What could be more romantic than travel? Probably, nothing compares to the pleasant crackling of a fire on the lake, favorite songs with a guitar and delicious, smoky, food from a pot. How the Soviet people loved to travel! Soviet travelers had practically no opportunity to get abroad, so everyone traveled around their native USSR. Let's plunge into that unforgettable atmosphere and remember what Soviet tourists could not do without.

Durable travel backpack

This is perhaps the most important attribute of any traveler. But not every Soviet tourist could afford to buy the then "Ermak" - a real, "branded" backpack on a frame made of thick canvas with many belts, pockets and convenient devices. Therefore, often craftsmen sewed backpacks for themselves on their own.

waterproof tent

Sometimes youthful campaigns turned into multi-day "expeditions", so it was impossible to do without tents. True, they were not in short supply, so it was easy to buy the simplest two-, four- or eight-seater canvas tent. And those who wanted more comfort sewed tents on their own. From decommissioned parachutes, Soviet travelers managed to create entire "portable houses", light and quite comfortable, which could fit up to 5 people.

Although the "parachute" tents were quite warm, tourists knew that it was impossible to sleep on the ground: even in the height of summer, spending the night on bare ground is fraught with colds. That is why a warm sleeping bag with a "zipper" was an essential attribute of the Soviet traveler. What these "cocoons" looked like can be imagined by recalling Gaidai's famous comedy "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

First of all, they took on a hike what does not spoil: stew, condensed milk, canned fish, various cereals, tea and pasta. In addition, an indispensable dish at the evening fire was baked potatoes in the ashes. Of course, it was hard to drag it in a backpack, but they took it with them without fail: the ritual of eating baked potatoes by the fire was strictly observed. Well, of course, along the way, tourists met mushrooms, nuts and berries - this delicacy also fit over their shoulders.

tourist ax

The compact camping ax of the Soviet tourist was one of the most indispensable tools in a country trip. If you have skill and skill, with it you can not only chop firewood and dig a small hole, even cut bread or open a tin can.

Camping kettle

Lightweight aluminum camping pots for cooking were most often army ones - that is, they were also universal, so Soviet travelers easily adapted them as a flask, frying pan or small handbag. Such pots were called "magic": any, even the simplest food, was cooked in them so tasty that you couldn't pull it off by the ears.

utility knife

Multifunctional knives immediately replaced a fork with a spoon, a can opener with a bottle opener, and even a corkscrew. Such knives were very convenient for traveling: you do not need to take a lot of cutlery with you. Actually, for a quarter of a century, tourist knives have not undergone visible changes - except that they have become a little lighter and more compact. And not only at an impromptu table, this universal device could come in handy for a Soviet tourist: to cut pegs for a tent, clean and skin the caught fish, cut a spruce branch for bedding under the bottom of the tent - a knife was always needed on a country trip.

Acoustic guitar

The Soviet traveler could not live without music at all. That is why not a single trip was complete without a guitar. To brighten up the evenings by the fire, tourists sang songs and had fun. This is how the genre of "bard" song was born, its main themes in Soviet time there was love, patriotism and romance of travel.

Even if “the life of a Soviet tourist is hard and unsightly” - everyone traveled, despite the difficulties. It is wonderful that such a good tradition was born in the USSR. Maybe you shouldn't forget it?

Artek can safely be called a small country with its own traditions, laws and even little state secrets. Life in the camp does not stop with the onset of cold weather - a favorable climate conducive to recovery allows you to live in it all year round. Today it is easy to get to the camp: parents pay, children have a rest. ...

Do you want, without wasting time, to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the East, to feel its originality and unique flavor? There is nothing easier: walk through any Uzbek bazaar - and literally from the first minutes you will feel like in a real oriental fairy tale! ...

The resorts of Gelendzhik are a favorite vacation spot for many Russians who come here with their families, large friendly companies, and then annually return to this wonderful region for vacation. Thus, the resort city of Gelendzhik rightfully ranks with such well-known health resorts of Crimea and Krasnodar Territory like Sochi, Feodosia, Yalta, Anapa, Alushta, Dzhubga, Evpatoria and other "pearls" of the Black Sea. ...

Personal dacha in the USSR, it was not only a place of rest and an opportunity to provide oneself with vegetables and fruits for the whole year. Entering the coveted list of "apartment - dacha - car", she was considered a sign of prosperity in the Soviet Union. And given that many families had personal six acres in those days, the Soviet people did not live so badly, as they are trying to convince us today. ...

October 29, 2015 President Russian Federation Vladimir Putin Decree "On the creation of the All-Russian public-state organization" was signed Russian movement of schoolchildren". The document was published on the portal pravo.gov.ru.

In accordance with the Decree "On the creation of the All-Russian public-state organization" Russian movement of schoolchildren "at the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, it is planned to create a FGBU" Russian Children and Youth Center”, which will ensure interaction with regional offices.

06.10.2015. Vladimir Putin signed a law on the revival of the country's physical culture and sports complex " Ready for work and defense"(TRP). After an almost 30-year break, Russians aged six to 70 will be able to pass state standards. 1.2 billion rubles will be allocated from the budget for the implementation of the program, everywhere TRP complex should be launched to 2018 year. In this review, we recall the most important events in the development of Soviet children's and youth tourism and such a mass form of patriotic routes as star treks.

To the delivery of standards for the icon " Young tourist of the USSR» guys who have reached 10 years . To do this, children (boys and girls) must make four trips with one overnight stay in the field with a total length of 48 km, the council of the squad makes an appropriate decision and issues badges and certificates.

Children (boys and girls) 14 years and older can pass the standards for the badge " Tourist of the USSR". To do this, they must make five one-two-day hikes with a total duration of at least five days and a total length of at least 75 km on foot or on skis, at least 100 km on rowboats, at least 150 km on bicycles .

If trips are made in summer , then the guys should spend at least two field overnight stays . Badges and certificates are issued by the local station of young tourists.


Tourist of the USSR- the badge and the corresponding title in the USSR. It was issued after passing the norms and passing a sports tourist trip. The first symbol of initiation to tourism, approved on March 26 1939 year by the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.

IN 1935 year Presidium of the Central Council Societies of Proletarian Tourism and Excursions(OPTE) made a decision on the establishment of the badge.

In the regulation of 1935, receiving the badge "Tourist of the USSR" should have given the right to members of the OPTE to be called tourists. For which it was necessary: pass the norms for the TRP badge; make a tourist trip for six or more days; be able to read a map, navigate by it, by compass, sun, stars, local objects, be able to organize a bivouac (set up a tent), light a fire, cook food; know the correct mode of movement, rest, food and drink; know your native land; have basic knowledge of geography and geology; be able to write a report about your trip.
But during the existence of the OPTIE case was not completed , and a new position on the badge was developed only four years later at the Tourist and Excursion Administration of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. In the regulation of March 17, 1939, the Badge could be issued to all citizens of the USSR who have reached the age of 18, have a two-year tourist experience and have completed at least 2-3 (depending on difficulty) trips. In addition, tourists must submit at least one travel report and have theoretical and practical knowledge of tourism in the scope special program. The program of requirements and standards was published in the fifth issue of the magazine "On land and at sea" for 1939. .

  • we must be aware that by 1939, many instructors of tourism, the boy scout movement, masters of Russian young scouts were shot or were serving their sentences in camps at "communist construction sites" as "enemies of the people."

The program provided for the following knowledge :

  • card reading and the ability to navigate both the map and local objects; the ability to choose a place for a bivouac;
  • put up a tent and make a hut, build a fire and cook food on the fire.
  • You also need to know travel mode, tourist hygiene on the way, elements of medical self-control, first aid on the way.
  • Basic knowledge required geology, botany, zoology and meteorology.

In addition, it is necessary to have knowledge of the type of tourism that was chosen by the tourist when making the trip:
Water tourists must know the main obstacles encountered on the rivers, their characteristics and ways to overcome them; ship arrangement; sailing; rowing and rowing device; ship practice; organization and mode of water travel; rescue work; swimming.
Hikers must be familiar with the equipment, movement technique, march hygiene, rescue operations, organization and travel mode.
Tourists-cyclists must know the classification of roads, the device of a bicycle, the technique of cycling, the organization and mode of travel.
Ski tourists must know the equipment, the technique of movement, the conduct of rescue operations, the organization and mode of travel.

26 March 1939 The All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of People's Commissars approved the regulation on the tourist badge.
The first badges "Tourist of the USSR" were awarded at the 5th rally of Moscow tourists on Borovsky Kurgan in June 1939 thirty-six year old tourist activists.


In summer 1971 of the year Igor Rusanov got the qualification pioneer instructor» at the tourist camp « mountain trails". Camp leader Alexander Ivanovich Lychik . In the Crimea, mountain hikes in the 1970s were allowed only children from 12 years and older. Naturally, with permission from the local doctor and a certificate from the school. IN 1972 year as part of a tourist group high school No. 8 of Simferopol Igor Rusanov participated in star trek.


It is worth noting that for each category of tourists, the badge had its own look. Tourists-cyclists had an image in the form of a bicycle on the back of the badge, and they could get the coveted badge only if they knew all the necessary standards and could successfully fulfill them.

Be that as it may, tourists in the Soviet Union were divided into three more categories - pedestrian tourists (there are no distinctive inscriptions and drawings on the back of the badge), water tourists (there is an image in the form of a sail on the back of the badge) and skiers (on the reverse side of the badge is a ski track). The first three categories of tourists (cyclists, pedestrians and water workers) were the most common in the Soviet Union, and therefore their badges could be found much more often, but the ski tourist badge was the most valuable item for any collection , since even though skiing was quite popular, such “exotic” tourists were practically never seen anywhere, and according to the records of the archives, there are only 32 such an icon, the history of which is still unknown today.


IN 1929 d. on the basis of the Russian Society of Tourists, a mass voluntary society of proletarian tourism of the RSFSR is being created. The new society was headed by an associate of V. I. Lenin N. V. Krylenko who made a significant contribution to the development of tourism in this post. Since 1930, the society has become all-Union. Under the Central Council societies of proletarian tourism and excursions(CA OPTE) a scientific and methodological council was formed.

With the establishment of the OPTE begins new stage tourism development. Evidence-based organizational, managerial and methodological foundations are being laid for improving the mass tourism work in the country. IN 1930 The publishing house "Physical culture and tourism" begins the release of the mass series " Library of proletarian tourism". Among the first books in the series, published in 1931: "Production trips and excursions as a method of social and political education", "On the participation of tourists in the preparation and conduct of the harvesting campaign." In 1931-1933. there is also a collection Tourism and defense of the USSR", books" Tourist - military intelligence«, « Tourist - military topographer«, « Tourist sniper”, etc. As we can see, tourism was inextricably linked with socially useful work, important socio-political events, and military-applied physical training of the population.

The methodological support of tourism is gradually improving. The book played a special role in this Journey to the mountains“where the sports significance of tourism was emphasized, it was given detailed description methods for choosing a route and preparing a hike, a mode on the road, fitting equipment, ways of orienteering in the mountains, as well as the basics of high-mountain tourism techniques were explained. A significant role in the development of tourism was played at that time by the magazines Tourist activist" And " On land and at sea«.

Beginning with 1931 d. regional departments of the SPTE, as well as primary cells of the SPTE at physical education teams, are being created on the ground. Thus, uniform organizational foundations for the development of tourism are being laid across the country. In their work, the Central Council of the OPTE and its subdivisions closely cooperate with trade union, Komsomol and sports organizations. All this contributed to an increase in the number of people involved in tourism. The network of tourist routes has expanded significantly, covering vast areas of the country.

At the same time, the problem of involving the broad masses of the population in tourism remained far from being solved. Measures were required to reorganize tourism. Since by the mid-1930s two relatively independent areas emerged in its development (tourist and excursion work and amateur tourism), they were subordinated in 1936 to two different bodies. The first direction was transferred to the jurisdiction of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, where the Central Tourist and Excursion Administration was created, and the second - to the jurisdiction of the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports.

Thus, in the 30s there were significant changes in the organizational structure of the development of Tourism, which contributed to an increase in its mass character.

One of the most interesting and close to tactical military skills forms of mass tourist routes have become star treks. Their meaning lies in the fact that a large number of groups leave their cities, go through a multi-day route strictly on schedule, mark at control points, and perform socially useful work to help the local population and forestries. At the final point, the "center of the star", all groups gather for big competitions, which include the release of a wall newspaper, a concert, tourist relay races and other sports competitions. The general spirit of the final events of star trekking is the exchange of impressions, experience, friendly relations, and not at all the rivalry that is characteristic of sports.

All-Union star trek relay race held in 1933 and dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Komsomol, covered over 30 thousand athletes - representatives of all Union republics. The All-Union multi-day stellar water trip-relay race 1934 which was attended by tens of thousands of people. There are also mass tourist trips of a regional scale, different in the nature of the movement of participants. For example, in the winter of 1934/35, mass star campaigns were held in all the Union republics dedicated to the 7th Congress of Soviets, in which more than 11.5 thousand people took part. The total length of the trekking routes was 51,000 km.

Given the above, we can conclude that by the beginning of the 1940s in the Soviet physical culture movement, the final formation and establishment of tourism as a mass, affordable means of physical education of people took place. Its development fully corresponded to the state requirements of that time.

The Great Patriotic War was a severe test of the spiritual, moral-volitional and physical qualities of the Soviet people. In the pre-war years, tourism also contributed to the education of these qualities to a large extent. Introduced during the war, universal military training ( Vsevobuch) used to its credit tourist exercises as an important means of military-applied physical training.

In the first post-war years, when the task arose to restore the health of the people undermined by the war, tourist activities were carried out in more for health purposes. The role of tourism in holding social and political events increased. Mass star campaigns dedicated to the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR were organized. Participants of the campaigns provided assistance to local party and Soviet bodies in conducting campaigns of state loans. Passion for tourists, united in tourist sections and clubs, with complex trips organized in extreme conditions, required streamlining the system of preparation for them on the basis of uniform program and regulatory requirements. For this in 1949 tourism was first introduced into the Unified All-Union Sports Classification (on a modern classification basis, as already mentioned, it was again included in it in 1965).

In the early 1960s, in order to strengthen the role of tourism in educating people and improving their health, measures were taken to improve mass tourism. There is a reorganization of tourism development management in the country. The Central Tourist and Excursion Administration, under the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, is transformed into the Central Council for Tourism with a significant expansion of its powers (since 1969, this body has been called the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions). The Central Tourism Board is becoming a relatively independent body with a more specific range of functional responsibilities, which makes it possible to more purposefully and timely address many complex issues of tourism development.

Particularly significant events in the development of tourism as a mass phenomenon in the 60s should be called the organization on the initiative of the Central Committee of the Komsomol All-Union campaign of Komsomol members and youth to places of revolutionary, military and labor glory The Communist Party and the Soviet people, holding the first all-Union rallies of the winners of the campaign to the places of revolutionary, military and labor glory of the Soviet people (since 1965), as well as organizing the first all-Union competitions for the best tourist travel (since 1967). Subsequently, they all established themselves as traditional forms of mass tourist work.

In the same years, children's tourism is significantly activated. All-Union expeditions of pioneers and schoolchildren, which are of great educational importance, are becoming regular. WITH 1972 All-Union tourist and local history expeditions of pioneers and schoolchildren are organized under the motto " My homeland is the USSR". Their task, in addition to studying the sights of their native land, includes purposeful search and research work, which in many ways contributes to strengthening the patriotic education of the country's young generation.

IN 1972 G. tourism included in the All-Union physical culture complex " Ready for work and defense of the USSR«.

Today I drove past the railway station and found a flock of young people with backpacks on their backs and guitars in their hands ... I will publish again my memories of how we had a rest in the days of our youth!

When we were young, it was quite common to go camping. Someone still probably remembers the taste of potatoes baked in the coals, sleeping in a tent, singing with a guitar near the fire and the taste of soup with noodles and stew. I suggest you plunge a little into the end of the seventies along with the memories of the hike "along Uralmashevsky"!

We went on hikes two or three times during the summer. Usually these were the nearby Tavatui, the mountains Volchikha, Volchenok, Ayat ... They went not only far, but so that nature would be present, and so deserted ...

Get ready! Somehow the company was selected so that everyone, well, or almost everyone, were "couples"! It's more fun that way, right? There was an agreement on drinks - the boys usually brought two vodkas or four wines with them in the form of a mandatory minimum "contribution", the girl was allowed to take with her one vodka or, respectively, a couple of port bags. Products in the form of food - pooling. Standard sets of eggs, chicken, vegetables, tea, pies with vermicelli soup, potatoes and stew.

As a rule, they left for the weekend - in the morning. Electric train, guitar - and by the way, there were quite a lot of such bands similar to us at the railway station. We went deep into the forest, and the first thing we did at the camp site was laying out a battery with drinks and taking pictures! Given the fact that there were usually about 30 of us walking around, the rows were impressive. Then I (there was such a tradition) with another friend, shared a battery, took away half of the drinks "for tomorrow" and went together into the forest - to hide this half. All evening and all night, they themselves did not go there, and others did not know where and what was hidden with us. Norm! Bribing us or begging us to get something from tomorrow's NZ was useless.

Then, as usual - the guys set up tents, went for spruce branches, firewood, made a fire, the girls cooked lunch and dinner, drank (some got drunk), swam, played the guitar and sang, dispersed into the forest in pairs and with blankets "for blueberries") ), rested in general!

Sometimes at night (idiots) tried to try "chifir", which, in our understanding, was prepared like this - an enameled mug of water and a small pack (!) of Indian tea. With intelligent faces of inveterate convicts, they boiled this muck, with no less severe faces they drank, and then thoughtfully, pardon me, vomited in the bushes.

In the morning we watched who and with what faces crawled out of the tents, rejoiced at this and laughed throughout the forest, and followed the second part of the program hidden in the forest! They continued, and at the end they usually wrote and hid in bottles "letters to descendants" (there are so many of them now, they are waiting for archaeological research) and they returned home satisfied, happy and joyful! And again there were electric trains and songs with a guitar!It was happy!

I don't know if people go hiking now the way we did. Probably not - now equipment, alloys, rocks and "jumping" - everything is fashionable and not childish. And everything was just like that - simple and unpretentious. Tell me, what kind of campaign - some kind of collective booze? Maybe so - but in nature, together and beautiful!

In the USSR, health and recreation were a priority. The trade union committee allocated vouchers to resorts and sanatoriums for parents, for children - in. Moreover, the cost of rest is rather symbolic. A mobile lifestyle was instilled from an early age: sports sections, hobby groups, all kinds of competitions - all year round. But with the onset of summer, restless citizens put on backpacks and went on long hikes. Tourism is two in one: both sports and recreation. They also got used to walking through the vast expanses of the Union from childhood.

Camping trips for junior schoolchildren were held on weekends. They were timed to coincide with a significant date and were more like an excursion. But the pioneers approached the event very scrupulously. Indispensable attributes: a red tie, a cap and ... sandwiches prepared the day before by a caring mother. At a halt, the children shared their impressions and exchanged supplies. A string of guys walking along with a fervent song, accompanied by a senior counselor, was no exception ...

The kids were jealous of the older kids. Those hikes are the real ones: with backpacks, tents and a bowler hat. On average, the campaign lasted three days, but preparation took a lot of time. First you need to enlist the support of adults. It was considered good luck to persuade the older brother to take patronage over the class and accompany the group along the developed route. High school students were led by healthy egoism: a small difference in age allowed them to behave relaxed and at ease, almost in a comradely manner.

This was followed by the distribution of responsibilities, the extraction of equipment and food supplies. From time immemorial, every Soviet family had aluminum bowls and mugs, even a sturdy khaki-colored tent is not uncommon. If you don't have one, you can contact the rental office. The lucky ones even stocked up on sleeping bags. As for provisions, they agreed ahead of time or bought stewed meat, canned food, cereals, condensed milk, tea in a clubbing.

Amateur tourists walked 15-20 kilometers along the river bank or cross-country, making a couple of rest breaks. At the final point, tents were pitched, the boys went for firewood, the girls, with a masterly look, began to cook. In the team, everyone felt grown up and more responsible. Having decided on an overnight stay, we took places in tents, marking them with a backpack.

Hiking is a real vacation in the wild. Clean air, swimming, volleyball, fishing, picking berries and a radio tuned to a musical wave ... But real luck is portable: you can listen to rare records and arrange a disco on the lawn. The main thing is not to forget a spare set of batteries.

In the fresh air you don’t think about food, but you are happy to pull yourself up to the inviting knock of a spoon on metal. Food is simple and easy to prepare - soup from briquettes, porridge or noodles with stew, canned fish, lard, sausage. A special art is to cook a rich kulesh from millet. For fishermen, it is a matter of honor to treat their comrades with a real fish soup with smoke! The dishes were washed right in the river, rubbing the sooty cauldrons with sand.

At dusk, the company is by the cooling fire, in the ashes - potatoes. There are songs with a guitar, funny stories in between. Some fall in love, others quarrel, someone smokes on the sidelines - not without that. The boys took a sip of port wine from the stash, but quietly, in a partisan way, so as not to sleep in front of the elder.

There are two troubles in hiking - bad weather and mosquitoes. And if you can hide from natural phenomena in a tent, there is only one salvation from midges - smoke, but you can’t sit around the fire all night ...

With age, time flies faster and nothing can be returned, but the memory is securely stored in albums with black and white photographs. Looking at today's quiet kids, fascinated by computers, one is overcome by nostalgia for those ancient times when the yards were noisy from children's amusements and, of course, on camping trips, where we tempered ourselves and learned the basics of collectivism ...

Considering the history of the development of youth tourism, first of all, it is necessary to define this type of tourism.

Youth tourism is a specific type of tourism activity of youth and adolescents, implemented both within national borders and at the regional and global levels.

Stages of development of youth tourism in the USSR

Tourist and local history activities for the period from 1918 to 1928 were concentrated in out-of-school institutions and were carried out in the form of multi-day (6-10 days) excursions, travels, the so-called "nomads." crafts. It is noteworthy that already in 1918 a special bureau of school excursions was organized in the People's Commissariat for Education. On behalf of People's Commissar A.A. Lunacharsky, Professor I.I. Polyansky organized by May 1919 6 excursion stations for excursion and research work with students and teachers of the unified labor school. The organizational and methodological side of tourism and local history was determined at that time by the works of I.M. Grevsa, N.P. Antsiferova, B.E. Raikova, A.A. Yakhontov, N. K. Krupskaya. As I.M. Grevs in the first issue of the magazine "Excursion Bulletin": "To make the excursion a necessary factor in school course was the task of the new age. Krupskaya defined the role of excursions as follows: “The excursion is of great importance, but only if it is well prepared.

We must learn to observe life and try to draw from it all that is possible.

At the end of the 20s of the XX century, the Society for Proletarian Tourism and Excursions announced the All-Union Research Campaign "For raw materials for five-year plan machines", in which a large number of groups of young tourists took part. Academician A.E. Fersman, who immediately appreciated the possible benefits of hiking, wrote that “we are moving from tourism to a whole series of stages of our work in the field of not only scientific discoveries, but also gains of great economic importance.”3

In the 1930s, hiking and excursions occupied a significant place in the practice of many Soviet teachers. The experience of A.S. Makarenko, who widely used collective campaigns for educational purposes. The outstanding teacher used the trips as an incentive, as a gift to the team for the success of the academic and working year. Analyzing the experience of tourist work in the commune named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky, Makarenko believed that there was no best method education and youth development than summer excursions and hikes, annually arranging them for their pupils. 4

In the prewar years, a number of measures contributed to the strengthening of tourist and local history work among children. In 1932, the collegium of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR adopted a resolution "Excursion and tourism work among children to the highest level", which instructed "the regional, regional and district departments of public education, together with children's communist organizations, to take all measures to organize in cities, workers and the most important collective farms areas of children's excursion and tourist stations and bases on them, carrying out methodical work through the latter. In 1937, the All-Russian campaign of pioneers and schoolchildren for mineral raw materials was announced.

In 1940, the order of the People's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR "On children's tourism" was issued. Clubs of young tourists were created in schools. "Children's tourism and excursions, - said the People's Commissar of Education Potemkin at the collegium of the People's Commissariat for Education, - this is a type of educational work in which all students should be involved." Tourism and excursions pursue, first of all, general educational tasks and in their very organization they carry elements of physical hardening and training of the future fighter. In 1940, 261 thousand schoolchildren were involved in the campaigns. At the beginning of 1941, the All-Union expeditions of pioneers and schoolchildren to places of military glory were announced. civil war and for the study of small rivers.5

During the years of the Great Patriotic War tourist and local history activities of schoolchildren were aimed at helping the front and rear. Children collected wild useful plants, recorded biographies of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, helped the families of veterans and the disabled.

In the postwar and early 50s, children's tourism became massive. Many teachers - former front-line soldiers - organized trips to the places of battles, introduced children to the glory and feat of our people. It was at this time that many teachers began to use tourism as effective remedy education and training. V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Real moral education is impossible without emotional communication with nature.”6 His numerous walks with children in the forest, to the river, in the field were educational in nature, were lessons in humanism. In the late 40s and early 50s, annual rallies of young tourists from cities, regions, and later All-Russian and All-Union ones came into practice.7

On December 24, 1958, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the law "On strengthening the connection between school and life." New educational plans, programs that emphasized the special role of the local history approach to teaching school subjects, the importance of excursions, observations in nature.8

In the mid-1960s, the All-Union campaign "Road of the Glory of the Fathers" began. The first All-Union gathering of participants in the campaign to places of revolutionary, labor and military glory took place on September 19, 1965 in the hero-fortress Brest. More than three million people took part in the campaign. During the campaigns, monuments to the dead were erected, burial places were put in order, and the names of those who were buried in mass graves were established. There were 11 stages of the campaign. All-Union rallies were held in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Ulyanovsk, Volgograd, Ivanov, Minsk, Yerevan, the 12th (and last) rally was held under a different name.9

In the 1970s, the practice of conducting All-Union expeditions of pioneers and schoolchildren continued. The All-Union expedition “My Motherland is the USSR” was announced.10

The expedition was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Soviet Union and the 50th anniversary of the V.I. Lenin. The main goal was to educate students on the revolutionary, military and labor traditions of the Soviet people, on the examples of friendship and brotherhood of the peoples of our multinational country. In schools, in each class, it was supposed to create an expeditionary detachment. As later reports from the field showed, such detachments were created in more than 20% of the classes. Gatherings of the best expeditionary detachments, conferences, exhibitions of local history materials were held, museums were created, patronage work was carried out with veterans.

For a more active participation of tourist and excursion organizations of trade unions in conducting a tourist expedition of Soviet youth "My Motherland - USSR", the Presidium of the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions decided to propose to the republican, regional and regional councils for tourism and excursions: to involve working and studying youth more widely in hiking, trips and excursions around the native land with a visit, a comprehensive acquaintance and a deep study of the objects of the All-Union tourist expedition "My Motherland - the USSR", while paying special attention to the active participation in the expedition of young people of draft and pre-conscription age; to make more effective use of the tourist routes of the expedition for passing standards for badges "Tourist of the USSR" and the All-Union Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR"; with the participation of the commissions of the Tourism Federation, to develop new tourist routes around the native land, weekend hikes and multi-day trips with the mandatory inclusion of the program of expedition objects in them; determine the list of topics for excursions organized by excursion agencies for participants in a tourist expedition; include in the curricula and programs of training seminars and fees for the training of public tourist personnel of all categories and links sections related to the organization and conduct of the expedition; more widely practice holding evenings and meetings of the members of the expedition "My Motherland - the USSR" with noble workers, leaders and heroes of the five-year plans, participants in the Great Patriotic War, veterans of tourism and excursion business; regularly cover the course of the expedition in the local press, promote the experience of the best tourist clubs, tourism and excursion councils and tourist clubs of enterprises, institutions, and educational institutions by means of radio and television.11

In the thirties - early fifties, children's excursion and tourist stations (DETS) were created, which became instructive, methodological and organizational centers for tourist, local history and excursion work in the field. In their circles, the research method in the tourist and local history activities of students is widely developed.

Analyzing the work of circles of young tourist stations and Pioneer Houses, S. Istomin wrote: “The forms and methods of search and research work in school tourism are so multifaceted that they can satisfy the ever-growing interests of schoolchildren.”12

With the aim of developing international youth tourism in June 1958, the international youth bureau “Sputnik” was formed. The bureau dealt with the exchange of youth groups of the USSR with other countries. However, in the period from 1960 to 1970, only 0.4% of the citizens of the USSR went on trips abroad.

In the 60s of the XX century, the development of tourism during this period took place in accordance with plans, the implementation of which was mandatory. They were developed for long periods (5-10 years) and approved by the highest authorities for tourism. The normative indicators of the plans, which were taken as the basis for the development of the tourism industry and services, were subject to strict control.

Tourism was used as a means of educational influence on the younger generation. So, in the 1970s, all-Union campaigns and expeditions of schoolchildren and youth were carried out. The goals of such mass tourism enterprises were to instill patriotism, excursion and local history work, sports training and hardening.

Since that time, new forms of recreation began to be introduced: some camp sites began to accept parents with children. The range of tourist services in tourist farms has increased.

In the period 1980-1992. the material and technical base of medical and health tourism gradually grew, new hotel complexes appeared in large cities of the country (“Izmailovo” and “Salyut” in Moscow, “Tourist” in Pskov, “Velingrad” in Kislovodsk, etc.), new types of services - family holidays and course treatment. During the course of treatment, vacationers lived in apartments and houses of the private sector, and received a course of treatment and rehabilitation in a sanatorium. Recreational services were well developed on the basis of sanatoriums, as well as rest houses.13

The main features of the administrative-normative period are: the development of tourism in the context of strict regulation and planning; distribution of new forms of service (family holidays, course treatment); creation of large and comfortable hotel complexes; creation of a scientific basis for the study of tourism.

In 1986, there were 17 equestrian routes in the Soviet Union in Altai, the South Urals, the North Caucasus, Transcaucasia and other regions. Bicycle routes have appeared in a number of places. Transport trips were also among the local planned routes: motor ships, railways, and air travel.

Sea excursions were also organized along the Black Sea, along the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, along the White, Barents, and Red Seas. In the 80s, air tour routes acquired a mass character. More than 160 bureaus used aviation services, which allowed 2 million people to have a rest every year.

To address the issues of youth international exchange in June 1958, the Bureau of Youth International Tourism "Sputnik" was established.14

The restructuring of the second half of the 80s eventually led to the collapse of the USSR and the collapse of the unified tourist and excursion system of the Soviet Union. The process of creating independent states, as well as national tourist and excursion organizations, began.

Since 1990, the period of development of Russian tourism has been characterized by a transition from administrative regulation of tourism to economic incentives based on new Russian laws relating to both business and the market in general, and tourism activities in particular.

Since 1992, the program of the local history movement "Fatherland" has been implemented in the Russian Federation, which replaced the expedition "My Motherland - the USSR".

It is also worth noting that an important part of the concept of tourism under the Soviet regime was its role in the development of sports and physical culture. Departmental tourism has significantly increased this motivation, being engaged in sports rehabilitation of workers, members of trade unions. Practically at every enterprise or institution sports sections were organized. The equipment for the latter depended on the material base of the enterprises, some of which had their own stadiums or rented them. Sports bases often coincided with tourist centers. For example, at the Moscow Electric Plant there were courses for nurses, shooting and sniper sections, and there was a football team. The workers were engaged in athletics, rowing, cycling, chess, which was encouraged by the trade union committee, and the right to engage in parachutist or aviator school had to be earned by shock work (Zhuravlev S.V., Mukhin M.Yu. "Fortress of Socialism": Everyday and labor motivation at a Soviet enterprise, 1928-1938, Moscow, 2004, p. 199).

Passion for sports was especially widespread among the youth of the 1960s, when the cult of the exact sciences and technology reigned, and "physicists were held in high esteem." Olympic slogan "Faster! Higher! Stronger!" applied to both life and sports. Together with successes in space, Soviet sport became a measure and a sign of the prestige of the Soviet Union. There was an irresistible attraction to the obvious in setting new records. Centimeters and seconds could not be disputed. In the 1960s not only Yu. A. Gagarin and E. A. Yevtushenko, but also V. Brumel and Yu. Vlasov were the idols of the youth, and in the 1970s, the hockey team of the USSR. Sports and tourism in the USSR were brought together by the special attitude of Soviet people towards athletes, who had to not only set records, but be sure to visit theaters, art galleries, make sightseeing tours - in general, demonstrate the ideal of a Soviet person (Vail P., Genis A. 60 -e: the world of a Soviet person, Moscow, 1996, pp. 209-210). This attitude to sports also influenced the formation of sports tourism in the USSR, which was understood as the most massive and accessible form of sports training, a kind of obligatory "background" for the success of big-time sports. Tourism took root in the mass sports and physical culture movement, which received an impressive expression in sports parades, sports days, sports festivals, and in general in the cultivation of mass physical education. The youth and strength of the Soviet country had to be emphasized by the appearance of healthy, athletic, active youth.

Sports tourism in Soviet times developed in the format of both sports and tourist societies. In the technical types of tourism, such a practice peculiar only to sports as competitions and records has taken root. For example, for cycling tourism in the Soviet era, the most common form was bike rides, which were not only sports and recreational, but also propaganda. In the 1980s cycling began to develop especially actively due to the fact that foreign bicycles and accessories became more available, and in the late 1980s, Russian cyclists began to take part in international competitions, for example, in European bicycle rallies.

Thus, sports tourism and big sport in the Soviet Union went hand in hand, but were perceived differently. If big sport was propaganda and a reason for national pride, then sports tourism has become the property of millions

youth sports tourism
