The classification of goods is their systematic distribution into groups according to the most common features. In commodity science, various types of classification are used: biological, industrial, educational, trade, etc. The most commonly used are educational and trade classifications.

The classification of goods can be based on such characteristics as origin, chemical composition, the degree of processing of raw materials, the purpose of goods, etc. So, depending on the origin, food products can be divided into products of animal, vegetable and mineral origin; by chemical composition - into protein, fat, carbohydrate, mineral; according to the degree of processing - for raw, semi-finished products, finished products; by appointment - for food and taste.

According to the educational classification, food products are divided into the following groups.

grain products(grain, flour, cereals, cereals, pasta and bakery products) are characterized by a high content of carbohydrates.

Fruit and vegetable products(vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms and products of their processing) have low energy value, but high taste and high content of vitamins, sugars, dietary fiber and minerals.

Taste products(tea, coffee, spices, flavorings, alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, tobacco and tobacco products) contain substances (caffeine, vanillin, essential oils, ethyl alcohol, nicotine), acting on the nervous, digestive and other systems of the body.

Starch, sugar, honey and confectionery(fruit and berry products, cocoa powder, chocolate, caramel, sweets, halva, flour products, oriental sweets) are high in carbohydrates, energy value and good digestibility, but low biological value.

Milk and dairy products(milk, cream, fermented milk products, cow's butter, cheeses, canned milk) are the main food products containing all the most easily digestible substances necessary for the human body.

Eggs and egg products(dry egg powder, melange, etc.) also contain all the necessary substances, favorably balanced and easily digestible.

Meat and meat products(meat of all types of slaughter animals, poultry and game birds, offal, semi-finished products, canned food, sausages, smoked meats, culinary products) are a source of complete proteins, minerals, extractives and other substances, have high taste qualities and high nutritional value.

Fish and fish products(live, chilled, frozen, salted, dried, dried, smoked fish, caviar, canned and preserved fish, culinary and semi-finished products, non-fish seafood) are valuable food products that are high in complete proteins, various minerals, vitamins, etc.

Food products are divided not only into main groups, but also into types, and most of them into varieties.

The type of product is determined by the origin or characteristics of the preparation. The grade of the goods depends on its quality in accordance with the requirements of the standard. For example, coffee, depending on the origin, can be of the following types: Arabian, Colombian, Brazilian, etc., and each of these types can be attributed to the highest or 1st commercial grade; sausages, depending on the method of thermal processing of raw materials, are divided into boiled, semi-smoked, smoked, and depending on the quality of raw materials, boiled and semi-smoked sausages are divided into the highest, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades, smoked - only the highest and 1 th commercial varieties.

In addition to commercial varieties, there are economic-botanical (for vegetables), pomological (for fruits) and ampelographic (for grapes) varieties.

According to the trade classification, food products are divided into the following groups: bakery, confectionery, fish, meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables, wine and vodka, tobacco. In addition, among food products conditionally distinguish gastronomic and grocery products.

Gastronomic products are eaten without prior cooking. These include: meat products (sausages, smoked meats, meat culinary products, canned meat); fish (smoked fish, balyk products, valuable salted fish, fish culinary products, caviar, canned food, preserves); dairy (packaged milk, cream, canned milk, fermented milk products, butter and ghee, cheeses); alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Groceries - cereals, flour, pasta, sugar, starch, food concentrates, yeast, tea and tea drinks, coffee and coffee drinks, vegetable oils, salt, vinegar, spices.

Classification is the process of distributing a set of concepts (properties, objects) into categories or stages depending on common features. Or it is the division of a set of objects into subsets by similarity or difference in accordance with accepted methods.

The object of classification is an element of the classified set. In merchandising, this element is the commodity. From the set of all goods on the basis of destination, consumer goods are distinguished for individual consumers, and for manufacturers of products - industrial goods and goods for management activities (office equipment).

Classification features are properties or characteristics by which classification is made. Classification signs are divided into:

1) teleological, (appointment, application);

2) genetic, (source materials, raw materials, main components of the chemical composition);

3) technological, (design, recipe, production process, methods of finishing or design). An example of a teleological attribute is the classification of non-food products into clothing and footwear, cultural and household and household goods. According to the same, such groups of food products as auxiliary products and products baby food. Genetic traits form the basis for the classification of taste products into alcoholic, non-alcoholic, low-alcohol ones; fabrics - linen, cotton, woolen and synthetic. On a technological basis, tea is divided into green, yellow, red, black; cereals - polished or polished, etc. Purpose is used as one of the most common features in commodity science for enlarged groupings. Features can have a qualitative or quantitative expression, called the value of the classification feature. Of the listed technological and genetic features, they are most often expressed qualitatively, while the components and chemical composition are expressed quantitatively and qualitatively.

Classification value:

1) is necessary for the purpose of automation and information processing;

2) is necessary to study the consumer properties of the product, its quality, accounting and planning of trade;

3) required for product certification;

4) allows you to rationally organize the acceptance of goods, storage, quality control;

5) allows you to study in a generalized form huge quantities of different goods and rationally organize their trade.

This allows you to make purchases for every taste and budget. Food products - what is it?

Concept and classification

What are food items?

The classification of products is understood as a system of division of specific classes and grouping of goods into smaller groups according to similar properties.

These properties are the origin, purpose, components of products. Food products are broadly divided into products of plant and animal origin.

Classification helps to better content of products, promotion of turnover and helps in studying the demand market. Products are divided into the following basic levels:

Food classification table.

The classification into groups according to the scientific literature is somewhat different from the grouping of products in trade. It is listed as follows:

  • grain flour: cereals, pasta, bread products - food products containing carbohydrates;
  • fruit and berries: vegetables, fruits, canned food - with increased vitamin content;
  • flavoring: seasonings, coffee, tea, soft and soft drinks, tobacco - with components that act on the nervous system;
  • edible fats: vegetable and animal oils, margarine - with increased energy value;
  • egg: powder and eggs - balanced and easily digestible;
  • meat: various types of meat, offal, canned food - a protein source;
  • fish: various varieties of fish, canned food - high content of protein and minerals;
  • dairy and sour-milk products, cheeses are of biological value.
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    What applies to them?

    Food products are considered products of the food industry. Products consist of goods that require special processing, and those that can be immediately consumed in finished form.

    The former include grocery products, such as cereals, pasta, tea; to the second - gastronomy: sausages, cheeses, dairy products.

    The trade classification of products contributes to the proper organization of storage, placement and sale of:

    From the above classification it can be seen that even cigarettes fall into the category of food products, since they are produced by the food industry.

    Product groups

    In product groups, products are related for a similar purpose, are designed for the same categories of consumers and belong to a certain price range.

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    Often stores specialize in the implementation of one such group. For example, alcoholic products, fish products.

    According to their purpose, products are divided into the following groups:

    1. Grocery goods of mass consumption are sold for the majority of the population.
    2. Products produced for special medical nutrition are needed only by certain categories of citizens.
    3. Food products for children up to 3 years of age.

    Most often in grocery stores there is a wide variety of product groups. Although there are specialized stores that offer a wide range of one product group, for example, confectionery, dairy stores.

    Assortment list

    For all retail outlets, an assortment list of food products should be developed, which stores form independently. It is based on the specialization and profile of the outlet and is used to identify goods.

    This list must be approved by local authorities and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Service.

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    The list must contain mandatory social products. In their absence, the store may be fined 100 minimum wages.

    The assortment should have a variety in terms of the breadth of the products presented, in terms of cost and be constantly updated.

    When drawing up the correct assortment list, the store will be able to satisfy the demand of customers and get the maximum economic effect.

    Sample assortment list of food products.

    Consumer properties

    Consumer properties of products are determined by the combination of the following components:

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    1. The nutritional importance of products combines the desired properties, quality, nutritional content.
    2. The biological significance of the product is the presence of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements.
    3. The physiological value affects the basic human systems.
    4. Energy strength is determined by the components of the triad of nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and their assimilation.

    In accordance with the law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” and GOST R3 “Food Products”, each product must have a label that contains information about the main consumer qualities.

    By marking you can determine:

    • the product's name;
    • manufacturer;
    • quantitative characteristics of the goods;
    • product components;
    • the nutritional value;
    • conditions for storage and expiration date;
    • manufacturing procedure (for semi-finished products).

    Storage and transportation technology

    Compliance with certain features during transportation and storage makes it possible to sell products in proper condition and good quality.

    Transportation of products is carried out by special transport, which must be upholstered with iron from the inside and be in a clean condition.

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    For vehicles transporting products, a sanitary passport is issued by Rospotrebnadzor, which is issued for a year.

    Perishable products are transported in refrigerators, where the required temperature level is maintained for the transportation of food products.

    Any products must be transported in special containers and placed on racks. During transportation, the rule of commodity neighborhood must be observed.

    Compliance with storage conditions in the warehouse is also important. To create an optimal environment, it is necessary to maintain the correct temperature, humidity, certain lighting and air composition.

    It should be remembered that different storage conditions are defined for different food products. If the correct storage technology is observed, the product preserves its consumer properties.

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    The refrigerator is the best place to store food. Moreover, certain temperature regimes for specific groups of goods should be established.

    For vegetables and fruits, the following conditions must be met:

    • it is better to place them in a cool, dark place;
    • the room must be ventilated;
    • it is required to sort out products for the presence of perishable or rotten fruits and root crops.

    Dairy products require quality packaging. Products in this group must be kept in the refrigerator.

    The same conditions apply to fish and meat products. Only for them should be set lower temperature regime. To contain cereals, you need packaging that allows air to pass through so that they do not become damp.

    Requirements for the seller

    In one of the sections of GOST R, professional requirements are made for the seller of food products.

    • know the range
    • comply with the rules of implementation, monitor the integrity of the packaging;
    • monitor the quality of products, if spoilage is detected, do not sell it;
    • know and comply with the terms and conditions of storage of goods.

    Also, the seller is subject to sanitary and hygienic requirements, described in SanPiN No. 2.3 .. Upon admission to work, all sellers undergo a mandatory medical examination, and medical books are issued for them.

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    All trade employees must observe the rules of personal hygiene. Everyone should have clean special clothing for trading.

    Do not store personal items near the products.

    You can learn about the requirements for the seller of food products from the video:

    Consumer rights to return


    When trying to return goods of good quality, the law is on the side of the seller.

    If the product was punched at the checkout, paid for, and the buyer changed his mind about taking it, then it is impossible to receive money in this case.

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    High-quality food products are non-refundable by law.

    Poor quality

    A product is considered to be of poor quality if it cannot be consumed for objective reasons. For example, the expiration date has passed, the labeling and the content of the product do not match, the presence of foreign objects, an uncharacteristic smell, an opened package.

    In these cases, the store is obliged to accept the product and either return the money or exchange it for a similar one in accordance with the Federal Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, Article 18 and Articles 503 and 504 of the Civil Code.

    It is possible to reduce the cost of the product. The absence of a check is not a reason for refusing to return money in accordance with Article 493 of the Civil Code. Camera recordings, witnesses, and matching product numbers can help determine where the purchase was made.

    Is there a list of non-refundable food products? There is no strictly defined list of non-refundable products. The conditional list includes those products for which the implementation period has not expired and they do not have signs of non-conformity.

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    If the product has a normal expiration date and its appearance does not inspire suspicion, then the sales staff will refuse to accept such a product.

    Such a list can be defined as conditional.

    Groceries are a fairly large group of products that everyone encounters every day when they come to a supermarket or a small specialized store.

    All information about the product can be found on its labeling: expiration date, storage conditions, nutritional value. If you find a low-quality product, you can always return it to the store, getting your money back.

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    Classification is the process of distributing a set (concepts, properties, objects) into categories or stages depending on common features.

    The highest level of classification of goods is the class.

    Goods class is a set of goods that satisfy generalized groups of needs.

    Subclass- a set of goods that satisfy groups of needs that have certain differences.

    Product group- a subset of goods that satisfy specific groups of needs, which is due to the characteristics of raw materials, materials, structures.

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    Subgroup- a subset of goods that have the main purpose with the group, but differ from the goods of other subgroups only by their inherent features.

    Product type- a set of goods that differ in individual purpose and identification features.

    Product type- a set of goods of the same type, differing in a number of particular characteristics.

    Commodity classification of goods has developed historically and is based on the needs of trade.

    There are national, trade and educational classifications. According to the All-Russian Classifier of Industrial Products (OKP), goods are divided into classes, subclasses, groups, types.

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    In trade, a trade classification is applied. In accordance with the purpose, source material and method of production, goods are divided into groups, subgroups and a lower level of classification. Training classification provides for a more convenient, consistent study of the commodity science course.

    Goods as objects of commercial activity can be divided according to many characteristics, among which the main one is the purpose. According to the purpose, all goods are divided into the following genera:

    1. Consumer goods - goods intended for individual consumers for personal use.

    2. Goods for industrial use - goods intended for the production of other goods and creating its raw materials and technological support.

    3. Office supplies - goods designed to improve the organization of administrative and managerial activities.

    Each kind of goods is divided into classes. A class of goods is a set of goods that satisfy generalized groups of needs.

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    The type of consumer goods is divided into 3 classes: food, non-food and medical.

    The division into classes is also based on the purpose and needs satisfied by the goods.

    Food products, often referred to as food products, are intended mainly to meet the physiological needs of the human body for energy, plastic substances and organoleptic sensations.

    The class of non-food products, which were previously called industrial, satisfy a variety of needs: physiological (protection from adverse external environmental influences), social, etc.

    The class of medical goods is designed to meet social needs in ensuring human health.

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    Each class of goods is divided into subclasses. A subclass of goods is a set of goods that satisfy similar groups of needs that have certain differences. For example, the subclass "Foods of plant origin" satisfies physiological needs for specific nutrients inherent only in this group - carbohydrates, vegetable fats, proteins, fibers, etc.

    Each subclass is subdivided into product groups. A group of goods is a subset of goods that satisfy more specific groups of needs, which is due to the characteristics of the raw materials, materials, and structures used. So, the subclass "Food products of plant origin" is divided into fruits and vegetables, grain flour, flavoring, confectionery, etc.

    A subgroup of goods is a subset of goods that have a common main purpose with the group, but differ from the goods of other subgroups only by their inherent features. So, the group of confectionery products is divided into 2 subgroups: sugary and flour products, which differ in the ratio of the main components (sugar, flour, fats).

    Type of goods - a set of goods that differ in individual purpose and identification features. A type of goods, as part of a set, necessarily has a common purpose with larger structural units, differing from them in an individual purpose. Other distinguishing features of the type include indicators that allow you to identify the type of product. The type of goods is recognized by appearance, taste, smell, texture. So, the types of sugary products - caramel and sweets - differ in the first place. appearance and consistency (structure). They have a general purpose - to satisfy the need for a pleasant sweet taste sensation and an individual - the need for a different consistency.

    Variety of goods - a set of goods of the same type, differing in a number of particular characteristics. So, on the basis of the content of the filling, two types of caramel are distinguished - candy and stuffed.

    Name of goods - a set of goods of a certain type, differing from goods of the same type by their own name (name) and individual characteristics, due to the selection of raw materials, materials, technology.

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    The name of the goods can be nominal and branded. Nominal name - nominal generalized name of the goods produced by different manufacturers. For example: Teatralnaya caramel, Maska candy, etc.

    A brand name is an individual product name produced by a specific manufacturer. Quite often, a patent is issued for this name, which provides copyright protection for the brand name. For example, shoes "Salamander", sparkling wine "Abrau Durso".

    The division of groups of homogeneous goods into subgroups, types, varieties and names belong to a private commodity classification and are considered in the relevant sections of commodity science.

    Classes, subclasses and groups make up the general commodity classification of consumer goods (table). The division of consumer goods into genera, classes, subclasses is based on a hierarchical classification method, and when dividing into groups, hierarchical and facet methods can be used together. This can be seen in the example of the groups of the subclass "Food products of plant origin": the first 5 groups of this subclass are divided by raw material in a hierarchical way (cereals, fruits and vegetables, sugar, starch, vegetable oils and margarine products). At the same time, the remaining two groups (flavoring and confectionery products) are distinguished by a different feature - purpose, which indicates the use of the facet method, since, in general, when dividing into groups, features that are independent of each other are used.

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    Class: food products or foodstuffs

    Groups of homogeneous goods

    Vegetable oils and margarine products

    Sugar and its substitutes.

    Starch and starch products

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    edible animal fat

    Egg and egg products

    The range of goods is one of the most important characteristics of goods, which determines the fundamental differences between goods. different types and names

    Assortment of goods - a set of goods formed according to certain characteristics and satisfying diverse, similar and individual needs.

    Industrial (production) range - a set of goods produced by the manufacturer from its production capabilities.

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    Trading assortment - a set of goods formed by a trade organization, taking into account its specialization, consumer demand and material and technical base.

    Depending on the breadth of coverage of goods, the following types of assortment are distinguished:

    Simple (a set of goods represented by a small number of groups, types and names);

    Complex (a set of goods represented by a significant number of groups, types, varieties and names of goods that satisfy a variety of needs for goods);

    Group (a set of homogeneous goods, united by common characteristics and satisfying similar needs);

    Specific (a set of goods of various types and names that meet similar needs);

    Branded (a set of goods of the same type, branded names or belonging to a branded group);

    Expanded (a set of goods, which includes a significant number of subgroups, types, varieties, names, including branded ones, belonging to a group of homogeneous, but differing in individual characteristics);

    Accompanying (a set of goods that perform auxiliary functions and do not belong to the main ones for this group of goods);

    Mixed (a set of goods of different groups, types, names, characterized by a great variety functional purpose);

    Rational (a set of goods that most fully satisfies realistically justified needs that provide the maximum quality of life at a certain level of development of science, engineering and technology);

    Optimal (a set of goods that meets real needs with the most useful effect for the consumer when minimal cost for design, development of production and bringing to the consumer);

    Real (a valid set of goods available in a particular organization of the manufacturer or seller);

    Forecasted (a set of goods that must satisfy anticipated needs);

    Educational (a list of goods systematized according to certain scientifically based features to achieve educational goals)

    The property of the assortment is a specific feature of the assortment, which manifests itself during its formation.

    The assortment indicator is a quantitative expression of the properties of the assortment, while the number of types and names of goods is subject to measurement.

    Nomenclature of properties and indicators of assortment

    The breadth of the assortment - the number of types, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups.

    Actual latitude (Wd) - the actual number of species, varieties and names of goods available (d).

    Base latitude - the latitude taken as the basis for comparison.

    The latitude coefficient (Ksh) is expressed as the ratio of the actual number of species, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups of goods to the base one.

    Completeness of the assortment (P) - the ability of a set of goods of a homogeneous group to satisfy the same needs.

    The actual indicator of completeness is characterized by the actual number of the actual number of types, varieties and names of goods of a homogeneous group, and the base - by the regulated or planned number of goods.

    Completeness coefficient (Kp) - the ratio of the actual indicator of completeness to the base one.

    Assortment stability is the ability of a set of products to satisfy the demand for the same products. Feature - stability of demand for these goods.

    Stability coefficient - the ratio of the number of types, varieties and names of goods that are in steady demand among consumers (Shu) to the total number of types, varieties and names of goods of the same homogeneous groups (Shd).

    The novelty (updating) of the assortment is the ability of a set of goods to satisfy changing needs through new goods.

    Actual update - the number of new products in the general list (N) and the degree of update (Kn), which is expressed as the ratio of the number of new products to the total number of product items (or actual breadth)

    The structure of the assortment is characterized by the specific share of each type and / or product name in the general set.

    Indicators of the assortment structure can have natural or monetary terms and are relative. They are calculated as the ratio of the number of individual products to the total quantity of all products included in the assortment.

    The structure of the range of fabrics in physical and monetary terms

    Average price of fabrics, thousand rubles

    Relative indicators of the assortment structure in expression

    Assortment minimum-(list) - the minimum allowable number of types of consumer goods that determine the profile of a retail trade organization.

    The rationality of the assortment is the ability of a set of goods to most fully satisfy the really justified needs of different segments of consumers.

    The coefficient of rationality is the weighted average value of the rationality indicator, taking into account the real values ​​of the indicators of breadth, completeness, stability and novelty, multiplied by the corresponding weighting coefficients.

    The weighting coefficients are determined by an expert, they characterize the specific share of the indicator in the formation of consumer preferences that affect the sale of goods.

    The harmony of the assortment is a property of a set of goods of different groups, characterizing the degree of their proximity in ensuring rational distribution of goods, sale and / or use.

    Assortment management is an activity aimed at achieving the requirements of assortment rationality.

    Formation of the assortment - the activity of compiling a set of goods that allows you to meet real or predicted needs, as well as achieve the goals defined by the management of the organization.

    Assortment policy - goals, objectives and main directions for the formation of the assortment, determined by the management of the organization.

    Range reduction - quantitative and qualitative changes in the state of a set of goods due to a decrease in its breadth and completeness.

    Range expansion - quantitative and qualitative changes in the state of a set of goods by increasing the indicators of breadth, completeness and novelty.

    Assortment stabilization - the state of a set of goods, characterized by high stability and a low degree of renewal.

    Range renewal - quantitative and qualitative changes in the state of a set of goods, characterized by an increase in the novelty indicator.

    Improvement of the assortment - quantitative and qualitative changes in the state of a set of goods to increase its rationality.

    Assortment harmonization - quantitative and qualitative changes in the state of a set of goods, reflecting the degree of proximity of the real assortment to the optimal or best foreign and domestic analogues, most fully corresponding to the goals of the organization.

    Range formation factors: general - demand-need, supported by the solvency of consumers and profitability - the cost of production and sales are determined by production or distribution costs, the size of which is influenced by government measures to support domestic producers) and specific (raw materials and material and technical base of production, achievement of scientific and technological progress, and the trade range - the production capabilities of manufacturers, the specialization of the trade organization, distribution channels, methods of sales promotion and demand formation, the material and technical base of the trade organization).

    General classification of food products

    M. A. Nikolaeva "Theoretical foundations of commodity science", 2006. pp. 77 - 83

    Product range: basic concepts,

    Assortment of goods - a set of goods, united by any or a combination of characteristics. The term "assortment" comes from the French word, which means the selection of different types and varieties of goods. Therefore, in accordance with GOST R, the concept of "product assortment" is unacceptable.

    The range of consumer goods is divided into groups - by location, into subgroups - by the breadth and depth of coverage of goods, into types - by the degree of satisfaction of needs, into varieties - by the nature of needs.

    By location of goods distinguish:

    industrial assortment- a range of goods produced by a separate industry or a separate industrial enterprise (GOST R).

    Example: the industrial assortment of the confectionery concern "Babaevsky", includes more than 100 items of caramel, chocolate, candy products.

    trade assortment- the range of goods presented in the trading network.

    Unlike the industrial assortment, the trade assortment includes goods from different manufacturers. The exception is branded stores of manufacturing organizations, the strategy of which is based on the sale of goods only of this company.

    Depending on the product coverage There are different types of assortment:

    simple assortment of goods(goods of a simple assortment) - an assortment of goods represented by such types that are classified according to no more than three characteristics (GOST R).

    Such an assortment is represented by a small number of groups, types, names of goods that satisfy a limited number of needs. Example: bakery and dairy shops in rural areas.

    complex assortment of goods(complex assortment goods) - an assortment of goods represented by such types that are classified according to more than three criteria (GOST R).

    This assortment is characterized by a significant number of groups, types, varieties, names of goods that satisfy a variety of needs for goods. A complex assortment is inherent in wholesale depots, retail trade enterprises (supermarkets, department stores).

    expanded assortment(intragroup assortment) - the assortment of goods represented by their varieties (GOST). It includes a large number of subgroups, types, varieties, names, including branded ones, belonging to a group of homogeneous goods, but differing in individual characteristics. Such an assortment is found in specialized stores, and the number of groups of homogeneous goods may be small.

    Example: in the trade assortment of stores specializing in the sale of audio and video technology, includes three or four groups of homogeneous goods (TVs, tape recorders, CD players, etc.), but they are represented by a large number of goods of different complexity classes and brands.

    enlarged range of goods(group assortment) - an assortment of goods, united by common features in a certain set of goods (GOST R).

    The set is a class, subgroup, type of goods. Example: a group of clothing and footwear products, dairy products; kind of food and non-food products. On the same basis, sections are created in department stores: haberdashery, goods for children, goods for recreation.

    species assortment- a set of goods of various types, varieties, names that satisfy similar needs. He is integral part assortment. Example: range of milk - pasteurized, fortified, baked - part of the range of dairy products.

    vintage assortment- a set of goods of the same type, but different brands. Example: branded assortment of perfumes "Red Moscow", "Chanel No. 5", cars Mercedes, Ford, Nissan, Audi.

    related assortment- a set of goods that perform auxiliary functions and are not related to the main ones for this organization. Example: in a shoe store, these are shoe care items.

    mixed assortment- a set of goods of different groups, types, names, characterized by a wide variety of functional purposes. Such an assortment is typical for stores selling non-food and food products at the same time.

    By degree of satisfaction of needs distinguish:

    rational assortment- a set of products that provides a sufficient degree of customer satisfaction and the achievement of the objectives of the organization.

    The formation of a rational assortment requires taking into account such factors as: real needs, which depend on the standard of living of the population, achievements in scientific and technological progress, delivery methods, storage periods.

    The criteria for evaluating a rational range of consumers, sellers, manufacturers are not the same. For the consumer, such criteria are the degree of satisfaction with the set of necessary goods, the ability to purchase the necessary goods in one place, and the sufficiency of breadth. For manufacturers and sellers, such criteria as profitability, the possibility of uninterrupted and timely delivery of goods, and sales volumes in certain periods are more important.

    optimal assortment- a set of goods that satisfies real needs with the most useful effect for the consumer or organization at rational costs for their acquisition (sale).

    The criterion for attributing goods to the optimal assortment can be the coefficient of optimality (K op), which is calculated for a specific product using the formula:

    where E p is the beneficial effect of the acquisition and consumption of goods when using

    by its intended consumer, rub.;

    Z - the cost of design, development, production, bringing to

    Beneficial effect (E p) is the benefit that can be obtained by the consumer when correct use goods.

    depending on the nature of needs range can be:

    real assortment- the actual set of goods available in a particular organization of the manufacturer or seller;

    projected assortment- a set of goods that will have to satisfy the expected needs.

    M.A. Nikolaev "Theoretical foundations of commodity science", 2006. pp. 85 - 93

    2.3. Commodity classification of goods

    Appointment is the most important feature for subdivision of a set of goods as objects of commercial activity.

    According to the purpose, the goods are divided:

    1. Consumer goods - intended for personal use by individual consumers.

    2. Industrial goods - intended for the production of other goods and creating its raw materials and technological support.

    3. Office equipment - designed to improve the organization of administrative and managerial activities.

    The kind of goods is formed from classes. A class of goods is a set of goods that satisfy generalized groups of needs. Thus, the type of consumer goods (by purpose and needs satisfied) includes three classes: food, non-food and medical goods.

    In turn, the classes, taking into account the raw materials used and the purpose, are divided into subclasses, groups, subgroups, types and varieties.

    A subclass of goods is a set of goods that satisfy similar needs, with certain differences.

    A group of goods is a subset of goods that satisfy more specific needs, which is due to the characteristics of the raw materials, materials, and structures used.

    A subgroup of goods is a subset of goods that have a common purpose with the group, but differ only in their inherent characteristics (there are two subgroups in the group of confectionery goods: sugary and flour products, differing in the ratio of sugar, flour and fats).

    The type of goods is a set of goods that differ in their individual purpose and identification features. Often the type of goods is determined by its appearance, and the type of food is additionally determined by taste, smell and texture.

    Variety of goods - a set of goods of the same type, differing in a number of particular characteristics (two varieties of caramel on the basis of the content of the filling - lollipops and with filling).

    Name of goods - a set of goods of a certain type, distinguished by their own name and individual characteristics due to raw materials, materials, technology and design (can be nominal and branded).

    Nominal names are a generalized name of the goods produced by different manufacturers (sausage "Braunschweig", cheese "Rossiyskiy").

    A brand name is the individual name of a product produced by a specific manufacturer. Often a patent is issued for this name (shoes "Salamander", underwear "Milavitsa").

    The general commodity classification of consumer goods (Tables 2.2 and 2.3) includes classes, subclasses and groups.

    Private commodity classification, including the division of groups into subgroups, types, varieties and names, is considered in special sections of commodity science and goes beyond the course "Fundamentals of Commodity Science".

    General classification of food products

    Class: food products

    Cereals, fruits and vegetables, flavoring products, sugar and its substitutes, starch and starch products, confectionery, vegetable oils and margarine products

    Edible animal fats, dairy, meat, fish, egg and egg products

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    Commodity classification of goods

    Goods as objects of commercial activity can be divided according to many characteristics, among which the main one is the purpose.

    According to the purpose, all goods are divided into the following genera:

    consumer goods - goods intended for individual consumers for personal use;

    industrial goods - goods intended for the production of other goods and creating its raw material and technological support;

    goods for the office - goods intended to improve the organization of administrative and managerial activities.

    Each kind of product is divided into subgenera and classes.

    The genus of consumer goods is divided into three subgenera: food, non-food and medical products.

    The division into subgenera is also based on the purpose and needs satisfied by the goods. So, food products are intended mainly to meet the physiological needs of the human body for energy, plastic substances and organoleptic sensations (mental needs).

    A subgenus of non-food products, which were previously called industrial, satisfies a variety of needs: physiological (protection from adverse external environmental influences), social, etc.

    The subgenus of medical goods is designed to meet the social needs for ensuring human health, as well as the physiological needs for internal security.

    A class of goods is a set of goods that satisfy generalized groups of needs.

    Depending on the raw materials used and the purpose, the classes are divided into subclasses, groups, subgroups, types and varieties. The last two groupings can have names: nominal and branded. For example, the subgenus food products is divided into two classes: foodstuffs and tobacco products.

    A subclass of homogeneous goods is a set of goods that satisfy similar groups of needs that have certain differences. For example, the subclass "Food products of plant origin" satisfies the physiological needs for specific nutrients that are unique to this group - carbohydrates, vegetable oils, proteins, fibers, etc.

    A group of homogeneous goods is a subset of goods that satisfy more specific groups of needs, which is due to the characteristics of the raw materials, materials, and structures used. Thus, the subclass "Food products of plant origin" is subdivided into fruit and vegetable, grain flour and other groups of goods, each of which satisfies the needs for a certain complex of substances and has a specific purpose.

    A subgroup of goods is a subset of goods that have a common main purpose with the group, but differ from the goods of other subgroups only in their inherent characteristics. Thus, the group of confectionery products is divided into two subgroups: sugary and flour products, which differ in the ratio of the main components (sugar, flour and fats).

    Type of goods - a set of goods that differ in their individual purpose and identification features. The type of goods as part of a set necessarily has a common purpose with larger classification groups, differing from them in an individual purpose. Other distinguishing features of the type include indicators that allow you to identify the type of product.

    Quite often, the type of goods is recognized by their appearance, and the type of food products is additionally recognized by taste, smell, and texture. Although these signs are not unconditional, due to their availability and simplicity, they are most often used in practice. So, the types of sugary products - caramel and sweets - differ primarily in appearance and consistency (structure). They have a general purpose - they must satisfy the need for a pleasant sweet taste sensation, and an individual one - the need for a different consistency.

    Variety of goods - a set of goods of the same type, differing in a number of particular characteristics. So, on the basis of "filling content" there are two types of caramel - candy and stuffed.

    Name of goods - a set of goods of a certain type, differing from goods of the same type by their own name (name) and individual characteristics, due to the selection of raw materials, materials, as well as design, technology. The name of goods can be nominal and branded.

    Nominal name - the nominal generalized name of the goods produced by different manufacturers. For example, Teatralnaya caramel, Mask, Citron candies, etc.

    A brand name, or trade mark, is the individual name of a product produced by a particular manufacturer. Quite often, a patent will be issued for this name, which provides copyright protection for the brand name, for example, Salamander shoes, Abrau Durso sparkling wine, Tonus juice.

    IN modern conditions, when the total breadth of goods in trade organizations, especially hypermarkets, reaches units, automated accounting using barcode information requires the introduction of the concept of "commodity article".

    Commodity article (TA) - an assortment unit of a product, including its name and / or trade mark, if necessary, a gradation of quality (grade, quality class, number, brand, etc.), standard size or quantitative characteristic of packaged products (weight, volume, length, width, height, etc.), as well as other necessary information. Each product article is assigned its own barcode, which makes it possible to identify it at all stages of product distribution. For example, drinking bottled water Holy spring in a package with a capacity of: 2; 1.5; 0.5 l will refer to different commodity articles, differing in quantitative characteristics and price. The article of rice or buckwheat will be determined by the variety (polished or polished rice, ground or buckwheat), variety, packaging, and for rice - also by type and, possibly, country of origin. For the article of clothing and footwear, size, color, style, country of origin will be important features. Thus, the identifying features of the commodity article for different products are not the same. The most accessible method for identifying commodity articles at all stages of the distribution of goods is marking, including a barcode.

    The division of consumer goods into genera, subgenera, classes and subclasses is based on a hierarchical classification method. When dividing into groups, hierarchical and faceted methods can be used together. This can be seen in the example of the groups of the subclass "food products of plant origin". Often, the groups of this subclass are subdivided according to the raw material characteristic by a hierarchical method into grain and flour products, fruit and vegetable products, and tobacco products. At the same time, other groups (flavoring, auxiliary and confectionery products) are distinguished according to a different attribute - purpose, which indicates the use of the facet method, since, in general, when dividing into groups, signs that are independent of each other were used.

    The given general commodity classification of food and non-food products does not coincide with the classification of agricultural and industrial products in the OKP. This is due to the fact that the commodity classification historically developed earlier and was based on the needs of trade. In the OKP, the interests of industries that produce products are manifested to the greatest extent. Therefore, both of these classifications can be applied each in its own field. At the same time, there are alternative commodity classifications of consumer goods.

    Table 3 General classification of food products

    Table 4 General classification of non-food products

    You need to know which foods belong to which groups: starchy and non-starchy, sour and sweet ... In order for your breakfast, lunch or dinner to be as healthy and saturated with proteins / carbohydrates as possible, we will list foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates, and - so called natural (neutral) products. You can use the latter both in combination with protein-rich foods and in combination with carbohydrate-rich foods.

    Foods rich in carbohydrates

    Foods rich in starch:

    Bread is preferable from flour with bran or with the addition of bran;

    Grain, wheat, spelt, spelled, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, corn, rice, millet;

    Cereal products are preferable from flour with bran, semolina, cereals or wholemeal flour, flakes, muesli, pasta from flour with bran (not egg pasta);

    Dried beans (except soybeans) and dried peas;

    Potatoes including Jerusalem artichoke and sweet potato;



    Sugars and syrups (limit as much as possible):

    Yellow and white sugar;

    Milk sugar;

    Various jams and marmalade;

    Maple syrup;

    Beet syrup;

    Pear condensed juice.

    Foods rich in proteins

    B Christmas tree food of plant and animal origin:


    Nuts (most);

    All cereals;

    Soybeans and their products, especially tofu, soy milk;
    - Sunflower seeds;


    Meat (use as little as possible!) beef, veal, lamb, lamb, rabbit, pork, poultry and game;

    Offal (it is desirable to exclude!) liver, heart, kidneys;

    Fish and other marine products;

    Cottage cheese and dairy products;

    Low-fat milk and low-fat dairy products;

    Cheese with a fat content of not more than 45%;

    "Neutral" products

    Products compatible with carbohydrate or protein foods:

    Vegetable oils - burdock, olive, sunflower, corn, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, grape seeds, etc.;

    Nuts and seeds - hazelnuts, walnuts, southern nuts (Brazil nuts), coconuts, almonds, pistachios, pecans, cashews, pine seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame, pumpkin seeds;

    Fruit vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, Bell pepper, eggplant, zucchini, pumpkin, sweet peas, green beans;

    White cabbage, sour, red cabbage, Savoy, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, gryunkol, spitzkol, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, pak choi;

    Leafy vegetables - head lettuce, ice lettuce, romaine lettuce, field lettuce, endive chicory, red head lettuce, chicory, dandelion leaves, watercress;

    Root and tuberous vegetables - carrots, celery, green and black radishes, radishes, goats, beets, horseradish, rutabaga;

    Bulb vegetables - leek, onion, shallots, garlic;


    Seeds and shoots;

    Cheese only fatty varieties with a fat content of more than 45%;

    Egg yolk.

    Foods rich in fat

    Oils - olive oil, rapeseed, vegetable, peanut, soybean, sunflower, corn and cream;

    Most nuts;

    Animal Products: Fats sea ​​fish, lard, fatty meat, cream, sour cream, cheese;

    Non-starchy and green vegetables

    Lettuce, celery, chicory, dandelion, cabbage, turnip leaves, sour sorrel, beet leaves, onion, turnip, eggplant, cucumber, parsley, rhubarb, asparagus, garlic, sweet pepper, radish.

    Moderately starchy vegetables

    Cauliflower, beets, carrots, rutabagas.

    semi-acid fruits

    Fresh figs, sweet cherries, sweet apples, pears, peaches, apricots, blueberries, currants, strawberries.

    sweet fruits

    Dates, figs, raisins, dried apricots, grapes, prunes, persimmons, dried pears and apples (sweet varieties) and others.

    sour fruits

    Orange, grapefruit, pomegranate, lemon, sour grapes, sour plums, sour apples. Tomatoes are also sour.


    5 most unsafe and cheap products

    People most often buy cheap food to save money, or memories of the difficult 90s are firmly planted in their heads. But is it really economical, given the negative health consequences and not the cheapest medical services?

    Why is food classification necessary? In order to be able to follow the rules of work in the process of their:

    • production;
    • storage;
    • transportation;
    • implementation;
    • use.

    Our body is designed in such a way that it needs nourishment and rest every day. If everything is clear with rest - this is, first of all, healthy sleep, then replenishment is not so difficult. Every person should eat. And not just once a day. It is necessary to eat right, as excessive consumption of certain types of goods can harm the body. The classification of food products is their breakdown into different groups in accordance with their characteristics and properties. To account for goods by groups in 2019, we use all-Russian classifier products (abbreviated OKP).

    What is the all-Russian product code, where and how it is applied, we will consider further in the text. It is important to understand that the classification of food products is of great importance not only on an industrial scale (confirmation of this is the All-Russian classifier), but also in local situations. For example, very often the principle of separate nutrition is used in various diets. It will not be possible to put it into practice if you do not know which group a particular product belongs to and whether it can be eaten with another. How do vegetarians know what they can't eat? They also use the division of supplies into groups, sometimes without even realizing it. After all, plant and animal food is also a classification of food products.

    With the help of the OKP, product information can be processed automatically. This greatly simplifies the life of merchandisers and extras. OKP is also used in marketing research. Another purpose of the OKP is the inclusion of products in catalogs in accordance with their characteristics. Moreover, if today we talk about food products and their classification, then the OKP has a larger significance, including all existing food products on Russian market in 2019.

    The Russian market is quite diverse. There are several types of classification. For the purpose of food products:

    • general food products:
      • vegetable origin - everything that trees and plants give us (juices, berries, fruits, vegetables, grains, etc.);
      • animal origin (meat, fish, milk, eggs, edible insects, crayfish, crabs, shellfish, propolis, honey, etc.);
      • from the kingdom
        • mushrooms;
        • algae;
        • microorganisms (eg yeast);
    • inorganic (salt, sugar, etc.)
    • dietary and prophylactic (used in treatment);
    • baby food:
      • age:
        • up to three years;
        • three to six years;
        • six to fourteen years of age;
      • water content:
        • low (cereals, mixtures, pasta, etc.);
        • high (mashed potatoes, minced meat, kefir, etc.);
      • crushing percentage:
        • children under six months;
        • from six months to nine;
        • from ten months to one and a half years;
        • from one and a half years to three;
      • canned food:
        • vegetable preserves;
        • canned meat.
      • edible goods designed to perform certain functions.

    Taking into account the chemical component, the following categories of products are distinguished, containing:

    • proteins;
    • fats;
    • carbohydrates;
    • minerals.

    Taking into account production processing:

    • cooked;
    • raw;
    • semi-finished products.

    Based on consumer properties, the following types are distinguished (educational classification):

    • cereals and flour;
    • vegetables, fruits, mushrooms;
    • meat;
    • fish;
    • milk and milk products;
    • eggs and egg products;
    • honey, sugar, confectionery, starch;
    • edible fats;
    • flavor products.

    Groups of goods used in trade (commodity neighborhood, etc.):

    • meat and sausage products;
    • bakery products;
    • eggs and egg products;
    • products of confectioners;
    • vegetables and fruits;
    • milk and milk products;
    • dietary fats;
    • fish and products from it;
    • tobacco products;
    • soft drinks;
    • drinks with different alcohol content.

    All-Russian classifier - concept and interpretation

    I would like to note that the all-Russian classifier of products, aka OKP, does not just break goods into groups and categories. It gives a clear description of each product in accordance with its belonging to the group. The two digits that come at the beginning of the OKP code determine the group affiliation of the goods. Thanks to the following four digits, the all-Russian classifier determines the clear place of the goods in its system. Accordingly, the OKP code consists of six digits. The All-Russian code is assigned to each type of food products and unit of the commodity group. On the Right Consumer portal you can download the list of food products:

    Naturally, it is very difficult, and most likely even impossible, for a simple person to learn such a list. To do this, you need to be a child prodigy. For this, computers (for example, computers) currently exist. You can always use the information posted on our website to satisfy your curiosity and your needs.

    At the same time, if you still have questions on the topic, you can ask them to the consultants of the site at any time.

    Communication with specialists takes place online and is completely free.

    Milk and dairy products

    • cream and milk itself;
    • different types of cheeses made from cow's milk;
    • dairy products;
    • dry dairy products;
    • canned food (condensed milk);
    • oil;
    • ice cream.

    Milk, as a food product that undergoes certain processing, can have several types:

    • milk;
    • milk product;
    • product containing milk;
    • dairy compound product;
    • milk products;
    • secondary raw materials;
    • milk drink;
    • by-product of processing.

    Milk has a classification depending on the process of its processing:

    • raw - do not heat above 40 degrees;
    • drinking - exposed various types processing (including thermal), the proportion of fat content cannot exceed nine percent;
    • integral - not subjected to processing to settle the constituent parts;
    • reconstituted - to create it, water is added to the original product (to concentrate, condensed milk or powdered milk);
    • baked - drinking milk is processed for its production. It is heated to a temperature of 99 degrees and maintained for a certain time, but not more than three hours;
    • pasteurized, UHT-treated, sterilized - the product is processed under high temperatures to achieve certain qualities and increase the shelf life;
    • thermized - the product undergoes a healing process, a similar procedure is carried out with any milk processing (at the beginning or at the final stage).

    According to the type and characteristics of milk may differ depending on the animal from which it is obtained. You can milk:

    • cows;
    • deer;
    • mares.

    Milk and dairy products can be classified according to different criteria. Just like any other food item. If you have any questions on this topic, you can ask the consultants of the site for free.

    In accordance with modern classification all food products can be divided into three large groups (Fig. 1).

    Rice. 1. Food classification

    Consumer Products developed according to traditional technology and intended for nutrition of the main groups of the population.

    Functional food products may be otherwise referred to as products healthy eating, positive nutrition products, physiologically significant food products. These include mass consumption products that look like traditional food and are intended to be eaten as part of a normal diet, but, unlike mass consumption products, contain functional ingredients that have a positive effect on individual functions of the body or the body as a whole.

    The main distinguishing features of functional foods are:

    The nutritional value;

    Taste qualities;

    Physiological effect on the body.

    These requirements should apply to the product as a whole, and not to individual ingredients that make up its composition.

    Not only fortified foods can be functional, but also any natural foods that are good for health, such as carrots, cabbage, onions, parsley, apples and much more.

    Therefore, the following groups of products are functional (Fig. 1):

    - natural food products that naturally contain a large amount of a functional ingredient , for example, oat bran rich in fiber, fish oil as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, citrus fruits containing a large amount of vitamin C, meat as one of the main sources of B vitamins, direct-pressed juices obtained from fruit or vegetable raw materials by mechanical processing;

    - traditional food products, in which the amount of unhealthy components is reduced;

    The latter components include cholesterol, animal fats with a high content of saturated fatty acids, low molecular weight carbohydrates such as sucrose, sodium, etc. The technology for the production of this group of functional products consists in the extraction or destruction of harmful components: the extraction of cholesterol from egg white using CO 2 -extraction, the destruction of cereal phytate, which binds and hinders the absorption of calcium, zinc and iron, by processing with the enzyme phytase.

    Food products additionally enriched with functional ingredients using various technological methods, for example, bran bread, calcium-fortified fruit purees, vitamin-fortified juices and drinks, bifidokefir, drinks or candies with antioxidants, juices with echiniacea.

    Functional products must meet the following requirements:

    Be natural;

    To have the appearance of ordinary food, that is, not to be produced in such dosage forms as tablets, capsules, powders;

    To be consumed orally, that is, as ordinary food;

    Be useful for nutrition and health, while useful qualities must be scientifically justified, and daily doses must be approved by specialists;

    Be safe in terms of a balanced diet;

    Do not reduce the nutritional value of foods;

    Have established values ​​of physical and chemical parameters and accurate methods for their determination.

    Functional products are intended:

    To compensate for the deficiency of biologically active components in the body;

    Maintaining the normal functional activity of organs and systems;

    Reducing risk factors for a disease, such as normalizing cholesterol levels;

    Maintaining beneficial microflora in the human body, maintaining the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Functional foods should be separated from medical foods, examples of which are dietary, therapeutic, specialized foods, the purpose of which is indicated below.

    Diet foods designed for people suffering from certain diseases. Dietary products should prevent the exacerbation of these diseases, help mobilize the body's defenses. Depending on the type of disease diet foods may additionally contain protective food components or, conversely, be cleared of nutrients that contribute to the course of the disease. For example, diabetes mellitus and obesity require a reduction in the content of easily digestible sugars in foods, with liver disease, cardiovascular pathology, it is recommended to eat foods with a low content of table salt.

    Specialized food characterized by a narrow focus on the correction of any body functions. For example, for the optimal implementation of the metabolic processes of the body, athletes need food products with a high content of B vitamins (B 1, B 2, B 6, nicotinic and pantothenic acids), as well as vitamins C and E, which play an important role in redox processes. in organism. The needs of the cosmonauts' organism are satisfied thanks to diets additionally enriched, first of all, with vitamins, essential amino acids, fiber, macroelements Ca, K, Mg.

    Products for medical and preventive purposes intended for persons exposed to adverse factors of the working environment or used in therapeutic practice. Therapeutic and prophylactic food products contain components that compensate for the deficiency of biologically active substances, improve mainly the functions of the affected organs and systems, and neutralize harmful substances, contribute to their rapid removal from the body.

    Therapeutic products can be:

    Based on well-known general purpose products with the introduction of one or more components into their formulation that give direction to the product, or with the replacement of part of the product with other components; in this case, the basis is taken produced by state standard product, then determine the direction of the product and the amount of functional additives introduced;

    New products without taking into account the basis of recipes and technologies of existing food products. In this case, the modeling of the product formulation with the specified therapeutic and prophylactic properties is carried out. When developing a recipe, the amount of enriching additive will be a constant value, and the selection of other components is carried out taking into account the properties of the additive and the organoleptic characteristics of the product.

    Fortified foods- products in which certain ingredients are added or substituted. This group of products differs from the functional ones in that the amount of the functional ingredient is below the level of physiologically significant concentrations.

    Thus, functional foods are a special group that does not belong to the category medicines and medicinal food, although they are used to improve the functioning of body systems and improve the quality of human health.

    Therefore, they occupy a middle position between conventional products made according to traditional technology and therapeutic food products (Fig. 2).
