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With the introduction of new layouts in new buildings, partitions for zoning space in a room have become popular. They replace the wall if there is no possibility or desire to erect it, and they look very picturesque and beautiful.
Often this is a salvation for small apartments - studios or rooms in which two zones are combined: a bedroom with a living room. Divide long room and to make a recreation area and an area for guests is the dream of many owners of one-room apartments and partitions allow you to do this effectively and functionally.

Designers have come up with many options for partitions. Usually, they serve to isolate personal space from residential or common space.
I perfectly understand those people who in this way are trying to beat off a little space for a double bed or a kitchen from standard narrow seventeen-meter rooms.

Decorative partitions differ from walls in their light transmission, because often when dividing a room, one of the zones becomes without access to a natural light source. And here designs without a back wall or from a transparent material come to the rescue.

According to their structure, partitions can be stationary or mobile. Drywall constructions can be classified as stationary, and sliding partitions or shelving can be attributed to mobile ones.

Zoning materials are also striking in their diversity, in fact, you can use everything that is at hand or that is more accessible to you.

Below we will analyze interesting ideas that bold and active interior designers have already implemented.
All partitions are matched to the overall style of the interior.

So in Japanese style to divide a room into two zones, are used japanese curtains, in eco and country style - wooden partitions, in the east - screens and filament curtains and other options.

Drywall partitions

The most popular material for dividing space is drywall. It is affordable, allows you to make different forms and easy to mount. Such designs are most often stationary and have through shelves or ledges for storing decorative elements.

Such partitions are popular for separating zones in a nursery.

The recesses serve as shelves and allow sunlight to pass through. Such a partition allows you to divide the room into two zones: for children and for adults.

This is a suitable method for highlighting the personal zones of heterosexual children.

Photo of a successful zoning solution in a one-room apartment.

The top of the partition serves as a window and ventilation at the same time and divides the 18 sq.m. room into two zones.

Separation of the kitchen from the living room. An aquarium is built into the niche.

The functional design of drywall allows you to conveniently arrange household appliances.

Drywall partition decorated with wood.

You can also zone with a low partition. The photo shows a cozy version of the room with two zones: a bedroom and a common one.

Separation of the bedroom from the living room.

Solid partition from GVL. The lack of light is compensated by lamps. beautiful ideas decorating from the inside with veneer panels.

A bright partition can become the main accent in the room.

Wooden partitions

Partitions made of wood always look cozy and expensive. Moreover, you can be sure that during hot summers, they will not emit all sorts of toxic substances, such as formaldehyde.

If you apply imagination, then you can divide the room with affordable bars, the remains of lining and boards. The appearance of a tree at different stages of processing is always impressive and beautiful.

The wood can be processed and therefore an exquisite pattern can be made.

Decorative elements in the form of birch branches give a feeling of unity with nature.

Ordinary slats can be a decoration of the apartment.

Design option using wood saw cuts.

Partitions are matched in the same style and color as the floor.

The photo turned out to be very light and functional zoning.

Ideas of naturalness permeate the entire interior of the apartment.

Wooden compositions may be unusual, but the structure of the tree does not lose its attractiveness.

Wrought iron partitions

Forged designs amaze with their elegance and graceful lines. But their cost is much higher than that of drywall or other materials. This option serves as an example of a partition between rooms.

But, if funds allow, or you really want to, then you still need to find a master who does this. You can often find them where they are made. metal stairs, because forging is in full swing there.

Screen for space zoning

Screens in ancient times were used in palaces and in the east.

Now it's a beautiful compact design element. It can always be moved to different places, fenced off from home, and if not needed, folded and removed.

This mobile version of the partition will appeal to many owners of narrow rooms.

Glass structures

glass also great option when sharing a room. It transmits light and looks very light. Of course, you must be sure of the quality of the glass if you have children. Therefore, tempered glass or plexiglass is often chosen. Tempered glass shatters into small, non-sharp pieces on impact, making it hard to cut.

In rooms where they fence off sleeping area can be used frosted glass with a special coating, so you let the light into the second zone, but do not show what is in your bedroom.

The glass partition between the bed and the sofa is popular for use in minimalist and hi-tech styles, because. this material is self-sufficient and performs a maximum of functions with a minimum of space weighting.

The transparent partition completely transmits light.

Shelving as a partition

You could see the options in the previous article. Shelving structures that act as partitions are often made very roomy and without a back wall. They can separate the hallway or living area from the dining room.

They are often filled with books and decorative elements or understaffed with drawers and doors. This allows you to maximize the use of storage space.

A closet is built into the plasterboard construction.

The partition smoothly flows onto the wall.

A low rack visually separates the sofa from the bed and this helps to divide the room into two zones: a bedroom and a living room. See photo.

Cabinets are hidden in the structure.

Fantasy shelving suits a light interior.

The rack, which is used to separate areas in the apartment, is complemented by doors.

Bar counter for room zoning

- perfectly separates the kitchen from the dining room. This is a salvation for owners of combined living rooms with a kitchen and one-room apartments. Often the bar counter also serves as a dining table. Due to its height, it fully allows access to light, but nevertheless, clearly separates the boundaries of the room.

The bar counter matches the general tone of the room with a glossy surface and serves as a partition between the kitchen and the living room.

Partitions from living plants

This trend has appeared recently, thanks to the creation and possibility of using drip irrigation at home. In this way, you can create partitions with lawn grass or ivy. Using the most unpretentious and sparsely growing plants. Bindweeds allow you to quickly attach a partition beautiful view, but at the same time spend little effort on their care.
Often a simple vase with tall plants planted in it can serve as a partition.

Here, the whole effect will come from creating a composition of these flowers, which serve as a partition between the hallway and the living room.

Blinds as a space divider

Use blinds to divide the space. Also became quite recently. This option allows, if necessary, to isolate the room, for example, to close it from sun rays. Due to their lightweight design, they lighten the interior and do their best as a partition between the living room and the hallway.

More popular vertical blinds, but horizontal ones are also found and serve as a partition between the kitchen and the hallway.

In the materials you can find paper blinds, aluminum or plastic, which help to divide the room into 2 zones and not eat up space. The wider the individual details, the more modern and integral the interior looks.

Sliding partitions like a coupe

To divide a room into two zones with a compartment door or wardrobe, use guides and door leafs. Sliding partitions perfectly cope with their role of zoning. This option is suitable for small spaces and allows you to give the room a twist, thanks to its coverage. Matte options or glossy whites that reflect light look so chic.

If you insert mirrors, you can also visually enlarge the space, and with the doors closed, guests will not even guess that you have another room.

Doors have contrast trim.

The canvas is covered with plastic.

Dividing space with threads and ropes

A decorative partition can also be made of various kinds of threads and even ropes. This option will look spectacular if you observe a strong tension of the ends.

Beads are often strung on threads.

Such options are popular in eastern countries. Now they are included in our everyday life and allow you to give color to the design.

The ombre principle can be embodied everywhere and can serve as an example of dividing a room with curtains.

Thin dark threads add airiness to the space.

We use plastic pipes as a partition

Designers do not sit still and come up with new interesting ideas for decorating an apartment. For example available to all plastic pipes can be a very stylish design element. As a result, such an unusual partition was created between the toilet and the bathroom.

Such a partition can even be made at home if you can cut off all the details evenly.
The advantages include the ease and accessibility of the design, as well as many variations of forms.

From parts of different diameters, you can create many interesting options.

Textile partition (Japanese curtain)

The easiest way to fence off the comfort zone is to use textiles. Curtains can play this role.
Thick curtains will replace the doors to the dressing room, fence off unwanted looks and emphasize the softness of the interior. The only downside is the low sound insulation.

Curtains with beautiful shade emphasizes the general idea of ​​the design.

Separation in a one-room apartment.

Bright color attracts attention. When necessary, the textile partition can be moved.

For the daytime version, tulle is suitable, and at night - curtains.

Japanese curtains came to us from organized Japan.

These are stretched canvases of fabric with a variety of patterns and ornaments. They perfectly zone the room and do not look like a heavy or foreign element.


Tell VK

Today, the reality is that many face the problem of lack of square meters. Because of this, the living space has to be used for dual purposes. One solution is to divide the room into 2 zones: a bedroom and a living room. There are many design techniques for one-room apartments, as well as for two-room apartments, if there are children. In the photo, the room is divided into 2 zones - a bedroom and a living room. As you can see, this is also true for large studio apartments.

The living room is a place for receiving guests and family pastime. Bedroom - intimate area, requiring calmness and alienation from the outside world. It is difficult, but possible, to connect two such different territories in one room. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the bedroom should not be a passageway, so it is more logical to place it away from the entrance.

When zoning small spaces, do not overload the interior, it is better to stick to minimalism. However, not only small rooms need to be divided into zones, but also spacious ones. one-room studio apartments. In this case, on the contrary, the main task will be to create an atmosphere of comfort, so that there is no feeling of emptiness.

Having decided to divide the room into zones, it is worth considering what are you ready to decide on? Whether you are set up for certain repairs or you do not want to change something drastically.

Partitions for dividing a room

One of the ways of zoning space is the construction of a partition. It is possible to separate one territory from another permanently or mobilely. It all depends on the desire and financial capabilities.

capital structures

The capital method of dividing a room into two zones is the construction of a plasterboard partition. The design can be either "deaf" - from floor to ceiling, or translucent - not the entire height of the wall or with air "windows". Modern Decoration Materials allow to make such partitions of various configurations: straight, semicircular, V-shaped, stepped. Examples in the photo.

It is not necessary that the structure be built from the floor. Ceiling arches can serve as a kind of division of the territory.

Partitions made of wood, laminate, slats, bamboo, reed, branches, etc. are interesting. They are usually translucent. The use of natural, environmentally friendly, natural material adds an element of freshness and special color to the interior.

Enclosing structures are made of plastic and glass. Such partitions look light, airy and do not clutter up the space. Usually used matte or stained glass, because the goal pursued is to isolate the private territory (bedroom) from the public (living room). Although, recently it has become fashionable to use glass transparent partitions. This option will not hide from prying eyes, but only emphasize zoning. But you will get a lot of light, space and novelty!

Sliding partition doors

A wonderful option for zoning a room is to use sliding doors(coupe). This version of the partition combines aesthetic beauty and practicality. If desired, the doors can be left open, half-closed, etc. Such structures are made of wood, glass, plastic. Filling options are endless: matte, transparent, patterned, etc.


A mobile alternative to a capital partition is a screen. This option of dividing a room into two zones is attractive because it does not require any repair work. Modern market offers a huge variety of models from various materials: wood, fabric, plastic. Screens original design, made in different styles, will fill the interior with special charm. A variety of models is shown in the photo.

Advice! In hot sunny days It is convenient to use an opaque screen for additional darkening of the room, simply by moving it closer to the window.

Zoning with room decoration

You can effectively divide a room into two zones using different heights of the room. Multi-level ceilings perfectly emphasize the difference between the bedroom and the living room.

An important role in the zoning of the room is played by the color of the walls. You can use wallpaper in contrasting colors, but they must be combined with each other. Wall murals in the smallest part of the room will look good.

In the division of the territory, it is advisable to use both methods of polar decoration: both the ceiling and the walls. If this is not possible, then budget option will shade one zone from another by means of a color scheme.


Impressive expression is filled with a room in which there is a podium. The construction of this structure is quite laborious and costly, but the result is worth it. The podium perfectly separates the zones and has a practical function. The space below it can be used quite productively: from storing things to being located inside a pull-out bed.

Separation with curtains

The easiest way to divide a room into two zones is to use curtains. The use of textiles as a partition has several advantages:

  • Minimum financial investment;
  • The lowest labor costs;
  • Mobility of use.

Curtains can be thick, covering the entire passage, thereby hiding the sleeping area from prying eyes. In contrast, the curtain can be light, translucent and only slightly “hint” that behind it is a private area. Often used such types of curtains as rolled (Roman) or Japanese curtains. The variety of uses of textiles to divide space is amazing and encourages new ideas.

A peculiar variation of the use of curtains for zoning a room is the construction of a canopy. The use of such a canopy over the private zone will add a unique element of mystery, a fairy tale to the atmosphere of the home.

In addition to textiles, curtains made of other materials are suitable as a partition. Curtains made of beads look original and elegant; exotic room will add curtains made of shells or bamboo. Kisei is another interesting alternative to conventional curtains.

Zoning with furniture

The most common way to divide the territory is the use of furniture. This zoning option is quite mobile, since you can always rearrange if you wish. The photo shows that you can divide a room into two zones, a bedroom and a living room, with any kind of cabinet furniture: a closet, a wall in its entirety or parts of it, etc. And in this case, there is no limit to fantasy.

Attention! The rack perfectly combines all the qualities of a partition and furniture!

Used to divide space upholstered furniture. As a rule, the bed is simply fenced off with a sofa. This may not be the best effective method zoning, but it still applies today.

Extraordinary decisions and conclusions

It has become a trendy design technique to use an aquarium or a plasma panel to separate zones. Forged metal partitions are rarely used, but such an openwork can give a room a unique elegance.

So, now you know how to divide a one-room apartment into two zones, a bedroom and a living room. When choosing one or another option, you should take into account the scope of work and your financial capabilities.

It should be noted that these methods can be used both separately and in combination. For example, the podium can be decorated with curtains, and in plasterboard partitions add glass elements.

I would like to believe that the above examples of interior zoning helped you figure everything out and inspired you to design feats!

In the conditions of modern apartments, people too often have to combine several functions in one room at once. For example, a bedroom can serve as a place to relax, an office and a wardrobe at the same time. Therefore, many are concerned about the question of how to correctly divide a room into two zones so that it is both convenient and beautiful.

Image 1. Scheme of a plasterboard partition.

Numerous interior publications and similar TV shows often talk about fashionable ways of zoning a room. But often we are talking about large bedrooms. And how to divide a room if its area does not exceed 10 m2? If you approach this issue creatively and preliminarily draw up a redevelopment scheme, then this task becomes completely solvable.

Techniques to help divide a room into zones

In order to divide a room into 2 zones, you can use the following techniques:

  • zoning using stationary partitions (for example, from drywall);
  • the use of sliding or mobile partitions (screens, curtains);
  • separation with furniture;
  • visual zoning.

Before dividing a room into two zones, be sure to draw up an approximate diagram of the future appearance premises. Think about where the TV or dressing table will be located. And only after that choose the zoning option. Because each of the above methods has its pros and cons.

Image 4. Screens made of light natural fabrics perfectly transmit light and air, and do not visually reduce the room.

  1. Visually divide the room will help just one small architectural element. It can be a semi-arch, a small rack or a low and short partition. A two-level ceiling will look no less impressive. The main thing is that the border between the zones is clearly visible.
  2. Try to arrange both zones in a single color scheme. Contrasting solutions, of course, look very stylish. But not everyone can think of such an interior on their own.
  3. Combine the zones with an element that combines both used styles. It can be a single floor covering, the design of one of the walls, "fitting" into both designs, or a large ceiling chandelier.

In any case, use neutral, calm tones for both the children's and adult zones. Remember that not only you, but also your child will live in this room. For the same reason, you should not overload the bedroom with "children's" elements. A funny night light and one picture above the baby's bed will be enough.

Zoning of the bedroom and office

You can divide the room into two parts independent of each other with the help of furniture. Such zoning is especially relevant in a room owned by a teenager. Because he needs two separate zones: a place to relax and work. The easiest way to do this is with a bookcase. But you need to choose it wisely.

You should pay attention to lightweight structures consisting of rails or thin tubes. For example, such as shown in Fig. 3.

Drawing of a screen for dividing a room.

The shelves of the rack should be high. This is necessary so that the books do not completely clutter them up, giving access to sunlight from the window. Approximately at the level of the chest of a standing person on the rack, it is more reasonable to place some trinkets: a collection of figurines, sports awards, souvenirs. And heavy and bulky volumes are best put down.

In order to make the working area look more comfortable, you should not fence off only a computer or desk. Otherwise, this part of the room will resemble a corral. Place an armchair, floor lamp, or small corner sofa. Remove the TV from the bedroom area and equip the “study” with a place to relax and watch programs. This technique will make the room more comfortable and discipline the owner of the bedroom.

As a partition, they are used not only bookshelves. For this, a large cabinet for the same TV is suitable. And if the room belongs to a girl, then it can be zoned with a dressing table with a large mirror. You can finalize the decor with the help of curtains.

Zoning of premises using mobile partitions

The easiest way is to divide the room into 2 zones using mobile partitions. These include screens and all sorts of curtains. For example, such as shown in Fig. 4.

If you prefer to zone the room in this way, then follow these tips:

  1. Use light, translucent fabrics. They let in light and air and do not make the room visually smaller.
  2. Be sure to repeat the design on the curtain or screen in other details of the bedroom decor. The same or similar fabric can be used to sew pillowcases for sofa cushions, chair covers or repeat the pattern in a wall decor element. But making a separating curtain and curtains on windows from the same material is not worth it. Such a solution will only “overload” the space.
  3. Give preference to natural fabrics. They are easier to care for, they do not electrify and do not attract dust.
  4. Provide an opportunity to move the curtain to the side, and remove the screen. Stationary partitions, even the lightest ones, sometimes get in the way.
  5. Hanging curtains should not be used in the bedroom. Their knocking can interfere with a good rest.

But no matter how you decide to divide the room, remember that the bedroom should be cozy. So don't get carried away fashion solutions and choose the design according to your taste.

How to divide a room into zones without building additional walls? We know of several ways that successfully accomplish this task without depriving the enclosed space of natural light, which is so important. The issue of space zoning is relevant both for small apartments and for large rooms, which serve simultaneously as a living room, a kitchen, and a bedroom, depending on the layout and desire of the owners. Mobile partitions, which can be moved and rearranged, give residents the opportunity to change the interior at any time. Let's look at what ways to divide space exist.

How to divide a room into zones: shelving

simple and practical way- install large rack and fill it with books, vases, plants and other necessary things that are always looking for a place in the house. The rack can be high and reach right up to the ceiling, as was done, for example, in a 40-meter loft on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, where we went to visit.


Screens, as a piece of furniture, appeared a very long time ago. They were invented in the east and were actively used there, and fashion came to Europe only in the seventeenth century. The screens in the bedrooms served as a partition for changing clothes. Now more and more often mobile partitions are moving from bedrooms to living rooms and serve not only as a practical, but also as a decorative element.

There are even screens with hooks and clothes hangers, which solves the ever-relevant storage issue.

Well, most of all we liked the mirror screen. This is what really visually expands the space.

Quartblog Digest

We study the most popular tricks on how to zone an apartment using the example of real houses from our reports. Interesting ideas with photo examples!

We will analyze with an expert on specific examples how to correctly zone a room into a bedroom and living room, and what methods are best suited for this.

We highlight the "light" corners in the house. Functional zoning rooms with light practical ideas for every room from Quartblog.

Interesting ways to visually separate the bed from the rest of the space.

IN one-room apartments the bedroom for adults and children is one for all. We tell you how to correctly distribute the space.


There are many ways to divide a room into two zones, and each of them differs in cost, ease of implementation, practicality for different rooms. But each of the methods perfect solution for both large and small rooms. There are several tricks that should help a person without design education choose a competent, convenient option for dividing space into 2 zones or 2 rooms.

There are ways to zoning an apartment with different elements: screens and sliding partitions, furniture, stationary partitions that divide the room into two rooms. You can use arches and podiums, as well as decorative elements and other non-standard solutions.

With the help of abstract or modular paintings, for example, you can divide the space into zones: separate the dining room from the kitchen or the play area from the place in the nursery where the child does his homework.

A non-standard solution can be all the partitions in the room made of shelving. Dividers such as household and digital appliances (flat TV on a stand) look interesting. Zoning can be done with additional lighting. But the easiest way to divide the space in a room is to use finishing materials.

Separation by fixed partitions

Stationary structures - the best option to divide a large room into two zones. In order not to take up a lot of space and not waste resources, separate zones are created inside each resulting room with the help of additional elements.

Important! Practical stationary partitions are made of foam concrete and brick. Shelves and other heavy structures can be hung on such walls. .

If nothing heavier than hooks or paintings is provided on the wall of the room, then drywall options will do. Beautiful design solutions from carved wood or metal, glass is also used to divide a room into two zones. However, thin structures do not have insulating properties.

Before dividing a room into 2 zones, it is necessary to consider how much space can be spent, whether there will be additional accessories for partitions, whether one of the rooms needs to be made more comfortable and private.

Partitions made of glass, for example, look nice and airy, fill the room with light, but are hardly suitable for separating the sleeping area from the living room. However, they are used inside the work area and dining room or bedroom and bathroom.

With the help of metal structures, you can separate the living room and come, the work area and the dining room, but it is better not to use them in the kitchen (increased heat transfer properties).

Separation by a sliding partition

Sliding doors are made of glass (with or without decor, with a matte finish or mirror), wood, plastic and drywall. The principle of compartment doors is used, when guides are installed on the floor and ceiling.

Designs have features:

  1. Advantages. They take up little space, are mobile, very light.
  2. Flaws. Poor visual and sound insulation, require space for the structure to enter so that it is impossible to hang any decorative elements on the partition from one side.

Sliding partitions are often used for zoning a room into a bedroom and living room. With the help of a clear distinction, you can divide the loggia and the bedroom or the balcony and the living room.

The sliding structure occupies the entire part of the erected wall, which it “enters”, but does not make the room bulky or uncomfortable.

At the same time, it is easy to choose a design for the design of any apartment.

Screen separation

A screen is a method of zoning a room that can be used in any interior.

These are the most mobile structures for the temporary division of space, for example:

  • cot compartment;
  • allocation of a place for changing clothes;
  • temporary limitation of the working area.

The screen can be made with your own hands from wooden planks, metal, and between them you can stretch fabric or rice paper. There are also folding screens made of various materials, which require hinges.

The structures weigh little, and if you put them along the wall, they merge beautifully with it, acting as a spectacular piece of decor.

Reference! Mobile folding partitions came to the European interior from the East.

A screen is the easiest way to divide the area of ​​​​a room, it acts as a visual barrier, but is not suitable when sound insulation is needed.

Zoning with curtains

With the help of curtains it is easy to achieve a comfortable, cozy and pleasant zoning. If you use blackouts, they will smooth out a small amount of noise - rustles, squeaks.

The use of curtains to separate part of the room does not require expensive materials and complete repairs - just hang the curtain. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the use of curtains:

  • the fabric absorbs odors and is not suitable for separating the kitchen;
  • in children's curtains should also not be installed due to the fact that a child can ruin the design;
  • curtains are not suitable for people prone to allergies - you will have to vacuum and wash them too often to prevent dust accumulation.

There are many ideas from designers: someone uses tiebacks when you need to open the curtain, others prefer the option of extending the structure to the wall itself. Thick curtains are combined with tulle and other lightweight fabrics that create multiple layers of room insulation.

Dividing space with threads and ropes

For the first time, threads for dividing into two zones began to be used as a partition in the East. Beads and other decorative elements were strung on threads, ropes made of silk and other materials were also used.

Advice! Do not hang strings if there are cats or other pets in the room who are prone to playing with ropes.

You can make threads from improvised means with your own hands. Beaded items look very beautiful and unusual, but remember that they turn out to be heavy. If the rope curtain is too long, it can be easily cut to size.

Kisei are often used for zoning decor, which are attached to the cornices. They are made of wooden or plastic beads, glass, ordinary threads. There are wide and thin muslin that create a blackout in the room.

Furniture as a means of space zoning

One of the most popular ways to divide the space in a room is to use furniture. Often use furniture in studios, apartments to separate the hall and dining room or bedroom. If you put a sofa in the middle of the room, it will divide it into 2 or even 3 functional zones.

Separation with cabinets and shelving is a practical option. But this method is difficult to use in very small rooms. Books, plants, and other important things are stored inside the rack.
A popular solution is the separation of furniture - racks - from the living room to the bedroom. But, if there are children in the house, it is better to use dense partitions.

Advice! If you fill the rack that reaches the ceiling, only half from the bottom, then it will divide the space visually. But this option will retain the feeling of a single room.

Use low shelving that can be easily moved to the wall and transform the room into a single whole.

Want to separate a zone in a non-standard way? Do it with a bar counter. It is easiest to separate the living room from the kitchen or dining room with it. The stand can be combined with different items, for example, build a TV into it on the other side.

Often, for zoning, a bed with a high back is used, or with a built-in shelving. Among unusual solutions the zoning of the room stands out with large aquariums: thin and wide, low and high.

Dividing a room into zones using an arch

Divide the room with an arch, while the room can be small or large. Arches do not occupy the walls and floor, there are practical options - wide, but with built-in wardrobes or in the form of mezzanines.

The “inverted” arch-partition is made in the form of small steps, on which various things are located.

Combination of materials and colors

Finishing materials, a combination of their colors and textures help to visually zone the space.

This is the easiest way to divide a room that does not require major redevelopment:

  • use photo wallpapers in combination with a plain finish;
  • combine vertically different colors paints (zoning looks beautiful in one color with a different shade);
  • combine opposite materials - plaster, paint, linoleum and tiles, fake diamond and laminate.

Zoning different color solutions in your house or apartment - a popular option.

Difficulties of color zoning

It is easy to divide the space with color from the point of view of technology, but it is difficult not to “smart” with the selected shades and combinations. They should be well combined with each other, but be quite contrasting.

Important! The greatest danger is represented by cold and warm colors in the same interior.

Accessories are used to harmoniously connect zones. For example, in a light green kitchen, dark yellow accessories are installed to match the shade of the living room.

Here are some details that will help:

  • fluffy carpets;
  • paintings with a predominance of color from the neighboring zone;
  • pillows;
  • lamps;
  • vases and other decorative items.

A similar echo of colors can be found in furniture: backs of chairs, sets of dishes, sofa covers.

Among the methods color zoning allocate:

  • painting the left and right parts of the room in different shades;
  • highlighting one of the walls.

Color is used not only in the form of plain paint, but also in the form of wallpapers that are identical in texture, but different in shade. The solution looks interesting when the ceiling and one wall are painted in different colors, and the walls located opposite each other are finished with the same wallpaper.

Zoning with light

It is possible to separate the functional areas of the room with the help of light if there is no need for a clear delineation of space. Apply different light sources, lighting intensity.

Spot lighting is often installed around the perimeter, and a large floor lamp is placed above the dining table or sofa in the center of the room, and a chandelier with an openwork lampshade is hung.

If you place soft lighting in the area where the materials zone the space, you will get a clear division of the room. Working area or the sleep area will be highlighted by sconces, table lamps.

Height zoning

A similar method is used in rooms where ceilings are higher than 270 cm. Zoning can only be implemented during repairs, since it is necessary to provide protrusions in the floor or ceiling. The podium is suitable for installation in any room. The separation of the sleeping area in the bedroom looks beautiful when a bed is placed on the podium.

To divide a room into two zones, use different ways. For both spacious and small spaces there are interesting solutions: partitions, furniture, finishing materials and even curtains!
