A straight sofa is the choice of most buyers. Thanks to a simple geometric shape, such upholstered furniture can be placed anywhere, which cannot be said about corner sofas. Straight sofas look organically in residential and office spaces, can be used for negotiations, relaxing with family or a night's sleep. Read about what straight sofas are and how to choose the right model.

Types of straight sofas

Depending on the presence of a transformation mechanism, all existing models of straight sofas are divided into two categories:



Let's dwell on the features of both in more detail.

Fixed sofas

Non-folding straight sofas are especially often bought in offices and spacious kitchens. With a sufficient length of such a piece of furniture, it can be used not only for sitting, but also as an extra bed.

Ideally, if the upholstery of a kitchen or office sofa is made of natural or artificial leather, resistant to dirt and mechanical wear. Another a good option- eco-leather, which also has excellent performance characteristics.

A beautiful straight sofa with fabric upholstery will create coziness in the living room. Particularly attractive is the upholstery made of jacquard fabric, which, in addition, is distinguished by excellent wear resistance. Other suitable fabrics are soft-touch velor, expressive tapestry, moisture resistant and affordable flock.

Folding sofas

Upholstered furniture with a transformation mechanism easily turns into a spacious bed. Therefore, straight sofas of this type are indispensable for one- and two-room apartments, where the living room acts as a bedroom at night. In addition, such a sofa is relevant as a guest bed, especially if you are expecting the arrival of several relatives or friends at once.

Sofas with various folding mechanisms are on sale. For daily use, mechanisms such as eurobook, click-clack, accordion and roll-out are ideal. All of them form a flat sleeping surface, are convenient for transformation and are designed for a long service life.

Before buying a sofa, measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and compare it with the dimensions of the model you like in assembled and unfolded form so that the sofa does not block access to sockets and cabinets. In addition, take a closer look at the presence of additional functions - sofas with built-in shelves and coffee tables are very comfortable.

Today it is difficult to imagine a living space without a sofa. This piece of furniture is not only for sitting and watching TV. You can also sleep on it. Various Models, presented on the market today, differ in the transformation mechanism, type of upholstery, design, purpose, and so on. Sooner or later, you have to change the upholstered furniture in the apartment. Many consumers are lost in today's variety of models. Next, we will figure out how to choose the right sofa. From the article we will learn what these products are, and also get acquainted with the main points that you should pay attention to when buying.

Today, many do not know how to choose the right sofa. First you need to decide on the purpose of the product. For example, in one family, a sofa will perform the tasks of a bed. That is, it is supposed to sleep on it. In another family, the product can be used to watch TV and be a resting place for all family members. After the functional task has become clear, the quality of the furniture should be studied. I must say that the widely held opinion that the best furniture is Italian will not be entirely appropriate here. Today, the condition of such elements as the frame, filler and upholstery will serve to assess the quality. You can choose the design of the future sofa in accordance with your personal preferences. But experts recommend taking into account the general interior of the room, where this piece of furniture will then be placed.

Many people wonder - how to choose the color of the sofa? In this case, you need to focus on the walls. depending on gamma finishing material, the color of the sofa is also selected. Here you need to consider how the tones will be combined with each other so that the product is not lost against the background of the walls. It must also be said that in design all the details are interconnected. This means that even minor changes can lead to changes in the entire interior. For those who prefer universal options, manufacturers offer models with a wooden frame. Upholstery of such products is usually carried out in classical style. Such models are combined with almost any design. If preference is given to modern products, then here you need to pay attention to sofas made in the Hi-Tech style. But at the same time, experts recommend observing the measure. It should be remembered that not always trendy products will be appropriate in the interior.


Before choosing a sofa, you should evaluate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. According to the size of the product are divided into 2 and 3-seater. The former are more suitable for those who live alone and sometimes receive guests. The second option is more spacious. He is chosen in the house where the family lives. If you still liked a double sofa, then for the convenience of placement, additional chairs are purchased. The result is a wonderful soft corner for the whole family. In order not to be mistaken with the size, you must first determine where the sofa will stand. Often rash purchases lead to the fact that the product is difficult to put in the room, because it takes up a lot of space. You need to measure the width and length of the area where the piece of furniture will be placed before choosing.

corner sofa

Products of this type are considered today one of the most popular. These models are equipped with a variety of transformation mechanisms. These sofas can be either right or left handed. Before buying, you should accurately imagine and plan the location. Although with corner sofas, as a rule, there are no difficulties. Many manufacturers offer collapsible models. Products of this type can, like a designer, be assembled by swapping elements.


There are a lot of devices for transforming a structure today. If you plan to use the sofa as a bed infrequently, then the clamshell mechanism will do. One of the lightest mechanisms is considered to be roll-out. But when unfolding it, you need a lot of space. The simplest and cheapest option is the "book". Along with the advantages, this mechanism has a significant drawback. When transforming, a certain margin to the wall is required. Today there is a more advanced version of this mechanism - "Eurobook". It's more convenient. Next, information will be given on how to choose a "eurobook" sofa.


The Eurobook transformation mechanism is convenient, practical and durable. The principle of operation of the device is quite simple. In order to expand the sofa, it is enough to roll out its seat forward, then move the backrest from a vertical to a horizontal position. The convenience of this design is that, unlike previous models, there is no need to leave a gap between the product and the wall. Such a sofa, among other things, is equipped with drawers for linen. When buying such a product, experts recommend paying attention to the presence of a block of springs. The design should include orthopedic armor, as well as molded elastic polyurethane foam. This material is present in the soft elements of the seats and backs.


It can be made from different materials. The main ones are metal, wood and timber with chipboard. Each frame has its own advantages and disadvantages. The service life of structures is also different. How to choose a quality sofa at an affordable price?

wooden frame

In a room whose interior is made in a classic style, it is preferable to put a sofa, the supporting structure of which is made of natural material. Such models are popular because they create additional comfort and a feeling of warmth in the room. The types of wood used in the manufacture of the frame may differ in both price and quality.

Common type of wood

Coniferous breeds are used by manufacturers most often. What is the reason for this choice? This is due to the fact that in Russia they are very common and grow almost everywhere. This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of production, saving on transportation. At the same time, the quality of products remains at the proper level. For those who do not know how to choose a sofa in the living room in a house where few people live, experts recommend paying attention to models whose frame is made of coniferous wood.

Frame durability

How to choose a sofa so that it lasts for decades? First of all, experts recommend paying attention to models whose frames are made of hard rocks. These include, in particular, ash, oak and beech. It must be assumed that the cost of such products is significantly higher than those described above. Birch frames also have the necessary strength. This breed is stronger coniferous trees, but inferior to ash and oak. Mahogany is used in the manufacture of luxury furniture. This breed has a lot of advantages, including a very long service life and reliability.

The strength of the frame structure is also provided by fasteners. The more reliable it is, the more stable the product. Since it is often necessary to choose a sofa in a house where a large family lives, special attention must be paid to the type of fastening of elements. This is due to the fact that with sufficiently active use, the frame can become loose very quickly, and the product will become unusable. In this regard, experts recommend choosing those models in which the elements are connected not with screws, but with bolts. Parts planted on glue should fit snugly against each other.

Frame wood condition

The quality of the material is of no small importance. It is necessary to evaluate how well the wood is dried. There are times when, over time, moisture began to evaporate from the material after the sofa was upholstered. In addition, a poorly dried tree can make an unpleasant creak when a person sits down or gets up from the sofa. The strength of the structure also depends on the number of knots on the tree. The fewer there were, the better. You can evaluate the state of the material by the smoothness of its surface - the more ideal it is, the better the product.

Metal carcass

Relatively recently, such designs were not very common. As a rule, metal was used in the manufacture of chairs or tables. Over time, this material began to be used in the production of other pieces of furniture. The metal is most actively used in the manufacture of products in the Hi-Tech style. As many experts note, metal frames are quite practical and durable. In addition, they are easy to repair. TO metal frame Perfect for almost any upholstery. If we talk about color or profile, then consumers are presented with a fairly wide choice. Experts recommend purchasing products in which frame elements are welded together. Such designs last much longer.

Combined frame

How to choose a sofa without having a large amount of money? One of budget options is a product whose frame is made by combining materials. The design, which uses bars and chipboard, is in last place in popularity. However, these products are also in demand in the market. The advantages and disadvantages of such frames are similar to wooden ones. In some cases, in an effort to minimize the cost of products, some companies produce products with frames exclusively from chipboard. However, experts do not recommend purchasing such products. This is due to the unreliability and fragility of the material.


How to choose nice sofa? Undoubtedly, maximum comfort is achieved on a soft, but at the same time elastic surface of the product. According to experts, the density coefficient in different parts of the sofa should be different. The backrest, armrest and seat should be more rigid. The last element is subject to the greatest wear. In this regard, its density should be maximum. However, you can not only sit on the sofa. Very often this piece of furniture is installed in bedrooms. How to choose a sofa bed with the optimal stiffness coefficient? Recently, the most popular among consumers are products, inside of which there is foam rubber or polyurethane. Also, preference is given to models equipped with spring blocks.

Foam filler

As practice shows, this material is used in cheap models. At the same time, the lower the cost of the sofa, the worse the quality of the filler. As for foam rubber, in products that are in a low price category, this material is placed inside them in pieces. Many seek to save money and purchase just such models. However, as practice shows, after a year or two, the filler begins to wrinkle. It suffers from this appearance products. How to choose a sofa from foam rubber? First of all, the material must be solid. In this case, the service life of the product will be at least 4 years. However, after this period, the furniture may have to be changed, since the material will still lose its properties.

Spring blocks

The bed should not be too soft. Otherwise, the spine will experience increased stress. To prevent negative impact on it, experts recommend purchasing products equipped with spring blocks. As a rule, these are orthopedic sofas. How to choose the most convenient model? Structural elements can significantly reduce the load on the spine. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to assess the condition of the spring blocks. Few people know how to choose an orthopedic sofa bed. First of all, you should not look at cheap models. As a rule, the elements in such products are of poor quality. As a result, you can not only not get benefits, but, on the contrary, aggravate the situation. The cost of an orthopedic sofa depends mainly on the number of springs. The more of these elements, the higher the price. However, it is not a pity to pay for the comfort during sleep. Some models are additionally equipped with special orthopedic mattresses.

Other filler materials

Many manufacturers make products using polyurethane. This material retains elasticity longer than foam rubber. At the same time, its cost is not too different. More expensive products contain a very durable, strong and elastic material - latex. Answering the question of consumers about how to choose a sofa for sleeping, experts recommend giving preference to models with multilayer fillers. For example, the lower tier is made rigid. So the filler is given elasticity. The top layer is softer for added comfort. More expensive products use a synthetic fiber coating. Holofiber or synthetic winterizer acts as such material. The first is considered the most preferred. This is due to its ability to quickly restore its shape after deformation. Holofiber has a high wear resistance coefficient. Thanks to this, the sofa retains its original appearance for a long time. Of course, such quality will cost corresponding money.


Speaking about how to choose a sofa bed, it should be said about the upholstery. There is a wide range of products on the market today different materials. Many consumers have a question - how to choose a sofa for sleeping so that its surface retains an attractive appearance for a long time? Upholstery is another element on which the service life of the product will depend. As you know, the most elite material is leather. However, today there are many other options that are not inferior to it in their properties. How to choose a leather sofa, we will analyze a little lower. To begin with, let's get acquainted with general recommendations specialists.

What do you need to pay attention to?

When purchasing a sofa in a store, experts recommend asking the seller if Teflon impregnation is present in the upholstery. This coating has the ability to repel water. Thanks to this, accidentally spilled liquid is not absorbed into the upholstery, but simply flows down it. In addition, the coating provides additional protection against dust and dirt. Of course, such products will cost more. But later on, you can save a lot on cleaning. There is one more option. On some models, a special Teflon coating is applied. It performs the same functions as impregnation. However, the technology is much cheaper and, consequently, the final cost of the product is lower.

Elite upholstery

Some experts equate chenille with leather. Both materials are considered elite. Chenille is pleasant to the touch, soft and very practical. For those who do not know how to choose a sofa for a child, the recommendations of experts are very simple. Professionals advise to install products upholstered with chenille in the children's room. This is ideal for rooms where there is a high risk of staining furniture. However, it must be said that the cost of such models is quite high. Wealthy buyers purchase leather sofas. It should be said that some companies, in an effort to increase the cost of production, even make the back wall of this material. Therefore, if the overpayment is not included in the plans, attention should be paid to this element.

Manufacturers of quality products that have been operating on the market for a long time and have managed to establish themselves, attach a passport to each of their models. It contains all the characteristics of the product. Experts recommend not to be shy and carefully read the information. Undoubtedly, choosing a model, you should examine it externally. On the skin, as, indeed, on any other material, there should be no defects, spots, cracks.


This fabric is used in the production upholstered furniture relatively recently. Microfiber is practical and of high quality. The undoubted advantage of this material is that during its production a Teflon coating is already applied to it. Therefore, microfiber sofas are often installed in living rooms. In addition, the material is very resistant to dirt. hallmark microfiber is its high strength. The material is very difficult to damage. In addition, it does not fade in the sun and does not shed.

Upholstered furniture in the children's room

When choosing a sofa for a child, first of all, you need to pay attention to the safety of the product. It should not have corners or sharp protrusions. Special meaning has environmental friendliness and quality materials. The ideal option, according to professionals, will become wooden frame. However, all details must be processed in order to protect the child from abrasions. Experts recommend paying attention to models with sides. For kids under 7 years old, these sofas will be the safest. The products of Giovanni (Italy) are the most popular among consumers. The furniture of this company is of high quality.

The sofa is one of the essential pieces of furniture in the house. The sofa is intended for receiving guests, relaxing for the whole family after a hard day, when all family members gather in the living room to watch TV or chat. In addition, the sofa can also be a sleeping place for both guests and household members.

That is why many people are more careful when choosing a sofa. Often people want to buy not only an original sofa, but also a functional one. This is how you can describe the corner sofa, which has recently become very popular among consumers. See the most popular and practical models you can in the barin store, the assortment of which will satisfy the demand of even the most demanding person.

Versatility and other benefits

A corner sofa can become a beautiful part of your interior. This type of sofa is multifunctional. They allow rational use of space in an apartment or house. These sofas have much more seating space, and therefore are great for receiving guests. With a corner sofa, you can give your home a strong new look. Moreover, today the choice is huge, and you can easily find the right option.

Sofas can be corner, that is, have two sides, or U-shaped. In addition, there may be different lengths of the sides. Corner sofas can be installed not only in the corner of the room. Thanks to this piece of furniture, a large room, such as a living room, can be visually divided into two zones by placing a sofa in the middle of the room, which can be stylish and practical. Such sofas visually expand the area of ​​​​the room.

Corner sofas, which are transformers, have a huge number of advantages. Firstly, it is both a recreation area and sleeping area, moreover, a fairly large bed, which can sleep several people. Secondly, in some models, the sides are detached, and therefore you can get ottomans, armchairs and so on. If necessary, the detached chair can be placed in another place or room, and then reassemble the sofa, all the more it is easy to do.

Sofas that have wheels, and there are a lot of them now, will allow you to easily rearrange the room, or divide the room into two zones, as described above. Most corner sofas have sections where you can store linens and more.

The design of corner sofas is wide, as is the upholstery, which can be fabric, leather or made from other materials. In corner sofas, several options for mechanisms are used, which are understandable and easy to use. Color solutions and shapes will allow you to easily choose a sofa that will not only fit perfectly into your interior, but will also become the best part of it.

Purchase Features

But it is worth remembering that corner sofas are not suitable for small rooms. The sizes of sofas can be different, but still the large side of the corner sofa is rarely less than 230 centimeters. Going to the store, measure with a tape measure the place where you want to install the sofa in order to know the exact dimensions of the product. In addition, be sure to measure the width of the doors so that the selected sofa does not go into the room.

Buying a sofa is necessary based on its purpose. If the sofa will be used not only as a seating area, but also as a bed, you need to take care of the availability convenient mechanism transformations. The simplest and most proven in this regard is a sofa with a euro-book transformation mechanism. In this design, the seat is easily pushed forward, and the backrest tilts back in one motion. This model of upholstered furniture can be easily installed in the center of the room or close to the wall.

On such a modern sofa, you can easily accommodate all guests. It is especially indispensable in rooms with small space. During the day, it can be in the assembled state, significantly saving space, and in the evening it can be unfolded, organizing a comfortable and full-fledged place to sleep.

Advantages of a modern eurobook sofa

Modern eurobook sofas today are distinguished by an attractive external and rich variety. color solutions. But this is not all the advantages of such models. Consider the main advantages of such structures:

What to look for when choosing a sofa?

Before you go shopping, it is important to determine the dimensions of the room in which you plan to install the sofa. The design in the unfolded state should fit freely into the interior. It should be provided that the passage remains large and convenient. It is necessary to choose a model based on the number of seats when the sofa is in the folded state.

In general, four people can easily fit on the euro-book sofa model. Models equipped with a linen box are more bulky. This should also be taken into account. Today you can purchase any version of the Eurobook using the services of online stores. Comfortable eurobook sofas will inexpensively make the interior cozy and comfortable to rest.

A couple of decades ago, the most popular model was a pull-out sofa bed or sofa bed. But soon it was supplanted by another model - a corner sofa, which has more advantages. This upholstered furniture is not inferior to anyone in its leading position., and it is not known what designers will come up with in the foreseeable future.

A corner sofa is the king of furnishings in any living room or office, and it is important to consider all its advantages when buying.

Varieties of corner sofas

Modern corner sofa models are produced in different versions:

  1. right and left corner;
  2. equilateral models;
  3. asymmetrical, with one or two handrails;
  4. solid or with detachable chaise longues;
  5. modular or with transformer capabilities;
  6. with niches and hidden structural details;
  7. folding, with a berth, or without layout;
  8. compact and multi-seat (corporate);
  9. with a right angle or radius;
  10. leather, with fabric upholstery or leatherette.

In any furniture store or supermarket you can buy your favorite model of a corner sofa, however do not rush to choose - you can always find a product with new advantages.

In addition, corner sofas can be viewed at sales and exhibitions, in art salons or antique stores.

A huge selection of upholstered furniture of any color is presented in the widest price range, but all of them must be compared and checked for convenience. Often similar-looking corner sofas have different the quality of the upholstery and base, the mechanism for transforming into a bed and the cost.

Some corner sofas look modest and utilitarian, others are stylish and luxurious, with leather upholstery or executed in expensive tapestry or other upholstery options. Often corner sofas are equipped with additional details:

  1. folding tabletop;
  2. convenient shelf;
  3. retractable bar hidden in the handrail;
  4. drawers;
  5. niches for linen;
  6. built-in elements (clock, radio), etc.

Benefits of corner sofas

No matter how comfortable an ordinary straight sofa is for relaxing, corner models have their own peculiarity - the very location of the interlocutors sitting on it is conducive to friendly informal communication. In addition to this feature, they have a lot of other advantages:

  1. ease of use;
  2. compact shape to minimize space;
  3. thoughtful configuration;
  4. practicality;
  5. combining the functions of a sofa and a bed in most models.

Often, corner sofas are very comfortable for sleeping, even without a layout, especially if you can lie down to your full height. However, many models that convert to a double bed have their own design features- they do not always look aesthetically pleasing when unfolded. An additional place to sleep in case of arrival of guests is an important plus of corner models.

When buying a sofa, do not hesitate to test it for comfort while sitting and lying down, especially if the sofa will be actively used in both versions.

The berth should not have deflections, dips, bulges and noticeable divisions into components. So one of the most important functions of a folding corner sofa is its combination with the capabilities of the bed.

When choosing a sofa, be sure to check what material its back is made of.

Most corner sofas are upholstered in the back with a cheap fabric that hides the design features. This makes it cheaper, and if the sofa is in the corner right next to it, it doesn’t matter what the back side is made of. However, if it is planned to move it in the space of a large living room, loft apartment or studio apartment for zoning, then the sofa should look aesthetically pleasing from all sides and have articulated wheels on legs. The same applies to office models - perhaps the sofa will stand behind glass partition or participate in the delimitation of space.

The main difference between corner sofas is their correct geometry, which fits perfectly into the decor of the room.

That is, one sofa is enough for at least one corner of the room to be designed as an area for relaxation, communication and receiving guests. It is appropriate to purchase chairs for it, made in the same vein or in common with the design of the sofa - this gives the ability to create a full-fledged island for communication, and pouffes or chairs will become a secondary addition.

How to choose a corner sofa?

Most important question when buying a corner sofa - its dimensions, since in apartments of a typical layout the rooms are small, living rooms are often walk-through.

The standard sizes of upholstered furniture are already designed for the furnishing of modern apartments, however, when buying a sofa, it is important to measure the wall where the new corner sofa should be located. Before buying, it is also important to ask if the selected model can be rearranged for right or left corner, whether the sofa is disassembled into components. Calculate how it will be transported, lifted and brought into the apartment. Most models are disassembled into components, and a new sofa can be brought to you in general disassembled. Find out in advance whether it will be assembled at your home upon delivery, and whether you need to pay extra for furniture assembly.

When buying a folding corner sofa, specify the name of the upholstery and the features of caring for it.

Equally important is the network and try it out for convenience right in the salon, how easy it is with to get up without the help of hands, learn how to lay it out and do it yourself a couple of times. This may seem secondary compared to its external appearance, but aesthetics will quickly fade into the background, but the convenience of using a corner sofa will become a priority.
