1. Small, but remote. "Official" record holder (Canada, Toronto).

This house is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest house in the world. Its area is 28 m2. Despite its tiny size (width - 2 meters, length - 14 meters, ceiling height - 2.36 meters), The house is quite comfortable and very cozy.

It has everything you need for a normal stay: a compact kitchen with a folding table, an armchair and washing machine; bedroom with folding bed; "living room" with a sofa and TV and a normal size bathroom. There is even a basement, a well-groomed tiny garden and charming patio at the back of the house.

The house was built in 1912 and immediately became a local landmark.

2. "Fisherman's house"(Great Britain, Conwy).

The smallest house in the UK is considered to be the "fisherman's house", which is located in Conwy, a small coastal town in north Wales.

It was built in the XIV century, its dimensions are: 3.05 x 1.8 m. On the ground floor, near the wall of this house, there was a bunker with coal, a place for cooking on an open fire and under the stairs - a tank with water. On the second floor there was a living room with a bed, a bedside table, a stove and a washbasin. People lived in it until the beginning of the 20th century, and since 1900 it has become a museum.

They say that in the 19th century a family of 8 people even lived in it!

3. For resourceful romantics (Austria, Salzburg).

This small house at number 109 on Altmarket Square, with a facade of only one and a half meters, was also built in the Middle Ages - in the 15th century, and a romantic story is associated with its construction. Once upon a time, a girl agreed to her boyfriend to marry him only when he had own house. The young man was very poor, but smart - he squeezed his house into the wall between two existing houses.

4. What is behind the door? "False" record holder

Residents of Amsterdam do not get tired of repeating that the smallest house in their city is number 7. However, this is not entirely true. The fact is that at the time of the construction of the building, the housing tax directly depended on the width of the facade. And the enterprising owner built a full-fledged house, but with a facade of 1.1 m, which is actually just an entrance (house number 7).

5. "House-kiosk"

You might not even notice this house, thinking that it is just a kiosk. It is attached to the Church of the Holy Spirit in the New Town and has always had its own address. The house was built in 1843 as a trading facility for the sale of Constantinople tobacco. Later, overseas cigars brought from Cuba and Mexico were also sold here. Noble clients were even honored with a glass of wine. During the Polish uprising, there was a turnout of underground fighters in the house. Later, magazines and postcards from Paris were added to the assortment of goods, depicting women in negligee. This caused a big scandal in Catholic Warsaw. Today it still sells newspapers.

6. Modern minimalism(Japan).

The Japanese have always been famous for their ability to rationally use usable space. Due to the lack of land, they are forced to somehow get out and build houses on tiny plots. This house was built on a plot of 15 m2, but the designer managed to increase the space and build a house of 44 m2. Inside there is a kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom and even a small balcony.

7. House of forest fairies

A cozy mini-cottage with an area of ​​21 m 2 is located in a forested area, not far from a small lake. It seems that magical forest fairies live in this small house. But nevertheless, the cottage has everything you need: a kitchen-living room, a bathroom with a toilet, a bedroom and, as you can see, a small veranda. Compact and comfortable.

8. Every cricket know your corner! (Japan Tokyo).

On a small area, the enterprising Japanese built a comfortable dwelling with an area of ​​29 m 2. The house is two-story, designed for a family of three (a couple with a daughter) and has a living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, a nursery and even a garage for a car.

And since the landscape on which the dwelling was built had a triangular shape, the architects had to repeat it when designing the house.

9. Super-slim (Brazil,Madre de Dius).

This tall but very narrow house was built in Madre De Dius, Bahia. The width of its facade facing the street is only 1 meter 10 centimeters, and the widest place in the house is about two meters. The height of the whole house is 10 meters.

The house has three floors, which compactly housed two living rooms, three bedrooms, a kitchen and a veranda.

10. Residential art object

In 2012, an unusual narrow house was built in the center of Warsaw. The facade of a new building, squeezed between two apartment buildings, is only 152 centimeters, and the internal width of the dwelling varies from 122 to 72 centimeters. The living area of ​​the house is 14.5 m2.

Despite its small size, the house has everything you need for a comfortable life - a bedroom, bathroom, living room and kitchen.

The building is registered as an art object, not a dwelling, as its parameters do not comply with Polish building codes.

11. Five-star hotel in 53 m2(Germany, Amberg).

The German Wedding House Hotel is only 2.5 m wide and has a living area of ​​53 m 2 . Despite this, the only room available at the hotel has to be booked months in advance due to its high popularity. The hotel is squeezed into a narrow space between two adjacent buildings. The interior of the wedding house makes an unforgettable impression on the guests - it is equipped with a comfortable bed, a fireplace, luxurious furniture, a TV and even a SPA-salon.

The hotel was built in 1728, when the city council of Amberg decided that there would be more weddings if the newly-married couples had accommodation that they could move into immediately after the wedding. But since it was unrealistic to provide housing for all the newlyweds even then, they found another way out: they built this tiny house, in which the happy couple spent several weeks, and then passed it on to the next young family. Since then, it has become known as a wedding house.

Legend has it that those who spend at least one night in a hotel live long, happy lives and never get divorced. Therefore, many newlyweds want to start their family life in this “happy” hotel.

12. Mini ranch

Not everything is big in Texas. These small houses are located in Lüling. They are sustainable, energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Inside each house there is one large room, bathroom and kitchen. The opposite side of the room is used as a living room and bedroom. When friends come to the hosts, air mattresses are laid out on the floor.

13. Campervan (USA).

Tumbleweed, a company that specializes in miniature buildings, has created one of the smallest houses in the world. Its area is only 6 m2.

This miniature house consists of a kitchen with a refrigerator, a shower room with a toilet and a bedroom in the attic. Distinctive feature dwellings - its mobility. The house is placed on a special trailer platform and can be easily transported from place to place. In addition, it is equipped with a simple and convenient system quick connection to electricity and water supply.

14. Squirrel wheel(Germany,Karlsruhe).

Students from Germany have designed unique houses that include all the necessary functions in one room. The cylindrical roll house has three separate areas complete with bed, armchair, table, kitchen sink, shower and toilet.

You need to go to the bedroom - go to the center of the block, rotate the structure ... And here you are on the bed, where the Velcro holds the mattress and pillows. It took something in the kitchen - move to the next compartment. And everything would be fine, only the question arises - does the house have an emergency brake? So, just in case...

15. Rubik's Cube (Austria, Styria).

Mobile home project named "Hypercubus" because of his appearance. The first such house appeared in Austria. Initially, the project was conceived as a hotel room, but such houses can also be used independently. "Cubes" can be built in certain place, and if you want to move where you want. Inside the house has all the necessary amenities and a high level of comfort.

A mass production of such housing is planned.

16. 5 m 2 for 120 thousand pounds (Great Britain, London).

The smallest apartment in London has an area of ​​​​only 5.4 m 2. An unusual apartment appeared in 1987, when during the boom in the British housing market, the utility room of one of the houses in the exclusive area of ​​​​Knightsbridge was converted into a separate apartment measuring 3.3 by 1.65 meters. In addition to the bedroom, it has a kitchen, toilet, shower and closet.
The first buyer paid £36,500 for the apartment. Now its cost is more than 120 thousand pounds. For comparison, for 200 thousand pounds you can easily buy a small old castle.

But this is not the smallest apartment in the world…

17. Man in the aquarium (

In Sweden, a miniature house has been created, from the window of which tourists can admire the fish. The Utter Inn is located on Lake Malaren, close to the shore. She represents small house, which includes a small room, a kitchen and a terrace. On the terrace, travelers can enjoy the views of the lake, and a room at a depth of 3 m will be prepared for them to sleep. The windows of the room look into the lake surface, where fish live their lives, occasionally looking out of curiosity through the windows, like into an aquarium. You can get to the hotel by boat from the port nearest townVasteras. This is one of four operating underwater hotels in the world. The other three are in China, UAE and Turkey.

18. Call when you are at home ().

The smallest house in Russia was built by Viktor Razuvaev, who lives in Mordovia (Zubovo-Polyansky district). The frame of a telephone booth was taken as the basis, which he slightly expanded and made more spacious, with two windows. The result was a house with an area of ​​​​2.7 m 2. Of course, it’s rather crowded inside, but Cheburashka also lived in a telephone booth. Here you can also watch TV, sitting on a special folding chair, make tea, take a break from everyday hustle and bustle. The house has autonomous heating, so even in the cold season you can live here. True, there is still nowhere to spend the night there, but the owner of the house is already working on a mechanism that will transfer his house to a horizontal position suitable for sleeping at night.

Let's try to calculate how much it costs to build a small country house with your own hands. Such a need, how to build a house for temporary residence, arises quite often, since the number of gardening associations in the country is quite large. Such a small house will serve you as a shelter from the rain, a place to spend the night, a warehouse for storing garden tools, while the cost of its construction is not so high.

House project

Before building beautiful house, it needs to be designed. This will save time and money. If you are able to develop such a project (calculate the type and parameters of the foundation, roof slope, etc.), then you can do it yourself.

Another option is to buy a ready-made standard project for such a house. (photo small standard houses). It costs much less individual project and there are a lot of options out there.

Sample designs are not immutable. At your request, for example, the dimensions of the walls of the house, the location of the openings, etc. can be changed. Taking into account the characteristics of the soil on your site, the foundation will be adapted, which guarantees the reliability of the structure. Before you build a beautiful house, you can make an estimate for its construction, including the number and cost of used building materials. Let's make an approximate calculation of how much it will cost to build a house with your own hands.

Foundation calculation

Before you build a beautiful house, you need to decide on the foundation. Its choice and calculation is extremely important, since it depends on whether the building will stand for a long period or its service life is short. The cost of a foundation for a small house can cost you from 15 to 30% of the total amount of the structure being built. For light buildings, there are the following types of bases:

  1. Column Foundation. It is a column of bricks, blocks, asbestos pipes or concrete buried in the ground. They are located at the corners of the future house, at the intersection of walls and partitions, along the walls in increments of 1.5-2.5 m. Before building a small house on such a basis, careful leveling of the site is required. It is arranged on dense, not subject to seasonal heaving soils. The approximate cost of its construction (with a column height of 50 cm): for a house with dimensions of 6x6 is $ 375 (with a column of 25x25 (the smallest possible)) and $ 530 (with a column of 50x50), and with dimensions of 8x8 - $ 470 and $ 700 respectively.
  2. Strip foundation. This is a reinforced concrete tape buried in the ground. For light buildings on non-fluffy and low-porosity soils, a shallow strip foundation is performed. The depth of its occurrence is from 30 to 70 cm. With many advantages, this type of foundation has a number of disadvantages: high cost, labor intensity, inapplicability in flooded areas. The cost of a shallow strip foundation averages from $ 46 per linear meter. It directly depends on its dimensions: height, length, width.
  3. pile foundation . This is a set of piles, united at the top with an iron, wooden or reinforced concrete grillage. Driven piles are driven into the ground, screw piles are twisted, drilling piles are installed in wells, poured out of concrete into drilled holes (stuffed piles). This is an ideal foundation for light structures for all types of soils, except for rocky ones. Price running meter this type of base: 30 $.
  4. slab foundation . It is a monolithic reinforced concrete slab laid on a sand and gravel cushion. It is used on heaving and floating soils. Due to their high cost for light buildings, little is used.

house frame

After tying the foundation with beams (with anchor bolts), the frame of the house is assembled from beams with a section of 100x100, 100x150, 150x150 and fixed with metal corners. They are tied from above, and the floor beams are laid.

Roof rafters, crossbars and struts for it are mounted. The crate is made of boards 100x25 mm with gaps of 20 cm between them. It is laid with ondudilin, metal tile or profiled sheet. The frame of the house is insulated, steam and wind protection is laid and sheathed with a 16 mm board or plywood.

For your information! The cost of building a house frame (excluding interior decoration, windows and doors) ranges from $1250 to $3150. Such a spread in prices for a built house is due to the size of the building and the variability of the building materials used.

Frame prefabricated structures

Small standard frame prefabricated houses are on sale. This house is easy to assemble. with my own hands with minimal building skills.

In order to understand how much it costs to build a frame assembly house, consider the cost of houses with dimensions of 5x5 and 7x7 m. The walls are an imitation of timber, interior decoration premises - lining. Double glazing. Grooved board floor. Roofing - professional sheet.

  • Option 1. Frame house, 5x5 m in size. The price of the structure itself is $ 2930.
  • Option 2. Frame house, size 7.2x7.5 m. Construction price - $ 4610.

The assembly of such buildings is paid separately and usually amounts to at least 25% of the total cost of the prefabricated structure. The purpose of this article is not to tell you how to build a beautiful house for suburban area, but to orient you in a wide price range of its construction.

Quality more important than size. Most likely, it is these words that guide people who look at the projects of small houses for themselves and decide to build them. In fact, the reasons for building small house there can be a huge amount: some decide, in this way, to save a little on building materials, someone wants to stand out from the crowd classic houses and surprise your neighbors with your taste and eccentricity.

Is there any accurate information about how many square meters will make a person happy? It is difficult to disagree with the fact that a small house can look attractive, and sometimes even fabulous.

What is the popularity of small houses?

Every year, small private houses are becoming more and more popular, which is mainly due to the fact that people decide to make their lives easier, but brighter.

At the request of young people, the projects of small houses are constantly being improved in various ways, and today a real breakthrough has taken place - the designers, together with the designers, have turned small houses into a single style, calling it eco-life.

There are already several companies in the United States of America whose main specialization is beautiful small houses built on an area of ​​ten to fifty square meters.

It is hard to believe that in such a small area it is really possible to fit all the necessary things, but it is true. With a small area, it is very important to pay due attention to the organization of the internal space so that it is used as efficiently as possible.

Young people, of course, are no strangers to living in real Spartan conditions. For them, the main thing is to have a roof over their heads when it rains.

Many of the students have already appreciated the interesting work of the popular architect Van Bo Le Mentzel, whose house seems to be missing only one thing - a rope so that it can be carried with you when traveling. His houses look so unusual that people even come from other cities to see him live.

It should be noted that the largest area of ​​this type of houses is approximately 40 sq.m., however, in practice, almost all buildings are much smaller. In addition to the attractive price, buyers are also lured by the interior of a small house, which, as a rule, is incredibly neat and comfortable.

Looking through the photos of small houses you can see one of the most original variants, which was proposed by the Californian artist - Gregory Kloehn. Almost all of his houses are made either from garbage containers or from recycled materials, and after construction, he hands over the keys to them not only to buyers, but also to the homeless.

Not all homeowners are happy with their minimum living conditions, so they try to use small rooms to the maximum, resorting to the use of modern technologies for this.

In this regard, it is impossible not to note the Egg House, built by dmvA. It contains a kitchen, a bathroom, a bed, as well as several niches at once, in which it will be convenient to store various things. When opening the nose of the house, it can be used as the most ordinary veranda.

Bedroom design for a small house

One of the most important rooms in the house, regardless of its area, is the room in which you fall asleep and wake up. After all, the bedroom is the place where you can restore your strength after a hard day's work. Of course, it is much more pleasant to spend precious and long-awaited hours of relaxation on a comfortable bed in a room where you can also arrange all the most important things.

Even if the room is very small, it is necessary that it be equipped according to all the requirements of homeowners. Do not worry if the design of a small house allows you to place only a bed in the room, because in this case you can use wall cabinets instead of the usual cabinets installed near the bed.

It is worth noting that the less various distracting things in the room, the better it will be possible to relax in it and recuperate for the next fruitful day.

If there is a little more space, then it is better to opt for a medium-sized bed. In this case, the space that you save can be used as additional storage systems. This is especially important in houses and apartments with a small area.

How to equip a kitchen in a small house?

Cooking is an integral daily process for any woman. Even in the case when the size of the room is very modest, it will be necessary to cook food, so it is important to use every centimeter efficiently.

When choosing a kitchen set, special attention should be paid to ensuring that each cabinet must have its own purpose and perform its functions.

If the kitchen was not allocated during the construction of the house private room, then you should use any free space. For example, to place various kitchen attributes, you can use the passageway located next to the exit from the house.

When space is limited country houses doesn't have to be huge kitchen sets. Today, in almost any hardware store you can find great helpers, namely high quality hanging shelves and roof rails at an affordable price.

Bathroom design for small houses

Having a bathroom is always a must. Even if there is very little space, it is very important to create an atmosphere that will truly promote relaxation.

In order to use the space ergonomically, in no case should you pile up the room with various non-essential details.

It is better to turn to brands of sanitary ware and bathroom furniture that offer great solutions, like racks installed right above the toilet.

A small wooden house can be built on your own in a short time, since it will need quite a few materials, as well as free space. It is worth noting that such houses are very often built not for themselves, but for guests.

The interior of a small house can be the most ordinary - use more wooden furniture in the design, pay attention to interesting ideas to store a variety of little things, and in order for the accents to be correctly placed in the rooms - use accessories in bright colors.

Photo of small houses

When building a private house, not everyone can afford the area that he would like, so you have to build a small and cozy house. At the moment, a small house for year-round use is perfect option construction, because it is economical and practical. Housing is now expensive, and its maintenance is also a very costly process.

In this regard, the construction of a small house is the best way out of this situation, allowing you to create a comfortable and multifunctional complex where you can enjoy relaxation and comfort. The main advantage of a small house is its low cost, since few materials are needed for construction, and it is much easier to maintain such a house.

At the moment, this architectural direction is developing very well, thanks to which architects and construction companies are ready to provide a mini-house project, to complete it in the shortest possible time. In general, a small house is a kind of minimalist style, in which there is no corridor, and the rooms become as practical and functional as possible.

It is worth noting that such buildings are very well thought out, because every meter is important here. Construction options and projects of small houses pleasantly surprise with their diversity, availability various forms and materials for construction.

Small house for permanent residence: finished projects

To date, the easiest way to build a small house using a finished project. Thanks to this, you can save cash and time for project development, coordination of project documentation. The finished project will allow the owner of the site to quickly build a private house which will become a cozy refuge for the whole family.

In order to choose a project of a finished house of compact dimensions, it is enough to contact the appropriate company that can offer the construction of a turnkey house. Its specialists will offer a number of options, indicate which one is more preferable, while taking into account the wishes and requirements of the customer.
In cooperation with professionals, the future homeowner will fully satisfy his needs, making his dream a reality, because the masters:

  • They will inspect the land where the construction will be carried out.
  • All wishes of the customer and his relatives will be taken into account.
  • Will choose best option, which will best fit into the surrounding landscape design while conserving usable space.
  • They will carry out calculations for the construction, suggesting that you familiarize yourself with the approximate estimate.
  • Will carry out the construction compact house Full construction.

In cooperation with a construction company, the owner of the territory will receive a ready-made private house of compact size from a well-developed territory. In this case, the owner will be deprived of headaches and problems in the selection of builders or the purchase of materials. After all, the main task of the owner is the choice of the project and payment for the work, after which it remains only to observe the construction and its stages.

Construction of a compact house according to a finished project: advantages

Construction of a small private house finished project opens up new horizons and opportunities for its owner. Among the advantages of such construction are:

  • The presence in the house of all the necessary communications, which will be carefully hidden and securely laid.
  • Convenient, practical and comfortable arrangement of rooms.
  • Financial benefit, which consists both in saving on the choice of the project, and in the cost of maintaining the house.
  • The layout allows you to make individual adjustments, so that even according to a standard project, you can create a unique housing.

Small house for year-round use: why are they so popular?

At the moment, the construction of compact private houses is not uncommon, but rather an actual offer that more and more people are trying to take advantage of. Reasons for the popularity of small housing:

  • This type of building is optimal solution for people of retirement age, since it is much easier and cheaper to get around and maintain such a building. In addition, pensioners are not conceited, so they do not see the point in building huge country houses.
  • Small financial expenses. Construction does not require a lot of building materials, so construction does not require much money, which is very important for the middle class population. Not everyone wants to take out a huge loan, and almost everyone can afford a small house.
  • Cheap content.
  • Can be built on any piece of land, even the smallest.
  • The best option for initial construction. After all, a small house can be made a guest house in the future, and a new cottage can be built near it. Some craftsmen equip such houses as a bathhouse or an area for outdoor activities.
  • Construction companies offer the construction of mobile houses that can be transported.

A small house is not a miserable and impoverished existence, deprivation of comfort, coziness and other benefits of civilization. A small private house is originality, beauty, sophistication and extravagance, creating excellent conditions for recreation and living. With the right layout, you can increase the level of comfort, make even a compact house free to move around.

Compact house for year-round use: interesting facts

Small houses are original and interesting solution, whose popularity is growing both in Russia and around the world. The original ideas of the designers allow you to build unusual buildings of compact size. Despite their size, some houses can be very expensive, for example, in England, a house was sold, the price of which was more than 300 thousand pounds, despite the fact that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing was only 17.5 square meters. It is worth noting that this house was quite cozy, because it was well located: a bedroom, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen.
Swedish architects have created a unique private house with an area of ​​ten square meters. This building is located on the campus, and inside the building itself there is everything you need for a comfortable life. The inventive Japanese were even more surprised - they created a narrow two-story house. The width of the building is only two meters, and the total area of ​​the two-story building was 25 square meters.

Small houses can be extremely beautiful and cozy. Today, talented architects have developed many professional projects for small residential buildings from 50 m². Organizing small interiors will be a pleasant task for you. Numerous sketches of houses are, first of all, a wide range of unique compositions that imply low costs for the construction and operation of these structures. The projects presented in the photo gallery are characterized by originality and creativity! A wide range and attractive stylization of facades allows you to adapt a small house to the individual needs of even the most demanding people. Enjoy the projects of small houses, choosing the most suitable option for yourself.

Why is building small houses so popular today?

According to reports, modern people are most often looking for small two-room apartments. This is due to financial constraints. Apartments that can provide more comfort for a family actually start from 60 m². In this area, developers often create three small rooms where you can live comfortably and place everything you need. Unfortunately, a 60 m² apartment costs a lot of money, especially in large cities. A square meter in your own house it will always be cheaper than a high-rise apartment, so don’t think for a long time, but choose a future private property project for life in the presented photos.

Maybe you should think about all the pluses and choose a small house? If we already have a part of the land, for example, from our parents, then we can easily build a budget residential building on it, especially if you choose the right building and Decoration Materials, decide on the structure of the roof, the number of floors, the presence of a garage and an attic. A small house is a great economy option for a small family, a couple or a single person.

Small private houses: what size to choose?

The size of a potential small house project is an important selection criterion, according to which a person is looking for the best housing option. In the collection of small houses you can find buildings with a usable area of ​​up to 150 m². People are also interested in buildings up to 110 m² and plans up to 80 m². Building a very small house, for example 60 m², can also be an ideal alternative to buying a medium-sized apartment, which is why many choose this solution. Your own home is first and foremost improved comfort family life, but also a private garden, private garage or carport.

All projects included in the group of small houses are suitable for self-implementation. Individual plans suitable for use in densely built-up areas. Due to the fact that one of the walls is devoid of windows, it can be attached closer or even attached to existing building. On the front side, in addition to the entrance and garage, a boiler room, sometimes a laundry room, can be installed. The living room is located on the opposite side of the building almost always when the house plan suggests a garage at ground floor level. In the home design of a modern small project that plans to build a garage under the building, it is even easier to create a sunny living room. This is especially advantageous in the case of investments in narrow areas when entering from the south.

Projects of houses with an attic

The most popular small houses are buildings with an attic, which in the photo gallery are very large collection. The main advantage of such construction is the division into the day and night parts of the house in accordance with the natural arrangement of the floors. Projects of small houses with an attic, due to the smaller area of ​​​​buildings, can be implemented on small plots, compared with one-story buildings of a comparable size.

Basement Mini House Projects

This is a group of objects, recommended primarily to people who intend to build a house on a slope. Such a landscape requires the selection of an appropriate full or partial basement design that makes the best use of the natural soil conditions. The design of a small house with a basement is also worth considering when building on a narrow lot. By placing the boiler room or laundry room in the basement, you get additional space on the ground floor for development, which will certainly be useful for creating another room.

Projects of small multi-storey buildings

In the photo gallery you will find interesting projects small two-storey houses which offer residents a more spacious and comfortable interior. Due to the full height of the second floor, you can design wide glazing in the rooms, perfectly illuminating the entire interior space. The absence of slopes in the attic also provides greater freedom of action. Modern projects small and narrow two-story houses will definitely appeal to those people who want to become the owner of a mini-villa.

Projects of small one-story houses

One-story houses are functional with a clear division of the used area. The one-story buildings enchant with their natural connection to the garden, and the benefits of using the interiors will be appreciated, above all, by families with children and the elderly. Expanding the attic makes it possible to increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.

House on a small and narrow lot

Today it is easy to find interesting house designs for a small plot of land, which, despite all the restrictions, will allow you to build comfortable and functional apartments. Consider small houses with an attic for a narrow lot, two-story buildings, and practical plans for small one-story buildings in a limited area. When choosing such a house, special attention should be paid to the possibility of correctly placing the building in relation to the cardinal points in order to effectively use solar energy.

Small houses are a full range of stylistically diverse buildings. Here you will find interesting projects of small traditional buildings, the character of which is emphasized by architectural details such as: columns, arcades, ledges, terraces, decorative window openings. People who appreciate modern architecture, will find a wide selection from the Art Nouveau Small Houses category, which are in line with current minimalist trends with a unique flat roof. The choice is yours!

