When the jasmine blooms, the whole area is filled with an unusual aroma - tart, sweet and exciting.

But jasmine flowers deliver not only aesthetic pleasure, but also have an exciting effect on brain functions, improve a person’s condition and put his thoughts in order. It is not for nothing that jasmine oil, which is used for flavoring tea and in perfumery, is so valued on the international market and costs a lot of money.

Jasmine properties

  • Jasmine relieves mental stress well, so it is recommended for neuroses and chronic fatigue.
  • Jasmine normalizes blood pressure.
  • Increases performance.
  • Supports immunity.
  • Jasmine oil has antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effects.
  • Jasmine tinctures are used externally for skin rejuvenation and skin inflammation. Tincture recipe. One hundred grams of dried jasmine flowers pour 100 ml of alcohol and leave for seven days. For external use, dilute two teaspoons of tincture in a glass of water.
  • Thanks to its strong aroma, jasmine has a calming effect not only on nervous system but also on the respiratory system. Therefore, it is good for asthma, bronchitis.
  • It is believed that jasmine helps with frigidity, as well as with the extinction of sexual desire - both in women and in men.
  • Jasmine flowers contain essential oils, salicylic, benzoic and formic acids.
  • Jasmine helps with colds.
  • Jasmine reduces the risk of cardiovascular and oncological diseases.
  • Jasmine tea improves the functioning of the circulatory system, and is also a good remedy from atherosclerosis.
  • Jasmine helps with insomnia. A combination of jasmine and lavender in the form of an aromatic bath gives a good effect. Bath recipe. Take a tablespoon of fresh jasmine flowers and mix with two tablespoons of dried lavender. Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then strain the infusion and pour into the bath. Take a bath for no more than 15 minutes.

How and when to harvest jasmine flowers

Jasmine blooms almost all summer, capturing the end of spring and the beginning of autumn.

The peculiarity of jasmine is that it fragrant flowers do not bloom with sunrise, but, on the contrary, at night. Therefore, jasmine flowers are harvested during the mass opening, which occurs in the early morning. At this time, all useful substances are collected in the flowers, and their concentration is quite high. As the sun rises, the essential oils of jasmine evaporate, many flowers fall off, and unopened buds wait for the next night to fill the area again with a wonderful aroma.

How to dry jasmine flowers

Flowers, without tamping, put in baskets or other bulk containers.

Then they are laid out on paper or cloth and dried in a warm room for several days, avoiding the rays of the sun on the petals. As the top layer dries, the flowers must be carefully turned over, at the same time removing foreign impurities or spoiled, browned petals.

You can dry the flowers in a dryer or oven (with the door open) at a temperature not exceeding 35 °, so that the essential oils do not collapse. Overdrying the petals is not recommended, as their appearance and quality will deteriorate.

The petals are dried in the fresh air, and then put in glass jars with screw caps so that the aroma and essential oils do not evaporate.

Jasmine tea

The best option is a mixture of green tea and jasmine flowers. This tea improves well-being, normalizes arterial pressure, dulls the appetite, which creates the preconditions for weight loss. Also, green tea with jasmine removes toxins, salts and bad cholesterol from the body.

Botanical description of mock orange. Mock orange (or false jasmine, as appearance similar to jasmine) - deciduous or semi-deciduous shrub with thin gray bark. Branches are thin, spreading. The leaves are opposite, simple, usually 5-7 cm long. The shape of the leaves is different: ovate, oval or elongated, rarely and shallowly serrated or almost entire. The inflorescence is formed at the ends of short young lateral shoots in the form of a brush, consisting of 3-9 flowers. The flowers are white, and in some varieties they are yellow. Inflorescences can also form in the axils of the upper 1-2 pairs of leaves.

Blossoms - in May-June.

In the wild, it can be found in deciduous and mixed forests, in glades, among other shrubs, along edges, in undergrowth, etc. It is grown as an ornamental plant.

There are many legends about this plant. In ancient Greece, it was believed, for example, that this beautiful plant presented to them by the Goddess of wisdom - Athena. It symbolizes passionate love, inspires lovers and awakens romantic feelings. Jasmine in Eastern countries is called the "Queen of the Night".

The used part of mock orange is flowers, leaves, young branches and root. The wood is used to make chibouks (mouthpiece) for smoking pipes, it is strong and hollow inside, hence the name - chubushnik. And also, baskets are woven from thin rods of mock orange.

False jasmine flowers are harvested during flowering, starting from the moment of abundant flowering, this is about the month of July, and up to October. Do it in dry and clear weather, in the early morning (4-5 am) or even at night to essential oil did not evaporate under the rays of the sun. And immediately after collecting the flowers, spread them in a thin layer in the attic or in the shade, and dry as quickly as possible so that more essential oils are preserved in the raw material and aroma, respectively. The flowers are also dried in special dryers (ovens) at a temperature of 30-40°C. When the flowers are completely dry, put them in a glass or metal can and close the lid. Leaves and young branches are harvested before or during flowering, in the first half of summer, roots - in spring or autumn.

Mock orange is rich in essential oils, salicylic, formic and benzoic acids, useful minerals and vitamins. Its oil is used for disinfection and healing of wounds and not only.

Preparations prepared on the basis of false jasmine, infusions, decoctions, etc., relieve pain well, so it is often included in herbal preparations for muscle pain and joint pain.

Jasmine essential oil is one of the most valuable and expensive oils, it is extracted from flowers. This is an expensive and costly procedure, and it is problematic to obtain it at home, but making an oil infusion from jasmine flowers is not at all difficult: place the flowers in glass jar and pour olive or sunflower vegetable oil to cover, and close the lid. Wrap the jar in dark paper or place in a box and put in the sun for 40 days, shaking occasionally (1-2 times a day).

It is not necessary to filter the resulting jasmine oil, it is used externally, for colds, migraines (rubbed on the forehead, temples), convulsions, paralysis, nervous trembling, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, chapping of the skin of the face and hands, etc. Store in a dark and cool place.

Jasmine essential oil is actively used in aromatherapy both by itself and in combination with other oils, and is also used as an excellent rejuvenating agent. It helps restore youth and elasticity to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté: 3 drops of oil are mixed with 10 ml of cream (base).

Most often, jasmine is used in treatment in the form of an infusion of flowers or flowers and leaves, the plant also has the ability to restore peace of mind.

Jasmine tea (infusion): Pour 1 teaspoon of flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, insist and drink like tea, to stimulate brain activity, tone the body as a whole (like tea, coffee), as well as for neuroses, depression, scurvy, headaches and etc. It is especially good to drink jasmine tea in the morning. But, not everyone will like this tea, for some people it may be a large dosage, then drink a glass during the day.

Decoction of flowers and leaves of mock orange: 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of crushed raw materials with 1 glass of water, cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes, covered with a lid, then set aside, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 3 times a day before meals, 15-30 ml for bronchitis, including chronic, attacks of bronchial asthma, rheumatism, hysteria, neurosis, as a diuretic, etc.

With bronchitis or bronchial asthma, they also drink tea (black or green) with the addition of mock orange flowers, in a ratio of 2: 1.

Decoction of branches and leaves of mock orange: take 1 table. pour a spoonful of dry and crushed raw materials with 1 glass of water, cook over low heat for 4-5 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day, before meals, with bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.

A decoction of mock orange roots is used to treat hemorrhoids: 2 table. spoons of dry and crushed root pour 1 liter of water, cook over low heat, covered with a lid, 10 minutes, leave and insist for another 2-3 hours, then strain. Leave part of the decoction (1 cup) for oral consumption, drink ¼ cup 3 times a day before meals, and use the rest for baths, take warm baths for 15-20 minutes (if necessary, warm up a little to 37 ° C).

Mock orange root is also used in the treatment of sprains, aching joints, headaches, and insomnia. Mock orange roots also have a good analgesic effect, and some types of jasmine are used to treat cancer.

Alcohol tincture of mock orange flowers: 100 gr. freshly picked flowers pour 100 ml. drinking alcohol, insist in a dark place for 1 week, shaking occasionally, then strain. Use tincture for the treatment of skin diseases (1 teaspoon of tincture diluted in ½ cup of water, make lotions), add to tea, etc.

In some recipes for alcohol tincture, dry flowers are used, in a ratio of 1: 1 by volume, the application is similar.

Healing jasmine baths are taken in case of overwork: 100 g of flowers are tied in a knot of gauze and placed in a bath filled with warm water by 1/3.

To improve and normalize sleep, you can use this recipe: take 1 tbsp. l. fresh or dry mock orange flowers and 2 table. spoons of lavender herb, pour 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour, wrapped in a towel. Then strain and pour the infusion into a bath of water. Take this bath for about 20 minutes daily. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Mock orange is a good honey plant, it attracts many insects with its smell, which is useful for the garden, and the honey collected from it is healing. As you can see, the plant is worth it to allocate a place for it in your garden.

Chubushnik - contraindications.

You can not use drugs with mock orange for problems with the kidneys, gastritis, ulcers, pregnancy, hypotension (low blood pressure), individual intolerance. In some sensitive people prone to allergies, jasmine can cause an allergic reaction. And also, excessive passion for jasmine oil can cause headaches, nosebleeds and others. side effects.



Chubushnik - can it be brewed into tea?

Tea for many of us is both an excellent end to a meal and a wonderful pastime with friends over a cup of fragrant and tasty drink. And which of the real summer residents will be able to refuse herbal tea? The air filled with a delightful smell gives a lot of positive emotions. And the fact that herbs and flowers are collected with their own hands on their site also means a lot. But sometimes it is these drinks that cause a lot of questions and discussions about their benefits and harms. For example, is it possible to brew mock orange into tea? This is the question this article will try to answer.

Mock orange, or "garden jasmine" blooms

But, first of all, you need to find out, what is a mock orange? Is it correct to call it garden jasmine? What properties does this plant have? And, if it can still be eaten, how much and how? And further! Many summer residents grow bushes of this incredibly beautiful-smelling plant in their plots. And they would be interested to know if only flowers, or can leaves be used as well? How and when to collect and dry flowers?

What is a chubushnik?

Probably, not a single summer resident has ignored this bright and delicate plant, which amazes with both the magnificence of its appearance and the charming smell, upon hearing which one wants to say: “jasmine!”. Indeed, for many years mock orange was mistakenly called jasmine, attributing to it even the properties of this plant.

Over time, the difference between these flowering bushes became clear. The confusion arose for two reasons. First, there are many varieties of both jasmine and mock orange. And among them there are quite similar plants between these two species. In addition, the smell of both one and the other bush is incredibly attractive, subtle and delicate. And yet, oriental jasmine and our countryman are from different families, as evidenced by the characteristics of plants.

But this does not mean that the mock orange is ready to yield to the overseas guest. It is amazingly beautiful, has a wonderful plume aroma. Perhaps, in this case, such an addition to the word "jasmine" as "garden" is quite justified. And the fact that the mock orange itself is incredibly useful, medicinal plant, gives it a lot of weight.

Healing properties of garden mock orange

This is interesting! Surprisingly, unlike jasmine, mock orange benefits not only flowers, but also twigs, leaves, and even roots. Some varieties of this plant can not only give a good mood and a charge of vivacity for the whole day, but also cure serious diseases.

Which medicinal properties mock orange? Depending on the variety, this flower reveals its facets, and shows that it is capable of a lot, for example:

  • Mock orange tea is useful as a prevention of bronchitis and in combination with bronchial asthma;
  • Gives vigor and stimulates brain activity;
  • Relieves symptoms of depression;
  • Removes muscle and joint pain;
  • Mock orange oil is used to rejuvenate the skin, giving it a fresh, toned look.

These are just some of the possibilities of our garden jasmine. In fact, mock orange has long been known both in medicine and in cosmetology. But scientists, getting to know this plant better, argue that it is ready for more, to the extent that it can serve as a prophylactic against certain types of cancer.

Warning! It must be remembered that any remedy has side effects or contraindications! Who is not recommended mock orange? For those who may have an allergic reaction to it. And those who suffer from kidney disease, low blood pressure, or who have an ulcer should use this plant with caution. Pregnant women are also included in the category who are not recommended to get involved in mock orange.

Brewing tea

Reading about jasmine tea, many would like to know if mock orange is so useful? Can you make your own flower tea too? You can find out what experts who research the issues of herbal and spicy additives to teas say from the video at the end of the article.


Beautiful and useful - mock orange decoction

Jasmine, which is most often found, is called mock orange. In China, they know how to brew jasmine. There it is added to green tea giving it a unique aroma and taste. The plant has healing properties and is used to treat many diseases, as well as in cosmetics.

Composition and benefits of mock orange

Jasmine - mock orange has a rich composition, due to which it is actively used in folk medicine and cosmetology. The plant contains the following components:

  • essential oils;
  • salicylic acid;
  • formic acid;
  • benzoic acid;
  • phenols;
  • tripertenes;
  • useful vitamins and minerals.

Decoctions based on mock orange have an analgesic and relaxing effect, relieving joint and muscle pain. They are also used for:

  • boost metabolism and lose weight
  • improvement of digestion processes;
  • treatment of infectious and viral diseases;
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • removal of toxins and toxins from the body;
  • elimination of nervous disorders, getting rid of trembling, headaches, apathy, convulsions;
  • treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver;
  • getting rid of insomnia;
  • improvement of mood, cheerfulness, elimination of irritability and aggression;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • blood purification;
  • pain relief during contractions in pregnant women;
  • treatment of bronchitis and asthma;
  • treatment of gynecological diseases;
  • solving dermatological problems;
  • improving the condition of the skin with chapping, increased dryness and other problems.

For cosmetic purposes, mock orange is used to improve the condition of the skin and hair. Plant components have moisturizing, soothing, rejuvenating and regenerating properties. They relieve irritation, redness on the skin, restore its elasticity.

The use of mock orange

On the basis of mock orange, infusions and decoctions are prepared. To do this, use the branches and leaves of the plant.


  • twigs and leaves of mock orange - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 200 ml.


  1. Raw materials are crushed and 1 spoon is measured.
  2. Pour raw materials with water.
  3. Cook the mixture over low heat for 5 minutes.
  4. Infuse the remedy for an hour.

Take a decoction of 2 tablespoons several times a day.

Ether is used in the composition of oil mixtures. Many are interested in whether it is possible to brew mock orange into tea. IN medicinal purposes flowers, root, leaves and young shoots of the plant are used. They are brewed and taken orally, as well as in the form of compresses, bath solutions. Jasmine extract is used in creams and ointments. The wood of the jasmine bush is used to make mouthpieces for smoking pipes. Baskets are woven from thin branches.

Essential oil is used in aroma lamps, added to the bath and hair rinses. The smell of jasmine soothes, relieves nervousness and anxiety.

A rich, pleasant aroma allows the use of jasmine in cooking when preparing desserts, such as ice cream. It makes their taste more refined and subtle.

Do jasmine petals brew

In folk medicine, mock orange branches and leaves are often used, so many do not know if jasmine flowers can be brewed. Petals can be dried on their own and used to prepare a decoction or infusion. But keep in mind that not every mock orange is suitable for this. There is a short and terry look. The smell of the flowers of these varieties of jasmine is very different. They should not be added to tea. This can lead to health problems. You should not expect from them the aroma that a real mock orange gives.

After making sure that the plant is suitable for consumption, the question of whether jasmine flowers can be brewed disappears by itself. Petals are plucked during the period of mass flowering, usually in May in the early morning. Better if the weather is dry and warm.

Jasmine tea

True jasmine tea is obtained by pre-flavoring green tea with jasmine petals. The procedure is repeated 3-7 times. At home, it is enough to mix tea leaves with jasmine buds to get a fragrant drink. The following rules will tell you how to brew jasmine tea so that it turns out really tasty:

  1. Use purified water.
  2. For brewing, it is convenient to use a special container - a gaiwan. It is a porcelain cup with a lid.
  3. The container for tea leaves is preliminarily doused with boiling water. Heated dishes will allow tea to better reveal its taste.
  4. Do not use boiling water for brewing. The water is cooled to 85-90 degrees.
  5. The duration of brewing depends on the quality of the tea and preferences, but usually takes 1-3 minutes.
  6. High-quality jasmine tea can be brewed up to 4 times.
  7. The correct proportions for brewing are 3 g of tea per 150 ml of water.

Jasmine tea is easy to make. There are several options for its preparation. Some use only jasmine flowers, while others add tea leaves.



  1. Jasmine flowers are placed in a cup.
  2. Pour raw materials with water.
  3. Cover the container with a saucer.
  4. Infuse tea for 5 minutes.


  • jasmine petals - 1 tsp;
  • green tea - 2 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • water - 400 ml.


  1. The container for brewing is treated with boiling water.
  2. Petals and tea leaves are poured into a heated container.
  3. Pour raw materials with water.
  4. Mock orange tea is infused for 5 minutes.
  5. Honey is added to the finished drink.

Proper brewing will allow you to enjoy the taste of the drink to the fullest, as well as get maximum benefit for the body.

Jasmine decoction recipes for skin and hair

A decoction of jasmine is used to relieve redness, as well as an antiseptic and moisturizer.


  • jasmine petals - 1 tsp;
  • boiling water - 200 ml.


  1. The flowers are poured with boiling water.
  2. Infuse the remedy for half an hour.
  3. Used to wipe the face with dry skin.

To cleanse dry and sensitive facial skin, a remedy with mock orange is also used. Jasmine decoction nourishes and moisturizes.


  • rose - 10 g;
  • jasmine - 10 g;
  • linden - 10 g;
  • chamomile - 10 g;
  • water - 200 ml.


  1. Herbs are mixed and poured with boiling water.
  2. The container is wrapped and the composition is infused for a couple of hours.
  3. Filter the remedy.

Jasmine is also effective for excessive oily hair.


  • oak bark - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • jasmine petals - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sage - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 200 ml.


  1. Herbs are mixed and poured with water.
  2. Put the container on the fire and boil for several minutes
  3. Dilute the decoction with water.
  4. Rinse hair after every wash.

You can also dip your hair for a while in a basin of decoction and hold it there.

Recipe for weight loss

Black or green tea with mock orange will help you lose weight. Tannins and caffeine in combination with essential oils help to deal with extra pounds by speeding up metabolism.

Jasmine drink has a slightly sweet taste, so it can be drunk without sugar. In addition, mock orange reduces cravings for sweets, which is also useful for losing weight.

Prepare green tea with mock orange and drink it a quarter of an hour after eating. This will help speed up the digestion process. When choosing jasmine, how to brew it for weight loss, the following recipe will tell you.


  • jasmine petals - 1 tsp;
  • tea - 1 tsp;
  • water - 200 ml.


  1. Petals and tea leaves are poured hot water.
  2. Infuse the composition for 5-10 minutes.

For weight loss, it is enough to drink 3 cups of tea a day. A sustainable effect can be achieved with regular use of jasmine tea and diet.

Contraindications to taking jasmine decoction

Individual intolerance is an absolute contraindication to taking decoctions and teas with mock orange. It is not recommended to use them for:

  • kidney disease;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • pregnancy;
  • susceptibility to allergies;
  • reduced pressure.

If you drink jasmine drink too often and in large quantities, you may experience side effects such as headache and nosebleeds.


Mock orange, the nuances of care at home

Mock orange is a plant belonging to the Hydrangea family. This bush with beautiful white flowers and sweet aroma can be confused with jasmine. This article is about why it is worth planting garden jasmine and how to do it right.

Also consider proper care followed by the types of reproduction of the plant and the time of the year when it is worth planting a mock orange. Let's analyze the beneficial properties of garden jasmine and learn how to deal with pests and diseases of mock orange.

Did you know? The plant began to be called mock orange because chibouks and mouthpieces for smoking pipes were made from its wood.

Planting mock orange

The leaves of garden jasmine have a light green color. With the arrival of autumn, the color changes to bright lemon.

Inflorescences smell like strawberries.

The mock-up looks like this:

Now that we know what it looks like, we should start planting the mock orange itself.

Selecting a landing site

The mock orange loves the sun very much, but at the same time it feels great in the shade. If you plant garden jasmine in a sunny area of ​​​​the garden, it will bloom profusely and beautifully, and if in the shade, then the flowers gradually become smaller and the branches stretch.

The gerbil is considered the most comfortable soil for garden jasmine. But even on very moist soil, mock orange feels great. The main thing is to use drainage (rubble or pebbles).

Garden jasmine does not tolerate stagnant water near the roots. It is also resistant to temporary drought. The soil should contain leafy soil, sand and humus.

Basic landing rules

Now that we know which place is best for planting mock orange in your garden, let's move on to the rules for planting this plant.

Proper care of the chubushnik

Caring for a garden mock orange is not difficult. In this section, we will look at proper watering and top dressing of the soil, as well as the correct cutting and thinning of the bush.

Watering and fertilizing the soil

The bush needs to be watered very often. If the mock orange does not have enough moisture, the leaves begin to wither and lose elasticity. Only if you water it again, the plant becomes healthy again.

Also, during the cultivation of mock orange, it is required to fertilize the plant at least three times.

The first feeding of mock orange is carried out in early spring. For this they take mineral fertilizer"Agricola" and bred 2 tbsp. for 10 liters of water. One bush is watered with this mixture.

The second dressing takes place before flowering. This time we use organic fertilizers, for example, "Effecton". It is bred in the same way as Agricola.

You can also add liquid fertilizer "Rossa". One bush will now require 2 buckets of diluted top dressing.

The third is held in the autumn. This strengthens the plant winter time. Apply superphosphate and potassium sulfate. In 10 liters of water, add 1 tbsp. each fertilizer.

Watering should now be half a bucket for each shrub. If suddenly the bush is frozen in the winter, do not worry, it will quickly recover.

The earth, preferably in the root circle, should be loosened a couple of times during the summer. Also, do not forget about mulching in winter, with a layer of up to 4 cm.

Shrub pruning and thinning

Find out when and how to prune garden jasmine.

It's worth doing it every year. Mock orange needs to remove wilted flowers and pruning shoots over 12 years old. You can also form crowns at your discretion.

In early spring, half-strong branches should be cut, which will contribute to the development of shoots of normal growth on them. All procedures help the mock orange grow quickly.

In winter, cold weather can cause freezing of young shoots, but if you cut them off next year, the young shoots will restore the appearance of the mock orange. In adult plants, the trunks thicken and become bare. Such bushes should be pruned.

At the end of winter or early spring, the trunks are cut to 40 cm. The rest are cut to the ground.

Important! After pruning, treat the cuts with garden pitch.

Shoots that grow in autumn should be removed next spring, leaving 3 shoots on each stump.

The following year, new bushes are formed from these processes. In a couple of years, the mock orange will bloom in full force.

Mock orange transplant

In this section, we will figure out how to transplant mock orange without harming the plant itself.

Since garden jasmine tolerates transplanting easily and recovers quickly, part of the foliage should be sacrificed and, unfortunately, the plant's flowering year will be lost. You need to transplant the mock orange until mid-September.

It is worth waiting for a rainy or cloudy day. Before digging up a shrub, it should be well watered and left for a day. Then half of the old shoots are removed under the root, and the rest are shortened.

After that, we dig up the mock orange and move it to a new site, watering it before that and compacting the soil. In order for the garden jasmine to quickly adapt to a new place, after transplanting, we advise you to trample the soil under the bush a little and water it abundantly.

Reproduction of mock orange

Propagating a mock orange will not be difficult. It can be propagated using seeds, cuttings and layering, which will be discussed in this section.


In this way, specific mock oranges are propagated, and not plants bred by crossing. Sowing is carried out in autumn, winter or spring.

If you decide to sow in winter, then you should do it at a temperature not lower than 10 ° C, in weather without wind. Sow directly into a layer of snow at a depth of 30 cm and cover the seeds with straw. From above you can press large branches. In the spring, the shelter is removed and the emerging sprouts are shaded.

If planting is carried out in the spring, then the seeds are planted in greenhouses or greenhouses. Before sowing, future plants are placed in a gauze bag and immersed in water at room temperature for an hour and a half.

Then the seeds in the bag are transferred to wet sawdust or peat. On the 3rd day, when the seeds swell, they are mixed with dry sand and sown, and then sprinkled with humus.

After the sprouts sprout, they must be shaded.


In order to propagate mock orange by cuttings, you need to tear off a small branch from the bush you like. Semi-lignified cuttings should be taken during or after flowering.

On the cuttings are lateral branches with flowers. It should be a sharp movement to tear off the branch from the main shoot. A piece of wood with bark should remain on it.

To root the cuttings, it is required to pour a layer of drainage (for example, expanded clay) on the bottom of the dish and cover it with a mixture of peat and sand in equal proportions on top. Before mixing, we advise you to moisten them a little. Pour sand on top with a layer of 3 cm and pour the fungicide solution.

Preparation of cuttings is also very simple. To do this, we cut off the lower leaves and flowers on the cuttings and soak them in the Epin solution for 12 hours.

Dip the cut of the cutting in powder to stimulate root formation. We plant the cuttings in a container at an angle of 40 degrees.

Important! The lower petioles of the leaves should not sink into the sand.

After planting, we cover the cuttings with a transparent bag or a jar and transfer them to the shade in the garden. We also advise you to spray the cuttings every day so that rooting is successful.

When the cuttings have taken root, we plant them together with a clod of earth in a permanent place, at first shading it.


Mock orange easily forms layers that take root by 70%. Previously, the bushes are cut to a stump (height is about 5-7 cm from the ground). This stimulates the growth of young shoots.

In the spring, they dig up the earth around the mock orange, level it with a rake and feed it with fertilizers. After that, the overgrowth is made at the lower kidney to the ground and fixed with wooden studs. The constriction should be done with a soft wire.

After fixing, the shoots are covered with soil. By the end of the growing season, shoots, layering, independently develop into bushes with good roots.

The following spring, they are dug up and cut off with pruners from the bush. Grow layering should be within two years.

Mock orange in garden design

Chubushnik in landscape design used in large unformed hedges as the main shrub.

The plant goes well with lilac and hydrangea. You can also plant several types of mock orange varieties, creating unusual compositions and a play of color. They may differ in crown shape, height and foliage texture.

Example landscape design garden with mock orange:

Useful properties of mock orange

Mock orange is not only a beautiful decoration for your garden, but also has useful properties, which will be discussed in this section.

Garden jasmine is used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. The smell of the plant has a good effect on the nervous system and relieves anxiety and nervousness.

There are many flavoring and aromatic additives to tea. These are herbs, berries, fruits, spices and so on. But the most popular are the flowers, which are distinguished by a bright fragrance, look beautiful in tea and have many useful properties.

Jasmine and mock orange

Mock orange is often confused with jasmine, whose flowers have been added to green and black tea since time immemorial. For the first time they began to do this in China - the birthplace of the tonic. Here, jasmine oil and the dried flowers themselves are used to flavor tea. Although outwardly jasmine and mock orange have similarities, they are not the same thing. So is it possible to brew garden mock orange into tea?

The shrub that grows on many household plots, belongs to the Hortensia family. And real jasmine - to the Maslinovs. Both of them have many species, the flowers of which have a magnificent sweetish aroma. Jasmine for middle lane- the shrub is very rare and whimsical, so it can only be found in the south of the Black Sea coast.

Mock orange can be added to tea. This shrub is medicinal, and flowers, branches and even roots are beneficial. If you use it to flavor tea, then it is better to collect flowers. But you need to know how to dry this fragile raw material. They can quickly acquire an unsightly red color. To prevent this from happening, they are collected at the very beginning of flowering on a dry, clear day.

The active phase of flowering occurs in June, then the flowers are collected

They are laid out on a tray covered with newspaper or a wooden tabletop and placed in a ventilated room where it is dry and warm. Periodically they need to be stirred up so that air circulation occurs and they dry evenly. After they are stored in a glass container or linen bag. You can immediately prepare jasmine tea by combining black or green leaf tea with dried flowers in a 3: 1 ratio.

Beneficial features

A drink made from mock orange flowers or tea with it has many beneficial properties.

The flowers of this shrub contain:

  • salicylic acid;
  • essential oils;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins C, E, PP;
  • amino acids.

In folk medicine, jasmine tea is used for depression and nervous tension. It stimulates the brain and increases mental and physical performance. It can be used as an additional remedy for bronchitis and bronchial asthma. With it, you can relieve mild pain in the muscles and joints, for example, after physical exertion. With regular use, mock orange tea helps to rejuvenate the skin and improve complexion.

The benefits of the drink are also expressed in the effect of aromatherapy. Of course, the aroma of mock orange is not as pronounced as real jasmine, but it is also well captured by the sense of smell. If a drink is prepared only from mock orange flowers, it is recommended to combine it with honey. In this case, tea can be drunk before bedtime to normalize sleep and relieve tension in the nervous system.

The combination of green or black tea with mock orange is considered tonic, so it is drunk in the morning and in the afternoon, no later than 17-18 hours. It is not advisable to use such drinks for pregnant women, people with stomach ulcers, gastritis, allergies and individual intolerance.

How to make tea

Garden jasmine tea should be freshly brewed. The drink that has already stood and cooled down will not have a good aroma and a full spectrum. useful properties. To prepare a fragrant drink, you need 1 tbsp. l. dried flowers pour 1 cup boiling water and leave for 5 minutes under the lid.

Tea in combination with tea leaves can be prepared from dried and fresh mock orange flowers. For this, 1 tsp. black or green tea is combined with 1/3 tsp. flowers and pour hot water. The holding time depends on the type of tea. If it is green Chinese tea, then you should insist from 30 seconds to 2-3 minutes. Black tea is infused for about 5 minutes. Lemon and honey can be added to any of the listed drinks.

Jasmine is most commonly used to flavor green tea.

If you prepare a strong decoction of mock orange, it can be used for bathing. So fragrant water procedures shown to people with overwork, and contraindicated in low pressure.

To prepare a strong brew you need:

  • pour 1 liter of boiling water 200 g of dried mock orange flowers;
  • insist 30 minutes;
  • pour into a bath of water at a comfortable temperature.

There is an easy way to flavor black or green tea. To do this, tea leaves are mixed with fresh jasmine flowers in a ratio of 2: 1. The container with the mixture is left in a room with a temperature of 18-20 degrees for several days. It is important to stir tea with flowers several times daily so that it is saturated with the aroma of mock orange. Later, when the flowers dry, the tea will be ready to drink. Part of the flowers can be separated and used for self-brewing.

Chubushnik is a beautiful resident of many personal plots. Its flowers are not only fragrant and beautiful, they are also edible. Therefore, they can be collected both for making tea, and for decorating and flavoring fruit or vegetable salads, as well as desserts. It's nice when such a wonderful plant grows near the house.

Botanical description of mock orange . Mock orange (or false jasmine, as it looks like jasmine in appearance) is a deciduous or semi-deciduous shrub with a thin gray bark. Branches are thin, spreading. The leaves are opposite, simple, usually 5-7 cm long. The shape of the leaves is different: ovate, oval or elongated, rarely and shallowly serrated or almost entire. The inflorescence is formed at the ends of short young lateral shoots in the form of a brush, consisting of 3-9 flowers. The flowers are white, and in some varieties they are yellow. Inflorescences can also form in the axils of the upper 1-2 pairs of leaves.

Blooms in May-June.

In the wild, it can be found in deciduous and mixed forests, in glades, among other shrubs, along edges, in undergrowth, etc. It is grown as an ornamental plant.

There are many legends about this plant. In ancient Greece, it was believed, for example, that this beautiful plant was presented to them by the Goddess of Wisdom - Athena. It symbolizes passionate love, inspires lovers and awakens romantic feelings. Jasmine in Eastern countries is called the "Queen of the Night".

The used part of mock orange is flowers, leaves, young branches and root. Wood is used to make chibouks (mouthpiece) for smoking pipes, it is strong and hollow inside, hence the name - mock orange. And also, baskets are woven from thin rods of mock orange.

False jasmine flowers are harvested during flowering, starting from the moment of abundant flowering, this is about the month of July, and up to October. They do it in dry and clear weather, in the early morning (4-5 am) or even at night, so that the essential oil does not evaporate under the sun. And immediately after collecting the flowers, spread them in a thin layer in the attic or in the shade, and dry as quickly as possible so that more essential oils are preserved in the raw material and aroma, respectively. The flowers are also dried in special dryers (ovens) at a temperature of 30-40°C. When the flowers are completely dry, put them in a glass or metal jar and close the lid. Leaves and young branches are harvested before or during flowering, in the first half of summer, roots - in spring or autumn.

Mock orange is rich in essential oils, salicylic, formic and benzoic acids, useful minerals and vitamins. Its oil is used for disinfection and healing of wounds and not only.

Preparations prepared on the basis of false jasmine, infusions, decoctions, etc., relieve pain well, so it is often included in herbal preparations for muscle pain and joint pain.

Jasmine essential oil is one of the most valuable and expensive oils, it is extracted from flowers. This is an expensive and costly procedure, and it is problematic to obtain it at home, but making an oil infusion from jasmine flowers is not at all difficult: place the flowers in a glass jar and pour olive or sunflower vegetable oil to cover and close the lid. Wrap the jar in dark paper or place in a box and put in the sun for 40 days, shaking occasionally (1-2 times a day).

It is not necessary to filter the resulting jasmine oil, it is used externally, for colds, migraines (rubbed on the forehead, temples), convulsions, paralysis, nervous trembling, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, chapping of the skin of the face and hands, etc. Store in a dark and cool place.

Jasmine essential oil is actively used in aromatherapy both by itself and in combination with other oils, and is also used as an excellent rejuvenating agent. It helps restore youth and elasticity to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté: 3 drops of oil are mixed with 10 ml of cream (base).

Most often, jasmine is used in treatment in the form of an infusion of flowers or flowers and leaves, the plant also has the ability to restore peace of mind.

Jasmine tea (infusion): Pour 1 teaspoon of flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, insist and drink like tea, to stimulate brain activity, tone the body as a whole (like tea, coffee), as well as for neuroses, depression, scurvy, headaches and etc. It is especially good to drink jasmine tea in the morning. But, not everyone will like this tea, for some people it may be a large dosage, then drink a glass during the day.

Decoction of flowers and leaves of mock orange: 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of crushed raw materials with 1 glass of water, cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes, covered with a lid, then set aside, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 3 times a day before meals, 15-30 ml for bronchitis, including chronic, attacks of bronchial asthma, rheumatism, hysteria, neurosis, as a diuretic, etc.

With bronchitis or bronchial asthma, they also drink tea (black or green) with the addition of mock orange flowers, in a ratio of 2: 1.

Decoction of branches and leaves of mock orange: take 1 table. pour a spoonful of dry and crushed raw materials with 1 glass of water, cook over low heat for 4-5 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day, before meals, with bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.

A decoction of mock orange roots is used to treat hemorrhoids: 2 table. spoons of dry and crushed root pour 1 liter of water, cook over low heat, covered with a lid, 10 minutes, leave and insist for another 2-3 hours, then strain. Leave part of the decoction (1 cup) for oral consumption, drink ¼ cup 3 times a day before meals, and use the rest for baths, take warm baths for 15-20 minutes (if necessary, warm up a little to 37 ° C).

Mock orange root is also used in the treatment of sprains, aching joints, headaches, and insomnia. Mock orange roots also have a good analgesic effect, and some types of jasmine are used to treat cancer.

Alcohol tincture of mock orange flowers: 100 gr. freshly picked flowers pour 100 ml. drinking alcohol, insist in a dark place for 1 week, shaking occasionally, then strain. Use tincture for the treatment of skin diseases (1 teaspoon of tincture diluted in ½ cup of water, make lotions), add to tea, etc.

In some recipes for alcohol tincture, dry flowers are used, in a ratio of 1: 1 by volume, the application is similar.

Healing jasmine baths are taken in case of overwork: tie 100 g of flowers in a knot of gauze and place in a bathtub filled with warm water by 1/3.

To improve and normalize sleep, you can use this recipe: take 1 tbsp. l. fresh or dry mock orange flowers and 2 table. spoons of lavender herb, pour 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour, wrapped in a towel. Then strain and pour the infusion into a bath of water. Take this bath for about 20 minutes daily. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Mock orange is a good honey plant, it attracts many insects with its smell, which is useful for the garden, and the honey collected from it is healing. As you can see, the plant is worth it to allocate a place for it in your garden.

Chubushnik - contraindications.

You can not use drugs with mock orange for problems with the kidneys, gastritis, ulcers, pregnancy, hypotension (low blood pressure), individual intolerance. In some sensitive people prone to allergies, jasmine can cause an allergic reaction. Also, excessive consumption of jasmine oil can cause headaches, nosebleeds, and other side effects.

Jasmine, which is most often found, is called mock orange. In China, they know how to brew jasmine. There it is added to green tea, giving it a unique aroma and taste. The plant has healing properties and is used to treat many diseases, as well as in cosmetics.

Composition and benefits of mock orange

Jasmine - mock orange has a rich composition, due to which it is actively used in folk medicine and cosmetology. The plant contains the following components:

  • essential oils;
  • salicylic acid;
  • formic acid;
  • benzoic acid;
  • phenols;
  • tripertenes;
  • useful vitamins and minerals.

Decoctions based on mock orange have an analgesic and relaxing effect, relieving joint and muscle pain. They are also used for:

  • boost metabolism and lose weight
  • improvement of digestion processes;
  • treatment of infectious and viral diseases;
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • removal of toxins and toxins from the body;
  • elimination of nervous disorders, getting rid of trembling, headaches, apathy, convulsions;
  • treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver;
  • getting rid of insomnia;
  • improvement of mood, cheerfulness, elimination of irritability and aggression;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • blood purification;
  • pain relief during contractions in pregnant women;
  • treatment of bronchitis and asthma;
  • treatment of gynecological diseases;
  • solving dermatological problems;
  • improving the condition of the skin with chapping, increased dryness and other problems.

For cosmetic purposes, mock orange is used to improve the condition of the skin and hair. Plant components have moisturizing, soothing, rejuvenating and regenerating properties. They relieve irritation, redness on the skin, restore its elasticity.

The use of mock orange

On the basis of mock orange, infusions and decoctions are prepared. To do this, use the branches and leaves of the plant.


  • twigs and leaves of mock orange - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 200 ml.


  1. Raw materials are crushed and 1 spoon is measured.
  2. Pour raw materials with water.
  3. Cook the mixture over low heat for 5 minutes.
  4. Infuse the remedy for an hour.

Take a decoction of 2 tablespoons several times a day.

Ether is used in the composition of oil mixtures. Many are interested in whether it is possible to brew mock orange into tea. For medicinal purposes, flowers, roots, leaves and young shoots of the plant are used. They are brewed and taken orally, as well as in the form of compresses, bath solutions. Jasmine extract is used in creams and ointments. The wood of the jasmine bush is used to make mouthpieces for smoking pipes. Baskets are woven from thin branches.

Essential oil is used in aroma lamps, added to the bath and hair rinses. The smell of jasmine soothes, relieves nervousness and anxiety.

A rich, pleasant aroma allows the use of jasmine in cooking when preparing desserts, such as ice cream. It makes their taste more refined and subtle.

Do jasmine petals brew

In folk medicine, mock orange branches and leaves are often used, so many do not know if jasmine flowers can be brewed. Petals can be dried on their own and used to prepare a decoction or infusion. But keep in mind that not every mock orange is suitable for this. There is a short and terry look. The smell of the flowers of these varieties of jasmine is very different. They should not be added to tea. This can lead to health problems. You should not expect from them the aroma that a real mock orange gives.

After making sure that the plant is suitable for consumption, the question of whether jasmine flowers can be brewed disappears by itself. Petals are plucked during the period of mass flowering, usually in May in the early morning. Better if the weather is dry and warm.

Jasmine tea

A real jasmine drink is obtained by pre-flavoring green tea with jasmine petals. The procedure is repeated 3-7 times. At home, it is enough to mix tea leaves with jasmine buds to get a fragrant drink. The following rules will tell you how to brew jasmine tea so that it turns out really tasty:

  1. Use purified water.
  2. For brewing, it is convenient to use a special container - a gaiwan. It is a porcelain cup with a lid.
  3. The container for tea leaves is preliminarily doused with boiling water. Heated dishes will allow tea to better reveal its taste.
  4. Do not use boiling water for brewing. The water is cooled to 85-90 degrees.
  5. The duration of brewing depends on the quality of the tea and preferences, but usually takes 1-3 minutes.
  6. High-quality jasmine tea can be brewed up to 4 times.
  7. The correct proportions for brewing are 3 g of tea per 150 ml of water.

Jasmine tea is easy to make. There are several options for its preparation. Some use only jasmine flowers, while others add tea leaves.


  • jasmine flowers - 5-7 pcs.;
  • <вода – 200 мл.


  1. Jasmine flowers are placed in a cup.
  2. Pour raw materials with water.
  3. Cover the container with a saucer.
  4. Infuse tea for 5 minutes.


  • jasmine petals - 1 tsp;
  • green tea - 2 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • water - 400 ml.


  1. The container for brewing is treated with boiling water.
  2. Petals and tea leaves are poured into a heated container.
  3. Pour raw materials with water.
  4. Mock orange tea is infused for 5 minutes.
  5. Honey is added to the finished drink.

Proper brewing will allow you to fully enjoy the taste of the drink, as well as get the maximum benefit for the body.

Jasmine decoction recipes for skin and hair

A decoction of jasmine is used to relieve redness, as well as an antiseptic and moisturizer.


  • jasmine petals - 1 tsp;
  • boiling water - 200 ml.


  1. The flowers are poured with boiling water.
  2. Infuse the remedy for half an hour.
  3. Used to wipe the face with dry skin.

To cleanse dry and sensitive facial skin, a remedy with mock orange is also used. Jasmine decoction nourishes and moisturizes.


  • rose - 10 g;
  • jasmine - 10 g;
  • linden - 10 g;
  • chamomile - 10 g;
  • water - 200 ml.


  1. Herbs are mixed and poured with boiling water.
  2. The container is wrapped and the composition is infused for a couple of hours.
  3. Filter the remedy.

Jasmine is also effective for excessive oily hair.


  • oak bark - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • jasmine petals - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sage - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 200 ml.


  1. Herbs are mixed and poured with water.
  2. Put the container on the fire and boil for several minutes
  3. Dilute the decoction with water.
  4. Rinse hair after every wash.

You can also dip your hair for a while in a basin of decoction and hold it there.

Recipe for weight loss

Black or green tea with mock orange will help you lose weight. Tannins and caffeine in combination with essential oils help to deal with extra pounds by speeding up metabolism.

Jasmine drink has a slightly sweet taste, so it can be drunk without sugar. In addition, mock orange reduces cravings for sweets, which is also useful for losing weight.

Prepare green tea with mock orange and drink it a quarter of an hour after eating. This will help speed up the digestion process. When choosing jasmine, how to brew it for weight loss, the following recipe will tell you.


  • jasmine petals - 1 tsp;
  • tea - 1 tsp;
  • water - 200 ml.


  1. Petals and tea leaves are poured with hot water.
  2. Infuse the composition for 5-10 minutes.

For weight loss, it is enough to drink 3 cups of tea a day. A sustainable effect can be achieved with regular use of jasmine tea and diet.

Contraindications to taking jasmine decoction

Individual intolerance is an absolute contraindication to taking decoctions and teas with mock orange. It is not recommended to use them for:

  • kidney disease;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • pregnancy;
  • susceptibility to allergies;
  • reduced pressure.

If you drink jasmine drink too often and in large quantities, you may experience side effects such as headache and nosebleeds.
