Of course, a mosquito bite does not give a pleasant experience, but most people tolerate it normally. Standard consequences of a mosquito bite: discomfort due to itching and redness of the skin at the site of the bite. Even without the use of special means, swelling and redness disappear if you do not comb the bite site.

But very different consequences await children and people suffering from allergies. A mosquito bite can cause a sensitization reaction and general intoxication of the body. In this case, you can not be inactive, but you need to help the victim.

How and where do mosquitoes attack humans?

In the warm season, mosquitoes begin to overpower people in forests, cottages, parks and even apartments. Especially many individuals can be seen near water bodies, in thickets of bushes and in the grass.

An interesting fact is that only female mosquitoes attack a person, because they need protein for reproduction, which is in the lymph and blood. The diet of males is limited to the pollen of forest and meadow flowers.

A mosquito that wants to attack is easy to identify. The blood-sucking insect makes a characteristic squeak. And it is already more difficult to notice when a mosquito sits on the skin, because there are many soft shock-absorbing hairs on its paws.

Sitting on the skin, the mosquito selects the area where the epidermis is more tender, then lightly taps on the skin with its proboscis and looks for a blood vessel. When the capillary is found, the insect sticks its proboscis and drinks the blood.

Itching after a mosquito bite occurs due to the fact that, along with saliva, the insect injects a toxic substance, in response to this, the human immune system begins to produce antibodies. The mosquito also injects an anesthetic, so one female can bite a person several times without being noticed.

Mosquito saliva contains special substances that prevent blood clotting, so the female can drink until she is full.

What are the effects of a mosquito bite?

As already mentioned, after a mosquito bite, redness and itching appear on the skin. In a person with a normal state of health, swelling and redness persist for 3-24 hours. In the vast majority of cases, the effects of a mosquito bite are limited to this, but, unfortunately, there are more serious side effects.

Mosquito bites can provoke other symptoms that are mild or lead to anaphylactic shock.

Mosquito bites are more difficult for people with weak immunity, autoimmune pathologies and a predisposition to develop sensitization reactions, as well as children. In babies, the body's resistance to the penetration of allergens is still being formed, while the permeability of blood vessels is high, which is why toxic substances quickly spread into the tissues.

After a mosquito bite, an allergy like hives can occur: red spots, blisters and severe swelling appear on the skin. Also, side effects include dizziness, weakness, fatigue and dyspeptic disorders (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting).

If medical assistance is not provided in time, the situation may worsen:

  • blood pressure drops to dangerous values;
  • there will be signs of suffocation;
  • the skin will become dry and acquire a bluish tint;
  • the heart rate will decrease.

In this case, the person begins to rave, falls into an unconscious state. Such symptoms are characteristic of anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema. If you do not turn to the help of doctors in time, then there is a danger of death.

For some, a mosquito bite is easy, but this is not always the case. If you notice more serious symptoms (nausea, weakness, asthma attacks, etc.), then you need to urgently go to the nearest hospital or emergency room!

The situation is slightly different with young children: from numerous bites, their body temperature may rise and their appetite may disappear. Since such symptoms are characteristic of a respiratory infection, parents usually begin to give appropriate medicines. Such treatment can lead to negative consequences.

If a child develops a fever after mosquito bites and loses appetite, do not rush to give him antiviral drugs, it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment.

A pediatrician should be contacted even if the child has a slight allergy after a bite. Parents neglect the help of doctors, believing that everything will go away on its own. But anaphylactic shock can lead to disruption of the heart, blood vessels, excretory organs, etc., and it will take a long time to restore these functions.

What are the complications after a mosquito bite?

Female mosquitoes can carry vector-borne diseases such as tularemia.

If you comb the bite site and do not follow the rules of hygiene, then there is a possibility that pathogenic bacteria, for example, staphylococci and streptococci, will enter the body. For the treatment of such diseases, the use of strong pharmacological drugs, including antibiotics and glucocorticosteroids, is required.

Treatment for mosquito bites

If after a bite there is only slight redness and slight swelling, then it is quite possible to limit yourself to treatment at home.

If after a bite there is at least one of the following symptoms, then you need to see a doctor:

  • a sharp deterioration in well-being;
  • localization of a mosquito bite in the eye area;
  • red spots with a diameter of more than 5 cm;
  • temperature rise to 39-40°C.

Mosquito bite. First aid

First of all, you need to cool the bite site - this will prevent an increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bedema and infection with a serious infection. Ice cubes packed in a bag and a thick cloth will help with this.

Another option is to take a package of vegetable mix, frozen meat or fish out of the freezer and apply to the bite for about 5 minutes, and then take a break to prevent frostbite.

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • 0.02% solution of furacilin;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • alcohol diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1.

To prevent the formation of edema and the appearance of inflammation, you can use 3% -1 table or Apple vinegar. But keep in mind that to treat the baby's skin, you need to dilute the vinegar in equal proportions with cool water.

Most often, mosquitoes attack in nature, and there is not always a first aid kit at hand. In this case, medicinal plants will come in handy. For example, plantain and burdock can help, finding these plants is not difficult. Before use, it is recommended to rinse them with water and grind until a thick slurry is formed. After you need to attach to the edema and secure with a bandage. When the gruel dries, it is necessary to change it to a fresh one.

Pharmacy remedies for mosquito bites

Even if there is no sensitivity to mosquito bites, and they usually pass quickly, it is still better to take an antihistamine. This is especially true for young children, because it is harder for them to resist scratching bites than for adults.

Allergy medications will help stop the development of swelling and reduce itching.

  • "Suprastin";
  • "Tavegil";
  • "Zodak";
  • "Loratadin";
  • "Zyrtec".

All allergy medications cause drowsiness, so it is not recommended to take them before driving or before a difficult work day where increased attention and concentration are required.

If the temperature rises after a mosquito bite, but there is no way to see a doctor, then you need to drink an antipyretic, for example, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Paracetamol, Panadol, etc.

If you often go out into nature, and mosquito bites are not uncommon, then you need to have an ointment with an antihistamine effect in your medicine cabinet:

  • Balm "Rescuer". The composition of this remedy includes olive and sea buckthorn oils, essential oils tea tree, lavender and rose, calendula extract, vitamins A and E. This balm is a universal remedy that helps not only with bites, but also in other cases. It can soothe the skin and speed up its regeneration.
  • Gel "Fenistil". The active ingredient is dimethindene maleate. The tool helps not only with insect bites, but also with sunburn and skin itching. It has an anesthetic effect, cools the skin, moisturizes, softens and prevents the occurrence of an allergic reaction.
  • Cream "Gistan". The active substance is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid mometasone. The drug helps relieve itching, swelling and prevents the spread of redness. It is used after insect bites and for various skin diseases.
  • "Psilo Balm". Diphenhydramine predominates in its composition. The gel has a powerful anti-allergic effect. It works great for itching and also cools inflamed skin nicely.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment. The tool has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is suitable for treating skin after insect bites and a number of skin diseases.

Of course, this is not a complete list. In the pharmacy, you can easily find a variety of antihistamines, they differ in composition, manufacturer and price.

If the victim has severe swelling or large allergic rashes, the doctor may prescribe gels, ointments or creams with hormonal components, for example, Advantan, Celestoderm, Triderm. You cannot choose such funds on your own, they have an extensive list side effects and contraindications, and are prescribed only by a doctor if necessary.

Folk remedies for mosquito bites

When bitten by mosquitoes, the juice of the following plants will help:

  • aloe;
  • lemon or peppermint;
  • sage;
  • hypericum;
  • parsley;
  • thyme;
  • wormwood;
  • turns, etc.

To prepare a remedy, you need to crush a fresh plant in a porcelain or wooden mold. Then, using gauze, squeeze the juice, moisten a sterile napkin in it and attach it to the bite site for half an hour.

If there is no freshly cut plant, then you can use a dry one to prepare a medicinal infusion. To do this, pour 3 tablespoons of the crushed plant into the teapot, pour boiling water and let it brew for 1-2 hours. Then filter the dry residue, moisten a sterile napkin or cotton pad with infusion and apply to the bite site.

Citrus juices: lemon, grapefruit or lime will help reduce swelling and itching. It is necessary to cut the fruit into pieces and periodically wipe the bite site. Such a tool will not only alleviate the symptoms, but also help scare away blood-sucking insects.

Another folk method is the use of plain soda. To prepare the solution you need in a glass warm water dilute one teaspoon of soda. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply it to the bite site.

Also, do not forget that special means will help to avoid bites. They need to be applied before going out into nature and periodically updated. When choosing a mosquito repellent, pay attention to its composition. Manufacturers often add essential oils medicinal plants repelling insects. Such components can cause an allergic reaction, so test the product on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin before applying them.

A mosquito bite most often passes quickly and without serious consequences, but even in this case, the itching delivers tangible discomfort. To avoid unpleasant side effects, you can use various folk remedies or ointments, gels bought at a pharmacy.

Itchy bloodsuckers are mosquitoes.

A mosquito bite is familiar to everyone. In the warm season, almost all people dream of how to get rid of mosquito bites that cause severe itching and local redness. Let's see how to help and reduce itching after a mosquito bite.

Mosquito bite

Despite the squeak emitted by the insect during flight, most often the very moment of the bite goes unnoticed. Only after a few minutes, a mosquito bite manifests itself as follows:

  • itching at the site of injury;
  • swelling at the site of injury;
  • redness at the site of the bite.

Outwardly, the bite looks like a small red blister with the most intense color in the center. There is no poison in mosquito saliva, and it is impossible to get poisoned.

It is because of this that many people often wonder why mosquito bites itch. Insect saliva contains anticoagulants that prevent blood clotting and cause a local allergic reaction. A mosquito bite is diagnosed visually.

Possible Complications

Complications of mosquito bites are of 2 types. The first is the manifestation of an allergy to mosquito bites in children. Allergy symptoms are:

  • increased body temperature;
  • headache;
  • severe nausea;
  • general malaise;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • rash;
  • significant swelling in the bite area.

Allergic reaction to a mosquito bite

In order to get rid of such consequences, it is enough to take an antihistamine.

Adults, as a rule, do not require treatment in the absence of an allergy to mosquitoes, and with very severe itching, it is enough just to lubricate the affected area with alcohol. It is only important to remember that no matter how itchy bites are, you can’t comb them, as this will only worsen the situation.

First aid for mosquito bites is necessary for children. Their body is hard to tolerate insect damage and responds to it with a violent reaction. The procedure for a mosquito bite in a child is as follows:

Wash the bite site with baby or laundry soap.
Apply an ice pack or a cloth soaked in cold water to relieve swelling from a mosquito bite.
Relieve itching from mosquito bites using a remedy sunburn or a thick paste obtained from baking soda diluted with a small amount of water.
Be sure to take an allergy pill: Suprastin, Tavegil.
Apply cream or ointment against insect bites to the affected area. The most popular drug is Fenistil gel. Well helps creams Gistan, Cynovit, ointments Prednisolone, Gioksizon.
In case of fever, take antipyretics such as paracetamol. or Nurofen in syrup.

What not to do with a mosquito bite

In order not to leave traces of mosquito bites, you need to know exactly what not to do when providing assistance after a bite.

  • First of all, the bite should not be scratched.
  • It is also harmful to crush the bite or puncture a small vial of fluid, which sometimes, though rarely, appears and looks like the top of a bite.
  • If a mosquito has bitten in the eye, do not use alcohol formulations to cauterize the affected area.

When urgent medical attention is needed

Quincke's edema in a child

It is necessary to go to the hospital after bites with the following phenomena remaining in the victim from mosquitoes:

  • signs;
  • acute allergic reaction - or;
  • general severe malaise;
  • multiple bites in young children (for children under one year old, they can be a serious danger);
  • risk of disease-carrying mosquitoes;
  • discharge of pus from the wound after a bite.

In all such cases, you should, without delay, consult a doctor and undergo competent treatment. Especially often mosquito bites require medical therapy in children.

Prevention of mosquito bites

The best defense against mosquito bites for children and adults is prevention. Even dangerous mosquitoes cannot overcome simple protective measures.

Effective outdoor mosquito protection:

  • Wearing clothes with tight fitting cuffs.
  • Use of repellents in the form of an ointment, cream, gel or spray.
  • Installation of a mosquito net on a pram and on windows in the house.
  • Refusal to walk in wet places during the hours of maximum activity of insects.
  • Hand hygiene in children. It is necessary to cut children's nails short and keep them clean. Mosquito bites in children cause particularly severe itching, which leads to scratching of the affected area and infection.

Long sleeves and repellents are your main defense against mosquito bites and other midges.

Follow-up treatment

To get rid of itching and redness after mosquito bites, you can use a remedy purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home. Both treatments are effective, and the choice is left only to the victim or the person treating him. Properly performed therapy is a high-quality protection of bite sites from scratching and, for this reason, scars and scars after infection.


Medical treatment is especially important in case of local allergy to mosquito bites. Use for this you need an ointment, gel, balm or alcohol preparation with menthol or mint. The most common treatments for mosquito bites are:

  • Fenistil-gel relieves local allergies and cools the skin, as a result of which the bite begins to itch less;
  • Tsindol - dries and relieves inflammation if mosquito bites are already combed;
  • ointment Rescuer - relieves discomfort and accelerates healing in case of scratching;
  • balm Vitaon for the skin - the product has numerous medicinal properties, including mosquitoes.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for mosquitoes have proven to be fast-acting. As a rule, anyone can find the necessary products at home, or make a similar mosquito repellent with their own hands. Folk remedies for mosquitoes can only be used if there is no acute allergy to mosquito bites or to the products listed below.

It is practically impossible for anyone to endure the attacks of winged bloodsuckers, which is why, being in nature, you need to use repellents. In order not to treat the effects of mosquito bites, it is very important to get used to not scratching the sore spot, even if it is very itchy. To relieve this symptom, it is better to use special means after mosquito bites. And if you are planning a trip to places where the climate is high humidity, first collect information about the epidemiological situation in this region and possible preventive vaccinations.

Often, a mosquito attack for a child is accompanied by an unpleasant irritating itching, pain and swelling. These are common signs and parents know how to deal with them.

Some children tolerate them very easily, but for others they have very serious health consequences.

With regard to whether there can be an allergy to the lesions of such creatures, medical practice has shown that yes. In such circumstances, every responsible parent should be aware not only of the danger, but also of how to treat mosquito bites in children.

What it is?

In medical practice, a mosquito bite that leads to the development of an allergic reaction is called kulicidosis. Around the place where the insect has stung, swelling and redness appear, the color of the epithelium changes, and a rash occurs.

Mosquito allergy manifests itself in different ways. There are several stages of the pathological process. There are two types of reactions:

  • Organic local reaction. At the site of the bite, there is redness up to 5 cm in diameter, swelling of the soft tissues. These signs are accompanied by burning and itching; if you bring an infection, then the affected area suppurates, nausea, weakness appear, the temperature increases;
  • A pronounced local reaction is characterized by redness over 5 cm in diameter, tissue edema. Hyperemia and swelling can increase several days after the incident, persist up to a week and a half. Additional symptoms: weakness, nausea, loss of appetite.

The main reason for an allergic reaction lies in the fact that the immune system does not produce antibodies that resist insect poison and saliva.

For your information, children under 3 years of age react most acutely to insect bites, due to defective immune system.

There are several reasons for the development of allergies:

  1. hereditary predisposition. If there is a family history of allergies to pests, then the information in the genetic code can be transmitted to the baby.
  2. Failure in the activity of the immune system. It is impossible to predict the reaction. Allergies develop even in those children who do not have a tendency to such manifestations.
  3. The special sensitivity of the child's body to bites. In this case, the reaction is aggravated by preconditions - sleep disturbance, malnutrition, general fatigue, etc.

The danger of bites lies not only in the development of allergies, but also in diseases that are transmitted by insects: mosquitoes are potential sources of yellow fever, flies are dysentery and typhoid, etc.

What does a mosquito bite look like: symptoms and photos

A normal skin reaction to a mosquito bite is a single wound on a body area, accompanied by a slight rounded redness. Sometimes in the center you can see a small hole - a trace from the sting of a bloodsucker. Often a blister appears in the middle of the redness, resembling a nettle burn. Itching is observed only at the site of the bite. If you do not comb the wound, all these manifestations disappear on their own within one or two days.

First aid

Knowing what to do after a mosquito bite can help prevent swelling. To avoid such undesirable consequences, you need to carry out several procedures:

  1. We wash the place of "defeat" with cold soapy water.
  2. We make an ice compress for a quarter of an hour. To do this, simply take the ice, wrap it in gauze and apply it to the bite site. Such manipulations will help remove dirt from the skin and prevent the development of the inflammatory process.
  3. The next step is antiseptic treatment. As it can be used plant juices, antiseptics, prepared according to folk recipe(we will talk about them later).

These events are held twice a day. If a mosquito has bitten a child, then you need to explain to him that scratching the wound is highly undesirable, since this can lead to infection and long treatment.


Therapy of mosquito bites at home is symptomatic. If the reaction of the body is moderate, a small bump of reddened skin does not require treatment. However, children are often allergic to the bite, so a course of therapy will be required. In order not to harm the child, the drugs should be used according to the age dosage. When treating folk remedies, it is also worth remembering that some recipes are designed for adults, and their use can cause an allergic reaction in an infant.

  • with numerous bites, give syrup (tablets) for allergies;
  • apply a gel, balm or ointment to the skin, any mosquito bite remedy for children to relieve itching and redness;
  • let the deca drink more: it is important to remove toxins from the body. Suitable boiled water, mineral water without gas. Be careful with herbal decoctions: some increase allergic reactions;
  • Dress your child in light clothing made from natural fabrics with long sleeves. Synthetic things are not suitable: irritation, signs of allergies are often aggravated by contact with a material that does not allow air to pass through;
  • explain to older children that it is impossible to comb the bites, otherwise the infection will get into the wounds;
  • after applying a healing gel or ointment, monitor how the body reacts. If after a few hours the size of the red spots does not decrease, the symptoms increase, urgently take the child to the hospital;
  • if there was no gel or balm against mosquito bites at home, use folk remedies, then be sure to go to the pharmacy for medicine;
  • with pronounced signs of allergy, call " ambulance”, especially in the case of young children.

With the development of angioedema, incomprehensible, suspicious spots all over the body, severe shortness of breath, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before the arrival of the medical team, it is important to provide first aid to the injured baby. Recommendations on how to deal with severe allergies in children are given above.


Insect bites should be treated in two directions: relieve general symptoms with oral antihistamines and act directly on the affected area. Antiallergic drugs are given for several days until the condition of a small patient improves. Children up to a year are prescribed Fenistil, Zodak, Zirtek, Suprastin. Do not give medicines for adults, so as not to aggravate the condition.

Lubricate the bite sites should also be regularly until complete recovery and removal of edema. For local exposure, the following means are used:

  • Fenistil gel - relieves itching, reduces hyperemia. The preparation contains anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory components.
  • Psilo balm is a topical antihistamine with anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties.
  • Spray-balm Mosquitol - for a quick effect.
  • Balm Rescuer - anesthetizes, reduces swelling and itching.
  • Sudocrem is a zinc-based product. Relieves irritation, relieves blisters in a short time.

In case of serious inflammatory processes, accompanied by significant edema, agents based on glucocorticoids are indicated. Such drugs quickly penetrate the superficial stratum corneum into the epidermis and suppress inflammation. You can use them no more than 1 time per day, if the doctor has not prescribed an individual dosage:

  • Advantan cream 1%. The drug can be smeared from 6 months.
  • Hydrocorizone ointment - used from 2 years.

Folk remedies

The most common skin reactions to mosquito bites are itching, redness, and swelling. Therefore, most folk methods aimed at alleviating these symptoms. The first thing to do after a mosquito bite is to rinse and disinfect the wound. For infants, ordinary boiled water at room temperature is used, for older children - water with a small amount of soap. If there are a lot of bites, you can make a local bath with the addition of 1-2 pinches sea ​​salt, 1-2 teaspoons of mint tincture or the same amount of apple cider vinegar.

To alleviate suffering and reduce itching, folk healers recommend the following remedies:

  • Baking soda solution or slurry. For the solution, 1 teaspoon of soda is taken in half a glass of cold water. For gruel - the same amount of powder, mixed with a few drops of water to a pasty state. The solution is used to make lotions or wipe bites. The slurry is applied to the wounds in a thin layer, and after drying, it is washed off with damp gauze or simply washed off with water. Given that the external use of soda is safe, this method is suitable for children of any age.
  • Toothpaste . A small amount of mint, menthol or eucalyptus toothpaste is applied with a cotton swab to the bite site. After drying, the paste can be removed with a piece of cotton wool moistened with water at room temperature, and then repeat the steps.
  • Apple vinegar . The tool should be used only in cases where the wounds are not combed! A small ball of cotton wool is moistened with a drop of vinegar, after which it is applied to the bite site and, if necessary, fixed to the skin with a piece of adhesive tape. After 15-20 minutes, the procedure can be repeated.
  • Plants: plantain, mint, aloe vera, parsley. The leaves need to be kneaded with your hands, then smear the mosquito bites with the released juice.
  • Kefir or curdled milk. The wound treated with these products itches much less. Lubrication of the bite site with a dairy product can be repeated many times, until the condition is relieved or the itching and redness completely disappear.
  • Ice. A piece of ice wrapped in several layers of clean, dry cloth reduces the development of edema and relieves pain. The minimum time for applying cold to the affected area is 10 minutes, the maximum is 1 hour. In case of extensive skin lesions, ice should be kept for 10 minutes at intervals of 10-15 minutes. Thus, the inflamed area will not be supercooled more than required.
  • Essential oils (lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, chamomile, basil and others). As a first aid, only tea tree oil can be applied undiluted to the bite site, in the amount of 1-2 drops. Other oils must be diluted according to the instructions before use on the skin! Repeat the action every hour or as needed. For severe inflammation, a paste consisting of 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 drop of lavender oil is recommended. These ingredients should be mixed in a small container and diluted with a small amount of distilled water to a paste-like consistency. The resulting remedy is applied to the bite site with a cotton pad until the discomfort decreases. Scented oils can be used on children from birth, however, before starting to treat the wound, make sure that the child is not allergic to this product. Using a cotton swab, apply a microdose of oil to an undamaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and follow the baby's reaction for 10-15 minutes. If there are no changes in the condition of the skin and the general well-being of the child, you can safely use the oil to apply to the bite site.

How to choose the right remedy

When choosing a method to reduce the manifestation of unpleasant consequences after a mosquito bite for a child, one should be careful and careful. Perfect option- the use of medicines and folk remedies by doctor's prescription. If it is not possible to seek advice from a doctor, or you do not consider it necessary, carefully read the instructions from the manufacturers of pharmaceutical products.

According to Dr. Komarovsky about mosquito bites in children, when observing symptoms of an increasing allergy, the following steps should be taken:

  • immediately apply a piece of ice to the site of swelling for 15 minutes, which will help remove itching and slightly relieve swelling;
  • to eliminate the manifestations, a special anti-allergic ointment, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, follows;
  • use oral tablets with anti-allergic effect;
  • if the above manipulations do not bring much effect, then it is necessary to make an intramuscular injection of a hormonal drug such as Dexamethasone.

These measures are useful for various insect attacks, especially if allergy symptoms are manifested by bites in the face, head:


It is much easier to prevent the appearance of itching and swelling due to the "attack" of bloodsuckers than to deal with their consequences. Experts identify several options for avoiding mosquito bites:

By knowing how to treat mosquito bites in children and adults, you can avoid the unpleasant consequences of this mosquito "attack".

And what measures should be taken if bitten by life-threatening insects, spiders and animals.

Today we’ll talk about non-dangerous insects - summer companions, whose bites are rather annoying, as well as non-poisonous spiders.


How do we attract mosquitoes?

Usually, it is not the bite itself that causes concern, but the itching in its place. People with hypersensitivity may experience pain.

There are many studies and versions: how we attract mosquitoes, how they choose victims and why some people seem more attractive to them than others. The female mosquito feels a person by the radiated heat, by the smell emitted by our body, and by chemical composition our sweat. Studies have also shown that the frequency with which mosquitoes bite you depends on the blood type: according to scientists, the first group seems to them especially attractive. They also readily give preference to the blood of those who have recently taken alcohol.

The mosquito bite site itches, because together with the proboscis, the female mosquito injects into the blood various substances of a protein nature that prevent blood clotting. Then our body reacts to this foreign protein with a local allergic reaction.

What to do with a mosquito bite?

If mosquito bites cause irritation and allergic reactions in you, then there is no specific treatment for this.

  • For severe itching or swelling at the bite site, take any antihistamine.
  • bite sites do not cauterize alcohol-containing liquids - this will only dry out the skin and increase itching. It is best to treat bite sites with special insect bite creams, which are now abundant in pharmacy chains. These remedies will relieve itching, soothe the skin, and reduce the allergic reaction.
  • A weak solution of baking soda will also help relieve itching, apply it on the bite and let dry, the itching will decrease significantly.

What to do so that mosquitoes do not bite?

There are many for sale now. fumigators and scented candles that will repel mosquitoes and prevent bites. You can also fight them with different natural remedies. The smell of cloves, eucalyptus, camphor, basil and cinnamon repels mosquitoes.

Eucalyptus extract, for example, can be used in place of fumigator fluid. You can drop the essential oil on the bed or apply at night on open areas skin. Use clove and cinnamon oil in an aroma lamp before going to bed, finely chop the basil and leave in a saucer on the windowsill.

Mosquitoes carry malaria

Treatment for malaria is prescribed by an infectious disease specialist.


Flea bites can cause allergic reactions, itching and pain, scratching the bites can cause skin damage and infect wounds, inflammation and suppuration.

  • Treatment is symptomatic. For allergic reactions, antihistamines.


Where do bed bugs come from in the house?

Bed bugs can infest your home for a variety of reasons. Even if you maintain an ideal frequency and order, don't think that they are to be expected only in unsanitary conditions. Bed bugs can migrate into your home from basements and attics, they can be brought back from vacations, and they can be purchased with used furniture.

May cause allergic reactions, itching and pain.

  • For allergic reactions, antihistamines.
  • Creams and ointments for insect bites.

Non-venomous spiders

What to do if bitten by a spider?

Bites from non-venomous spiders that live in the home do not occur often and quite rarely pose a danger to humans. The most unpleasant reaction is pain at the site of the bite.

But no one is immune from allergic reactions. The reaction may be local: swelling at the site of the bite, redness, itching, a slight rash. Or systemic with serious consequences: anaphylactic shock, angioedema. In this case, you can not do without the help of doctors.

For non-life-threatening reactions, help is to take antihistamines and use ointments for bites. With severe pain at the site of the bite, you can take any pain reliever.

Update: October 2018

Each of us has been bitten by an insect at some time or another. The bites of these small representatives of the fauna are fraught with unpleasant consequences. In this article, we will look at what the bites of various insects look like, what symptoms occur and how to help in such a situation.

mosquito bites

The most active representative of the "biting" insects is the mosquito. Insect activity falls on May-September. Only female mosquitoes bite - for them, the blood of warm-blooded animals and humans is the only way to prolong their offspring. The insect can actively attack at night, depriving a person of normal sleep.

For a healthy adult, a mosquito bite does not pose any danger, except perhaps for an unpleasant sensation. But for people with allergies, for young children, they can cause a lot of trouble in the form of a serious inflammatory reaction of an allergic nature.

The squeak that accompanies the flight of a mosquito is the oscillation of its wings with a frequency of up to 600 per second. The female mosquito feels the smell of food for 50 meters, and in search of food, the insect can travel up to 64 km.

Dangerous types of mosquitoes

We all know about malarial mosquitoes that live in the tropics and annually "kill" about 3 million people. In the conditions of our latitudes, all cases of malaria are imported, i.e. a person becomes infected while staying in an area endemic for the disease. Aedes mosquitoes carry dangerous yellow fever, hepatitis and encephalitis. The dengue virus is also carried by mosquitoes.

Who is most at risk

Mosquito bite symptoms

In more severe cases and in children, a strong inflammatory reaction can be observed in the form of:

  • hemorrhages at the site of penetration;
  • blister;
  • puffiness up to swelling of the limb, face (bite zone);
  • allergic rash nearby;
  • rise in temperature;
  • sleep disturbances, anxiety, loss of appetite;
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes;
  • infection: the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, which is considered as a complication.

Sometimes it is difficult to identify mosquito bite sites from a different rash, especially for children. A mosquito bite always has a dot in the center of the focus, but an allergic rash that may appear after a while is no different from that of any other allergen.

May be allergic or infectious. If the first can still be dealt with on its own by taking antihistamines, then the second may indicate the development of the disease. What could it be:

  • bite of another insect (bug, midge);
  • an allergic reaction to a specific irritant;
  • a disease, one of the symptoms of which is a rash (dermatitis, roseola, etc.).

Allergy to mosquito bites

Mosquito bites in children are a special topic. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of children giving a serious allergic reaction to this, which develops quite quickly. At the time of the bite, the insect injects a special anticoagulant poison into the skin, which reduces pain, inhibits blood clotting and softens the vascular wall.

The immune system instantly reacts to such penetration with an inflammatory reaction in the form of slight swelling and redness - this happens in healthy adults. In children, with still imperfect immunity, and allergic adults with malfunctions of the immune system, an overreaction of the immune system to the protein components of insect venom is formed.

In terms of severity, allergy to insect bites is divided into:

  • Local - swelling at the bite site up to 10 cm, which lasts more than 24 hours.
  • General mild and moderate severity- severe itching, allergic rash (), fever.
  • General severe degree- nausea, vomiting, vascular collapse up to anaphylactic shock. It is extremely rare.

First aid and treatment of allergic reactions after mosquito bites

With the development of a general reaction of any severity, you should visit a doctor and as soon as possible. First aid and actions in the development of only a local reaction are as follows:

  1. Thoroughly wash the bite site cold water and with soap;
  2. Treat the area with any antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Dekasan);
  3. Avoid combing the wound;

For a healthy adult, this is quite enough to forget about the bite in half an hour, i.e. in the absence of a local inflammatory reaction, there is no need to use antihistamines.

  1. Cool this place to reduce swelling - apply a special cooling pad, pieces of ice wrapped in a cloth.
  2. Lubricate with antihistamine ointment (Fenistil, Soventol). In severe cases and in the absence of other means, hydrocortisone ointment can be applied to the bite site. However, this is an extreme measure, the reaction of the body to a hormonal drug can be very serious, especially in children. If you really had to use such an ointment, it is better to use the drug with the lowest concentration of the hormone (0.25%).
  3. In the absence of antihistamine ointments, you can apply a lotion with soda solution(1 tsp soda per glass of water) and hold for 15-20 minutes (until swelling decreases);
  4. Take an oral antihistamine (Fenkarol, Loratadin, Suprastin) and continue taking it according to the instructions for 3-5 days.

Insect protection

General activities include

  • preventing insects from entering the premises (using home-made or industrial mosquito nets on windows, special ultrasonic repellent systems or fumigators - Raptor, Aokeman).
  • destruction of insects that have entered the room (use of plates and liquids from mosquitoes, which are also produced for use in children's rooms - Raptor, Mosquitall, Fumitoks), mechanical destruction.

Personal prevention includes

  • Wearing closed clothing when visiting a forest, park, walking along water bodies;
  • The use of special protective nets for a baby stroller;
  • Use of repellent emulsions, patches, aerosol sticks and creams to be applied to exposed skin. It is preferable to use creams and emulsions, as they create a uniform film on the skin. Aerosols are difficult to dose, moreover, they can get into the respiratory system. Pencils often create a sticky film that quickly breaks down when touched.
  • If you don't want to use chemicals, you can use natural repellents (essential oils of clove, geranium, lavender) - apply a drop of oil on clothes, baby carriage), but only if there is no allergy to these plants!
  • Soaking clothes with special repellents (Gardeks, Deta, Off, Medilis), wearing anti-mosquito mosquito bracelets (Bugs Lock, Gardex).

Do not forget that any repellent applied to the skin or clothes has a certain time of action, after which the application of the drug should be repeated! And yet - do not try to buy a product with the longest protection - the longer it is, the stronger and more toxic the substance at the base of the repellent, but the presence of a prolongator in its composition is a plus, it allows you to extend the action without increasing the concentration of the toxic component.

The most effective repellents for children

MOSQUIITUSH, organic oil, suitable for children from birth, approximate price 700 rubles. OUR MAMA: cream and emulsion from 18 months, 150 rubles. OFF cream from 3 years old MOSKITOL: Line "Protection for babies" (cream, milk, gel) from 1 year old, line "Gentle Protection" (220 rubles, gel, spray, wipes) from 3 years old MAGIKOPLAST plaster from 2 years old (only for clothes!) 150 rub. TAIGA carnation spray for children from birth

Repellents Reftamid (Reftamid) GARDEX: sprays from 1 year old, pencil from 2 years old, cream-gel and aerosol from 12 years old DEET: cream and milk from 2 years

midge bites

The midge, a millimetric insect, is distributed almost throughout the globe. There are many subspecies of an insect, but they all attack a person with one goal - to get food. The saliva of the midge contains toxic substances, to which the human body responds with one reaction or another. The midge is most active in the hot months of summer, the main habitat is forests and vegetation along water bodies.

They do not have night activity, they attack in the morning and daytime. Most often, midges attack en masse, i.e. there are always a lot of bites, but single individuals are also actively looking for food. Due to its size, the insect flies up and sits on a person imperceptibly, its favorite places are arms and legs. It does not have selectivity for victims, it equally attacks both adults and children.


This is pain and burning at the time of the bite. This symptom always differs in intensity depending on the toxicity of the midge's saliva - the more toxic it is, the stronger pain. When attacking, the midge gnaws the upper layer of the epithelium, actively lubricating the wound surface with saliva containing an anesthetic. That is why there may not be pain, or it begins to be felt after the insect has left the place of the meal.

  • severe and persistent itching that forces a person to comb the bite site;
  • puffiness of varying severity;
  • allergic rash;
  • further infection of the affected skin due to scratching.

Allergy to mosquito bite

Hemolyzing and allergenic substances in midge saliva often cause an allergic reaction, especially in children. The allergic response of the human body can be in the form of a local or general reaction:

First aid and allergy treatment

The algorithm of actions for a midge bite is exactly the same as for a mosquito. The general reaction always requires medical attention, as well as multiple bites of children, regardless of the development of allergies.

  • One feature should be taken into account: midge bites are always very itchy. If an adult can still control himself and not comb his skin, then it is difficult for a child to do this.
  • After treating the affected area of ​​the skin, an aseptic dry bandage or a wet bandage with furacilin or a half-alcohol solution can be applied; for adults, a 0.5% solution of novocaine can be used.
  • To prevent infection, bite sites should be treated with salicylic-zinc paste or Tsindol, which also relieve inflammation.

Mosquito protection

Measures to protect against midge bites are no different from those for protection against mosquitoes. Almost all modern repellents act equally against both mosquitoes and midges.

Stings of wasps, bees, hornets

Stings from bees, wasps and hornets very often lead to the development of a serious allergic reaction. Sad statistics say that 3 times more people die from bee attacks than from poisonous snakes- About 500 insect stings are fatal to humans, and for some people with an allergy to bees, one or two is enough.

These representatives of insects "bite" in a special way, sticking a sting with poison into human skin. Hymenoptera venoms are much more toxic than those of midges and mosquitoes, the response always develops, but for each person it has a different degree of severity.

Comparative characteristics of insects

  • bees

  • Hornets
Aggressiveness Medium High Low
Sting Notched (remains in the skin) Smooth, does not remain in the skin Smooth, does not remain in the skin
Action of the poison Destroys red blood cells, excites nervous structures, increases motor activity and vascular permeability, causes swelling, redness, pain and inflammation Expands blood vessels, causes pain and inflammation, redness promotes hemolysis of red blood cells, reduces smooth muscles
Insect Feature Dies after being bitten Can bite repeatedly, do not die after being bitten
Cause of death of a person Stopping the respiratory center , suffocation


Allergic reaction to bee, wasp, hornet stings

An allergy to a bite in the form of a hyper-response of the immune system to the components of insect venom can develop even for a single insect bite, the reaction frequency is 0.5-2% of cases.

If you once had an allergy to a bee sting, with each subsequent sting, the allergic response of the body will be stronger! Be carefull!

Immune response options:

  • : severe and persistent itching, pale pink blisters, the localization of which is different.
  • : Inflammatory reaction and swelling of the deep layers of the skin, more often on the face, neck, upper respiratory tract. Extremely dangerous swelling of the larynx, which can lead to suffocation: hoarseness, difficulty breathing, blue, then pallor of the face,
  • - an extreme degree of an allergic reaction, occurs immediately after a bite. The earlier the shock developed, the more severe its course.

Symptoms of anaphylactic shock in ascending order: reddening of the skin, swelling of the face, rash and itching of the whole body, chills, nausea, difficulty and rapid breathing, decreased pressure, dizziness, tachycardia, loss of consciousness. Forms of the course of anaphylactic shock:

First aid for a bee or wasp sting

When to call an ambulance/see a doctor:

  • Multiple bites - dangerous due to the ingestion of a large amount of poison into the body;
  • Bites to the head, face - can result in suffocation.
  • With a pre-known allergy to an insect bite.
  • With the development of symptoms of an allergic reaction (see above).

What not to do:

  • Delay the removal of the sting from the skin, because, remaining there, it continues to secrete poison.
  • Take alcohol - accelerates the spread and absorption of poison.
  • Applying lotions with water from a reservoir, puddles to the wound, cooling the skin with earth is fraught with infection.
  • Rubbing or pressing down on the bite site - promotes the spread of poison.
  • Kill the stinging bee, because the smell that the insect emits when injured attracts other bees.

Step-by-step first aid algorithm

Remove stinger from skin

  • If it is visible, you can carefully pick it up with tweezers or a fingernail, trying not to put pressure on the sting pouch, since there is poison there.
  • If the sting is under the skin, you can pick it up with a sterile syringe needle. Squeezing out the sting is not worth it; inept actions can drive it even deeper.

Draw out the poison that has entered the skin

  • apply soda lotion to the wound for 20 minutes (1 tsp soda per glass of water);
  • apply a piece of moistened sugar to the wound.

Neutralize remaining poison

  • bee - by thoroughly washing the wound with alkaline soap;
  • aspen - by jet washing the bite area with a solution of vinegar and water (1: 1).

Treatment of the bite site and cold

Disinfect the place with any antiseptic - hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate solution. Apply ice to relieve swelling.

Antihistamines and other drugs

  • Lubricate the skin with antihistamine ointment (see above) or special preparations after insect bites (Psilo-balm, DEET, Mosquitall foam-balm).
  • Take an antihistamine (see above). With a persistent allergic reaction, a doctor may prescribe a hormonal drug (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone).

Removal of general intoxication

Remove general intoxication: drink plenty of fluids, take vitamin C, get more rest.

If the allergic status is aggravated, avoid contact with any allergens

Prevention of insect bites

  • It is impossible to provoke an insect - actively brush aside, try to swat, etc.
  • Quietly step aside if an insect is obsessively flying nearby.
  • If you eat sweets, fruits near insect habitats (clearing, parks, forest), try not to leave residues and waste, collect them in a tight plastic bag.
  • Try not to wear bright clothes when visiting the forest.
  • Do not disturb the hives and nests of insects, whether domestic or wild bees - the reaction will follow immediately.
  • Do not walk barefoot through clearings with flowering plants.
  • You should use special insect repellents (Aries, Etisso, Anti Wasp).
