The reasons why all varieties of flowers have certain smells have been studied for many decades. There are several versions explaining this effect. The most common opinion is the influence of aroma on the attraction of insects that are actively involved in the pollination of flowers. Active participation in the pollination of flowers

The main reason for the occurrence of a particular aroma in a flower is the high content essential oils in petals. The set of elements differs depending on the variety of the plant, so the smell of different flowers is different from each other. Under the influence of air temperature or due to the moistening of the petals, essential oils begin the evaporation process. This process produces a characteristic aroma.

Particles of essential oils swirl around the plant for a long time. That is why people prone to allergic reactions try to avoid close contact with flowers. Otherwise, the smallest droplets of evaporating substances fall into Airways and cause tears, a runny nose, or even suffocation.

Essential oils are found not only in petals, but also in leaves, shoots and even tree bark. As a result of the interaction of the existing components, different

People divide the smells of flowers into several categories - pleasant and unpleasant, sweet and tart. Some plants are very popular as a gift precisely because of their aroma. The function of smell is completely different.

The main purpose of fragrance for a flower is to attract the attention of insects. According to statistics, most flowering plants pollinated precisely thanks to winged helpers. Only a small number of them are able to self-pollinate or transmit their pollen through the air.

Essential oils are not only the cause of odors, but also play a role reliable protection flower. The fact is that their particles for a long time remain around the bud in the form of a thin veil, which prevents excessive overheating or hypothermia of the petals. Volatile oils are complex chemical compounds with different compositions and properties.

The smell of some flowers changes during the day. There are plants that, for example, are distinguished by a particularly rich aroma only at night. This is due to the way of life necessary for pollination of insects.

Some flowers have a completely unattractive aroma. However, for a separate category of insects, it is the most effective beacon, and bad smell they mistake for foods from their main diet.

They are one of nature's greatest scented gifts, everyone loves to enjoy their fresh scent. You can give them as a gift, decorate an interior to add a delightful scent to your home, but why do flowers actually have such an attractive fragrance?

The smell of flowers is usually a complex mixture of low molecular weight substances, and is the most important factor in attracting pollinators. Although the flowers may be the same in color or shape, no two floral scents are the same. Thus, smell is a signal that directs pollinators to the flower. Individual floral scents attract certain pollinating insects. Flowers with fragrant and sweet scents are pollinated by bees and flies, while flowers with spicy and fruity scents attract beetles.

As with all life forms, it is the process that allows reproduction. Pollinators are animals and insects that, in contact with flowers, and then, moving from flower to flower, transfer pollen, so new plants appear. The intensity of the floral scent can be affected by temperature and light levels, and there are some types of flowers that can intensify at certain times of the day or night. Snapdragon, for example, is more fragrant during the day when pollinating bees are more active. Fragrant tobacco is more fragrant at night, and attracts moths with its aroma.

As you can see, the fragrance becomes stronger after rain, when the air is humid, this is because the scent molecules are much easier to spread. one of the sweetest smelling flowers, the most popular scent, often used in products such as candles, perfumes, soaps, lotions, and creams. The scent of the lilac is often associated with spring, and the flower has a rather strong, sweet fragrance, although the degree of sweetness can vary depending on the type of lilac. known for their rather strong, fragrant aroma, a bouquet of such flowers will fill the room with a delightful aroma. However, if you are sensitive to smells, opt for other, less fragrant flowers.

Flowers decorate our house, plants with their wonderful aromas and a variety of shades are used in landscape design and as a gift, as one of the ways to express love and respect. What could be better than a fragrant bouquet!

Plants are amazing organisms. They are used for a variety of purposes: design, medicine, culinary condiment. They also have one more function - many representatives have very fragrant aromas that can be inhaled both at home and in their country house.

Picking flowers that smell good is a special challenge. In this case, you need to take into account several important points at once:

  • the right combination of flavors;
  • harmonious combination of plants in terms of design;
  • what conditions are suitable for different plants for their joint flowering (soil, light, and others).

Important! In the case of the selection of aromas, it is important to take into account the presence of an allergy in one of the household to certain smells. And if plants with a smell are supposed to be grown at home, accordingly, you need to keep in mind pets, who may also not like too odorous flowers.

Gloxinia - plants with incredibly beautiful flowers in the form of gramophones

The most saturated, delicious-smelling plants can be placed on your balcony. The most popular include:

  1. Gloxinia- plants with incredibly beautiful flowers in the form of gramophones. They have a variety of colors and patterns and have a delicate, peculiar aroma.
  2. Hyacinth- it's very popular flower plants which are grown from bulbs. They have a very intense aroma, which exude flowers of various colors: blue, red, white, pink, lilac, etc.
  3. Sweet pea blooms all season until early October, if the Indian summer is delayed longer than usual. The plant is creeping and needs trellis, netting or taut ropes.
  4. Lavender- an elegant plant purple flowers, which enrich the atmosphere with a pleasant smell until the end of summer.
  5. Nasturtium- it can be grown like a vine on a trellis, or it can be grown in ordinary containers. The aroma is pronounced, with rich honey tones.

What flowers to plant on the balcony (video)

Strongly scented flowers for the garden

The choice of fragrant plants for giving is wider. Along with flowers, this includes some herbs, low-growing shrubs and, of course, garden trees.

Fragrant shrubs and trees

A lot of garden shrubs and, of course, trees have fragrant aromas:

  • bird cherry;
  • lilac;
  • different types of honeysuckle (Tatar, Maaka);
  • hydrangea paniculata;
  • alder leaf clere;
  • different types of mock orange;
  • garden apple tree;
  • robinia pseudoacacia and others.

They are usually not planted next to each other. However, some types of trees, such as bird cherry and apple, the smells of which do not contradict each other, are quite appropriate to plant next to each other.

Lavender is an elegant plant with purple flowers that enrich the atmosphere with a pleasant smell until the end of summer.

fragrant herbs

Some herbs, despite their unprepossessing appearance, have very pleasant aromas. At the same time, they can be successfully used in the decoration of flower beds, rockeries and other flower arrangements. Here are some of the most popular representatives of fragrant herbs:

  • caraway;
  • tarragon;
  • fennel;
  • dill;
  • basil;
  • leaf mustard;
  • chervil and others.

It is no coincidence that most of the herbs on this list are used as spices. They got into the culinary business thanks to their exquisite aroma, which gives a piquant taste to any dish.

Some herbs, despite their inconspicuous appearance, have very pleasant aromas.

Fragrant annual and perennial flowers

Almost all flowers have their own unique aroma, which allows them to attract insects for pollination. However, few can emit really rich odors that are pleasant to humans.

These include, for example, such annuals:

  1. Sweet pea. This plant prefers cool, rainy weather. It can be planted in protected ground in winter or early spring.
  2. Mirabilis, which is also called the "Peruvian miracle". It opens its flowers after 5-6 pm and emits a pleasant smell until sunset.
  3. Heliotrope- quite tall (up to half a meter) beautiful flowers with a pleasant aroma of vanilla.
  4. lobularia, also called alyssum. It blooms almost all summer and partly September. Grown by seedlings (seeds are sown at the end of March).
  5. Fragrant tobacco along with planting a house, it is quite suitable for decoration suburban area. Fills the air with a strong floral scent.

Sweet Pea - This plant prefers cool, rainy weather.

Among the perennial flowers, the most common are the following:

  • dahlias;
  • monarch;
  • Levkoy (biennial);
  • meadowsweet;
  • mignonette;
  • peonies;
  • thin-leaved marigolds.

Choosing a place for planting perennial fragrant flowers should be especially careful so as not to disturb them later with transplants.

Strong-smelling flowers for the garden (video)

Flowers that smell in the evening and at night

In general, the flowers bloom and exude fragrances in the morning and afternoon to attract insects. However, there is a whole group of plants that are fragrant in the evening and even at night. These include:

  1. decorative tobacco- This plant has been cultivated for a long time. It reveals all its aromas from late evening until dawn. The aroma is sweetish, subtle, unobtrusive. Feature- can bloom until early October. The plant loves open Sun rays, a well-ventilated place, so placing it on a balcony facing south or east is very good option. He likes systematic watering and fairly good soil.
  2. Mattiola- a plant that does not have a special decorative value, but is very fragrant. She is planted in containers, often in the vicinity of more interesting from the point of view appearance flowers. The plant is quite demanding on watering and soil quality, grows well on the sunny side. In order to maximize the flowering of matthiola and enjoy its fragrantness for as long as possible, it is better to plant the seeds in several lines at intervals of 10-15 days.
  3. Levkoy- This is a plant related to Matthiola. It not only emits a pleasant, fragrant smell, but also has pleasant colors - white and scarlet, pink. If you alternate them with each other, sowing seeds of different varieties, it will look especially beautiful.
  4. night violet flowers(another name for this plant is mattiola bicorne) are small and rather inconspicuous in appearance, but in aroma it will yield to very few, even the most beautiful flowers. When they open, a delicate, sweet fragrance appears throughout the room, beginning in the evening hours and continuing throughout the night. These are annuals, so new plantings should be made every year. The advantage of such plants is that aromas can be inhaled literally a few months after planting.

Decorative tobacco - this plant has been grown in culture for a long time

fragrant bulbous plants

There is a whole class garden plants, which are distinguished by pleasant smells and magnificent colors: these are bulbous flowers:

  • daffodils;
  • hyacinths;
  • tulips;
  • crocuses;
  • blueberry;
  • whiteflower and others.

Almost all of them have a high decorative value and are grown not only for aroma, but also for aesthetic purposes.

Tulips have a high decorative value and are grown not only for fragrance, but also for aesthetic purposes.

Rules for creating a fragrant garden in the country

Creating a fragrant garden is an original and interesting task. The main requirement for work is the formation of plantings of such plants that will constantly give flowers at different times of summer and autumn. In a word, you need to create a garden continuous flowering and fragrances.

Along with the conditions of design and agrotechnical (according to the conditions of care) combination, it is necessary to take into account so that the flowers bloom in turn, and their fragrances do not interrupt each other:

  • The first to open the season of aromas in the country hyacinths and daffodils. They are planted in the form of seedlings, which begin to be prepared at the end of summer. A bulb is planted in a container, and already at the very beginning of October it is dug into the ground along with a seedling. The next year, with the onset of the warm season, the pots are taken out, the plants are removed and planted in specific places.
  • Next, a shrub, popular in our latitudes, begins to bloom - lilac. This is a rather unpretentious plant, choosing different types soils. Along with the usual tall trees, you can also plant decorative shrubs that grow no more than one and a half meters in height. Such trees not only bloom beautifully, but also look great in rockeries and other flower arrangements.

The first to open the season of aromas in the country are hyacinths and daffodils

  • Blooms around the same time. bird cherry whose flowers smell like honey. Its flowering time is mid-May. At about the same time, a garden apple tree is laid down, saturating the air with a delicate aroma.
  • Following (second half of May) bloom lilies of the valley. These flowers are undersized, have a very peculiar, recognizable appearance, so they are most often planted separately from others. They can be used to designate garden paths, planted along the edges of the flower bed in circles or drawings, and also planted in the form of a solid green carpet.
  • Next comes the time mock orange. It blooms at the very beginning of June and all July. Not all of its varieties smell, so it is important to choose fragrant ones. It is fragrant with such pleasant smells that it received the name garden jasmine. The aroma is pronounced, rich, harmonious. It is best to plant this plant in open, sunny places And do not forget about regular watering.

In my opinion, the estate and flower garden should serve not only to delight the eye with flowers and shrubs, to feed vegetables and fruits, to serve as a recreation area, but also to heal the soul.

Psychotherapists around the world have long come to the consensus that smell heals. No wonder aroma therapy is so common and so widely used.
If this is used in everything and from ancient times, then why should I not borrow this method of treatment.
In addition, a person, being a spiritual being, striving for pleasure, rest, relaxation and joy, needs pleasant sensations and emotions, and smells play an important role here. I can't imagine a vacation without a pleasant smell, and a rest in a fragrant garden, even a minute, just with a cup of coffee, already adds minutes to life.

My husband is quite indifferent to flowers, however, sitting in an armchair, on a terrace or patio, he demands to enjoy the smells of flowers. Flowers, in his opinion, should smell from a distance, you don’t need to lean towards them, you don’t need to bring them to your nose, they should bring pleasure from spring to late autumn, so I try to create a fragrant flower garden.

Once, while looking at bags of seeds in a store, I witnessed a conversation between a saleswoman and a customer. The buyer asked the seller for bags of seeds only for those flowers that have a smell. And to my regret, the saleswoman could not help the customer. That's when I thought about whether so many flowers can create a fragrant flower garden, and whether so many of their seeds are sold in bags.

Mattiola - the smell of childhood

My husband's first demand was very simple, "Bring back the smell of childhood." As it turned out, his childhood is closely connected with the smell of mattiola, a bicorn levkoy. Mom sowed these unsightly flowers, and they smelled all summer. This went on from year to year, and it is precisely this smell that so reminiscent of the barefoot childhood spent in the countryside.
Since I don’t like these flowers at all, but their smell is still quite pleasant, I went for a trick. In early spring, my husband asked me to show the place where I sowed mattiola, moreover, he even began to point his finger where exactly this should be done. It took a long time to explain why this is so, and not otherwise.

Mattiola needs a bright light, otherwise she will stretch out and there will be no flowers or smell, so it is impossible for her to look for a better companion than a rose.

I have miniature roses on my estate, which are very similar in color and height, that's where I put the fragrant beauties.
The smell of matthiol creates, of course, very pleasant. After a hot summer day, when the whole family gathers for evening "gatherings", it is very pleasant to inhale the aroma of matthiola.

intoxicating brugmansia

When I first met Brugmansia, I was fascinated, but when I inhaled the smell of this incomparable flower, I was just hysterical, I so wanted to inhale it again and again that this flower will never leave my estate now.
Early in the morning, brugmansia doesn’t smell yet, but when I return from work and go into the backyard, the aroma is so strong that even the neighbors come under the fence to inhale these delights. On myself, I felt that no matter how tired I was, inhaling the aroma of Brugmansia perfectly relieves fatigue and stimulates me to work.

Each variety of Brugmansia smells differently, sweet, intoxicating and soothing. I put these flowers in a bouquet at home, the smell causes only positive emotions, and the room is filled with a pleasant aroma. But when the bouquet is removed, the aroma quickly disappears.
If brugmansia is grown from cuttings, then it blooms only in the second half of summer, and you have to wait a long time for moments of pleasure.


What is May without the intoxicating smell of lilacs. My lilac grows along the perimeter of the entire estate and thus, throughout the flowering period, wherever we are, we enjoy its aroma.

It is a pity that smells cannot be preserved, like tomatoes in a jar, but I remember the White Lilac perfume from childhood. Then they were the pinnacle of perfumery art, and now they are just a pleasant and good memory.

Chubushnik or popularly "jasmine"

What an intoxicating smell my wonderful bushes create. I try to inhale this aroma before sunrise, believing that it is at this time that angels fly over the bush.

Bushes grow at the entrance to the gate, huge, lush and gorgeously blooming from year to year.
I often notice passers-by who stop to admire and enjoy the wonderful aroma of these small white flowers.


One growing bush cannot create a fragrance for the whole garden, but when there are a lot of bushes, the fragrance becomes rich, bright, thick. Unfortunately, last years summer comes so fast, the heat kills the blooms very quickly, and we can enjoy this smell less and less.

My pink peonies smell, but the burgundy ones were without aroma, but I removed them, and purchased those varieties that have aroma.


These flowers are not loved by everyone, and are not very popular in our flower beds. And here I am, having grown these fluffy “clouds”, I am simply delighted with their aroma. Together with me, the bees are delighted. The aroma of these flowers is very heavy, thick and rich, it smells all over the street. I have a gypsophila planted in the background, in order to smell the aroma there is absolutely no need to approach the bushes.


Of course, the rose is the queen of flowers and the queen of scents. I try to plant only smelling varieties:


It smells like Bulgarian rose oil from the distant 70s. The bush is planted near the path itself, there is no need to bend over, and when the whole blooms, the aroma can be heard very far.


The bush is still very young, but I can imagine what a sensation it will make in the prime of life, if already now, passing by blooming single flowers, you plunge into a fragrant cloud.

There is another fragrant rose, the name of which I do not know. But its lovely aroma just does not let go of itself, and I want to inhale it again and again.


These flowers are cute and unprepossessing, and do not emit fragrance until they are touched. They are planted very close to me by the path, and touching your foot while walking, you can easily enjoy a pleasant smell.

I have smells everywhere. When choosing certain flowers or shrubs, I always put the smell in the first place.

If you decide to please your family and friends with the most beautiful, delicate and beautiful bouquet, then give them bouquets of hyacinths, flowers that have such a romantic name as "rain flowers", and also this plant of the sun god - Apollo. And it's almost impossible not to love him!

Amazing story

Few people know that the story of the appearance of this plant in Holland, namely, it is considered the progenitor of hyacinth, is no less romantic than the name itself. During a storm off the coast of this country, a merchant ship was wrecked. One of the boxes, and there were a huge number of them in the hold, by coincidence, washed ashore, and in some unknown way it was opened. Who did it remains a mystery. And from this box on the shore spilled onions, which soon took root.

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Stomach cancer is one of the most common oncopathologies, the main danger of which is that it is rarely detected in our early stages. The fact is that this disease often does not have pronounced symptoms at the beginning of development, and the majority of the population simply does not pay due attention to preventive examinations. Therefore, stomach cancer is detected in the vast majority of cases at 3-4 stages.

In this case, you should not rely on domestic medicine, which relies on somewhat outdated treatment methods with insufficiently high efficiency and serious side effects. Even the best oncologists are limited both by outdated diagnostic and treatment hardware and by available pharmacological agents.

Therefore, in case of detection of stomach cancer, you should not tempt fate - it is better to raise funds for treatment in Israel.

Simple statistics - about 80% of patients diagnosed with gastric cancer (in some clinics this figure reaches 90%), treated in Israeli clinics, demonstrate a five-year survival rate. Even the most severe cancer patients oncologists in this small country significantly prolong life and improve its quality.

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Proper diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. It is impossible to develop an effective therapeutic program without a 100% correct determination of the stage of cancer and the type of neoplasm. And it doesn’t matter if a patient was admitted with suspected stomach cancer or the diagnosis had already been made by oncologists in his home country. The fact is that in the countries of the post-Soviet space, situations are not uncommon when outdated hardware is used for diagnostics, or doctors do not have sufficient qualifications. Therefore, in an Israeli clinic, the initial diagnosis can be not only clarified, but completely refuted.

Diagnosis of stomach cancer is a mandatory step in preparation for therapy

The level of diagnostics in Israeli clinics is extremely high, and the prices are much lower than in the US or Europe. The latest diagnostic methods and technologies are used, the clinics are equipped with the latest generation of high-precision and informative devices, and oncologists are highly qualified. All this was made possible thanks to the state funding of Israeli medicine. Error-free diagnostics affordable price is one of the important factors in the development of medical tourism: citizens of many countries come to Israel for diagnosis and treatment.

The whole complex of diagnostic procedures necessary for suspected stomach cancer can be completed in just three to four days. In some cases, online diagnostics is allowed, that is, remote consultation with oncologists based on the results of laboratory and hardware studies conducted at home. But the accuracy of the diagnosis in this case cannot be guaranteed.

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Stomach cancer is a dangerous oncological disease, the treatment of which has a rather severe effect on the body. Even if it is possible to do without a complete or partial resection of the stomach, chemotherapy and radiation affect almost all organs and systems. human body. If there was a significant surgical intervention (removal of the stomach partially or completely), the rehabilitation period can be especially difficult.

In Israeli clinics for the rehabilitation of patients after treatment of stomach cancer, special attention is given. After all, it depends on this period whether the cancer will recede forever, or a relapse will occur. In addition, aggressive treatments can have long-term side effects, and quite serious ones. The rehabilitation period under the supervision of Israeli doctors also allows minimizing their influence.

How is rehabilitation after stomach cancer in Israeli clinics?

Since each case of the disease is unique, the rehabilitation strategy, like the therapy strategy, is developed individually for each patient.

Patients diagnosed with gastric cancer usually need help to restore appetite, as well as general strengthening of the body, which due to cancer often suffers from cachexia (exhaustion). In the case of surgical intervention, the elimination of pain syndrome is also required. Another important point is psychological rehabilitation.

Israeli clinics use the Fast Track rehabilitation technique. Its basis is intensive rehabilitation within the walls of a medical institution, which allows minimizing the time spent in the hospital walls. Therefore, the average rehabilitation course is only 10 to 14 days.

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Stomach cancer is a severe and dangerous pathology of the digestive system, in which a special diet must be strictly observed. It is necessary to change approaches to nutrition immediately after the detection of the disease. But especially strict adherence to the diet will be required after surgery, especially if there has been a partial or complete resection.

Compliance with the diet is an important auxiliary factor on which the recovery of the patient depends. Failure to comply with the diet can significantly worsen the state of health.

Rules for eating with stomach cancer

In order to remove the load from the digestive system and stomach as much as possible, it is necessary:

  • - observe the regimen of frequent meals in strictly metered small portions - from 5 to 6 times a day;
  • - products must have a puree consistency: they must be wiped, ground or crushed in another way;
  • - the time intervals between meals should be the same;
  • - you can not eat excessively hot or, on the contrary, cold food - only warm;
  • - dishes must be prepared right before consumption in the amount of one serving - food cannot be stored;
  • - dishes must be boiled or steamed - all fried is strictly prohibited;
  • - plant foods should prevail in the diet;
  • fatty food- prohibited;
  • - salt should be replaced with herbal seasonings.

Chemotherapy carried out in Israeli clinics can significantly reduce the growth rate of neoplasia and the spread of cancer cells throughout the body. This technique can be used before surgery (in order to reduce the mass of the neoplasm), after surgery (to prevent recurrence by destroying the remaining cancer cells) or during surgery (HIPEC technique).

Types of chemotherapy in Israeli clinics

In Israeli clinics, systemic chemotherapy and HIPEC are most often used to treat gastric cancer.

Systemic chemotherapy is the treatment of a cancer patient by introducing cytostatics into the body according to a certain scheme. It can be done with oral medications, injections, pumps, or drips. Most often, chemotherapy is performed on an outpatient basis, in cycles repeated every few months (three cycles before surgery, three after). One cycle usually lasts about three weeks.

Oral medications (such as capicetabine) are taken by mouth as tablets on a schedule approved by your doctor. Intravenous infusions are carried out through cannulas, a PICC line implant, or a central catheter. Most often, both oral and intravenous administration of cytostatics are involved, since, as a rule, not one drug is prescribed, but a combination of them.

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