There are many enterprises, organizations and just individuals. At the same time, already at the very beginning of the process of organizing repair work, quite natural questions arise: how to determine the expected scope of work as accurately and in detail as possible, what materials to choose and, in the end, how to correctly draw up an estimate for roof repair in order to understand how much the estimated costs will cost repair work and be able to clearly justify it to those who decide on the allocation of funds for these works?

Roof repair estimate: BTA Group of Companies offers

Only one person, the estimator, can answer all of the above questions, and his qualifications must be confirmed by the relevant documents (certificates). Only he, knowing all the subtleties of roofing work, the nuances of the building materials market, will be able to lay in the estimate documentation the implementation of the necessary volumes of roofing work with the required quality at the optimum for the customer.

Current repair or overhaul?

Roof repair estimate preparatory stage, has a very important stage - an examination of the condition of the roof with the measurement of damaged areas and the subsequent preparation of an act of inspection of the roof. And already on the basis of an analysis of the volume of identified damage to the roofing, a decision is made about what repairs need to be carried out: or.

In preparation for the current repair, an estimate for the repair of the roof is compiled on the basis of a defective statement (list of scopes of work), which reflects:

  • the degree and magnitude of damage to the roof;
  • the procedure for replacing damaged sections of the roof;
  • fixtures, mechanisms and the required amount of materials necessary for carrying out these works.

IMPORTANT! For the production and elimination of defects in soft roofs, roofs made of metal tiles or corrugated board, as well as for work that does not affect the safety of a building or structure, it is not necessary to issue an SRO permit for a company / organization involved in budgeting and PPR.

To prepare for the roof, it is being prepared for the proposed types of work, which will become the basis for the preparation of estimates, and here already prerequisite the company/organization must have SRO approval for these types of work. The design documentation includes the WEP.

Roof repair estimate: compilation procedure

First of all, the estimate for the repair of the roof contains preparatory work, including:

  • dismantling of rolled roofing, consisting of several layers;
  • dismantling of the cement-sand screed;
  • dismantling of insulation, vapor barrier;
  • dismantling of parapets (if necessary);
  • dismantling of water intake funnels or wall gutters;
  • dismantling of various junctions of the rolled carpet to the roof elements, etc.
  • data on the construction of new parapets;
  • treatment of the base with a primer;
  • scope of work on the device leveling screed;
  • installation of vapor barrier and insulation;
  • arrangement of adjunctions of the roofing carpet to the vertical elements of the roof;
  • installation of water intake funnels, gutters;
  • repair or restoration of chimney and ventilation pipes;
  • installation, directly, of a new roofing carpet.

The estimate for the repair of the roof (capital), containing both a larger amount of work and an expanded list of them, is fundamentally different from the estimate for current repairs. Naturally, the volume of costs for major repairs exceeds the costs for current repairs by several times.

What else should be included in the estimate for roof repairs?

Depending on the type of roof to be repaired, technologies and corresponding materials for repair are selected, which cannot but be reflected in the preparation of the estimate. For example, in the estimate for the repair of a metal roof from a profiled sheet, the entire list of works related to the replacement of metal profile sheets will be fully reflected: laying metal sheets, trimming them, and other work related to this specificity.

In addition to dismantling and restoring the roofing, the estimate, if necessary, will include the use of various mechanisms, truck cranes, cars, lifts, etc. When repairing the roofs of one-story buildings, lifting mechanisms are usually not used.

The topic of the article is an estimate for roof repairs. Any process carried out by the contractor, and this is the repair or maintenance of buildings and structures, must ultimately be paid. The basis of payment is the estimate, which is attached to the contract as an integral part of it. That is, this is a fundamental document, in which the points are described for which operations and how much the customer must pay. In the article we will talk about how to make an estimate, on what basis, and also give some examples of drawing up estimates for a roof covered with different roofing materials.


What is an estimate

As mentioned above, this is a document required for accounting and for planning events. It clearly outlines the construction operations that will be carried out during the repair process, plus the required amount of materials. In addition, on the basis of the estimate, you can easily plan the time spent on roof repairs. Of course, you will have to take into account some factors and accept them as amendments.

What is this document based on?

There are several criteria that fall into the preparation of a repair estimate for a roof:

    What roofing material is the roof covered with? It is clear that the variety of roofing dictates the budget allocated for its repair. For example, a repair estimate soft roof will be cheaper than repairing a roof covered with ceramic tiles. The reason is the different price of products, some of which will have to be replaced in the process of repair operations.


    Roof damage. For example, if a building has been in operation for a long time, then most likely its roof has undergone significant wear. This means that the roofing material will have to be replaced in whole or in part. If the house has been operated for no more than 10 years, then the repair will result in the replacement of several elements, which will be much cheaper in cost.

    Dimensions roof structure . Everything is clear here: the larger the roof area, the more materials, time and effort will be spent.

    Building location. If it is within the city, then transportation costs will be minimal. If the house is located far from the contractor's base, then, accordingly, the customer will have to pay for the transportation of building materials and people.

    Season also an important factor influencing the preparation of estimates. In winter, all work is more difficult to carry out, which means that the price will be higher.

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How to budget for repairs

It all starts with the visit of a specialist. He must inspect the roof structure and determine the amount of work to be done. Based on its inspection, a defective act is drawn up. This document indicates the condition of the roof, its wear, the number of defects and flaws, the dimensions of the roof structure. And also whether it is required to carry out only repairs or a complete reconstruction. Be sure to indicate the type in the defective act roofing material, construction truss system and crates. That is, the specialist must fully analyze the roof and determine its technical condition.

It is this document that forms the basis for the preparation of estimates. Let's take a look at several roofing as an example, and the first will be an estimate for roofing soft roof.

Speaking in an article way, the first item in the estimate is the dismantling work:

    removal of roofing;

    removal of the screed from the cement-sand mortar;

    dismantling heat-insulating cake;

    if necessary, they include the dismantling of parapets;

    partial dismantling drainage system, this mainly concerns the intake funnels and gutters located under the cornice overhang;

    dismantling of junction areas.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer services roof design and repair. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

It is clear that not all positions will be present in the repair estimate. This is a complete list of works, some of which may be included, because they are not recorded in the defective act.

The second paragraph is the articles relating to restoration work:

    construction of parapets;

    repair of the base of the roof: sealing cracks, crevices and other things;

    primer treatment;

    restoration of the heat-insulating cake with the arrangement of protective layers: vapor and waterproofing;

    pouring screed;

    installation of roofing material, taking into account the junction areas.

Note that overhaul the roof is much different from the current one. For example, if there is a renovation pitched roof, on which, for example, bituminous tiles are laid, then the overhaul includes the repair of the truss system and continuous battens. And this is a large financial investment for the purchase of building materials and huge labor costs.

We add that the list of works related to the repair of the roof may vary depending on the roofing material used, as well as the application the latest technologies. For example, if a soft roof is replaced with a metal coating. Here, the repair consists only in the fact that the roll roofing is dismantled and the metal coating is installed without the use of hot technologies and bituminous adhesive composition.


And one more criterion that must be taken into account when making an estimate of repair work. This is the use of a special technique. This is very important when carrying out repairs on the roof of multi-storey buildings. And the higher the house, the more you have to pay for the exploited equipment. In this regard, the repair of the roof structure of a one-story building is much cheaper. After all, almost all Construction Materials it is lifted by hand.


Generalization on the topic or what is indicated in the estimate form

So, summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the estimate for repair work on the roofs of residential, industrial and administrative buildings includes the following items:

    List of repairs. That is, the points indicate the sequence of ongoing construction operations and the volume of each of them.

    The amount of required building material by type and type.

    The price of the required building materials. There is one point here. If exact prices are indicated, then it is necessary to attach documents from suppliers (invoices or waybills) to the estimate.

    Prices for work performed.

    Correction factors are required. This indicator indicates how much the price of building materials and services can rise. Be sure to prove the reasons for the increase in cost indicators.

    At the end of the document, the total amount that the customer must pay for the repair work is indicated.

Pay attention to the photo below, which shows part of the estimate for a corrugated roof (example), which shows the correction factors and the total estimated cost of repairs.


And the last. An estimate is a document that carries a legislative burden. Therefore, it is signed by both parties: the customer and the contractor. The first agrees with what is displayed in the document, and, accordingly, with the price. The second - offers the type of work, their volume and the money that he asks for the provision of this service. If the contractor fails to perform any operations, but received payment for this, he may be brought to court on the basis of an estimate and an agreement.

We add that not all owners of private real estate require the submission of an estimate from the contractor. And this big mistake, which can lead to overspending of the budget allocated for the repair of the roof structure. Prove non-performance or poor performance construction processes without this document will be almost impossible.

But there are other positive aspects of the presented paper:

    can objectively estimate the complexity of future repairs;

    exactly purchase required building materials without overspending or shortage;

    competently plan the whole process from start to finish.


Let's show an example of an estimate for the seam roof of a private house. What should be shown in it. First of all, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roofing that needs to be repaired is displayed. Plus the cost of sheet iron or seam roof paintings per 1 m². And be sure to add the number of fasteners.

If it is necessary to repair the truss system or battens, then indicate how much lumber must be replaced or repaired, as well as the cost of the repair service itself. If the roof is insulated, then the estimate includes work related to the repair of the heat-insulating pie.

Be sure to include planned savings and overheads in the estimate for repairing the roof of a private house, which partially cover the additional costs of the contractor. And at the end, the total amount for payment, which is called the estimated amount, is displayed.

Video description

In general, it is impossible to make an estimate without special knowledge. Therefore, for example, we want to invite you to watch a video in which a specialist shows how to make an estimate for the repair of a soft roof:

Conclusion on the topic

Estimate for repairs - a document that confirms the budget allocated for this event. He is the basis of payment, he is the basis of disputes. Therefore, before signing any papers, and even more so the estimate and the contract, the customer must understand them. That is, you cannot sign both documents without reading them. Particular attention to the final amount. If it suits you, then there is no problem.

Even for a private house, you will need to draw up an estimate for roof repairs in order to know exactly what this work will cost and, given your own financial capabilities, select the necessary materials. They also make an estimate for the repair of the roof in any organization that has structures and buildings on its balance sheet.

Before you draw up an estimate for repair work, you need to analyze the condition of the roof, measuring the places of damage. To do this, an inspection report is drawn up, and after that the data is transferred to a defective statement, which indicates the necessary upcoming work and their number, the volume of fixtures, materials, mechanisms. In addition to accurate calculations for the repair of the roof, the estimate has unforeseen costs.

Mandatory budget items

In the first positions in the estimate, preparatory work is prescribed, which includes: dismantling of the roofing roll covering, which consists of several layers;

  • disassembly of vapor barrier, insulation;
  • dismantling of the cement-sand screed;
  • dismantling of wall gutters or water intake funnels;
  • dismantling of parapets if necessary;
  • dismantling of various junctions of the rolled carpet to the roof elements, etc.

After that, the estimate for the repair of a soft roof continues with positions on restoration work which may include:

  • installation of new parapets;
  • base primer treatment;
  • laying vapor barrier, leveling screed;
  • device for joining the roofing mat to vertical planes roof elements;
  • insulation installation;
  • restoration or repair of ventilation, chimney pipes;
  • installation of water intake funnels or gutters;
  • installation of the roofing material itself.

The estimate for the overhaul of the roof is fundamentally different from the estimate for the current one, as it includes a more extended list of works, large volumes, as a result, the cost of overhaul exceeds the cost of current repairs by several times.

This will be accompanied by a list necessary materials for repair or construction, the schedule for the receipt of finance. When drawing up contracts, this system greatly facilitates and simplifies the work of concluding construction contracts. When drawing up estimates, data on the amount of work is entered into the program, and an hour later the estimate will be ready.

Any roof, whether it is on a private or apartment building, periodically needs to be repaired. Any, even the smallest violation of the tightness of the roof can lead to the fact that the leakage will be observed on the top floor. In order to make repairs correctly without a shortage and overspending of materials, you need to draw up an estimate in which all restoration measures will be clearly calculated and the costs of them will be reflected.

Before drawing up the document, an assessment of the condition of the roof is made and an act is performed that reflects the results of the inspection. These data are transferred to the defective statement and, on the basis of it, an estimate is made. In this article, the topic of estimates is disclosed and their sample is presented.

Mandatory items in the budget

First of all, the estimate document always indicates the measures to remove the old coating, which are carried out in several stages. This includes dismantling concrete screed, dismantling of insulation and vapor barrier, dismantling of parapets, if necessary, removal of gutters and water intake funnels, dismantling of fastening of the upper roof covering.

The next item will be the restoration of the surface, the list of which may increase or decrease depending on the state in which the roof is:

  • Installation of new parapets
  • Applying a primer to the base
  • Screed alignment
  • Laying a steam and heat-insulating layer
  • Installation of adjoining roofing material on the sides
  • Installation of new gutters and water intake funnels
  • Restoration or installation of new ventilation and chimney pipes
  • Installation of roofing material

The estimated calculation for a capital replacement will differ from the settlement document for the current one, since the first one requires a large amount of work, often not just restoration, but complete replacement some areas.


First of all, it is necessary to accurately determine the restoration of which roof is needed: soft, metal, corrugated or some other. This is necessary in order to draw up a document in the order that depends on the materials and technologies used in roofing. For example, for the repair of a metal roof from corrugated board, the estimate will indicate the replacement of metal sheets and the accompanying actions. There will be no bituminous coating article here, since it simply does not exist on such a roof.

Important! In addition to restoration, the document also includes the costs of shipping the cargo and lifting it to the roof.

You also need to determine what type of restoration should be carried out: capital or current:

  1. Estimated sheet for major repairs. If a major overhaul of the roof is needed, then design documentation must be developed in advance by the organization that has permission for this, that is, SRO approval for such construction work. The created project will be the starting point in creating an estimate for the overhaul of the roof.
  2. Estimated sheet for current repairs. The estimate is based on a defective statement, which is compiled by a technician after assessing the condition of the roof. Such estimates are also compiled by a company that is involved in the restoration of the roof by the management company. In this case, it is not necessary for the company to have an SRO permit, since work on technically non-complex and non-hazardous facilities can be carried out without it.

The estimate sheet is an official document and must necessarily have the signature of the person who compiled it, as well as the person who checked it. After it is drawn up, it must be agreed between the customer and the contractor and certified.

An example of an estimate for the repair of a soft roof can be viewed below:

Factors affecting cost

The preparation of this document is not tricky, but some nuances can significantly change the cost of the work. These include:

  • The area where the work is to be done. Accordingly, the larger the damaged area, the greater the amount of materials to be used and the work to be done.
  • The cost of materials sent in the market, which may vary depending on the supplier.
  • Type of work performed: major or current repairs.
  • The level of waste of the material that is used to restore the roof.
  • The need to use additional equipment, for example, for lifting or transporting.

In whatever house you live, in a private or apartment building, the roof periodically needs repair work. After all, damage to the coating can lead to the fact that the premises located below will suffer. And before proceeding with the repair, it is necessary to first evaluate their cost and consumption of materials. For this, a roof repair estimate.

Compilation procedure and questions that may arise

First of all, it is worth paying attention to which roof needs repair: soft, from corrugated board or metal tiles, because the preparation and its order largely depend on the technologies and materials that it was decided to use. The second question, the answer to which is determined after the damage analysis, what kind of repair needs to be done - current or major?

  1. Creation of estimates for current repairs

Often, budgeting, as well as PPR, is carried out by a construction company or organization, which, in addition to determining the cost, has SRO approval. Although, regarding the last paragraph, there is a clear indication that current repairs that take place at non-hazardous and technically non-complex facilities do not require SRO approval.

Repair of the soft roof of a multi-storey building


In addition, there is a list of construction works for which the company does not need to obtain SRO approval. Includes maintenance and troubleshooting soft roof, metal roofing, corrugated board, as well as a number of works that will not affect the safety of the house.

In this case, estimates are made on the basis of a defective statement, which shows the degree of damage to the roofing.

Defective sheet for the current repair of the roof
  1. Creation of estimates for major repairs

If a major overhaul is necessary, first of all, it is necessary to involve an organization that will develop project documentation for this type of work. A prerequisite is the availability of SRO approval for this type of construction work. Based on the design documentation, which provides for technical surveys, the PPR is the starting point for creating estimates for repairs.

What must be displayed in the calculation of the cost?

The data for creating a calculation is a defective statement, and in the case of a major overhaul, project documentation, which includes additional items (in particular, PPR, survey data, etc.). At the same time, you need to understand that the second option is much more expensive than current repairs.

Estimates for repair work

Calculating the cost of repairing a corrugated roof often includes the following items:

  • The preparatory stage, which will include removal of corrugated board, dismantling of vapor barrier and insulation, parapets (if necessary), etc.
  • The second stage is the restoration of the coating, which will include the preparation of the base, the installation of new parapets (if the old ones were dismantled), the installation of vapor barrier, the installation of corrugated board, as well as restoration work with chimneys and ventilation devices.

Local estimate for roof repair

Calculations for the repair work of roofs made of metal do not differ much. In any case, both stages (preparatory, when the old coating is dismantled, and restoration) pass. The difference lies in the materials and mechanisms used. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that when installing a roof made of metal tiles, it is necessary to take into account a sufficiently large level of waste.

Estimate for roof repair

What will determine the final cost of the work?

Although the drafting procedure is quite simple, some details can significantly affect the final cost of the work.

Roof repair cost estimate

The most “traditional” factors that must be taken into account are:

  • The area of ​​the room, the roof. It must be understood that the larger the damaged surface, the more materials, labor of workers and mechanisms will be involved.
  • The estimate takes into account the consumption rate of materials, but their cost on the market may be different, which also needs to be kept in mind.
  • Type of work: overhaul of both the roof and any other premises will be much more expensive than the elimination of several blisters.
  • The level of waste of the selected roofing material.
  • The need to use lifting mechanisms and other machines (in buildings and structures with one floor, they are usually not taken into account).

Estimate for the reconstruction of the roof

It is quite difficult to fully estimate what will be the final amount that will need to be paid for roof repairs. Therefore, even when making the most detailed calculation, you need to remember about the possibility of additional costs.

Roof repair estimate - a detailed plan for the repair work


Creating estimates for repair work on the roof depends on several factors. First of all, it is necessary to determine how much the coating is damaged and what repairs will need to be performed - current or major.

In the first case, only a defective statement is needed to calculate the estimate. In the second, it is necessary to involve an organization that has access to the SRO, develop a PD, on the basis of which the calculation will be made.

How to make an estimate for the repair of a soft roof

Ksenia Skvortsova. Chief Editor. Author.
Planning and distribution of responsibilities in the content production team, work with texts.
Education: Kharkov State Academy of Culture, specialty “Culturologist. Lecturer in History and Theory of Culture. Experience in copywriting: From 2010 to the present. Editor: since 2016.

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