  • Self-dissolving whey of the third generation of instant assimilation without fat and carbohydrates.
  • Category:

Mix one scoop of powder into 300 ml cold water. Reception is recommended in the morning after waking up, within 30-40 minutes after training and before bedtime.

Serum of the third generation PROMINA - has today the maximum coefficient of biological value and the degree of assimilation by the human body.
Syntrax Nectar is a highly purified whey protein isolate with zero fat and carbohydrate content. An effective nutrient for building quality muscle mass.

BioTech | ThermoDrine Liquid ?

dissolve 10 ml of concentrate in 200 ml of water. Take 1-2 drinks per day. On training days - 15 min. before training.

Carries out multilevel oxidation of fats and thermal genesis.

Contains 5 active substances necessary for fat burning and energy during training: L-carnitine, caffeine, green tea extract, choline, inostol.

Taurine is a non-essential amino acid that performs the functions of electrically active tissues such as the brain and heart to stabilize cell membranes. Other functions of taurine include cell growth, membrane stabilization, sperm motility, bile acid conjugation, and neuronal transfer. Taurine can also help improve athletic performance, as it acts like an artificial insulin, thus allowing better glucose deposition into the muscles.

Inositol directly activates the latent energy of the body. Thanks to the drink, the body quickly receives energy and vitamins, it also contributes to muscle tension if the electrolyte balance is disturbed.

VPLAB Nutrition | Glucosamine Chondroitin?

The daily norm is 2 tablets, which are recommended to be taken with meals, while not forgetting to drink plenty of water.

Heavy training overloads the joints and ligaments, besides, with age, the synthesis of glucosamine and chondroitin worsens, and such an important element as MSM (methylsulfonylmethane - natural source sulfur) enters the body in negligible amounts.

Chondroitin and glucosamine play an important role in the restoration of connective tissue, improve the depreciation properties of cartilage, and increase joint mobility.

MSM is a source of sulfur that is biologically available to the body - a component of proteins that make up all connective tissues. The trace element reduces inflammation, accelerates the synthesis of collagen proteins and helps maintain healthy joints.

VPLab took care of you and released a product that includes salts of all three essential elements - chondroitin, glucosamine and MSM. The listed ingredients in combination have a synergistic effect, complementing and enhancing the effect of each other.

The product is ideal for the prevention of diseases of the connective tissue, joints and ligaments, and will also be an effective addition to the complex of therapeutic measures for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Contains high concentrations of active ingredients;
Helps increase joint mobility;
Ideal in the prevention of diseases of the connective tissue, joints and ligaments;
Reduces inflammatory processes;
Accelerates regeneration cartilage tissue;

VPLAB Nutrition | Daily 1?

1 caplet per day during meals with water.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, it also contains digestive enzymes. The complex is specially designed for people leading an active lifestyle and taking care of their health. Food supplement fully compensates for the lack of vitamins and minerals resulting from intense physical exertion, irregular nutrition and nervous strain. The result is a strengthening of vitality and an increase in the body's resistance to various diseases.

Trec Nutrition | Amino Max 6800

Amino acids

8 capsules immediately after training. On non-training days: 2 capsules 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

AMINOMAX 6800 contains a complex of amino acids and micropeptides, resulting from the hydrolysis of whey protein concentrate, with the addition of a large amount of pure L-glutamine and taurine, due to which the complex is characterized by an exemplary aminogram. AMINOMAX 6800 is also enriched with vitamin C and vitamin B6, which improve the absorption of amino acids in the body.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


A set of workouts for all muscle groups is the basis of the weight loss program in the gym for girls. If you strictly follow the recommendations, the exercises will help you cope with excess weight, make your figure slim and fit. Any woman will benefit from such a training set, carried out with her own weight or additional weights. Learn about correct selection programs, features and the correct method of performing exercises.

Training program for girls

Those who want to lose weight quickly will need special program classes. It contains recommendations on the correct load on muscle groups, working out problem areas and build the perfect body. Workouts for girls in one hour should be carried out over the entire body. Weight loss for women suggests that in addition to sports, attention should also be paid to the nutrition program. It is worth giving up fried, fatty and smoked, keep the water balance and introduce more protein into the diet.

How to make a workout plan for a girl

A well-constructed plan gives results in a month. It is worth remembering that the body is difficult to tolerate changes - it adapts only when creating unusual, stressful conditions. external conditions. It is necessary to eliminate the main mistakes of athletes: too light load and insufficient effort in training. To form beautiful forms, you need to work hard and a lot, giving the body an increasing load.

The last repetitions of the exercises are especially difficult for girls due to short rest breaks. A good personal plan contains the following items:

  1. Determination of large muscle groups, the choice of a pair of target methods of study.
  2. Carrying out work with repetitions and complexes.
  3. Classes twice or thrice a week.
  4. The inclusion of exercises to work out the maximum number of muscle groups.

Training program for beginner girls

Particular attention deserves introductory classes on simulators for beginners. Beginners should choose a gradual increase in load. In the first week, spend two sessions, the second - three, and after a month - up to five. The body will get used to the load, the desire to play sports will not disappear, and this period will be enough for a prepared body for recovery rest. Due to the gradual increase in the load during training, the muscles will be evenly loaded, there will be no “skew” in the pumping of body parts - it will be evenly toned and beautiful.

A ready-made training program suggests rules for beginners that should be followed to make it easier to practice and get the desired result faster:

  • pay attention to the pulse, do not allow shortness of breath;
  • use the calculator on coaching websites to calculate the optimal weight to strive for;
  • high average heart rate gives intensive burning of fat reserves;
  • for a warm-up, choose running, an exercise bike, a jump rope;
  • Reduce your daily caloric intake by at least 400 kcal.

What type of workout to choose for weight loss

The trainer must choose the right type of training. The main types are cardio and strength training. The weight loss program in the gym for girls produces the maximum effect when combined with a strength technique with cardio approaches. You can also choose the right direction for losing weight like this: to maintain shape in the absence of a lot of excess weight, it is better to base on cardio training, in the presence of a solid overweight, exercises with weights are necessary.

Circuit training

Fat burning, weight loss and giving the body relief contributes to circular training. The approach of the program is as follows: completed one exercise, moved on to the next without rest and continued to perform until the end of the set. After a short rest, it is repeated the required number of times. The weight loss program aims to burn fat, has a high level of complexity, and is designed for experienced athletes.

In the lesson, work is carried out on all muscle groups, hips and buttocks, which tend to accumulate fat faster than other parts of the body, are of particular interest. An approximate schedule for a weight loss system includes the following exercises (optional):

  • twisting at an angle;
  • lunges with weight;
  • extension, flexion of the legs;
  • push ups;
  • hand divorces with weight;
  • leg lift;
  • hyperextension;
  • barbell squats.

Fitness program

To maintain a figure in order, restore weight after childbirth, or if you want to lose weight, a fitness training program for girls is suitable. Simplicity and ease of direction in terms of loading, gives an advantage over gym. In the classroom, you can relax, enjoy stretching the muscles and maintain the condition of the figure. Fitness is not suitable if you want to lose a large amount of excess body weight - only intense exercise using heavy weights and fat burning activities will help here.

Fat Burning Complex

The most difficult is fat-burning training, which combines strength and cardio exercises. From strength training, preference should be given to multi-joint movements that help work on parallel muscle groups and burn calories. Self-study with individual weights form muscle relief, force the body to produce hormones that promote fat burning. The complex for weight loss consists of squats, lunges, thrust, push-ups and bench presses.

Cardio allows you to achieve enhanced fat burning. It is optimal to combine power loads with jogging, riding an exercise bike, exercising on an ellipsoid. Sample weekly fat loss plan:

  1. Leg press, Romanian deadlift, gravitron, dumbbell press, push-ups, plank.
  2. Running on the track, plank, burpee, punches on an imaginary pear.
  3. Deep wide steps, platform leg raises, Romanian deadlifts, kettlebell raises, upper pulldowns, leg raises.
  4. Rest.
  5. Plie squats, dumbbell lunges, hyperextension, leg curls, butterfly arms, glute bridge, crunches, calf raises.
  6. Slow cardio on the track.
  7. Rest.

Power loads

Muscle tone support, skin tightening and body elasticity are distinguished by a strength training program for girls. The complex actively develops muscles, burns a layer of fat even after the end of training. Strengthening the muscles of the body occurs from top to bottom - from pumping the arms and chest, dorsal muscles and abs, buttocks and thighs, ending with a load on the legs and shins.

To create muscle relief without increasing volume, work is carried out with a quick or average speed, with repetitions of each exercise 15 times. Between repetitions, it is allowed to rest for up to three minutes, and you need to repeat the approaches three times. The most effective force methods:

  • push-ups on the legs or knees;
  • divorce of hands with weights;
  • twisting;
  • squats;
  • lifting, leg extension;
  • lunges.

cardio training

The cardio training program for girls helps to develop endurance, train the heart muscle and lose excess weight. Exercises reduce the number of fat cells, remove the sides, make the body beautiful in the photo. To get the result, cardio training should last at least 30-40 minutes. The effect of cardio exercises is short-lived, calories are burned only with direct exercise. It is better to engage in simulators three times a week, using the following techniques:

  • classes on an exercise bike, ellipse;
  • jumping rope;
  • swimming.

Split workout

The best option after six months of classes will be a split workout. It includes work on two muscle groups. At one time they can train: calves with an oblique press, back with arms, chest and shoulders. You can start split-classes if you have free time, otherwise there will be no effect. The mood is also important - if you skip classes, then you won’t be able to catch up with the lost time, you will have to start all over again.

It is ideal to do every other day, do up to 15 repetitions of exercises in a couple of approaches. Losing weight will help achieve an increased number of repetitions while reducing the weight lifted. Sample program split workout schedule:

  1. Monday - legs, buttocks, abs are trained. Exercises – squats, lunges, Romanian deadlifts, leg presses and raises, crunches.
  2. Wednesday - spinal muscles. Body raises, block pulls, weight lifting, dumbbells to the waist, hyperextension.
  3. Friday - chest, triceps, shoulders. Push-ups, bench press and dilution of dumbbells, arm raises, extensions with weights.

Training on simulators

A special program of classes affects the most problematic areas. Particular attention is paid to the study of the press, buttocks and thighs. Due to the peculiarities of female physiology, a significant amount of fat and excess mass accumulate there, which is difficult to get rid of. Weight loss complexes for girls include: training with weight lifting (dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells), body weight, exercise equipment or auxiliary accessories (skipping ropes, step platforms).

Warm up

Warming up is important before exercise. It warms up the muscles and joints, adjusts the body to work, saturates the cells with oxygen. Warming up helps to avoid microtrauma after class. The warm-up program continues for up to 15 minutes - during it it is good to perform rotational joint movements, run, squat, push-ups and lean in different directions.

Similarly, a mandatory hitch is carried out - it stretches the muscles, makes them flexible and elastic, and does not contribute to the accumulation of heaviness. To end your workout, run a little, stretch. It is useful to just lie down on the mat, do a couple of yoga asanas, relax and normalize breathing. This is useful for all athletes, especially beginners.

Basic exercises

Building a beautiful body in the gym includes basic exercises for weight loss on simulators for girls. Classes are included in the mandatory daily program of implementation. You can choose from the following types:

  • squats, plie squats, on one leg;
  • wide deep steps with weights (can be complicated by connecting the steps with a chain);
  • lifting dumbbells;
  • pull-ups;
  • block thrust;
  • barbell push-ups;
  • deadlift, Romanian;
  • twisting;
  • dumbbell press;
  • hyperextension;
  • spreading arms to the sides with weight.

Exercises for problem areas

A complex for problem areas will help to lose accumulated fat on the buttocks, legs or abdomen. For a tangible result, it is worth combining training with proper nutrition - it is better to reduce calories consumed. To choose exercises, you need to determine the type of body - if losing weight is difficult, then cardio at an average pace should be added to strength training. With a quick weight loss, you can get by with some power.

It is useful to conduct circular training - classes in supersets or trisets. Fast weight loss can be achieved during training with a surge of energy to the muscles of problem areas, performing phases of tension in the last approaches. For efficiency, it is recommended to make a sequence of basic techniques and isolation (target).

leg workout

Basic and isolation exercises include leg training. The technique of creating beautiful, slender legs and elastic buttocks is carried out three times a week. Exercises should be changed every six months to enhance progress. The result appears after a month. Slimming legs is possible only with an integrated approach - exercises stimulate blood circulation, make the whole body toned and beautiful.

When training the legs, it is imperative to warm up and stretch, after completing the exercises, carry out an additional load (run slowly or walk fast for half an hour). Repeat the program up to 10-12 times:

  1. Squats, complicate with dumbbells or kettlebells.
  2. Lunges with kettlebells, a chain of steps.
  3. Plie with weight - sit down with your legs wide apart.
  4. Glute bridge - lifting the buttocks from a supine position, putting the legs on an elevated surface.
  5. Pumping the press - repeat as many as you can so that the muscles begin to "burn".

Upper workout

To work out the back, chest and biceps of the hands, top training for girls in the gym will help. It should be performed twice during the week, three sets of 12 repetitions. An approximate comprehensive plan in the hall by day:

  1. Seated barbell push-ups, incline rows, seated shoulder-length raises, French bench press, standing dumbbell raises to work the biceps.
  2. Push-ups for triceps, lifting the body on the horizontal bar, gravitron, wiring the dumbbells to the sides, lowering the dumbbells, lifting the block to the lower biceps.

For slimming belly

Isolated exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides are considered very effective. It is optimal to train the press twice or thrice a week, performing each session 20-25 repetitions for several approaches. The tangible feeling of "burning" of the body testifies to the correctness of the exercises. The simplest training elements for the press and waist are twisting and lifting the legs from the floor.

It is advisable to work out parallel muscle groups of the press alternately - upper, lower, combined. One-time work on all areas will not immediately bring the desired result, but will only add fatigue, the body will recover for a long time. The following schemes have been developed for the press:

  1. On the upper press - pumping the press on an inclined surface, on a fitball, twisting at the block.
  2. For the lower one - raising the legs with elbows resting or lying down, raising the limbs on the fitball.
  3. Combined - classic twisting, "book".

Video on how to lose weight for a girl in the gym

The training program on simulators in the gym for women and girls consists of a complex of many elements and repetitions that should be performed correctly to get a beautiful figure. The following videos will help with understanding the technique, telling about the secrets of training in gyms and the success of circuit training. The materials show the basic methods, explain the principles of their implementation to achieve a quick and guaranteed result. After watching the video, you will learn the purpose of the classes, you will see new options for performing the usual exercises.

Circuit training program for women

Gym weight loss program for girls

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Gym Weight Loss Program for Girls - Workout and Exercise Plan

Almost any woman who decides to work out in the gym is faced with the question of choosing a training program. For compiling effective complex exercises, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of future training, the state of health, and also whether there is experience in training on simulators and with weights.

Programs for weight loss and weight gain differ in the selection of exercises, intensity and volume of aerobic exercise.

The hormonal background of a woman affects the result of exercising in the gym. The female body has a low level of testosterone, so the set of muscle mass is slow.

During menopause, women are forbidden to carry out strict diets that disrupt the production of testosterone.

Excess estrogen disrupts fat metabolism in the direction of weight gain and reduces the effectiveness of weight loss programs. Active cardio training, leading to a significant loss of body fat, can disrupt the flow of menstruation. If they are accompanied by pain, classes in the gym should be temporarily stopped.

Warm up

Any workout begins with a set of exercises to warm up the muscles and prepare the body for physical activity. The warm-up includes light aerobic exercise on a treadmill or exercise bike.

To increase the mobility of the joints and spine, tilts are performed and torso twists, swings or circular motions of the arms and legs. An effective warm-up complex increases body temperature and pulse rate. The last stage of the warm-up is stretching the muscles and ligaments.

Stretching exercises

To warm up the pectoral muscles, clasped behind the back, the arms are extended and raised to the ceiling. In order for the back muscles to stretch, you need to grab the support with your hand, bend over, and take the pelvis back, straightening your legs.

If you raise your arm up, then bend and pull the elbow to the opposite shoulder, the triceps will get a good stretch. Tilts to touch the floor with brushes stretch the hamstrings, lower back and buttocks. To warm up the thigh muscles, you need to bend the leg at the knee so that the heel looks up, and then pull it up and towards you with your free hand.

Features of training for beginners

For women who are going to the gym for the first time, exercise on simulators should be included in the training program. The main goal of the first lessons is to develop the correct technique for the safe exercise.

The muscles of beginners do not know how to contract effectively, therefore, exercises with an exhausting load and the use of significant weights are not allowed. To perform basic exercises with a barbell and dumbbells, a woman should learn to consciously keep her pelvic floor muscles in tension, especially when loading the body in an upright position.

Features of training for women after 40 years

The training program in the gym for women should take into account the physiological changes that occur in the body after 40 years. To maintain muscle mass, two sessions a week are enough, in each you need to perform from 4 to 8 exercises, trying to involve all muscle groups.

The intensity of training should be limited due to poor elasticity of the ligaments and tendons.

Age-related changes affect the accuracy of performing movements, therefore block simulators, dumbbells and fitness equipment are used in the classroom. It is advisable to update the training program monthly so that the body does not get used to monotonous movements and loads.

Do women need barbell and dumbbell exercises

It must be remembered that well-developed muscles are responsible for correct posture, elegant gait and for appearance generally. Only by working with a barbell and dumbbells of moderate weights, a woman will build up and achieve muscle elasticity, for example, the buttocks.

Properly selected load when exercising with free weights has a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle and blood vessels, as well as on the relief of the body. Multi-joint exercises with a barbell and dumbbells allow you to maintain muscle tone while exercising at home.

Do not be afraid of a significant increase in body weight when working with large weights, low testosterone in the female body protects against this problem.

First workouts for women: weight loss

Based on the principle of "do no harm", the weight loss training program should be adapted to the physical and age characteristics of the body. For this, in the first lessons they give a test load.

If the implementation of the planned number of repetitions is difficult, you need to reduce one approach in the entire complex or in those exercises that are especially difficult to handle.

In the first month of training, aerobic exercise should be given after doing exercises on simulators.

At the same time, it is necessary to control that the pulse does not leave the fat-burning zone. To calculate the lower and upper boundaries of the zone, you need to subtract age from 220, and then calculate 60 and 70%.

First workouts for women: gaining muscle mass

The main task of the first workouts when gaining weight is to master the correct technique for performing exercises, and to involve the complex of small stabilizer muscles in the work. Therefore, you can not immediately lift heavy barbells and dumbbells, the working weight of the shells must be increased in subsequent workouts.

In the initial classes, it is enough to perform exercises on simulators with a moderate load, 2-3 sets of each. In the warm-up set, more repetitions are performed with less weight, the load increases with each subsequent approach. The duration of the lesson varies from 30 to 50 minutes, depending on the physical capabilities of the woman.

The best exercises in the gym

Training programs for men and women are significantly different. In the gym, ladies, as a rule, strengthen their muscles, giving them a beautiful appearance, so basic and isolated exercises should be included in the training complex.

On the back

Lever thrust in the simulator significantly loads not only the latissimus dorsi, but also the trapezius muscles of the back. This simulator will successfully replace the barbell or dumbbell row to the stomach.

The upper back area is effectively worked out by pull-ups and vertical traction to the chest on a block simulator. To work out the lower back, it is customary to perform a deadlift with a barbell, an alternative to which is hyperextension, especially for problems with the spine.

On your feet

The classic barbell squat is one of the the most effective exercises to work out the entire complex of leg muscles. Women with weak backs or spinal problems should squat in a hack machine and also do leg presses in a machine.

To increase the tone and increase the volume of the gluteal muscles, you need to regularly do lunges with dumbbells, as well as leg extensions in the simulator. Women should not forget to load the calf muscles by performing standing calf raises.

On hand

Dumbbell overhead extensions and push-ups are popular shoulder extensor exercises. If the triceps are a problem area, then they are additionally worked out by extending the arms on a block simulator and doing bench presses with a narrow grip.

A beautiful shape and volume of the biceps will be provided by bending the arms with a barbell while standing. Dumbbells provide an opportunity to load the biceps of the shoulder muscle in a tilted position, and bending on the biceps machine increases the intensity of training for the hands.

On the press

A woman should initially perform regular and reverse crunches while lying on a bench to prepare the abdominal muscles for more difficult work. The intensity of the training is increased by working on a press machine and twisting on a block simulator.

For women who are going to the gym for the first time, exercise on simulators should be included in the training program.

The fat layer in the lower abdomen is reduced by lifts bent legs in a simulator with elbow rests. The muscles of the press, which are responsible for the harmony of the waist, work well on the torso machine and turns of the body with a body bar.

Workout table in the gym for women

Gym workout program

No. pp

Name of the exercise



Workout 1 (for muscle tone)

5 minutes
1 Lever pull in the simulator 3 10-12
2 Vertical traction on a block simulator 3 15
3 Press on the chest in the simulator 3 10-12
4 Breeding hands with dumbbells lying on a bench 3 15
5 Leg press in the simulator 3 10-12
6 Information legs on the simulator 3 15
7 Leg curls in the lying machine 3 15
8 3 12-15
9 Regular twists 3 20
10 3 50
11 Walking uphill on a treadmill 30 min

Workout 2 (Circuit)

Warm-up: orbitrek 5 minutes
1 Horizontal traction on a block simulator 3 15
2 Dumbbell press lying on a bench 3 15
3 Standing dumbbell curls 3 15
4 Extension of arms on a block simulator 3 15
5 Leg extension on the simulator 3 15
6 Information legs on the simulator 3 15
7 Lifting bent legs on the simulator 3 15
8 Orbitrek 30 min

Day of rest

Workout 3 (strength)

Warm up: exercise bike 5 minutes
1 Bench Press 4 10
2 Squats 4 12
3 Rod pull to the belt, standing in an inclination 4 10
4 Standing barbell curls 4 10
5 Extension of the arm with a dumbbell up 4 10
6 Deadlift with barbell 4 12
7 Reverse crunches 3 15

Day of rest

Workout 4 (working out problem areas)

Warm-up: orbitrek 5 minutes
1 Lunges with dumbbells 3 15
2 "Buttock Bridge" 3 20
3 Breeding legs on the simulator 3 20
4 Bench push-ups 3 15
5 Bent Over Dumbbell Extensions 3 15
6 Extension of arms on a block simulator with a rope handle 3 15
7 Oblique twists lying on the floor 3 20
8 Torso twists with bodybar 3 50
9 Lateral torso 3 20
10 exercise bike 20 minutes

Cardio workout (60 minutes)

1 Warm up: walking on a treadmill 5 minutes
2 Orbitrek 15 minutes
3 Interval walking on a treadmill 35 min
4 exercise bike 10 min
5 Cooldown: Walking on a treadmill 5 minutes

Day of rest

Circuit training

The circuit training program in the gym is used by women to reduce weight without losing muscle mass. Circuit training consists of 6-10 exercises covering the entire muscles of the body, sometimes the muscles are worked out locally on different days.

In each approach, the exercises are performed alternately for 10-15 repetitions, at a fast pace and without a break. To get a tangible result, you can not practice to failure, and you should also follow the technique and have experience in training.

cardio training

Cardio training involves any aerobic exercise that increases the heart rate and is aimed at burning subcutaneous fat.

The well-equipped fitness club offers a wide range of aerobic equipment:

  • Treadmills,
  • exercise bikes,
  • orbitreks
  • rowing simulators.

Cardio training is long in time, you should start with walking, which gradually increases the load on the heart. For classes, one or more simulators are used, with different working hours on them.

Split workout

The essence of the method is the separate training of muscle groups during the week. So on Monday they load the biceps and back muscles, on Wednesday - the quadriceps, calves and shoulders, and on Friday they leave the pectoral muscles and triceps. The session consists of several exercises for each muscle group, the number of sets and repetitions determines the ultimate goal of the training program.

Split training is effective for gaining mass or body shaping, and with weight loss - for targeted study of problem areas. The system of separate training is not suitable for those who have just started exercising or often skip classes.

Power training

For women, the strength training program in the gym is made up of basic exercises, taking into account the physique and age characteristics. The main part of the workout includes 5-6 exercises performed in three sets.

Working out the muscles for 8-10 repetitions, with breaks of no more than 90 seconds, increases the level of testosterone in the blood, which stimulates the subsequent increase in body weight. The weight of the weights should allow you to perform the planned number of repetitions without violating the correct technique. If the next day you feel stiffness of the muscles, at the next workout you need to slightly reduce the working weights.

Proper nutrition during active training

The calorie content and composition of the daily diet should be consistent with the goals of training in the gym. When training for weight loss, a strong reduction in caloric intake should not be allowed so as not to disrupt the metabolism in the body.

When gaining weight, protein is consumed at the rate of 2.5 grams per kilogram of "net" body weight, that is, without taking into account the weight of fat. Most of the daily protein should be eaten after training and in the evening.

Carbohydrates are a source of energy, as well as an important component of muscle growth, so they account for up to 50% of the daily caloric intake. The diet includes slowly digestible carbohydrates and fruits, which are eaten before lunch and an hour before class.

Fats should not be excluded from the diet, but they should not be abused, so as not to increase the number subcutaneous fat. All the main components of nutrition are divided into three main meals and two low-calorie snacks.

Do women need proteins and gainers

A woman who wants to gain weight or lose weight aesthetically should supplement her diet with sports supplements. Nutritional mixtures consisting of 50% or more protein, called proteins, are added during training for muscle growth and during strict diets.

Protein shakes are easy to digest, help fight hunger, and provide the body with essential amino acids to grow and maintain muscle fibers.

Gainer is a carbohydrate-protein mixture that fully restores after physical activity, but is not desirable for problems with rapid weight gain. Women with a lean physique, or who are not able to eat regularly, the daily diet must be balanced with a gainer.

Important: protein is unhealthy when consumed improperly, so when choosing a sports supplement, you should consult a professional instructor or doctor.

Sample menu for 3 days for women

On the day of strength training, nutrition takes into account the body's need for protein and carbohydrates to work with increased intensity. An important meal is a snack 30-60 minutes before training.

It is desirable to divide the morning snack into two meals, and dinner includes slow carbohydrates to restore muscle glycogen:

  • Breakfast - an omelet from a couple of eggs and oatmeal in milk.
  • Snack - a glass of fruit juice.
  • Snack - a small apple or tangerine.
  • Lunch - a portion of boiled fish with rice and vegetables.
  • Snack - cottage cheese or drinking yogurt.
  • Before training - a small banana.
  • After class - a gainer or protein shake, depending on the time of training.
  • Dinner - poultry, vegetable salad with broccoli, a piece of bread with cereals.

On the day of rest, the diet should provide full recovery and growth of muscle mass:

  • Breakfast - bake pasta in microwave oven with cheese and eggs.
  • Snack is a juicy fruit.
  • Snack - green tea with dried apricots or dates.
  • Lunch - beef chop, buckwheat porridge, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Snack - 30 g of muesli with yogurt.
  • Dinner - lean meat, vegetable stew.
  • Before going to bed - low-fat kefir and 1/2 teaspoon of bran.

Nutrition on the day of cardio training creates the conditions for achieving maximum fat burning. Do not eat any food before and for an hour after class.

The menu should include only slowly digestible carbohydrates, and for dinner - protein foods:

  • Breakfast - rice with vegetable salad.
  • Snack - vegetable salad.
  • Lunch - lean meat, some buckwheat porridge and fresh vegetables.
  • Snack - unsweetened yogurt with 1/2 tea bran.
  • Dinner - cottage cheese casserole and unsweetened yogurt, as an option - a protein shake.

When to expect the first results

An excellent result of a month of hard strength training is about 400 g of new muscle mass. By building no more than 100 g of muscle per week, women should not expect an immediate visual effect when gaining mass.

The effect of daily exercises on increasing tone becomes noticeable after two weeks.

Muscles maintained in constant tension look voluminous and more prominent.

The first results in the gym are most quickly achieved by women who want to lose weight. This requires a training program that combines strength and aerobic exercise, and adherence to a proper diet.

Visible results appear after just a few regular sessions.. Reducing your daily calorie intake and high intensity training allows you to lose up to 1 kg of excess weight per week.

The training program in the gym should be consistent with the goal that a woman sets for herself. The intensity of classes is selected taking into account the age-related characteristics of the physiology and physical capabilities of the woman.

So that the first results of training are not long in coming, it is necessary to carefully compose and strictly observe the diet. The advice of experts will help you avoid mistakes in nutrition and choose the right sports supplements.

Gym training program for women: video

Training program for beginners, see the video clip:

3-day split program, see the video:

The gym is not only training with the use of cardio equipment. Most of the classes are devoted to exercises with weights. And. This includes lunges with dumbbells, pull-ups, barbell squats and many other exercises that are simultaneously aimed at developing muscles and burning fat.

The time spent on the simulators complements and consolidates the main exercises, but does not replace them in any way (if there are no health restrictions).

The exercise program in the gym for girls varies depending on the goals (drying, building mass, etc.)

Any experienced trainer in the gym will tell you that the exercise program for girls is no different from the program for men. To achieve a tangible result, girls should train on an equal footing with men. This does not mean that women should use the same weight as men and completely copy the "male style" of training. However, there are general principles for both "female" and "male" training programs.

Basic rules for training in the gym (regardless of gender):

  • Job with heavy weights;
  • number of repetitions should depend on the goal (1-5 repetitions - muscle development, 6-12 - an increase in muscle mass, more than 12 - the development of endurance);
  • training, including strength exercises, lasts 60 minutes (no more);
  • any program covers basic (a set of muscles) and conditionally basic (a specific group of muscles) exercises.

It is important to know! The desired forms are achieved not by the intensity of training, but by “correct”, systematic exercises. Frequent, prolonged and chaotic training will do more harm than good.

Gym exercise program for girls

The exercise program in the gym for girls is selected individually, depending on the final goals. The program can be aimed at burning excess fat, developing a certain muscle group, building mass, endurance, etc. The selection of the program depends on several factors, in particular, on general physical fitness, initial body weight and the type of figure of the girl.

The "correct" program is not necessarily designed to burn fat. The absence of excess fat does not mean a slim and sexy figure. In addition, each girl has her own ideas about thinness and excess weight. Sometimes, a thin and slender girl comes to the gym to “lose weight”. Most likely, the girl needs to gain weight, and not burn extra calories.

How to choose the right program for yourself to look attractive and sporty? The easiest way is to start from the type of your figure in order to understand which part of the body needs to lose weight, and which part needs to be exercised.

Examples of programs for different types of figures:

  • A-figure- wide hips, narrow shoulders. Fat is deposited mostly on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. The training program in this case should be combined: training the upper body is aimed at increasing mass, and the bottom - at burning fat. The emphasis is on the legs and buttocks.
  • T-figure- the antipode of the A-figure, that is, extensive shoulders and a narrow pelvis. The program should be focused on building muscle mass in the legs and hips.
  • X-figure- a proportional figure that most women dream of. The load is distributed evenly. With mild neglect, you need to concentrate on building mass. In case of obesity (the waist is lost), it is necessary to start with a set of exercises focused on burning fat and acquiring relief.
  • H-figure- Shoulders are equal in width to the hips. The program consists of 2 stages - burning fat and building mass in the shoulders and hips.

Do not forget that it is impossible to concentrate only on a certain part of the body. During physical activity, muscles are trained together. Therefore, any fitness program includes a full range of exercises with an emphasis on certain muscles.

Warm-up is the beginning of any workout

Not a single exercise program in the gym for girls is carried out without a warm-up. Even if the girl is an experienced athlete, she starts any of her workouts with a warm-up.

The main purpose of the warm-up is to reduce injury risk. You can not perform complex exercises and take a lot of weight with unprepared muscles. A sharp load leads to injuries of varying severity from tendon ruptures to dislocations and pinching.

Warming up prepares muscles, tendons, joints, makes them more elastic and mobile.

In addition, the warm-up adjusts to the necessary rhythm and increases endurance.

The warm-up includes the following main steps:

  • general body preparation- running, jumping rope, cardio training, etc.;
  • joint preparation- rotational movements of the joints from the neck to the ankles;
  • muscle preparation- stretching of all muscles to a slight pain.

A productive warm-up cannot last less than 5 minutes. The most optimal time for which the muscles are well warmed up is 10 minutes.

The main set of exercises in the gym

In practice, training is limited exclusively to sets of simulators and equipment in a particular gym. Otherwise, regardless of the level of training, gender and build of the athlete, the classes remain universal. The difference is in the load, intensity, pull weight, number of approaches.

Any training program in the gym for girls contains the main set of exercises:

  • barbell squat- the main exercise for the buttocks, thighs and calves;
  • pull-ups (alternative - pull-up vertical block)- a classic exercise for the muscles of the back, forearms and biceps;
  • lunges- an important exercise on the legs and hips, performed with weights (dumbbells);
  • standing barbell or dumbbell row can be of 2 types- broach or deadlift (dead) thrust;
  • bench press in the prone position - performed by both men and women and is aimed at the development of biceps and pectoral muscles;
  • classic press exercise, involving the rise of a straight back from a prone position (an alternative is twisting).

Most of these exercises cannot be performed at home, as they involve working in simulators and with weights.

Exercises in the gym for weight loss and relief

Slimming (burning excess fat) and relief (gaining slim figure) are related concepts. It is impossible to work with only one of them: strength exercises in any case lead to a decrease in body fat. Therefore, weight loss exercises are combined with a load aimed at achieving body relief.

A comprehensive program consists of alternating strength exercises with cardio exercises. The intensity of the workout, the high pace allows you to burn calories, and strength exercises strengthen the muscles of the legs, hips, chest.

Typically, such a workout lasts no more than 1 hour and 20 minutes and consists of supersets, between which a session on a cardio machine (treadmill or ellipsoid) is provided. Between supersets, you need to rest for about 2 minutes, while changing to cardio, it is not necessary to take a break, that is, a session on a cardio machine can be included in a superset.

Exercises for weight loss and relief:

  • on the press- lifting the body in an inclination, legs in the hang, inclinations through the goat;
  • on your feet- lifting weights with legs, lunges and squats with weights;
  • on arms and back- push-ups from the bench, traction of the vertical block and barbell from the chest in a standing position, bench press and traction of dumbbells lying in an incline, deadlift with dumbbells.

One set is 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions. Exercises are recommended to be divided into 3 sessions per week (at least 1 day between workouts). Each session should cover all muscle groups.

Note! The program has a high intensity, so it is not suitable for beginners with poorly developed muscle mass. For beginners, you first need to go through the basic program and master the complex of basic strength and aerobic exercises.

Exercises for girls in the gym for mass gain

The load in the gym is not only aimed at reducing weight by burning extra calories. For some girls, it is important to choose an exercise program that helps build muscle mass.

The program is suitable for thin girls who want to increase their mass., and includes a power complex of exercises:

Training is carried out 3 times a week and consists in alternating the load on different muscle groups. Strength exercises and involve working with weights, so you need to do 3-4 trips 8-15 times. Beginners should start with a small weight, gradually increasing it. It is worth remembering that without proper nutrition, even with regular training, muscles will not grow.

Cooldown: stretching at the end of your workout

A hitch or stretch is desirable, but not required. Many trainers (not only in fitness, but, for example, in sports dancing) recommend stretching, especially for beginners who are just starting to master the sport. Stretching has a beneficial effect on muscle recovery and improves general condition after a long workout.

A cool-down is not a warm-up, so it does not require the development of all muscle groups. Stretching is necessary only for those muscles and joints that accounted for most of the load.

For example, after intensive leg training (lifting weights, lunges, squats), it is necessary to stretch the muscles of the legs. Accordingly, a hitch takes much less time than a warm-up, which requires all muscle groups to be toned.

Trainers recommend hanging on the bar as a cool down after any workout. Hanging for 15-20 seconds relieves tension from the spine, which takes most of the load in any type of training. This is especially important for people with back problems (pain, osteochondrosis, hernia).

Gym training program for beginners

It is quite difficult to start exercising without prior physical preparation. Therefore, the exercise program in the gym for girls who get acquainted with sports and physical activity should cover the whole body. In this case, a basic set of exercises is suitable, which will help to adapt the muscles to the physical load.

Typically, basic training involves 2 sessions per week (not in a row). This is enough for the body to adapt to physical activity. The program lasts 1.5-2 months, provided there are no missed workouts.

A detailed plan is presented in the table:

weekly workout Quantity
First lesson Second lesson approaches repetitions
Lying down press exerciseElbow hanging leg raises3-4 12-15
Lying leg pressSquats with weight (with a barbell)3-4 12-15
Leg bending in the machineBreeding legs in the simulator3-4 12-15
Lunges with weightsReduction of legs in the simulator3-4 12-15
Pulling up a horizontal blockPull up vertical block3-4 12-15
Press in the simulator from the chestSeated Dumbbell Press3-4 12-15
Standing dumbbell pressLeg extension in the simulator3-4 12-15
Exercise "Pullover" with a dumbbellForearm reduction in the simulator3-4 12-15
Barbell row to the chin (standing)Bending the elbows with a barbell or dumbbells in a standing position3-4 12-15
Slopes through the goatRaising the body or twisting on the floor3-4 12-15

After a maximum of 2 months, you should switch to another program designed for physically fit girls.

Intermediate Exercise Program

Girls who have some experience in sports and have passed the initial level of training move on to more complex training. The intermediate level includes strength exercises at a fairly fast pace.

The complexity of this level lies in complex exercises. Approaches must be done in blocks without interruption. You can rest only after performing one set of exercises (5 in total).

Complexes of exercises of the middle level:

  • press and leg raises;
  • deadlift and squats with weight (barbell or dumbbells);
  • bench press or extension of the legs and lifting the bar for biceps;
  • thrust of vertical and horizontal blocks;
  • broach of the barbell and breeding with dumbbells to the sides.

One set of exercises involves 5 sets of 15 repetitions. This program is well suited for both weight loss and mass gain. If you need to tighten or round a certain part of the body, you should increase the load in this area.

Proper nutrition is the key to successful workouts in the gym

Girls who dream of losing weight need to start eating right. When playing sports under fat builds up muscle mass, muscles are strengthened, tightened and increase in volume, that is, the total body weight increases with constant loads. Visually, the result of training will be barely noticeable or not noticeable at all.

It should be remembered! The exercise program in the gym will not fully "work" without a diet. For girls who dream of a beautiful, toned figure, it is important to balance proper nutrition and physical activity.

Proper nutrition during intensive training should be consistent with your goals. Muscles will not grow in the absence of the necessary substances and vitamins in the body, and it will not be possible to burn fat without calorie control, even with sufficient exercise.

In addition, do not forget that muscle work requires more energy and, as a result, appetite increases, which also needs to be controlled.

However, a strict diet up to starvation will inhibit muscle development. Maintaining a balance of "load-power" will help to achieve the desired result for the period of the program.

Below is a table of the ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrate intake for girls who are actively involved in the gym.

Exercise Program

BJU in the daily diet (%)

weight loss31 12 57
Relief22 11 67
Mass gain34 10 56

With any training program, you should count the calories needed to build muscle and drink 1.5 liters of water per day (for intense training, increase water intake to 2 liters). It is worth taking seriously the diet and every day to correlate the load with the necessary nutrition. Only in this case, the muscles will grow, and the fat will go away in the “right” places.

Any programs can be corrected, complex exercises can be replaced with simpler, alternative ones. Before you start training, you should take into account the general level of your preparation, chronic diseases and problems of the musculoskeletal system. The main thing to remember about the principle of "do no harm" - everything should be in moderation.

Useful videos about training programs for women

The program for girls in the gym for weight loss and muscle relief in this video:

The exercise program in the gym for girls in this video:

Enter the gym and you see the same familiar picture: girls are attacking treadmills, and guys are puffing, doing deadlifts. On the one hand, you do not really want to wheeze and moan, squeezing 180 kg. On the other hand, spending an hour walking on a treadmill is also not an option. We offer you the best workout programs in the gym for women…

There has to be something in between, right?

Fortunately, it's true!

We have in mind a couple of wonderful complexes for girls, each of which has a clear focus. Whatever your goal is - to lose weight, pump up strong buttocks or just tone your whole body - we will share with you the best schemes training for women. Below is not one training program for girls in the gym, but several at once, so that you can choose a complex that will be most effective in achieving your goals, taking into account the type of your figure.

Before moving on to the best training complexes, we want to take a closer look at nutrition. Here we are not going to teach you how to make a diet.

However, in addition to sports, you should pay attention to your diet.

You can't expect to see 6 pack abs until you fix your diet. As the saying goes: abs are made in the kitchen. Okay, that's not entirely true. Through exercise, you improve and strengthen your abdominal muscles, but only a fat burning diet will allow you to lose fat and boast powerful abs.

So, drink plenty of water (at least eight 300 ml glasses) a day, limit your intake of sugar and fat, and eat more lean protein and whole grains (100% whole grains), as well as vegetables and fruits.

In combination with training, this will help you improve your figure in no time.

Training programs for girls in the gym

Doubt what kind of complex you need? Perhaps you have never thought about the differences between different types training, and just doing whatever. If you have a specific goal, keep reading.

Is your body type pear?

If so, then your thighs and buttocks are getting the most attention. With this build, you should focus on the shoulders and arms. In addition, by strengthening the muscles of the whole body, you can turn your pear into an hourglass.

If your body lacks "curvy", it makes sense to focus on the buttocks and thighs. This method of training will not only round your buttocks and strengthen your leg muscles, but it will also make your mid-body curves more attractive.

The owners of an athletic physique have broad shoulders and narrow hips. In this case, it is recommended to tone the core muscles along with the study of the buttocks to make them more expressive.

Perhaps you have a lush or close to " hourglass» figure. Then you need a basic training program for girls for the whole body, and tone the muscles of the arms and legs. So you get elastic muscles, and emphasize your forms.

These are just general remarks about what you should focus on during the training. We strongly recommend that you work the whole body to avoid muscle imbalances. If you still decide to move on, always consider the features of your body structure.

Complex for legs and buttocks

If you want to work out and strengthen the buttocks, you will need weights. Now you will learn how to get voluminous buttocks and chiseled legs.

Even if you use light weights in upper body exercises, you can feel free to load your legs with heavier weights. If you don't have curvaceous or large buttocks, it makes sense to use heavy weights to break the muscle fibers.

When these tears are repaired, the muscles will grow and get stronger, rewarding you with bulging buttocks. The beauty of lower body training is that the large size of the muscles allows you to take heavy weights and achieve muscle growth in the shortest possible time.

Each exercise listed is performed in four sets of 8-12 repetitions, unless otherwise indicated:

  • Leg press in the simulator
  • Barbell squat
  • Deadlift with barbell
  • Bending the legs in the simulator while sitting
  • Bulgarian split squats (4 sets each leg)
  • Raising the legs to the sides (3 sets of 20-30 times for each leg)
  • Weighted glute bridge (3 sets of 20-25 reps)
  • Jump squat (3 sets of 20-25 reps)

This training complex, created for the total activation of the muscles of the buttocks, legs and rear surface thighs, ideal for strength development and/or buttock augmentation. If you just want to tone your muscles, use lighter weights. To build up your buttocks, train with heavy shells.

If 12 repetitions of the exercise are given to you without difficulty, then you took too light weight.

Exercises for the pectoral muscles and arms

The same applies to owners of the pear shape. Likewise, if your intention is to simply tone your muscles, use lighter weights. To increase the size of the muscles, use heavier weights. Also, some exercises can be performed both on the floor and on the bench (for example, bench press).

We insist on using a bench. It will provide you with a greater range of motion and improve muscle stretch. By lowering the weights down, you engage your back muscles. Deadlifts from the floor will not achieve optimal range of motion, which will prevent you from working your back properly. Therefore, even in order to increase muscle tone, do not neglect the bench.

The following exercises are performed in three sets of 8-12 repetitions, unless otherwise recommended:

  • Bench press
  • Breeding dumbbells
  • Pullover
  • Shoulder Press
  • Tilt vertical pull
  • Push-ups (3 sets to failure with an interval of 60 seconds between sets)

Do you have saggy breasts?

Perhaps you've been breastfeeding, or just looked at yourself in the mirror and noticed that your breasts have lost their former contours. The training of the upper body and chest will help you. Working the chest muscles will provide additional support for the chest while lifting the muscles. It will also help burn body fat(due to calorie consumption), but most importantly, it will allow you to naturally lift your chest.

Not only will you look better, but you will also save on expensive cosmetic procedures.

Press program

If someone assures you that you need to download the press for half an hour a day, he is doing it wrong.

In fact, there is no need to spend so much time working out the press. With the right method of influencing the muscles, 8-12 minutes will be enough for you. You can search YouTube for workouts (but remember, if they last more than 12 minutes, they are not worth your attention).

We present you a small training program for strengthening the muscles of the core.

The point is this. Don't chase the number of repetitions. Do 45 seconds, then take a 15 second break. The whole complex will take you no more than 9 minutes, but your abs will be on fire. This load will be enough for you for the whole day.

  • Twisting
  • Bicycle crunches
  • Leg raises
  • Toe touch
  • Cotton crunches
  • Touching elbows with knees
  • Climber
  • dynamic bar
  • V-shaped side lift (30 seconds on each side without rest)

cardio training

Always, always, always do strength exercises. You will never reach your fitness goals without weight training. Working with weights is necessary for everyone, even those who do not seek to build muscle. This will help you burn calories during your workout and boost your metabolism. In addition, your body will spend even more calories to repair damaged muscle fibers. Triple benefit. However, cardio training for burning fat for girls will also come in handy.

What kind of cardio do you do?

Here are a couple of ideas for you.

First, no running in place. If you love jogging, we won't dissuade you. This is a great way to deal with stress. However, when you are in the gym and you have a cardio plan, bypass the treadmill. Do something else. The stepper is great. This simulator simulates continuous walking up stairs. If you want to get chic buttocks better option can not found. Those who want to develop the muscles of the upper body should pay attention to the rowing machine.

This is one of the best cardio machines in the gym.

We also like cardio training using a fitball. The jumping jack is a wonderful exercise. But the jumping jack on the fitball is even better. Pilates is also a good alternative, because it often uses a fitball and some small weights.

As for yoga, we will disappoint you. We are not against yoga. It helps to stretch muscles, correct posture, eliminate subluxations and curvature in the spine. But it's not cardio. And they never will be. If you love yoga, keep doing it. She should give a chance to those who have never tried yoga before. However, do not replace it with cardio. Stretching muscles can be part of the pre-workout warm-up, but it is not considered a workout.

Training frequency

The frequency of visiting the hall will depend on the weight of the scales you use. If you're lifting really heavy weights and putting a lot of strain on your muscles, you'll need two rest days between workouts for the same muscle group. Using more modest weights to keep yourself in good shape, you can exercise every other day.

For example, when working with heavy weights, start training on Monday by working out priority muscle groups (if you want to pump up the buttocks, then start by training the legs. But if you need to increase the volume of the chest or shoulders, do them on Mondays. You can alternate the complexes for working out of the whole body).

Priority muscle groups train on Monday.

Tuesday highlight under the secondary muscles. On Wednesday, exercise without weights. Thursday is priority training. Friday is secondary. Saturday is a day off. Then start next week on Sunday.

Using light weights, weight train every other day, even on Wednesdays.

Do cardio every day: half an hour on the day of training and an hour on the day of rest. After training the legs, cardio must load other muscles, otherwise you will disrupt the process of their recovery. So, if you've been working out your legs, do your cardio on a rowing machine. After training the arms, go to the stepper or other equipment that involves the muscles of the legs.

Try to pump the press every day (or at least every training day). The abs are a core muscle, and because you use them every day, they recover faster. Paying attention to the press daily, you will achieve results faster.

A few words about lovers of volume training

It often looks like this: "do 50 squats, 20 push-ups, 20 lunges."

Sounds good, right?

But there is an important caveat.

The problem with such training programs is that they are difficult to perform only at the beginning. After a couple of weeks, you will get used to the load, and you will no longer feel it at all. Without effort, you will not make progress.

You will have to increase the number of repetitions all the time, training longer and longer. Is not The best way achieving goals. It is much more useful to add weights than mindlessly doing the same exercises over and over again.

It may seem difficult, but in a couple of weeks you will change your mind.


You got acquainted with the best women's training complexes. Change and correct them as you wish. It is important that you put in the effort and strive for more.

In pursuit of the ideal, you become better every day. In a short time, in the mirror you will see not only a completely new, but also an absolutely confident woman.

12 week gym program

As mentioned in a previous article on, you need to lift heavier weights to stimulate muscle building. Do not be afraid that lifting weights will make you big like men, because a woman produces only a fraction of the testosterone compared to the amount of the hormone in a man.

When a woman starts training, her goal is to increase muscle tone and improve the figure, following this training program, you can achieve this! In this 12-week program, you will reduce the number of reps you perform and increase the weight you lift. The number of sets of each exercise remains the same, but the number of repetitions varies.

For more impressive results, workouts must be accompanied. 50% of your success depends on it.

Weeks 1-4

For 1-4 weeks, you will do 8-12 rep lifts. That is, you will perform at least 8 repetitions and no more than 12 for each set. If you can't complete 8 reps, then the weight is too heavy and you should reduce the load. If you can complete more than 12 repetitions, then the weight is too light for you and you should increase the load.

Bench press 3*8-12 Push-ups on the uneven bars 3*8-12
Bent over row 3*8-12 Pull-ups 3*8-12
Seated Dumbbell Press 3*8-12 Mahi dumbbells to the sides 3*8-12
French Barbell Triceps Press 3*8-12 Extension of the arms in the block for triceps 3*8-12
Lifting the bar for biceps while standing 3*8-12 Biceps curl in block 3*8-12
Squats 3*8-12 Deadlift 3*8-12
3*8-12 leg press 3*8-12
leg extension 3*8-12 Lunges 3*8-12
Leg curl 3*8-12 Lifting on socks while sitting 3*8-12
Rise on socks standing 3*8-12 Shrugs with dumbbells 3*8-12
Press Press
Lying leg raises 3*10-15 Roman chair press 3*10-15
Twisting on fitball 3*10-15 hyperextension 3*10-15

Remember: Rest period between sets = 1 minute

Weeks 5-8

During weeks 5-8 you will do 6-8 rep lifts. That is, you need to perform at least 6 repetitions, but not more than 8 repetitions for each set. If you are unable to complete 6 reps, you should reduce the weight. And if you are able to perform more than 8, then the weight is too light for you and you should increase the load.

Monday - Upper Body A Thursday - Upper Body B
Bench press 3*6-8 Push-ups on the uneven bars 3*6-8
Bent over row 3*6-8 pull up 3*6-8
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3*6-8 Lateral dumbbell raises 3*6-8
Lying triceps extension 3*6-8 Extension on the block for triceps 3*6-8
Twisting with barbell or dumbbells 3*6-8 Bending the arms on the block 3*6-8
Tuesday - Lower Body A Friday - Lower Body B
Squats 3*6-8 Deadlift 3*6-8
Deadlift on straight legs 3*6-8 leg press 3*6-8
leg extension 3*6-8 Lunges 3*6-8
Leg curl 3*6-8 Lifting on socks while sitting 3*6-8
Rise on socks standing 3*6-8 Shrugs with dumbbells 3*6-8
Press Press
Lying leg raises 3*10-15 Twisting on an incline 3*10-15
Twisting on fitball 3*10-15 Back extension 3*10-15

Remember: Rest period between sets = 90 seconds
