All girls and women want to look good, and for this they try to keep their figure under control, and the figure is also very important for athletes. However, you can get a beautiful figure only if you carefully follow it. And for this, many people limit themselves to food, excluding foods that can adversely affect the relief.

And the first product that everyone is trying to exclude is lipids. Many women who want to lose weight consider fat to be their enemy, and try to completely eliminate it from their diet. However, it is an element necessary for the body, which is just as important as proteins and other useful substances. But they are only useful if you follow the norm. And so many people have a question, how much fat should a person consume per day, how much does an athlete and someone who wants to lose weight need?

However, before answering this question, you should understand: why they are needed at all, what types of lipids exist, and how many grams of fat a person needs to eat per day when losing weight.

Types of fats needed by a person

Lipids are necessary for the human body, as they are the main energy resource, which is very important for athletes. Indeed, to perform many physical exercises, the body needs a large amount of energy.

The role of lipids in metabolic processes is also important. In addition to all this, lipids perform the following main functions:

  1. Protect internal organs.
  2. Reduce the harmful effects of low temperatures.
  3. Are additional source energy.

They are also necessary for the cells of the body, are involved in the production of hormones, affect the immune system of the body. Lipids are essential for many vital processes. Therefore, girls who want to lose weight should not neglect fats, as they are as important as carbohydrates and proteins. However, this does not apply to all types of fats. Since they secrete harmful and beneficial lipids. There are 4 types of fats.

Trans fats

Trans fats are bad. They are found in large quantities in confectionery, semi-finished products, fast food, chips, and in some types of vegetable oil. Fats belonging to this type are harmful to every person. Often they become the cause of many diseases: diabetes, heart and liver diseases. Doctors advise to exclude their diet altogether.

However, not everyone can do this, so you should try to eat as little trans fat as possible. Athletes and people who want to lose weight should not eat foods containing trans fats, as they lead to a sharp increase in body weight.

Saturated fatty acids

Saturated fatty acids, if not observed, harm a person. They are found in large quantities in meat, milk, and chocolate. Not so long ago, doctors believed that it was this type of lipid that led to an increase in cholesterol. However, after a lot of research, doctors changed their minds. It was found that cholesterol levels are not affected by fatty acids, but by carbohydrates contained in these products.

Therefore, if you eat a small amount of foods containing trans fats, they will not bring any harm to the body.

But if you do not control the rate, and eat too much carbohydrate foods, then fatty acids have a harmful effect on the human body.

In addition to causing vascular diseases, they also prevent weight loss. Since they are deposited in the body, and in particular, on the hips and waist. Therefore, it is important to know how much saturated fat a person should eat per day. For an adult, the norm is 4 grams of saturated fat per 1 kilogram of body weight per day. If you comply with this norm, then fatty acids will only benefit. For athletes and girls who want to lose weight, it is advisable to reduce the amount of fatty acids absorbed by 1 gram. But it is impossible to completely exclude their diet, as this will lead to a sharp drop in testosterone levels.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Polyunsaturated fatty acids found in meat, butter, fish, etc. These fatty acids are useful for everyone, they can be consumed in sufficient quantities and for those who want to lose weight. Doctors recommend that in the diet of every person there are foods containing polyunsaturated fats. However, one should also not forget about the norm.

Monounsaturated fatty acids

Monounsaturated fatty acids are beneficial lipids. Found in olive and peanut oils, avocados, poultry meat, etc. Monounsaturated fatty acids are very beneficial for the human body. They help prevent heart attacks and strokes, are aimed at lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, and have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. Doctors recommend using them for people who are overweight. Since the presence of monounsaturated fats in the diet helps to lose weight quickly.

However, only what enters the body in the required amount brings benefits, and even useful in excess can be harmful. Therefore, it is important to know exactly how much monounsaturated fat you need to consume per day.

According to studies, monounsaturated fats should not exceed 15% of the daily calorie intake. Only in this case they are useful to a person.

How much fat should be in your daily diet?

As already mentioned, fats are necessary human body like proteins and carbohydrates. Therefore, even for those who want to lose weight, lipids should not be completely excluded from the diet. The amount of fatty acids that a person should eat per day depends on his height and weight. Therefore, before calculating the norm, doctors advise finding the optimal weight. The calculation of the optimal weight is as follows:

  1. If the girl's height is 150-165 sentiments, then 100 must be subtracted from it; if the height of a woman is 166-175 centimeters, then you need to subtract 105; with a growth of more than 175 centimeters, you need to subtract 110.
  2. After that, you need to determine what type of bone: if the bone is thin, then 10% must be subtracted from the amount received, if it is wide, then 10% must be added.
  3. The resulting amount will be the optimal weight.

The amount of fat consumed is determined in grams per kilogram of weight. So, for example, if the height and weight of a girl is 165 cm and 70 kg, and her optimal weight should be 65 kilograms. Then the amount of fat consumed will be 52 grams per day. When calculating the optimal amount, it is important to remember that the diet should not exceed 4 grams, for those who want to lose weight, it is better to reduce this level to 1 gram per 1 kg.

The optimal amount of fat that a person should eat per day is different for everyone, so everyone needs to calculate the rate on their own.

How much fat can be consumed by those who want to lose weight?

For people who want to lose weight, nutritionists advise based on the number of calories consumed per day. A person with an average physique is recommended to consume no more than 200 kcal per day. But for those who want to lose weight, you need to reduce this level.

Therefore, in addition to fats, the amount of proteins and carbohydrates consumed per day is reduced. For fast weight loss you need to reduce the number of calories to 1300. You can calculate how much fat you need per day when losing weight like this:

  1. Given that 25% of calories are fat, a person consumes 337.5 kcal of fat per day.
  2. If there are 9 kcal per 1 gram of fat, then those who are losing weight need to consume 37.5 grams of fat (337.5 / 9 kcal).

To reduce weight, it is not enough just to reduce the amount of food consumed, constant physical activity is also important.

How to reduce the amount of fat in the diet?

You can’t completely cut out fats, but you can reduce their level. To do this, doctors advise the following:

  1. Do not cook with sunflower oil.
  2. Eat fried food as little as possible.
  3. Do not eat chicken fat and skin.
  4. Completely eliminate food from the diet fast food, semi-finished products and sausage.
  5. Instead, eat more fish, cottage cheese, chicken fillet and egg whites.

Fats are essential for the human body to function properly. Therefore, no matter how much a person wants to lose weight, it is impossible to completely refuse fats. Since this will adversely affect health: there may be problems with nervous system, weaken the immune system, there will be a malfunction in the digestive tract, etc. But at the same time, eating fat in excess of the norm is also harmful to the body.

First of all, this leads to a sharp increase in the amount of excess weight, cholesterol and memory problems. Therefore, it is important to comply with the norm. Everyone must independently calculate their rate, based on weight and height. However, for those who want to lose weight, the amount of fatty acids consumed will need to be reduced to 1 gram per 1 kg of weight.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

We get proteins, fats and carbohydrates every day with food, and all of them are vital for us. These substances are found in varying amounts in almost any food product and are called macronutrients. Why do we need them?

What are proteins, fats and carbohydrates for?

Proteins - construction material for all body cells. They are made up of amino acids, which are divided into essential and non-essential. Replaceable can be synthesized in the human body, irreplaceable get there only as part of food. Proteins are needed for growth, development, and in general for any physiological process; at the same time, they are completely safe in terms of the possible accumulation of excess weight. Protein sources include meat, fish, dairy products and legumes.

Fats are made up of fatty acids, which are divided into saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Today, everyone is hearing useful omega-3 and omega-6 acids, belonging to the group of polyunsaturated and capable of lowering cholesterol levels. Also, fats are necessary for the absorption of vitamins, the synthesis of a number of hormones, and the normal functioning of many body systems. They are found in foods of both animal (meat, fish, dairy products) and vegetable (nuts, seeds, vegetable oils) origin. Excess fat intake is the path to losing weight.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. They are simple (glucose, sucrose and others) and complex (fiber, glycogen). The breakdown of carbohydrates provides the body with energy, the unused part of which can be converted into body fat. The main sources of carbohydrates are vegetables, fruits, cereals, sweets.

macronutrients and calories

In the diet of an adult, in order to maintain his health and constant body weight, there must be a certain ratio of these nutrients. Yes, our daily menu should contain:

  • 10-25% proteins;
  • 20-35% fat;
  • 45-65% carbohydrates.

Once in the digestive system, proteins, fats and carbohydrates undergo splitting with the release of energy necessary for the implementation of vital processes. The received energy is measured in units - kilocalories (kcal), which are often called calories for brevity.

The energy value of macronutrients varies. 1 gram of proteins and carbohydrates is broken down with the release of 4 kcal, 1 gram of fat - 9 kcal.

Diet calories and macronutrient ratio for weight loss

A person's weight depends on how many calories enter the body and how much is consumed. If these amounts are approximately equal, the mass remains stable. If more calories come in than are expended, energy is stored “in reserve” in the form of body fat.

Accordingly, in order to lose weight, you need to spend more calories than consumed with food.

In order to calculate the daily calorie content of your diet and calculate the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a number of simple formulas are used. Try to do the calculations for yourself using these formulas and examples.

1. First you need to calculate your basal metabolic rate.

For women: 655 + (9.6 x weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age);
For men: 66 + (13.7 x weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.76 x age).

For example, let's take a 30-year-old woman with a height of 165 cm and a weight of 65 kg.
Her basal metabolism will be: 655 + (9.6 x 65) + (1.8 x 165) - (4.7 x 30) = 655 + 624 + 297 - 141 = 1435 kcal / day.

- Inactive (complete lack of sports or rare activity) - 1.2;
- Sedentary (light loads 1-3 times a week) - 1.375;
- Medium (average load 3-5 days a week) - 1.55;
- Very active (heavy load 6-7 days a week) - 1.725;
- Hyperactive (very heavy physical activity and physical work 7 days a week) - 1.9.

Let's say our woman works in an office, mostly sedentary work, which she gets to by transport. However, she is in charge household, she likes to go shopping and sometimes wanders into the fitness club. So her activity factor is 1.375.

3.Now you need to determine the daily calorie intake using the formula:

Basal metabolic rate x activity coefficient.
In our example, this is 1435 kcal/day x 1.375 = 1973 kcal/day.

4. Subtracting 500 kcal from the figure obtained, we will get the number of calories that we need to consume in order to lose weight.

1973 - 500 = 1473 kcal / day.

5. In order not to drive ourselves into such a strict framework, we calculate the so-called “calorie corridor” using the formulas:

Calorie for weight loss - 250 = lower limit
Calorie for weight loss + 100 = upper limit.

In our example, this is:

1473 - 250 \u003d 1223 kcal / day.
1473 + 100 = 1573 kcal / day.

That is, in order to lose weight, our woman needs to keep the calorie content of her daily diet within 1223 - 1573 kcal / day.

With these calculations, it is very important to remember that the daily caloric intake for women should not be lower than 1200 kcal. Calorie content less than this figure will negatively affect the state of health. 1200 kcal per day is also very small, so it’s better to consume more calories after all. If you stay within the calorie corridor, you will still lose weight.

6. And finally, the calculation of the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

To do this, let's return to their energy capacity and percentage in the daily diet - 10-25% proteins, 20-35% fats and 45-65% carbohydrates. And we calculate what proportion they should take, given the upper and lower limits of the calorie corridor.

For our example, these will be the following values:

(1223 x 0.10) / 4 = 30.5 g
(1573 x 0.25) / 4 = 98 g

(1223 x 0.20) / 9 = 27 g
(1573 x 0.35) / 9 = 61 g

(1223 x 0.45) / 4 = 137.5 g
(1573 x 0.65) / 4 = 256 g

Thus, in order to lose weight, the woman from the example should consume 30.5 - 98 g of protein per day, 27 - 61 g of fat and 137.5 - 256 g of carbohydrates.
Of course, this is an approximate calculation, and the indicated quantities do not have to be observed to the nearest tenth of a unit.

Another roadblock to weight loss

We hope you have successfully reached the end of the calculations, and now you have a sheet of numbers in front of you, according to which you will have to make up your diet. And how to compose it? This is where the next batch of difficulties begins. There are almost no types of food in the world that contain only proteins, only fats or only carbohydrates - all products are mixed, with a predominance of certain compounds. So 100 grams of meat is not at all equivalent to 100 grams of protein. And you will not succeed in trying to bring your diet into perfect alignment with the results of your arithmetic exercises.

In the daily diet of a person must be present all the main macronutrients. Refusal or sharp restriction of some of them will negatively affect your health and well-being. On the other hand, each person is individual, and the need for certain substances may also differ.

Counting the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is just one of the many ways to achieve harmony and health. But, at the same time, one of the most difficult to perform. So it is not necessary to strictly follow it. You will achieve no less results if you simply eat a varied diet, trying to eat less animal fats and sweets. And you can spend the time freed from complex calculations with more useful: first - to visit the gym, then - to update the wardrobe ...

As you know, daily protein intake is necessary for maintaining health and proper functioning of the body. And if you want to lose weight, build muscle, improve your appearance or body capacity, protein (and quantity) becomes even more important.

Now that you know why you need it, the question is "how much?". More specifically, how much protein your body needs to achieve a specific goal.

What is protein?

Protein (from English - protein) is an organic substance that consists of a set of amino acids. Amino acids are organic matter consisting mainly of acids. There are several hundred of them, but only a couple of dozen are actively used to build the cells of all life on planet earth. Other types of amino acids are very rare and only in certain organisms.

It should be noted here that all protein structures consist of the same amino acids, but the difference is that the order and quantity of each amino acid in the cell is different. This is also called the amino acid profile.

For example, in humans, protein structures for a whole third (30-35%) consist of only 3 amino acids - leucine, isoleucine and valine. They are also called essential amino acids BCAA (branched chain amino acids - amino acids with branched side chains), because. the body cannot synthesize them on its own from other amino acids.

Therefore, from all this we can conclude that we need to eat protein rich in essential amino acids and with a good amino acid profile (high content of different amino acids). That is why a varied diet is so important.

This was the introduction. Now let's move on to the recommendations for the amount of protein per day.

The role of protein in the body

Daily protein intake

The daily amount of protein will be individual for each person. It depends on weight, level of physical activity and metabolic rate.

It is worth considering the purpose of training. Many people think that the amount of protein in the diet should be monitored only when building muscle mass. But with weight loss, the body experiences an even greater need for protein foods. Indeed, in conditions of a calorie deficit, muscles begin to break down. You can save them only if you eat enough protein.

Especially important is the increase in the proportion of protein foods on drying. Many people confuse it with regular weight loss. But you cannot compare drying with a diet. During the first, you need to consume as few carbohydrates as possible, and this is a lot of stress for the body. Therefore, only professional athletes should resort to such measures.

In addition, drying is carried out only after sufficient muscle mass. As a result, the body should become embossed by reducing the percentage of body fat. In order not to lose gained muscle, athletes have to consume a lot of protein. But it should be understood that the drying period should be short. Usually it is from 2 to 6 weeks in preparation for the competition.

The ratio of nutrients during classes to achieve a particular goal is shown in the picture.

The required protein intake per day is calculated in grams per 1 kg of body weight.

The generally accepted approximate norms are:

  • 1 - 1.6 g for an ordinary person who does not go in for sports;
  • 1.6 - 2.2 g for a set of muscle mass;
  • 2.2 - 2.6 g for weight loss;
  • 2.6 - 3.3 g for drying.

Based on this, it is easy to calculate the daily allowance for yourself. All you have to do is multiply your body weight in kilograms by required amount squirrel. For example, a girl weighing 50 kilograms who wants to lose weight should consume 110-130 grams per day.

Doctors do not recommend consuming more than 3 g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. After all, its excess leads to problems with the liver and kidneys. Therefore, the norm of 3.3 g per kilogram of weight is justified only in conditions of hard drying for professional athletes.

How Protein Affects Total Daily Calories

Now that you know how much protein you need and what foods you can get it from, the last step remains. You need to calculate how many calories per day you get from protein. Don't worry, it's simple.

The only thing you need to know: 1 g of protein contains 4 calories.

Now you need to multiply the grams of daily amount of protein calculated earlier by 4 to find out exactly how many calories you will receive. Here are some examples:

Take the 65 kg woman from the previous example. She consumes 130 g of protein per day. We get 130 x 4 = 520. In this example, 520 calories of total daily intake will come from protein.

Information for men

Now a 90 kg man. He consumes 220 grams of protein per day. We get 220 x 4 = 880. In this example, 880 calories of total daily calories will come from protein.

Now you. Multiply the ideal amount of protein that you calculated a minute ago by 4. That's how many calories you will have in your daily diet for protein.

This step may seem pointless or confusing, but don't worry. This will help you with other calculations to come up with the perfect meal plan.

How much protein can be digested at a time?

It is widely believed that only 30 grams can be digested at a time. Complete nonsense. There is no counter in the body that counts these 30 grams. Remember, the body will absorb exactly as much protein at a time as it needs this protein at that very moment. It can be 20, 30, 40 and even 100 grams. Of course, you can never know how much protein your body needs right now. So just share your daily requirement in protein for 4-5 doses per day. So the risk of missing and drinking excess protein is minimized. Let's say if you weigh 100 kg and take 200 grams of protein per day, then divide this 200 by 4-5. And it will turn out 40 - 50 grams at a time.

In general, I suspect that information about 30 grams at a time was deliberately distributed by sports nutrition manufacturers so that you drink protein more often. It's a conspiracy theory! We are being watched!)) Well, or so they decided on the basis of 1 - 2 experiments, in which there were large errors or a highly specialized selection of people.

Top 3 Protein Myths

No. 1. Diets high in protein can "plant" the kidneys

To date (2017), there is no study that confirms that a high-protein diet causes any kidney damage or dysfunction in healthy people. On the contrary, the International Journal of Sport Nutrition (USA, 2016) published data that showed that bodybuilders following a diet high in protein did not in any way negatively affect their blood / urine parameters.

Conclusion: if you do not initially have diagnosed / confirmed kidney problems, you are not a professional athlete who is preparing for a high-level competition, then high-protein nutrition can in no way (ceteris paribus) damage your kidneys.

No. 2. only 30 grams per dose

Another myth about protein, which says that you need to consume no more than 30 grams of protein at a time, and more of it is not absorbed by the body.

Numerous scientific experiments of research laboratories sports nutrition, in particular, Supplement Lab USA, they say that the human body is able to digest 30, 40 and even 80 grams at one time. protein per dose. That is, conditionally, everything that a person takes from protein foods. However, from the total amount absorbed, he will use only the amount of protein that is needed for recovery. muscle tissue. Excess protein will be used to solve other problems of the body or used as energy.

No. 3. too much protein will make me fat

It is a myth. Protein is a macronutrient responsible for a wide range of functions in the body, from DNA replication to the transport of molecules. Protein alone (a high protein diet) does not make a person fat, because the pathways that allow protein to be converted into fatty acids are so small that they will not cause fat to accumulate. In addition, the protein “releases” the hormone glucagon, which is responsible (including) for burning fat, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. Also, the protein has a thermogenic effect, i.e. promotes calorie consumption.

What is the best time of day to consume protein?

Until now, bodybuilders are trying to establish the optimal time for protein intake. Should I take it before, during or after a workout? Should it be consumed daily before meals or after? It is the amount of protein consumed per day that is important here, and not the time of its consumption. Whether it's an omelette in the morning, a protein shake after a workout, or cottage cheese before bed, your priority should always be daily rate, which was mentioned above.

The rate of muscle protein synthesis remains elevated for 3-5 hours after protein intake. By consuming about 20 grams of protein 3-4 times a day, you stimulate protein synthesis while simultaneously breaking down protein. Studies have shown that consuming more than 20 grams of protein per meal does not provide any real benefit.

However, this does not mean that consuming more protein is a complete waste. While the extra protein won't speed up protein synthesis, it can minimize muscle breakdown, as well as being stored in your "amino acid store" for later use or as an energy source during long, intense workouts.

Fats are an essential part of a person's daily diet. They are just as important as proteins and carbohydrates. Therefore, even if you urgently need to lose weight, you cannot refuse them. Let's try to figure out how much fat you need to eat per day, so as not to harm your health and not gain weight.

Lipid classification

Lipids are animal and vegetable, unsaturated and saturated. Saturated are rich in saturated fatty acids. They are obtained from animal products. But it is more useful to eat polyunsaturated fatty acids extracted from plant foods. They normalize cholesterol levels and improve the adaptive capacity of the body.

But saturated fats should not be completely eliminated from the diet. They are responsible for the production of sex hormones. So, for example, in order to conceive and bear a child, a woman’s daily diet should consist of 25% of different types fats.

How much fat should a person eat to lose weight

Many people trying to lose weight think about how much fat they need to eat in order to make their body more beautiful and fit. At the same time, you need to understand that a complete rejection of lipids does not guarantee an ideal figure. On the contrary, it can result in serious metabolic disorders. Therefore, it is impossible to completely forget about lipids. You need to get them from:

olive, corn, sunflower, soybean and rapeseed oils;

· pistachios, almonds, peanuts, cashews;

tofu cheese;

germinated wheat germ;


· fatty varieties fish.

During lipid restriction, nutritionists recommend taking fish oil capsules. The minimum dose of the drug is one capsule per day. The maximum should be determined during a personal consultation with a dietitian.

But bad fats - saturated and transgenic - must be discarded. A lot of them are found in palm and coconut oil, creamy yogurt, full-fat milk, sausages, bacon, fatty meat, pastries, muffins, margarine, sandwich butter.

How many grams of fat do women and men need to stay healthy

If there are too many lipids, the process of losing weight will slow down, so it is important to correctly calculate your own daily requirement for this component. According to scientific research, to maintain health, a person should eat 1 gram of fat per 1 kg of his weight per day. That is, with a weight of 60 kg, you need to eat 60 grams of fat.

But we must not forget that these should not be harmful lipids contained in fatty foods and muffins, but useful ones extracted from vegetable oils etc.

What causes lipid deficiency in the body

Lipid deficiency in the diet is manifested by the following symptoms:

Weight gain despite attempts to lose weight

hair loss and splitting;

the appearance of wrinkles, deterioration of the skin;

Deterioration of memory and attention characteristics;

disorders in the work of the heart.

This once again confirms that fats are very important for humans. Without them, health cannot be strong.

On a note

Both bad and good fats contain the same amount of calories - about 9 kcal per gram.

When heated, vegetable fats become very harmful. It is better to fry in lard than in high-quality olive oil. So the damage to health will be less.

Eating only fat-free foods leads to persistent disturbances in metabolic processes.

· Complete rejection of lipids does not guarantee rapid weight loss, but can result in a stable weight gain due to a slowdown in metabolism.

In the fight against excess weight, the question is always relevant, how much fat you need to consume per day when losing weight. First of all, I would like to note that it is a mistake to consider weight gain solely as a merit of fat. In fact, the main culprits of extra pounds are carbohydrates, because the body, consuming them, does not have time to come to its senses, as they manage to be deposited in the form of fat.

Today we will try to figure out how many lipids you can consume per day so as not to get better, and also consider how there are harmful and healthy fats for weight loss.

Lipids, they are also fats, are organic compounds, the role of which is not easy to overestimate. Their main advantage is the energy function, which means the supply of calories to the body. Regarding the benefits of lipids, the following main points can be noted:

  1. Since the human brain is 40% adipose tissue, it needs constant nourishment to ensure normal operation.
  2. Fats are the precursors of all hormones. It follows that with their deficiency in the body, hormonal failure can occur.
  3. Lipids contribute to the absorption of vitamins A, E and C. At the same time, they ensure the transport of nutrients through the cell membrane.
  4. Fats provide a feeling of satiety.
  5. They support human immunity and have anti-inflammatory functions.

Everything described is just the “tip of the iceberg” of the usefulness of lipids, and very truncated. Regarding how much fat you need to consume per day (to lose weight), health organizations recommend that you stick to the norm of 20-35% of total calories consumed. Separately, it is necessary to calculate the daily diet, which ensures weight loss for a specific person with individual parameters. Any online calculator can cope with this task, or you can make miscalculations yourself using the Muffin-Jeor formula. To determine the optimal volume (hereinafter referred to as OO), one should:

  1. First of all, calculate the main exchange: 10 * weight + 6.25 * height - 5 * age - 161. For example, the main exchange in a 32-year-old man weighing 88 kg, height 165 cm will be: 10 * 88 + 6, 25 * 165 - 5 * 32 - 161 \u003d 1590.25 kcal.
  2. The basal exchange must be multiplied by a suitable coefficient. If a person adheres to a sedentary lifestyle, then by 1.2, with little activity - by 1.375, with medium or high activity - by 1.550 or 1.735, respectively. So, our man goes in for sports 2 times a week. It follows from this: 1590.25 * 1.375 \u003d 2187 kcal. This is the diet in which he can maintain the existing weight.

However, if this person wants to safely lose weight for health, he needs to reduce the diet by 20-30%. The rate of lipids can be calculated using the following formula: Nl \u003d Diet (kcal) * 30 (%) / 100 (%) / 9 (kcal per 1 g of fat). It turns out that the man from the example needs to consume at least 72.9 g of fat per day.

Lipids are divided into 2 main groups:

  1. Saturated.
  2. Unsaturated.

The first group includes fats, the content of a lot of hydrogen in the chemical structure, due to which they are able to remain in solid form, regardless of temperature regime. Therefore, when a person consumes saturated fats, the body is not able to fully digest them, which is why a certain amount of such compounds is deposited on the walls of the stomach, enters the blood, being converted from cholesterol. However, it is impossible to unequivocally state that saturated fats are harmful to the body, since, in addition to harmful substances they also provide useful vitamins.

Therefore, overweight people are advised to consume saturated fats in a limited amount. This group includes products such as meat, butter and Palm oil. When making a choice, it is better to give preference to boiled meat dishes than oil.

Unsaturated lipids are considered more beneficial for the body. They, in turn, are divided into several subgroups:

  • fats with polyunsaturated fats;
  • lipids with monounsaturated acids.

The main difference between unsaturated fats is that they bring more useful elements in the body, which are able to be absorbed completely, without having time to bring cholesterol. Also, healthy fats can stabilize blood sugar levels, provide satiety, speed up metabolism, burn calories, and favorably affect hormonal levels.

What and where are important fats?

Let's try to figure out which fats are important to include in daily diets:

  1. Fish fat. The benefits of these lipids have been repeatedly proven, not only in the task of losing weight, but also for health in general. In addition, the consumption of fish oil increases the effectiveness of training. These fats are found in foods such as cod liver, halibut, salmon, sturgeon.
  2. Many people first of all exclude fat from the diet if you need to say goodbye to being overweight. In fact, lard also contains useful lipids that promote weight loss. But still, it is not recommended to abuse this product, it is enough to eat a small piece during the day.
  3. Meat. Piglet contains the highest amount of healthy fats. 100 g of such a product has only 2 g of fat. Of course, we are not talking about fatty pork, but about the meat of a young animal. In addition to healthy fats, this meat will bring iron and potassium to the body.
  4. Nuts. Everyone knows about the high calorie content of this product, but this does not mean that they cannot be consumed. Nuts are able to improve the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, while providing a feeling of fullness. All nuts contain healthy lipids, for example, 10 g contains 2 g of healthy fat. Losing weight is better to give preference to pine nuts, because they satisfy hunger, contain less fat.
  5. Oil. Losing weight is desirable to consume olive oil, because it contains the maximum useful properties. In 1 st. l. contains 9 g of useful lipids. Linseed oil also works great.
  6. Raw avocado. 10 g of this product contains 1 g of healthy fats. At the same time, most of the fruit consists of vegetable fats. In addition, avocado pulp contains many vitamins and minerals.
  7. Seeds. A considerable amount of healthy fats contain flax seeds and soybeans.
