This article is similar to the constructor. It describes three strength workouts, each of which works out all muscle groups, cardio on simulators and two circuits. How to combine them depends on your goal.

How are training programs different?

1. Workout program for girls who want to lose weight

Combine strength and cardio workouts. The latter will allow Effects of aerobic and/or resistance training on body mass and fat mass in overweight or obese adults spend more calories, and strength exercises will pump the muscles and help the thinner body look even cooler.

  • How often to practice. To reach your goal, set aside 3 strength training sessions and 2 cardio sessions each week. The latter can be of two types: 30–60 minutes on cardio machines or 20–30 minutes of intensive circuit training if you are not ready to go to the gym five times a week.
  • How much exercise to do.
  • How to eat. Create a calorie deficit: spend more than you consume.

2. Training program for girls who want to build muscle

If you do not have extra pounds, eliminate cardio and focus on strength training.

  • How often to practice. Plan 3 of these workouts per week with at least 48 hours of rest in between.
  • How much exercise to do. Unless otherwise noted, do 5 sets of 6-12 reps.
  • How to eat. Add more foods to your diet, or buy a protein powder. To build muscle, you must consume 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

3. Training program for girls who want to be in good shape

You need both cardio and strength training. The first will help you become more resilient, pump your heart and breath. The second will make you stronger.

  • How often to practice. Count on 3 strength training sessions per week. At the end of each, do cardio for 15-20 minutes.
  • How much exercise to do. Unless otherwise noted, do 3 sets of 6-12 reps.
  • How to eat. Try to eat a healthy diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and at least 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

If you have problems with the cardiovascular system or, consult your doctor before going to the gym. In the presence of old injuries, problems with the spine, pain in the joints, it is better to find a good coach.

What should be strength training

Regardless of the program, every strength training session begins with a warm-up. It must be done in the following order:

  1. Joint workout. Rotate the joints of the arms and legs 10 times in each direction, tilt and turn the body and neck.
  2. 5-10 minutes of light cardio. Any appropriate simulator will do: track, stepper, ellipse, exercise bike. If everything is busy, jump rope.

In addition, before each exercise with a large weight, an additional warm-up with a small one is needed. This will prepare the target muscles for work and save you from injury. For example, if you are going to squat with a 50 kg barbell, do 5 times with the bar, then 3 times with 30 kg and 3 times with 40 kg. Only then proceed to the main load.

Choose a working weight so that the last repetitions in the approach are given hard, but without changing the technique: jerks, a skewed back and unnecessary inclinations. If they appear, take a lighter weight or number of repetitions.

Rest 60-90 seconds between sets, 1-2 minutes between exercises.

I strength training

Twisting on the press

Location: Tabata Drive Gym

Works out the abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back, put your feet on the floor, put your hands behind your head. Raise the body so that the shoulder blades come off the floor and the lower back remains pressed. Do not press your hands on your head, your fingers only touch the back of the head, the movement is made due to the tension of the muscles of the press, and not the neck.

Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps.


Pumps the extensors of the back, buttocks and rear surface hips.

Insert your legs into the hyperextension machine, put your hands behind your head. Keeping your back straight, lower your body and then lift it up. At the top, look at the wall in front of you. Avoid jerks and sudden movements, perform the exercise smoothly and under control.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps. In the future, you can increase the number of repetitions to 20-25.

Loads the hips, buttocks and core muscles.

Put your feet slightly wider than your straightened shoulders, bring your shoulder blades together, turn your toes a little to the sides. Take your pelvis back, bend slightly in the lower back and with an inhale go into a squat. Keep your back straight, look forward.

Sit down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. If from it, the knees do not turn inward, and the back remains straight, try to sit lower. If at the same time the back is rounded, return to the previous position, that is, again make the hips parallel to the floor.

Come out of the squat on an exhale.

Start with a 15 or 20 kg bar and gradually increase the load. Keep an eye on technology at all times.

Pumps back muscles.

Sit on a bench, press your feet to the floor. Grab the handle with a forward (focus on the back) or reverse (focus on the biceps) grip. possible every week. Squeeze your shoulder blades, lower your shoulders, straighten your back. As you exhale, pull the handle up to touch your chest. The body does not lean back, the shoulders are lowered, the shoulder blades are brought together.

Return the handle back and repeat the exercise.

Well loads the buttocks.

Prepare the barbell, sit next to the bench and put the bar on your feet. Lean back on the bench, bend your knees, put your feet on the floor. Supporting the bar with your hands, place it on the pelvis. Tear it off the floor, distribute the weight between the fulcrum on the bench and the feet on the floor.

Due to the tension of the gluteal muscles, move the pelvis up until the hip joint is fully extended. Get down and repeat.

Pumps the pectoral muscles and triceps.

Lie down on a bench press with your feet flat on the floor. With a straight grip wider than shoulder width, grasp the barbell. Remove it from the racks, lower it to touch the chest and squeeze it back.

Strengthens the shoulders.

Stand straight, raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides to shoulder level and lower them back. Keep your elbows slightly bent so as not to overload the joint.

II strength training

The rectus abdominis is pumped with an emphasis on the lower part (lower press).

Lie down on a bench and grasp its edge with your hands. Raise your legs and bend at the knees.

Raise your legs even higher and lift your pelvis off the bench. Return to starting position.

Do 3 sets of 20 reps.


They pump legs, buttocks and core muscles.

Hold dumbbells in outstretched arms. Lunge forward, touch the floor with the knee of the leg standing behind. Make sure your front knee doesn't go past your toes.

Stand up and lunge with the other leg. You can do it on the move or, if the room is crowded, on the spot.

If you want to add extra core and shoulder strength, try another option: with dumbbells over your head.

Do two sets for each hand.

Loads the back muscles.

Place your left hand and knee on a support, such as a bench or box. Straighten your back, lower your shoulders and arm with a dumbbell, bring your shoulder blades together.

Pull the dumbbell to your waist and lower it again. It is very important to pull exactly to the belt, and not to the chest, not to raise the shoulders and not to spread the shoulder blades. Otherwise, you will shift the focus from the arms to the back muscles.

Deadlift with barbell

Pumps the buttocks and extensors of the back.

Stand close to the bar so that the bar is above the lacing of your shoes. Squat down by pushing your pelvis back. Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip slightly wider than your shoulders. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise.

Raise the bar, fully straighten your hips, then return to the starting position.

It pumps the pectoral muscles and loads the shoulders.

Lie down on a bench, press your feet to the floor, raise the dumbbells in front of you so that your palms look at each other. Spread the dumbbells apart, slightly bending your elbows to protect your joints. Turn your palms at the bottom point towards the ceiling.

Bring your hands together and repeat.

Load the triceps.

Find support: a box, a bench, a stack of steps. Turn your back to her, put your hands on her, straighten your knees. Do a reverse push-up until your shoulders are parallel to the floor, but not lower. Return to starting position.

Do 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps.

III strength training

Twisting on the press

Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps. The technique is described in the first strength training.


Do 3 sets of 15 reps. The technique is described in the first strength training.

Loads the muscles of the legs and buttocks, pumps well inner surface hips.

Pick up one. Place your feet so that they are twice as wide as your shoulders, and your socks look to the sides. Take the pelvis back, slightly bend in the lower back.

Do a squat, spreading your knees to the sides. Do not bend your back: it should be even and tense throughout the exercise.

Pumps back muscles and shoulder biceps.

Take the barbell with a straight grip slightly wider than your shoulders, tilt your body to parallel with the floor. Bend your arms, bring your shoulder blades together and bring the projectile to your waist, and then lower it. Do not unbend until you finish the exercise: the body should be parallel to the floor or close to it.

Loads the chest, triceps and shoulders.

Raise the bar to your chest, bring your elbows forward a little, lower your shoulders, slightly bend your lower back. From this position, squeeze the projectile up and take it behind the head.

Look straight ahead at all times. When the bar goes past the face, do not lift the chin. Instead, retract it.

Pumps the extensor muscles of the back, buttocks and back of the thigh.

The Romanian deadlift differs from the classic deadlift in that you minimally bend your knees and at the lowest point do not put the barbell on the floor, but bring it to the middle of the lower leg. The back remains straight throughout the exercise.

An effective exercise for pumping the buttocks.

Turn your face to the simulator, put a special belt on your leg and attach it to the lower block. Take your leg back and return back.

What should be cardio training

Cardio on the machines

If yours is more than normal, you should not run on the track: this way you will put too much stress on the joints. Instead, choose a brisk walk uphill (the path can be adjusted incline), an exercise bike, an ellipse, a stepper, or an airbike.

Do cardio at a moderate intensity so that you can last without slowing down. The main thing is to increase the pulse and keep it at that level for the right time.

If a long monotonous cardio makes you sad, try exercising with headphones. If that still doesn't work, opt for intense bodyweight circuit training. They are also suitable for those who cannot go to the gym five times a week.

Circuit training

This is when you perform several exercises in a row for different muscle groups, usually with or without a short rest, and then start over. Circuit training is good because it allows you to reduce rest time: some muscles have time to recover while others are working, and the pulse remains elevated, as well as calorie expenditure.

Here is an example of a circuit training with your own body weight. You need to do 5 circles without a break. If you choke, rest for 30 seconds to one minute and continue with the exercises.

And another circle. This time interval, that is, with a clear time frame. You work for 30 seconds and then rest for the same amount. In total, you need to complete 6 circles.

Reading time: 34 min

In order to lose weight, strengthen muscles and get rid of excess fat, it is not necessary to visit the gym regularly. You can bring your body into perfect shape at home. We offer you ready-made workouts at home for girls with an exercise plan and exercise tips for effective weight loss.

And if you think that training requires a subscription to a fitness club or expensive equipment, then this is not so. You can effectively train the body at home with minimal equipment.

Workout at home for girls: features

The exercise plan for women below is ideal option for those who want to start exercising at home. However, these exercises will be useful not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those who just want to stick to healthy lifestyle life. There is a lot of research on the benefits of regular exercise: from improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and reducing the risk of depression, and preventing diseases such as diabetes, cancer and stroke.

Even if you are busy with work and family affairs, you can always set aside 30 minutes for fitness several times a week. Especially if you organize effective workouts at home. If you thought that working out at home for girls is of little use, then try our ready plan exercises for weight loss and muscle tone of the whole body and get a toned and slender body.

Why should you pay attention to home fitness? What are the pros and cons of working out at home for girls compared to visiting a fitness club?

Benefits of training at home:

  • You save time on the road to the gym.
  • No need to adapt to the schedule of the fitness club.
  • You save money on the purchase of a subscription.
  • It is psychologically more comfortable to study alone, no one is watching you and does not cause inconvenience.
  • You do not need to purchase special fitness clothing, you can work out in a home T-shirt and shorts.
  • For young mothers on maternity leave, training at home is the only way out if there is no one to leave the child with.
  • A large selection of ready-made video programs and exercise complexes will make workouts at home for girls varied and effective.
  • You will have a comfortable shower or bath with all the necessary accessories at your fingertips.
  • You can practice early in the morning before work or late in the evening after work.

Cons of training at home:

  • There is no trainer who will put the correct technique for performing exercises.
  • At home, there is no variety of simulators, and additional equipment must be purchased.
  • You will have to independently think over and compose a set of exercises or look for a suitable program.
  • For training at home, girls need to have a strong motivation for training, no one will “kick” from the outside.
  • At home, there are too many distractions that can derail your workout: household chores, a family that needs attention, a desire to relax or surf the Internet, etc.

However, the convenience and comfort of home workouts outweigh the small list of cons. All you need to workout at home is to free up a small square of space in the apartment, set aside 30-60 minutes for a session, create an exercise plan and start training.

Equipment for training at home

For weight loss and body tone you can practice at home and without additional equipment. Exercising with your own body weight gives a good load and helps to work out the core muscles and speed up the fat burning process. However, for b O For more variation in training, it is desirable to have at least dumbbells: they are especially useful when performing strength exercises. In addition to dumbbells, you may need a chair, bed, or bedside table for some exercises that require support.

If you have some additional equipment at home or have the opportunity to purchase it, then this will help you diversify your exercises and increase the effectiveness of your workout. However dumbbells are the most basic equipment, which will be enough for a full workout at home for girls. It is also advisable to have a rug or mat on the floor if you have a hard or cold floor.

What other equipment can be purchased:

  • : the main inventory, without which no home strength training can do.
  • Fitness elastic band: the most popular equipment in recent times, ideal for the hips and buttocks.
  • Mat: An essential piece of equipment that is essential for almost any workout at home.
  • Fitball: a round ball for abdominal exercises and the development of stabilizing abdominal muscles.
  • Tube expander: ideal for training arms, shoulders and back.
  • Elastic Band: Very useful for strength training and stretching.
  • Massage roller: for muscle recovery after exercise and self-massage.
  • TRX loops: for functional training at home.

So, for cardio training and functional training for body tone, you can do it without additional equipment, with your own body weight. For strength training, you will need dumbbells from 1 kg to 10 kg, depending on your capabilities and goals.

If you plan to train at home, then it is better to purchase collapsible dumbbells:

Home workouts for girls: rules

1. Any workout should always start with a warm-up (7-10 minutes) and end with a stretch (5-7 minutes). This is a mandatory rule that should always be remembered. Check out our warm-up and stretch options:

2. Don't exercise on a full stomach. Training should begin 1-2 hours after the last meal.

3. 1.5-2 hours before training, you can afford a full meal. If this is not possible, then take a small carbohydrate snack 45-60 minutes before the start of the class. 30 minutes after training, it is better to eat a small portion of protein + carbohydrate (e.g. 100 g cottage cheese + apple or 1 scoop of whey protein in milk) . But for weight loss, the most important thing is not what exactly you eat before and after training, but how you generally eat throughout the day.

5. You can train in the morning on an empty stomach. The time of classes does not affect the process of losing weight, so choose the morning hours only if you are comfortable exercising after waking up. You can have breakfast 30 minutes after class, preferably protein + carbohydrates.

6. Don't forget to drink water. Drink a glass of water 20-30 minutes before your workout and one or two glasses of water after your workout. During class, drink every 10 minutes, taking several sips.

7. Be sure to exercise in sneakers so as not to harm the joints of the legs. Also wear a sports bra to support your breasts and comfortable clothes from natural fabrics, which does not restrict movement. If you do yoga, Pilates, or do gentle floor exercises, you don't need running shoes.

8. Do not overload yourself with training, At first, it is enough to practice 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Gradually, you can increase the duration and frequency of classes: 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes, if you want to force the results.

10. If you want to lose weight and burn fat, then during strength exercises, use a small weight of 1-3 kg dumbbells.If you want to tone and strengthen your muscles, then use dumbbells 4-7 kg for the upper body and 5-10 kg for the lower body.

11. Remember to breathe while exercising at home. On effort, exhale deeply through the nose, on relaxation, inhale through the mouth. Do not hold your breath while exercising.

12. You need to work out according to the proposed programs for at least 1.5-2 months, while increasing the duration of the exercises and increasing the weight of the dumbbells. Then you can change the program, complicating the workout or increasing the weight.

13. If you want to lose weight faster, try to increase your overall physical activity during the day: walking or outdoor activities.

14. After you have achieved the desired result, it is necessary to continue regular fitness if you want to keep fit.

15. If you have back problems, then it is better to minimize the exercises for the press that are performed on the back, replacing them with variations:

Workout at home for girls: exercise plan

We are offering to you 4 ready-made sets of exercises that will help you lose weight or tone your muscles depending on your goals:

  • Home workouts for weight loss for beginners and overweight people
  • Workouts at home for weight loss and fat burning
  • Workouts at home to tone muscles and reduce body fat
  • Strength training at home to strengthen muscles and gain muscle mass

Each option offers a 3-day full-body exercise plan. You can practice 3 times a week or more often, just alternate 3 sets of exercises with each other.

Home workouts for beginners

If you are looking for a workout at home for girls who are just starting to get into fitness or who are overweight, then we offer you an easy exercise program for beginners. It consists of low-impact cardio and strength exercises without equipment. Work out 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes for 1-2 months and move on to a more difficult program or gradually saturate the workout with more intense exercises.

For training, we use a circular scheme: We perform each exercise for 30 seconds + 30 seconds rest and then move on to the next exercise. After the end of the circle, we stop for 2 minutes and start the circle again from the first exercise. We repeat the exercises in 3 circles. If the exercise is performed on two sides, then we perform 30 seconds first on one side, then 30 seconds on the other. Each circle will take you 7-8 minutes.

Day 1

2. Leg raise (both sides)

3. Static plank (you can kneel down)

Day 2

2. Plie Squat

5. Bringing the thigh lying on the side (on both sides)

Day 3

1. Leg raises

3. Side lunge (both sides)

4. Walking with the spread of the arms and the overlap of the lower leg

5. Lateral leg raise on all fours (on both sides)

Workouts at home for weight loss and fat burning

If you are looking for a workout at home for girls who want to lose weight and have at least a little fitness experience, then we offer you a set of fat burning exercises based on cardio exercises and muscle tone exercises. In this version of home workouts, you also do not need additional equipment.

For classes, we again use a circular scheme: (for starters, you can do 1-2 circles, see how you feel) . If the exercise is performed on two sides, then we perform first on one side, then on the other. Each circle will take you 8 minutes.

Day 1

2. Walking lunges forward

5. Leg raise to the side (both sides)

6. Side plank twist (both sides)

Day 2

2. Bulgarian lunge (both sides)

5. Leg swing (on both sides)

Day 3

2. Getting up from a chair with a raised leg (both sides)

4. Plank jumps with leg extension

5. Leg raise (both sides)

Workouts at home to tone muscles and reduce body fat

If you are looking for workouts at home for girls who are not overweight, but want to tone their bodies, then we offer you a set of exercises to strengthen muscles and reduce body fat. Unlike the previous scheme, only one cardio exercise is included in the circle, the rest of the exercises are aimed at muscle tone and getting rid of problem areas. You will need dumbbells 2-5 kg.

We train in the same way in a circular pattern: We perform each exercise for 40 seconds + 20 seconds rest and then move on to the next exercise. After the end of the circle, we make a stop for 1-2 minutes and start the circle again from the first exercise. We repeat the exercises in 3-4 circles (for starters, you can do 1-2 circles, see how you feel). If the exercise is performed on two sides, then we perform first on one side, then on the other. Each circle will take you 7-8 minutes.

Day 1

2. Pulling up dumbbells in the plank

4. Push-ups (possible on your knees)

5. Lunges in a circle (on both sides)

Day 2

1. Lunge on the spot (on both sides)

2. Breeding arms with dumbbells in an incline

5. Plank spider

6. Twisting to the side (on both sides)

Day 3

1. Diagonal lunges (possible with dumbbells)

2. Side plank (both sides)

I present to your attention a training program for beginner girls in the gym. The purpose of this complex is to prepare beginner girls who go to the gym for the first time to do fitness or take a long break from training.

The most common misconception or myth among girls is that after going to the gym they become masculine. The stereotype of girls turning into Schwarzenegger in a skirt after lifting weights or on machines is ubiquitous. This is absolutely not true.

In practice, even guys find it difficult to become more masculine, despite the fact that they are dominated by the male hormone testosterone and are more prone to gaining muscle mass. Therefore, girls, I give you a guarantee that from visiting the gym you definitely will not turn into a man in a skirt. For this to happen, you need to spend a lot of effort, time and money on chemicals which are very harmful. And with regular training on the body's own capabilities, you will only raise muscle tone, become slimmer and improve your health.

Being engaged in a sports club and performing strength exercises, you can slightly increase muscle mass, thereby increasing the metabolic rate, due to which excess fat will be burned more actively and unnecessary calories will be spent. So you can lose weight and get rid of the fat that has always bothered you or just not gain it.

With the help of strength training, you will strengthen the muscular corset, which will keep your figure slim and athletic.

For classes in the gym, you need to keep a training diary in which to note the weight progress according to a pre-planned training program. You must always clearly understand what needs to be done, how many times and what weight to use. Without a pre-planned training plan and having no idea about the technique of performing exercises, at best, you can not get any results from training, and at worst, you can get injured.

If you are just going to go to the gym or you had a long break in training, then you need to do general developmental complexes for all muscle groups for the first 2-4 weeks. An example of such a training program for beginners can be found here. The first training plan is designed for absolute beginners and will help the muscles get used to the increased physical activity and prepare the body for more serious workouts.

Now let's move on to the workout program for girls for the gym

The program for beginner girls in the gym is designed for 3 classes per week, the main goal is to lose weight. You need to visit the hall with a break of one day. That is, you can go to the gym on Monday-Wednesday-Friday. If you have a lot of excess fat, but you already have experience in sports and your body is sufficiently prepared, then the complex can include aerobic training (for example, running or cycling) on ​​days off from visiting the gym. So you increase the consumption of calories and accelerate weight loss, but do not overdo it.

The first three phases of training for girls who are just starting to work out in the gym

Program for the 1st month of classes in the gym for girls

Cardio 10 minutes Pulse 100-120
Warm-up with stretching 10 minutes
Hanging leg or knee raise (abs) 3xMAX
Sitting leg extension 3x10-12
Lying leg curls 3x10-12
Short hyperextension (emphasis under the hips) 3х10-15
Pulldown of the vertical block to the chest with a reverse grip 2x10-12
Dumbbell Bench Press or Hand Reduction in Butterfly 3x10
Standing or sitting dumbbell press (shoulders) 3x10
Biceps with dumbbells sitting 2x10-12
Extending the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head, sitting (triceps) 2x10-12
Calf, standing on one leg, with a dumbbell 3x8-12
Twisting on a horizontal bench (press) 2xMAX

You need to train according to this program 3 times a week, with a break of one day between workouts. In this program, the goal is not weights on simulators and barbells, the main technique and muscle work when doing exercises.

When you first come to the gym for your first workout, do cardio and warm-up as indicated in the program, in the same time range. The rest of the exercises for the first time, do only one approach. Take a break between sets for no more than a minute.

The second workout should be more intense. You need to do two sets in each exercise, and it is desirable to reduce the break to 50 seconds between sets and even less.

The third workout should be complete, that is, do everything as it is written in the program for each exercise. You need to train according to this scheme 4-5 weeks(or spend 12-15 workouts) and you need to take a break from training for 7 days.

Month 2 and 3 for girls new to fitness

Day A

Day B

This phase of training is designed for 3 sessions per week according to the scheme: MON-A, SR-B, PT-A, MON-B, SR-A, PT-B, etc. As in the previous phase, the first two workouts are done with only one set of each exercise. On the third and fourth workouts, you should already do two sets in each exercise, and, starting from the fifth workout, move on to the full range of these approaches.

Very important requirement: fully master the technique of new exercises.

Starting from the 8th workout, after making sure that the technique is correct, in each last approach of each exercise (when working on the press, this applies to all approaches!) To achieve failure, that is, do it while you can, and stop when there is simply no strength to do the exercise! Try to keep the rest time between sets in the region of 50-90 seconds! Having worked out 20-26 workouts according to this scheme, we go on vacation for 7-10 days! After resting, move on to the next phase:

Day A

Day B

Training in this phase is also carried out every other day three times a week according to the scheme: MON-A, SR-B, PT-A, MON-B, SR-A, PT-B, etc. Rest between sets should be no longer than 60 seconds. In each exercise, the last approach must be performed to failure, that is, while you can, and do it. When training the press, all approaches are performed to failure.

Special attention focus on exercise technique. In the lying leg curls and in the butterfly adductions, only one set is performed, with a static hold of the weight immediately after the last repetition in the set! If the weight is chosen too light and it turns out to hold it longer than 60 seconds, then in the next workout it is worth increasing the weight.

After each workout, you can do a run on a treadmill or orbit track for 10-15 minutes, with a pulse range of 120-130 beats per minute (this rhythm is optimal and safe for the heart). If training is weight loss, then after each workout you can work on cardio machines for 20-30 minutes, starting from the very first phase. After passing through this phase, it is worth resting for 7-10 days and starting new workouts, which are described below.

The training program plays perhaps the most important role in building a beautiful body. Therefore, it is best to compose it yourself in accordance with the goals that brought you to the gym. This is not at all difficult to do if you know the basic principles and rules of training. Consider what should be the training program in the gym for girls who want to achieve perfect shape.

The main tools for creating the perfect figure for girls and women are strength training and cardio. Strength exercises allow you to sculpt your body, like a sculptor, increasing muscle volume in the right places, and cardio loads get rid of excess body fat. But these tools work only in conjunction with proper nutrition.

A properly selected training program in the gym for girls, coupled with a balanced diet, can work wonders with any female figure. With their help, you can:

  • lose weight
  • get rid of cellulite;
  • acquire a beautiful posture;
  • to give elasticity and a beautiful shape to the muscles;
  • build muscle volumes on the buttocks, giving the figure exciting curves.

In addition, exercising in the gym will give you self-confidence, provide an influx of energy and expand your social circle.

However, the possibilities of sports are not unlimited, training programs will not help:

  • change the proportions of the skeleton;
  • increase the volume of the mammary glands;
  • to get rid of body fat in problem areas - when losing weight, fat disappears evenly throughout the body.

Going to the gym for the first time, you need to be aware of what you want to achieve with the training program. Goals should be set achievable, based on the individual characteristics of the physique. So, for example, it is naive for broad-boned girls to set the goal of achieving model parameters, but to mold themselves into a “warrior princess” with a harmonious figure and beautiful embossed muscles is quite within their power. Girls with the type of figure "apple", "rectangle" are unlikely to be able to achieve proportions " hourglass”, but by pumping up the gluteal muscles, they can visually make the waist thinner, and the forms more seductive.

Principles for compiling women's training programs

The training program for women should be designed in accordance with the goals that can be achieved within the limits set by the type of physique. Basic principles for compiling women's training programs:

  • For weight loss, in addition to strength training, you should include more cardio loads in the program - running, classes on a stepper, ellipsoid.
  • To strengthen the muscles and give them a beautiful shape without a significant increase in muscle volume, it is necessary to select the weight of the weights so that the exercise can be performed 20-25 times in one approach. The last repetitions at the same time should be given with difficulty. This is the so-called multi-repetitive training.
  • To build muscle volume, you should select such a weight of weights that in one approach, applying maximum effort, you could not perform more than 12-15 repetitions. This type of training is called low repetition.
  • All muscle groups of the body must be worked out. You can’t download only “problem areas”, this will lead to an imbalance in the load on the spine, which is fraught with injuries.
  • In the first 2-3 months of training, it is recommended to work out all muscle groups for each workout, the so-called. fullbody. Having mastered the technique of performing all the exercises and getting involved in the training process, you can move on to the split training program, when different muscle groups train on different days.

Types of strength exercises

Strength training exercises are of 2 types:

  • basic, working out several muscle groups at the same time, they involve several large joints at once;
  • insulating, working one muscle and bending one joint.

The training program is based precisely on the basic exercises, which are the main ones, and the isolating ones play the role of auxiliary ones, they allow you to “finish” the muscles previously loaded with the “base”.

Basic exercises can be divided into categories according to the most loaded muscle groups:

  • leg and buttocks - Romanian deadlift, lunges, squats, leg press on the simulator;
  • chest - push-ups, bench press on incline bench;
  • muscle groups of the back - traction of the vertical and horizontal block, deadlift, pull-ups, traction of the barbell in an inclination;
  • three-headed - push-ups on the uneven bars, bench press with a narrow grip;
  • press - twisting;
  • deltoid - barbell pull to the chin, dumbbell press.

Isolation exercises:

  • hips - leg extension while sitting, adduction / breeding, bending of the legs lying down;
  • chest - information "butterfly", breeding dumbbells on the bench;
  • three-headed - French bench press, dumbbell extension from behind the head in an inclination;
  • deltoid - lifting dumbbells in front of you and breeding through the sides;
  • biceps - lifting dumbbells.

First, a basic exercise is performed for each muscle group, after which an isolating exercise is performed. But in some cases it makes sense to first perform isolation, and then the base.

For example, pumping the buttocks in a low-repetitive mode (aimed at muscle growth), it is recommended to pre-fatigue the quadriceps with multi-repetition isolation so that when performing the basic exercise, the quadriceps are less involved in the work, and the main load would fall on the gluteal muscles. This is especially true for girls with responsive muscles, who, while pumping their buttocks, run the risk of rocking their footballer's quadra.

Workout plan

Any complete workout should include the following steps:

  1. 10-minute warm-up, including joint gymnastics and cardio;
  2. The strength part, which includes at least 1 exercise in 3-5 sets for each muscle group;
  3. 20 minute cardio;
  4. 10 minute stretch.

The study of muscle groups should be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. back;
  2. lower back;
  3. breast;
  4. deltoid muscles;
  5. triceps;
  6. biceps;
  7. legs and buttocks;
  8. abdominal muscles.

This sequence is scientifically sound, and it is not recommended to change it. The sequence of pumping muscles should be made taking into account their size and position on the body. If the legs are worked out first, they will draw a large amount of blood onto themselves, and the muscles of the upper body will not have enough of it, because it will linger in the capillaries of the legs, and the force of gravity will prevent its upward movement.

The full body strength training program includes 1 exercise in 3-5 sets for each muscle group. The number of repetitions - depending on whether you are aiming for muscle growth (low-rep mode) or want to form elastic muscles without a significant increase in volume (high-rep). Pauses between sets - 30-45 seconds, between exercises - 1-2 minutes.

You should be able to perform at least 3 types of exercises for each of these muscle groups and change them so that you do not get used to the load. As the training becomes easier, you need to increase the weight of the weights so that the last repetition is difficult.

Training mode

It takes at least 48 hours to restore muscle fibers, so strength training should be no more than every other day. The optimal regimen would be 3 strength training per week. The weight loss training program also includes 40 minutes of cardio on non-strength training days.

Important Points

Even a well-chosen training program will not live up to expectations if you:

  • you will not eat properly;
  • do not master the correct technique for performing exercises.

The correctness of the exercises is extremely important, without it it is not only impossible to achieve positive changes in the figure, but you can also harm yourself by getting injured. To master it, it is not enough to read the description of the technique and watch the videos.

To put the right technique, you need the help of an instructor. You can create a training program yourself, but you can’t set the technique for yourself. Therefore, when you come to the gym, start by contacting the instructor with a request to teach you the technique of strength exercises.

For the first few sessions, train under the guidance of an instructor with light weights and move on to training at full strength gradually, over 2-3 weeks. Then you can practice on your own according to your training program, but after a few months, contact the instructor again to check your technique, as it may deteriorate over time.

It is equally important to get the expected effect from the relief training program for girls and proper nutrition. Without the intake of a sufficient amount of protein (at least 1.5 g / kg of body weight), as well as the correct ratio of fats and complex carbohydrates in the diet, muscle growth will be problematic.

If you want to lose weight, you need to create a daily calorie deficit by reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, eliminating sugar and "junk" foods (chips, mayonnaise, packaged juices, etc.). Sports help you lose weight only if you burn more calories than you eat.

Training programs for women should also take into account such important feature female body like the menstrual cycle. Approximately 7-10 days before the onset of menstruation, women experience a decline in physical performance, so at this time it is desirable to reduce working weights, reduce the load on the press and lower body. And during menstruation, it is better to completely abandon strength training, replacing it with light cardio.

Consider how a weekly training program is compiled for girls who want to lose weight and pump up relief muscles.

Drawing up a fullbody program

For women and girls who came to the gym to lose weight, the full body program is suitable, in which the whole body is worked out in one session.


  1. Upper pull block per head - 4 x 20.
  2. Breeding dumbbells on an inclined bench - 4 x 20.
  3. Seated dumbbell press - 4 x 20.
  4. French bench press - 4 x 20.
  5. Bench leg press - 4 x 15.
  6. Twisting on the bench - 3 x 25 on the top of the press and 3 x 25 on the bottom.
  7. Cardio - 20 minutes.
  8. Stretching - 10 minutes.


  1. Cardio - 40 minutes.
  2. Stretching - 10 minutes.


  1. Warm-up: articular gymnastics + cardio - only 10 minutes.
  2. Pull-ups in anti-graviton - 4 x 10.
  3. T-traction on the simulator - 4 x 20.
  4. Hammer bench press - 4 x 20.
  5. Breeding with dumbbells for deltas - 4 x 20.
  6. Extension with the upper block in the crossover - 4 x 20.
  7. Bends with the lower block in the crossover - 4 x 25.
  8. Hyperextensions - 3 x 10.
  9. Hanging leg raises - 3 x 10.
  10. Cardio - 20 minutes.
  11. Stretching - 10 minutes.


  1. Warm-up - joint gymnastics
  2. Cardio - 40 minutes.
  3. Stretching - 10 minutes.


  1. Warm-up: articular gymnastics + cardio - only 10 minutes.
  2. Bent-over barbell row - 4 x 20.
  3. The thrust of the horizontal block is 4 x 20.
  4. Information on the butterfly simulator - 4 x 20.
  5. Seated dumbbell press - 4 x 20.
  6. Push-ups on the uneven bars - 3 sets.
  7. Lifting dumbbells "hammer" - 4 x 25.
  8. Squats with a barbell - 4 x 15.
  9. Subscribe to us in Yandex Zen, so as not to miss new publications!

Buying a membership and getting your gym bag ready is only half the battle. In order for trips to the gym to be crowned with positive results, it is necessary to think over an effective training program in advance and strictly adhere to it throughout the entire period of visiting the gym. You can independently draw up an individual schedule and a set of exercises, or you can use the recommendations of experienced trainers and get the most out of sports activities.

In the article we will present the most effective training programs, consider the features of playing sports during menstrual cycle Let's figure out what role nutrition plays in achieving an ideal figure.

Before moving on to the list of exercises, we note the main points of training for girls and dispel some myths.

  1. Classes in the gym will not make a figure masculine. Many girls refuse to train in fitness clubs because of the fear of the appearance of impressive muscle volumes. This opinion is erroneous, since it is impossible to achieve such results without the use of anabolic steroids, but it is real to make the figure more attractive. The level of the hormone testosterone, which is higher in men, also plays an important role. You can make a figure more athletic, but getting male muscles will not work.
  2. The program must necessarily include both basic exercises and a separate muscle group.
  3. Training should take place 2-3 times a week with an interval of 1-2 days. Daily loads are unacceptable for beginners.
  4. The number of repetitions and approaches depends on the goal pursued by the girl. If the main goal is to lose weight or work on the relief, then you need to use light weights, and focus on the number of repetitions. Girls who want to gain muscle mass should increase the load, while reducing the quantitative indicator.
  5. Between exercises and repetitions, it is necessary to give the body a break. Rest time also depends on the goal pursued. And to reduce weight and build muscle, the rest between repetitions should be no more than a minute, and between exercises 1.5 or 2.5, respectively.
  6. Before each workout, you need to stretch, preparing the bodies for subsequent loads. Jumping rope, running, squats or other basic exercises should be done within 5-10 minutes. The same is recommended to do at the end of the workout.
  7. Before training, it is necessary to draw up a diary of classes in which you need to prescribe a program and indicate the desired results.

Effective workouts for girls in the gym

Programs can be conditionally divided into two types - working out the whole body at once and working on individual muscle groups. For beginners, the first option is preferable, since in this way you can capture the entire body at once and gradually bring it into the desired shape. At first, you should not focus on any particular part of the body that you consider the most problematic. Graduality is important in everything, and you need to start by training all muscle groups.

Whole body program

The complex of exercises of the program is aimed at working out all muscle groups within one session. You must visit the gym at least 2 times a week, the duration of the workout is 1 hour 10 minutes. Ten minutes are allotted for a warm-up before and after the main lesson.

Training should take place strictly in accordance with the plan. As soon as the set plan is overcome with ease, you can begin to increase the load, and increase the repetitions. And after 3-6 months, you can go to the next level.

Video - Workouts for girls in the gym

The first day


  • warm-up five minutes;
  • bike 7 minutes;
  • twisting on the press 3 sets of 10 times;
  • romanian deadlift 3 sets of 12 reps;
  • in a standing position, breeding dumbbells 3 sets of 12 times;
  • bench press with an average grip of the approach 12 times;
  • traction of the upper block to the chin 3 sets of 12 times;
  • classic squats with a barbell 3 sets of 10 times;
  • stretching for five minutes.

Second day


  • warm-up five minutes;
  • in the hang, lifting the legs to work out the press 3 sets of 10 times;
  • bike 7 minutes;
  • in a bent state, breeding dumbbells 3 sets of 10 times;
  • traction of the lower block to the belt 3 sets of 10 times;
  • push-ups from the floor at least 10 times;
  • barbell squats 3 sets of 12 reps;
  • on the bench in the prone position dumbbell press 3 sets of 10 times;
  • warm-up five minutes.

Split program

For those who have been working on the whole body at once for several months and have achieved positive results, you can consider the Split program. Its essence is to work on certain muscle groups. The training plan is drawn up in such a way that only one muscle group is worked out once every 7 days.

We will describe a workout designed for going to the gym three times a week with a break of one day - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. In each session, we will work on a new muscle group.

Day one - Tuesday

The muscles we focus on are the abs, buttocks and legs. In work we use simulators, dumbbells and a barbell. The number of repetitions for each exercise is 10-15 times.


  • warm-up (run 6 minutes);
  • lying on an incline bench twisting;
  • Romanian deadlift;
  • squats;
  • lunges;
  • lifting the legs with an emphasis on the elbows;
  • leg press;
  • twisting in the simulator;
  • warm-up (run 6 minutes).

Day two - Thursday

We train the back. In work we use simulators, dumbbells and a barbell. The number of repetitions for each exercise is 13-15 times.


  • warm-up (push-ups 20 times);
  • pull-up;
  • thrust of the lower block in a sitting position to the belt;
  • thrust of the upper block in a sitting position behind the head;
  • squats;
  • dumbbell pull with one hand to the belt in a bent position with support;
  • rod pull to the belt in a bent position;
  • warm-up (run 6 minutes).

Day three - Saturday

The muscles we focus on are chest, shoulders, triceps. In work we use simulators and dumbbells. The number of repetitions is 11-14 times.


  • warm-up (running 5 minutes);
  • dumbbell bench press on an incline bench;
  • push-ups (how much to learn);
  • lifting dumbbells to the sides;
  • divorce of dumbbells in the supine position;
  • dumbbell press up in a sitting position;
  • extension of arms with dumbbells in a standing position (alternately with each hand);
  • extension of the arms for triceps on the block;
  • warm-up (squats 10 times).

You can choose the days of classes yourself, the main thing is not to forget about one day of respite between them. You can also swap the muscle groups that will be emphasized, and start, for example, with a back workout, and end the week with a study of the abdomen and legs.

Workouts and the menstrual cycle

Critical days do not interfere with training and you can safely continue classes even on these days. However, it is worth bearing in mind which activities are most effective in a particular period of the menstrual cycle, before and after it.

One month can be divided into three phases:

  • menstrual (1-6 days);
  • post menstrual (7-13 days);
  • ovulation (14–28 days).

Stretching muscles and ligaments - the most best option for the first phase. You can also do body flexibility exercises.

The second phase allows training for speed and endurance. Also during this period, an increase in power load is allowed.

Is it important to eat right?

Don't underestimate good nutrition. On the way to an ideal body, not only power loads, daily routine are important, but also the presence of healthy food in the diet, and even better its predominance. healthy eating will help to make the forms more attractive, and increase immunity.

If the main goal of training is to lose weight, it is necessary to reduce the amount of food consumed containing calories. But to build muscle, their number will need to be increased.

To give the body relief, it is imperative to follow the diet and drink enough water. On the day of training, it is necessary to knock out up to 2 liters of clean water, and on ordinary days up to 1.5. It is important not only to count calories, but also to monitor the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to draw up an effective training program. Only properly selected exercises, strict adherence to the exercise plan and proper nutrition will help bring the body into good shape.

An integrated approach is important in working on a figure, and the exclusion of at least one component can significantly slow down the achievement of results, or even make them impossible.
