The strength, reliability and durability of the roof is determined by many different components. And builders try to take into account all these components in order to prevent fatal mistakes.

But such a component as ventilation of the under-roof space, as practice shows, is sometimes given insufficient attention. Meanwhile, not only the service life of the building, but also the comfort for those who live in it, depends on how carefully the under-roof space is protected from moisture.

But, even understanding the importance of this element of home improvement, many non-specialists, deciding to build on their own, do not always know exactly what and how to ventilate.

But when moisture appears in a constructed building from nowhere, it may be too late to redo something. Therefore, it makes sense to consider specifically some of the features of this problem.

Why is roof ventilation necessary?

Some non-professionals mistakenly believe that the "cooler" brand of roofing, the louder the name of its manufacturer and the higher its price, the less it lets moisture through. But the reputation of any product, including building materials of the highest standard, cannot ignore the laws of nature.

Regardless of how good the roofing material that was laid on the roof is, and how well it was laid, in low ambient temperatures, water condensation can form on the inside. Leaks may occur during strong winds or rain. It is also impossible to exclude the ingress of water into the under-roof space through the gaps in the holes in the places where the roof is attached to the roof sheathing.

If ventilation is not provided at all or is poorly arranged, the load-bearing rafters, attic structures made of bricks and the heat-insulating layer will be affected.

The negative impact of moisture begins with the formation of drops of condensate, then mold and fungus appear, which begin to corrode any material. As a result, if urgent measures are not taken, wooden, stone and metal structures will steadily collapse, reducing the life of the entire building.

To avoid this, a well-thought-out ventilation system is needed, and it should be done at the planning stage of the roofing. At the same time, it should not only eliminate the possibility of condensation, but also contribute to the removal of vapors from interior spaces buildings, as well as serve as a kind of heat-insulating layer that prevents both hypothermia of the under-roof space and its overheating as a result of intense exposure sun rays.

Summing up all the options for such ventilation, we can distinguish two of its main types - natural and forced.

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Natural ventilation device

Natural ventilation involves the creation of conditions for the emergence of a convective (due to the natural temperature difference between heated and cooled air masses) flow. To do this, it is necessary to design a small under-roof space between the lower waterproofing layer and the upper roof layer - actually roofing material.

The gap between these surfaces is created by mounting a uniform roof frame from the battens and counter battens. The dimensions of the wooden blanks for this frame must be selected in such a way that a free space at least 5 cm thick.

In addition, in order to avoid the occurrence of stagnant zones for the air flow (condensate can accumulate here), complete freedom of air passage under the roof and continuity of the ventilation gap (ventilated circuit) should be ensured. Only such a circuit will provide maximum ventilation.

Ridge node of the attic floor of the roof with an aerator and soft roofing.

However, a constant supply of fresh air and its circulation through a ventilated circuit is impossible without the creation of special ventilation openings (vents). It is necessary to provide at least two types of technological holes - lower (cornice) and upper (ridge). The first ones are made in the area of ​​​​the cornice overhang or along the ridge of the roof, the second ones - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe upper junction of the roof slopes.

In accordance with the laws of air flow, the air under the roof is constantly heated and rises to the ridge vents, leaving through them. Colder air flows by gravity into the space thus rarefied from the street through the cornice vents. Thanks to this constant movement, condensate does not form on the roof and in the rooms under the roof (attic, attic).

Meanwhile, in winter, ridge vents can become clogged with fallen snow, due to which the convective ventilation of the under-roof space can be disrupted. To eliminate this danger, which primarily concerns buildings with slightly sloped roofs, special pipes can be installed. With their height, greater than the thickness of the expected snow cover, they guarantee continuous ventilation.

The great advantage of the natural type of ventilation is its very wide applicability in construction. It provides effective ventilation of the gap under the roof of almost any complexity of the roof configuration.

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Creating forced ventilation

The development of building technologies and new approaches in architecture, involving the construction of buildings with flat roofs, forced specialists to develop options for forced ventilation of the subroofing layer. As you might guess, in such roofs it is almost impossible to create a convective air flow based on the independent movement of air from the bottom up when heated.

Therefore, in structures with flat roofs, forced ventilation is often resorted to. This method is also used in cases where, for some reason, it turns out to be too difficult to make a sufficient number of vents designed for natural ventilation.

Forced air flow is provided by the inclusion of a roofing electric fan in the ventilation circuit. It is installed in the upper (ridge) outlet. When turned on, this device draws heated air out from under the roof layer.

It should be noted that this method has its advantages and disadvantages. In particular, due to the presence of a fan in the top outlet, there is no need for a large number of ventilation holes. At the same time, this device requires a separate power supply to it, which creates certain risks in terms of fire safety.

Another option for forced air draft is the installation of special deflectors in the ventilated circuit, which, due to the section of their design, enhance the natural air flow, as well as ventilation turbines. At the same time, in their lower part, these devices pass through the lower waterproofing layer of the roof. Air is blown into the under-roof space from a warm attic or attic.

Indicators of strength, reliability and durability of roofing and construction are determined by many different components. Such an important component as ventilation in the under-roof space is most often given insufficient attention. The service life of the structure and the comfort of living completely depend on how competently and carefully the under-roof space is protected from moisture and atmospheric phenomena.

The need for under-roof ventilation

Roof structures pitched roofs require mandatory ventilation. High-quality air exchange is necessary to ensure the safety of the wooden elements of the carrier frame structure consisting of a crate and rafters.

The use of even the most powerful antiseptic cannot fully protect wood from biological damage in the process of systematic moisturizing. In addition, at a high level of humidity, the insulation layer and the roofing material itself suffer.

Strong moistening of the insulation significantly reduces the thermal insulation performance and reduces the duration of the roof. Insufficient ventilation of the under-roof space provokes the accumulation of moisture in large quantities, which can cause the formation of smudges and mold on the ceiling surface.

To obtain a dry under-roof space, it is required to ensure free circulation of air masses. Constant ventilation of the rafters and lathing prolongs the service life.

The organization of ventilation of the space under the roof requires the organization of special openings and gaps, which are made in accordance with the rules and technology and do not allow precipitation to penetrate.

The structure of the roofing cake

Roofing cake is important structural element during the construction of almost any roof.

cold roof

Ventilation device cold roof(attic)

A cold roof is characterized by a very simple design that does not require the use of insulation, vapor barrier and finishing device.

In the composition of the roofing cake for cold roof includes the following elements:

  • waterproofing film or;
  • counter-lattice and crate;

The use of microperforated films prevents the ingress of moisture from the outside, but does not delay the release of water vapor. In this case, vapor barrier is not required, and water vapor is removed by air currents.

The use of polyethylene and polypropylene films, as well as obsolete materials in the form of roofing material, for waterproofing cold roofs is not allowed.

Ventilation is provided in the process of creating a gap by means of a counter-lattice, and air flows enter the under-roof space through the cornice overhang with subsequent exit through the roof ridge.

A prerequisite is the installation of a counter-lattice, which allows you to get a gap between the film and the crate, which contributes to the unhindered passage of air flows. For high-quality ventilation of a cold attic space, conventional ones are used.

Additional ventilation requires the installation of a standard supply and exhaust system.

Warm roof

Roof leaks can be prevented by eliminating the penetration of moisture into the structure. The use of fiberglass insulation is characterized by the hygroscopicity of the material, which necessitates the implementation of reliable layers - and.

Mineral wool resistant to water, but requires the installation of an additional protective layer against water vapor. Extruded polystyrene foam has the highest degree of moisture resistance.

To protect the insulation from moisture entering the roof, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier from a conventional vapor-permeable or "breathable" film. The first is installed with a gap, and the second can be laid directly on the insulation layer. High-quality vapor barrier is characterized by tightness and lack of damage.

Under standard conditions, the ventilation gap is arranged from roofing material to waterproofing. For this purpose, a counter-lattice with a thickness of five centimeters is stuffed. From above, a solid flooring or step crate should be installed. The absence or insufficient thickness of the counter-lattice deprives the roof of ventilation.

From the waterproofing layer to the insulation, it is necessary to equip the lower version of the ventilated gap for the steam to escape, which rises from the attic. The width of the upper gap is about five centimeters.

Elements of roof ventilation

The use of high-quality under-roof ventilation elements allows you to extend the durability of the roof and significantly save on the repair of the roof surface.

Cornice products

Through this element, air masses enter under the roof, pass up and exit into the atmosphere. This type of product is equipped throughout all cornice overhangs:

  • slotted vents, which are a gap with a width of up to 2.5 cm and located between the walls and the roof;
  • spot airflows performed with a roof slope of more than 15 degrees with a diameter of up to one cm. In the case of a slope of less than 15 degrees, the parameters of a standard airflow are 2.5 cm.

The roof overhang, when arranging slot-like air ducts, is covered by means of spotlights, spot grids. To prevent snow from blowing in, a chute is mounted above the ventilation slot, which allows the gap to remain free even in conditions of powerful icing.

Skate products

This version of the vents is involved in roof ventilation and allows air masses to escape to the outside. The ridge type of air can have a continuous execution with a width of five centimeters or is made in the form of frequent holes.

Eaves and ridge vents need to be protected from debris and bird nests. For this purpose, it is necessary to install special ventilation elements.

Roof aerators

They are used to remove vapors from the under-roof space. Such elements are used with any type of coating, regardless of the shape and slope of the roof. The main functional load is to dry the insulation, remove condensate, as well as prevent decay and leaks.

Roof aerators can be mounted not only during the construction of the roof, but also on the finished roof surface. Quantity roof aerators directly depends on the roofing shape and area, as well as the material used and the purpose of the attic space.

Aerator for shingles

Features of the roof ventilation system

The technology for performing under-roof ventilation largely depends on the type of roofing.

For soft or flexible roofing

One of the most important problems of roofs constructed using soft cover, is swelling that can cause leaks. Water penetrating into the space under the roof contributes to the gradual destruction of the roof. To prevent such situations, it is advisable to use roof aerators, which not only remove moisture, but also help maintain the integrity of the roof.

In addition, to perform high-quality roof ventilation, the following can be used:

  • passage ventilation elements;
  • roof valves;
  • antenna type outputs;
  • roof fire hatches and seals for roof outlets.

For metal tiles

The upper gap for ventilation of the under-roof space in metal roofs must have standard size. Any errors contribute to the emergence of turbulent flows, which violates the direction of movement of air masses, and increases the resistance of air flows.

Certain difficulties that violate ventilation under metal tiles arise in the case of green facades made of climbing plants or when performing external insulation. In such cases, partial overlapping of the airflow openings is possible. An effective way is to use a ventilation tape and overhang air elements with a decorative grille.

Roof ventilation device

It should be borne in mind that any violations during the construction of the roof can significantly impair the operation of the ducts. The most common mistakes include:

  • the use of special adhesive tapes without gaps;
  • filling roofing gaps with mounting foam;
  • Laying overlapping roofing film without making ventilation gaps.

For a roof that is being built over attic floor, it is required to install a continuous ridge vent, regardless of the roofing material used.

The modern roofing materials market offers several types of ventilation systems for ventilation through the roof:

  • valved and valveless options;
  • thermally insulated and thermally non-insulated options;
  • with the presence of a controller that regulates the valves for opening / closing.

Summing up

Providing the roof of the building with durability and strength depends on well-established under-roof ventilation in combination with a high-quality ventilation passage through the roof surface. When arranging, you should familiarize yourself with the technology of work and the features of using various ventilation elements.

Or the rafter system itself. Here, any design errors, violations of technology or the wrong combination of basic elements can lead to deformations of the roof, as well as the entire building. Understanding this, many homeowners invest heavily in the arrangement of the roof, choosing the highest quality materials.

However, at the same time, today the situation is quite common when one of the most important elements of the roofing system - ventilation of the under-roof space - future owners country houses do not attach special significance. This happens because, despite the importance of proper ventilation of the roof, its need at first glance is not so obvious. So, for example, without being a specialist, it is quite difficult to figure out what needs to be ventilated and why and where moisture can come from in a dry house under a roof made of such quality materials. Considering the fact that more than one generation has grown up in houses where there was no roof ventilation system at all, attempts to save on its installation become quite understandable. However, this myth should be dispelled.

Typology of roofs and ways of organizing their ventilation systems

It is known that according to their typology, roofs are divided into cold (non-insulated) and warm (insulated). The physics of the processes occurring in warm and cold roofs is different, let's try to understand what the difference is.

Cold (attic) roofs are premises not intended for living, and therefore not insulated, since this is not necessary. Such attics were common a few years ago and were the easiest to organize sufficient ventilation. The large air volume of the under-roof space of such roofs, as well as the absence of barriers to air circulation, contributed to the necessary air exchange of the entire under-roof space through the holes on the eaves, ridge and ridge of the roof, as well as through the gable grilles. That is why there was no need to take care of additional ventilation elements in this case: the service life of the truss structure in such attics already reached more than 100 years. The fact is that the wood used for rafters, in conditions of constant air exchange and air circulation, in such attics over the years only became stronger.

Insulated (mansard) roofs- a completely different version of the organization of the under-roof space. Moreover, today one of the most popular. In this case, empty attics, through their insulation and waterproofing, are converted into exploitable spaces, solving the problem of increasing additional living space without high material costs. However, it is in such roofs that ventilation of the under-roof space becomes much more difficult, and most importantly, much more important. Why?
Consider the design of the insulated roof. As a rule, it consists of materials installed in a certain order (we go FROM the room):

  • vapor barrier, which "cuts off" warm, moist air from the room and thereby prevents it from moistening the heat-insulating material and rafters;
  • roof structure;
  • insulation, or rather an insulating material with a low coefficient of thermal conductivity (isolates the room from cold in winter and heat in summer);
  • waterproofing that protects the insulation and truss system from wetting with water or condensate;
  • counter battens and battens (the type of batten depends on the type of roofing material);
  • directly roofing material.
Next, consider how the processes of heat transfer between the house and the environment proceed:
  • As a result of human activity, the warm air inside the house, as a rule, is saturated with water vapor. According to the laws of physics, such air tends to leave the space limiting it;
  • In order for the heat not to leave the house, we put a barrier on its way - a vapor barrier film. However, in the market building materials there is no product that would be absolutely vapor-tight, which means that some part of the warm air, together with water vapor, will still pass through the vapor barrier and meet with the heat-insulating material;
  • Thermal insulation material, if any mineral insulation(be it glass or basalt fiber), is a vapor-permeable ("breathable") material with a high vapor transmission capacity. This means that that part of the water vapor that has overcome the vapor barrier will freely pass through the heat-insulating material and now the waterproofing material is on its way, which should not be a barrier to moist air;
  • Modern waterproofing materials are membrane or breathable. The principle of their operation is based on the fact that steam molecules are smaller than a water molecule, i.e. they are able to pass steam molecules, but they will not let water molecules through, which means that water vapor will freely overcome waterproofing, if you have chosen a membrane, of course.
  • And now the warm, moist air will meet the cold air and the back of the roofing material. When the temperature of warm air saturated with water vapor drops, the air loses its ability to “bind” water vapor, which then passes from a “gaseous” to a “liquid” state: this is the very condensate, in other words, water, from which we want to protect our expensive building materials.
The task of the builder is to organize the meeting of warm and cold air in such a way that it proceeds without consequences for the structure of the house. And for this, it is necessary to create a strong air flow, which will provide such ventilation of the space between the waterproofing and the roofing material, so that the condensate either does not have time to form, or quickly erode with inner surface roofing material.

The space between the waterproofing and the roofing material is called the under-roofing space or ventilated gap.

What threatens in the absence of a ventilated gap?

What processes take place in the roof if the ventilation of the under-roof space is insufficient or not provided at all? In this case, the insulation roof structure are constantly exposed to moisture, whether it is condensate, the formation of which we discussed above, snow or raindrops blown in from the outside during strong wind, or melt water. As a result, a number of undesirable processes begin to occur in the design:
  • Constant exposure to condensate leads to the accumulation of moisture in the rafters and substructure, and subsequently the appearance of mold and mildew, which destroy the wooden elements;
  • Corrosion metal structures, destruction of brick and concrete parts;
  • Moistening of thermal insulation, leading to sharp decline its thermal resistance and an increase in the cost of heating a home;
IN winter period warm air that has not cooled in the ventilated under-roof space begins to heat the roofing material, which ultimately leads to the melting of snow on the roof and the formation of icicles and ice on the roofing material. All this can cause damage to the roof and gutter system.

IN summer period such processes can lead to overheating of the roofing material (especially bitumen roofs) and the interior of the attic.

It should be noted that the insufficient operation of the ventilated gap may make itself felt after six months, when, as a result of condensate deposition on interior decoration unsightly streaks and stains will begin to appear. Rotting wood or corrosion of steel rafters can ultimately result in premature repairs, or even a complete replacement of the entire roofing system.

How to properly organize the ventilation of the under-roof space of a residential attic

So, as already noted, in order to properly organize the ventilation of the under-roof space of a residential attic, it is necessary to create a convective air flow inside the roof slope structure - from the eaves to the ridge. To do this, with the help of a counter-lattice and a crate, it is necessary to create an under-roof space between the waterproofing and the roofing material, thereby ensuring the possibility of an unhindered passage of air flow from the eaves to the ridge (the gap height must be at least 50 mm).

Next, you need to turn the under-roof space into a ventilated gap (it is also called a ventilated circuit). To do this, we organize:

  • air inflow at the eaves, as well as where there is an interruption in the ventilated circuit above the skylights or along the valley or ridge of the roof;
  • air outlet along with moisture vapor at the top point of the roof - the ridge, as well as where it needs to be done artificially, for example, under skylights and at junctions.
The ventilated circuit must be continuous, otherwise "stagnant zones" may form, where condensate will accumulate.

What is an aerator? Why do you need an aerator?

A logical question arises: how can the inflow and outflow of air from the under-roof space be ensured and how can the ventilated circuit be made continuous? Especially for this, there are special elements on the roofing materials market that either increase the air flow or create an inlet or outlet for air. Such elements are called: aerators or air elements.

Aerators are of two types: for the organization of point ventilation and continuous.

I type - point aerators- set pointwise on separate sections of the roof or ridge. There are two types of point aerators: skating and skating.

Pitched aerators take the name from the place of their installation, that is, on the slope. They are mounted where it is necessary to increase the air flow: on structurally complex, as well as long slopes. So, for example, strengthening the air flow is usually required by roof valleys and ridges (if the roof is made of natural tiles, special ventilation elements are installed on both sides, 2 pieces per running meter ridge and valley). Restoration of the air flow is also required in places where the ventilated circuit is interrupted (for example, if a skylight is installed or a “lantern” is made in the roof). In this case, aerators are installed before and after the break. The number of aerators depends on the area and design of a particular roof.

Ridge aerators installed on the ridge of the roof in the same way as pitched ones, to create and enhance the air flow.

For example, KTV aerators from the Finnish company SK TUOTE (VilpeVent series). One such roof outlet is capable of ventilating a space of 50 sq.m. Made in the form of small tiles, aerators have an aesthetic shape and are almost invisible on the roof. All aerators are equipped with passage elements for each type of roof, be it profiled, metal-tile or seam metal, soft bituminous or natural tile roofing. Aerators are made of anti-corrosion impact-resistant polypropylene in a wide variety of colors, sizes and shapes, which allows you not to disturb the design of the roof.

II type - continuous aerators- those that provide continuous ventilation along the entire length of the ridge. From above, these ventilation elements are covered with roofing material, which makes them completely invisible on the roof. The body of such aerators is made of anti-corrosion plastic, which is able to withstand the weight of a person (which is extremely important during installation). Continuous aerators have built-in filters that prevent insects, snow or rain from getting inside the structure, even with hurricane winds. Of these devices, one can single out the Ridge Master system of the American company Mid America, as well as various air elements that are installed under natural ridge tiles.

Aeroelements- this term is mainly used in the designation of accessories for natural tiles (ceramic or cement-sand). Aeroelements provide continuous ventilation, i.e. entrance or exit along the entire length of the cornice, ridge or ridge.

The air element for arranging the cornice overhang is made of plastic and is practically invisible. In addition to the function of providing air flow on the eaves, such an element plays the role of a "filter" from the penetration of birds into the under-roof space. Aero elements for the ridge and spine are made of plastic, aluminum, lead or copper. Also, these elements act as a sealant, i.e. provide an optimal connection between:

  • row and ridge tiles on the ridge and ridge;
  • lathing bar with row tiles on the cornice overhang.

As for the installation, it can be carried out on your own, but specialists should be involved in construction - only they can not only calculate required amount and the location of the ventilation elements, but also organize the installation in accordance with all the rules, without violating the structure of the roofing system.

In conclusion, I would like to say if your project involves a roof with a rather complex geometry, with a large number of valleys, junctions or skylights, it will be necessary to take care of the proper organization of the under-roof space. At a cost, all these systems, together with their installation, will amount to only a few percent of the cost of the entire roof, which is ten times less than the cost of repairs that may soon be required if they are neglected.

The durability and reliability of the roof is affected by a large number of various factors, including the material from which it is made, the quality of the fasteners, and much more. Great importance also has the organization of ventilation of the under-roof space. It is proper ventilation that protects the space under the roof from moisture, thereby preventing the roof from becoming unusable ahead of time.

Roof space needs proper ventilation

Why is such a system needed?

Regardless of what materials your roof is made of and how well it is made, condensation will inevitably form on the inside of it. This is due to exposure to low temperatures, rain, snow and other natural factors and leads first to the formation of drops, and then to other negative consequences. As a result of constant humidity, fungus or mold can form under the roof, which will slowly but surely spoil the roofing materials.

In order to prevent this from happening, ventilation of the under-roof space is necessary. It is a complex system that must be installed at the planning stage of the roof. main goal under-roof ventilation is protection against condensate, and the secondary one is the removal of vapors from the room. In addition, such ventilation can act as additional thermal insulation, which will prevent the roof from overcooling or overheating. All of this extends the life of your roof.

Roof ventilation also performs a number of important functions.

  1. Removes steam that can seep into lofts or attics from living spaces, thereby reducing moisture levels in your attic or attic.
  2. It stabilizes the temperature along the length of the slope, due to which ice and icicles on the eaves are less likely to form in winter.
  3. Reduces the effect of direct sunlight on the roof. If the under-roof air exchange is organized correctly, then the roof will heat up much less: the interior will not heat up either. This way you can save on air conditioning in your home.

There are natural and forced under-roof ventilation, each of these options has its own characteristics.

Air flow under the roof

How to make under-roof ventilation of a natural type

With natural under-roof ventilation, air circulates under the roof due to temperature changes. To ventilate the under-roof space in a natural way, you must perform the following steps:

  • a small free space is designed between the lower layer of waterproofing and the upper layer of the roof;
  • mount a uniform roof frame from a counter-lattice and a batten between these two surfaces;
  • ensure complete freedom of passage of air masses under the roof: the ventilation gap for this must be continuous;
  • make upper and lower ventilation vents in the circuit: the first are made in the cornice overhang, the second - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe upper slope.

Natural ventilation works as follows: the air under the roof is heated under the influence of sunlight and rises to the vents in the ridge area, through which it exits. The air in the gap becomes rarefied, and colder streams penetrate through the cornice vents. Due to this, a constant movement of cooled air masses is formed, which prevents the formation of condensate.

It is worth remembering that in winter, the vents in the roof ridge can clog the fallen snow, due to which the natural ventilation will stop working.

To prevent this from happening, pipes can be installed in the under-roof space, the height of which must necessarily be greater than the height of the proposed snow cover.

The advantages of natural under-roof ventilation of a private house are the simplicity of its installation and the possibility of organizing almost any configuration on the roof.

Forced ventilation under roof type

Not every roof design allows for natural convective airflow. For example, in flat roofs make it impossible. Especially for such options, there is a scheme for forced ventilation of the under-roof space.

This option differs from natural ventilation in that an electric fan is built into the ridge vents. It pulls warm air out, thus creating a circulation of air masses. Instead, you can also install special deflectors that will enhance the air flow, as well as ventilation turbines.

Forced ventilation of the under-roof space has its pros and cons. The pluses include the fact that for efficient air outflow with the help of a fan, fewer ventilation holes are needed in the upper part of the roof. And the disadvantages include increased fire hazard such a scheme, as well as power consumption.

For the attic

Organize under-roof ventilation mansard roof somewhat more difficult than in a private house. The difficulty lies in the fact that the attic prevents free circulation of air under the roof, occupying all the space under the roof. Therefore, air ventilation is organized between the roofing and the waterproofing or heat-insulating layer.

For soft roof

Soft types include roofs made of bitumen-tile, as well as rolled materials. All of these options have one big drawback - complete airtightness.

Because of this, condensation forms under a soft roof faster than under other types, which negatively affects the crate, rafters and insulation.

Only under-roof type ventilation can save you from this. soft roof in private or apartment buildings. There are several options for such structures.

Use of aerators on a soft roof

An aerator is a special technical device designed for forced ventilation. In order for air to penetrate under the soft roof, aerators are installed on its surface at a certain distance from each other. There are two main types of such mechanisms:

  • small - installed on 60 square meters of the roof;
  • large - installed on 100-120 square meters of roofing.

The distance between two adjacent aerators should not be more than 12 meters, and the devices themselves should be placed evenly. In addition, the aerator can be built into the general house ventilation system or have its own fan.

Aerator for forced ventilation

Ridge ventilation soft roof

Ridge under roof ventilation is more efficient than aerators and is better suited for large areas. The ridge element is a special design in the form of a corner, which is installed on the ridge beam. Features of the installation of such a system are as follows:

  • the lining carpet on the side of the roof ridge during installation must necessarily protrude from under the tiles by at least 15 cm;
  • the protruding edge of the ridge element must be bent onto the tiled floor;
  • the plastic part is covered with tiles, but in such a way that the perforated walls remain open;
  • a skate is installed on the bent edge.

Ventilation with two gaps

This is the easiest way to organize ventilation of the under-roof space of a soft roof. It consists in the fact that special ventilation gaps are made in the lower and upper parts of the roof, the size of which starts from 5 cm. The lower gap serves for the influx of fresh air, the upper one for heated exhaust.

Ventilation with valves

The roof valve is a special design that cuts directly into the roof of any type. Roof valves are good because they are equipped with a protective mesh that prevents insects and rodents from penetrating into the inter-roofing space.

Also, with the help of valves, gaps and ridges, forced and natural ventilation of the under-roofing roof type from corrugated board and other materials can be carried out.

Roof valve integrated directly into the roof

If you organize ventilation under the roof with your own hands, then you should consider a number of important points.

  1. If you want the effect of the movement of air masses to be stronger, then you should use hydro and steam barriers placed under the crate. They are special meshes that allow air to pass freely, but do not allow moisture and steam to pass through.
  2. To ensure under-roof ventilation, a simple pitched roof a small number of vents located in the upper and lower parts of the roof in the same number is sufficient.
  3. If you install a fan for air circulation in a building that is located in an area with high humidity, then the fan must also be characterized by increased power.
  4. Fans must be installed simultaneously with the construction of the roof.

As can be seen from the above, organizing under-roof ventilation with your own hands for a roof of any type is not so difficult, and such a design has a large number of positive effects.


Indicators of strength, reliability and durability of roofing and construction are determined by many different components. Such an important component as ventilation in the under-roof space is most often given insufficient attention. The service life of the structure and the comfort of living completely depend on how competently and carefully the under-roof space is protected from moisture and atmospheric phenomena.

The need for under-roof ventilation

Roof structures of pitched roofs require mandatory ventilation. The implementation of high-quality air exchange is necessary to ensure the safety of the wooden elements of the supporting frame structure, consisting of the crate and rafters.

The use of even the most powerful antiseptic cannot fully protect wood from biological damage in the process of systematic moisturizing. In addition, at a high level of humidity, the insulation layer and the roofing material itself suffer.

Strong moistening of the insulation significantly reduces the thermal insulation performance and reduces the duration of the roof. Insufficient ventilation of the under-roof space provokes the accumulation of moisture in large quantities, which can cause the formation of smudges and mold on the ceiling surface.

To obtain a dry under-roof space, it is required to ensure free circulation of air masses. Constant ventilation of the rafters and lathing prolongs the service life.

The organization of ventilation of the space under the roof requires the organization of special openings and gaps, which are made in accordance with the rules and technology and do not allow precipitation to penetrate.

The structure of the roofing cake

Roof cake is an important structural element in the construction of almost any roof.

cold roof

Cold roof (attic) ventilation device

A cold roof is characterized by a very simple design that does not require the use of insulation, vapor barrier and finishing device.

The composition of the roofing pie for a cold roof includes the following elements:

  • waterproofing film or;
  • counter-lattice and crate;

The use of microperforated films prevents the ingress of moisture from the outside, but does not delay the release of water vapor. In this case, vapor barrier is not required, and water vapor is removed by air currents.

The use of polyethylene and polypropylene films, as well as obsolete materials in the form of roofing material, for waterproofing cold roofs is not allowed.

Ventilation is provided in the process of creating a gap by means of a counter-lattice, and air flows enter the under-roof space through the cornice overhang with subsequent exit through the roof ridge.

A prerequisite is the installation of a counter-lattice, which allows you to get a gap between the film and the crate, which contributes to the unhindered passage of air flows. For high-quality ventilation of a cold attic space, conventional ones are used.

Additional ventilation requires the installation of a standard supply and exhaust system.

Warm roof

Roof leaks can be prevented by eliminating the penetration of moisture into the structure. The use of fiberglass insulation is characterized by the hygroscopicity of the material, which necessitates the implementation of reliable layers - and.

Mineral wool is resistant to water, but requires the installation of an additional protective layer against water vapor. Extruded polystyrene foam has the highest degree of moisture resistance.

To protect the insulation from moisture entering the roof, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier from a conventional vapor-permeable or "breathable" film. The first is installed with a gap, and the second can be laid directly on the insulation layer. High-quality vapor barrier is characterized by tightness and lack of damage.

Under standard conditions, the ventilation gap is arranged from roofing material to waterproofing. For this purpose, a counter-lattice with a thickness of five centimeters is stuffed. From above, a solid flooring or step crate should be installed. The absence or insufficient thickness of the counter-lattice deprives the roof of ventilation.

From the waterproofing layer to the insulation, it is necessary to equip the lower version of the ventilated gap for the steam to escape, which rises from the attic. The width of the upper gap is about five centimeters.

Elements of roof ventilation

The use of high-quality under-roof ventilation elements allows you to extend the durability of the roof and significantly save on the repair of the roof surface.

Cornice products

Through this element, air masses enter under the roof, pass up and exit into the atmosphere. This type of product is equipped throughout all cornice overhangs:

  • slotted vents, which are a gap with a width of up to 2.5 cm and located between the walls and the roof;
  • spot airflows performed with a roof slope of more than 15 degrees with a diameter of up to one cm. In the case of a slope of less than 15 degrees, the parameters of a standard airflow are 2.5 cm.

The roof overhang, when arranging slot-like air ducts, is covered by means of spotlights, spot grids. To prevent snow from blowing in, a chute is mounted above the ventilation slot, which allows the gap to remain free even in conditions of powerful icing.

Skate products

This version of the vents is involved in roof ventilation and allows air masses to escape to the outside. The ridge type of air can have a continuous execution with a width of five centimeters or is made in the form of frequent holes.

Eaves and ridge vents need to be protected from debris and bird nests. For this purpose, it is necessary to install special ventilation elements.

Roof aerators

They are used to remove vapors from the under-roof space. Such elements are used with any type of coating, regardless of the shape and slope of the roof. The main functional load is to dry the insulation, remove condensate, as well as prevent decay and leaks.

Roof aerators can be mounted not only during the construction of the roof, but also on the finished roof surface. The number of roof aerators directly depends on the roof shape and area, as well as the material used and the purpose of the attic.

Aerator for shingles

Features of the roof ventilation system

The technology for performing under-roof ventilation largely depends on the type of roofing.

For soft or flexible roofing

One of the most important problems with soft top roofs is swelling, which can cause leaks. Water penetrating into the space under the roof contributes to the gradual destruction of the roof. To prevent such situations, it is advisable to use roof aerators, which not only remove moisture, but also help maintain the integrity of the roof.

In addition, to perform high-quality roof ventilation, the following can be used:

  • passage ventilation elements;
  • roof valves;
  • antenna type outputs;
  • roof fire hatches and seals for roof outlets.

For metal tiles

The upper gap for ventilation of the under-roof space in metal-tiled roofs should have a standard size. Any errors contribute to the emergence of turbulent flows, which violates the direction of movement of air masses, and increases the resistance of air flows.

Certain difficulties that violate the ventilation under the metal tiles arise in the case of the installation of green facades from climbing plants or when performing external insulation. In such cases, partial overlapping of the airflow openings is possible. An effective way is to use a ventilation tape and overhang air elements with a decorative grille.

Roof ventilation device

It should be borne in mind that any violations during the construction of the roof can significantly impair the operation of the ducts. The most common mistakes include:

  • the use of special adhesive tapes without gaps;
  • filling roofing gaps with mounting foam;
  • Laying overlapping roofing film without making ventilation gaps.

For a roof that is built above the attic floor, it is required to install a continuous ridge vent, regardless of the roofing material used.

The modern roofing materials market offers several types of ventilation systems for ventilation through the roof:

  • valved and valveless options;
  • thermally insulated and thermally non-insulated options;
  • with the presence of a controller that regulates the valves for opening / closing.

Summing up

Providing the roof of the building with durability and strength depends on well-established under-roof ventilation in combination with a high-quality ventilation passage through the roof surface. When arranging, you should familiarize yourself with the technology of work and the features of using various ventilation elements.

Roof-Point Valve (KTV), or as it is also called: a point aerator, is used on roof slopes with a slope of 30 ° or more. For flexible tiles, ridge-point valves with an even salary are used.

On gentle slopes with a slope of less than 30 degrees, the aerator may be ineffective due to the small difference in height between the ridge and the roof eaves. Also in winter time can be simply covered with snow, which can lead to the loss of the ventilation process in the under-roof space of the roof and the formation of destructive processes. For sloping roofs on skates, instead of a KVentil, they use (ridge pipes).

Roof aerators on bituminous tiles

All parts of the valve are made of high quality plastic. There are different colors of roofing aerators that can be matched to the color of the roof. The black color of spot aerators is considered standard and compatible with all colors of shingles.

If the roof has a required slope of more than 30 degrees, then point valves will be appropriate in this case.

How to count the number of ridge point valves

One standard KTV-cabinet is designed to serve 50-60 m² of roof (depending on the manufacturer's company). It is calculated according to the area of ​​​​the slope.

As an example, a roof valve from a popular manufacturer VILPE designed to service 50 sq.m. roofs.

By the same principle, the number of point aerators of other sizes and types is calculated. The capacity of one point valve is taken as a basis (for example, 1 valve per 50 sq.m., 60 sq.m.; 25 sq.m., etc.) and the area of ​​​​individual slopes or the entire roof.

Types of point aerators

Ridge Spot Valves for Finished Roofing

Mounted over finished roof.

Consists of a salary, a protective grid and a cap. A rubber gasket is installed on the underside of the salary, which is responsible for sealing with the roof.

They are mounted using hexagonal ones (as for metal tiles).

Standard valves mounted together with a flexible roof

The most reliable point valves. The salary of the valve is covered with flexible tiles.

Consists of a salary, a protective grid and a cover. The design of the point valve is easily disassembled.

One standard valve is designed to serve 60 m² of finished roofing.

There are similar (same type) aerators with a smaller area of ​​the ventilation slot, designed for 50 sq.m. roofs.

For installation, roofing bituminous glue is required, which gives reliability in sealing.

Simple ridge point valve

There are simpler and cheaper Ridge Point Valves.

KVentil from TechnoNikol and Aquasystem is designed to service 25-30 sq.m. roofs:

On such valves, the covers can only be removed from the inside of the salary, so they cannot be disassembled after installation. The lid of this point valve is disposable, with plastic latches. If force is applied to the valve cover, the latches break off, and the cover needs to be replaced.

Video about roof valves:

Ridge deflectors (pipes)

For roofs with small slopes (from 35 ° and less), ridge ventilation pipes (deflectors) are used for under-roof ventilation.

Ridge roofing pipes, located at the top of the roof ridge, increase the height between the ridge and the eaves (at the points of entry / exit of air masses to / from the under-roof ventilation space), thereby increasing the force of natural air draft in the under-roof space.

One ridge deflector is designed to serve 50 m² of finished roof.

The salary of the ridge pipe has a bending rib - a regular place for fixing the pipe in the roof ridge. Thanks to the regular bend, the deflector is easily mounted, taking the outlines of the roof slopes.

Variety of roofing valves for shingles

Depending on the manufacturer, you can find a wide variety of roof valves that have both external differences and different characteristics for maintenance of the roof area.

Often a stylish living space is arranged in the attic of a one-story country house, turning it into a kind of two-story. Previously, the attic is insulated, waterproofed, and a vapor-tight layer is laid.

And they forget that good ventilation of the under-roof space is required, considering it a waste of time and money. As a result, at best, they get a room unsuitable for life.

Cold attic It is convenient to turn a country house into an additional residential floor. From the attic comes an excellent office, bedroom or art studio with a bizarre geometry of walls and ceilings.

One problem - many customers of such alterations refuse to equip ventilation there, believing that the builders want to deceive and take more money. Some home craftsmen involved in construction without the involvement of professional builders believe that the attic does not require ventilation, because this is an extra part of the cost.

From the attic can suddenly turn out to be an excellent living space, if it is properly equipped.

This decision is justified by the fact that 50-70 years ago no one installed all sorts of aerators, spotlights and other elements that are now massively sold in all hardware stores. And at home, despite the lack of ventilation in the attic, they still stand and look better than some modern cottages.

Indeed, many old houses are perfectly preserved, but not due to the lack of ventilation. Everything is just the opposite - the natural ventilation of the attic space is perfectly organized in them.

In such houses, no one equipped an additional room in the attic for permanent residence. Yes, and materials for insulation were not used here - the attic is cold, has dormer windows, additional gaps and slots for the entry and exit of incoming and outgoing air flows.

It is convenient to turn the attic space into a nursery, especially if there has been a replenishment in the family, and the purchase of new real estate is not included in the spending plans for the near future

If the attic room is not provided with ventilation or it is, but does not work, then soon all family members will become aware of this fact.

The main problems arising from the lack of ventilation of the attic space are as follows:

  • musty air;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant putrefactive odor;
  • mold under the ceiling and on the walls of the attic room;
  • rotting roof structures;
  • formation of condensate;
  • icicles and frost hanging from the roof in winter.

An unhealthy microclimate with such signs is provided to all inhabitants. As a result, instead of a bright and cozy room, a breeding ground for bacteria is obtained, bad smell and destroying everything in its path.

But this is far from the worst. Such manifestations are harbingers of an early roof repair, which will occur in 3-5 years due to rotten wooden structures, wetting of the insulation and the inability to use the attic for its intended purpose.

Rotting wooden roof elements can lead to their complete destruction and collapse of the roof. Especially if everything is hidden from the inside, and the owner did not guess in time about the problem.

To avoid big expenses after arranging the attic, it is important to immediately develop a project for its ventilation. This will protect all the inhabitants of the house from health problems and save the family budget. What is the solution to the problem with an unexpectedly collapsed roof - it’s good if there is no one from the household in the house.

Ventilation of the under-roof space is provided by a set of devices and measures:

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Attic: what is ventilation

Given that the attic is a living space that is settled in the attic of the house, then the requirements for it should be appropriate. First, it must be safe. Secondly, it is necessary to install several layers of insulation there so that you can use the room. all year round.

Thirdly, you need to think carefully about the under-roof ventilation of the attic to ensure a comfortable microclimate and good conditions for the stay of all the inhabitants of the house. Stuffy and fetid air does not fit into the requirements for living rooms.

In houses with a large area, often in the open spaces of the attic space they equip a bathroom, toilet, bedroom

The ventilation system for the attic is prerequisite if there is no desire to overpay for roof repairs. Moreover, ventilation is required both for the rooms obtained as a result of the repair of the attic, and for the roof itself, in order to ensure a long service life of roofing materials.

Ventilation used in the attic is:

  • natural;
  • forced;
  • mixed.

The first option involves the use of natural draft resulting from properly equipped vents and channels.

This is the cheapest option possible. For its arrangement, a minimum set of ventilation materials is required - grilles, aerators, spotlights, ventilation pipes and other elements.

The natural option is most dependent on weather conditions. As a result, instead of a perfectly working ventilation system, you can get condensate and frost in winter.

The forced system works due to mechanical intervention. It uses fans for supply and removal, additional equipment for heating cold outdoor air.

This is an expensive option for attic ventilation, especially if purchased with rich functionality - temperature, humidity sensors, humidification, ionization and air heating functions.

At mechanical way ventilation of the attic space, the main element is the fan

The mixed type of attic ventilation assumes that one process will be mechanical - the inflow or removal of air. Most often, the exhaust system is made forced, letting in fresh air by gravity.

The subtleties of designing ventilation in the attic

Before proceeding with the installation of aerators or exhaust mechanisms in the attic, you should calculate everything and choose the most suitable option. To do this, you need to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and its purpose. After all, if here, for example, you have to make a bathroom, then you definitely cannot do without exhaust fans.

Project: when to create it

One of the most important aspects of arranging ventilation is design. It should take place during the construction phase. Otherwise, everything will turn out more expensive - you will have to hire another team or delve into all the intricacies of the process yourself.

When a separate bathroom, kitchen or shower room is equipped in the attic, it is imperative to bring out a separate sewer ventilation duct

If all construction works already finished, and there is no ventilation, then you can’t leave everything like that. Be sure to take care of its creation - now it will still cost less than in 2-3 years, when it will be impossible to use the attic. Moreover, the first signs will appear already after 6-8 months after the start of operation of the premises.

The entrance to the attic can be located both inside the house and outside. But this fact does not at all affect the need to equip the ventilation system. This is not a process to skimp on.

Moreover, with a reasonable approach, everything will cost many times cheaper than buying new materials, repairing or replacing the truss frame and laying a new coating.

Equipped attic can serve as a full-fledged second floor, only the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will be smaller

How to properly design ventilation?

Thinking about, you immediately need to think about its ventilation system, choose the most best option and develop a specific project.

When designing under-roof ventilation, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the future premises and its area. It should be remembered that this is necessary not only for the room, but also for roofing materials. Therefore, it is important to correctly lay all layers of the roof, following the recommendations given by the manufacturer of certain materials of the roofing "pie".

ventilation roof structure provides a counter-lattice. Air must flow into the gaps between the layers of insulation, moisture- and vapor-tight film

The first step is to provide options for the influx of fresh air. For this, the correct design of the roof is extremely important so that one ventilation gap can be made, provided by the counter batten. Its total value should be 1/100 of the roof area. To form a gap, a bar with sides of 30, 40, 50 mm is used.

Sometimes the counter-lattice is made not continuous, but with breaks - in the form of separate segments. It is constructed from the cornice overhang to the ridge in order to more effectively wash the elements of the system with air currents.

To optimize the “ventilation” of the roof frame system made of wood, holes Ø 2–2.5 cm through are additionally drilled in the side of the rafters. Drilling is done after 30 - 50 cm.

Roof fans are often used. It is very effective to install inertial wind turbines. They rotate from any breath of wind and pull everything well

Another element that provides a constant flow of fresh air is spotlights under the cornice overhang. Here, the peculiarity is that the diffusion film or microperforated film is not brought to the edge of the cornice. It should immediately break off behind the wall so that a stream of fresh air can quietly penetrate.

Soffit filings are convenient to use, easy to mount. They immediately combine utility and decorative effect.

Another method for inflow is a gap along the entire plane of the roof between the waterproofing and the coating itself. The height of the vent can be from 3 to 5 cm.

The size of the hole must be equal at the inlet, outlet and all along this ventilation duct. It is customary to observe these rules during the construction of roofs without insulation.

The gap must be closed with a special grate to prevent insects, birds and other unwanted visitors from entering the ventilation system.

When it was possible to decide on the design of the inflow, they begin to develop the most suitable option for removing air.

Most often used:

  • in the upper part of the roof - ventilation ducts, point aerators, aeration turbines that operate from the smallest gust of wind;
  • in the waterproofing film along the entire length along the ridge run, a gap is formed for the free removal of air mass from under the roof;
  • if the valley is long, then it is necessary to ensure the flow of air along its entire line into the lower ventilation gap, making a continuous ventilated junction;
  • strive to make continuous ventilation of skates and ridges.

The total cross section of the ventilation holes, together with dormer windows and aerators, should be approximately 1/300-1/500 of the attic area.

Ventilated ridge - some part raised above the main roof, which provides the necessary clearance. Ready-made element for sale or you can make it yourself

You need to calculate how many and what kind of ventilation elements you need only based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour attic space. All this is very individual - after all, houses and cottages have the most different shape roof, which should also be taken into account when designing a ventilation system for a fitted attic.

Instructions for the installation of the ventilation system

You can do the installation of the ventilation system yourself or invite specialists with outstanding experience roofing works. You should not turn to cheap craftsmen - the quality of their services may not correspond to even the most minimal cost.

If you contact unfortunate masters, you will have to pay three times - for their work, for a damaged roof, for correcting mistakes by real specialists

In case when doing installation work there will be a team of builders, you can voice your preferences to them and check the project, which they will subsequently provide. It is necessary to pay attention to whether the proposed option for the inflow and removal of air masses suits.

An effective option for inflow into the attic room is valves built into the window structure. They are designed in such a way that they can ventilate the room even when the sash is closed. Manufacturers offer models for vertical and inclined (roof) windows.

Windows with valves will ensure a reliable supply of fresh air in the right amount to the attic

For installation of windows, it is better to use the installation service, especially if it is large. Doing this yourself may void your warranty. In the event of any problems, there will be no one to present a claim.

If the decision is made to self-assembly ventilation systems in the attic room, then you have to follow the instructions for the elements that need to be installed.

Most often, spotlights and a ventilated ridge are mounted with their own hands. Depending on the type of material, the set of tools for their installation will also differ. To install aerators on the roof, they usually turn to specialists who have the equipment to make the appropriate holes.

Aerators produce the most different sizes, shapes, colors. This allows them to fit in perfectly without being out of place. colors roofing

For use sealant to isolate the joints well. In the exhaust system, a fan or wind turbine is often installed. The exhaust fan is to be placed directly into ventilation duct, fixing and connecting it according to the attached instructions.

When arranging attic ventilation on your own, it is important to remember that the total area of ​​​​exhaust openings should be 20% larger than the supply ones. Otherwise, there will be a problem with traction.

The color and shape of roof fans allow them to be used for installation on any type of roofing.

If you have doubts about your own abilities, then it is better to turn to specialists who will correctly design and equip the attic space. This will be the key to a long service life of the attic and the whole house, as well as provide a healthy atmosphere in the room.

If a team of builders is engaged in the construction of the house, then ventilation issues can be entrusted to them, having previously included this clause in the contract. It is important to remember that after the completion of construction, the organization of ventilation will cost an order of magnitude more expensive.

Tell us about how the ventilation system was built when arranging your own attic. Share useful technological nuances not mentioned in the article. Please write comments in the block below, post photos on the topic, ask questions.

Principles of under-roof space ventilation.

The use of modern building materials leads to the need for forced ventilation of the roof and interior. Roof ventilation is not a whim, and builders know it. Thermal insulation becomes damp, even if the roof does not flow. The reason for this is water vapor, which is always present in the room air and, rising up, condenses on the lower surface of the roof, despite the presence of a vapor barrier. Thermal insulation is saturated with water vapor and loses its properties, which increases heating costs accordingly. If the roofing is metal, then corrosion centers appear accordingly, which leads to the gradual destruction of the roofing material. With coatings made of bituminous material, in the warm season, water vapor, heating up, increases in volume, and swellings form on the surface of the roofing carpet and delamination of the material is possible. During the year, the roof experiences strong temperature fluctuations and repeated cycles of freezing and thawing, which also leads to condensation inside the roof structure.

Based the above it follows that all roofs made of modern hermetic materials must be equipped with ventilation outlets.

VILPE ​​aerators implement the basic principles of a "breathing" roof:

- the water vapor of the interior premises rising to the roof is removed before it has time to harm the structure;

- reduce the pressure that occurs in the roof structure and leads to the formation of bubbles on soft flat roofs;

- prevent the formation of condensate on the lower surface of the waterproofing, which subsequently flows into the heat-insulating layer.

Depending on the roof structure, the principle of operation of the VILPE ​​roof deflector is based on:

- on creating draft in the fan pipe due to the formation low pressure thanks to external wind currents;

- on the use of an external pressure gradient and pressure in the roof structure.

In roofs with under-roofing insulation and steam and waterproofing, ventilation of the space between the roofing material and the insulation is mandatory! There are problems associated with condensation that are common to all roofing. For example, getting into the insulation, moisture significantly reduces the thermal insulation properties of the latter. Moisture is also harmful to roof trusses and other wooden structures, causing fungus and decay.

Let us consider this issue separately in relation to various roofing coverings.

metal tile .

If you do not remove the condensate from under metal tiles, then, accumulating on the inner surface of the metal, it inevitably leads to the appearance of corrosion centers, which become noticeable when a through hole appears. Usually, when mounting metal, scratches and scuffs of the polymer coating are inevitable. From the outside, they are visible and painted over during installation. Screw holes (about 8 per square meter) - Also weakness in terms of corrosion. On short slopes, this problem can be solved; it is enough just to use the wavy surface of the material as a draft device. To do this, it is necessary to ensure the inflow of air at the lower edge of the roof and the outflow from under the ridge. For long slopes, valves must be installed. Finnish company SK TUOTE OY produces such valves for all types of metal roofs, including profiled sheets and seam roofs (PELTI KTV , CLASSIC KTV , MAXI KTV).

Soft bituminous roofs .

The situation with them is more complicated than with metal tile. The roofing material is laid on a continuous crate, and the space under it is closed (we do not take into account roofs with an attic and without insulation directly under the roofing material). Moisture in the under-roof space is absorbed by plywood (or tongue-and-groove board, depending on the material used for the continuous sheathing). In addition to the fact that this leads to decay of the tree, with repeated cycles of freezing and thawing, this leads to peeling of the roofing and a violation of the tightness of the roof. You can't do without additional ventilation elements.

For soft roofs SK - TUOTE manufactures valves both for already assembled (CLASSIK KTV ), and for a roof that is in the process of installation (HUOPA KTV). The valves are produced in two types - in the form of a low (300 mm) pipe with a deflector on top (they must be used on roofs with a small angle of inclination - deflector ALIPAI ridge and inclined) and in the form of a decorative tile (under the name KTV ) for use on roofs with a slope of 25 degrees.

Cement-sand tiles.

This is one of the most reliable and durable roofing materials. Accordingly, the requirements for design and installation are quite high. There is an opinion among consumers that tiles are not suitable for our climate, because they crack and crumble in the cold in winter. This is due to condensate, which is absorbed into the tiles and in winter, when frozen, increases in volume and destroys the tiles. The problem is solved with the help of valves for the under-roof space. Under the brand name VILPE valves are also supplied for natural tiles - TIIL KTV.

Simple, fast and reliable installation of all VILPE ​​elements on any of the above roofing coverings made of metal, bituminous materials and tiles, a wide range of colors of products will allow you to complement your roof with modern and harmonious elements and make it really reliable and durable.
