the twentieth year.

Events of the day 19 December 2021 - dates today

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Events of the day 19 December 2022 - dates today

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Here you will read about the dates and events of December 19, 2025, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth December day of the twenty-fifth month.

Events of the day 19 December 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of December 19, 2026, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs, and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth December day of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day 19 December 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of December 19, 2027, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs, and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth December day of the twenty-seventh month.

Events of the day 19 December 2028 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of December 19, 2028, find out who was born from famous people, folk omens and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth December day of the twenty-eighth month.

Events of the day 19 December 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of December 19, 2029, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth December day of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day 19 December 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of December 19, 2030, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth December day of the month of the thirtieth year.

SIGN: 28° Sagittarius


CHARACTER. No one can be left indifferent, mainly due to their behavior, stubborn and persistent, but not at all defiant. Those born on this day do not know how to pretend, they always and everywhere remain themselves. Sometimes it is amazing how tenaciously they manage to overcome obstacles, the struggle is one of the main elements of their life, it accompanies them in everything, and it is impossible to imagine that those born on December 19 lead a calm existence. Their life is a constant struggle, and they fight with all their might, against all predictions, and win every time. All this does not mean that they do not know the feeling of defeat, on the contrary, in the case of such, they are deeply worried, and even if they manage to reconcile outwardly, they do not give up in their souls.
LOVE. Passionate, they are at the same time unbearable bores and experience the patience of a partner every time, but life would be boring and monotonous without those born on this day.
CAREER. They willingly occupy the position of a leader and manager, and they really have an exceptional scent, especially in the field of finance. Intuition in any case always helps them to choose a job that best suits their character.


Name of the figure: Sun, Light.
Image of the figure: two almost naked children are smiling, looking at the brightly shining sun. Usually a boy and a girl are depicted.
Symbol: Those who rejoice in the sunlight will be happy.
Meanings: well-being, happiness, tranquility, marriage, fulfillment, sincerity.
Analogies: ASTROLOGY: Sun in Leo; HEALTH: diseases related to the eyes or heart;
PROFESSIONS: chemist, physicist, astronaut, electrical engineer, counterfeiter.


SUN (1+9=10=1+0=1): the source of light and life and the basis of personality.
A symbol of warmth, courage, generosity, vitality, passion, energy, pride, dignity, majesty, creative energy. It represents confidence and power, as well as ambition and vanity.


NUMBER 1: a symbol of the higher self, activity, desire, authority, but sometimes also self-centeredness and superiority. A symbol of success and fame.
NUMBER 9: distinguishes innovators, revolutionaries, and various changes. A person with the influence of the number 9 is a pronounced anti-conformist, his opinion does not depend on anyone and on any circumstances. Independent, original, very sensitive, sometimes too emotional.
HEALTH. allergic asthma.
PROFESSIONS. Stockbroker, physicist, insurer.
ADVANTAGES. Courage, charm, specificity.
FLAWS. Inaccessibility, gloominess, impulsiveness.

People who were born on December 19 belong to Sagittarius according to their zodiac sign. Self-sufficient and courageous individuals who have the ability to clearly follow the chosen path of life.

People born on December 19 zodiac sign Sagittarius have incredible impulsiveness. Their ardor and determination moves them in all spheres of life. And courage and energy allow you to achieve the desired result. Sometimes this irritates and depresses others, but these factors do not affect the change in their behavior.

Sometimes their energy borders on impatience, forcing them to stop on the way to the achieved goal. Sometimes this happens when the goal is already very close and it remains to take the last, final step. However, the destruction of one dream is immediately replaced by another. And they again plunge headlong into achieving the result.

Born December 19 zodiac sign Sagittarius, you need to develop endurance. This will contribute to the achievement of all planned results. And dreams come true will bring the expected results: abundance and prosperity. Most Sagittarians born on December 19th achieve the highest financial achievements. They have an incredible sense of the profitability of any business they undertake. In pursuit of material wealth, they can put family and friends in second, or even last place. In general, a predilection for loneliness is their hallmark.

They are subject to any difficulties. They easily cope with all the obstacles and problems that come their way. They are endowed with resourcefulness and perseverance. vitality. True fighters for their happiness and the whole life is presented as a battlefield. And in this struggle there is no place for competitors, they simply will not even give such an opportunity to anyone to compete with themselves.

Those who have failed only temper those born on December 19, the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius. And if there was a fall, for them it is only an opportunity for a respite. All defeats are perceived as training before a new start. Their perseverance is truly enviable.

Decisiveness of character and confidence in their own abilities, sometimes makes them live life in opposition to the world. For them, there is no concept of fatigue. Constantly being in motion, they do not forget to enjoy every new day. These are very cheerful and positive people, giving their sense of happiness to everyone around.

Tips for Sagittarius born December 19: You should think about the importance of your chosen life values. Financial stability can give confidence in the future. But only warm, family ties can make you more sincere.

In some situations, you need to be patient. If you have chosen a certain path or set an important task for yourself, do not back down to the last. It is not so much the result that is important, but your endurance.

On this day, a person is born who is ready and able to lead the masses. This born leader, he is brave and strong in spirit, he is a pioneer and innovator, always and in everything striving for everything new and unknown.

His confidence in his abilities and talents can only be envied, and thanks to his ability to speak beautifully and convincingly argue for some goals, it is not surprising that he is trusted and believed, and many are ready to follow him, his ideas.

This outstanding personality is extremely truthful, frank and fair, it would never occur to him to deceive someone, to act in personal selfish purposes or hide your opinion from others, even if it is not entirely pleasant for someone.

He is often offended for his sometimes excessive frankness and open criticism, however, he is hardly ready to give up his life principles and probably remains the same as he is, straightforward and uncompromising. website

It cannot be said that children, and then adult men and womenzodiac signborn on a winter dayDecember 19th, it is easy to go through life, study, and then obtain material wealth, quite the opposite, they are not lucky, but mostly hard workers.

In order to get what they want from life, to achieve something significant, Sagittarius representatives have to make every effort, sometimes even more than their capabilities, in order to reach a decent level, to achieve an acceptable result that suits them.

Character in men and womenzodiac signSagittarius born in winterDecember 19th, quite contradictory and, to a certain extent, versatile. This person often has to be torn between white and black, good and bad, work and fun.

As for personal relationships with the opposite sex, in a rare case they develop according to the desired scenario of his (her) second half, evenly planned and calm.

It's all about the fickleness of this individual in the face of Sagittarius - he (she) either swears love and fidelity, throws himself at his feet, gives flowers or signs of attention, then suddenly cools down sharply in feelings and thinks about "adventure on his own head", with someone then on the side.

Many life and psychological problems of representatives of this zodiac sign, born on this cold December day, will decide by themselves if he changes, is able to identify his shortcomings, correct mistakes and begin to approach himself more critically, with the same requirements as for those around him and those close to him.

Woman and man December 19 zodiac sign Sagittarius

You are charming, talkative and strive for freedom, independent and people like you, you are optimistic and easily make new friends, lead an active lifestyle and strive for maximum goals, then you are a Sagittarius.

Although this person is quite sociable and easy to make contact, but because of his sensitivity and emotionality, he is sometimes extremely unbalanced, sometimes he can turn into a selfish critic.

quiet people are difficult to meet with a dull look, they are usually in a good mood, look cheerful, carefree and happy, they are always full of optimism and almost never lose heart.

Despite their simple and friendly appearance, Sagittarians will always be able to stand up for themselves, they will be able to give a worthy rebuff to an opponent without anyone's help, although after a skirmish they quickly cool down, almost instantly forget insults and are ready to restore former relations with a recent enemy.

Born on an autumn dayDecember 19, men and women of the zodiac sign Sagittarius, love risk and enjoy the feeling of emotional or physical danger, they are extremely careless, which often leads to various kinds of injuries.

They are talkative, if not talkative, their hallmark character is their extravagance. Sagittarius will infect anyone with his ideas, no one can resist his persuasion, and all because there is no self-interest or trick in his behavior, it is devoid of any malicious intent.

born, inherent somewhat childish behavior and outlook on life. This directly reflected in their seriousness, they do not like responsibility and try to avoid it in any way.

Perhaps that is why these people, especially men, have such an attitude towards family and marriage - they often prefer to live alone, not wanting to part with their freedom and take on extra responsibility.

These people fall in love instantly, just as they cool down very quickly. It's hard for him to go serious attitude with the opposite sex, doubts do not allow you to take a step forward.

This person thinks for a long time about the final decision on what answer to give, in the end he can easily change his mind, he will not dare to bind himself by family ties.

Pros of Sagittarius - the positive side

This person has plenty of pluses, they are numerous and diverse. So, they have an excellent memory and an excellent reaction, although at the same time they can be slightly distracted, which is why they often miss profitable business or lose things.

In general, about those born on an autumn dayDecember 19 in the zodiac sign Sagittarius for children,and in the futuremen and womenwe can say the following, they are generous, compromise, active and cheerful idealists, inclined to set maximum goals for themselves and achieve them with their work, intelligence and inexhaustible fuse.

The undoubted advantage of this person is his optimism, endless faith in his own strength, talents and opportunities, and perhaps that is why they so often achieve their goals.

Thanks to an easy attitude to possible failures and fearlessness, this person often overcomes obstacles where another would not dare to go.

He will not tell your secrets out of malice, he simply believes that if he is not ready to use it, then no one is interested, which means that the secret is not so secret.

Cons of Sagittarius - the negative side

There are plenty of minuses for this person, as well as pluses - they are too straightforward and tactless, although it is pointless to be offended by them.

They express their critical, sometimes shocking remarks not out of malice towards the interlocutor, but with absolutely good intentions and cannot even think that they are insulting him.

These people are generally convinced of their subtle diplomacy and absolute tact in relation to the interlocutor, they sincerely do not understand why they are offended.

Also Sagittarius, bornDecember 19thand who is not used to following his statements, does not even suspect that his wit and humor easily turn into mocking sarcasm, which also creates problems for him in communicating with people around him.

Although these people almost always appear friendly, their mood can change very quickly, especially if someone abuses their goodwill and friendliness, or behaves too familiarly towards them. website

This is a freedom-loving person and he is extremely outraged by the manifestation of any power in relation to his person.

He is fair, but not always honest, although he does not make accusations of dishonesty. To a greater extent, he behaves quite openly and honestly, just for the sake of "peace on earth" he can lie.

December 19 zodiac sign compatibility

Harmonious (encouraging and most promising) relationship with Sagittarius will take place:with Leo, Aries, Libra, Pisces and Gemini.

Restless (medium, questionable, but can take place) relations with representatives of the Sagittarius sign:with Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio.

Difficult (undesirable, with increased danger) relationships among the zodiac representatives of Sagittarius:with Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn.

Parents December 19 - mom and dad Sagittarius

Mothers are happy to take care of their children, to a greater extent they are a friend, not a teacher. She is loyal in educational matters, allows her child a lot, rarely punishes, tries to charge him with her example.

Mother Sagittarius, not only a wonderful wife and mistress, but also best friend to your child. She will always get along with him, find common ground, he also answers with the same coin.

Sometimes parents bornDecember 19 in the zodiac sign Sagittarius, may experience certain problems with the upbringing of their child, they cannot manage to establish a trusting relationship with him in any way, in this case, you should look for other approaches to him if those that they used previously did not work.

Child December 19 - children born Sagittarius

This child does not like loneliness, always strives to be in society, he is active and very mobile. These children are very curious, every day begins and ends with questions.

As they grow older and in view of their increased activity and love of freedom, it will be more and more difficult to keep them at home, they will go in for sports, sign up for several sections at once, or just go out with friends, just not to sit at home.

They like to read, especially adventure literature in view of their rapidly developed imagination. They do not tolerate monotony, therefore, they are looking for innovations in everything, some changes, including food, they prefer the most varied.

Sagittarians are wasteful spenders by nature, they do not know how to save, much less save money, so it would be nice if parents from an early age began to instill in their child these qualities that are important for his own good.

Zodiac sign December 19 - what you like and dislike

To be in the spotlight, lead an active lifestyle, participate in all social events, get new emotions, make new acquaintances. website


They prefer the most varied life and freedom of movement. They like the praise and respect of the people around them, so Sagittarians are always ready to prove their worth, in view of which they can work tirelessly.

They prefer novelty and innovation, be active and initiative, like to read and learn. Planning, scheduling and making plans is not for them, these are people of action, not reflection and planning.

I do not like...

In view of his moral and moral principles, he does not like hypocrites, liars and insincere people who play a "double game", he will "quickly deal with them" - he will simply, simply go into direct conflict with this person.

Born on an autumn dayDecember 19 according to the sign of the zodiac- they do not like responsibility, monotonous or sedentary work, act according to a template, and also listen to advice and instructions, they also cannot stand and do not accept criticism in their address.

Birthday Mystery

Those born on December 19 are distinguished by a developed ability to evoke emotional reactions in others. This is mainly due to the fact that their attitude to something, once formed, remains unchanged for life, as a result of which they tend to reject all possibilities of compromise solutions. In any situation, they remain themselves, and it is very difficult or even completely impossible for them to put on a special mask in order to appear in society or do something to please others. Life position such people are often expressed by the attitude: “This is how I am - whether you like it or not!” The ability of those born on December 19 to overcome difficulties is truly admirable. The ability to save oneself in various troubles and the constant struggle for a place in the sun all the more give the impression of an integral part of their fate, that these people really cannot imagine life in a calm atmosphere, without some kind of challenge, protest. Their life is like an ongoing battle, in which the troops of their energy are constantly facing the armies of vicissitudes of fate and constantly come out victorious. This does not mean, however, that they never fail.

Defeats happen, and they can suffer deeply and sincerely about this, sometimes even seriously thinking about giving up. But the spirit of these people always remains invincible. This fact gives their triumphs a truly deep meaning, proving that sometimes even the most fantastic victories are not just the result of blind heroism, but are in some way predetermined by those born on December 19 in life. Despite such an abundance of difficulties that fate prepares for those born on December 19, their troubles do not end there; the most difficult battle they face is the battle with themselves, on a deep inner level. Some of them, for example, may be prone to bouts of apathy, draining their energy reserves, overwhelming their spiritual powers and resisting attempts to drive them away. Others, on the contrary, can suddenly be seized by waves of strong, sometimes even aggressive emotions, manifesting themselves first in the form of some personal experiences, and then, perhaps, going beyond the personality and splashing out on others. Of course, those born on December 19 cannot be blamed for being overly emotional at such moments, since all negative costs are a sign of their struggle with the dark forces of their soul. In close people, their suffering, as a rule, evokes sympathy, but, of course, this sympathy disappears if they begin to splash out their negative emotions. Being very carried away, uncollected natures, which always annoys those who are close to them, those born on December 19 are really able to arrange a serious test of the patience of their friends. Despite this, life would be much more boring without them. The fact that those born on December 19 usually go through life in their own way, unlike anyone else, often attracts young people who are ready to see a certain romantic halo in the continuous burning. Of course, those born on this day are not directly responsible for imitating them on the part of the young, but if these people, for example, have to communicate directly with children, then you should think about somehow restraining your most emotional manifestations. Those born on December 19 have a great need for ease of communication with others, but at the same time they absolutely cannot stand falsehood and fake "duty" humor. Their own feeling humor is mostly ironic or even mocking. The most natural facial expression for those born on this day is complete seriousness, making clear their desire to keep their distance from the rest of the world. They may need a huge amount of work on themselves in order to overcome this attitude in themselves and be able to fully develop and begin to fully manifest their capabilities.

Numbers and planets

Those born on the nineteenth day of the month are influenced by the number 1 (1+9=10, 1+0=1) and the Sun. People ruled by the number 1 tend to excel in everything, they are ambitious and hate limitations. Since December 19 falls on the first day of the Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp, which is heavily influenced by Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius) and Saturn (ruler of Capricorn), the energy of those born on this day is even more concentrated, focused and intense. The conflict between the energy of Jupiter (expansiveness) and Saturn (limitation) sometimes informs individuals of the inconsistency of nature.


December 19th people are prone to psychological problems, because their energy is too turbulent. It is very important in this sense to find out the underlying cause of such problems, and this is sometimes impossible to do without qualified advice. Those born on December 19 should be wary of the tendency to self-medicate, as this can aggravate depression, and drugs of any kind (including alcohol) should not be resorted to. To maintain psychological tone, mobile physical exercises and a variety of delicious foods are useful. An indispensable condition for good health is a long friendship with understanding and tolerant people.


Depth, courage, indefatigability.

Weak sides

Inclination to suffering, gloominess, incredulity.


Cheer up. Don't dump your problems on others. Do not hide from the world - communicate as much as possible and desire. Don't forget the benefits of laughter. Don't let yourself become a prisoner of unhappiness.
