There is often discussion in the media about the need to keep an eye on your daily calcium intake. The main advice we hear is to eat foods rich in calcium. Which food has the most calcium? What food contributes to better absorption of this substance?

What is calcium for?

Calcium is a mineral biologically perceived substance that makes up the structural foundations of the teeth and bones of the skeleton. It contributes to normal blood clotting, hormone production, muscle contraction. Lack of calcium in the body leads to severe diseases of osteoporosis in adults, at night and disruption of normal growth and development in children.

The daily requirement of calcium for a healthy adult and for a child over 10 years old is 1000 mg, for infants about 599 mg, for younger children school age about 800 mg will be enough, for adolescents and pregnant women - from 1200 mg to 2000 mg of calcium.

What foods help calcium absorption?

The ability of the body to absorb any useful element is called bioavailability. For the bioavailability of calcium, it is necessary to combine foods containing it with those that contain vitamin D in significant quantities. These include egg yolks, liver, butter, fatty fish.

At the same time, you need to consume natural vitamin C, best from vegetables and citrus fruits.

In addition, for the absorption of calcium by bone tissue, the body must receive magnesium (from bran, nuts, wholemeal bread) and phosphorus (from fish). Otherwise, calcium will be excreted from the body along with urine or deposited in the kidneys and joints in the form of stone formations - calcifications.

Diuretic drinks increase the excretion of calcium, so you need to balance the use of foods rich in the element and caffeinated drinks.

What foods contain the most calcium?

It is worth evaluating not only the quantitative content of calcium in 100 grams of the product, but also the possibility of using this product in the recommended amounts without harm to the body.

Let's take an example. For example, milk contains 120 mg of calcium per 100 ml of product. Cottage cheese contains even more calcium, but in order to make up for the daily allowance for a pregnant woman, she will have to eat eight kilograms of curd products!

There is more calcium in cheeses, among other things, because calcium chloride is added in the industrial production of hard cheeses.

Nuts, legumes and seeds lead in calcium content. For example, 100 grams of poppy contains 1.5 grams of calcium. Almonds contain 250 mg of calcium per 100 g of the product, sesame seeds - more than 800 mg per 100 grams. However, these products are high in calories and you need to control their consumption so as not to become obese.

Young nettle (713mg/100g), wild rose (257mg/100g), watercress (214mg/100g) and other greens contain calcium and other microelements and vitamins useful for the body.

They simultaneously replenish calcium stores and promote its bioavailability. Sardine is very rich in calcium - it contains 300 mg per 100 g. No other fish can compare with it in this indicator.

Meat, whole grains and vegetables do not contain too much calcium - less than 50 mg per hundred grams of food.

Beware of hypercalcemia!

Entered into the body from natural products is easily excreted from the body without absorption. But taking the same dietary supplements and drugs containing calcium - calcium chloride and calcium gluconate - can only be prescribed by a doctor.

An excess of calcium in the body can lead to hypercalcemia. It promotes the formation of stones in bladder and kidneys, weakened immunity and blood clotting disorders. And this can happen even despite the fact that a healthy body has natural control mechanisms.

And, in conclusion, I want to offer a safe recipe traditional medicine to replenish calcium stores in the body. It has long been known in which product the most calcium is eggshell. Pulverize it to dust eggshell from hard-boiled eggs, sprinkle the resulting powder on food. The daily intake is four teaspoons. With regular use, take monthly breaks and then the calcium content in the body will be sufficient.

Calcium is best known as a mineral essential for healthy bones and teeth. Bones in the human body are regularly destroyed and recreated, for which we constantly need to receive calcium from the outside. In this article, you will learn which foods contain calcium, and our tables will help you choose the best sources of calcium for your diet from dairy products, animal and plant foods.

Why else do you need calcium?

Before moving on to the tables of calcium in food, we note that the body needs calcium not only for healthy bones and teeth, but also for:

  • Contractions of all muscles, including the heart. When a nerve stimulates a muscle to contract, calcium is released to help proteins in the muscle carry out that contraction.
  • Nerve signal transmission. Calcium helps carry messages between the brain and every part of the body.
  • Normal functioning of blood vessels and blood clotting.
  • The release of many hormones and enzymes that affect almost every function in the human body.

If the body does not have enough calcium to perform all these functions, then it begins to take it from the “reserve”, which is our bones and teeth. Therefore, diseases of the teeth and bones are a sure sign of insufficient intake of calcium or vitamin D. The latter, in turn, plays an important role in the absorption of calcium itself (read on the "Forest Fairy", where it is contained in the products).

How much calcium does the body need per day?

According to established scholars norms, we must consume calcium daily in the following amounts:

  1. Children 1 to 3 years of age: 700 mg daily.
  2. Children 4-8 years: 1000 mg daily.
  3. Adolescents 9-18 years old: 1300 mg daily.
  4. Adults 19-70 years old: 1000 mg daily.
  5. Adults 70+ years: 1200 mg/day.

It is very important to get plenty of calcium during childhood and adolescence when the bones are actively growing. The most high density bones observed in a person at the age of 20-25 years. After 25 density bone tissue gradually decreases (the processes of bone destruction begin to prevail over their restoration), but calcium helps to delay the rate of this decline.

We also note that due to age-related hormonal changes, women over 50 are recommended to increase the daily intake of calcium to 1200 mg / day, while men need to do this after 70 years.

Calcium in dairy products: content table per 100 g

Consider first of all such products containing calcium in large quantities, such as milk, cottage cheese and cheese. All data for the tables below are taken from Database ministries Agriculture US for standard reference. We spend a lot of time and effort to collect, translate and conveniently provide you with information from reliable sources, and we will be very grateful to you for publishing our materials on social networks!

Which cheese has the most calcium?

Of all dairy products, hard cheeses (Parmesan, Gruyère, Cheddar, etc.) have the highest calcium content per 100 g. Eating such cheese every day, you can easily meet the daily intake of Ca. However, as you can see from the following table, softer varieties of cheese (such as blue cheese and feta) can also give the body a good amount of calcium. Which cheese will you choose?

In addition to cheese, a lot of calcium can be obtained from milk, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products, especially low fat. But do not forget that calcium is absorbed worse from fat-free "milk" than from fat. Therefore, if you need to make up for a calcium deficiency in the body, then try to choose cottage cheese and other dairy products with at least 2% fat content, and preferably with 4% or 9% fat.

The most generous dairy sources of calcium are presented in the table below:

Where else is there a lot of calcium, except for dairy products? Of course, in meat, fish, beans, some vegetables and a number of other products of plant and animal origin. See tables below!

Calcium in foods of animal origin. Content tables per 100 g

After cheese, canned fish is the best animal source of calcium, largely due to the fact that it is consumed along with the bones. Fatty fish (herring, pike perch, etc.), fish caviar and seafood, in addition to calcium, will also provide your body with high-quality protein and. However, seafood should not be abused, as they contain a lot of mercury.

Which fish has more calcium?

Table 3. Calcium in food: fish and seafood

Calcium in meat: beef, pork and poultry

Most calcium is found in red meat, especially beef and veal. The amount of mg of calcium per 100 g may vary slightly depending on which part you choose for your lunch. Also, the numbers can be influenced by the age of the animal, the degree of its fat content and in what conditions it was grown. The table below shows the average values ​​for the three most common types of meat products on the market.

How much calcium is in chicken eggs? Content table per 100 g

Another animal source of calcium in food is eggs. In fact, only yolks and egg powder are found in high amounts of calcium. Eating two scrambled eggs for breakfast will provide you with only about 60 mg of calcium.

Calcium in plant foods (tables by type)

Among plant foods, a lot of calcium is found in legumes, nuts and seeds, as well as leafy vegetables and herbs. In addition to them, a high content of calcium per 100 g stands out:

  • Dried goji berries (190 mg of calcium with a calorie content of 349 kcal);
  • Raw garlic (181 mg of calcium with a calorie content of 149 kcal);
  • Raw kelp seaweed (168 mg calcium, 43 kcal);
  • Dried figs (162 mg calcium, 249 kcal);
  • Lemon zest (134 mg calcium, 47 kcal) and zest of other citrus fruits;
  • Cocoa powder (128 mg calcium, 228 kcal);
  • Dried seaweed spirulina (120 mg calcium, 290 kcal);
  • Dried tomatoes (110 mg calcium, 258 kcal).

Calcium content in legumes: table

Bean curd, aka tofu, can be a great source of calcium for vegans. Yes, and in itself soy is one of the plant foods, where calcium is the most. The best sources of this mineral among legumes are presented in the table below.

What vegetables have calcium? Content table per 100 g

Leafy vegetables and greens tend to be rich in calcium as well. For example, in 200 grams of kale you will find up to 50% of the recommended daily allowance calcium. But it should be noted here that some leafy vegetables contain a lot of oxalates, which make calcium unavailable for absorption by the body. Cabbage is not one of these vegetables, but spinach, parsley and amaranth should be consumed in small quantities.

Calcium in nuts and seeds (table)

Large amounts of calcium are found in oils and nut butters. However, these products are too high in calories and may contain additives that are unhealthy. In 100 g of almond paste you will find 347 mg of calcium (with a calorie content of 614 Kcal), and in tahini from sesame seeds - 420 mg of calcium with a calorie content of 570 Kcal per 100 g of product.

Most nuts and seeds are also good for the body due to the content of fiber, healthy fats and. The following table shows which nut and seed foods contain the most calcium.

What cereals and grain products have the most calcium?

Vegetable calcium can also be found in foods such as cereals and other cereals and bran dishes (bread, breakfast cereals, etc.). Although they are not very rich in calcium, people eat them often and in large quantities. If most cereals have a high content of calcium per 100 g only in dry form, then teff and amaranth, even when cooked, remain good sources of this trace element.

Amaranth and teff with nuts are an excellent source of calcium

The calcium content in spices. List of 20+ best sources

Spices are real record holders for the content of calcium per 100 grams. In this regard, even hard cheeses are inferior to them! Another reason to add spices to every dish is the high amount of antioxidants (which you may already know about from our article). Finally, we present you the rating of the TOP-23 spices in terms of calcium content per 100 g of product:

  1. Dried basil (2240 ​​mg calcium, 233 kcal);
  2. Ground savory (2 132 mg calcium, 272 kcal);
  3. Dried marjoram (1,990 mg calcium, 271 kcal);
  4. dried thyme (1,890 mg calcium, 276 kcal);
  5. Dried dill (1,784 mg calcium, 253 kcal);
  6. Celery seeds (1,767 mg calcium, 392 kcal);
  7. Ground sage (1,652 mg calcium, 315 kcal);
  8. Dried oregano (1,597 mg calcium, 265 kcal);
  9. Dill seeds (1,516 mg calcium, 305 kcal);
  10. Poppy (1438 mg calcium, 525 kcal);
  11. Dried chervil (1,346 mg calcium, 237 kcal);
  12. Dried rosemary (1280 mg calcium, 331 kcal);
  13. Dried cilantro (1,246 mg calcium, 279 kcal);
  14. Fennel seeds (1,196 mg calcium, 345 kcal);
  15. Dried parsley (1,140 mg calcium, 292 kcal);
  16. Dried tarragon (1,139 mg calcium, 295 kcal);
  17. Ground cinnamon (1,002 mg calcium, 247 kcal);
  18. Cumin seeds (931 mg calcium, 375 kcal);
  19. Bay leaf (834 mg calcium, 313 kcal);
  20. Coriander seeds (709 mg calcium, 298 kcal);
  21. Cumin seeds (689 mg calcium, 333 kcal);
  22. Anise seeds (646 mg calcium, 337 kcal);
  23. Ground cloves (632 mg calcium, 274 kcal).

Calcium is very important for the human body. It not only forms the structure of bones, but also provides muscle contraction, blood clotting, the secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters. With calcium deficiency, many dangerous diseases develop:

In childhood - rickets;

In adults, osteoporosis (breakdown of the bones) or osteomalacia (softening of the bones).

The risk group for calcium deficiency includes children, the elderly, women in menopause. After ovarian failure, the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures increases significantly.

There is nothing difficult in providing an adequate daily requirement of calcium. With good nutrition, a deficiency of this microelement usually does not occur.

As can be seen from this table, it is enough to receive only 1-1.5 g of calcium per day with food. With which? We will find out now. We present to your attention an overview of 10 food groups that are the best sources of calcium.

1. Cheese.

All dairy products are rich in calcium. Cheese is one of the leaders in its content. It is enough to eat only 100-200 g of this product per day to provide yourself with calcium.

Different types of cheese have different content of this trace element. This table will help you navigate:

Cheese variety and percentage of fat content


"Dutch" 45%

"Poshekhonsky" 45%

Cheddar 50%

"Swiss" 50%

"Russian" 50%

Roquefort 50%

Processed cheese "Russian"


Processed cheese "Sausage"



Semi-fat cottage cheese (4-5%)

Fat cottage cheese (18%)

2. Milk.

A person who drinks milk every day is reliably protected from calcium deficiency in the body. The drink contains a large amount of this trace element. This is due to the fact that milk is intended for feeding newborn babies who require a large amount of various minerals, and first of all - calcium. Without this substance, the full development of the skeleton is impossible.

Milk can be consumed not only fresh. Good sources of calcium are dry and condensed milk. The concentration of calcium in a fresh drink can vary significantly, depending on the degree of fat content, origin (store or home), variety (goat, cow, camel, etc.).

3. Other dairy products.

Obviously, since milk itself is a source of calcium, then the products prepared from it contain this trace element. Therefore, even if a person does not like to eat condensed milk or drink whole milk, there will always be alternatives that will suit your taste. Dairy products can be consumed on their own or added to other foods during cooking.

As you can see, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk or any other milk product in liquid form contains as much calcium per unit weight as whole milk. The activity of lactic acid bacteria does not affect its concentration in any way.

4. Seeds and nuts.

Nuts and seeds are one of the best sources of calcium. On a per unit weight basis, some seeds contain more of this micronutrient than cheese or any other dairy product.

Nuts and seeds also contain a host of other beneficial trace elements and vitamins. Therefore, a person who regularly eats them is reliably protected from manifestations of hypovitaminosis or mineral deficiency.

5. Cereals and legumes.

Although cereals, breads and legumes do not contain much calcium per unit weight, they are good additional source of this trace element due to volume. Most people consume these foods in more tangible amounts than cheese, nuts, or seeds.

6. Vegetables.

Like cereals, vegetables do not contain too much calcium per unit weight, but they can provide you with this micronutrient through a large amount of consumption. Here are the vegetables with the highest calcium content:

7. Fruits and dried fruits.

Another additional source of calcium is fruits. Some of them have a fairly high content of this trace element. Of the others, figs and persimmons should be noted - they contain the most calcium. But there are other fruits in which the amount of this trace element exceeds 40 mg per 100 g.

Dried fruits usually contain more calcium per unit weight. This is due solely to a decrease in the percentage of water in the product.

8. Greens.

Greens can contain a lot of calcium per unit weight. And although the consumption of this group of products is usually limited to small amounts, they may well contribute to providing your body with micronutrients.

In any case, the consumption of greens will not be superfluous, because the composition contains a lot of other useful substances, in addition to calcium.

9. Confectionery.

Sweets are considered unhealthy foods. And yet, sweet tooth can cure the benefit of them. Confectionery products can become an additional source of calcium. It is everywhere where cocoa, milk, seeds or nuts are present in the composition.

10. Fish and seafood.

Unlike meat, which is completely unsuitable as a source of calcium due to its extremely low content per unit weight, some fish or seafood can replenish this trace element in the body.

As you can see, there is enough calcium in a wide variety of foods. Therefore, a person who fully eats usually does not lack this trace element. Calcium deficiency can lead to strict vegetarianism or low-calorie diets for weight loss. In this case, it is desirable to additionally take drugs or dietary supplements containing calcium and vitamin D.

The fact that this mineral is important for teeth and bones and you can get it by drinking a glass of milk, most likely you already know. But, is everything so obvious? Did you know that calcium is better absorbed at night, and its excessive use leads to the formation of kidney stones?

Let's take a closer look and in order: which foods contain the most, what the deficiency leads to and what is the daily allowance depending on age.

Calcium is involved in many processes:

    In the growth, development and restoration of bone tissue in the body. Without it, normal growth of bones, teeth, nails and hair is impossible.

    More than 99% of calcium is found in bones and teeth.

    A sufficient amount of this mineral provides a strong bone skeleton, which is a protective barrier for all internal organs and a reliable support for a person.

    Healthy strong teeth, good nails that do not break, strong beautiful hair are the merit of calcium.

    Its absence negatively affects the body.

    Required for transportation nutrients through membranes. Participates in metabolic processes, is responsible for the delivery of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.) to the organs along with the blood.

    Necessary for the normal functioning of digestion, nervous and excretory processes.

    Without a sufficient amount of calcium, normal brain activity and organ function are impossible.

    The brain sends signals to all cells, tissues and organs, and calcium nerve fibers transmits these signals.

    Activates hormones and enzymes.

    It is necessary for the work of all muscles. Affects the normal functioning and proper contraction of the heart muscle. It signals when muscles need to contract and relax.

    Affects the release of insulin. A lack of this hormone can lead to diabetes.

    Studies have shown that a sufficient amount of calcium in the body contributes to the burning of excess fat.

Food is the main source of calcium. It is found in both plant and animal foods.

Content record holders:

    Sesame seeds and poppy. Most mistakenly believe that dairy products are a storehouse of calcium and other nutrients, but this is a misconception. Most of this mineral is found in seeds, especially sesame and poppy seeds (about 1600 and 1400 mg per 100 g of product, respectively). The average daily intake of calcium is 900 - 1200 mg. Eating only 60 - 80 g of seeds can satisfy daily allowance in this mineral.

    Greens and vegetables. Herbs and green vegetables contain a lot of calcium: from 200 to 600 mg, depending on the product chosen.

    Nuts and fish contain 100 to 500 mg of calcium. In oily fish (sea) and nuts, this amount reaches 400 - 500 mg, in lean fish- 200 mg per 100 g.

    Hard cheese and dairy products also on this list. Concentrated dairy products (cheese, condensed milk, milk powder) contain calcium from 500 to 1000 mg.

    A in cereals and legumes its amount ranges from 60 to 200 mg per 100 g of product.

Quantity and daily intake

The table shows how much calcium is contained in foods and the percentage of the daily requirement.

Name Quantity, mg per 100 g % DV
Sesame 1500 125
Poppy 1400 116
Almond 250 21
Peanut 80 7
Walnut 100 8
Sunflower seeds 130 11
Halva 100 - 300 8 - 25
Cheese 400 - 900 33 - 75
Milk 70 - 120 6 - 10
Kefir 95 7,8
Sour cream 80 7
Spinach 120 10
85 7
Dill 180 15
Parsley 220 18,5
Nettle 650 54
Sardine 350 29
Mackerel 70 6
Salmon 80 7
65 5,5
40 - 50 3,5 - 4,1
30 2,5
Pumpkin 20 - 30 1,5 - 2,5
Potato 15 1,25
Dried apricots 100 8
Currant 25 2,1
Raisin 70 6
Peaches 18 1,5
15 1,3
20 1,5
Beans 85 7,1
Peas 75 6,1
beans 70 6
Buckwheat 20 1,5
Rice 35 3
Oatmeal 40 3,4
Chocolate 190 - 250 15,9 - 20,0
Eggs 40 3,4
Mushrooms 30 - 100 8

*Daily value based on 1200 mg of calcium.

Products are synergists or what to use calcium with

In nature, there are synergistic products - those that help to assimilate each other. Calcium synergists are phosphorus, and. Without these conductors, calcium will be poorly perceived by the body. Even with the consumption of the daily norm of calcium without magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin D, it will be absorbed by a maximum of 70%.

The menu should be designed in such a way that, along with calcium, foods rich in conductor substances, namely phosphorus with magnesium and vitamin D, also come.

Magnesium and phosphorus are abundant in cereals, garlic, green vegetables, some seeds, dried fruits, eggs, and pumpkin. Vitamin D is found in fish, eggs, and dairy products. Great options:

  • fish with greens;
  • salad of eggs and greens;
  • milk porridge;
  • vegetable salads with nuts and eggs;
  • vegetable casseroles with liver or meat;
  • dairy desserts;
  • cream soup with vegetables, herbs and cream;
  • sandwiches with cheese, butter and a slice of any fruit or vegetable.

Deficiency in the body: consequences

Insufficient calcium intake or poor absorption of calcium adversely affects health. Problems can be both minor and major. Signs of calcium deficiency:

  • Weakness, fatigue;
  • Caries and other dental diseases;
  • Cramps and problems with muscle activity;
  • Heart problems;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Liver failure;
  • Rickets;
  • Nerve spasms;
  • Problems with skin, nails and hair;
  • Bleeding gums;
  • Allergies.

The consequences of a deficiency are deplorable, even idle fatigue and weakness can develop into muscle spasms, cramps and even atrophy if calcium is not replenished. Almost always there are diseases of the internal organs and teeth. Calcium deficiency is the cause of osteoporosis.

The daily intake of calcium differs for different age groups:

    Children under 8 years old need up to 900 mg.

    Teenagers need more - up to 1400 mg, this is due to the growth and development of bone tissue.

    An adult needs up to 1200 mg of calcium per day.

    In the elderly, the need for this mineral increases, due to its leaching from the body, the daily norm increases to 1400-1600 mg.

    And nursing mothers need to increase the daily allowance (up to 1700 mg), as they need to provide not only themselves, but also the baby with calcium.

It must be remembered that sweet and salty foods, carbonated water, alcohol, fatty foods provoke calcium leaching from the body.

Watch your diet, the body will thank you for it.

In the diet of every person should be present foods that contain magnesium and calcium. Only in this way our body gets the opportunity to function normally.


By this " building material"for teeth and bones is calcium, which is responsible for the stability of the nervous, cardiac and bone structures. If the body receives enough calcium, then the risk of developing such terrible diseases as osteoporosis and other bone pathologies is close to zero.

In addition, due to the high content of calcium in the teeth, in case of trauma to the face or jaw, the risk of serious complications is also minimal.

Calcium is needed:

  • children;
  • pregnant women;
  • women who are in the lactation period;
  • professional athletes;
  • persons suffering from heavy sweating.

This macroelement, which is part of tissue and cellular fluids, contributes to the successful coagulation of blood and a decrease in the permeability of the vascular walls. Thus, it prevents viruses and various allergens from entering the cells of the body.

Calcium, which is found in a large number of foods, is absorbed with some difficulty. This is especially true of cereal products, since they, as well as sorrel and spinach, contain substances that “conflict” with calcium. They form non-digestible and insoluble compounds.

The absorption of calcium is actively prevented by confectionery sweets and concentrated carbohydrates, which promote the formation of digestive alkaline juices.

The trace element from dairy products is well enough absorbed. Normalization of the process occurs due to lactose.


Magnesium is involved in supporting the intestines and heart muscles. If the human body contains a sufficient amount of this trace element, then the removal of harmful toxic substances will be systematic and timely. Magnesium also accompanies the strengthening of tooth enamel.

"Cooperating" with calcium, this microelement plays a preventive role in the prevention of nervous, cardiovascular and urinary pathologies.

  • stressful situations;
  • high levels of protein in the diet;
  • the rapid formation of new tissues (relevant for children and bodybuilders);
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • the use of diuretic drugs.

This element actively performs an anti-stress function, fights overwork and improves efficiency. In addition, magnesium salts stop the development of malignant neoplasms.

Magnesium is actively absorbed in the colon and duodenum. Only inorganic salts are problematic absorbed, while amino acids and organic acids are absorbed quite well.

Calcium and magnesium deficiency

Magnesium and calcium deficiency today is not so rare. The main symptoms indicating that the body has a serious deficiency of these macronutrients are:

  1. Fragility and fragility of bones.
  2. The crumbling of tooth enamel.
  3. Crushing of teeth.
  4. High cholesterol.
  5. The appearance of kidney stones.
  6. Pathology of intestinal peristalsis.
  7. Increased nervousness.
  8. Increased irritability.
  9. Numbness and "stiffness" of the legs and arms.
  10. The appearance of spasms.
  11. Pain in the region of the heart.


Cases when a supersaturation of calcium and magnesium is observed in the body are also observed quite often.

An excess of these elements is characterized by:

  1. Fragility and fragility of bones.
  2. Increased irritability.
  3. Progression of the pathology of the digestive tract.
  4. The appearance of arrhythmia, tachycardia and other cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Lethargy.
  6. The development of hypercalcemia (relevant for children under 2 years old).

daily requirement for calcium

According to most modern doctors and nutritionists, calcium or foods containing it must be consumed daily. The daily requirement depends on the age of the person and his state of health:

  • children (1-12 years old) - 1 gram;
  • teenagers (boys) - 1.4 grams;
  • adolescents (girls) - 1.3 grams;
  • pregnant women - 1.5 grams;
  • nursing mothers - 2 grams;
  • adults - 0.8 - 1.2 grams.

daily requirement for magnesium

As for magnesium, here daily requirement in it is from the mass human body about 0.05 percent, or 400 milligrams. Children under the age of twelve are recommended to consume at least 200 milligrams of magnesium daily. The dose for pregnant women is increased to 450 milligrams. Athletes, as well as those who are exposed to serious physical exertion every day, need 600 milligrams per day to maintain the body “in good shape”.

Deficiency and overabundance of this element in the body can be easily avoided. To do this, you need to know which foods have calcium in their composition.

Seeds, nuts, legumes

If you make a kind of hit parade of products in which this microelement is located, then plant foods will be in the top positions:

  1. beans;
  2. peas;
  3. beans;
  4. lentils;
  5. green pea;
  6. almond;

Fruits, berries, vegetables

Despite the fact that vegetables, fruits and berries do not contain calcium in such large quantities as legumes, it is extremely necessary to eat these foods, because they contain a lot of useful elements and microorganisms that contribute to the absorption of this trace element.

You need to include in your diet:

  1. apricots;
  2. broccoli;
  3. grape;
  4. strawberries;
  5. nettle (young);
  6. watercress;
  7. gooseberry;
  8. seaweed;
  9. peaches;
  10. radish;
  11. turnip;
  12. salad;
  13. celery;
  14. currant;
  15. asparagus;
  16. cauliflower;
  17. citrus;


A fairly large amount of calcium is found in fish and fish products. It is desirable that salmon and sardines be present in the diet.

There are many foods that contain magnesium.

Nuts and seeds

To normalize the functioning of the body, it is necessary to eat the following foods containing magnesium:

  • sesame (seeds);
  • cashew nuts;
  • nuts (cedar);
  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • peanut.

Legumes and cereals

A sufficiently large amount of magnesium is found in wheat sprouts and bran. You should also include in your diet:

  • buckwheat;
  • barley groats;
  • oatmeal;
  • millet groats;
  • peas (green);
  • beans;
  • lentils.

Greens and vegetables

Greens are very rich in magnesium. This microelement is contained in a specific pigment - chlorophyll, which has a green tint.

Magnesium in its composition, have products such as:

  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • spinach;
  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • arugula.


Magnesium rich:

  • squids;
  • shrimps;
  • flounder;
  • halibut.

Dried fruits and fruits

A large amount of magnesium is found in:

  • dates;
  • persimmon;
  • bananas;
  • raisins;
  • prunes.

Despite the fact that the level of calcium in dark green vegetables is quite high, its absorption is difficult due to oxalic acid.

Product Amount of substance (mg) %Daily Value
Lemonade (powder) 3 098 310
Spices (basil, dried) 2 240 224
Tofu 2 134 213
Savory, ground 2 132 213
Whey (milk dry) 2 054 205
Marjoram, oregano (dry) 1 990 199
agar agar 1 920 192
Thyme, thyme (dry) 1890 189
ground sage 1 652 165
Smelt (dry) 1 600 160
Spices (oregano, dried) 1 597 160
Dill 1 516 152
Pudding (chocolate) 1 512 152
Spices (mint, dried) 1 488 149
Sesame 1 474 147
Cocoa (powder low-cal. mix) 1 440 144
Spices (poppy seeds) 1 438 144
Chocolate cocktail. (low cal.) 1 412 141%
Beverage (low-calorie orange) 1 378 138
Parmesan 1 376 138
Spices (chervil, dried) 1 346 135
Spices (rosemary, dried) 1 280 128
The milk is skimmed. (dry) 1 257 126
Spices (cilantro leaves, dried) 1 246 125
Spices (fennel) 1 196 120
pasta 1 184 118
Milk (low fat) 1 155 116
Children's food (oatmeal) 1 154 115
Mexican cheese (filled) 1 146 115
Spices (parsley, dried) 1 140 114
Spices (tarragon, dried) 1 139 114
Beverage (fruit flavor) 1 105 111
Cheese (emmental) 1 100 110
Cheese (Switzerland Gruyère) 1 011 101
Spices (cinnamon, hammer.) 1 002 100
Cheese (poshekhon, TV) 1 000 100
Cheese (Lithuanian half) 1 000 100
Cheese (charcoal hard) 1 000 100
Cheese (Dutch bar) 1 000 100
Milk (dry whole canned) 1 000 100
Cheese (cheddar, hard) 1 000 100
Sesame (whole roasted seeds) 989 99
Tofu 961 96
Cheese (Swiss) 961 96
Mozzarella cheese) 961 96
Cheese (Swiss low fat) 961 96
Sesame 960 96
Cheese (Soviet hard) 950 95
Spices (cumin seeds) 931 93
Product Amount of substance (mg.) %Daily Value
Bran 781 195
Agar-agar (dry) 770 193
Seeds (poppy partially defatted) 760 190
Basil, dry 711 178
cocoaovella 701 175
Spices (cilantro leaves, dried) 694 174
chives 640 160
Spices (mint dried) 602 151
Pumpkin (seed dried) 592 148
Pumpkin (seed fried with added salt) 550 138
Pumpkin (seed fried without added salt) 550 138
Seeds (sesame) 540 135
cocoa powder 519 130
Watermelon seeds (dried) 515 129
Cocoa powder (unsweetened) 499 125
Almonds (kernel, roasted) 498 125
Mustard (powder) 453 113
Spices (green dill, sushi) 451 113
Millet (bran) 448 112
Poppy 442 111
Spices (celery) 440 110
Cotton (seeds, roasted) 440 110
soy flour 429 107
Spices (sage ground) 428 107
Spices (parsley dry) 400 100
392 98
Fennel (seeds, special) 385 96
walnut 198 50
Quinoa (no heat treatment) 197 49
Celery (dry) 196 49
Apricot (seeds) 196 49
Algae (marine) 195 49
Tomatoes (dry) 194 49
Spices (turmeric, hammer.) 193 48
Beans (raw seeds) 192 48
Peanut butter 191 48
Spices (fenugreek, seeds) 191 48
Beans (gold) 189 47
Beans (large northern) 189 47
Peppers (sweet, frozen) 188 47
Peanuts (raw) 188 47
Beans (red) 188 47
Beans (French) 188 47
Irish moss (seaweed raw) 144 36
Spaghetti 143 36
Rice (brown) 143 36
Macaroni (whole millet dry) 143 36
Caviar (pink salmon) 141 35

In addition to eating foods rich in magnesium and calcium, it is necessary to pay attention to preventive measures.
