A miniature lemon tree can be a real window sill decoration. At proper care the plant can bloom and bear fruit, delighting the grower with an impressive harvest - up to 200 citrus fruits per year. Experienced flower growers are happy to reveal secrets, telling how to grow a lemon from a seed at home with fruits.

What is indoor lemon

Under natural conditions, lemons grow in subtropical countries: China, India, Australia, Mexico, Pakistan. In Russia in open ground lemons cannot grow, but in the conditions of greenhouses, lemon trees have been grown here since the time of Peter I, which indicates their relative unpretentiousness.

Growing a lemon in a flower pot is an exciting activity that pays off in the truest sense of the word. True, this can take several years, and in some cases a couple of decades. A young tree produces from 10 to 30 lemons annually, and an adult tree produces ten times more. When the tree reaches a height of one and a half meters, it will be possible to take fruits from it that are not inferior in taste to store ones. True, it is worth noting that for this you need to grow varietal seedlings. A lemon grown from a stone can produce bitter and small fruits.

indoor lemon differs in decorative appearance thanks to which it becomes the real decoration of an interior. The tree has a dense evergreen crown, and during the flowering period it is covered beautiful flowers. All parts of the plant secrete essential oils that fill the room with a pleasant aroma. With proper care, the plant will delight the grower for about 30 years.

Growing features

Having decided to grow a lemon from a seed at home, you should learn about the features of citrus. In the best case, about 5 years pass from the moment the seed is planted in the ground until the plant blooms. But do not think that this is a hopeless task. When the tree gets stronger, it can be grafted with a cutting from a fruit-bearing cultivated plant. It is possible to stimulate the flowering of a tree grown from a stone by properly caring for it and forming its crown.

Varieties for home growing

Each variety of lemon tree has its own characteristics. Not every one of existing species plants are able to bloom and bear fruit in a pot. If you decide to grow this citrus at home, we recommend choosing seedlings of one of the proven varieties. The experience of flower growers confirms that these varieties are the most unpretentious and grow well in a flower pot.

Tip: if you want to get a tall tree, buy a seedling of the Kursky or Lisbon variety. If you want to decorate the interior with a miniature tree, buy Lunario or Pavlovsky varieties. They rarely grow above 120 cm. The shortest growth, less than a meter, is distinguished by the Chinese dwarf and Genoa varieties. By the way, the Chinese dwarf variety is a hybrid of orange and lemon, its fruits are very tasty.


The Meyer variety, also known as the Chinese dwarf, is a short shrub. Its height is a little over half a meter, but despite this, in some countries it is grown on an industrial scale as an agricultural crop. The variety is a hybrid, therefore, both externally and in taste, its fruits differ from typical lemons. The variety arose as a result of self-hybridization of lemon and orange.

The tree is distinguished by high decorative properties, the shape of the crown is round, the foliage is thick, dark green, the side branches are actively growing even without much gardener intervention. A feature of the variety is the growth of the plant in the form of a bush, and not a standard tree. If the grower wants to have a standard tree, he will have to carry out molding pruning of the plant from an early period.

In the care of this variety is relatively simple and has a high winter hardiness. However, in winter time a tree can lose a large amount of foliage, which scares inexperienced gardeners. This is worth knowing when deciding to plant a lemon. As a rule, with an increase in daylight hours and an increase in the level of humidity in the room, the leaves grow back.


This variety of lemon is widely distributed in home floriculture. It is believed to be a hybrid of citron and lemon. Panderose is characterized by a large fruit size with a bumpy surface. The crown of the tree is compact, the plant itself rarely grows above one and a half meters in height. The plant actively branches, so there are no problems with crown formation.

The Panderose variety has a high decorative effect. Its leaves are large, green, dense. The branches of the tree, although they look strong, often cannot support the weight of the fruit and sag down. The branches are dotted with thorns. During flowering, the tree becomes especially beautiful. Lushly covered with flowers, it turns into a white fragrant ball. During the year, the plant can bloom 2 - 3 times. At the same time, despite the violent flowering, few fruits are tied on the tree, only a few pieces.

The fruits are shaped like an inverted pear. Lemon pulp is very juicy, but lacks the characteristic sour taste. Inside the fruit are many seeds. This variety is more often chosen because of its decorative effect, and not because of its ability to bear fruit.


Until recently, this variety of lemon could only be found in the collections of experienced growers, but now the situation has changed, and Genoa is grown much more often. It's all about the capriciousness of the plant and its demands for lighting. But the taste and external features of the Genoa lemon make flower growers decide to experiment.

The fruits of this variety are considered one of the most delicious. The yield of the variety is very high. Under natural growth conditions, one adult tree can produce about 200 fruits. A homemade lemon can yield 20 to 30 lemons.

Citruses weigh about 100 g and have a slightly elongated shape. The color of the skin is yellow-green. A feature of the variety is the absence of a bitter aftertaste in the zest. The pulp is juicy, has a sour taste, the slices are separated from each other by dense membranes.


Having decided to grow a lemon at home, most often flower growers opt for the Yubileiny variety. This is the most unpretentious and at the same time highly decorative variety. It was brought out by Soviet breeders and little is known about it abroad. It is often called a clone of the Panderose variety due to its external resemblance, but completely different parental varieties were taken for crossing.

tree in room conditions grows well, reaching a height of one and a half meters. Its crown is compact and easily amenable to shaping pruning. The branches are strong, thick, but under the weight of large citrus fruits, they can sag. The leaves are dense, hard, dark green.

For a tree, the conditions of a city apartment are well suited. This variety does not shed foliage even with inappropriate air humidity and a small amount of light. If the plant does not have enough sun, its leaves become large. So homemade lemon compensates for the lack of lighting.

One of the features of the variety is its ability to bloom almost year-round. Lemon blossom is very beautiful, lush. Moreover, the plant spends too much energy on the release of buds, which negatively affects the development of the crown during the flowering period. A tree can bloom from the first year after rooting.

Jubilee is characterized by fruit set even in dry air conditions. Unlike the Panderose variety, Yubileiny gives high yields even with indoor cultivation. In comparison with the "American brother", the fruits of Yubileiny are sourer.


The most common variety in indoor floriculture is Pavlovsky. The history of the variety begins with the city of Pavlov, where tree cuttings were first rooted, brought by a local merchant from Turkey. Before the appearance of this variety, lemons in Russia were grown only in the royal greenhouses. Pavlovsky has become a folk variety.

The variety is distinguished by compactness and roundness of the crown, the height of the plant in most cases does not exceed 1 meter. The branches hang down, have many spines. In young plants, the bark is green color, and darkens over time, becoming yellowish-gray. Small longitudinal cracks appear on the bark of an adult tree.

The leaves are light green, shiny, hard. Even in low light, the crown develops well. South-facing windows are best suited for the plant. But direct sun rays it does not tolerate.

The yield of the variety is high, the plant will bear fruit generously. An adult lemon, growing for about 15 years in a pot, can produce about 50 fruits weighing about 200 grams per year. The fruits have a bright yellow skin, tasty, fragrant, moderately sour. Their peel is quite thin, about 3 mm.

Will the lemon bear fruit?

Another way to speed up the fruiting of a seed-grown lemon tree is to pinch it. They do it like this: after the appearance on young tree 5 - 6 leaves pinch the top of it. This stimulates the growth of branches from the axils of the leaves. When 5 leaves grow on the branches, they are pinched in the same way. This is done twice more, until branches of the 4th order appear. Flowers and fruits should form on them.

In order for the lemon tree at home to begin to bear fruit faster, you can use the cutting method for planting. It will speed up the fruiting of the plant. A tree grown from a cutting will bloom and give a harvest in a few years. But the stalk must be taken from a fruiting plant. When cutting, follow the recommendations:

  • for the germination of cuttings, the best period will be the beginning of spring - March-April;
  • cuttings should be taken from a fruiting lemon;
  • drainage is poured into the pot, then a layer of soil and a layer of river sand (about 2 cm in height);
  • on the cuttings make an oblique cut;
  • it is important that there are 4 buds on each cutting;
  • before planting for a day, the cuttings are kept in a solution of heteroauxin;
  • cuttings are planted at a distance of 15 cm from each other, leaving 2 buds above the ground level;
  • the earth is watered, rammed;
  • the pot is covered with a film to create mini-greenhouse conditions for the cuttings;
  • well, the arrangement of heating the lower part of the pot will affect the rooting of the cuttings;
  • for them, a constant temperature of 24 - 25 degrees is created, if it is lower, the cuttings may take longer to take root or not take root at all;
  • the first 2 weeks the leaves are sprayed with water 4 times a day, after which the procedure is reduced to 2 times a day;
  • after rooting, the cuttings are planted in different pots;
  • it is recommended to pinch the central root to improve branching;
  • after transplantation, the plant is watered abundantly and placed for 2 weeks in a shaded place;
  • after the specified time, the pot is moved to a sunny window.

lifespan of citrus

With proper care, a lemon tree can grow in conditions indoor pot about 50 years old. In order for the tree to grow for a long time, it is recommended to transplant it into a new pot every year and a half. Each time you transplant a growing tree, you need to use fresh soil and a new pot. mature tree does not need a new pot, but the soil must be changed.

step by step cultivation

Bone preparation

To germinate a lemon stone, it is washed immediately after being extracted from the pulp and buried in the soil. You do not need to wait, otherwise the dried film will make it difficult for the seed to germinate.

Note: to increase the chances of seed germination, it can be immersed in a growth stimulator solution, for example, Epin-extra, for several hours before planting.

Experienced flower growers recommend pre-preparing them to speed up seed germination by removing the white shell from them, as in the photo below. To do this, the bones are first soaked in warm water for a day, and then carefully cut off the surface film with a thin knife. This strong shell is the main barrier to germination of the sprout. But here it is important to act very carefully so as not to damage the cotyledons, otherwise the sprout will not be able to germinate.

Optimal time

The most successful period for planting seeds is the end of winter - the beginning of spring. During this period, the natural vegetation of the plant begins and the chances of successful cultivation lemon tree houses will be substantially higher.

Soil Requirements

For planting seeds choose nutrient soil. The earth should be loose and moderately light. It is poured into a pot, having previously organized drainage in it. For drainage, you can use expanded clay, pebbles, crushed shards of old clay pots. The pot must have several drainage holes so that excess water can flow down freely. Drainage will prevent stagnation of water in the pot and provide the necessary soil moisture.

You can prepare the soil mixture yourself by mixing:

  • 2 parts of turf land;
  • 2 pieces of ground leaf;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 1 part river sand

Ordinary garden soil is not suitable for this purpose. In the garden department, you can buy a special potting mix for citrus or roses.

Bone planting

Seeds are not kept in the air before planting, but immediately placed in the ground. Seeds are laid out in different pots or in one long container at a distance of 5 cm from each other. About 3 cm should be retreated from the walls of the pot. From above, the seeds are covered with a layer of earth about a centimeter thick. Then it is watered and kept moist, but not too heavily so as to prevent the seeds from rotting. The top of the pot is covered with a film to provide the effect of a mini-greenhouse. The created microclimate will accelerate seed germination.

It is advisable to put the pot in a place with a constant air temperature in the range of 19 - 22 degrees. Sprouts will begin to appear in about 2 weeks from the time of planting.

What should be the care?

Citrus grows in regions with a warm and humid climate, so the primary task of the grower is to create approximate conditions for him. Creating a suitable microclimate on the windowsill is difficult, but possible. To make a lemon sprout feel comfortable, you need:

  • provide the plant with plenty of sunlight, for this you need to put the pot on a window facing South or East;
  • protect the plant from direct sunlight, on a hot summer day, especially at noon, it is better to rearrange the pot in the shade;
  • ensure artificial lighting on cloudy days, using phytolamps;
  • maintain a constant air temperature, in winter it should not fall below +10 degrees.

Indoor lemons do not like "changes of scenery", so you should not rearrange the pot from place to place once again. This can slow down the growth of the plant. The tree can be turned with different sides to the sun on the same windowsill to ensure the harmonious formation of the crown.


The hardest thing for houseplants is during the heating period. Radiators dry out the air in the room, and the plants feel a lack of moisture. Tropical and subtropical plants are especially affected. Pots are recommended to move away from the battery. To increase the humidity, you can hang a wet towel on the radiator. It is recommended to spray the leaves of the tree regularly, but not excessively, so as not to provoke the development of the fungus. On the windowsill near the pot, you can put a container of water.

Important! Reducing air humidity is especially dangerous for lemons during flowering and fruit set. If the air is too dry, the flowers may crumble.


Every grower should know how to properly water a plant. During the warm season - from late spring to early autumn - lemon trees need daily watering. It is strictly forbidden to flood the plant, too wet soil can cause root rot and the development of tree diseases. But the drying of the soil should not be allowed. If the soil is too dry, the tree will die. From autumn to spring, the frequency of watering is reduced, focusing on the condition of the soil. In the autumn winter period much more important to ensure high humidity.

Important! For irrigation, you need to use settled water. Water the plant cold running water forbidden. It is best to water in the morning or evening.


In order for the tree to grow green mass, produce new branches and form a crown, the air temperature in the room should be around 17 - 18 degrees. For fruit to form, more heat- about 22 degrees. Too hot conditions will be unfavorable for a lemon tree, especially with low humidity. In summer, in the heat and in autumn, during the heating period, a flowering tree can drop flowers and foliage.

Important! Sudden changes in temperature are detrimental to lemons. It is not advisable to transfer it from a cool room to a heated, hot one. This can cause the leaves on the tree to fall off.


Indoor lemon needs constant feeding, but fertilizer should be applied in moderation. An excess amount of fertilizers is no less harmful than their lack. Which fertilizer should be used is determined by the appearance of the plant:

  • if the leaves of the tree have turned yellow, and the fruiting is very poor, it is recommended to apply nitrogen fertilizers;
  • if a tree sheds foliage, this may indicate a lack of phosphorus;
  • if the leaves become too large, and the fruits are small, then you need to feed the tree with potash fertilizers;
  • when the tops of the branches dry out and the leaves turn yellow, iron is added.

IN summer period when it is possible to take the lemon outside, it can be fertilized with organic fertilizers, such as bird droppings. During the summer, top dressing can be done twice. Feeding is not carried out from autumn to early spring.


When growing a lemon from a stone, the florist must understand that for a long time the tree will have exclusively decorative look. Lemon will not bear fruit for at least 8 to 10 years.

The lemon tree is prone to overgrowth. In order for it to have a decorative appearance, it is necessary to prune the branches in a timely manner. The branches are cut with secateurs, cutting them off after the 5th leaf. This will stimulate the formation of side branches. From such pruning, the crown will be beautiful and lush, but at the same time compact.


The young tree grows rapidly and gains strength. For the active formation of the root system, it is first planted in a small pot. But as it grows, it requires regular transplants. The roots protruding from the drainage hole will indicate that the time has come to transplant the plant. Another sign is the excessive growth of the tree and the feeling that it is cramped in a pot. Transplantation is also recommended if, even with regular feeding, the growth process of the plant has stopped.

The soil for transplanting is the same as for the first planting. Similarly, prepare and lay drainage on the bottom of the pot. The pot should be larger than the previous one, but not excessively.

The best time for the procedure is the beginning of spring, while the plant has not yet entered the active growth phase. You can transplant it at the end of summer or autumn, but these periods are less favorable.

The pot for planting a tree must be stable, have drainage holes in the bottom. It is advisable to choose ceramic pots that are not glazed, as their walls are porous and able to absorb excess moisture.

Tip: to make it easier to remove the plant from the old pot, it should not be watered for a couple of days. When the earth dries up, you can gently knock on the walls of the pot and pull the plant out of it with a clod of earth.

Then you need to inspect the root system of the plant. It is not necessary to completely cut off the entire earth from the roots. If there are dried roots, they need to be cut. Further planting a lemon in a new pot step by step looks like this:

  • the plant is placed in a pot so that the neck is just below the edge of the pot;
  • from above, the tree is covered with soil, pressing it a little;
  • the earth is watered with settled water;
  • the pot with the plant is removed for a couple of weeks in a shaded place.

Possible problems

Many amateur flower growers enthusiastically take up the cultivation of a lemon tree, since at first glance it is not difficult to germinate a seed. But when growing a plant, various problems can arise.

Leaves are falling

One of the problems that can interfere with growing a lemon at home is leaf fall. If the tree sheds leaves, the grower may think that it has died. The reasons for dropping leaves can be:

  • use when watering cold water;
  • too frequent abundant watering;
  • temperature difference;
  • improperly selected soil;
  • lack of sunlight;
  • unsuitable soil acidity.

If the tree has shed its leaves, try to find a better place in the apartment for it and reconsider your care for it.

Leaves dry

If the tree dries, this may indicate care errors. One of the common reasons is the wrong choice of a place for a pot. If direct sunlight falls on the foliage, they can leave burns on it. The leaves will turn brown and dry, and soon fall off.

Lemon pests

Before you grow a lemon at home, it will not be superfluous to find out what pests can attack it. The plant is susceptible to attacks by scale insects, spider mites, and aphids. They suck the juices from the plant, which leads to the drying of the shoots. The leaves on the tree curl up, become covered with whitish spots, dry, fall off.

To protect the tree from pest attacks, it is important to prevent waterlogging or excessive dryness of the soil. In the heat, the foliage should be sprayed with water from a spray bottle. Periodically, the foliage should be wiped with a clean, damp cloth.

To treat infection, you can use special drugs, such as Aktara, Aktellik or Clean Sheet. They process the tree 2 times in 10 days. An infusion of onion, garlic or celandine has a good effect. They treat parts of the plant affected by pests.

Lemon not blooming

As we have already said, a lemon tree will begin to bloom and bear fruit without grafting no earlier than 7 years of age. If a beautiful green tree has been decorating your house for several years, but it does not bloom and does not bear fruit, be patient. For most flower growers, with proper care, the plant blooms 10-11 years from planting. If you want to speed up the process, you need to get a twig from a cultivated plant and graft it.

How to prepare for wintering?

In winter, lemon growth slows down. At this time, it is important to protect the plant from a sharp temperature drop and low humidity. These factors can cause the leaves on the tree to fall off. The tree should receive a large amount of light even during a short daylight hours, so in winter it is recommended to highlight it with a phytolamp for 5 hours. Wintering in the open field in our climatic conditions impossible.

If a lemon has “settled” in you, caring for it at home will require a lot of work. It belongs to remontant plants, therefore, under certain conditions, it is capable of all year round bloom and bear fruit. But not everyone succeeds not only in tasting the fruits of their citrus, but also simply admiring the flowering. What is the reason? Let's figure it out.

Variety selection

First of all, for planting in the house, you should choose varieties specially bred for this purpose. They do not grow to gigantic dimensions, but at the same time they are characterized by high yields. Pay attention to these varieties of dwarf and semi-dwarf lemons:

  • Meyer
  • Pavlovsky
  • Novogruzinsky
  • Maykop
  • Eureka
  • Genoa

Among the most common varieties in our latitudes is the Meyer lemon, caring for it is the least troublesome compared to other species. This variety is sometimes referred to as Chinese Dwarf and its fruit is not as acidic as other varieties. Dwarf lemons do not have a rich harvest, but they will add comfort to the interior of the apartment.

Video about indoor lemon

Tall lemons will certainly please you with tasty and large fruits, but at the same time they require a lot of time for care, because in addition to the usual activities, they need more frequent pruning, garter and crown formation. If you are interested in such citruses, choose among the following varieties:

  • Novogruzinsky
  • Kursk

How to care for a lemon in an ordinary city apartment, when there is no heating, then windows to the north, then the air is too dry for citrus? You will have to provide the tree with comfortable conditions for growth and development.

The first thing that is important for a lemon is light.

Homemade lemon photo

For the arrangement of pots, it is better to choose south-east windows with moderate lighting, if you are lucky, of course, and you have them. But what to do if all your alternative is the north or south side.

On the northern windows, the lemon will noticeably lack light, so you will have to use fluorescent lamps, extending the daylight hours for the plant up to 12 hours. This is especially true for the winter period.

On the south side of the house, there is always plenty of light, and for a lemon, even in excess. Therefore, at noon it is necessary to shade your citrus, saving it from the destructive effect of direct sunlight, which can leave real burns on the leaves.

Lemon is a native of the Pacific tropics, so it is not surprising that the tree is demanding on thermal conditions.

In spring, during the budding period, the temperature in the room should be 14 - 16 degrees. A high degree contributes to the drying and dropping of buds, and a low degree slows down or even stops this process. During the dormant period, room temperature up to 26 degrees is sufficient. If possible, move your pet to a glazed balcony for the summer. Fresh air will benefit the lemon and the question of how to care for the lemon will not be so acute. However, you should be wary of both sudden changes in temperature and drafts. Like a true southerner, indoor lemon requires scrupulous care.

Pictured is homemade lemon

Moisture. This parameter is very important for a lemon. Therefore, it is necessary to control that the soil in the pot is constantly slightly moist. In summer, it is reasonable to increase the number to 3 waterings per week, and in winter you can reduce it to 1 time, but spray the air around the tree. This is provided that the heaters are far from the plant. It is imperative to water the lemon with non-cold water, which has settled for 5 hours. Water should not be poured directly under the root, but evenly over the entire surface of the soil. The air around the tree should also not be dry - at least 60% humidity. Otherwise, you risk seeing twisted, browning leaves on the lemon.

Lemon, like the rest of the plants in your home, needs support, so it needs to be fed periodically.

Young lemon trees do not need additional stimulation; lemons that have reached 3-4 years of age need to be fertilized.

Pictured is a lemon tree

You can buy specialized mixes organic fertilizers, but you can use folk methods:

  • For abundant fruiting, sometimes ordinary watering is replaced with infusion. eggshell. But you should not get carried away in this way, so as not to reduce the acidity of the soil with an excess of calcium.
  • If the plant develops normally, has a healthy appearance and pleases with flowering, fertilization can be abandoned.
  • During the growing season, it is worth feeding the lemon twice with superphosphate (50 grams of fertilizer per 1 liter).
  • Ammonium nitrate is highly recommended to improve growth. It is taken in a proportion of 30 grams per liter of water. You can irrigate with this fertilizer monthly.
  • Periodically water your lemon with a 7-day infusion of horse manure, ten times diluted.
  • Lemon requires trace elements for normal development: magnesium, phosphorus, nitrogen and others. To make up for their deficiency, you can use the Citrus Mix fertilizer once a quarter. 2-3 grams of this fertilizer is diluted in a liter of water and used instead of the main watering.

Pruning and transplanting indoor lemon

Young lemon trees should be transplanted at least once a year.

Instances older than 3 years - with a frequency of 2-3 years. However, the need for a transplant may arise "unscheduled", for example, due to illness or deterioration of the lemon.

Pictured is a lemon transplant

  1. The soil around the trunk is watered abundantly so that it softens, then the tree is carefully removed. In this case, extreme caution must be exercised so as not to disturb the earthen ball and not to hurt the root system.
  2. If you find spoiled roots, cut them with a sharp knife or blade.
  3. For transplanting, take a container 30-50% larger than the previous one. Too big, as well as too small a pot, contributes to growth retardation. Give preference to a cone-shaped container.
  4. At the bottom of the pot, on the drain hole, place the shard in such a way that its convex side is on top. Then a drainage layer is laid (small pebbles, pebbles), a thin layer of dry manure and earth mixture.
  5. Closer to the center of the pot, a tree is set along with a clod of earth. Slowly begin to fill the container between the lump and the walls of the pot with soil. You can lightly press the laid soil, but it is not necessary to compact it tightly.

Lemon pruning is done in order to form a beautiful crown and improve fruiting.

At a tree height of 20-25 cm from the ground, pinch the stem, allowing the side branches to develop. Please note that the first fruits appear on the branches of the 4th-5th order (row from the bottom) and until they are formed, there is no need to wait for the fruits.

Vertically grown branches should be pruned without pity.

To form the correct shape, the flower pot must be gently rotated relative to the sun every 10 days. Gardeners sometimes improve the crown using copper wire - they fix individual branches with it, giving them the desired direction of growth.

The formation of the crown is also carried out at the time of picking the fruit. A ripe lemon is cut not only with the stalk, but also with a section of the branch itself with 1-2 internodes. Thus, the growth of the branch is stimulated.

Lemon is very whimsical to the environment and reacts instantly to the slightest fluctuations in temperature or humidity. Measures must be taken to save the plant.

Dried citrus needs watering. By the appearance of the foliage - it becomes yellowish-brown and rare - it is easy to guess the cause of the disease. But do not rush to irrigate the soil abundantly, you can ruin the root system. It is better to pour a little settled water under the root, and spray around the crown. You can wrap the trunk with gauze, folded in several layers and soaked in water. Let the tree stand in such a "dress" for several hours, but do not leave it overnight.

Excess watering will quickly make itself felt with sudden leaf fall. Healthy-looking leaves suddenly fly around en masse. As soon as a symptom is identified, immediately transplant. Carefully remove the tree from the pot, place it along with the earth clod on newspaper or cardboard so that the roots dry out. You need to plant in the soil, slightly moistened and continue to water sparingly.

Pictured is a homemade lemon with fallen leaves

A frozen lemon is very difficult to save. In conditions of a sharp cold snap, the vital activity of the plant may stop. In addition to falling leaves, the trunk darkens when frosting. You can try to resuscitate. To do this, move the lemon to a warmer room, extend the daylight hours with the help of artificial lights. It makes sense to transplant into another pot. When excavating, be sure to inspect the rhizome, remove dead and rotten parts. Remove dead branches.

Overheating is no less dangerous for citrus. Appeared brown spots on the leaves clearly indicate overheating. Therefore, on hot summer days, remove the container with the plant deep into the room. Make sure that the air from the air conditioner does not get on the crown. Additional watering or cooling is not required.

Important! You can not often change the place and habitat, it takes a long time and poorly adapts to new circumstances. Therefore, it slows down growth and fruiting, and may even show signs of illness. Both drafts and unventilated rooms are equally detrimental to him.

Photo of a lemon tree

Pests and diseases of lemon

Appearing white flies may indicate congestion. Their larvae feed on roots and cause significant damage to the plant. Insecticides are used to control them. various kinds- solutions for irrigation and aerosol forms for the destruction of insects that have managed to hatch. Karbofos and Aktelik are quite effective in the fight against these insects.

It is necessary to regularly look at the leaves of the lemon, on which mites and scale insects can settle. Outwardly, ticks look like tiny spiders. They are given out by the color orange or brown, which stands out noticeably against the green background of the back of the leaves. They tighten the damaged areas with a thin cobweb, by which it is easy to recognize pests. Rinse the twigs and leaves on both sides several times at intervals of three to four days under a shower head with strong water pressure. Effective multiple spraying infusions

  • garlic (1 medium-sized head insist in 0.5 liters of water),
  • onion (1 onion, grated on a fine grater, poured with a liter of water),
  • bay leaf (2-3 leaves per 0.5-liter jar of water)
  • strong tea leaves green tea(for 2 cups of boiled water 2 tablespoons of dry tea leaves).
Attention! It is not recommended to water the soil with these means.

Scale insects look like small brown turtles, motionless and tightly attached to the leaves. It's hard to fight them. Three times with a weekly interval, thoroughly wipe the plant, including leaves on both sides, twigs and trunk, with a mixture of soap and kerosene, taken in a ratio of 1 / 0.5. Cover the ground with cardboard or polyethylene, wrap the trunk at the very bottom with a narrow bandage to prevent liquid from penetrating into the root system.

Often lemons "get sick" from improper care. Browning leaves on an outwardly healthy plant, and even during the flowering period, is one of the ailments. In this case, reconsider the conditions for keeping the flower, it may make sense to transplant it. But in this case, choose a soil other than at present. Maybe it was the acidity of the soil that caused the disease.

Video about indoor lemon pests

As for human body, disease prevention is important for citrus fruits. To prevent diseases, follow the regimen, transplant, trim damaged areas. Sometimes a sudden disease can be dictated by the depletion of the plant itself. In this case, limit flowering to a few buds, and, no matter how sorry, remove the rest. Each house has its own separate microclimate, not always suitable for lemon. The task of the owner of the plant is to gradually adapt it to the existing conditions.

Sometimes the process of caring for a lemon at home is comparable in terms of trouble to caring for young children - it is difficult at the beginning, but all work is rewarded when the tree begins to grow actively.

Lemon is a citrus member of the Rutaceae family. The homeland of the plant is Argentina, Mexico and the subtropical forests of the Mediterranean. In the wild, it can also be found in Central Asia, the USA and the Caucasus.

They learned about such a tree in Rus' at the end of the 16th century, and the word “lemon” itself was borrowed from the Persian language. But the plant gained particular popularity among the population of Russia only in the 18th century.

Today, Russians use lemon to make confectionery, icing, jams, and drinks.

Many people like to add citrus slices to tea. In the West, such a drink is even called "Russian tea".

Often lemon is used as a snack for vodka and cognac.

Lemon pulp should be used with caution., since it can cause a strong allergic reaction, which is not always associated with the substances contained in the fruit. Sometimes leftovers lead to this. chemicals, which remain on the skin of fruits after processing trees to protect against pests. Therefore, purchased lemons must be washed well before eating.

They are not recommended to be used for food by those people who suffer from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as increased acidity of the stomach. Hypertensive patients should also avoid lemons. Everyone else can take up growing their own citrus tree right on the windowsill to feast on the fresh fruit, untreated with chemicals.

A homemade lemon tree is a godsend for many gardeners. Not every plant can simultaneously please with decorative foliage, fragrant flowers, growing and already ripe fruits. The advantage of homemade lemons is absolute naturalness. And although getting a harvest does not always come out quickly, indoor citruses grow tastier and juicier than store ones. If the grower wants to harvest a decent harvest, one must responsibly approach the cultivation of a homemade lemon: how to care for the plant, when to mold and feed - everyone who has purchased citrus should know this.

The citrus guest comes from subtropical regions, so it does not take root well in open ground in cold winters. However, growing it indoors can be successful. To do this, you must initially organize competent care for homemade lemon: maintain a constant humidity of the air, soil, provide a sufficient amount of light and heat.

In flower shops or nurseries, it will not be difficult to purchase seeds or seedlings of varieties that are adapted to adverse conditions. In the wild, the plant can reach an impressive size, and for growing in a room, samples are taken no higher than 1.5-2 m. For the winter, the foliage of a subtropical guest does not fall off, which is why it is called evergreen. Leaf plates last 2-3 years, so they must be protected. - a solid competitor for lemon, he also boasts elegant decoration.

In room conditions, flowering is possible twice a year: in early spring and late autumn.

The best varieties of citrus trees for the home are dwarfs and semi-dwarfs:

Dwarf varieties do not differ in yield, they are grown mainly for decorative purposes. Taller trees can reward the grower with large fruits in large quantities.

How to care for indoor citrus?

Lemon tree care consists in constant monitoring of humidity, temperature and lighting. He needs correct selection soil composition, its friability. Do not ignore the formation of the bush. The gardener must initially know how to cut a lemon so that it develops harmoniously and produces more fragrant fruits.

Southern windows and other places with good lighting are suitable for growing. Lemon prefers bright light and long daylight hours. Young specimens are best shaded from the midday sun, as fragile leaves will get a serious burn. Organizing, cypress, variegated ficuses also take into account this rule, despite the fact that these plants are photophilous.

The temperature in the room where the lemon is kept should be moderately warm. Sharp drops are contraindicated, therefore, during winter ventilation, the pot must be removed from the windowsill without changing the position of the crown to the light. In summer, the plant can be sent to the garden or to the open balcony.

The crown develops better if it is not often turned over in different directions to the light.

Lemon care in winter is moderate. The room should be cooler - from 10 to 14 ° C warm. Perfect option accommodation - insulated loggia. If the tree has not gone into the dormant phase, then the temperature is maintained at about + 18 ° C, while it is necessary to extend the daylight hours up to 12 hours with the help of a lamp.

  • Watering a lemon without errors

Depending on the air temperature, the amount and frequency of water application is changed. In hot weather, moisture is applied daily. Water is taken warm, settled for at least 7-8 hours. From September to March, one watering per week will suffice. After each introduction of liquid, the soil must be loosened so that air flows freely to the roots. The plant does not tolerate both drought and waterlogging. It is necessary to focus on the volume of the pot, the temperature regime.

The smaller the pot and the looser the soil, the faster it dries out. In rooms with central heating, you need to water more and more often. Humidify so that the liquid penetrates through the drainage hole onto the pan. Excess water is removed after 20 minutes. In this way, it will be possible to wet the entire earthen lump, and not just its upper part.

Lemon care involves spraying in hot weather. Foliage is processed from a spray bottle 2-3 times a week. Spraying is carried out both in summer and in winter, when the heating radiators are operating at full capacity. To increase the humidity of the air will help placing a tray with water or a humidifier next to the tree. If there is a practice of caring for this plant, then it is possible to grow wild for a bountiful harvest.

When caring for a lemon in a pot, it is important not to forget about fertilizing. During the growing season, feed every 10 days. Fertilizers are suitable for both mineral for citrus fruits and organic ones, for example, mullein solution. Before applying fertilizer for 2-3 hours, the soil is watered. This will protect the root system from burns. In winter, fertilizers will also be useful, but the frequency of their application is once a month. If the tree has a healthy appearance, it blooms and forms fruits, then for a while you can refrain from applying fertilizers.

Rules for transplanting and pruning

When transplanting citrus, a drainage layer of broken brick, expanded clay or coarse sand must be laid at the bottom of the box. Drainage holes must be made in any container to drain water. Liquid stagnation must not be allowed. The soil in the pot should be loose, without lumps. The reaction is neutral or slightly acidic. Lemon develops well in soil of medium nutritional value: humus, sand and leafy soil are taken in equal proportions. A container for transplantation is needed 3-4 cm larger than the previous one in diameter.

Pruning is necessary to approach the flowering period. The shoots are also shortened in order to create a neat crown. It is pinched, removing the apical kidney. At least 4-5 leaves should remain on the shoot. The lemon tree is pruned in the spring at the beginning of flowering.

Pruning homemade lemons play an important role. If it is ignored, then the tree will not give enough fruit or will not bloom at all. If in one year the lemon has formed much more ovaries than usual, then the weakest branches with buds must be removed. Too many fruits will deplete the plant.

As soon as the lemon peel turns yellow, the lemons must be harvested. If you are late with the collection, they will become too sour and dense.

Video about cropping rules.

How to increase productivity?

The room lemon gives the first harvest, depending on the method of reproduction. If a tree is grown from a seed, then it is not worth waiting for fruits before 5-7 years. Sometimes it takes at least a decade before fruiting begins. A bush obtained from a cutting, with proper care, begins to bear fruit for 2-3 years.

Secrets of a bountiful harvest:

Growing problems

What difficulties can be encountered in growing? There are several problems:

  1. Falling leaves and buds occurs when there is a lack of moisture, drying out of the soil, excessive dryness of the air. Leaf loss can also be caused by waterlogging. It is recommended to transplant the tree by taking out the roots with a clod of earth and pre-drying on a newspaper sheet.
  2. The leaves become pale with a lack of lighting, a minimum amount nutrients.
  3. Lack of flowering - a cramped or overall pot is to blame.
  4. The tips of the leaf plates turn brown due to lack of moisture and dry air.

As a prevention of fungal diseases, the soil is watered every 2 years with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

If no mistakes were made at all stages of cultivation, then after a few years the florist can be content with mouth-watering lemon slices for tea throughout the year. In addition to fragrant and tonic supplements, they will be useful during the cold season.

Many amateur flower growers would like to know how to properly grow this plant. Caring for this plant is relatively simple. However, in order for the lemon to grow lush and spectacular, you should follow certain recommendations regarding the technology of watering and top dressing. This is especially true for the winter season.

How to care in October - April: general rules

How is it grown in the autumn-winter period at home? Care in winter for him is carried out a little differently than in summer. This plant remains green all year round. However, in October - April, all vegetation processes in him, of course, slow down. In the warm season, lemon is usually fed twice. In winter, this operation is not performed. However, this plant needs watering, including during the cold period. In the wild, the lemon tree grows in humid tropics and subtropics. Therefore, it is very sensitive to drying out of the soil. The only thing is to moisten the soil in a pot in winter should be less frequent. In the warm season, the lemon tree is watered 2-3 times a week, in winter - no more than once.

What should be the air temperature

In city apartments and houses in winter, it is usually quite warm. The air temperature can fluctuate within 12-25 gr. In principle, lemon tolerates such a microclimate well. However, although the plant is not deciduous, its crown at such temperatures may thin slightly. Therefore, some amateur flower growers set a lemon in private room and periodically open a window there. The fact is that at a temperature of 10-12 gr. the process of photosynthesis is greatly slowed down in the tree. Its roots stop taking in nutrients and it stops growing. But at the same time, not a single leaf falls from the bush. The plant remains as spectacular as in summer.

Where is the best place to put a lemon tree

In terms of lighting, this plant is considered quite whimsical. The lemon tree feels best on a southeast window. Of course, the ability to arrange the plant in this way does not always exist. In principle, a lemon can be placed on both the northern and southern windowsills. However, in the first case, in the cold season (and preferably in spring and summer), the plant will have to be illuminated with an artificial lamp.

On the south window, the leaves and branches of the plant should be slightly shaded, including in winter. Otherwise, they may get burned.

How does a lemon reproduce?

As you can see, it is actually not particularly difficult to exercise in winter (and in summer) for such houseplant, like a lemon tree, care at home. Reproducing it is also a fairly simple procedure. You can grow a luxurious healthy citrus from:

Selection of planting material

As for seedlings, they can often be seen in specialized stores. However, experienced flower growers are not advised to buy such material. Stores usually sell plants brought from Brazil, Greece or Holland. In these countries, young lemons are grown in greenhouses. This is done so that they are as lush as possible and have a marketable appearance.

Being transferred to a city apartment, such seedlings very quickly become unsightly and even stop growing. A change of scenery (especially for the worse) lemon tolerates extremely poorly. In this case, among other things, it will be very difficult to care for a plant such as a lemon tree at home. Diseases, developmental arrest, leaf shedding - these are the problems that a lover of indoor flowers will most likely have to face.

Therefore, in an apartment, it is better to try to grow a lemon from a cutting or a seed. The first is simply cut from an adult plant. If there are no lemons in the home greenhouse yet, you can ask for a stalk from some familiar grower.

It is also undesirable to write out such material by mail. The cutting, most likely, will be of poor quality and unviable. The fact is that in this way sellers usually just get rid of the lemons that go to the plantations for disposal.

A good solution would be to grow a seedling from a seed. This technique is considered even simpler. However, unfortunately, in this case it is impossible to quickly get a fruit-bearing lemon tree. Care at home (a seedling grows extremely slowly from a seed) for a plant in this case for a long time will consist only in fairly frequent watering. But the fruits on such a seedling will begin to grow, most likely, not earlier than in 12 years.

Which variety to choose

Of course, only a wild bird can be grown from a seed. As for cuttings, in this case there is a choice. Many amateur flower growers are interested in which is better to grow, high or low, lemon tree at home. Care for compact and big plants performed approximately the same. However, a tall lemon should still be chosen only if the grower has enough free time. Watering, cutting and feeding such a plant will have to be a little more often than a small one.

Tall ones include, for example, such as:


Of the undersized, the most popular are:

    Meyer (Chinese).

    Lemon Genoa.

Planting container and soil

Since the lemon is a rather capricious plant in terms of root rot, the pot for it must be selected as carefully as possible. Clay is best for a seedling. The walls of such containers pass air well, allowing the roots to breathe. Of course, the pot must have holes in the bottom. Clay shards should also be laid on these drainage holes. A layer of coarse sand is poured over them.

Soil for lemon also needs to be selected correctly. The best composition for this plant is:

    leaf humus - 1-2 parts;

    soddy soil - 1 part;

    coarse sand - 1 part.

How to grow from a cutting

Planting material of this variety should have a length of about 10 cm. Beforehand, the cutting should be soaked in warm water for 2-3 days, immersed in half the length. Then it is buried in the prepared soil by 3 cm. The roots of the lemon cuttings appear after about 60 days. It is better to plant several in a pot at once. Then the chance to get at least one new plant will increase.

Until the lemons take root, they should be sprayed periodically (at least once a day). The soil in the pot should have moderate moisture.

Growing from seeds

It is also a very good way to get a luxurious lemon tree at home. Caring for a seedling in this case will be even easier. An amateur florist will only have to make sure that the earth in a pot with a planted lemon does not dry out.

Seeds should be taken from healthy, large fruits. They must not be allowed to dry out. As soon as they are taken out of the lemon, they should be planted immediately. They are buried in the ground by 2 cm. The seed planted in this way is watered and covered with a jar on top.

Lemon transplant

Periodic transplants - this is what is required without fail for such an inhabitant of a room greenhouse as a lemon tree. Home care for him, even the best, otherwise will not be particularly effective. The fact is that the roots of a lemon, and especially a large one, consume quite a lot of nutrients. Therefore, the soil in the pot under the plant is quickly depleted.

Transplanted lemon in the spring, or autumn (later). Young lemons are transferred to other containers once a year, adults - no more than 1 time in 2 years. Actually, this procedure itself is as follows:

    The day before transplanting, the soil in the pot is thoroughly shed.

    The plant is carefully removed from the old pot, holding the stem.

    The removed lemon is placed in a new pot and the space between the lump and the walls of the pot is filled with pre-prepared soil.

After transplanting, the plant should be watered.


As already mentioned, lemon is not fed in winter. Do this only in spring and summer. Moreover, only adult plants are fertilized. Planted by cuttings or from the stone, lemons do not need to be fed at first. Trees that have reached the age of three or four? fertilize twice a season (50 g per liter of water).

Diseases and pests

Subject to the cultivation technology, in this way, you can get a very beautiful lemon tree at home. Caring for this plant, however, can be not only in the form of watering and top dressing. Like all indoor flowers, lemons sometimes get sick. Most often, trees are affected:

    Late blight. Fight this disease or with a weak solution blue vitriol, or through special antifungal drugs.

    Sooty fungus. The methods of struggle in this case should be the same as in the case of late blight disease.

    Homosis. In this case, a crack appears on the stem of a diseased plant. In order to help the lemon, the wound should be cleaned and lubricated with a solution of vitriol.

    Malsecco. This is perhaps the most dangerous disease that an indoor flower lover can face when caring for a plant such as a lemon tree at home. The leaves fell off, the twigs began to dry out - it means that the bush most likely "caught" the malsecco virus. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease.

Lemon and insect pests can affect. Most often these are white flies, mites or scale insects. The former are usually fought with karbofos, the latter are destroyed with an infusion of garlic (1 head per half liter of water). Scale insects can be expelled by rubbing the leaves, twigs and trunk with a mixture of soap and kerosene in a ratio of 1: 0.5.

This is how home care is carried out for such a tropical guest as a lemon tree. The photos presented on this page clearly demonstrate how effective it can be in the case of compliance with irrigation technologies, periodic transplants, etc. Pay more attention to your tree, and it will delight you with lush foliage, healthy appearance, and eventually even fruiting.
