A room of 18 meters cannot be called very small, but still it is not a huge open space, so when decorating this room, you will need to use many different tricks. A living room of even the same size can have different shape. The most common room shapes are square and rectangle. When finishing a square and rectangular room, you need to know where to start repair work.

A design concept starts with a choice floor covering. Best choice for gender monochrome material, which will not have very bright spots that attract individual attention. It is best to give preference to natural shades of wood when choosing linoleum or laminate flooring.

There are many nuances that help to properly decorate the living room, moreover, popular not only in 2017:

  • If a dark coating is organized on the floor, then the room will acquire the desired depth, but it is important to remember that the dark floor will be combined with light walls;
  • By making the ceiling lighter by one or two tones, it will turn out to visually raise the ceiling and enlarge the room;
  • For the same purpose of magnification, wallpaper with vertical stripes or floral ornament pointing up.

In 2017, it became popular to make a combined wall covering, when one wall is decorated with photo wallpapers, while the others simply show a light background.

What is the interior of the living room 18 sq m built on

The interior of a small room can get a winning position with proper lighting. If you need to visually expand the space of the room, then it is best to give preference to the point arrangement of light.

It is best to dwell on the functionality of the apartment, trying not to use unnecessary decorative elements. The main role in this case belongs to accessories, or rather the absence of their extra elements. It is a mistake to assume that if you arrange various accessories throughout the apartment, this will help give it a special style. The main rule is the ability not to clutter up an important space, giving preference only to important and necessary things.

If the room is small in space, then it is important to design it in a minimalist style, paying special attention to exotic styles.

It is believed that it is better to place one large, but important and necessary thing, than to litter the space with dozens of things and pieces of furniture that are completely unnecessary and do not carry any benefit. Proper arrangement of furniture will help to decorate the interior in the right way.

Living room design 18 sq m: zoning ideas

If the apartment is not so large that you can easily allocate an entire room to the living room, then in this case, modern designers suggest using the method of zoning and redevelopment. Modern design such a plan allows you to allocate a few meters from the living room to organize a place for receiving guests there.

Using the zoning method, you can divide a rectangular room, separating a place for an office, a children's room, thereby separating working area from the recreation area.

Zoning can be done with decorative plasterboard walls or modern cabinetry and shelving.

For example, in a studio apartment you can put corner sofa, which will serve as a method of separating the bedroom from the kitchen. In the same way, a dressing room can be from the living area.

The redevelopment method in the apartment is very simple and fast way increase the number of rooms in one apartment. For example, one large room can be divided into several small squares, each of which will serve as a new small room. This method is often used in the nursery, when one room eventually needs to be divided for two children of different sexes.

If the living room is a passage room where it is also necessary to place a bed, then without visual zoning it will also not be possible to divide the room into zones, giving each functional part its own place.

Simple living room interior 18 sq m: stylish and comfortable

The layout of the living room plays a very important role in comfortable placement in this room. The standard placement of furniture along the walls of the entire room is considered rational, which allows you to leave the entire middle of the room free.

To increase the usable space, you can organize repairs with your own hands by adding additional levels to the room, on which you can later arrange books and various things.

You can equip the room both independently and with the help of designers who will help you create a simple but very comfortable interior. Recently, built-in wardrobes, sliding doors have become popular, which save space due to the fact that the door leaves to the side and does not need space to open it outward.

You can increase the space due to, but in panel house to implement such ideas will be much more difficult.

Ideas for a living room 18 sq m

Exist various options how you can decorate and modify the living room of 18 square meters. But before choosing more suitable option for a particular apartment, it is necessary to determine what functional tasks are assigned to this room. For example, the living room can be furnished with a bed, wardrobes, armchairs, if this room will also serve as a bedroom.

If the living room plays the role of a dining room, then in addition to the sofa and TV, it should accommodate a table and chairs on which all guests invited to the house can sit.

Real living room projects are of interest to modern young people with their simplicity, originality and freedom. The modern concept of the living room arrangement is based on comfort and space. It is important to ensure that functionality is combined with beauty and the chosen style.

It is important that things are combined with each other and fit into one design and style. It remains only to choose this style and stick to its components.

For example, stopping at classical style, the following must be taken into account:

  • Parquet;
  • Expensive wooden furniture;
  • Velvet upholstery;
  • Mirrors in frames;
  • Decorative columns;
  • Fireplace;
  • Textile wallpaper.

The presence of even a few of these elements will make the living room in a classic style.

Living room interior design 18 sq m (video)

The main thing in every living room is not only right choice style and its exact embodiment in the interior. Comfort will be important, which will be realized in the end.

Living room 18 sq m (photo)

A one-room apartment is not a reason to despair and forget about meeting friends. Housing with an area of ​​​​18-19 square meters. m is able to accommodate a full-fledged bedroom and a room for receiving guests, if you correctly zone the space and place accents.

It is important to maintain a single style in the room and visually divide it into sections. In this case, it is not necessary to hide the bed behind a rack or a closed door, let it be visible. The color or texture of the walls can tell the function of the site, as can the floor and the furniture itself.


Where to begin?

Repair of a one-room apartment begins with drawing up a plan for the future room, because at the first stage it is important to understand what you want and how much you are willing to spend on it. It is important to think over the details in order to install an arch before finishing or combine the room with a balcony in advance, think about the ceiling (hinged or regular), floor (single laminate or parquet board) and the color of the walls. If you plan to make a podium for the bed, it must also be created in advance.

If you prefer minimalism and choose a bed, a sofa and a TV (and no tables, chairs), then it is important to think about where the rest of the things will be stored - on the balcony or in the closet in the corridor niche.

Space zoning

Zoning is the division of a room into several functional areas, the use of several colors of wallpaper and textures, partitions, arches, shelving in one room to create areas for work, recreation, games, and so on. Today, zoning is a trend and a working idea that designers do not neglect.

Really and visually divide the room can:

  • Rack;
  • Arch;
  • Partition;
  • Curtains;
  • Podium (where the bed will be located);
  • Gender (color, level, materials);
  • Headboard;
  • The color and texture of the walls.

The design project of an apartment with a shelving or a partition in the middle is the simplest solution available. It is important to choose furniture in the same style and dilute it with brighter textiles - for the living room, a little calmer - for the bedroom. If the space is divided by a wall, then it should be in harmony with the general color of the walls, the rack can “oppose” them and be in contrast.

The arch leading to the sleeping area looks good in classic interior- it gives the home a chic and does not clutter up the space too much, does not take away the light and generally looks luxurious.

An interesting idea is zoning with a headboard or headboard. Its essence is a high original back (front or back), which will delimit the room and create an accent in it.

The most budgetary way to divide a room is to use curtains. During the day they can be collected and open access to the box, at night close and enjoy solitude.

Vertical zoning is different from the classic division of the room. The idea of ​​vertical zoning will appeal to children and those adults who are tired of clichés. The location of the bed here is unusual - right under the ceiling, the rest of the room is given over to the living room.

Wall color

A small bedroom-living room by default has light walls and this is to our advantage, as they make the space visually wide and free. It is important to zone the room and think in advance where the sleeping area will be and where the living room will be.

Zoning with flowers will help turn one room into several - a separate bedroom and a full-fledged space for guests. The color of the room can be the main one, for example, beige, and this or that space is indicated by wallpaper with a pattern or ornament.

Interesting solution- use several colors on the walls of one room. The designer highlighted the sleeping area in white, the living room in gray. Even the floor visually divided one room into two.

White and beige are versatile shades that you can play with and transform a space from dull to functional and stylish. Choosing White color as a basis, focus on decorative wooden or brick-imitating panels (for walls) and ennoble one of the walls or several sections on one or two with them - you get a stylish scandinavian style or soft "loft".

Save bright colors like red, blue and green for accents, but in general, these colors look good in modern modernity.


If the ceiling in the bedroom is low, the following tricks will help make it visually high:

  • Wallpaper with a vertical stripe on one of the walls- they will additionally create one of the zones in the room (bedroom, living room);
  • Use two colors on the ceiling- place white in the middle, darker around the perimeter, for example, beige or yellow;
  • If the ceiling is solid, choose a glossy surface for it;
  • Use mirrors not on the entire ceiling, but on one of its sections or on the wall;
  • Instead of a bulky chandelier choose spot lighting located around the perimeter of the room on the ceiling;
  • Choose light colors for the ceiling- it should be lighter than the walls and floor.


Creating a room design of 18 square meters. m it is important to determine whether you need a full-fledged sleeping bed or you can do without it and sleep on the couch.

If a bedroom without a bed is not a bedroom, place the largest furniture away from the entrance to the room - towards the window.

To protect the recreation area from the reception area will help the rack to the ceiling or almost to it. It is good if it has open shelves and is narrow. as a massive bulky "eat" valuable meters.

A sofa bed is the way out for those who prefer a minimalist design. The corner design occupies a useless corner, while its counterpart, the classic long sofa without corners, allows you to take up window seat with a desk and chair.

Leave chests of drawers, wardrobes, massive tables and closed shelving for the corridor or replace them with a closet, which can be placed in the same niche of the corridor (if any) or along a small wall in the bedroom-living room. The interior of a room with a wardrobe will look good if it is mirrored or glossy - this will create additional visual space.


In a room where the bedroom and living room occupy the same space, it is important to use decor, but this must be done wisely. Do not litter an already modest room with figurines and floor flower pots. It is better and wiser to use the walls and hang pictures \ mirrors \ open and closed shelves on them.


If two zones are connected in one room, then the lighting will have to be divided in two, made pointy and maximum use of lamps and floor lamps. Of course, ceiling lighting is indispensable and good choice there will be small lamps around the perimeter of the ceiling.

If you cannot avoid the chandelier, hang it in the living area, and place a couple of floor lamps in the bedroom - this will be enough for reading before bedtime or creating a cozy atmosphere


Apartment 18 sq. m easily turns into a room with an area of ​​​​22-25 squares, if you attach a balcony to it (insulated and in agreement with government agencies). Redevelopment of the apartment sometimes really helps out - in the former balcony area the bed fits well and gives additional space for the living room.

Combining a room and a balcony is quite laborious and costly compared to installing a partition, arch or ordering and buying a rack.

Windows and doors

A large window visually makes the space of the room larger and illuminates it favorably. If the window occupies an entire wall, this is a great opportunity to create an informal interior in the loft style, minimalism. Be sure to have the bed facing him and divide the space with her back.

Doors, as an indispensable part of any interior, can advantageously emphasize the space. Choose light canvases with glass - gloss visually increases the space. Sliding structures (compartments) or swing models that open into the corridor will save space in the room.

The living room combined with the bedroom usually takes up more space. If the room is 19 sq. meters, then for the recreation area you can give about 2/3 of the space and place the bed away from the entrance to the room - by the window.

  • Choose furniture-transformer if you don't like to clutter up the space. An ordinary wardrobe or sofa turns into a double bed in the evening;
  • Stick to one style in the interior of the room- baroque in the bedroom and loft in the living room will look strange and ridiculous;
  • Let the main color of the room be light- white or beige, and the contrast is created by partitions and decor;
  • You can use gray instead of beige- paint the walls with this shade and choose snow-white furniture if interior stamps are already tired.
  • If there is nowhere to store things, install a closet on one of the walls of the room. Let it be as narrow as possible, but wide and invisible to others. You can beat him by placing a sofa or a couple of chairs in front of him;
  • Have a sofa and armchairs in the same room- means to litter it. Give preference to compact soft pouffes and offer them to friends (who do not fit on the sofa). When no one is visiting, frameless furniture can be stored on the balcony.

Starting the repair of any residential premises, we, first of all, determine its purpose. What do we want to see as a result: a spacious living room or bedroom, or maybe a combined space that is not limited to one function?

Today we’ll talk about the design and zoning of a room of 18 square meters. m. With a shortage of square meters, it is often necessary to combine several functions in one living room, for example, a living room-bedroom or a living-dining room.

It happens that in common room a teenage child lives, and he needs to arrange a comfortable workplace.

Consider several design options for a room of 18 square meters. m.

One-room apartment with a living area of ​​18 square meters

Starting an independent life, we often acquire a one-room apartment. This is the so-called start to a great life. Everyone strives to equip their first home as comfortable as possible. This is important for both singles and young families. As you know, relationships often break down on an unsettled life, which is why it is so important to perform proper zoning.

We already wrote about how to arrange it in one of the previous articles. And what other functions can be combined in one room?

For lovers of youth parties and holidays, it is important to create a relaxed and fairly spacious atmosphere in the room. It is difficult to do this in a small space. However, if the kitchens in your house are equipped with electric stoves, then it is possible to combine the kitchen with the living room, provided that the wall between the rooms is not load-bearing. A dining area is perfectly located between two different rooms.

Visually, two rooms can be separated by a small partition or bar counter, as well as by the texture or color of the floor and walls. And combine them with common color spots used in both rooms in order to maintain the integrity of the space.

Owners of gas equipment, obviously, were upset, thinking that it was impossible for them to “push apart” the walls between these rooms. There is a way out. Installed in the wall between the kitchen and living room. In the open state of the doors, there is no division of the premises, and at the right time, the kitchen is easily isolated from the living space.

For a young couple, the room can be divided into three zones: a common one that combines a living room and a sleeping area, as well as an office for young man and a small ladies' room - boudoir. If desired, these small rooms can be isolated, for example, with textiles or a screen.

Separately, I would like to say about transformable furniture, which is always by the way in small rooms or rooms endowed with various functions. Thanks to designers and constructors who year after year work in this direction and come up with various options for transforming furniture, we can significantly improve the comfort of our homes.

We equip an office or workplace in a small apartment

Often in small apartments in the living room they equip a place for a mini-office or a child's work area. It is very important that this zone does not stand out from the general space, but harmoniously fits into it.

The working area can be fenced off with a partition or a lighter structure - a rack, as if isolating it from the living room space.

Another solution for a mini-study or a small workshop in the living room is to place them in a closet or in a niche, complemented by special lighting. At the end of the work, the table and chair are moved into the interior space, the doors are closed, and the interior of the room, with an area of ​​18 square meters, again has a single function - the function of the living room.

Due to the impossibility of allocating a separate place for an office, it is often arranged in the bedroom. In order not to interfere with your other half to rest, it is still better to isolate the working area. Partieres made of dense fabric are perfect as a partition and light barrier.

Studio apartments

A distinctive feature of studio apartments, fashionable lately, is the absence of partitions. The exceptions are the partitions of bathrooms and bedrooms. Option one-room studio apartment suitable for people living alone, or for a family consisting of no more than two people, since a single space does not imply solitude - everything and everything is in sight. As a rule, such housing is chosen by creative and active people, young couples or bachelors.

A studio apartment is usually not overloaded with furniture, the room is only visually divided into zones. And initially a small living room 16-18 or even 20 square meters. m. becomes more spacious due to the addition of a kitchen and a hallway (in whole or in part).

At present, more and more often from small apartments in "Khrushchev" due to redevelopment, studio apartments are being organized. Agree that it is much more pleasant to live in a spacious room than in a closed small space squeezed by walls and ceiling.

An opening is made (after appropriate approvals) between the living room and the kitchen, the passage from the corridor to the kitchen is closed. A refrigerator is installed in the resulting niche in the kitchen, and from the side of the corridor you can make a small pantry or closet.

Try not to overload small rooms with furniture, as well as make them very dark, otherwise you will visually reduce their area even more. Give preference to light shades.

Mirrors help visually “push the walls apart”, increase the space and fill it with additional light - they are great solution for small spaces.

Extended doorway between living room and hallway with sliding doors also help to increase the space during the daytime by combining the hallway with the living room. If necessary, the room can be easily isolated.

Often our life dictates the conditions when it is necessary to reconsider the purpose of existing premises - this is the creation of a family, the birth of a child, etc. Be creative and thoughtful about redevelopment or repair with division into zones, and then even in small apartment you can live quite comfortably and amicably.

18 sq. meters can not be called very spacious or too small. This room standard sizes, in which you can easily equip a living room, and a bedroom, and a nursery. Often dorm rooms have such dimensions, in this case its design will be more complicated, since it is necessary to create zones that are very different in their functionality.

Let's try to figure out how to competently implement the design of a room of 18 square meters. m., resulting in a cozy and comfortable interior.

Interior styles acceptable for a room of this size will be almost all of the existing ones. Properly planned classics, the spirit of minimalism, the romance and lightness of Provence, the modernity of Hi-tech, etc., all solutions, with careful preparation for their implementation, will look fashionable and harmonious.

With such a quadrature, it is best to use light shades with interior decoration premises. The fact remains that light colors will visually enlarge the space, make it more spacious and voluminous.

perfect color solution there will be the use of delicate shades: sand, peach, milky, beige, pearl, etc. The use of dark or bright colors is acceptable on significant details in the interior, on one of the walls.

Before starting repairs, read various photos rooms 18 sq. m., choose the closest and most suitable design option for you, and try to reproduce it in your apartment.

It is best to decorate the ceiling in light, white colors in a small room. Do not abuse stucco and other heaps on it, this will create a feeling of pressure from above.

The type of flooring can be any. Depending on the purpose of the room in the apartment, this can be carpet, laminate, linoleum, PVC tiles, etc. The only requirement is to match the shade of the floor covering one or two shades darker than the walls.

Furniture in the room 18 sq. m. it is better to choose a miniature one that does not create a feeling of bulkiness. Give up huge, massive furniture sets that will eat up a good half of the free space.

Opt for a modern, concise, small-sized, but at the same time functional furniture. As for its color, dark furniture will look chic with a light design of the walls.

Choose accessories in the room based on your preferences, tastes, hobbies. The main thing is not to clutter up the space, a couple or three pretty little things will create a cozy atmosphere in the room and at the same time will not deprive it of lightness and airiness.

Decor depending on the purpose of the room

Having taken into account the main ideas and secrets for improving the common space, you need to deal with the features and tips regarding the design of rooms of different types.

Living room

Pay special attention to the use of a room of 18 square meters. m. as a living room. In this case, it is necessary to create a place in which each of the family members will be comfortable, where they can all get together to watch a movie or discuss the past day.

Therefore, create a light, relaxed interior here, give preference to any of the modern style solutions, place a cozy, roomy sofa, low table, TV or home theater in the room.

However, in one-room apartment, such a minimum amount of furniture will not be enough, here you need to zoning the room, allocating a place for sleeping, relaxing and working.

Dorm room

Agree, the task of placing all the items necessary for life in an eighteen-meter space is quite difficult. However, the correct and competent approach to the design of this interior will allow you to turn small room in a multifunctional home.

What is the difficulty? The fact that it is necessary to allocate at least four zones in the room, very different in their functionality: kitchen, dining, working and sleeping.

Often kitchen area combined with a dining room, an excellent solution would be to install a modular kitchen set with a bar. This technique will save valuable centimeters of space, while dividing the space.

Make the most of the free space on the walls, place various hanging racks, shelves here, this will allow you to place all the little things necessary for life in the room.

An excellent solution would be to install a modern bed which easily transforms into a closet. Such a convenient invention will easily solve the problem of lack of space.

An original way to increase the useful area of ​​​​the room will be to equip a sleeping place on a self-designed second floor. The staircase leading upstairs usually plays the role of a storage closet. But of course, such a technique is possible only with a sufficient height of the ceilings.


In a room of this size, a chic bedroom set will fit without any problems, including a spacious double bed, bedside tables, spacious wardrobes and chests of drawers.


If necessary, you can install a charming dressing table and a small armchair in the corner of the room on such an area. The design of the bedroom should not cause great difficulties, since basically only one functional area is designed here, and there will be enough free square meters to implement any of your ideas.

Don't be afraid of what seems at first sight small space, in fact, in a room of 18 square meters. m. you can place everything you need for a comfortable life, the main thing is to competently approach the process of interior design.

Photo room 18 sq. m.

In this article I want to consider the interior design of the hall 16-18 square meters. m. Eighteen square meters for the living room, this is not a small area. But such a space can be visually reduced if you use the wrong colors and furniture.

Consider 4 options for decorating a hall of 16-18 square meters. m, which were provided to us by Nina Romanyuk.The design is suitable for Khrushchev, as well as for a panel or brick house.

In all 4 hall designs 18 sq. m. only a recreation area is supposed.

The first version of the design of the hall

Hall design 18 sq. m, combined with a balcony is made in bright colors. The light beige color was not chosen by chance, it visually expands the space and makes the room bigger. The floor is covered with light laminate. Read.

Initially, the area of ​​​​the hall was 18 meters, but by combining it with a balcony, it was possible to increase the space by another 4 square meters. In this area, the designers decided to make a small working area. The color of the floor here is different from the main color in the hall.

This hall design is 18 sq. m. assumed placement decorative fireplace. This is a perfect place between interior doors. A large LED TV with high image fidelity was placed above the fireplace.

So that the owners could relax, a comfortable sand-colored corner sofa was placed along the opposite wall in the hall of 18 sq. m.

Chocolate interior design of the hall 16-18 sq. m

The following design features bright accents chocolate color. The main rule in the design of the hall is 16-18 square meters. m, that's a lot of light. In addition to the main light source, additional lighting must be used, as in our case.

Do not forget about the presence of a rug near the sofa. The carpet should contrast with the color of the floor. In our case, the floor is dark and the rug is white.

Cream-colored curtains perfectly complement the design of the hall 16-18 square meters. m. Make the overall picture complete.

Square room with photo wallpaper

The design of the hall is slightly different from the previous ones. To decorate the walls, the designers used beautiful photo wallpapers.

Light glossy stretch ceiling visually makes the room bigger. And additional spot lighting only emphasizes this.

Decoration of the hall with a niche for TV.

Interior design of the hall 18 sq. m involved the construction of a small niche of plasterboard with spotlights 15-20 centimeters wide.

TV in a drywall niche. Photo 10 Beautiful carpet in the hall. Photo 11 White pillows on a brown sofa. Photo 12

The wallpaper in the hall is combined in three colors.

A large white corner sofa is an indispensable thing in our case.

So we examined four hall designs of 16-18 sq. m. Use our ideas to decorate your house or apartment.

Fifth version of the European hall

Sixth hall. Lilac fairy tale
