Olga Alexandrovna Antipova
Perspective-thematic planning in the 1st junior group for 2012-2013 academic year

List of literature for working with children 1.5-3 years old

1. L. Bondarenko T. M. "Complex classes in the first junior group kindergarten ": A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh: Publishing house "Teacher", 2005

2. Boguslavskaya 3. M., Smirnova E.O. Educational games for children junior

age: Book. for a kindergarten teacher. M.: Enlightenment, 1991

3. Parenting early age in the conditions of family and kindergarten,

collection of articles and documents. St. Petersburg: Childhood - Press, 2004

4. Raising children early age: A manual for a kindergarten teacher / V. V. Gerbova, R. G. Kazakova, I. M. Kononova and others; Edited by G. M. Lyamina. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981

5. Gerbova V. V. Classes on the development of speech in the first junior group of kindergarten. Lesson plans. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008

6. Gerbova V. V., Maksakov A. I. Classes on the development of speech in 1 junior group of kindergarten: A guide for a kindergarten teacher. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986

7. Gubanova N. F. Development of gaming activity. The system of work in the first junior group of kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008

8. Didactic games and activities with young children, a manual for kindergarten teachers, ed. Novoselova. Moscow: "Enlightenment", 1984

9. Kazakova R. G., T. I. Saiganova, E. M. Sedova V. Yu. Sleptsova, T. V. Smagina Drawing with preschool children age: Non-traditional techniques, planning, notes of classes / Ed. R. G. Kazakova. M.: TC Sphere, 2005

10. Karpukhina N. A. Notes of classes in 1 junior group of kindergarten. Prakt. manual for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions, Voronezh: ChP Lakotsenin S. S., 2007

11.0t birth before school. Approximate basic general education program preschool education/ Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010

12. Expanded advanced planning according to the program edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. First junior group/auth. - comp. V. I. Mustafaeva (and others, - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010

13. Educational games with kids up to three years old. Popular guide for

parents and teachers. / Comp. T. V. Galanova - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2005

14. A child of the third year of life. A guide for parents and teachers / Ed.

S. N. Teplyuk. - M.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2011

15. Sensory Education in Nursery garden: manual for educators / Ed.

N. N. Poddiakova, V, N, Avanesova. M.: Enlightenment, 1981

16. Solomennikova OA Environmental education in kindergarten. Etc. And

17. Solomennikova O. A. Classes on the formation of environmental

performances in the first junior group of kindergarten. Abstracts of classes. -

M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007

18. Physical education of children 2-7 years old. Expanded advanced planning according to the program ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova / ed. - comp. T. G. Anisimova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010

19. Yanushko E. A. Development of fine motor skills of hands in young children (1-3

of the year). Toolkit for educators and parents. - M.: Mosaic -

Synthesis, 2007.

Educational area "Physical Culture"

Thematic planning Timing Topic Objectives Resources

Kindergarten 1 week 1,2,3 "Sparrows and the Car" Learn to walk and run subgroups and the whole group, jump on two legs in place, crawl on all fours in a straight line No. 1 p. 5

2 weeks 1,2,3

"On the path" Learn to walk in a straight path, roll the ball with two hands, run in a straight direction, jump on two legs moving forward No. 1 p. 5

3 weeks 1,2,3

"The Birds Are Flying" Learn to walk in pairs, climb the board, roll the ball with one hand; exercise in the ability to jump on two legs in place; develop balance #1 page 5

4 weeks 1,2,3

"A gray bunny is sitting" Practice walking and running subgroups and the whole group, jump, crawl on all fours in a straight line, roll the ball with two hands No. 1 p. 6

Autumn 5 weeks. 1,2,3

"Bring an item" Learn to walk on the board, jump over the cord; exercise in the ability to crawl on the board, walk in pairs, develop coordination of movements No. 1 p. 6

6 week 1,2,3

"My cheerful sonorous ball" Learn to throw the ball to each other, crawl under the gate, run after each other; exercise in walking on a straight track No. 1 p. 7

7 week. 1,2,3

"On the path" Learn to spin at a slow pace; exercise in the ability to walk and run in pairs and all group, roll the ball to the teacher No. 1 p. 7

I am a person in the world 8 week 1,2,3

"Catch the ball" Exercise in the ability to walk on the board, jump over the cord, throw the ball to each other, crawl on all fours in a straight line; develop coordination of movements No. 1 p. 7

9 week 1,2,3

"On the path" Learn to walk in a circle, holding hands, roll

ball with two hands; exercise in the ability to crawl under the collar, spin at a slow pace No. 1 p. 8

My house 10 week 1,2,3

"Birds in the nest" Learn to walk along a straight path with stepping over a log; exercise in the ability to jump on two legs through the cord, roll the ball with both hands; develop coordination of movements №1 p. 8

11 week 1,2,3

"My cheerful sonorous ball" To teach to throw the ball forward with two hands from below, jump up with a touch of an object, walk with a change in pace; exercise in the ability to walk on the board, develop balance No. 1 p. 9

12 week 1,2,3

"Sun and Rain" Exercise the ability to walk holding hands, run at a slow pace, roll the ball with both hands while sitting; to consolidate the ability to climb over a log, walk along a straight path with stepping; develop coordination of movements №1 page 9


"Catch me!" Learn to crawl on an inclined board; exercise in the ability to throw the ball forward with two hands from below;

to consolidate the skills to run in a straight direction №1 page 10

14 week 1,2,3

"Find the flag" Learn to walk with the transition to running and vice versa, throw

ball with two hands from the chest; exercise in walking along a straight path with stepping over objects; develop movement coordination No. 1 p. 10

15 week 1,2,3

"Who is quieter?" Learn to walk with a change in direction, run with a change in pace, crawl under the rope; reinforce the ability to roll the ball with one hand №1 page 11

16 week. 1,2,3

"Train" Exercise in skill, crawl on an inclined board, throw the ball forward with both hands from the chest; to consolidate the ability to jump on two legs with moving forward No. 1 p. 211

17 week 1,2,3

"Sparrows and the Car" Learn to spin with an object in your hands; exercise in the ability to run with a change in pace, crawl under the rope, throw the ball to each other No. 1 page 12

Winter 1. 01.13.-8.01.13. Holidays

18 week 1,2,3

"Sun and Rain" Learn to run in a column one at a time, roll the ball with both hands while standing; exercise in the ability to crawl on an inclined board, jump up No. 1 p. 12

19 week 1,2,3

"Where does it ring?" Learn to walk on the gymnastic bench, throw the ball over the head; to consolidate the skills and abilities to crawl under the gate; develop coordination of movements No. 1 p. 12

20 week 1,2,3

"Catch me" Exercise in the ability to run in a column one at a time, walk in all directions, roll the ball with both hands while standing; form a stable balance in whirling №1 p. 13

Mother's day 21 weeks 1,2,3

"Step over the stick" To learn to throw the ball through a stretched cord, climb a stepladder, jump over two parallel lines; exercise the ability to walk through objects

22 weeks 1,2,3

"Birds in the nest" To learn to jump in length from a place, pushing off with two legs, to run between two cords; exercise in the ability to throw the ball with two hands from behind the head №1 page 14

23 week 1,2,3

"Sparrows and the Car" Learn to climb an inclined board raised by one

end up, catch the ball; exercise in the ability to walk, holding hands; develop balance #1 page 14

21.02.13.-28.02.13. Holidays

24 week 1,2,3

"On the path" Exercise in the ability to jump in length from a place, throw a ball through a cord, climb a stepladder,

develop coordination of movements No. 1 p. 15

Folk toy 25 week 1,2,3

"Hare" Learn to throw balls with your right and left hands, crawl along

gymnastic bench, walk around objects;

consolidate the ability to crawl on an inclined board, develop balance No. 1 p. 15

26 week 1,2,3

"ball in a circle" Learn to walk on a log, develop balance;

practice jumping over two lines, climbing

on an inclined board No. 1 p. 16

27 week 1,2,3

"Bring an item" Learn to throw stuffed bags right and left

hand; exercise in long jump from a place; to consolidate the skills and abilities to walk with stepping over an object, run and in a straight direction No. 1 p. 16

Spring 28 week 1,2,3

"The Birds Are Flying" To form skills and abilities to perform exercises correctly; exercise in skill, throw with the right and left hands, walk on the balance beam, crawl on the gymnastic bench No. 1 p. 17

29 week 1,2,3

"Find the flag" Learn to throw balls over the net; consolidate the skill

in walking with a change of direction; develop

agility and coordination #1 page 17

30 week 1,2,3

"Through the Brook" Learn to walk with an added step forward, climb the gymnastic wall; practice throwing with the right and left hands, develop dexterity and eye number 1 p. 18

31 weeks 1,2,3

"On the path" Learn to walk with an added step forward, to the sides;

to consolidate the skills and abilities to throw the ball through the cord; exercise in maintaining a stable balance while walking with stepping over objects No. 1 p. 18

Summer 32 week 1,2,3

"Checkbox" Exercise in climbing the gymnastic wall, throwing the ball over the net; improve the ability to walk along a straight path, run after each other; develop eye number 1 p. 19

33 week 1,2,3

"Sun and Rain" Learn to throw objects at a horizontal target;

to consolidate the ability to climb an inclined board, run in a straight direction; exercise in conservation

balance #1 page 19

34 weeks 1,2,3

"Into the gate" Strengthen the skills and abilities to walk on a log, throw the ball with both hands, jump over two lines, walk with an added step to the sides No. 1 p. 20

35 week 1,2,3

"Train" To consolidate skills and abilities in climbing up and down the gymnastic wall, catching the ball from a distance; develop dexterity #1 page 20

36 week 1,2,3

"Sparrows and the Car" Exercise in throwing objects at a horizontal target, walking with an added step forward; improve the skills and abilities to jump up, crawl on all fours; exercise in conservation

balance №1 page 21

Educational area "Reading Fiction"

Thematic planning Timing Education Topic Purpose Information Resources

Kindergarten (4 weeks) groups

Kindergarten 1 week What's in group room? Memorizing a poem "Bunny" A. Barto To teach children to participate in a collective event, to hear and understand the suggestions of the teacher; introduce the poem, teach to understand the content, cultivate a caring attitude towards toys No. 12 p.

2 week Table theater "Ryaba Hen". ecological game "Guess the Taste" Encourage children to emotionally respond to the perceived content, get involved in telling a fairy tale, clearly pronounce vowel sounds (uh, uh, uh, oh); teach children to distinguish fruits by taste №1 p. 97

Week 3 Reading nursery rhymes about pancakes. math game "Multicolored handkerchiefs" Introduce children to a nursery rhyme, cultivate a love for mother tongue, to form positive emotions in relation to the cooks of the kindergarten; to teach children to see not only the set as a whole, but also its constituent parts, each of which is distinguished by a certain color of objects No. 1 p. 91

Week 4 Reading the story of L. S. Slavina "Ship" (about a girl and a bunny). mobile game "Swing" Teach children to listen to short stories; cultivate a caring attitude towards toys; to form the ability to walk and run in a circle; develop attention, memory, speech. No. 1 page 97

Autumn (3 weeks)

Autumn 5 week Telling fairy tales to children "Turnip". Didactic exercise "Say "A" To develop attention, speech activity of children. Cultivate interest in Russians folk tales. To teach to listen carefully to a fairy tale, the telling of which can be accompanied by a display of tabletop theater figures. Learn to pronounce the sound clearly "A", small phrases. №6 page 39

Week 6 Game “What is there in the kindergarten area?”. Journey through the territory of the kindergarten. reading nursery rhymes "Cucumber, cucumber ..." To develop attention, speech activity of children. form elementary representations about autumn. To give primary ideas about the collection of vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms. To teach to participate in a collective event, to hear and understand the suggestions of the educator. No. 5 page 26

Week 7 Reading a story "The cat was sleeping on the roof", Didactic exercise for pronunciation of sounds "A", "And". To develop attention, speech activity of children. Cultivate a caring attitude towards pets. Learn to listen to a story without visual accompaniment. Exercise in a distinct pronunciation of vowel sounds "A", "And". Learn to look at pictures "Horse", "Donkey". No. 5 page 36

I am a man in the world

(2 weeks)

I am a man in the world 8 weeks Reading a fairy tale "Kids and the Wolf" (arranged by K. Ushinsky). Play-drafting "Good evening mommy" Develop children's speech activity. Cultivate interest in fairy tales. Introduce the content of the story. Arouse a desire to play a fairy tale, talk about how best to meet your mother in the evening, consolidate knowledge of your name, the names of family members. №5 page 45

Week 9 Reading a German folk song "Three funny brothers". Didactic game "Orders". To form in children the ability to listen to a ridiculous text, pronounce onomatopoeic words, perform the movements that are mentioned in the text of the song. Encourage children to try to independently carry out actions with objects and name them. №5 page 32

My house (3 weeks) Introduce children to family city: its name, objects ; with transport "urban" professions (doctor, salesman, policeman).

My house 10 week Russian folk nursery rhyme “The cat went to Torzhok ...” Didactic game "Who needs what" Raise children's interest in Russian folk songs. Introduce children to folk songs. To evoke the joy of the nursery rhyme in children, to help understand the content of the nursery rhyme. Introduce children to professions (doctor, salesman, policeman)№5 pp. 43-44

Week 11 Reading A. Barto "Truck". Didactic game "Let's show the bear how to carefully roll the dolls in the car". Develop attention. Introduce children to transportation. Learn to listen carefully to the teacher while reading the poem. Learn to pronounce words and phrases. Exercise in the name of the transport. Improve speech hearing. №5 page 35

Week 12 Reading S. Kaputikyan "Masha has lunch". Didactic game "Who left?" Develop attention, memory. Introduce children to poetry. Learn to listen carefully, to finish the onomatopoeic words and small phrases found in the poem. №5 page 68

№12 page 34

New Year's celebration

(5 weeks)

New Year's holiday 13 week Telling a fairy tale "Mitten". Reading a Russian folk song "Ay, doo-doo-doo" Develop children's speech activity. Cultivate interest in fairy tales. To acquaint children with a fairy tale and a song-saying. Learn to listen to the story. Pronounce sound clearly "d". №5 page 66

Week 14 Reading A. Barto "Bear". Didactic exercise "How can you please a teddy bear" Develop children's speech activity. Cultivate respect for toys. Introduce a new poem. Learn to listen carefully and answer questions. Continue to teach children to play and talk with the toy, using different forms and content of appeal. №5 page 79

Week 15 Reading the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Who said "meow"? Didactic game "Who left?" Introduce the content of the fairy tale (read emotionally, expressively, trying to give children pleasure from the perception of the fairy tale). Improve memory, attention. №5 page 52

Week 16 Reading "Our Tree". round dance game "Herringbone" Develop memory. Create a joyful mood on the eve of the holiday. To teach children to recite a poem together with the teacher, to perform movements corresponding to the text of the round dance. No. 5 p.

Week 17 Reading and playing nursery rhymes "Like in the snow, in a blizzard...". round dance game "Herringbone fluffy came to visit us". Continue to introduce kids to small folklore genres that reflect elements of folk life. To reveal the content of the work, resorting to the principle of visibility, using methodological techniques "beating" actions. No. 5 p.

Winter (3 weeks) (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area)

Winter 01.01.13.-01.08.13.

Week 18 Reading a poem "Snow" A. Barto. Didactic game "Where is the snowflake?". Develop memory, attention. To form elementary ideas about winter. To teach children to recite a poem together with a teacher, to perform movements corresponding to the text. Use prepositions in speech, understand the instructions of an adult. no.: page 70

Week 19 Reading a fairy tale by D. Bisset "Ha-ha-ha". "Snegirek" (translated from German by V. Viktorov) To develop attention, speech activity of children. Arouse in children sympathy for the little gosling that opens the world. Exercise the kids in the pronunciation of onomatopoeia. Look at the picture if possible. "Snegirek" sing a song "Snegirek". Expand children's knowledge about birds. No. 5 p. 84

Week 20 Leo Tolstoy's Tale "Three Bears". Didactic game "This is winter?" To acquaint children with a fairy tale, teaching them to listen carefully to relatively large works of art. Look at winter pictures and explain what they show. №5 pp. 60-61

Mother's day (4 weeks)

Mother's day 21 weeks Game-situation "Mom Keeps Warm". M. Lermontov "Sleep, baby» To evoke in children a good attitude towards the plot of the game, love for their mother. Engage in the game - improvisation, learn to match the image of the role. Encourage children to sing a lullaby. No. 7 p. 73

Week 22 Reading nursery rhymes to children "Sweets, slicks...". Didactic game "What's your name?" Develop imagination, understanding of the environment. Raise interest in Russian folk rhymes. Make the children want to listen to the nursery rhyme, pronounce the words. Practice matching the noun to the verb. No. 6 p. 86

Week 23 Reading a fairy tale "Kids and the Wolf". Didactic exercise "Whose mom?" Develop children's speech activity. Raise interest in Russian folk art. Introduce children to fairy tales. To give kids the pleasure of perceiving a fairy tale. Involve children in reproducing dialogues between kids and mom. Help name animals and their babies. №5 page 45


24 week "Grandma Arina came to visit us". Reading poems about mother and grandmother. To instill in children good feelings for loved ones. Create an atmosphere of joyful mood. Teach children to guess riddles, read poetry. To teach kids to act as shown by the educator, to promote verbal communication. page no.

Folk toy

(3 weeks) (songs, rhymes, etc.)

Folk toy 25 week Reading nursery rhymes "Like our cat...". Didactic game "Help me find my mom" Develop observation. Learn to name and distinguish between adults and young animals and birds. To educate children's interest in Russian folk art. Introduce children to a new nursery rhyme, help to understand the content of the nursery rhyme. Arouse a desire to listen to the nursery rhyme again, learn to tell along with the teacher. №6 pp. 80-81

Week 26 Reading nursery rhymes "Cockerel". A game "Help the matryoshka find her toys". Continue to acquaint children with a folklore work that tells about a cockerel, with a folk toy. Emotionally enrich the kids with the warmth of folk poetry. page no.

Week 27 "Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat...". Didactic game "Whose children" Develop attention. Continue to cultivate interest in nursery rhymes, help memorize the nursery rhyme, read with the teacher. To consolidate knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs. No. 6 p. 31

Spring (4 weeks) (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area)

Spring 28th week Reading by L. Tolstoy "Spring came". song "Rain, rain...". Launching boats To form elementary ideas about spring. Introduce children to a new work. Help to understand the content of the story, teach to listen carefully. Create a joyful mood from the arrival of spring.

No. pp. 72, 139

Week 29 "Our ducks in the morning...". Didactic game "Who came and who went?" Develop attention. To improve the ability of children to understand the questions of the teacher, to conduct a simple dialogue with peers. Teach children to name the birds mentioned in the nursery rhyme.

30 week Reading nursery rhymes « Ladybug» . Didactic exercise "Who Moves How" Continue to cultivate respect for all living things. Mark the appearance of beetles, teach not to be afraid of them, but also not to touch. Engage in the game, imitate the movements (butterfly, bug, bird, bunny).

Week 31 Reading "Kalachi from the oven", "Okay". round dance game "Hen" Develop attention. Continue to acquaint children with folk art. Cultivate poetic perception. Involve in the joint retelling of nursery rhymes, encourage in the game with movement.

Summer (5 weeks) (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area)

Summer 32 week Reading nursery rhymes to children "Chiki-chiki-chikalochki...". mobile game "Horses" Help children understand the content of the nursery rhyme, remember, teach intelligible pronunciation of words (pronunciation of the poetic text together with the teacher). remember a poem "Horse". Organize a game "Horses". №6 page 97

Week 33 Reading "Chickens" E. Charushina. round dance game "The chicken went out for a walk" Develop children's speech activity. To expand the knowledge of children about poultry. Learn to listen carefully to the story, talk about the story. In the game, learn to perform actions together with the teacher. page no.

34 week Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear". Story about illustrations for a fairy tale. Develop children's speech activity. Introduce children to folk tales. Try to convince the children that, looking at the pictures, you can see a lot of interesting things. Help children act out a passage from a fairy tale, instilling in them an interest in dramatization. No. 5 p. 80

Week 35 Reading a poem by V. Berestov "Sick Doll". Singing a ditty "Fish swim in the water" Introduce a new poem, help understand the content, teach how to pronounce sounds correctly. Cultivate empathy and caring attitude towards "sick doll". №1 page 243

Week 36 Reading by V. Serov "Dandelion". mobile game "Dandelion" Develop a desire to emotionally respond to the beauty of nature. Teach children to admire the dandelion. Form ideas about dandelion. Help the children memorize the poem. No. 6 p.

Educational area "Knowledge"

Thematic planning


(4 weeks) To adapt children to the conditions of kindergarten. To acquaint with the kindergarten as the closest social environment of the child (premises and equipment groups: personal locker, crib, toys, etc.). Get to know the children and the teacher. Contribute to the formation of positive emotions in relation to the kindergarten, teacher, children.

Kindergarten 1 week "Narrow long path of green color to the kindergarten" To teach children to perform elementary actions with building material (attach bricks to each other with a narrow short edge, develop a desire to communicate No. 5 p.

2 weeks "Room Journey" To teach children to participate in a collective event, to hear and understand the suggestions of the educator, to willingly fulfill them (to say or do something) page no.

3 week "Wide Path" To teach children to build a wide path (red, applying bricks to each other with a long narrow edge, to teach game actions (a trip to the bunny for carrots) No. 12 p.

4 week Game-situation "In our yard" Arouse positive emotions in children, enrich impressions, arouse interest in the game, the desire to imitate the intonation of an adult's voice No. 7 p. 38

(3 weeks) Form elementary ideas about autumn (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area). To give primary ideas about harvesting, about some vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms. Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds. To acquaint with the peculiarities of the behavior of forest animals and birds in the fall.

Autumn 5 week "Narrow path to our garden" To develop speech activity, the desire to build a path and go to the garden for carrots. To teach children to build narrow paths, putting the bricks to each other with a narrow short edge. Raise children's interest in buildings. No. 12 page 38

Week 6 Targeted walk to the garden. Didactic game "Name a Vegetable" Develop children's speech activity. To form elementary ideas about the harvest. To give primary ideas about harvesting, about some vegetables, fruits. Learn to recognize and name carrots, onions, cabbage, pear, apple. №12 page 6

7 week "On a wide path to visit the bunny" Develop children's speech activity. Cultivate friendly relations, make a pleasant fairy-tale hero. Learn to attach bricks to each other with a narrow long edge. No. 12 page 38

I am a man in the world

(2 weeks) Give an idea of ​​yourself as a person; about the main parts of the human body, their purpose. Consolidate knowledge of your name, the names of family members. To form the habit of calling the teacher by name and patronymic. To form a primary understanding of what is good and what is bad; initial ideas about healthy way life.

I am a man in the world 8 weeks "Meet the Family Members". Didactic game "I'm going, I'm going, to my grandmother, to my grandfather" To develop the speech activity of children, to cultivate emotional responsiveness to the condition of loved ones (to regret, to sympathize, to learn to give their name and the names of their family members. To learn to listen and understand the content of the nursery rhyme, to finish the words. No. 12 p. 6

9 week "On the Train to Visit Grandma" Develop speech activity, onomatopoeia "doo-doo-doo". Cultivate emotional responsiveness to the state of loved ones. Exercise children in elementary design methods (attach parts and overlay each other). No. 12 page 38

(3 weeks) Introduce children to family city: its name, objects (street, house, shop, clinic); with transport "urban" professions (doctor, salesman, policeman).

My house 10 weeks "The house I live in". Didactic game "Who's doing what" Develop children's speech activity. Form initial ideas about the world around. Learn to navigate in the near environment: recognize your home. Answer the questions of the educator about the place of residence, about the arrangement of their home. To help understand the importance of the work of family members. No. 12 p. 7

11 week "Truck" Develop speech activity, attention, memory, fine motor skills of hands. Cultivate respect for toys. Learn to consistently build, controlling your actions, applying details evenly, teaching to play with buildings. №12 page 18

12 week "Getting to Know the City" Develop the ability to carefully consider the illustrations of the city, answer questions. Remind the name of the city in which the children live, the name of their street. To consolidate the ability to name the hometown, the street on which they live. №12 p. 8

New Year's celebration

(5 weeks) Organize all types of children's activities (playing, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) around the theme of the New Year and New Year's holiday.

New Year's holiday 13 week "Christmas tree fence" Develop speech activity. To educate children to follow the instructions of an adult. To teach children to close the space by placing the bricks on the plane with their long narrow side. №12 page 37

Week 14 Teacher's story about birds (dove, crow, sparrow). Didactic game "Come join us for the holidays" Develop speech activity. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, expand ideas about birds - pigeons, crows, sparrows. Give an idea about snowmen. Learn to recognize a sparrow by appearance. №12 page 9

15 week "Flag Tower" To develop speech activity, to arouse in children the desire to prepare decorations for the holiday. To develop the ability to follow the instructions of the teacher. Learn how to lay parts on top of each other to make a simple structure. №12 page 37

16 week "Snowman and Christmas tree" Develop children's speech activity. Expand children's ideas about trees. Show snow properties. Develop a positive attitude towards the environment. No. 12 p. 7

17 week "The truck is carrying the Christmas tree" Develop fine motor skills of hands, speech activity. Raise interest in the construction, expand children's ideas about the new year. Learn how to build in sequence. No. 12 p. 7

01.01.13.- 01.08.13. Holidays

(3 weeks) Form elementary ideas about winter (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area). Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds. To acquaint with some features of the behavior of forest animals and birds in winter.

Winter 18 week Conversation: "What birds fly to the feeder". song "The bird sat on the window" To develop the speech activity of children, a benevolent attitude towards the world around them. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to feed birds in winter. To consolidate knowledge about winter phenomena of nature. To give children basic ideas about bird feeders #17 page 26

19 week "Birdhouse Tower" Develop speech activity, fine motor skills of hands. To educate in children the ability to follow the instructions of the teacher, a caring attitude towards birds. Learn how to build in sequence. Give children toys to play with. №12 page 38

20 week "How do pets live?". The mobile game "Turn around - circled and into cows (goats, horses) turned" To develop the speech activity of children. Build good relationships with animals. To give children an idea about pets and their cubs. Get to know Russian life. Learn to share your experiences. Fix the rules of the game, the desire to abide by them. No. 17 p.

Mother's day

(4 weeks) Organize all types of children's activities (playing, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) around the theme of family, love for mother, grandmother.

mother's day 21 weeks "Grandmother's Bench". Develop children's speech activity. Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards elders. reinforce concepts "high", "low". Learn to review and evaluate work. No. 12 page 41

Week 22 Game "Mom's Helpers". Exercise "Let's clear the road of snow" Develop children's speech activity. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards a close relative. To teach to show care and attention to the mother, the desire to help the mother, to please her. Evoke Emotional Responsiveness #7 p. 105

23 week "The path for the bunny and the fox" Develop speech activity. To educate children in the ability to follow the instructions of the teacher. Continue to exercise in distinguishing colors, introduce transport. Give an idea of ​​what a road is. Learn to distinguish between a narrow and a wide road for pedestrians and cars. No. 12 page 38

21.02.13.-28.02.13. Holidays

Week 24 Game "Gift for Mom" Cultivate love, respect for a loved one. Learn to answer questions: "How many flowers do you have?" (One) How many are left in the vase? (A lot of). Learn to understand speech construction: "Each of you has one flower, and there are many flowers in a vase". reinforce concepts "one - many" in play activities. No. 17 p.

Folk toy

(3 weeks) To acquaint with folk art on the example of folk toys. Introduce folklore (songs, rhymes, etc.). Use folklore in the organization of all types of children's activities.

Folk toy 25 week "Ladder for matryoshka" Develop children's speech activity. To develop the ability to follow the instructions of an adult. Introduce the folk toy Matryoshka. Exercise in the design of ladders, consisting of cubes. Learn to highlight the details of the building, beat the building. №12 page 42

26 week "Toys" Develop children's speech activity. Cultivate respect for toys. Learn to find the properties that exist in toys (beat, tear, qualities (smooth, wet, cold, pick up toys according to shape, color, group them. No. 17 p.

27 week "Let's build a house for a bear and a bunny" Develop interest in game situations. Raise interest in constructive activities. Learn to create buildings from various building materials. Add appropriate toys to the building. №12 page 40

(4 weeks) Form elementary ideas about spring (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area). Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds. To acquaint with some features of the behavior of forest animals and birds in the spring.

Spring 28 week "Sun, sun, look out the window..." Examining tree branches with buds To develop children's interest in the world around them, the desire to learn new things. Give an idea of ​​the spring changes in nature. Consider a poplar branch with buds, tell that the plants alive: grow, drink water. Keep children in a joyful mood before a walk on a sunny day (read the poem)№17 page 18

29 week "Bench for a walk" Develop the ability to analyze. Raise interest in constructive activities. Learn to build by example. Activate children's speech (long, short, back, seat). Teach children to clean up building materials and toys after class. No. 12 p.

30 week "Cock and his family" Develop children's speech activity. To form a desire to take care of poultry. Expand children's ideas about pets and their characteristics. №17 page 16

31 weeks "Building a house with a window" Develop children's desire to learn new things. Raise interest in constructive activities. Learn how to make covers. Learn to distinguish between large and small bricks, cubes. Strengthen the ability to build according to the model. Enrich vocabulary. Learn to disassemble the building and put the parts back into place. No. 12 p.

(5 weeks) Form elementary ideas about summer (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area). Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds, about vegetables, fruits, berries. To acquaint with some features of the behavior of forest animals and birds in summer. To acquaint with some animals of hot countries.

Summer 32 week Game-situation "Here comes our train" Develop curiosity, speech activity. To form elementary ideas about summer. Give ideas about changes in nature, consider flowering plants. Learn to love them. Involve children in the game-journey. No. 17 p.

33 week "Pond for ducks" Develop cooperative play skills. To form the ability to listen carefully to the explanation, to understand the task, to act in accordance with the proposed teacher plan. Learn to close large spaces by building a flat figure. Strengthen the ability to compare unequal groups of objects, build a speech structure type: "There are many ducks in the pond, and one on the table". No. 12 p.

Week 34 Didactic game "Who eats what". reading nursery rhymes "Grass-ant" Develop children's speech activity. Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals and birds. Clarify children's ideas about what animals and birds eat. Activate children's speech (grain, cabbage, crust). Arouse the desire to listen to a nursery rhyme. No. 17 p.

35 week "Garden for nesting dolls" Develop perseverance, the ability to complete the work begun. Raise interest in constructive activities. Continue to learn to close the space. Fix the name of the parts, their color. Learn to play with buildings. No. 12 p.

36 week "Here and there dandelions bloom" To form in children the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdandelions. Learn to highlight characteristics flower, name its parts. Develop a desire to emotionally respond to the beauty of the surrounding nature. №17str. 20

Educational area "Communication"

Development of free communication with adults and children. Development of all components of oral speech, practical mastery of speech norms

Thematic planning Terms of implementation Topic of educational activities Objectives Information resources


(4 weeks) To adapt children to the conditions of kindergarten. To acquaint with the kindergarten as the closest social environment of the child (premises and equipment groups: personal locker, crib, toys, etc.). Get to know the children and the teacher. Contribute to the formation of positive emotions in relation to the kindergarten, teacher, children.

Kindergarten 1 week Drama game "About the girl Masha and Bunny - Long Ear" Help children understand that all babies and mothers experience a morning breakup, practice pronouncing phrases that can be said when saying goodbye to mom (dad, grandmother)№5 page 29

2 week Game "Song - song" Consolidation of the correct sound pronunciation in children, the development of speech activity No. 1 p. 87

3 week Game with plot pictures "Who does what in kindergarten". P/game "The cat is sneaking" To teach kids to carefully consider the picture and name the depicted objects on it and their qualities; training of the vestibular apparatus, strengthening the muscles of the trunk and limbs №5 page 46

4 week "Carrot from a Bunny".

D / pronunciation exercise "s-s-s" Expand children's ideas about vegetables (carrots, form a friendly attitude towards others, develop speech breathing, form the correct pronunciation of sound "With" No. 17 p. 7

(3 weeks) Form elementary ideas about autumn (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area). To give primary ideas about harvesting, about some vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms. Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds. To acquaint with the peculiarities of the behavior of forest animals and birds in the fall.

Autumn Week 5 Didactic game "Recognize and name vegetables". Didactic game "Orders" Develop children's speech activity. To form elementary ideas about autumn. Provide information about harvesting. To improve the ability of children to understand the teacher’s speech, to encourage children’s attempts to independently carry out actions with objects and name them, to repeat simple phrases after the teacher. No. 7 p.

6 week Fairy tale repetition "Turnip". Didactic exercise "Who eats what?", "Tell "A" Develop children's speech activity. Remind children of a fairy tale "Turnip", to arouse a desire to tell it together with the teacher, to clarify the children's ideas about which animal eats what. Activate verbs in children's speech "lap", "nibble", "There is" learn to pronounce sounds clearly "A", small phrases. No. 12 p.

Week 7 Reviewing plot pictures (at the teacher's choice) Develop children's speech activity. Teach children to understand what is shown in the picture. Make sense of relationships characters answering the teacher's questions. Help stimulate speech. No. 7 p. 73

I am a man in the world

(2 weeks) Give an idea of ​​yourself as a person; about the main parts of the human body, their purpose. Consolidate knowledge of your name, the names of family members. To form the habit of calling the teacher by name and patronymic. To form a primary understanding of what is good and what is bad; basic ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

I am a man in the world 8 week Game "Who is good with us, who is handsome with us" Develop children's speech activity. Arouse in children sympathy for peers, help them remember the names of their comrades, overcome shyness.

Week 9 "About the girl Masha and Bunny - Long ear" Develop children's speech activity. Help children understand that all mothers go through the morning parting. Practice saying phrases that you can say goodbye to mom (dad, grandmother). No. 5 p.

(3 weeks) Introduce children to family city: its name, objects (street, house, shop, clinic); with transport "urban" professions (doctor, salesman, policeman).

My house 10 week Didactic exercise "Do something". Pronunciation exercise "Horse" Develop speech activity. To improve the ability of children to understand the question of the educator. Learn to listen to the end of the task, comprehend and perform appropriate actions. Exercise in distinguishing and naming colors, in fulfilling the tasks of the educator (do something, learn to pronounce sounds clearly "And", "ah-ah-ah". No. 17 p.

11 week Didactic game "This is what I came up with". Reading Russian folk amusement "The cat went to Torzhok" Cultivate respect for toys. To consolidate the ability of children to combine their favorite toys by action 2-3, to voice the result obtained using phrasal speech. Introduce folklore. Practice identifying and naming colors (red, blue, yellow) No. 17 p.

Week 12 Examining the painting "Roll the balls" Develop children's speech activity. Help children understand the content of the picture, in the process of viewing, activate the speech of children. Learn to answer questions about its content. Reproduce the situation seen in the picture (rolling balls into the gate, accompanying the actions with speech. No. 5 p. 57

New Year's celebration

(5 weeks) Organize all types of children's activities (playing, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) around the theme of the New Year and New Year's holiday.

New Year's holiday 13 week "Little Christmas Tree". Didactic game "Wonderful bag" Encourage children to highlight the Christmas tree among the trees, call it a common word, understand the elementary instructions due to the situation; to distinguish Christmas tree decorations in appearance, to develop the skill of pronouncing individual words; cultivate a sense of joy. No. 10 p.

Week 14 Game-situation "Visiting the Dolls" Develop memory, attention. Cultivate respect for toys. Cause a positive emotional response to the game situation. Engage in motor improvisation. №7 page 55

Week 15 Dramatization of the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Who said "meow"? Didactic pronunciation exercise "f" Develop attention, speech activity. Give kids the pleasure of perceiving a familiar fairy tale. Involve children in reproducing dialogues between the Puppy and those animals that caught his eye. Strengthen the articulatory and vocal apparatus, offering clarification and consolidation of the pronunciation of sound "f". Pronounce sound combinations at different volumes. No. 12 p.

Week 16 Game-situation "Bumps" Develop memory, speech activity. Raise children's interest in play situations. Encourage children to improvise. To teach children to intervene in the plot of a fairy tale, to answer questions according to a familiar fairy tale. No. 7 p. 62

Week 17 Game-situation "Christmas song" Involve children in New Year's holiday. Arouse aesthetic feelings, encourage free dancing. Practice pronunciation of onomatopoeia. №7 page 60

(3 weeks) Form elementary ideas about winter (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area). Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds. To acquaint with some features of the behavior of forest animals and birds in winter.

Winter 1. 01.13-8.01.13. Holidays

Week 18 Didactic game "This is winter". Examination of a picture with a winter plot. A game "Who called" Develop speech activity. Cultivate interest, give pleasure while looking at winter pictures. Learn to look at handouts (winter scenes) and explain what they show. Learn to distinguish by ear onomatopoeic words, recognize peers by voice. №5 page 61

Week 19 Didactic exercises and games for sound pronunciation "To" Develop memory, speech activity of children. Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds. Teach children to pronounce the sound correctly and clearly "To". Contribute to the development of the vocal apparatus (pronunciation of onomatopoeia at different volumes). Activate dictionary. Introduce children to new art. №5 page 59

Week 20 Didactic game "Let's make a room for the doll". Didactic exercise for pronunciation of sounds "d", "d". Exercise "Snowflakes" for the development of speech breathing. Develop children's speech activity. Exercise children in the correct name of pieces of furniture. Learn to pronounce onomatopoeic words clearly and correctly. To form the ability to make a smooth and long exhalation (not getting air). Practice pronunciation of sounds "d", "d". №5 page 62

Mother's day

(4 weeks) Organize all types of children's activities (playing, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) around the theme of family, love for mother, grandmother.

Mother's Day 21 weeks Game "Mom's Helpers". A game "Horse" Develop speech activity. Cultivate a caring attitude and attention to the mother. Activate the speech of children, improve the understanding of the speech of an adult. Learn sound imitation.

№5 pp. 98-105

22 week "My beloved grandmother". game-situation "Kalachi from the oven" Develop the ability to carefully examine photographs of grandmothers, make up a story about their grandmother, whether she works or not, what she does around the house, plays with children, cooks deliciously, etc. Introduce children to Russian folk art. Cultivate poetic perception. №12 page 6

No. 7 page 66

23 week Fairy tale dramatization "Mitten". Didactic game "Find Mom" To help children remember the fairy tale better, to arouse the desire to reproduce dialogues between fairy tales. characters(introduction to the theatrical game). Exercise in a clear pronunciation of sound "X" isolated in onomatopoeic words and phrases. №12 page 27

21.02.13.-28.02.13. Holidays

Week 24 Game "Gift for Mom". Didactic game "Whose picture" Develop attention, speech activity. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the closest person - mom. To give an opportunity to make sure that viewing the pictures is interesting and useful. Continue to learn to coordinate words in sentences. Learn to understand the plot of the picture. No. 5 p.

Folk toy

(3 weeks) To acquaint with folk art on the example of folk toys. Introduce folklore (songs, rhymes, etc.). Use folklore in the organization of all types of children's activities.

Folk toy Week 25 Didactic exercise "Don't leave us pussy". Reading a poem "Cat" G. Sapgira To develop memory, speech activity of children. Explain to the children how to play with the toy and talk to it in different ways. Help children repeat after the teacher and come up with simple appeals to the toy on their own. Learn a variety of games with toys. №5 page 78

Week 26 Didactic exercise "I'm looking for children who would love me". Reading "Friends" Ch. Yancharsky To develop the speech activity of children. Cultivate respect for toys. Draw the attention of children to a new toy. Learn to talk about how to play with it. To evoke a feeling of joy for Mishka Ushastik, who has found friends, a desire to learn something new about a cute bear cub. No. page 81

27 week "Katya's Doll Bathing". repeat nursery rhyme “Water, water…” Cultivate a caring and respectful attitude towards toys. Help children remember and teach to use the names of objects, actions, qualities: bath, soap, soap dish, towel, lather, rinse, wipe, hot, cold, warm. Enrich and energize intonation speech. Show how interesting it is to play with the doll. Repeat fun. To evoke positive emotions from her. №5 page 83

(4 weeks) Form elementary ideas about spring (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area). Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds. To acquaint with some features of the behavior of forest animals and birds in the spring.

Spring 28 week Teacher's story about spring. A game "Let's wander through the puddles" Develop gaming skills. To form elementary ideas about spring. Learn to answer questions. Expand words knowledge. Learn to pronounce onomatopoeic words and small phrases. №1 page 211

Week 29 Looking at a painting from a series "Pets". A game "Who's screaming". Develop intonation. Cultivate a caring attitude towards pets. Help to see the differences between adult animals and their cubs. Enrich and activate vocabulary. Practice pronunciation of onomatopoeia. No. 5 p.

Week 30 "Bear". speech exercise "Guess What They're Playing". Cultivate respect for toys. To learn to consider a toy, to enjoy it, to develop the ability to distinguish an instrument by ear by its sound. Consolidate seasonal changes in nature (the bear wakes up after hibernation). №1 page 214

31 weeks "The bird sat on the window". Didactic game "Who walks". Develop auditory perception, a sense of rhythm. Repeat exclamations in the text in a timely manner "Ai". To form elementary ideas about spring, birds in spring; auditory perception of a literary text; exercise children to coordinate their movements with words; cultivate love for small folklore forms. page no.

(5 weeks) Form elementary ideas about summer (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area). Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds, about vegetables, fruits, berries. To acquaint with some features of the behavior of forest animals and birds in summer. To acquaint with some animals of hot countries.

Summer 32 week Teacher's story about summer. game-situation "Magic pipe" To form elementary ideas about summer. Develop children's speech, encourage them to enter the role. Encourage children to expressive onomatopoeia.

. №16 p. 85

Week 33 Examining the painting "Children feed the hen and chickens". Didactic exercise "Call the Chicken" Continue to teach children to look at the picture, answer questions, listen to the explanation of the teacher and peers, a sample of the teacher's story. Practice sound pronunciation "ts" in words and syllables. Activate words in children's speech "beak", "beak", "peck", "chicken", "hen", "dish", "saucer". No. 5 p. 86

34 week Fairy tale repetition "Masha and the Bear". Looking at illustrations for the book. Raise interest in Russian folk tales. Try to convince the children that looking at the pictures you can see a lot of interesting things. Help the children act out the part of the story "Masha and the Bear" instilling in them an interest in dramatization. No. 5 p. 80

Week 35 Teacher's story on topic: "Katya found a kitten". Didactic exercise for practicing sound pronunciation. To cultivate the desire to listen to the teacher, to listen to the story without visual accompaniment. Practice sound pronunciation "ts". Enrich and activate vocabulary, develop intonation speech. No. 6 p. 117

Week 36 Exercise for sound pronunciation, for educating children in a clear and intelligible pronunciation of words and phrases. Didactic exercise "Whose Voice". Raise interest in game situations, teach children to pronounce the sound correctly "With" "si" in separate words and phrases, pronounce the words distinctly and clearly. Learn to recognize onomatopoeia by ear. No. 6 p. 109

Educational area "Artistic Creativity"


Thematic planning Terms of carrying out Topic of educational activity Purpose Information resources


(4 weeks) To adapt children to the conditions of kindergarten. To acquaint with the kindergarten as the closest social environment of the child (premises and equipment groups: personal locker, crib, toys, etc.). Get to know the children and the teacher. Contribute to the formation of positive emotions in relation to the kindergarten, teacher, children.

Kindergarten 1 week "On a flat path" "The hostess threw the bunny" Introduce the properties of paint, learn to draw with a finger, rhythmically imprint on paper, cultivate accuracy No. 12 p. 37

2 weeks "The chicken went out for a walk" To teach children the rules for working with a brush, a pencil, to teach them to convey the image of grass in a drawing, familiarity with in green No. page 42

3 week Drawing (observation) Teach children the rules for working with a brush, with the properties of paint, educate attention, accuracy No. p. 37

4 week "Magic Pictures" To interest children in completely painting a sheet of paper with sweeping strokes, to arouse children's interest in working with gouache paint, to contribute to children's joy from the result obtained, to cultivate accuracy No. 1 p. 140

(3 weeks) Form elementary ideas about autumn (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area). To give primary ideas about harvesting, about some vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms. Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds. To acquaint with the peculiarities of the behavior of forest animals and birds in the fall.

Autumn 5 week "Wand Miracle" Develop a desire to work. Introduce children to pencils, teach them to hold a pencil with three fingers, not squeezing hard, hold a sheet of paper with their left hand. Support an attempt to compare the depicted with familiar objects. No. 12 p.

6 week "Cucumber-cucumber ..." "Ant Grass" Develop children's interest. Introduce children to green. Learn to draw grass with strokes. Freely place strokes over the entire surface of the sheet. No. 12 p.

7 week "Footprints of a cat". "Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat" Learn to draw with your finger, rhythmically imprint on paper. No. 12 p.

I am a man in the world

(2 weeks) Give an idea of ​​yourself as a person; about the main parts of the human body, their purpose. Consolidate knowledge of your name, the names of family members. To form the habit of calling the teacher by name and patronymic. To form a primary understanding of what is good and what is bad; basic ideas about a healthy lifestyle

I am a man in the world 8 weeks "Let's give the goat and kids water to drink" Introduce children to the properties of colors. Learn to hold the brush in your right hand, pick up paint on the pile of the brush, draw it across the sheet, lightly touching the paper. Introduce the blue color .. №12 p.

9 week "Three cheerful brothers went for a walk". "Top-top-top" Develop an interest in creativity. Learn to rhythmically touch the paper with a brush, draw traces all over the sheet. No. 12 p.

(3 weeks) Introduce children to family city: its name, objects (street, house, shop, clinic); with transport "urban" professions (doctor, salesman, policeman).

My house 10 weeks “The cat went to Torzhok ...” "It's raining" Learn to apply rhythmic strokes with your finger to verbal accompaniment. Get to know blue. No. 12 p.

11 week "On a flat path..." Learn to use paint. Learn to draw straight lines. Help the bear to drive the truck correctly. No. 12 p.

12 week "Leaves are yellow". Let's give mom a leaf » Learn to draw leaves by sticking a brush to the leaf. Hold the brush correctly, use paints, rinse the brush with a cloth. Encourage children to do something nice. No. 12 p.

New Year's celebration

(5 weeks) Organize all types of children's activities (playing, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) around the theme of the New Year and New Year's holiday.

New Year's holiday 13 week "Let's build a tower". "Logs for the tower" Learn to draw horizontal, vertical lines with a flat brush. Learn to use paint carefully, continue to learn how to use a brush, rinse it, dry it on a rag. No. 12 p.

14 week "How can you please a teddy bear" Continue to teach children how to use paint. Learn to conduct horizontal lines on the sheet, lightly touching the paper and thus painting the subject (glass of juice) No. 12 p.

15 week "Tracks for the cat" Continue learning how to use paint. Learn to draw straight lines. No. 12 p.

16 week "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree" To develop the aesthetic perception of children. Get the kids in the holiday spirit. To teach the ability to arrange lanterns of a certain color using a didactic game "Decorate the Christmas Tree"

17 week "The Little Christmas Tree Came to Visit Us" To develop the aesthetic perception of children. Cause a feeling of joy from beautiful drawings. Teach the ability to arrange lanterns of a certain color using a round dance game "The elegant Christmas tree has come to visit us". Strengthen the ability to draw with your fingers using different colors. No. 12 p.

(3 weeks) Form elementary ideas about winter (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area). Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds. To acquaint with some features of the behavior of forest animals and birds in winter.

Winter 1.01.13-8.01.13. Holidays

18 week "Snow, snow is spinning..." To form elementary ideas about winter, about seasonal changes in nature. Learn to draw snow using the priming technique. No. 12 p.

19 week "We draw grains for birds" To form elementary ideas about winter, about birds in winter. To teach kids to draw with strokes - sunflower seeds, and with dots - peas. Make the children feel sympathy for the bird. No. 12 p.

20 week "It's winter, it's white all around, there's a lot of snow" Continue to learn how to draw snow using the priming technique with circular movements. Learn to use paints correctly, rinse the brush, drain it on a napkin. №12 page 12

Mother's day

(4 weeks) Organize all types of children's activities (playing, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) around the theme of family, love for mother, grandmother.

Mom's holiday 21 weeks "Decorate Mom's Rug" Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate friendly feelings for your loved ones, do something nice for the dearest person. To form the ability to draw with smooth continuous movements (lines). Fix the idea of ​​the form.

№12 p. 109

22 week “We will wind a ball of thread for grandmother” Develop color perception. To educate the ability to care for adults. Teach children to draw continuous lines in a circular motion. №12 p. 108

23 week "Let's help grandfather collect potatoes in a bag" Learn to distinguish between carrots and potatoes, know the names, their main characteristics. Contribute to the formation of the ability to draw objects round shape. To consolidate the ability to draw potatoes with a finger. Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals. No. 1 p.

21.02.13.-28.02.13. Holidays

24 week “Decorate a dress for mom with a pattern” Develop color perception. Cultivate a caring kind attitude towards the closest person. Learn to hold the brush correctly, apply strokes rhythmically to the silhouette of the dress. To consolidate knowledge of colors, carefully use paint. page no.

Folk toy

(3 weeks) To acquaint with folk art on the example of folk toys. Introduce folklore (songs, rhymes, etc.). Use folklore in the organization of all types of children's activities.

Folk toy 25 week "Footprints of a Kitten" Develop an interest in visual arts. Learn to draw kitten paw prints by pinching your fingers. Learn how to use paint carefully. №1 page 225

26 week "Colored balls" Learn to draw a round object, name what is drawn. Cultivate a good attitude towards the girl, make her happy. №12 page 40

27 week "Elegant dress for Katya's doll" Develop color perception. Learn to hold the brush correctly, apply strokes rhythmically to the silhouette of the dress. Strengthen knowledge of color. №12 page 41

(4 weeks) Form elementary ideas about spring (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area). Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds. To acquaint with some features of the behavior of forest animals and birds in the spring.

Spring 28 week "Icicles hanging from the roof" Learn to draw icicles of different lengths with strokes, depicting droplets. Form elementary ideas about spring (seasonal changes in nature). №1 page 263

29 week "Plates with stripes for Masha" Develop an interest in visual arts. Clarify ideas about food, activate verbs in children's speech "lick, nibble, eat". Learn to draw circles with pencils, focusing on the external support in the form of a round sheet of paper. No. 1 p.

30 week "Look, bagels, kalachi" Develop color perception. Form circular movements of the hand. Learn to draw round objects with a brush. Exercise in the ability to wash the brush. Strengthen knowledge of colors. №12 page 42

31 weeks "Cockerel" Develop an interest in visual arts. Expand knowledge about poultry in the spring. Learn to draw a cockerel with your finger. Use gouache carefully. №1 page 261

(5 weeks) Form elementary ideas about summer (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area). Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds, about vegetables, fruits, berries. To acquaint with some features of the behavior of forest animals and birds in summer. To acquaint with some animals of hot countries.

32 week "Horse comb" Develop an interest in visual arts. Strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly. Learn to draw horizontal and vertical lines. №12 page 10

Summer 33 week "Grass" Continue to acquaint children with the techniques of working with paints. Learn to draw short lines by lightly touching the paper with a brush. To consolidate the ability to properly use the brush, rinse, drain. No. 12 p.

34 week "Let's help the bugs hide in the grass" Continue to arouse interest in drawing with colored pencils. develop basic skills of movement in the mountains

group subgroup


Water the plants with a subgroup of children. Consider plants, highlight parts, color. Morning gymnastics.

Complex (birds).

Suggest a mosaic find the same color as I show (out of 2 colors) Frol, Kirill, Zhenya

To teach to sit at the table, not to spin, to hold a spoon correctly, to teach Sophia to drink from a cup.

Springs, mushrooms.

Conversation with parents about the well-being of children at home on weekends.

Drawing "Apples grew on an apple tree" page 28


Observation of falling leaves reading verse falling leaves.

Work. Collection of natural material for crafts

d / and what color is the leaf? Pay attention to color, learn to find yellow.

P / and "Everyone clapped their hands"

Ind.work run in one direction. Kirill, Nikita, Sophia

Y / Y “who does what?” learn to look at a picture and name what is depicted on it.

Offer to play with the doll "Let's treat the doll with tea." Learn to play with the doll to perform simple actions with it

D / and "lacing" to develop fine motor skills. Zhenya Alice, Dima.

Teach children to wash their hands before eating, to find their own towel.

Laces, mosaic.

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents social partners

Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

group subgroup


Encourage children to communicate on topics close to the child from personal experience, to encourage them to actively respond to the questions and suggestions of an adult by all available means.

Games with did. toys - pyramids to consolidate the ability of children to assemble a pyramid of 3-6 rings, the ability to determine the color and size of the rings.

keep learning to take off your socks and shoes on your own. support the child's desire to act independently

Pyramid tables.

Conversation with parents about the need to talk more when dressing, focus on the color and item of clothing, the sequence of dressing.

Development of speech "Examining fruits"

Physical training

class 3 p78


Observation of flowers in a flower bed introduce children to marigolds, clarify its structure. introduce the name of the flower and its parts into the children's speech.

Labor Collecting seeds.

D / and Games with sand "bake a pie" strengthening the ability of children to use molds.

P / and "Run to me" to teach children to run in all directions.

Do not push while running.

Ind work. Walking on a limited surface. Sophia. Frol, Alice.


Continue to introduce the group room and the things that are in it. activate children's vocabulary. To develop in children the need for cooperation with an adult

We play with cereals, develop fine motor skills Kirill, Nikita, Dima.

keep learning how to put on socks and shoes on your own. support the child's desire to act independently.

Select the color of things.

Cubes for building a track toys for playing around.

Kalyuzhnaya Anna Sergeevna


first junior group

for September 2015



1 junior group

for 2015-2016 academic year

Day of the week

junior group


  1. cognitive development:
  • speech development, reading fiction
  • drawing


  1. Cognitive development:
  • FEMP, the formation of a holistic picture of the world
  1. Physical development:
  • physical culture


  1. Artistic and aesthetic development:
  • modeling
  1. Artistic and aesthetic development:
  • musical


  1. Social and communicative development:
  • familiarization with the outside world, socialization, work, safety
  1. Physical development:
  • physical culture


  1. Artistic and aesthetic development:
  • musical
  1. Physical development:
  • physical culture

1 Week

Morning gymnastics complex No. 1 (for a week)

"Friendly family"

1. I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back; clap in front of the face 3 times under the words of the teacher:

Dad, mom, brother and I are together - a friendly family!

Take your hands behind your back. Repeat 3 times.

2. We bend over together, we do Physical Education!

I. p .: legs apart, hands on the belt. Tilt forward, palms on knees, look forward. Return to i. n. Repeat 3 times.

3. Dad is big, And I am small. I may be small, but I am remote.

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Sit down, hands down. Return to i. n. Repeat 3-4 times.

4. We jump together, This is very necessary! Who will jump higher - Mom or Misha?

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. Perform 2-5 jumps; short walking (5-6 sec). Repeat 2 times.

5. We inhale air with our nose, we exhale air with our mouth. We are not afraid of a cold, we do not need to see doctors!

I. p .: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, inhale through the nose. Return to i. p., exhale through the mouth, lips with a tube. Repeat 3-4 times.

Gymnastics of awakening after a daytime sleep (for a week)

"We woke up"

1. "Funny hands" - and. P.: Lying on your back. Raise your arms to the sides and lower down. (4 times)

2. "Sharp legs" - and. p: the same. Alternately raise one or the other leg. (4 times)

3. "Bugs" - and. p: the same. Rolls to the right, then to the left side. (2-4 times)

4. "Kitties" - and. p.: Standing on all fours. Move back and forth, lean down, bending your elbows, returning to I.P. (4 times)

5. Walking in place is normal, leaving the bedroom on socks.

Theme of the week: "Autumn"

Tuesday " 01 » September


Happy morning meeting. Today is the holiday "Knowledge Day" Children are greeted by a toy cow.

Target: To evoke positive emotions in children.

Morning gymnastics.

Individual work with (knowledge of primary colors)

The game "Sun or rain?"

Target: Teach children to perform actions according to the different sound of the tambourine. Education in children the ability to switch auditory attention.

Short description:

The teacher says to the children: “Now we will go for a walk. We go for a walk. There is no rain. The weather is good, the sun is shining, and you can pick flowers. You walk, and I will ring a tambourine, it will be fun for you to walk to its sounds. If it starts to rain, I will start to knock on the tambourine, and you, having heard the knock, must run into the house. Listen carefully when the tambourine rings, and when I knock on it.

Guidelines . The teacher plays the game, changing the sound of the tambourine 3-4 times.

Educational area:

cognitive development

  1. FEMP, the formation of a holistic picture of the world

Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development, speech development

Subject: getting to know the details building material(cube, brick, plate)

Didactic game “Show a brick, a cube. What will you build from?

Purpose: to teach to distinguish the main forms of details, with the help of a teacher to build various buildings.

Work program page no. 68

Educational area:

Physical development:

  1. Physical culture №1

Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development, speech

Program content: building a flock, exercise walking after the instructor, imitating the movements of the characters in the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man";

The main types of movements: rolling on the stomach, walking between objects, jumping on the entire foot, rolling the ball (kolobok) with one hand, the exercise "Crawl to the cube"

Mobile game: "Catch-up"

Work program page No. 8


Weather monitoring

Purpose: to learn to determine the time of year by characteristic features.

Progress of observation

Invite the children to see if there is a sun or clouds in the sky. Ask what the clouds did (covered the sun), note what kind of sky (gloomy), what weather (gloomy).

Winds are blowing, violent winds, Clouds are moving, dark clouds.

Draw the attention of children to the tops of the trees (swaying), the wind is blowing, the trees are swaying. Trees have colorful foliage. If the leaves on the trees turned yellow, If the birds flew to a distant land, If the sky is gloomy, if it rains, this time is called autumn.

Mobile game "Sparrows and car".

Purpose: to teach children to run fast on a signal, but not bump into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place.

Individual work with

Movement development.

Remote material

Watering cans, cubes and molds for each child to play with sand, a doll, cars.


Labor activity

Pouring sand for play.

Objectives: to teach to keep cleanliness and order on the site, to encourage

provide assistance to adults; to consolidate the knowledge that dry sand crumbles, and if it is watered, it becomes wet and you can sculpt pies for dolls from it.

Mobile game. "Leaf fall"

Target: showcase the colors of autumn

Target: open the concept of "Leaf fall".

Sand games.

Target: Develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination.


An evening of soft toys. Games with soft toys. Role-playing game "Tea Party for Toys"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about tea utensils, activate their speech, cultivate a culture of behavior during tea drinking, teach them to take care of toys.

Interview with parents:"Day in Kindergarten"

WEDNESDAY « 02 » September


Conversation with children "What interesting things I did in the evening"

Target: Involve children in a conversation, continue to teach the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher: listen and understand question asked to answer it clearly.

Morning gymnastics.

The game of low mobility "Find the rattle"

Inventory: one rattle (rattle on the handle, height 10-15 cm).

The rattle is hidden by the teacher in the group before the game. Children form a circle, hold hands. The teacher stands in a circle with the children. Holding hands, the children and the teacher walk in a circle. The teacher says the text:

We will go for a walk with you

We will find the rattle.

One two three four five -

We will all look for her.

We walk quietly

We are looking carefully

We will definitely find a rattle!

Go, children, look for a rattle!

Children disperse in a group, looking for a rattle. When one of the children finds a toy, he must bring it to the teacher. The game is repeated.

Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development

  1. modeling

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development

Subject: Introduction to plasticine

Target: showing the educator modeling techniques, examining the finished work of older preschoolers.

Work program page No. 85

  1. musical

Integration of educational areas: speech, physical development

Target: to form the ability and skills of listening;

Generate interest in musical instruments;

Arouse the desire to perform melodies on musical instruments.

1. Listening to L. Beethoven "Fun - Sad"

2. Consideration of children's musical instruments.

3. Independent games with sounding toys.

Work program page No. 85


Examining the flowerbed

Goals: keep learning to distinguish and name two flowering plants by color, size, pay attention to their color; develop a love for nature.

Progress of observation

On a walk, bring the children to a flower bed where marigolds and marigolds grow. Introduce children to plants, talk about them.

Marigolds are short and tall, in different golden-orange hues. The flowers are small and large, the leaves are dissected, variegated, with a pungent odor. Grow quickly, bloom until frost. marigolds - a low graceful plant with small yellow flowers. It blooms for a very long time, until late autumn. Grows well in sunny areas.

Labor activity

Digging up marigolds and transplanting them into boxes for further observations in a corner of nature.

Purpose: to cultivate a desire to participate in the care of plants.

Mobile game "Bird in the nest».

Goals: to learn to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other; to teach to act quickly on the signal of the educator, to help each other.

Remote material

Scoops, small toys, sports hoops, molds, shovels, flower boxes.

Individual work with learning to jump on two legs, moving towards the goal.


Sky observation.

Purpose: To show the features of the autumn sky.

Observation: The sky is blue in early autumn. Clouds covered the sun in the sky. The sun peeked out from behind the clouds.

Mobile game "Sparrows and a cat".

Objectives: to learn to jump off gently, bending the legs at the knees; run without hitting each other, dodge the driver; run away quickly, find your place;

be careful when taking a seat, do not push a friend.

Sand games. Purpose: To develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination.


Examination of reproductions on the autumn theme based on the results of the observation "The Sun and Clouds"

Purpose: To cultivate the desire to see the beauty of nature in the drawings. To form the ability to express their emotions and impressions.

Materials: reproductions about nature.

Mobile game "Matryoshkas and carousels"

Purpose: To exercise the ability to play the game by performing actions in accordance with the text accompaniment.

Equipment: ribbons different colors on rings (d = 4-5 cm) - in accordance with the number of children (ribbon length 20-25 cm, width - 3-4 cm); matryoshka toy.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to line up in a circle, shows them a nesting doll and says: “Look, children, a nesting doll has come to visit us. How beautiful and elegant she is! Matryoshka went to the fair, rode the carousels there. Fun on the carousels! She brought it to our kindergarten so that you could also ride on the carousels. Take a ribbon each and listen carefully.”

Quietly, barely

The carousels are spinning

They go in a circle one after another, shaking the ribbons, the ribbons below.

And then, and then

All run, all run.

They run in a circle one after another, waving ribbons, ribbons at the top in an outstretched hand.

Hush, children, hush, hush

Do not rush for the matryoshka,

Stop the carousel.

They go in a circle one after another, the ribbons are lowered down. Stop.

Working with parents: individual consultations on the topic "Formation of the cultural and hygienic skills of the baby"

Planning in the 1st junior group for a month: September

Igolkina Elena Konstantinovna, teacher 1 ml.gr. MBDOU d / s No. 7 "Polyanka" This material will be useful for educators when writing a plan for every day

Thu Morning 1. Conversation "Our group" Purpose: To introduce the objects of the group room, to form an active vocabulary “play corner, table, chairs, wardrobe, toys. Cultivate respect for toys. Learn to put toys in their place.
2. Reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate badly” Purpose: to form the simplest behavioral skills while eating, explain the need for good nutrition
3. Individual conversations about the world around: what the child saw on the way, natural, seasonal, weather changes. The topic is "How (child's name) went to kindergarten." Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary of children
4. KGN: “Let's show the doll Katya how to sit at the table properly” Purpose: to develop the habit of washing hands before eating, proper behavior at the table, respectful attitude towards cooks.
5. Preliminary work on modeling - prepare plasticine, boards for classes, let the children see the finished work of older children

2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION "Visiting children" Purpose: Exercise in walking in a straight direction, exercise in crawling. Cultivate positive emotions. (N.A. Karpukhina p. 265)
1. Gymnastics after sleep "We woke up ..."
2. Hardening: walking barefoot along the path of health - acupressure. goal: to instill a healthy lifestyle
3. C / r “Let's rock our daughter” Purpose: to teach children to perform a series of game actions using the words in speech: “wrap”, “shake”.
4. D / and “We will dress the doll after sleep” Purpose: to learn to name items of clothing
5. Children's independent activity of playing in a living corner Purpose: to encourage children to play with animal figurines
Individual work on

Mon Morning 1. Situational conversation “Who says hello?”
Purpose: to form a respectful attitude towards others.

GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development

2. Cognitive development

1. Gymnastics after sleep “The sun wakes up” PURPOSE: to instill a healthy lifestyle
2. Hardening procedures. Walking barefoot on the rug Purpose: hardening of the child's body
3. Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing. Purpose: to teach children to put themselves in order after a daytime sleep: dress, straighten clothes in front of a mirror, comb their hair.
4. C / r game "Kindergarten" Purpose: To familiarize children with the work of adults working in kindergarten. Developing the ability to take on a role. game material. Dolls, toy dishes, substitute items.
5. Independent activities of children Board games Purpose: to interest children board games(liners)
Y/n Time Joint activities of an adult with children (group, subgroup, individual)
1 2 4

Mon Morning 1. Conversation with all children: - "Toys" Purpose: to continue to introduce the group.
2. D / game "Collect a matryoshka". Purpose: to teach children to establish the ratio of objects in size.
3. Examination of pictures "Pets" - Purpose: acquaintance with the house.
4. Individual work on the development of speech goal: to learn to maintain a collective conversation

GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development

2. Cognitive development
ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENT "Visiting the children" Karpukhina N.A. "Summaries of classes in the first junior group" (p. 10) Purpose: To introduce children to the elementary ethics of greeting, develop communication skills in relation to adults and peers, cultivate the skill of cultural communication
1. Gymnastics after sleep "Rain" goal: hardening of the body
2. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: cultivate the ability to properly hold a spoon, eat carefully, over your plate
3. Didactic game: "Name the subject" Purpose: vocabulary enrichment.
4. Independent activity of children D / and Purpose: to interest children in didactic games

Tue Morning 1. Conversation: "What awaits me in the garden" Purpose: to form a respectful attitude towards the kindergarten
2. Game situation "Let's arrange the furniture in the doll's room" Purpose: fostering positive actions and actions towards each other
3. Preliminary work on DRAWING - remember with children what a dandelion looks like, look at pictures of a dandelion.
4. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: teach how to wash your hands properly, wipe them dry with your towel

NOD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
DRAWING goal: introduce children to pencils, teach them to hold pencils with three fingers
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL CULTURE (in a group) Purpose: To teach children to start walking on a signal to develop balance - to walk on a limited surface (between two lines) Equipment: 2 long ropes (2.5-3 m) doll

Evening 1. Gymnastics after sleep "Rain" goal: to raise the mood and muscle tone of children after sleep
2. D / I: “Name the subject” Purpose: enrichment of the dictionary.
3. Situational conversation about friendship. Explain to the children that they don’t need to quarrel over toys, they shouldn’t fight and bite, but it’s much more interesting to play together, share toys.
4. Children's independent activity P/I goal: to encourage children to play in groups
Individual work MUSIC LESSON goal: memorizing the words of songs and dance movements -

Wed Morning 1. Conversation about why go to kindergarten. Purpose: to form a respectful attitude towards the kindergarten
2. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: teach how to wash your hands properly, wipe them dry with your towel
3. D / I: “Name the subject” Purpose: vocabulary enrichment
4. Preliminary work on the DEVELOPMENT of SPEECH - talk to the children about what we have in the group.
Individual work DRAWING goal: learn to hold pencils with three fingers

GCD 1. Speech development
SPEECH DEVELOPMENT "Journey around the room" V.V. Gerbova "Speech development classes in 1 ml. group" p. 33 goal: to teach children to participate in a collective event, to hear and understand the teacher's suggestions, to willingly fulfill them.
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL CULTURE (in a group) Purpose: To train children to start walking on a signal to develop balance - to walk on a limited surface (between two lines) Equipment: 2 long ropes (2.5-3 m) doll

1. Gymnastics after daytime sleep, hardening "Rain" goal: to strengthen the work of the main body systems
2. Theatricalization: "Our emotions" Purpose: to exercise children in demonstrating emotions
3. D / I: "Guess what mood" Purpose: to develop the ability to respond to the general emotional state
4. Children's independent activities theater games Purpose: to encourage children to play independently

Thu Morning 1. Conversation: “Our educators: - Purpose: clearly pronounce the names of teachers, talk about the work of a ped.
2. P / I: “Catch the ball” Purpose: to exercise in catching the ball
3. Reading Kh / l: “Paladushki, patty…” Purpose: to enrich the child’s speech, show melodiousness, melody, rhythm of songs and nursery rhymes
4. Preliminary work on Lepka.
Individual work on the DEVELOPMENT of SPEECH goal: to hear and understand the suggestions of the educator, willingly fulfill

MODELING Purpose: to introduce plasticine and its properties, as well as the rules for working with this material
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL CULTURE "Visiting children" Purpose: Exercise in walking in a straight direction, exercise in crawling. Cultivate positive emotions.
(N.A. Karpukhina p. 265)

1. Gymnastics after daytime sleep, "Rain" Purpose: to increase the tone of the nervous system

3. Plot.roll.game "Kindergarten". goal: to show that there are many of us, we are different and friendly
4. Independent activity of children with / r games goal: to involve children in a game situation

Mon Morning 1. Situational conversation “Who says hello?” Purpose: to form a respectful attitude towards others.
2. Individual conversation: What did you see on the way to the kindergarten? Purpose: to expand the understanding of the world around us, natural and seasonal changes; develop the oral language of children.
3. Repeating the nursery rhyme "Cockerel, cockerel" Purpose: to develop the child's memory
4. MP / I "Colored paths" Purpose: to teach to play with building material
5. Preliminary work on the development of speech - remember with the children what they saw on the territory of the kindergarten when they went with their mother to the group

GCD 3. Artistic and aesthetic development
MUSIC (organized by the music director)
4. Cognitive development
SPEECH DEVELOPMENT “Traveling around the territory of the site” Purpose: to teach children to participate in a collective event, to hear and understand the teacher’s suggestions (speech development in kindergarten V.V. Gerbov, p. 31)
Evening 6. Gymnastics after sleep “The sun wakes up” PURPOSE: to instill a healthy lifestyle
7. Hardening procedures. Walking barefoot on the rug Purpose: hardening of the child's body
8. Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing. Purpose: to teach children to put themselves in order after a daytime sleep: dress, straighten clothes in front of a mirror, comb their hair.
9. C / r game "Kindergarten" Purpose: To familiarize children with the work of adults working in kindergarten. Developing the ability to take on a role. game material. Dolls, toy dishes, substitute items.
10. Independent activity of children Board games Purpose: to interest children in board games (inserts)
Individual work - MODELING, goal: to learn to carefully lay out plasticine on a board without dirtying the table

Mon Morning
1. Conversation with children “What interesting things I did in the evening” Purpose: To involve children in a conversation, continue to teach the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher: listen and understand the question asked, answer it clearly.
2. The game of low mobility "Find a rattle" goal: to develop mindfulness
3. Games with colored caps. Purpose: To develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination
4. D / and “What is the weather” Purpose: to teach to call the state of the weather, warm, the sun is shining, it is raining, the wind is blowing, warm, cold
5. preliminary work on familiarization with the environment. - put the toys in their places

GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MUSIC LESSON (organized by the music director)
2. Cognitive development
ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENT “Toys in our group” Purpose: to consolidate ideas about toys and techniques for playing with them
1. Gymnastics after a daytime sleep, "Coal" Purpose: health promotion
2. D / and “We will dress the doll after sleep” Purpose: to learn to name items of clothing
3. C / r game "Kindergarten" Purpose: To familiarize children with the work of adults working in kindergarten. Developing the ability to take on a role. game material. Dolls, toy dishes, substitute items.
4. Independent activity of children with sounding toys goal: to arouse interest in musical instruments.
Individual work Drawing - learn to hold pencils with three fingers

Tue Morning
1. Conversation with all the children: - about what they did yesterday; what are your plans for today; wishes of children (what would you like to do). The topic is "What we did in the group." purpose: Encourage the child to talk on a given topic, develop coherent speech, expressing their emotions.
2. D / and "Come to me" Purpose: Formation of emotional contact with an adult.
3. FKGN Purpose: to teach children to eat carefully, to hold a spoon correctly
4. Reading Kh / l "Cockerel" Purpose: to enrich the child's speech, to show the melodiousness, melody, rhythm of songs and nursery rhymes
5. preliminary work on drawing - prepare desired material

GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
DRAWING “Introduction to pencils, a brush and the rules for working with them” Purpose: Show how you can leave marks on paper with a brush (drive, poke, twist) Let children simply paint over the sheet. Equipment: brushes, paints, paper, rags, glasses of water.

2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (in a group) Purpose: To train children to start walking on a signal to develop balance - to walk on a limited surface (between two lines) Equipment: 2 long ropes (2.5-3 m)
1. Gymnastics after sleep complex "Ugolyok" Purpose: continue to teach children to perform exercises after sleep

3. D / and "Lacing" Purpose: development of fine motor skills and sensory perception
4. Independent activities of children in the book corner - arouse children's interest in books
Individual work MUSIC

Wed Morning
1. Conversation with all children: - about what they did yesterday goal: Encourage the child to talk on a given topic, develop coherent speech, expressing their emotions
2. D / and "Who called?" Purpose: to develop auditory attention
3. F / I: “Catch the ball” Purpose: to exercise in catching the ball
4. Kh / l - “Paladushki, palms” Purpose: To enrich the child’s speech, show melodiousness, melody, rhythm of songs and nursery rhymes
5. preliminary work physical culture. - prepare rattles for each child
GCD 1. Speech development
DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH "About the girl Masha and Bunny - Long Ear" V.V. Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in 1 ml. group" p. Goal 35: Help children understand that morning breakups are experienced by all babies and all mothers.
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (in a group) Purpose: To teach children to walk and run, changing direction to a certain signal, to develop the ability to crawl. Benefits. Rattles for each child, dog toy (bear).


2. FCGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing. Purpose: to encourage children to help each other when dressing after sleep, to keep order in clothes.
3. Situational conversation about the rules of behavior at the table. Goal: Learn to hold a spoon correctly, eat neatly and independently
4. Independent activity of children in the sports corner - arouse children's interest in playing with balls
Individual drawing work

Thu Morning 1. Conversation: About the actions of friends - goal: to learn how to communicate with each other
2. Reading nursery rhymes and jokes Purpose: interest in the works of oral folk art
3. D / I: “What is the name in the picture Purpose: enrichment of the dictionary
4. preliminary modeling work - examining ready-made crafts from plasticine for old children
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MODELING Purpose: to introduce plasticine and its properties, as well as the rules for working with this material
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL CULTURE Purpose: To train children to walk and run, changing direction to a certain signal, to develop the ability to crawl. Benefits: Rattles for each child, dog toy (bear).

1. Gymnastics after sleep complex "Ugolyok" Purpose: health promotion
2. M.F/N: “Do as I do” Purpose: to develop mindfulness
3. D / and “Show the same” Purpose: To teach to find identical objects at the request of the teacher, to develop visual memory
4. Independent activity of children with table games - to arouse interest in table games
Individual work on physical education. - Teach children to walk and run by changing direction to a specific signal
