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How are blinds attached to plastic windows, on self-tapping screws and on adhesive tape

Hello. This time you will learn how to fix blinds on plastic windows. The topic of the article is interesting in that plastic or aluminum blinds everywhere crowd out the less practical fabric curtains. Therefore, if you decide to make the windows in your apartment more modern and easy to use, the following photo reports on the installation performed are exactly what you need.

Actual fastening methods

Blinds are fastened to a plastic window in two ways:

  • With the use of self-tapping screws - the PVC profile will be drilled, and therefore, when dismantling the blinds, there will be holes that will not be easy to cover;
  • Without the use of self-tapping screws - the PVC profile will be intact and this is good, but the structure installed on top of the profile will be held less firmly in comparison with analogues fixed on self-tapping screws.

I don’t know which horizontal blinds you chose, and therefore I’ll tell you about the installation of each of the listed varieties separately and in detail.

Mounting using self-tapping screws

Blinds include the following:

  • The main structure of lamellas in the amount of 2 pcs. (one for each sash);
  • Fasteners for the upper part, 2 pieces for each sash;
  • Fasteners for the lower part, 2 pieces for each sash;
  • Self-tapping screws 20 mm long, 4 pcs. for each sash.

Do-it-yourself installation instructions are as follows:

  • We unpack the blinds and unwind the adjusting cord;

  • Remove the adjusting bar (cane);

  • We fasten the upper fasteners to the upper profile of the device so that the fasteners do not interfere with the operation of the mechanisms located inside the profile;

  • Next, we dissolve the slats so that they take a position characteristic of open blinds;
  • We apply the upper profile to the window so that the lower bar is located just below the glazing bead on the frame, that is, so that the glass is completely covered;

When marking, I recommend using the spirit level so that the upper bar is located exactly on the horizon and does not have distortions. If the window was initially installed skewed, we make the markup not according to the spirit level, but taking into account the location of the sashes.

  • According to the pre-made markup, we install fasteners on self-tapping screws;

Surface PVC profile smooth, and therefore it will most likely not be easy to tighten the screw along the mark. Therefore, before screwing in the self-tapping screw, we drill holes in the profile with a diameter of 2 mm, which is 1 mm less than the diameter of the self-tapping screws. It will not be difficult to screw the screw through pre-made holes.

  • After the fasteners are installed, we apply the upper bar to them and snap it in with a little effort;

  • From the outside, we finally fix the structure with plugs that are put on the holders until a characteristic click appears;
  • We lower the blinds so that the lower lamella is located in the lowest position;
  • We make markings for the lower fasteners so that they are located at the level of the ends of the lower bar;

  • We install fasteners on self-tapping screws;
  • We snap the bottom bar into the fasteners;
  • We install the adjusting bar on the original mount;

  • We check the performance of the installed blinds by opening and closing the gap between the slats.

Operation and maintenance

So we found out how to attach blinds to plastic windows on self-tapping screws. Among the recommendations for the use and maintenance of installed structures, I note the following:

  • We scroll the adjusting bar around its axis smoothly, since the hook with which it is attached to the mechanism is rather fragile;
  • In order to wash the window, we snap off the lower lamella and assemble the blinds upwards, this is enough to wipe the entire glass;
  • I recommend removing dust from the lamellas with a peacock-type whisk;
  • I recommend that immediately after the dust is removed, apply an antistatic aerosol to the slats, any of your choice.

Mounting without screws

Now I'll tell how to fix plastic blinds on modern double-glazed windows without using self-tapping screws.

In what case can fasteners without drilling be relevant? There are many such cases, for example, the use of rented housing, where, according to the terms of the contract, it is impossible to spoil the elements of the surroundings.

For execution installation work you will need a set of conventional horizontal blinds with light plastic lamellas, double-sided tape and ordinary scissors.

The instructions for attaching blinds to plastic windows without the use of self-tapping screws are as follows:

  • We unpack the set of blinds;
  • We disconnect the adjusting bar from the main unit so that it does not subsequently interfere with the installation;
  • We lay the main block inside out;
  • We unwind double-sided tape to the length of the case;

  • We remove the protective film on one side of the adhesive tape and on the back side of the block, as shown in the photo;

We select double-sided tape so that the width of the tape is equal to the width of the blinds block. We glue the adhesive tape so that it is flush with the walls of the block. In addition, carefully smooth the glued adhesive tape from the inside, so that it sticks evenly over the entire surface.

  • We apply the blinds to the window and determine their position on the upper part of the sash;
  • Having decided on the location, we make marks on the profile corresponding to the ends of the block;

  • Coming from double sided tape remove the remaining protective strip and glue the block according to the marks made earlier to the profile;

  • We install the previously removed adjusting bar and on this installation can be considered completed.

How strong will blinds be held with double sided tape?

The actual operation of the blinds installed on adhesive tape shows that for 1.5 years the structure lasted without any changes, that is, it did not warp or fall. I think that in the course of the next two or three years the situation will not change.

When mounting the blinds block, only the upper part is glued to the adhesive tape, while the lower bar is not fixed. This practically does not affect the operation of the device, except that when the sash is opened towards itself, the lower part of the blinds will move forward and touch the indoor flowers on the windowsill.

I told my friends about this method of installation. I was told that the method is not bad, but they will not use it, since the tape after removal will leave characteristic marks that are difficult to remove. Is it really?

Marks will remain, but it will not be difficult to remove the remaining glue from the frame. Just wet a cloth sunflower oil and wipe the plastic surface and the glue spots will disappear by themselves. For more effective removal stains from adhesive tape, we moisten the rag not with sunflower oil, but with WD-40.

By the way, you can successfully apply these methods to remove traces from any adhesive tape and from a variety of stickers.


I talked about the most popular types of fastening blinds to plastic windows. I hope that these photo reports and instructions will be useful to you. If something is not clear or questions appear during installation, ask them in the comments. I promise I will answer quickly!

Finally, I remind you that you will find a lot of interesting and useful things by watching the video in this article.

September 21, 2016

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Self-installation of different types of blinds on plastic windows is a troublesome process, but economical on the one hand, and interesting and informative on the other. Blinds in the house are a unique decor element that allows you to transform plastic windows and decorate the interior as a whole. But there is one "but". Blinds cannot be hung in two minutes, as, for example, curtains made of cotton or tulle. It requires a whole arsenal of knowledge and practical skills. Installing blinds with your own hands on plastic windows takes time, certain knowledge and skills. If you are new to this area, take your time with activities, learn the basics of construction, installation methods and fastening rules, and only after that - “into battle”.

The ideal option is to invite qualified specialists. The process will be fast, but not financially profitable. Doesn't fit? You do not know how to install blinds on plastic windows, but want to do it yourself? Then we suggest installing them with your own hands, having previously familiarized yourself with the basic rules and technology.

Blind mounting options

The design of blinds is a complex mechanism that requires not only a share of responsibility on the part of a specialist or "self-taught", but also a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities. There are many types, they all have common installation basics, but each of them has some nuances that are important to know about. Given the subtleties of each type of blinds, they will last for decades without reminding of themselves.

Before choosing mounting methods, pay attention to the condition of the walls, their architectural features.

Blinds can be fixed in one of three existing ways:

  1. into the window opening;
  2. on window sashes (for each separately);
  3. overlay.

Which way to choose? The choice depends mainly on the desire of the owner, but also on the design features of the window.

What you need to know about windows, so as not to be mistaken?

Let's pay attention to a common mistake that occurs if you approach the issue of installing blinds on plastic windows incorrectly.

If you have installed horizontal blinds that look like a solid canvas on plastic windows to the slopes, be sure that you are guaranteed discomfort when opening and closing each of the wings. This method is incompatible with blinds in the form of a solid curtain, since each time you open a window or window, you will have to assemble them up, and then lower them again. This is a very troublesome business, especially in the kitchen, when plastic windows for ventilation open very often.

The way out is to fix the blinds not in the slopes, but on the window sashes.

How to install vertical blinds?

Installation takes place using brackets.

  1. Make a markup, marking with a pencil the places where you plan to hang them. It is desirable that the distance between them be from 30 centimeters to half a meter.
  2. Fix the cornice in the brackets according to the instructions supplied with the curtains and additional elements.
  3. At correct installation a clicking sound is heard in the brackets.
  4. Do the same with the slats, placing them in the sliders until they click. You need to hang the slats sequentially if they are with photo printing or a pattern.
  5. Connect the lamellas with a chain both from the inside and from the outside.
  6. Check the operation of the entire mechanism.

Installation of vertical blinds has one, but very significant nuance. It is important to consider the width of the lamellas. If it has dimensions greater than 160 cm, then the number of brackets used must be increased to at least three.

Installation of horizontal blinds

A huge plus of horizontal blinds is that they can be installed on plastic windows of any shape, even skylights not an exception.

Frame installation - perfect option for horizontal slats, allows you to open and close windows individually or simultaneously.

To install horizontal slats, you need to stock up on a screwdriver, screwdriver and marking material (chalk, pencil or alcohol-based felt-tip pen).

Having decided on the method of attachment, proceed to the following steps.

Find out the dimensions of the window(measure the width and height).

  • If you are going to install blinds in the first way - in the window opening - you should subtract 2 centimeters from the height. So you will achieve a result when the lamellas do not touch the window sill.
  • If you chose the third method - attaching the blinds to the overlay, - add 5 centimeters to the width, but always on each side. In this case, the height is determined by the desires of the owner.
  • Installing blinds on windows (on each sash) is considered the simplest and easiest method of fastening. The dimensions of the window must be measured taking into account the fittings, that is, so that it does not limit the work of the window, does not touch it.

Remember: both plastic windows and blinds must function perfectly and efficiently. Therefore, it is very important to take accurate measurements before hanging them.

  • Unpack your blinds. Evaluate their quality, inspect for defects, check components. Everything is in place?
  • Push the blinds to the window. It is important that the body fits between the borders of the glazing beads on both sides of the glass.
  • Close the blinds. They must be in the same plane as the window.
  • Assess the overall situation. Blinds should be at the top of the transparent area.
  • Fix visually the presence of a gap, which is very often formed between the fasteners and window sashes. The dimensions of the gap can be different and vary from a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters. They do not depend on the correctness of your actions, it is rather the costs of the design of the window and double-glazed windows. Manufacturers have provided possible risk and to correct the current situation, they completed the blinds with linings, special elements that make it possible to achieve the desired thickness and reduce the distance between the fastening elements and window sashes.

Be sure to pay attention to the signs printed on the basis of the lining. They can be of two types: R (from English word right) and L (left). Right and left application respectively.

  • Gaskets fix until firm pressure is established. Then fix them in the gap between the fasteners and the window field.
  • Mark up the mount.

The geometric shape of the curtains is the main reference point for marking. Be sure to check that nothing prevents the window from opening and closing. Install an additional fastener in the place where the cord is adjusted.

Blinds can be fixed using one of two options.

  1. Bead fastening. A very delicate process that requires care in choosing the length of the screws. An incorrectly chosen length is the first step towards the depressurization of a double-glazed window, the result is a violation of the thermal insulation properties.
  2. Profile mount is a simple and safe process, but requires care and clear actions.

Remember! The glazing bead can always be replaced, the profile cannot.

  • Install design

Install blinds using long self-tapping screws. It is advisable that you use the self-tapping screws included in the kit. The aesthetic appearance of the window after installing the curtains depends on them. This step must be done with great care.

  • Install the cornice, runners, lamellas

Put the decorative cornice on the mechanism, fasten the plugs on the sides. Using a drill (diameter should be 3 mm), make a hole for the plastic "fungi", they are located in the lower edge of the glazing bead. This will allow you to install the guide line. After pulling it, fix it and cut off the excess.

  • Control step - checking the functioning of the entire structure

What should be taken into account?

Do you want the installed curtains to serve for a long time, and their mechanism and fastening do not lose their original functions?

Tip 1. When buying blinds, try to ensure that all components are of high quality.

Tip 2. Choose the adjustment mechanism taking into account the convenient side during operation.

Tip 3. Make sure that when the window is fully opened, the blinds are fully folded.

Tip 4. Turning the knob should not limit the mechanical effect on the elements.

Tip 5: Get your maintenance done on time.

Everything ingenious is simple. Now you are convinced of this. It is not difficult to install blinds on windows with your own hands, if at hand detailed instructions. Choose for yourself convenient way, use the suggested instructions, and tomorrow the windows will “thank you”.

A few years ago, curtains began to be replaced everywhere with blinds. Now they can be found in offices and living spaces, in trading floors and on the windows of cafes and restaurants.

Features of installing blinds

In order for the blinds to serve for a long time, one must be extremely careful when installing them. Only a balanced, competent approach will ensure the normal functioning of this rather complex structure. But if you understand all the nuances, then you can install the blinds in place very quickly.

Helpful information:

The main thing is not to forget about the features of each design and take everything into account in the assembly. The installation process is influenced by the walls, namely how smooth they are. Any deviation from the correct level both horizontally and vertically will lead to significant complications during operation. Therefore, if in your case there are obvious curvature of the walls, it is better to invite a specialist with experience in solving such issues.

If, nevertheless, it is decided to install the blinds on your own, you need to study the available information, delve into all the details, be patient.

The main ways to install blinds

The choice of installation method should be guided by your preferences. Which method is right for you, you can decide, focusing on the design of the window. In principle, blinds are installed on any windows, including skylights, just the mounting method will have its own characteristics. The sequence of actions in any case will be similar. Installation methods differ from each other only in some small details.

Sequence of actions when installing blinds

Locking is the first step

First you need to properly measure the window opening. Each type of installation has its own nuances that must be observed when measuring. This must be done in order to navigate the dimensions of the blinds and determine the appropriate design.

Advice! 2 cm are subtracted from the resulting dimensions of the window opening if it is decided to mount the blinds directly into the window opening. This technique allows you to accurately determine the required size, therefore, in the future you will not have to deal with the problem of too long blinds that rest against the window sill and bend ugly.

If you decide to mount the blinds with an overlap, you need to add 5 cm on each side in width so that the window is completely closed. The length will depend on your preferences or the advice of the designer. It can only be a little lower than the windowsill, or it can reach the floor. If it is planned to mount the blinds on each window sash separately, then these parts of the window must be measured without taking into account the fittings. When measuring, you must try to be punctual. Only the correct measurement and ideal geometric proportions will give an impeccable appearance and smooth functioning of the blinds in the future. If, during the measurement, the curvature of the window is revealed, the parameters should be tried to fit the correct figure.

Markup - step two

Before installation, mark the fasteners. Since the design of any blinds is geometrically verified, the layout must be accurate to the millimeter, symmetry also has great importance. During the markup, you need to check how the light protection devices that you have prepared will work. Will it be possible to freely open and close the window after installing them. Having determined where the regulating cord will be, it is necessary to mark this place and make an additional fastening in this area. It is necessary because there will be more pressure on this area.

Installation - step three

Guided by the markings, it is necessary to attach all the available parts with the help of dowels, screws. They are screwed into the wall or into the ceiling. A cornice is hung on these screws. It is used to fix runners and lamellas, which are simply threaded into the prepared cornice. After completion of work, the functionality of the light protection device is checked.

Features of installing blinds on plastic windows

Quite often it is necessary to mount blinds on plastic windows. And it's not very easy. In this case, both the blinds themselves and the window can be rendered unusable quite quickly. To avoid unpleasant consequences, all manipulations must be carried out with the utmost care.

The main subtleties that must be taken into account when working with different types blinds

Vertical blinds

The vertical version is the most popular. It is used in offices, public institutions and in the usual home environment. Color variations are endless, and the ability to combine colors and shapes gives scope for the most daring design ideas. To install vertical blinds, you need to prepare all the necessary elements:

  • cornice;
  • lamellas;
  • runners;
  • chain.

If the window has an unusual format, a chain of the appropriate length should be provided so that it looks appropriate and does not limit the functionality of the entire device. Vertical blinds Can be mounted to wall or ceiling. If you decide to mount the device on a wall, you can choose the area just above a window or right next to the ceiling. If you attach the cornice to the ceiling, then you need to choose a zone close to the wall surface at a distance slightly exceeding the width of the lamella.

When the blinds of the right size, color and quality are purchased, they mark up the fastening elements and mount them. When the brackets are installed, the cornice is attached to them. Runners are put on the eaves, lamellas are hung on them. When hanging the slats, you must follow the order in which they were in the package.

In the end, you should take care of the weights. This type of blinds cannot function without them. These weights are hung at the bottom of the device on chains on both sides (inside and outside). All .

Horizontal blinds

This type of blinds has not lost its relevance for many years. Plastic devices are used everywhere, because they are so easy to match in color and size.

Their design features sometimes cause difficulties for beginners, and they cannot become this kind of window decoration.

Horizontal blinds are most often installed on the wall, sometimes they are attached directly to the window. They are mounted to the wall if it is necessary to complete the window opening. Fastening to the window implies mounting to the sashes, this option does not limit the functionality of the window itself. It can be easily opened and closed without any obstruction.

Self-installation of horizontal blinds includes the same steps as in the case of a vertical variety:

  • froze;
  • markup;
  • fastening the eaves;
  • blinds installation.

Before you drill a hole, you need to make sure that your markup is correct. For this, the fasteners are inserted into the eaves, pulled by the cord. To open the blinds all the way. Then they bring them to the intended place of attachment and visually assess whether the markings are applied correctly, whether the blinds will open evenly if they are mounted as planned. If there are distortions, it is necessary to apply more correct marks with a pencil. Then the brackets are removed from the cornice, brought to the marks and precisely put dots in the places where the self-tapping screw will be screwed.

Advice! It is better to drill holes first, and then bring the part to this place and attach it. This method guarantees the preservation of the integrity of the plastic. After all, screwing a self-tapping screw through a fastener often ends in the appearance of cracks.

When the holes are ready, brackets are screwed to them and a cornice is hung. It is inserted into the mounts, and then they are closed. Next, perform the following actions:

  • installation of a hook in the control mechanism;
  • installation of a cane in a hook;
  • the tip is attached to a cane;
  • installation of a bell, fastening with a knot;
  • blinds are lowered by a cord;
  • installation of the lower fixation with a self-tapping screw.

In general, blinds are easy to install. However, you must comply with all requirements, be careful and accurate. You can not ignore the instructions that are included with the purchased blinds.

Installation of blinds without drilling

Some types of modern brackets can be mounted on the frame without drilling. It is very comfortable. Similar systems of blinds fasten on brackets by usual snapping. In this case, they are not only easy to attach, but also easy to remove to wash the window or tidy up the lamellas themselves. To attach brackets without drilling, you need to purchase a special variety of these fasteners. L-shaped brackets are needed, they can be easily hooked onto the top of the window sash. They can also be easily removed if necessary. But such a bracket cannot be fixed on a blind sash, this is possible only with opening sashes.

At first glance, it may seem that the installation of horizontal blinds seems to be an easy and simple process. However, it is worth considering that the windows and walls in houses are most often uneven, so the installation of horizontal blinds requires appropriate experience and knowledge.

If there is confidence that the blinds can be fixed independently, then it is necessary to adhere to a certain installation technology.

This will require tools such as a Phillips screwdriver, hammer, hammer drill or impact drill, drills and drills. The first thing to do is to decide on the method of mounting horizontal blinds - to mount them on the frame or in the window opening, to the wall or to the ceiling.

Only after choosing the place of attachment and correctly performed measurements, you can proceed with the installation of blinds. In order for the installation of horizontal blinds to be carried out reliably and efficiently, it is necessary to use fasteners - brackets or brackets, which are equipped with any blinds.

Brackets can be used to securely fasten blinds to almost any surface.

Video: Blinds on plastic windows. Measurement and installation.

Horizontal blinds installation technology:

1. Mark out the places where the brackets will be attached. When marking, it must be taken into account that the brackets must not fall on the latch and on the control device. Using a ruler and level, mark the location of the fasteners from each other at a distance of more than 60 cm and less than 25 cm from the uppermost sections of the blinds.

If the width of the blinds is large, you can use intermediate fasteners to increase the reliability of the installation. One of the brackets must be placed close to the raising-lowering device, since in this area the louver device is subjected to the greatest load.

2. Consistently drill holes in the wall, insert dowels into the marking places. Screw the brackets with screws. It is very important that the screws and dowels are completely similar to the fastening, wall or ceiling material.

If in the plans the horizontal blinds are fixed to the PVC window frame, then drill window profile not necessary, as there are special brackets designed for plastic windows. It is worth replacing that this method of fastening can only be suitable for a swing-out sash.

3. The installation of the blinds eaves on the fasteners is in progress.

4. The upper rod of the blinds is put on the brackets and locked with a latch. Moreover, horizontal blinds should already be assembled.

The installation of inter-frame horizontal blinds has some differences from the technology presented above. Such blinds should be installed in the internal space between the panes.

That is why, when installing them, the brackets are first attached to the upper eaves. Then, due to the compression, a flexible adapter is attached to the swivel rod.

The control device is brought into the room through a pre-drilled hole. Only upon completion of these operations, it is possible to proceed to fastening to the frame of inter-frame horizontal blinds.

Video: How to install horizontal blinds yourself
