Despite the fact that annual flowers for summer cottages bloom for only one season, they are no less loved and are often planted in home gardens. The thing is that annual flowers for the garden have brighter colors than perennials, so many summer residents prefer to renew their flower beds every year to diversify them with bright colors.

Photos and names of annual flowers are given on this page, in addition, below you can learn about planting perennials and caring for them.

Growing annual garden flowers (with photo)

Annual blooming flowers are preferable to plant seedlings, and part - to sow seeds in open ground. What is important, beautiful annual flowers (for the most part) are easy to care for. Both among annuals and among perennials there are plants of various heights: low, medium, high, so you can choose the right flower height for any variant of flower beds. It often happens that the same flower is presented in two versions, for example, there are, and there are also annuals, etc. With such a wealth of choice, there is always an alternative, and having a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bflowers on the site is a real prospect for you.

Look at the photos of garden annuals: they are brighter than perennials and bloom more luxuriantly. And there are more varieties of annuals in general.

Features of beautiful annual flowers for the garden

How many flowers - so many requirements that they place on location, care, soil type, and the timing and method of planting. Perhaps each flower must have some kind of feature. home common feature beautiful annual flowers for the garden in that these plants prefer mostly open sunny places, and among less flashy colors there is sufficient "plasticity", that is, the ability to adapt to different environmental conditions. And there are beautiful flowers that prefer shade. Annuals can be sown on their own, buy seedlings or already adults, flowering plants.

Flowers, like vegetables, have their own characteristics: half of them prefer the seedling method, and half prefer only the “seed” method. If you ignore this feature, it is likely that you will be left without flowers at all. Growing annual flowers through seedlings in relation to all heat-loving annuals and "conditional" annuals, which are annuals only in our climate, for example,. If you decide - we grow annual flowers only by planting in the ground - you should purchase other plants. For example, calendula, poppy, lavater, Godetia,. Also suitable for planting in the ground are sweet peas, ornamental beans, sunflower, amaranth. In a word, the best annual flowers for planting in open ground are cold-loving and any climbing plants. In the form of seedlings, these annual ornamental flowers will quickly overtighten, and when planted in the ground, they may die or take a long time to recover.

It is logical to plant the easiest to care for, annuals, since there are usually a lot of them on the site. Biennial flowers are also conventionally classified as annuals, since they essentially also bloom for only one season. In the classic version, they need to be planted a year in advance. In the first year, they form only a rosette of leaves, and in the second year they will bloom. However, if some biennials are planted early, they may bloom this year.

The most beautiful annual and biennial flowers for your garden (table)

Below is a table "The most beautiful annual and biennial flowers for your garden", after reading which you can choose the plants most suitable for your site.

Table "The most beautiful annual and biennial flowers for your garden":


When to plant

What to plant

Growing conditions

Marigold May 1-10 Seeds in open ground or seedlings after May 15 (sowing for seedlings on March 1-8) Any sunny place
Calendula April 25 - May 8 Only seeds Any sunny place
Viola (pansies) May 12-15 Seedlings (sowing seedlings at the end of February) Sun or partial shade, good soil moisture is needed. If you cover for the winter, re-bloom the next year
Petunia After May 15 Only seedlings (sowing seedlings at the end of February)
Salvia May 1-5 Seedlings (sowing - end of February) Open sunny place and loose, nutritious soil
Zinnia After May 15 Seedlings (sowing April 2025) Open sunny place and loose, nutritious soil
Lavater May beginning Only seeds
Nasturtium May 5-10 Only seeds Shade or partial shade, not very nutritious soil. Sufficient hydration
Snapdragon May 10-14 Seedlings (sowing on March 15) Any soil and sunny place
Ageratum May 10-14 Seedlings (sowing March 8-14) Any soil and sunny place. Takes out penumbra
Martricaria After May 15 (sowing in early March) seedlings Any soil and sunny place
sunflower decorative April 25 - May 6 Only seeds Any soil and sunny place
Turkish carnation May 5-10 seedlings. If by seeds, then in mid-June into the ground Sunny place, any soil. Cover young plants for the winter with lutrasil
Flax annual April 25 - May 3 Only seeds Loamy soil and sunny position
Daisy April 20 - May 1 Seeds, if seedlings, then after May 10 Any place, sun or partial shade
Amaranth May 1-5 Only seeds
Decorative beans After May 10 Only seeds
Sweet pea April 24 - May 5 Only seeds Open, sunny place, any soil
Ipomoea After May 10 Only seeds Open, sunny place, nutritious soil
Godetia May 5-10 seeds Sunny place, any, but loose soil
Nemophila After May 15 Open, sunny place, nutritious soil
Brachycoma After May 15 Only seedlings (sowing March 15-20) Open, sunny place, nutritious soil
cinneraria May 9-12 Only seedlings (sowing March 1-6) Sunny place, any, but loose soil
Annual dahlias (Funny guys) After May 15 Only seedlings (sowing March 10-15) Sunny place, loamy soil

Growing the best annual flowers

Growing seedlings yourself and sowing seeds in the ground are the most reliable options from different points of view. However, in this case, you need to be sure of the quality of the seeds. The best option is to purchase the best annual flower seeds from reputable growers. If you are at least partially unsure about the quality of the seeds, sow a triple rate.

Make shallow grooves in the desired direction, no deeper than 1-2 cm. Plant seeds in them, try not to plant too often. Double the seeding rate, in the open field it will justify itself.

Planting and caring for annual flowers in the country

When planting and caring for annual flowers in the country and in the garden, you need to follow some recommendations:

Water often, with warm water, always before flowering and during flowering, as well as in heat and drought. How often? In the heat - every day, better in the evening.

Loosen "on demand", according to the condition of the soil. However, not all flowers can be loosened, so it is better to use mulching instead. various materials. Feed perennials in the spring after snow has melted, when buds are forming, when flowering, and after flowering.

Feed seedlings 2 weeks after planting, at bud formation, at flowering and after flowering, also about every three weeks.

Feed annuals when 3-4 true leaves appear, buds form, and when flowering.

In the spring you need to feed organic fertilizers, and starting from the flowering period - mineral. Flowers growing in containers need to be fertilized twice as often. After September 20, the flowers are no longer fed.

Annual decorative flowers: photos, names and descriptions

Below are photos, names and descriptions of annuals decorative flowers which you can grow in your backyard.

Salvia. You will certainly succeed with salvia, this flower blooms always and everywhere, if only there is plenty of water and sunlight. It is better not to sow salvia directly into the ground, but to plant it in seedlings, and the sooner the better. It tolerates some thickening, is undemanding to the soil, but, like any other flowers, it prefers well-loosened soil.

Everyone knows about marigolds. Indeed, this is a great "tool" for decorating the site. Marigolds just need to be planted, then they will do everything themselves. The only thing they need is abundant watering, especially in the heat, as these plants are powerful and grow strongly.

Now many varieties of marigolds have been bred, they are different in color (there are even striped ones!), height, among them there are terry varieties, and there are those that bloom with a whole “bush”. And they bloom until the first snow. They can be sown in open ground, they can also be grown through seedlings for early flowering, this does not affect their quality. They reproduce successfully by self-seeding.

Calendula. Calendula, in its unpretentiousness, is similar to marigolds, if not even superior to them. But it is better to sow it in open ground early, at the end of April, the seedling method is not suitable for it.

This flower blooms early and, if faded inflorescences are removed in time, blooms for a long time. By self-sowing, it gives several "harvests" per season. There are no less varieties of calendula than varieties of marigolds, among which there are unusual ones, for example, pink calendula.

, or viola. An exquisite flower with a wide variety of colors, blooming, by the way, from June to the first snow. In autumn, it easily tolerates small frosts and continues to produce more and more new flower stalks.

There are pansies with giant flowers - up to 9 cm in diameter! The amazing decorativeness of this flower makes it indispensable in any flower garden.

Pansies also grow well in containers, and they can also be planted on an alpine hill. They tolerate partial shade well, the watering and fertilizing regimen for them is normal.

Although it is a biennial, you can make it bloom as early as this year, and at the very beginning of summer. To do this, the seeds just need to be sown on seedlings as early as possible - at the end of February (or even in the middle), and planted in open ground in mid-May. If the violas are well covered for the winter, then, in the case of not the most frosty winter, they will successfully overwinter and bloom again in the spring.

In terms of decorative effect, this flower, no doubt, occupies one of the first places among flyers. In fact, of course, this flower is a perennial, it is in our climate that it is grown as an annual.

Therefore, the general approach to planting petunias is the same as for other perennials - the earliest planting. The best time is mid-February. Petunia seeds are small and hard to see. They need to be sown on the surface of the soil and in no case fall asleep! Another secret to success is sowing a triple rate of seeds, like any perennial, petunias can have germination problems. It is best, for insurance, to increase the seeding rate even more.

An excellent flowering plant for shady areas. But she doesn't like the sun. Of course, it will bloom there too, but it will quickly fade, and its leaves will turn yellow.

Nasturtium loves abundant watering, and it is better to fertilize it moderately, using at the same time mineral fertilizers. If you fertilize abundantly, the leaves will be powerful, but there may not be flowering. This plant needs a large amount of soil to bloom beautifully, so if you decide to plant it in a container, it should be large enough.

Nasturtium is a climbing, highly proliferating plant, but there are also miniature bush nasturtiums.

This flower has decorative leaves and flowers, the leaves can be variegated, and the flowers vary in color from orange to pink. Sow nasturtium only in open ground in May.

Lavater. spectacular, tall plant, blooming with bright pink or white "gramophones". And all you need to do is sow the seeds in the ground at the end of April. Lavatera grows quickly and blooms for a long time, loves fertilizers and watering, it is absolutely undemanding to the soil. You just need to put supports in case strong winds because it is a tall plant.

Snapdragon. This amazingly cheerful flyer comes in a variety of colors and heights.

You will get the best results if you grow it in seedlings, while the seeds in pots should be sown in early March. He is sun-loving, and with an earlier landing, when there is still not enough light in nature, he can be drawn over. Snapdragon prefers loose, well-fertilized soil, but it does not put forward any special requirements for the composition of this soil. The only secret to success snapdragon- especially frequent and plentiful watering. This is perhaps the most water-demanding letnik, it does not tolerate drought at all.

Ageratum. Champion of long flowering, it is even called by the people "long-flowered". Thanks to this quality, it is indispensable in any flower garden of continuous flowering.

In appearance, this flower is noble and, moreover, original: the ageratum border is somewhat reminiscent of mink fur.

There are varieties of ageratum of different colors, grouping them together, you can get a spectacular "monoclumbus".

Ageratum is absolutely unpretentious, grows on any soil - both in the sun and in partial shade, and is resistant to drought. You can grow it in containers. The method of its cultivation is seedling, it is necessary to sow seedlings in early March.

sunflower decorative. Similar to cultivated sunflower, ornamental sunflower also needs to be sown with seeds in open ground in late April - early May. There will be no problems with it, just do not forget to water and tie the plants to the supports in time: some varieties reach a height of 3 m.

decorative cabbage. Planting ornamental cabbage occurs simultaneously with white and cauliflower - in a cold nursery in early April. The method of planting in open ground and subsequent agricultural technology, respectively, are the same.

Ornamental cabbage will delight you all season and will probably remain the only decoration of the site when the first snow falls. In autumn it becomes even brighter and more beautiful. It will be especially effective if you plant a mixture of varieties. Cabbage grows well in containers, even small ones.

A daisy is easier to get in than to get out. She, like the Turkish carnation, reproduces well by self-sowing and can produce several "harvests" per season. She does not have any special requirements for care, she can be perfectly transplanted from place to place, even in summer. Daisy can be sown for seedlings in early March, or it can be sown with seeds in open ground in May.

Amaranth. This flower is surprisingly effective, in appearance you can’t even say that this is an “easy” plant to care for. It is tall, blooms with fluffy drooping "earrings", its leaves can be different shades, including dark cherry.

The seedling method of growing is not suitable for this flower, it should be sown only in open ground in mid-May. Decorative amaranth in agricultural technology is similar to vegetable amaranth, you will also have no problems with it. One has only to remember that in the early stages it is necessary to carefully weed out and keep the soil in a loose state. Amaranth is good not only in a flower bed, but also in a bouquet, it stays cut for a long time.

This plant is just a lifesaver. It always works and looks spectacular. And there are so many varieties of zinnia!

There are yellow, pink, red, orange, crimson, colorful, white, purple, even green!

Also, the flowers can be double, similar to dahlias, pompoms, and the size of the flower reaches 12 cm. Even if for some reason, asters fail, zinnia will replace them! Moreover, asters bloom at the end of summer, and zinnia can begin flowering in the spring, especially if you have grown seedlings.

Also, zinnia branches, and from one plant a whole bush is obtained. Zinnia prefers the sun and fertilized soil, but what it is - sandy or clay - does not matter. It can grow in partial shade, but there it does not bloom for a long time. Seeds germinate rapidly, so it must be sown late for seedlings, otherwise the seedlings will be pulled over. Zinnia blooms from June until frost. Zinnia seedlings are afraid of frost, but adult plants tolerate zero temperatures.

This flower is valuable for its appearance- after all, there are not so many ground cover summers. Well, lobelia is one of the shortest, which allows it to be used in various "designer" ideas. At the same time, it blooms from June to October, magnificently.

Lobelia grows well in the sun and in partial shade. The main thing is loosening and watering. It is enough to fertilize only occasionally, since with an excess nutrients lobelia will not bloom well. They plant it with seedlings, and not just one plant, but whole curtains, in early May. This is just the kind of flower that grows well in containers, even small ones. But it may not succeed if sown directly into the ground, this is the only reason for failure with lobelia.

Earth, country cottage area, a country estate… For some, this is an opportunity to provide the family with fresh vegetables and fruits, for others, it is a way to hide from the bustle of the city. But in any case, there is always a place for a flower garden to please the eye with bright colors, to cheer you up.

The use of annual flowers on the site

Even if there are perennial flower beds or complex compositions on the site, there will always be a use for annuals:

  • Any formed composition of perennials and shrubs will be refreshed by interspersing annual flowers, giving uniqueness and originality to each new season.
  • Flower borders, rabatka are often planted every year. Planting for one summer period allows you to implement new ideas every time
  • Flowerbeds and other flower beds always have annual flowers in their composition
  • Annual creepers are an excellent remedy for vertical gardening, creating hedges
The richest choice of colors and forms, duration of flowering, unpretentiousness in care are the obvious advantages of ornamental crops planted for one season.

When choosing the components of flower arrangements, one must focus on the compatibility of warm and cold tones, tall and low growing specimens. According to these criteria, annual bright flowers are presented, with photos and names, as well as the main characteristics.

The most beautiful undersized annuals

A living border, rabatka or front garden will not do without undersized flowering plants.

In warm colors

Yellow flowers are a symbol of joy, prosperity, prosperity. They radiate positive, they breathe freshness and cheerfulness. Reds and oranges radiate warmth and passion. Pink evoke tenderness, evoke a romantic mood.

  • Antirrinum, known to everyone since childhood as snapdragons, is a popular garden culture. His photo:

Blooms all summer and autumn. Planted as a border, in flower beds. Extremely unpretentious, as decorative as possible in the sun and in partial shade

  • Godetia, like many other annuals, blooms for more than 2-3 months. Photo:

Suitable for both borders and flower beds

  • Marigold- favorites of all flower growers. Photo:

Their advantages are not only in a long period of flowering, versatility of use. They are good for the soil and even drive away some pests.

  • Gazania, growing no more than 30 cm, pleases with large bright flowers, spectacular in the lower tier of a flower bed or in border plantings. Gazania photo:

Blooms from July to late summer.

  • Cephalophora- strawberry grass - juicy greenery and bright balls of inflorescences form a luxurious border, complement the flower bed. Loves the sun, blooms until August. Her photo:

  • Nasturtium- from light yellow to dark cherry tone flowers against the background of smooth flat leaves. Photo:

It can be both ampelous and ground cover forms.

Garden annuals of cold colors

Blue, blue, purple colors not only bring coolness and freshness. These noble colors are able to calm down, set up in a philosophical way. Undersized annuals of cold tones that bloom all summer include:

  • Ageratumshowy plant for border plantings, rabatok, flower beds. Photo:

Blooms in full sun from June to autumn. Attention, ageratum - poisonous plant.

  • Angelonia, growing up to a maximum of 30 cm, is so good that it will not only decorate any flower arrangement, but also compete with higher tapeworms. Photo:

  • Brachycoma, densely dotted with blue, lilac or purple flowers, great for border plantings, rock gardens. Plant height - up to 30 cm. Photo:

  • Nirembergia looks great in flowerpots, borders, in the lower tier of multi-level compositions. Photo:

This annual plant of all shades of blue and purple grows up to 30 cm.
  • The unchanging love of flower growers will always be magnificent petunia with an endless variety of shades. Petunia photo:

  • classic combination of fire salvia and silver cineraria traditionally for front flower beds, borders, borders. Photo:

with white flowers

White color, being neutral, is in harmony with both warm shades and cold tones, shading and emphasizing the design of the flower garden.

Among the low-growing plants with white flowers, the following stand out clearly:

  • Anemone with luxurious white inflorescences resembling a poppy. Photo:

  • Lavater used as a border plant, but if you let it go vertically, you get a beautiful blooming hedge. Photo:

Many of these crops are found both in warm colors and in the cold spectrum of the palette, which makes it possible to combine different colors of the same plant species.

Tall annuals suitable for the garden

Tall annuals can become the center plant in a longline bed or act as a tapeworm.

Warm colors flowers

  • Belamkanda- Chinese orchid or leopard lily - a surprisingly ornamental plant. Every morning flowers bloom like lilies, which die by evening, making room for the next buds in the sun. A group planting of several specimens looks spectacular solo or as an accent in the center of a flower bed. Exclusively solar plant. Photo:

  • Gaillardia. Burgundy, red, orange flowers with a yellow border on erect stems form a luxurious shrub that can become bright accent in a flower bed or solo in an open area. Photo:

  • Balsam- a dense green bush dotted with pink, red or white flowers looks spectacular in flowerpots, group plantings

  • Annual mallows, planted with a dense wall, can decorate a hedge, designate functional areas on the site. Photo:

  • kosmeya- this is a whole palette of colors and juicy openwork greenery. Feels great in the sun and in the shade.

Tall plants with cool colors

  • asters- flowers of the second half of summer, do not lose their decorative effect until frost. All shades of blue, purple, lilac - cold stars in the flowerbed
  • Heliotrope- a thick cap of bright blue or deep purple inflorescences.

Flowering annual vines

Among annual flowering crops, there are a number of plants with a stunning decorative effect - creepers. Covering gazebos, terraces, verandas, pergolas with dense greenery, they create a cozy shade.

If you put climbing annuals on the fence, you get an excellent hedge. Photos and names of the most popular climbing annuals:

  • Kobeya. From the beginning of July until the end holiday season blooms large flowers of white, yellow, blue, purple hues;
  • Kvamoklit- These are openwork greens and bright red flowers of medium size. Great option for hedges;
  • Farbitis(Ipomoea). The richness of colors covers almost the entire color spectrum. Thick leaves form a solid shield that can protect from prying eyes. Ipomoea is a poisonous plant.

The listed plants are only a small part of the opportunities that annuals give flower growers. Depending on the characteristics of each species, annuals are grown both in seedlings and by planting seeds directly into the ground. Seeds of many annual flowers can be harvested after flowering for planting the following season.

Annual flowers are always pleasing to the eye with their bright colors and various forms of their flowers. Therefore, with their help, you can turn your little garden into a little piece of paradise. With the help of annual flowers, the design of your garden can be changed from year to year and every time it will look different.

You can pick up flowers in one color scheme, for example white and all the flowers from the edge to the curly ones located in the background blooming in white will fascinate the eye - white on a green background of foliage as a symbol of immaculate beauty.

And you can make mixed flower beds, they will look summery colorful and beautiful. The main thing is that all annual flowers for giving will bloom until frost.

Annual flowers for giving


This flower is also called the night beauty. This name was given to him because his beautiful flowers bloom after sunset and the bush stands strewn with bright flowers and smells sweet all evening and night.

Flowers, it has a variety of colors ranging from white to pink, yellow and crimson. Due to the fact that its root system grows in the form of a tuber, it easily endures the dry season.



This wonderful flower can be propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush. Seeds for better germination are soaked in warm water for a day. Seeds are sown in two pieces in each cup filled with soil for seedlings. Seeds should be sown thirty days before planting in open ground. When seedlings appear in a pot, only one strongest shoot is left. Transplant it to a flower bed only when the threat of return frosts has passed.

Cuttings can be rooted in peat tablets, but it is still easier to grow it by seed propagation. Although if you save the tubers, then such a bush will develop much faster and will be much larger than grown and seeds. When the tuber is preserved, the shade of the flowers is preserved. Tubers should be stored in a dry, dark place with a temperature of at least 5 degrees Celsius.


Often these annual flowers for summer cottages are planted along the paths or in the center of the flower bed. Since, with proper care, they grow up to one meter in height and have the same diameter. Watering should be done at least once a week.

If you grow these bushes in containers, then in two liters it will be small no more than 50 cm. In order for the bush to bloom richly, it requires landing in a sunny place. The soil for the flower should be fertile and without stagnant water.

There are several varieties of Mirabilis that differ from each other. colors buds.


These flowers grow, depending on the variety, from 15 to 80 cm. They are also called tagetes. This flower is very drought-resistant and therefore very common among lovers of annual flowers. The color scheme pleases with all shades yellow color, white and there are varieties where the petals are even colored in stripes.


Reproduction by seeds

Seeds are collected in late July and August. You can sow immediately in open ground when the soil warms up enough, depending on the region, these dates are shifted. Seeds should not be buried deep enough and 2 cm shoots appear already on the 7th day. Buds begin to appear only two months after sowing the seeds. Therefore, several bushes need to be grown through seedlings. Transplantation with marigolds is remarkably tolerated, and they can be transplanted at any age.


Seedlings are sown in a bowl in early March and after 10 days the seeds begin to germinate. After the appearance of two true sheets, they dive into separate cups, and then they grow at a temperature of 16 degrees Celsius. They are planted in flower beds when it is warm enough. Between small-sized varieties, 20 cm are left between the bushes during planting, tall ones are planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other.


Caring for marigolds comes down to watering and weeding; in the first half of summer, they will respond well to complete mineral fertilizers. When planting seedlings, you need to know that the flower prefers sunny places. He will also live in the shadow, but beautiful flowers may not wait.

When flowering is gaining strength, it will be necessary to pick off drying flowers, this will stimulate more lush flowering.

There are many varieties of marigolds:

  • Anise;
  • Rejected;
  • upright;
  • Thin-leaved.


This is actually perennial, but in our latitudes it does not hibernate and therefore is grown as an annual plant. They plant it along the curbs, in groups in the middle of a green lawn. Now they have brought out ampelous forms of snapdragons, which successfully grow in tall flowerpots.


Seeds do not lose their germination for several years. It is necessary to sow seedlings in the first decade of March in prepared containers with loose nutrient soil. Seeds are laid out on the surface and lightly sprinkled with coarse sand. Watering is done with a spray gun, spraying warm water from a fine spray. Then all this is covered with a transparent lid.

At a temperature of 24 degrees, sprouts will appear in 15 days. After the appearance of the first shoots, the container is transferred to where direct Sun rays to avoid seedling burns. After 4 days, you can completely remove the glass.

Seedlings grow slowly at first and, moistening it, do not flood the plants. Those flowers that have fallen to them can no longer be helped and they are removed with tweezers. When the first true leaf plates appear, the seedlings dive into separate containers. Then they should grow in a warm and bright place. When 5 leaves appear, the central shoot is pinched to increase bushiness.

At the end of May, it is planted in flower beds, the location of which must be sunny and without stagnant moisture.



This plant does not require special care. It only needs to be watered and loosened after watering. Removing weeds in time contributes to a healthier plant appearance. If tall varieties are planted in the flower bed, then they will need a timely garter to the support.

Snapdragon seeds are harvested only in their incomplete maturity and put in a shady place for their ripening.


This fabulous flower growing in a bush about a meter high has green oval leaves and single flowers resembling bells. Flowers in length reach 20 cm. They bloom in yellow, white and blue.


Seeds have poor germination and therefore they need a lot of moisture to germinate. Before sowing, they are soaked for 10 days. And for growth, they need a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius. Shoots from the ground appear very slowly and can germinate for more than a month.



This plant prefers sunny places and fertilized soil. He loves watering and if there is no rain, then you definitely need to water it. At the slightest drying, it drops the buds.


This flower will brighten up any garden with its variety of colors and bud shapes. But this flower will not grow in the shade. It has a stem height from 20 cm to 100 cm. It all depends on the variety of the flower. Flower baskets are located at the top of the stem.

The tongue-shaped petals are arranged in several rows around the middle of the flower. Blooms from June until cold weather sets in. Very heat resistant. It is grown as a garden ornament and looks great as a cut flower.


Propagated by sowing seeds for seedlings. First, they are checked for germination, and then soaked in any growth stimulator for a day. Even old seeds germinate within a week. Since this flower does not like picks, it must be planted immediately in peat cups.

Planting begins in March throughout the month. If the seedlings are stretched too far, soil can be added to make the seedlings more stable. It is planted in the ground after return frosts.

Zinnia is the most common annual for summer cottages and gardens.


Requires timely watering and removal of weeds. But watering should not fall on the stems and plants. Zinnia does not need support, as it has strong, straight stems. If plants are planted not only for beauty, but also for cutting, then you should not pinch the stems.


These annual flowers grow up to a meter tall and come in all shades Pink colour, white and blue flowers. Due to the fact that its leaves are very openwork, the flower resembling dill looks very delicate and airy.


Reproduction of cosmos occurs with the help of seeds. Seeds are sown immediately into the ground as soon as the snow melts. It is not necessary to dig them deep, even one centimeter is enough. It can also be sown in late autumn. Actually, if the kosmeya has taken root on the site, it successfully reproduces further by self-sowing.

It is not rational to grow it in a seedling way. But if everything is necessary, then it is planted for seedlings in early spring.



Care is not difficult even for beginners. Once a week it is necessary to water abundantly and weed from weeds. You can feed the flower, but we must remember that top dressing should be carried out in moderation so as not to overfeed the plant. To prolong the flowering time, dried inflorescences must be removed.


This is a low plant with a variety of leaves and flowers similar to chamomile. The coloring is different - red, yellow, orange flowers.


Seedlings are planted in early May. Seeds are sown in loose soil in early March, slightly moisten the ground and cover with glass. After 2 weeks, the first shoots appear. And two weeks later, the first feeding is carried out, and the seedlings dive into separate pots. Since the roots of the gazania seedlings are tender, it must be carefully transferred to a permanent place of residence in a flower bed. The sprouts may not survive a secondary transplant.



It is quite unpretentious to the composition of the soil and grows well on any. But it is good for any top dressing in the form of mineral fertilizer.

By watering on time and removing weeds, you can achieve lush flowering of gazania. Since the plant has a tap root, it is more drought-resistant, but still, when there are strong breaks between rains, it will not refuse good watering. In our climate, the flower does not hibernate.


It is an annual semi-shrub with rounded leaves and single flowers. The flowers are bright shades of red and yellow. It grows up to 30 cm in height. Abundant flowering continues all summer until the very frost.

Nasturtium contains many useful substances and is used in traditional medicine. It also used to be used in cooking, adding to various dishes.

Annual flowers for giving - nasturtium


Well propagated by seeds. They can be sown directly into the ground in mid-May, or they can be grown through seedlings. But before any landing you need to fill hot water seeds for 30 minutes, and then soak for a day. Lay out three seeds in each hole (cup) and wait for seedlings,

They appear within 14 days. Seedlings are transplanted into a flower garden with the help of transshipment, leaving a clod of earth.


It prefers non-greasy soils and sunny places, if you overfeed the plant with nitrogen fertilizer, it will stop throwing out buds and turn into a green bush without flowers. Until flowering, the seedlings require constant watering, but after the dissolution of the buds, watering is reduced. To prolong flowering, dried inflorescences should be cut off regularly.

Annuals in my garden - personal experience

How I love summer!!! How I look forward to it!!! How you want to quickly go to the garden, dig in the beds, bring beauty to the flower beds. This year I planted different annuals. At the end of last summer, I collected seeds of beautiful flowers wherever possible, this year they sown them, not even expecting such a variegation to turn out in our beds.

I never bother with flower seedlings, I don’t grow them myself, I just buy something in the market, my friends share the surplus, I just sow something in the ground.

Here are some annuals blooming today in our garden:

1. Phlox annuals

What wonderful flowers these are. A friend shared seedlings with me, they sprouted from her by self-sowing from last year. The sprouts were small, only 3-5 centimeters high, so small that I thought they would hardly survive. For some time they just stood frozen and did not grow, but then they quickly began to grow. At the end of June they bloomed, and now I delight us with their variety of colors.

Phlox annuals

2. Annual dahlias

They also have a beautiful name: funny guys. I bought seedlings in the market, a kind woman "dumped" me a whole bunch for 50 rubles. The plants were strong and tall. They planted them in a long bed behind marigolds. They have sprouted, grown and are beginning to bloom. Flowers of different colors, terry, elegant. Exactly - funny guys! All summer we will admire their beauty.

annual dahlias

3. Lenok

I love this plant. Such thin and delicate branches with very bright small flowers of red-crimson color. At night, the flowers fold their petals. The plant begins to bloom in June and blooms all summer. We planted it with seeds, just sown in the ground in early May. The seeds sprouted quickly and amicably, the plants grew and now, just as amicably, they bloom.

4. Petunia

Although I do not really like petunia in the garden, but, nevertheless, this time I could not resist and planted it. I bought seedlings, and a friend gave me more. The seedlings were small but strong. Quickly gained strength and began to bloom.

Petunia - annuals for summer cottages

Petunia is, of course, a flower with a wide variety of colors. There are both simple and terry flowers, so many different varieties were bred that now I think how we lived without petunias before. I like petunia more in city flower beds, on balconies, in hanging planters on the street. But even in the garden, it looks quite harmonious, it has only grown so much that it “hammered” the growing flowers nearby.

Such annual flowers are now growing in our garden, delighting us with their flowering, cheer up not only us, but also passers-by. All of them do not require much care, only watering and a little organic fertilizing. Treat yourself too, plant annuals in the garden, if you don’t have them yet.

Choosing annual flowers to decorate the site video

Flowers - annuals without seedlings

Beautiful annuals used for summer cottages are highly decorative and that bloom for a long time and do not require increased attention. In addition, the beautifully flowering compositions created can be changed annually, making the garden stylish and attractive.

Features of the choice of annual flowers for giving

The choice of ornamental plants listed in the annual catalog is based on life expectancy and desired flowering time. Full list such crops are very voluminous, but among amateur gardeners, the earliest, as well as cold-resistant species and varieties that bloom all summer, are especially popular, planting and growing of which can be carried out even in regions with unstable weather conditions.

Color accounting

For lovers of dense vegetation, letniki with openwork and numerous foliage are ideal, and in order to form a voluminous flower carpet, it is best to use large-flowered and bright species. The color of the flowers can be completely different and depends only on the taste preferences of the amateur grower. Nevertheless, it is not recommended to use more than three or four colors and shades when creating a harmonious composition.

Landing place

Most the best varieties can be both sun-loving and shade-tolerant, therefore, before choosing letnovye seeds for decorating a vegetable garden or garden, it is necessary to determine what conditions are optimal for their cultivation. If the site and flower beds for landscaping are located in shading, then it is advisable to give preference to landing:

  • annual alissum, used in the arrangement of alpine slides, as well as borders and decorative planters;
  • fragrant cleoma, which reproduces well by self-seeding;
  • beautiful and exotic fuchsia, with long flowering, but often freezing out in harsh winters;
  • shade-tolerant and very decorative annual larkspur, which blooms early and for a long time;
  • mimulus or "monkey flower", which is suitable for cultivation in the wettest and marshy areas.

Out of competition in popularity "pansies". These long-term flowering plants, today, are represented by a large number of hybrid forms, but only old and time-tested varieties can be grown in shading. Also, climbing plants that need to be planted using supporting structures require special attention.

Annual flowers to give: varieties (video)

Climatic conditions

Unpretentiousness is one of the main advantages that distinguishes a significant part of letniki cultivated in home gardening. Cold-resistant species are grown in a seedless way having a short growing season and having time to bloom before frost.

In temperate climatic zones, sowing seed material in flower beds and flower beds open ground carried out in the last days of April. The seedling option is preferable to use for heat-loving varieties of a long growing season. Sowing for seedlings is carried out in the last decade of February or until mid-March-April, which allows you to get high-quality and well-developed plants that need to be planted in flower beds at the end of May.

flowering time

In terms of flowering, for the most part, all annual flowers are long-flowering and fairly fast-growing crops. However, some bloom earlier than others, and some varieties form flowers in the middle. summer period, maintaining a decorative appeal until the onset of frost. That is why, well-chosen varieties are able to create the impression of constant, almost unusual flowering.

Design and dimensions of the garden plot

On small lawns, it is not recommended to plant large bush annuals, and on the contrary, it is not advisable to plant large areas with small and compact types of annuals. When decorating small ridges or curb space, it is better to give preference to the following plants:

  • Dorotheanthus;
  • a combination of orange-yellow zinnia and sage;
  • composition of ageratum, gazania and Californian esholzia.

Rock gardens and properly designed flower walls look very impressive in the conditions of backyard floriculture. For the design of the rock garden, it is advisable to choose small bulbous annual plants, as well as to sow creeping dimorphotheca, phacelia and eschollia.

If the arrangement of the front garden is planned, then it is advisable to use annuals that bloom throughout the summer and belong to the category of compact or medium-sized plants, including marigolds and cornflowers. As a decor for the walls of households, as well as arbors or fences, plants such as morning glory, climbing beans or sweet decorative peas can be used for growing. Hanging planters ideal for planting ampelous petunias, begonias, geraniums and lobelias.

How to plant annual flowers (video)

Beautiful letniki blooming all summer

Abundantly and throughout the summer period, annual ornamental crops are very popular. They differ in many ways, but when designing a landscape, it is advisable first of all to take into account the height and dimensions of the above-ground part, as well as the features and characteristics of flowering.


Characteristics and features

unpretentious undersized annual flowers

Unpretentious, with umbellate inflorescences, herbaceous plant, having a branching stem part


A low and bright flower for decorating rock gardens and rockeries located in sunny areas

Lobelia low

Compact and low unpretentious appearance with beautiful flowering, undemanding to lighting

Spherical undersized or ampel varieties, blooming profusely until autumn

medium-sized long-flowering annuals

salvia or sage

An unpretentious medium-sized bush forms tall candle flowers

Very sun loving decorative culture, most often grown in seedlings


The aerial part reaches a height of 60 cm, lush, strewn bright flowers

high ornamental plants

Datura or Datura grass

Spectacular, blooming all summer, very fragrant culture, suitable for growing in well-lit flower beds


Highly ornamental garden perennial for sunny and shaded beds, with high seed germination

Castor oil or paradise tree

Absolutely unpretentious poisonous plant with palm-shaped, very decorative and numerous foliage.

Mallow annual

Undemanding to growing conditions and care form, represented by varieties with double and simple inflorescences

An interesting garden ornamental culture, favorably with a reddish tint of foliage

best early views


Has miniature showy flowers, blooming in the first days of summer, and is characterized by compact bushes

Zinnia graceful

The plant must be provided with space and enough sunlight in the flower bed

Marigold or calendula

One of the most popular and completely undemanding flyers, which blooms in early June

Cold-resistant flowering annuals for the Urals and Siberia

Popular annuals for Siberia and the Urals are characterized as undemanding plants with sufficient cold resistance with abundant and attractive flowering throughout the summer-autumn period. Experienced flower growers prefer to grow seedlings in seedlings, but there are some species that are perfectly adapted for direct sowing on open ground flower beds.


Landing pattern

Flowering time

Lighting Requirements


And thin-leaved

July - October

Chinese aster

July - September

July - October


July - September

direct sowing

July August

June - September


July August

July - October


June - September

Planting schemes for annuals in a flower bed

Annual flowering plants can be represented by both monophonic flowers and multi-colored colors. More often flower arrangements created by a combination of plants belonging to two or three color groups.

Coloring team

Popular types

Letniki colorful

Asters, bluebells, petunias, and hyacinths

White-flowered annuals

Snowdrops, black cohosh, anemones, crocuses and corollas

Letniki with red and pink flowers

Salvia, Purple Echinacea, Calceolaria and Castor Bean

Annual plants with yellow or orange flowers

Marigolds, adonis, sunflowers, marigolds and pulsatilla

Letniki with blue and blue flowers

Delphiniums, bluebells and cornflowers

When decorating flower beds and flower beds, you need to remember that the tallest crops, represented by sunflowers, amaranth, annual lianas and cosmea, should be planted in the central part of the composition and surrounded by crops of medium height. Bordering can be decorated with undersized annuals in the form of ageratum, lobelia, purslane and border marigolds.

Particularly popular in last years the so-called modular flower beds are used, which are very picturesque flower arrangements collected in a variety of planting containers with dwarf and medium-sized crops.

What flowers to plant in a flower bed (video)

Annuals in the conditions of backyard floriculture are in demand, if desired, to create new flower arrangements every year, which will retain their decorative effect for a long time and will not require significant time and effort to grow.
