Baths with a terrace are far from an innovation in Russian summer cottages. An increasing number of people are choosing projects that allow them to arrange their space in the most ergonomic way and at the same time bring real pleasure to those around them. appearance.

A beautiful, elegant open terrace will decorate not only the bath, but the entire site. It may well replace a rest room - therefore, the developer, wanting to save money, may consider plans for a very small bath. In this case, only the steam room, washing room and dressing room will be the necessary premises.

Pay attention to the bathhouse with an attic and a terrace - this is an opportunity to get two or more rest rooms at once, one of which will be heated. An interesting option- corner bath with a cozy terrace, which in this case is located in inner corner log house. The open extension will be protected on both sides from the wind by the walls of the log house, and in turn will protect the entrance to the bathhouse from the weather.

Wooden baths with a terrace

It is customary to call a terrace an extension to a residential building or a bathhouse, which can be either open or closed - for example, a canopy. Along the perimeter, the terrace is fenced symbolically, decoratively. The roof and foundation are shared with the bathhouses. This circumstance dictates the following rule: it is desirable to build a bathhouse and a terrace at the same time. Immediately choose the projects of baths with a terrace, the photos of which you liked. Thus, you will avoid uneven shrinkage of the log cabin of the bath and the foundation. However, if it becomes necessary to attach a terrace to an existing building, this can also be done.

Unlike the veranda, the functionality of which is very wide due to the walls closed from several (or even from all) sides, the terrace is used mainly as a place of rest. For example, for a barbecue, if the terrace is spacious enough, or for family evening tea parties. IN winter time here you can also have a great rest, gathering friends for barbecue. You should only take care to protect yourself from wind and frost - install sliding plastic structures, for example. The terrace with the swimming pool is a wonderful place for a good rest.

Bath projects with a large terrace (10-12 sq.m) make it possible to organize relaxation in an equipped place, in a pleasant environment. This is extremely convenient when it becomes necessary to invite guests. And, by the way, it saves money, since there is no need to build a gazebo that is mandatory today.

Construction of a bath with a terrace

The terrace, as a rule, has two entrances - one from the porch, the second from the rest room.

The material for its manufacture is mainly wood. The terrace is located along one of the walls of the bath and can be in the form of a square, rectangle, semicircle and even a triangle. Sometimes a terrace is planned as a "connecting bridge", a warm transition between a residential building and a bathhouse.

When implementing a turnkey bath with a terrace, builders pay special attention to the connection of structures, avoiding “hard” adhesion. A minimum gap is left between the main building and the extension - about a centimeter. This will avoid in the future "distortions" of the log house.

In order for the bath with a terrace to make a pleasant impression and be an integral architectural ensemble, the same building material is used for the construction of both structures. As a rule, this is a rounded log, profiled timber, glued laminated timber.

The floor on the terrace is made of coniferous boards, as their resistance to decay is very high. In addition, wood must be treated with special protective compounds for better preservation of its structure and appearance, as well as resistance to external atmospheric influences.

The project of a one-story and two-story baths with a terrace is the more difficult to implement, the larger the terrace area, since the project developers (and then the builders) need to “link” both structures so that they look like a single complex.

In the understanding of any Russian bath - something more than a place where you can wash. This is relaxation, communication in a warm family and friendly company. It is no coincidence that it is about the construction of such an object that they think first of all when developing suburban area earth.

Often a bath turns out to be a complex complex, which can include a relaxation room, a place for cooking, and a terrace where people gather after washing.


modern baths can be timber, brick, frame prefabricated buildings. There are other options for choosing materials and construction methods.

A bath is often built with a veranda or terrace. A barbecue oven can be equipped on the terrace. But even in the simple version such an extension will add comfort when spending a vacation outside the city.

Best Options the planning of a suburban land plot is exactly what is obtained when creating such complexes. Together with the bath, a platform appears on the site, closed from the sun and rain by a roof.

The terrace can be surrounded by glass walls. This will allow you not to literally fence yourself off from nature, not to experience the effects of adverse weather conditions such as wind and slanting rain.

Combining a bath with a terrace will also greatly simplify the issue of construction. After all, a separate bathhouse and a gazebo not only take up more space on the territory, but also require a much more significant investment of money, effort and time during the construction of each independent object.

Building location

For the location of the bath, you need to choose the right place, taking into account a number of factors:

  • It is more correct that, with an eye to the prevailing wind direction, the bathhouse should be the last in the line of buildings. If it suddenly catches fire, in this case there will be a high probability that the fire will not spread to other buildings.
  • If the bathhouse and the residential building are built as separate objects, the distance between them must be at least eight meters. The reasons are the same as in the previous case.
  • The bath should preferably be located away from the road. Even according to the requirements of the Land Code, this distance should not be less than five meters.

The terrace in its design is an extension to the main building. In addition to the roof combined with the bath, it can be protected from the wind to a certain extent, as it has one common wall with the main building and conditional partitions around the perimeter.

At the summer terrace arrange a capital floor. It can be made of wood, sometimes it is laid out with tiles or some other finishing materials. From the furniture on this site there are benches, chairs, rocking chairs, a dining table.

The terrace can be large or small. With a reasonable approach, it can always be made as convenient and functional as possible.

The choice of materials for construction

Wood is a material traditionally used for the construction of baths. It is usually used to build a frame from a bar. The tree has many advantages:

  • it retains heat well - no need to think about additional measures for insulation;
  • in a wooden structure there is a special smell and atmosphere that are characteristic of a traditional Russian bath;
  • since the tree breathes, the humidity inside the bath room is adjusted;
  • from this material, you can create buildings of various shapes, embodying original architectural solutions;
  • there is no doubt about the environmental friendliness, since wood is safe for humans, and in the conditions of a bath it creates an additional healing effect.

disadvantage wooden bath it may be that the susceptibility of this material to mold, rotting, as well as a significant likelihood of fire in the event of careless handling of fire. In a brick bath fire hazard much less. But the room itself warms up longer, which means that you will have to spend more firewood in order to wash and take a steam bath.

Brick buildings for this purpose should have excellent ventilation., since the condensate that appears during operation becomes the cause of the appearance and spread of the fungus.

At the same time, one cannot fail to note the environmental friendliness of bricks and the fact that a building of any configuration can be built from it. The long service life of such baths is also not the last argument in favor of choosing a brick building. Its construction can be cheaper than wooden. In addition, there is no need for special finishing. Brick looks good on its own.

Sometimes it makes sense not to focus on traditional materials, but to choose something more modern for the bath complex. For example, gas silicate blocks. Gas silicate belongs to the category of products modern technologies. He has his own merits, forcing him to make a choice in his favor when it comes to building a bath.

They differ:

  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • safety in terms of ecology;
  • fire resistance;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • that does not rot;
  • ease of installation;
  • small price.

Important question during the construction of a bath - a foundation device. More often than others, a strip foundation is made for such a structure using reinforced concrete, rubble or brick.

For screw foundation use special piles on which the structure will rely. The columnar foundation is one of the most economical. With the help of pillars, you can arrange the base for a small bath with a terrace.


In order to get exactly what you need when designing a bath, you need to keep in mind the following:

  • for how many people the washing complex with an open area for recreation should be designed;
  • whether it will be used only in summer or will it also be able to be used in winter;
  • what layout will be most suitable;
  • what material to build it from;
  • what is the cost of construction.

If the bath is to be used only in warm weather, you don’t have to think much about warming the dressing room. If the bath is operated year-round, the location of the entrance to it becomes especially important.

Proper planning reduces construction costs. So, if you make a comfortable outdoor barbecue area that easily accommodates many people, a guest room may not be needed.

Sometimes it is enough to attach a terrace to existing bath if it's new enough. If the bath is an old building, it is better to place a recreation area under the roof between the washing building and the house. It is important to choose a place for it so as not to violate the existing architectural and stylistic idea.

The area of ​​the bath can be different - from small size to impressive, for example, 6x4, 3 by 9 meters and so on. On a large plot there is a place for a structure measuring 6 by 9 meters. It is suitable for a large family and a large company. Such a space can easily accommodate not only a steam room, a washing room, but also a kitchen, a bathroom, a relaxation room, a billiard room, and so on. Bath at the same time can be two-story. On the second floor it makes sense to make a spacious guest room. The terrace can be equipped with a stove that looks like a fireplace.

Such a recreational complex can be made, for example, from logs. Layout variations are possible. For example, if you arrange a living room on the ground floor, separating it from the terrace with a glass wall, this room will always have a lot of light, and the terrace itself can look larger. When the weather changes, it will be convenient for guests to move from the open area to the living room and back.

Some projects of baths with attics provide for an external staircase to the second floor from the side of the terrace. Thus, you can win additional space in the house itself. Although many may consider such a design decision controversial.

Sometimes it is easier to attach a bathhouse to an existing house, including one with a garage. In this case, an extension of 5x6 meters with a terrace will be enough. The functionality of housing will expand, and in the heat it will be possible to spend time outdoors in a place protected from the sun.

You can adopt the project of a corner bath with a terrace. With this approach to planning, it can take up little space on the site, while remaining roomy inside. Such the project will be especially interesting when the bathhouse is placed very close to a residential building. There are also projects corner terraces, which makes sense to apply in this case.

If you approach the matter thoroughly, you can aim at a real bath cottage. In addition to the bath, it can carry the functions of a wide variety of recreation. Here you can select rooms for guests, a playground for children, dances and barbecues. In summer, such a complex makes it possible to live outdoors most of the time.

When developing a bath project, you need to take into account a number of nuances related to the location and arrangement of the terrace. A place for it must be allocated taking into account the direction of the wind. The building of the bath should obscure the site, and at the same time the hearth, so that vacationers definitely do not have to breathe smoke.

If the task of the terrace is to shelter people from the hot sun, it should not be built on the south side.. It will be good only if the owners like to sunbathe.

Of course, the surrounding landscape cannot be ignored. It would be strange to have a terrace overlooking an outdoor toilet or a fence. It is much more pleasant to see a forest, a river or a lake from this site. From a planning point of view, the terrace can be located frontally, that is, along the facade of the main building, on the side, as well as at an angle and around the entire perimeter of the bath.

For a small company, a platform of size 7-8 will suffice square meters. But if the territory allows, it is better to make it at least 9-10 squares. In this case, among other things, a couple of sun loungers or armchairs can be easily accommodated here. Yes, and a person busy cooking barbecue will have enough space to turn around. At the same time, the oven heat will not interfere with others.

The floor is the easiest to lay wooden planks. Although paving slabs will also fit. On large terraces, natural stone is used for such a coating.

There are a lot of typical projects of baths with terraces. architectural bureaus when creating variants of these objects, the requirements for the use of certain building materials, and installation methods. Although no one will forbid the implementation of an individual project.

Design Options

For a pleasant pastime in a bath with a terrace, you should carefully approach the design of the interior and outdoor area. Often from the inside the room is sheathed with clapboard of a certain tone. It is better to choose soft shades that will set you up for relaxation.

It is necessary to make sure that there are no large ledges and sharp corners in the rooms.. Even if there is enough space in the washroom, steam room or rest room, a person in a relaxed state can unsuccessfully touch the ledge and injure himself. For the same reason care must be taken to ensure that the floors are not slippery.

For interior design it is better to use natural materials. Modern ones, such as plastic, are not “friends” with the bath, as they can melt or begin to secrete unpleasant odors. Even if they do not poison, the impression of the rest will be spoiled.

In the bath, you need to provide all the necessary accessories: brooms, hats, aroma oils, shampoos, soap, washcloths. Under them, it is good to highlight a convenient shelf, which is always easy to reach.

For lighting, it is better not to use bright lamps that do not allow you to tune in to relaxation. It is better to let the light be yellow and soft.

The design of the outdoor area is also of great importance. It can have thick curtains that protect the terrace space from hot sun or cold. Sliding elements made of glass or polycarbonate can be used here. Thanks to this, the terrace can be used almost all year round.

An important part is the oven on the terrace. The overall impression of a bath with a terrace largely depends on its device and design. A separate foundation is laid for the barbecue. The furnace is made of refractory bricks on a high base.. During its construction, it is better to provide a niche for storing a small supply of firewood.

As for the occurrence of smoke, a separate chimney with a high pipe is created to remove it, so that bad smell and the fumes did not spread over the terrace and bathhouse.

- functional area for complete relaxation. She may have different size, be built of timber or brick. Your attention - various projects such buildings with photos.

When planning to equip their backyard with a place to relax, many owners dream of making it not only comfortable, but also versatile. After all, it should be to the liking of all family members. And after all, you also need to please the guests, fully providing them with both entertainment and complete relaxation in the fresh air. The project of a bathhouse with a terrace and a barbecue, as well as a relaxation room - good option for such a case. It allows you to embody various ideas and combine them into your own country mini-complex.

Bath plan with a terrace

The advantages of such a 4 in 1 project are many:

  1. Territory saving. No need to waste space not only for the buildings themselves, but also for the paths connecting one building to another.
  2. Reducing construction costs. For example, a bath wall can also be a terrace wall. In addition, one roof will cost much less than several.
  3. Organization of complex recreation. You can take a steam bath, and then cook dinner using a barbecue - everything is nearby.
  4. Single style. Often, when erecting individual buildings, the owners forget that all buildings should be in harmony with each other. In a combined project, this design issue is solved very simply.

Types of bath projects with a relaxation area

In many ways, the choice of the project is due to the size of the land. For example, the classic version of a bath with a terrace measuring 6 x 9 m is suitable for owners of a large area. It will accommodate not only the whole family, but also a large group of friends. In this case, a common foundation is provided for the bath and terrace. If you make the building two-story, then you can place a steam room and a barbecue at the bottom, and equip a guest lounge on the second floor.

If you want to attach a sauna to the house, use the 6 x 6 project. Due to its proportions, it will fit perfectly into the design of any site. Thus, you will significantly expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house and get a cozy open place to relax. It is ideal for enjoying fresh air directly from the cottage in any weather.

Bath with a veranda

Compact on the outside, but roomy on the inside, this is a corner bath with a terrace. Often such a project is used in cases where it is necessary to locate a recreation area in the immediate vicinity of the house. The terrace adjacent to the cottage may be in the shape of a square or rectangle. However, photos of finished baths confirm that it is the corner platform that allows you to give the entire structure a complete look, as well as effectively manage the territory. personal plot. Everything can be placed on the first floor.

Advice. Two-story buildings are optimal if you want to correctly plan the area of ​​​​your land and are going to continue construction. For example, add another guest room over time.

Entire bath cottages with various outbuildings are now popular - the same terrace. On it you can equip a gazebo, a playground for children, a place for barbecue or dancing. It is convenient to receive and accommodate guests, organize holidays and just live in the fresh air here. And so that mosquitoes do not annoy in the summer, hang nets or decorative curtains.

Construction planning: timber or brick. What is the best foundation

To implement the project of a bathhouse with a terrace and a barbecue that you like, you need to think carefully about what material to build from. Perhaps one of the best is a bar. Its advantages are obvious:

  • keeps heat well, so additional insulation is not required;
  • creates an inimitable "bathing" atmosphere, because people have been bathing in wooden buildings for a long time;
  • regulates the humidity in the room. This is possible due to the fact that the tree "breathes";
  • allows to implement non-standard architectural solutions;
  • environmental friendliness. It has been proven that the tree enhances the healing effect of the bath.


Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the susceptibility of the beam to mold, as well as its low reliability in terms of fire safety.

Attention! Glued beams and logs are different building materials. The first one is cheaper. Logs can be rounded, planed, etc.

Brick baths are less fire hazardous, but they warm up longer, consuming a large amount of fuel. In addition, in such buildings, quality is required. Without it, condensation collects inside, which can cause fungus and mold. Speaking about the advantages of brick, it should be noted its environmental friendliness, long service life and the ability to build a building of almost any shape, which is proved by photos of already erected buildings. It is important that the cost of brick baths is lower than wooden baths, and they do not require external finishing.

Advice. For the construction of a bath, you can take other materials, for example, gas silicate blocks. Frame houses are also popular, which are inexpensive and are built quickly.

Depending on the project and the building material for its implementation, the basis of the bath is planned - the foundation. He can be:

  1. Screw. For it, special piles are used, on which the structure will stand. Suitable for almost all types of soil. Does not require preparatory earthworks. It is built quickly (in 1-3 days) and at any time of the year.
  2. Columnar. This is the simplest of all types of foundation, and also the most economical. It can be used to build a small bath with a terrace.
  3. Tape. Work on its construction is considered quite laborious, so it is advisable to resort to this option in such cases:
  • if your site has difficult soil - for example, clay or sandy;
  • the construction of a two-story bath is planned.

Attention! Since the bath is heavier than the terrace, different foundations are usually laid under them.

Tips for designing a recreation area with a sauna, a barbecue and a terrace

  • When planning construction, consider the main direction of the winds. The bath should close the terrace from drafts. This is also necessary in order to properly position the barbecue - it is not very convenient when the smoke flies towards the vacationers.
  • Decide what you need a terrace for. If in order to hide on a hot day from sun rays don't choose south. If you are going to sunbathe - design the location of the terrace on the sunny side.

Bath with barbecue
  • The terrace in its classic view does not have a roof, however, for convenience and protection from bad weather, it can be covered, for example, with transparent polycarbonate.
  • Regardless of what area the finished bath will have, it is necessary to provide for the location of 3 private rooms: locker rooms, showers and steam rooms.
  • For the construction of a barbecue, it is worth using refractory bricks. In addition, for better fire safety, you can lay out the area around it with ceramic or stone tiles. It is also necessary to make a separate chimney for barbecue.
  • If you plan to use a sauna with a terrace for all year round take care of heating.

Bath with barbecue area: video

Sauna with a terrace and a place for a barbecue is an indispensable addition for comfortable rest, health improvement and cooking delicious food in the open air at any time of the year. Projects may only consist of a furnished and equipped oven, an open-plan annex, or have weatherproofing side panels. In the second case, the terrace can be used all year round.

The terrace is an extension of an open or closed type, which is built directly at one of the walls of the bath (usually at the entrance). It has a foundation in common with the bath and roof structure. The undeniable advantages of having a terrace will be:

  • the possibility of complete relaxation without leaving the building and the simultaneous preparation of delicious food;
  • giving functionality to the bath - an additional room in warm weather can be used for sleeping outdoors;
  • a barbecue oven will become one of the spectacular elements of the bath, emphasize the status of the owners and provide additional heating of the adjacent room.

The extension is made from various materials: it can be wooden, block or brick. Everything will depend on the building materials of the main building. Accommodation also depends on the wishes of the customer. The terrace (veranda) fits perfectly into the projects of not only a rectangular, but also a corner bath and is placed along one of the walls, the facade or becomes a corner structure. How it looks in the photo below.

Bath terrace zoning projects

If you equip the terrace in the corner, the chimney is easily removed through the roof and eliminates the smoke in the room. A sliding removable woven, plastic or glass screen will ensure the use of the veranda, despite the change in weather. The main thing: the right heat - and waterproofing.

Budget buildings can be considered frame-panel. They can be either one- or two-story. The second option is already a multi-level extension, where you can not only cook food, but also relax comfortably at any time. Photo of the bath project with a terrace and a barbecue next.

The barbecue area, with proper placement, does not require special insulation, a chimney with good draft will perfectly ensure the complete discharge of combustion products without them entering the terrace space. In addition, for convenience, the veranda can have several entrances.

As an ergonomic option for placing a terrace with a barbecue - the area between the house and the bath, which is used as a gazebo and a transition from one building to another.

The barbecue oven is planned independently or with the involvement of specialists. The easiest option is a small brazier. But for brick bath a multifunctional stove is suitable, in which, in addition to barbecue, you can make smoked and hot dishes on an open fire.

For small terraces, or if you don’t want to be too sophisticated in cooking, a small brick oven-brazier is being built. If you have a very limited budget, a stationary stove can be replaced with an assembly brazier, simply by equipping a place for it (fire insulation and hood). This will be quite enough for the preparation of the lightest "after-bath food".

It is interesting and useful to use a place for a terrace if you make it multi-level. In this case, the porch gradually turns into a balcony and then into a gazebo with a stove or barbecue.

Building materials

The most expensive will cost a terrace made of timber. A bath without an attic, a terrace and a barbecue will cost 750-900 thousand rubles. A two-story building with the presence of all the indicated elements of the building already starts from 1.2 million rubles, if you order turnkey work. Economy offers for a small standard bath, complemented by a veranda with a barbecue - from 550 thousand rubles.

The minimum size of the terraces with a bath is 6-9 m 2, but if the family is large or a large number of guests are expected, it is better to immediately lay in the project at least 12 m 2 of area. When operating the bath only during the warm period, the size of the terrace can be significantly increased by saving on the rest room.

The extension must be designed at the stage of construction of the bath itself. Subsequently, such changes will require large expenditures (for the restructuring of the foundation and roof), so it is better to think through everything in advance.

It is also important to decide on the materials, if the bath is a log house, then it is better to build a terrace using wood, etc. The fact is that the difference in building materials can adversely affect the foundation, and, as a result, the entire structure. The interior design of the terrace does not need to be made in sharp contrast to the overall interior of the building. And not just for aesthetic reasons.

Each type of material requires a certain thermal and waterproofing, protection from damaging biological factors, has a different weight, heat capacity, and the ability to resist chemical and atmospheric influences from the outside.

As a recreation area fencing, wooden, brick or stone columns are used, on which the roof rests, and side elements of protection from wind, rain, sunlight, etc. are fixed. Today, the leading position in this is occupied by polycarbonate. It's easy to edit and shoot seasonally. It retains its original appearance for a long time, does not deform, it is easy to clean it.

Materials for a barbecue oven must be heat-resistant, moisture-resistant, inert to drops temperature conditions, and the stove itself must operate on several types of fuel (coal, wood).

The rest room in the bath has become as important a part as the steam room. During bath procedures, the effect alternates high temperatures saunas with intervals to restore the body between visits to the steam room. The relaxation room is designed to make these breaks comfortable. When planning to build a bath, you should definitely allocate a room for restoration.

The advice of professionals will tell you how to correctly choose the right project.


Bath projects with a rest room can be divided into three groups. The first group is traditional one-story baths. They are built from capital building materials with low thermal conductivity, they have a standard set of premises: there is a steam room, a shower room, a rest room, a dressing room, and sometimes a terrace.

The rest room is located on the ground floor next to the steam room and washing room and combines the functions of a dressing room. This is the most convenient option, which allows you to maintain the optimum temperature in all rooms, as the stove evenly heats all adjacent rooms with steam supply to the sauna section.

This layout allows you to place the furnace in the steam room, which is not always convenient, and in the rest room.

The stoker is at a comfortable temperature, and it is also easier to remove debris after kindling. Modern technological ovens long burning can have a glass screen, which allows you to admire the play of flames while relaxing, creating a pleasant fireplace atmosphere and giving living warmth to the inhabitants of the room. A simple layout, however, includes everything you need for bath procedures, has great variability in area.

The minimum building area is from 16 sq. meters, which is convenient for small areas, the maximum - at the request of the owner. This option does not require large investments due to the energy consumption of heating.

The second group - projects with a rest room located in the attic or on the second floor. It will require the construction of a second floor or roof insulation, which will entail additional consumption of materials, the foundation will need to be strengthened to increase the bearing load. This option is convenient for a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building.

On the ground floor there is a dressing room, a dressing room, a steam room, a washing room. On the second - a rest room with or without a balcony. You will need to allocate space for the flight of stairs. Beautiful spiral staircase can decorate the interior of the bath.

The third group of projects - with the removal of the rest room on the terrace. This layout is convenient for summer use. In the cold season, the terrace will need to be glazed and a heating system should be considered. However, this arrangement of the rest room gives great scope for the implementation of design solutions.

A panoramic view of the landscape adds aesthetic pleasure to the minutes of relaxation.

The choice of layout depends on the seasonality of the use of the bath. For year-round use, the first and second group of projects are suitable. In summer, it is enough to have a rest room under a canopy with flexible glazing made of film or polycarbonate for a budget option.

Of great importance is the availability of free space on the site, and if it is not enough, then raising a rest room to the attic will be a good way out. Heating the second floor in the cold season needs an air or water circuit. Installing a long-burning stove with a convector on the ground floor can solve this problem.

The placement of the bath on the site must comply with fire safety standards and ease of use. It is advisable to orient the windows of the rest room to an attractive view. Glad to see beautiful landscapes in front of my eyes, not a fence or a neighbor's barn.

It is advisable to choose an elevated area for good ventilation and water drainage.. A spectacular addition can be the proximity of an artificial or natural reservoir.

Particular attention is paid to materials for the construction of the bath. Traditionally, preference is given to natural wood in the form of timber or round logs of linden, aspen, cedar.

Pine is more affordable, has a beautiful pattern of knotted wood fibers and is a popular material for a bath in the country. Its disadvantage is the porous structure of the wood, which greatly changes the performance from heat and high humidity, so in the steam room and shower, the pine must be sheathed with a hardwood lath, and for a rest room, pine with its pleasant smell and aesthetic appearance will be the best solution.

Brick is a more expensive material, but it has the best indicators of durability and resistance to temperature changes.

A budget building can also be built from foam blocks. The construction of a bath from blocks can be done with your own hands, even without special knowledge.

Interior spaces sheathed with a block house, finished with tiles or natural stone.

The design of the rest room involves following a certain style, depending on the design, finishing materials are selected.

Design subtleties

Designing a bath yourself is an exciting experience. To do this, stock up on paper, a pencil and a ruler.

For a family of 4-5 people and several guests optimal size a bath 6x6 meters with an attic is considered. On the ground floor there is an entrance hall, a steam room, a shower room with a toilet, a relaxation room or a living room. The rest room can be supplemented with a kitchen, and the second floor is reserved for leisure and additional places to accommodate guests or family members. The entrance area of ​​the second floor with an area of ​​18 meters can be occupied by a studio or a billiard room. Behind it are two symmetrical bedrooms or rooms for children of 9 square meters. meters.

The functionality of the bath is expanding significantly, and for this it is not necessary to build big house. Compact layout with a bathroom satisfies the needs of an average family in a country holiday.

with terrace

Bath with a terrace - great option for summer meals in the fresh air after bath procedures. A barbecue grill can be placed on the site in front of the bath or you can enter the grill area into the veranda space. To do this, the size of the terrace should be increased so as to provide free access to the brazier and avoid smoke from the dining table and windows.

The minimum distance between the stove and the table must be at least 2 meters. They put a ready-made metal brazier or build a stone brazier made of bricks with a chimney. For such a brazier, a separate foundation is erected, which is taken into account at the design stage.

The floor of the terrace is best made from paving slabs or sandstone if the terrace is open. A wooden floor is also used for a glazed terrace.. Glazing is made of sliding aluminum or plastic frames. Plastic frames are used for warm glazing. Lightweight aluminum structures protect against the weather, but the temperature inside closed space will only be a couple of degrees higher than outside.

A bathhouse with a barbecue and panoramic glazing on the veranda will become a place of attraction for households after a working week.

With swimming pool

The benefits of bathing procedures will increase many times when arranging a pool or a font in a relaxation room. The pool is located near the shower.

The pool bowl is made of concrete and finished with tiles.

The tile is selected to match the overall decoration of the rest room. Oriental flavor will give a floral ornament and mosaic. Stone, brick and wooden sides are suitable for a Russian-style bath.

In one-story baths, a complex is often designed from a terrace with a font under a canopy. The font is made of wood and placed on a wooden platform in the fresh air..

In the Japanese version, the heating of the font is equipped with electric heating elements that are built into the body. Combining a recreation area with a bathhouse, for summer swimming, a ready-made frame pool is installed or a stationary pool is erected, sun loungers or beach chairs are located nearby.

The reservoir can have strict geometric outlines or be close to the natural form. In this case, the coast is decorated with pebbles and plants: hosta, astilba, cereals. The bathhouse with a pool on the terrace is closed from prying eyes hedge from flowering shrubs or vines on supports.

The complex recreation area requires good lighting, as it is used in the evening.

Lighting the territory with electricity is done in the presence of communications, a more economical option is lighting with LEDs or solar-powered lanterns.

small room

small baths they cannot boast of a large set of rooms, so often a shower is located in the rest room. In the decoration of premises with such a planning solution, it is necessary to take into account the increased humidity and select the appropriate materials: tile, plastic panels, natural or artificial stone.

The shower must be fenced off from the recreation area with a partition made of glass or plastic so that splashes do not interfere with vacationers.

Furniture is preferably purchased from moisture resistant materials. Correct selection finishes will make the use of the shower convenient, and being in the rest room will be comfortable.


The design of the rest room is determined by the chosen style of decoration. To finish the bath, it is better to select natural materials that are resistant to moisture. It is convenient to keep all rooms clean if the space is not cluttered with unnecessary items, and the surfaces are easy to clean. The design of the rest room is determined by the chosen style of decoration.

Rural or Russian style

Direction implies application natural wood for wall and floor cladding. Wood is being processed special formulations against fungus and coated with oil or wax. The natural color of the wood gives the interior a light tone, which visually enlarges the space.

It looks interesting to use unedged boards in wall cladding, which are cleaned of bark and polished. The room takes on brutal features.

This inexpensive finish serves as thermal insulation and aesthetic accent.

The walls can be sheathed with coniferous clapboard, decorated with carvings.

Furniture in such a rest room is made with their own hands from solid pine or purchased ready-made and complemented with decor from relief images on a tree with a bath theme. Log walls look beautiful as a symbol of traditional Russian culture. For budget options use a plastic block house imitating various types of wood.

Scandinavian style

The perfect combination of functionality and simplicity. The decoration is dominated White color with brown or black design elements.

The main material is wood and glass. The whole color scheme is calm, a geometric theme can be traced everywhere. Here it is appropriate to use natural or artificial stone, the panel from the saw cuts of the tree looks original. The whole environment is practical and durable.
