Decoration of a personal plot without numerous flowering plants impossible to carry out. Salvia seedlings, planted on time and properly grown at home, will effectively diversify the landscape of the local area.

This culture has bright flowering and an unusual structure of the inflorescence. The plant feels great in group plantings and in single landscaping. About how salvia seedlings are grown, when to plant them at home and when to plant them on personal plot, we will tell in the proposed material. Sowing dates will be given in accordance with the recommendations of the lunar calendar for 2018. If you do not adhere to these recommendations, then you can focus on the approximate recommendations of the seed manufacturer. If it is written that the budding period begins 90 days after germination, then by 90 days you need to add about 20 days for germination and start counting from the moment when you would like to see blooming salvia on the site. For example, if you plan to start flowering in the first days of June, then you need to “rewind” 4 months in the opposite direction. It turns out that it will be necessary to plant seedlings of salvia for growing flowers in 2018 in the first half of February.

Proper cultivation of salvia seedlings at home and after planting in the garden gives fast development plant and its root system. This leads to abundant and long flowering. In the article with numerous photos and videos, you can get basic information on agricultural technology. This will make it easy and simple to grow seedlings of salvia flowers with your own hands and at the same time save a significant amount of money, since seedlings are very expensive at the height of the planting season.

See what the seedlings of salvia flowers look like in the photo (when to plant seeds to get a similar result, it is described in the article):

Interesting salvia facts you need to know

You need to know not only about when to plant seedlings of salvia flowers and how to properly care for them. There is interesting information about culture that allows us to understand its biological needs. This simplifies the process of agrotechnical care, because it is much more important for every grower to “feel” the culture, to understand it, since remembering a ton of information for each flower is simply not realistic.

The variety of bud colors is not limited to the traditional white, red, yellow, blue and purple hues. In nature, there are a huge number of halftones. And here is the first important secret. The same variety can produce petal colors of different saturation depending on the type of soil and the amount of sun rays. If you want a bright and juicy bouquet cut, choose areas well-filled with organic matter with maximum sunlight during the day.

When to plant salvia for seedlings depends on the type of crop, annual varieties should be sown during February, biennial varieties should be sown in open ground in mid-May, and perennials sprout and take root best when sown “before winter” at the end of October.

The first flowering can be obtained in late May or early June. To do this, you need to choose an annual variety and carry out timely sowing in accordance with all the rules of agricultural technology. Look at the photo of salvia seedlings in the form in which the culture is ready for planting in a permanent place of its growth and development:

Few people know that behind the beautiful word salvia lies the most familiar - sage. yes, you got it right. This beautiful flowermedicinal plant widely used in the treatment of bronchitis and tonsillitis, stomatitis and gastritis. Salvus in Latin means "to be healthy" and this most accurately reflects the essence, or rather chemical composition salvia herbs. It has everything in order to regain lost health.

And for the first time, medicinal properties were discovered in the homeland of the culture. By the way, salvia grows wild in America and in the countries of the Mediterranean, Africa and in some parts of Eurasia. And everywhere this plant has its own distinctive features. They need to be taken into account. In many cases, when to sow salvia for seedlings depends on the origin of the variety. if it is a Mediterranean group, then it is frost-resistant and can be cultivated as a perennial. And here american varieties are exceptional annuals. The third group is European and is intended for growing in shady areas of the garden. With sufficient shelter, it can survive a harsh winter even in the Urals and Siberia.

The following is a salvia in the photo of flowers in the seedling phase, but has already picked up buds and is ready for the beginning of the flowering period:

Let's get acquainted with the types and varieties?

The right choice of variety group is a great start to the exciting process of growing any crop. It’s good, after all, when you know in advance - what result awaits at the end of the path? Let's get acquainted with the main types and varieties of salvia intended for cultivation in the garden.

Among the family of yasnotkovye there are a large number of decorative cultivated plants adapted to different climatic zones. More than 900 species and varieties of sage alone are known. it’s worth starting with the fact that they are all subdivided according to the height of the stem. It can be dwarf varieties with a bush height of only 20 cm and tall, reaching one and a half meters in adulthood. Naturally, it is advisable to choose miniature plants for decorating border groups, and for decorating fences, facades and arbors, it is better to take high salvias.

Salvia Divinorum is prohibited for cultivation in subsidiary farms. This is a dangerous plant!

Salvia sparkling or shiny is a popular guest in gardeners' plots. It has a lush deciduous mass and compact paniculate inflorescences of a wide variety of shades. It enters the baconization period 80-90 days after sowing. The most beautiful variety is "Karabiner".

Salvia powdery differs only in the color of the inflorescences. In them, the petals can be blue, blue or purple. Flowering occurs no earlier than the end of July. The bush does not have a lush deciduous mass. Suitable for bouquet cutting.

Salvia small-leaved has emerald foliage and bright red inflorescences. It is a perennial crop resistant to frost. It begins to bloom early (from about the beginning of June) and does not finish baconization until the onset of stable negative temperatures (until the end of October). "Scarlet" and "Cardinal" are the most famous varieties kind.

Salvia motley, in addition to amazing inflorescences, pleases the eye with a variety of colors of its leaves. Variety "Confetti" allows you to effectively decorate any area.

Salvia sticky is intended for landscaping shady areas of the garden. The plant develops well in conditions of insufficient sunlight. The height of the bush reaches 80 cm. Flowers can be purple, purple, blue and blue. The earliest flowering can begin only in mid-August. The species is a perennial. But you can outsmart nature and plant this species with seedlings in early February. In this case, get an excellent planting material for landscaping shaded areas.

Dwarf salvia horminum grows wild in the Crimea and in the southern territories of Russia. Therefore, it is not customary to grow it with seedlings. Stem height - does not exceed 50 cm. It belongs to a miniature group of varieties. Possesses magnificent white coloring of buds. Absolutely not whimsical to the conditions of its growth. "Burgundy" is a popular dwarf variety with red buds.

How to grow salvia seedlings with your own hands?

It is believed that the culture is quite demanding on the conditions of agrotechnical care at the initial stage of its development. Stems are easily affected by nematodes and root rot, fungal infections. Therefore, many flower growers do not know how to grow salvia seedlings with their own hands. Crops are dying time after time. And meanwhile there are secrets in this business. And their knowledge will allow you to get high-quality planting material at home.

Next, we will step by step consider the whole process of growing salvia seedlings with our own hands, starting from the timing of sowing seeds to lunar calendar and ending with the organization of hardening and landing in open ground. So, let's begin.

Sowing dates for salvia in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

The timing of sowing salvia for seedlings according to the lunar calendar will make it possible to predict the growth and development of the crop. In 2018, all typical agrotechnical activities that are advisable to carry out on certain days are distributed by month. scientific justification this is not, so each gardener decides for himself whether to follow the recommendations given. In principle, this information can be used as a convenient template for landing planning.

According to the lunar calendar, it is advisable to sow salvia flowers for seedlings in 2018 on February 19-22, March 12-14 and March 21-25. There are spares for those who are late. lucky numbers 7-10 and 17-21 April. Well, it is better to sow in open ground in the period May 5-9.

Proper planting of salvia flowers for seedlings

Before planting salvia flowers for seedlings, everything necessary for this process is prepared. The most important role here is played by soil (soil mixture) and containers. the soil should be very light and well structured. Completely eliminate the use of heavy clay soil. In such a land, seedlings will die before they have time to sprout.

Please note that the pH of the soil should not exceed a value of 6.5 units. Therefore, two parts of compost humus are taken as a basis, and river sand and soddy hardwood are added to it one part at a time. Everything is mixed and spilled with a solution of "Fitosporin", and then boiling purple potassium permanganate. Instead, you can apply the calcination procedure in the oven for 2-3 hours.

Preparing planting material

While the soil is calcined, we prepare planting material in the form of seeds. do not buy untreated salvia seeds. They are very small and produce extremely dense crops. Granular is much better.

But there is a secret of experienced gardeners. In order to sow evenly small seeds, you should prepare a paste in advance. To do this, take 200 ml of boiling water and 1 tablespoon of potato starch. stir and let cool to room temperature. You should get a solution that is similar in consistency to jelly. Pour into a container with which you can easily pour the paste over the containers. This may be a small watering can of an open type. Pour out the small seeds and mix thoroughly. They will be evenly distributed throughout the "jelly". And now they can be easily sown in prepared containers without thickening.

Another important technique is oxygen bubbling. And you can do it easier - pour the seeds with 3% hydrogen peroxide for 2-3 hours.

Choosing containers for planting

There are various containers for planting, we choose among them those that are equipped with the maximum number of drainage holes. Perfect option for planting and growing seedlings of salvia from seeds - wooden boxes with a side height of 10 - 12 cm. plastic containers, but make as many drainage holes as possible in their walls and bottom.

Step-by-step sowing of salvia seeds

When everything is ready, we begin the step-by-step sowing of salvia seeds for seedlings. First, we wash the container with bleach or any other disinfectant solution. at the bottom we pour a layer of expanded clay or broken brick with a layer of up to 1.5 cm. Then we pour soil to a height of up to 7 cm. We compact the surface and water warm water(possible with the addition of growth stimulants or mineral fertilizers). The surface of the earth should become wet. Then we lay out the granular seeds or pour the paste with small untreated ones.

Add a small amount of soil on top. Literally a layer no more than 3 mm. Wrap tightly with plastic wrap to prevent moisture from evaporating. Put in a warm place. Can be on top of cabinets in the kitchen. Wait about 2 weeks. the first seedlings of salvia seedlings begin to appear after 12 days. the maximum period required for the emergence of all seedlings rarely exceeds 30 days.

Agrotechnics for the care of seedlings of salvia

The emergence of seedlings is a signal to immediately rearrange the planting container to the brightest place. There is a special agricultural technique for caring for salvia seedlings at home. Growing salvia from seeds requires a lot of knowledge to keep seedlings and grow strong seedlings. We will analyze some of them further.

Illumination is necessary until the daylight hours reach the 12 hours required by the culture. If in mid-February the natural daylight hours are 9 hours, then supplementary lighting is carried out for 3 hours daily.

Watering should be regular, but very moderate. It is best to use a spray bottle for this or pour water into a pan. Excessive soil moisture leads to mass death of seedlings from the disease "black leg". this is a fungal infection and the most common stove wood ash helps to cope with it. As soon as the first signs appear, immediately cover the surface of the soil with ash with a layer of up to 5 mm. And stop watering for 3-4 days.

Picking with the movement of each seedling into a separate container is carried out in the phase of full disclosure of the first two true leaves. Using the well-sharpened edge of a teaspoon, select a seedling and move it into a pre-prepared peat cup. deepening is carried out to the cotyledon leaves.

Top dressing begins 10 days after picking. They are held once a week to alternate organic and mineral complex compositions.

Landing in the ground and subsequent care

When warm spring weather sets in on the street, you can plant salvia seedlings in open ground. To prepare for this, hardening should be carried out. Within 10 - 14 days, you need to gradually accustom the seedlings to open ground conditions. to do this, they need to be brought into fresh air without shelter for 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing this time over 7-8 hours.

We choose the right place. It must be well lit. The soil should be structured and nutritious. Before planting, we dig up the bed and bring in mineral fertilizers. We add humus from compost or manure to the hole.

The distance between plantings should be at least 20 cm. The higher the growth of the variety group, the greater the distance between them is required for proper growth and development.

The subsequent care of salvia in the open field is to organize weeding and loosening the soil. watering is carried out as needed on hot and dry days. Mineral top dressing must be carried out by the root method 1 time in 10 days.

attacks by whiteflies and thrips, mites and aphids can be observed. Snail stems and numerous slugs often damage. Therefore, weeds should not be allowed to grow. You can fight slugs with metaldehyde. It is safe for plants and animals, but causes mass death of slugs in the area.

Watch the video on how salvia seedlings are grown, when to plant them at home and how to care for them:

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Salvia brilliant - a tropical perennial, grown in our latitudes in an annual culture. Like all heat-loving letniki with a long development period (100-120 days pass from sowing to flowering), she spends half her life in a seedling pot and takes her place in the flower beds late: closer to mid-June, or rather, after the 10th, when the threat has passed night frosts.

Sow in boxes or bowls to a depth of 3-5 mm. The crops are kept in a warm place (+ 25 ° C), moistened with a spray bottle, and so that the soil does not dry out too quickly, you can cover them with paper. Seedlings should appear in about 2 weeks.

Do not forget that we will be planting seedlings in a flower bed quite late - there is a high risk that the plants will not have time to get stronger when they are overtaken by drought and heat. Therefore, it is desirable to prepare planting material with a well-developed root system, which will allow it to quickly take root. For this, two picks are carried out.

The first - when 2-3 true leaves appear - in a seedling box. The plant dives with an interval of 5 cm, deepening to the cotyledon leaves. The second pick is carried out 3 weeks after the first - in separate pots. For salvia, it is advisable to choose larger pots: not 9 cm in diameter, as usual, but 10-12 cm. Above the 3-4th pair of leaves, the seedlings are pinched to get more lush bushes.

Problems and Solutions

Salvia does not rise for a long time- most likely, you allowed the already swollen seeds to dry, which, when high temperature required for germination is not surprising. In this case, it is better to reseed it - if there are seedlings, then, most likely, they are weak and unfriendly. In order not to repeat the mistakes, sow, but be careful: in this case, you cannot delay with the first pick, since the roots of the seedlings, fused in the hydrogel, will be difficult to disassemble.

Seedlings can't drop their "helmets"- seed coats. Apparently, the sowing depth turned out to be insufficient or the energy of seed germination is low due to their long or initial low quality. Moisten the seedlings with water from a sprayer and carefully remove the "helmets" by prying them off with a toothpick. Feed with any fertilizer for seedlings, which, in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, includes magnesium, and even better, a complex of trace elements, including magnesium.

It doesn't bloom for a long time. Stretched stems and pale leaves indicate a lack of light. Salvia does not like even light shade, many varieties in such conditions delay flowering or do not bloom at all. In the first half of summer, you can still try to transplant the bushes to a more suitable place. If the leaves are greasy, dark green, and there are few or no inflorescences, it means that the plant is “fattening” and an excess of nitrogen in the soil interferes with flowering (salvia is very sensitive to this). Try to fix the situation by feeding her: 50 g of simple superphosphate is poured into 10 liters hot water, insist for a day, stirring several times, then filter and spray the plants.

The salvia variety you like can be preserved by propagating vegetatively. In the summer, take cuttings from it (they take root well even in water) and keep it in the winter on the south window as indoor plant at a temperature of 8-12 °C. Pinch for better tillering. In March, the plant can be used as a mother liquor.

Not everyone has the patience to grow salvia seedlings on their own. After all, after sowing, it takes from 3 to 4 months before the first flowers appear on the plants. However, growing salvia from seeds is quite simple. It is only necessary to take into account that there are a lot of varieties of this plant, which differ greatly from each other both in color and in growth.

salvia height depending on the variety, it can be from 25 cm to 1.5 m. Therefore, you need to carefully choose the seeds in order to purchase exactly the variety that you need.

What does salvia look like

Which soil to choose

Seedlings will grow well in light, fertile soil with a pH of 6.0 - 6.5. It can be prepared by mixing the earth from the forest with sand and peat 1:1:1. Or buy any soil mixture for growing seedlings.

When to sow

It is most preferable to sow salvia for seedlings in February or March. Then it will bloom in early summer. But hybrid varieties bloom much earlier. When buying seeds, be sure to read what is written on the package.

Spread the seeds on a well-spilled soil, lightly sprinkle with earth and sprinkle more from the "Rosinka" on top. Cover the box with glass, cling film or newspaper. Now many people use newsprint. It retains moisture, and at the same time passes air.

Sometimes there are recommendations not to cover the seeds with earth, but simply press them into the ground with the palm of your hand. With this sowing, many sprouts appear with a seed coat on the "head". And you have to manually help them get rid of these "hats"

Seeds germinate at a temperature of +22 - 24C. Seedlings usually appear in 7-10 days. Unfortunately, they are often unfriendly. The last sprouts sometimes break through when all hopes of seeing them are already lost.

seedling care

To grow salvia from seeds, you need a well-lit area where the temperature does not exceed 18-20C. If you have a free window sill, then it is quite suitable for this. After remove the film, and a day later you can put the box with the seedlings on the windowsill.

Water only with warm water and very sparingly. With an excess of moisture, seedlings can be affected by a black leg. Before planting outdoors, fertilize twice with a complete flower fertilizer.


Salvia seedlings grow slowly. Therefore, picking is carried out 1 - 1.5 months after germination. Plants are transplanted into cups or boxes at a distance of 6-7 cm from each other, with their deepening to the cotyledon leaves.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Salvia is planted in the ground in early June. She prefers open sunny places with light soil. But it can grow in the shade and even under trees. Before flowering, plants should be watered more often, and less often during flowering. Then there will be more flowers. Do not abuse nitrogen supplements. Bushes can "get fat" and will not bloom well.


Every year, summer brings a lot of heat to the earth, which all plants without exception need so much. It is necessary for the flowering and maturation of seeds, which are destined to replace the previous generation. Salvia at this stage of development is presented in the form of a panicle of tubular flowers, which, at the very height of summer, begin to be pollinated by well-known insects with long proboscis. These flowers cannot but delight the gardener who decided to plant them on the site. However, this case is quite complicated and not known to everyone, so many people often make mistakes.

Origin and cultivation of salvia

A photo of a plant can be surprising, because it is unfamiliar to ordinary summer residents. However, experts are well aware of its features.

Salvia is a close relative of sage, which represent the Lamiaceae family. If you try to translate the name of the plant, it will be clear about its purpose - to be healthy. Sage belongs to the group of traditional plants, about useful properties which man has known for centuries. Back in the days ancient egypt it was used to fight various ailments. Salvia is one of decorative forms, which occurred, like sage, from common ancestors. However, in European countries it has long been customary to identify salvia and sage.

Starting from the moment when a person first learned about the existence of a plant, it was actively cultivated in the most various types. The largest representation of salvia in the wild is in America and Europe. The genus Salvia is quite numerous and includes over 900 different varieties. This list contains quite a few interesting views, for example, the hallucinogenic variety. This is a very photophilous plant that grows best on light soils.

Behind last years in cities salvia is often used for street decoration which can be explained by a number of reasons:

For a long time, gardeners around the world have been practicing growing salvia at home. In this perennial plant, they are attracted not only by the bright scarlet color of the panicles, but also by the rich color palette. If desired, you can arrange a multi-level landing if you use species of salvia of a certain height. However, in order for this plant to retain its beautiful flowers, it is necessary to correctly approach the process of growing seedlings.

Salvia: photo of flowers, seedlings when to plant?

Considering that at least 4 months must pass from the moment of emergence of seedlings before salvia begins to bloom, it is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings of this annual in February or early March. For the purchase of seeds of this ornamental plant you can contact a specialized store or assemble them yourself. For this it is necessary wait for the flowers to wilt and fall, and after 50 days, fully ripened seeds can be harvested. This planting material is suitable for sowing over the next five years.

Care of seedlings of salvia flowers

When the seeds begin to hatch, you need to do everything necessary so that the plants do not begin to stretch into a thread and do not die. Usually this happens if the sprouts are kept in a shady place or room where it occurs at night. a strong rise in temperature. In this case, the plants need to be sprinkled with additional earth to protect them from falling.

You need to be very careful during irrigation, avoiding wetting the leaf blade. This period is one of the most important when growing salvia seedlings from seeds. To obtain strong seedlings, it is necessary at the first stage of planting to carry out additional illumination and maintain a low temperature.

Dive seedlings of salvia at the moment when the seedlings form at least two true leaves. During transplantation, it is necessary deepen the sprouts to the first cotyledon leaves. For the first time, the plants are transplanted into a common container, placing them no closer than 5 cm from each other. For the second time, seedlings dive a month later, using individual cups. They must be filled with high-quality soil mixture, seedlings need to be transplanted with a sufficient amount of earthen clod, since they will have to grow for at least one and a half months.

It is possible to understand whether there is a need for fertilizer when growing seedlings only over time. If it is clear that the seedlings are growing very slowly, then it will be useful to fertilize with mineral compounds for flowers that need to be applied in small quantities. However, the main thing that needs to be understood is that every time a transplant is carried out, the plants dive into containers with fertile soil.

The formation of 3-4 pairs of true leaves in seedlings is tip pinching signal. This operation will help accelerate the formation of axillary shoots. At this stage life cycle seedlings, it must be placed at a certain interval to avoid shading. In the last days of April, you need to lower the night temperature to 10 degrees, which will help to better prepare salvia for planting in open ground.

You can get high-quality salvia seedlings from seeds if you follow the following recommendations:

  • the soil used for growing seedlings must be fertile, and the seeds of high quality;
  • it is imperative to maintain the optimal temperature and lighting conditions, taking into account each specific period of growth;
  • constantly monitor the condition of the earth coma and carry out moistening if necessary;
  • carry out pinching plants at the moment when it is required for salvia.

Planting salvia seedlings in the ground

Before transplanting this perennial plant into open ground, it is necessary find the right place for a flower bed. Mandatory requirements that the site must satisfy are the presence of good lighting, light fertile soil with excellent moisture capacity. You can increase the splendor of flowering by adding instant phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to the soil. Before transferring the seedlings to the wells, a handful of ash, a spoonful of superphosphate and a liter of well-rotted organic matter are added to them.

Planting is carried out by transshipment, the plants themselves needs to deepen a bit. After watering, for which warm water is necessarily used, the plants need to create an artificial shadow for a couple of days so that they take root if it is not possible to transplant in cloudy weather.


Salvia is a worthy decoration for any garden. However, in order to grow it, you need to spend a lot of time and effort on growing seedlings. This technique allows you to get strong and hardened plants that easily take root in open ground. But this event can only be successful if all conditions are met. The most important thing is to properly prepare for growing seedlings, since it is she who determines the future quality of plants.

salvia flower brilliant

At proper cultivation and caring for salvia, this plant will delight you all summer on the site, and in winter - in the room. The fact is that up to 90 flowers ripen on one peduncle, gradually blooming, their flowering continues throughout summer season. And even falling off, bright peduncles remain on the stem. And with the onset of cold weather, salvia can be transplanted into, and it will continue to bloom brightly on your windowsill.

What do salvia flowers look like?

Here you can find a description of salvia flowers and learn about its cultivation:

bushes obverse pyramidal shape, densely leafy, compact. Each shoot ends with a large inflorescence.

Leaves with a strongly elongated apex, petiolate, opposite.

root system well developed. The taproot gives many lateral roots, from which a large number of very thin roots depart.

Inflorescence - brush.

traditional coloring - red. The peduncle is densely pubescent with small red hairs, its length is up to 20 cm. From 30 to 90 flowers develop in the inflorescence.

See what salvia looks like in the photo below:

Growers it flower plant valued for the bright red color of flowers and long flowering, used for flower beds, flower beds, window sills, garden and pot culture.

The best place to plant salvia in the ground

When planting salvia in the ground, it must be taken into account that it is a heat-loving, light-loving and moisture-loving plant. It is very sensitive to the smallest sub-zero temperatures and dies in light frosts. The best place for planting salvia - open, sunny places. Very sensitive to lack of moisture.

The plant prefers loose nutrient soils, but not wet ones. Plants heavily fertilized with humus develop a rich vegetative mass with a small number of flowers. Flowering occurs 100-120 days after sowing and continues until the first frost. Flowers bloom on the inflorescence gradually from the bottom up.

In the conditions of the southern region, the seeds ripen on shoots of the first, second and partially third order. In 1 g there are up to 180 pieces. Germination is maintained from 2 to 5 years.

When growing salvia from seed, remember that it is a cross-pollinating plant.

It is pollinated by bees, bumblebees, flies, ants and other insects. A lot of seeds are tied. They ripen a month after the start of flowering. Since they are placed at the bottom of an open cup, the ripened seeds easily fall out of it to the ground, so they are collected in several steps as they are ready.

How to grow salvia flowers from seeds

How to grow salvia from seeds in the garden? Grow this flower through. Germination of seeds is unfriendly, so it is better to sow them in boxes and keep them under glass for the first time. Seedlings are planted in flower beds at the end of frost (we have - not earlier than May 10-15). She tolerates the transplant well. To obtain early flowering, sowing is done in February.

The optimum temperature for seed germination is +20…+25 °C. While creating necessary conditions for planting and caring for salvia, seedlings appear after 7-10 days. For seedlings, seeds are recommended to be sown in early February, followed by picking. By the time the plants are planted in the ground (May), they are already in buds, because the flowering of the hybrid begins 12-13 weeks after sowing. The distance between plants in the flower bed is 20-35 cm.

A separate flower blooms for 2-3 days, but the inflorescences do not lose their decorative effect for a long time due to bright cups.

In autumn, before the onset of frost, salvia can be transplanted into pots with a clod of earth - and it will delight you with its abundant flowering in the room for a long time to come.

Types and varieties of salvia with a photo

Low-growing salvia has several varieties that are distinguished by an accelerated development cycle (bloom 60-65 days after sowing):

"Fire ball" - compact bush, 35-40 cm wide, 40-50 cm high. Inflorescences are loose, bright red, their length is 17-20 cm.

"Vesuvius" - the shape and height of the bush is the same, but the leaves are large, length 7-10 cm, width 6-9 cm. The inflorescences are smaller and denser, bloom in the first half of August.

"Zurich" - differs from the "Fireball" in the number of inflorescences on the main stem (up to 100), more powerful growth and late flowering.

Now there are varieties of salvia with purple flowers:

"Rio" - annual plant 25-30 cm high. Purple flowers and stem.

"Splendes pink". One of the most popular plants. Light and moisture-loving. Blooms from June until frost. annual plant 25-30 cm high. Purple flowers and stem.

"Parade". Hybrid seeds of sparkling salvia, or brilliant, appeared on sale - the Parade variety, which is a mixture of plants with different flower colors. This hybrid is characterized by very early flowering and plant uniformity.

As you can see in the photo, this variety of salvia is a compact bush 35 cm high and 38 cm wide:

Wide range of vibrant colors such as scarlet, hot pink, light pink, purple and white. The seeds of this hybrid are of very high quality. They are smaller than ordinary salvia, there are 270 of them in 1 g.

Another type of salvia - Horminum , which is also grown from seed through seedlings, has a completely original coloration, not like the traditional red plant.

Pay attention to the photo - salvia flowers of this species have bright multi-colored bracts (pink, blue, lilac, white).

Plants of this type of salvia are undersized (35-50 cm), good for decorating flower beds, and. They are also thermophilic, photophilous and moisture-loving, but, unlike other salvias, they are cold-resistant. Flowering is long, begins 70-100 days after germination.

So that your balcony or garden is buried in pink clouds from June until frost, be sure to find a place for Salvia Lavender. Her flowers resemble fluffy ponytails, and therefore she can become a highlight.
