Colic in babies is one of the most common problems for parents of a baby. The symptom may appear due to swallowing air during feeding, due to overfeeding, weak intestinal microflora, or imperfections in the enzymatic system. Be that as it may, it is necessary to deal with gaziki, because they harass the baby and make parents worry. Dill water for newborns may be the only remedy that can help a child during this difficult period of his development.

The problem of colic in babies modern world is very sharp. This phenomenon is observed in 90% of infants. Until now, doctors and scientists have not come to a unanimous opinion about the cause of spasms in the gastrointestinal tract in children.

What it is

Dill water is a solution of fennel or fennel oil. In the people, he received the name "pharmacy dill", so the finished mixture is called dill water. The use of a decoction can help babies with colic, bloating and gas from the first days of life.

For the preparation of medicinal water, dried fennel fruits are used. Also, the pharmacy sells sets of filter bags for brewing or ready-made decoction in bottles.

Newborns are given only fresh medicine. The pharmacy preparation is stored in the refrigerator for 30 days, home - no more than 24 hours.

The composition of the product

The main components of the infusion are fennel seeds and ordinary water in a ratio of 1:10.

Different manufacturers may differ in the composition of the product with additional ingredients. For greater usefulness, sometimes added healing herbs and essential oils.

For children prone to allergies, it is advisable to give water infused without additional components.

Is it possible to drink a newborn

As a rule, mothers face the problem of bloating in babies at 2-3 weeks of life.

By three months, the child's intestines will learn to work correctly, and the use of folk medicine will no longer be relevant.

For a baby at the age of two weeks, dill water is the only permitted remedy that can relieve pain and improve well-being.

When to use

Indications for taking dill water are symptoms of improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: painful colic in a newborn, flatulence. Additional infusion:

  • helps with inflammatory processes;
  • has a calming effect;
  • normalizes the intestinal microflora in case of constipation;
  • eliminates accumulated gases;
  • improves digestion;
  • relieves pain in the abdomen.

In addition to the undeniable benefits in the fight against gases and colic, dill water has other valuable properties:

  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • increases the immunity of the newborn;
  • treats cough;
  • prevents the risk of developing cancer;
  • improves metabolism;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • is a diuretic;
  • improves kidney function;
  • increases appetite.

Dill water, despite its versatility, will help if a newborn baby does not have pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In serious cases, for example, with dysbacteriosis, the drink may be completely useless. In this case, only the local doctor prescribes the medicine.

The effect of dill water

A folk remedy for spasms and infantile colic has a mild effect on the body and has practically no contraindications.

Dill water helps to produce food enzymes, start and adjust the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It also relieves pain from spasms. The essential oil of fennel, which is part of the water, prevents the accumulation of gas bubbles and removes them through the intestines.

When to expect an effect

The mother of a newborn has to adapt completely to the rhythm of the baby's life. And literally every minute counts when the baby is in acute pain.

After drinking medicinal water, you need to wait 10-15 minutes. After this time, the intensity of spasms should decrease.

Contraindications for use

Dill water for colic has no contraindications. However, a newborn may experience an allergic reaction to a substance or develop an individual intolerance.

In this case, it is better to replace the finished medicine with an analogue - fennel tea. It is sold in a pharmacy.

Side effects

The baby in the first months of life is very susceptible to everything. Therefore, any careless actions of young parents can be dangerous.

Subject to the dosage and preparation rules, dill water does not carry side effects. But in exceptional cases, even this safe remedy can cause a negative reaction of the body:

  • allergy (usually manifested through skin rashes, most often redness appears on the face);
  • diarrhea.

Instructions for use

If you buy the drug in a pharmacy, it is accompanied by an individual regimen for the mother and the newborn baby. The dosage depends on the concentration of the drug.

  • Usually a pharmacy drug is given to a baby older than three months one teaspoon. It must first be diluted in a small amount of breast milk or a special mixture. This method will not cause rejection in the baby.
  • To kid up to three months of age drip a few drops of infusion before each feeding under the tongue.

Self-prepared dill water is given in the same dosage as the pharmacy one.

How much dill water to give a newborn

As the child grows, the dosage of the medicine changes.

In children under three weeks of age, colic is a rare occurrence, maternal enzymes are still found in the body and help in digestion.

  1. With bloating in a baby immediately after birth prescribe dill water from fifteen drops with a pipette three times a day before feeding.
  2. If the baby tolerates the drug well, then the dosage is increased to half a teaspoon before meals.
  3. After a week of taking the remedy for colic, you need to add the same amount.
  4. For painful symptoms month old baby dill water is first given half a teaspoon for prevention, and after one week the dosage is doubled.

The treatment procedure depends on the method of feeding. A newborn baby, for whom breast milk is the only food, is given a decoction from a spoon. If the child is bottle-fed, then dill water can be given from a bottle, mixed with the main food product.

Dill decoction + drink

Babies don't like the specific taste of fennel. They may not take the decoction at all, reacting with regurgitation. Then experienced mothers combine dill water with a child's drink.

The infusion must be brought to room temperature before use. Do not give the drug cold or hot.

Is it possible to drink dill water for a nursing mother

If the baby is exclusively on breastfeeding, and he does not always have enough milk, dill water will help improve lactation.

You can prepare a healing decoction according to the recipe:

  1. Grind a tablespoon of seeds in a coffee grinder and transfer to a large cup.
  2. Pour in one glass of boiling water.
  3. Cover with a lid or saucer and let steep for a few minutes.
  4. Drink the drink throughout the day before feeding your baby.

Dill water is a real find for use by the most nursing mother, as fennel has a beneficial effect on lactation, improving the quality of milk and increasing its calorie content. Drinking a decoction of dill water, you can be sure that the gas formation of the newborn will become weaker, and colic will not be so pronounced.

In addition, tea helps relieve nervous tension. Possessing a slight hypnotic effect, the infusion will positively affect the quality of your rest.

Drinking half a glass of dill water 30 minutes before the start of feeding will improve the composition of your milk and eliminate the need to give medicine to your child.

How to prepare remedy at home

It is not difficult to prepare dill water for a newborn on your own. The main thing is to stock up on ingredients. If you have grown fennel in your garden, then you do not need to worry about the quality of the product, it will not harm the baby.

Pharmaceutical preparation for colic in the composition contains fennel essential oil. By useful properties the plant is similar to ordinary dill. At home, you can use any of these ingredients.

Cooking scheme:

  1. Before brewing a healing drink for a newborn, clean and dry the raw materials. Ready-made seeds can be bought at a pharmacy.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of chopped fennel fruits with 250 ml of boiling water.
  3. Cover with a lid and set aside for one hour.
  4. Then strain the drink.

The cooled water can stand in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Pour off one hour before taking the medicine required amount drink to bring it to room temperature.

For children up to one month old, give only freshly prepared infusion each time.

Fennel or dill

The difference between two plants that are largely similar in properties is not noticeable to everyone.

Fennel is a perennial herb whose seeds have a distinctive aniseed odor with hints of mint and tarragon.

The composition of the plant contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals:

  • essential oils;
  • amino acids;
  • B vitamins;
  • provitamin A;
  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • iron.

The seeds are sweet in taste. They are longer than dill, and are easily divided into two parts.

Dill fragrant - a habitual inhabitant of vegetable gardens and cottages. In its composition, it has the following valuable substances:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • B vitamins;
  • essential oils.

In the treatment of infantile colic, a decoction of fennel seeds is usually used. They act as an antispasmodic. Dill is often used as a diuretic. The two plants have similar properties, but they also have many differences.

Collection and storage of raw materials

Harvest fennel seeds in two stages:

  1. When medium umbrellas ripen.
  2. After 3-4 days, remove the rest of the plant.

The material is then dried in a well-ventilated area. The fruits must be stirred frequently to prevent mold from forming on them.

Raw materials are stored in closed bags or boxes for 3 years.

Cooking Methods

Making dill water for newborns is easy at home. There are two ways:

  1. infusion;
  2. decoction in a water bath.

For each method, the same proportions of ingredients are taken:

  • crushed seeds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • boiled water - 1 tbsp.

Water bath recipe

  1. Pour boiling water over whole or ground fennel seeds.
  2. Bring to a boil in a water bath and continue to cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Leave the broth to infuse for 40 minutes.
  4. Strain.

If whole, rather than ground seeds are used, they must be infused for up to 1 hour.

From fennel essential oil

This method of preparation can be used in pharmacy production, as it requires conditions of complete sterility.

In 1 liter of pure water, drop 1 ml essential oil. A syringe will help to dose the main component correctly.

Medicinal water is stored in the refrigerator for 30 days.

From dill seeds

You can use dried dill fruits and prepare an infusion, focusing on a step-by-step plan:

  1. Grind 1 tbsp. l. plant seeds.
  2. Place the fruits in an enameled container, pour boiling water.
  3. Leave for 1 hour.
  4. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth.

Keep refrigerated.

dill tea

Special filter bags with tea are sold in pharmacies.

Such packaging of the medicine is convenient for brewing. Ready infusion does not need to be filtered.

Overview of pharmacy products

A variety of manufacturers of medicines for colic in newborns does not have a large selection.

There are several companies that produce ready-made dill water to help young mothers.


The Russian manufacturer Korolev-Pharm produces the drug in a 50 ml vial.

  • glycine;
  • fennel extract;
  • vitamin b.

To use the drug, you need water at room temperature. The dosage is listed in the instructions for use.

After opening, the solution is stored in the refrigerator for one month.


"Trav-in" - an Indian-made drug with a volume of 120 ml. As part of the medicine for newborns and mothers:

  • deionized water;
  • glycerol;
  • sucrose;
  • fennel oil;
  • bicarbonate of soda;
  • anise and peppermint oils.

No water is needed to dilute this product. Its dosage is prescribed in the instructions and varies according to the age of the child.

Baby Calm

Baby Calm dill water is produced by the Canadian company Pharmaceutical Inc. The volume of the bottle is 50 ml.

The composition includes essential oils of fennel, anise, mint and glycerin.

Be sure to dilute the concentrate in water before use. The drug is stored for 30 days after opening.

To prevent overdose, carefully read the instructions.


"Plantex" - a drug packaged in sachets of 5 g. To use a portion of a granular drug, you need water or milk at room temperature. Compound:

  • dry extract of seeds and essential oil of fennel;
  • glucose;
  • lactose;
  • acacia gum.


Dill water, produced to order in the prescription department, costs about 170 rubles for a 100 ml bottle.

The price of a concentrated medicine packed at the factory is from 150 to 200 rubles per bottle.

What to do with the leftover broth

As already mentioned, dill water has a short shelf life, but do not be upset about this. There are many ways to use it for the benefit of yourself and your family.

  • The herbal mixture has a tonic effect: wipe your face with dill water instead of tonic or lotion. Your skin will become toned and fresh.
  • Frozen dill does not lose its properties, so this is a great way to further use miracle drugs. You can freeze cubes with herbal solution, and then apply them, for example, for nausea.
  • Dill seeds contribute to the disappearance of headaches, they can be carried with you in a bag made of natural materials.

Water based on dill seeds is truly unique and indispensable for alleviating the suffering of newborns from colic. It's completely natural product, which, when used correctly, has no side effects.


Water infused with fennel seeds is considered a proven remedy for flatulence and infantile colic.

However, the famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky destroys stereotypes. He believes that any herbal infusion can be an appropriate alternative to dill water.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, the replacement pharmaceutical agent from bloating in a newborn baby, parsley or raisin water may become.

From 3-4 weeks, the baby begins to suffer from colic. They arise due to the adaptation of the digestive system to a new food. Regardless of the form of feeding, breastfeeding or artificial, gases are formed in the intestines, accompanied by painful sharp spasms. During or after the feeding process, the baby suddenly freezes, blushes, tightens its legs and begins to cry piercingly. You can help him in several ways. Gymnastics, circular strokes on the tummy, a warm diaper, dill water for newborns. The latter can be ordered at the pharmacy department or made independently.

For reading: Detailed article on intestinal colic in infants -

The benefits of dill water for newborns

Pharmacy tincture of sweet fennel fruits, reminiscent of ordinary dill, is called dill water. The fruits of the plant have a carminative effect, help relieve gas formation in children and adults. The medicine is safe for newborns, effectively eliminates colic. Does not cause allergies even in two-week-old babies.

It naturally helps:

  • develop beneficial flora in the baby's intestines;
  • relieve spasms of smooth muscles;
  • normalize blood circulation, expand blood vessels;
  • prevent constipation in the newborn;
  • increase the motility of the stomach and intestines, which contributes to the movement of gases;
  • improve appetite;
  • increase the flow of milk of a nursing mother;
  • calm down nervous system relieve insomnia.

For prevention, a nursing mother needs to follow a diet and not eat some foods that provoke bloating. Drinking some dill water (the recommended dose is half a glass three times a day) half an hour before the start of feeding, she will increase the amount of milk and she will not have to give her baby medicine for colic.

Dill preparations have such useful properties:

  • relieve inflammation;
  • stimulate metabolic processes;
  • increase lactation;
  • considered a natural remedy for constipation;
  • have antibacterial properties;
  • help the kidneys and excretion of bile;
  • restore microflora;
  • get rid of putrefactive formations;
  • have a diuretic effect.

Store bought dill water or homemade

Dill water is purchased in prescription departments according to an individual recipe. There are similar preparations and solutions that include fennel seeds. Their doctors recommend drinking at the first symptoms, bloating, spasms in babies. These are Plantex, Baby Calm, Subsimplex. Many parents prefer to prepare their own water for their baby and not resort to medication. Here, the opinions of doctors differ, because pharmacy dill water is prepared in complete sterility, and it is used strictly according to the instructions, and the remedy prepared at home can be either strong or weak, and the dosage will have to be adjusted independently.

Dill water prepared at home or in a pharmacy is taken as needed. Sometimes it causes allergies, and in some cases the opposite effect occurs. The newborn puffs even more. Then the medication is stopped. The therapeutic effect is manifested gradually and sometimes goes unnoticed. It is not designed to completely get rid of colic, but to improve the functions of the immature intestinal system, remove gases and get rid of discomfort. The baby is still tormented by colic, but the spasms become less strong and painful, the adaptation process is facilitated.

How to make dill water at home

To brew the right infusion, it is better to buy the fennel or dill seeds included in the composition at a pharmacy, and not on the market. They are ground into powder, ground in a coffee grinder or blender. Purified water is used, and all the dishes required for manufacturing are doused with boiling water. The seeds do not need to be boiled. They are insisted in boiling water or in a water bath. Then the desired properties are revealed to the maximum, the taste of the drink becomes more pleasant and does not disgust either the mother or the newborn. How much to lay raw materials when brewing depends on the recipe.

The most commonly used recipes are:

Recipe #1

  • fennel tsp without a slide;
  • water 0.25 l.

Prepared seeds are thrown into a thermos and poured with boiling water. After half an hour, filter.

Recipe #2

  • dill tsp with a slide;
  • water 1/4 liter.

Dill seeds are brewed with boiling water and left for 1-2 hours. Then they filter.

Dill water according to a pharmacy recipe:

  • essential fennel oil (purchased at a pharmacy) 0.05 g;
  • water 1 l.

After mixing the ingredients, the water is ready for use.

Recipe #3

  • Fennel in seeds (you can dill) 3 g;
  • water 0.25 l.

Raw materials are poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath. After 20 min. remove from heat, let it brew for at least an hour. Then the newborn is filtered and watered.

If parents have a garden bed with herbs, you can use fresh homemade dill and make dill tea:

  • fresh chopped dill greens 10 g.
  • water 2/3 cup.

The greens are thoroughly washed, finely chopped, placed in a thermos and brewed with boiling water. After an hour, filter.

How to store

Ready-made dill potion, bought at a pharmacy, is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator on the far shelf for no more than 30 days. You can not store water in the door, because when you open the temperature is constantly changing. Before drinking a newborn, the infusion is warmed to room temperature. Pour the desired part in advance into a spoon or cup and leave to bask naturally. Dill water prepared at home for babies is best used freshly brewed and stored in the cold for no more than a day.

How much to give dill water to a newborn with colic

Doctors allow babies who have reached two weeks of age to drink dill water.

Mom can dilute the water with a few drops of breast milk or formula. Babies rarely like the taste of fennel, and they may spit it out. You need to take the remedy before feeding.

For dill water purchased at a pharmacy, instructions are attached, which must be followed. According to the instructions, the contents of the vial are diluted with 35 ml of water. Shake before use. Children of the first year take 0.5 ml. before feeding. The maximum dose per day is 2 ml.

Important! The correct dosage is determined after consulting a pediatrician who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

How to give dill water to a newborn depends on the form of feeding:

  1. Artificers are poured dill drink into a bottle.
  2. Breastfed babies are fed from a spoon or pipette so that the baby does not try the bottle, which can lead to breast rejection.

How much and how often you can give water to newborns, young mothers are interested. The dosage depends on the age of the baby. If the baby is offered dill water for the first time, it is necessary to monitor his reaction. Fennel and dill can cause allergies. A teaspoon three times a day is the optimal dose to start with. If there is no reaction, the baby feels good, you can drink dill water more often - up to 6 doses per day. Pain and spasms subside or stop 15 minutes after ingestion.

If colic appears due to dysbacteriosis, indigestion, indigestion, constipation or diarrhea, there is no point in drinking dill water. Only a doctor can diagnose the disease and prescribe a full treatment. When colic in a newborn does not go away, bloating and cramps continue after 4 months of age, you should contact your pediatrician. How many times and for how long to give healing water to a newborn depends on his condition. If the digestive process is normalized, the reception is stopped.

Reviews of moms

According to parents, dill water is an effective drug that helps get rid of colic in infants. How much water you need to drink, and what dosage to choose is determined only after agreement with the pediatrician. Some mothers complain that fennel and dill after consumption does not relieve the problem, but causes diarrhea, relaxing the stomach and intestines. In such cases, the doctor prescribes other means. Allergy to dill water is not common, but if the newborn has itching, redness with rashes, the drink is stopped.

Mostly reviews about the infusion are positive. The only drawback of pharmacy medicine is its high cost. But preparing dill water at home is not difficult. This is easy to do by buying fennel oil or its seeds, which are part of dill water, in a pharmacy.

When the baby is born, he begins to experience big changes in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The baby needs to adapt to a different process of eating, but he is restless. The first 3 months of the baby suffer from colic, bloating, increased gas formation. A similar process occurs in all babies, without exception, because it is natural. The main thing at this time is to relieve the baby's abdominal pain. Even our grandmothers used dill seeds for colic for newborns, and today this method is still very popular.

Causes of colic in babies

Colic and increased gas formation in infants up to 3 months is a common phenomenon, but there are factors that can increase discomfort. In most newborns, the adaptation of the intestine is the same. Before you start treating intestinal colic, you need to understand the causes of their occurrence.

The first reason is the immaturity of the intestines. For nine months, the baby was fed through the umbilical cord, then he was born with a sterile intestine, which needs to get used to ordinary food.

The second reason is “gaziki” or bloating. This sensation occurs due to excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines. If the baby drinks only breast milk, the cause of colic is improper attachment to the breast, as a result of which the baby swallows excess air. The same goes for bottle feeding.

The third reason is that after feeding, the child has been lying down for too long. Probably, many mothers have heard that after feeding the child, it is necessary to vilify in the arms in an upright position so that excess air comes out through the mouth. When this is not done, the “gaziki” begin to look for another way out, accumulating in the intestines.

The fourth reason is the emotional state of the mother. The composition of breast milk directly depends on its hormones. That is, the composition under the influence of negative hormones does not change for the better.

Knowing the cause of colic, they can be prevented to some extent. If the measures used do not help the baby, you should consult a doctor, as these can already be serious diseases.

Useful properties of dill seeds

In order to understand the benefits of dill seeds for newborns and adults, it is necessary to analyze its composition. Dill seeds have a very rich biochemical composition. These small grains contain trace elements such as:

  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium.

Also, dill seeds are rich in vitamins such as A, C and group B. Dill seeds cannot boast of a high content of vitamin C, unlike greens, but they contain essential oils used in medicine. Dill seeds are 18% fatty oils containing oleic, petroselinic, palmintic and linoleic acids. Dill seeds are also rich in flavonoids, carotene, thiamine and riboflavin. All these substances are invaluable benefits for the body.

The composition of dill seeds shows that they are good for more than just treating colic and gas in babies. Dill seeds have a wide spectrum of activity for an adult. Dill extract is able to clear the bronchi of phlegm and cure cough. It also normalizes the work of the heart muscle. Dill infusion is also recommended during breastfeeding to increase lactation, in addition, the use of dill infusion by a young mother has a positive effect on the work of the baby's stomach.

Uses dill seeds for colic during headaches and problems with the genitourinary system, including enuresis. Also, the mood of dill seeds is used in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • cystitis;
  • nephritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • gastritis;
  • poor metabolism;
  • lack of appetite.

The use of dill seeds for enuresis

Enuresis is a disease of the genitourinary system that causes urinary incontinence. In children, enuresis occurs quite often between the ages of 5 and 12 years. Children's enuresis has its main causes:

  1. Immaturity Bladder and nervous system.
  2. Heredity. If the child's parents had similar problems in their childhood.
  3. Stress (moving, changing schools, family fights)
  4. Infection of the genitourinary system.

This ailment for the child also acts psychologically, the child becomes withdrawn, he feels embarrassed in the children's team and at home. Only a doctor can diagnose and treat enuresis in children; self-medication is not recommended. In addition to medications, a doctor may prescribe a decoction of dill seeds. Dill seeds have a positive effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system, allowing you to save children from such an unpleasant scourge.

You can brew> dill seeds from enuresis in children on your own:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dill seeds with a glass of boiling water (200 ml.).
  2. Let the broth brew for about 3 hours. For adult children (9-12 years old), drink the entire glass in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before bed.
  3. For younger children - half a cup a day. The course of treatment is 10 days. If the disease has an advanced condition, the course of treatment with dill seeds should be repeated with a break for a week.

Many simply do not know how to brew dill seeds for newborns or do it wrong. There is a classic method for brewing dill seeds for newborns, the recipe of which includes the following steps:

  1. They are first ground in a blender or coffee grinder, then poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath for about 30 minutes.
  2. Insist about 3 hours. The finished broth is cooled and filtered.

How to prepare dill water

Usually dill water is prepared from fennel. Fennel is a pharmaceutical dill. It differs from ordinary dill in the composition of essential oils. But fennel is better at coping with spasms and coughs, and dill as a diuretic.

Recipe with fennel seeds: Pour 250 ml of boiling water over one teaspoon of fennel seeds. Let it brew for about 45 minutes. Strain the broth and you can use it.

If you can't find fennel seeds, you need to know how to make dill water from dill seeds.

Recipe with dill seeds: Pour one small spoonful of dill seeds with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 2-3 hours. The decoction must be filtered.

Dill water for newborns from dill seeds is almost as effective as fennel broth, so if it is not possible to buy fennel, dill growing in the garden is used.

In a pharmacy, dill water is prepared using fennel essential oil. A liter of pure water and 0.05 ml of essential oil are taken. Such an infusion can be stored for about a month in the refrigerator. Freshly prepared broth is better to use during the day, and the next day to prepare a new dill broth.

Dill water can be prepared from dill and fennel greens:

  1. Grind greens (1 tablespoon) and pour 100 ml of boiling water.
  2. Let it brew for about 1 hour, strain and you can use it.

To increase lactation, young mothers can drink half a glass of dill water half an hour before feeding.

How and how much to give dill water to a newborn

Many mothers give babies dill water by mixing it with milk formula or breast milk, this can be done, especially since the baby is positive about this health drink. The taste of fennel is pleasant for him and does not cause disgust. If the baby is on artificial feeding, then you can give dill water from a bottle, if he drinks breast milk, give a decoction with a teaspoon.

The only advice that can be given to young parents: start giving dill water to the baby gradually, first 1 tsp. 3 times a day, gradually increasing to 100 ml. And be sure to monitor the reaction of the baby, if he has allergies.

Storage rules

Dill water, which is prepared according to a pharmacy recipe using essential oil, can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month in a closed jar. A decoction prepared from fresh dill and fennel seeds should be stored for no more than 3 days. For newborns, it is recommended to use only freshly prepared broth.

Dill seeds are usually collected at the end of summer, but seed collection can begin when the seed is already beginning to fall off the umbrellas. Then the seeds are dried and put into an airtight jar.


Dill seeds have practically no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance and low blood pressure, since the substances that make up the composition can lower it.

There is also no evidence that dill seeds will not cause allergies in newborns with colic, but allergy sufferers should use this plant carefully.

If, after the use of dill seeds, dizziness begins, vision deteriorates, nausea and weakness appear, the infusion of dill seeds should be stopped immediately, most likely this is a sign of an overdose.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that dill seeds are not a panacea for all diseases. Do not forget about taking antibiotics and other medications, if necessary. Seeds are used more often as an additional therapy that promotes the rapid recovery of the body after an illness and as a prophylactic. If a decoction of dill seeds does not help to cope with colic in an infant, you should seek help from a doctor. Be healthy!

This whole process of adaptation lasts about 3 months. Moms start running around pharmacies in search of a miracle cure, leafing through books with recipes for folk wisdom. But in fact, everything is simple. Most effective tool, which has long been used for such problems, is ordinary dill water for newborns.

Dill water for newborns: its composition and properties

The tool can be prepared independently, and purchased at a pharmacy. Of course, the main component is dill (seeds, extract from a plant), or fennel, which has similar properties.

The main properties of dill water are:

Eliminates waste products of metabolism from the baby's body;

Promotes the spread of beneficial microbes;

Reduces convulsive contraction of the smooth muscles of the intestine;

Reduces, eliminates pain in the intestines;

Activates blood circulation;

Facilitates the passage of gases;

And even soothing.

According to mothers, the use of dill water has a very beneficial effect on the baby's tummy, and the effect of the remedy occurs much faster than from other similar drugs.

Instructions for the use of dill water

In a pharmacy, dill water is sold in the form of filter bags, briquettes, granules, placers, etc.

Indications for use are:

Pain in the abdomen.

And also dill water is shown as a carminative.

Of course, as with any drug, here too there are contraindications: individual intolerance to the composition.

The use depends on the form in which the product was purchased. There is always an instruction on the box or inside. The main thing is to properly prepare the solution or tea according to the annotation. If it is a liquid extract, then only 1-2 drops per tablespoon of boiled water are needed. Filter bags are brewed at the rate of 1 bag per 200 ml of boiling water (it should be insisted for a long time, about an hour). It is necessary to give water to the baby from 3 to 6 times a day. At one time, you should use 1 tablespoon of the solution (a teaspoon of decoction). For newborns, water is mixed into expressed milk, formula or pure water. If the baby does not consume expressed milk, then a nursing mother can drink dill water, the necessary components will be absorbed into the mother's milk.

The effect of the remedy comes about a quarter of an hour after the baby has used it.

How to make dill water at home

This tool can be prepared independently at home. The main thing is to know that it is impossible to store the prepared broth for a long time. Maximum shelf life - days.

For cooking, either fennel grass or dill seeds are used.

Dill water is prepared as follows:

Take 5 grams of seeds or grass and pour 200 ml of hot boiling water. It is necessary to insist about 1 hour, then the broth is filtered. Everything, it is ready to use. Maximum 6 small spoons per day.

What is the result?

Usually, the result of taking dill water (whether pharmacy or homemade), most importantly, cooked correctly, is:

Calm baby;

Normalization of stool in a child;

Normal discharge of gas;

Peaceful sleep for the little one.

Constant use leads to a lasting result and helps even with enough severe colic. After some time, mainly with the achievement of three months of age, the use of dill water ceases to be a necessity. This happens in connection with the establishment of the baby's gastrointestinal tract and its adaptation.

Dill water for adults and older children

The tool can be used not only for newborns. It will help adults too. Often, problems with the intestines occur in pregnant women. So, instead of any medicine, ordinary dill water will relieve bloating, eliminate pain and spasms.

It is very easy to cook it. For one tablespoon of seeds or herbs one cup of boiling water. The broth can be insisted for about an hour, and it is better that it stand in a water bath. Take this decoction should be 25 ml several times a day.

How much dill water can be given to a newborn

For each baby, the dosage of the drug is individual. Like any other new component in the nutrition of crumbs, it is better to start with the smallest dosage - 1 teaspoon per day.

Of course, you should watch the reaction of the child. Unlikely, but an allergic reaction may occur to such a simple remedy. After getting used to a new product for a small organism, you can increase the dosage. Maximum 2 small spoons 6 times a day.

How to brew?

Every mother needs to know how to properly brew dill water for a newborn. First of all, you need to worry about the sterility of the dishes in which the remedy for colic will be prepared. Dill seeds for crumbs must be only pharmacy. It is forbidden to use raw materials that are not 100% certain.

Seeds must be poured with boiling water, insist, as mentioned above. The baby can be given only when the infusion has cooled to a temperature of 36 degrees. Such a decoction can be stored for no more than a day and only in the refrigerator. But we must not forget to warm it up before giving it to the baby.

You can give water starting from two weeks of life.

It is also necessary to distinguish between ordinary colic, associated with the adaptation of the baby's body with life outside the mother's abdomen, from a real threat to the health of the child. If the baby sucks poorly, screams, with a strong bowel disorder, it is urgent to contact a pediatrician. It is also a good idea to consult a doctor and just before the first intake of dill water.

Make an appointment with a doctor in your city

Clinics in your city

After birth, the baby in the gastrointestinal tract begins an active process of adaptation of the digestive system to food intake - breast milk or formula. As a result of this process, after about a month, almost all babies develop intestinal colic. They are caused by excess gas and bloating.

There are symptoms of intestinal colic most often during feeding of the newborn or immediately after it. The child draws his legs, starts crying, blushes. Relief for the baby brings only natural bowel movements and the removal of gases. Any mother in such a situation wants to alleviate the suffering of her child. A time-tested tool will come to the rescue - Dill water.

Dill water for newborns is a solution of fennel oil (0.1%). Fennel is popularly called "pharmaceutical dill", which is why the tincture from its fruits was called dill water. Children can be given dill water as an aid in getting rid of intestinal colic almost from birth.

Plantex has become a modern analogue of dill water. It is made from fennel seed extract and comes in powder form. It must be dissolved in breast milk or water in the proportion indicated in the instructions. You can use the drug from the second week after birth. …read more…

However, if the baby has other symptoms of indigestion in addition to intestinal colic, dill water will not help. In case of stool disorder (constipation, diarrhea), bloating and loss of appetite, you should consult a doctor.

What is the use of urop and dill water

Preparations based on dill and fennel have a huge number of useful properties:

  • It cleanses the body of putrefactive formations and helps the development and cultivation of useful microscopic flora;
  • Reduces and relaxes spasms of smooth muscles;
  • Helps to facilitate the flow of blood to almost all corners, dilates blood vessels;
  • Expanding, reduces pressure on the walls of the intestine;
  • Is a diuretic;
  • Soothes and relieves inflammation in the body;
  • Stabilizes the work of the heart;
  • With constant intake, it increases the passage in the bronchi, removes the resistance of air flows entering the bronchi, and does not allow them to stagnate in the airways;
  • When coughing, it dilutes sputum and promotes its withdrawal;
  • Improves the secretion of bile;
  • Improves appetite;
  • Enhances maternal lactation.
  • It is an excellent remedy for constipation.
  • Has antibacterial properties.
  • Improves kidney function.
  • Soothes, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and sleep.
  • … and helps to heal ulcers, all kinds of wounds and fractures.

Dill water does an excellent job of removing gases in babies by relieving spasm of the intestinal muscles. Its regular use will relieve the baby from pain and improve the digestion process.

The benefits of dill water for breastfeeding women have also been noted - it increases lactation, normalizes digestion, and has a slight calming effect.

FOR MOM: If you drink half a glass of dill water about half an hour before the start of feeding the baby, this will improve the composition of the milk, increase its production and, possibly, eliminate the need to give a remedy for colic to the child. READ ALSO: Breastfeeding Dill - Benefits for Moms and Babies

Dill water for children's colic - Dr. Komarovsky

Buy or cook dill water at home (recipe)

Buying ready-made dill water is quite problematic. You can buy it in pharmacies that have a prescription department, where they make medicines on the spot according to a prescription. The price of dill water is on average 150 rubles per 100 ml.

But do not despair if there is no pharmacy with a prescription department nearby. In this case, you can buy "Plantex", which is prepared from the fruits of fennel or "drug dill". It is sold in dry sachets. "Plantex" can be given to a baby from the age of two weeks, just from the time when the baby begins intestinal colic. Also, instead of dill water and Plantex, the newborn will be relieved of intestinal colic by such drugs as Sub-simplex and Espumizan.

The recipe for making dill water at home is very simple:

  1. Pour into a glass (250 ml) a teaspoon of dry, pre-ground in a coffee grinder or blender, fennel seeds.
  2. Pour hot water.
  3. Let it brew for 40-45 minutes.
  4. Strain.
  5. Water should be added to expressed milk / infant formula no more than one spoonful and given to the newborn. For very small babies from two weeks to a month, you need to drip 15 drops on the tongue. Keep the day.

You can prepare dill water using fennel essential oil. It is necessary to dissolve 0.05 g of oil in a liter of water. This solution can be stored for about a month in the refrigerator. Subsequently, it is warmed to room temperature before ingestion.

How to cook dill water if there was no fennel?

Instead, you can simply use regular dill seeds:

  1. Dill seeds (1 tsp) pour boiling water (1 cup).
  2. Let it brew for an hour.
  3. Strain.

In the presence of fresh dill, babies can brew dill tea. To do this, pour 100 ml of boiling water over one tablespoon of chopped dill and leave for about an hour. Strain, cool and use like dill water.

Water for the manufacture of any product should be taken purified, and all dishes are rinsed with boiling water before cooking. Babies up to a month are given only freshly prepared dill water.

Method and amount of application of dill water

How to give your baby dill water depends on the method of feeding.

For breastfeeding children, dill water is given from a spoon, and artificial ones can be poured into a bottle. Although also the best way taking the drug will become a spoon - it is more convenient to dose the intake of dill water.

It is necessary to take dill water before feeding the baby.

If the baby refuses to take the remedy for colic, you need to make his taste more familiar. To do this, before giving dill water to a newborn, mix it with a small amount of breast expressed milk (an adapted mixture).

The first initial dose of dill water is one teaspoon. It is necessary to give dill water before meals, at first three times a day. It is necessary to carefully observe the reaction of the baby. In the absence of negative symptoms in a child, the dosage of dill water is increased up to six times a day.

How much dill water to give with the growth of the child depends on his individual characteristics. If the digestion process has returned to normal, then the intake of dill water should be stopped, if not, continue. Closer to the first half of the year, the problem with intestinal colic ceases to be relevant. The baby has already adapted to a new life and his body copes with the "processing" of milk.

On the subject of abdominal pain:

  1. Gaziki in the baby
  2. Gas tube - how to use?
  3. Tips for breastfeeding mothers with breastfeeding
  4. Stomach massage for colic

There are no such parents in the world who have never heard about the problems of the gastrointestinal tract in newborns. Colic in infants is the most common problem for new parents. Many young mothers do not want to "stuff" the baby with medicines and turn to time-tested recipes (for example, dill water for colic). The drug is safe at any age. It can be prepared at home or purchased at a pharmacy.

The problem of colic in newborns in the modern world is very acute. This phenomenon is observed in 90% of infants. Until now, great doctors and scientists have not come to a unanimous opinion about the cause of spasms in the gastrointestinal tract in children.

Symptoms usually appear during or immediately after feeding, with the baby kicking and crying. The baby's tummy becomes like a big rubber ball. Colic can appear due to the swallowing of air by the newborn during feeding, due to overfeeding, weak intestinal microflora, or imperfections in the child's enzymatic system. Be that as it may, it is necessary to deal with gaziki, because they harass the crumbs, making the mother and next of kin worry.

Dill seeds in the fight against colic

Dill water for newborns from colic is advised to give the best pediatricians, because it medicine checked by time.

Dill water is a solution of fennel or fennel oil. In the people, he received the name "pharmacy dill", so the finished mixture is called dill water. The use of a decoction of fennel seeds can help babies with colic, bloating and gas from the first days of life.

Instructions for use states that dill water is allowed at any age and has no contraindications.

Benefit of the remedy

In addition to the undeniable benefits of a newborn in the fight against gas and colic, dill water has many other useful properties:

  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • eliminates flatulence;
  • improves immunity;
  • treats cough;
  • prevents the risk of developing cancer;
  • improves metabolism;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • has a calming effect;
  • during pregnancy, it helps to cope with toxicosis and improves the general condition of a woman;
  • is a diuretic;
  • gently removes gases from the intestines, expanding its walls;
  • improves kidney function;
  • helps fight constipation;
  • increases appetite.

Dill water is a real find for use by the most nursing mother, as fennel has a beneficial effect on lactation, improving the quality of milk and increasing its calorie content. Drinking a decoction of dill water, you can be sure that the gas formation of the newborn will become weaker, and colic will not be so pronounced.

How to prepare a remedy for colic

The recipe for dill water is very simple and will not cause difficulties for a young mother.

  1. In a glass of 250 ml. pour 1 tsp. fennel seeds.
  2. Pour in boiling water.
  3. Insist 45-60 minutes.
  4. Strain the resulting mixture through a fine sieve.

How to brew dill broth

Well, if you suddenly have fresh dill, you can make dill tea to combat colic in a newborn. A teaspoon of fresh chopped dill accounts for 100 ml. boiling water. The mixture must be infused for 1 to 2 hours. Tea is given to babies in the same way as fennel decoction.

If the pharmacy suddenly did not find fennel, it can be replaced with ordinary dill seeds. Pour boiling water over dry grains and let it brew for an hour, the proportions remain the same.

Water application

How to give to a baby

There are two ways to take dill tincture for colic in a newborn:

  1. Add 1 teaspoon to expressed milk or formula.
  2. Drip 15-20 drops into the baby's mouth before each feeding.

Pay attention to the shelf life: the prepared mixture can be stored for no more than a day.

How to drink mom: video

The first months after the birth of a baby is a rather difficult time, since the body is not yet fully formed, and there may be malfunctions in its functioning. Babies often suffer from increased gas formation and colic, which can haunt them for quite some time. The question of how to help your child is faced by many young parents. Moms and dads with experience advise using dill seeds for newborns with similar problems.

Infant Gastrointestinal

Understanding the processes taking place in the internal organs of the child will allow you to quickly navigate in matters of helping the baby.

The formation of the gastrointestinal tract of a newborn is a complex process. Only by the end of the first year of life does his work stabilize. Before this period, not all enzymes are produced, the pancreas is still weak and gives little bile, the amount of which is not enough for the normal functioning of the body.

The intestinal microflora is not stable. The child suffers from flatulence, there is frequent regurgitation, the intestines are emptied irregularly. As the internal organs everything falls into place. But until this happens, the baby may have disturbed sleep and appetite. Even newborns with excellent health in the first few months of life suffer from frequent bloating.

Of course, it is impossible to speed up the process of formation of the gastrointestinal tract, but it is quite possible for parents to help the child.

Dill fragrant fruits for newborns

Despite the fact that not all parents trust folk remedies, one of them is the best and time-tested for colic and flatulence in babies. Dill seeds for newborns with similar problems have been used for a very long time and successfully.

Dill seeds help newborns:

  • relax the smooth muscles of the intestine, as a result of which the pressure on its walls decreases, which in turn reduces gas formation, and the baby’s colic disappears;
  • remove fermentation products and normalize the child's stool;
  • excite appetite;
  • as a diuretic and choleretic agent;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and kidneys;
  • normalize sleep in infants.

So dill seeds for newborns are an indispensable tool that you always need to have on hand.

Pharmacies often sell ready-made "Dill Vodichka". It is quite suitable for use by babies, but has a short shelf life. Therefore, many mothers prefer to cook a decoction on their own.

How to brew fennel seeds for a newborn

Suitable for the preparation of such a decoction are the seeds of dill and pharmacy (fennel).

Dill decoction for newborns is prepared as follows:

  1. Dill seeds should be washed in warm boiled water.
  2. Grind a tablespoon of seeds in a mill or coffee grinder.
  3. Brew the resulting cereal in 100 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse until completely cooled. This usually takes 40-45 minutes.

Also, dill seed for newborns can be cooked in a "water bath":

  1. Seeds need to be "steamed" for about half an hour in 200 ml of water.
  2. The finished broth must be brought to the original volume of liquid. This can be done using chilled boiled water.

Also quite effective dill tea for newborns from fresh dill. But greens should be grown exclusively at home. Any assurances from vegetable vendors that the dill they sell is purely organic for the sake of the child's health must be questioned.

So, finely chop the homemade dill and brew with a glass of boiling water. After 20 minutes, the drink is ready.

But it should be remembered that a decoction of seeds is more effective.

Attention! The broth of any cooking option should be carefully filtered through several layers of gauze before use. And in order to be completely sure that small particles of seeds have been sifted out, it is worth straining the liquid through a waffle towel, or organza or lavsan. These are denser fabrics with good throughput. The fabric should be new, well washed with baby soap and boiled.

How to give dill water to a newborn

Dill decoction can be used starting right from the first days of a child's life. It should be offered to the newborn in small portions. The amount needed for an infant to achieve a result is best checked with a neonatologist, but usually this is a teaspoon per feeding.

It is worth drinking a decoction for an infant 15 to 20 minutes before feeding. Then the decoction will have time to have a beneficial effect on the intestines.

You should know that children often have a very negative attitude towards a decoction of dill seeds and refuse to take it. Moms have to go to different tricks. Some people add it to a water bottle, some mix it into milk, some mix it into formula. In the method of taking dill infusion, each mother has her own secret.

  1. Garden dill seeds should be purchased exclusively at the pharmacy! Seeds sold in Everything for the Garden stores are categorically not suitable for feeding children.
  2. Do not cook dill decoction for newborns a week in advance. 3-4 uses will be enough.
  3. It is also useful for a nursing mother to drink dill water together with the baby. This helps to improve lactation, as well as the normalization of sleep, which, of course, will have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. By the way, a young dad can also be given a decoction of dill seeds to drink. His central nervous system is also under enormous stress due to the new unusual duties that have appeared.
  4. Do not forget to conduct an allegory test for the child's tolerance to dill infusion. It is better for mom to drink dill tea first and breastfeed her baby. Then introduce the decoction in small doses into the child's diet, and in the absence of an allergic reaction, bring the volume to the optimum.

This is everything new parents need to know about dill seeds for newborns. Whether or not to use them to improve the functioning of the child's gastrointestinal tract is up to you. But this simple remedy has helped to minimize colic and bloating in more than one generation of babies.

Colic - no! Dill is our answer!

This is one of the popular remedies for the treatment of intestinal colic in infants. Assign it, like any other medicine, only a doctor can. The use of dill water for newborns according to a pediatrician's prescription often quickly gives a positive result, while it is important to follow the dosage and administration rules indicated in the instructions for the remedy. The medicine can be purchased at the pharmacy in finished form or made independently from fennel fruits.

What is dill water

The liquid is a 0.1% solution of fennel oil, which is also called "drug dill". Dill water for babies helps to get rid of intestinal colic, while it can be given almost from birth. According to parents' reviews, the tool does an excellent job of removing gases in babies due to the ability to relieve intestinal spasms. Regular use of water with fennel extract will relieve the child from abdominal pain and improve the digestion process. The benefits of dill water for newborns:

  • relieves inflammation of the baby's digestive tract;
  • cleanses the intestines, normalizes the microflora;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • helps to stabilize the work of the heart muscle;
  • stimulates digestion;
  • removes spasms of the intestinal muscles;
  • helps to cure cough by stimulating the formation and removal of sputum from the body;
  • calms the nervous system.

Is it possible to give dill water to a newborn

As a rule, parents face the problem of colic at 2-3 weeks of the baby's life, while the only permitted remedy for the problem is dill water for babies. Dill and fennel rarely give an allergic reaction, however, while taking a liquid, it is important to monitor the condition of the newborn. If you have problems with digestion in the crumbs in the first days after birth, you should consult a pediatrician and only after that give the baby a solution.


The pharmaceutical preparation contains an infusion of fennel seeds as a base. For useful properties and appearance the plant is almost identical to ordinary garden dill. However, its use for the preparation of a solution is due to more pronounced medicinal properties. Dill tea for newborns from colic, which is sold in pharmacies, is made from fennel essential oil. You can make a remedy at home based on fresh dill or fennel seeds.

How does dill water affect a newborn

Effective folk remedy to improve intestinal motility and relieve spasms, it has a mild effect on the body of the crumbs, rarely causing negative consequences. Dill water for newborns from colic has the following properties:

  • breaks accumulations of gazik in the intestines, helps their rapid removal in a natural way;
  • relieves pain caused by colic;
  • provides a mild disinfectant effect without worsening the condition of the intestinal microflora;
  • strengthens the immunity of the newborn due to the content of vitamins and minerals;
  • activates the production of food enzymes that help prevent unpleasant symptoms associated with deterioration of bowel function in the future.

Instructions for use of dill water for newborns

Regardless of how the solution was prepared, the intake of dill water is always carried out in the same way. Before giving the baby medicine, it is necessary to check the reaction of the body for allergies. To this end:

  • give the newborn ½ teaspoon of fennel solution (better sutra before breastfeeding);
  • during the day, observe the crumbs to determine if there is an allergic reaction;
  • if the test went well, the next day, give the newborn water in the morning, afternoon and evening, 1 tsp.

Young children with bloating should correctly measure and give fennel water with a teaspoon. If the newborn does not want to drink it, mix the solution in the bottle with an equal amount of breast milk or formula. Fennel infusion can be given to a baby in this way:

  • draw a syringe with a volume of 5 ml of dill water;
  • try giving the newborn a syringe like a pacifier, slowly pouring the medicine into her mouth.

How much dill water to give a newborn

Pediatricians recommend taking dill infusion from children's colic 3-4 times a day.. With increased gas formation and severe pain in the tummy, the number of doses of the remedy can be increased. As a rule, after 10-15 minutes after the baby has taken the medicine, the intensity of pain decreases. One glass of solution is designed to be taken by a child during the day. Small crumbs should break this daily dose into more doses, since they are unable to drink a lot of liquid at a time.

Is it possible to add dill water to water or baby formula

Fennel infusion is fragrant and has a spicy, bright taste, so children are reluctant to take it. To improve the taste of the medicine, it can be diluted with breast milk or infant formula. In addition, dill water for newborns at home can be diluted with ordinary water, and then poured into a bottle, from which the baby will then drink.

Side effects

With the right home cooking and compliance with the dosage indicated in the instructions, dill water rarely causes side effects. However, sometimes a safe remedy for colic has the following negative effects of taking:

  • allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes;
  • stool disorder (diarrhea).


Babies should be given a solution of fennel to drink strictly according to the dosage indicated in the instructions. Despite the naturalness of the drug, its significant use by a newborn can lead to negative consequences. When using an increased dose of dill water, as well as if it is taken too often, the crumbs may increase gas formation or diarrhea may begin. In addition, fennel solution in excessive amounts helps to lower blood pressure.


Dill water has no contraindications, however, the remedy can cause an allergic reaction due to the slow adaptation of the baby's body to a new product or individual intolerance to this plant. At the same time, you can replace the medicine for colic with an analogue by buying fennel tea for breastfed babies. Preparing the remedy is simple:

  1. Sutra a small amount of the mixture is brewed with boiling water.
  2. After giving the crumbs a little throughout the day during meals.

How to make dill water

There is nothing complicated in preparing a decoction, but it is important to take into account all the nuances so that the remedy has medicinal properties. How to make dill water for a newborn? There are several recipes for preparing the solution:

  1. A spoonful of fennel seeds should be poured with a glass of boiling water, then closed with a lid and let it brew for an hour. After strain the infusion and give the newborn throughout the day.
  2. You can brew the product in a water bath, for which a spoonful of dill or fennel seeds should be poured with boiling water (200 ml) and kept for 30-40 minutes in a container filled with hot water. The finished infusion is filtered through gauze. The finished product can be stored in a refrigerator or a room with a low temperature for no more than a day, but only fresh dill water is allowed for newborns up to a year.


It is sometimes problematic to buy ready-made water for newborns, since it is sold exclusively in pharmacies with a prescription department. Alternative option- purchase dill / fennel tea bags (Plantex), while the tea will need to be prepared independently. This form of the remedy is also able to help the baby quickly get rid of colic, while it is not difficult to cook the remedy. Below is a table with prices for products in the capital's pharmacies:


The real test for the baby is abdominal pain. Doctors know what dill water is for newborns from colic and advise using it. In pharmacies and baby stores, there are many remedies to alleviate the condition of the tummy in the first months of a child's life. But how to deal with them? Is it worth it to prepare dill water yourself? The answer to this question can be found by examining the available medicines and the dill potion recipe.

Dill water for newborns is fennel oil dissolved in water. In some cases, auxiliary components are added - a variety of medicinal tinctures, including chamomile decoction. Fennel is sometimes called dill, although they are different plants. Hence the name of the drug. Newborns can receive it from the first days of life.

Where do digestive problems come from?

The digestive system of the child at the time of his birth is not fully formed. The development of the intestine is completed by the age of 6 months. The stomach and esophagus are still very weak and ready to digest only ideal food. But even mother's milk can cause colic in the baby. The products that the mother of the child uses do not always give confidence in the safety of the consequences of their intake. All components that enter the mother's body with food penetrate into breast milk. A baby can even react to relatively safe bread or a steamed dish, not to mention different fruits.

So that the baby does not have allergies, colic, the mother should carefully approach the choice of food. It is necessary to exclude products of red and orange color:

  1. Strawberries.
  2. Raspberry.
  3. Beets.
  4. Apples.
  5. Watermelon.
  6. Oranges, tangerines.

Pediatricians advise against eating citrus fruits and Exotic fruits. It is advisable to include more vegetables, cereals, plants in the diet. You can only eat those that do not cause increased gas formation, excluding:

  • cabbage.
  • Beans, peas, lentils.
  • Radish.
  • Grape.
  • Apples.
  • Melon.

It is necessary to exclude sweets, smoked meats, excessively salty and spicy foods, fast food from the diet.

Baby's reaction

Newborn colic is more often tormented during or after eating. The baby begins to frown, grunt. Often the pain makes him scream, pressing his legs to his tummy. It becomes easier only after a chair or release from gases.

You need to be careful. If the child does not eat well, he begins to vomit, diarrhea, dill drug can not be saved. Urgent need to call ambulance or see a doctor.

In other situations, it is worth watching the baby, studying his reaction to eating. Might have to change brand baby food if the mother switched to artificial feeding of the child. Another agent may not cause violent reactions in the intestinal tract of the newborn.

If, when changing nutrition and with strict observance of the rules by the mother (when breastfeeding), the baby suffers from colic, dill water for newborns will come to the rescue. Of the drugs known Plantex. The doctor will also advise other drugs from the pharmacy or send them to the prescription department. The drug can be prepared independently. It is known that in the old days children were given a tincture of dill seeds.

Useful properties of fennel

These include:

  1. Cleansing the body of toxins.
  2. Aid in the creation of beneficial intestinal microflora.
  3. Assistance in relaxing muscles, getting rid of spasms.
  4. Vasodilation.
  5. Assistance in the accelerated excretion of urine.
  6. Removal of inflammatory processes in the intestines.
  7. Stabilization of the heart muscle.
  8. Help to stabilize the work of the nervous system.

Dill is useful for all organs. It is also used to improve the functioning of the bronchi, lungs, and even to increase visual acuity, mixed with carrot juice. Dill water for newborns can also be used by the mother of the baby to increase the amount of milk and get rid of gas formation.

The main property is the elimination of colic in a newborn. The dill remedy seems to collapse gas bubbles, the baby becomes much easier.

Preparation of tincture

In the prescription departments of pharmacies, water for newborns from colic is prepared simply. The pharmacist mixes 0.05 g of fennel oil (dill seed extract) with 1 liter of water and mixes thoroughly, under sterile conditions.

Such a drug is stored for up to 25-30 days.

But it's better not to keep it that long. It is advisable to use the product for 2 weeks.

In pharmacies, you can buy fennel powder in sachets. A rather fragrant and pleasant-tasting product must be diluted with water in the proportions indicated on the package. Babies enjoy drinking this liquid.

For children a few days old, doctors recommend purchasing pharmacy options for the remedy, since parents cannot always observe the optimal proportions. Causes concern and the sterility of the preparation of tincture or dill decoction. As soon as the baby's gastrointestinal tract gets stronger, you can prepare the drug yourself.

A few grams of fennel seeds are infused in boiling water for 1 hour, filtered and sold in the prescription department.

If the product is sold in glass containers, the glass must be darkened, and such medicine cannot be stored in the light.

How to make a drug at home?

The original recipe for colic remedy:

  1. Grind fennel seeds.
  2. Measure out 25 g of raw materials.
  3. Pour 1 liter of boiling water.
  4. Insist for 60 min.
  5. Strain the remedy and cool it.

The product is stored for a short time, so you need to use it before the end of the day.

Another recipe. You need to buy fennel oil at the pharmacy. Water - clean (you can take it from the filter and boil it). Proportions: for 1 liter of water - 5 drops of oil. You can store such a remedy longer than a tincture or decoction of dill seeds. Keep the drug in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

You can also prepare medicine from fresh dill. It must be cut into small pieces and insist in boiling water, or boil for 2 minutes. Strained and cooled liquid should be given to the newborn.

Making dill tincture at home is more a budget option. In pharmacies, the drug is expensive, especially if it is from well-known manufacturers.

How to give a baby a decoction?

Drop by drop. If the baby is very small, 15 drops dissolved in milk or water are enough. You can give the remedy from a pipette on the tongue. At the age of over 1 month, the number of drops is gradually increased to 30.

The drug should be taken before meals and in between feedings, when the baby is given plain water. In this case, you need to stroke the baby on the tummy clockwise. Massage helps to cope with pain and gives the child pleasure.

5 ml of dill product is added to the feeding mixture. In order for the child to quickly get used to eating from a spoon, the drug is poured 1 drop into the mouth not from a pipette, but from a small spoon. This method is used when the baby is only breastfed, without complementary foods with mixtures. It is permissible to give dill remedy up to 6 times a day.

In rare cases, fennel can cause allergies. If this happens, you need to consult a pediatrician about remedies for colic and increased gas formation in the baby.

You should be wary of an overdose. You need to carefully read the information on the bags of fennel seeds. It is advisable to avoid buying a pharmacy product with impurities of other components. In a newborn, even ordinary chamomile, taken with a dill drug, can cause unwanted reactions.

Of the contraindications of dill for colic, one warning. The drug should not be used by people with low blood pressure. If the newborn has health problems related to the work of the heart or blood vessels, you should consult a doctor before giving dill tincture.

From colic, dill tincture or fennel-based pharmacy medicine - the best remedy. Such a drug is also a salvation for the mother of the baby. A decoction of dill seeds improves digestion, helps to eliminate gases and relieve pain.

Before using a dill drug, you should consult a pediatrician, discussing the optimal dosage and intensity of use. It is necessary to prepare a therapeutic liquid for a baby only under sterile conditions so as not to introduce an infection, and to provide the child with effective assistance.
