Where we looked at what blinds are. As it turned out, the blinds are one-color. And they get bored with time. Accordingly, there may be a desire to decorate them.

How to decorate blinds? There are several options and possibilities here. To get started, you can use acrylic paints. This option is suitable for any material of the blinds - plastic, fabric, metal, and wood. The easiest way is to make a rainbow. That is, each individual strip can be painted in its own color. Get a kind of rainbow on the window. It will take a lot of paint - but the effect achieved will be strong, and the result is very, very original. But it is possible without a rainbow - just a different color than white.

You can use white acrylic building paint (for bathrooms).

And color is given using a variety of pigments. By the way, pigments for concrete are no worse than pigments for paint, but they are much cheaper. It is best to apply the paint with a brush, and remove the strips of the blinds and paint them on the floor on newspapers. First one side, and then, after drying, the other side. The colors of the two sides may not match. This will give additional effect to the blinds 🙂

Further, it is not necessary to paint the entire strip of blinds entirely. You can limit yourself to any line, figure, outline of the picture. Savings on paint and an increase in aesthetic appeal compared to one-color painting of all strips in one color is evident.

Further, as the complexity increases, paint on blinds. So paint is spent less, and the result can be better than with a single-color coloring. The easiest way to apply a pattern to the blinds is using a stencil and a can of paint. A stencil is cut out, zilch - and the drawing is ready! The only difficulty is to correctly calculate and expand the blinds so that the parts of the pattern match. Or they didn’t match - it will turn out even more original.

More difficult to do without a stencil and apply drawing by yourself, with a brush and paints on a pencil contour. But even here there are no special requirements other than accuracy and precision - if they are desirable. Moreover, the drawing does not have to be coherent or special. These may be the most common geometric figures- but nevertheless, they will still give more beauty to the blinds than it was before them.

Further, the ways to decorate the blinds vary depending on the material.

So, if you have plastic blinds, then you can use the method called "". This method has been described more than once before and consists in the fact that the pattern is cut out from a self-adhesive film (oracal), and then pasted onto the desired surface. The only difference is that in the case of blinds, you will need to break down and cut the pattern into pieces in accordance with the width of the blinds. The width of each plank is best measured separately so that there are no “extra” pieces of oracal hanging from the blinds.

Next, suppose you decide to decorate your blinds with fabric. There are more options here than with plastic blinds. So, the easiest (but expensive) option is to take the blinds to the printing house and order printing on fabric. A wonderful realistic drawing on your blinds will appear quickly and will not wash off or fall off.

A less expensive option is this. We also touched on the application on our website, and it was mainly devoted to appliqué on fabric. Which is what we need. The easiest option is to create a fabric pattern and stick it on the blinds. More difficult, but also more beautiful, is to sew the fabric with decorative stitches.

One more a good option decorating fabric blinds is a decoupage technique. That is, with the help of patterns, flowers, fruits, etc. cut out of napkins. you can create a real painting on the blinds.

And, finally, the easiest option for decorating blinds is to cut out anything figured 🙂

If you have your own experience and tips on how to decorate blinds - write in the comments!

Blinds made of fabric slats have become one of the main competitors of traditional curtains, not only in workrooms and offices, but also in our apartments. The fact is that with their help it is very convenient to regulate and dose natural light, and they look almost as cozy as fabric curtains. Many people do not purchase these ergonomic and stylish curtains only because of the reluctance to regularly take them to dry cleaning.

In fact, this is not necessary at all. You can wash the slats from fabric, you can get rid of stains and dirt on your own. How to wash vertical blinds at home, we will understand in this article.

Before washing vertical fabric blinds at home, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with general recommendations, usually specified by manufacturers in the instructions for their use. They are very simple, but will help to avoid many troubles and keep the commodity appearance lamellas for as long as possible:

  • Learn about the composition of the material used to make the lamellas and how to care for them.
  • The slats of vertical blinds are treated with a dirt-repellent impregnation, which allows them to remain clean for a very long time, but is washed off with frequent washing. Therefore, it is advisable to wash such blinds no more than once a year.
  • Jacquard fabric slats are the most common blinds in living quarters. For them, only hand wash in a gentle soapy solution at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C is allowed.
  • Polyester sun blinds are both hand washable and machine washable.
  • Blinds made of fabric with the addition of fiberglass deform under the influence of water. For their purification, only dry cleaning is allowed.

In order to keep the blinds clean, it is enough to vacuum their surface from time to time on both sides, and if stains appear, carefully remove them with a soft sponge dipped in soapy water.

How to remove vertical blinds for washing

Before washing vertical blinds, they must be removed from the eaves. To do this, you will need to perform a certain sequence of actions, consisting of several steps:

  1. Rotate the slats using the control chain to the open position.
  2. Remove the guide chain from both sides of the lower weight of each slat.
  3. Pull out the weighting strips (weights).
  4. Remove each strip from the eaves. To do this, you need to take the upper part of the lamella near the mounting clip (slider), and slightly bending it to the side, at the same time lift it until it clicks up by 3-5 mm. After that, bend the lamella away from the longer part of the slider, increasing the gap between the inner hook and the short wall, and pull it down sharply.

To return the slats to the eaves, all of the above steps must be performed in reverse order, starting with the last one.

How to wash fabric slats in a washing machine

How to wash fabric slats by hand

Hand washing is more gentle than automatic washing and is suitable for slats made of all types of fabrics. But for her, you need to follow a few simple rules.

The sequence of actions for hand washing is as follows:

  1. The slats are removed from the eaves, rolled up one by one into non-tight rolls and placed in a container with warm (35-40 ° C) water with liquid gentle preliminarily dissolved in it. detergent soak. When soaking, the rolls must be completely covered with water.
  2. After 30-40 minutes, the rolls are unrolled and they look to see if the dirt has moved away from them. Unwashed canvases are soaked again in fresh soapy water.
  3. Clean slats are rinsed alternately under a stream of cool water, but in no case are they squeezed out. The most convenient way to do this is using a hose and a shower head.
  4. The canvases are dried in the same way as after automatic washing: they let the water drain and attach it to the cornice while still wet. Until the blinds are completely dry, the window should be closed.

Stubborn stains on the slats can be rubbed gently (without enthusiasm) with a soft sponge. It is forbidden to rub the fabric with a brush or washcloth. Otherwise, you will ruin it.

How to clean vertical blinds without removing them from the cornice

You can wash fabric blinds without removing them from the cornice or window. This method is the most gentle. It does not deform the lamellas and allows you to keep the dirt-repellent coating on their surface to the maximum.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Before washing the blinds, clean the slats from dust: vacuum thoroughly on both sides using a soft bristle brush.
  2. Carefully treat the canvases freed from dust along the entire length on both sides with a soapy solution applied to a soft sponge or cloth. Particularly contaminated areas need to be walked several times, but they do not need to be rubbed hard. Otherwise, you will damage the fabric.
  3. Then the blinds washed in this way are rinsed without removing from the cornice - they are washed several times with a sponge dipped in clean cool water.
  4. That's all. It remains to wait until the canvases dry and do not open the windows until then.

if you have good blinds but you're sick of them boring White color or you have repainted the walls and the color of the blinds does not match with them, do not rush to throw them away. You can create a real exclusive with your own hands.

What needs to be cooked?

For painting you will need:

  • aerosol paint (automobile paint is suitable, in a conventional bottle);
  • several caps (atomizer to the cylinder);
  • a respirator or a regular gauze bandage (sold at a pharmacy);
  • large oilcloth;
  • gloves.

If you will be making some kind of drawing, then take a large cap for filling and a thin cap for contours. You can draw the sea and palm trees, an abstract pattern or floral motifs.

How to paint

First, the blinds need to be disassembled. Carefully untie all the cords and remove the slats. Disconnect the cords from the top fastener.

It is desirable to work outdoors, but not in a dusty place. Ideally, it should be airtight spray booth with a good hood, but you are unlikely to find it. Therefore, we spread the oilcloth on the balcony or under a canopy and lay out the lamellas on it.

If you are going to paint the blinds in one color, then you just need to cover them evenly with a thin layer of paint 2-3 times. The next can be applied only after the previous one has dried. Then we repeat the same on the reverse side. If you will apply a drawing, then you need to draw it on paper in advance. In this case, the slats must be laid out very carefully - in the same way as they will hang. Next, according to the principle of graffiti, we apply a pattern.

How to assemble blinds?

Once the paint is dry, you can assemble the blinds. Sequentially thread the cords into the lamellas. Lamellas painted in the same color can be assembled in any order. But if you drew some kind of drawing, then you need to carefully string them on the cord in the same order in which they lie with you.
And don't forget to brag to your friends! This work is admirable.

Roller blinds are very attractive and beneficial species window coverings, which are also very durable. Window blinds are available in a wide range of different colors, you can buy roller blinds in Kaliningrad in a specialized store, but if you are struggling to find the color you need or your window curtains look pathetic to themselves, then you might want to know how to color them.

Cheap white curtains are available in many stores and it really doesn't take much effort to turn them into something really great.

As long as you have necessary tools and materials, you really shouldn't have a problem painting your blinds in a few hours.

Measure and buy blind

The first thing you need to do is find the right curtain for your room. To do this, start by measuring the window size with a measuring tape. Also measure the length needed for the blind. Take a closer look at the blinds, try to find a fairly inexpensive white blind as you will change its color anyway.

Choose Paint

Depending on the material of your blinds, different colors will work. You will always need to choose paints that are flexible and won't crack when rolled into blinds. The modern paints are much better than some of the older ones we had available and this allows these rollers to be painted. If you are painting on cotton or fabric blinds, make sure you select fabric paint.

If you are unsure of the paint you need, speak to a specialist at your local store. household appliances.

Prepare the blinds

Before you start painting your blinds, you must first make some preparations. It's easier to paint the blinds before you put them up. For this you need a lot of space. If you have a large enough table, this would be ideal. Otherwise, you will need to prepare your workspace on the floor. Use some newspaper and dust sheets to protect the floor and use duct tape to keep everything in place.

Unfold the curtains completely and place it on the floor. if it doesn't stay flat, you can use tape to hold it in place. It will be much easier to work on the whole blind at once than to try to work on separate areas.

Paint the blinds

Now use a brush or roller to paint the entire curtain. You will need to do this carefully so as not to bend over. Also make sure you paint the face of the blinds to match your room's décor.

You may need to apply roller blinds another coat of paint so that they are completely covered and have no streaks.

Hello to all lovers of DIY crafts from

Today we will try to figure out how paint roman blinds or curtains for the kitchen. Below you will find simple instructions to create your own roman blinds do it yourself.

I can not help but note that the most difficult part of creating such blinds is the right fabric. So if you can't find an interesting and ready-made fabric in your store that you like, you can always consider painting on your own fabric, although this option will have to be tinkered with.

In specialized art stores, you can easily buy acrylic paint for fabric. If you follow all the necessary steps and, after the paint has dried, iron the fabric on the back of the paint, the fabric can be washed many times without losing color and saturation.

There are various methods for creating your own unique mural:

- using stamps and stencils to transfer the image to the fabric,
- using masking tape to transfer patterns and main lines,
- using the “free hand” technique from English. - "free hand", painting technique without the use of any extraneous masks, stencils, drawings, etc.

stencils- the easiest way to transfer the picture to the surface. We have already talked about that, and if you are interested, you can read this important article. In any case, art and construction stores are already full of ready-made stencils for every taste, this should not be a problem.

Just as interesting method of decals. Probably in childhood everyone tried to decorate their clothes with some cool pattern or hieroglyph. In principle, everything is also simple here, lay out your drawing on the fabric and go through a couple of times with a hot iron, the drawing is printed on the surface.

Two important moments , which must be considered when painting fabric:
- use only matte acrylic paints
- after the paint has dried, be sure to go over the inside with an iron, so that your creation will serve you faithfully for a long time, and bring comfort to your home.

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