Soft roofing is a term that combines a range of flexible roofing materials with excellent consumer qualities. Its piece and roll varieties flawlessly protect the house from atmospheric "misfortunes" and effectively decorate the exterior. They weigh little, do not require effort in cutting and fastening. Among the pluses, the ability to lay the coating with one's own hand appears solidly.

For an ideal result, it is not necessary to have the skills of a roofer. You need skill, patience, a tool and information about how the technology of laying a soft roof differs from other methods and how to properly arrange a roof.

Materials from the group of soft roofing are modified versions of the good old roofing material. New developments borrowed from their predecessor the flexibility and lightness that rightfully top the list of advantages. They retained unshakable water-repellent properties, thanks to which the wooden base and truss system last longer. The composition has improved, due to which the terms of the impeccable work of materials have increased threefold.

With a focus on the laying method, the class of soft roofing is divided into three types:

  • Roll materials, supplied in the format corresponding to the name. These include bituminous descendants of roofing material and new representatives, such as polymer membranes. Roll coverings are laid in strips. Bituminous materials are fastened by fusing, polymeric materials - by partial or complete gluing. With their help, they mainly equip flat and sloping roofs with slopes up to 3º, up to 9º is acceptable. Rolls are in demand mostly in industrial construction;
  • Roofing mastics supplied ready-made or cold to be heated. Sprayed or applied in a thick layer on flat roofs, resulting in a monolithic coating without seams. Reinforcing mesh is used for reinforcement. The scope of application is limited to flat roofs.
  • bituminous tiles supplied in flexible shingles. In fact, this is an improved roofing material, cut into relatively small sheets. The edge of the shingles is decorated with figured petals to imitate a ceramic prototype. The back side is equipped with an adhesive strip designed to be attached to a wooden base. Glue piece by piece. Additionally, roofing nails or self-tapping screws are hammered into each shingle. From the heating of the bituminous roof sunbeams there is a sintering of tiles and their transformation into a continuous roofing shell.

In private low-rise construction, a piece variety is actively in demand, because. flat and low pitched roofs over one- or two-story residential buildings are built extremely rarely. Household buildings have a “flat” fate, but not every owner decides to buy membranes and mastics for the roof of a barn. So, we will pay attention to the installation of the most popular shingles.

Step by step installation of shingles

Roofs with any steepness and degree of architectural complexity are covered with piece flexible material. True, bituminous tiles are not recommended for roofing if the angle of inclination of the slopes is less than 11.3º. The material is produced by numerous manufacturers. Each of them strives to impart unique qualities and properties useful to the stacker to their own products.

Despite some differences, the soft roofing technology is carried out according to the same scheme. There are small nuances, but they are not fundamental.

Foundation preparation rules

Flexibility is an advantage and a disadvantage of bituminous coating. On the one hand, it allows you to noticeably speed up the process. After all, it takes a little time and a minimum of effort to form junctions, sinking pipes, arranging valleys and cornices. On the other hand, due to the flexibility of the material, a continuous batten is required so that the flexible shingles rest completely on a solid, even base.

You can build a continuous crate before installing a soft roof:

  • from OSB-3 boards, recommended based on budget cost and sufficient strength;
  • from sheets of moisture-resistant plywood with the FSF marking;
  • from grooved or edged boards, the moisture content of which should not be less than 20%.

Sheet material is placed in the type gap brickwork. It is important that there are no cruciform joints. It is necessary that the weak areas of the joining of the plates are evenly distributed over the counter-lattice. In the seams, gaps of 2-3 mm should be left, required for free movement truss system with temperature fluctuations.

Plank flooring is installed parallel to the roof overhangs. Also in a run, if the length of the board is not enough for the slope. The place of joining of two boards on the slope should be supported on the beam of the counter-lattice, four nails should be hammered into it. Ordinary boards are fixed with two nails on both sides. They must be laid so that there is a gap of 3-5 mm between the longitudinal elements. Edged boards are sorted before work. Those that are thicker should be distributed at the base of the ramp, those that are lighter should be sent up.

Ventilation is the key to perfect service

The excellent water-repellent properties of the bituminous coating are due to the scanty number of pores that can pass moisture and air. Reliable hydro-barrier acts in both directions. inside roof structure raindrops do not penetrate, but the steam does not come out. If you do not provide a free path for evaporation, condensate will accumulate on the wooden roof trusses and the crate. Those. a fungus will start, because of which you will have to say goodbye to a solid roof.

In the name of long-term flawless service, it is necessary to arrange a roof ventilation system, including:

  • vents designed for air flow in the area of ​​​​cornices. In addition to the inflow, they are required to ensure the free movement of air from the bottom up along the planes of the slopes. The vents are open channels formed by a crate and a counter-crate;
  • ventilation gap between bituminous roofing and laid on top of the vapor barrier insulation. It is intended for washing with an air stream of a heater;
  • holes in the upper zone of the roofing cake. These can be either ends of the slopes that are not closed at the top, or specially arranged vents with a plastic barrel resembling a miniature chimney.

Ventilation must be arranged in such a way as to exclude the formation of air sacs in the under-roof space.

Laying an insulating carpet

It is highly recommended by all shingle manufacturers without exception to lay an additional waterproofing mat before installing the shingles. The list of materials suitable for carpet is usually indicated in the briefing. The product specified or equivalent in terms of characteristics is approved for use.

Replacement is highly undesirable, tk. a compound that is incompatible with the coating will prevent the bituminous layers from coalescing into a monolith and will promote blistering. Polyethylene is excluded. Ruberoid too, because the service life of a flexible roof is longer. It is unreasonable to lay a less durable material under a coating designed for 15-30 years of operation.

The technology of laying an insulating carpet under flexible tiles includes two options, depending on the steepness of the roof:

  • Installation of a solid carpet on pitched roofs with a slope angle from 11.3º / 12º to 18º. Roll waterproofing lay in strips, starting from the overhang, moving towards the ridge. Each strip laid on top should overlap the previous strip with its own ten cm. If you need to join two segments in one row, they are laid with an overlap of 15 cm. The overlap is carefully, but without fanaticism, smeared with bituminous mastic. The insulation strips are fastened to the base with roofing nails every 20-25 cm. On top of the solid carpet, strips of barrier water-repellent protection are laid in the valleys and on the overhangs, as well as around the roof junctions. Then the ridge and convex corners of the roof are equipped with the original insulating material;
  • Laying partial insulation on pitched roofs with a slope of 18º or more. In this case, the valleys and overhangs are protected with bitumen-polymer material, and only the edges of the gables, the ridge and other convex corners are covered with insulating carpet strips. Insulation, as in the previous case, borders the intersections of the roof with pipes of communications and roof junctions. The width of the bitumen-polymer barrier along the overhangs is 50 cm, in valleys it is 1 m, so that each of the protected slopes has 50 cm. When laying around junctions and pipes, the insulating strip is partially led onto the walls so that 20-30 cm of the vertical surface overlap with the material.

The device of a flexible roof with partial waterproofing is allowed by manufacturers, but among them there are no ardent supporters of this method. Naturally, precipitation lingers less on steep slopes, but the circumstances are different: ice, slanting rain, etc. Better to be safe.

The bituminous-polymer carpet for the valleys is selected to match the tiles. A slight deviation from the color of the coating is allowed if there is a desire to emphasize the lines of open grooves. It is desirable that the valleys are covered with a continuous strip of barrier insulation. But if the joining of two pieces cannot be avoided, it is better to arrange it in the upper part of the roof with an overlap of 15-20 cm. There is the least load. The overlap must be smeared with bituminous mastic.

Protecting gables and eaves

The perimeter of the roof is equipped with metal strips. They are needed to protect the weakened sections of the crate from moisture and as roof design elements. The slats are laid on the edge of the gables and overhangs with an edge. The rib line must match the outline line of the roof. Fasten with roofing nails in a zigzag pattern after 10-15 cm.

If it becomes necessary to join two planks, they are laid with an overlap of 3-5 cm, at least 2 cm. The gable planks overlap the eaves at the corners of the roof. In places of end and docking overlaps, fasteners are driven in after 2-3 cm.

Most resilient roof manufacturers advise installing both types of metal protection over the underlayment. However, the developers of the Shinglas brand recommend that the cornice strips be placed under the carpet, and the gables on top of it. Before installing the pediment and cornice planks on the plank sheathing, they also advise first nailing the bar, and attaching a metal protection to it.

Formation of passages through the roof

Chimneys crossing the roof, communication risers, antennas, own ventilation openings need special arrangement. They create a potential hazard in the form of an open path for water leaks. Therefore, before installing the coating, the places of the roof penetration are covered with sealing devices or systems. Among them:

  • Rubber seals designed to close points of small diameter. Antenna holes, for example;
  • Polymeric passage elements used for equipping roof intersections with sewer and ventilation risers. They are produced specifically for the arrangement of roofs. Passers are fastened with corny nails to a continuous crate. Bituminous tiles are laid on top, which in fact are cut around the passage and fixed with bituminous mastic;
  • Plastic adapters for own roof ventilation. The holes are closed with vents, a ridge element with channels for evacuating fumes, and perforated fixtures for cornices.

The rules for arranging the passages of large chimneys should be considered separately. In addition to the threat of leaks, they are also a fire hazard. Chimneys are sealed in several stages:

  • the walls of the pipe are protected by parts cut from asbestos-cement slabs according to its actual dimensions;
  • along the perimeter of the pipe, a triangular bar treated with flame retardant is mounted. To make it, you can split a bar diagonally. A skirting board is suitable for replacement. The bar for arranging the chimney is not attached to the crate! It must be fixed on the walls of the pipe;
  • lay flexible tiles, winding the shingles on the bar;
  • details are cut out from the valley carpet according to the size of the pipe with the installed bar. The width of the parts is at least 50 cm. Patterns are fastened with a 30 cm lead to the pipe walls with glue or bituminous mastic. First, the front part is glued, then the side parts, and finally the back part. The lower edge is placed on top of the laid tiles, the upper edge is inserted into a stab on the pipe wall;
  • at the end, the multilayer insulation system is fixed by installing a metal apron with the treatment of the joints with silicone sealant.

There is a simpler and cheap way: the details of the insulating lining of the pipe are not cut out of the carpet, but immediately from galvanized metal. Then half of the stages of work will disappear by itself.

Wall junctions are sealed in a similar way. Only there is no need to install asbestos-cement protection, and the surfaces to be protected must be plastered and treated with a primer before arrangement.

Rules for laying cornice shingles

In order to create guidelines for the installer, it is better to pre-mark the roof with coated building cord. horizontal lines applied in increments of five rows shingles. The verticals are beaten in increments of one shingle.

After preparing and marking the roofing surface, you can safely start laying flexible tiles, following the algorithm:

  • the cornice row of tiles is mounted on the overhang first. You can take a special ridge-cornice tile or cut out the starting element with your own hands by cutting the petals of an ordinary ordinary tile. It is necessary to retreat 0.8-1 cm from the edge of the metal cornice strip and glue the cornice shingle. For gluing from the adhesive layer, you need to remove the protective tape, and coat the remaining places with mastic;
  • the laid cornice tiles are fixed with roofing nails in increments equal to the width of the petal. The wide hat of the hardware when hammering should be strictly parallel to the surface of the continuous crate. Skews are not allowed. Nails are hammered, stepping back from the upper edge of the shingle 2-3 cm. Fixation points should overlap with the next row of roofing;
  • the first row of shingles is laid. It is better to start from the center of the slope, so that it is easier to align horizontally. 1-2 cm should be retreated from the bottom line of the starting row and glued in an already tested way. Nailed with four nails at a distance of 2-3 cm from the groove between the petals;
  • installation of the second row is also more convenient to start from the middle. But the shingle must be shifted so that the tab is above the groove of the first row of tiles and the attachment points are completely closed;
  • the upper corner of the tiles laid next to the pediment is cut off in the form of an equilateral triangle with sides of 1.5-2 cm. pruning is needed to break the water.

You can continue laying shingles in a linear fashion, i.e. stacking the entire row, one after the other. It is possible according to the pyramidal method with “building up” from the middle of the slope to the edges or diagonally.

Two ways of arranging a valley

Two methods have been developed for the formation of the valley:

  • Open groove device. Ordinary tiles are laid up to the axis of the valley on both adjacent slopes. Only nails stop hammering already at a distance of 30 cm from the axis. After laying with a coated cord, the valley lines are beaten off on the slopes, along which the coating is carefully trimmed. The width of the groove is from 5 to 15 cm. In order not to cause damage to the soft roof during cutting, a plank is placed under the tiles. The corners of the tiles located near the valley are cut to repel water, then the back side of the coating elements is coated with mastic and glued.
  • Closed groove device. Tiles are laid first on a slope with the smallest slope so that approximately 30 cm of material is located on an adjacent slope. At the top, the shingles are fastened with nails. After that, the second slope is covered, then a line is beaten off on it, stepping back from the axis of 3-5 cm, along which cutting is made. The corners of the tiles are cut to repel water, after which the cut loose elements are glued to the mastic.

The nuances of laying tiles on the ridge

Upon completion of the installation of tiles on the slopes, they begin to equip the ridge. The ventilation channels in the body of the crate must be left open, so a gap of 0.5-2 cm is left between the tops of the slopes. To ensure ventilation, the skate is equipped with a plastic aerator. It is not very attractive, therefore, for the sake of aesthetics, it is decorated with universal ridge-cornice tiles or tiles cut from shingles.

Nail the tiles with 4 nails. Each subsequent element must cover the fasteners of the previous one. Tiles are mounted on the ridges from the bottom up. The ridge is equipped in the direction of the prevailing winds so that open areas turned to the leeward side.

In detail, the process of installing a soft roof with explanations step by step technology styling will demonstrate the video:

No special difficulties were found in the construction of a soft roof. There are technological features. If they are strictly observed, styling can be done independently with excellent results.

The soft roof adapts perfectly to any geometric features of the roof. Such roofing is popular and in demand due to a significant number of advantages, and besides, soft roofing is very affordable. To obtain a high-quality and durable coating using a soft roof, it is necessary to perform a number of mandatory conditions, the main of which are the competent arrangement of the frame, lathing and roofing cake, as well as compliance phased technology all installation work.

The device of the frame and roofing pie

Installation of any base begins with the device frame structure. Features of a soft roofing require the implementation of a high-quality roofing cake, the basis of which is a heater.

Despite the large number of thermal insulation options, the most successful is the placement of insulation between the truss system. Standard sizes heat-insulating plates are sixty centimeters. Based on these indicators, the frame of the truss structure should be carried out.

Basic requirements for the material used:

  • the width of a high-quality edged board should be at least fourteen centimeters;
  • wooden blocks should have a moisture content of twenty percent, and dimensions this lumber is changed in the process of making the crate base;
  • instead of a diffuse film, you can use a roofing one;
  • do not forget about roofing runs, which increase the reliability of the structure.

Mounting technology

To obtain a continuous coating, the wooden base is mounted in two layers. Such a coating should be devoid of sharp corners and creases, which minimizes kinks and friction of the soft roofing.

To fulfill correct device roof lumber is located with trays up, which allows seeping moisture to flow down, and not through the joints into the under-roof space.

Standard batten pitch soft roof depends on several factors, the fundamental of which are the roofing slope, the strength of the winds and the degree of windage of the roofing material. As a rule, it is equal to 40-60 cm.

Laying the base for flexible tiles

Plywood and OSB is optimal material for lathing under flexible tiles. It is multi-layered, moisture resistant and flexible, which provides a high level of functionality and a long service life.

It is most expedient to use FSF plywood from coniferous wood treated with refractory and antiseptic compounds.

Features of the implementation of a solid base for flexible tiles:

  • for laying sheets of medium size are used, the longitudinal part of which must be laid parallel to the ridge;
  • it is necessary to use the “staggered” laying method not only for sheet plywood, but also for bars of the counter-lattice;
  • between plywood sheets, it is required to make gaps with a width of two to three millimeters, which will compensate for the swelling of the material in case of wetting or temperature changes;
  • to fix plywood sheets on the beams, self-tapping screws or ruffed nails are used, the caps of which must be completely drowned;
  • the step for fasteners is no more than fifteen centimeters.

Learn more about the installation of a soft roof from the video.

Summing up

  • under a soft roof, it is necessary to carry out two layers of the base;
  • it is necessary to achieve an absolutely smooth and even finish layer of a continuous crate;
  • the optimal indicator for the thickness of sheet plywood should be twelve millimeters with a beam step in the counter-lattice of 60 cm, nine millimeters with a beam step of less than 60 cm and eighteen millimeters if the lathing step exceeds 90 cm;
  • a lining carpet is mounted on the installed continuous crate, and then a covering of flexible tiles.

Recently, along with standard roofing materials, flexible roofing has been used. It is made from three constituent elements: fiberglass canvas or cellulose, which is the basis.

The second component is the fill from modified bitumen, acting as a connecting element.

And finally, the third - stone granulate, which is a sandy topping, painted in various shades. It limits the influence of ultraviolet and precipitation on the underlying elements.

Benefits of using shingles:

  • Waterproof;
  • The elements are completely resistant to biological attack (moss, fungus, lichen, etc.);
  • Roof color fastness;
  • It has light weight which greatly simplifies transportation. Due to this quality, it is not necessary to further strengthen the underlying structures;
  • The stacking of elements is carried out in such a way that the percentage of waste is reduced to a minimum;
  • The flexibility of the elements allows the roof to adapt to the deformations and irregularities that occur during operation;
  • Easy care and.

Specifications tiles you can find out by.

Roofing always involves the creation of an additional lattice structure, on which further laying and fixing of parts is carried out. It is made of boards and beams located at right angles to the rafters. Depending on which roofing material the crate is being laid, it is possible to distinguish its several types:

  • Solid batten step under a soft roof, the gap between adjacent elements is no more than 1 cm. It is used for roofing made of flexible materials.
  • sparse crate, the elements of which are located at a greater distance. Used for hard roofing. Most often made from boards.

In addition to serving as a base for fastening the elements, the solid grid also performs the role of additional sound and heat insulation.

The crate for flexible tiles can be divided into:

  • Single layer, the elements of which are only plank or block elements laid perpendicular to the rafter legs;
  • Two-layer, which has a more complex structure. It consists of a base, the structure of which is similar to a single-layer lathing, as well as a top decking layer of oriented strand board, plywood, boarding or tongue and groove boards. The elements of the top layer should be located at a minimum distance from each other, perpendicular to the underlying frame or at an angle of 45 degrees, while creating a continuous structure. Two-layer lathing is used for soft roofing, as well as for a roof with a large rafter pitch.

The structure of the crate for flexible tiles

Requirements for the design of the crate for bituminous tiles:

  • Sufficient bending strength, allowing the elements to withstand constant loads from the weight of the coating, as well as snow and wind effects;
  • Resistance to mechanical stress;
  • Details must be uniform, without knots, bumps and cracks, exceeding 6 mm;
  • Boards and sheet materials must be straight and not have sagging.

Base mounting

As mentioned earlier, the design of the crate for a soft roof can be single-layer and two-layer. Consider in detail the installation of the elements of each of these options. On the crate, in turn, will fit.

The device of a single-layer crate for a soft roof

For this kind of construction, the following materials can be used: Panel boards (FSF, OSP-3).

Fastening sheet materials is led directly to the logs of the truss system in a perpendicular direction. Such installation is carried out quite quickly, since large items are used.

OSB thickness for flexible tiles depends on the pitch of the rafter legs:

  • 27 mm- for a rafter step of 1.5 m;
  • 21 mm- for a rafter step of 1.2 m;
  • 18 mm- for a rafter step of 0.9 m;
  • 12 mm- for a rafter step of 0.6 m;
  • 9mm- for a rafter step less than 0.6 m;

Adjacent elements are stacked with the formation of a 2 mm gap(if the work is carried out in winter time, then it must be increased to 3 mm). If this rule is neglected, then under the influence of moisture, wood materials can swell and swell. All flooring elements must be treated with antiseptic solutions, as their moisture resistance is not ideal.

When using FSF sheets, their fastening to the rafters is carried out using self-tapping screws or nails, with a step of 150 mm. To select the correct fastener length you need to use the following formula:

L = h × 2.5;

  • L is the length of the screw or nail;
  • h is the thickness of the plywood sheet.

Installation of OSB sheets is carried out in a similar way. For fastening, in addition to self-tapping screws, can be used spiral or ring nails. The step between them should be equal to 150 mm, and in the case of using spiral elements, it can be increased to 300 mm.


Self-tapping screws and nails must be driven into the sheet material right up to the head. Thus, the coating will be better protected from atmospheric moisture. You can calculate the number of tiles and the batten system on our website.

At the last stage, the underlying carpet is laid, on which a soft roof is mounted.

Single-layer lathing of tongue-and-groove boards or tess

The basic principle of arranging such a variant of the base for a soft roof is the transverse laying of piece wooden elements directly on the rafters.

The width of the boards is usually 10-14 cm.

The thickness is selected depending on the pitch of the rafters, since this distance directly affects the required bending resistance of the boards.

The pattern is as follows:

  • Rafter pitch from 300 to 900 mm - board thickness 20 mm;
  • from 900 to 1200 mm - board thickness 23 mm;
  • from 1200 to 1500 mm - board thickness 30 mm;
  • For a step of 1500 mm - the thickness of the board is 37 mm;

Installation is carried out from the lower edge of the slope. In this case, the elements must fit strictly perpendicular trays up(for the implementation of the movement of moisture from the rain along the tray to the eaves).

When exposed to moisture and temperature fluctuations, wood changes its geometric dimensions. Therefore, between the ends of the boards it is necessary to arrange a gap of 3 mm. Fastening is carried out using nails or self-tapping screws, hammered as close as possible to the edge edge of the product.

Installation of a continuous two-layer crate

The main difference from a single-layer base under is the presence of the lower frame of the counter-lattice. It is made from boards (25mm × (100-140) mm) or bars (30 × 70mm, 50 × 50mm), by stuffing them onto the rafter base at a right angle. The step of the boards of the counter-lattice should be about 200-300 mm.

The next layer is laid a layer of boards at a 45-degree angle. Between them, as in the case of a single-layer structure made of piece elements, a stabilizing gap of 3 mm is arranged. In addition to boards, plywood or OSB sheets can be used, with or without a layer of insulation (for a warm attic).

The device of the combined crate in steps:

  • Laying and fixing thermal insulation between truss elements;
  • A waterproofing film is stretched on this layer, which is nailed to the rafters with the help of bars of the counter-lattice (25 × 30 mm). In the case of a cold attic installation, thermal and waterproofing is not required.
  • Sheet materials are fixed with a step of 300 mm in places above the rafters, and 150 mm - above the bars of the counter-lattice.


Wood materials should have a moisture content of no more than 20%.

Do-it-yourself installation of rafters under a soft roof

Rafters - elements of the supporting frame of the roof, perceiving and redistributing weather load and the weight of the entire roof on wall structures. In addition, it is the basis for subsequent work on the device of the upper part of the building.

It differs from the construction of a truss system for other materials only in the presence of an additional crate that provides fastening of small-piece flexible tile elements.

The sequence of installation of the truss frame:

  1. Built at height plank template repeating the design contours of the future roof;
  2. The template falls to the ground. In accordance with its outlines, they are installed and fixed load-bearing rafter legs;
  3. Inside the triangular frame, the remaining elements of the truss are located (braces, racks, puffs, etc.);
  4. All parts are interconnected by rigid connections;
  5. On bearing walls longitudinally fit mauerlat, which is bars 100 * 150 mm. It is fixed with a wire rod or a hairpin connection;
  6. A supporting log or squared ridge run is installed (in case of a span of more than 6 m between the walls, a preliminary installation of additional truss structures will be required);
  7. The first farm rises, and installed on one of the ends of the building. It is pre-fixed;
  8. The second farm rises which must be installed on the other end, and also fix with a detachable connection;
  9. A rope is stretched between two farms, with which the verticality of the installation is checked;
  10. The final fixing of the supporting truss system is carried out using a rigid or swivel joint.
  11. The following farms are installed with a certain step. The step of the rafters under the soft roof should be from 0.6 m to 1.5 m. In this case, it must be taken into account that the more, the smaller the step of the rafter legs should be.
  12. On rafter legs a single-layer or two-layer crate is being constructed under a soft roof. almost ready.

Useful video

And now the installation of the crate using the example in the video:


Soft roof is one of innovative options decoration of the upper part of the building. It is practical and easy to use, and also has high technological and aesthetic performance properties. However, its construction will require a little more effort and time, since you need to take care of installing an additional lattice frame.

In contact with

The reliability of a roof covered with soft tiles is ensured by the correct design of the base of the crate. Of course, it is not a secret that it should be solid, moisture resistant, even, inflexible, have a surface devoid of notches and chips. But practice shows that the right material for the frame is not enough, it is also necessary to master the intricacies of installation technology, to know how to properly fix the crate.

Lathing under soft tiles: device options

There are several basic technologies for mounting the crate. The simplest of them is a continuous crate for shingles, which is laid directly on the rafters. This technology, due to its lack of efficiency, is not used so often. Much more common is the method in which, first, bars or boards are fixed to the rafters at an angle or parallel to the ridge, and then plywood or OSB is installed on them.

According to another method, it is attached to the bars of the counter-lattice, which are fixed on the rafters, parallel to the latter. Thanks to this basis, a ventilation gap is formed under a continuous crate, starting from the eaves. The air, "enriched" with moisture, is brought out through the ridge. This makes it possible to maintain the optimum moisture content of the battens and other wooden roof elements and protect them from decay and other damage. A configuration of this kind also makes it possible to install a layer of insulation and a superdiffusion membrane laid on the rafters.

There is one more significant point, if the crate for flexible tiles is installed with errors, then the manufacturer of the roofing material, despite the flaws in the roof surface, has the right to refuse to fulfill warranty obligations.

What material to choose

Roof plywood
Waterproof plywood is one of the most common materials for continuous sheathing. It is waterproof and flexible. To these characteristics, it is also worth adding the multi-layer coating in order to understand what determines the high functional qualities of such a crate and its long service life.

The optimal type of plywood used for the construction of the crate is FSF plywood. She -

  • made from coniferous trees;
  • has high strength, including bending;
  • moisture resistant;
  • resistant to aggressive environments;
  • has a relatively small weight;
  • thanks to processing special formulations, has fairly good refractory and antiseptic properties.

OSB-3 boards
The structure of OSB boards is fundamentally different from plywood or chipboard. Computerization technological process pressing minimizes OSB thickness variation as much as possible, so the crate for bituminous tiles from these plates is very effective. They -

  • moisture resistant;
  • do not deform, do not warp from moisture;
  • sufficiently resistant to snow and wind loads;
  • have a low weight;
  • form a smooth, perfectly flat surface.

To install the frame under a soft roof, tongue-and-groove or edged boards from coniferous trees sorted by thickness are also used. , the humidity of which does not exceed 20%.

Lathing for shingles: competent installation

When installing it, it is necessary to completely eliminate the likelihood of sharp fractures and corners, otherwise excessive bending and friction of the roofing material cannot be avoided.

It is mandatory to adjust the materials that are used in the construction of the crate under soft tiles- all its lines must be smoothed as much as possible and handed over as “soft”.

When using an edged board, the step of the lathing for flexible tiles should be 3-5 mm. Boards are laid taking into account the direction of fragments of annual rings. They should be directed upwards. Why is it so important? If it is “led”, then the board will begin to unbend and, having filled the gap between the laths, will have a minimal impact on the roof. Otherwise, the arching will go through a "hump", which will completely disfigure the surface of the roof.

As additional measure, wet board fasteners are best done with two self-tapping screws on each side.

Plywood is laid with the longitudinal side parallel to the ridge.

It is very important that the butt joints do not become a continuation of each other.

When installing in the cold season, the gap between OSB-3 boards, as well as plywood sheets, must be left at least 3 mm to compensate for linear expansion in the warm season.

Fastening of plywood sheets is carried out with the help of sharp nails or self-tapping screws. At the same time, the heads of the fasteners are completely recessed to protect the top coating from damage. Fastening is carried out approximately in increments of 15 cm with the obligatory fixing of the edges of the sheets.

The flexible tile is good because it can be laid by one person, even without an assistant. This is possible due to the light weight of parts called shingles and small sizes. The largest dimension of the shingle is a length equal to one meter. Roofing from soft tiles, the laying technology of which we will consider in this article, is a fairly simple matter, if you strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer of the purchased bituminous tiles. The main thing during the construction of the roof is to prepare the most even surface on which the soft tiles will be laid.

Rafters for a soft roof are made in the same way as for any other roofing material. But the crate needs a two-layer. The first layer - to stiffen - is made from edged boards. The second - to create a flat surface - is made of moisture-resistant plywood or OSB board. The device of a roof from a soft tile can be carried out differently. If the roof is made over a building where its insulation is not provided, then the nodes of the roofing "pie" will look like this:

  1. Layer of soft tiles.
  2. Lining carpet.
  3. Moisture resistant OSB board or plywood.
  4. Edged board trim.
  5. Rafter.
The “pie” of an insulated roof, under which an attic or just a warm attic will be built, will be like this:
  1. Soft tiles.
  2. Lining carpet.
  3. OSB or plywood is waterproof.
  4. Cutting board.
  5. counter grating
  6. Waterproofing.
  7. Rafter.
  8. Insulation.
  9. Vapor barrier.
  10. Noise isolation or an additional layer of insulation.
  11. Sheathing for interior lining.
  12. Internal lining.
The interior lining is usually done with drywall sheets, followed by wallpapering. But, to the taste of the developer, it can be done with clapboard, plywood, chipboard boards or OSB ... The order of work may be different. If the climate or weather permits, then of course it is more convenient to start with a vapor barrier. Fix it with an inner crate, lay a layer of sound insulation and sew it all up with an inner lining. After that, calmly lay insulation between the rafters, pull on the waterproofing and secure it with a counter-lattice. Further, everything is done in the same way as in the case of a cold roof. A crate is mounted from an edged board, an OSB board or plywood is laid, a lining carpet is laid and bituminous tiles are glued. If the summer is rainy, then it is wiser to first lay the roof in this order:
  1. Waterproofing.
  2. Counter-lattice.
  3. Plywood or OSB are waterproof.
  4. Lining material.
  5. Flexible tiles.
After that, under the protection of the finished roof, you can do any work in the attic or in the attic. In more detail, the technology of lathing for a soft roof is discussed in the article:.


To work with shingles, you need a fairly simple set of tools:
  1. Hammer.
  2. Cord.
  3. Putty knife.
  4. Metal scissors.
  5. Roulette.
  6. Sealant gun.
  7. Roofing nails.

Laying technology, work procedure

By purchasing bituminous tiles, accessories and Consumables, it is best to select them so that they are all from the same manufacturer. So it will be easier to follow the manufacturer's recommendations and the installation of a roof made of flexible tiles will not be as difficult as it seems at first glance. And the components of the roofing carpet will better "work" together.

Lining carpet

Underlayment is recommended to be laid over the entire surface of the roof. But if the slope of the slope is more than 18 °, then there is an opportunity to save a little. With such slopes, the lining material can only be laid along the perimeter of the roof - along the eaves, along the ridge, along the ends of the slope, along the outer bends of the roof, around chimneys and ventilation outlets and in valleys.

metal slats

A fully completed insulated roof eaves assembly will look something like this:
The drip bar is mounted directly on the rafter beams under the waterproofing layer. Its mission is to protect wooden structures(rafters and wind board) from condensate formed in the ventilation duct and flowing down waterproofing material down . After laying the lining material, fasteners for gutters are nailed to the eaves, in which these gutters are installed. Then, along the entire length of the eaves, a cornice strip is nailed so that its lower edge is inside the gutter. Thus, water flowing from the roof is removed into the drainage system without falling on the wooden structures of the crate and on plywood or OSB boards. If the roof is supposed to be “cold”, which means that there will be no waterproofing, then the drip bar is not needed. Gutter system also an optional element. Then you can only get by with a cornice strip, which in such cases is sometimes also called a drip.
At the ends of the roof, on the gables, starting from the cornice, an end or wind plank is applied with an overlap of at least 20 mm. Alternatively, in the valleys, it is possible to lay not a valley carpet made of the same material as the shingles, but a metal valley. In nature, it will look something like this:

Installation of flexible tiles

If there are valleys in the roof structure, then first you need to lay a valley carpet or mount a metal valley. After that, you can start laying the main sheet of the soft roof. The installation of bituminous tiles begins with the laying of the cornice row. For this, cornice-ridge tiles are used. If it was not on sale at the time of purchase, you can use an ordinary one by cutting off the petals. When laying soft tiles, follow the recommendations or instructions from the manufacturer.. In the valley, shingles can be laid in different ways:
As a result, it will look something like this:


Consider how you can make a ventilated ridge for a soft roof. His turn comes after the completion of laying the main sheet of shingles. In order for the air from the attic or from ventilation ducts of the insulated roof had the opportunity to escape into the atmosphere, when constructing the base, it is necessary to leave in the ridge knot the distance between opposite roof slopes within 200–300 mm.
And so that moisture from rain or snow does not get under the roof, this gap is closed with its “roof”. To do this, you can use ready-made ridge elements, for example, these:
Fasten with screws or nails according to the manufacturer's recommendation:
Or you can make a ventilated skate yourself, as shown in this video: It can be seen here that along the upper edge of the slopes, perpendicular to them, bars with a section of about 50x50 mm are nailed. The pitch of the bars is determined by the thickness of the plywood or OSB board so as to prevent the “roof” of the ridge from sagging. The width of such a "roof" can be assigned independently, within reasonable limits. A protective shield is attached to the ends of the bars. ventilation mesh so that debris, insects and small birds cannot get under the ridge knot. Finally, elements of ridge-cornice and ordinary tiles are attached to sheets of plywood or OSB boards. The result is shown in the photo below.
Alternatively, instead of a completely “breathing” ridge, it is possible to make the roof solid with the installation of ventilation hoods:
Subsequently, if the “power” of the ventilated ridge is not enough to ventilate the roof, special aerators can be placed on its surface, the attachment points of which are shown in the following video: On this, the roofing device can be considered complete.
