Surely each of us faced such a problem as poisoning. But not everyone knows what exactly needs to be done in order to improve the condition. We are especially lost in cases where such a situation arises with our babies. Today we will look at the factors that can cause poisoning, and also learn how to stop vomiting in children.

Categories of hazardous substances, the use of which may cause poisoning

To find out the cause of your baby's intoxication and continue to take appropriate measures, you need to determine which factor negatively affected the health of the child. That is, what exactly caused the vomiting.

There are three types of poisoning:

1. Intoxication through Airways.

2. Through the esophagus.

3. Through the skin.

The most dangerous is poisoning with various chemical poisons, harmful fungi, gases, household chemicals. Less serious is intoxication with drugs and plants. And another type that is listed as the least aggressive is when substances or products can cause vomiting under the wrong conditions and storage periods.

The most common causes of childhood intoxication

In children, food poisoning is the most common. The following substances can provoke its appearance:

Food of poor quality or one that has expired;

Unwashed fruits or vegetables that have been treated with chemicals

Poisonous berries, plants, mushrooms;


Household chemicals.

Preventive measures against food poisoning

1. Before you give your child any fruit or vegetable bought in the store, be sure to wash it well under warm running water.

2. Pay special attention meat products(sausage, sausages). Never give them raw. First, sausages need to be boiled in boiling water for 3 minutes, and only then you can safely put your baby on the table.

3. Watch the foods your child eats. Give him only what is appropriate for his age. No mushrooms or semi-finished products for children under 6 years old.

4. Medicines, which can also cause poisoning, should be hidden higher and deeper. The child should not know and see where the pills are. This could end badly for him.

5. In nature, do not allow children to pick and eat unknown berries or fruits.

How to help a child and stop vomiting?

If you know the cause and source of the poisoning, for example, the child ate a low-quality sausage, then the algorithm of the mother's actions will be as follows.

How to stop vomiting in case of poisoning:

1. Call a doctor. Before the arrival of a specialist, the mother can provide first aid.

2. The parent should not stop the vomiting in this case, but, on the contrary, provoke it. This is necessary so that everyone harmful substances out of the child's body. To do this, mom must prepare a very weak solution of potassium permanganate so that the water is barely pink. Tell the baby to drink this liquid. If the child refuses, explain to him that he will feel better later, in extreme cases, make him do it.

3. After the baby drinks water with potassium permanganate, he will certainly vomit. And this is very good. To speed up the process, you can put two fingers in his mouth. Then things will go faster.

4. After this procedure, give the baby plain warm boiled water.

5. Be sure to give an enema. It will only help to quickly remove harmful impurities from the body.

6. Give your child Activated carbon(at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).

How to stop vomiting in children, you now know and can use the above recommendations.

First aid for parents whose child vomits bile

If the baby vomits without the release of a secret, then this is not so bad. But when bile comes out, the situation is already serious. So, this is intoxication with harmful and toxic substances. How to stop vomiting bile? In this case, the mother is obliged to help her child as follows:

1. Call the district pediatrician or ambulance. When the doctor arrives, she must clearly tell what the child ate, drank the day before, what he did. You also need to describe the nature of the vomit, be sure to focus on the release of bile.

2. Reassure a frightened baby. When such a bad situation happens to children, they often get scared. The task of mom or dad in this case is not to show your fear and explain to the little one so that he does not worry either.

3. Measure body temperature. If it is above 38.5 degrees, use antipyretics.

4. If the baby is in adequate condition, be sure to rinse his stomach. But when he loses consciousness, then this item must be skipped.

5. Pour him a glass of boiled warm water, let him drink in one go. If the baby is older than 2 years, then increase the amount of liquid to 3 glasses at a time.

6. Give your child activated charcoal. Calculate the amount as follows: 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

7. Put your baby to bed. He must be at rest.

8. If, after all the manipulations, vomiting recurs or continues, then add half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of boiled water, let the child drink this solution in small sips.

9. Always be with the baby until the doctor arrives. Any excommunication of the mother, even for a good reason, can adversely affect the health of the child.

Medicines to stop vomiting in children

1. Solution "Rehydron". It is sold in any pharmacy. The dosage for babies is 3 teaspoons every 20 minutes until vomiting stops completely. At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to give food, because it will irritate the gastric mucosa, and then attacks will begin again. So what can you do to stop vomiting? Answer: special composition under the name "Rehydron".

2. Oralit or Glucosolan solution. These medicines are also diluted with water in the following ratio: 1 teaspoon of the drug per glass of liquid. Give one spoon every 5 minutes.

3. Activated carbon, polyhydrate "Entergosgel". These medications are effective for binding.

4. An injection of the drug "Cerukal". There must be at least one person in the house who can inject. How to stop vomiting in children if no means help? If the baby does not stop throwing out food even after using the solutions inside, then it is advisable to give him such an injection.

But before you start providing first aid, call a doctor or an ambulance.

Parental Help: Interrupting Vomiting and Diarrhea in Babies

If the disease is also accompanied by diarrhea, then the task of the mother in this case is to stop such a serious condition. How to stop vomiting and diarrhea, we will describe below.

1. Gastric lavage. For this purpose, use a special pear, it can be purchased at any pharmacy. In the same place, ask about the dosage that needs to be introduced into the child's body, depending on the age of the child. When setting an enema, pay special attention to the quality of the infused liquid: the water should be boiled, and its temperature should not exceed 20 degrees.

2. Preparation of a medicinal mixture. In 1 liter of Borjomi water, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and one at a time - salt and soda. Mix the whole composition and give the baby in small sips every 5 minutes.

3. Dried fruit compotes or special medicinal water, which is sold in pharmacies, will also save children from vomiting and diarrhea.

Actions of the mother, aimed at eliminating nausea in the child

How to stop nausea and vomiting when a baby starts having these symptoms? The parent must do the following:

1. Put the child on his stomach or on his side (so that he does not choke) and turn his head to the side.

2. If vomiting began when the baby was lying on his back, then you need to urgently lower your face down and use a handkerchief to remove the vomit that has formed in your mouth.

3. Call a doctor.

4. How to stop vomiting in children before the pediatrician arrives? It is necessary to wash the stomach and give at least one teaspoon of water to drink.

If you are sure that the child was poisoned by low-quality food, then the algorithm of actions is already clear, since we have considered it. And I would like to note once again that it is impossible to self-medicate, since only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis. Take care of the health of your children and seek medical help in time.

It is unlikely that there will be parents who at least once would not have encountered such a condition in their child as vomiting. How to stop this symptom, what to do in this situation, as evidenced by this protective reflex of the body, and in what cases it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, we will talk in today's article.

Vomiting can occur in children of different ages, both in a newborn and in a teenager. This concept refers to the unconditioned reflex of the body in response to a particular stimulus. Accompanied by the condition of the exit of the contents of the stomach through oral cavity, rarely from the nose.

How does this happen:

  1. Contraction of the abdominal muscles.
  2. Closure of the pylorus.
  3. Relaxation of the smooth muscles of the stomach.
  4. Expansion of the esophagus.
  5. Eruption of the contents of the stomach through the mouth.

Vomiting precedes nausea, pain in the peritoneum, then temperature may join. The child may experience increased breathing and heart rate. If the process affects the duodenum, the contents may contain an admixture of bile.

It is important for parents to be able to distinguish between regurgitation in infants and vomiting. When regurgitation, air comes out of the stomach, which is often accompanied by the eruption of a small amount of milk or formula. In this case, the muscles of the peritoneum remain in a relaxed state.

Why is this happening

The first thing to find out is that the condition in question is not an independent disease. It always occurs in response to some stimulus or due to a disease of the brain and internal organs.

Causes of vomiting, accompanied by an increase in body temperature:

  • infectious diseases (with rotavirus, dysentery, salmonellosis). Usually, in such conditions, the stomach hurts, the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, diarrhea, weakness, and sometimes drowsiness occur;
  • acute food poisoning and intoxication of the body (temperature 37-39 degrees);
  • inflammation of appendicitis;
  • viral diseases (with influenza, tonsillitis, SARS and others).

Sometimes an increase in temperature is accompanied by indigestion, but in such situations, the thermometer readings quickly return to normal.

These diseases are considered especially dangerous for children under one year old. High body temperature in alliance with dehydration can provoke quite serious consequences.

Sometimes children vomit, which is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Sometimes it can be, on the contrary, reduced. The reasons for this are the following:

  • pyloric stenosis (pyloric spasm);
  • an attack can develop after anesthesia. In this case, the temperature will be low;
  • violation of the rules of feeding and feeding;
  • swallowing a foreign object;
  • brain injury (with concussion, bruises, due to a fall);
  • a severe cough in a one-year-old baby and older children can cause an attack, especially at night;
  • in a newborn, vomiting may occur after breastfeeding due to overeating;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • nervous tension. Psychosomatics deals with the causes of this state;
  • vomiting is often observed in a small child with giardia (giardiasis). You can read more about worms;
  • an attack can happen after the pool, if the baby swallowed water;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to independently diagnose a particular disease at home. Diagnosis and treatment should be made qualified specialist.

metabolic diseases

In children after a year, an attack often occurs during diseases accompanied by a violation of the body's metabolic processes. These are such pathologies:

  • diabetes mellitus (acetonemic vomiting). Usually diagnosed after 12 years of age;
  • heart failure;
  • kidney failure;
  • ulcer, gastritis (often accompanied by an admixture of blood);
  • liver disease;
  • pathology of the pancreas.

Vomiting in children occurs due to overheating and sunstroke. Motion sickness can provoke an attack. Often it occurs with seasickness. Sometimes this symptom is observed in combination with increased salivation during teething in babies.

In medical practice, there are several types of vomiting:

  • Atonic. In this case, there is a weak or moderate separation of the contents from the oral cavity. It is more common with a weakening of the tone of the muscles of the stomach or with diseases of the esophagus.
  • Spastic. This condition is called "fountain" vomiting. It occurs less frequently. When this symptom appears, parents are advised to check the child for the presence of a congenital pyloric spasm disease.
  • Abundant. Usually sudden, characterized by full release stomach, which is often jerky. It is this species that is most dangerous in childhood, as it entails dehydration. It can be quite difficult to stop it, while the patient needs medical help.

For reasons of origin, organic (associated with diseases of the internal organs) and psychogenic (resulting from excessive psychological stress) vomiting are distinguished.

In addition, it can be single and repeated, strong or moderate, bringing or not bringing relief.

How to distinguish vomiting in a baby from spitting up

A newborn often spit up formula or breast milk along with saliva after feeding. Often there is hiccups. This symptom appears in many babies and is not considered a pathology. During regurgitation, the baby is relaxed, this process does not bring him discomfort, the abdominal muscles are in their normal state. Milk during regurgitation comes out with air in a small amount (up to 30 ml). It looks like a homogeneous mass, without admixture of blood, mucus and bile.

During vomiting, the child worries, coughs, often cries. The abdominal muscles contract strongly, urges are observed first, then vomiting itself. Often it is indomitable, a fountain.

Regurgitation is characterized by the absence of contraction of the abdominal muscles.

Depending on the condition that provoked the vomiting syndrome, its nature also differs. Consider some of the types:

  • Yellow. The patient can vomit bile with viral hepatitis A, biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and other diseases.
  • Green. If the vomiting is greenish in nature, this also indicates a high content of bile. This condition can occur both before meals and during it.
  • With foam. Foamy, having a white tint, often indicates stress or long journeys in transport.
  • With mucus and undigested food. This type indicates inflammation of the mucous layer of the esophagus, stomach or intestines. Often the contents are streaked with blood. This happens with ulcers, gastritis and other pathologies.
  • With a sour smell. This condition occurs with digestive diseases, accompanied by increased level acid production.
  • Vomiting coffee grounds or a brown tint indicates internal bleeding.

In any case, when such anxiety symptoms should not be left to chance.

Even with a single attack in a baby, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

What to give a child with vomiting: medications

We immediately note that any medications, whether a child is 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old or older, should be given only as directed by a doctor. This is due to the fact that many drugs can cause various side effects, besides, it is quite difficult to independently determine the nature of vomiting and choose the right medication.

The doctor selects drugs that are aimed primarily at preventing dehydration and normalizing the general well-being of the child. The type of therapy directly depends on the causes of this condition.

For food poisoning

If vomiting occurs against the background of food poisoning, the patient is shown sorbents, intestinal antiseptics, saline solutions and some other types of medicines.

List of medicines:

  • Capsules Enterofuril is an antidiarrheal agent with a wide spectrum of action. The active ingredient is the antibiotic nifuroxazide. You can take from 7 months.
  • Enterol is an antibacterial medicine produced on the basis of Saccharomyces boulardii, which helps to quickly remove the symptoms of poisoning. The drug is used to prevent and treat stool disorders in the form of diarrhea of ​​any origin.
  • Acipol - a remedy that restores the balance of intestinal microflora in case of food poisoning. Its mechanism of action is to combat most types of pathogenic microorganisms that cause loose stools.
  • Stopdiar - includes the active substance nifuroxazide, which adversely affects most pathogens in the digestive system. It is used for poisoning, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea in children and adults.
  • Neosmectin is a sorbent with an antidiarrheal effect. The drug includes natural ingredients, safe in childhood.

Treat vomiting, accompanied by diarrhea, fever and pain in the stomach should be under the strict supervision of a pediatrician.

For newborns and children, a suspension and suppositories are used. In especially severe cases, the child requires hospitalization. In this case, injections and drip administration of physiological solutions are used.


If the baby has food poisoning or the vomiting is caused by other conditions, the doctor will often prescribe antiemetic pills. This list includes the following tools:

  • Cerucal in ampoules is a drug of central action, the effect of which is aimed at blocking dopamine receptors. It is used for vomiting of various etiologies, including pyloric spasm, biliary dyskinesia, gastric paresis in diabetes mellitus.
  • Motilium is another dopamine receptor blocker used medically to treat nausea in children and adults.
  • Riabal. The syrup is used among children from birth. A child after 6 years of age is shown medicine in the form of tablets. Riabal has an antiemetic effect, copes with colic and stomach cramps in newborns.

After vomiting, doctors often prescribe Trimedat, Hilak Forte. Means help to normalize the peristalsis of the stomach, restore the motility of the digestive organs. To protect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, the antacid preparation Phosphalugel is used.

No-Shpa will help relieve stomach spasm. The course of treatment and dosage are selected by the doctor depending on the age and condition of the baby.

Sorbents to stop an attack

Due to the fact that in childhood vomiting is often caused by various poisonings, the treatment of this condition is often carried out with the help of sorbents. This list includes such drugs:

  • (saline solution);
  • Smecta;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Polysorb;
  • Filtrum-STI.

White coal, Polyphepan, Enterodez, Atoxil and others have also proven themselves well. For pain, the doctor may prescribe Novocaine. Any means and analogues have their own indications and contraindications. It is necessary to give them to the baby after agreement with the specialist.

During the treatment of vomiting in children, the instructions for use of any drug should be strictly observed. Improper use of the drug can cause serious consequences.

A strong cough in children, in conjunction with fever, weakness, sore throat, headaches, can develop against the background of infectious diseases (flu, SARS). What should parents do?

In such a situation, it is necessary to show the child to a pediatrician to make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Self-therapy is often ineffective and very dangerous for the child. You can learn more about cough treatment at.

What to do if the baby starts vomiting at sea, how to help

Vomiting at sea can occur for various reasons:

  • baby swallowed salty sea ​​water while swimming in the sea;
  • the child overheated in the sun, received a heat stroke due to the heat;
  • baby got food poisoning due to poorly processed foods or insufficient hygiene;
  • the infection entered the stomach with cloudy water.

What is better to give the baby to stop the attack? The algorithm of action of parents in this case should depend on the accompanying symptoms. If the baby has swallowed water, foamy urine has appeared, single vomiting is not accompanied by diarrhea and fever, ordinary sorbents will help.

With the appearance of weakness, fever, diarrhea, antibacterial agents will be needed, since, most likely, we are talking about an intestinal infection or food poisoning. With heat or sunstroke if the baby is overheated, he has a headache, weakness, fever, he will need to drink plenty of fluids, antiemetics, antipyretics.

If the condition of the child has deteriorated greatly, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. The task of the parents is to deliver the crumbs to the hospital for the provision of qualified medical care.

How to stop nighttime vomiting

Nighttime vomiting in children is a fairly common occurrence. What to do and why does this happen? This condition occurs under the influence of a variety of provoking factors. These include:

  • entry of a foreign object into the stomach;
  • too hot or dry indoor climate;
  • stress;
  • appendicitis;
  • brain pathology;
  • malnutrition during the day;
  • the introduction of complementary foods;
  • teething;
  • diseases of the liver and pancreas;
  • ulcers, gastritis and other diseases.

If nighttime vomiting is accompanied by fever, this indicates intestinal infections or viral diseases.

What to do for parents: first aid:

  1. Wash the baby, change clothes.
  2. Rinse your mouth.
  3. If this is an infant, it must be laid on its side or held upright. This will help prevent choking in the event of a relapse in a dream.
  4. To measure the temperature.
  5. Solder the child with plain water or saline to prevent dehydration.

Sometimes the condition of the baby is particularly severe.

In what situations do you need emergency medical care:

  • constant repeated vomiting;
  • rose heat;
  • appeared on the body and face;
  • seizures do not stop;
  • the child has dizziness, lethargy;
  • the patient cries all the time, complains about the stomach.

All these signs indicate serious disorders and some diseases that require immediate diagnosis.

What to do if vomiting occurs in the morning

Morning vomiting on an empty stomach in childhood develops under the influence of such reasons:

  • intestinal infections and food poisoning;
  • overeating (after fatty, smoked, fried foods);
  • the presence of diseases of the digestive system;
  • taking certain medicines;
  • nervous disorders;
  • brain injury;
  • viral and bacterial diseases.

What should parents do? The first thing to find out is the cause of this condition. If signs of an intestinal infection (fever, diarrhea, nausea) have joined, the patient should be given antibacterial agents, sorbents, and give the baby plenty of liquid to drink. If vomiting appeared after taking medication, the stomach became, this may indicate the development of an allergy to their constituent components. In such a situation, the child needs to wash the stomach, give a sorbent.

If the attack is accompanied by redness of the throat, snot, headache, fever, this often indicates a viral infection. Here you will need to take antiviral and antipyretic drugs. Also, the baby is recommended to drink a lot.

The information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a guide to action. Only a doctor should prescribe treatment.

How many days can vomiting continue with certain diseases

The nature of the condition under consideration always depends on the disease that provoked it. Vomiting can be thick, mixed with blood and bile, frequent, periodic, repeated every hour without stopping, occur once, be cyclic, paroxysmal.

With pathologies of internal organs, it occurs more often once or lasts three to four days, for example, with salmonellosis.

During diseases of the brain, seizures can occur frequently, observed for up to several days. In this case, vomiting does not bring relief to the patient.

If we talk about food poisoning and intestinal infections, then with proper treatment, attacks occur once or for 1-2 days.

What to feed a child

The question of how to feed the baby after vomiting and whether it is necessary to force him if he does not want to eat is quite relevant. When the baby refuses to eat, you do not need to force him. Doctors are against it. It is enough to give the patient water to drink. Older children can be offered unsweetened compotes, herbal teas, non-acidic juices. For a one-month-old baby, it will be enough to eat breast milk.

The diet after vomiting also depends on the disease that provoked it. The child should be given only light food. You can feed the baby with porridge on the water, unsweetened jelly, give a little kefir. The baby can eat biscuit cookies, yesterday's unsweetened biscuit. Any products that irritate the digestive organs are prohibited. These are fatty, spicy, salty, smoked foods, strong tea, coffee, chocolate, coca-cola and other carbonated drinks, sweet pastries and muffins.

If the baby has a stomach, constipation has developed, the doctor may prescribe drugs to improve the motility of the motility of the digestive tract.

Parents should remember that if their child cannot stop vomiting for more than a day, they should immediately seek medical help.

How to make your own salt solution at home

Saline solutions are used to restore the balance of water and trace elements in the body during vomiting and diarrhea. If such a tool is not at hand, you can cook it yourself.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil half a liter of water.
  2. Let her cool down.
  3. Add a teaspoon of regular table salt and a spoonful of sugar.

The tool is ready. It should be given to the patient in a teaspoon every 15-20 minutes. The solution can be given to the baby both on a full and on an empty stomach.

If an attack of involuntary emptying of the stomach is not caused by serious pathologies, is not accompanied by a high body temperature and a general deterioration in the condition, you can use folk remedies. They will help to safely stop vomiting in a child.

Consider the most effective recipes:

  • Mint tea. To prepare a drink, you need to take a tablespoon of dry mint leaves, brew them with a liter of boiling water. The drink should be insisted for 15-20 minutes, give the patient half a glass several times a day.
  • A decoction of dill seeds. In a glass of boiling water, brew a teaspoon of dill seeds, let the product brew well. Such a drink can be given to the baby not only with vomiting, but also with other dyspeptic disorders (nausea, diarrhea, flatulence).
  • Soda. soda solution helps to reduce acidity, normalize peristalsis. Half a teaspoon of the product should be diluted in a glass of water, give the patient a tablespoon every 3-4 hours. This method of treatment is allowed from the age of two.
  • A decoction of valerian roots. Brew a tablespoon of roots with a glass of boiling water, let the drink stand for half an hour. After that, strain the remedy, give the child a tablespoon every 2-3 hours.
  • Melissa tea. Brew a tablespoon of grass with half a liter of boiling water, leave for 4 hours. Strain the drink, give the child 30 ml every 2-3 hours.

Use folk methods treatment is strictly prohibited in situations where the cause of vomiting remains unclear, as well as in the presence of bile in the gastric contents. This condition requires treatment under strict medical supervision.

Despite the fact that the reviews of many parents indicate the good effectiveness of folk remedies, they cannot replace full-fledged medical treatment.

In what cases medical assistance is not needed

Stopping bouts of nausea is not necessary in all cases. The following situations may remain without intervention:

  • regurgitation in infants;
  • the appearance of vomiting against the background of the introduction of complementary foods;
  • single attacks during the onset of a cold;
  • with climate change;
  • when rocking.

Usually, under the influence of these provoking factors, attacks are of a one-time nature, do not violate the general well-being of a small patient.

As we have already found out, vomiting can occur in children of all ages under the influence of a variety of reasons. It should be stopped in ways that depend on the factor that provoked this protective reflex of the body. There are situations in which a child urgently needs emergency medical care. Let's look at them:

  • vomiting has a repeated incessant character;
  • high body temperature has risen;
  • baby complains about severe pain in the abdomen;
  • in the vomit, an admixture of blood, bile is found;
  • the attack arose after a blow to the head, a fall;
  • a rash appeared on the body;
  • the child is pale, refuses to eat and take water.

All these symptoms threaten the life and health of a small patient.

In such a situation, you should not think about what to do and how to stop this symptom. Only a doctor can prescribe the right treatment.


In order not to wonder what to do and how to stop vomiting in a child, you need to follow simple preventive rules:

  • give the child all the necessary vaccinations;
  • teach your child to follow the rules of personal hygiene;
  • avoid visiting crowded places during epidemics of certain diseases;
  • carefully process food, choose only quality products;
  • Any medication should be given only as prescribed by a doctor.

Vomiting in childhood is a fairly common occurrence. In most cases, it is harmless, occurs against the background of indigestion and intestinal infections. If it is caused by serious poisoning, brain injury, dangerous diseases in the form of dysentery, salmonellosis and others, treatment should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a physician.


Here is what Dr. Komarovsky said about children's vomiting.

Vomiting is not an independent disease, but only a symptom that occurs in various pathological conditions. It is especially dangerous in childhood. After all, along with vomit, a large amount of fluid is lost and dehydration occurs. If you provide first aid in a timely manner, you can avoid dangerous consequences. Every adult should know how to stop vomiting in a child at home.

    Show all

    Causes of Vomiting in Children

    The gag reflex is a protective function of the child's body that occurs for many reasons:

    • poisoning;
    • infection in the body (rotavirus or Coxsackie virus);
    • a sharp increase in body temperature;
    • appendicitis;
    • overeating and excessive consumption of fatty or spicy foods;
    • swallowing foreign objects;
    • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
    • heatstroke;
    • head injury.

    In addition, the frequent occurrence of vomiting in children may be the result of disorders in the central nervous system. In infants, this condition occurs after a difficult birth. In older children, vomiting may begin with a severe headache.

    First aid at home

    It is not always necessary to stop vomiting immediately. For example, in case of poisoning, it is better to wait until the vomit becomes transparent. After all, all harmful substances come out with them.

    It is necessary to take urgent measures to stop vomiting in situations where:

    • vomiting is accompanied by mucus, blood or bile. In this case, you need to immediately seek medical help;
    • the child is unusually lethargic and drowsy;
    • vomiting is combined with constipation, especially if this condition lasts more than a day;
    • pallor of the skin appears;
    • hands and feet become cold;
    • the heart begins to beat faster;
    • the child cries because of severe pain;
    • convulsions occur;
    • bouts of vomiting become more frequent;
    • body temperature rises.

    The child vomits bile - causes, treatment tactics

    How to stop vomiting in children under one year old

    Most often, vomiting in children under 12 months of age occurs due to imperfections in the lower esophageal sphincter (the muscle responsible for moving food from the stomach to the esophagus). As the child grows, the muscle becomes stronger and the problem disappears.

    There are several situations that provoke vomiting:

    1. 1. Frequent regurgitation of milk or other food up to a year is associated with overfeeding. The food does not have time to be digested and goes out. In this case, it is worth giving the baby less milk and after feeding, wear it upright for at least 30 minutes, avoiding active games. An adult should be careful not to put pressure on the tummy and not shake the baby.
    2. 2. If vomiting occurs due to overheating, then you should cool the room in which the child is located, give an antipyretic and actively solder.
    3. 3. If vomiting is accompanied by fever and diarrhea, then it is more likely that an infection has entered the body. The most important thing is to avoid dehydration. For this, the baby is given Regidron or other similar formulations of 0.5 tsp. every 5-7 minutes. In the absence of a ready-made saline solution, you can prepare it yourself. Per liter of boiled cooled water is taken 4 tbsp. l. sugar and 0.5 tsp. salt and soda. plain water does not contain the necessary trace elements that are lost with vomiting.

    In any case, you should contact a specialist. Dehydration at this age develops very quickly, so it will be better if the child is examined by a doctor.

    First aid for vomiting in children older than 1 year

    Vomiting in children after a year also causes a lot of concern, so you still have to seek medical help. Before a child is seen by a doctor, parents should:

    1. 1. Seat the baby or lay it on its side so that it does not choke on vomit. Keep a basin or other container nearby.
    2. 2. Rinse the stomach with water until the outgoing liquid becomes clear.
    3. 3. To replenish fluid losses, use saline solutions, dried fruit compote, mineral water without gas. Children from one to 3 years old give them 2-3 tsp. every 10 minutes. Older children - 1-2 tbsp. l. At the same time, immediately after an attack of vomiting, soldering begins gradually: from 0.5 -1 tsp. no more than 1 time in 10-15 minutes. If a large volume of liquid enters the stomach at once, vomiting will not stop and may even intensify.
    4. 4. If blood appears in the vomit, immediately call a doctor, and at this time put the child to bed. You can give a piece of ice to swallow or hold an ice pack on your stomach. This will help narrow the blood vessels and stop bleeding. Do not drink before the doctors arrive.
    5. 5. After each attack, wash your face and rinse your mouth with boiled water. This is done in order to avoid local irritation from the acidic contents of the stomach and bile.
    6. 6. Do not give any food without the consent of the doctor.
    7. 7. At a body temperature above 38 degrees, use paracetamol or ibuprofen, and not in syrup or tablet form, but in the form of suppositories.

    Regardless of the age of the child, you need to collect the necessary things for a possible hospitalization.


    The pharmaceutical market has a wide range of drugs that are used to treat vomiting. Some of them can be used independently (Regidron or Smecta), and some only after consulting a doctor (Cerukal or Enterofuril). Only a specialist can determine the cause of vomiting and prescribe the correct treatment.

    To navigate the variety of medicines, you should familiarize yourself with the following tables.

    Drugs approved for independent use:

    Name Release form Action Allowed age Dosage
    RegidronPowderRestores the balance of trace elements that are lost with vomitingFrom birth50 ml per kilogram of body weight
    Essentuki or BorjomiMineral waterUsed in the absence of saline solutions. You need to let off the gas first.From 3 years old10 ml per kilogram of body weight
    SmectaPowderRemoves toxins, has an adsorbing effectFrom birthChildren under one year old - 1 sachet per day, over 1 year old - 2-3 sachets per day
    Activated carbonPillsUniversal sorbent, absorbs various toxinsFrom birth1 g per 1 kg of weight
    EnterosgelPasteEnvelops the stomach and normalizes bowel functionFrom 1 year5 mg 3 times a day between meals
    PhosphalugelGelAntacid drug, reduces pain in the abdomen, envelops the mucousFrom birthUp to 6 months - 1 tsp. 6 times a day. After 6 months - 2 tsp. 4 times a day after feeding

Before stopping vomiting in a child, it is recommended to find out the cause of this symptom.

1 Symptoms of the disease

The main causes of vomiting in a child older than 1 year old pediatricians include:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • swallowing air while breastfeeding;
  • mechanical stimuli.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, abdominal pain appears. At infectious diseases pediatricians observe nausea and vomiting in children. If the temperature has risen and diarrhea is disturbing, then the appendix will need to be removed. When poisoned, the child suffers from diarrhea and high body temperature. Before you stop vomiting in a child at home, you need to find out its type:

  1. Cardiac - manifests itself against the background of heart failure. At the same time, the baby has a pale skin, there is no appetite. To stop nausea and vomiting of the cardiac type, medical attention will be required.
  2. Abdominal - in abdominal cavity an inflammatory process develops.
  3. Cerebral - develops against the background of brain diseases. The gag reflex is voluntary. The symptom appears in the morning.
  4. Psychogenic - appears as a result of a sharp change in the emotional background. The gag reflex is observed after eating and lasts 2-3 months. Before the onset of vomiting, the child develops weakness, pale skin, and tachycardia.

2 Composition of vomit

Before you stop vomiting at home, you will need to determine its composition. To do this, take into account the cause and nature of the vomit. Vomiting with mucus is considered normal for infants. This symptom is manifested against the background of mucus from the nasopharynx and bronchi entering the vomit. The cause of its occurrence is an acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa due to the use of certain drugs and irritants. The symptom in question can manifest itself in chronic gastritis, viral infection, diseases of the central nervous system, as a result of food poisoning.

The vomit may contain green, yellow or yellow-green bile. Doctors most often attribute food poisoning to the reasons for its appearance. If vomiting occurs with blood, urgent hospitalization of the child will be required. This symptom is observed with bleeding of the digestive tract. If the blood is scarlet, then bleeding appears in the oral cavity. With damage to the stomach and duodenum, the blood acquires coffee color(due to hydrochloric acid). An emetic mixture with blood is observed with an ulcer, an erosive lesion of the stomach, a foreign body entering the digestive organs, and mushroom poisoning.

If the gag reflex is repeated, then the help of a doctor will be required.

With bloody vomiting, urgent hospitalization of the baby is required. Before the ambulance arrives, parents should calm down. A small patient must comply with bed rest. A child under 2 years of age should lie on its side (to prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract). Before preventing vomiting in a baby, it is recommended to keep it in an upright position.

A sick child needs plenty of fluids. To do this, use a pipette or a teaspoon. Children over 3 years old can drink from a cup on their own (small sips). The procedure is repeated every 5 minutes. You can prepare a solution of "Rehydron" or use mineral alkaline water. These products prevent the loss of water and important trace elements.

If vomiting with blood is observed, then before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to put a cold on the baby's stomach or give him a piece of ice. This method contributes to vasoconstriction and, as a result, a faster stop of bleeding. With the manifestation of such a symptom, you can not drink and eat. After each attack, it is recommended to rinse the mouth, as acid and bile can cause local irritation. If the child vomits, then medications taken after examination by a pediatrician.

3 Medical treatment

  • antiemetic medicines;
  • if the reflex is caused by microbes or viruses, then appropriate drugs are prescribed;
  • sorbents: these agents have a local effect, enveloping the intestinal mucosa, preventing the absorption of toxins and microbes;
  • with the appearance of pain in the abdomen, antispasmodics and antisecretory drugs are prescribed.

When vomiting occurs, folk remedies can be used. It is recommended that you consult with your pediatrician first. Helps with nausea Dill water. For its preparation, use 1 tsp. fruits and a glass of boiling water. The product is prepared in a water bath. The drug can be taken by infants. If the state of health has improved, and vomiting has stopped, then the dosage is increased.

Dill water can be replaced green tea with honey or sugar. Roasted quince helps with vomiting. If bile is present in the vomit, then 2 tablespoons of mint leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water. The remedy is insisted for 2 hours and taken 5 times a day. The drug has an antispasmodic and choleretic effect. To prepare a solution for vomiting at home, you need 1 tsp for 1 liter of water. salt and soda, 4 tablespoons of sugar.

4 Rehydration of newborn babies

Children under 6 months of age are given Regidron as prescribed by a doctor. With its help, the electronic balance is restored, dehydration is prevented. Gradually it is recommended to increase the amount of solution. You can not feed the baby until the gag reflex stops. Otherwise, irritation of the mucous membranes will occur.

Feeding your baby starts with small portions. It is recommended to eat food 8 hours after the last vomiting. If the baby eats cereal cereals, then feeding begins with solid food in small quantities. Otherwise, babies are fed 5-10 minutes every 2 hours.

A similar technique is used in the treatment of vomiting in children aged 6-12 months. If necessary, the dosage of the drug is increased. If vomiting is not observed for 8 hours, then kissels and cereals are introduced into the child's diet. After vomiting, you can give soaked biscuits or wheat crackers.

If the reflex is associated with the introduction of new complementary foods, then it is recommended to carefully review the baby's diet. With an infectious disease, the following symptoms appear:

  • green vomit with blood;
  • diarrhea;
  • convulsions.

In this case, urgent medical attention is required. After the cessation of the gag reflex, it is recommended to observe the following rules:

  1. Gentle nutrition - fresh fruits and vegetables are excluded from the baby's diet.
  2. Initially, slimy foods are included in the baby's menu. You can make jelly and herbal teas. The diet is recommended to expand gradually.
  3. It is necessary to gradually replenish the loss of salts and fluids. In the first 10 hours, they drink liquid, taking into account 60 ml per 1 kg of baby's weight, then 10 ml per 1 kg of body weight. "Regidron" and herbal decoctions are recommended to drink as directed by a doctor for 4 days.

With an acute manifestation of the gag reflex, you need to remain calm. The baby needs to be quickly taken to the children's hospital. Previously, the child passes the necessary tests. Then the appropriate treatment is carried out.

Vomiting is not an independent disease, but a symptom of certain disorders and diseases. This very unpleasant phenomenon scares both children and parents. Adults from confusion can not immediately figure out what to do if the child is vomiting. But, first of all, adults should not panic so that the child does not get nervous, because with fear, the centers of the gag reflex in the brain are irritated even more. Today we will talk about possible reasons excitation, we will tell you how to stop and how to treat vomiting.

Causes of vomiting

The gag reflex is the body's defense against specific external stimuli and toxins, so first you need to deal with the causes of the current situation.

Possible causes of vomiting:

  • Hyperthermia - high temperature (38-39 degrees). Usually, a high temperature accompanies the flu, otitis and other diseases that can be complicated by purulent processes.
  • Pathologies of the central nervous system - in children up to six months, vomiting may open if the birth was protracted and difficult, with complications. In older children, migraine can provoke vomiting.
  • Infectious diseases - meningitis of various origins, intestinal infections.
  • Acute appendicitis.
  • Allergic reaction to unfamiliar food or medication.
  • Swine flu.
  • Dysbacteriosis.

How to stop vomiting in a child

After the cause of the gag reflex has been clarified, you can decide how to stop vomiting in a child. If the baby is poisoned, then you can stop vomiting at home, but if the cause of vomiting is in the inflammatory process, injury or infection, then you should immediately call for emergency help, since you can’t cope on your own.

Now we will describe in detail what to do if the child has vomiting:

  1. Reassure the baby, change clothes, help rinse your mouth. Wipe your face with a towel or damp cloth.
  2. Sit or lay the baby in a comfortable position for him. If vomiting occurs again, turn the child's head to one side so that the vomit does not enter the respiratory tract.
  3. Rinse the stomach (if the baby was poisoned by medicines, food). Dilute half a teaspoon of baking soda in a liter of water. Invite the child to drink at least a glass of this liquid, and then artificially induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue with your finger. If the child is unconscious, then washing can not be done.
  4. Immediately after the attack, you do not need to drink or feed the baby, but it is better to wait for time so that vomiting does not happen again.

How to treat

Parents should strictly control the frequency of vomiting. Do not worry if the child has seizures about once every three hours. You just need to take all the necessary measures to restore the water and electrolyte balance in the body, as vomiting washes out mineral salts from the child's body.

Constantly offer your child to drink clean boiled water (not compote, not juices and not soda). The water should not be cold, otherwise vomiting will start again.

You can give the baby water in small portions, if the attack of vomiting does not recur for 1.5-2 hours. If he does not want to drink water, then you can offer slightly sweetened tea, a decoction of wild rose, St. John's wort, chamomile.

Babies up to a year old after each vomiting should drink 50-70 ml of liquid, and for children older than a year - 100-150 ml each. It is not necessary to forcefully pour the prescribed volume of liquid into the child's mouth. When dehydrated, the baby becomes irritable and lethargic, there is no urination (3-4 hours), the skin is dry to the touch, the mucous membrane of the lips dries up, the fontanel sinks.

To prevent dehydration, you can give him two to three teaspoons every five to ten minutes. When the baby becomes a little easier and he wants to drink, you can offer him about half a cup. It is generally better to forget about food for a day or two.

Experts recommend giving the drugs Glucosolan and Regidron. The drug Atoxil will also help. He will relieve the symptoms without worsening the condition of the baby. This medicinal product includes silicon dioxide. According to the principle of action, it resembles activated carbon, only it acts softer and faster. Dissolve a sachet of powder in a glass warm water. About an hour after taking the medicine will work.

If vomiting is accompanied by fever and diarrhea, it is better to call a doctor. Collect some vomit in a container for laboratory testing.

If you know for sure that the child was poisoned by low-quality food, then in this case it is better not to stop the vomiting attack - the body will quickly get rid of toxins. But the use of medications that stop vomiting is possible only in the most severe cases, when the attacks come one after another.

Folk remedies

  • Mint infusion: place a tablespoon of peppermint in glass jar, pour a glass of boiling water and insist, wrapped in a towel for about 30 minutes. Strain the infusion and give to the child every three hours.
  • Melissa infusion medicinal. It is prepared in the same way as mint infusion.
  • Valerian root decoction: pour a teaspoon of chopped raw materials with boiling water and simmer for 10-15 minutes over low heat. Strain, cool and give the baby one teaspoon twice a day.
  • ginger drink: Mix one sixth of ginger powder in a glass of warm water. Children under three years old can be given one to two teaspoons of ginger water three times a day. This folk remedy eliminates nausea, stops vomiting.

It must be understood that the use of antiemetic drugs does not relieve the child of the underlying disease, but only protects the child's body from further development irreversible effects prior to medical attention.
