The muscle tissue of each person consists mainly of water, protein and a small amount of other substances. In total, muscle fibers contain a set of 20 amino acids. Due to the complex physiological processes of the body, natural reproduction of 12 of them is possible. The need for another 8 can only be met from food and supplements.

For an athlete, the highest biological value is represented by 3 amino acids that are consumed in a sports nutrition complex.

Among the most popular questions are whether bcaa amino acids are harmful, whether they negatively affect internal organs and if so, under what conditions.

In order to answer whether the use of bcaa is harmful or not, consider the role of each component of the complex:

Isoleucine. Synthesizes hemoglobin, regulates the rate of sugar in the blood, participates in energy metabolism and controls the healthy condition of the skin. Also, isoleucine helps in the recovery and growth of muscles, optimization of the central nervous system.

Leucine. Promotes efficient pumping and synthesis of natural protein molecules. It inhibits the breakdown of glucose, participates in energy and water exchange, as well as stimulation of insulin. Without leucine, the full assimilation of dietary protein is impossible. In medicine, given substance used to treat the liver and increase hemoglobin.

Valin. Participates in building, strengthening endurance, as well as muscle regeneration, increasing the body's immunity. Helps in the regulation of energy exchange. Improves the state of the central nervous system.

Together, these substances have a pronounced anabolic effect and contribute to the effective growth, development and post-workout recovery of muscle fibers.

Almost all food products contain them in small quantities, so it is basically inappropriate to discuss the harm of bcaa amino acids for the body. We eat eggs, milk, meat, cereals, herbs, fruits, vegetables, and we know that without them, the optimal functioning of our body is impossible. Athletes drink liters of milk precisely in order to get amino acids, including essential ones, so why should concentrated extracts of these components be dangerous?

However, some forum reviews about the dangers of bcaa on the human body, written by ordinary consumers, can shake even an athlete who has elementary knowledge of biology and anatomy. People write about the harm of bcaa for the liver, intestinal disorders and even full-fledged poisoning, up to hospitalization.

BCAA - harm or benefit?

Consider the cases when the use of this supplement is really fraught with danger:

  • The use of clandestine supplements from unknown manufacturers. Most of the athletes who describe the harmfulness of bcaa use cheap supplements of dubious origin.
  • Violation of storage conditions.
  • Irregular consumption of drugs.

The harm of bcaa to the stomach is also often noted by people who consume the supplement along with substances that cause them allergies or intolerances. For example, every hundredth person suffers from lactose intolerance. It goes without saying that if BCAA, such a person will drink together with a concentrate, and not a protein isolate, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible. In this case, a person may mistakenly believe that the reason is in BCAA.

But are bcaa amino acids harmful to the liver, because many complainers note pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis organ? With unrestrained consumption of the supplement, lack of control daily allowance protein - 2 g-2.5 g / kg of body weight, taking into account severe diseases of the liver and kidneys, such side effects. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor and develop individual program taking an amino acid complex.

By themselves, amino acids do not pose a danger to the liver, as already mentioned above, on the contrary, they are used in its treatment.

A completely unacceptable myth about the harm of bcaa for men. Allegedly, they lower the potency. In fact, such an effect is possible only in one case - the athlete works on the form without rest. As a result, banal fatigue, overtraining, lead to a decrease in libido. The athlete may not feel fatigue at first, so he mistakenly believes that the additive had a negative effect.

Based on the foregoing, it should be noted that only the benefits and harms of bcaa can be taken from the supplement, due only to insufficient knowledge and misconceptions of individual consumers in the field of sports pharmacology.

BCAA (Branched-chain amino acids) is a complex that consists of 3 amino acids that are not synthesized by the body: valine, leucine, isoleucine. They must enter the human body in large volumes, especially during intense physical exertion. The BCAA amino acid complex is especially in demand among athletes, because it protects against muscle breakdown, reduces the percentage of fat and increases the effect of other sports supplements. Let's find out in more detail what BCAA is and what it is for.

The mechanism of action of amino acids on the body

As already mentioned, bcaa contains three essential amino acids that have a branched chain structure and cannot be replaced by others. Their effectiveness has been proven by experimental studies and solid scientific papers. Deficiency of three amino acids leads to weight loss and impaired metabolism. If you regularly take the BCAA complex, then the process of recovery and construction of muscle fibers starts, the secretion of insulin, which regulates glucose consumption, increases. The mechanism of action of amino acids:

  • Valine. It is an energy source for muscles, maintains a high level of serotonin, which supplies energy for a long time.
  • Leucine. Responsible for the formation of protein compounds in the liver and muscles, therefore it is important for building and growing muscles.
  • Isoleucine. It takes part in cellular processes, also performing the function of an energy source.

BCAA is the main component of sports nutrition, which normalizes overall health and improves muscle tone. But it should be remembered that taking the supplement does not give any guarantees of muscle growth, since in each organism catabolic processes occur purely individually.

What is BCAA for?

The main effect of BCAA on the human body is muscle building, so an athlete who takes amino acids after training gives the muscles construction material that encourages them to grow. There is still a lot useful properties amino acid supplement, which is taken in the following cases.

For weight loss (fat burning)

Taking BCAA for weight loss allows you to saturate the blood with amino acid molecules, as a result of which muscle destruction does not occur during a low-carb diet and strength exercises. Indeed, during a dietary diet, a person who is losing weight has a low level of glycogen obtained from glucose, which gives rapid fatigue. Therefore, the body breaks down muscle fiber for energy. If you remove carbohydrates from the diet, fat is burned along with muscles. BCAA amino acids make it possible not to be afraid of catabolism during weight loss.

For muscle building

BCAA intake for recruitment muscle mass give the athlete the necessary energy reserves that he wastes during strength or aerobic training. Also, without the right amount of amino acids, there will be no gain in muscle mass, which is important for bodybuilders. Improving the training process, athletes take protein shakes, gainers and fat burners to build muscle mass on non-training days, and drink BCAAs before and after training.

For immunity

Great benefits of BCAAs and for boosting immunity. Every workout is stressful for the body. The more intense the exercise, the more the body needs amino acids, the lack of which reduces immunity. The BCAA complex is necessary for post-workout recovery, especially during demi-seasonal weather fluctuations. Scientists have proven that the food additive will strengthen the immune system even for people who do not play sports.

To release glucose

You need to take BCAAs so that amino acids help the body produce the hormones leptin and insulin, which are involved in metabolism, control appetite, and regulate glucose levels. After converting amino acids into glucose, they become an alternative source of energy for the athlete. Since BCAA amino acids increase the secretion of insulin, protein synthesis after taking them begins even in the absence of it in the body.

As a source of glutamine synthesis

Taking the supplement allows the body to produce glutamine, which affects anabolic processes. Without glutamine, it is impossible to qualitatively restore muscle tissue after power loads. Thanks to the intake of a complex of amino acids, the glutamine necessary for an athlete is synthesized directly in the muscles.

Rules for taking BCAA - time and frequency

Beginners are interested in the question: how to take BCAA? The rules for taking amino acids at rest and during training are significantly different. When active physical activity occurs, the effect of BCAA sports nutrition on the body is to inhibit catabolic processes and stimulate anabolic ones. Therefore, during training, the body needs to be recharged so as not to look for energy reserves inside the body. Amino acids are included in the fat burning process, and there is an active set of muscle mass. On days of strength training, BCAA intake is carried out immediately before the training and immediately after it ends. It is allowed to take the drug during strength training.

The effect on the body of amino acids on non-training days is not produced, so its intake is not necessary. But there is an opinion that athletes do not have enough protein from the diet for a good anabolic process, especially during cutting, so some nutritionists recommend taking the supplement in the morning immediately after eating. Catabolic processes are strong just after lifting. Summing up, we can say that the frequency of intake on training days is 3-4 times, and on rest - 1 time in the morning after sleep.

How much to take (dosage)

The optimal portion of BCAA, according to the manufacturer, is calculated as follows: 33 mg of leucine per kilogram of weight. Therefore, if you have 75 kg, then on the day of training you need to take 5 grams of BCAA. Knowing this universal formula, you can easily calculate what portion of BCAA intake for muscle growth you need, regardless of the form of release of the drug.

Release form

There is a myth that the speed of assimilation of amino acids depends on the form of release. This is wrong. It does not matter in what form the supplement is purchased, it will dissolve in the stomach in 5-10 seconds. The difference is only in the method of application: powdered BCAAs should be mixed with water and drunk, and capsules / tablets should be swallowed and washed down with water.

  1. Capsules. This is the most popular form, with which the release of the drug began. The main advantages are ease of use and neutral taste. They are easy to carry with you, and thanks to the packaging, you can not feel the bitter aftertaste of the powder when you take them. The disadvantages of the release form include the high cost of the additive compared to powder packaging.
  2. Pills. It is a compressed powder that is slower to digest than capsules but otherwise has the same benefits. It is easy to find and buy tablets at a lower price than capsules.
  3. Powder. An economical packaging that is ideal for those who want to save money. When you buy the powder form, you get 1.5 times more BCAAs. The disadvantages include a specific taste, although recently a powder with a pleasant fruity taste has appeared on the sports nutrition market, but is more expensive.
  4. Liquid. It is produced in the form of a concentrate, which quickly dissolves in water and in monodoses. This form of release has a high absorption rate, but also an expensive cost.

BCAAs in food

Essential amino acids are also found in foods, so if they are present in an athlete's diet, they should be taken into account when calculating the dose of powdered BCAAs. It would seem that there is nothing easier than swallowing a tablet with a portion of amino acids, but an athlete should not eat only supplements. To increase the restorative potential of your meal, find out which protein foods are high in BCAAs:

Which BCAAs are better - 2017 ranking

The choice of the manufacturer of BCAA amino acids is important point at the time of buying. To help with the choice, we propose to study the ranking of the best bcaa in 2017, according to professional bodybuilders:

  1. Modern BCAA USP Labs available in powder and tablets. In addition to the main three, the composition contains alanine, lysine, sustamin, taurine, glycine. This supplement was also number one in the 2016 bcaa rankings.
  2. Scivation BCAA Xtend, which is prominent representative amino acids with a powerful anti-catabolic effect. It is involved in the production of growth hormone, contributes to the recruitment of a large amount of muscle mass.
  3. Optimum Nutrition BCAA 5000 Powder, which contains 5 grams of the purest amino acids in a traditional 2:1:1 ratio per serving. A big plus of the additive is the complete absence of flavors.
  4. DYMATIZE BCAA POWDER has the highest level of absorption. Thanks to affordable price, excellent composition and high quality, the product is mega popular among non-professional athletes.
  5. Olimp BCAA Xplode- This is a complex containing, in addition to amino acids, glutamine and vitamin B. It is able to improve strength, suppress catabolic processes, and reduce fat deposits. An indisputable plus of the product is the complete absence of sugar in the composition.

Are there any contraindications for admission?

BCAA amino acids are natural product, considering that its source is dairy products, eggs, meat. But when the dosage is exceeded, it can cause allergic reactions, chills, and intestinal upset. To avoid belching and heartburn, do not take the supplement on an empty stomach, but take it strictly according to the instructions.

Do not combine BCAA intake with alcohol, which blocks the activity of a powerful anabolic growth hormone in cells. A small dose of an alcoholic drink will destroy weekly achievements in the gym.

You must have heard of BCAAs. This is not surprising, because they are the subject of everyday debate among athletes, the central topic of many scientific studies. At the same time, their effectiveness has always been confirmed.

What is BCAA?

The abbreviation BCAA means the English name Brained Chains Amino Acids or branched chain amino acids. Beneath this, meaningless abbreviation for many, are 3 of the most important amino acids - leucine, isoleucine, valine.

For the human body they essential. This means that the body cannot produce them on its own. Therefore, their reception from the outside is important.

Why BCAAs are needed - benefits for the body

BCAAs have been subjected to many scientific studies that have confirmed many positive effects on muscle growth, fat burning, improved tissue and cell regeneration.

Branched-chain amino acids, together with other essential and non-essential amino acids, form the basic building blocks proteins, which are known to be essential for muscle building.

The most important benefits:

  • Increased levels of anabolic hormones (especially testosterone and insulin).
  • Decreased levels of catabolic hormones (especially cortisol).
  • Acceleration of regeneration and muscle growth.
  • Preservation of muscle mass while dieting.
  • Relief of muscle pain after difficult workouts.

Composition of BCAAs

As mentioned above, under this reduction are hidden 3 BUN - leucine, isoleucine and valine. Let's take a closer look at their main functions in the body:

  • L-leucine. An important proteinogenic amino acid responsible for a number of important reactions in the body. Leucine improves performance, promotes the regeneration of muscle fibers. Some scientific studies also show that it is able to replace a temporary lack of carbohydrates. It is the amino acid with the highest anabolic effect.
  • L-isoleucine. AMC, which also has importance for the body. Isoleucine can be rapidly converted to glucose, conserving muscle glycogen stores and therefore promoting hemoglobin formation.
  • L-valine. One of the most important components of elastic fibers in tissues, affecting the absorption of melanin, tryptophan, phenylalanine and other nerve carriers.

Action of BCAAs in the body

The main difference between branched-chain amino acids and all other amino acids is their action in the body.

During meals, proteins enter the stomach and small intestine, from there they pass through the intestinal wall to the liver, which is responsible for maintaining a constant level of amino acids in the blood plasma. The liver accumulates glucoplastic amino acids, synthesizes non-essential amino acids, and catabolizes essential ones.

But this does not apply to branched-chain amino acids. They do not enter the liver from the bloodstream at all, but are available to working muscles, which can use them as a direct source of energy. This helps to preserve your own reserves of amino acids and muscle glycogen.

Who are BCAAs for?

Branched-chain amino acids are used in all sports. For example, in strength sports, the protection of muscle mass during weight loss, a better hormonal response, and a reduction in muscle pain are appreciated. For runners and cyclists, the big advantage is the delay in muscle fatigue during long workouts.

BCAAs are also valued in weight loss diets. Many scientific studies have shown that people who have enough of them in their diet are less prone to obesity. These amino acids help burn fat while maintaining muscle mass.

Possible harm and side effects

Given that all dietary supplements sold on the European market must meet very strict criteria. Hence, their side effects are minimal.

Of course, there are exceptions. In this regard, allergic reactions, digestive disorders are most common. If these problems occur, it is recommended that you first adjust the dosage and, if symptoms persist, discontinue the supplement completely.

Liver damage

Many online discussions often discuss whether BCAAs can damage the liver. For a correct answer, it is important to understand how they actually work. While most other amino acids are degraded in the stomach and small intestine, from where they pass through the vascular walls to the liver, BCAA does not enter the liver at all. They are immediately used as energy for the muscles.

Therefore, BCAAs cannot damage the liver because they do not pass through it. But their use should not be exaggerated.


Branched-chain amino acids can cause nausea if expired (hence oxidation). For this reason, it is important to carefully check the product's expiration date before purchasing.

If non expired amino acids are causing nausea, make sure you don't take too many of them. Excessive consumption can cause an increase in the amount of water in the digestive tract, hence digestive problems.


Digging into the issue of BCAAs, you will find that their dosage is not limited to training or the post-workout period. You can benefit from their many benefits any time during the day.

On an empty stomach, before a workout or before bed?

Why you should consume BCAAs before and after training is clear from the above information. Before training, they protect muscle mass, provide energy during training, and suppress catabolic hormones. Reception after training supports regeneration processes.

You can use BMA in the morning along with glutamine. Why? Because of leucine, which, according to many scientific studies, stimulates protein synthesis, inhibits catabolic hormones, regulates insulin, stabilizes blood glucose. Combined with glutamine fortifying immune system and boosting growth hormone levels, it creates the perfect breakfast smoothie.

Reception on a non-training day

On a day without training is important proper nutrition and enough sleep for the body to recover. In this case, taking BCAAs is not necessary, but you can take the morning dose discussed above.

All athletes are well acquainted with such a dietary supplement as BCAA.

What is BCAA

This is a complex that includes 3 proteinogenic amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. They are very important for the human body, because thanks to them protein is synthesized. But the body is not able to synthesize them on its own, so they are combined into one complex and ideally complement each other's action. This supplement is very popular among bodybuilders, as these amino acids are important for people with high physical activity. They are the basis for the synthesis of other amino acids by the body. Compared to regular protein, which is also actively consumed by athletes, BCAAs are already split protein, which tremendously speeds up its absorption.

The effect of BCAAs on the body and muscles

A significant portion of muscle mass is made up of leucine, isoleucine, and valine. In addition, these amino acids provide a lot of additional energy, which is a great advantage for an athlete during training. During active sports, muscles are lost, so its renewal is a very important point. When taking BCAAs, the endurance of the body and muscles increases. The use of this supplement before training will help get rid of the feeling of fatigue, and after training it will prevent the loss of important amino acids, or restore energy. Energy will appear due to the release of the hormone serotonin, which will just appear due to the action of BCAAs. These amino acids have exactly the same effect on a woman's body as they do on a man's.

Main functions of the BCAA

  • Since BCAAs are a split protein, presented in the form of three essential acids, which are the basis for building muscle, the main function is to obtain material for building muscle mass. The effect of BCAAs on the body is manifested mainly in this.
  • Also, these three amino acids provoke other important substances that are very important for the body. For example, insulin is produced, which delivers energy to muscle cells.
  • Thanks to BCAAs, muscle loss can be prevented. This property is very important for athletes on a low-calorie diet, since during this period their body receives extremely few calories, and BCAAs will compensate for this and block muscle loss.

How to use

There is an interval of the BCAA intake norm - this is from 4 grams to 8. It is relevant both for athletes pursuing the goal of gaining weight, and for losing weight. The maximum number of times per day is 3. Of course, you can consume less of these amino acids, but this rate is designed for complete saturation. Some manufacturers decide to cheat due to the fact that some buyers may not know the nuances, and sell BCAAs in reduced doses, while leaving the price the same. So you should be more careful and carefully read the description of the purchased product.

BCAA is a fairly independent complex of amino acids that does not require the additional use of others, moreover, when only leucine, isoleucine and valine enter the body, they will be absorbed much faster. BCAA does not require breaks in admission. In order for these proteinogenic amino acids to be absorbed more efficiently, it is best to take them half an hour before and after sports. At this time, the body produces insulin, which will help absorption.

Is BCAA harmful?

There has been a lot of buzz about the BCAAs among sports people lately. Reviews say completely different things: either these amino acids are necessary for the body, or they are harmful.

If you use a product of dubious quality and origin, then, of course, it can be hazardous to health. The demand for BCAAs is growing, and in this regard, underground enterprises do not sit idly by, releasing dubious fakes.

Incorrect storage conditions can also have an adverse effect on the quality of the product. To avoid this, it is important to study the necessary operating rules and follow them in order to avoid spoilage of the nutritional supplement. In addition, do not forget to know the consumption norms and stick to them.

The effect of BCAAs on the liver is only possible if you have liver and kidney disease. In this case, the use can really cause some side effects and it is better to consult a doctor before use. But in general, in the absence of such diseases, there is no harm from BCAAs. Reviews mainly talk about the good help of these amino acids to the athlete's body.

What side effects can bcaa have?

Friends, hello everyone! We, the Valitov brothers, are glad again online meeting with you on our blog. Today we will continue to acquaint you with sports nutrition.

After all, it is extremely necessary for athletes as highly concentrated additives to the diet of their special nutrition.

One of them is the bcaa amino acid sports supplement, the side effects of which are observed by some athletes, painting them in rather dark colors.

However, we will try to dispel the groundlessness of many myths, highlighting the grains of truth.

Usually, many bodybuilders consider bcaa to be the main supplier of energy to the muscles at the cellular level, providing them with a reserve of energy during the workout.

In addition, with this supplement, they quickly build muscle, reducing the time, ten times, to build up working weight for future results.

In this article, we will look at what bcaa actually is, what is its mechanism of action on the human body, and how to use this supplement correctly.

Then you will learn which and why side effects may occur from its use in men or women. To whom it is contraindicated, and what myths connect the reverse side of the “medal” of this issue.

Bcaa and its composition

High-quality sports nutrition bcaa is a complex of three natural amino acids: leucine, valine, isoleucine.

These components are isolated from whey protein, which can be fed from fermented filtered cow's milk and eggs.


  • Valine is needed by men and women who engage in fairly high physical activity to maintain normal nitrogen levels so that their muscles can receive enough energy for growth, general metabolism, tissue structure restoration.
  • Isoleucine is responsible in the body in men and women for the synthesis of hemoglobin, the normalization of blood sugar levels, and the energy supply of muscle tissue cells.
  • Leucine is not only an active component of metabolism, but also a kind of catalyst that makes all components work interconnected with full efficiency.

In ordinary life, these essential amino acids in the body of men or women are not synthesized on their own, so they can get them by eating:

  • meat;
  • Cereals;
  • Orekhov;
  • brown rice;
  • Fish;
  • Legumes, especially soybeans;
  • Mushrooms;
  • dairy products;
  • Peanuts;
  • Liver.

The effect of bcaa on athletes

The three constituent amino acids are not without reason chosen for the basis of the bcaa sports supplement, for men and women, as they:

  • They are most quickly absorbed by the body, literally after 15 minutes, entering immediately into muscle tissue without affecting the liver;
  • Contribute to an additional resource for the restoration of protein volumes lost during intense training;
  • Stimulates the formation of insulin;
  • Maintain muscle tone, providing an increase in lean muscle mass;
  • Facilitate fat loss;
  • Protect muscle muscles from destruction during increased physical overstrain or due to malnutrition.

Let's take a closer look at these positions.

Strength boost

During exercise by men or women, the effective amino acid substrate from bcaa begins to oxidize in their body, turning into an easily accessible source of energy.

At the same time, glucose from their breakdown enters immediately into the bloodstream, activating the metabolic mechanism, which allows:

  • Avoid destruction of muscle tissue;
  • Achieve the formation of relief muscles;
  • Raise the level of strength and endurance.

Decreased body fat

The use of bcaa by athletes, and especially by women, contributes to the destruction of excess fat cells in them.

This is due to the regulation of metabolic processes by amino acids that control body weight, normalize energy metabolism, slowing down the formation of body fat.

Following a healthy diet along with the use of this sports supplement in the diet in the body of athletes:

  • Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal system;
  • Reduced fat stores
  • Waste and toxins are cleared.

Increase in general tone

bcaa amino acids are not medicine. In the recommended amount they are:

  • Do not affect the kidneys;
  • Do not increase pressure;
  • Does not contribute to the development of cancer;
  • Do not cause severe poisoning or stomach ulcers;
  • Do not reduce male potency.

All these factors have been proven and confirmed by numerous studies of physicians and specialists. In addition, they found that this biological supplement has an anticonvulsant and antidepressant effect, which contributes to athletes:

  • Normalization of work nervous system, due to the mild sedative effect;
  • Improving well-being;
  • Getting rid of the state of excessive anxiety;
  • Increased libido and potency;
  • A surge of strength and additional good rest.

How to take bcaa?

To achieve the maximum effect from taking this sports supplement, each athlete, whether male or female, needs to contact a personal trainer who can calculate an individual intake regimen for him.

It is usually taken before, during and after exercise. However, there are general rules for all of them.

  • Do not exceed the recommended dose.
  • Do not take on an empty stomach.
  • Consume with a high carbohydrate meal such as a sports energy drink or protein shake.
  • Use the product only from a trusted reliable manufacturer.

It is after this point that we would like to reveal a little secret to you.

Did your trainer advise you to include bcaa in your diet? This is fine!

However, take our advice! Don't skimp on your health.

choose quality product, isolated from natural raw materials, and not synthesized chemically.

However, you should know that the correct amino acid complex has a bitter taste.

Its powder forms a film when dissolved in water, and the crystals here do not completely dissolve when stirred.

Possible side effects

Rumors that bcaa cause problems with joints, potency or the cardiovascular system are absolutely not justified.

And even the fact that toxins from the processing of amino acids can settle in cells, not be excreted, and eventually form cancerous tumors is an absolutely unproven assumption.

But this sports nutrition can really cause a side effect in people with diseases of the pancreas, kidneys, liver, enzymatic deficiency or having an allergic reaction to any component of the complex.

Such factors can provoke an athlete:

  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Rash;
  • Problems with the urinary system.

Where to find out more?

Many today want to play sports, be healthy, have a beautiful relief body.

However, sometimes they lack information that can optimally cover all these issues at once.

To help beginner athletes, Dr. Susan Kleiner has released an additional edition of her book. « Sports nutrition for the winners. Health. Fitness. Sport", which can be purchased in the online store

If you want to know more about the bcaa sports supplement, become our subscribers to the Valitov brothers blog. We will give you a unique opportunity to be the first to know about updates on this issue.

All health, good luck, sports achievements and see you soon!
