Maternal work is very difficult and responsible, and bicycle manufacturers decided to make life a little easier for parents. They invented the wheelchair, and now mother, father and anyone else can have a good time for themselves and for the child. It has been proven that calm rides on a bike relieve stress, and this is so necessary for parents.

Why do you need such a bike?

Often, after giving birth, women are left alone with the child within four walls. This has a detrimental effect on her intellectual and emotional state. Now you can go to nature with a small child on a special wheelchair-type bicycle. It is environmentally friendly and will not harm the health of the baby.

The bicycle will train the body systems of a woman exhausted by pregnancy, as well as restore the balance of muscle and adipose tissue of the body.

Walking on such a bike will be more exciting than with a regular stroller.

When the baby grows up, it will already be possible to put him in a child seat behind his bike. For safety reasons, a very small child cannot be rolled in such a chair.

Design features

An adult sits behind the stroller so that he can always see what is happening with the child.

This is a three-wheeled bike on which only you pedal. At this time, the child sits and enjoys the surrounding nature.

The bike easily folds into a regular stroller by unfastening special clamps. If you urgently need to enter the building, just transform the bike into a sidecar. With this feature, your life will become much easier. When folded, this stroller is very compact and can easily be put in the trunk of a car. According to the manufacturers, you can transform this bike with your own hands in just 20 seconds.

Accessories and armchairs

Taga Bikes, a company specializing in such bikes, has in its arsenal many various models wheelchairs for different ages and the number of children.

You can choose the exact size of the seat for your little one and then replace it with a larger seat when the child grows. If you have twins, then it will not be difficult to buy another chair and place it behind the first.

You can also buy a comfortable basket for two children with a stroller roof so they can sit across from each other and chat. Thanks to the rain cover, bad weather will not spoil any trip! There is also an option for a seat with a hood for one child.

Your children will have an unforgettable cycling experience

You can attach a side container to the stroller, where you can put what you need while riding: food or drink.

If you have a child car seat, you can buy a stroller mount for it. This chair has a number of advantages: it is the most comfortable and suitable for children of different heights.

Instead of a chair, you can install a shopping basket. With it, it will be easier for you to get home with heavy purchases. In the store itself, you transform the bike into a stroller, and after shopping, you leave home on a bicycle. With this stroller, grocery shopping will become more enjoyable.

Advantages of the Taga Bike stroller

  • With it, your every walk will be full of adventures.
  • It is easy to communicate with the baby and monitor his reaction.
  • Excellent stability due to three wheels.
  • It is not necessary to be able to ride a two-wheeled bicycle, because here you do not need to keep balance.
  • Since the child is in front, you can always see if he is safe.
  • The bike is equipped with closed mechanisms, so you don't have to worry about the technical condition.
  • Now it is very easy and convenient to participate in such a large-scale event as a wheelchair parade.
  • The ability to go shopping if there is a basket.
  • You can transform your bike into a stroller when you enter the premises or public transport.
  • Folds up quickly and easily.
  • Now you don't have to leave your child alone or with other people if you want to ride a bike.
  • Fits in a car, so the bike is easy to transport.
  • Playing sports at the same time as walking for the child.
  • Large list of various accessories.
  • Durability.
  • Environmentally friendly transport.

Taga is the only transport in the world that combines a stroller and a bicycle.


Taga Bikes is a monopoly in this area. However, there are also such masters who make bicycle strollers with their own hands! This is a good idea, but making a transformer with your own hands is very difficult, if not impossible. Here are some interesting stories turned out by some people with golden hands:

When assembling such a bike, you need to take into account the distribution of weight so as not to fall on the right side when riding

The negative feature of such a bike is the lack of safety for the child, because the leading bike has two wheels, which impairs stability.

Are you an avid cyclist but your child is taking up all your precious time? No problem! Now you know how you can ride a bike and spend time with your baby at the same time!

The bike, as you know, is not designed to carry significant loads. One of the ways to increase the weight return of a bicycle is to use a trailed bicycle carriage (Fig. 1). A bicycle stroller with removable bodies - boxes, containers, cradles - is quite versatile and allows you to transport various loads, up to bulk materials. If you attach a closed body from a baby stroller to such a bicycle stroller, then you can carry a child of preschool age in it.

Consider how to make a stroller for a bicycle.

In the design of a bicycle stroller, one wheel is used from a teenage bicycle of the Shkolnik type, the rest of the parts are homemade.

The bicycle stroller is attached to the pipe with two easily removable clamps. The pipe, in turn, is connected to the lower fork of the bicycle frame on two brackets. The stroller has reclining struts (stops) that allow it to stand even when the bike is disconnected.

For the manufacture of such a bicycle stroller, scarce parts are not required, except for four springs - shock absorbers. The rest of the parts are made of strip iron (steel) 3-5 mm thick, shaped iron (corners) and pipes. For dimensions and configuration of parts, see the specification and in fig. 2.

The stroller is assembled using electric or gas welding. If it is not possible to weld the parts, then, in extreme cases, they can be assembled using bolted corners, but this will slightly increase the total weight of the stroller.

Thoroughly clean the parts of the assembled bicycle stroller from traces of rust and paint with varnish or paint for metal.

Bicycle Sidecar Parts Specification

(dimensions finished parts)

Letter designation details the name of detail Quantity Dimensions in mm
Length Width Thickness
A Fork 1 270 30 4
B Base 1 510 30 4
IN Plank longitudinal 2 355 30 4
G corner 2 146 32x32 4
D Clamp easily removable 2 110 32 3
E Plank transverse 2 330 30 4
AND Spring shock absorbers 4 - - -
Z Strut (emphasis) 2 280 20 3
AND Strut crossbar 1 305 - Ø8
TO Pipe 1 370 - Ø20
L pipe bracket 2 114 30 3
M Coupling 1 38 - Ø26

- differentiating a thing, it significantly expands the possibilities of a bicycle in terms of cargo transportation. The simplest trailer, the design of which is described in this manual, is equipped with a platform on which you can transport various items, ranging from personal items to sand, bricks, and so on. As for the sides, they can also be made, but this is at your discretion.

The bike discussed below is made from practically junk materials. Parts from an old golf cart (or something similar) were used as a frame. The platform is made from such a common material as wood. Of course, wood adds weight to the trailer, but it is the most affordable material.

Materials and tools used by the author for homemade:

List of materials:
- an old stroller (or other similar spare parts);
- wheels from a bicycle (if they were not on the selected stroller);
- wooden boards;
- self-tapping screws;
- steel clamps for pipes;
- screws, bolts, washers, nuts;
- two wheels from trolleys (for the manufacture of a mounting device);
- an old cable from bicycle brakes (or similar);
- two reflectors (mounted on a trailer);
- steel fastening loops.

List of tools:
- ;
- Bicycle Pump;
- pliers and wire cutters;
- screwdriver;
- hammer;
- wood saw;
- ruler, marker or pencil;
- hacksaw or grinder (may be needed).

Trailer manufacturing process:

Step one. We prepare materials
First of all, what you have to get is bicycle wheels. Finding them in good condition is sometimes problematic. Also for the frame you will need metal tubes, you can get them in old strollers, bicycles and so on. By the way, previously excellent aluminum tubes used in cornices.

Also prepare the boards, they should be strong, but as thin and light as possible so that the trailer is not difficult to pull with a bicycle.

The author disassembles the stroller using. We remove everything that is not needed.

Step two. Let's start assembling the frame
The author, after disassembling the stroller, had axles with wheels, as well as an element in the form of the letter “P”. These components needed to be connected. It will not work to weld aluminum, you can only drill or do as the author does. We just take steel pipe clamps and carefully tighten the elements together. For the reliability of the clamps, you can put more. To strengthen the design, the author drilled holes in the pipes and secured them with additional bolts and nuts. Now the parts are securely connected.

Step three. Central supports
It will be necessary to make supports in the center of the frame so that the platform does not sag under load. Here you will need tubes that you need to fix. On the one hand, the author already had them fixed, and on the other, he inserted a threaded rod across the entire frame and secured the tubes with nuts and washers.

Step four. Drawbar trailer
To connect the trailer to the bike you will need a piece of steel square pipe or other similar part. Cut it to the desired length and fasten it to the trailer frame. How to do it, choose for yourself convenient way. The author used a steel clamp with nuts, as well as metal loops for these purposes. However, you can drill holes in the pipe and fasten the drawbar with bolts and nuts. Additionally, the structure can be strengthened with the same clamps. The most important thing is that when loaded, the drawbar does not come off the trailer.

Step five. Connecting a trailer to a bike
Due to the fact that the trailer must move up or down when driving on rough roads, it cannot be fixed rigidly to the bicycle. The trailer must also be able to turn. In this regard, the hinge must have at least 2 degrees of freedom, that is, movement must be available in the horizontal and vertical direction.

To solve this problem, the author purchased two wheels from the cart. Each such wheel can move around its axis through an angle of 360 degrees. Just remove the wheels from them, and then connect both structures with a bolt and nut. Instead of a bolt with a nut, the author uses a special rod. This knot is important, as it will allow you to quickly unhook the trailer from the bike if necessary.

Fix one part on the bike frame, the author mounts it on the rear fork near the axle, there are just two suitable holes. Fasten the second part to the drawbar of the trailer, the author securely pulled it with loops with bolts and nuts. Pick up correct angle fasteners so that the trailer can change the angle in a given range. That's all, we got a great knot for attaching a trailer to a bike.

Step six. Insurance
Just in case, you need to make insurance that will hold the trailer if suddenly the main mounting assembly is disconnected. For these purposes, the author used a bicycle brake system. Remove from one end the part on which the brake pads are located. Make a secure loop at the end of the cable. As for the brake lever, you can leave it.

Attach the brake lever to the trailer frame, and pull the cable inside the drawbar. As a result, the tip of the cable with the loop should come out near the rear fork of the bike. Attach it to the frame with any accessible way. Now, if the main hitch fails, your trailer will be tethered to an emergency stop.

Step seven. Making and fixing a wooden platform
We prepare the boards, cut them depending on the size of the trailer and grind them so that the platform is easy to wash and does not tear the packages if you carry them. It is highly recommended to also paint the wood so that it does not absorb moisture.

Well, then we use self-tapping screws and assemble the platform. It is attached to the frame with bolts and nuts, using special metal fasteners for pipes.

For the transport of goods, luggage, any necessary items and children, the bicycle is inferior to other means of transportation. But with the growing popularity of this sport, there was a need to expand the boundaries of its use. A bicycle trailer perfectly solves this dilemma, especially since you can make it yourself, like a stroller for transporting a child.

The design of bicycle trailers is different depending on the purpose and volume of transported goods. It is a separate model on one or two wheels, attached to any rear of the bike. In addition to cargo, it can be used to transport a child and pets. Manufacturers offer a wide range of choices, but you can also make your own bike trailer. The American company SCHWINN / INSTEP is known for successful children's models. BURLEY is the manufacturer of some of the finest running shoes for children. The German company ANDERSEN SHOPPER produces reliable cargo trailers.

The advantages of bicycle trailers are obvious, especially when compared with other devices such as a rack, a basket, etc.

  • They allow you to carry quite large and bulky cargo without causing any harm to the bike itself. The weight is evenly distributed throughout the structure;
  • It is also very comfortable and easy to use for transporting children. The trailer in this case must be equipped with additional shock absorbers, seat belts. Compared to a conventional child seat, you can easily fit two children in it;
  • The simplicity of the model allows you to design it yourself at home.

Selection rules


One-wheeled. These trailers coupled to the frame are suitable for small loads. They do not have sufficient maneuverability and stability, as they have only one wheel. On a straight road, they behave quite obediently, but cornering can sometimes cause problems.

Two-wheeled. They are designed to transport medium and heavy loads, perfect for summer residents and farmers. Due to the presence of two wheels, this stroller is more stable on the road and evenly distributes the weight throughout the structure.

Children's bike trailer

  • A runebout is a tandem design that looks like a regular kids bike with pedals and handlebars, but without a front wheel. It is controlled by the main lead bike. Perfect for joint children's trips with adults. The parent can be calm for safety and control the entire process. At the same time, the child enjoys the ride, pedals and remains an active participant in helping the lead cyclist. Children's runabouts allow you to develop good speed and have confident maneuverability. By distributing gravity on three wheels, it is stable and reliable in handling. The design of children's bikes is very mobile and easily folded, so it can be placed in the trunk of a car. The hitch allows you to easily change the lead bike. This model is perfect for children 5-10 years old;
  • Bicycle trailer. This two-wheeled bicycle trailer for transporting children is comfortable and safe. It allows you to carry more cargo than single-wheeled models. With the help of two additional wheels, a uniform redistribution of weight is ensured. The stroller remains stable even if the cyclist falls. A roomy stroller allows you to transport two children at once, which is a huge advantage. The seats are equipped with seat belts, the stroller itself is completely covered with a transparent canopy, protecting it from dirt, rain and stones;
  • Bike with carrycot. A kind of side stroller with an additional wheel and a comfortable passenger seat, equipped with seat belts, a protective film against dust and dirt. This model is not very common in Russia, so you can try to create a unique cradle for a baby with your own hands.

DIY creation

The stroller must first of all directly correspond to the purposes of use. To transport a child, you will have to work carefully and think through all the elements of safety and comfort. For the transportation of goods, special attention should be paid to the strength of the parts and the bottom, while not making the model heavier. A do-it-yourself trailer must remain maneuverable.

To make a trailer with your own hands, it should be remembered that the trailer includes three main elements, the design of which needs special attention. This is the bottom of the model, mount and frame. The bottom of the trailer must be strong and able to support the required load. Do not transport too large volumes of more than 50 kg, as this can deform the frame and damage the tires. The material should be light and moisture resistant. The mount is one of the most important elements. It directly affects the handling and maneuverability on the road. A do-it-yourself hitch should be reliable and simple. Aluminum tubes can be used as a bicycle frame instead of steel tubes. They greatly lighten the weight of the entire model, which undoubtedly helps in handling.

First you need to make a drawing or find a ready-made one that meets all your requirements. Then decide on the size necessary materials and location of all parts.

In conclusion, I would like to say that a do-it-yourself bicycle trailer is simply indispensable for long trips, tourist trips, family picnics. It allows you to take all the necessary things with you, transport children and pets safely and securely. A pleasant company of friends and a bike ride together will be a pleasant pastime. However, when choosing a route, the nature of the road should be taken into account. On a soft, washed-out road and when driving uphill, it is not very comfortable.

Hello, now I will tell and show how to make a wheelchair with your own hands.



  • 1 jogging stroller (with good wheels, ideally with shock absorbers);
  • hex bolts;
  • lock washers;
  • ordinary washers;
  • metallic profile;
  • nuts;
  • metal fastener for a bicycle.


  • a set of keys;
  • angle grinder (or hacksaws);
  • screwdrivers;
  • drill.

We make additional holes in the frame so that we can attach the mount.

  • cut the profile to the desired length;
  • add a jumper;
  • add another part (smaller in size) and add a small jumper, as shown in the photo;
  • after all of the above, it is necessary to get rid of sharp corners so that when driving you do not cut yourself and do not cut the child.

Fasten a piece metal profile with 2 nuts and bolts. One hole must be free (open).

For maximum convenience and reliability, I recommend using existing holes in order to maintain the stability of the stroller frame.
We connect the mount to the frame using conventional bolts (locking), washers and nuts. It is also recommended to bend the bolt (after tightening it) or treat it with special glue so that the stroller does not detach from the bike in any way on the go.

Remove the nut from the wheel. Attach the trailer (mount) for the bike with the hitch bolt and pin. With the help of special mounts (of which there are plenty in bike shops), you can connect the bike to the stroller as tightly as possible.


Tips for using a bicycle stroller:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to take into account all possible risks. With children, you can only drive at low speeds without sharp turns.
  2. Also, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of such a design. With such a design, it is problematic to drive on a "killed" road, since significant vibration in the stroller is possible.
  3. You assume all risks (responsibility for the child).

If you still plan to ride your child on such a stroller, you need to think about safety. At a minimum, it is necessary to purchase a helmet for the child and equip the stroller with seat belts. You can use ordinary straps from a denim sundress or something similar for these purposes.
