Material prepared by: Nadezhda Zimina, gardener with 24 years of experience, process engineer

Plants that have a long growing season are usually grown from seedlings. This helps to get a good harvest from heat-loving vegetable crops even in adverse climatic conditions. Many popular annual flowers are also propagated by home seedlings, which, with this method of cultivation, can be planted in flower beds already in bloom.

Growing seedlings is a responsible process that requires knowledge and experience. To get a good result, you should take into account many factors. Planting time, soil composition, fertilizing, watering - all this affects the quality of seedlings and has its own characteristics for each plant. Young plants at the initial stage of growth are still weak, and even a small mistake can kill them, so you should follow the rules that will help you achieve a good result when growing seedlings at home.


It can be called one of the most popular crops, which is cultivated everywhere. By planting nightshade seedlings on your own, you can be guaranteed to grow your favorite varieties adapted to the climate of a particular area, and not play the lottery by buying young plants in a store.

Soil preparation

In order to grow the right tomato seedlings, soil must be prepared in advance, in the fall. It is kept in a ready state all winter, on a veranda or a glazed balcony, before use it is brought into a warm room for a day. There are many recipes for soil mixtures for tomatoes, but the most optimal is the classic recipe, which always allows you to get a good result:

All components are thoroughly mixed and sifted through a sieve. In ready-made mixtures for seedlings sold in stores, the size of the lump does not exceed 8 mm. At home, it is difficult to make such soil, and you should not strive for this - even if there are lumps in it bigger size, they can be put on the bottom of the seedling container during its filling.

Seed preparation

The procedure for preparing seeds for planting seedlings of tomatoes is required, it helps to choose the best seed material and disinfect it. So that the sprouts do not die from the black leg, or other fungal diseases, tomato seeds are disinfected with potassium permanganate, for this:

a teaspoon of granules is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water, and the seeds are placed in it. Water must be stirred, then full-bodied, most best seeds will sink to the bottom, and the empty ones will remain floating on the surface. All tomato seeds with good buoyancy must be collected from the surface of the water and discarded. Seedlings of them will not work. The remaining seeds are "pickled" in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, then placed in a strainer and washed with running water.

Whether it is worth germinating seed material for tomato seedlings - opinions differ. Many gardeners claim that plants obtained by direct sowing of unsprouted seeds into the soil grow stronger and have greater resistance to various diseases. At the same time, germinating seeds for tomato seedlings, you can get fast and reliable seedlings, selecting the very first of the hatched seeds for planting seedlings, as they have more vitality. Germination is also used for seed material, the expiration date of which has come to an end.

Usually the seeds are soaked in plain water, but the following solutions can be used for best results:

  1. Aloe juice. It acts as a natural biostimulant and has good disinfecting properties, so pre-soaking tomato seeds in potassium permanganate is not required.
  2. Appin. This stimulant is diluted with water at room temperature in the proportion of 8 drops per 1 liter. Under its influence, tomato seedlings acquire powerful immunity, and high resistance to negative environmental factors.
  3. . Recommended dosage - 4 drops per 1 liter. This drug helps plants form a powerful root system, which is very important when growing tomato seedlings.

In all these solutions, the seeds are soaked for a day, after which they are placed in a damp cloth, and wait for the emergence of seedlings. Usually, germination of tomato seeds at home lasts from 36 to 48 hours.(the appearance of the root process), but if the seeds are old, then it can be delayed for 3-4 days. The most important thing in the process of germination is not to miss the moment of pecking. As soon as the seed bursts, and a white tail appears from it, plant it, placing it down the hole, with the seed up. The depth of the hole into which the germinated tomato seed is dipped should not exceed 2 cm.

Growing tomato seedlings

Tomato seedling planting calendar depends on the region and variety. All information on growing dates is usually placed on the seed packaging. It also indicates the time interval from the appearance of full shoots to the ripening of the first fruits. If a period of more than 110 days is indicated, such varieties must be planted in mid-March. In colder regions - 10 -12 days earlier. Also, in the middle of the first spring month, seedlings of those tomatoes are planted, which are transplanted into a warm greenhouse at the end of April. Mid-season and early-ripening varieties with a growing season of 55-65 days should be sown in early April. This allows you to grow the right seedlings that will not stretch and turn yellow due to lack of space and light.

After the appearance of the first shoots, home seedlings of tomatoes begin to additionally illuminate. To do this, use fluorescent lamps, which are located at a distance of 15-20 cm from the upper leaves of plants. It is not recommended to hang above, this can provoke the stretching of young tomatoes. It must be remembered that tomatoes grow quite quickly, so the height of the lamp suspension should be adjusted almost every day so as not to burn young leaves.

Top dressing of tomatoes

To grow healthy seedlings, it must be properly fed. In principle, in the presence of high-quality nutrient soil, you can get a good result without top dressing. But, additional nutrition of small tomatoes at an early stage in the future will help to get a more plentiful and high-quality harvest from them. Therefore, there is a reason to spend time on this, and feed young plants several times.

  • The first feeding is carried out after the appearance of a fully developed third leaf on the plant. For it, complex fertilizers are used, with a predominant nitrogen content. At this stage, young tomatoes can be fed with preparations such as "- Forward", or "Agricola No. 3".
  • The second feeding of tomatoes is carried out on the 12th day after picking. It is used for it by dissolving half a tablespoon of fertilizer in five liters of water. Consumption - 100 ml of solution per plant.
  • The third top dressing of seedlings - in two weeks, it completely repeats the second top dressing.

The fourth dressing of tomato seedlings is done when the plants reach two months of age. At this stage, they have already gained sufficient green mass, the need for decreases, the need for and increases. To feed the grown tomatoes at this stage, the following cocktail is prepared: for 5 liters of water take 0.5 tbsp. spoons of simple and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wood ash. Plants are watered with this composition at the rate of 0.5 cups per 1 plant.

Picking tomatoes

To increase the feeding area of ​​​​tomato seedlings, she needs a pick, during which young plants are transplanted from a common container into separate pots. Perform this procedure after the plant reaches the age of 14 days, but not later than a month after the appearance of full shoots. So that home seedlings do not get sick after transplantation, pots of earth are prepared in advance, the soil must settle. Two hours before picking, the ground in individual pots and in a common container is well spilled with water. Then the young plants are carefully separated, and holding the clods of earth in the root zone with their fingers, they are transferred to individual pots.

Pick sequence

When transplanting, the tomato root must be shortened by a third. In the future, this will help form a stronger and more branched root system. Another feature of tomato picking is that the plant is planted deeper in a new place than it grew before. From the level of growth of the cotyledon leaves to the ground, there should not be more than 1 cm. This action is aimed at strengthening the root system, since additional roots are formed on the stem buried in the soil, providing additional plant nutrition.

Landing in the ground

Tomato seedlings in the greenhouse begin to be transplanted in April (depending on the region), in open ground, with a favorable weather forecast - from May 10. For soil, seedlings must first be hardened, taking them out into the street with the onset of warm days.

At the end of the hardening period, young tomatoes should calmly stand outside all day. During the hardening period, you should carefully look at home seedlings. Changes in environmental conditions are a strong stress for plants, and if they lack nutrients during this period, this will immediately become noticeable in the changed appearance of young tomatoes.

For example, if the seedlings turn yellow, then most likely they were underfed with potassium. To eliminate the deficiency of this element, it is necessary to feed the seedlings with an ash solution - 1 glass of ash per 10 liters of water. One liter of solution is spent on two tomato bushes.

If at the stage of hardening the leaves of tomatoes turn purple-purple, and begin to take on a tuberculous shape, then, most likely, the plant lacks phosphorus. But, you should not rush to feed tomato seedlings with this element. Most likely, the hardening happened too quickly, and young tomatoes did not have time to adapt to the uncomfortable temperature regime, and stopped absorbing phosphorus from the soil.

In this case, they need to be allowed to rest for several days at their usual home conditions. If the leaves begin to turn green again, then everything is in order, and after a few days you can proceed to the progressive hardening of the plants. If the tomatoes do not “depart”, remain purple, then we can state a lack of phosphorus, which was revealed by lowering the ambient temperature. In this case, it is necessary to feed the tomatoes with superphosphate, and only then resume hardening.

By the time of planting in open ground, tomato seedlings should reach the age of 2-2.5 months. Younger tomatoes should not be planted. Even if favorable weather conditions are established, and night temperatures do not fall below 15 ° C, the plants have not yet accumulated the necessary vitality to quickly adapt to transplantation. Yes, most likely they will take root, but the acclimatization period will drag on for a long time, and seedlings will not grow and develop at this time. As a result, the resistance of tomatoes to various negative external factors, and as a result, from this bush good harvest you can not wait.

Video: tomato seedlings - sowing seeds

Video: tomato seedlings - from germination to picking

Video: tomato seedlings - from picking to planting

Video: tomato seedlings - planting in a greenhouse


Soil for seedlings

Growing seedlings is a lot like growing tomato seedlings. Despite the fact that these plants belong to different classes (nightshade and pepper), their habits and needs are similar. Pepper also likes loose nutrient soil, warmth and moderate humidity. In order to plant seeds for seedlings, you can use both purchased soil (“Living Land Terravita”, “Fortress”, “Baby”), and prepare the ground for peppers with your own hands:

All components of the soil mixture must be thoroughly mixed, sieved through a sieve with large cells (1-2 cm), spread out in containers for growing seedlings, and frozen for several days. Then the finished soil can be brought into the room, after 2-3 days it is ready for transplantation.

Seed preparation

It is advisable to germinate seeds for seedlings of peppers before planting. Due to the dense outer layer, they burst heavily, which affects the timing of the appearance of the first seedlings. Sometimes the outer edge of the pepper seeds is cut for the fastest germination, but it is better for inexperienced gardeners not to perform such manipulations, since there is a high risk of making an incision in the wrong place and damaging the young plant. the best way to start the germination process is to gently heat the seeds. To do this, they are placed in a cloth moistened with warm water, and, having covered the top with a small container, put it in a warm place for a couple of hours. After that, the germination process is continued at room temperature.

Before planting, pepper seeds must be disinfected. You can do this with the help of manganese familiar to everyone, but if you can’t get it, you can use folk remedies, such as:

  • Terrible horseradish. The rhizome of the plant must be crushed on a coarse grater, the resulting slurry should be wrapped in gauze. Put a bundle on the bottom of a jar of water, in which pepper seeds are placed. Essential substances, which are found in excess in horseradish, will qualitatively disinfect the planting material. After the procedure is completed, the seeds must be washed and dried.
  • A mixture of mineral fertilizers. To prepare the solution, take manganese sulfate (0.2 g), (10 g) and superphosphate (10 g), and mix with a liter of water. Soak seeds for pepper seedlings in this solution for 15-20 minutes.

Seedling planting dates

IN different regions pepper planting calendar is different, depending on climatic conditions each specific region. But the basic rule that most gardeners adhere to is that peppers must be planted two weeks before the tomato. They are more rigid than tomatoes, and if they are sown without sprouting, then seedlings can wait 2-3 weeks. And sometimes the seeds that have sat out can appear from the ground even after a month, when they have already been forgotten about, and new seeds of another crop have been sown in a pot.

Peppers grow slowly and occupy a small area, so they are planted early. Already in early February, in Siberia and the Urals, pepper varieties with a long growing season begin to germinate. IN middle lane planting peppers begins from February 15-20. Sowing varieties with a shorter growing season can be done in early and mid-March.


There is an opinion that pepper seedlings are one of the most unpredictable in cultivation. Young plants, which just yesterday felt great and looked five plus, suddenly suddenly wither, dry out and may even completely wither. This is usually due to the fact that the peppers do not have enough nutrition. If you urgently feed the seedlings, then in most cases it can be saved. But it is best to start top dressing in advance, and continue to apply them throughout the growing season.

  1. Nitrogen-potassium supplement. Young plants are fed for the first time after the first full-fledged leaf appears on them. To prepare a nutrient solution, take a tablespoon and dissolve it in 10 liters of water. Before watering, the earth in pots is sprinkled with ashes.
  2. In order not to overfeed the peppers, the second top dressing is carried out no earlier than three weeks later. Its composition is identical to the composition of the first.
  3. The third top dressing is carried out a week before transplanting plants into a greenhouse or into open ground. It contains double superphosphate, which will help the root system to better tolerate the transplant. The need for pepper seedlings in nitrogen is also still high, so urea is also included in the mixture (it can be replaced with any other nitrogen-containing fertilizer).

Pepper picking is done 10 days after the first feeding. The root is pinched off by a third, and the plant is placed in a new container, while the pepper seedling cannot be planted deeper than it grew before. It is worth considering that peppers do not need the same vast area of ​​\u200b\u200bnutrition as tomato seedlings, so it is not at all necessary to take a large pot for transplanting, a capacity of 0.5 liters will be enough.

Seedlings of peppers can be grown without picking. To do this, the seeds of the plant must be immediately sown in separate containers, for example, in cut liter milk bags with a capacity of 1 liter.

Landing in the ground

Pepper seedlings, like any other, must be prepared in advance for transplanting into open ground. To do this, it is hardened. At home, this should be done gradually. First, pots with grown peppers are taken out into the room after airing, then they are placed on a glazed loggia for short periods. The next step may be snow hardening. To do this, a thin layer of melted snow is applied to the surface of the earth in a pot. On this day, the seedlings are no longer watered.

Before planting young peppers in open ground, they begin to take them out into the street, accustoming not only to a less comfortable temperature, but also to sunbeams. Keep a close eye on the plants, because under the unusual influence of the sun, home seedlings can wilt in a matter of minutes. If this happens, the stems drooped, and the leaves hung with lifeless rags, it is urgent to bring the young peppers into the room and pour them with warm (but not hot) water - perhaps they will come to life. For the next few days, the hardening procedure should be canceled.

Planting peppers in a greenhouse, depending on the region, peppers start from the beginning of May. In the open field after transplantation, these plants feel comfortable if night temperatures are consistently above 15 ° C. At temperatures below 10 ° C, peppers stop growing, so it is advisable to plant them in open ground after May 15.

Video: pepper seedlings - sowing seeds

Video: pepper seedlings - from shoots to picks

Video: pepper seedlings - from picking to planting


Soil for eggplant seedlings

Eggplants love loose soil, slightly acidified, well fertilized. Classic recipe soil mixture for this crop looks like this:

  • Humus - 2 l;
  • Peat - 1 l;
  • rotted - 0.5 l.

For sowing eggplant seeds, you can also use soil seasoned with mineral fertilizers. It consists of:

  1. Garden land - 10 l;
  2. Simple superphosphate - 1 teaspoon;
  3. Urea - 0.5 tablespoon;
  4. - 0.5 tablespoon.

One of the main rules in preparing the soil for planting eggplant is that it must be disinfected, since they are more susceptible to damage by various types of rot than other plants, and they are difficult to grow at home. There are several ways to destroy harmful microorganisms that may be contained in any of the components of the substrate:

Planting dates for eggplant seedlings

Traditionally, in the middle lane, eggplant for seedlings must be sown at the end of February, and in the northern regions, for example, in Siberia, these heat-loving vegetables are often planted already in the middle of the last month of winter. Seeds must be calibrated before planting, choosing the largest and heaviest, and pickled in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is better not to soak eggplant seeds in biostimulants, as they tend to stretch from excess macronutrients at the initial stage of growth.

Eggplants are tight plants, so the appearance of the first loops will have to wait. Some gardeners, in order to speed up the process of germinating eggplant from seeds, cover them with a film and put them on a battery. It is undesirable to do this, since in this way excellent conditions are created for the development of root rot. Better conditions for germination, eggplant can be created by covering them with a glass mini-greenhouse, and by regularly watering the earthy coma, then in 10-14 days the first sprouts will appear.

eggplant seedling care

Traditionally, caring for eggplant seedlings consists of feeding, picking, loosening and timely watering. For eggplant, the optimal nutritional base is multicomponent mineral fertilizers, which contribute at least five times during the cultivation of seedlings. In this case, it is advisable not to use natural fertilizers for young plants, as they can cause rotting of the stem of a young plant.

Landing in the ground

Many sources recommend growing eggplants only in peat pots, they say, these whimsical plants have too delicate root systems, and they do not tolerate transplanting. In fact, this is far from the case. Healthy, proper eggplant seedlings tolerate transplanting, so it can be grown in any container. Most a budget option- circumcised plastic bottles from under milk or carbonated water, in the bottom of which holes are made with a hot knitting needle. When transplanting tomatoes into open ground, plastic bottles are simply cut on both sides along the side walls, and opened like a flower bud, pushing out a clod of earth without damaging the roots at all.

As a container for growing seedlings, cropped kefir bags have also proven themselves well - they are laminated on top, so they can retain their shape throughout the entire period of growing eggplant - from the moment the seedlings are planted until they are planted in open ground. The grown and hardened eggplant seedlings are planted in open ground in the twentieth of May. In order for young plants to take root well, in the first week a mini-greenhouse can be built above them using agrotextile stretched over arcs.

Video: eggplant seedlings, agricultural technology, features


Seedlings begin to grow 3-4 weeks before planting in a greenhouse or open ground. To speed up the process, you can soak the seeds, but if the timing is not running out, then it is better to plant the seeds for seedlings in a dry container.

Cucumber seed dressing is desirable, but not required. They are less susceptible various types rot than seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. To speed up germination, pots with seeds planted in them are watered with warm water, and covered with plastic bags, which are slightly opened during the day for a few minutes to ventilate. As soon as the first green loops of cucumbers appear above the ground, the bags are immediately removed so that white mold does not form inside.

Cucumbers should be watered moderately, Otherwise, they are pulled out, and this is unacceptable. Home seedlings are already much weaker and thinner than those grown in the ground, and with abundant watering, cucumber sprouts turn into thin threads, dry and turn yellow.

Soil for seedlings

Cucumbers are melons, they love warmth and thrive on soil rich in organic matter. For growing seedlings of cucumbers, it is best to use a soil mixture with natural ingredients, rich in well-rotted soil. For the middle lane and northern regions, it is recommended to use the following soil mixture:

  • Turf land - 5 l;
  • Dry humus (mullein) - 5l;
  • Wood ash - 1 cup.

Such a substrate does not have high acidity, which allows cucumbers to feel comfortable. But, before planting seeds, it is desirable to disinfect the soil by destroying harmful microorganisms. Under cucumbers, it is best to disinfect using gentle means, such as Fitosporin, or, which are of natural origin and affect the soil at a structural level without polluting it with pesticides.


Cucumber seedlings are quite unpretentious, and patiently tolerate a little shading. The most dangerous for her is the lack of moisture, so the seedlings of this melon crop are watered more often than seedlings of tomatoes or peppers. Due to frequent watering, the frequency of loosening also needs to be increased. Insufficient air supply to the roots is one of the reasons for stunting in young cucumbers.

It is necessary to fertilize cucumbers twice during the period of growing seedlings.. The first feeding is done after the appearance of the first true leaf on the whip. For its implementation, you can take any complex fertilizer with a predominant nitrogen content. The composition of the second feeding, which is carried out two weeks after the first, should include the following components:

  1. Double superphosphate - 5 g;
  2. Potassium nitrate - 10 g;
  3. Wood ash - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  4. Complex - 5 g;
  5. Water - 1.5 liters.

10 days after the application of this top dressing, cucumber seedlings are planted in a greenhouse or open ground. In the same soil, you can grow seedlings of zucchini.

Landing in the ground

The best containers for cucumbers are peat pots, since the plant can be planted in the soil without taking it out of the container, and without damaging the root system. Using peat pots, you should always maintain constant soil moisture in them, otherwise the dried lump will move away from the walls, and all the water during irrigation will go into this gap, practically not getting to the roots.

If the timing allows, then you can not resort to this rather expensive method of growing cucumber seedlings. Ordinary plastic cups are also suitable, however, after transplantation, cucumbers will take root longer.

At early dates transplanting young cucumbers in open ground, they must be protected from the threat of return frost. This can be done using mini-greenhouses made of arcs with polyethylene or agrotextile stretched on top. But there is a less time-consuming way - at night, each young cucumber can be covered with plastic or tin can. This method guarantees the protection of plants even with a slight minus, and is very economical, since the cans can be used for many years, and the agrotextile and plastic film are torn after a couple of seasons.

Video: growing cucumber seedlings at home

Video: sowing seeds and planting seedlings of cucumbers in a greenhouse


In many regions of our country, cultivation is possible only through seedlings., otherwise she does not have time to form heads of cabbage before the onset of frost. As soil for this crop, you can use garden soil, fertilized and wood ash. In no case should you plant cabbage in containers made of wood - the soil in such a container begins to turn sour, and cabbage does not tolerate high acidity. For this seedling, plastic trays and pots are best suited.

You can grow cabbage with or without a pick. In the villages, cabbage seedlings are very often planted in April-May in cucumber greenhouses, in a row, without planting until transplanting to a permanent place in open ground.

Cabbage has a tap root system, which allows young plants to be content with a small feeding area at the first stage of their life. But, in order to get high-quality seedlings at home, it is necessary to feed it and loosen the aisles. It is not necessary to illuminate seedlings of cabbage, and with a row method of cultivation it is undesirable, as it will begin to stretch.

The first dressing of seedlings of cabbage- diluted with water, in a ratio of 1:20. The second is ash (2 tsp) with superphosphate (1 tsp) per 1 liter of water. Two days after the first feeding, cabbage seedlings begin to harden, taking them out into the street. Healthy and hardened seedlings should be able to withstand temperatures of 3-5°C. 3-4 days after the second feeding, cabbage seedlings, on which there should already be 3-4 true leaves, are transplanted into open ground.

Video: growing cabbage - seeds

Video: growing cabbage - sowing seedlings

Video: growing cabbage - seedling care

Video: growing cabbage - planting seedlings in the ground


Separately, I want to talk about growing seedlings of popular annual flowers . Most often, marigolds (tagetes), asters, ageratum, cloves, tobacco, since they have a long growing season, and with direct sowing of seeds in the ground, they do not have time to bloom before the onset of autumn cold weather. Flower seedlings are undemanding to growing conditions, they are also tolerant of poor lighting, stretching out only in frankly dark places, so the window sill can be given way to tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, and flower seedlings can be placed on a table moved to the window.


The very first of all popular annuals, aster seeds are sown for seedlings. They must be fresh, so take seeds that have at least a two-year germination margin.

Since the seeds of the aster are medium-sized, it needs loose, sandy soil. The following composition is best suited:

  • Dry peat - 2 l;
  • Garden soil - 1 l;
  • Calcined river sand - 0.5 l.
  • 2 tbsp

The resulting mixture must be sifted through a sieve with a mesh size of not more than 1 cm. It is advisable to add perlite to the prepared soil (1 liter per 10 liters of soil), and disinfect it with a light solution of potassium permanganate.

You can start sowing asters for seedlings at the end of March. Seeds are distributed over the top layer of soil, leaving a distance of 1-1.5 cm between them, and sprinkled with a centimeter layer of sand. Watering is not necessary, as the moisture from the previously spilled soil will fall on the sand and moisten it.

Aster seedlings appear a week after planting. At this time, young sprouts need to be very moderate to avoid the appearance of a black leg. At the age of two to three weeks, when a few true leaves appear in young asters, the plants dive into separate pots. 5-7 days after picking, they are fed with any complex fertilizer for flowers, for example, "Flora" or "Flower". Feeding is repeated after 14 days. When the aster seedlings reach a height of 5-7 cm, they are transplanted into the ground, after hardening. Planting dates are the beginning or middle of May, since well-rooted aster seedlings survive even slight negative temperatures.


Tagetes, or marigolds, as these flowers are popularly called, are one of the best annuals for landscaping garden plots. They bloom even at home, on the windowsill, and retain their flower stalks until autumn.

Growing seedlings of marigolds is easy, it is unpretentious. Sow seeds begin 40-50 days before planting in the ground. It is desirable to do this immediately in separate pots. The best container for them will be cups of yogurt and curds, such an earthy coma is quite enough to feed a young flower for almost two months before transplanting into open ground.

As soil, you can take any garden soil, after disinfecting it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds are placed on its surface and covered with a layer of earth 1 cm thick. Shoots will appear in a week, it is better to keep containers with earth on a cool windowsill during germination.

Tagetes are fed twice. The first time is watered with a solution (1 tsp per 2 liters of water), ten days after the appearance of full shoots. The second time - ten days before planting in open ground, sprinkling the ground in pots with seedlings with a thin layer of ash before watering. The second top dressing is necessary in order to quickly form and bloom the first bud on the plant.


One of the best border plants is considered to be ageratum. These small lush bushes retain their beauty throughout the summer, not without reason the second name of the ageratum is "long-flowered". Growing seedlings of flowers belonging to this species is not difficult, the most important thing is not to lose the smallest seeds during sowing. Due to their small size, ageratum seeds are planted superficially, lightly sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. Also for growing seedlings from small seeds (herbs, flowers, strawberries), you can use peat tablets. They are best suited for ageratum, begonia, fragrant tobacco, lobelia, snapdragon, petunias, mimulus and purslane.

When using peat tablets, ageratum seeds are placed in them to a depth of 1-2 mm, sprayed abundantly with water from a spray bottle, and covered with a film until full shoots appear. After the first sprouts appear, the film is removed, and the seedlings of flowers continue to be watered from the spray bottle as needed.

Ageratum in the seedling phase is a very delicate plant, which does not respond well to the influence of various negative factors, such as changes in temperature or humidity of the environment. Therefore, it is better to cover the first weeks of flower seedlings with glass mini-greenhouses, then it does not fade or turn yellow.

In open ground, seedlings of ageratum must be planted after it reaches 60 days of age. Since the plants are still very small, they are planted without dividing, several pieces in each hole. Ten days before planting in the ground, home seedlings must be fed with complex fertilizer for flowers.

Video: flowers in the garden - seeds or seedlings?

Almost all gardeners grow tomatoes, because vegetables, due to their characteristics, have gained great popularity. Before planting in the soil, the culture is grown at home from seeds. The future harvest depends on the success of this process. Therefore, feeding tomato seedlings is very important.

You can feed tomatoes with both purchased fertilizers and home-cooked ones.

The purpose of the fertilizer depends on its composition. Some top dressings promote the growth or ripening of fruits, others are used to prevent diseases, and others simply nourish plants with minerals to improve their growth.

It is easy to determine the need for fertilizing plants, it is enough to carefully observe them. Appearance culture will tell about the lack of certain substances.

If the leaves of the planted seedlings began to turn pale, and the green veins on them became even more visible, such plants need to be fed with iron.

Top dressing of tomato seedlings is also necessary for plants whose leaves wither, dry and fall off ahead of time. In this case, it can be seen that the growth of the culture is slowed down. If the reason is not a violation of the plant care regimen, then nitrogen fertilizers will help.

Seedlings turned purple? It is necessary to apply phosphorus top dressing.

Such observations are universal: they will help to understand the needs of tomatoes at any stage of their cultivation.

When to start feeding

It is better to start feeding the plants when the first leaf appears. This fertilizer will be especially effective if the growing conditions are far from ideal. But, it is worth noting that this top dressing of tomato seedlings is not required.

Later, when the culture grows up, it will need a dive procedure. This is the "seating" of each plant in a separate hole. After 12 days, you need to re-feed the tomatoes. If diving is not carried out, the second top dressing is carried out after the appearance of the third leaf. After 10 days, you can fertilize a third time. The fourth dressing of tomato seedlings is carried out a couple of days before transplanting into open soil.

The amount of fertilizer directly depends on the conditions in which vegetables grow. 2 procedures are considered mandatory - plant nutrition during the formation of the third leaf and 10 days after the first feeding. After that, the culture, in order to grow better, can be watered with a solution of minerals in 10-12 days. Do not forget about the constant monitoring of plants.

Video “First dressing of tomatoes after planting”

What to use for feeding

There are many options for preparing top dressing at home, each gardener can choose the most convenient for himself.


Yeast is a great home-based fertilizer option for many crops. But they are often not recommended. It is enough to use yeast no more than 3 times per season. The first top dressing is carried out with the appearance of buds, the next after 20 days of tomato growth in open soil.

Yeasts have a very positive effect on the culture. They improve the growth of tomatoes and strengthen them by thickening the stem and root.

To get the maximum effect from top dressing, you need to properly prepare the yeast solution. It is enough to dilute a pack of yeast in a bucket of warm water. When the mixture is infused, you can water the vegetables with it.


You can feed tomatoes with mullein. Such fertilizer in small quantities is also used when planting seedlings. A little manganese can be added to the solution, which will improve the effect of its use. Each bush requires a couple of liters of the mixture.

wood ash

Often, wood ash is used to feed tomatoes at home. However, this raw material is better used as an auxiliary, and not as the main one. The most productive use of ash is in greenhouse conditions for growing tomatoes.


Every couple of weeks it is recommended to water the culture with iodine. Such raw materials are used to make the stems of the plant stronger. An iodine solution is prepared as follows: 10 drops of iodine are dissolved in a bucket of water and potassium and phosphorus are added to the mixture. For each bush, you need to pour up to half a liter of the mixture, preventing it from getting on the fruits and leaves. After all, these organs do not tolerate iodine well, and the plant may die altogether.


The most popular fertilizer remains manure, which is used universally. Raw materials can be purchased both of chemical origin and natural. It is preferable to use natural manure, which you can prepare yourself. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute a bucket of manure in 30 liters of water and let the mixture brew. When 2 days have passed, the finished solution can be used without paying attention to the “specific” smell. For each bush you need half a bucket of top dressing.

To provide tomatoes with good nutrition, you can make a system for drip irrigation. The advantage of this is several:

  1. Tomatoes do not like when there is not enough moisture. And this system will provide full watering.
  2. Fertilizer will be supplied to the plants in doses and in the same amount for each bush.

To create a drip irrigation system, it is enough to spread a hose between the bushes with holes made at the same distance from each other.


At the first stages of growing a vegetable, urea can be used as a top dressing. It should be mixed with superphosphates and watered with a solution under the root when transplanting tomatoes into open ground. Thanks to this, the seedlings quickly adapt to new growing conditions and begin to bear their first fruits earlier.

When fertilizing with urea, you should be aware that it does not get along well with other top dressings. Therefore, it is impossible to feed plants with something in parallel with the use of urea.

It is very important to observe the quantitative ratio of fertilizers for tomatoes. After all, only then will the fruits be fragrant, juicy and sweet in taste.

Video “We increase the yield of tomatoes, cucumbers by 20-30%. Top dressing with Boric Acid”

The video tells and shows how to feed tomatoes and cucumbers with boric acid.

Nightshade crops, to which tomatoes belong, are the most popular among owners of country plots. A rare gardener does not grow in the beds, Bell pepper and, of course, juicy, vitamin and nutritious. In the middle lane, these vegetables give consistently high yields, especially if all the rules of agricultural technology are observed.

Today's article is devoted to feeding tomato seedlings. Everyone knows that strong seedlings with a developed root system take root best after transplanting to a new place, regardless of whether they will live in greenhouses / greenhouses or in open beds. And to provide the seedlings with all the necessary nutrients, experienced vegetable growers recommend at least 2 top dressings at the stage of growing seedlings at home or in greenhouse conditions.

Correct soil

Signs of Certain Nutrient Deficiencies in Tomato Seedlings and How to Fix Them

Feeding should be carried out taking into account the condition of the seedlings. With complete external well-being of seedlings, it is enough for plants to organize the application of a weak solution of complex fertilizers for tomatoes three times.

If your seedlings actively started to grow and began to stretch excessively, then this indicates a lack of phosphorus. Purple streaks also signal phosphorus deficiency. In this situation, top dressing with a solution of superphosphate (1 tablespoon of granules per three-liter jar of water) or Athlete, which has the ability to stimulate the root system and slow down the development of the aerial part of the bushes, will help.

Deficiency of nitrogen compounds in combination with a lack of light, it is manifested by the fading of the lower leaves, the appearance of veins with a reddish-violet tint from the underside of the tops, and the fibrous stems. A solution of ammonium nitrate (5 g per 5 liters of water) helps to correct the imbalance.

iron deficiency leads to the appearance of light veins on the leaves. Seedlings are especially affected, for the disinfection of the soil or seeds of which a solution of potassium permanganate was used, which prevents the full absorption of iron. Such seedlings should be fed with a solution of complex fertilizers with trace elements, which necessarily contain iron.

Leaf lethargy even in the field of spraying and planned watering can be caused by root rot developing in the soil. Its occurrence is most often associated with copper shortage. The deficiency of this trace element is observed when growing tomatoes in peat soil. Watering plants with a solution of copper (1/2 teaspoon of copper per 5 liters of water) will replenish stocks given substance in the soil and will help strengthen the root system of sprouts.

  • See the best days for fertilizing.

Knowing the signs of nutritional deficiencies, which are easy to detect by carefully examining tomato bushes, you can avoid common mistakes beginner vegetable growers and grow strong seedlings. Have a bountiful tomato harvest!

Tomatoes are often deficient nutrients, light and moisture. Under adverse environmental conditions, their growth slows down. Is it possible to stimulate the growth of tomatoes so that they continue to grow and bear fruit?

Growing tomatoes is always fraught with certain difficulties, since this culture is quite whimsical and requires constant attention. The first problems are usually associated with the fact that the tomatoes begin to lag behind in growth. If you notice signs of a slowdown in growth, then it's time to move on to measures that will help restore strength to weakened plants and give you the desired harvest.

Tomatoes need top dressings that contain iron, manganese, copper, boron, zinc, molybdenum, iodine, selenium and cobalt

Why do tomatoes grow poorly

Tomato growth retardation is usually associated with nitrogen deficiency. In the event of a shortage of this main nutrient, the growth of apical and lateral shoots stops, and young leaves begin to turn yellow. If there are not enough sulfur compounds, then the stem becomes thinner and hardens, remaining dwarfed.

For tomatoes grown in a greenhouse, it is important to maintain the required temperature and humidity, as well as the feeding regimen. The slowdown in the growth of tomatoes in the greenhouse occurs due to the following reasons:

  • too high or, on the contrary, too low air temperature in the greenhouse;
  • increased or insufficient air humidity;
  • high or low soil moisture;
  • unbalanced composition of fertilizers.

Eliminating the first three causes is fairly easy. In particular, during the pollination period, the air temperature in the greenhouse should be in the range of 24-28°C. In cloudy weather, it should not exceed 20-22°C. At night, the air temperature should not fall below 18°C. Accordingly, at an air temperature of about 32°C, pollen loses its qualities, and at an air temperature below 15°C, pollination stops altogether.

Intensive nutrition should be provided to the plant in the middle of summer, during the period of fruit formation.

The optimal level of air humidity, which allows the formation of an ovary, is 65%. However, the greenhouse should be ventilated regularly. Soil moisture should be in the range of 70-75%, so it is necessary to provide plants with regular watering with settled water at a temperature of 24-26 ° C.

The situation is more complicated with top dressing, although they are often the main reasons for slowing down the growth of tomatoes.

How to feed tomato seedlings for good growth

It is necessary to start top dressing of tomatoes at the earliest stages, even before sowing seeds for seedlings. Among the "home" remedies you can use aloe juice. It is a natural growth stimulant that is easy to obtain at home. Cut off the large bottom leaves of aloe, put them in the refrigerator for 12 hours, and then squeeze the juice. Put the seeds for a day in aloe juice and then leave to germinate in a humid environment without washing off the juice.

First feeding of seedlings should be carried out after the appearance of the first true leaf. As the sprout develops, it switches to nutrition with the help of its own root system, since the supply of nutrients from the seed has already been exhausted. At this time, nitrogen and phosphorus are required for the successful growth of tomatoes. Therefore, the following preparations are used: Uniflor-growth, Mortar, Kemira-Lux. These drugs are used in the form of solutions, adding 1 tsp to 5 liters of water. composition.

At home, you can prepare a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and spill the ground for seedlings on it. This procedure will disinfect the soil and protect plants from many diseases.

By the time of picking, tomato sprouts are already quite tall, their root system is actively developing, and second, "real" leaves appear on the sprouts. After the pick plants should be fed with Uniflor-buton solution. To do this, dilute 1 tsp in 2 liters of water. drug.

Among vegetable growers, one of the most popular remedies is Zircon. Thanks to its action, the germination of seeds increases, and the flowering of future bushes is also accelerated. On average, the growth and development of tomatoes accelerates by 5-10 days. 1 ml of Zircon contains 40 drops, 0.1 ml, respectively, 4 drops. Spraying of plants during the growing season is carried out using a working solution - 1 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water or 0.1 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. Ready solution should be stored in a dark place for no more than a day.

The main thing to remember when preparing nutrient solutions is that tomatoes should not be overfed and fertilized thoughtlessly.

How to feed tomato seedlings to be plump

Two weeks after a successful pick, you should take care of the future bountiful harvest. To do this, at home, no more than three top dressings should be organized with an interval of 14 days according to one of the following recipes:

  • in 10 liters of water dissolve 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of urea and 15 g of potassium chloride;
  • in 2 liters of warm water, add 1 tbsp. ash without a slide and let it brew for 24 hours. Strain the solution before use so that the pieces of ash do not fall on the plants;
  • 2/3 fill a 3-liter container with eggshells and fill with water. Let the mixture brew for 3 days, and then dilute the infusion with water in a ratio of 1:3.

How to feed tomato seedlings in the ground

Recipes for further feeding will depend on where you plant seedlings - in open ground or in a greenhouse. Consider the most effective top dressing for tomatoes planted in the ground:

  • when planting seedlings, put in a hole a handful of compost or humus, a little wood ash and 1 tsp. superphosphate;
  • do not throw away bread crumbs throughout the year and dry them in the oven. Soak dried leftovers in warm water and leave overnight. While loosening the earth, add the resulting slurry under the roots. This enhances root formation, increases the endurance and productivity of tomatoes;
  • for quick fruit ripening, use a tincture of the following ingredients: dilute 1 tbsp. superphosphate in a glass of water and let it brew for 48 hours. After that, dilute the infusion with 10 liters of water and mix. After spraying, the tomato leaves will darken slightly, photosynthesis processes will go more actively, and the fruits will ripen earlier than usual;
  • dissolve 10 drops of iodine in 1 liter of milk or whey, dilute the composition in 9 liters of water and mix. Water the tomatoes at the rate of 2 liters of the composition for each bush;
  • take 1 tsp. boric acid, blue vitriol, potassium magnesia and add a little potassium permanganate to them (on the tip of a knife). Then grate a piece of laundry soap and dissolve everything in 10 liters of water. Spray bushes evenly 1-2 times per season;
  • prepare 0.5 l of infusion of chicken manure, 1 tbsp. potassium sulfate and 2 tbsp. superphosphate. Then dilute the contents in 10 liters of water. First, it is better to dissolve the superphosphate and let it brew for 24 hours, and then add the rest of the ingredients. Under each bush, add at least 1 liter of such a solution;
  • every two weeks, feed the tomatoes with ash infusion. Pour 1 cup of ash into 10 liters of water and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Apply 1.5-2 liters of funds under each bush.

If flowers began to crumble in hot weather, it is recommended to spray with a solution of boric acid at the rate of 5 g per 10 liters of water

How to feed tomato seedlings in a greenhouse

Top dressing of tomatoes in a greenhouse is somewhat different from fertilizing in open ground. Usually 2-3 feedings are enough per season, but if you notice that the tomatoes are not growing well, additional stimulation can be done every 10-12 days.

For example, one of the following compositions:

  • carry out the first top dressing 2 weeks after plant transplantation. 1 tbsp dilute urea in 10 liters of water. Bring 1-2 liters of composition under each young bush - it will help them grow green mass. Also spread a few peas under each bush. In this case, during each watering, nitrogen will gradually be absorbed by the soil and flow to the roots;
  • as organic means, slurry or dry manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 is best suited. You can also use chicken manure at the rate of 200-250 g per 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is infused for a day, and then the tomatoes are watered under the root at the rate of 2-3 liters per plant;
  • the growth and development of plants in the greenhouse is beneficially affected by foliar top dressing with microelements. You can also cook them on your own. You will need 4 g of manganese sulfate, 2 g of copper sulfate, the same amount of boric acid and zinc sulfate. All substances are diluted in 10 liters of water and the plants are sprayed in the evening or in cloudy weather to avoid burning the leaves. It is necessary to carry out top dressing no more than 1 time per month;
  • take 1 tbsp. mineral fertilizer Humat and mix with 10 liters of water. Add 1 tbsp. complex fertilizer containing nitrogen, potassium, copper, manganese and molybdenum. Under each bush, add about 0.5 liters of solution;
  • during the blooming of the third and fourth flower brush, feed the tomatoes with potassium humate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). For 1 sq.m. greenhouses should be made up to 5 liters of the composition;
  • the last top dressing can be done when green tomatoes have already appeared on the bushes. It allows you to speed up the process of ripening fruits. To prepare it, dilute 1 tbsp. superphosphate in 1 liter of water. Infuse the resulting mixture for a day, then mix with 9 liters of water.

From mid-July, all top dressing, as well as abundant watering of tomatoes, must be stopped.

"Miracle" fertilizer for tomatoes from yeast

Yeast fertilizer is considered the leader among fertilizers and various top dressings applied to tomato beds. The basis of the biomaterial are fungi rich in proteins, organic iron, amino acids and microelements. Yeast actively contributes to:

  • plant growth and green mass growth;
  • increasing plant immunity, since they contain a small number of their own bacteria, against which tomatoes develop immunity;
  • increase the endurance of seedlings, especially in shady places;
  • formation of the root system.

Yeast rebuilds the structure of the soil and activates the activity of microorganisms living in it. Which, in turn, release nitrogen and potassium into the soil.

It is necessary to apply yeast top dressing no earlier than a week after planting tomato seedlings in the ground. Repeat top dressing before flowering.

How to prepare yeast dressing for tomatoes? Very simple. Purchase baker's yeast (100 g) in the store and fill it with 10 liters of water. To speed up the fermentation process, you can add 2 tbsp. Sahara. Leave the composition to ferment for a day. Then mix it with 50 liters of water. After that, you can water the tomatoes.

There is also a more "advanced" version of this recipe:

  • water - 10 l;
  • extract from chicken manure - 0.5 l;
  • wood ash - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • dry yeast - 10 g.

Mix all ingredients. Let the composition brew for a day and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:10.

For watering, use a watering can with a strainer and apply about 0.5 liters of top dressing under young plants. Closer to the beginning of flowering, 1.5-2 liters of liquid can be added. In this case, the soil should be slightly moist.

Choose baker's yeast over brewer's yeast for sourdough

Tomatoes that are not growing well need your extra help. Give them a little more of your attention and care, and a bountiful harvest will not keep you waiting.

There is no single established opinion about the need to feed seedlings. Someone is sure that it is better not to do this before planting in a greenhouse or open ground. At home, the plant needs to be watered and maintained at the correct temperature. Sometimes this is not enough: the foliage fades and changes color, the growth of the bush slows down. To avoid these signs, it is necessary to feed the seedlings. Allowed to make organic and mineral dressings.


Tomatoes can be found on almost every suburban area. Even inexperienced gardeners try to grow them. To propagate your favorite variety and get a decent harvest, you need to take care of growing strong seedlings.

Seeds are planted in a special soil mixture:

  • land from the garden (you can not use the soil from the place where potatoes grow);
  • humus;
  • calcined sand;
  • chalk powder.

To make the seeds more likely to germinate, they can be soaked in water. After 1.5 days, the first shoots will hatch. However, some gardeners advise sowing seeds directly into the ground. They are confident that the seedlings will grow stronger and stronger. Seeds are sown in early or mid-March (sometimes even in early April). Quality soil and the right temperature can ensure seedling health. To ensure a bountiful harvest and active growth, the plants should be fed.

Feeding is carried out in 4 stages.

  1. The first feeding can be done after the development of the third leaf. It is necessary to use combined mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. "Agricola 3" - fertilizer for better growth root system and aerial part. In addition to nitrogen, the fertilizer is rich in potassium and phosphorus.
  2. The second top dressing is applied to the soil 12 days after picking (transplanting). It is advisable to use . The main components of fertilizer are potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. 1.5 tsp granules are dissolved in 5 liters of water. Plants need to be watered with the calculation of half a glass per sprout.
  3. The third feeding is applied on the 26th day (completely similar to the second feeding).
  4. The last top dressing is necessary when the tomatoes reach two months of age. If seedlings do not develop well, they need nitrogen. If the green mass is sufficiently developed, you need to focus on phosphorus and potassium. Prepare a nutritious "cocktail". In 5 liters of water, dissolve a full tablespoon of wood ash and half a tablespoon of superphosphate. 100 ml of solution is added under each bush.

If the color of the foliage acquires an unnatural shade (purple, yellow, brown), emergency feeding with the missing minerals is necessary.


Eggplants love moisture and oxygen. Seedlings do not germinate well and grow slowly. Seeds are sown in February. Plants should be regularly and moderately watered and fertilized as needed. Until the moment of landing in the ground, 3 additional feedings are carried out.

  1. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers will help the seedlings quickly develop the root system and greenery. After the appearance of the first sheet, you need to make "Uniflor growth" in accordance with the instructions.
  2. In order for the root system to develop faster, you can make a solution of "Living Force" on the 10th day after picking.
  3. 3 days before planting, the plants need to be fed with ecogel. This will allow the seedlings to quickly take root.


Pepper grows in almost every dacha. The process of growing pepper seedlings is similar to growing tomatoes. Peppers need to provide a warm temperature, water moderately and make nutrients. "Correct" seedlings will give a decent harvest.

Unlike tomatoes, pepper seeds germinate better. They are tight, so the landing is made in the middle or end of February. Pepper seedlings like to present "surprises". In one night, strong healthy bushes can wither. Timely and properly selected top dressing will allow the pepper to grow better and form a crop in the future.

How to feed pepper for fast growth?

  1. The first top dressing can be done when the bush releases the first full-fledged leaf. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of urea (carbonic acid amide) in 10 liters of water. It is rich in nitrogen and potassium. Plants should be watered carefully (no more than 100 ml per bush). 10 days after this procedure, the bushes need to dive into larger pots or boxes.
  2. So that the bushes are not oversaturated with minerals, the second top dressing is carried out 21 days after the first. The composition of the solution is identical. Before watering the peppers, sprinkle the soil in the boxes with a thin layer of wood ash.
  3. The third and last feeding of seedlings is carried out 7 days before transplanting into the ground. If the seedlings grew slowly, you need to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers. By the time of planting in the soil, the plant should form a strong root system. For this, the bushes must be fed with phosphorus. Perfect option for top dressing - double superphosphate.


Cucumber seedlings grow very quickly. Seeds should be planted a month before planting in the ground. Germinating sprouts should be watered moderately so that they do not stretch out and weaken. If the cucumber seedlings began to grow poorly and wither, the root system does not have enough oxygen. The soil must be loosened for better breathability.

Fertilizing cucumbers before planting should be done twice.

  1. For best growth, any fertilizer with a high nitrogen content is used as the first top dressing. The event is held after the appearance of the first full-fledged leaf on the whip.
  2. The second feeding should be treated more scrupulously. To prepare the solution, you will need one and a half liters of water, 3 tbsp. l. wood ash, 10 g of potassium nitrate and 5 g of double superphosphate. You can add a complex of microfertilizers to the solution ("Master", "Sizam", "Oracle"). The mixture is applied 10 days before planting cucumbers in open ground or in a greenhouse.

According to this scheme, you can feed zucchini and zucchini.

The ability to plant seeds immediately in open ground is only available in warm regions. In most cases, gardeners need to prepare strong seedlings in advance. It needs optimal conditions for development and growth: the right temperature, good mineralized soil and timely fertilization.
