Did you know that one of the main questions that most people think about when starting construction country house, is how to make the most efficient use of the available living space? There are various tricks in which special building materials are used, with the help of which the walls can be made not so thick, of course, without losing their strength and thermal characteristics. However, such solutions can often cost a lot, which is inappropriate when building a house, say, up to 100 square meters. m. simple solution this problem will be the correct design and operation of the attic.

Projects of houses up to 120 sq. m

Our company develops projects of houses with an attic up to 120 sq m, in which the attic space can be used as a residential apartment. The attic room is great for a bedroom or a children's room. If you have not yet familiarized yourself with the projects of houses with an attic up to 120 sq m, then you can do it on our website. Cottage Projects has been developing plans and drawings for many years for country houses. In our catalog you will find only the most best projects that comply with all SNiPs. We also offer

) are in demand. Not everyone needs a large area, and the small dimensions of the building allow it to be placed in any area.

Features of planning in small cottages

When ordering a house project up to 120 sq. m., the client wants to receive nice cottage small area with all amenities. The architect is faced with a difficult task: to place on it living rooms, utility rooms rationally, and at the same time convenient for life. It is solved using different methods.

Arrangement of a residential attic floor

This is a classic way to expand the usable space, and besides, it is very attractive in terms of design. An example in the catalog is No. 57-51K. The two-story house for permanent residence has a total area of ​​110 m², which includes a boiler room and a small sauna. IN attic floor There is a private area - three bedrooms and a bathroom.

Compact location of the hozblok

The advantage of a 120-meter cottage is that its maintenance (heating, ventilation) requires fewer resources. A rational plan of engineering systems provides additional savings. So, a typical planning technique is the combination of bathrooms and technical premises in one wing of the house on one or two levels. Example: Photo No. 12-38 (115 m²). On the 1st floor of a square building (8 × 8 m), a furnace, a sauna, and a bathroom are located in a row along one of the walls. As a rule, this part is separated from the living quarters by a hall or vestibule.

Terraces, verandas, balconies, awnings

These additional architectural elements make the house interesting, give it originality. The terrace successfully compensates for the lack of space in the house if you plan to receive a large number of guests. This approach is illustrated by photos of country cottages No. 13-10 (99 m²) and No. 59-87K (one-story).

More than 250 ready-made solutions were developed by the architects of our company, and they have already been implemented in practice - they are accompanied by full detailed documentation. In a typical project of any house of 120 squares, you can make changes at the request of the customer.

The hearth is the most important detail in a person's life, so couples begin to build own house. To do this, it is necessary to correctly mark out the construction plan, purchase materials, and decide on the design and interior of the premises. Only by observing these points, you can create a beautiful building of your own.


When building or buying a home, many are interested in the meaning of the word "attic". An attic is a room under the attic, which is planned to be made at the very beginning of construction.- for this they create special gable roofs. Thus, a lot of space is freed up in the attic for rooms in which you can make a nursery or living room, it is also necessary to build a staircase.

After studying several projects, you can find that most buyers prefer to purchase brick houses total area up to 120 m2. But many will think that 120 squares is too small, but if you buy a house with an attic, it will be huge.

Conventionally, buildings can be divided into square, with attic, block and SIP panels.

The project of a brick house looks very beautiful, but its cost is high, and it consists of several finishing materials:

  • finishing brick, which is used for the walls of the whole house;
  • plaster used to decorate the walls inside the house, which will add beauty to the interior space.

The roof of such houses, as a rule, is wooden, but the outside is covered with iron and insulated.


Each building has its own characteristics.

Positive sides:

  • The attic greatly increases the size and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe whole house, since in terms of 7x9 m it will make it possible to purchase not 63 square meters. m, but much more.
  • The attic makes it possible to use it at any time of the year. In winter, for example, you can take food to the veranda (attic) and store them there, as in a refrigerator, which is very convenient. This approach will save more space in the refrigerator. In summer, in this part of the house you can relax or just do an important thing: drawing, reading, sewing, or just sleep.
  • Very quickly built, and the cost will not exceed the amount two-storey houses. The foundation does not need to be too strong - this is the savings.
  • Heat loss is reduced thanks to the roof roof.
  • During the construction and repair of the attic, residents may not leave the building.

But, in addition to the advantages, there are always disadvantages:

  • the construction of such houses requires high adherence to drawings and precise details and materials, since mistakes can lead to serious consequences - cold in the house;
  • windows for the attic - a rather expensive pleasure;
  • it is necessary to make a strong ceiling for the first floor;
  • it is necessary to carry out more complex heating;
  • sewerage and water supply should be carried out in the attic;
  • need reliable system ventilation, so that a person feels great in this place and does not suffocate.

You will learn more about the stages of building a house with an attic by watching the following video.

Beautiful examples

There are countless examples that prove the advantage of attic houses over conventional residential buildings.

To build a beautiful cottage, you need to think about its exterior and interior design. Outside, for example, it is best to decorate the building with various panels that will look bright, and the windows can be sheathed with swan-shaped corners. The selection of attic design will be of great importance.

On a small suburban area it will not be possible to build a huge mansion. The ideal solution in this case, it will become comfortable and roomy cottage. Having studied the photo of a private house of 120 sq. m, you can find suitable option. They will inspire you to build your own home.

If it is not possible to implement the idea, then the specialists are ready to fulfill individual order. Such a project will be created taking into account all the features of the site, the wishes of the customer.

Floors of the building

Beautiful living room, spacious kitchen, cozy bedrooms and utility rooms create comfortable conditions for people to live in the building. Modern projects of houses up to 120 sq. m take into account all the details. One-story buildings or buildings consisting of two levels can have an interesting and comfortable layout.

In such projects, the dining room and kitchen, living room and hallway are often combined. The cost of the finished object depends on the materials used for construction.

To determine the number of floors, it is necessary to take into account many parameters. If you build houses from foam blocks of the same area, then the length of the foundation of a two-story building will be less. Thanks to this, you can save on materials. The wall area of ​​a single-tier building will be smaller, so masonry will cost less.

The cost of high-altitude work is added to the amount received. To climb to the second floor, a staircase is required, the price of which fluctuates over a wide range. A second bathroom should also be provided.

If you carry out calculations taking into account this technique, you will be able to find out which option will be more expensive. If the area of ​​​​the site allows, then a one-story version is erected. The two-tier type allows you to save space. It is worth taking care of heating a house of 120 m2.

It is more convenient for a person to live in a one-story building. With proper planning, the number of corridors that take up useful space is reduced.

If the staircase to the second floor is comfortable, then it takes up a lot of space. Reducing its size will make it unsafe for small children and elderly family members. Bedrooms are placed upstairs to protect the rooms from noise.

building with an attic

Designers embody modern projects bold ideas. A popular option is a building with an attic. For such an object, use different materials and architectural solutions. Projects of houses with an attic have their own characteristics. Should provide good thermal insulation, the upper part of the building is subject to significant temperature differences.

High-quality waterproofing is also required, since the living space is located directly under the roof. Lightweight building materials are used for the attic.

Projects one-story houses contain a single space under the roof. If it needs to be divided, then drywall is used. The decoration of the exterior of the building and the interior space will be skylights.

Layout of a private house

Without a preplanned plan construction works may be delayed. To do this, the location of all rooms is thought out, calculations are carried out. At this stage, you will need the help of a professional. You can make a rough plan, which will be corrected by a specialist.

Exist finished projects houses of 120 sq. m, you just need to find suitable look. It can be amended in accordance with the wishes of the customer. It should be decided in advance whether a basement is needed.

You also need to pay attention to the layout of the bathroom. It is more convenient to use separate rooms for the bathroom and toilet. If the area does not allow, then they make a combined bathroom.

It will be possible to divide the space into functional components using a simple partition. Two-story houses of 120 squares should have two bathrooms. They are usually located one above the other, which will save on materials.

To place the bedroom choose the sunny side. Its dimensions are usually 12-20 square meters. m. How many such premises will be depends on the number of residents. In two-story buildings, lounges are placed at the top, away from the living room and nursery. For the elderly, a room on the first floor is chosen for the bedroom.

IN modern buildings it is customary to combine a room for cooking and dining area in one room. It is better to place it away from the bedroom so that smells do not interfere with rest. The layout of a one-story house provides that the kitchen and bath are nearby. This will save money on communications.

Floor plan with garage

Life away from the bustle of the city and public transport leads to the need to have your own car. Owners of suburban areas often choose house projects with a garage. This space may be part of a property or an extension. A garage on the ground floor will save money.

If you build an additional facility, then you will need finance for the purchase building materials, summarizing communications.

One-storey house 120 sq. m, which has a garage, requires the installation of solid floors. In the room where the car is stored, powerful ventilation is installed, additional gas insulation is made. The extension to the building is a compromise, it will be separated from the main object.

You can make an entrance to it from the street and from the dwelling, so as not to go out into the yard in bad weather. The attached type and the room for the car inside the building provide space savings, reduce building heat loss, construction and operation costs.

If the garage is combined with the house, has a similar finish, then it looks better than a free-standing building. This room can easily be converted into a workshop, storage room for tools and garden tools.


Careful selection of the project and building materials is necessary for arranging a comfortable home. The design of the house should be attractive, but functionality should also be taken care of. Each room requires design. If a standard version is used, then adjustments can be made to it.

Turning to professionals, the owner of the site will be able to resolve the problems associated with the selection of the project and building materials. Specialists will draw up documentation that will take into account all the nuances of the future structure and the wishes of the residents.

Photos of houses 120 sq. m.

Company " Summer Season» carries out the construction of houses from foam blocks with a turnkey attic. This is the most popular type of country cottages with pitched roof, in which the living area is increased due to the improvement of the attic space. Sloped ceilings, graceful balconies, skylights open up wide opportunities for the implementation of interior and architectural solutions. Such houses have a cozy and romantic look.

The use of porous foam concrete blocks guarantees high sound and heat insulation, optimal humidity and a long service life of the building. Lightweight, reliable, environmentally friendly cottages made of foam blocks do not need a reinforced foundation, and the strength of the walls only increases over the years.

Order a house from foam blocks in the company "Dachny Sezon"

The company "Dachny Sezon" has been working in the field of low-rise housing construction for 16 years. More than 2,500 families already live in the cottages we have built in Moscow and the Moscow Region. We strictly observe the technologies and terms of construction, perform all turnkey works - from design to commissioning of the facility.

Our advantages:

  • 654 projects of houses from foam blocks with an attic area of ​​72 - 610 sq.m.,
  • cost of 1 sq. m finished house- from 10 957 rubles,
  • internal redevelopment - FREE OF CHARGE,
  • technical Supervision,
  • own production of lumber,
  • staged payment - 1% - 14% - 20% - 20% - 20% - 20% - 5%,
  • free delivery of materials within 100 km
  • 7 years warranty.

Our website presents projects and prices for houses made of foam blocks with an attic. In the catalog you can find floor plans, configuration options, additional services, photos of finished objects. The price does not include the porch, terrace and balconies.

In the company, you can order an individual architectural and design solution inexpensively or purchase any project separately, excluding construction work.
