In the list of modern roofing materials widely used both in the private sector and in industrial construction, ondulin (or Euro-asbestos) occupies a special place, which has such remarkable properties as:

  • external attractiveness;
  • lightness and high wear resistance;
  • quite reasonable price;
  • ease of installation.

Ondulin, which includes bitumen, cellulose fibers, rubber and minerals (as a filler), can be classified as a unique material produced in the form of standard wavy sheets that reliably protect roof structures from bad weather.

Before you cover the roof with ondulin with your own hands, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with some of its hallmarks. Like any roofing material, ondulin has its advantages and disadvantages. The undeniable advantages of such coatings include:

  • high resistance to sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • long service life;
  • the possibility of laying blanks of material on the old coating;
  • resistance to biologically active media (mold and fungus);
  • high environmental friendliness.

The disadvantages of ondulin coatings include:

  • combustibility of the material;
  • the roughness of its surface, which contributes to the retention of snow on the plane of the roof;
  • a small selection of possible colors;
  • "burning out" of the sheet surface under the influence of direct sun rays.

Features of working with the material

As noted earlier, one of the advantages of ondulin is the ability to quickly install it, combined with the relative simplicity of all operations performed in this case. Taking into account the fact that ondulin is allowed to be laid on the old roofing, the economic effect of its use can be quite large.

In addition, when carrying out installation work with this material, there is no need to use any complex tool, as well as special training for the performer of the work. The owner of the building to be equipped is able to independently cope with the task assigned to him (even without outside help).

Since the ondulin is soft, it is necessary to fix OSB sheets on top of the crate, which will prevent this roofing material from sagging. Ondulin is relatively light and even with OSB sheets, the new roof is much lighter than the old tiled and even slate.

In the case when the roof is being built "from scratch" - you will definitely have to prepare a reliable crate of beams, which will serve as the basis for laying ondulin sheets. In addition to its direct purpose (as a bearing base), this part roof structure can be used to place on it such important elements as heat and waterproofing.

The crate for ondulin sheets is done with a small step, sufficient so that the coating material does not sag under the weight of accumulated snow, or OSB sheets are stuffed over the old crate. In addition, the parameters of the crate should be selected taking into account the angle of inclination of the slope, as well as the wind direction characteristic of your area.

For a classic slope covered with ondulin, the main parameters of the frame base are as follows:

  • the optimal angle of inclination of the roof is at least 20 degrees;
  • a typical step with which the lathing bars are stuffed is from 60 to 80 cm;
  • with a larger pitch, it will be necessary to use intermediate rails.

For the construction of a reliable onduline roof that can last for many years, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with a number of provisions regarding the features of the installation of this material.

Such installation instructions contain the following recommendations:

  1. When moving along the already laid sections of the roofing, one should step on the crest of the workpiece wave, since the depression between them is not designed for heavy loads.
  2. All operations for laying the ondulin coating are carried out at air temperatures from -5 to +30 ° C, which guarantee the preservation of the declared characteristics.
  3. To fix one sheet blank, at least 20 fasteners from the set of purchased material must be used. The specified number of nails increases the reliability of fastening the material, taking into account possible loads (with strong gusts of wind, for example).
  4. For the arrangement of the crate, bars with a section of 60 × 40 mm are usually used.

roof slope

In each specific situation, the step of the crate is set depending on the angle of inclination of the slope to be closed:

  • with a slope of less than 10 degrees, as a rule, a continuous crate is made of OSB sheets or moisture-resistant plywood;
  • at angles of inclination from 10 to 20 degrees, the working step should be about 450 mm;
  • at large angles of inclination of the roof, this figure can reach 600 – 800 mm.

In the first of these cases, the overlap in height (end overlap) must be at least 300 mm; in this case, the lateral overlap is made in two waves of the sheet. At large angles of inclination of the roof, these figures are reduced to 200 mm and one wave, respectively. We also note that for fitting sheet blanks, a conventional wood saw with a canvas lubricated with technical oil can be used.

Sheet fixing technique

This subsection describes how the ondulin sheet is properly attached to the crate.

The installation of the first row is carried out in solid sheets, starting from the edge of the roof. To fix them, special nails (which look like screws) are used, which must be installed in each wave crest. When laying subsequent rows, half sheets (i.e., cut lengthwise into two parts) will be required, which are fixed through one comb. It goes without saying that each of these sheets (as well as rows) must be installed with a slight overlap, the amount of which is indicated above.

Sheets fixed in a vertical position are fixed on a crate prepared for them with a longitudinal overlap (overlap) of one wave; while the transverse overlap should be of the order of 150 mm. At the final stage of roofing work, the installation of ridge elements of the roof is carried out, which are fixed with an overlap along the wave of the sheet used.

The cost of a typical sheet of ondulin with a size of 2000 × 950 mm in different regions ranges from 380 to 400 rubles.

The total need for roofing material, as well as the value of the total cost of its purchase, is determined taking into account the number of sheets required to close all the roof slopes, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is calculated by known methods. When determining the total area, one should not forget about the correction that takes into account the part of the surface hidden under the overlaps (between adjacent sheets and rows).


The completion of the main construction work can be called the arrangement of the roof. This is the last stage, after which they perform interior decoration and connect communications. speed up roofing can cover with ondulin with your own hands.

This modern roofing material is made on a bitumen basis, it can be laid on a newly erected structure and on an old roof without prior dismantling. Ondulin is considered a universal material, since they cover roofs of any shape, area and angle of inclination. Subject to the laying rules, the coating is sealed and durable, able to withstand any natural phenomena.

Characteristic features of the material

Ondulin is considered an inexpensive, but high-tech material. It was invented by the French after the war in order to quickly rebuild old, dilapidated houses covered with slate, tiles or metal after bombing.

The technological process of covering the roof with ondulin implies the following: products with a wavy surface were molded from purified cellulose fibers, dyed and impregnated with bitumen. The result is a material with good water-repellent properties, resistant to sudden changes in temperature, lightweight, but able to withstand mechanical stress. Insignificant weight allows the material to be used for roof repair without dismantling the old coating.

Before laying ondulin on the roof, you should familiarize yourself with its advantages:

  • Easy installation. Roofing material can be laid in 1-2 days without the involvement of auxiliary workers, without experience and a special set of tools.
  • Minor weight. The mass of one standard sheet does not exceed 6 kg, therefore, under ondulin, you can not make a massive base or a complex foundation.
  • Flexibility. Bitumen-based materials are bendable, which makes it easier to install roofs on complex structures.
  • Acceptable cost. Technical characteristics allow you to lay the material on any frame, both old and new, doing all the work yourself. This allows the homeowner to save on the installation of the roof.

Among the disadvantages of ondulin are the following:

  • service life does not exceed 20 years.
  • The color scheme consists of 4 main types: black, brown, red and green.
  • Under the influence of sunlight, the pigment is destroyed, and the material fades.

How to cover the roof with ondulin correctly - features of the roof

The roof covered with ondulin is a roofing cake of the following composition:

  • truss system. For the manufacture of the frame, natural wood is used. Rafter legs have a size of 5 * 15 cm and are located at a distance of 0.5-0.8 m from each other. The roofing material is lightweight, so the frame does not require additional reinforcement.
  • Thermal insulation material. Covering the roof with ondulin with your own hands involves thermal insulation of the truss system. To do this, the space between the rafters is filled with glass wool, slag or basalt wool.
  • Vapor barrier layer. To protect the insulation from vapors coming from below and subsequent wetting, it is necessary to use a vapor barrier membrane. This material covers the thermal insulation from below.
  • Waterproofing works. Before laying ondulin, it is necessary to waterproof the roof. The waterproofing material protects wooden frame and thermal insulation from above from condensate or accidental leaks. Waterproofing is fixed on rafter legs ah, using a construction stapler.
  • Control grille. To ensure ventilation inside the structure, slats are stuffed onto the rafters over the waterproofing material. These actions are performed before the direct laying of ondulin.
  • crate. For the installation of an ondulin roof, a continuous crate is required using moisture-resistant plywood or made of boards with an unedged edge. In the case of boards, the step of the crate for ondulin is 10-15 cm. This design will prevent deformation of the roofing material during operation.
  • Ondulin. The last step is to cover the roof with ondulin. The sheets are attached to the crate using special nails, stacking up to 15 cm on top of each other. Immediately before laying, the wooden frame and other elements are protected from fire and decay using antiseptic solutions and flame retardants.

Required materials and tool kit

For the installation of ondulin, special tools are not used, which allows you to perform almost all the work yourself.

To resolve the issue of how to properly cover the roof with ondulin, you will need the following:

  • Roofing material, in particular ondulin sheets, in required quantity taking into account the margin for cutting and overlapping.
  • A ridge profile that covers the entire length of the roof. When determining the length of the product, one should not forget that at the junction the parts are overlapped from 10 to 25 cm.
  • Special fasteners. The most commonly used nails are carbon steel, painted in the same color as the material and having a rubber head.
  • Materials for the manufacture of crates, pre-treated with an antiseptic solution. It can be a board or bars with a section of 4 * 4 cm.
  • Waterproofing material, which can be used as a film or membrane.
  • Hacksaw and hammer.
  • Pencil and measuring tools.

Covering the roof with ondulin - step by step instructions

Despite the easy processing of the material and the simple installation technology, which even an inexperienced craftsman can handle, the work must be carried out at a high quality level, since the operational period and reliability of the structure depend on this.

When laying ondulin, you should adhere to step by step instructions how to cover the roof with ondulin:

  • The installed truss system is covered waterproofing material. To do this, you need to cut the strips along the length of the slope and lay them perpendicular to the rafters, overlapping up to 15 cm. You can fix the material with a construction stapler, and the joints must be glued with adhesive tape.
  • On top of the waterproofing, a counter-lattice is hammered along the rafter legs. Reiki can be fastened with nails or self-tapping screws.
  • Next, the installation of the crate is carried out using moisture-resistant plywood for a solid version or bars located at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Before laying ondulin, the wooden frame is treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant.
  • Ondulin is laid on the crate. Work begins at the bottom of the slope, laying the sheets with an overlap of up to 15 cm. The installation of each next row is carried out with an offset of half a sheet and a vertical overlap of up to 20 cm.
  • Ondulin is fastened to the crate with special nails with a rubber cap with a consumption of up to 20 pieces per sheet.

How to lay - the rules

In order to avoid common mistakes during the installation process, we cover the roof with ondulin in compliance with the following rules:

  • The laying of the material should be carried out in dry weather at low air temperatures, since deformation of the sheets can be observed in the heat.
  • When installing ondulin, it must not be subjected to strong mechanical stress, this can cause deformation or damage to the material.

Ondulin is a roofing material that originated at construction sites about 20 years ago. During this period, ondulin, as a material, went through a difficult period, acquiring both supporters and opponents. And all because some have a roof leaking after a year of operation on the roof, while others have ondulin for 10 years and do not let anything through. Only one conclusion follows from this - the roof was covered with ondulin incorrectly. Violation of the laying technology not according to the instructions entails the above consequences. The material itself has nothing to do with it.

The weight of the bitumen-cellulose sheet allows you to cover the roof with ondulin without removing the old roofing - such a statement can be found on many Internet resources. However, it does not specify that you need to independently assess the state of the truss system - are there any rotten beams, how much the cross section of the rafter legs and the distance between them meets the strength standards. It is worth, at least approximately, to estimate the weight of the old roofing. It is categorically impossible to build a crate for ondulin over asbestos-cement slate. He's overly heavy. It is fragile, on its wavy surface it is difficult to fix the longitudinal beam so that it rests precisely on the rafters.

The scheme of the counter-lattice, arranged on top of the main or old roofing, is as follows: longitudinal bars resting on the rafter system, and transverse bars perpendicular to the slope. The distance between the longitudinal elements (their faces facing each other) is as follows:

  1. With a slope angle of less than 10 degrees - completely, without gaps, it is possible to use waterproof plywood 0.7 cm thick (this is undesirable, since nails are driven into it with difficulty).
  2. Forty or forty-five centimeters, with a slope angle of 10 to 20 degrees.
  3. Fifty or sixty centimeters if the roof has a slope of more than 20 degrees.

The question often arises as to what is better to use as a material for longitudinal elements - bars or boards? There is a definite answer to it - boards with a thickness of 40 mm. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Their bearing surface is larger.
  2. Less chance of splitting with frequent nailing.
  3. By modern technology the bars are made from waste - balance and apex, which often lain for several years until the moment of sawing, and therefore have hidden defects - fungal infection, woodworm passages.
  4. The bars often have non-standard lengths - 3, 4 and 5 meters. Since the house is usually built from six meters or an integer multiple of this value of lumber, the longitudinal logs of the counter-lattice will have to be joined several times. This increases the complexity of installation and reduces the strength of the structure.

If the attic floor is supposed to be made residential (mansard), then the roof is insulated according to the usual scheme. Thermal insulation - mineral wool boards, construction foam - is laid between the rafters on the inner crate, fixed from the inside. Measures are taken to protect it from moisture. Waterproofing can be made of roofing material, but in this case, on a hot summer day, the smell of bitumen will be felt in the attic. Therefore, it is better to use modern membrane materials that have the ability to pass moisture in only one direction. It is laid with a hydrophobic layer on the outside.

Ondulin sheet fasteners

Sheets are attached to the crate, starting from the lowest row. On the wind board (the first one on the edge of the slope), a strip of sheet metal with a gutter (valley) is first attached, which can be bought together with a set of additional materials for roofs made of metal. Sheets with a horizontal overlap are placed on top of it in a row equal to one wave. The row overlaps with the next. The amount of row overlap also depends on the angle of the roof slope.

  1. Up to 100 degrees - the overlap of the rows is at least 300 mm. Moreover, the horizontal one must be doubled: not one “wave”, but two.
  2. Up to 200 degrees - 200 mm.
  3. Over 200 degrees - 150 mm.

The manufacturer recommends driving a fastening nail into each wave top, that is, 20 pieces per sheet. For roofs whose slope angle is less than 150, this rule must be strictly adhered to. It is also true for the first row of ondulin sheets, if the roof is steeper. Only the second and the next one can be fastened with a smaller number of nails - through one wave.

Additional elements

Ridges, gutters and other roofing elements are better to use those designed for roofs made of metal. In addition to ondulin, adhesive tapes are sold that seal the joints of sheets if rafter system has a complex shape, as well as places where chimneys or installations skylights. They are best used together with metal additional elements that have the same purpose. This will ensure that there are no leaks.

All metal elements are drilled in advance and fixed with the same ondulin nails.

Good ondulin

The quality of this roofing material is not regulated by the requirements of GOST. Therefore, its purchase is largely a lottery. However, there are signs by which you can determine the responsible manufacturer from the defective.

  1. On the inside of the sheet, a black embossed mesh is clearly visible.
  2. The roughness of the outer layer is similar to a series of longitudinal bulges, the distance between which is 2-3 mm (like in slate).
  3. On the inside, closer to the edge, the date is printed, including the day and hour, as well as the manufacturer's code.
  4. Each batch of goods is accompanied by a quality certificate and installation instructions.

This is a really good roofing material. If you, knowing how to cover the roof with ondulin sheets, strictly follow the technology of their laying and fastening, then the roof will last a dozen and a half years - it is possible that more - years without any complaints. It is light - a slate sheet similar in size weighs from 20 kg, its installation does not require a lot of auxiliary labor. The tool can be used the simplest. The main difficulty in its application is the requirement to accurately, literally scrupulously, comply with the technology of roofing.

The conclusion follows - that ondulin is true good material for the roof. Most importantly, when laying ondulin sheets, you should follow the instructions and laying technology, then this material will serve you for more than 15 years. Another equally important advantage of ondulin is its weight. A similar sheet of slate weighs 20 kilograms, which means it will be easier to lay ondulin, and there will be no need to hire auxiliary forces. This material does not require special tool, we repeat that the main condition is compliance with the instructions.

No ratings

When deciding to do roofing work yourself for the first time, you should choose a material that is mounted as easily as possible. An example of such a material is ondulin. This sheet material with a ribbed surface that looks like ordinary slate. However, apart from a purely external resemblance, general characteristics these materials do not, they are made from completely different raw materials. Consider how to properly cover the roof with ondulin with your own hands, because this material is mounted as simply as possible.

Ondulin is a very practical material. First, he has affordable price, which is important if you plan budget repair. Secondly, ondulin roofing turns out to be quite reliable, this material is moisture resistant, it does not rust, it is not exposed to fungi and bacteria.

Thirdly, ondulin looks quite aesthetically pleasing, and the fact that the material is produced different colors, allows you to choose a roof for the color scheme of the whole house. Consider how to properly cover the roof with ondulin.

Preparation of materials and tools

By itself, the installation of an ondulin roof is not particularly difficult, however, like other construction works requires accuracy. In order not to be distracted in the process of work, it is necessary to prepare in advance all the materials, as well as the tools that will be required in the process.

We prepare materials

To complete the work you will need:

  • Ondulin sheets.

To determine how many sheets of ondulin will be required to complete the work, you need to know the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof. To perform the calculation, it is necessary to divide the roof surface into squares, rectangles and triangles.

Then you need to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthese figures and sum them up. The final amount is recommended to be multiplied by a factor of 1.2. Further, the result obtained must be divided by the useful area of ​​the ondulin sheet. The result is rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Advice! The useful area of ​​an ondulin sheet differs from its total area. The fact is that the sheets are laid with an overlap during installation, so the sheet area is reduced by the overlap area. A standard ondulin sheet has a usable area of ​​1.6 m².

  • The material that will be used to build the crate.

If you plan to refurbish flat roof, then the construction of a continuous crate is required. In this case, it is necessary to use moisture resistant plywood or other suitable sheet material. When repairing a corner roof, a beam with a section of 50 by 50 mm is used for the crate.

Advice! If the angle of inclination of the roof is 10-15 degrees, the timber is placed in increments of 45 cm. With a larger angle of inclination of the roof, it is allowed to build a crate in increments of 60 cm.

  • Chiptsovye and ridge elements, details for the installation of valleys.

The ridge element made of ondulin is installed at the corner of the intersection of the roof slopes. Chips are used to decorate the gable ends. The elements of the valley are installed at the joints of the slopes that form the inner corner.

  • Special insulating tape for mounting ondulin.

This material is used to design junctions with roofing material. It is used when installing pipes, decorating dormer windows, etc.

Advice! In addition to the listed materials, additional roofing elements may be required - filler for cornices, covering aprons for installing pipes, wind boards, etc.

  • Roofing nails.

This is a special type of nails for mounting ondulin. Nails are installed through the gasket. In addition, the kit includes a cap that closes the nail head during installation.

Tool preparation

When planning to cover the roof of a private house with ondulin with your own hands, you should prepare the following set of tools:

  • Hacksaw. You can use a power saw.
  • Hammer.
  • Roulette.
  • Pencil or marker for marking.
  • A rope that is pulled tight to help align the sheets.

Advice! When marking, using a regular ruler is inconvenient. It is better to use an even piece of ondulin instead of a ruler, since due to its wavy surface it fits perfectly on the sheet of material to be marked.

Performing ondulin laying

Before the roofing of the roof with ondulin is started, a number of preliminary works will need to be carried out:

  • insulate the roof;
  • lay waterproofing material over the rafters.
  • build a counter-lattice and crate.

All these works are performed in exactly the same way as when installing a roof using any other roofing material. The only remark is that during the construction of the crate, you must strictly adhere to the recommended intervals between the bars, otherwise the ondulin may sag.

Laying ondulin

Having finished everything preparatory work, you can start laying the roof covering for the house - ondulin. Here are the basic installation rules:

  • It is recommended to start laying from the lower corner of the roof, which is located in the opposite direction in relation to the prevailing wind direction in the area.
  • The first row is laid so that an overhang 5 cm wide is formed.
  • The sheets are fastened with roofing nails, hammering them into the crest of the wave. Each sheet uses 20 nails. In order for the rows of nails to be even, it is necessary to pull the ropes for a guide.
  • After finishing laying the first row, you can begin to mount the second. If the first row was started by laying a whole sheet of ondulin, then the second row should be started by laying half a sheet. This simple technique is used to ensure that the joints of the sheets in the rows do not coincide, but are staggered.

  • When laying sheets, it is necessary to create overlaps. The vertical overlap width should be equal to the width of one wave, horizontal overlaps should be made 15 cm wide.
  • After laying all the rows of ondulin, the elements of the ridge should be installed. They are installed at the junction of the roof, overlapping the ridge elements, fastening them with nails to the nearest wave of the ondulin sheet.

Installation of valleys

At the installation sites of the valley, it is necessary to pre-install the installation of an additional crate. The width of the crate is 25 cm on both sides of the center of the corner. The laying of the valley elements starts from the bottom of the roof, while the first element is laid with an overhang 5 cm wide. The remaining elements are laid with an overlap.

Sheets that will be laid on the valley elements are recommended to be cut at a distance of 5 cm from the center of the corner. Sheets that go into the valley are fastened at a distance of 3 cm from the edge.

Installation of chips

First, a windboard is attached to the crate, and it is positioned so that the edge of the board protrudes 35 cm beyond the boundaries of the crate. Then an additional section of the crate should be assembled, located parallel to the windboard.

The chip element is installed so that it goes on the wind board and the edge of the ondulin sheet. Installation begins from the lower edge of the roof, the chip elements are cut off at the ridge.

It will be useful for beginners in the construction business not only to read, but also to visually see how to cover the roof with ondulin - it is easy to find educational video materials on thematic Internet resources.


A very popular coating for the roof of a house today is ondulin. It has a pleasant appearance, reliable in operation and, in principle, not much inferior to the most common coatings on the roofing materials market.

There is no particular difficulty in covering the roof with ondulin with your own hands, but it is important to understand technical specifications material and in the rules for its correct installation.

This roofing material of organic origin, very light, wavy, slightly rough, is nothing more than bitumen sheets, or rather cardboard, glued on both sides with bitumen using various additives. Ondulin roofing is painted in the desired color shade immediately after installation.

For a high-quality roof covering with ondulin, it is necessary to understand all the advantages and disadvantages inherent in this roofing material.

The main advantages of ondulin:

  • ease of installation (it is not necessary to have any special skills and knowledge);
  • the material is convenient to store and transport due to the low weight of its sheets.
  • Among the shortcomings of ondulin, it is customary to single out the following:
    - the material is too prone to burning;
    - to prevent damage to the sheets for the roof, it is imperative to install a crate;
    - due to the plasticity and fragility of a material such as bitumen, all operational and repair work are definitely getting more difficult.

In today's construction market, no one is surprised by such roofing materials, as a metal tile, slate, corrugated board, roofing material, tile different types. But the distribution of ondulin really has a wide scope. Subject to all instructions and norms, do-it-yourself roofing with ondulin can be done with high quality, and the roof itself will be reliable, beautiful and very light.

It is no secret that outwardly ondulin quite strongly resembles such material as euroslate. However, not everyone knows that euroslate is the same ondulin, only slightly modified. Various impurities are added to it, and it is produced using several technologies. Euroslate sheets contain cellulose or fiberglass, which are covered with bitumen and painted in different shades.

Directly covering the roof with ondulin is a completely simple and even convenient procedure. The material is also characterized by the fact that when it rains, it, like a metal roof, does not make any noise, but is prone to fading due to prolonged exposure to the sun.

The operational life of ondulin can reach 50 years, but at the same time the price for it is quite high, although more and more countries today are mastering the technology of its production.

If there are remnants of material on the roof from the category of metal, roofing material or flat slate there is no need to remove them, you can only deform the ondulin sheets in some way, which is done for better styling.

These sheets can be laid on a surface with absolutely any curvature. At the same time, special nails are included with them, on which there are special gaskets, but it would be better to fix the material with screws or self-tapping screws.

Laying ondulin also requires a sheathing device, since this roofing material, due to its flexibility and light weight, can break or sag. If the sheets of material are too large, they can always be cut with a hacksaw or jigsaw.

Lathing device for ondulin

For ondulin, a solid crate is best suited. It will not allow the material to sag from heating during the hot season and will help to evenly distribute the snow in winter.

To begin with, it is important to learn how to markup on ondulin sheets, which can be problematic due to their wavy shape. In this case, ordinary pencils can also be used, and another sheet will help to draw a straight line.

To cut the sheets along the desired line, a grinder or a wood saw is used, which from time to time needs to be lubricated with oil to prevent it from getting stuck.

Since the weight of a standard sheet does not exceed 6 kilograms, it will not be difficult to lift the sheets onto the roof, and the weight of the roof itself will be very small.

You need to start laying the roof from the edge of the crate. It is better to nail the sheets in each wave, this will ensure their more reliable fastening. One sheet of ondulin requires an average of 20 nails.

Materials for fastening ondulin

In order to fix ondulin, it is customary to use special nails. Their base and appearance are similar to screws, which allows you to more securely fix the sheets in the wood.

On the top of such a nail there is a rubber gasket with a color identical to the color of the sheets. It is designed to provide the material with even greater waterproofing at the attachment point. In those places where the material joins the wall, it is customary to use special valleys. Waterproofing in these places should be given special attention.

If the house has a stove, it must also properly dock with ondulin during its lining. Therefore, it is necessary to use special rubber aprons.

It is extremely important to process the places of all joints very carefully, creating additional waterproofing and thereby preventing possible rotting of the roof and Negative influence moisture on it. Following the recommendations for creating, you can ensure that the ondulin laid on the roof will last longer and more reliably.

How to properly cover the roof with ondulin?

In order to achieve the most positive characteristics of a roof covered with ondulin, it is necessary to strictly follow a number of rules that will help achieve the desired result.

These rules include the following:

  1. If it becomes necessary to move along the laid sheets of ondulin during work, then you need to step on the wave crest, so the places between the crests will not be able to withstand a person.
  2. It is better to cover the roof with ondulin at an air temperature of -5 to +30 degrees. If the temperature does not match this range installation work better to move.
  3. About 20 nails, which are supplied with the material, should be spent on one sheet of ondulin. So the coating will be better able to withstand wind gusts. When performing work by the construction team, this moment is recommended to be controlled.
  4. The cross section of the bars should be equal to 60x40 millimeters.

The pitch of the roof sheathing is directly affected by its angle of inclination. The following conditions must be observed:

  • if the angle of inclination is less than 10 degrees, then the crate must be made of OSB boards or plywood;
  • if the angle of inclination is from 10 to 15 degrees, then the crate step should be a maximum of 450 millimeters;
  • If the angle of inclination is greater than 15 degrees, then highest value for the crate step, there can be a distance of 610 millimeters.

It is also important to carefully measure all overhangs, because if they are too long, the ondulin can bend, which will adversely affect the external attractiveness of the roof, and if the overhangs are too short, various debris and precipitation can get under the material (be sure to read: "
