IN modern world given special meaning personal space. That is why every second family would prefer to own their own house, without having to share the landing with neighbors. A private house gives you the opportunity to realize all your ideas in general view and the interior of the house. Private sectors are widely distributed in different cities and occupy fairly large areas.

“My house is my fortress” is a quote familiar to everyone, it is she who best describes the main advantage of a separate residential building: a country house or even within a metropolis. In our article we will talk about the nuances of creating a beautiful and harmonious interior private house.


Private ownership has a number of characteristic features:

  • Opportunity to bring all your ideas to life. You can generate and apply ideas even at the planning stage of a residential building. It is necessary to determine in advance the number of storeys, the number of rooms, the size of the kitchen and other rooms, their location, etc. Even at the stage of drafting the project, its presentation should resonate in your heart.

The interior of the house should correspond to the maximum to the lifestyle of its owner and reflect his values, interests and lifestyle. The guest, once inside, will be able to draw up his own portrait of the owner of the house, based on the selected materials in the decoration, the general style, furniture and other details.

  • As for the exterior of the house, exterior, unlike the interior, provides the first impression of the building. Here it is very important to remember that the appearance of the house should fit as much as possible into the landscape and the background created by adjacent buildings or nature itself. For example, a house lined with clapboard will perfectly complement a country house. cottage village, and will look harmoniously against the backdrop of a landscape with rich vegetation.

  • Space. Unlike an ordinary city apartment, your own house is much freer and more spacious, which allows you to play with its internal content, as well as to realize any ideas in the form of a terrace, a winter garden or a childhood dream - an attic. A large family will be very comfortable living in free space. And to receive guests in a spacious house is a special pleasure.

  • Possibility to organize your own site. A great option to spend more time outdoors. A great motivation to start gardening and harvest your first crop or set up a playground for your children and grandchildren yourself. Or maybe in the future to equip your own pool?

  • Housing maintenance. On the other hand, a separate house and a large space will require a lot of money, since only you yourself will be concerned about communal problems, in the case of an apartment, the task is reduced to the standard “pay a communal apartment”. When rebuilding your own home, you need to keep in mind the need for its further maintenance, which sometimes can be quite costly.
  • Soundproofing. IN own house you are unlikely to be disturbed by neighbors right behind the wall. No unplanned climbs, other people's pets and the sound of a drill.

  • Safety. If we compare a detached cottage with a typical city apartment, then even with a non-professional eye, one can appreciate that the first option is much more attractive to robbers. In this case, you need to take care of the choice in advance security system or setting up an alarm. If, considering the features country houses, you still dream about your own space and are ready to know more, let's look at the exterior options.

Finishing materials

The external appearance of the house should be harmonious, as well as its internal content. Separately standing house- this is a living organism, it often seems that windows are its eyes. The size and number of windows of even a one-story house can vary from standard options to floor-to-ceiling windows occupying entire wall facades. Now windows with a layout are very popular. It is the most independent element window construction, which can take virtually any shape, thereby forming patterns or various ornaments.

Next item is the choice of "skin" frame house, finishing materials. Choosing how to finish the facade of the house, the owners most often stop on the following options:

  • Decorative plaster. Plaster is considered to be the oldest finishing option, and one of its main advantages is undoubtedly the ease of its application. There are several types of plaster: facade decorative, mineral, acrylic or silicone. The most modern, but expensive is silicone. If the budget allows, then a long-serving self-cleaning material will not make you regret your choice.

  • Finishing brick and tile. There are a huge variety of types of clinker bricks, their colors and textures, which allows, using its different combinations, to make the facade of your house unique. Among the shortcomings, one can note the high cost of the material and the large amount of time spent on installation.

  • Siding. This decorative panels, which are quite simple to install and well protect the house from negative influences.

  • Clapboard. Eco-friendly material, easy to install. The lining is quite expensive, but only, perhaps, thanks to the smell of chopped wood, it will fill your home with a special comfort and atmosphere.

  • Stone. Having chosen natural stone for sheathing, the owner of the premises must initially be prepared for high costs. Artificial stone, on the other hand, will be more economical, and will also provide more design options for a flight of fancy.

  • Facade cassettes. A very practical, reliable and durable material, giving a huge choice of design solutions due to the extensive choice of textures, colors and sizes.

Choosing the most a budget option lining your house, it is worth remembering the famous saying about the stingy merchant, because the safety and appearance of your home are directly proportional to the quality of the selected materials.

For interior decoration of the house there is also a huge selection of finishing materials:

  • The walls can be painted by choosing a leading shade, as well as a couple of undertones that will harmoniously coexist within one room or the entire room.

  • Wallpapers are still popular and relevant. Their choice in hardware stores is literally amazing: classic paper, wallpaper for painting, on a fabric or non-woven base. Wallpaper with different ornaments will perfectly dilute one of the walls in a room painted with light paint. different shades easily combined with each other and can be an excellent interior solution.

  • It is also possible to finish the walls or some part of them with tiles, natural stone or brick, the inclusion of panels in wall cladding.


To decorate a private house, you can use any of the existing styles today.


The relevance of the classical style today should not be underestimated. Classics tend to be chosen by serious people who do not chase endless trends and do not want to change the furniture in the house at the end of the season. TO distinctive features classic style in the interior include the clarity of geometric shapes, manifested in the shapes of rooms and individual pieces of furniture.

As a rule, the classic means plain walls and a minimum of unnecessary details. The floor is covered with wood, the ceilings are often decorated with stucco. Light, spacious and solemn.


The inhabitants of Italy greatly honor the art and heritage of their country. That is why interiors still prefer time-tested or old-fashioned details. Italians are lovers of outlandish wall decorations (stucco, frescoes) and wooden furniture made by hand. Most often, the furniture is made of mahogany and decorated with decorative carvings on an individual order.

In the decoration of an elite house in the Italian style, you can often find Venetian plaster. This option is suitable for those who want to show the special solidity of the chosen room, making it pretentiously solemn. Italians love sophisticated interior items such as wall-mounted decorative candlesticks, chic bulky chandeliers with large wrought iron details, and an abundance of antiques.

But all these details do not litter the room, but only give it a characteristic zest.


Northern Europeans are special connoisseurs scandinavian design, but each nation adds its own special notes to it. The special warmth of the Finnish interior is manifested in the use of a large number of natural materials. It can be a house made of timber or sheathed with wood panels. In addition, the widespread use of wood and stone can be traced not only in the external, but also in interior decoration Houses.

The shape of such a house allows you to place windows overlooking even the roof, as well as add a second tier of the house due to the attic and built-in pitched roof. Also in the Finnish style, houses with a terrace are very popular. In the interior of a Finnish-style house, you can find many white color, diluted with gray and deep blue.

There are often fireplaces in homes, but now bio-fireplaces that use alcohol as fuel are especially popular. Biofireplace cannot be made to work without heating the room, so this is, in fact, Finnish version carrying a practical function.

Finns are lovers of eco-friendly suburban buildings. The natural component of Finland, its abundant forests and lakes are perfect for inventing something unusual. For example, domed houses. It could be like wooden house with a large number of panoramic windows, and a completely glass building.


Very close to the Finnish country style, which originated in England. From the moment of its origin to the present, it has not actually changed. Country is synonymous with rustic or peasant style: good quality, reliability and warmth. The direction is also characterized by the use of a large amount of wood, only natural textiles, wicker furniture with history.

Rustic style prefers moments of folklore in ornaments and decoration. Furniture can often be of a rough finish. All these details together preserve the special spirit of the people inside the house.


High tech

Interior design, characterized by special geometry and rigor. In spirit, it is very close to minimalism and, rather, is more suitable for office decoration than for a country family home. Of the materials, the most popular are metal inserts and glass. Hi-tech is different special practicality and a minimum of unnecessary details, so any interior solution performs its immediate practical function.

With a few leading interior styles out of the way, let's take a look at the different colors that fill spaces.


Colors and prints

Among designers, there are special rules for choosing the best color solution to decorate any room

  • The first and most important of them says that you can use a subtone of the leading shade, but not more than three, and also add to the finish neutral colors(white, light grey).
  • Once you've chosen your lead hue, it's also worth remembering the best color combinations or turning to the color wheel to find them. The most concise combinations are already familiar to us and are surrounded in Everyday life, but this is not a reason to abandon experiments. For example, gray and asks to revive him bright accents, prints or inserts of green, blue, yellow flowers. Beige goes well with a rich chocolate or olive tone.

Black - initially a very self-sufficient shade. When choosing additional tones for it, you should pay attention to the entire interior in order to competently dilute its severity.

  • The third rule is the selection of contrasts. Sometimes the soul asks for bright solutions and unexpected combinations. A stylish look can be achieved by combining, for example, red and white, green and orange, or yellow and navy blue.
  • Another unspoken rule tells us about the unconditional need to use nearby colors. But there should not be more than three such shades, otherwise, despite the harmonious range of colors, the room will look quite monochrome and vividly tell the owner about the lack of a sense of color and style.

  • A separate word must be said about prints. Such bright decorative elements perfectly complement the room and show its character, with their successful placement and dosage, they place the right accents. This can be, for example, bathroom tiles with various ornaments or wallpaper with prints. You can often see floral designs in country style, and strict restrained prints are suitable even for minimalism or Scandinavian design.

Purpose of premises

A country house can accommodate many rooms that are unusual for us in a typical city apartment. In addition to the standard familiar bedrooms, children's rooms, kitchens and bathrooms, you can find many more interesting and atypical things. Often in cottages you can see a separate room reserved for an office that is convenient for work. Thus, many work tasks can be solved without spending a lot of time on the road to the office, but staying through the wall with your beloved family.

Many economy class projects include a large dining room combined with a kitchen. This is how you can achieve free space and be able to receive guests for a large kitchen table. There can also be several seating options: a spacious standard table, a modern bar counter, etc.

Design of a private house inside (photo illustrates different variants) has significant differences compared to the design of a city apartment. In many ways, interior options depend on the size of such a house. Naturally, the design inside a private economy-class house has little in common with the improvement of a chic mansion: in the above photos, you can trace the fundamental features of the approach.

What are the features of a do-it-yourself design inside a private house, examples of which can be seen in the photos in the article? First of all, a private house is an isolated building, in no way connected with a high number of storeys, the proximity of common areas.

If the interior of a city apartment practically does not depend on the design of the building itself, then the interior design inside a private house significantly depends on the appearance of the building and the arrangement of the entire site, and the photographs clearly show this. For example, an ultra-modern style of interior decor in a wooden frame made in the old Russian style will look completely absurd. In other words, the first feature: the need for a harmonious combination of internal and, as well as landscape design.

An important feature of the future internal arrangement private house - the possibility of building a house, taking into account the intended design. The owner of the house has the opportunity not to adhere to the standard layout, but to show maximum imagination at the very initial stage. Non-standard forms, different levels, terraces, attic, etc. can be laid.

Thus, even a small private house, as seen in the photo, can be laid down at the planning stage of construction, location, shape and size of the premises, which means that it becomes possible to implement any ideas.

Finally, the issue of unity with nature should be noted. A private house is located on the ground surrounded by a natural or transformed natural landscape, which increases the need for the use of natural motifs in design. Significantly increases the role of wood and natural stone in the design.

The interior design of a private house is provided in the following main ways:

  • the choice of a single design style;
  • providing the necessary color palette;
  • selection modern materials for finishing walls, ceilings and floors;
  • selection of appropriate furniture;

  • original arrangement of doors and window openings, the formation of niches, columns and other architectural elements;
  • use of decorative elements;
  • creation of a special system of artificial lighting.

How to use color and contrast effects

One of effective ways design solution considered the selection of colors. By choosing colors, you can cheer up, cause relaxation and calm. Wrong color selection can cause irritation and aggressiveness. Of course, each person chooses their favorite color, but there are general approaches and recommendations.

Here the choice is better to stop on neutral pastel shades. Another color is designed to highlight large elements. The brightest color is selected here. Finally, one or two colors are meant to highlight more small parts interior and accessories: pillows, various decorations and trinkets.

When decorating a living room, you can offer popular and attractive color combinations: bright pink color of large details on a turquoise general background; combination of gray background, turquoise elements and neon yellow contrast; light blue and grassy green shades.

A rather effective combination of white and black will shine with new shades when adding elements of blue color. Pink and cream colors look great on a general light background.

One of the options for transforming the interior is a combination of smooth, embossed and textured surfaces. In this case, even a single-color design becomes contrasting and original. One of the simple combinations is the polished surface of the bedside table and the fur bedspread on the bed.

IN scandinavian style, for example, you can use the combination of light plain curtains and sofa upholstery with chairs with wicker backs and ottomans with coarse knit covers. Even a single texture element can noticeably enliven the entire interior.

Furniture selection principles

Furniture radically changes the whole style of design, and therefore it must be selected in accordance with it. At present, lightness and airiness are welcomed. That is why it is recommended not to clutter up the room with furniture, but to place the minimum number of items. In small rooms, preference should be given to multifunctional and folding furniture.

In huge halls, on the contrary, large-sized pieces of furniture look better. When it should be borne in mind that the combination of large objects and small elements looks most attractive. The installation of only large objects leads to an inexpressive perception, just as an excessive amount of small things causes irritation with its variegation.

A spectacular technique in the design of the room is the use of mirrors. This approach is especially important in small rooms, as it visually expands the space. Modern fashion involves the formation of a mirror surface even on the floor, which visually increases the height of the room. In wall mirrors, the reflection of decorative chandeliers and lamps looks especially beautiful. The darkened areas of the room are beautifully decorated with a mirror of an unusual configuration.

The Importance of Lighting

Artificial lighting provides the right charm to any interior. First of all, the lamps are selected according to appearance so that in the daytime they fit into the chosen design style.

Depending on the general background, dark, white, golden chandeliers, lamps or sconces are selected. The most important effect is provided when lighting equipment is turned on. With the help of a directed beam of light, you can zone the room.

Lampshades play an important role. There are currently a wide range of various options both in form and color. You should decide in advance which style is preferable: classic or modern. In large halls, the advantage of large chandeliers is indisputable. Installing spotlights on the ceiling, walls, floor, on the dividing lines (and even with multi-colored lighting) can create a real fairy tale inside the house.

The interior design of a private house can be done different ways, and the specifics of a private house makes it possible to realize any fantasies . It is important to consider that such a design should be combined with external design houses and all landscaping.

I like

Creation of a design project country house- a special design area, a little more complicated than working with apartments. This is due to some features of housing that require a different approach:

  • a larger area, which, with improper zoning and mixing styles in the interior, can look chaotic;
  • the presence (or the need for a device) engineering communications V country house. A competent solution of technical issues is extremely important for a comfortable life;
  • environment. When designing a residential building, an important role is played not only by the compatibility of the details of the interior space, but also by their visual unity with the surrounding landscape.

When designing the interiors of private houses, we take into account all the nuances, performing a full range of works to create a harmonious design:

  • we find a stylistic solution for the future design project of the interior of the house, which will appeal to all family members;
  • we develop planning solutions, rationally using space;
  • we create a high-quality visualization of the interior design project of a country house, which will allow us to assess the appropriateness of the chosen solutions before starting work;
  • we prepare technical plans, equipping the house with everything necessary for unsurpassed comfort: heating, water supply, ventilation systems;
  • we create detailed working documentation for the high-quality implementation of the project.

After the completion of the design stage, the designers of the studio carry out architectural supervision of the course repair work and final decorating. We also offer the opportunity to order the development of an interior design for a residential country house with implementation, thanks to which all the proposed ideas will be conveyed as accurately as possible. The work is carried out by proven partners of the studio - construction companies, whose professionalism is a guarantee of a perfect match of the result to expectations.

Examples of working documentation of a design project

How much does a country house design project cost?

The total amount of interior design is calculated based on the area of ​​the building and the complexity of decorative solutions. So that everyone can choose for themselves good option, three design schemes are offered:

Includes a complete set of documents for repair and finishing works and general stylistic concept
from 1500 r/m²

Assumes the maximum degree of elaboration of the planning, repair and decorative components
from 2100 r/m²

Economy Standard Business
Departure to the object
Detailed designer consultation
Room measurements
Preparation of terms of reference
Measurement plan of the room
Planning solutions in 2-3 options
Plan of demolished partitions
Partition wall plan
Arrangement of sanitary equipment
Outlet layout plan with bindings
Ceiling plan
Plan of luminaires with bindings / by groups
Plan off / on with bindings
floor plan
Underfloor heating plan
Air conditioning plan
3D visualization of residential interiors perspectives (computer graphics)
Deployment of tiles on the walls of the bathroom and bathroom
List of finishing materials

Provence and country style interiors look sincere and are considered the most comfortable. The secret of their charm is in natural finishing materials, calm color scheme and original decor.

1. Photo of the interior of the living room with a fireplace

All photos In the photo: Provence style

Noble colors, aged ceiling beams, wrought iron chandeliers, a limestone fireplace with a shelf and a firewood rack - the interior design of the living room of a country house in the Provence style is literally saturated with warmth and comfort.

2. Provence in the design of a nursery in a country house

Against the background of checkered wallpaper typical of the country style, light patinated Provencal furniture looks very organic. And the decor with the image of birds and a light canopy add a romantic touch to the interior.

3. Staircase hall on the first floor of the house

The interior design of the hall of a country house in the style of Provence harmoniously combines decorative plaster, vintage furniture and modern lamps. A special charm to the interior is given by the floor made of stone tiles with circular paving.

4. Country style in the design of a country house kitchen

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a country house in country style

An island with a traditional domed hood organically complements the interior design of a country-style kitchen with an accent wall of natural stone and dark wood decor.

5. Country-style wine room design in the basement of the house

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a wine room in a country house

In the design of the wine room, Anzhelika Prudnikova, the head of the Elite Interiors Studio, used materials characteristic of the country style: wood, natural stone and ceramic tiles.

6. Outdoor terrace design: photo of the dining group

All photos In the photo: Design of a terrace in a country house in Provence style

An aged wooden table, wicker chairs and a homespun carpet are what you need for furnishing dining area on the open terrace in Provence style.

Interior design of a country house from a bar

built by individual projects wooden two- and three-story cottages are very popular today, but the interior design of a country house made of timber has its own specifics. Such a cottage does not need additional decoration and can be decorated in modern style.

7. Design of a modern living room with a second light

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a living room in a country house from a bar

A living room furnished with exclusive furniture with a second light and panoramic windows is a highlight in the interior design of a country house made of timber. And they give her a special charm original lamps.

8. Musical salon in a house made of timber

All photos In the photo: Gallery interior design with a piano in a country house made of timber

The hall on the second floor under the slopes of the roof is an ideal place for arranging a musical living room with a small cabinet piano and a couple of comfortable chairs.

9. Bedroom design in a modern log house

The laconic bedroom in light colors looks very cozy. And designer lamps and flowing curtains on the tiebacks create a romantic mood in it.

10. High-tech kitchen design in a timber house

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a country house made of timber in the village of Fominskoye

The high-tech kitchen looks elegant and very fashionable, and its main decoration is a semicircular black glossy bar counter.

11. Cabinet in gray tones with LED backlight

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a country house made of timber in the village of Fominskoye

There is nothing superfluous in the interior design of an office of a country house made of timber, and colored LED lighting around the perimeter stretch ceiling creates a pleasant atmosphere in the room.

12. Bathroom interior with teak bath

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a bathroom in a country house made of timber

The light marble bathroom with a glass shower cabin attracts attention with exclusive sanitary ware: a bathtub and a teak sink.

Interior design of a country house in the classic style

Noble colors, elegant stucco, elegant furniture upholstered in silk and velvet, rich textile decor, ceiling paintings, frescoes, crystal palace chandeliers - the interior design of a country house in the classic style looks expensive and respectable. And in order for absolute harmony to reign in such a mansion, all interior details must be correctly selected.

13. The interior of the staircase hall in a classic style

All photos In the photo: House design in classical style in Serebryany Bor

Thanks to the vanilla color of the walls, the staircase hall of the country house looks very cozy. A marble carpet with a spectacular pattern makes the interior elegant.

14. Classic living room

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a country house in the classic style in the KP "President"

In the living room in the photo, every detail looks luxurious: a stucco rosette on the ceiling, a sofa with silk upholstery, and white patinated furniture, and typesetting parquet.

15. Dining room interior with ceiling painting

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a country house in the classic style in Serebryany Bor

The main decoration of the interior design of the dining room of a country house in the classic style is the author's ceiling painting. And to emphasize the significance of this decorative element, Anzhelika Prudnikova designed the ceiling with strict molded cornices.

16. Classic cuisine in creamy colors

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a country house in the style of English classics Novogorsk

classic kitchen in creamy tones looks elegant and noble. And the backsplash and countertops made of honey-colored marble effectively contrast with light-colored furniture.

17. Fireplace area in a classic living room

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a country house in the classic style in the village "Zhukovka 21st century"

Fireplace area with comfortable chairs with textile upholstery olive color fits perfectly into the interior of the living room in a classic style and looks unusually cozy. Corner marble fireplace portal decorated with a mirror, columns and antique bronze clocks.

18. Attic bedroom design

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a bedroom in a country house in the classic style in the KP "President"

The bright bedroom in the attic looks elegant and festive thanks to the mirror panel at the head of the bed and silver stucco decor.

19. Billiard room with classic furniture

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a billiard room in a country house in the classic style in Serebryany Bor

The design of the billiard room is dominated by noble creamy, burgundy and chocolate shades. And the furniture decorated with a carriage screed guarantees a comfortable stay.

20. Hall on the second floor in a country house

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a country house in the classic style in Tomsk

Venetian plaster, gilding, polished marble - the interior design of the hall on the second floor of a country house in the classic style can rightfully be called a model of modern luxury.

21. Office interior design in classic style

All photos In the photo: Interior design of an office in a country house in the classic style in the KP "President"

Dark wood furniture with golden patina - the best choice For classic cabinet with iconic Chesterfield sofas.

22. Children's room with blue accents

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a country house in the classic style in Pavlovo

Blue accents add a touch of freshness to the design of a classic-style children's room and create a spring mood in the interior.

23. Bathroom in a classic style

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a bathroom in a country house in a classic style

Wine-colored ceramic tiles, dark furniture and retro-style plumbing create the atmosphere of an old London mansion in the interior of the bathroom in the photo.

Interior design of a country house in the style of a chalet

There is nothing more comfortable than a classic country house with natural stone and natural wood. And to make the interior of such a cottage look solid and complete, you will need suitable accessories.

24. Exterior of a country house in the style of a chalet

Chalet-style house made of natural stone gable roof organically looks surrounded by picturesque hills. And it is better to pave the driveway to such a cottage with paving slabs.

25. Lounge with chalet elements

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a rest room with elements of a chalet style

In the interior design of a country house in the style of a chalet, you can combine any natural materials. And limestone or red brick and dark ceiling beams are a win-win.

26. Wood and stone in the design of the veranda

All photos In the photo: Design of a country house in the style of a chalet

Vintage lanterns occupy a special place in the design of the chalet-style outdoor porch decorated with wood. They give a pleasant diffused light and look original.

27. Chalet elements in the decoration of the massage room

All photos In the photo: Massage room interior design with chalet style elements

Open shelves and a striped homespun rug emphasize the brutality of the stonework in the interior of the cottage with elements of the chalet style and give real home comfort.

28. Fashionable style of a chalet in the design of a Russian bath

All photos In the photo: Chalet-style bath interior design

Decor made of natural stone is a spectacular element of the chalet style in the design of a Russian bath. The light stone successfully contrasts with the wooden walls and creates interesting optical illusions.

Country house interior design. Photo in modern style

Modern styles are perfect for private home design, so it's no surprise that most country residence owners choose to create fashionable interior luxurious art deco, strict minimalism or functional high-tech.

29. Art Deco style in the design of the living room in the house

All photos In the photo: Art Deco country house interior design

The contrasting monochrome interior of the art deco living room with natural wood trim looks very charismatic. A designer lamp and a sepia macro mural make it exclusive.

30. Minimalist kitchen in a country house

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a country house in a modern style on Rublyovka

A minimalist kitchen in beige tones looks fashionable and concise. And the color LED-backlight adds lightness to it.

31. Photo of a bedroom in a modern style

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a country house in a modern style in Chiverevo

A complex two-level ceiling, original lamps, a round bed, a zebra skin on the floor - the interior design of the bedroom in the art deco style with furniture from the famous Italian brand Visionnaire looks modern and extravagant.

32. Modern style in the design of a living room with an aquarium

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a country house in a modern style in Rublevo

The design of the living room of a country house, shown in the photo, is solved in a modern style. Thanks to contrasting details, this interior with a light background looks fashionable and expressive, and the role color accent it has a large aquarium.

33. Bar with a futuristic design

All photos In the photo: Bar interior design in a modern country house

Transparent dropped ceilings, original bar counter with multi-level decorative design and a designer chaise lounge create a futuristic atmosphere in the interior of the home cinema.

34. Dining room design in a modern house

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a country house in a modern style in the KP "Nikolina Gora"

Dining room in light colors looks isolated thanks to decorative partition decorated with 3d panels. At the same time, the space of the public zone remains as open as possible.

35. Black and white interior in a modern style

All photos In the photo: Monochrome in the interior design of a country house

A fireplace built into the partition at a height of about a meter from the floor is the main character black and white interior in the photo, decorated in a modern style. It is clearly visible from anywhere in the living room and harmonizes perfectly with leather furniture.

So let's sum it up. The choice of interior style for a house depends not only on the personal preferences of the owners, but also on the area, architectural features and location of the object. Therefore, it is better to entrust the development of the project professional designer, which will be able to offer several design options, taking into account the wishes of the customer.
