Daria Lazutina
Week of play and toys. Calendar-thematic planning (senior group)

Plan of events "Week of play and toys"


The first half of the day:

Opening of the "Week of play and toys"

Conversation with children "Stories about toys."

Purpose: to develop imagination, speech, the ability to empathize, show sympathy for the problems of their heroes; to cultivate the ability to be attentive to the ideas of their comrades, to listen to the end, to show interest in the creativity of their peers.


Mobile game: "We are funny guys"

Children stand on one side of the playground beyond the line. A line is also drawn on the opposite side of the site. To the side of the children, approximately in the middle between the two lines, is a trap. The trap is assigned by the teacher or chosen by the children.

The children say in unison:

We are funny guys

We love to run and jump.

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three - catch!

After the word “catch”, the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with the runners, catches them. The one whom the trap manages to touch before the evader crosses the line is considered to be caught. He steps aside. After 2-3 runs, the caught ones are counted and a new trap is selected. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

Mobile game: "Entertainers".

One of the players is chosen as an entertainer, he becomes in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children, holding hands, walk in a circle (to the right or left as directed by the teacher) and say:

In an even circle, one after another,

We go step by step.

Stand still, stay together

Let's do it. like this.

Children stop, lower their hands. The entertainer shows some kind of movement, and all the children repeat it. After 2-3 repetitions of the game (according to the condition), the entertainer chooses one of the players to take his place, and the game continues. The game is repeated 3-4 times. Entertainers come up with a variety of movements, not repeating those shown.


Drawing: "My favorite toy"

Children draw their favorite toy according to the plan. An exhibition of drawings will be organized at the end of the lesson.

Role-playing game: "Puppet theater"

Purpose: formation of role interaction.

1.Teach children to act out familiar stories from fairy tales with toys. 2. To develop the ability to strive to expressively convey the features of the voice, the emotional states of the characters. 3. Cultivate the independence and creativity of children in the game. Management techniques: distribution of roles, creating a good mood, changing roles.

Working with parents:

Creating a stand for parents:

Plan of events for the week "Week of play and toys"

Involving parents in the creation of a mini-museum "Wooden Toys".


The first half of the day:

Mobile game: "Which team will gather faster"

Target. Develop attention. To consolidate the ability to line up on a signal in columns in the order of numbers.

game material. Numbers from 1 to 7.

Rules of the game. On the tables are reversed numbers from 1 to 7. On one table are red numbers, on the other are yellow ones.

The teacher invites the children to agree on who will play on which team. Children run around the group to the sound of a tambourine. As soon as the beats of the tambourine stop sounding, the teams take the numbers from the table and line up in order in two columns. Children who are left without numbers give tasks to the players of the other team. Tasks can be very different, for example, such

Let the one with the number three sit down 5 times;

Let the one with the number five name the number one unit less;

Let the one with the number seven stamp his foot 2 times.


Mobile game: "Run quietly"

One of the children sits in the middle of the playground and closes his eyes. The rest of the children stand at one end of the playground; 6 - 8 of them quietly run from one end to the other past the one sitting in the middle. If the children run silently, the driver has no right to stop them. If he hears the noise of steps, he says: "Stop" - and, without opening his eyes, indicates the direction of the sound. If the driver indicated correctly, the children return to their places.

Mobile game: "Owl"

On one side of the site there is a place for "butterflies" and "bugs". A circle is inscribed on the side - "owl's nest". The selected child - "owl" gets into the nest. The rest of the children - "butterflies" and "bugs" stand behind the line. The middle of the site is free. At the word of the educator: "day" butterflies and bugs fly (children run around the playground).

At the word of the educator: "night" butterflies and bugs quickly stop in their places and do not move. At this time, the owl quietly flies to the hunting ground and takes those children who have moved (takes them to the nest). At the word of the educator: "day" the owl returns to its nest, and butterflies and bugs begin to fly. The game ends when the owl has 2 - 3 butterflies or bugs.


Speech development: "Writing stories about toys"

Purpose: to develop coherent speech in children.

Mobile game: "Free place"

The players sit on the floor in a circle, cross-legged. The teacher calls two children sitting next to each other. They stand up and stand in a circle with their backs to each other. At the signal “one, two, three - run,” they run in different directions, run to their place and sit down. The players note who first took the free place. The teacher calls two other children.

Working with parents:

Advice for parents "Playing with children at home."


The first half of the day:

Role-playing game: "Family"

Purpose: to clarify with the children the functions of the mother in the family; develop game dialogue, role-playing interactions.

Listening to musical works on the topic: "Toys".

Toys and children


Mobile game: "Make a figure"

Children run all over the playground. At the signal of the teacher, they quickly stop in place and take some kind of pose: they squat, raise their arms to the sides, etc. The teacher notes whose figure is more interesting.

Mobile game: "Rescue"

Children stand in a circle facing the center. The two children who were previously chosen leave the circle and run: one child runs away, the other catches up. A child who is running away can be saved by standing behind one of the children who are standing in a circle and saying: "Help me out!" The child who was addressed should run away from the circle and also stand behind the other. If the child does not have time to get up, she will be caught. When the game is repeated, another pair of children is chosen.


Modeling: "My favorite toy in kindergarten»

Purpose: Sculpt different ways(from a whole piece, in parts) Show creative imagination.

Mobile game: "Mousetrap"

Children are divided into two equal groups. One group - "mice". They stand in a column one after the other. From the second group of children, make 3 circles - these are 3 "mousetraps". Children who form mousetraps hold hands and at the words of the teacher: "The mousetrap is open," the children in a circle raise their hands. The mice run first through one mousetrap, and then through the second, etc. At the word of the educator: "clap" the mousetrap closes (children in a circle lower their hands). The mice that remain in the circle are considered to be caught and stand in the circle. The game ends when all mice are caught. The mousetrap with the most mice caught wins. The game is repeated. Children change roles.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents "Modern role-playing games"


The first half of the day:

Day of Russian folk games and toys: "How they played with them in the old days."

Games with Filimonov, Dymkovo, Gorodets, Bogorodsk toys.


Folk outdoor games:

"Burn, burn bright":

The players line up in pairs one after another - in a column. Players hold hands and raise them up, forming a "gate". The last pair passes "under the gate" and stands in front, followed by the next pair. "Burning" is in front, 5-6 steps from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or say:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out!

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing:

Ding dong, ding dong

Get out quick!

At the end of the song, two players, being in front, scatter in different directions, the rest shout in unison:

One, two, do not crow,

And run like fire!

"Burning" is trying to catch up with the fleeing. If the players manage to take each other's hands before one of them is caught by the “burning one”, then they stand in front of the column, and the “burning one” catches again, that is, “burns”. And if the “burning” catches one of the running ones, then he gets up with him, and the player who is left without a pair drives.


Drawing: "Painting of the Dymkovo toy"

Purpose: To introduce children to the new elements of Dymkovo painting. Learn to draw flat and with the end of the brush.

Mobile game:

The plot of the game is very simple: one driver is chosen, who must catch up and knock down the players who have scattered around the court.

But this game has several complicating options.

1. The tagged player becomes the driver, while he must run, holding on to the part of the body for which he was tagged.

The first player the driver touches becomes the leader himself.

2. The salted player stops, stretches his arms to the sides and shouts: "Tea-tea-help out." He is "bewitched".

Other players can “disenchant” him by touching his hand. The driver must "bewitch" everyone. To do this faster, there may be two or three drivers.

Working with parents:

Parental advice: tell children about Russian folk games.


The first half of the day:

Application: Making movable toys.


Outdoor game: "Carp and pike"

Half of the players, standing at a distance of 3 steps from each other, form a circle. This is a pond, on the banks of which lie pebbles. One of the players, appointed by the teacher, depicts a pike, he is outside the circle. The rest of the players are carp, they swim (run) inside the circle, in the pond. At the signal of the educator “pike”, the pike quickly swims out into the pond, trying to catch carp. Carp rush to hide behind one of the players, standing in a circle and depicting pebbles. The pike catches those carp that did not have time to hide behind the pebbles, and takes them to his house. The game is played 2-3 times, after which the number of carp caught by pike is counted.

Mobile game: "Carousel"

Children form a circle, holding on to a cord, the ends of which are tied. They take the cord with their right hand and walk in a circle at first slowly, then faster and faster, and finally they run. Movements are performed in accordance with the text spoken aloud:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels spin

And then around, around,

Everyone run, run, run.

During the run, the educator says: “Be-be-zh-li, be-be-zh-li.” After the children run in a circle 2-3 times, the teacher gives a signal to change the direction of movement, saying: “Turn”. The players turn around, quickly intercept the cord in their left hand and run in the other direction. Then the teacher, together with the children, says:

Hush, hush, don't rush!

Stop the carousel!

One, two, one, two

So the game is over!

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down. At the words “Here the game is over,” the children lower the cord to the ground and disperse around the site. After the children have a little rest, the teacher will give a signal (bell, whistle, claps, blows to the tambourine, on which the players again become in a circle, take the cord, i.e. take their places on the carousel. The game resumes, repeats 3-4 times.


Riddles about toys

Working with parents: "My favorite toy", joint production of toys from parents and children various materials. Exhibition of toys.

Closing of the "Week of play and toys".

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Thematic "Week of play and toys"

Thematic« Week of games and toys»

Target weeks« games and toys» : Attracting the attention of all participants educational process- teachers and parents of pupils of the preschool educational institution to the appointment and diversity of the children's games; determination of its predominant place in the joint activities of children and adults in the preschool educational institution and the family.


To increase the level of pedagogical competence of preschool teachers in issues: planning and conducting independent and joint gaming activities for children and adults, pedagogical guidance for a theatrical and didactic game;

Develop children's interest in various types games, support their free creative self-realization in the game;

It is optimal to use the play equipment, manuals and materials available in the preschool educational institution that contribute to the activation of play activities and the development of all aspects of the child's personality;

Involve parents of pupils in active discussion and creation of conditions for development child play at home.

Working with parents:

Visual propaganda about the holding thematic week in preschool.

Conversations with parents about loved ones your children's toys.

Parent survey.

Organization and holding of joint events:

Participation in an exhibition for children

Participation in the enrichment of the game environment in groups

Working with teachers:

Consultation “Planning and conducting theme week"Game and toys» »

Organization of exhibitions of children's art.

Assistance in the development and implementation of joint leisure and entertainment.

To intensify the participation of teachers in project activities.

Assistance in conducting advisory work with parents.

Long-term plan for holding theme week"Game and toys»

No. Day weeks Themes days Work with children Work with parents

Monday 30 October"In the world toys» (opening weeks of games and toys) -"Magic world toys» (conversation with children, teacher's story about toys, viewing illustrations and various toys in the group room»

Reading fiction A. Barto « Toys»

C/r games"Shop toys» , "We're going to visit the doll Katya"

Exhibition "My lovely toy» (children bring from home toys, together with the teacher arrange an exhibition).

Artistic creativity-drawing "My toy» .

Creation of game situations;

"Towards the beloved toys»

Movable games according to age

fun games:

"Little Birds"

"Where the thread goes and the needle"


Games with your favorite toys. Individual consultations "Tell the children about toys that you played as a child."

Tuesday 31 October "Make toy themselves» -Drawing competition "My lovely toy»

Construction from various types building material, constructor "Furniture for toys»

Puppet show "Kolobok"

-Matryoshka games, roly-poly.

Conversation "What toys grandparents played (viewing illustrations);

Movable folk games: "Grandma" (skittles)

"Zhmurki" with a bell "Bubble"

Russian round dance games: "Hare dance", "Vaska-cat". Designing an exhibition of methodological literature for parents on introducing children to reading, designing an exhibition of drawings and children's favorite fairy-tale characters.

word game "Word for Word"(Give children a topic "Sport" And begin: "Stadium." The child repeats the word and adds his own; the next child repeats these two words and adds his own. etc.)

relay races "Olympiad"(Children are divided into several teams, the opening of the Olympics is held. Children compete in various sports - jumping, throwing, climbing, running, etc.

Mobile command ball games"Football", "Basketball", rackets "Tennis"

Music game "If life is fun" (Accompany the words of the song with movements.) Folder layout- shifting: "Mobile games for preschool children"

Thursday 2 November "Journey to a fairy tale" (intellectual and D/I day) "Learn the story from the illustration"

"Know the heroes of the fairy tale"

"Collect puzzles / cubes "Heroes of fairy tales"

"Color the fairytale hero"

"Find the hero of the fairy tale"

Lotto/Domino "Fairy-tale heroes"

Word game "Autumn" (Children, together with Dunno, name autumn words, correct his mistakes)

Experimental game "Rain's Journey".

game task "DON'T KNOW-ARTIST"(Dunno draws any intricate line; the child finishes it and says what the resulting image looks like.)

Mobile game "Collect a figure

building game "Children's Hunger"(Children build houses, city streets from sand and improvised materials, decorate and play with buildings)

advice for parents: “So that the fairy tale does not become boring ...”. Recommendations to choose together with the child his favorite toy and bring it to kindergarten.

5. Friday 3 November "Grandma's games» Conversation « games our grandparents"

"Hali halo"

"Hide and Seek"





"I know five names"

"Broken phone"



"Ring, ring"

"I was born a gardener"


"Daughters-Mothers" Organization of the exhibition "Forgotten or ancient toy»

Related publications:

Late October to early November. Our group hosted the "Week of play and toys" Organized exhibitions "Toys of our parents" and "Rattle.

IN senior group The exhibition "Toys of different generations" was held. .Children brought toys from home and organized an exhibition together with the teacher.

Presentation "Week of play and toys" As part of a thematic week in preschool educational institutions various types of games were organized (plot-role-playing, mobile,.

Week "Games and Toys" in kindergarten Game - what could be more interesting and meaningful for a child? In the game more than in any activity.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" in Nadym"

MDOU "Kindergarten "Fairy Tale"

Calendar-thematic planning in the middle group

Topic: “Week of the game. The world of toys is joy!

Compiled by: Teacher Morozyuk Yulia Anatolyevna

Topic of the week:Week of the game "The world of toys is joy"

Target: Expand interest in various types of games, knowledge about games and toys, cause joy. Conducting outdoor games, taking into account the age characteristics of children, the use of gaming equipment, manuals, tools and materials that contribute to the activation of children's gaming activities. Inviting parents to actively participate in the week, creating conditions for the development of the child's play at home.

Final event: C / R game "Toy Store"

Day of the week, date


TOE integration

Working with parents

Group, subgroup




Reception of children. U / G. Game M / P “Depict a toy-doll, a car, a ball.” Conversation with children on the topic "Toys" - develop speech, knowledge. D / I "Guess the toy from the description" - for the development of thinking, memory.

Work on the development of hearing, attention to the correct pronunciation of sounds D / I "Fix the parsley" (Yarik, Ilya, Deniska) Coloring on the topic. (Anton, Anya) - painting skill.

Situational conversation “My toys and how I feel about them” - we develop speech, cultivate a caring attitude. Labor - Toys in places, the ability to put things in order.

Pictures with the image of toys. Toys. Coloring books, pencils.

Introduce parents to the theme of the week. games.

1 Cognition. Acquaintance with the surrounding world. Topic: “Toys are different” Purpose: To reveal the knowledge of children about toys and what material they are made of (fabric, rubber, plastic, wood), determine the properties (soft, hard, fluffy) develop curiosity, thinking, speech. 2 Physical development. Physical training. Page 12 No. 30 Topic: “Running with stepping” Purpose: Repeat walking with the task, running with stepping, exercise in jumping forward.


Watching footprints in the snow. Recognize on the trail who belongs to, develop observation, knowledge. P / I "Shaggy dog" - running on a signal. M / P "Find a toy" - navigate in space.

Train in throwing a snowball at a target, develop an eye and the strength of the throw (Matvey, Deniska, Ksyusha, Anya). Teach snowball making (Dima, Ruslan, Milania).

Healthy lifestyle work “Proper breathing on the street” Labor-Shovel snow with a shovel to the trees.

Removable material. Target.

Reading the story of T.S. Shorygin “How the toys ran away from Masha” - develop the ability to reason, respond to a problem situation.

Color the toy according to the pattern. Train in correct selection colors, carefully paint over. (Matvey, Ilya)

Game situation "Let's teach Pinocchio to use cutlery."

Book by T.S. Shorygin. Coloring, colored toys.


Awakening gymnastics. hardening. Game exercise "Catch the ball with your toes" K.G.N. Speech p / game "Masha and dolls" - rhythmically perform the exercise according to the text. Organize a "Toy Theater" - the ability to distribute roles, act on behalf of toys.

D / I "Fold the toy" - develop thinking, action. (Timur, Dima.V,) X-T: Exercise in modeling toys - the skill of rolling and pinching. (Tonya, Sonya, Milaniya, Artyom, Nikita)

The game situation “The doll is looking for the neatest crib” is to consolidate the skill of carefully filling the crib.

Toys. Cutaway picture. Plasticine, planks. Doll.

Invite parents to bring a toy from their childhood. Short-term project "Toys of my parents."


Watching the beauty of sparkling snow, from art. Lighting. P / and optional.

Invite the boys to play hockey - teach the technique of the game. Girls with / r game "Cafe" - from the snow to sculpt pies, cakes.

Work on life safety "Repeat the basics of safety when playing hockey"

Day of the week, date


TOE integration

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of the development environment

Working with parents

Directly educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group, subgroup



Reception of children. U / G Game m / n "Ball" - perform movement under the text. Consider toys according to the project “Toys of my parents - to develop interest, respect. P / G “One doll, two cars” - bend in turn.

Exercise in multi-step instructions “Trace the matryoshka with a pencil” (Daniel, Timur, Semyon) Train in throwing the ball to each other. (Ilya, Matvey, Anton, Anya)

Game task "Listen carefully - clean carefully"

Exhibition of toys. Pictures with the image of "Toys" Balls.

Accept toys from their parents from their childhood for the project "Toys of parents"

1 cognitive development. FEMP see I.A. Pomoraeva page 7 No. 2. Topic: "Let's teach Buratino to count up to 4" Purpose: To consolidate the ability to count within 4, introduce the ordinal value of the number, learn to answer the questions "How much?" "Which one?" "Which place?" Exercise in the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric figures. 2 Hood. Esthete. Development. Music. Theme: Dance "Boots", "Doll with a bear"


Supervision of the work of adults. To form an idea of ​​​​the work of the janitor, his actions. P / I "Wolf and hares" - jump on two legs, reacting to a signal. M / P "From track to track" - move exactly one after another.

Practice jumping on two legs around the wheel. (Ilya, Ksyusha, Timur, Semyon).

C / R game "Taxi" - develop a gaming skill, navigate in space.

Labor - Building a slide for dolls, slapping snow with a shovel. Experimentation. "Properties and qualities of snow"

Removable material. Attributes to the s/r game. Set for experimentation.

Return from a walk, lunch, KGN

Riddles on the topic "Toys" - to develop thinking, speech.

Develop the skill of neatly folding things in a locker. (Semyon, Timur, Ilya)

Game situation "Let's teach the doll how to wash hands properly"

Card file of riddles.



Awakening gymnastics. hardening. K.G.N. D / I "Name the toys in our group" navigate in space, develop speech. P / I "Stop signal" - on the development of attention, speed of reaction. Game exercise "Monkeys" - repeat after facial expressions.

Game exercise "Where?" "Where?" - to learn to use the prepositions "On" "In" "Under" in speech (Dima, Ksyusha, Rita).

Exercise in the ability to act with scissors, cut strips. (Matvey, Timur, Ksyusha)

A lesson in politeness and etiquette. “They give you a toy, you give” - the situation of communication and beat.

Equipment for hardening. Toys. Scissors, colored paper.

Consultation "What games, toys do children of this age need"


Pay attention to the clothes of passers-by - develop speech, observation. Games for children.

Individual. Conversation with Semyon about the norms of behavior on the street.

Labor - to encourage to shake off the snow from the shovels and put it in a bag.

Removable material.

Day of the week, date


TOE integration

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of the development environment

Working with parents

Directly educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group, subgroup



Reception of children. U / G game M / P “Who has a toy?” - Attention. Conversation with children “Toys at home? - Develop storytelling skills. D / I "What's gone?" - on the development of memory, speech.

D / I "Paired pictures" - compare and find the same. (Ksyusha, Rita) Improve the skill of tracing the drawing of toys. (Ilya, Antosha, Yarik)

Situational conversation "Let's teach a bear to speak polite words»

Toys. Board games. Stencils. Colour pencils.

Interviews at the request of parents.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Music. Topic: "Playing musical instruments."

2 Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing. see T.S. Komarova p.56 No. 28. Topic: “Little gnome” Purpose: To teach to convey in the drawing the image of a little man - a forest gnome, making up an image from simple parts: a round head, a cone-shaped shirt, a triangular cap, straight arms, while observing the ratio in magnitude in a simplified form. Strengthen the ability to draw with paints and a brush. Lead to a figurative assessment of finished work.


Snow watching. Pay attention to the beauty of falling snowflakes. Reading a verse. “Snow fell” P / I “Snowflakes and wind” - perform movements in a given direction. M / P "We do it like that"

Game exercise "On the bridge" - walking on an elevated surface, jumping on half-bent legs. (Saida, Rita, Dima.V, Kirill)

Experimentation "Snow and water" - to clarify the properties and qualities of snow. Labor - Clear the bench.

Removable material. Bottled water, bowl.

Return from a walk, lunch, KGN

Reading the story - fairy tales "Toys and old women" - reading with discussion.

Develop the skill of properly putting things in a locker. (Nikita, Ilya, Antosha)

Relaxation before bed. Listening to a musical composition.

Book. CD with musical composition.

Exhibition of creative works.


Awakening gymnastics. hardening. K.G.N. Folk game "Geese-geese" - answer verbally, running in response to a signal. Organize the game "Laboratory of transformations" - we develop and learn. C / R game "Beauty Salon" - develop game skills. Bring up. Friendly relations

D / I "Decompose by size" - clarify the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe size of objects. (Timur, Yarik) Exercise to correctly name the distinguishing features of objects. (Rita, Sonya, Masha)

We continue to teach children the rules of joint play. We cultivate friendships, the ability to negotiate among ourselves.

Inventory for the game Items, toys. Attributes to the s/r game. Didactic toys.

Invite parents - girls to bring dolls for the project “Dolls are different.


Watching the evening sky. Mark the time of day. P / I "Snow Carousel" - agreed to the text of the engine.

Develop the skill of jumping over cubes. (Matvey, Deniska, Anya, Rita)

Work on life safety "Fix the rules for staying for a walk in the evening"

Removable material.

Day of the week, date


TOE integration

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of the development environment

Working with parents

Directly educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group, subgroup



Reception of children. U/G. game M / P "Pass the toy" - on the speed of reaction. Mark the state of the weather with the children. D / I "Doll" - to learn to describe a toy, bring up. Caring attitude. P / gymnast "One machine, two parsley"

Exercise Saida, Matvey, Artyom in classifying objects according to various criteria.

The game situation "What is good and what is bad" - to form elementary ideas.

Nature calendar. Doll. subject pictures.

Consultation "Useful and harmful toys"

1 Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling. see T.S. Komarova. Topic: “Sculpting toys according to plan” Purpose: To teach children to choose the toy they want to mold at will. To consolidate the ability to transfer the form using a variety of modeling techniques. Develop imagination. 2 Physical education (on the street) see page 12 lesson 30 Topic: “Rolling the ball in the forward direction” Purpose: Roll the ball in the forward direction, run with stepping over, exercise in jumping.



Birdwatching. Learn to notice characteristics structures of birds, name. Reading verse. "Snegiryok" P / I "Birds and a car" - run orient. In space. M / P "Flies does not fly" - to attention.

Exercise in walking and running with a change of direction. (Arina, Rita, Matvey, Anya) H-T: Draw the figures. - the ability to depict in the snow, with a stick. (Tonya, Sonya, Manya)

Suggest feeding the birds - pour bread crumbs into the feeder. We cultivate a caring attitude.

Removable material. Sport equipment.

Return from a walk, lunch, KGN

Experimental activity. “What and what can turn into” - develop thinking, the ability to draw conclusions.

Game assignment "We are the owners of the group - each toy has its place"

Game situation "Let's show Pinocchio how we can use cutlery"

Items for experiments.

Exhibition of creative works.



Awakening gymnastics. hardening. K.G.N. Organize the game "Toy Museum" - develop a gaming skill, the ability to describe toys Suggest a dramatization of the fairy tale "Cat's House" Musical game "Stools" - for speed of reaction

Work on ZKR. To form the correct pronunciation of the sound "P" (Pi) Semyon, Timur. D / I "Find where the toy hid" - train in the use of prepositions "ON" "UNDER" "V" (Milaniya, Sonya, Masha)

We cultivate respect for each other "We teach the rules of a joint game"

Toys. Attributes to a fairy tale. Tambourine, chairs.

Invite several parents to sew dolls for the doll museum.


Situational observation. Fun games "Bunny from a flashlight" - Cause joy and revival.

Practice stepping over objects. Ruslan, Dima, Sonya, Masha.

Healthy lifestyle work “The concept is that you can’t take snow in your mouth”

Removable material. Flashlight.

Day of the week, date


TOE integration

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of the development environment

Working with parents

Directly educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group, subgroup



Reception of children. U / G. Game M / P “Pass the toy” - a game for attention and speed of hand movements. Conversation with children - What toys are sold in the Toy store - we develop memory, knowledge, speech. Outcome: C / R "Toy Store" - develop plot game skill, educate.friendly

D / I "One - many" - exercise (Dima, Sonya, Rita) in agreeing an adjective and a noun in the gender and number of "toys"

Situational conversation “Tell the stranger why you need Board games, toys, p / games "- to develop knowledge, the ability to explain.

Toy. Attributes to the s/r game. Board games.

Remind parents about the sanitary day.

1 Speech development. ZKR see V.V. Gerbova page 46 lesson 4. Topic: Compilation of the story "Toys" Purpose: Exercise in compiling a story - description. Enrich and refine the vocabulary on the topic. Develop general and fine motor skills, memory, thinking, attention, phonemic processes, processes of analysis and synthesis. 2 Physical development. Physical training. Page 12, lesson 31. Topic: “Walking and running with a change in direction. Purpose: To exercise in walking and running with a change in direction of movement, in throwing the ball on the ground and catching with both hands, repeat crawling on all fours.


Tree watching. Learn to conduct comparative analysis appearance. P / I “Do not hit the run” - to achieve an improvement in running technique, good posture. M / P “Find a doll” guideline. in space.

Improve motor activity - in walking between lines 10-15 cm (Matvey, Anya, Dima) Offer to draw a tree in the snow - learn to draw straight lines. (Tonya, Sonya)

Situational conversation “How can you take care of trees in the cold season?” Labor - to offer to shovel snow to the trees.

Removable material. Wooden sticks for drawing.

Return from a walk, lunch, KGN

D / I "Magic chest with toys" - name and determine the material from which the toys are made.

D / I “Name a toy affectionately” - improve the ability to speak affectionately by changing the ending. (Ruslan, Masha, Rita, Anya)

Labor - offer to prepare toys for washing. During lunch, we cultivate a culture of behavior at the table.

Chest with toys.




Action plan for the thematic week "Game and Toys" in the senior group with children with mental retardation

Kuzmina Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher of the 1st qualification category, State Budgetary Educational Institution No. 1571, preschool department "Skazka".
Material Description: The material can be useful for educators, parents. Kindergartens often host themed weeks, then you need to make a small report. I present a short report
Target: Development of children's interest in various types of games and support for their free creative self-realization in the game.
- Carrying out outdoor games, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of preschool children;
- Optimal use gaming equipment, aids, tools and materials that contribute to the activation of children's gaming activities;
- Involving parents to actively participate in the week of "Games and Toys", creating conditions for the development of the child's play at home.

Week of games and toys

Monday "Favorite Toy Day"

- Conversation with children: "My favorite toy" (children talk about their toys, show how to play with them)
- Exhibition in the group: "My favorite toy" (children bring toys from home, arrange an exhibition with the teacher and invite children from other groups)
- Games in the play space with your toys.
Outdoor games with running, throwing, jumping (E.A. Timofeeva "Mobile games"
- Role-playing game "Hospital"
- Contest of builders "Fairytale City"
parent corner

Tuesday "RPG Day"

- Games with cubes "We build ourselves"
- Creation of game situations: "The bear is sick" "Let's feed the doll lunch", Dress the doll for a walk"
- Role-playing games: "Daughters-mothers", "We are drivers", "Firefighters", "Library" (at the choice of children)
- Design and production of attributes for role-playing games.
- Conversation with children: "Modern professions" (designer, fashion designer)
Outdoor games: "Hunter and hares", "Hedgehog and mice", "Sun and rain"
- Exhibition of children's drawings: "My favorite toy"
- Preliminary work for the manufacture of homemade toys (selection of literature, natural and improvised materials)
- Reading stories, poems on the theme of the week
parent corner
"Raising a Child in a Family"
Wednesday "Folk Toy Day"

- Games with dolls, big pyramids, cars
- Conversation with children: "Dymkovo toy. How they played with them in the old days"
- Productive activity. Drawing: "Tablecloth. Painting elements" (E.V. Sallinen. Classes in Art. str. 174)
Russian folk games: "Zhmurki", "Burners", "Baba Yaga"
- Listening to the ethical fairy tale "The Ball" (E.A. Alyabyeva "Educating a culture of behavior in children", p. 106)
- Educational didactic and board games
parent corner
Consultation "Game Corner in the Family"
Thursday "Day of theatrical toys and dramatizations"

- Conversation with children: "Types of puppet theaters", "Who works in the puppet theater"
- Games in the theater corner (table, finger, shadow theater)
- Productive activity. Sculpting "My favorite theatrical hero"
Outdoor games: "Damn is on fire!", "Reel".
- Physical education-theater "Teremok" (V.N. Shebeko. Variable physical education classes in kindergarten, page 93)
parent corner
Recommendations for parents on creating game layouts in the family.
Friday "Day music games and musical toys

- Musical and didactic games with sounding toys and instruments.
- Musical disco: "Dance of little ducklings", "Dance with umbrellas", "Dance movement "Cheburashka"
Outdoor games using musical and noise instruments (tambourine, rattles, drum, whistles, rattles)

- Entertainment. Dramatization by children of a series of poems by A. Barto "Toys"
- Participation of parents in the competition: "Homemade toy.
- Organization of the exhibition: "Do-it-yourself toy" (together with parents and children)
- Summarizing. Medals.

Presentation on the topic: Game and toys


The first half of the day:

Opening of the "Week of play and toys"

Conversation with children "Stories about toys."

Purpose: to develop imagination, speech, the ability to empathize, show sympathy for the problems of their heroes; to cultivate the ability to be attentive to the ideas of their comrades, to listen to the end, to show interest in the creativity of their peers.


Mobile game: "We are funny guys"

Children stand on one side of the playground beyond the line. A line is also drawn on the opposite side of the site. To the side of the children, approximately in the middle between the two lines, is a trap. The trap is assigned by the teacher or chosen by the children.

The children say in unison:

We are funny guys

We love to run and jump.

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three - catch!

After the word “catch”, the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with the runners, catches them. The one whom the trap manages to touch before the evader crosses the line is considered to be caught. He steps aside. After 2-3 runs, the number of those caught is counted and a new trap is selected. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

Mobile game: "Entertainers".

One of the players is chosen as an entertainer, he becomes in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children, holding hands, walk in a circle (to the right or left as directed by the teacher) and say:

In an even circle, one after another,

We go step by step.

Stand still, stay together

Let's do it. like this.

Children stop, lower their hands. The entertainer shows some kind of movement, and all the children repeat it. After 2-3 repetitions of the game (according to the condition), the entertainer chooses one of the players to take his place, and the game continues. The game is repeated 3-4 times. Entertainers come up with a variety of movements, not repeating those shown.


Drawing: "My favorite toy"

Children draw their favorite toy according to the plan. An exhibition of drawings will be organized at the end of the lesson.

Role-playing game: "Puppet theater"

Purpose: formation of role interaction.


1.Teach children to act out familiar stories from fairy tales with toys. 2. To develop the ability to strive to expressively convey the features of the voice, the emotional states of the characters. 3. Cultivate the independence and creativity of children in the game. Management techniques: distribution of roles, creating a good mood, changing roles.

Working with parents:

Creating a stand for parents:

Plan of events for the week "Week of play and toys"

Involving parents in the creation of a mini-museum "Our Favorite Toys".


The first half of the day:

Mobile game: "Which team will gather faster"

Target. Develop attention. To consolidate the ability to line up on a signal in columns in the order of numbers.

game material. Numbers from 1 to 7.

Rules of the game. On the tables are reversed numbers from 1 to 7. On one table - red numbers, on the other - yellow.

The teacher invites the children to agree on who will play on which team. Children run around the group to the sound of a tambourine. As soon as the beats of the tambourine stop sounding, the teams take the numbers from the table and line up in order in two columns. Children who are left without numbers give tasks to the players of the other team. Tasks can be very different, for example, such

Let the one with the number three sit down 5 times;

Let the one with the number five name the number one unit less;

Let the one with the number seven stamp his foot 2 times.


Mobile game: "Run quietly"

One of the children sits in the middle of the playground and closes his eyes. The rest of the children stand at one end of the playground; 6 - 8 of them quietly run from one end to the other past the one sitting in the middle. If the children run silently, the driver has no right to stop them. If he hears the noise of steps, he says: "Stop" - and, without opening his eyes, indicates the direction of the sound. If the driver indicated correctly, the children return to their places.

Mobile game: "Owl"

On one side of the site there is a place for "butterflies" and "bugs". A circle is inscribed on the side - "owl's nest". The selected child - "owl" gets into the nest. The rest of the children - "butterflies" and "bugs" stand behind the line. The middle of the site is free. At the word of the educator: "day" butterflies and bugs fly (children run around the playground).

At the word of the educator: "night" butterflies and bugs quickly stop in their places and do not move. At this time, the owl quietly flies to the hunting ground and takes those children who have moved (takes them to the nest). At the word of the educator: "day" the owl returns to its nest, and butterflies and bugs begin to fly. The game ends when the owl has 2 - 3 butterflies or bugs.


Speech development: "Writing stories about toys"

Purpose: to develop coherent speech in children.

Mobile game: "Free place"

The players sit on the floor in a circle, cross-legged. The teacher calls two children sitting next to each other. They stand up and stand in a circle with their backs to each other. At the signal “one, two, three - run,” they run in different directions, run to their place and sit down. The players note who first took the free place. The teacher calls two other children.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents "Games - a puzzle."


The first half of the day:

Role-playing game: "Family"

Purpose: to clarify with the children the functions of the mother in the family; develop game dialogue, role-playing interactions.

Listening to musical works on the topic: "Toys".

Toys and children


Mobile game: "Make a figure"

Children run all over the playground. At the signal of the teacher, they quickly stop in place and take some kind of pose: they squat, raise their arms to the sides, etc. The teacher notes whose figure is more interesting.

Mobile game: "Rescue"

Children stand in a circle facing the center. The two children who were previously chosen leave the circle and run: one child runs away, the other catches up. A child who is running away can be saved by standing behind one of the children who are standing in a circle and saying: "Help me out!" The child who was addressed should run away from the circle and also stand behind the other. If the child does not have time to get up, she will be caught. When the game is repeated, another pair of children is chosen.


Modeling: "My favorite toy in kindergarten"

Goal: Sculpt in different ways (from a whole piece, in parts) Show creative imagination.

Mobile game: "Mousetrap"

Children are divided into two equal groups. One group - "mice". They stand in a column one after the other. From the second group of children, make 3 circles - these are 3 "mousetraps". Children who form mousetraps hold hands and at the words of the teacher: "The mousetrap is open," the children in a circle raise their hands. The mice run first through one mousetrap, and then through the second, etc. At the word of the educator: "clap" the mousetrap closes (children in a circle lower their hands). The mice that remain in the circle are considered to be caught and stand in the circle. The game ends when all mice are caught. The mousetrap with the most mice caught wins. The game is repeated. Children change roles.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents "Role-playing games in the family"


The first half of the day:

Day of Russian folk games and toys: "How they played with them in the old days."

Games with Filimonov, Dymkovo, Gorodets, Bogorodsk toys.


Folk outdoor games:

"Burn, burn bright":

The players line up in pairs one after another - in a column. Players hold hands and raise them up, forming a "gate". The last pair passes "under the gate" and stands in front, followed by the next pair. "Burning" is in front, 5-6 steps from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or say:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out!

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing:

Ding dong, ding dong

Get out quick!

At the end of the song, two players, being in front, scatter in different directions, the rest shout in unison:

One, two, do not crow,

And run like fire!

"Burning" is trying to catch up with the fleeing. If the players manage to take each other's hands before one of them is caught by the “burning one”, then they stand in front of the column, and the “burning one” catches again, that is, “burns”. And if the “burning” catches one of the running ones, then he gets up with him, and the player who is left without a pair drives.


Drawing: "Painting of the Dymkovo toy"

Purpose: To introduce children to the new elements of Dymkovo painting. Learn to draw flat and with the end of the brush.

Mobile game:

The plot of the game is very simple: one driver is chosen, who must catch up and knock down the players who have scattered around the court.

But this game has several complicating options.

1. The tagged player becomes the driver, while he must run, holding on to the part of the body for which he was tagged.

The first player the driver touches becomes the leader himself.

2. The salted player stops, stretches his arms to the sides and shouts: "Tea-tea-help out." He is "bewitched".

Other players can “disenchant” him by touching his hand. The driver must "bewitch" everyone. To do this faster, there may be two or three drivers.

Working with parents:

Parental advice: tell children about Russian folk games.


The first half of the day:

Application: Making movable toys.


Outdoor game: "Carp and pike"

Half of the players, standing at a distance of 3 steps from each other, form a circle. This is a pond, on the banks of which lie pebbles. One of the players, appointed by the teacher, depicts a pike, he is outside the circle. The rest of the players are crucians, they swim (run) inside the circle, in the pond. At the signal of the educator “pike”, the pike quickly swims out into the pond, trying to catch carp. Carp rush to hide behind one of the players, standing in a circle and depicting pebbles. The pike catches those carp that did not have time to hide behind the pebbles, and takes them to his house. The game is played 2-3 times, after which the number of carp caught by pike is counted.

Mobile game: "Carousel"

Children form a circle, holding on to a cord, the ends of which are tied. They take the cord with their right hand and walk in a circle at first slowly, then faster and faster, and finally they run. Movements are performed in accordance with the text spoken aloud:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels spin

And then around, around,

Everyone run, run, run.

During the run, the educator says: “Be-be-zh-li, be-be-zh-li.” After the children run in a circle 2-3 times, the teacher gives a signal to change the direction of movement, saying: “Turn”. The players turn around, quickly intercept the cord in their left hand and run in the other direction. Then the teacher, together with the children, says:

Hush, hush, don't rush!

Stop the carousel!

One, two, one, two

So the game is over!

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down. At the words “Here the game is over,” the children lower the cord to the ground and disperse around the site. After the children have a little rest, the teacher will give a signal (bell, whistle, claps, blows to the tambourine, on which the players again become in a circle, take the cord, i.e. take their places on the carousel. The game resumes, repeats 3-4 times.


Riddles about toys

Work with parents: "My favorite toy", joint production of toys from various materials by parents and children. Exhibition of toys.

Closing of the "Week of play and toys".
