House is built. It does not matter at all whether it is big or small, made of brick or cardboard, Barbie or Snow White with the gnomes will live in it. In any case, he needs an interior, furniture and necessary accessories. In toy stores today you can buy everything. But as you know, the most fashionable things are exclusive, made in a single copy, handmade things. Therefore, we roll up our sleeves and begin work on making doll furniture with our own hands.

Making a real chair for Barbie

In the toy market, working miniature models of real human household items: cars, planes, clothes, etc. are most valued. The smaller the models, the harder they are to make. Let's try to create a similar exclusive piece of furniture.

To make doll upholstered furniture, you need to prepare:

  • thick cardboard 1-1.5 mm thick;
  • plain paper;
  • foam board (thickness 0.5 cm) or corrugated cardboard (thickness 0.3 cm);
  • a tube with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 cm from any material. You can use an old marker or a cardboard tube from under the threads;
  • fleece or thin foam rubber 0.3-0.8 cm thick;
  • upholstery fabric. It is better to choose chintz or staple, so that it is better saturated with glue;
  • PVA glue and "moment";
  • scissors, knife;
  • ruler, pencil.

Making a real chair step by step

  • Make drawings of parts on paper and cut them out.
  • Cut out the details of the chair according to the drawings. Four rectangles of foam board or six of corrugated cardboard glue together. This will be the base of the chair, the seat. Then glue the back and front of the chair, cut out of thick cardboard. Attach the armrest tubes. Further, after pasting them with paper, they will hold well, but for now they can be slightly “basted” with pieces of adhesive tape.

  • Cut out several strips of corrugated cardboard 1 cm wide and equal to the length of the tubes, and put them in a pile under the roller, smearing the layer with glue. Determine the number of layers locally. Paste over the armrest first with thin paper, and then with fleece or foam rubber.

  • Cover the chair with fabric. To do this, cut out pieces of material according to the same drawings, but adding a little (1-1.5 cm) in length and width for the fold.

  • Cover the back (removable) for the chair first with foam rubber on one side, and then with a cloth on all sides.

  • Set the back in the chair. It can be glued to a stationary back, or it can be left collapsible.

  • Do the pillow on the chair in the same way as the back.

  • This is how the royal chair for your favorite doll turned out.

The technique for making this upholstered furniture similar to the scheme described above, only this chair is not a real model, and therefore the base for it is easier to perform. It consists of a piece of foam rubber, cut according to patterns, 1-2 cm thick and a small box. These parts also need to be pasted over with a beautiful fabric, and then connected.

From a rectangular piece of foam rubber that matches the size of the box, cut out a pillow and drape it with a cloth. If there is a sufficiently long and narrow box, then you can get a chic sofa for a doll.

The desire to make furniture for very often stops the lack of materials. Of course, few people have furniture boards, wooden blocks and springs in the apartment. However, miniature furniture does not require such real details. Half-liter plastic bottles are in any home and can be used not only as containers.

If they are cut in a certain way, they can turn out to be beyond the original chairs. In order to give them a presentable look, you can sheathe or glue the edges of the plastic with a beautiful braid. Next, you need to sew two pillows with your own and fill them with some kind of filler. One of them will be the seat and the other the back.

To complete this work, we need a cardboard tube, which remains from a roll of toilet paper. The manufacturing scheme is the same as in the previous version, only in this case we will not be able to make armrests. Therefore, miniature furniture will be more like an ottoman with a back.

Cut out the desired shape from the tube and paste over it with a cloth. Make a bag, stuff it with filler and put it inside the tubes to make a seat.

Bed for doll baby

Barbie or Monster High are grown girls, so it makes sense that they might have a little baby. It also needs some furniture. For example, a crib.

There is a very simple option for making a cradle for a little Baby - a crib from matchboxes. For the backs, you can use popsicle sticks. Glue the two boxes together and cover with colored paper. Glue the sticks and paint them. The bed is ready.

Matchboxes - excellent construction material for doll furniture. These are ready made drawers. You can make a whole kitchen set out of them.

  1. Take 9 boxes and fold them into three rows, gluing them together.
  2. Tape around the perimeter with colored paper tape.
  3. Make staples at the ends of the "boxes" with a stapler. These will be the handles.
  4. Make hanging cabinets from three boxes.
  5. Glue two pieces in each box.
  6. Paint or cover them with colored paper.
  7. Cut the top of the box down the middle. These will be the doors. Handles on them can be drawn with a felt-tip pen or glued on a grain of rice.

From matchboxes you can construct a wonderful chest of drawers. For this we need:

  • 4 matchboxes;
  • 4 beads for legs and 4 for handles;
  • thin fabric or colored paper;
  • beautiful braid;
  • glue, paint.

Paint all boxes inside and out with a solid color paint. Glue them together and wrap with cloth or paper. Glue a braid along the contour, 4 bead legs on the bottom, and bead handles on each box.

There is no such house where several boxes of matches would not be stored. It turns out that matchboxes can be an excellent material for creativity. Together with the child, you can come up with a lot of ideas where to “attach” unnecessary boxes. We will show you a few ideas for girls along with a master class on making furniture from matchboxes.

Simple ideas from matchboxes

Little toys from kinder surprises or cute baby dolls also need a cozy house. It is easy to build furniture for a house if you fold several matchboxes and glue them with colored paper. From matchboxes, you can easily and simply fold a chair, table, sofa or wardrobe. Try it and you will surely succeed!

Doll furniture from matchboxes

Perhaps the most necessary piece of furniture in a dollhouse is a bed. We suggest you make a bed with drawers, on which a small doll can comfortably sit. So, we need two matchboxes, glue, paint, 2 beads.

  1. We take two matchboxes and glue them together, this will be the base of the bed. We put the boxes on a flat surface, circle them with a pencil, leave room for the ends and finish drawing the backs of any desired shape.
  2. We cut out along the contours what we circled in duplicate and glue the boxes on both sides.
  3. We paint the crib in any color and attach the handles to the drawers with wire.
  4. The finished bed can be decorated with a mattress, blanket and pillow.

Matchbox mini chest of drawers

With girls school age It will be interesting to make a chest of drawers for storing jewelry and hairpins. To make a chest of drawers, we need 3 matchboxes, glue, toothpicks, wire, pieces of a rod or beads for handles.

Giving or making a home for your daughter for her dolls is just the beginning. Next, this house will have to be furnished. This is a bunch of toy furniture, appliances, accessories. How to make furniture for dolls with your own hands will be described in this article.

How to determine the size

Dolls, their houses and furnishings are miniature copies of us and our dwellings. And the most reliable way to make doll furniture with your own hands and not make a mistake is to measure real objects, reduce them several times, and then work with the values ​​obtained.

Furniture for dolls - copies of our furniture

How much to reduce the actual size depends on how small or large the doll is, because they are from 7 cm to 60 cm or even higher. Accordingly, they need furniture different sizes. To determine the number by which real dimensions should be divided, we divide the average height of a person in centimeters (170 cm) by the height of the doll. Let's get some number. Here it will be necessary to divide the dimensions of real furniture into it.

For example, the height of the doll is 15 cm. We calculate: 170 cm / 15 cm = 11.3. Here we divide all the parameters of “human” furniture by this number. It should also be said that exactly 14-15 cm is the most popular size among the puppet population. Therefore, most of the finished furniture is made in a ratio of 1:12. We can also use the available dimensions, at least in order to be able to navigate with the scale of the required parts and the amount of materials.

So, the most common sizes of dolls:

  • male doll 150 mm;
  • female doll - 140 mm;
  • baby doll - 75-100 mm;
  • toy baby - 65-75 mm.

If you need furniture for dolls of similar sizes, its parameters will be as follows:

If the toys you have are slightly larger / smaller, you can not adjust the sizes. With a large difference, you will have to increase or decrease (or you can calculate it yourself).

Doll furniture from matchboxes

The easiest way is to make furniture for dolls with your own hands from ordinary matchboxes. They are glued together with PVA glue, creating certain designs, then pasted over with paper or cloth, self-adhesive film, etc. Wooden beads can be used as legs, drawer handles can be made from small buttons on legs or from long beads.

From matchboxes you can make chairs, a table, a chest of drawers, a bed, a bedside table. Another thing is that furniture is obtained for very small dolls, no more than 10 cm high. Although, you can use more boxes by gluing them into blocks, and from these blocks create furniture for dolls about 15 cm high. Also an option, but work with others materials are not much more difficult, but they are more plastic and allow you to create products of more elegant forms.

This may be your first experience in making doll furniture. Later it will be possible to take on something more serious.

Cardboard Dollhouse Furniture

You can try your hand at making furniture for dolls using cardboard. The material is inexpensive, affordable, it will be possible to try and make mistakes, redo it. Cardboard is usually connected with PVA glue, you can use a glue gun or any universal glue that can glue cardboard, fabric, wood. Just making furniture for dolls with your own hands from cardboard, you will still use these materials. If we talk about convenience, then a glue gun is preferable - it glues quickly, it is convenient to work, the connection is reliable.

To make furniture for dolls, you can use ordinary packing cardboard. It is cheap, but the furniture from it is very delicate. It is unlikely that the child will have enough of it for a long time. But, as a "first experience", this a good option. Scrapbooking cardboard products are more reliable. It is more dense, uniform, has a different thickness (from 2 mm or more), can be with a textured surface, extruded monochromatic patterns, a pattern on one or both sides. The disadvantage of such cardboard is that you have to buy it, and some types of such cardboard are not very cheap.

Cardboard bed for a doll

This cardboard doll bed is designed for a large doll - up to 50 cm in height. If necessary, all these dimensions can be reduced.

This option can be done in just 10-20 minutes. There is no need for glue or other fixatives. The pieces are held in place by grooves cut into the cardboard. The width of the groove is equal to the thickness of the cardboard, the length of the slots and the dimensions of the blanks are indicated in the diagram.

The green and yellow dots indicate overlapping cuts. They are inserted one into the other, where the assembly ends. If you like this model, it can also be made from plywood.

Schemes for the manufacture of cardboard doll furniture

Basically, furniture for cardboard dolls is glued. It is unlikely that it will be possible to make something openwork or very complex out of this material, but the manufacture simple models won't take long. Having a diagram with dimensions, you can even do without explanation. Everything is so clear.

Such models can be made "by eye". Without "upholstery" they look unsightly, but after that they look pretty decent. A bedside table with doors and an open shelf - the scheme is the same, different execution

Furniture schemes for dolls can be used not only for making cardboard. They can be transferred to plywood and cut with a jigsaw.

Wardrobe for dolls from improvised materials

The toy cabinet can be made of plywood, painted or pasted over with wrapping paper or self-adhesive film. Here, probably, there will be no questions - everything is clear, and if there are questions, you can peep their solution in a “natural” closet. But you can make it from completely inexpensive materials. Do-it-yourself furniture for dolls is good because its cost is very low.

From a cardboard box

The main task is to find a cardboard box right size. Moreover, it will be easier to work if it is packaging - with folding edges. Such a folding part is a ready-made door. All that remains is to finish it - hang a mirror, attach a handle, etc.

One of the options homemade furniture for dolls - wardrobe

What do you need to work

For work, you will need a good adhesive tape, it is better - on a paper basis, since it is then easier to glue the finish to it. If you have a glue gun or a construction stapler (a large clerical one will do) with staples, that’s also good. If you use other materials besides cardboard and paper, it is better to find a universal glue that glues paper, cardboard, fabric, plastic. You will also need scissors and a clerical knife, a ruler.

If the found box is too large, it can be reduced by cutting off the excess. To make the folds even, we take a ruler. we apply it to the place of the future fold, several times we pass well along the ruler with a blunt solid object (the petiole of a spoon or fork). After that, it will be easy to bend the cardboard.

Filling for a toy cabinet

From scraps or from another box, cut out the shelves. They should be slightly - 5-8 mm - longer and wider than the internal space of the cabinet. We bend the excess so that the sides form on all sides. Folds form in the corners, we carefully cut them off. We bend one of the parts by 180 ° and glue it to the shelf itself. This side of the shelf will "look at the world." We bend the other three parts at an angle of 90 °, coat with glue and glue the shelves into the cabinet. The photo on the right shows how the shelves are glued. But, so that the gluing places are not conspicuous, it is better to wrap the sides down.

Making furniture for dolls with your own hands is no less fun than playing with it later.

In addition to shelves, you can also make a crossbar for hangers. It can be made from bamboo skewers, for example, you can try using a juice straw, wire, etc. Hangers can also be twisted from colored wire or cut from juice bags, from plastic bottles etc.

Finishing is a creative process

Next up is finishing. You can paint the cardboard with watercolors or acrylic (better) paints, glue it with wrapping paper, cloth, felt. You can imitate a mirror surface - paste over with foil (food, for example). If you want to make a "plastic" surface, look for water bottles desired color, cut off the neck and bottom, and use the "body" as a finishing material.

Finishing is a creative process, but to start with, use simpler, softer, thinner materials that are easier to work with.

Handles can be made of wire, beads, long beads. For toy cabinets bigger size you can find buttons or buttons. We glue all this “beauty” after we have “sheathed” the cabinet.

Newspaper doll wardrobe

You will need old newspapers, PVA glue with a brush, a glue gun, a couple of pieces of wire or thread, wrapping paper for finishing the cabinet or paint.

We twist dense tubes from newspapers, coat them along the edge of the PVA and leave to dry. Then the tubes can be glued together. For this operation better fit glue gun. There are two ways: first, assemble large blocks, then cut them into fragments of the desired length, or immediately cut the tubes of the desired length and immediately glue the blanks in size. The second way is more painstaking, but there is less waste.

The finished walls of the cabinet must be fastened together. To rigidly fix the angle of 90 °, it is better to use a thin wire. First, coat the joints with glue, then draw the walls one to the other with wire. If the wires are in the way, they can be removed after the glue has dried.

The bottom, top, shelves are glued using the same technology. The doors will need to be done a little differently. In order for them to open, two strips about 1.5 cm wide are cut out of the tape. Tape is glued along the edge of the door so that a little more than half hangs in the air. With this free adhesive tape we glue the door to the wall, but so that there is a gap of 2-3 mm between the wall and the door (there is just adhesive tape). This will allow the doors to close. We fix the glued door on the other side with a second strip of adhesive tape.

The second way to fix the doors is on the wire. Only this time it should be tough and thick enough. Cut off a piece that is 2 cm longer than the height of the cabinet. Immediately on the wire on one side we make a loop, using 1 cm. We bend the loop at an angle of 90 ° to the wire. We make holes in the bottom and roof, pass the wire through the bottom, the loop remains below. We put a door on the wire, using the outer tube instead of hinges. Slightly bending the wire, we thread it into the hole in the cabinet roof, bend the excess, fixing the door. We repeat the same operation with another door. Please note that it is necessary to fasten the door to the adhesive tape before finishing the cabinet, and it is possible to attach it to the wire after.

There are some other little things that need to be said a few words. Cabinet legs and handles can also be made from paper tubes. You just need to twist them from the paper with which you trim the toy. Fold it into a tight roll, glue the edge with glue, then cut it into segments of the desired length and glue it in the right places. Instead of tubes, there can be wooden sticks, beads, etc.

Doll bookcase or ruler shelf

You can make furniture for dolls with your own hands from school wooden rulers. They are good because they are already processed, have the same width and thickness. In the stationery store you can find the right size - larger / smaller, wider / narrower - as desired. For example, to make a doll bookcase, you need 6 rulers 15 cm long.

You will also need a jigsaw to work. If there is an electric one, great, if not, a manual one will do, since there is not too much work. You also need fine-grained sandpaper, glue (PVA or carpentry) and paints (acrylic or gouache).

We cut segments from the rulers: 4 pieces of 6 cm each, one - 8 cm. We sand the edges to an even state, we also remove the markings and barcodes. Between the two rulers we have shelves (which are 6 cm each), on top we leave approximately the same distance - under the lid (a segment of 8 cm). We coat the joints with PVA or carpentry glue, connect and tighten with masking tape, leave for a day. When the glue dries, glue the very last detail - the cover on top. Actually, the shelf itself is ready, it remains to paint it.

To obtain an even and bright color, it is better to cover the structure with white, after drying, already paint with the desired shade. Also, do-it-yourself doll furniture can be decorated with.

Furniture for dolls: photo ideas

You can make furniture for dolls with your own hands from the most unexpected materials. You have already seen how to use newspapers and wooden rulers. But you can make tables, chairs, armchairs, sofas, beds, shelves, cabinets, etc. from ice cream sticks.

Garden bench or sofa - depending on the finish

What is good about this material, you probably already understood - it has rounded processed edges, is the same in size and well processed. If the sticks seem too rough, sand them down to smoothness with fine grit sandpaper.

Clothespins make good armchairs and chairs. They are disassembled into halves and connected with wood glue. Figured products are obtained in almost a few tens of minutes.

Armchair, table - can also be made from clothespins

Almost always, wooden clothespins are used to make doll furniture. But no one forbids taking plastic ones. It is also difficult to work with them in the same way, only the difficulty is that wooden ones are easier to modify by changing the thickness of the shape, etc. If the product is simple, does not require refinement, you can take plastic ones. They are more varied in shape and size, already painted, so there is less fuss with them.

With the growth of skill, you can switch to more complex material - plywood or wood. The difficulty is that turning and cutting miniature parts requires filigree precision, perseverance and takes a lot of time. But you can do whatever you want.

Angular desk for a doll .... everything is real

Plywood doll wardrobe - very high fidelity

Probably, in every house you can find matchboxes. But few people know, they are an excellent material for creativity, and without any problems you can easily make furniture from matchboxes with your own hands. Especially such creativity will be interesting for a child, because every kid loves to play with dolls, and they also need furnishings. Like the real ones, only in miniature. In this article, we will tell you how easy and simple it is to make original pieces of furniture from such an affordable and cheap material.

Making a bed

If the baby has a little baby, then he needs to be put to bed somewhere. And any mom needs to know how to make a matchbox bed. For manufacturing, you will need to acquire:

  • Two matchboxes;
  • Glue;
  • paper;
  • Paint;
  • wire;
  • Two beads.
  1. We glue together two packages of matches. They will act as the base of the bed.
  2. We apply the base to a paper sheet and circle it with a pencil on all sides. In this case, you should leave room for the ends and finish the backs.
  3. We cut out paper templates in duplicate and glue them to the base.
  4. We paint in the desired color.
  5. Beads are strung on wire and attached to drawers.

Important! For decoration, you can use a mattress, a blanket and a small pillow.

Making a chest of drawers

When doll furniture is made from matchboxes with your own hands, you can’t do without a chest of drawers. Moreover, it is suitable not only for the game - it can be used to store hairpins and jewelry.

Required preparation:

  • Matchboxes (3 pcs.);
  • Clay;
  • Toothpicks;
  • wires;
  • Cardboard;
  • beads.
  1. We glue the frame for the chest of drawers from cardboard. It will require the manufacture of side walls, bottom, countertops, partitions between the boxes.
  2. Insert the boxes into the frame.
  3. Glue toothpicks to the front of the “boxes”, cut off the excess.
  4. We attach the beads to the boxes with the help of wire.

Making an armchair

How to make furniture for dolls from matchboxes? We have already looked at the bed and chest of drawers, and now we will learn how to make a beautiful chair.

This will require preparation:

  • Colored decorative paper;
  • Color double-sided paper;
  • Four empty matchboxes;
  • double sided tape;
  • Stationery glue;
  • Rulers;
  • scissors;
  • Simple pencil.

We follow the instructions:

  1. On a colored double-sided sheet, we measure four rectangles, the dimensions of which are 11 by 8 cm.
  2. Cut out the rectangles.
  3. We wrap each package with paper.
  4. We glue the blanks with glue or double-sided tape. One of them is laid horizontally, the second - vertically.
  5. We use decorative sheets to decorate the seat.
  6. To decorate the other two boxes, we also cut out the decor. The dimensions of the rectangles are 4 by 3 cm.
  7. We glue the sheets in the middle of the boxes.
  8. The remaining packages are vertically glued to the previously glued base.

The chair is ready! For a complete set, it remains to make a few more of the same.

Making a car

In order to captivate a child, it is not enough to know how to make furniture from matchboxes. For example, not all boys will be interested in this process. With this material, you can make many different useful little things. Consider how to make a passenger car, which the kid will then play with pleasure.

Preparation required:

  • Six matchboxes;
  • Four bottle caps;
  • Two sticks of Chupa-Chups sweets;
  • Plasticine bar;
  • A simple pencil;
  • Rulers;
  • colored paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Glue brushes;
  • Shila;
  • Scissors.

We follow the instructions:

  1. With the help of paper we glue two drawers in length (on the long side).
  2. We are preparing the second same template.
  3. We glue the pieces together. They should be located one above the other.
  4. On colored sheets, we circle the resulting design along the contour.
  5. The base is glued with sheets of the desired color on all sides.
  6. We glue two boxes one above the other.
  7. We glue them on all sides with colored paper.
  8. From colored sheets (white, yellow or blue) cut out a rectangle measuring 1.5 by 12 cm.
  9. We fold the paper in four.
  10. On the upper side of the base, we round the corners, cut the workpiece at the folds.
  11. Cut out headlights from paper.
  12. We place plasticine inside the bottle caps.
  13. On a long base in the middle we glue a small blank.
  14. “Windows” made of colored paper are glued to the cabin. We glue one at a time in front and behind, cut the remaining two pieces of paper in half and glue it on the side with the rounded side down.
  15. Glue on the headlights.
  16. Using an awl, we make holes for the wheels.
  17. Insert candy sticks into the resulting holes.
  18. We put corks with plasticine on the sticks.

The game machine is ready!

Of course, now you can easily buy doll furniture in any toy store, but it would be much better if you make it with your child. As the main material, such waste material like matchboxes. Pasted with beautiful paper and decorated with decorative elements, you will get an original table, wardrobe, sofa or dressing table in a short time, and practically for free.

Necessary materials:
- red thick paper;
- silver paper or candy wrapper;
- stationery glue;
- 6 matchboxes;
- Double-sided tape;
- brush;
- a simple pencil;
- white gouache;
- white half beads;
- scissors;
- ruler.

Stages of making a dressing table:
1. We take matchboxes and use double-sided tape to fasten 3 boxes together.

2. Now we cut out two strips from red double-sided paper with parameters 17 x 5.2 cm.

3. We attach pieces of double-sided tape to the boxes and glue the cut-out strips of red paper around them.

4. To connect two bedside tables together and form a ladies table - you need to take red double-sided paper and cut it out
rectangle 11.5 x 5.2 cm.

5. We attach double-sided tape to the upper sides of the bedside tables.
6. Glue the rectangle on the bedside tables.

7. Now we will make the vertical side of the dressing table where the mirror will be placed. To do this, cut out a segment from red paper, where it will be 6 cm vertically and 9 cm horizontally.
8. With a simple pencil draw a semi-oval.
9. Cut out with scissors along the marked lines.
10. Glue to one side of the table with clerical glue.

11. Attach a mirror to the wall. To do this, take a candy wrapper or shiny paper and, drawing a circle with a pencil, cut it out with scissors.

12. Glue the mirror in the middle of the vertical wall of the dressing table.
13. Let's start decorating the drawers. Take white gouache and paint with a brush on the front sides of the boxes.
14. Cut out six stripes for drawers from red double-sided paper, the sides of which will have parameters of 3 x 0.7 cm.
15. We glue small stripes with clerical glue.

16. Glue tiny white half-beads in the middle of each strip. These will be the handles for the drawers.
