Plant sweet pea (lat. Lathyrus odoratus) belongs to the genus Chin of the legume family. The scientific name of the plant consists of two words, the first of which is translated as "very attractive", and the second as "fragrant". Some botanists claim that this flowering herbaceous plant comes from the Eastern Mediterranean - its range extends from Sicily east to the island of Crete. Other scientists believe that sweet peas were brought to Sicily by conquistadors from Ecuador and Peru. In culture, the plant has been grown since the 18th century: in 1699, while walking under the walls of the monastery, the Sicilian monk Francisco Cupani discovered a flower with an unusually pleasant smell, collected seeds from it and sent them to England to his friend, a school teacher. And in England, thanks to the work of breeders, sweet peas eventually became the king of ampels. The first five varieties of the plant appeared in 1800. Today there are more than 1,000 varieties of sweet peas. Gardeners are attracted by bright flowers and a pleasant smell, because of which the plant got its name. Sweet pea most often used for vertical gardening gazebos, balconies and terraces. perennial sweet pea middle lane usually grown as an annual crop

Planting and caring for sweet peas (in a nutshell)

  • Bloom: from July to frost.
  • Landing: sowing seeds for seedlings - in mid-March, planting seedlings in the ground - at the end of May.
  • Lighting: bright light.
  • The soil: moist, well-drained, fertilized, with a pH of 7.0-7.5.
  • Watering: regular, on average once a week with a consumption of 30-35 liters of water per m².
  • Top dressing: not required, but do not interfere: at the beginning of growth - with a solution of 1 tablespoon of Nitrophoska and 1 tablespoon of urea in 10 liters of water, at the beginning of flowering - with a solution of 1 tablespoon of Agricola and 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water, at the height of flowering - solution of 1 tablespoon of Agricola for flowering plants and 1 tablespoon of Rossa in 10 liters of water.
  • Garter: tall varieties of peas need a garter to a support.
  • Hilling: it is carried out regularly to a height of 5-7 cm with adding fertile soil to the base of the stem - this stimulates the development of adventitious roots in the plant.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: nodule weevil and different types of aphids.
  • Diseases: ascochitosis, powdery mildew, downy mildew, fusarium, root rot, black leg, virus mosaic and deforming virus mosaic of peas.

Read more about growing sweet peas below.

Sweet Pea - Description

The sweet pea flower, or sweet pea, was described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. The root system of the plant is highly branched, rod, penetrating into the soil to a depth of one and a half meters. Like most leguminous plants, sweet pea enters into a symbiosis with nodule bacteria that absorb nitrogen from the air. The stems of the rank are climbing, slightly branched, they climb the support, clinging to it with modified leaves - branched tendrils. Sweet pea flowers resemble moths, but it seems to the British that they are like a sailboat: the corolla consists of a large petal, similar to a wide oval sail, two side petals (“oars”) and two fused lower petals forming a “boat”. Sweet pea blooms profusely. It starts in July and proper care continues until frost. Sweet pea fruits are small bivalve beans with 5-8 spherical, laterally compressed yellow, greenish or black-brown seeds that remain viable for 6 to 8 years.

Sowing sweet peas

Cultivation of sweet peas begins with its sowing for seedlings in mid-March. Before sowing, tight seeds of sweet peas should be soaked in water for 10-12 hours or kept in a fifty-degree solution of the Bud preparation (1-2 g per 1 liter of water). Then, within 2-4 days, they are germinated in gauze, wet sand or sawdust at a temperature of 20-24 ºC. As soon as sweet pea seeds have hatched, they should be sown immediately.

As a substrate, shop soils of Saintpaulia, Rose or a mixture of humus, peat and soddy soil in a ratio of 2: 2: 2: 1 are best suited. Any of these substrates must be disinfected with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, and it is better to use cups or pots as dishes for growing seedlings. Sowing is carried out in a moist substrate to a depth of not more than 2-3 cm, laying out 2-3 seeds in each cup. If you sow peas in a common box, then the distance between the seeds should be about 8 cm. After sowing, the substrate is watered, the containers are covered with foil and kept on a sunny windowsill at a temperature of 18-22 ºC.

Caring for sweet pea seedlings

When mass germination of seeds begins, and this can happen in a week or two, you need to remove the film from the crops and lower the temperature to 15-16 ºC - this measure contributes to the formation of nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots of seedlings. Keep the substrate slightly moist at all times and provide the seedlings with good lighting: if you cannot keep the seedlings in the south window, organize it artificial lighting for 2-3 hours daily. To do this, you can use a phytolamp or a fluorescent lamp, fixing them at a height of 25 cm above the seedlings and including, for example, from 7 to 10 or from 17 to 20 hours.

In the development phase of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings are pinched to stimulate the development of lateral shoots. After pinching, the seedlings are fed with a solution of 2 g of Kemira in 1 liter of water.

Planting sweet peas in the ground

When to plant sweet peas

IN open ground sweet peas from seeds are planted towards the end of May, when the soil warms up and the threat of return frosts passes. If by that time buds or flowers have already formed on the seedlings, cut them off so that all the energy of the plants is directed to the formation of the root system. 10 days before planting seedlings, it is necessary to carry out hardening procedures with it. To do this, containers with seedlings are taken out into the open air daily, gradually increasing the duration of stay until the sweet pea seedlings can be on the street for a whole day.

How to plant sweet peas in the garden

Sweet peas love light, warm areas and moist, well-drained, fertilized soil with a pH of 7.0-7.5. Before planting seedlings, dig the area to the depth of a shovel bayonet with compost or humus, phosphorus and potash fertilizers. Do not use fresh manure as a fertilizer, as it provokes Fusarium wilt, and do not apply nitrogen fertilizers: sweet peas do not need them.

Make holes in a row at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other and plant 2-3 plants in each. For tall varieties of sweet peas, support should be installed immediately. Keep in mind that annual sweet peas must be disposed of in autumn, and it will be possible to re-plant a plant in this area only after 4-5 years.

Sweet Pea Care

How to care for sweet peas

Planting and caring for sweet peas are not labor intensive. How to grow sweet peas? He needs watering, weeding, loosening the soil, supports, top dressing and protection from diseases and pests. Watering should be regular and sufficient, because due to lack of moisture, buds and flowers can fall off the plant, and the duration of flowering can be greatly reduced. If the summer is without rain, sweet peas need to be watered weekly, spending 30-35 liters of water per m² of planting. You can prolong flowering by removing wilted flowers in time.

Tall varieties of sweet peas need to be tied to supports, which are used as twine or netting. As the pea grows, its stems are directed in the right direction and tied up.

In order to stimulate the development of adventitious roots, it is necessary to hill the plants to a height of 5-7 cm with adding a fertile substrate to the base of the stem.

As for dressings, they are not required, but desirable. At the beginning of growth, sweet peas are fertilized with a solution of 1 tablespoon of Nitrophoska and 1 tablespoon of urea in 10 liters of water. At the beginning of flowering, a solution of a tablespoon of Agricola and the same amount of potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water is used for top dressing, and at the height of flowering, sweet peas are fertilized with Agricola for flowering plants and Rossa, dissolving one tablespoon of fertilizer in a bucket of water.

Sweet peas do not need pruning.

Pests and diseases of sweet peas

Of the pests for sweet peas, nodule weevil and various types of aphids are dangerous. At the beginning of the growing season, the weevil gnaws semicircles along the edges of the leaves, and its larvae eat the roots of the plant. As a prophylaxis against a pest, when planting seedlings, pour 100 ml of a 0.1% solution of Chlorophos into each well. The plants themselves must be sprayed with the same solution.

Of all the types of aphids, sweet peas can be attacked by bean, chin and pea aphids. These tiny pests suck the juices from plants, deforming their organs, and infect them with viral diseases. In order to destroy aphids, as well as for the prevention of sweet peas during the growing season, they are treated 2-3 times with Tsineb or Tsiram with a break between sessions of 2-3 weeks.

Of the diseases, sweet peas can be affected by ascochitosis, powdery mildew, downy mildew, fusarium, root rot, black leg, viral mosaic and deforming viral mosaic of peas.

With ascochitosis, peas appear on leaves, beans and stems of peas. brown spots with clear boundaries. You can fight the infection with two or three treatments of the chin with an interval of 2-3 weeks with a solution of the drug Rogor.

Powdery mildew and peronosporosis (downy mildew) appear in the second half of summer as a loose whitish coating on the leaves and stems of plants. Over time, the leaves turn yellow, turn brown and fall off. Destroy pathogens with a five percent solution of colloidal sulfur, washing the leaves with it.

Signs of Fusarium are yellowing and withering pea leaves. Diseased plants are not amenable to treatment, they must be removed, and healthy ones must be treated with a solution of the TMDT preparation. As a preventive measure, crop rotation should be observed on the site.

From the black leg and root rot of sweet peas, the root neck and roots darken, and the plant dies. Infected specimens cannot be saved, they must be removed, and healthy ones should be transplanted to another place, having disinfected the soil and plant roots before that.

The viral mosaic appears as a line pattern on the leaves, and the tops of diseased shoots twist and deform. Plants affected by any of the viral diseases must be removed and burned, as they cannot be cured.

There are more than 1000 varieties of sweet peas. All of them are divided into 10 garden groups, of which the following are most often grown:


- plants with strong stems and flowers with a double sail, collected in inflorescences of 4-5 pieces. One of the best varieties of the group:

  • Cream- a plant up to 90 cm high with fragrant flowers up to 4.5 cm in diameter, light cream in color with a folded or double sail. Inflorescences, located on straight peduncles up to 20 cm high, consist of 3-4 flowers;


- created in 1959, a group of late-flowering varieties over 2 m high with strong inflorescences from 30 to 50 cm long with 5-8 corrugated, often double flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. These plants are recommended for landscaping and for cutting. The best varieties:

  • Neptune- a branched variety up to one and a half meters high with strong straight peduncles up to 30 cm high, on which 5-7 pieces are collected in inflorescences blue flowers up to 5 cm in diameter with a white base and often with a double sail;
  • Milky Way- branched sweet peas up to 145 cm high with very fragrant pale cream flowers up to 5 cm in diameter with a double sail, of which there can be 5-6 pieces in one inflorescence;


- created by the Americans in 1963, a group of semi-dwarf late varieties up to 45 cm high with strong inflorescences up to 30 cm long, consisting of 4-5 corrugated flowers up to 4 cm in diameter. These plants can be grown without supports, they are recommended for borders and borders;

Spencer Group

which includes multi-stem powerful plants up to 2 m high with racemose inflorescences, consisting of 3-4 simple or double corrugated flowers up to 5 cm in diameter with wavy petals. The group is represented by varieties of medium flowering period and is recommended for landscaping and cutting. The best varieties of the group:

  • Warrier- a plant with dark purple flowers with white strokes at the base of the boat, located on straight peduncles. The diameter of the flowers is about 4 cm, the sail is wavy, and the oars are bent;
  • jumbo- a variety up to 100 cm high with salmon-pink flowers, a white boat, a slightly wavy sail and slightly bent oars. The aroma of flowers with a diameter of about 4 cm is weak, the peduncles are straight, strong;
  • Charlotte- the stems of this variety are up to 150 cm high, the flowers are bright crimson, up to 4.5 cm in diameter, the sail is wavy, the oars are widely spaced. Inflorescences of 2-4 fragrant flowers are located on strong peduncles up to 25 cm high;
  • Cream Gigantic- a plant up to 175 cm high with large creamy fragrant flowers up to 4.5 cm in diameter, a wavy sail and widely spaced, slightly bent oars. Inflorescences, consisting of 3-4 flowers, are located on peduncles up to 30 cm high.

In addition to those described, varieties of the Spencer Monty, Mahagonny, Flagship, King Lavender, Ayer Warden, Pomegranate and others groups are popular;

Early Spencer

- a group created by the Americans in 1910 early varieties height 120-150 cm with inflorescences up to 35 cm long, consisting of 3-4 corrugated flowers up to 4.5 cm in diameter. Varieties are recommended for gardening and for cutting;


- created back in 1895, a group of low-growing varieties up to 30 cm high with inflorescences up to 7 cm long, consisting of 2-3 medium-sized flowers of various colors. These varieties are recommended for landscaping;


- a group of varieties created in 1952 in America. These are tall plants up to 2 m high with strong inflorescences up to 40 cm long, consisting of 5-6 large corrugated flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. These varieties are recommended early term ripe for cutting. The best of them are:

  • David- a variety up to 140 cm high with large fragrant dark crimson flowers with a white stroke at the base of the boat and a wavy sail. Inflorescences, consisting of 5-6 flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, are crowned with rigid peduncles up to 30 cm long;
  • kennet- a variety up to 1 m high with large dark red flowers, collected in inflorescences of 5-6 pieces. The diameter of the flowers is about 4 cm, their sail is slightly corrugated, the oars are slightly bent, the peduncles are up to 16 cm long;
  • white pearl- white sweet peas with flowers about 4.5 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences of 5-6 pieces and located on peduncles up to 30 cm long.

In addition to those described, such varieties of the group as Zhelanny, Peggy, Robert Blain, William and others are widely known;

Royal Family

- this group of heat-resistant varieties was created in 1964. They are an improved version of the varieties of the Cuthbertson-Floribunda group. Inflorescences up to 30 cm long consist of large double flowers of various colors, depending on the variety. The disadvantage of these plants is their increased sensitivity to the length of daylight hours, so they are not grown in winter. Recommended varieties of this group for landscaping and cut;

Multiflora Gigantea

- this group of early varieties up to 2.5 m high was created in 1960 by American breeders. The plants have strong inflorescences from 35 to 50 cm long, consisting of 5-12 corrugated flowers with a diameter of about 5 cm. Varieties are recommended for landscaping and for cutting;


- a group of powerful plants with 6-10 large flowers in one inflorescence. Peduncles are long and strong, the sail is wavy. The best varieties of the group:

  • Grace- a branchy plant up to 155 cm high with inflorescences consisting of 5-7 fragrant pale lilac flowers about 5 cm in diameter with dark veins and a wavy sail. The height of hard peduncles is up to 35 cm;
  • Ramona- a variety up to 130 cm high with bright carmine flowers with a white tongue at the base of the boat and a wavy sail. In one inflorescence, located on a rigid peduncle up to 30 cm long, 5-6 flowers up to 5 cm in diameter;


- a group of early low-growing varieties bred in 1991 by Russian breeders that filled a niche between the varieties of the Cupido and Bijou groups. The height of the plants of this group is from 35 to 65 cm, so they can be grown without supports. Inflorescences up to 20 cm long consist of 3-4 simple flowers up to 3 cm in diameter. The best variety:

  • Geniana- a plant with a height of 30 to 50 cm with very fragrant white-lilac flowers;


- bred in the same year, an intermediate group of varieties between Bijou and Multiflora Gigantea, from 65 to 100 cm high with strong inflorescences up to 30 cm long, each of which consists of 7-12 corrugated flowers up to 4.5 cm in diameter. Popular varieties of the group:

  • Lucien- very fragrant plant 40-60 cm high with light pink flowers;
  • Lisette- very sweet peas from 40 to 60 cm high with bright red flowers.

In the 70s of the XX century, groups of English varieties Jet Set and German Leisers Koeningspiel were created. Currently breeding work over sweet peas continues.

Growing from sweet pea seeds is perhaps one of the easiest. Even schoolchildren are recommended to plant it in botany lessons. However, it is often possible to make mistakes when growing this beautiful and pleasant-smelling plant, and not wait for flowering. Let's deal with the rules of his agricultural technology, go over the popular types and varieties, and focus on the use of sweet peas in landscape design.

Charming sweet pea: growing from seed

Peas were first heard in antiquity (Theophrastus), but real recognition began in the 19th century. The Scottish breeder Henry Eckford began to develop new varieties, and very quickly the unpretentious plant gained enviable popularity. The gardener was awarded the highest Royal award.

Bright sweet peas, or sweet peas (Lathyrus odomtus) are a magnificent decoration of the garden. This annual plant of the legume family is used for landscaping flower beds and terraces. Unusually shaped flowers and a variety of colors win the hearts of gardeners.

Description, types and varieties

The plant has a very developed root system, but it does not tolerate transplants well. The climbing stems cling well to the support with their tendrils, and the flowers can be compared to the wings of a moth. The flowering period of the annual is quite long.

More and more often you see this climbing plant when landscaping vertical terraces. Many types of peas reach a height of about 2 meters. Today, breeders have bred popular dwarf varieties that do not exceed 30 cm.

For landscaping walls, arbors, arches and balconies, tall varieties of sweet peas are used. The most suitable would be:

  • King Lavender;
  • Blue Danube;
  • Cream Gigantic;
  • Cremona;
  • Alice.

For cutting and bouquets, you can grow some varieties with a strong peduncle and large bright flowers. The flowering period of such plants is rather short, which makes it difficult for further reproduction of the flower.

  • Royal Wedding
  • Colin Unwin
  • Rosalind
  • Brian Clough

The most popular remain undersized varieties sweet pea. Such plants can be used as a border, when creating a flower bed or as a pot specimen. Some of the common varieties:

  • Lady Dee;
  • Lucien;
  • Florida.

The collection of plants includes more than 1000 varieties of various colors. There are white, pink, red, purple and blue shades in the flowers.

Growing from seed

Location and soil

A place for planting an annual should be chosen protected from the winds, but sunny. Peas grow well in light partial shade. The soil for planting should be fertile and neutral in acidity. Before planting, compost and sand are added to dense soil, which increases its breathability. Fresh manure is not recommended. The flower grows poorly in areas with high groundwater and marshy soils.

When planting in the garden, sunny areas should be preferred, but peas are reconciled with light partial shade.

Planting and plant care

Sweet peas are quite unpretentious in their care, and growing this crop is not laborious, even a novice gardener can do it.

It is better to plant your favorite flower immediately in the garden, since the seedling method for the plant is not very acceptable. Young seedlings are very tender, and the tap root system does not tolerate transplants well. The most suitable method for planting is sowing seeds in the ground.

Pea seeds are very hard and need to be pre-soaked before sowing. To do this, just put them in a damp cloth for 1.5 hours to swell. The seeds prepared in this way are sown in early spring in furrows to a depth of 2-3 cm. With proper care, the first flowering occurs at the end of July.

Sweet peas grow very quickly and need support. For long flowering, it is necessary to remove faded flowers in a timely manner and provide the plant with the necessary care. In dry and dry summers, it is necessary to maintain the level of soil moisture by regularly watering the annual. Watering and weeding is the main care for peas.

The flower responds well to top dressing, which must be carried out several times a season. For these purposes, it is better to use organic fertilizers, but nitrogen should not be used. This is due to the peculiarity of peas to absorb nitrogen from the air.

In the conditions of a short summer, a seedling method is used (without picking). Then peas are grown from seeds in peat-muck cups, and the grown plants are planted in the ground right in the cups - this significantly increases the flowering time of the plant. By the way, pinching the shoots at the moment when the plant has risen by 10-15 cm will also extend the growing season and the bush will become more magnificent, but the plant will bloom a week later.

Annual reproduction

To preserve the variety and further cultivation peas in your area you need to collect seeds. To do this, choose the largest and healthiest specimens, on which flower stalks and pods are left for further seed formation. They retain their germination capacity for 8 years. Planting material should be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the cellar. Sometimes the plant does not set seeds or sheds flower stalks, the reason for this may be a sharp temperature drop or insufficient watering.

Diseases and pests

Sweet peas are affected by pests and fungal diseases. The most frequent of them are:

  • powdery mildew;
  • gray mold;
  • root rot;
  • blackleg;
  • ascochitosis;
  • mosaic viruses.

Upon detection of the first signs of disease, the plant is immediately treated with biofungicides, and from powdery mildew farmiod or biosoda helps well. For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to carry out preliminary treatments with drugs, and select only healthy seeds.

Aphids and nodule weevil cause great harm to the plant. These pests infect the leaves of the plant, which inhibits the growth and development of the annual, spoils its decorative effect. You can get rid of pests by spraying the peas with a tobacco-garlic mixture. Slugs in the rainy season are also greedy for peas, as well as for all plants of the legume family.

sweet peas in landscape design

Sweet pea is a climbing plant that forms many tendrils, blooms for a long time and has a pleasant aroma. These properties make it possible to widely use the annual in the design of the garden and plot.

Tall climbing varieties are well suited for decorating arches, porches, fences. With the help of artificial supports and plantings of peas, unsightly areas of the garden can be masked. Looks great in the background of the flower garden.

Low varieties can be grown in balcony boxes, on the edge of a flower bed or border. Peas blend well with other annuals and nicely coexist with perennials. In the ecology of the garden, it brings tangible benefits - it enriches the soil with nitrogen, gives nectar beneficial insects.

As you can see, if you provide this fragrant annual with good drainage and timely watering, it will delight you with its flowering for a long time. Feel free to plant sweet peas in your area, growing from seeds is easy to do both in open ground and on balconies and terraces.

Decorating your garden with a delicately blooming and fragrant flower is not difficult. Sweet peas will look great in any corner of your garden, braiding the supports with a weightless veil and filling the air with a delicate aroma.

Growing from seed natural way of reproduction sweet pea. There are two options here:

  • seedling cultivation
  • planting seeds in open ground

The first method is rather laborious. Experts say that it is undesirable to grow pea seedlings.

Firstly, there is little light on the windowsill and young shoots will stretch a lot. Secondly, there will be difficulties with planting seedlings in the ground. The fact is that sweet peas have a powerful root system and when transplanting, you need to try not to break the earthen clod. Otherwise roots may be damaged. and the plant will die.

It should also be noted that the stems of young plants are very fragile. You run the risk of breaking it during transplantation.

The second method also has its own nuances. flower seeds have good resilience. At the same time, their shell is too strong. Germination takes a long time, and they sprout unevenly.

Many flower growers resort to various tricks: soaking the seeds, cutting the shell, rubbing with sandpaper.

Landing dates

When to plant annual sweet peas depends on climatic conditions your region, as well as the plant variety. Different types have different frost resistance.

The very moment of disembarkation should not be postponed. The growing season for this flower is long - about two to three months. Therefore, the sooner you plant sweet peas, the sooner it will delight you with abundant flowering and a unique aroma.

In conditions mild subtropical climate you can plant the plant in the ground in November. IN moderate In climates, it is best to plant sweet peas in early spring.

In conditions harsh Russian winters planting dates are shifted to February. Only you need to plant not in open ground, but in the form of seedlings. After the snow melts, seedlings should be planted in a permanent place. In open ground, seeds are sown in late April-early May.

How to plant

Soil preparation

If you decide to grow sweet peas from seedlings, you will need to prepare the soil in advance for planting. To do this, even in the fall you need prepare garden soil.

It is better to do this before the first frost. Store the excavated earth on the balcony or in another cold place throughout the winter.

A week before the intended landing, the earth must be brought into a warm room, it can be placed next to the battery so that it warms up.

Before planting seeds, mix it with peat soil for seedlings. After that, it remains to fill the boxes or cups with the resulting soil, pour abundantly and put on a warm windowsill. You can start preparing the seeds.

Seed preparation

Experienced gardeners prefer to prepare seeds in several ways:

  • seeds carefully rubbed between layers of sandpaper to weaken their natural shell
  • incised with small scissors the surface of the seed to facilitate its germination
  • soaked them before boarding

To soak the seeds, each sweet pea variety is placed in a separate container, after which they are poured hot water. The water temperature should not exceed 60 degrees.

Before soaking, pay attention to the color of the seeds. Light brown seeds may die when soaked! They are best planted dry.

After a day, the water is drained, the seeds are covered from above with a damp cloth or cotton pad. With regular moistening of the napkin, seedlings appear after 5-10 days. Now the seeds can be planted.


Depending on the method of planting the plant, either seedlings or germinated seeds should be planted in the ground.

The advantage of planting pea seedlings is its early flowering.

When favorable weather is established without frost, sweet pea seedlings can be planted in the ground by transshipment. So that the earth does not crumble from the roots of the plant, the seedlings are watered abundantly and the walls of the cup are cut in order to successfully extract the root system along with the earthy clod.

At the landing site, recesses are made at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. Seedlings are placed in these recesses, falling asleep with earth and compacting the surface.

For young plants, it is better to immediately put the supports, as the stems are very fragile. Perhaps at first you will need shading from the bright sun.

When planting sweet pea seeds directly into the ground, they act as follows. After the snow melts, if the earth is warm enough, the seeds sown 2-3 pieces at once in the ground.

In the ground, deepenings are made 2-3 cm at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. Prepared germinated plant seeds are planted in them.

Rules for caring for a plant after planting

For intensive growth and lush flowering after planting the plant in the ground, it is necessary to provide it with proper care.

First of all, it concerns watering. Sweet pea loves water, but does not tolerate waterlogging and stagnant water. Watering is recommended to be plentiful, but not too frequent. Enough 1-2 times a week.

Usually three top dressings are made for this flower.

  1. After the appearance of the first shoots, complex mineral fertilizer.
  2. At the beginning of budding, top dressing is necessary, for example, Agricola.
  3. During flowering fertilizer for flowering plants.

To adapt seedlings when planting seedlings, young plants should be shaded for several days. Then provide access to sunlight for at least 5-6 hours a day.

When planting sweet peas in a shady place, flowering should be expected later and less plentiful.

young shoots need a garter. As a support, it is recommended to use twine or a net. With a garter, you can control the direction of plant growth and direct it in the right direction.

Does it need to be cut

This plant does not require pruning, as it is a climbing plant with flexible stems that lend themselves to the direction of growth. But for lush flowering, it is necessary to remove faded buds in time. This will ensure longer flowering until late autumn.

At the end of flowering, before winter, the plant cut at the root and covered with sawdust for insulation.
Growing sweet peas is not as laborious as it might seem at first glance. A little care and maintenance is enough for the abundant and fragrant flowering of this plant.

The sweet pea is a beautiful flower belonging to herbaceous plants, legume family. It is able to grow up to 2 meters in height, with good support. Sweet peas have been actively cultivated since the 17th century, and still attract with their bright colors, pleasant aroma and long flowering time. The first flowers appear in June, and the plant blooms almost until late autumn, depending on climatic conditions. The flower has a wide variety of shades.

Sweet pea growing from seed. When to plant, photo

The topic of this article is sweet pea growing from seeds. When to plant, photos and recommendations from experts will help you decorate your territory with an unusual, bright plant.

How to grow sweet peas from seeds?

Sweet peas have found wide application in landscape design: they are decorated with arbors, fences, arches. The flower is grown as an annual and perennial plant. It can be planted with seeds in open ground, or seedlings. If you plant sweet pea seedlings, then flowering will come faster. Planting seeds produced in May.

sweet pea seeds

Before sowing it is necessary:

  • soak the seeds for at least two hours in a hot aqueous solution (+50 degrees) of the Buton preparation, prepared at the rate of no more than two grams per liter of water. This contributes to better germination, as the seeds have a rather dense shell. But you should not soak the sweet pea seeds, which have a creamy hue, they are planted dry.
  • Select quality planting material. Seeds that float to the surface are removed, as they are not suitable for planting. Those who drowned are taken out and placed on a damp cloth, which is placed on wet sand. Care must be taken to ensure that the sand does not dry out.
  • Disinfect the soil. To disinfect the soil, it is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Sprouted seeds are planted in individual containers, to a depth of 3 centimeters.

After two weeks, the first shoots will appear. After the growth of three true leaves, pinch the top of the plants, which will contribute to the active growth of side shoots. In the second half of May, when the plants grow up to 10 centimeters, they are planted in open ground, leaving a distance of at least 20 centimeters between them. Planting depth depends on the development of the root system. When transplanting seedlings, you need to remove them from the container along with a clod of earth so as not to damage the roots.

Sweet Pea Care

Plants must be tied up when they are still very small, and a support should be established for them. As a support, you can use a grid, a stretched rope. In order for the flowering to be simultaneous, the plants are fed with mineral fertilizers. Also, in order for the flowers to be lush and delight with their flowering for a long time, faded buds and pod ovaries should be removed. As you grow, you need to tie up the shoots in the required direction.

IMPORTANT! As a care, regular weeding of plants, loosening as needed and abundant watering should be ensured. In order for sweet peas to please the owners beautiful flowers and lush flowering, you should also take into account the climatic features of your region. So, in a warm area, the plant can be planted immediately with seeds in open ground. In areas with a colder climate, it is recommended to use a seedling method of cultivation.

So, the topic is sweet peas, growing from seeds, when to plant, photo will definitely help you get beautiful flower bed unusual colors.

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Sweet peas (scented rank) is nothing more than a fast-growing vine. A plant from the legume family, propagated exclusively by seeds. Article topic: Sweet Pea annual cultivation from seeds. There were cases when the seeds did not germinate in the first year, they were forgotten. The following year, they delighted the eye with their shoots. By the end of the season, as an adult, it reaches a height of two meters. Dwarf varieties grow no higher than 40 cm.

Description of the plant, photo

The plant has thin ribbed stems, a pair of leaves, and tendrils at their ends. Thanks to the tendrils, it, clinging to a support, grows up towards the sun. Initially, you need to follow, guide, and also tie up in time. Dwarf species of sweet peas are also known. Their height reaches 40 cm. Such plants can decorate any window or balcony of a city dweller. They can be planted along the edges of flower beds in suburban areas.

The flower of the plant is very beautiful, it has a very delicate inflorescence, thanks to which an ordinary garden plot becomes like a real paradise. The flowers are collected in large racemes, peduncles are long, leafless.

The flower has a corolla and five petals of a moth-like appearance of bright color. The upper petal of the flower is the largest, its diameter is up to 6 cm. They call it a "sail". The two lower petals resemble a "boat", and the "oars" form the two middle petals. A beautiful and fresh flower lasts up to 5 days.

The fruit of a plant in the legume family is naturally a bean. Only a few seeds ripen inside the fruit round shape. With proper storage of seeds, observing the permissible humidity and temperature regime, their germination lasts up to 8 years.

Seeds do not always form after flowering. The reason for this is a sharp change in temperature, both at night and during the day. Despite the fact that the rank is not afraid of the cold, the buds react strongly to changes in daytime and nighttime temperatures. The buds and flowers fall off, the ovary does not occur. In addition to a sharp change in temperature, the cause may be improper flower care.

Many varieties of this plant are known. They differ not only in the shape, size and color of the flower. The shade of the petals can be chosen to your liking, thanks to the wide color palette. The plant is climbing, capable of braiding and, thus, decorating any support with a real weightless carpet.

A gentle, refreshing aroma comes from the inflorescences of the plant. It fills the air not only on your suburban area but also in nearby areas. In addition to the tall plant, there are dwarf varieties of sweet peas. The color of flowers in each variety is different.

Benefits of growing sweet peas

Among summer residents, sweet peas are very popular. He has a lot of undeniable advantages, among which unpretentiousness stands out. Despite this, experienced gardeners give a number of tips that will help novice growers grow such a wonderful plant as sweet peas.

It is planted on balconies or loggias for the purpose of landscaping. A box with earth is suitable for planting; you should always remember to water the plant. Sweet peas, with their delicate flowers, will decorate any dwelling of a city dweller: whether it be a balcony, a loggia or a window sill. And for the summer resident will be the highest, beautiful flower Location on. The aroma of its flowers is able to cheer up not only you and your family, but also your guests, beloved neighbors.

Know! Growing sweet peas is within the power of every person.

The benefits of sweet peas include:

  1. The height of the plant, due to which on any garden plot you can make a decorative screen that exudes a wonderful aroma.
  2. Sweet peas curl well, it will decorate the nondescript wall of any building on the site, serve as a weightless fence or partition. A comfortable, diffused shadow is obtained thanks to its weaving - this is very important on a hot and sunny day.
  3. Unpretentiousness - grows not only in the shade, but also in the scorching sun. Able to withstand frost down to -5ºС.
  4. Low-growing varieties do not need additional support.
  5. High growth rate (when compared with perennial vines).
  6. For annual plant the flowering period, it should be noted, is long, almost three months.
  7. The ability to grow it on the balcony of a city apartment or in a suburban area. Favorable will be the southeast side.
  8. If you make a bouquet of pea flowers, it will look great, stay fresh for a long time.

What conditions do sweet peas grow in?

Sweet pea is very popular, it is known, it is grown in different climatic zones. The plant prefers open, windless places where the soil is moist and drained.

You need to carefully monitor watering, avoid drying out, waterlogging. Clay soil and waterlogging can cause disease and then death of the flower. Dry soil is not able to provide moisture to the root system.

Without moisture, the plant can dry out. Also, peas do not like temperature extremes. He warns of this by dropping buds and petals. Such a period is disastrous for him.

Sweet peas need to be planted in pre-prepared soil, where its root system will develop normally. The soil should be neutral acidity. To reduce the acidity of the soil, it will be necessary to carry out liming in advance.

It is not difficult to prepare the soil yourself, the main thing is not to forget to add potash and phosphorus fertilizer compost. Compost should be laid in the ground to a depth of 15-30 cm, but this is by no means manure.

It is important to remember that fresh organic fertilizers can kill the plant!

If the soil is being prepared for planting seeds for seedlings, then it should be in the room where the seedlings will grow for some time. The earth just needs to warm up to room temperature. Then it is specially prepared, and then the seeds are sown.

Sowing dates

Before planting this plant, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the conditions that will be optimal for its growth. If you decide, then you do not need to delay the time of planting the plant, since its growing season is basically only three months. If you plant an annual earlier, the sooner it will delight you with its flowering.

For each climatic zone, this plant is planted at different times. If it is recommended to plant sweet peas in spring in your climate zone, then prerequisite the soil will be warmed to a sufficient depth. Otherwise, the seeds will simply freeze. You can prepare for this process in advance and grow seedlings.

Important! Plant only in warm soil. If the winter is very severe, dragged out in time, then it is recommended to plant sweet peas in a greenhouse or in any other enclosed space.

City dwellers manage to do it in an apartment or on a balcony. The main condition is compliance with the temperature regime, which will be favorable for the flower.

If the climate is temperate, they start thinking about planting in late April, early May. We are talking about planting seeds in open ground. The soil has warmed up, which means that the seeds should not freeze. Thanks to heat and precipitation, the seeds germinate quickly. Soon the rank begins to bloom.

How to prepare seeds for planting

As you know, the seeds have a fairly hard shell. Experienced gardeners easily discover the secrets of preparing seeds for planting. Seeds that do not "hatch" after soaking must be further processed. This will require a whole set of tools: a small knife or scissors for manicure, an awl or a needle and sandpaper.

Using sandpaper, the seeds, as it were, are rubbed or, with a little effort, rolled over the paper. This action will make the shell a little thinner and softer. Using nail scissors or a knife, each grain must be cut, and a needle or awl can be pierced. The presence of a hard shell in pea seeds is not a reason to refuse to plant this plant in your area.

If you bought grayish-brown pea seeds or brown-brown ones, then they must be soaked before planting. Light cream-colored seeds do without soaking. They are planted dry in the ground. Don't confuse anything.

It is not advised to combine seeds of different varieties. They are placed in different containers and poured with warm or hot water, for about a day. Seeds that float can be safely thrown away, as they are empty and will not sprout.

The container with seeds should be removed for a while in a warm place where it is dark. After a day, the water is drained, and the seeds are covered with a damp cloth. You need to make sure that the fabric does not dry out. Instead of cloth for seeds, sawdust or moistened sand is suitable. If you observe the temperature regime, then you will have seedlings in one to two weeks. Sprouted seeds should be planted immediately.

Important! Do not let the seeds dry out - moisten the soil in time.

Planting and growing an annual

To get a sweet pea plant, you need to purchase seeds - it reproduces only by seeds. You can grow both from seeds and from seedlings. Each method has its own advantages.

It is possible to plant sweet peas on open ground only after the snow has melted and the earth has warmed up sufficiently. Holes are made on the selected plot of land, 2-3 cm deep, at a distance of 10-20 cm. 2-3 peas are laid in each hole, the hole is covered with earth, regularly watered abundantly. Abundant watering is very important for future flowers, for the development of their root system.

Important! Remember to properly prepare your sweet pea seeds before planting.

To grow chiny seedlings, you need to prepare a soil mixture. It is filled with deep narrow containers, which can be used as plastic cups or peat pots. A recess is made in the container, 2-3 “seeds” are placed in it, covered with earth and, as in the previous case, watered abundantly with water for two whole weeks. Do not bury the seeds deep - you will have to wait a long time for seedlings.

The temperature for growing seedlings should be at least 15 degrees. In sunny weather, seedlings are taken out to a closed balcony in the sun, for hardening. As the air warms up outside, the balcony opens.

The time spent by seedlings in the air is increased every day. A couple of times it is necessary to feed the plant - this is to stimulate growth. After some time, if the seedlings grow in plastic cups, it will be noticeable how the sweet pea root tightly wraps around the ground.

When the future seedlings “throw out” a couple of leaves, pinch the growth point. They do the same with side shoots, then they apply top dressing. This is done so that the flower grows root mass, and the plant itself becomes like a bush. Due to its strong root system, the flower can reach high growth, neither fall nor break if tied up.

It is necessary to plant seedlings of sweet peas on open ground at the end of May. The day before planting seedlings, it is better not to water it. So it can be painlessly pulled out of the cup, transplanted to the ground without damaging the root.

Landing in open ground and care

For planting sweet peas, areas that are protected from the wind are suitable. Having planted seedlings on open ground, for the first two to three days it needs to be covered with something from direct sun rays, make an artificial shadow.

This period is very important for seedlings - it must "get sick", its growth stops. But if everything is done correctly, then in a week the annual will come to life, new, more powerful shoots will appear on it. The root system will have the opportunity for further growth and strengthening in the open field.

A flower that has been planted in open ground needs regular weeding and abundant watering. Weeding must be done to rid it of neighbors - weeds. After rain, weeding is necessary so that a “crust” of dry earth does not form, which prevents oxygen from entering the soil.

It is necessary to prepare in advance the supports on which the climbing plant will rest. As a support, you can take the net or stretch the twine. The shoots of the flower, as it grows, need to be oriented in the right direction, do not forget to tie up.

In the process of growth, the plant will need a nutrient substrate as a top dressing. It is sprinkled after hilling sweet peas to stimulate the development of adnexal processes.

In order for sweet peas to bloom and please the eye for a long time in your garden, you need to do the following: stepson, and also remove faded twigs, dry leaves. If this is not done, then flowering will end in a month.

To obtain seeds, you need to leave a few pods on each annual bush. In order for the seeds to fully ripen, there must be enough sunlight, heat. The area where the flower grows must be protected from drafts.

Attention! If you want to get seeds, create conditions.

Do not forget about the correct watering. If the flower is flooded, then it can be affected by various diseases, among which there may be root rot. Garden pests may also appear: snails, slugs. This cannot be allowed. It is very difficult to fight them.

If you properly care for sweet peas, follow all the recommendations, then the plant will certainly delight you, as well as your guests, with its flowering all summer.

soil, top dressing

Sweet peas thrive in fertile soil that has not been supplemented with fresh organic fertilizers. In order for the plant to feel great on the balcony, it must be planted in deeper containers. And everything is done so that the growing root system develops correctly.

Poorly fertilized soil adversely affects the flowering of annuals. If the soil is fertilized in excess of the norm, then there is an increase in green mass. Flowering comes later than usual, the number of flowers is small. There are practically no seeds.

The plant needs to be fed and watered regularly. As a top dressing, it is recommended to use mineral fertilizers with low nitrogen content.

Seedlings planted on the ground receive their first top dressing in a week. To do this, you need a bucket of water with urea and nitrophoska dissolved in it. One tablespoon of urea and nitrophoska is enough for a bucket of water. The flower will need a second dressing when it begins to bloom. The third top dressing is during the period of violent flowering.

Know! Thanks to top dressing, the annual will delight you with its flowering all summer.

Most leguminous plants have a beneficial effect on soil fertility. Among them is the fragrant rank. In the process of decomposition of the remnants of the root system, the soil is enriched with nitrogen. Thus, the plant is able to provide itself with nitrogen. It is not recommended to plant sweet peas in one place for more than two years in a row. Experts say that it will not bloom beautifully.

Sweet pea is not a capricious plant, it is not difficult to understand. It is necessary to create optimal conditions, taking into account some features.

  1. Planting peas with seeds is much easier than planting seedlings. Seedlings are capricious, she needs time to "get sick." The plant has a good root system that goes very deep into the soil.
  2. It is almost impossible to transplant it without damaging the root system. The plant grows rapidly, it is possible that when transplanted, damage or break its stems. If you decide to plant sweet peas on open soil with seedlings, then you need to replant along with an earthen pot.
  3. Peas have a dense shell on the seeds, due to which uneven germination occurs. Professionals, trying to speed up the process, came up with little tricks: the seeds are pre-soaked, rubbed with sandpaper, cut.
  4. Fast growth. For its timely weaving, you need to install a grid or supports in time. The plant, during growth, is recommended to be tied up.
  5. The root system of sweet peas is well developed, goes deep into the soil. Therefore, watering should be plentiful and regular.

China fragrant and traditional medicine

The healing properties of the annual are not fully understood. ethnoscience has been using it for a long time. It strengthens the immune system, helps with colds, beriberi. With insomnia, with a disease of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract, a decoction of pea tubers is prepared. Plant tincture cures disease respiratory tract. It has a good expectorant effect.


Sweet pea is an easy to care for and beautiful plant. It is very popular among experienced gardeners. The flower is an annual, not capricious. Everyone can grow it, despite the number of recommendations. The beauty and tenderness of flowers, pleasant aroma will cheer you up and relieve any pain. The sweet pea plant is sure to please!
