Every thinking person has their own inner world. For some, he is bright and rich, rich, as psychologists say, "a person with a fine mental organization." Some, on the contrary, have a small room filled with phobias and imposed stereotypes. Everyone is different, unique, and therefore the world inside is different. How to understand this diversity, who is who?

What is the inner world of man?

Some call it the soul, but this is not entirely true: the soul is unchanged, and the attitude to the world that leads a person through life can change.

A set of internal qualities of character, way of thinking, moral principles and life position, together with stereotypes, fears - this is what the inner world is. He is multifaceted. This is a worldview, a mental component of a person, which is the fruit of his spiritual work.

The structure of the inner world

The subtle mental organization of a person consists of several segments:

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the inner world is such a clear structure, an information matrix as the basis of a human being. Together with the soul and the physical body, they form a person as an individual.

Some people have a very developed emotional sphere: they subtly feel what is happening and notice the smallest changes in the emotions of others. Others have extremely developed thinking: they can do the most complex mathematical equations and logical problems, but if at the same time they are poor on a sensual plane, then they cannot love from the bottom of their hearts.

Therefore, it is important if a person wants to reveal the potential inherent in everyone and expand his inner world to unprecedented horizons, in parallel to develop all segments of his being.

What does a rich inner world mean?

This term means that a person lives in harmony with himself and the outside world: people, nature. He lives consciously, and does not go with the flow artificially created by society.

This person knows how to create a happy space around him, thus changing the outside world. The feeling of contentment with life, despite all the ups and downs, does not leave him. Such a person daily tries to become better than he was yesterday, consciously developing in all areas of his inner world.

Principle and worldview - is it the same thing?

Principles are template subjective attitudes of the mind to the situation, people and the world, which often govern a person. They are individual for everyone, are formed in the process of education and are laid deep into the subconscious by life experience.

The worldview has no patterns - it is flexible, but at the same time stable, like bamboo: it can bend a lot, but it will take a lot of effort to break it. These are moral values, priorities in choosing a life path and ideas about what life should be like.

What is the difference between the outer and inner world of a person?

What is the outside world? This is the space surrounding a person: houses, nature, people and cars, sun and wind. This also includes social relations and interaction with nature. The organs of knowledge - vision, tactile sensations and smell - also belong to the external world. And the way we react to them, experiencing various emotions, feelings - this is already a manifestation of the inner world.

At the same time, the inner world of a person is able to influence the outer one: if a person is satisfied with life, then his affairs are arguing, work is a pleasure, and positive people surround him. If inside a person is irritated or angry, condemns everyone and everything, then nothing happens in everyday life, failures haunt him. Phobias and complexes have a destructive effect on the inner world: they distort the perception of the world and people.

Everything that happens to a person in life is a reflection of his inner state, and if there is a desire to change the world, then you need to start with yourself - with the transformation of the internal space.

How to develop your inner world?

What is so unusual that you need to do in order to spiritual world started to change? To actually do quite ordinary things:

  1. Proper nutrition. Often the food that people eat poisons not only their body, but also their minds. A person with a fine mental organization will never allow himself to eat another creature, so vegetarianism is the first step.
  2. Walk outdoors. This includes travel to other cities or countries, hiking trips and just trips out of town or to the sea. With only one difference - these are not gastronomic tours: eat barbecue, drink beer with friends, try all the pizzas in the new city. The connection with nature is important: lie down on the grass, admire the sunset or sunrise, watch the animals.
  3. Meditation is one of the most powerful development tools. Just don't confuse this process with sitting with your eyes closed and legs crossed, waiting for class to be over. Meditation is introspection, a way inward: a person plunges into observation of his emotions, thoughts or just breathing (in the early stages of mastering his mind).
  4. Reading spiritual books. This does not mean that you need to read the "Bible" or "Bhagavad-Gita", each book has its time, and "Pollyanna" or "The Little Prince" are the same highly moral creations.
  5. The ability to be grateful to everything that surrounds, everything that happens. Even if it goes against the plans. The universe knows better which way to direct a person to development.

The development of the inner world implies a vivid desire, aspiration and subsequent actions with full awareness of what is happening. “I want” alone is not enough here: it should be followed by “I do” and “regularly”.

Not everyone can call themselves a spiritually rich person. Sometimes such controversial definition criteria are mixed up or replaced by deliberately incorrect ones. What signs are the most accurate and what it means to be a spiritually rich person will be prompted by the article.

  1. criterion of humanity. What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person from the point of view of other people? Often this includes such qualities as humanity, understanding, empathy, the ability to listen. Is it possible to consider a spiritually rich person who does not have these qualities? Most likely the answer is no. But the concept of spiritual wealth is not limited to these signs.
  2. The criterion of education. Its essence is that the more educated a person is, the richer he is. Yes and no, because there are many examples when a person has several educations, he is smart, but his inner world is completely poor and empty. At the same time, history knows individuals who did not have an education, but their inner world was similar to blooming garden, the flowers from which they shared with others. Such an example could be the nanny of A. S. Pushkin. A simple woman from a small village did not have the opportunity to get an education, but Arina Rodionovna was so rich in her knowledge of folklore and history that, perhaps, her spiritual wealth became a spark that ignited the flame of creativity in the poet's soul.
  3. The criterion of the history of the family and homeland. Its essence is that one cannot be called a spiritually rich person who does not carry a baggage of knowledge about the historical past of his family and homeland.
  4. The criterion of faith. The word "spiritual" comes from the word "spirit". Christianity defines a spiritually rich person as a believer who lives according to the commandments and laws of God.

Signs of spiritual wealth in people

What it means to be a spiritually rich person is difficult to say in one sentence. For each, the main feature is something different. But here is a list of traits without which it is impossible to imagine such a person.

  • humanity;
  • empathy;
  • sensitivity;
  • flexible, lively mind;
  • love for the motherland and knowledge of its historical past;
  • life according to the laws of morality;
  • knowledge in various fields.

What does spiritual poverty lead to?

In contrast to the spiritual wealth of a person, there is a disease of our society - spiritual poverty.

Understanding what it means to be a spiritually rich whole person cannot be revealed without negative qualities that should not be present in life:

  • ignorance;
  • callousness;
  • life for one's own pleasure and outside the moral laws of society;
  • ignorance and non-perception of the spiritual and historical heritage of their people.

This is not the whole list, but the presence of several traits can already define a person as spiritually poor.

To what does the spiritual impoverishment of the people lead? Often this phenomenon leads to a significant decline in society, and sometimes to its death. This is how a person works, that if he does not develop, does not enrich his inner world, then he degrades. The principle “you don’t go up, you slide down” is very fair here.

How to deal with spiritual poverty? One of the scientists said that spiritual wealth is the only kind of wealth that cannot be deprived of a person. If you fill your inner world with light, knowledge, goodness and wisdom, then this will stay with you for life.

There are many ways to spiritual enrichment. The most effective of them is reading worthy books. This is a classic, although many modern authors also write good works. Read books, respect your history, be a man with a capital letter - and then the poverty of the spirit will not touch you.

What does it mean to be spiritually rich

Now we can clearly outline the image of a person with a rich inner world. Spiritually rich man, what is he? Most likely, a good interlocutor knows how to not only speak so that they listen to him, but also listen so that he wants to talk to him. He lives according to the moral laws of society, is honest and sincere with his surroundings, he knows what empathy is, and will never pass by someone else's misfortune. Such a person is smart, and not necessarily due to the education received. Self-education, constant food for thought and dynamic development make it such. A spiritually rich person must know the history of his people, the elements of his folklore, and be versatile educated.

Instead of a conclusion

Nowadays, it may seem that material wealth is valued above spiritual wealth. To some extent this is true, but another question is, by whom? Only a spiritually impoverished person will not appreciate the inner world of his interlocutor. Material wealth will never replace the breadth of the soul, wisdom, moral purity. Sympathy, love, respect are not bought. Only a spiritually rich person is capable of expressing such feelings. Material things are perishable, tomorrow they may no longer exist. But spiritual wealth will remain with a person for his entire life, and will illuminate the path not only for him, but also for those who are close to him. Ask yourself what it means to be a spiritually rich person, set a goal for yourself and go for it. Believe me, your efforts will be justified.


Give examples of the actions of a spiritually rich person. Not from the internet.


Spiritually rich is a person who may not have material wealth, but with a rich spiritual world. Such a person puts moral values ​​above all else, for example, he can share the latter with the poor, be open not only to friends, but also to strangers.

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Compare the children's opinions about the meaning of the expression "strong and rich in spirit." What is the contradiction?

For Sasha, the strong and rich in spirit is the one who instills fear in others and who is feared. The girls think that this is the person who should do the opposite, not like Sasha.

Formulate a question that can be asked based on this contradiction. Compare your wording with the author's (p. 201).

What kind of person can be called spiritually strong and rich?


Explain the meaning of the words: personality, character. (Dictionary)

Personality - a person with consciousness, i.e. who, as a result of development in society, have the ability to:

- to comprehend oneself and the world;

- to feel and experience their attitude to the world;

- an effort of will to direct and control their activities, based on a system of personal and social values.

Character is an individual combination of qualities (features) of a personality, which determines the characteristics of behavior, a person's attitude to society, work, himself, the level of development of volitional qualities.

What is the self-realization of the individual? (§ 3–4)

Internal development.


Man is a spiritual being.

Read the text and answer the questions:

On the basis of what is a person formed as a spiritual being?

On the need for knowledge and recognition.

What is the significance of the spiritual life for a person?

In the process of spiritual life, a person's worldview is formed, which becomes the foundation for the development of relationships with loved ones, with society, with the outside world.

What spiritual needs determine human activity?

Knowledge and being significant in society

What elements make up the human worldview?

Picture of the world, system of values, personal goals.

Try to explain the meaning of the name of this scheme.

Spirituality of a person is the knowledge realized in a person about Good and Evil, about our society, one's destiny and about everything that concerns a person's interaction with himself and the world around him.


We carry out educational tasks.

1. Give some examples (situations) from the life of a spiritually rich person.

Leonardo da Vinci is a genius whose inventions were in many ways ahead of his time and are relevant now. The works of art that came out from under the hand of the great Italian are still universally recognized masterpieces.

2. Describe how the worldview ancient man differs from the worldview of modern man.

Ancient man's knowledge of the world was imperfect. And he explained the occurring phenomena by virtue of the possibilities. The worldview of modern man is based on scientific knowledge.

3. Choose one of the statements and answer the questions.

What did the thinker mean by these words? Do you agree with him? Give 2-3 arguments in defense of your positions.

A. "Never leave the road of duty and honor - this is the only thing in which we draw happiness." (French naturalist Georges Buffon (1707-1788) Live with a clear conscience, act according to your conscience.

B. "Pitiful is the one who lives without an ideal." (Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818–1883) In the process of individual education and self-education of a person, the idea of ​​a moral Ideal can play a decisive role. Young people often take a genuine or literary hero as a model, follow the example of a person who is moral for them authority.

C. "Human activity is empty and insignificant when it is not animated by a lofty idea." (Russian thinker and writer Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky (1828–1889) In order to achieve certain results in activity, a person needs to set a goal. Otherwise, it will turn out: I do something, but I don’t know what will happen. memory of many generations.When a person has left his mark on the earth, one can say that life has not been lived in vain.

G. “The ideal is a guiding star. Without it there is no direction, and no direction - no life. (Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1828–1910) An ideal is a star that shows a person the path to his achievements. An ideal is not only a figure, an idea and other material values. You can try to be as kind and responsible as parents, just as wise like grandma and grandpa.

D. “Life without a definite worldview is not life, but a burden, horror.” (Russian writer and playwright Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860–1904) When a worldview is formed, then they use it, but do not notice it and do not pay special attention to it. It exists as an invisible cognitive context of a person’s practical existence. The need to have some kind of holistic picture of the world or worldview originally inherent in every person.

We solve life problems.

Difficult baby question

Situation. The younger sister heard the expression "spiritual food" and asks adults to give her this food to try.

Role. Elder brother or sister.

Result. An explanation in terms understandable to the baby, how spiritual food differs from ordinary food.

Spiritual food is not specific food. These are thoughts about a person about what he lives for. What is good and evil. This is visiting museums, reading books. This is what feeds the human soul.

We carry out projects.

1. Hold an exhibition of drawings and photographs on the theme "Worldview of the ancient peoples."

For example. All photos are taken from the Internet.

2. Invite to Classroom hour an outstanding person of your city, village.

What does it mean to be spiritually rich? Of course, everyone has their own opinion on this issue. Spiritual wealth is something ephemeral, it cannot be calculated by formulas, it is unthinkable to decompose into molecules. It is not amenable to structuring and other computational methods. Spiritual wealth is the inner filling of a person, consisting of noble thoughts, humanity and a thirst for knowledge.


For someone, writing an essay “What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person” is easy, while someone encounters difficulties already at the first stage. Basically, this is due to a misunderstanding of terminology. Subconsciously, the student knows that a spiritually rich person is one who does the right thing and never harms anyone. It just can't explain it.

In order to unravel the question of what it means to be a spiritually rich person, you first need to understand what spirituality means. In journalism, spirituality is understood as a set of traditions and values ​​that are concentrated in religious teachings and images of art.

Who is he, a spiritually rich man?

And yet the concept of spiritual wealth is complex and multifaceted. It can be associated with different philosophical and religious movements, the level of intelligence or the presence of principles, but this is not enough to answer the question of what it means to be a spiritually rich person. First of all, this is a full-fledged and harmonious personality with a full set of universal human qualities.

So what kind of person can be called spiritually rich? Firstly, this is a person who has deep, comprehensive knowledge, successfully applying them in practice. Like Leonardo da Vinci. The inventions of this genius were far ahead of his era and are relevant even now. But knowledge is not everything. It must be understood that any invention should be used for the benefit of mankind. Take, for example, the creators of the atomic bomb. Indeed, such work is worthy of respect, but what were the scientists guided by when creating weapons of mass destruction? Obviously not the ideas of humanism. And, by the way, a spiritually rich person does not forget about them for a minute.

Secondly, a spiritually rich person acts wisely and makes informed decisions. And thirdly, such people are distinguished by high morality, acting according to the laws of conscience.

Is that all?

Being spiritually rich means having a worthy store of knowledge, acting humanely and being guided by moral standards. But is that all? Of course, such an answer will be counted and graded, but a truly spiritually rich person will have a feeling of dissatisfaction with his work, caused by understatement.

Therefore, when starting to write an essay “What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person”, first of all, you should think about yourself. Am I satisfied with my actions? What do I feel when I look at people and nature? What do I like and why? It would seem banal questions, but it is behind them that the right answer is hidden.

Knowledge is power, but not humanity

They say that a spiritually rich person is one who constantly strives for knowledge. And that's right. He fills his inner spiritual vessel with a variety of knowledge from the world of culture, religion, art. Such a person can support any conversation, show off his mind even among intellectuals. But here, too, there is a point of contention. A person can turn himself into an encyclopedia, know the answers to hundreds of questions, but never get closer to the sources of spiritual wealth. Of course, there is power in knowledge, but what is the point of it if a person thoughtlessly quotes what is written in books.

Once S. Sukhomlinsky said: "A spiritually rich person is one who has access to the whole range of human feelings and relationships."

Beyond the rays of the spectrum

Everyone can become a spiritually rich person if he fills himself not only with information, but also with emotions. After reading another scientific article, first of all, you need to ask yourself whether I agree with this or not. And it’s not scary if some doubts creep in - this is the only way a person forms his inner spiritual space. If he is disgusted by some thought that does not correspond to his moral principles and values, he must accept it. Understand why he does not agree, and form his attitude to a particular issue. This is how spiritual food is created and assimilated.

In order to expand one's spiritual heritage, a person must understand how other people may feel. Not to look for excuses for their actions, but to realize that this or that action had a motive. Every person wants to be happy. In pursuit of their desires, people can act thoughtlessly, risky and wrong. But what's wrong with wanting to snatch at least a few happy moments from fate? And as soon as a person realizes this simple axiom, his spiritual vessel will be filled by half. He will understand that behind any actions there is always an ingenuous desire for simple human happiness, and then he will begin to look at the world with different eyes. He will find the truth between pathos lines, see hidden messages in pictures and lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it.

I am the universe

A spiritually rich person is a person who has the whole Universe inside. Seeing such a person in the company, it immediately becomes clear that he is made of a different test. He is friendly, helpful, attentive and loves to smile. He will always find words of support and consolation, help solve a difficult problem, and will surely be able to tell more than one hundred amusing stories. Such people will never neglect anyone, will tactfully express their disagreement and every minute, bit by bit, will fill their spiritual vessel.

Spiritually rich people always remain themselves, do not put on masks, do not play a role. They feel and understand others, they do not want to part with them, like with anyone else. After all, unknown galaxies are hidden behind their outer shell, their thoughts are pure and noble, and their eyes always sparkle with happiness. They are simply glad that they exist, and there is still so much unknown in the world. They understand and accept their shortcomings, but they want to correct them. They do not strive to become perfect, but simply want to show others that the world we live in is truly beautiful. This is an example of what it means to be a spiritually rich person.

  1. (49 words) In Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" Tatyana Larina is a girl with a rich inner world. She was brought up on high-quality literature, so she also counts on a fateful meeting with the hero of "her novel." Tatyana is thoughtful and silent, but her soul is decorated with bright colors, which Eugene himself notes, preferring her to the windy and empty Olga.
  2. (53 words) In Fonvizin's comedy The Undergrowth, Prostakova decides to marry her ignorant son Mitrofan to the heiress of Starodum's wealth, Sofya. Unlike Mitrofan, the girl is prudent and virtuous. The character of the heroine clearly speaks of her inner world, saturated with true values. Therefore, in the finale, she finds happiness, and the Prostakov family becomes as poor externally as internally.
  3. (56 words) One can express one's inner world in creativity, as Zhukovsky did when he wrote the elegy "The Sea". Charmed lyrical hero stands on the shore and admires the elements. It is in it that the soul of the poet is revealed: like everything earthly, the sea reaches for the sky, and the spirit of the true creator soars above the vanity. This is one of the deep mysteries of the elements and man itself.
  4. (65 words) The inner world of a person can be hidden in his experiences. In Karamzin's story " Poor Lisa The main character lives with her feelings. Together with nature, a girl blossoms when she feels happy thanks to her beloved Erast. However, the chosen one leaves Lisa, which she cannot survive, and throws herself into the water. For a girl, love and fidelity are sacred, this is evidence of the wealth of her soul, which her chosen one did not see in a peasant woman.
  5. (54 words) The external world of a person and the impulses of his soul can be completely different. The hero of Lermontov's poem "Mtsyri" lives in a monastery, while he himself dreams of freedom and returning to his homeland. His soul is revealed in three days during the escape. A meeting with a Georgian woman, endless expanses and a battle with a leopard enriched the inner world of a young man, as whole life at will.
  6. (53 words) Sometimes the essence of a person manifests itself in situations where he is able to win something from the circumstances. This is how Khlestakov works, main character Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector", when, already accustomed to the role of an inspector, he begins to take bribes. And the laziness and unwillingness of officials to work fully reveal the inner world of those in power. Actions say more about people than words and promises.
  7. (56 words) Loyalty is the dignity of the inner world. Remembering the cry of Yaroslavna from the work "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", we imagine and admire the character of a Russian girl who is waiting for her husband, calling on nature to help him. Even without receiving news, she believes in the favor of fate and does not turn away from the difficulties and trials encountered on her life path. The inner world of the heroine is rich and harmonious.
  8. (55 words) The ancient Greeks believed that each Olympian god had its own purpose and spiritual content. For example, Aphrodite is the goddess of love, and Hera is the patroness of marriage. Since a person should have an inner world, then, of course, the gods also have it, so people believed that each “Olympian” had his own quality of character. For example, the god of trade Hermes is cunning and dexterous.
  9. (52 words) The inner world can manifest itself not only in reality, but also in fantasies and dreams. Just like the heroine of Lewis Carroll from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland". The girl meets with unusual characters - the Cheshire Cat, the Caterpillar, the White Rabbit and others. Wonderland is the inner world of a child, which is so important to preserve for an adult.
  10. (46 words) The eccentric confectioner Willy Wonka embodied his cherished dreams in Roald Dahl's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". Wonka is an adult child, so his factory has become a real reflection of his inner hidden world in reality. Having put his whole soul into the creation of the plant, the confectioner Willy Wonka opened up to people from the most attractive side.
  11. Real life examples

    1. (63 words) Inner peace can be expressed not only in character, but also in creativity. Admiring the paintings of the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh, we can see the particles of his soul, elegantly painted with strokes. Van Gogh is self-taught, he took criticism too much to heart, although his self-expression met with numerous admirers. Seeing his "Shoe", we understand that the painter expressed fatigue and disappointment, and not just depicted shoes.
    2. (48 words) You can also turn your soul inside out with musical language, as many artists do. It is no coincidence that the British rock band The Beatles made millions of people fall in love with themselves and their songs. Not only the form, but also the content of the tracks served as a great success. The musicians opened their inner world to the audience, which is why they were so warmly received by the public.
    3. (44 words) Walt Disney not only shared his talent in cartoons, but also brought his ideas to life. Disney has delighted billions of children and adults with the realization of their fantasies, giving the world fabulous characters that come to life in an amusement park. The inner world of Walt Disney turned the real world of each of us upside down.
    4. (54 words) When I first meet people, for example, I don’t open up to them right away. At first, they see only the appearance, and over time, when I begin to share my impressions, stories, interests, they notice the personality in me. Only by trusting close people, I will reveal my secrets to them and, thereby, invite them to visit my inner world, like an amusement park.
    5. (59 words) Not so long ago I met a girl who told me that when she reads a poem or any other text, periodically she imagines what color each letter has. She sees the letter "A" only in black, and the letter "I", for example, only in red. Having slightly opened the door to her imagination, I realized that this person has a rich inner world.
    6. (50 words) Many children gave names to their toys in childhood. What is this if not our own inner world? Comparing a separate group of toys, we represented them as a family, arranged meetings for them and made their plans for life. Our imagination is the inner world, therefore, from the very early age any person is interesting in his soul.
    7. (65 words) Dreams are an integral part of a person's inner world. One girl told me that she wanted to learn how to sing and dance. As a child, her room was her stage, her hairbrush was her microphone, and her reflection in the mirror was her audience. Over time, she decided that it was time to seriously do what she loved. Now she is engaged in vocals and dancing and is glad that she did not leave a piece of her world in her room, but tried to realize it.
    8. (65 words) My dad said that from childhood he imagined a certain image of his beloved: the wife should be fond of the same things that he himself is. At the Faculty of History, he met my mother and immediately fell in love. Dad realized that she was the same girl from the world he had presented. Only he was lucky to meet her in real life. So do not be afraid of your inner "I", you need to give it the will to open up.
    9. (44 words) Dreams are the most important element of a person's inner world. I remember dreaming that the far side of the moon was covered with white chocolate, and next to it was a deep lake of light green color. Then, of course, I found out the truth, but my fictional stories about a specific location remained in my inner world as a bright fantastic canvas.
    10. (59 words) One boy told me how much he loved comics. He was seriously interested in many characters: he studied the history, the abilities of each of them, and in childhood he sincerely believed that only they were capable of a miracle. The boy could not imagine his world without superheroes, so he decided to become one in real life - to help people. Sometimes our inner essence develops into a calling, you just need to give it the right to vote.
    11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!
“I think that respect for heroes, which manifests itself in different ways in different epochs, is the soul of social relations between people and that the way this respect is expressed serves as a true standard for assessing the degree of normality or abnormality of the relations prevailing in the world.”
Thomas Carlyle

Opinions and facts

Sociologists asked Russians who, in their opinion, are the idols of today's Russian youth. The leaders by a wide margin were pop and rock stars, representatives of golden youth: 52% of 18-24-year-olds are ready to worship them. In third place were athletes (37%), in fourth place - the heroes of television series (28%), and in fifth - V. Putin (14%). The last place (with a rating of 1%) went to “revolutionaries” like Pavka Korchagin and Ernesto Che Guevara.
But the second place was unexpectedly taken by “successful businessmen and oligarchs”, who are the idols of 42% of young Russians. “Success, and preferably fast, has become the main value,” explains Vladimir Petukhov, Research Director of VTsIOM. - Who, from the point of view of society, fits into this model? Young businessmen and pop culture figures”.
Today, the focus is on other interests, primarily those aimed at material prosperity and personal self-realization, and, accordingly, other characters. And the very concept of “idol” is moving from the plane of a certain ideal role model (where the moral side played a significant role) to understanding an idol as a person personifying quick success in life, as a rule, without assessing how this success was achieved. Also attracting the attention of young people are characters with a powerful energy message, a kind of “drive”. Naturally, in this capacity, the leading positions are occupied by pop and rock stars (47%) and successful businessmen (38%).
Respondents most often attribute to modern Russian youth such qualities as aggressiveness (50%), cynicism (40%), activity and initiative (38%), education (30%). And it is extremely rare for our youth to include disinterestedness (1%), sincerity (3%) and honesty (3%).
Typical qualities of older people are diligence (62%), patriotism (46%), sincerity (21%). And very rarely they include aggressiveness and cynicism (4% each).
And in the beginning there was HE, a rebel for no reason, James Dean who tragically died at the age of 24. Yes, and before him there were heroes on the screen. But what? The hero was always dressed in immaculately pressed trousers, clean shirts and formal coats. Moreover, this outfit accompanied them (the heroes) in any everyday situations.
Dean appeared on the screen in Levi's (and often torn ones) and a white T-shirt (what we now call T-shirt). Sometimes he put on a red windbreaker with a zipper, turning up his collar, hunched over, as if closing from a piercing wind. the card in "Rebel Without a Cause" was a holey sweater, Leather Jacket. He wore dark glasses, a three-day stubble, his hair seemed to know no such thing as a comb, he lit a Chesterfield from a chrome Zippo lighter. Tell me honestly, does this description remind you of anything? Of course, this is the eternal hero of all Hollywood (and not only Hollywood) action films, melodramas, science fiction films. It's just a modern day hero.
Poorly drawn, speaking obscene youth slang, giggling maniacally and prone to drink, drugs and sex, Masyanya has a large following among Russian Generation Xers, twenty-thirty-year-olds known for their unrestrained cynicism and absolute disinterest in politics.
- The first thing that comes to mind: our movie hero is somehow ... not heroic.
- This happens because in our blockbusters the meaning of the struggle itself is often not clear. Another factor: just recently in our society the stage of cynicism ("darkness" in the cinema and on TV) has ended, and we are just entering the stage of expediency. Although films continue to be tough, their hero, as a rule, is somewhat confused. He is not yet fully convinced that he is right.
- But the hero already has a mission, does he find harmony in the new world?
- On the contrary: the hero's worldview has become more complicated. If he has already dealt with himself, then he has yet to deal with the outside world. Previously, society decided for him what to do, and he decided only how; now he has to decide what and how. Therefore, the hero has no past - in order to create the world anew, you need to cross out what was.
Creating a Hero
The Homeric hero is characterized by a personal striving for perfection, and he, performing his exploits, is guided by a certain goal. In the case of Odysseus, that goal is to return home safely and as soon as possible. If the Homeric hero ultimately expects deification and direct kinship with the gods, then the situation is different with the modern hero. He, too, strives for personal perfection - but for the sake of the public good; his name also becomes immortal - but thanks to the actions characteristic of a mere mortal. Modern heroes in general are extremely rarely likened to gods or demons; however, it would be useful to consider the concept of deification in terms applicable to the present time ...
The pursuit of the ideal plays an important role in the spiritual image of the modern hero, and for him, as well as for the Homeric hero, there are no obstacles on the way to the goal. In striving for his ideal, the hero is forced to sacrifice what is dear to him, and even his own life. Such sacrifice makes him even more attractive to society, and his status rises with each goal he achieves. "The modern hero interacts in society with mere mortals, and his heroic position depends on whether ordinary people recognize his ideals and deeds."
From an interview with Sergei Yursky
- Is it possible today to determine exactly who he is - our modern hero?
- This is still a man of criminal action. He may be a bandit, or he may be a policeman. But in any case, this is someone who has a strong muscle or such a weapon to instantly respond, kill the offender. This, apparently, corresponds to today's feelings of a person who is frightened, who harbors many minor and several major grievances, who is concerned about one question: "Who will pay for me?" For him, this very new hero is calculated on the screen.
- It turns out that in Russia there are no bright people at all, with a rich inner world, who could be made heroes of films or performances?
- I don't know... I don't have many new acquaintances... Although now there are groups of like-minded people... It's hard for me to give them a precise definition. I see timid attempts to create new brotherhoods, which include people united by a certain nobility of goals and a willingness to endure for the sake of this goal. I see it personally, and it gives me a sense of hope.
"Arguments and Facts"
From an interview with Konstantin Khabensky

- We doubted for a long time with Timur Bekmambetov what a modern hero should be like. A winner who predicts events five moves ahead, or a cornered, humiliated and insulted person who becomes a hero due to the circumstances? We settled on the last option. Such a hero is more understandable to the Russian audience.
From an interview with Eldar Ryazanov
- What should be a modern hero?
- For me, the hero is Yuri Detochkin, and I have been making films about such a hero all my life. Honest, noble, he must help the poor, stand guard over the oppressed.
- You described "Brother".
- "Brother" is alien to me, although Alexei Balabanov's "War" seems very interesting. But I do not understand when the charming Sergei Bodrov walks around and kills. Can't justify killing for no reason. However, it is difficult to talk about it, since we have lost a talented person. His debut "Sisters" was wonderful. However, I have other heroes.
“A mountain of muscles, in each hand a weighty blade (preferably enchanted), a wolf grin, defeated monsters and stacks of naked beauties are piled at their feet ...

Before us is the main character of most works in the "fantasy" genre - in other words, the hero in all his "glory" ... Of course, the word "hero" (meaning "brave man who performs feats") has not yet been completely discredited. The guarantee of this is the undoubted talent of many, many science fiction writers. Suffice it to recall Paul Atreides from Dune by F. Herbert or the nine princes from R. Zelazny's Amber Chronicles. But why are there still few such living, humane characters among the heroes?
Veronica Redina "The Hero with a Thousand Faces"

“Now it will be much easier to answer the question I posed in the title of the lecture: “The hero of Greek tragedies: a man or a superman?”. In ancient Greek tragedy, there is no "superman" among women or men. The characters in these works often act at the limit of human capabilities, but they are limited in their actions from all sides.< … >But the strongest impression left by the genre of ancient Greek tragedy is that in what different and complex ways all these people struggle with the restrictions imposed on them.

Let's summarize. One more opinion.

Attract successful people, famous people, people who have reached a high social and economic position. But not always what attracts our attention and interest really makes us want to follow it. Unlike Lorenz's ducklings, a person has consciousness and a certain freedom. A young man can state that he likes this or that singer, actor or actress, but at the same time, understand that this is not his way, not his destiny. Mixing this is more typical, perhaps, for adolescence and even earlier.

The second question is more difficult. What attract? They attract with their achievements, i.е. what exactly they have achieved: status, wealth, fame, etc. They attract with their professional qualities, as musicians, businessmen, etc. They attract with their human qualities: kindness, compassion, justice, courage… We see that these things lie on different planes. And from here we go to the third question.

It is obvious that various dimensions of our inner world respond to these things. We can talk about different levels of values ​​that a person is guided by. What attracts attention is that it is bright and stands out from the general range. It causes a desire to follow this, to imitate this only that which reflects our own values. In a word - "Tell me who your idol is, and I will tell you who you are."

The scale of these values ​​can be stretched from more external (concrete achievements) to more internal (existential human values).

Accordingly, our efforts will be directed to different things - from achieving a goal in the world, for example, fame or glory, to working on ourselves in order to awaken and develop qualities similar to our hero. Moreover, in the latter case, the specific achievements of the hero himself are not so important. It is important for what and how he aspired to them.

Modern Art. Heroes or idols?

Confucius advised listening to the songs that people sing in order to understand how people live, what they hope for. Where else to look for a hero, if not in art? Cinema and literature provide enormous material for research and reflection. They are a kind of collective dream, reflecting what is happening in the little realized depths of our souls. If you analyze many films from The Matrix and The Lord of the Rings to Red Heat, you can come up with sample list qualities that their heroes possess:

  • Loneliness of the hero, external or internal. The hero always makes the final decision himself.
  • Hero personality. The hero is always different from "mere mortals". Or with their external data - strength, beauty, unusual abilities. Or inner qualities- will, compassion, wisdom. But even if he has some extraordinary qualities, we are not interested in this, but in something else - his moral choice, throwing, mistakes and suffering. We are not interested in what makes us different, but in what we are similar.
  • The action of the hero is a reaction to the situation. The ability to punish the offender, as well as the ability to save and protect from offense the one who is weaker.

  • Relative independence from circumstances. The hero has limitations, but he tries to overcome them and overcomes them. He knows how to solve problems.

  • The hero has a goal, he is internally determined and knows where he is going, although he may not know how to go there.
  • In each of these points one can notice a certain duality. In this case, it seems to be caused by the peculiarities of our expectations and our values. It is natural for a child to choose Batman or the hero of his favorite cartoon as his hero. It is also natural for a teenager to dwell on "Brother", on his favorite film actor or singer. For an adult young man… This is already a difficult question, which it is difficult to even dare to answer here.

    Summarizing this very overview, we can only say that the attraction of heroes is something very natural for a person and characteristic of us at all times. Both in the past and in the present. The characters themselves change, their names and adventures change. But the very desire for more remains, for something that exceeds our capabilities, and therefore serves as a guide. In the characters we see ourselves, they reflect our hidden dreams, our fears and hopes, sometimes our fatigue. Sometimes they reflect who we wanted to become, but for various reasons did not. In a word, our heroes live by our values, in a sense, they are us.

    to the magazine "Man Without Borders"

    Most of the spiritual teachers of mankind were poor materially,
    but this does not mean that if there is no money, then a person has a direct path to spiritual teachers.

    You can refuse wealth based on your convictions, you can be poor out of stupidity.
    Therefore, I consider the opinion that the poorer a person, the richer his inner world, to be a great illusion.

    It is not enough to be poor to become wise.

    Is it possible to combine money and spiritual wisdom, as well as spiritual enlightenment?

    While earning money, you have to turn off the path of spiritual enlightenment. Big money is almost always involved in crime and blood.
    In the 90s, our oligarchs regularly shot at each other, and now they are strangling competitors with criminal cases and administrative resources. Sometimes they recall the experience of the 90s ...

    When there is a lot of money, property, capital, then it is also not easy to keep this wealth.
    There are many people who seek to take away and share everything that is acquired by exorbitant labor in dismantling, shooters and other privatization.

    I believe, wolf wisdom appears, how to survive in a pack when dividing the prey.

    This is far from the enlightenment of the Buddha or Mahatma Gandhi.

    On the other hand, a poor person thinks about one thing, where to get money for food, clothes, housing.
    Previously, slaves were paid just enough so that they would not die prematurely, but would work. The payment was food.

    Now the principle of formation of wages for labor has not changed much. People should have enough for food, clothing, housing.

    Like slaves, the average poor person has only one thought - to break out of the shackles of poverty into financial freedom.

    In battles for material goods, there is no time to think about the soul.

    It turns out that the rich “cannot enter the Kingdom of God”, and the poor have no time to think about it at all. Need to work.

    And here is what G. Thoreau and I think about the answer to the title of the article (although there is no question there).

    The richest person is the one whose joys require the least money, and whose inner world requires more knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
