Any renovation should start with waterproofing the floor. This stage significantly increases the life of the flooring and stabilizes the humidity in the room.

Why do you need floor waterproofing?

Floor waterproofing is a complex of special works that allow you to isolate the room from moisture penetration. In this case, the effect works in two directions. Firstly, competent waterproofing of the floor prevents the penetration of moisture into the room "from the bottom". This is true for private houses, or apartments located on the ground floor. Excess moisture entering through the floor drastically reduces the life of the floor covering. In addition, there is a real threat of the appearance of a fungus, and at the same time a putrid smell.

Secondly, floor waterproofing protects the underlying premises from possible leaks. Despite the fact that this is a force majeure circumstance, no one is immune from a pipe break. And if this happens, then at least there will be no difficulties with the neighbors below. Of course, this item is more relevant for apartments in high-rise buildings.

At the same time, the waterproofing of the floor makes it possible to more easily control the humidity in the room. What is important for furniture, household appliances and the general health of residents.

Types of floor waterproofing

It is most convenient to separate the waterproofing of the floor according to the method of its organization. For this approach allows you to combine both the material used and the option of its application. And in this case, floor waterproofing happens:

  1. Coating;
  2. Roll;
  3. Cement.

Each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages. Details below.

Coating waterproofing

All materials used for coating floor waterproofing are used in liquid form. Before, these were only bitumen-based products, now synthetic materials based on silicone have been added. In its pure form, bitumen is used for hot waterproofing.

With this type of work, it is necessary to heat the material to a melting point, approximately 140 ° C, and pour it onto the floors. This is a rather dangerous procedure, and liquid bituminous mastics have been developed. Often fillers are added to them: rubber, plasticizers, emulsifiers, etc.

The same group includes such waterproofers as:

  • Liquid rubber;
  • Special paints and impregnating compositions;
  • Silicone coated.

Depending on the consistency of the material, a spatula, roller or brush is used for its application, when applying the coating in a cold way. When working with melted bitumen, wooden spatulas with a long handle are used.

A common advantage of these materials is their ease of application. Working with a brush or roller, you do not notice the corners or curved surfaces. Any irregularities or roughness of the base are processed without changing the technology. The cheapness of materials in this group is also a plus.

And the negative parameters of the coating waterproofing of the floor are the fragility of the coating service and its poor resistance to physical damage.

Subject to all conditions of work, the coating will last 5-8 years. At the same time, it is necessary to provide reliable protection during operation. Therefore, on floors with coating waterproofing, a cement-sand screed is almost always poured (alternatively, you can cover it with plywood sheets).

Work with coating waterproofing of the floor is built according to the following scheme:

  1. Cleaning and leveling the base. There should be nothing foreign on the surface, pieces of putty, paint, oil or grease stains. Perfect alignment is not required, but it is necessary to knock down the sharp edges of the protruding parts of the floor (pebbles, hardened concrete).
  2. Treatment of the base with liquid waterproofing agents. IMPORTANT: it is necessary to process the vertical surface of the walls 15 cm from the floor. This will create a complete waterproofing and protect the corners. The thickness of the coating must be at least 3 mm.
  3. Creation of protection over a layer of waterproofing. To do this, either pour a self-leveling screed, or cover the floors with plywood sheets.

This method of waterproofing is most conveniently organized in rooms located on the ground floor. And also in cases where the room has a lot of protruding corners and other places with difficult access.

Roll waterproofing

In fact, almost all materials of this group are bitumen sheets in rolls, 2-4 mm thick. Depending on the modifications, such materials can be reinforced with fiberglass, and also have a sprinkle of basalt chips.

There is a small group of roll waterproofers that are based on polymers: polyethylene, polypropylene or PVC. These are simple films laid in several layers and reinforced with fiberglass. They can be used for floor waterproofing in rooms where the likelihood of a spill is minimal. They do not have such stability and elasticity as bituminous roll materials.

Bitumen-based rolled waterproofing is glued both cold on mastic and hot on molten bitumen. At the same time, several layers of material are laid on the base, with an overlap of 10-15 cm. Each next layer is laid in such a way that the middle of the upper roll falls on the junction of the lower one. It is imperative to make an overlap on the walls, to a height of 15-20 cm.

The positive quality of roll floor waterproofing is the speed of work, the cheapness of the material and the high quality of protection. With sufficient experience, two specialists can process 350 m 2 of floor in two layers in one day.

The negative side of rolled waterproofing is low resistance to shock loads. This is especially true if the material cools below a certain temperature. For example, ordinary roofing material, at temperatures below +5°C, becomes quite caustic. And with not a strong blow, it can be broken like glass.

Manufacturers are struggling with this drawback by adding plasticizers to the material at the manufacturing stage. They increase the elasticity of the roofing material at low temperatures. Nevertheless, when using roll materials for floor waterproofing, it is necessary to organize a protective coating. Cement-sand screed is more preferable than plywood flooring.

But at the same time, rolled waterproofing is the best choice for rooms with high humidity, such as: bath, kitchen, bath.

The work is structured as follows:

  1. Surface cleaning;
  2. Application of mastic or molten bitumen for one strip;
  3. Rolling and laying of rolled material;
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the entire room is completely processed;
  5. Flooring 2 layers, according to points 2-4;
  6. Organization of a coupler for protection of a waterproofing covering of a floor.

Cement floor waterproofing

It is the most proven, reliable and universal option floor waterproofing. The only condition for guaranteed protection against leaks is the addition of water repellents and sealants to the cement-sand mixture.

A screed made according to the recipe described below has practically no negative qualities. It is strong enough, absolutely impervious to water, and is a ready-made base for installing flooring.

The composition of the waterproofing screed:

  1. Cement M400 - 2 parts;
  2. River fine sand - 6 parts;
  3. Water - 1 part;
  4. Sealant - 1% (by weight of cement);
  5. Water repellent - 0.2% (by weight of cement).

The sealant for the mixture is calcium nitrate (calcium nitrate). IMPORTANT: sodium, potassium and ammonium nitrate are not suitable! Liquid glass can be used, but in this case, it is necessary to recalculate the concentration in terms of dry matter. Seals make the screed more dense and minimize the appearance of capillaries and cavities.

Water repellents do not allow water to penetrate even into those pores on the screed that remain. They can be purchased separately, for example, GKZH. Or use simple substances: sodium abietate or sodium oleate (available at Chemical Reagents stores).

The sequence of work is as follows:

  • Foundation preparation;
  • Preparation of the mixture;
  • fill;
  • alignment;
  • Exposure to full maturation.

With the mixture prepared according to this recipe, it is necessary to work without delay. It sets quickly, open time approximately 45-60 minutes.

Additionally, for safety, a day after pouring the screed, you can carry out its ironing.

To do this, the surface is slightly moistened and powdered with cement. Then, the cement is rubbed into the surface with grouts.

This procedure increases the concentration of cement in the surface layer, and makes it even more dense and monolithic.

IN reliable protection everyone needs high humidity structural elements houses or apartments, including floors. If the apartment is located above a damp basement, moisture gradually destroys the concrete floors. In the lags and boards of a wooden floor, a fungus develops from high humidity and rotting begins. Even in an apartment of a high-rise building on the middle floor, when moisture penetrates through the cracks at the junctions of the floor and walls, parquet, laminate or carpet lose their appearance and may become unusable. To these objective "accidents" are added subjective leaks due to one's own and negligence and "floods" from neighbors, primarily flooding the floors. High-quality floor waterproofing is the most reliable way to avoid the listed troubles and the annoying smell of dampness in your home.

Depending on the purpose and operating conditions of the premises, various materials for waterproofing the floor, which create a dense waterproof and water-repellent layer on the surface or penetrate inside, protecting it from destruction and decay.

According to the field of application, all types of waterproofing are divided into two large groups:

  • for outdoor work;
  • for interior work.

According to the main water-repellent component in the composition, waterproofing can be:

  • bituminous;
  • based on mineral components;
  • polymeric;
  • bitumen-polymer.

According to the method of application on the surface, the following main types of waterproofing materials are distinguished:

  • roll;
  • film;
  • penetrating;
  • membrane;
  • painting;
  • pasting;
  • coating;
  • powder;
  • plastering.

If the floor is waterproofed in an apartment or in a private house, they provide the best effect, and therefore the following materials are most popular.

Roll and film materials

The most familiar and popular representatives of this vast group of waterproofing materials in the last century are roofing felt, roofing material and glass roofing material. They were used and continue to be used to isolate foundations, roofs and floors from moisture. They are cardboard or fiberglass impregnated with a mixture of bitumen and basalt chips.

Modern rolled floor waterproofing is represented by polymer multilayer membranes, which, as a rule, combine not only waterproofing, but also thermal insulation properties.

Self-adhesive rolled waterproofing quickly keeps within, without problems fastens to the basis

Film waterproofing are polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride films produced in rolls, which are most often used if waterproofing of a concrete floor is required before creating a dry or cement-sand screed.

Floor waterproofing mastics

This is the second most popular group of waterproof materials - plastic adhesive compositions based on bitumen, liquid rubber, polymers, resins, plasticizers and other additives. In residential areas, floor waterproofing mastic is used to create a waterproof layer, as well as to process joints and seams in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, sauna, and swimming pool. Waterproofing mastics are hot and cold type.

Mastic for waterproofing the floor forms a dense waterproof surface, fills all the pores and cracks

Liquid water repellents

A broad group of waterproofing materials, which includes primers, varnishes, paints, impregnations, injectable formulations for topical application, and many other liquid waterproof and water-repellent materials of varying degrees of viscosity. So new liquid waterproofing flooring, such as Penetron, is applied to the surface and, penetrating the pores of the material, dries in the form of a waterproof, but breathable crystal. Other fluid materials create a thin but durable water-repellent film on the wood or concrete floor surface.

Powder materials for waterproofing

Represented on the construction market by a huge range of dry mixes based on different proportions of cement, glue, binders and plasticizers. Immediately before applying to the surface in a dry mix, you just need to add water according to the instructions and waterproofing the floor with your own hands will not be a problem even for a beginner in construction. Powder mixtures are used to create concrete screeds, a waterproof layer on the floor and walls of pools and basements.

Floor waterproofing methods

There are several ways to waterproof the floor, but they all obey the same general rule continuity.

Important to remember:

At the junction of the floor with walls or other structures protruding above the surface, the waterproofing layer must, without interruption, rise to a height of at least 30 cm above the floor level.

Application of liquid waterproofing

This method of waterproofing the floor surface, depending on the composition and consistency of the material, is of two types:

  • cast waterproofing;
  • impregnation waterproofing.

Cast waterproofing is the application of polymer or asphalt (bituminous) solutions to the floor surface, which, when cured, form an even waterproof film. Bituminous mastics or solutions are heated to a temperature of 120-140 ° C, poured onto a previously cleaned floor and leveled with a wide spatula in an even layer.

The cast waterproofing method is used only for processing rigid monolithic bases before pouring a cement-sand screed. The waterproofing material is applied in several layers, which, if necessary, reinforce metal mesh or fiberglass. As a result, the thickness of the waterproof film should be 5-15 cm.

Application of liquid waterproofing material using a sprayer, it is possible to apply the composition with a brush

Impregnating liquid waterproofing of the floor in the apartment consists in spraying with the help of special equipment or in applying liquid polymer impregnations and primers with an ordinary brush. These materials impregnate the base of the floor to a certain depth, or solidify on its surface, forming a monolithic seamless waterproof membrane.

Surface painting and coating

Unlike cast, which involves working with heated bituminous mastics, coating and painting floor waterproofing is performed when the base is treated with “cold” polymer and rubber-epoxy or “hot” bitumen-polymer mastics, as well as paints and varnishes. Depending on the viscosity of the composition, it is applied to the surface with a spatula, roller or conventional paint brush.

A common feature of all variants of coating and painting waterproofing is the preparation of a sufficiently thin, about 2-3 mm thick, waterproof layer on the floor surface, which is also an effective anti-corrosion and anti-fungal protection. True, the service life of this type of waterproofing does not exceed 5 years.

The use of adhesive materials

As the name suggests, this type of waterproofing involves the laying of rolled and sheet waterproof materials, glued in layers on a pre-cleaned and primed floor base. There are three ways of pasting waterproofing:

  1. Simple flooring on the surface for any material or floor design with a joint or in an independent way fastenings: under a cement or dry screed, under a plywood or other subfloor, etc.
  2. The fusing of rolled material onto the surface of the floor base using a gas burner is a fire hazardous method that requires strict adherence to fire safety standards.
  3. Sticking rolled waterproofing on the floor base using special adhesives and mastics.

Many modern views roll film waterproofing are produced with their own adhesive layers, which simplifies their installation. If bitumen-polymer-based mastics are used for gluing layers of rolled waterproofing, they are selected so that their melting temperature is 20-25 ° higher than the most characteristic for the room. high temperature air.

Wood floor waterproofing works well in a floor pie, with both dry and wet screed.

All types of adhesive waterproofing are very sensitive to shear and tensile loads, and therefore it is recommended to use it when protecting rigid structures made of brick, reinforced concrete or concrete from excessive moisture.

Plaster: how to do it

A well-known, environmentally friendly, fairly effective and easy-to-perform method of waterproofing using a variety of dry mixes based on cement with the addition of astringent mineral and polymer additives. One of the main advantages of plaster waterproofing is that the cement-based plastic mortar fills well any irregularities, cracks and cracks in the base, and it can be applied in one or more layers with a spatula or brush on any surface: concrete, stone, wood, tiles and even over paint.

Backfill waterproofing can also be considered as a kind of plaster, in which bulk waterproofing materials are poured onto the treated surface in an even layer and, absorbing moisture, form a durable waterproof layer.

It takes about 14 days for the plaster waterproofing to harden, and during this time it should not be allowed to dry out. During the first days after application, a fresh waterproofing layer is moistened from a sprayer every three hours, and then twice a week.

Guide for home masters

When choosing a material and a method of how to waterproof the floor, you should take into account the individual characteristics of the operation of the premises:

  • high humidity and the presence of stationary plumbing equipment in the bathroom, toilet or pool;
  • the presence of a heating system "warm floor";
  • aggressive atmospheric effect on the balcony.

Underfloor heating waterproofing

In addition to protection against high humidity, the waterproofing of a warm floor should also provide reliable anti-corrosion protection of the main working elements of the heating system - electric mats or pipe systems.

Waterproofing "warm floors" not only creates a waterproof layer, but also protects the elements from corrosion

Before pouring the screeds, the underfloor heating base is waterproofed using either mastics or rolled materials, treating the seams and overlaps of the insulating material on the walls with bituminous mastic. An alternative floor waterproofing device with a built-in heating system is a coating waterproofing of the base using traditional bitumen, bitumen-polymer or cement-polymer mastic. A cement-sand screed is poured onto the frozen waterproofing layer for laying the finishing floor covering.

Balcony floor waterproofing

Unglazed balconies and open terraces are subject to sudden changes in temperature and humidity, scorching heat, frost, fog, downpours and snowfalls, and therefore waterproofing the balcony floor is a necessary measure that will reliably protect the balcony slab and others from destruction. bearing structures.

Video: waterproofing in the bathroom

The floor in rooms with a consistently high level of moisture, where water leakage from the water supply system is possible, is recommended to be equipped with a waterproofing layer:

The process of arranging high-quality waterproofing of floors in any residential premises does not require special special skills, and the extremely simple laying technology of most modern materials makes this job enjoyable. The main condition for the durability and effectiveness of floor protection from high humidity is right choice material.

Creation of high-quality waterproofing in own house(private) - this is one of the most important stages in the arrangement of floors. The article will discuss what kind of subfloor waterproofing and how it should be applied so that the room is protected from the influence of such dangerous moisture.

The essence and initial stage of the waterproofing layer

The safety of most of the materials included in the design of floor slabs depends on how well the waterproofing is done. Particular attention should be paid to those cases when floor waterproofing is carried out in wooden house because wood does not tolerate moisture well.

The effectiveness of thermal insulation materials and the safety of various coatings from the formation of fungus or mold on them also depend on the quality of waterproofing. Naturally, in the photo and with visual inspection such formations will not be visible, but in the end they will manifest themselves with various smells, dampness inside the room, etc.

Frame houses have a rather complex floor structure, therefore, before laying waterproofing materials, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work.

These are the following steps:

  1. Creation of high-quality foundation insulation.
  2. Arrangement effective ventilation floor structures.
  3. Laying a high-quality hydro and vapor barrier layer on the ground floor of the house.

When choosing a waterproofing material, the following features should be considered:

  • Flammable materials must not be used in combination with wooden floors;
  • the material must be of such dimensions that there is a ventilation gap between the rough base and the floor covering;
  • only insulators made of water-repellent materials can be laid on the draft concrete floor: roofing material, polyethylene, etc.;
  • if the floor lag is waterproofed or wooden flooring, then it is best to use liquid water-repellent mixtures with an antiseptic effect.

When laying waterproofing, it is necessary to carry out maximum processing in the premises under which the basement is located: basement, basement or bath.

The maximum exposure to moisture is in the basement. In this case, first of all, waterproofing is arranged on the basement floor in order to protect the first floor of the house as much as possible from moisture penetration, with a subsequent negative impact on the floors.

Selection of waterproofing materials

It is necessary to choose high-quality waterproofing materials taking into account the following factors:

  1. Humidity in the room.
  2. The presence of underground levels.
  3. Type of subfloor (wooden, concrete).
  4. A variety of insulators used (for a rough base or top coat).

There are situations when hydro- and vapor barrier materials must be selected based on which heat insulator is used. There are varieties of it that lose their effectiveness when interacting with moisture. Accordingly, the heat-insulating layer of such material must be reliably protected from moisture.

As a waterproofing, you can use one of the following materials:

  • paints;
  • mastics;
  • insulating fillings;
  • backfilling;
  • rolled.

Before buying, it is necessary to decide on all the advantages and disadvantages of the above materials, and therefore each of these options will be considered further.

Waterproofing paints

Such paints are mixtures of bitumen and polymer components that impart water-repellent properties. Such compositions should be applied with a brush and in several layers. Thus, the wood will receive a high-quality moisture-proof layer. Also, similar paints can be applied to the screed.

You can start painting with a waterproofing composition only after the following procedures have been carried out:

  1. Sanding wooden floors.
  2. Cleaning floors from dust and dirt.
  3. Drying wooden parts.
  4. Careful processing of hard-to-reach areas (joints of the log frame with walls) with waterproofing varnishes.
  5. Draft base painting.

Moisture-repellent mastics

The processing of the rough base will not provide guaranteed protection against moisture if the technological steps were not observed during the application of the selected material or composition. It is best to entrust the laying of heat, hydro and vapor barrier layers to professionals. Naturally, you can carry out such work yourself. Then, after high-quality processing, you can apply a moisture-repellent mastic.

The main advantages of such compositions:

  • the possibility of applying even to not completely dry areas of overlap;
  • increased flexibility and strength of the applied layer after drying;
  • service life of 10 years;
  • the possibility of applying mastic in the form of paint or aerosol.

Also, liquid mastic can be used in combination with a rough base lined with a screed. The resistance of such compositions to temperature extremes makes it possible to protect such floors even at very low temperatures.

Insulating fills

These compositions have not only good moisture-proofing characteristics, but also allow you to level the residual unevenness of the base. In their production, a bit and asphalt concrete are used.

Filling is done as follows:

  1. At the beginning, the subfloor is cleaned.
  2. Any small cracks, chips and other defects are sealed with putty.
  3. Then the surface is treated with several layers of soil mixture.
  4. The filling composition itself is also applied in 2-3 layers. The sequence should be maintained, i.e. after the first application, it is necessary to wait until the layer dries, and then apply the next one.
  5. It is necessary to evenly distribute the mixture over the floor using a roller with needles.
  6. The total thickness of the poured layer should be about 2.5 centimeters.

Such waterproofing can only be carried out over floors with concrete screed. It is impossible to fill on “floating” floors, since the filled layer will crack when the surface fluctuates. As a result, the surface coating is also deformed, which will look terrible in the photo and during visual inspection. It will be necessary to restore the floors immediately, since it will be impossible to use them.

Backfill insulators

Bulk materials are usually represented by a mixture of bentonites and water-repellent granules. In fact, it is an alternative to insulating wool. Such a coating has a minimum level of moisture absorption and excellent thermal insulation characteristics. Sometimes a loose insulator is used not only to protect against moisture, but also as a heater.

You should be aware of the following nuances before starting work on backfilling the insulator:

  1. The pre-finishing of the subfloor is carried out only with betonites filled with water. Such a connection will lead to the formation of a kind of liquid water-resistant gel-like layer.
  2. The resulting water-repellent material is poured over the rough base.
  3. Freezing occurs in a few days.

The advantage of this technology is that it is possible to fill the material in wooden houses between the lags at the base. The layer thickness can correspond to the lag level.

Roll insulators

In roll form, the most durable and hard materials with a low degree of moisture absorption are usually sold. As the basis of such material are used: bitumen, glass fiber or fabric, polyethylene. Modern manufacturers are replacing bitumen with synthetic materials to eliminate bad smell coatings.

The laying method led to the formation of the following types of rolled waterproofing materials:

  • Self-adhesive. They are pre-equipped with an adhesive layer, so they simply fit on a prepared rough base.
  • Requiring warm up. Heating such a material makes it more plastic and increases its adhesion to the base, i.e. it can be glued without the use of auxiliary means.
  • Used in combination with adhesive mixture.

Features of vapor barrier in a frame house

The vapor barrier layer is not a simple film, but a whole system for protecting the insulation from excessive moisture. The problem is that a wet insulation loses its positive traits. This can be avoided only by laying a high-quality vapor barrier layer that will protect the floors from moisture condensation in their thickness. When thinking about how to insulate the floor in a wooden house from below, consider these nuances.

Installation of a vapor barrier layer

Features of the location of the vapor barrier layer:

  1. Double-sided materials are laid in the thickness of the ceiling with the smooth side inward. The rough surface turns up against the water vapor (read also: "").
  2. Polypropylene single-sided material is laid in the same way with the smooth side inward.
  3. Foil films are fixed with the reflective side towards the room to enhance the heat-saving effect. Especially such material is appreciated in cases where a warm floor system will be located on top of the vapor barrier layer.

Thus, the correct floor structure should look like this:

  • log frame;
  • subfloor boarding;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • thermal insulation layer;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • ventilation gap;
  • finishing flooring.

Wooden houses can be erected on any basis, except for brick columns. The initial work before the installation of insulating layers is as follows:

  1. The rough base is cleaned with the replacement of rotten or deformed logs (read also: "").
  2. All wooden structural elements are treated with an antiseptic.
  3. The log walls and base are separated by a waterproofing bituminous mastic.
  4. You can reduce the loss of thermal energy by laying polystyrene foam boards under the logs on the base.
  5. To prevent moisture from accumulating on the basement, it is necessary to create ventilation holes.


From the foregoing, we can conclude that the waterproofing layer is very important and not as easy to install as it might seem. The floor will be reliably protected from moisture only if effective waterproofing materials are used.

It is important to follow the instructions for installation, which will give a guaranteed result. You can always turn to specialists who will take responsibility for all stages of work - from procurement necessary materials before laying each layer and commissioning the floors.

Floor waterproofing is a protection against moisture of interfloor ceilings interior spaces. After all, excess water negatively affects ceilings and partitions. Leads to the appearance of fungi and mold, corrosion. Which in turn significantly reduces their service life. In this article, we will look at floor waterproofing methods, their advantages and disadvantages.

Features of waterproofing the floor in the apartment.

To cover the floor with rolled insulation, it is first necessary to minimize the number of voids between the material and the concrete floor. Suitable option use a special leveling solution.

To clean dirt, dust and provide the greatest adhesion, the floor should be primed. The mixture should be diluted with water and carefully poured onto the surface, then the material should be treated with a spiked roller to prevent the formation of bubbles inside the layer.

To work with polymer mastic, it is necessary to use fiberglass, polyisobutylene or polyvinyl chloride film. And for bituminous mastic, materials containing bitumen are chosen.

A bituminous emulsion is applied to a pre-prepared dry floor. To protect your home from the release of harmful impurities into the environment, dilute such a solution with water. A primer is applied to the emulsion itself for better adhesion.

On an incompletely dried primer layer, we mount corners and joints, which are sunk into the material with gentle pressure, and a second layer of primer is applied on top.

After this primer layer, roll insulation is applied. We advise you to choose a material in the form of a self-adhesive carpet, it is simply placed on the surface and pressed against it.

It is much more difficult to work with conventional roll materials, here you will need: a building hair dryer and burners. With these tools, the material is heated from the back and quickly pressed against the floor.

Overlaps should be handled especially carefully. Be sure to leave about 30 cm of overlap on the walls.

After the material has completely dried, you can proceed to the floor screed.


The simplest and most commonly used method of waterproofing is a coating material. The main advantage: no pre-leveling of the floor is required, and special expensive professional tools are also not needed.

Before starting work, you need to clean the work surface, prime it, for a higher quality of such work, all docking points and corners are treated with sealing tape.

Next, we dilute the powder until a thick mastic is formed, the main thing is to gradually introduce the powder into water, then it will not be difficult to prepare the desired consistency.

The resulting mastic is applied with a brush on the floor and on the lower part of the wall, it is rubbed so that puddles do not form.

After the first layer dries, it is moistened and then the second, third, and so on up to five layers are applied.

What else are waterproofing

The most practical and reliable waterproofing is self-leveling. It has a high cost, but the price justifies the quality.

Also positive properties has liquid waterproofing, their main advantages are low price, high wear resistance, easy to apply both on the floor and on the walls, on the screed and under it.

What kind of waterproofing to choose is a personal matter of each owner of his house, the choice of material is influenced by which particular room is subject to waterproofing, the price of the material, and who will do the work, a novice or a professional.

But in any case, waterproofing is simply necessary in every house, it provides comfortable and high-quality living, protects the house from fungi, mold bacteria and, in the event of a flood, from repairing a neighboring apartment.

The concrete floor, along with other types of flooring, needs waterproofing. Concrete itself has some water resistance, but with prolonged contact with moisture, it begins to break down, and unprotected joints between the floor and the wall can provoke a number of serious problems.

For waterproofing a concrete floor, both traditional and more modern methods. Consider the technology of their application, and analyze the features of floor protection, depending on the type of room.

The need for concrete floor waterproofing

Concrete floors are often used in the arrangement of residential and non-residential premises. They are a good basis for laying all kinds of floor coverings: linoleum, laminate, parquet.

Concrete is a hygroscopic material that gradually absorbs moisture. In order to protect expensive floor coverings from contact with moisture, a protective barrier layer is installed on top of the concrete floor (before the screed). Waterproofing material prevents contact finishing materials with water vapor.

On the first floors of industrial buildings and basements, a waterproofing layer must be laid on top of a sandy, well-compacted cushion.

Waterproofing a concrete floor significantly reduces the risk of a number of problems, namely:

Concrete floor protection materials and specifics of their application

There are various ways to waterproof a concrete floor. Price, application technology, service life and specifications protective layer depends on the material used.

Roll waterproofing. The most common method that uses bitumen-based roll materials. They are of two types: floating and self-adhesive.

The advantages of floating materials, such as roofing material, include their durability and affordability. However, they also have significant disadvantages:

  • the need to use a gasoline or gas burner during installation, which is not always convenient and acceptable (especially in small rooms);
  • when heated, an unpleasant odor and harmful smoke are released;
  • laying roofing material requires subsequent pouring of an additional screed - this increases the load on the foundation and reduces the height of the ceilings.

A worthy alternative to traditional roofing felt is adhesive-based roll materials. They are more convenient to install and create a high level of moisture protection.

Coating waterproofing. This method gradually replaces rolled waterproofing. Various bitumen-polymer, cement-polymer and bitumen-rubber mastics are used. Thanks to the plasticizers and special fillers contained in the composition of the mastics, the waterproofing layer is durable and elastic.

Some manufacturers add components that prevent the development of fungus and mold growth.

Before applying the mastic, it is desirable to treat the floor with a special primer - this will increase the adhesion of the waterproofing layer to the concrete base

Often, protective mastic is sold complete with a primer (their composition must have the same main component).

The main advantages of coating waterproofing are the cost-effectiveness and ease of application of the material.

Cement-polymer mastic can be laid on a reinforcing mesh, resulting in a waterproofing layer and a screed at the same time

penetrating waterproofing can be used as an additional or primary measure of concrete floor protection. There are the following subgroups of penetrating waterproofing:

  1. Concreting - allows you to increase the density, strength and frost resistance of the material. Used as an additive in the manufacture of waterproof concrete structures or to create a protective reinforcing layer.
  2. Polymer cement - can be used for processing concrete, wood and brick floors. The material is characterized by high adhesion to the surface, environmentally friendly and easy to use.
  3. Cement inorganic waterproofing is used for the treatment of concrete floors and walls (relevant for swimming pools, baths, bathrooms).

Ceramic tiles can be laid on a layer of penetrating waterproofing

Backfill waterproofing used to protect the foundation or floor in wet areas. Bulk material is poured into the pre-constructed formwork. As a filler, you can use: perlite sand, ash, mineral wool, bentonite (when moistened, it turns into a waterproof gel).

Backfill waterproofing is reliable, has a long service life, but its installation is a rather laborious and expensive process.

Features of waterproofing concrete floors in different rooms

Concrete floor protection in the house and bathroom

When waterproofing the floor in the living rooms of a house or apartment, painting or coating technology is used. This will be enough to provide the flooring, and the room as a whole, with protection from excessive moisture.

A waterproof paint can be applied to the floor surface, which contains polymers that can clog concrete pores. To increase the effectiveness of the waterproofing layer, it is desirable to apply the paint in 2-3 layers.

Waterproofing work should be carried out in a well-ventilated area, as the paint has a strong odor

Since the bathroom is a place with high humidity and a high risk of leaks, it is better to use adhesive or coating waterproofing- it is more durable and reliable.

Self-adhesive roll material, bituminous or synthetic mastics are well suited for such work.

The video of waterproofing the concrete floor in the bathroom is presented below.

Floor waterproofing in the garage and basement

Particular care must be taken to waterproof the concrete floor in the garage, as a constant excess of moisture can lead to rotting and damage to vehicles. Ventilation will help to delay the negative consequences, but not for long.

Types of concrete floor waterproofing:

  • ground device;
  • covering device.

Waterproofing on the ground is carried out at the time of arranging the base under the floors. Roll material (polymer membrane, bituminous roofing material or polyethylene, about 1 mm thick) is suitable for work. When laying out the material, the overlap on the walls must be at least 10 cm. The waterproofing layer must lie flat, without the formation of "waves" and gaps.

When arranging the floor in the garage above the basement (along the ceiling), you can use a layer of roofing material or bituminous mastic as protection. However, if the plans include the manufacture of a viewing hole in the garage, then there will be no point in such waterproofing.

If there is a basement in the garage, the only sure way is to waterproof the concrete floor in the basement itself.

There are three types of basement floor waterproofing:

  • anti-capillary - protection of the floor from capillary water;
  • non-pressure - protection against floods and rains;
  • anti-pressure - protection from groundwater.

It is possible to perform high-quality waterproofing of the floor different ways. One of the most reliable is laying the "pie", in which the floor level rises to a height of about 50 cm.

The sequence of laying layers is as follows:

  1. crushed stone (layer thickness - about 2 cm);
  2. oily clay;
  3. a thin layer of concrete;
  4. a layer of waterproofing mastic;
  5. rolled waterproofing (2 layers in a row);
  6. a thin layer of concrete;
  7. reinforced concrete screed.

For waterproofing the concrete floor in the basement, it is not recommended to use membranes and films - they are not able to withstand friction against the foundation during seasonal soil shifts, and will not cope with pressure groundwater

Protection of the concrete floor in the bath

Some believe that it is not necessary to waterproof the concrete floor in the bath, as the air temperature is very high and the humidity itself will evaporate. However, it is not. Very often, due to improperly executed penetrating concrete waterproofing, the floor in the bath does not warm up. In addition to discomfort, this can lead to the destruction of the flooring.

Penetrating waterproofing can be used to protect the concrete floor from excess moisture. To do this, it is necessary to clean the floor surface well, level it, prime it and cover it with a cement, polymer cement or concrete waterproofing compound.

Properly executed waterproofing of the concrete floor in the baths will protect the elements of the structure from premature destruction and improve the microclimate in the steam room.

Do-it-yourself concrete floor waterproofing

Preparatory stage

To carry out waterproofing work, it is necessary to pre-prepare the room, namely:

Roll coating technology

For rolled waterproofing, the evenness of the surface is very important, therefore, before work, it is necessary to check again that the gap between the level and the floor does not exceed 2 cm.

The sequence of work is as follows:

When laying out the waterproofing material, it is necessary to ensure that the overlap between the sheets is at least 1 cm.

If during laying the roll "left" to the side, it must be cut off and the direction aligned with a new cut of the web. When a bubble forms, it is incised, air is released, re-smeared with mastic and glued to concrete base. The restored place of swelling should be smoothed out with a spatula.

Technology for applying seamless waterproofing (coated)

Independently and in a short time, you can make a coating waterproofing of the concrete floor. The technology of applying mastics does not require a perfectly flat surface - it is enough to sweep or vacuum the floor. It is undesirable to make a wet frill.

The procedure for applying waterproofing mastic:

During drying, moisture, dust and foreign objects should not get on the waterproofing layer.

On the dried waterproofing, you can lay the floor covering: tiles, porcelain stoneware, linoleum, etc.

As you can see, you can protect the concrete floor from moisture on your own, the main thing is to choose the right waterproofing material and adhere to the technology of its installation.
