bitter melon or kudret nara or momordica or Indian cucumber - a genus of plants of the Cucurbitaceae family, which includes about 20 species of annual or perennial vines growing in tropical or subtropical regions of Asia, Africa and Australia.

The plant is a dioecious vine growing up to 5 m long, with simple leaves, 4-12 cm across, and yellow flowers.

The fruits of this plant are very similar to fruits, but they are vegetables. They are elongated, yellow in color, covered with warts, are very diverse in shape and size. The inside contains a relatively thin layer of pulp surrounding a central cavity filled with large, flat seeds and a jelly-like substance. Bitter melon becomes bright orange when ripe and bursts into three pieces. Seeds are visible inside the bursting fruit.

The chemical composition of bitter melon. Bitter melon has a high nutritional value, far superior to peppers and eggplants popular with gardeners. Fruits contain a lot of proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B, B1,. Vitamin E found in fruits protects the body from premature aging, and vitamin F gives vitality and strength. It is high in iron, twice as much beta-carotene as broccoli; twice as much calcium as spinach; twice as much potassium as a banana. In addition, it stimulates digestion and appetite.

The fruits of bitter melon are especially rich in folic acid, from the lack of which the bone marrow suffers, and there is also a danger of cancerous tumors.

Application of bitter melon. pulpbitter melon fruiteaten in an unripe state, it is crispy and watery, similar to pulp cucumber, chayote or green peppers. Seeds at unripe fruits pulled out before culinary use. When the fruits begin to ripen, the flesh becomes orange, soft, but very bitter. When the fruit is fully ripe, its seeds acquire a sweetish taste and can be eaten raw, but after heat treatment they become softer.

Canned momordica difficult to compare with other vegetables prepared in the same way. Its taste is very pleasant and refreshing. Juicy and tender pericarp tastes like a ripe persimmon.

Pulp and seeds bitter melon are used in Asian cuisines. They are fried, boiled, added to salads, soups and stews. Bitter melon goes well with meat, potatoes, unsweetened yogurt, coconut, cucumbers. In China, bitterness is used to make soups, specialty teas, and even instead of hops as an ingredient in some beers. In India, bitter melon is served with yogurt as an appetizer, cooked with potatoes and curry, deep fried and walnuts. In Japan, it is an important component of Okinawan cuisine. In Indonesia, bitter melon is cooked in coconut milk. In Vietnam, they are added to soups and stewed with meat. In the Philippines, they make a salad out of it, and in Nepal they prepare a special bitter pickle. In Turkey, it is eaten with olive oil and honey.

The fruits of kudret nara are quite bitter, so it is more often used for medical purposes than for culinary purposes.

Used in folk medicine beneficial features bitter melon: fruits, seeds and leaves.

Momordica fruits and seeds lower blood cholesterol levels, prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, cleanse blood vessels, reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes, cure leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, headaches and joint pain, burns, psoriasis, depression, furunculosis, hepatitis. Bitter melon treats eye diseases, improves visual acuity.

Decoctions and tinctures of Indian cucumber heal from prostatitis, urolithiasis, sclerosis, improve brain function and strengthen the immune system. Bitter melon is used as natural medicine to destroy cancer cells, bacteria and viruses, to treat hypertension, hemorrhoids, to increase immunity. This plant quickly removes excess fat from the body, speeds up the metabolism and makes the figure slim.

Bitter melon can exacerbate heartburn and ulcers. In addition, its seeds can cause primaquine anemia and poisoning in children. It can also very rarely cause bleeding, uterine muscle contractions, and miscarriages in pregnant women..

bitter melon or Karela, Latin name Momordica Charantia, grows mainly in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. This strange plant has been used for centuries in Asia and Africa to treat many ailments. to western medicine bitter melon arrived quite recently, but immediately, rightfully attracted scientific interest due to a number of positive effects on human health, especially because of its effect on malignant diseases.

Studies have found that the active ingredients in bitter melon interfere with the metabolism of glucose in cancer cells. Scientists from St. Louis University have found a positive effect of bitter melons about destroying breast cancer cells and preventing them from multiplying. Read the details on the website latest news from the world of fashion, health and modern diets.

A study conducted by researchers at the Center for Cancer Research at Colorado State University confirmed that bitter melon juice reduces pancreatic tumor growth. In this rodent study, bitter melon juice was used. According to the study, after 72 hours of testing, tumor cell growth was reduced by 90% to 98%. Experts believe that the effect is simply incredible. In addition, bitter juice melons does not cause the harmful effects of chemotherapy.

In addition to pancreatic and breast cancers, bitter melon has been found to help with cancers of the prostate, liver, colon, and respiratory tract. Melon juice prevents the spread of leukemia and neuroblastoma - neuroendocrine tumors - and enhances the function of immune cells in people suffering from cancer. Scientists attribute the therapeutic effect of agglutinin to a glycoprotein, which bitter melon contains in large quantities.

Note: The consumption of bitter melon juice is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Bitter melon in cooking.

The fruits are eaten green or yellow. They taste bitter and watery. The skin of the young fetus is tender and also edible. As it ripens, the skin becomes hard and inedible, and the flesh turns red and loses its bitterness. In some Southeast Asian countries, bitter melon is a popular ingredient in many dishes as it gives them a bitter taste.

Note. Other names for bitter melon are Chinese bitter gourd, bitter cucumber.

Possible reasons

When we buy a small round local melon or a long Central Asian melon with a breathtaking aroma, we expect a feast of sweet taste in our mouths. If instead we feel bitterness, then something is wrong with this melon.

Most often, the reason is that the fetus could be affected by fungal infections, after which an unpleasant taste appears in the mouth. The increased content of nitrates will also not make the pulp sweeter. To avoid such troubles, you need to carefully consider the fruits when buying and do not take those whose skin is damaged. Remember that cracks are an open road for infections and bacteria, and a bitter taste in the mouth helps us stop in time.

But "bitter melon" is a completely different plant, it is also called Indian cucumber or Chinese melon. This very beautiful liana from the pumpkin family is represented by 20 species known today, among which there are annual and perennials. But two of them are most often cultivated: momordica charantia (from the Latin name) and Cochin.

They came to us from the Indian tropics, the Chinese south and the Caribbean islands, where their wild counterparts grow. Despite its southern origin, the "bitter melon" has taken root in our dachas and household plots. Some were captivated by the beauty of the plant, especially bright exotic fruits, others liked the unusual dishes from them, and others are pinning their hopes on amazing medicinal properties.

Thin shoots grow up to 4 meters, they are strong enough to hold large carved bright green leaves. Yellow flowers bloom in turn - first male with a pleasant sweet smell, then female. Almost immediately after pollination, ovaries are formed, large green fruits grow, similar to warty cucumbers, as they ripen, they become yellow-orange in color.

Summer residents appreciate momordica for its decorative effect: any fence can be decorated by running a liana along it with large beautifully outlined leaves of rich green color, with fruits up to 25 cm long, which, when ripe, turn from green to bright orange.

Interestingly, until the very ripening of the fruits, the branches are covered with stinging hairs, which for some reason completely disappear after the fruits ripen. Ripe fruits open, the skin with a thin layer of pulp is divided into three parts, which are wrapped up, becoming like huge bright three-lobed flowers. Up to 30 seeds are poured out of each fruit, covered with a dark red dense skin with pulp (like large pomegranate seeds), after biting which bitterness is felt in the mouth.

This plant is very beautiful, it strikes with its tropical brightness in the midst of our reserved nature. In this culture, everything is beautiful and unusual for our eyes, even seeds. Oddly enough, it is very easy to grow. It feels great not only in greenhouses, but also in the open air, you can put it on the balcony and even on the windowsill. True, there is one caveat - in a short summer it is not always possible to get ripened fruits, which is why many grow it through seedlings.

The chemical composition of bitter melon

"Bitter melon" is able to amaze not only with its spectacular appearance, but also with its changing taste. And the chemical composition of the fruits will outdo the most useful and nutritious vegetables in our garden. Momordica contains:

  • more proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber and sugars than eggplant and bell peppers;
  • more beta-carotene than broccoli;
  • twice as much calcium as the notorious spinach;
  • more potassium than a banana.

In addition, bitter melon still has a lot of iron, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus, folic acid, which is so necessary for the bone marrow. Vitamins are selected better than in any multivitamin complex: B groups - for nervous system, E - anti-aging, C and F - for strength and vigor. And all this can be obtained from one plant! Only here it is not always pleasant to eat because of bitterness. Moreover, the more ripe the fruit, the more bitter its pulp in the mouth.

Unripe fruits are crisp and juicy, like a green cucumber or bell pepper. The seeds are removed from them before cooking. The pulp of unripe fruits is eaten raw, canned, boiled and fried. They use recipes from Chinese, Indian, Indonesian, Vietnamese cuisines. It is interesting and pleasant to eat momordica with yogurt, meat or potatoes, include in the composition vegetable stew. For us, these are unusual exotic dishes. That's why it's interesting to try them. For example, the Okinawan cuisine of Japan offers dishes that simply melt in your mouth.

Ripe momordica leaves behind a very bitter taste, so it is more often used in traditional medicine than in cooking.

The use of fruits and seeds due to their amazing chemical composition has a healing effect on the entire body. They help cleanse and strengthen blood vessels, stimulate the work of the heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, strengthen the immune system and the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

Many saw in this plant a panacea for all diseases, which cannot but alert. It is known that it can cause poisoning in children, worsen the condition of patients with ulcers of the digestive system. Prolonged use of Tibetan, Chinese or Japanese momordica folk medicine should not contribute to its uncontrolled use in our reality - everything must be approached rationally and carefully.

Proper watermelon care

Chinese melon is not difficult to grow in temperate climates. It is propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Most often, seeds are used to grow annual plants through seedlings. The darkest ones are selected from them, they are disinfected with potassium permanganate, after which they are placed on a damp cloth smeared with honey, left near the central heating battery. After 2 weeks, germinated seeds are planted in peat cups. The leaf soil is mixed with humus, heated for disinfection, the seeds are slightly pressed into it with the rib down, covered with heated sand from above. Crops create a greenhouse effect with a temperature not lower than +20 degrees and high humidity. After a couple of weeks, cups with sprouted seedlings can be opened. Then it is watered, fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, hardened, and at the end of May they are planted outside.

The plant needs to pick up a dry, bright place with light nutrient soil, prepare supports for the vine. As the plant grows, thin out so that the leaves and new shoots do not obscure each other, otherwise this will negatively affect the yield.

When working with a plant, hands must be protected, otherwise its burning hairs leave burns after contact.

This tropical beauty loves moisture, but does not tolerate stagnant water at the roots. In the middle of a hot summer, it is watered daily, preferably in the evening, and in the morning it is worth slightly loosening the soil. It is sprinkled as it is washed out. Feed the vine with complex mineral fertilizers after 3 weeks, you can apply a liquid solution of a mixture of cow manure with chicken manure.

Among the diseases you need to be wary of gray rot, bacteriosis, powdery mildew. Can pester aphids. If such troubles happen, colloidal sulfur gives a good effect, the affected plants are sprayed with it, diluting 40 g in 10 liters of water. Plants are also powdered with wood ash.

For food, the fruits are harvested about 10 days after the formation of the ovary - they have already grown, but not yet ripe, the skin has turned yellow, but has not yet become orange. If you wait a couple more days, the fruit will become very bitter, and eating it will be accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the mouth.

Momordica is easy to grow. Caring for her can be a pleasure. She will decorate country cottage area and even healthier. But before using this exotic plant in food it is worth studying the issue very carefully and trying only a small portion. It is undesirable to give it to children.

Already the end of July. And the melon season begins. I really love this vegetable. I like sweet and juicy fruits. But when buying melons, it is not always possible to acquire such fruits.

In addition, nitrates are now very actively used in cultivation, which then enter our body and affect our health.

Today I will tell you how to choose the right melons so that they are tasty, juicy and without nitrates. There are a few simple rules when choosing it.

Let's start with the look. After all, first of all, we choose a melon based on appearance.

An even yellow color indicates that it is ripe. And the presence of a green spot on the peel, on the contrary, is a sign that the fruit is still green. Often sellers say that such a melon is ripe and you should not pay attention to this green spot.

Here you should show firmness, not lead to the persuasion of sellers. And choose another vegetable.

Now let's look at what brown and grayish spots on the peel are talking about. Many people think that such melons are tasty and juicy. But it is not so. A melon with such spots already rots a little. How to be in this case?

In this situation, a melon can be taken, but it will not lie for a long time. And the fruit brown spots will be more bitter than a fruit without such stains. This must be kept in mind.

There are also melons with cracks and scratches. What to do with these vegetables? Should they be chosen?

It is better not to take such melons. Since scratches and cracks are places where harmful microorganisms accumulate.

Just do not confuse real scratches on the peel with a melon variety that has horizontal stripes all over the skin.

In addition to scratches on the peel, you can see the scars. Such scars indicate that the melon was once damaged. But now it is whole, there are no scratches and it can be eaten.

Now let's look at what a melon should be to the touch. It should not be too hard and not too soft.

If the melon is hard and you can’t press it with your finger, then it’s still green inside.

And vice versa, if it is too soft and fingerprints remain after pressing, then it is already overripe or rotten. Overripe fruits lose their juiciness and will no longer be honey.

Those who are used to determining the quality of products with their sense of smell can use it when buying melons.

From tasty juicy fruits comes a pleasant aroma.

A beautiful-looking melon that also feels good to the touch, but almost does not smell, is most likely stuffed with a lot of chemical fertilizers.

You can choose melons by tapping them like a watermelon. Only here there are some nuances. If you knock on the melon and it makes a loud ringing sound, then the fruit is still green.

And if the sound is not sonorous, closer to deaf, then the fruit is already ripe.

Now let's look at how to choose fruits by tail.

Very often, sellers, in order to harvest several crops of melons from the site during the season, twist the tails of the plucked unripe fruits so that they ripen faster.

In a ripe fruit, the tail is thick and dryish. But, if it is broken at the base, then it will be wet.

There are fruits that do not have a tail. In this case, it is necessary to press on the spout of the melon (on one side there is a tail, on the other side there is a spout). In a ripe fruit, the nose springs when pressed.

If the spout is hard, then the melon is green. But there are varieties with a hard nose.

Above, we have discussed how to choose the right vegetable on the market. Now we will analyze which melon is better to buy in the supermarket. The same rules apply here as in the market.

I will just say a few words about buying half fruits.

First of all, it must be borne in mind that a melon cut in half already loses many of its consumer properties. Therefore, it is better not to buy half fruits.

To insure yourself against nitrates, when buying, you must ask the seller to cut off the discount from the melon. And look at her flesh.

If streaks are visible on the pulp (slightly noticeable), then the melon is stuffed with nitrates or saltpeter.

You also need to pay attention to the seeds and fibers that are between the seeds.

If the melon seeds are empty, then this first of all indicates that it is unripe. And gray fibers are a sign that she was fed nitrates.

Melons grown without nitrates have yellow fibers.

Unripe seeds can also indicate that the vegetable was overfed with nitrates.

There is another way to determine if a melon contains chemical fertilizers or not. See what color the strip has, which is located between the peel and the pulp. Yellow means the content of chemical fertilizers.

If this strip is greenish, then the fruit is not yet ripe.

Now let's analyze the case if the melon for all outward signs ripe (and the color is right, and it feels right to the touch, without scratches and cracks), and if you cut it, it will smell, and it will be juicy, but it has no smell when whole. How to be in that case?

The lack of smell in a whole melon is a sign that it has been treated with urea or urine. It makes her beautiful appearance but it then contain ammonia.

You can ask the seller for documents stating that the product is grown without chemicals. But you should not trust the documents completely. Since documents can be issued for a batch of melons that are really grown without chemistry. And on sale there will be fruits with chemistry.

Read also:

Alexander, if you don’t care what scientists say, then we, in the format of a plant forum, are far from being all the same. Although it's amazing how a graduate of an agricultural university can "don't care", isn't it interesting?

1. What touched you personally, excuse me, your nickname is too “loud”, this obliges ... As they say: “He called himself a loader, climb into the body.”

I didn’t say anything about the fact that there was “nowhere” to observe. My words about the impossibility of verifying the observations personally implied the impossibility of correctly setting up experiments. Different variants cultivation and cross-pollination, including manual pollination, with isolation from pollinating insects. To ensure that it is known in each group of samples what is pollinated with what. 100% isolation of control plants from uncontrolled pollination. In the future, the comparison of the resulting fruits in different groups and with the control ones is not only visual, but also "instrumental", that is, their comparison of their physical and chemical characteristics. The amount of material in each group should be sufficient for the reliability of the conclusions. The rules for setting up biological experiments, you probably should know better than me ...

2. Fruits, whatever organs they are, are parts of the mother plant, and the parts of the fruit for which we grow them have the genome of the mother plant, they grow from the tissues of the mother plant, don't they? Here are the seeds, this is not only maternal, with the germination of someone else's pollen, they already have paternal genes. However, even this has its drawbacks. And when pollinated by foreign pollen, the seeds in the fruit can contain only the maternal genome, with apogamous seed formation. Then the daughter plants from seeds exactly repeat the signs of the mother plant, despite pollination by third-party pollen. The phenomenon of apogamy is typical, in particular, for some citrus fruits.

3. The fact that the pollination of some species and varieties of citrus increases the number of seeds is a well-known fact. But what does the change in the signs of the fruits of the mother plant have to do with it? This is a matter of compatibility-incompatibility of plants during pollination. In the industrial cultivation of citruses, an increase in the number of seeds worsens the commercial qualities of fruits declared as seedless, but cross-pollination does not directly affect the taste of fruits. A lemon pollinated by a tangerine will not become sweet, pollinated by an orange will not turn orange, a tangerine pollinated by a grape will not grow to the size of a ball. And no matter who is pollinated, the lemon will smell like lemon, tangerine tangerine, etc.

4. Yes, genetics is a developing science, but this does not mean that there is nothing unambiguous in it.

The first fruits not only in pears, but also in apple trees and citruses, often have deviations from the fruits of the following years, but these are not “qualitative”, but “quantitative” deviations. The genotype of a plant does not change with the number of years it has lived. Qualitatively, a pear will not be reborn into anything else. I have great respect for Michurin as a brilliant practitioner, but as far as theory is concerned, at the beginning of his career, he was mistaken in many ways. But he watched and looked for answers, and in our time, many answers have already been found.

By the way, you are talking about two different things. 1. Deviations in some signs of fruits in young plants and 2. Changes in the shape of the fruit with vegetative reproduction. These are not related things, and the reasons for them are different.

5. I don’t deny about peppers, but this phenomenon of the appearance of bitterness in sweet peppers when pollinated with bitter peppers is characteristic only of peppers. It should not be transferred to other plants. That is, pollination has nothing to do with the bitterness of cucumbers, nothing at all.

As for the advice, do not plant melons next to cucumbers. I confess, I didn’t plant melons at all, it’s bad in our climate with melons. But you are talking not only about melons, but also mention other hybrids of the pumpkin family. So, in our area, all owners of six acres plant cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkins side by side, because on a small “patch” plants cannot be isolated from each other, even if they want to. Everything naturally cross-pollinates with each other, since the bees and bumblebees do not care in what order to visit their flowers, however, the result is a normal crop - cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkins, with all their inherent characteristics (if the seeds were not originally hybrid). If, during the initial sowing, some kind of pumpkin suddenly grew on a zucchini plant, it was not the pumpkin planted nearby that was to blame, but the variety of zucchini seeds did not correspond to the declared one.

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  • and you have co-se-di in the entrance, someone you-stand-la-yut
  • in the store is it always in-ku-pa-e-te pa-ket or do you have your own?

When harvesting vegetables, the economical host sometimes becomes extremely illegible. He puts rotten carrots, moldy beets in a basket. Got a sick potato tuber? It doesn't matter - we'll feed the piglet. But scientists have found that the microtoxins of plants with a "tarnished reputation" affect the composition of human blood, reduce immunity, disrupt the nervous system, cause the formation of tumors, anomalies in the development of newborns. What diseases of vegetables and potatoes make them poisonous?

Spots on potatoes - an alarm sign

Lead-gray or brown hard spots of irregular shape on the surface of potatoes and tomatoes during growth, storage and ripening are a sign of late blight. In winter or spring, dry Fusarium rot is added to it on potatoes. Often less affected tubers are cut and eaten, left for livestock feed or used for processing (starch, alcohol). And this can be harmful to health.

Toxins - inside

Small sores (about 1 cm in diameter) on the root crops of carrots and beets with a thin layer of light-colored compacted tissue on the border of diseased and healthy tissue do not look scary outwardly. They can appear on vegetables in the garden, and then during storage. Often we do not pay attention to them or cut off the affected tissue, and put the root crop into action. In the meantime, this is fusarium. And often the toxins have time to penetrate deep into. They also enter the body if you eat such a vegetable, and can cause significant harm.

Eat affected vegetables - the skin deteriorates

All diseases of celery, parsnips, carrots during storage can cause the same severe skin lesions as a chemical poisonous substance - mustard gas with frequent use of affected vegetables. You should also beware of frozen plants of the celery family.

Is the melon bitter? Throw away!

Never eat bitter melon. This is a sign of Fusarium rot. Fetal lesions may be outwardly imperceptible, but penetrate deep into the seminal chamber. The disease, especially in combination with flaws in agricultural technology, leads to severe poisoning.

Microtoxins are dangerous in beets

Beet diseases - gray rot, phomosis, fusarium, penicillosis - appear on root crops grown under adverse weather conditions and on poor soil. The causative agents of these diseases quickly form microtoxins. Therefore, even slightly affected roots should be discarded.

Anxiety symptom - mold

Many vegetables with improper storage (low humidity and high air temperature) become covered with gray moldy rot. So, carrots first turn white, more often from the tip, and then a bluish or bluish-green coating appears on it. The same is observed on beets, root parsley, parsnips, black radish, cabbage, garlic, onions, melons.

Wash your tomatoes thoroughly!

If on tomatoes, more often at the stalk, dark, slightly depressed, rounded spots form, which, with high humidity, are covered with dark velvety spores of the fungus, these are signs of Alternaria. It is found on leaves, stems, fruits of tomatoes both in greenhouses and in open ground. The causative agent of the disease produces dangerous toxins. Therefore, even healthy fruits should not be washed thoroughly before use.

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Today we got into our paws a green, oblong, shriveled dude who strongly resembles a zucchini after a ruthless mutation. The dude's name is Bitter melon, or, more formally, Momordica charantia.

Let's not hide, we are still gastronomic perverts. And at the temptation to catch another unprecedented crap in a Balinese store and eat it, we succumb with fanatical pleasure. We bring the prey home, dissect it, skin it, cut it, fry it, stew it, mock it in every possible way and taste it. Let's not hide this priceless, life-threatening experience and share it with you. Regularly, another object will appear on Balish, which we will mercilessly torture.

So, today we got our hands on a green, oblong, shriveled dude who looks a lot like a zucchini after a ruthless mutation. The dude's name is Bitter melon, or, more formally, Momordica charantia. Speaking in Russian - Bitter melon. Look how ugly she is.

Our first meeting with her happened a few months ago. This goat got up in the throat at the first attempt to taste it. We tried to eat it raw, boiled, fried, sprinkled with spices and even (oh gods!) Soaked in milk. But no. The green shriveled mutants have withered away in our refrigerator, along with our enthusiasm. A few months later, having recovered from the stress, we got down to business again. We carefully studied the "enemy" and ... were pleasantly surprised.

So what is Bitter melon and how to deal with it?

Bitter melon, also known as bitter gourd, is a vegetable, as you already understood, not the easiest. But in Southeast Asia they love him. We tell you why.

Useful properties of Bitter melon (Bitter melon)

Special fans of the vegetable say that its main value is in the prevention and fight against malaria. Everything is used - seeds, leaves, pulp and skin.
Also Bitter melon contains 32 active chemicals, a lot of iron. And in the relay race for usefulness, Bitter melon wins in the nomination:

  • for beta-carotene content (bypasses broccoli)
  • for calcium content (wins over spinach)
  • for the content of potassium leaves behind bananas.

Bitter melon, nostrils flaring with importance, polishes its victory with the content of vitamins A, C, B1, B3, phosphorus and dietary fiber.

The adherents of Bitter melon have created a whole club where, on the sly, they are pushing it to unintelligent Europeans. The club is called the "National Council of Bitter Melon". They also recommend drinking bitter melon juice (necessarily diluted, melon juice can harm ulcers and gastritis), 50 ml per day, or in small portions, 5 ml each, and add it to food (down with malaria!).
About the rest useful qualities we will not write, but the list includes the prevention of HIV, cancer and other unpleasant diseases. Better we will tell you how to cook it.

Dissecting and attacking Bitter melon

In fact, Bitter melon is no more difficult to deal with than eggplant. The method is the same - cut into small pieces, sprinkle with salt and arrange a therapeutic rest for her in the fresh air, for 10-20 minutes. After - wash and cook.

You can just throw in salt water, bring to a boil, torment it for a minute, and then throw it into ice water. Cruel, but effective.

Bitter melon can be cooked as a side dish, paired with seasonings, curries, and even coconut milk. Our perversion resulted in a recipe borrowed from a good Filipino girl. We modified it a little and got a tasty and new dish. They called it "Bitter melon is also a person."

Bitter melon is also a person!

We go to a good Balinese store (or market) and buy:
- 200 grams of pork ribs
- 1 medium bitter melon
- a bunch of green beans
- 1 eggplant
- 1 shallot and garlic clove
- pumpkin flowers (half a bunch)
- 2 red tomatoes
- small corn (5-6 pieces)
We also add parsley, fish sauce, oil and salted soy sauce taste.

Easy to prepare:

  • Cook the ribs, at this time we cut the vegetables into cubes.
  • Remove the meat from the bone and throw it into the pan, add the garlic.
  • After frying, take out the meat, and leave a third of the oil in the pan.
  • Add tomatoes and onions, a little later - pumpkin. Simmer for 10 minutes and invite the rest of the vegetables to the party. Corn and pumpkin inflorescences last (after 15 minutes). We flavor them with herbs and sauces.
  • When the vegetables are soft, throw in the pork again. We extinguish for another 5-7 minutes, and rejoice in our victory! It turns out not very bad.

Not the best in Bali best tomatoes, therefore, for cooking, it is better to take either cherry or canned.

This is how we became friends with Bitter Melon. And now, when we meet her in stores, we see how she smiles at us with all her pimples and wrinkles. It's not that bad, considering how useful it is.


Probably, each of you managed to eat plenty of watermelons and melons, well, maybe someone didn’t get enough ...
At one time I ate this vegetable in Uzbekistan, in the city of Chirchik, located some thirty kilometers from Tashkent ...
Summer in Uzbekistan is quite hot and it happens that during the whole summer there is not a single rain, not even real clouds ... It is clear that watermelons and melons ripen well in such a hot climate. The only thing that watermelons and melons need is water, an irrigation system ... But, it is water, an irrigation system was present everywhere, where watermelons and melons grew ...
And sweeter watermelons and melons than in Uzbekistan, I have never eaten anywhere! Usually, melons appeared in great variety and abundance in the month of August... In August, melons were already sold cheaply and were available to any inhabitant of average income. And what only melons I had to eat! Fragrant and juicy with white pulp .. And it was customary to say when the melon was very sweet: "Sweet as honey!"
But how can honey compete in sweetness with a real Central Asian melon .. A well-chosen melon was usually sweeter than honey! So, in any case, it seemed to me ... But, sometimes, bitter melons and watermelons came across! This came from excess artificial chemicals, which some melon growers used to accelerate growth ... It turned out, sometimes. like this: half a watermelon is sweet, and the other half is bitter! I don’t even know how it was so possible to feed the watermelon with chemicals so that it, even one, had two different tastes!?
But, one day, I ate bitter melon! And this is what I remember for the rest of my life! I was then nine or ten years old ... And it happened on one of the hot August weekends ... Two cousins ​​\u200b\u200bcame to visit us ... One was two years older than me, the second two years younger ... Dad was not at home at the time. It was afternoon time.. and my mother decided to treat everyone with a melon... And now five people gathered at the table: my two cousins, my brother Shurik, my mother and I with a light melon slightly smaller than average... Mom quickly cut most of the melon into long slices intended for eating .. Outwardly, the melon was like a melon, with soft pulp, even fragrant .. I wanted to bite it off, try it. And I took a bite. But the taste of the melon was not at all sweet, but bitter .. I really wanted to stop eating it and loudly declare to everyone that the melon is bitter and you can’t eat it ... But, at that very moment, I heard some kind of enthusiastic praise for the melon.
“Oh, what a delicious melon, oh what a juicy one,” my mother said, somehow too cheerfully and too excited.
I was so surprised by this praise, which was repeated several times by my mother, that somehow I did not dare to say that the melon was bitter, and looked with bewilderment at my mother and older cousin ... Elder sister Valya was not delighted with the taste of melon expressed...
My younger relatives were also silent ... And my mother herself continued to praise the taste of the melon: "Oh, what a melon, delicious as honey," my mother said loudly and constantly smiling.
When the process of eating this miraculous melon stopped, after each of us had eaten one, and someone two slices .., and my mother removed the rest of the melon and the skins from the eaten melon slices from the table, Valya, my eldest, approached me sister, and when my mother was not around, she asked me: "The melon was bitter, wasn't it?" I immediately confessed: “Yes, the melon was bitter!” I said, so that my mother would not hear from the other room .. Then my brother confessed to me that the melon was bitter.
This is how it happens in life! I don’t know how it is in yours, and how many sweet melons have you had to eat? I had to eat a lot of sweet melons! But once, only once in my life, I ate a really bitter melon! Yes, not alone, but with his sisters and brother!
But her mother kept praising her: "Ah, a miracle melon, and juicy and sweet like honey, and sweeter than honey!"
Was she pretending, or did she come across the sweet half of a melon? She must have been faking it! You can't deceive children... And if she was bitter to me, bitter to my sister, bitter and to my brother, then how could she be sweet as honey and even more than honey to my mother? I don't know that... Since then, I have never come across such truly bitter melons.
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