If there is a catastrophic lack of free space in the house, then it is necessary to rationally use every corner, every meter and the space under the stairs is no exception.

Very often, homeowners simply neglect this area, sealing it tightly, and completely in vain: a little imagination, time and building materials and the space under the stairs will not only allow you to effectively use the precious area, but will also become some kind of original solution in the interior.

How to use the space under the stairs - arranging a niche

Arrangement of the space under the stairs requires careful design. The following points must be taken into account:

  • ladder size. Sometimes under it you can equip whole office, and sometimes you have to limit yourself only to some small piece of furniture;
  • design features: shape, presence of risers;
  • location. If it is located, for example, in the hallway, then it is advisable to use the area under the stairs for a dressing room, if in the living room - as a library;
  • Availability engineering communications. If you plan to place a mini-toilet under the stairs, then water and sewer pipes should be connected here. It is also necessary to take care of lighting;
  • the use of space under the stairs requires compliance with safety regulations, taking into account the number and age of residents, the need for certain premises and functional areas. Do not forget that the design of the space under the stairs should harmoniously fit into the atmosphere of the entire room.

The room under the stairs - photos of rooms

IN country house or in the country, the space under the stairs can be equipped as a full-fledged room. The room under the stairs, although it has a small area, but with rational use of the area can become very useful.

Kitchen under the stairs - interior photo

A staircase in the kitchen is not common, but it also happens, especially when it comes to a loft-style room, that is, a studio apartment. In this case, it is advisable to use the area as rationally as possible. To do this, you can place a piece of equipment in a niche under the stairs. Thus, the whole structure ceases to look like a foreign body in the interior.

Kitchens under the stairs, as a rule, consist of a sink, cabinets and shelves for every little thing, sometimes in this area you can see geyser or boiler. Finding suitable furniture will be quite difficult, so you will either have to do it yourself or to order.

The kitchen under the stairs has its own nuances associated with the inclined form of the march. Think about whether you will hit your head on the steps while washing the dishes. Plan in advance the supply of communications to the under-stair zone.

It is also important to take into account the fact that the hot steam rising from the sink will not have the most beneficial effect on the state of the stairs (especially the wooden ones). Therefore, you should take care of good vapor and moisture insulation, as well as provide this area with good ventilation.

The drawing shows a kitchen under the stairs, consisting of a sink and cabinets.

If another place was found for the sink and kitchen cabinets, then any Appliances. The refrigerator for which you will take the highest place will fit perfectly. And nearby, where there is a little less space, you can put a dishwasher or a small table with microwave oven. If the bathroom is cramped, you can also place a washing machine under the stairs.

Toilet under the stairs in the house or in the country - photo of the bathroom

Usually, under a flight of stairs of 8 or 10 steps, there is enough space to install a toilet bowl and a washstand. The toilet under the stairs, located on the lower floors of the house, will come in handy if you have guests. And in the country, he may well pass for the main bathroom.

The arrangement of the toilet room begins with the enclosure of the space with walls. The bathroom under the stairs is located on the square:

  • minimum height 1 meter;
  • maximum height 2.6 meters;
  • room length 2.3 meters;
  • the width of the room is 1.2 meters.

If space permits, a small bathroom can be equipped under the stairs. In this case, it is better to use a small-sized bath or replace it with a shower.

When arranging this room, consider its specifics: changes in humidity and temperature. The under-staircase finish should be such as to protect the stairs from moisture and water. When equipping a bathroom, be sure to take care of the availability of ventilation, good vapor and heat insulation, and compliance with all safety requirements.

It is also important to consider that the bathroom is likely to be small and cramped. Therefore, when decorating it, it is better to use light colors, avoiding a dark border around the perimeter, which visually reduces the room. You should also stop using facing tiles large sizes. Mirrors and shiny surfaces will help to visually enlarge a cramped room. It is better to replace the point light source with several lamps installed around the perimeter of the ceiling.

Hallway under the stairs - photo of a functional interior

If the staircase is located in the hallway, you need to carefully plan the room. Part of the furniture can be placed under the flight of stairs, for example, install a small sofa or bench, sitting on which it is convenient to take off your shoes.

If there is enough space, under the stairs can accommodate coffee table and an armchair or a mirror with a wooden nightstand for bags and things to take with you when leaving the house.

How to make a pantry under the stairs - photo pantries

A small closet under the stairs is ideal for storing household items. If there are animals in the house, it is in the pantry room that you can place everything you need for your pet. For every little thing, install shelves, fixing them not only on the walls, but also on the back of the lift. If the pantry does not look too aesthetically pleasing, then you can fence it off by installing a door under the stairs.

There should be no heating pipes or radiators in the area under the stairs. It is necessary to maintain room temperature and humidity. The under-stairs pantry is ideal for storing things that need a “dark and dry place.”

Wardrobe under the stairs - dressing room design photo

A dressing room under the stairs will save the hallway from piling up cabinets with outerwear and shoes and save space. With a well-chosen project, it is possible to create a very interesting design.

The figure shows an option for arranging a dressing room with a height of more than 2 meters. In cabinets (6) and mezzanines (12) it is possible to store shoes and small items. for storage outerwear designed cabinet (10).

The wardrobe under the stairs is ideal for storing items that are rarely used and require careful storage, such as a fur coat.

If the hallway is small, then you should not make an enclosed space, otherwise, use mirrored doors to visually expand the space. So, the dressing room under the stairs will not look massive, and the mirror will definitely come in handy in the hall.

Cellar under stairs with bar

If the house does not have a real cellar, then a niche under the stairs is suitable for this. At the same time, at the very bottom of the span there is a place for a wine cabinet, and the higher one can be used to install a bar counter and a pair of chairs. With this design of the space, you get not only a cellar, but also a bar under the stairs.

To store alcoholic beverages, racks with cells are installed, each of which holds a bottle.

When equipping a wine cellar, it should be remembered that if the staircase is in the house, then a full-fledged storage suitable for aging and long-term storage of wine will not work, because it is impossible to comply with strict requirements for temperature regime and lighting.

A real wine cellar can only be made in the basement. It is here that the air temperature is in the range of 8 to 14 degrees, the humidity is slightly high and there is no light, that is, there are all conditions for storing wines.

Closet under the stairs - a secluded corner in the house

Everyone in the house has a bunch of unnecessary things that are a pity to throw away. The closet under the stairs is just the place where such household items can be stored.

When arranging a closet, a good solution would be to use retractable sections that will make it easier to find the necessary things in a cramped space.

Place a vacuum cleaner, children's bike, skis, sledges in the closet, and these items will not clutter up your home. It is better to make the door invisible, merging with the partition.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe closet is large enough, then you can make a living space out of it. A cozy closet under the stairs will appeal to children and will pass for sleeping area for guests.

Study under the stairs or home office - workspace photo

If you want to equip every meter of your home with maximum benefit, then in the space under the stairs you can place a small study. Depending on the design and size of the flight of stairs, it can be either a desk with a couple of shelves, or a full-fledged room with all the accompanying attributes. The photo shows how you can equip a home office under the stairs.

As a rule, the disadvantage of an office under the stairs is an acute lack of light, therefore, when designing a workspace, it is necessary to think carefully about the local lighting system.

The workplace under the stairs is best arranged with folding furniture, a lot of drawers and hanging shelves. This approach will allow you to use every corner.

If you like privacy, then it is worth isolating the office with sliding doors or a static partition. Such a decision is sometimes dictated by the need to hide expensive office equipment or important documents from children's eyes.

If you have an entire home office under a flight of stairs, you'll need sophisticated storage. . It can be just shelves attached to the bottom of the stairs, or drawers, cabinets and shelving - it all depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and your imagination.

Library under the stairs - shelves and racks for books

IN modern interior it can be difficult to find a place for books, especially if you like minimalism. In this case, the space under the stairs is perfect for equipment small house towers of the library. Books are placed either on special shelves or in boxes and racks.

Books mounted on shelves under the stairs will successfully complement interior view any home. Fortunately, the design of the library and its functionality do not conflict with each other: books with beautiful spines complete the interior, making the library look elegant and monumental.

If you also install a neat table with a cozy chair, then you will get a comfortable reading place under the stairs.

Garage for bicycles or strollers under the stairs

In any family, especially if it has children, there are bicycles, strollers, skateboards and other vehicles that occupy quite a lot of space. Therefore, the use of under-stair space as a mini-garage will be absolutely justified.

This solution works especially well if the stairs are located near the front door.

Furniture under the stairs - photo of built-in fittings

As a rule, the area under the stairs is equipped with special furniture made to order or with your own hands. This is due to the specifics of this space.

Wardrobe under the stairs in the house - design and photo of built-in wardrobes

To date, it is possible to manufacture cabinets of the most unexpected shapes that allow you to make the most of the space under the stairs. This is a wardrobe, and retractable models, and a built-in wardrobe under the stairs.

Doors can be deaf, sliding, glass or mirrored. Cabinets under the stairs are installed in all cases when it is necessary to rationally use the free space. Such accessories also perform a purely aesthetic function, decorating the interior.

The installation of drawers allows the most rational use of the area under the flight of stairs. Their depth is usually equal to the width of the stairs, so they are very roomy.

Drawers are equipped with special mechanisms that make it easy to extract everything you need from them. This best option to store small items.

Shelves under stairs

With the help of shelves of various configurations under the stairs, you can create a whole storage system. The shelves will not be empty, because in the house there will always be a bunch of little things that have nowhere to put. They can be attached to a wall or to the underside of a flight of stairs.

Bed under the flight of stairs - photo of sleeping places

A bed located under the stairs is a fairly common attribute. country houses. Such a sunbed is very comfortable, you can sit on it with a book or take a nap after dinner.

Storage drawers under the bed bedding. Although such a bed is hardly suitable as a permanent bed, it can help you out if guests arrive.

Sofa under the stairs - photo of places to relax

A small sofa can become your favorite place to relax. A few small pillows, an old blanket and a cozy place are ready.

In the case when the lift is located in the bedroom, which is quite possible in studio apartments, niches under the stairs can be equipped as a sleeping place by placing a convertible sofa there. In this case, it is necessary to choose a mechanism that will be most convenient in these conditions.

Shelving under the stairs

Rack - functional furniture, allowing the most optimal use of the space under the stairs. At the same time, the whole structure is divided into cells, which allows you to sort things into groups.

The main requirements that rack designs must meet are spaciousness and functionality. Outwardly, they seem light, airy and do not create a feeling of bulkiness. And this is all that is needed for the effective use of under-stair space.

Modern shelving units are equipped with drawers and sliding doors that make them even more functional. To fill the space under the stairs, mobile racks are especially popular, which, due to their compact size and mobility, can fit in any nook.

What else can be done under the stairs - alternative options

If the owners of the house are not concerned with the idea rational use every centimeter, but just want to diversify the interior of their home, then placing a TV, flowers, paintings, an artificial waterfall, a piano or an aquarium under the stairs is a very good idea.

In living rooms with a rise to the second floor, you can install a fireplace under the stairs. However, you must follow all the rules fire safety. Such an interior detail will become stylish decoration Houses.

If you decide to place a dollhouse with a real door and a window in the space under the stairs, the child will enthusiastically support such an idea. The presence of an additional play area will help eliminate constant quarrels between children.

At the expense of arranging the space under the stairs, you should think in advance, even at the design stage of the house. After all, even installing a TV requires an outlet, not to mention such complex projects as a boiler or stove under the stairs.

Aug 14/11

Interesting ideas use of space under the stairs inside the house

Often in private houses or cottages there is a staircase leading to the second floor or attic room(under the attic). The design of the stairs is so diverse that under each of them a space of different size and shape is formed. So that such places are not empty, they can be equipped according to several scenarios.

One of the most common options for using the space under the stairs is the location of the built-in wardrobe there. It can be quite a spacious closet under the stairs, where you can hide a lot of things and at the same time, add a new touch to the interior design of the room with stairs.

This is the most practical use case spaces under the stairs. In the closet you can put a children's bike, skis, sleds, fishing tackle, folding, winter outerwear and much more. In principle, an analogue of a balcony, which is often used in the same way, but on the balcony or loggia blockages are obtained, and in the closet under the stairs everything that is unnecessary at the moment is neatly hidden.

The closet can be designed so that it impresses or matches the decoration of the walls of the room. Ideally, if the closet door is invisible. The inside of the closet can be equipped with various shelves, and then it will turn into a pantry. Even blanks for the winter can be hidden in this small room under the stairs.

If you have a small house that is difficult to overclock when decorating the interior, use space under stairs to create another room. If there is enough space under the stairs, even a double bed or corner sofa, and thus you get an extra bed. Particularly suitable would be a wardrobe bed, which, if not necessary, can simply be pushed into the wall.

Good location for laundry or Walk-in closet under the stairs.

Even a small kitchen set or built-in appliances - a refrigerator, and so on - can fit under the stairs. And the compact kitchenette is ready.

You can also make a guest toilet under the stairs or a small additional bathroom with a sink. You will not need to go up to the second floor to the bathroom so often.

Very often, home owners equip a children's room under the stairs or play area for children.

In spacious houses, indoors under the stairs, they equip with a living room.

Workplace under the stairs

If the stairs in the house lead both up and down at the same time - to the basement, then the space remains small. You can mount there.

If there is a larger area, try to arrange under the stairs. Post there computer desk with armchair and built-in bookshelves.

If the room in which the staircase is located is a living room, then one of original variants use of the space under the stairs will be the placement of a TV, DVD player, shelves for discs. In a word, under the stairs you can organize an excellent one, and you will no longer be bored with the guests.

How to use the space under the stairs in an original way

Unusual creative ideas may come to your mind when you design the arrangement of the space under the stairs. You can put there, a greenhouse of flowers in large floor vases or potted, wine cellar.

Wine cellar under the stairs photo

Wine cellar under the stairs photo

Wine cellar under the stairs photo

Wine cellar under the stairs photo

Wine cellar under the stairs photo

Wine cellar under the stairs photo

Place under the stairs, and make recesses, or windows, for drinks and glasses in the walls. Such a small home mini-bar will delight you and your friends who will come to you for a party or just a visit.

Some houses and even apartments may have stairs. In this case, there is also space under it. Very often this place is empty, but you can use it to your advantage. How exactly? We look in the new review.

1. Rest corner

A cozy place to relax with a sofa and a window, which, if necessary, can be used as an extra bed.

2. Kitchen

Small kitchen with cupboards, sink, fridge and wine racks under the stairs.

3. Home theater

The space under the stairs can become part of the living room. Niche under the steps - perfect place for TV, DVD player, bedside tables and original decor items.

4. Wine bar

Wine lovers and collectors should pay attention to the idea of ​​​​creating your own bar under the stairs.

5. Shelves

The original shelves under the stairs will add coziness to the room and allow you to place a lot of beautiful and necessary little things.

6. Decor element

Charming decorative fountain under the stairs, which will make any space luxurious and unique.

7. Library

A bookcase and a cozy reading area is a great idea to use the empty space under the stairs.

8. Bar

A home bar with worktops, bottle cabinets, a glass shelf and a compact drinks fridge will fit perfectly into an alcove under the stairs.

9. Part of the hallway

The space under the stairs can become part of the hallway. To do this, under the steps you need to equip cells for outerwear and shoes and put a small bench.

10. Fairy house

Small playhouse in a niche under the stairs - an invaluable idea for those who have children.

11. Bathroom

Under the stairs you can build a small bathroom. Such an idea will allow you to equip a bathroom in a house where it was not provided.

12. Functional space

Under the steps of a large staircase, you can equip not only a spacious place for work or study, but also small house for a pet.

13. Souvenir shop

An inclined rack under the stairs is a great place to store little things dear to your heart, souvenirs, books and decor items.

14. Dressing room

A niche under the stairs is a wonderful place for arranging drawers and lockers for storing bed linen, clothes and other household items.

15. Secluded place

Place to rest in a niche under the stairs.

In addition to storage systems and shelves, a niche under the stairs can be used to create a comfortable lounge area with a comfortable sofa where you can read or take a nap during the day.

In continuation of the interior theme, I would like to talk about something exceptional. It is worth paying attention, for example, to, which was made in this style in order to maximize space optimization.

Probably, you have often seen in private houses in which there is a staircase to the upper floor that the free space under the march is in complete desolation or in a neglected state. But the free area under the stairs can be transformed using original arrangement solutions. We are sure that such an idea will noticeably decorate the space of your home.

How to fully transform the space under the stairs is described in this article, and the accompanying photos and videos will help you. The area under the stairs can be made closed or open.

Work areas, a bathroom, a pantry, a niche, etc. are equipped under the flight of stairs. The tips in the article will help you, but your imagination should also be included in the process.

If sewer and water pipes are located next to the flight of stairs, then the free space is quite suitable for arranging such rooms as:

Options for using the free space under the stairs

When we see an open space under the stairs, we immediately get the impression of spaciousness. Perhaps the most common use of this space is to create a storage system under the stairs, as shown in the photo and video. In the free zone, you can make shelves for storing things or, for example, equip a wardrobe. A great idea for getting things out of the "eyes".

Bathroom or toilet

The area under the flight of stairs can be equipped with a bathroom for guests. An additional toilet, in which you can put a sink, will fit perfectly into this zone. This solution will allow you to solve your needs without going up to the top floor of your home, and once again not to disturb the household.

If space permits, consider installing a mini-shower under the stairs. True, keep in mind that under the stairs you will have to conduct water and electricity. Do not forget, using this option for using the area under the stairs, and about ventilation, it is extremely important. By the way, for the installation of ventilation, it is better to contact specialists.

You will have to contribute additional funds to the planned project, but the result is worth it. As a rule, a bathroom or toilet fits perfectly under the stairs with a march of 8-10 steps. This place is enough.

Here are the parameters for arranging a bathroom under the stairs should be:

  • minimum height - 1 m;
  • maximum height - 2.6 m;
  • room width - 1.2 m;
  • room length - 2.3 m.

Of course, judging by the parameters, you can immediately guess that the bathroom will turn out to be cramped. You can visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch a room using light colors for decoration and large facing tiles.

You can also place mirrors in the bathroom under the stairs, which will visually expand the space. Instead of spotlights, we recommend hanging ordinary lamps around the perimeter of the ceiling.

Arrangement of an additional room

If your home has a small living area, then the area under the stairs is great for an extra room that can accommodate a pull-out sofa, bed, or matching furniture. Get a great area to relax and sleep.

Also, a place under the stairs can be taken by a children's corner or a play area.

Another arrangement option is a kitchen under the stairs. You can place a small kitchen set in such a kitchen, kitchen furniture, dishwasher. If the area under the flight of stairs allows, then a small dining-living room will organically fit into the free zone.

What other options for arranging open space under the stairs exist

If you love books, then you probably have a home library. So, the area under the stairs is great for placing books on the shelves. Install shelves of various configurations and arrange your books on them. Paint the bookshelves to match the baseboards and panels. This library will fit perfectly into the overall interior of the house.

The work area is another option for using the space under the stairs. Place a homemade table or cabinet in the work area. Set up your work area according to your needs. It turns out a real mini-office.

Advice! While creating working area take care of good lighting, because when working, you will have to be with your back to a natural light source. As an option - use a sconce.

Use the area under the stairs for a mini workshop and mini bar.

A telephone nook is a great idea for using the space under the stairs. Install comfortable armchair, telephone table and enjoy conversations: both work and friendly.

If in your house the stairs are located in the living room, then you can install a home theater under it.

Location under the stairs of the closed area

The area under the stairs can be made not only open, but also closed. For this purpose are used wooden planks, plywood. For example, you can build a real pantry under the stairs.

Storage room

You can store a variety of things in the pantry:

  • bike;
  • sleds and sports equipment;
  • winter clothes;
  • small furniture;
  • fishing gear.

In this case, the pantry will resemble a balcony, which is most often used by us for storing things (see video).

Original solutions for using the area under the stairs

You can arrange a place under the stairs not only in an original and useful way, but also creatively. Under the stairs you can place an aquarium, a wine cellar or a place for pets.

Looks great under the stairs fireplace.


Deciding on a device free space under the stairs, first of all think over all the options. Decide exactly what you would like to place in this area. Do not be afraid to experiment and fantasize!

